celebrating our past, embracing the future The celebration of Loyola University New Orleans’ centennial has prompted the Loyola community to reflect on the work of those who came before us. The university’s history has been palpable during this first year of Loyola’s second century, as many of us have reflected on the values and achievements of our forbearers in order to better understand how we should proceed. Foremost among the guiding principles that have resulted in the best of Loyola’s first century are the tenets of Jesuit education, which instruct us to educate students with the aim of freeing the individual person and allowing him or her to examine the world critically. As our current students, faculty, and alumni conduct their work, their accomplishments reflect those from Loyola’s past in their emphasis on academic excellence, service for others, and a deep commitment to the city of New Orleans.
This year, we worked to finalize the goals of Loyola 2012, our strategic plan meant to guide Loyola into its second century. The plan focuses on enhancing Loyola’s Jesuit values and improving the overall collegiate experience for Loyola’s students. We have made great progress on both fronts in the past year. Our current work includes efforts to transform our physical campus, improve our academic programs, and increasingly assert our Jesuit identity. We continue to forge strong bonds with the city of New Orleans, and are pleased to have contributed $160 million in economic impact to the Greater New Orleans region this year. We also continue to strengthen the broader Loyola community of alumni and friends, whose substantial support is crucial to our mission. As this report shows, Loyola goes forth with great momentum as we look forward to and embrace our future. I am excited for this new era at Loyola, and grateful for the opportunity to help continue its noble legacy.
With prayers and best wishes,
Kevin Wm. Wildes, S.J., Ph.D., President
celebrating our past Loyola University New Orleans’ first century took place during a time of dramatic transformation. From 1912 to 2012, great shifts took place in our nation’s civil society, the city of New Orleans, and the ways in which we communicate. As we look back on the accomplishments of the first year of Loyola’s second century, the context of our history makes clear that our current students, faculty, and alumni remain true to the Jesuit values and mission that have guided Loyola since its inception. In 1912, the ranks of higher education throughout the United States consisted almost exclusively of white males. One hundred years later, a glance around Loyola’s campus is enough to see we have Poster promoting the 4th Annual Interracial Sunday in 1952. overcome this exclusiveness.
U.S. News & World Report recently recognized Loyola as number one in the nation in terms of “Lots of race/class interaction,” and we can see the beginnings of this trend as early as 1913, when Loyola graduated its first female student. Loyola became a harbinger of the Civil Rights Movement by admitting our first black law student in 1952, three years before the Montgomery Bus Boycott. That student, Norman Francis, J.D. ’55, H’82, became president of Xavier University, the nation’s only historically black, Catholic university. When the city of New Orleans integrated during the tumultuous 1960s, it was a Loyola College of Law graduate, the Hon. Moon Landrieu ’52, J.D. ’54, H’79, H’05, who Norman Francis, J.D. ’55, H ’82 oversaw the process as mayor.
our history continues The city of New Orleans transformation in the transformed during Loyola’s Gulf South over the past first century from an oldcentury has been immense. time port city into an Among the first radio exciting place of opportunity broadcasts in the region and experimentation seven were broadcast from years after Hurricane Loyola’s campus. A young Katrina. Loyola’s students, Jesuit priest named Fr. faculty, administrators, and Orie Abell continued that alumni played crucial roles work, developing WWL in the renewal of New radio in 1922. That Orleans after the historic station grew into a media flood. The Jesuit values of critical thinking and work empire that not only transformed Loyola, but on others’ behalf influenced Loyola community helped shape the history of communications in the members’ efforts. We see those efforts continue today Southern United States. in Loyola programs such as the Workplace The work Loyola continues today Justice Project, which received $557,000 in reflects the values and achievements of our grants this year to continue advocating and past, and lays the groundwork for an litigating for workers’ rights. exciting future. One hundred years from now, members of the Loyola community Perhaps the greatest global transformation will be able to look back on our first in the century leading to the Internet age centennial and see continuity among our deals with the ways in which we communicate. Radio microphone, ca. 1922. past, present, and future. Loyola’s stake in communications
loyola celebrates 100 years founder’s day celebration More than 650 alumni and friends joined Loyola in kicking off its year-long centennial celebrations on Founder’s Day, April 14, 2012. They took part in campus tours, celebrated the 100th Anniversary Mass in Holy Name of Jesus Church, and witnessed a performance by the Loyola Concert Band that featured the premier of “Ignatian Fanfare,” written by Col. John Bourgeois ’90, H’05. NBC News journalist Tom Llamas ’01 and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, J.D. ’85, H’05, made remarks, and Provost Distinguished Professor of History Bernard Cook, Ph.D., signed copies of his book Founded on Faith: A History of Loyola University New Orleans, among other activities.
