Loyola Magazine — Annual Report Edition Fall 2022

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The magazine for Loyola Academy Alumni, Parents, and Friends | Fall 2022

The of today Grace

Welcoming a New Era and New Beginnings 2021-2022 Annual Report Edition

Loyola is committed to providing a rigorous, faith-based college prep academic experience for our students, instilling the Jesuit values that they will carry with them as women and men for others. Your support to The Loyola Fund makes our mission possible.

Annual gifts to The Loyola Fund provide nearly 5% of the school's operating budget, including funding almost one-third of Loyola's Tuition Assistance Program. Support the Loyola experience and give to The Loyola Fund at goramblers.org/loyolafund.

Bridget Snyders P '23, '25 Director of Annual Giving bsnyders@loy org 847 920 2719

Maura Walsh Annual Giving Coordinator mwalsh@loy.org 847.920.2437

Scan above to give online and put your gift to work today!

President Rev Gregory J Ostdiek, SJ

Principal Charles W. Heintz

Dennis R. Stonequist '90

Executive Vice President

Call to Serve Loyola welcomes Rev. Gregory J. Ostdiek, SJ, as the Academy's ninth president.

"The Blues

Rambler Samplers

than most people think." Parents, alumni, and friends celebrated the opening of the new McGrath Family Performing Arts Center in August with a private concert by Grammy Award-winning blues legend Taj Mahal. 19

A glimpse at student life today featuring Flor N. Pallchizaca '23 (page 19) and Eamon T. Ryan '23 (page 22).

in Service Alumni making a difference in their communities featuring Diana C. Phiri '16, registered nurse at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

From the Editor

The Grace of Today. This theme for the 2022–2023 school year, issued by Loyola Academy President Rev. Gregory J. Ostdiek, SJ, invites our Rambler community to settle into the present moment and meet each day with gratitude and purpose In his August message to parents, Principal Charlie Heintz eloquently articulated it in this way: "After a couple of years of living for the future and wishing our times were different, we are called to face the year ahead by appreciating the grace of each day. It's a posture that recognizes God's presence in our lives and the call to share our gifts with others."

Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller


Martin G. Jennings '98

OFFICE OF ADVANCEMENT Vice President of Alumni and Network Engagement


Katherine Connor '04

Digital Communications Specialist

Assistant Communications Manager

Lynn Egan

Director of Communication and Content Management

Shelby Walchuk '05

Associate Director of Communications and Public Relations


Terri Guercio

Assistant Director of Prospect Research

Major Gifts Officer Michael P Kelley '94

Principal Gifts Officer Lesley J Seitzinger '88

Data Specialist Kristin Ciarrachi Director of Annual Giving Bridget Snyders

Clarice Swanson '14

Special Events Coordinator

Tammy Tsakalios

Gift Processor

Annual Giving Coordinator Maura Walsh

Mark Warner

Associate Director of Database Management

Briana Wells

Kathryn Cressy Director of Special and Philanthropic Events

LOYOLA magazine is published by the Office of Advancement for Loyola Academy alumni, parents, and friends It is available online at goramblersorg/loyolamagazine Please send address and email updates, correspondence, and subscription requests to LOYOLA magazine editor Shelby Walchuk '05 at swalchuk@loy.org.

LoyolaAcademyadmitsstudentsofany race,color,andnationalorethnicorigin

Shelby Walchuk '05
FALL 2022 Features 2 Answering
is bigger
32 or of Love Celebrating the service and commitment of Loyola's legacy educators honoring Mr. John A. O'Loughlin '59, social studies teacher and assistant varsity basketball coach.
FY22 Annual Report A look back at a dynamic year of giving in support of Loyola Academy's mission and tradition of excellence.
Planned Giving Consultant Thomas J Cramer

Answering God's Call to Serve

Rregory J Ostdiek, SJ, has always felt the call After twelve years as an officer specializing ar engineering for the U S Navy (1996–ncluding four deployments to the Arabian Greg felt the call to navigate another and joined the Jesuits in 2009 "I realized s wearing the wrong uniform," he says. uring his path to ordination, he began a ensive program of service, ministry, study, er. He served as a prison minister and taught coached athletics, served in campus ministry derated student clubs at several Jesuit including Loyola Academy during his regency 14–2016.

his ordination in 2019, Fr. Greg served as a riest and Jesuit school administrator and ember. In July 2022, he began a new chapter e as Loyola Academy's ninth president.

Loyola welcomes Rev. Gregory J. Ostdiek, SJ, as the Academy's ninth president
2 LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022

In his new role as president, Fr Greg's key responsibilities include leading the Jesuit, Catholic mission of Loyola Academy, sustaining key focus on its strategic vision, and directing the institutional advancement program.

"I am tremendously excited to join Loyola Academy in its mission of forming women and men for others in service to the Church and the world," says Fr. Greg. "Loyola is a school with incredible students, a talented and caring faculty and staff, and an amazing community. I am humbled and honored to be chosen to serve the Loyola community of students, alumni, parents, and friends in the months and years to come."

A Lifelong Learner

1993 MA
2004 MA in
2014 2014
MPA from Harvard Kennedy School of Government BS in Mechanical Engineering and BA in English from the University of Dayton
in English from Pennsylvania State University
Philosophy from Fordham University
MDiv and ThM from Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Ordination in 2019: Fr Greg (second from right) was ordained at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee on June 8, 2019 Also pictured is Loyola alumnus Fr Brian G Paulson, SJ, '77 (second from left), current president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. Family Day in 2000: Pausing for a photo with family during an open house-style event on the USS San Jacinto (CG-56) Answering the Call to Serve: Fr Greg (center) on a summer service trip with Ramblers in July at Jerusalem Farm in Missouri "In the Navy, I learned that all of our successful missions had one thing in common: a group of dedicated individuals united by a shared vision of what could be This is also true of Jesuit education " he says
I am thrilled to mission Father Greg Ostdiek, SJ, as Loyola Academy's next president. Greg brings a passion to share the Good News with young people and will lead Loyola Academy with vision and energy.
Rev. Karl Kiser, SJ, provincial of the Midwest Jesuits
I look forward to partnering with our talented and caring faculty and staff, our loyal alumni, and our dedicated parents as we prepare 2,000 young people for lives of faith, leadership, and service.
–Rev Gregory J Ostdiek, SJ President
A Special Blessing: Provincial of the Midwest Jesuits Rev Karl Kiser, SJ, blesses Fr Greg at his missioning: "Lord Jesus, at the intercession of St Ignatius of Loyola, patron of Loyola Academy, bless Fr Greg in the work he is about to commence Please guide him in wisdom, lead him in hope, embolden him in faith, and deepeninhimYourLove "
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Signing on the Dotted Line: Board Chair James P Walsh '79 (left) meets with Fr Greg and Rev Karl Kiser, SJ, provincial of the Midwest Jesuits (right), to make official Fr Greg's missioning as Loyola Academy's ninth president on August 19 There was a small reception hosted in the Loyola lounge after the Mass of the Holy Spirit
Ed M from Harvard Graduate School of Education

"Chaos can be beautiful and beauty can be chaotic. It demonstrates that what is normally seen as bad can be seen as art as well," says Temitope Azeez '23, who took this photograph on the way home from school. Temitope is a student in Mrs. Colleen Aufderheide's AP Studio Art and Design course.

Loyola Academy passed its 100th anniversary in 2009. Its goal was to support the school's Strategic Vision put forth by then-president Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, and Loyola's Board of Trustees. Six fundraising priorities were identified to support ongoing scholarships, enriched academic and athletic opportunities, and innovation across the curriculum, positioning Loyola as the leading Jesuit, college preparatory, faith, and education center in the nation.

LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022

Looking Back: A Decade of Milestones

The bold vision that would illuminate the next decade of Loyola’s strategic planning took root in 2012. At the time, dreams of a new aquatic center, state-of-the-art science labs, and a dazzling new theater were purely aspirational. Soon, a fundraising campaign took shape, and we embarked on an expansive Campus Master Plan.

Then-President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, and Loyola's Board of Trustees announce A Strategic Vision for Loyola Academy an ambitious strategic plan that would position Loyola as the leading Jesuit, college preparatory faith and education center in the nation

John D Norcross ’54

Loyola reaches a turning point in its fundraising efforts, thanks to the collective generosity of the visionary benefactors who made major gifts during the quiet phase of the Second Century Campaign and a multimillion dollar gift from the estate of John D. Norcross '54.

Loyola's Board of Trustees approves a Campus Master Plan and forms a Campus Master Planning Committee, chaired by Peter J. Broccolo '74, to partner with the Village of Wilmette and Loyola’s neighbors Working together, they devise a structure to guide the work and building projects, with the pool coming first in Phase One followed by the theater in Phase Two, all the while continuing to raise money for tuition.

To transform vision into reality, Fr McGrath and the Board of Trustees unveil The Second Century Campaign, a set of strategic priorities designed to generate support for a second century of excellence. They identify six fundraising priorities: the Tuition Assistance Endowment Initiative, Theater Initiative, Pool Initiative, Second Century Reserve Fund Initiative, Ignatian Educator Initiative, and New Science Labs and Technologies Initiative

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Thanks to the generosity of Loyola Academy benefactors, including a multimillion dollar gift from Ellen S. and Peter G. Leemputte '75, Loyola Academy breaks ground on its new 29,000 square-foot Center for the Performing Arts, home of the Leemputte Family Theater.

Loyola recruits world-class architectural design and construction firms to begin construction on a new pool and piazza, a gathering space inspired by the St Ignatius Piazza in Rome Valenti Builders

President Daniel J. Valenti '01, Project Manager Jack Scapin '98, and Senior Superintendent Daniel A. Nowak '83 all Loyola Academy alumni transform our blueprints into bricks and mortar. During this time, other Phase One capital enhancement projects, including our seventh science lab upgrade, progress.

The Loyola Academy community celebrates the completion of Phase One of our Campus Master Plan and grand opening of the John D. Norcross '54 Aquatic Center and the Mary and L. Robert '62 Pasquesi Piazza. In addition, new campus lighting, directional signs, and landscaping are installed. General site work, such as reconfigured drop-off and pickup lanes as well as new and expanded south student parking lot, is completed And Loyola's new STEAM lab made possible by a leadership gift from Sue and Tim Sullivan and named in honor of former science teacher Rev. Peter W. Breslin, SJ opens for student use.

The new McGrath Family Performing Arts Center takes center stage, with a grand opening Fall 2022 season. The $27 million, 29,000 squarefoot arts facility transforms the northeast corner of our campus and includes the Leemputte Family Theater and an outdoor performance area Members of the Loyola community have the opportunity to become a part of LA history by naming one of the theater's 550+ seats

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LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 7

In the spring of 2022, Loyola Academy concluded its most successful capital campaign in school history. Spanning 10 years and raising more than $76 million, the Second Century Campaign surpassed its fundraising goal and has ushered in a new era at Loyola one defined by amplified funding for tuition assistance, a transformed campus, and reimagined programming that will benefit generations of Ramblers to come.

The Second Century Campaign emerged shortly after Loyola Academy passed its 100th anniversary in 2009. It supports ongoing scholarship, enriched academic and athletic opportunities, and innovation across the curriculum and programming.

The incredible support of the Loyola Academy community made possible the ambitious dreams that began to take shape more than a decade ago Alumni, past and current parents, and friends of the Academy supported the campaign with tremendous generosity, far exceeding the original fundraising goal of $70 million.

"Ultimately, the success of the Second Century Campaign rests on the shoulders of our supporters, whose generous gifts turned ambitious dreams into concrete reality," says Vice President of Advancement Bob Miller.

Gifts to the campaign ranged in size from $25 to more than $23 million an extraordinary gift which stands as the single largest donation in school history, made in 2016 by the estate of John D. Norcross '54.

"Our community motivated us to dream big and ask, 'What more can we do?' and 'How far can we go?' Through gifts both large and small, we were able to reshape our campus and bolster programming beyond our wildest dreams."
Making History: The Class of 2026 is the first to gather in the Leemputte Family Theater during freshman orientation in August
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–Bob Miller Vice President of Advancement
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"The blues is bigger than most people think."

t was an unforgettable night of music on August 20 as hundreds of Loyola Academy parents, alumni, and friends celebrated the opening of the new McGrath Family Performing Arts Center with a private concert by Grammy Award-winning blues legend Taj Mahal A brilliant artist with a musicologist's mind, Taj Mahal, now 76-years-old, is a towering musical figure who has been making music for six decades His work reveals the magnificent scope of blues to the world.

Over the years, Taj has emerged as a mind-boggling, multifaceted player In addition to the guitar, he has become proficient on about 20 different instruments and counting No one is as simultaneously traditional and avantgarde Tracing origins to the American South, the Caribbean, Africa, and elsewhere, he has created entirely new sounds over and over again, inspiring rock-and-roll icons, such as Eric Clapton and the Rolling Stones, along with ambitious artists toiling in obscurity

"Taj Mahal was a superb choice to open our new performing arts center," says Vice President of Advancement Bob Miller. "There's a warmth and a joy to his music that captures the excitement and opportunity we all feel about this new performing arts space and what it means for our students."

