"BAT HEAD" BATMWD shown on white destroyed
“BEARDED GUY” BGYMHP shown on heather plum crewneck
“BIG WOLF” BWFMAG shown on asphalt grey crewneck
"DECLASSIFIED FBI FILE" FBIMMD shown on moss destroyed
“EYEBALLS” EYEMHB shown on heather blue crewneck
“FAKE EMPIRE” FKEMHP “FIERCE KITTY” FKYMHB shown on heather plum crewneck shown on heather lake blue crewneck
"HANDS" HNDMCD shown on clay heather destroyed
“HAWKS” HWKMEB shown on brown eco heather
"HIP HEAD" HIPMWD shown on white destroyed
"KING TUT" KTUMAG shown on asphalt grey crewneck
"LEOPARD" LEOMMD shown on moss destroyed
shown on silver crewneck
"CAVE" CAVMWD shown on white destroyed
“KING TUT” KTUMYE shown on yellow w/random airbrushing
“MANY EVILS” MEVMHB shown on heather lake blue crewneck
MENS T-SHIRTS SPRING 2010 *choose the type of tee and color for any print in our collection* basic crewnecks and v-necks = $15 / destroyed, eco and organic = $17 / burnouts and long sleeves $19 w w w . l o y a l t y a n d b l o o d . c o m • l o y a l t y a n d b l o o d @ g ma i l . c o m 2 09 J A C K S O N S T R E E T B R O O K L Y N NY 112 11 • P H O N E . 7 18. 8 0 9. 16 9 8 F A X . 7 18. 6 7 9. 92 30