president’s centennial guest series The Office of the President, with assistance from political analysts James Carville and Mary Matalin, launched a year-long series of guest speakers in honor of Loyola’s centennial. Events in the fall included The Most Rev. Gregory Michael Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans, and New Orleans native and nine-time Grammy Award winner Wynton Marsalis. The series continues this spring and offers the Loyola and New Orleans communities an array of cultural, artistic, Catholic, and intellectual perspectives.
inaugural alumni college Loyola’s Alumni Association hosted its first-ever Alumni College, which brought back more than 70 alumni to campus for three days in June to attend special courses in four tracts: New Orleans and the World, Loyola and the Jesuit Mission, Art and Culture, and Politics and Society.
loyola’s first century 1912 Loyola University is chartered
1913 1st women graduate from School of Pharmacy
1922 WWL radio begins broadcasting from Marquette Hall
1923 The Maroon
begins publication
1926 The undefeated Wolves outscore all other football teams in the nation
1932 Loyola athletes win gold medals at the Olympics
1947 College of Business Administration is established
1950 The Main Library is dedicated
loyola’s first century 1952 1st African-American admitted to School of Law
1957 WWL expands to television
1962 Loyola integrates its undergraduate day programs
1976 1st female dean of the College of Arts and Sciences appointed
1985 Gillis W. Long Poverty Law Center is founded
1986 Communications/Music Complex opens
1999 J. Edgar and Louise S. Monroe Library opens
2005 Hurricane Katrina strikes and levees fail
2012 Centennial Year celebrations begin
embracing the future For 100 years, Loyola University New Orleans’ students and faculty have executed their academic pursuits according to a strict standard of excellence. Our alumni and special programs have connected Loyola to the broader New Orleans and global communities. Loyola’s endeavors have been guided by Jesuit values that originated from St. Ignatius of Loyola more than 400 years ago.
As we examine our accomplishments of the past year and look toward our future, it becomes clear that: our students remain academically excellent in their pursuit of holistic jesuit education. our faculty remains innovative, engaging, and noted nationwide. our special programs continue to connect local and global communities. our catholic and jesuit values remain central to our identity and work. our alumni succeed and embody the jesuit values they learned at loyola.
our students remain academically excellent in pursuit of a holistic jesuit education • A team of Loyola public relations students continued the university’s dominance of the national Public Relations Student Society of America Bateman Competition by winning its seventh national title this year. The Loyola Bateman team beat 70 other competing schools to take its third national title in five years. • The Loyola College of Law’s A.P. Tureaud Black Law Student Association’s mock trial team took top prize at this year’s National BLSA Mock Trial Competition in Washington, D.C. • Philosophy major Andrew Albert was awarded a 2012 Fulbright Summer Institute Scholarship to study at Newcastle University in Newcastle, U.K., and is one of only 50 students from the United States to participate in a program that examines Europe’s role in the global economy.
Andrew Albert Fulbright Scholar
2012 Bateman Team
• The student Trumpet Ensemble from Loyola’s School of Music performed at the 37th annual conference of the International Trumpet Guild in Columbus, Georgia, which included performances by only 12 ensembles from around the world. • Loyola law student Matthew O’Gorman, under the supervision of assistant clinical professor Stephen Singer, J.D., briefed and argued a second-degree murder case before the Louisiana Supreme Court. The court ruled in favor of O’Gorman’s position and ordered a new trial for his defendants. Trumpet Ensemble
Matthew O’Gorman
our faculty remains innovative, engaging, and noted nationwide • Anthony Decuir, Ph.D., associate dean of the College of Music and Fine Arts, received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Professional Contributions from the American Music Therapy Association. The award recognizes his work as a music therapy clinician in mental health. • Media outlets nationwide covering the debate on the health benefits of organic food picked up on research published by Loyola professor of psychology Kendall Eskine, Ph.D., whose article shows a correlation between purchasing organic food, which can make people self-righteous, and an increase in harsh moral judgments. • Working with a team of undergraduate researchers, Rosalie Anderson, Ph.D., associate professor of biological sciences, has devised a new method of prompting regeneration in vertebrate synovial joints. Her work, which holds exciting possibilities for applications in human medicine, earned her team a National Institutes of Health grant and recent mention in Science, one of the world’s top scientific journals. • Three universities—the United States Air Force Academy, Alabama State University, and North Carolina Central University—implemented use in 2012 of a new electronic attendance tracking system developed by assistant professor of finance Mehmet Dicle, Ph.D., and assistant professor of economics John Levendis, Ph.D.