Taj delighted the audience during a 90-minute set, playing on six different instruments including a number of guitars and a keyboard Notably, Billy Branch, a Chicago-based American blues harmonica player and singer of Chicago blues, joined Taj on stage. He closed with his 1987 hit "Everybody is Somebody," an upbeat country blues anthem

"It was a magical night for everyone and a wonderful way to celebrate our new McGrath Family Performing Arts Center," says graduate parent Scott Rafferty, who is a longtime fan and, together with his wife Mary, had the unique opportunity to meet Taj Mahal after the show Scott and Mary are parents of four Rambler alumni: Thomas '09, John '11, Danny '13, and Charles '16.

Northshore Concert
Northshore Concert Band Summer Concert P r o u d P a r t n e r s i n t h e P e r f o r m i n g A r t s
March 4-5, 2023 Special Gifts Theater presents "Seussical: The Musical" April 16, 2023
Band Spring Concert June 4, 2023
Save the date for these upcoming partnerperformances!
For more information on the arts at LA, including upcoming shows, visit goramblers.org/thearts.

Celebrating their Service, Honoring their Sacrifice Loyola Academy Dedicates Veterans'

Memorial Wall

In the days leading up to Memorial Day, Loyola Academy honored alumni killed in action or listed as missing in action during a recognized conflict with the installation of a memorial wall and special dedication ceremony. The outdoor structure is located at the site of the school's Foley-O'Donnell Athletic Commons, an open gathering space just north of Sachs Stadium. On it are displayed the names of 54 alumni across five panels, each marking a branch of service: Army, Coast Guard, National Guard, Navy, and Marines These soldiers served in World War I through the first Persian Gulf War "Loyola Academy has a long tradition of alumni attending our nation’s elite service academies and enlisting in military service upon graduation," says Vice President of Advancement Bob Miller, himself a veteran "This initiative brings to the forefront the bravery of Loyola Academy's alumni service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice The space we've created pays tribute to the alumni whose lives truly embody what it means to be women and men for others."

At a dedication ceremony that drew roughly 75 guests, former Secretary of the United States Army Ryan D. McCarthy '92 served as keynote speaker and emphasized themes of service, responsibility, and leadership.

‘‘ The motto of this school means something. It’s not a bumper sticker. When you take care of other people, they will take care of you.
Sacrifice in Service: Former Secretary of the United States Army Ryan D. McCarthy '92 spoke about Loyola Academy's mission and how it led him down a path of service in his career Ryan D. McCarthy '92

"This piece is a scratch art card about a contrasting aspect of my life openness vs stubbornness," says Hannah Sheehy '24. "I made this piece to recognize how different aspects of my life contradict and work together in unity. The piece with thorns and roses represents stubbornness while the wildflowers represent openness." Hannah is a student in Mrs. Masooma Hussain’s Honors Studio Art 3 class.

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, y y

Rowdy the Ramble (pronounced RAM-BULL jersey and shorts, Rowdy burst into the East Week pep rally in September and has been a since. The vision of a mascot was brought to Student Council, and Rowdy is the official cl graduates, the Class of 2022

The name stems from a cheer the cheerle engage the student section: "Let’s get a little are rowdy!" Why a bull? As the national anim homage to the life and history of St Ignatius emblazoned on the shorts are unmistakably adorning the horns are a nod to St Ignatius' forth and set the world on fire "

"I think the mascot was an essential addit not only does it bring joy to a whole new lev activity, but the level of school pride has rise says Helena Kavanagh '23, who worked on committee. "Rowdy brings personality and c Ramblers wherever they go."

While auditions were held for Rowdy, the not made public.

Check it out! Get rowdy and @rowdy the ramble on Inst




"We want to show that fashion is a form of self expression and a great way to gain confidence," said the Fashion Club leaders in their proposal form

Faculty Moderator

Ms Inna McNally

Student Leaders

Gabriela Ner '24, Grace Gustafson '24, Sofia Garcia '24, Sophia Tavoularis '24

Clubs and st the whole s of 70+ clubs help studen friends, and Activities ad


Creating a on native s Loyola, and composting are just a few of the Gardening Club's goals for this year

Faculty Moderator Ms. Marie Benas

Student Leaders

Max Tran '23, Audrey Smith '23, Tina Baron '23


Photography Club members learn about the history of photography, share favorite photos, discuss cameras, and explore the art of editing & capturing candids

Faculty Moderator Mrs Tammy Butvilas

Student Leaders

Hannah Mastrofski '23 Christian Slowinski '23

new home in the Finance Club, which uses a simulated trading platform to explore trading

Faculty Moderator Mr. Brandon Ceplecha

Student Leaders

Sean Cronin '23, Ryan Craddock '23, Nathaniel Schwitzenberg '23, William Beard '23


Bringing students together to relax their minds and escape the constant movement of the day, the Meditation Club teaches students the benefits of daily meditation

Faculty Moderator Mrs Liz Riggs

Student Leader Peter Hogan '23

LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 16


The boys' varsity lacrosse team defeated Lake Forest High School 6-5 in June to claim the IHSA State Championship. This is the program's 14th state title and back-to-back IHSA State Championships!

The Ramblers trailed 5-3 toward the end of the third quarter Will Maheras '22 had the game-winning goal with five minutes left in the fourth quarter

"What I think about most about the team is selflessness," said Head Coach Rob Snyder. "We had so many injuries and guys out that we went into many games not really knowing who would be playing Often times younger players would step up Or guys would play different positions where needed. Everyone stepped up, especially our captains, in practices as well as games, which brought the team together and gave them a ton of confidence, especially starting the playoffs "


Girls' Soccer GCAC Champions

IHSA 3A Regional Champions


S t a t e C h a m p i o n s !

IHSA 4A Regional Champions

Girls' Track and Field GCAC Champions

Boys' Track and Field CCL Champions

For more information on athletics at LA, including upcoming games, scores, and news, visit goramblers.org/athletics.

Loyola Academy | Planned Giving Keeping the Dream of Loyola Alive for Future Generations
2022 State Champions: "The playoff run was incredible We had to go through a very difficult bracket just to make it to the finals The confidence and mental toughness of our seniors to never allow a deficit to bother them and to come from behind yet again and win another state championship was pretty special for this group. I think people counted us out because of how many players were out from injuries, but our seniors led the way and battled to win in the state championship which for many of them was back-to-back." Head Coach Rob Snyder
To learn more, call 847.920.2431 or visit goramblers.org/plannedgiving.


On August 28, Loyola Academy's varsity football team opened its 2022 season against the St. Xavier Bombers from Cincinnati, Ohio, as the highly anticipated finale to the 2022 Geico ESPN High School Football Kickoff. The game in which the Ramblers took a swift and dominant lead and clinched a 44–20 victory was broadcast to a national audience on ESPN.

The morning began with a beautiful Mass where alumni and friends from both Jesuit school communities gathered. Presiding over Mass were Loyola Academy President Rev. Gregory J. Ostdiek, SJ, and St. Xavier Alumni Chaplain Fr. Terry Baum, SJ, who served as headmaster at Loyola Academy from 1997 to 2003.

The atmosphere inside Sachs Stadium was electric as a spirited student section and a soldout crowd turned out to cheer on the Ramblers. The Loyola Academy Marching Band, Ramblerettes, Cheerleading Squad, and Maroon Monsoon did a wonderful job of keeping fans energized and entertained despite hot and humid conditions (the temperature in Wilmette topped out near 90 degrees) and severe thunderstorms on the horizon.

The interstate match-up brought together two powerhouse programs from the Midwest to battle it out on the national stage at Loyola’s Hoerster Field, as announced by ESPN in July The showdown between Loyola and St Xavier was one of seven that ESPN broadcasted as part of the 2022 Geico ESPN High School Football Kickoff The annual event, showcasing football programs from across the country, is a great opportunity for young athletes to compete before a national audience

Among many standouts include Loyola quarterback Jake Stearney '23, who was named the Player of the Game with 252 passing yards and four total touchdowns; Drew McPherson '25, who had a 53-yard scoring run; Michael Baker '24, with three extra point kicks; running back Will Nimesheim '24, with a 70-yard TD run; and Athan Chiampas '23, with a 23-yard field goal.

Between the third and fourth quarters, the announcer asked fans to turn their attention to the south end zone where special guest, Mille Rueve, was seated. There is a great history of Jesuit education in Mille's family at both Loyola Academy and St. Xavier. Mille is grandmother to eight Loyola Academy alumni, two current Loyola students, six St. Xavier alumni, and one current St. X student! Her husband, Tom Rueve, was also a St. Xavier alumnus. Mille and her family were recognized for their commitment to Jesuit education.

Loyola's freshman and junior varsity teams also faced St. Xavier in games played on August 27, though these games were not broadcasted. Freshmen lost 33–14. Sophomores won 37–18.

"We were thrilled to welcome St. Xavier's football program to Wilmette. Our two communities enjoyed a weekend of great football," says Loyola Academy Vice President for Athletics and Fitness Genevieve Atwood. "Our shared Jesuit tradition united us in a spirit of fellowship that played out in good sportsmanship, friendship, and fun."

Loyola Academy quarterback Jake Stearney '23

Rambler Sampler

Flor N. Pallchizaca '23

Hometown: Chicago Grade School: Baker Demonstration School

My Dreams for the Future...

I'd like to major in computer science (specifically programming) as well as an area study, for example Latin and Asian Studies. I also want to get into business and continue doing art as a hobby I’d like to travel and learn new languages and cultures

My Cocurricular leadership roles...

Art Club, co-president; Women in STEAM, co-president; AYG, co-president; Unidos

My Other Hobbies and Interests...

Listening to music, drawing, and learning languages

"Women in STEAM Club has been preparing for upcoming events like Hour of Code, a bake sale, and a coding Christmas card project In this photo, we are having fun with an activity from Breakout EDU, an immersive learning games platform "

"AsianYouthGroup(AYG)triedout theSpicyRamenChallenge.This year,thenoodleswerespicierthan before.Threenoodleswereenough forme!"


Mrs Masooma Hussain's Honors Studio Art 3 class, I decided to work on planning the composition of my artwork for one of our projects called 'multifaceted.'" "In Justice Seminar with Dr Grant Gholson, six groups worked on presenting a deep dive about one of the issues mentioned in The Atlantic article, 'The Birth of the New American Aristocracy.'" n Honors Computer Science A, taught by Mr Sam Whalen, we are arning about wrapper classes and get to practice using them in our code We use CodeHS, an interactive online learning platform "
Student Life Today //
A Glimpse at
LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 19

A New Approach to Summer Learning

In summer 2022, Loyola Academy's English Department transitioned away from a summer reading program, which traditionally tasks students with a list of preassigned readings to be completed over the summer months, and launched a more flexible and experiential Summer Learning Experience With the summer reading requirement lifted, students now had their choice of learning in a variety of creative ways, all centered around the values of RIPLOC. The goal? To develop the mindset that students are lifelong learners beyond a classroom environment.

"The Summer Learning Experience encouraged me to continue to try new things and to branch out of my comfort zone," says Claudia Lyman '23, who went hikin Aspen with her family in July

"The new Summer Learning Experience assignment was fun because who doesn't like to share something fun about their summer?" reflects Devion Johnson '24, who visited Knox College to meet the track team and coach. While there, Devion also learned a fascinating bit of history: one of the historic Lincoln-Douglas debates was hosted at Knox College in 1858 He adds: "Personally, I liked summer reading because the stories were actually interesting, but the summer experience brings out the fun and interesting stories of other people's summers."

Active, experiential learning is at the core of Jesuit education. Students develop a deeper understanding of the global community when they are empowered to take ownership of their learning. And so, the new Summer Learning Experience was designed to engage students in diverse learning experiences and foster a spirit of genuine curiosity through authentic encounters with the arts, culture, and community.

For some students, this meant time to travel with family to Ethiopia, Athens, Paris, Norway, and more. For others, it meant summer service trips across the United States or work at local volunteer sites such as Feed My Starving Children. Many chose to bask in the wonders of nature, enjoying hikes with friends, coastal sunsets, or even the simple beauty of a backyard flower garden Still others celebrated the arts, attending museums, art fairs, live music performances, and a variety of large and small productions.

“The Summer Learning Experience encouraged me to continue to try new things and to branch out of my comfort zone. "

LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 20
Claudia Lyman '23 Patrick Loftus '23 Kylie McCarthy '23 Ellie Simpson '23 Lance Onrubia '24
Jonathan Andino Harlee Hiller '25

"I think it's fun and exciting," says Luka Sentic '25, whose summer experience included visiting grandparents in Croatia, where he also had the chance to attend a family wedding, a baptism, and even try ratatouille for the first time. "What I like about it is that you can show others what you did over the summer "

"Our context over the past few years is that we have been lacking in experiences. This program is an attempt to have our school community engage with the world around them and to be open to what it may offer them opportunities for learning and opportunities for doing service," wrote Principal Charlie Heintz in a memo to faculty and staff introducing the program (teachers and staff were encouraged to participate, too!).

To develop the structure of the new Summer Learning Experience, the English Department sought the input from other departments in order to include opportunities in the arts, social sciences, technology, spirituality and service, as well as traditional reading choices. They compiled a list of suggested experiences organized by RIPLOC categories religious, intellectually competent, physically fit, loving, open to growth, committed to doing justice.

Once students completed an activity, they logged their experience online with a short description and submitted a photo. Throughout the summer months, their photos were shared weekly across Loyola's social media platforms to highlight the variety of ways students were spending the time that would have typically been reserved for summer reading. When students returned to campus for orientation in August, they worked on creative reflections and shared their experiences with their classmates.

More Rambler Reflections

EvaBonanno'25 enjoyed afarmers' marketin HarborSprings,Michigan,where shebought fresh raspberries,beautifulflowers,andkale. "I reallyenjoyeddoingthe summer experience this yearbecauseIfeltthatit allowed peopleto dothings and experiencethingstheymighthave neverdonebefore," she reflects.

"Ipersonally enjoyed the Summer Learning Experience because it encourages us to explore more in the world and to learn more about the differentparts of RIPLOC," says Bella Licudine '24, who attended a National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC)session at UC Berkeley focused on the medical field. Bella describes learning more about the field of medicine and making friends with people from around the nation. "With this model, I am able to get a deeper understanding of RIPLOC "

With her family,TsvetomilaKondeva'25 visited Valencia,Spain, and saw the Gonzales Marti National Museum of Ceramics and SumptuaryArt and the Valencia Cathedral. They also enjoyed Paella Valenciana, a traditional dish. "The Summer Learning experience was truly enriching," she says. "I like how it combines learning with traveling and spendingtime with family and friends. In my opinion,it is a much more effective and fun wayto expand one's knowledge than summer reading."

Noah Isaac '24 H a n k F o r s t e r ' 2 3 C h a r l i e L o g u e ' 2 6
"Ireally enjoyedthe Summer Learning Experience!”says PatrickLoftus '23, who toured aroundLondon andParis, visiting a number of monuments andmuseums withhis family. “I learnedmore about myselfby connecting the experiences Ihadover the summer to RIPLOC, whichis why Ienjoyedthis better than the summer reading!"

Rambler Sampler

Eamon T. Ryan '23

Hometown: Lake Forest Grade School: School of St. Mary

My Dreams for the Future...

My dream is to become a civil engineer and, hopefully, to get a degree from one of my dream schools Purdue or University of Illinois to get there.

The Greatest Lesson I've Learned at


No matter who you are, there will always be someone or something for you No matter your background or personality, people will be there to support and encourage That's what I think is the best part of our Jesuit education, the way everyone here depends on each other.

My most influential teacher...

Mr Sean McQuinn (band) and Mrs Elizabeth WaidPrince (biology) Mr McQuinn has always encouraged me to do more, whether it be joining more musicrelated clubs or taking up more responsibilities in our leadership positions. Mrs. Waid-Prince gave me a true love for science. She is partly the reason why I wish to pursue a scientific field in engineering. Overall, these two gave me my absolute love for the arts and sciences, which I would be incomplete without.

"Justice Seminar, led by Mr Trevor Clark, is a class like no other We discuss hard topics that face our society in an open discussion Our opinions are heard and respected as we point out flaws that poison our system And it's not just the discussions that give this class its experience, but the service you do as well I go every Thursday to a church in Highwood to serve food to the hungry "

"Once the bell rings after school, my life becomes band, band, and more band. On Tuesdays, I lead our weekly band board meetings and go to band practice as we prepare for football games

On other days after school I have rehearsals for Pep Band, Jazz Band, and new Garage Band, which had its first performance of the year at Fall Flavor Fest!"

"In my History of Chicago class, my classmates and I are taught by Loyola's very own Mr John O'Loughlin '59, who has been teaching at LA for nearly 60 years. On a recent field trip, we spent the day on an architectural and historical river boat tour "



life "

want to pursue a career in civil engineering and so taking a physics class was critical for me So far in AP Physics 2, taught by the amazing Mr. Matthew Morse, we've gone through the concepts of pressure and thermodynamics I can't wait to learn more and participate in all our fun labs along the way "In Symphonic Band, led by Mr. Sean McQuinn, we learn everything from pop to classical We constantly prepare for new performances and go non-stop through the marching, basketball, and concert seasons. I believe that playing the saxophone for these four years has truly changed my
A Glimpse at Student Life Today // LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 22

Marquette University (46) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (42) Indiana University-Bloomington (32)

Loyola University Chicago (20) University of Dayton (12) Miami University, Oxford (12) University of Colorado Bolder (12) University of Notre Dame (11) University of Denver (11) University of Wisconsin-Madison (9)

MarquetteUniversity UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign IndianaUniversity

LoyolaUniversityChicago MiamiUniversity UniversityofDayton UniversityofColorado UniversityofNotreDame UniversityofDenver UniversityofWisconsin-Madison TexasChristianUniversity PurdueUniversity UniversityofIowa FordhamUniversity BostonCollege

Destination: Higher Education! Class of 2022 College Highlights The Top 10 Colleges and Universities Attended by our 2022 Graduates
Attending four-year colleges and universities 98% Attending Jesuit colleges and universities 23% Attending other Catholic colleges and universities 9% Illinois State Scholars 147 In State vs Out of State Public vs Private 42% 58% 19% 81% public private instate outofstate LAAcceptance% NationalAcceptance% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
The bar graph above illustrates how Loyola Academy acceptance rates at our most popular colleges stack up against the national acceptance rates. In nearly every instance, Loyola outpaces the national average for acceptance rates Source: 2023 Princeton Review of 388 Colleges Class of 2022 graduates 518 Valedictorian Peter Scheidt '22 University of Chicago Grad at Grad Award Irene Mensah '22 Marquette University John Phillips '22 Harvard University College destinations 153

Rambler alumni of all ages reconnected with Loyola Academy and one another at reunion celebrations and other alumni gatherings in the fall from our Golden Mass and Dinner to our 28th Annual Golf Outing. We've included photos from some, but not all, of these celebrations, which were attended by alumni from locations near and far. As you can see, our alumni network of more than 28,000 Ramblers is still going strong!

October2022 October2022 October2022 October2022 Class of 1992 30thReunion AthleticHallof FameCelebration October2022 Class of 198240thReunion Class of 200220thReunion Class of 199725thReunion Reunion Roundup LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 24 September2022 Class of 1972 50thReunion
September2022 GoldenMassand Dinner 28th AnnualGolfOuting Class of 198240thReunion Class of 1992 30thReunion Class of 1997 25thReunion Class of 2002 20thReunion October2022 October2022 October2022 October2022 September2022 9 25 LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 September2022 Class of197250thReunion

"I am interested in how sadness is perceived through color," says Sara Nolan '23. "This piece is a self portrait done in reflection of what it feels like to be lonely. I surrounded myself with watercolor while leaving the interior of my body empty to demonstrate the relationship between the outside world and the emptiness within."

Sara is a student in Mrs. Colleen Aufderheide's AP Studio Art and Design course.

Diana C. Phiri '16

Leader in Service



Student Life @ LA: African American Youth Group (AAYG), Diversity Club, Campus Ministry, Kairos leader, summer 2015 immersion trip to Milwaukee, Refugee One volunteer

Occupation: Registered nurse at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab College: University of St Francis, BS in nursing

Tell us about the work you do.

I am currently working as a rehabilitation nurse. My job is to provide patients with care during a time when they are not able to provide for themselves My days vary, but mainly consist of providing medications for patients and attending to their activities of daily living while working around their therapy schedules I believe the impact of my job is meeting the needs of others at a moment in their lives where they can't do it on their own. I hope to bring encouragement to them as they adjust to their new normal and to be a light in a difficult time.

Why were you drawn to this line of work?

I wanted a career that allowed me to express care for others I knew in choosing a career I needed a motivating factor that was always going to matter to me and that was service. I also enjoy meeting people from different backgrounds and hearing their stories and nursing provides all of that. It is a job that keeps me engaged mentally, physically and emotionally I get to empathize with all parts of my own and other people's humanity on a daily basis I believe this keeps me humble and centered with God and the calling He has placed on all of our lives

How did your time at Loyola prepare you for your current role?

Loyola Academy taught me about servant leadership. As a student, serving others was incorporated in our daily lives through service trips or volunteer sites, and I began to understand the importance of finding time to serve daily This was the first time that I recognized the perspective of service as leadership I learned that impact can also be made by serving others in this way.

Who at Loyola influenced or inspired you?

Mrs Bennett, Mr McNulty, Mr Minestra, Mr & Mrs Gregg, Ms Bea, Mrs Whelan, Mr Mitchell, Ms Thiegs, and so many more If it weren't for the multitude of staff and faculty who were the most supportive, encouraging, and engaging, my Loyola experience would've been completely different.

At the end of the day, what makes you most proud?

What makes me the most proud is that I am not the same today as I was yesterday I have come so far in spite of the obstacles placed in my way and by the grace of God I have been able to overcome them and achieve things that I once didn't believe were possible for me

Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that inspires you?

My go-to mantra comes from Ephesians 3:20: "All glory to God, with His power at work within us, that he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can think or imagine "

Web exclusive: Diana was featured in our Ramble 2022 video in the spring Visit goramblers.org/leadersinservice to watch Diana discuss the impact of Loyola's faculty and staff on her Rambler journey

Diana with then-President Rev Patrick E M G th SJ t R bl i M
27 LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022
Diana selects medication for her patients "My job is to provide patients with care during a time when they are not able to provide for themselves "


Alumni write in from across the country and around the globe



Members of the Class of 1954 (below) maintained their longstanding tradition of monthly breakfast gatherings and decided to make a stop at Loyola’s new Veterans' Memorial wall in July. Alumni from the Class of 1954 who found themselves at Lake and Laramie included: Jerome L. Duffy, Frederick C. Flosi, Albert J. Glueckert, Kenneth L. Kwiatt, Michael R. Leyden, Timothy J. Murtaugh III, Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw, Walter A. Ovaert, Robert P. Perkaus Jr., Kenneth J. Printen, John A. Revord, Peter D. Roberson, William J. Rooney, Robert J. Seeberg, John F. Smith III, and Robert E. Ward

Death Before Life, a fastpaced detective thriller that depicts the gritty streets of Chicago, was written by John F. Gorman '62 and published in July 2022. The former communications director for the Cook County State's Attorney’s Office where he worked for Dick Devine '61

and a former federal beat reporter for the Chicago Tribune, Gorman drew upon his decades of experience covering the cops, courts, and politicians of Chicago.

The documentary New Worlds: The Cradle of Civilization captures Bill Murray '68 alongside cellist Jan Vogler, violinist Mira Wang, and pianist Vanessa Perez in their final performance of their European "New Worlds" tour. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2021 and made its U.S. debut in February 2022.

Slainte! Lifelong friends from the Class of 1968 enjoyed a day on the links in Lahinch, Ireland: (l -r) Dennis M O’Shaughnessy, Stephen F “Steve” Dowdle, William F “Bill” McGinn, William T. “Bill” Zanoni, Robert W. “Bob” Hunt, Jr, James L. “Jim” Claus, Jerry R. Mack, and William J. “Bill” Doyle.

LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 28


Joseph F. "Joe" Barbera II '72 and his wife, Mary, owners of AIDA Bistro & Wine Bar in Columbia, Maryland, were named 2022 Restaurateurs of the Year by the Restaurant Association of Maryland (RAM). A celebration honoring Joe and Mary, along with other industry leaders, was held in March at the Maryland Live Casino in Hanover.

Peter G. Leemputte '75 and his wife, Ellen, were honored at the 2022 Loyola Academy President’s Dinner in November with the Lord Award for Distinguished Service in the Cause of Youth. With a generous lead gift to support the Second Century Campaign, Peter and Ellen helped bring to reality the long-awaited vision of a new theater at Loyola Learn more about the beautiful space that bears their name the Leemputte Family Theater at goramblers.org/theater.

The Lake Forest-based Brennan Rehabilitation Foundation, chaired by Christopher J. Brennan '76, recently awarded the Socrates Award, a lifetime cash grant, to three spinal cord injury survivors, including two local recipients: 8-year-old Cooper Roberts, whose injuries during the Highland Park Fourth of July parade left him paralyzed, and Daniel Golden, a Chicago Police Officer and U.S. Army veteran who was shot in the back Brennan, a 2003 Loyola Academy Athletic Hall of Fame inductee for football and track, created the Socrates Award during his tenure in sports media. Following a spinal cord injury in 2014 that left Christopher with tetraplegia, the Socrates Award shifted to its current form

On May 26, 2022, Class of 1980 alumni John J. Betterman, Mark A. Rolfes, Louis J. Glunz IV, Fred J. O'Connor, Christopher C. Furth, and William J O'Connell gathered for the internment of their classmate Col Robert C Schwarze (USAF) at Arlington National Cemetery. Col. Schwarze was an accomplished flier Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, and multiple Oak Leaf Clusters accomplishments that few who serve achieve.
29 LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022

Fred O'Connor '80, wealth management advisor at Northwestern Mutual officed in both Chicago and Deerfield, received Honorable Mention in the 16th Annual Invest in Others Awards for his charitable contributions to the Big Shoulders Fund, an independent charitable organization that supports a network of 72 under-resourced Catholic schools in Chicago serving nearly 20,000 students The Invest in Others Awards recognize the charitable work of financial advisors in communities across the country and around the world.

detection devices to support 100 families. The Kotowski Detection Device Fund (KDDF) will boost long-term funding for Danny Did's signature program by providing 100 seizure-alerting devices for underserved children and families who cope with epilepsy. The Danny Did Foundation is an Evanstonbased nonprofit founded after the passing of 4-year-old Danny Stanton, son of Mariann and Michael Stanton '88, due to Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy, or SUDEP.