Kendall Eskine, Ph.D.
our special programs continue to connect to local and global communities • Thanks in large part to the global reputation professor of biology Patricia Dorn, Ph.D., has earned with her groundbreaking research on Chagas disease, Loyola hosted a prestigious international conference on infectious diseases in 2012. The annual Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases conference attracts top scholars from around the world, and this is only the third time it has been hosted in the United States. • The Office of Service Learning hosted a fourweek summer camp for a key partner agency— Anna’s Arts for Kids, which provides after-school arts activities and academic tutoring for at-risk youth—on its campus. The Office of Service Learning, which continues to tally record levels of participation in its fourth year, derives its strength largely through its robust relationships with the agencies with which it partners. • The Workplace Justice Project in Loyola’s Stuart H. Smith Law Clinic and Center for Social Justice received $557,000 in grants this year to continue efforts in education, litigation, and advocacy, and to become a resource center for low-wage workers and worker advocates. The grants came from Baptist Community Ministries Foundation, the Greater New Orleans Foundation, and the Foundation for Louisiana.
Patricia Dorn, Ph.D.
Anna’s Arts for Kids
Workplace Justice Project
our catholic and jesuit values remain central to our identity and work • The Jesuit Social Research Institute marked its five-year anniversary this year. The institute uses action research and advocacy to work on behalf of the poor, immigrants, and victims of racial prejudice. The JSRI hosted a national conference on how events such as the Super Bowl, which took place in New Orleans this year, are often accompanied by high levels of sex trafficking. • The Center for Spiritual Capital in Loyola’s College of Business hosted its first annual Leadership Conference, one of many of the center’s initiatives to promote business ethics in the academic and professional communities grounded in JudeoChristian values. • Students from the Loyola University Community Action Program (LUCAP) embodied the Jesuit ideal of being “men and women for others” by partnering with Catholic Charities and the Archdiocese of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Issac to coordinate supply drives and send volunteers to our neighboring communities to help survivors. • The Office of Mission and Ministry’s Ignacio Volunteer Program coordinates six immersion trips to Belize and Jamaica annually. Loyola students work with the impoverished to explore the political, sociological, and economic issues that have shaped these two countries.
Ignacio Volunteer Program in Belize
our alumni succeed and embody the jesuit values they learned at loyola • Ansel Augustine ’00, M.P.S. ’02, and John Smestad, Jr. ’96, M.R.E. ’00, were honored by the White House for their work through the MLK Drum Majors for Service Program. Their team of adults and students helps rebuild ministries in black Catholic churches, in the New Orleans faith community.
Jamie Slomski
Jessica Dunne
Robert Wilkie
• Jessica Dunne ’08, CNN associate producer, was awarded a prestigious Peabody Award for her part in the CNN news coverage of the Arab Spring demonstrations. • Dr. Laurie M. Joyner ’86 was elected as Wittenberg University’s 14th president, the first female president of the 167-year-old national liberal arts university in Ohio. • Jamie Slomski ’95 won a Daytime EMMY Award for Outstanding Achievement in Main Titles and Graphic Design for VH1, Big Morning Buzz Live.
• The Hon. Carl E. Stewart, J.D. ’74, became the first African-American chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which hears appeals from federal courts in Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi.
Ansel Augustine
• Robert Wilkie, J.D. ’88, was elected to The Council on Foreign Relations, the oldest foreign affairs and defense policy organization in the United States. He was nominated by Condoleezza Rice, Robert M. Gates, and General Norton Schwartz. • The Carlos M. Ayala Stock Trading Room provides Loyola students a real-world environment for investment-related education and training. The facility is the result of a $1.3 million bequest by Loyola College of Business alumnus Carlos Ayala ’57, who credited Loyola for his remarkable success in business.
Carlos M. Ayala Stock Trading Room
The Hon. Carl E. Stewart