The American Floral Endowment (AFE), a nonprofit organization that funds research and scholarships in floriculture and environmental horticulture for the benefit of growers, wholesalers, retailers, allied industry organizations, and the general public, announced the appointment of Kenneth J. Young '80 as its new Chairman of the Board Young has been in the industry for over 40 years and is the owner of Phoenix Flower Shops in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Back Home at LA: The Q Brothers, Gregory Qaiyum '94 and Jeffrey Qaiyum '97, with O'Shaughnessy and Magis Academic Support Teacher Mr. Kevin Mistrik (center) after their performance for students on October 24

to Loyola students in October, beginning an exciting artist-inresidence program. Stay tuned for more!

Kathy Zebracki Jefson, PhD '96 is chief of psychology at Shriners Hospitals for Children Chicago and adjunct professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. Her new book Paediatric Neuropsychology within the Multidisciplinary Context (below) was recently published by Mac Keith Press.

A $50,000 commitment to the Danny Did Foundation from emeritus board member Hon. Daniel Kotowski '85 and his wife, Anne, will launch a new fund to provide seizure

Award-winning and internationally acclaimed theater artists Gregory Qaiyum ’94 and Jeffrey Qaiyum ’97 better known as the Q Brothers performed at Lollapalooza’s kids’ stage in July 2022. The Q Brothers are known for fusing hip hop and theater. They presented

In 2021, Blanca R. (Plazas) Snyder, EdD '98 was named head of the middle school for St. Gabriel’s Catholic School in Austin, Texas, where she was previously the eighth grade math teacher. She earned her BA in communications studies with a minor in applied psychology from DePaul University, a MA in communication studies from the University of Miami, and a doctorate in educational leadership from the University

LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022 30

of Houston. She is married to David A. Snyder '97, who is a partner at Jackson Walker, LLP. They have four children: Mateo (13), Elena (12), Benjamin (10), and Lucia (7).


Adam R. Braeback '00 married Danica Westerman in October. Adam was the manager of Loyola's state championship girls' basketball teams in both 1997 and 1998. He is pictured below with former basketball coaches Tanya Johnson (left) and Mary E. Just (right), who is the current chair of Loyola's Physical Education Department.

Loyola and returned on their wedding day to take photos. "I love coming back to this place as it played a pivotal role in shaping who I am today," said the groom. "Without Loyola Academy, Marina and I would have never met." Notably, all groomsmen were Loyola alumni.

Daniel P. Leemputte '12 married Rebecca Caplan in October in Boston, Massachusetts. Daniel’s sister, Mary Leemputte '04, was a bridesmaid and brothers, Peter N. Leemputte '08 and John F. Leemputte '10, were the best men.

In October, Mark B. Dowdle '15 ran 521 miles to raise $50,000 for pancreatic cancer through the Love Like Laurie Legacy Foundation. The run began at the steps of the capitol building in Springfield, Illinois, and continued for the next eight days until reaching the capitol steps in St. Paul, Minnesota.

John M. "Jack" Tamisiea '16 is a freelance scientific writer who has published over 30 articles in the past year In February, Jack landed a dream job as a science communications assistant at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. He is currently a candidate for Masters in Science Writing from Johns Hopkins University.


Marina A. Otttolino '11 and Vincent B. Bolger '11 were married on September 24, 2022. The couple met at

Emma C. Walsh '12 and Luke Bilhorn '12 (right) were married in October 2021. Former Loyola Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, presided over the nuptials, and several of the couple’s Rambler classmates were in attendance. Walsh is a member of the Loyola Academy President’s Leadership Council (PLC).

Shannon Kearney '18 is a member of the Irish dancing team that won Nationals in Belfast.

Editor's Note

Select notes are shared in LOYOLA magazine and may be edited for length or content Alumni may submit significant news regarding personal or professional milestones to mjennings@loy org For a full listing of class notes, visit goramblers.org/class-notes

Emma (Wojnicki) Kresock '14 married Daniel Kresock (above) on April 30, 2022.
31 LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022







To read the full interview, visit goramblers org/laboroflove

synergy, a combination of students,



Celebrating the service and commitment of Loyola's legacy educators

Mr. John A. O'Loughlin '59

What makes Loyola Academy a special place?

There is an atmosphere that pervades the school a positive, Catholic spirit that I felt as a student and still feel today as a teacher and coach. There is a wonderful synergy, a combination of students, faculty and staff that believe in the mission of Loyola, that pervades the building. Teaching at Loyola is not a job but a joy. Loyola is the "Wrigley Field" of high schools. Now, the new academic and athletic additions make Loyola even greater.

What is one thing people might not know about you?

I played Little League at Thillens Stadium starting at the age of nine in 1950. I was a member of the Chicago team that played in the first ever Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. I never got to play in that first game, which our team lost 6-0 to a team from California, but I always remember being there. I continued to play Little League the next three years at Thillens often on WGN Television with Jack Brickhouse announcing the games.

What advice do you have for students today?

Fast Facts
"There is a wonderful
faculty and
that believe in the mission of Loyola, that pervades the
Teaching at Loyola is not a job but a joy."

The Loyola Academy


Class of 1945

Rev. George E. Von Kaenel, SJ Class of 1946

Mr. George M. Baker Class of 1947

Mr John J Schornack

Mr Michael P Wrenn Class of 1948

Mr William D Driscoll Class of 1949

Mr. Robert L. Berner Jr. Mr Thomas E Caestecker Class of 1951 Mr. Richard J. Mizerny

Class of 1952

Mr. Ralph D. Considine Dr. Ronald E. Hillenbrand Mr Neil B Mann

Mr Shawn F McGreevy Class of 1953 Dr John M Wieland Mr Leo J Sheridan Class of 1954

Mr. Francis A. Healy Class of 1955 Mr. John B. Cashion Mr Frank J Hogan Mr William M Plante

Class of 1956

Dr John D McBride Mr Patrick A Murphy

Class of 1958

Mr Francis X Ford

Mr Frank R Raidl

Class of 1959

Mr Thomas E Janowski II

Mr James C O'Connell Class of 1960

Mr Edward J Niklewicz

Class of 1961 Mr Bernard J Browe Mr Hubert L Buss Mr Daniel G Murphy

Class of 1962 Mr John T Guennewig Class of 1963

Mr Donald E Horton Jr Dr Richard D O'Connor Mr. Stephen A. Snakard

Class of 1964 Mr Robert G Hammer Class of 1965 Mr. William C. Aiston Jr. Mr Clement J Carroll Mr Gerald P O'Brien Class of 1966 Mr. Gerard C. Ginaine Rev Thomas J Reilley, SJ

Class of 1967

Mr Thomas E Bergquist Mr Mark K Lahey Class of 1968 Mr. Arthur J. Hanson Mr. James R. Rettig

Class of 1969

Mr Richard F Clark Class of 1970 Mr Paul A Brice Mr Robert C Wahlund Class of 1971

Mr Peter K Wickham Jr Class of 1972

Mr John W O'Brien Class of 1977

Mr Martin F Masciopinto Class of 1978

Mr David E Goodrich Class of 1980 Mr Matthew A Fitzgerald Mr. Thomas E. Ganfield Mr. James G. Shea Class of 1987

Mr. William P. Coyne Class of 1988 Dr John F Sullivan

Class of 1989 Mr Michael B Ryan

Class of 1992

Mr Mark J Mitchell IV Class of 1993

Mr Eric R Wiggins Class of 2012 Mr Logan T Podbielski

Class of 2016

Mr Christian G Kebr Class of 2018 Ms. Mary K. Phelan

As of November 1, 2022

Editor's Notes

To include your departed loved one, please contact Ashley K Sanks '10 at 847 920 2421 or asanks@loy org

Correction: Major Charles T French '68 (RIP) was mistakenly listed as Captain in the last magazine We regret the error

An award-winning correspondent for CBS news, William M. "Bill" Plante '55 covered some of the defining moments of our time and helped shape our collective memory of events ranging from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the election of our nation’s first Black president. The Rogers Park native served as associate editor of The Prep, Loyola's student newspaper, during his time at the Academy. Bill was featured on the cover of our spring 2016 LOYOLA magazine. Revisit the full story at goramblers org/loyolamagazine

I n M E M O
community joins in prayerful of those who have passed away and offers condolences to their families.
33 LOYOLA Magazine | Fall 2022
Kiara O'Donnell '23 is a student in Mrs. Leslie Yatabe's Honors Photography ll class. She took this photograph of a monarch butterfly over the summer at a nature preserve in Wisconsin. "The focus on the butterfly's colors and patterns are mesmerizing," she says. "This butterfly represents how everyone is beautiful in their own way."

Annual Report


We celebrate our community's tremendous spirit of generosity, which sustains our mission, drives our tradition of excellence, and profoundly impacts our future.

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 36

Dear Friends of Loyola Academy,

As we begin our tenure in roles that are new for both of us, it is fitting to start with two simple words: thank you. Thank you for the support you provide everyday to the Loyola community. Because of your generosity, Loyola Academy students are supported in their journeys to becoming women and men for others, leaders in service

Jesuit education is a tradition of excellence. This tradition dates back to 1548 when the first Jesuit high school was founded in Sicily. The Jesuit educational mission is the same today as it was 474 years ago: formation of the whole person for the greater glory of God.

The Jesuit way of proceeding at once challenges us and guides us in a process of continual growth and evolution. Who are we? Who are we becoming? It is both inspirational and aspirational: a call to action that invites us to respond with our hearts, our minds, and our gifts. This is a tall order that requires a depth of generosity and a commitment to seeking God’s persistent invitation to each of us. How can we use our gifts to generously and wholly respond to this calling?

We are pleased to assume our new roles, as president and board chair, during an era of growth at Loyola. We express our deepest appreciation to our visionary predecessors Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, and Nancy E. Paridy and look to the future with hope, vision, and purpose. Thank you for your partnership in the holy work of Jesuit education.


Rev Gregory J Ostdiek, SJ President James P Walsh ’79 Board Chair
L e a d e r s h i p M e s s a g e Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 37
Board of Trustees Chairman James P Walsh '79 (left) and Loyola Academy President Rev Gregory J Ostdiek, SJ, at the Class of 2022 Commencement Ceremony in May.
FinancialStatement For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022 History of the Endowment Fund and Debt (1995-2022) Development Contributions over a Five-Year Period (IN THOUSANDS) Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 38 ( I N M I L L I O N S ) Contribution Source Annual Fund Alumni $786 $842 $726 $663 $641 Parents $284 $174 $259 $340 $329 Graduate Parents $409 $448 $170 $126 $121 Friends, Corporations, Foundations $537 $329 $477 $662 $639 Total Annual Fund Contributions $2,016 $1,856 $1,632 $1,791 $1,730 President's Dinner and Ramble $1,696 $1,180 $1,418 $1,739 $1,500 Other Gifts $0 $29 $116 $159 $157 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 TO OPERATIONS TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OPERATIONS $3,712 $3,065 $3,166 $3,689 $3,016 Restricted $6,026 $4,987 $4,314 $5,882 $6,894 Unrestricted $153 $1,663 $2,201 $1,560 $4,545 OTHER MAJOR GIFTS TOTAL MAJOR GIFTS $6,179 $6,650 $6,515 $7,442 $11,439 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS $9,891 $9,715 $9,681 $11,131 $14,455
Financial Position Income: $44,888 (IN
Annual Fund,
Dinner, Ramble, and Restricted Gifts
Student Organizations *Summer camps, cafeteria, bookstore Expenses: $45,552
Education and
Related Activities* 8
Plant Maintenance
Student Financial Aid
Bonds & Interest Assets
and Cash Equivalents
Pledges Receivable
Land, Building,
Total Assets
Cash Equivalents
Accounts Payable
Bonds Payable
Deferred Revenue
Total Liabilities
Cash Equivalents
Donor Restrictions
Net Assets
5.8% ($2,622) Education and Other Related
35.1% ($15,998) Instruction 7.0% ($3,203) Student
THOUSANDS) 80 9% ($36,330)
7 9% ($3,536)
0 7% ($295)
(IN THOUSANDS) 10.1% ($4,581)
1% ($3,691)
13.3% ($6,048)
1.0% ($468)
Other $87,745,277
$144,660,257 Liabilities Cash and
$46,935,191 Pledges Receivable -
$5,906,298 Land, Building, Other $87,745,277 Total
$144,660,257 Pledges and
$31,313,161 Cash and
$46,935,191 Pledges Receivable -
$5,906,298 Land, Building, Other $87,745,277 Total
$144,660,257 Net
$11,093,396 With Donor
$35,841,795 Other $66,411,905 Total
$113,347,096 4.7% ($2,105) Endowment Distribution and Empower Illinois $144,660,257 TOTAL
Donors under $150 522 Young alumni donors who made their first gift to Loyola in FY22 140 Annual Giving Program Benefactors 1,766 Loyola donors who have made an annual gift for 10+ consecutive years 230 Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 40


Contributed to the Guardian Angel paddle-raise by young alumni Ramble 2022 donors Raised in a single night for tuition assistance recipients Contributed to Ramble 2022 by Loyola Academy faculty and staff
Report 2021-2022 41
Loyola Academy Annual THANK YOU to our Ramble 2022 Chaircouples! Pictured with Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, (center) from left to right: Stacy and Pat Fitzgerald, Amy and Bob Tierney '94, Jennifer and Pat Shea '83, and Monica and Larry Theut

We are deeply grateful to the generous benefactors listed below for their major gifts of $25,000 or more to support excellence at Loyola Academy.

Dr. Joshua A. Hopps and Dr. Amina Ahmed pledged a major gift to the Become More Fund/Bowman Scholars

Mr and Mrs Lee C Banks '81 contributed major gifts to the Lee and Elizabeth Banks Scholarship and the Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund

Mr Charles W Bidwill Jr pledged a major gift to the Stormy and Tiscia Bidwill Endowed Scholarship Fund and supported the Stormy and Tiscia Bidwill Endowed Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Callahan '93 supported the Turf and Athletic Enhancement Initiative

Canisius House Jesuit Community contributed major gifts to the Student Financial Aid Fund and the Annual Fund

Mr. Douglas J. Clingan '85 and Dr. Beth A. Clingan pledged a major gift to the Clingan Family Scholarship

Mr and Mrs Daniel J Close pledged major gifts to Empower Illinois, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program. They also supported the Ramble and Rambler Parent Organization

Mr and Mrs John H Compall '82 contributed a major gift to the Compall Family Endowed Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Dahm pledged a major gift to the Joe Taylor Boys Hope Girls Hope Scholarship

Mr and Mrs Patrick J Dolan '79 pledged a major gift to the St Jude Scholarship Endowment.

Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Donato '82 contributed a major gift to Empower Illinois, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program They also supported Ignatian Programs for Faculty, the Science Lab Fund, and the Fine Arts Initiative.

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doyle '68 supported the Ramble, Rev James C L Arimond, SJ, ’57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment, Annual Fund, and the Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative

Mrs. Joan A. Erickson RIP contributed a major gift to the William Burdick Kelly '81 Scholarship

Scott and Yvette Finegan supported Ramble, Ramble Guardian Angel Student Aid Fund, Rambler Parent Organization, and Student Financial Aid Fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat W. Fitzgerald supported the Ramble, Ramble Guardian Angel Student Aid Fund, Rambler Parent Organization, and Ramble Rouser

Mr and Mrs William D Forsyth III supported the Ramble Guardian Angel Student Aid Fund, Ramble, Needy Family Fund, Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative, Annual Fund, Rev Patrick E McGrath, SJ, Endowed Scholarship, and the President’s Dinner

Mr and Mrs John N Gavin '64 pledged a major gift to the Gavin Family Scholarship and supported the Gavin Family Scholarship and the Annual Fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Gesualdo '01 contributed a major gift to Empower Illinois, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program

Mr and Mrs Ralph J Gesualdo '75 contributed a major gift to the Canisius Professional Development Program Fund and contributed to Empower Illinois Giving and the President’s Dinner

Mr and Mrs Scott W Gunnison contributed a major gift to the Annual Fund and supported the Ramblers Golf Outing and Rambler Parent Organization.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Halston '82 contributed a major gift to the Student Financial Aid Fund and supported the Ramble

Mr and Mrs Britton T Hayes contributed a major gift to the Basketball Program and supported the O'Shaughnessy Program

Helen V. Brach Foundation contributed a major gift to the Technology Fund and supported the President’s Dinner

Katherine and Jim Hickey '75 contributed a major gift to the Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, Endowed Scholarship and supported the Needy Family Fund

Mr and Mrs Sean Lannan contributed a major gift to Empower Illinois Giving, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program They also supported the Ramble and Rambler Parent Organization

Mr and Mrs Christopher Lister pledged a major gift to the Lister Family Scholars Fund and supported the Graduate Parents Network and the Lister Family Scholars Fund Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Livingston III '85 contributed a major gift to the Ramble Guardian Angel Student Aid Fund and supported the Ramble and Rambler Parent Organization Mr John F McDonagh III and Ms Karen S Sauder McDonagh contributed a major gift to the Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative and supported the Ramblers Golf Outing

Mr and Mrs Charles E McGarrity '78 contributed a major gift to the Rev Robert G Mair Scholarship Endowment.

Mr. William A. McIntosh '57 contributed major gifts to the Chicago Jesuit Academy Graduates Scholarship Fund 2 and the Rev James C L Arimond, SJ, ’57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment He also supported the Ramble, O’Shaughnessy Program, President’s Dinner, and Student Financial Aid Fund

Mr and Mrs Gerald J Meehan contributed a major gift to the Student Financial Aid Fund

Joseph E. Morahan III '70 & Judy Winnick pledged a major gift to the Joe Morahan and Judy Winnick Arts Scholarship They also contributed major gifts to the Ramble and Annual Fund

Mr and Mrs Charles J Murphy contributed a major gift to the Become More Fund/Bowman Scholars They also supported the Fine Arts Initiative and the Rev Patrick E McGrath, SJ, Endowed Scholarship

Mrs Jean Nell RIP contributed a major gift to the Annual Fund

Mr. John D. Norcross '54 RIP contributed a major gift to the Second Century Reserve Fund and supported the Fine Arts Initiative

Mr and Mrs William T O'Donnell Jr '67 contributed to the William T O’Donnell Professional Development Endowment and the President’s Dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. O'Malley '52 contributed to the Annual Fund and the Fine Arts Initiative

Patrick Trust contributed a major gift to the Fine Arts Initiative

Mr. and Mrs. Norman X. Raidl '63 contributed a major gift to the Annual Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds III '70 contributed major gifts to the Capital Unrestricted Fund and the Class of 1970 Scholarship Endowment They also supported Alumni Reunions.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Robertson pledged a major gift to the Robertson Family Scholarship Fund and supported the Ramble

Mr and Mrs Randall G Rueth contributed a major gift to Empower Illinois, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program They also supported the Ramble, the Ramble Guardian Angel Student Aid Fund, the Graduate Parents Network, and Women of Wisdom Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rupert supported the Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative, Empower Illinois Giving, the Ramble, Rambler Parent Organization, and Ramble Rouser

Mr and Mrs George E Sargent '88 contributed a major gift to the Student Financial Aid Fund Mr and Mrs John G Schreiber '64 contributed major gifts to the John and Kathleen Schreiber Scholarship Endowment and Empower Illinois Giving, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program. They also supported the President’s Dinner

Mr and Mrs Patrick G Shea '83 supported the Ramble, Ramble Rouser, Rambler Parent Organization, Endowment for the Advancement of Tuition Assistance, and the Fine Arts Initiative Mr and Mrs William B Smith contributed a major gift to the Annual Fund Mr and Mrs William E Sullivan '72 contributed a major gift to the Fine Arts Initiative and supported the Annual Fund and President’s Dinner.

The William and Kathy Doyle Foundation supported the Ramble, the Rev James C L Arimond, SJ, ’57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment, the Annual Fund, and the Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tierney '94 contributed a major gift to the Ramble and supported the Mary D Tierney Scholarship Endowment, Ramble Rouser, President’s Dinner, and Empower Illinois Giving, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program.

Valenti Builders Incorporated supported the Ramble and President’s Dinner Mr and Mrs Christopher J Vallace pledged a major gift to the Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative and contributed a major gift to Empower Illinois Giving, which benefited recipients of Loyola’s Tuition Assistance Program They also supported the Rambler Parent Organization

Mr and Mrs John K Vignocchi '64 contributed major gifts to the Vignocchi Family Scholarship and the Ramble They also supported the Ramble Guardian Angel Student Aid Fund, the John D Norcross ’54 Aquatic Center, and the President’s Dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer '72 contributed major gifts to the Ramble and President’s Dinner They pledged a major gift to the Rev Patrick E McGrath, SJ, Endowed Scholarship They also supported the John D Norcross ’54 Aquatic Center Wintrust Financial Corporation contributed major gifts to the Ramble, Rouser, and President’s Dinner

This giving society is named in honor of Loyola Academy's founder, whose vision of Jesuit education is being carried on though the generosity and foresight of our planned giving donors. The Dumbach Society builds on the excellent work of the late Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, and the Loyola Academy Wills Society, which was the first formal society established at Loyola to recognize planned giving donors.

Anonymous (78)

Mr William A Abrams '47 RIP

Estate of John C Altman '71

Mr and Mrs Charles L Anger '45 RIP

Mr. John L. Baldwin '40

Mr William A Barnett '34 RIP

Mr G Duncan Bauman '30 RIP

Mrs. Dorothy Becklenberg

Mr and Mrs Robert L Berner Sr RIP

Mr Charles D Bishop '40 RIP and Mrs Virginia Bishop

Mr John C Bonds '51 RIP

Mr. Ward Bourn

Estate of Julia G Boyce

Estate of Jane M Breen

Mr. John A. Breen Jr.

Robert F Brinkman, MD

The Daniel and Nancy Bruzzini Scholarship

Dr and Mrs James J Burden '51

Mrs Katherine J Diederich Burns RIP

Dr. and Mrs. William J. Burns RIP

Mr Frank X Cagney '32 RIP

Mr Francis J Calkins '28 RIP

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cassin, CLU, '66

Mr and Mrs Alessandro M Cena '81

Mr John H Chamberlain '49 RIP

Mr Charles J Chapin '36 RIP

Mr Francis E Clarke '40 RIP

Estate of Mary Clarke Col and Mrs Charles W Cole '48 RIP

Mr and Mrs Frank M Conley '26 RIP

Mr. Ward K. Conover

Mr Charles J Conroy '40 RIP

Mrs Doris Corboy RIP

Mr and Mrs Michael R Corboy '48

Mr Philip H Corboy RIP

Mr. Theodore E. Cornell Jr. '38

Mr and Mrs Daniel A Cotter '53

Mr Frank M Covey '50 RIP

Mr. Dennis M. Crean '58 RIP

Mr James A Crumley '48 RIP

Dr Sidney R Cruz

Rev John J Cullinan '23 RIP

Mr John P Cunneen '67

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Cuny '27 RIP

Mr Robert A Curley Jr '76

Mr and Mrs Anthony C Curran '84

Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Curran

Mr and Mrs Joseph L Dahm

Mr Robert M David '28 RIP

Mr Thomas W Dempsey '50

Mr and Mrs Richard A Devine '61

Mr. Robert J. Dixon '62

Mr Ralph E Doane RIP

Mr Terrence P Doyle '62

Mr and Mrs John J Dwyer RIP

Mr Robert B Egan RIP

Mrs. Jean Einsweiler RIP

Mr Ralph W Emerson '14 RIP

Dr and Mrs Robert A Esser '37

Mr and Mrs William O Feeley '43

Mr Albert C Fellinger RIP and Mrs Mary Elizabeth Fellinger

Mr and Mrs Paul H Fieberg III '62

Mr and Mrs F Barry Fitzgerald '28 RIP

Mr. George W. Fitzgerald '23 RIP

Mr John F Floberg RIP

Mr J Raymond Fox '28 RIP

Mrs Isabel Lyman Gallagher

Mr and Mrs John N Gavin '64

Mr and Mrs John T Geldermann '43 RIP

Mr Roger F Geldermann '34 RIP

Mr Thomas A Geldermann '44 RIP and Mrs. Nancy Geldermann

Mr Thomas A Geldermann '44 RIP and Mrs Nancy Geldermann

Mr. Joseph C. Geraghty '41 RIP

Mr and Mrs Paul J Gerlach '51 RIP

Richard and Virginia Glueckert

Mr and Mrs John E Grimes '58

John and Deborah Guy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Hagen

Mrs Maureen Barry Hajduk

Mr William J Halligan Sr RIP

Mr. Richard G. Harrington '44 RIP

Mr and Mrs William J Harris '21 RIP

Hon Neil F Hartigan '55

Mr James E Hayes '48 RIP and Mrs Marie Hayes

Mr. Lawrence J. Hayes '44 RIP

Mr and Mrs Sheldon W Hayes '41 RIP

Mr Richard M Hector '48 RIP

Mr. Lawrence Hickey '41 RIP and Mrs Ada Hickey

Mr and Mrs John B Higgins

Mr William J Hoffman '38 RIP

Mr Donald E Horton '63

Mr. Bruce W. Hunt '65

Mr James L Hurley '33 RIP

Mr William G Hurley '42 RIP

Dr. Clyde H. Jacobs '31 RIP and Dr Elizabeth Jacobs RIP

Cmdr and Mrs Jay B Jans '65, USN

Mrs Mary Virginia Kavanagh

Mr Joseph S Kearney Sr '26 RIP

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney Jr. '51

Mr John E Kenny Sr '31 RIP

Mr Lloyd J Kurkowski RIP and Mrs. Joyce Kurkowski Mrs Lauretta Langan RIP

Mr Donald E LaVigne '42 RIP and Mrs Patricia LaVigne

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Leander

Mr and Mrs Anthony F Loritz '29 RIP

Mr George C Lyman Jr '50 RIP

Mr and Mrs Charles J Mann '63

Mr Robert P Marschall '56 RIP and Mrs Marlyn K Marschall

Mr Emil G Matz '32 RIP

Mr Robert L McCarthy RIP

Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMenamin '68

Mr and Mrs Lawrence J McPartlin '61

Mr and Mrs Thomas M Meenaghan

Mr and Mrs Edward P Morrissey '61 RIP

Mr J Hobie Murnane Jr '75

Mr Richard E Murphy Jr RIP

Mr and Mrs Francis J Naphin Sr '23 RIP

Mrs Jean Nell RIP

Mr. John D. Norcross '54 RIP

Mr William J Nugent '30 RIP

Mr and Mrs Dennis M O'Brien RIP

Mr. James C. O'Connor '24 RIP

Rev Robert H Oldershaw '54

Ms Rosemary O'Neil RIP

Mr William E O'Neil Jr '33 RIP

Mr Constantine P Pappas '49 RIP

Mr and Mrs L Robert Pasquesi '62

Mr and Mrs Malkan A Pearlman '31 RIP

Mr and Mrs Daniel B Peterson '79

Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Polk

Rev Richard K Pusch '56 RIP

Mr and Mrs James P Quinn '51

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. B. Reed Jr. '49

Mr James P Reichmann '20 RIP

Mr J Philip Reichmann Jr '47 RIP and Mrs Ellen Reichmann

Mr John F Revell '47 RIP

Mr. David L. Riley RIP

Mr G Gale Roberson Jr '51 RIP

Mr Edward F Robinson '39 RIP

Estate of Thomas J. Rogers '46

Ms Susan D Romanski

Rev George N Ross '55 RIP

Mr George K Ryan Jr '47 RIP

The Sassen Family

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Scheid '53

Mr and Mrs Richard J Schinler '64

Mr Thomas G Schleiter '47

Mr. H. M. "Bud" Schnitzius '41 RIP

Mr and Mrs John T Schriver III '63

Mr and Mrs James L Schwartz '65

Mark S Seeberg

Estate of John B Seng '57

Estate of Raymond A. Seng '21

Mr Charles W Severn '34 RIP

Mr and Mrs Fred R Sextro '26 RIP

Dr Jafar Shah-Mirany RIP and Mrs. Carol Shah-Mirany

Estate of Mr John W Somers '48

Estate of Rose Stejskal

Mr Franklin R St Lawrence '55 RIP

Mr Quentin C Sturm '39 RIP

Mr and Mrs Arthur F Tarchala '32 RIP

Mr and Mrs Robert W Tarjan '61

Mr Theodore J Tsoumas RIP

Mr. George W. Vander Vennet Jr.

Mr and Mrs David P Wagener '72

Mr and Mrs Edward J Wambach RIP

Mr Robert L Wenger RIP

Mr Raymond M White '32 RIP

Mr W Rockwell Wirtz

John and Sheila Woythal RIP

Mr Harold F Yegge '17 RIP

Mr. Richard A. Youhn '55 RIP

Mr and Mrs Herman J Ziebell RIP

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 43

Iñigo López de Loyola, a native of the Basque country in northern Spain, named his religious order Compañía de Jesus. This newly formed band of brothers the Jesuits became known around the world as the Companions of Jesus for their dedication to the greater glory of God and the good of all humanity. Like the Companions of Jesus, our Companions of Loyola Academy (formerly recognized as Lifetime Benefactors) have made a lifelong investment in forming women and men for others through their unwavering support for Jesuit education We are deeply grateful to the Companions of Loyola Academy for their cumulative gifts of $100,000 or more

Ignatius of Loyola Anonymous(4)

HelenV BrachFoundation

MichaelE CraneAttorneyatLaw

Mr andMrs MichaelE Crane'54

Mr andMrs JohnW Croghan

Mr JohnJ DwyerRIPand Mrs ElizabethJ Dwyer


Mr Thomas"Tim"D Foley’66

Mr andMrs ThomasL FoleyRIP


Mr andMrs RalphJ Gesualdo'75



Mr andMrs StephenV King

Mr andMrs WilliamJ Lavezzorio'46RIP andFamily

Mr andMrs PeterG Leemputte'75

LoyolaAcademyJesuitCommunity MazzaFoundation

Mr JohnD Norcross'54RIP

Mr andMrs WilliamT O'DonnellJr '67

Mr andMrs WilliamT O'DonnellSr '40RIP

Ms RosemaryO'NeilRIP

Mr andMrs L RobertPasquesi'62

PatrickG andShirleyW RyanFoundation

Mr andMrs PatrickG Ryan


Mr andMrs RobertJ Sanborn


Mr andMrs JohnG Schreiber'64

Mr andMrs JosephF Scoby'83

Br JamesE Small,SJ


Mr F QuinnStepanSr '55and

Mrs JeanF StepanRIP

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Wehmer'72


Francis Xavier

Mr andMrs JeromeA Castellini


Mr andMrs GeraldF Corcoran

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIII

Mr EdwardG Denten'50RIPand Mrs CatherineMcKeeverDenten



Mr andMrs WilliamJ Doyle'68


Mr andMrs RobertE Gallagher'40RIP

Mr andMrs H PatrickHackettJr '69

Mr andMrs RobertH Huffman III


Mr andMrs BruceA Lee


Mr WilliamA McIntosh'57

ThePatrickGroup Dr SchollFoundation



Mr andMrs TimothyP Sullivan

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Alphonsus Rodriguez

Mr CharlesW BidwillJr and Mrs PatriciaBidwillRIP


Mr ThomasE Caestecker'49RIP

PhilipH CorboyFoundation

Mr PhilipH CorboyRIP

Mr SalvatoreJ DiMucciJr RIPand Mrs YvonneA DiMucci

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Fiorentino

Mr andMrs JohnT HickeySr '43RIP


Dr ClydeH Jacobs'31RIPand Dr ElizabethJacobsRIP

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Kearney'57


Mr KarlKubonRIPand Mrs JudithKubonRIP

Mr RobertB Latousek'50RIPand Mrs DorisJ Latousek

Mr andMrs RobertG Lewandowski

RobertR McCormickFoundation

Mr JosephE MorahanIII'70and JudyWinnick

Mr andMrs RobertW NavarreII

Mr JohnW O'Brien'72RIPand Mrs PatriciaM O'Brien

Mr RobertL ParkinsonJr RIPand Mrs ElizabethParkinson

EstateofThomasJ Rogers'46

EstateofRaymondA Seng'21

TheCharlesH ShawFamily SmithereenPestManagement

Mr andMrs WilliamE Sullivan'72


TheJosephValentiJr FamilyFoundation

Mr andMrs JosephE ValentiJr '68

Mr andMrs JosephE ValentiSr RIP


Alberto Hurtado Anonymous(2)

Mr JohnC Altman'71RIP


Mr DavidA Bakerand

Ms CatherineE Carpenter

Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas'81

Mr andMrs LeeC Banks'81

Mr andMrs RobertL BernerJr '49

Dr andMrs WilliamJ BurnsRIP

Mr andMrs MichaelN CannizzaroSr '67


Mrs ElizabethJ Collins

Mr andMrs DanielA Cotter'53

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIV'86



Mr andMrs JamesM Denny

Mrs MaryN Dillon

Mr RalphE DoaneRIP

Mr andMrs BurtisJ DolanIII'77

Mr andMrs MarioJ Donato'82

WilmaandWilliamF Dooley'56Foundation

Mr andMrs WilliamF Dooley'56

Mr JamesC Dowdle'52RIPand

Mrs SallyDowdle

Mr andMrs KevinG Dowdle'78

Mr andMrs StephenF Dowdle'68

Mr andMrs GeraldE Egan'62

Mr andMrs PatrickC Eilers

Mr andMrs JohnP Gallagher'45RIP

Mr andMrs GaryGardner

Mr andMrs JohnN Gavin '64

Mr JohnT Geldermann'43RIPand Mrs JaneGeldermanRIP

Mr DavidF GoldbergRIP

Mr andMrs JohnA Graf'77

Mr andMrs JohnC Halston'82

Mr andMrs JohnT HickeyJr '70

Mr andMrs DavidL Hill'79

EstateofGraceV Hirsch JemFoundation

Mr andMrs JohnC JoyceSr '83 EstateofJohnR Jozwiak'45

Mr DavidM Kavanaghand Ms MaryM Dollinger

Mr andMrs DavidB Kennedy


Amb JamesC Kennyand Mrs MargaretM Kenny Mr andMrs MathiasA KleinJr RIP andFamily MathiasA KleinMemorial KleinTools,Inc

Mr andMrs AndrewKoponJr

Mr andMrs JohnM Lafferty

Mr MarkK Lahey'67RIPand Mrs MaryLahey

Mr andMrs StephenJ Livaditis Mr andMrs JamesW Lyman'79 Mr andMrs SeanM Madden'77

Mr andMrs PerryM Mandera


Mr andMrs PhilipA Marineau'64

Mr andMrs AndrewJ McKenna


Mr J BarryMcRaithSr '57RIP

Mr andMrs JamesA McShane

Mr andMrs JamesA McShane

Mr andMrs GeraldJ Meehan

Mr andMrs MarkD Nesbitt'73

Mr andMrs KevinD Odle

IgnatiusA O'ShaughnessyFamily IgnatiusA O'ShaughnessyFoundation

Mr DonaldA Pantle'62


Mr andMrs RobertP PerkausJr '54

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Perry PotashCorp

Mr andMrs DavidP Radelet

Mr andMrs FrankE Schmitz

EstateofJohnB Seng'57



Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi'64

Mr andMrs EarlE Webb

ThomasR andSusanG Wenzel

E L WiegandFoundation

Paul Miki


Mr andMrs ScottK AhlstromSr

Mrs MisookAhn

Mr andMrs JosephJ Annotti


Mr andMrs J StephenBaine

Dr andMrs TerrenceM Belton

Mr andMrs RobertL BernerIII'79

Mr JamesB Blacklidge'61

Mr andMrs CharlesK Bobrinskoy

Mr andMrs ThomasM Borah

Mr andMrs ThomasC Borders


Mr andMrs JamesP Boyle'81

Mr andMrs DavidJ Braun

Mr andMrs DavidJ Brett

Mr andMrs RogerT BriggsSr RIP

Mr andMrs PeterJ Broccolo'74

Mr andMrs TimothyE Broccolo

Mr andMrs AngeloJ Bufalino

Dr andMrs WalterF Burke

Mr andMrs NormanC Butler

Mr WilliamJ Caffreyand Mrs PauletteGagliardo-Caffrey

Mr andMrs JohnE Callahan'59

Mr PatrickJ CallahanIII'89

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Canning'81

Mr andMrs PatrickW CarrollRIP

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Cawley

Mr andMrs AlessandroM Cena'81

Mr andMrs DanielJ Close

Mrs LorettaA Clune


Col andMrs CharlesW Cole'48,USN,RIP

Mr andMrs JosephP Collins

Mr andMrs JohnH Compall'82

Mr andMrs DanielV Considine'63

Mr andMrs BradfordB Couri'81


Mr andMrs ThomasJ Croghan'77

Mr andMrs JeromeF Crotty

Mr andMrs JosephP Daly'83

Mr andMrs RichardG Daly'74

Mr TimothyDarraghand

Ms LynetteN Kerrane-Darragh

Mr andMrs PeterH D'Arrigo

Mr MichaelK Demetrioand

Hon MaryKayRochford

Mr andMrs JayE Dempsey

Mr andMrs MichaelR Denten'74


Mr andMrs ThomasP Desmond

Mr SalvatoreJ DiMucciIII'99RIPand Mrs LisaDiMucci

Mr andMrs WilliamR Dodds

Mr andMrs BurtisJ DolanJr '43RIP

Mr andMrs StephenP Donahue'73

Mr andMrs CraigS Donohue

Mr andMrs JamesC Dowdle'82

Mr andMrs HenryJ FeeleyJr '59


Mr VictorP Filippini,Jr '76and Ms MarloM DelPercio

Mr andMrs RaymondE FinkSr '47

Mr andMrs TimothyM Finnegan

Mr andMrs StevenJ Fischer

Mr andMrs DennisJ FitzSimons

Mr andMrs JosephP FlanaganJr '82

Mr andMrs ToddT Ford'72

Mr DonaldL FortunatoRIPand Mrs LynneFortunato


TheLloydA FryFoundation

RobertE GallagherCharitableTrust

Mr andMrs A JamesGallagherJr '39RIP

Mr ThomasA Geldermann'44RIPand

Mrs NancyGeldermann

Mr andMrsPaulJ Gerlach'51RIP

Mr andMrs FrancisA Gesualdo'01

Mr andMrs BertA Getz




Mr LouisJ GlunzIII'47

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Haggerty'81

Mr WilliamJ HalliganSr RIP

Mr JamesE Hayes'48RIPand Mrs MarieHayes

Mr RichardM Hector'48RIP

Mr andMrs JohnR Heller'68

EileenL Heyd,Inc


Mr LawrenceHickey'41RIPand

Mrs AdaHickey

Mr andMrs RogerP Hickey'79

Mr andMrs JamesJ Higgins'85

Mr AlbertA HoffmanJr '45RIP

Mr andMrs JamesS HoganSr '56


Mr andMrs MatthewT Howard

Mr andMrs HarveyJ Jaunich

Mrs GwynJennings

Mr RichardE JenningsRIP

Mr andMrs BrianE Johnson


Mrs MaryP Joyce

J P MorganChase

Mr andMrs PaulJust

Mr andMrs JamesJ Kaulentis

JohnJ KaulentisMemorialFund

Mr andMrs JohnM Keller

GeorgeR KendallFoundation

Mr JohnE KennySr '31RIP

Mr andMrs PatrickB Kenny'68

Mr andMrs PhilipB Kenny

Mr andMrs JamesD King

Mr K FrederickKleidererRIPand

Mrs K FrederickKleiderer

Mrs GwendaS Klein

Mrs WilliamR KohlJr RIP

Mr andMrs DanielM Kotin

Mr andMrs KevinB Kroeger

LakeCountyStormwaterManagement Commission

Mr andMrs DennisJ Langley

Mr andMrs PaulJ Laughlin

Mr andMrs KevinLawler

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Leahy'60

Mr andMrs TerrenceP LeFevour

Mr andMrs HomerJ LivingstonJr RIP

Mr andMrs HomerJ LivingstonIII'85

Mr andMrs EdLoeb


Mr JamesJ Maloney'47RIP

Mr andMrs SamuelR Marotta'35RIP

Mr JohnF McDonaghIIIand

Ms KarenS SauderMcDonagh

Mr ThomasJ McDonald'82

Mr andMrs CharlesE McGarrity'78

Mr andMrs DanielW McGrath

Mr andMrs MichaelF McKeever'69

Mr andMrs AndrewJ McKennaJr

Mr andMrs WilliamV McMenamin'77

Mr andMrs DavidK McNulty'67

JamesJ andJamieThorsenMcNultyFoundation

Mr JamesJ McNulty'69

Mr andMrs ThomasM Meenaghan

Mr andMrs ChristopherN Merrill

Mr andMrs RobertL Michels'81

Mr JamesM Moran'36RIPand Mrs JamesM Moran


Mr J HobieMurnaneJr '75

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Murphy

Mr andMrs RichardNashJr RIP

Mr andMrs StephenM Naughton

Mr andMrs LawrenceM Nicholson

Mr andMrs JosephNolan

Mr andMrs MichaelP O'Brien'78

Mr ThomasW O'BrienRIPand Mrs KathleenO'Brien

Mr andMrs JohnB O'Connor'39RIP

Ms MaryJaneO'Connor

TheWilliamF O'ConnorFoundation

Mr andMrs WilliamE O'Connor'71

Mr andMrs MichaelF O'Hara Mr FrancisW O'Malleyand Mrs LorettaA O'MalleyLdM'83

Mr andMrs RichardF O'MalleyJr

Mr andMrs ThomasP O'Malley'52

Mr JohnM O'Meara'63RIPand Mrs CherylO'Meara

Mr andMrs MichaelJ O'Rourke'69

Mr J MichaelO'Shaughnessy'58RIPand Mrs J MichaelO'Shaughnessy

Mr andMrs JohnJ O'Sullivan

Mr andMrs GeorgeA Pandaleon

Mr andMrs ThomasParrott

Mr andMrs JohnR PerkausSr '78

Mr andMrs ScottPerry

Mr andMrs RobertD Poden'50

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Prassas'86


Ms ElizabethPrior

Mr andMrs JamesV ProeselSr '39RIP


Mr andMrs ScottA Rafferty

Mr andMrs NormanX Raidl'63

Mr andMrs MaynardL ReuterRIP

Mr ThomasA ReynoldsJr '45RIPand Mrs ThomasA ReynoldsJr

Mr andMrs ThomasA ReynoldsIII'70

Mr DavidL RileyRIP

Mr andMrs JosephP Roddy'82

Mr andMrs GabrielM Rodriguez'75

Dr ShirleyA Royand Dr J FredMcLimoreRIP

Mr andMrs MichaelRucker

Mr andMrs EdwinL RyanJr '48

Mr EdwardJ Sackley'43RIPand Mrs LoisA Sackley

Mr andMrs GaryV Sagui

Mr MarkF Santacrose'77and Ms MargaretM Fiorenza

Mr andMrs NicholasV Santoro


Mr andMrs GeorgeE Sargent'88

Mr andMrs PeterJ Scanlon

JohnJ andBarbaraL Schornack

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Schuba

Mr JamesR Schufreider'79


Mr andMrs JamesA Seymour

Mr andMrs RichardA Shantz'53

Mr andMrs PatrickG Shea'83


Mr JohnD Shugrueand Ms ElizabethA Price

Mr andMrs KarlL Singer'54

Mr andMrs WilliamB Smith FredB SniteFoundation


Mr QuentinC Sturm'39RIP

Dr andMrs DanielE Sullivan'64

Mr andMrs ArthurF Tarchala'32RIP

Dr CharleneThomasRIP

Mr andMrs DouglasT Thompson'86

Mr andMrs T SandsThompson'83

Ms JamieK Thorsen

Mr andMrs LawrenceThuet

Mr PatrickJ Tierney'02

Mr andMrs RobertJ Tierney'94

Mr HaroldB TobinRIPand Mrs SuzanneB Tobin

Mr andMrs MichaelJ TowerSr


Mr andMrs ChristopherP Valenti'83

Mr andMrs T DavidVanZelst'81

Dr NicholasJ Volpeand

Dr FrancescaMattone-Volpe

Mr JamesR Voss'62

Mr andMrs DavidP Wagener'72

Mr andMrs JamesP WalshIII'79

Mr andMrs MichaelL Wambay

Mr andMrs EdwardI Wanandi

Mr WilliamB Weiss'37RIPand

Mrs MargeryWeiss

RobertL WengerTrust

Mr RaymondM White'32RIP

Mr W RockwellWirtz

Mr andMrs GarryA Woodward'62

Mr JamesF WoodwardJr '60RIP

Mr andMrs RobertD Zeller

Mr andMrs ThomasP Zidar

Mr andMrs JosephC ZuercherJr '74

Tuition Assistance By the numbers in FY22 $6,048,000 Tuition assistance awarded to students 32% Percentage of Ramblers who received tuition assistance $8,450 Average tuition assistance award 614 Number of Ramblers who received tuition asistance Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 45

The donors listed in this section include unrestricted and restricted gifts received during the 2021-22 fiscal year Annual donors support Loyola in many ways, from gifts to the Annual Giving Program and support from endowed scholarships to participating in yearly fundraising events such as the President's Dinner and the Ramble Each year, we depend on the generosity of these donors to help us shape the hearts, minds, and spirits of a diverse population Thank you!

Loyola Academy Giving Societies

Ignatius Circle

Named for St Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Ignatius Circle recognizes our most generous benefactors who make annual gift commitments of $50,000 or more

Xavier Circle

Named for St Francis Xavier, Ignatius Loyola's closest companion and great apostle to India and the Far East

Includes gifts of $25,000 to $49,999

Dumbach Circle

Named for Loyola Academy's founder, Rev Henry J Dumbach, SJ

Includes gifts of $15,000 to $24,999.

Humbert Circle

Named for Rev Robert G Humbert, SJ, who spent 35 years serving Loyola Academy as a teacher, coach, assistant principal, headmaster, and development and alumni officer

Includes gifts of $10,000 to $14,999

Legris Circle

Named for Rev Gerisime Pere Legris, SJ, who served as a teacher, counselor, day camp and alumni director, and chaplain Includes gifts of $5,000 to $9,999

President's Circle

Includes gifts from $2,500 to $4,999

Founder's Circle

Includes gifts from $1,250 ro $2,499

Principal's Circle

Includes gifts from $750 to $1,249.

Maroon and Gold Club

Includes gifts of $350 to $749

Rambler's Club

Includes gifts from $150 to $349.


Ignatius Circle

Mr andMrs DanielJ Close

Mr andMrs MarioJ Donato'82

Mr andMrs BrittonT Hayes

Mr andMrs SeanLannan

Mr andMrs NicholasRobertson

Mr andMrs RobertJ Tierney'94

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Xavier Circle

Mr andMrs MichaelM Callahan'93


Mr andMrs PatW Fitzgerald

Mr andMrs ScottW Gunnison

Dr JoshuaA HoppsandDr AminaAhmed

Mr andMrs HomerJ LivingstonIII'85

Mr JohnF McDonaghIIIand

Ms KarenS SauderMcDonagh

Mr andMrs WilliamV McMenamin'77

Mr andMrs DouglasRupert

Mr andMrs GeorgeE Sargent'88

Mr andMrs PatrickG Shea'83

Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi'64

Dumbach Cirlce


Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas'81

Mr andMrs RyanBradley

Mr andMrs RobertW Burnetter

Mr andMrs SeanL Cunningham'93

Mr andMrs TomR Demery

Mr andMrs MikeT Joyce

Mr andMrs PaulJust

Mr andMrs SvenKins

Mr andMrs EdLoeb

Mr SethMartinandMs JeanneKelso

Mr andMrs IainC McKinney

Mr andMrs MichaelL Nelson

Mr andMrs RobertF O'KeefJr

Mr andMrs LukeJ Petherbridge

Mr andMrs MichaelRobson

Mr andMrs RichardW Smirl

Mr andMrs LawrenceThuet

Mr andMrs ThomasP Zidar

Mr andMrs MatthewM Zimmer

Humbert Circle

Mr andMrs JosephC ArnoldJr

Mr andMrs RobertBielinski'84

Mr andMrs TomBoylen

Mr JohnBrady

Mr andMrs NicholasS Christopher

Dr andDr NikosG Christopoulos

Mr andMrs ThomasP DanisJr

Mr andMrs GaryM Delaney

Mr andMrs ShawnA Edwards'84

Mr andMrs TylerE Ginn

Mr andMrs AndrewC Goldberg'85

Mr andMrs JohnF Gregorio

Mr andMrs WilliamHardin

Mr andMrs PeterHendrick

Mr andMrs DavidE Kawala

Mr andMrs KevinR Lynch

Mr andMrs JohnJ McNeil

Mr andMrs WarrenMula

Mr andMrs RaymondM MurrayIII'89

Mr andMrs WayneNormanJr

Mr andMrs MichaelA Rucker

Mr TempelJ SmithJr '68

Mr andMrs JosephT TalangesJr

Mr andMrs PatrickWoodPrince

Legris Circle

Mr andMrs StetsonF Atwood

Mr andMrs MatthewM Bonanno

Mr andMrs DavidJ BurdenSr '88

Mr andMrs BrendanF Carroll

Mr andMrs DanielG Daul

Mr andMrs JamesDavis

Mr andMrs MarkJ Degnen

Mr andMrs DanielDelany

Mr andMrs MatthewR Devine'85

Mr andMrs JosephE Dimberio

Mr andMrs KevinDougherty

Mr WilliamD Drehkoff'93and Ms KatherineProtextor

Mr JohnW Fitzgerald'84and

Mrs AgneseStrautniece

Mr andMrs BrianS FlanaganSr '91

Mr andMrs ErikFoster

Mr andMrs TimmothyJ Fowler'94

Mr andMrs KharyD Gibbs

Mr andMrs DavidM Gonnella

Mr PaulB Hartand Mrs StephanieNashHart

Mr andMrs ReidJ Hill

Mr andMrs JamesM Hoey

Mr andMrs ScottHumphrey

Dr Eun-KyuKohand Rev KaariM Reierson

Mr andMrs BillW Krug

Mr andMrs GeorgeZ Lalich'93

Mr andMrs EugeneJ Leone

Dr andMrs BenjaminA LoGiudice

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr andMrs MattMacpherson

Mr andMrs MichaelD McDermott

Mr MarkA Meccia'88and

Ms LiisaA Bayko

Mr andMrs WilliamMitchell

Mr andMrs JamesD Morgan

Mr andMrs CraigM Payne

Mr andMrs RossT Perrnotte

Mr andMrs BrianJ Pieracci

Mr andMrs JamesA Placio

Mr ChrisR Prawdzikand

Mrs AbbyL Bried-Prawzdik

Mr andMrs AnthonyPricco

Mr PeterL SchaeferRIPand Mrs JulieL Schaefer

Mr andMrs KraigP Schario

Mr ScottA Strongand

Ms MoniqueM Pieron-Strong

Ms ShannonTuransick

Mr andMrs ThomasA Unger'82

Mr andMrs JamesP Walsh'79

President's Circle

Mr andMrs PaulA Ainsworth

Mr andMrs FrancescoAnemone

Mr andMrs StanleyS Awdisho

Ms DianaBarr

Mr andMrs GarrickW Beil'92

Mr andMrs SteveBichard

Mr andMrs JamesM Burke

Mr andMrs MichaelS Carlin'80 Dr GeorgeT Chiampas'89and Dr LoriChiampas

Mr andMrs ArthurB CollinsIII

Mr andMrs BrianL Collins'86

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Craddock'92

Mr andMrs JeffreyP Devron

Mr andMrs MatthewX Engles'85

Mr andMrs RobertJ FlanneryJr

Mr ChristopherW Gardner'80and Ms EileenMcCarthy

Mr andMrs KevinJ K Glen

Mr andMrs ChrisK Hatzopoulos'93

Mr andMrs FrankE Hayden

Mr CharlesW Heintzand

Ms ErinK Melley

Mr andMrs ChristopherW Helt,Esq'86

Mr andMrs JohnC HittJr '83

Mr andMrs ThomasC Hjorth

Dr andMrs PeterHoepfner

Mr DavidA Hughesand Dr ThereseK Hughes

Mr andMrs PatrickF Hughes

Mr andMrs JeffL Jozwiak

Mr andMrs JosephM Kariotis

Mr andMrs DanM Kavanaugh

Lt Col WilliamB Kelly,USA'81RIPand

Ms SusanM Kelly

Ms KimberlyKirincic

Mr andMrs KevinA Krakora'85

Mr andMrs JamesKurtzweil

Mr andMrs JohnM LaffertyJr '93

Mr andMrs KennethL LangstonSr

Mr andMrs BryanLocke

Mr andMrs GeraldJ MalloySr

Mr andMrs JamesMatejka

Mr andMrs WilliamK McGowan


Mr andMrs SeanD McManamy

Mr andMrs JohnP Mullen

Mr andMrs JustinMyers


Mr andMrs DavidM Neenan

Mr andMrs JohnD Nimesheim'91

Mr andMrs MichaelG Nolan

Mr andMrs JamesB Novy'88

Mr andMrs JamesOrth

Dr andMrs JamesJ Philips

Mr andMrs JohnJ PikarskiJr '84

Mr andMrs MichaelL Regan'92

Mr andMrs AndrewS Retelny

Mr andMrs JohnRushin

Mr andMrs RobertN Ryan'94

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Rycek

Mr andMrs RobertA Schultz

Mr andMrs DavidM Schuppan

Mr andMrs MichaelR Snyders

Mr andMrs JamesP Sohigian

Mr andMrs MatthewSomers

Mr andMrs AndrewJ Soucheray

Mr andMrs ZaneSterrett

Mr andMrs ChristopherT Tarzon

Mr andMrs GeorgeB Trapp

Mr andMrs NicholasVagra

Mr andMrs TylerS Vradenburg

Mr andMrs JosephV WalkerIV

Mr andMrs ThomasE Whelan

Mr RobertWild'79and

Ms LisaL Donofrio

Mr andMrs BryanJ Wilson

Mr andMrs DeanM Wisler

Mr andMrs KevinWolfberg

Founder's Circle

Mr andMrs EricM Anderson

Mr andMrs PhilipJ Andrew'85

Mr andMrs PeterC Anthony'84

Mr andMrs RichardC Baker

Mr andMrs StephenA Beard

Mr andMrs JasonBerne

Mr andMrs ThomasM Blunk

Mr andMrs BrianW Braasch'90

Mr andMrs MichaelL Braasch'92

Mr andMrs BrianJ Bradley

Mr andMrs ThomasD Bransfield

Mr andMrs MarkM Burden'85

Dr andMrs FrancoM Campanella

Mr andMrs DavidCarrigan

Mr andMrs WilliamP ClarkeJr

Mr andMrs KevinT Coleman'84

Mr andMrs ChristopherT Collins'92

Mr andMrs J MichaelCollins

Mr MarcP Collinsand

Dr MadelineA Collins

Mr StevenM Converyand

Mrs LupitaCardiel

Mr andMrs ChristopherG Cummins

Mr andMrs JamesW Damsma

Mr JasonDanieland

Mrs JanetM Hayes

Mr andMrs MichaelA Dennis

Mr AnthonyP Diblik'86and

Mrs JudithR Dever

Ms DeniseDitka

Mr andMrs DanielJ Dunn'93

Mr andMrs MichaelE Evans

Mr andMrs ChristopherD Farr

Ms MauraF Farrell

Mr andMrs JeffreyD Flakus'87

M andMrs ChristopherFraterrigo

Mr andMrs AndrewA Friestedt

Mr andMrs AndreT Garcia

Mr andMrs RodgerL GardyJr

Mr MichaelR Gervasio'87and

Dr JenniferE Gervasio

TheDrs Govoni

Mr RobGuttschowand

Mrs JoyVallesterol-GuttschowLdM'88

Mr andMrs L TimothyT Halleron

Mr DavidE Haracz'79and

Ms MaryS Dolan

Mr andMrs PaulA Hayes

Mr andMrs DavidS Heng

Mr andMrs DanielQ Herbert'86

Mr andMrs DavidN HiattSr

Mr andMrs PaulD Hickman

Mr andMrs JohnE HoganE'83

Mr andMrs JosephHoltgreive

Ms ColleenJones

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 46

Mr DavidE Jones

Mr andMrs GeorgeF KastenIII

Mr andMrs RichardJ KeatingJr

Mr andMrs ThomasN King

Mr GregS Kniffinand

Mrs KathyA Trevino-Kniffin

Mr andMrs BrandonKolaski

Mr andMrs RaymondA Kracik

Mr andMrs JosephJ Kraft

Ms BridgetL Lamb

Mr andMrs PeterK Larsen'83

Mr andMrs GerardS LeiderJr '90

Mr andMrs ThomasM LeinenweberSr

Mr RyanLibeland

Ms KellyMulachy-Libel

Mr andMrs PaulJ Lisowski'94

Mr andMrs RobLoftus

Mr andMrs StephenJ LombardoIII

Mr andMrs JosephM Magliochetti

Mr andMrs ThomasG McBreen'92

Mr andMrs ThomasMcCauley'85

Mr andMrs MichaelA McGuire

Mr andMrs ThomasJ McHughJr '85

Mr andMrs ChristopherL Menconi

Mr andDr MylesX Mendoza

Ms MaureenA Miller

Mr andMrs JimJ Mitchell

Mr MarkL NafeandMs SilviaVettese

Ms MichelleNakfoor

Mr ChristopherM Novy'87

Mr andMrs PaulJ O'Brien

Mr andMrs RichardK O'Dwyer'86

Mr andMrs ErikD Ojala

Mr andMrs MarkPawlowski

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Prassas'86

Mr andMrs DavidS Quackenbush

Mr ToddRickettsand

Mrs SylvieLegere

Mr andMrs ChristopherA Schallmo

Mr ArnoldJ Schmidtand

Dr ValerieA Schmidt

Mr MarkD Schwitzenbergand

Mrs WendyK Reitz

Mr andMrs MohanSelveraj

Mr andMrs JonathanM Skelly

Mr andMrs ChristopherA Smyth

Mr andMrs WilliamS SteeleIII

Dr ChristianG Stevoffand

Dr AnnStevoff

Mr andMrs JosephF Sullivan'82

Mr andMrs MichaelA Summerford

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Svets

Mr andMrs ScottJ Szafraniec'97

Mr andMrs AllenM Tibshrany

Mr JasonVanDienand

Mrs JamilaMartinez-VanDien

Mr andMrs MarkG Vanecko'85

Mr andMrs JohnVasilj'91

Mr andMrs GabrielG Vehovsky

Mr andMrs ChristianWalsh

Mr andMrs JohnP WrennJr

Mr andMrs ThomasA ZipprichJr '90

Principal's Circle


Mr andMrs MatthewAlshouse

Mr andMrs DanielJ Baker

Mr andMrs DavidP Blanchard

Mr andMrs RobertBlazejowski

Mr andMrs LeeBoyce

Dr andMrs JamesH Brooks

Mr andMrs JuanC Cabrales

Mr andMrs JohnV CarrettaJr

Mr andMrs FrancisCarroll

Mr andMrs JamesA Casey

Mr andMrs JosephJ Chekouras,Esq

Mr andMrs PeterZ Clifford

Mr andMrs TheodoreH CominosJr

Mr andMrs MarkConcannon

Mr JohnDerwent

Mr RobertM Desherow'93and

Mrs DanielleL DesherowLdM'93

Mr DavidE Detlefsen'94and

Mrs NancyJ DetlefsenLdM'93

Mr andMrs JayDettling

Mr andMrs FredericD Donnelly

Ms AlysonDorfman

Mr andMrs ThomasE Drake

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Drehkoff'95

Mr and Mrs Michael W Drew

Mr Mark A Ehlert

Mr and Mrs Lucas Erickson

Mr ad Mrs Larkin S Flanagan '86

Mr and Mrs John J Gatti '84

Mr and Mrs Andrew Golden

Mr and Mrs Michael P Golden

Mr and Mrs Edward Harker Jr

Mr Christopher Hotaling and Mrs Keri Holleb Hotaling

Mrs and Mrs Benedict Hussmann

Mr and Mrs Michael J Inzitari III

Mr and Mrs Chris Irwin and Mrs Karen Stroble

Mr and Mrs K Michael Kane '86

Mr and Mrs Bryan D Kirkland

Mr and Mrs Michael P Kyle Sr '87

Mr and Mrs Anthony D Leung

Mr and Mrs Michael R Leddon

Mr ad Mrs Grant J Leech

Mr and Mrs Matthew B Letson

Mr and Mrs Michael J Maher

Mr and Mrs Michael L Manelis

Mr and Mrs Ryan W McCain

Mr and Mrs Charles A McCartney Mr and Mrs Patrick McCurry

Mr and Mrs John P McGarrity

Mr and Mrs John M McNaughton '85

Mr and Mrs Edmund Meadows

Mr and Mrs Robert Miller

Mr and Mrs Matthew T Mitchell '94

Mr and Mrs Alan Mocny

Mr and Mrs Brendan A O'Donnell Mr Hugh M O'Donnell '94 and Dr Eden Olson

Mr and Mrs Kevin O'Hara

Danny and Jennifer O'Shaughnessy

Mr and Mrs George N Panagakis

Dr Jim Park and Dr Jennifer Kim Mr and Mrs Harry A Pfaff Mr and Mrs Christopher H Pickering '85

Mr Matthew S Ponzi and Mrs Ann M Smith

Mr and Mrs Daniel R Powell '92 Mr ad Mrs Michael E Racine '88

Mr and Mrs Jefferey J Reichenbach '87

Mr and Mrs Paul D Roche Jr Mr and Mrs Joseph Romano

Mr and Mrs John B Sadler III '83

Mr and Mrs Anthony Scattone

Mr and Mrs John H Scheid Jr '86 Mr and Mrs Bradley J Schotanus '86

Dr and Mrs Stephen J Schrantz Jr

Mr John D Silk and Mrs Alison D Silk LdM '88 Mr and Mrs Joseph C Simpson Mr and Mrs Andrew T Soong Mr and Mrs Peter Sperling Mr Richard Susanto and Mrs Carolina Thaulad Mr and Mrs Christopher P Swider Mr and Mrs Jon Talty

Mr Vissotara Tiv and Mrs Margaret Ng Mr and Mrs Jefferey S Ulmer Mr and Mrs William A Uruba '82 Mr and Mrs Jared Velaseco Mr and Mrs John T Wannemacher Mr and Mrs James J White Sr

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr SamuelAbbasiand Mrs JohannaMorlock-Abbasi

Mr andMrs KirkAhlfors

Mr andMrs StevenM Bachert

Mr andMrs AntonioM Baio

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Bartholomew Mr DonaldJ BenderyJr and Mrs MariaS BenderyLdM'91

Mr andMrs PatrickBennett

Mr andMrs RobertJ Benvenuto Mr andMrs NathanT Beu

Mr JohnA Boneand Dr RebeccaMalik

Mr andMrs WilliamA Borders Mr andMrs JeffreyF Boyd Mrs SusanN Brady

Mr andMrs JimP Breen

Mr andMrs RobertBreen Mr andMrs Jose-LuisBretones

Mr andMrs CharlesBrier Mr andMrs GerardC Buchanan Mr andMrs KevinW Burke'85

Mr and Mrs Timothy M Burke '91

Mr and Mrs Juan C Cabrales

Mr and Mrs Cyle Cantrell

Mr and Mrs Andrew Chruszczyk

Mr and Ms Charles M Clark Mr and Mrs Patrick E Clifford '93

Mr and Mrs Kevin J Coleman '90

Mr and Mrs Paul Colino

Mr and Mrs Steven D Collins

Mr and Mrs Morgan T Conlon

Mr and Mrs Kevin P Connelly

Ms Carroll A Conway

Mr and Mrs Francis I Corrigan

Mr and Mrs Todd Cowen

Mr Jeffrey Davis and Mrs Patricia Nedved

Mr and Ms Aaron B Deer

Mr and Mrs David A Dempsey '82

Mr and Mrs Lorenzo DiVito Mr and Mrs Benjamin Dooley Mr and Mrs Michael E Dorgan Mr and Mrs Andreas Duenkel Mr and Mrs Michael S Dukes Mr and Mrs Todd J Ehlman Mr and Mrs Andrew J Engels '88 Mr and Mrs Anton K Fernando '87 Mr and Mrs John P Fiore Mr and Mrs Michael A Fitzgerald Mr and Mrs Brendan J Fitzsimmons Mr and Mrs Joseph M Freda Mr and Mrs David N Fritzsche '88 Mr and Mrs Marc C Garrison Mr and Mrs Erick Grahn

Mr and Mrs Michael M Gombac Dr and Mrs Miguel G Gonzalez Mr Douglas S Gourley

Mr and Mrs John C Graham Mr and Mrs Erick Grahn Mr and Mrs Jim Grammas Mr and Mrs Timothy J Grant Mr and Mrs Marcus L Gratama Mr and Mrs Colin J Gubbins Mr and Mrs Frank Guerrero Mr and Mrs James G Hagedorn '86 Mrs and Kellie R Halkitis Mr Michael Halkitis

Ms Kim R Hawkinson Mr and Mrs James F Haynie Jr Mr and Mrs William Heppner Ms Colleen Hogg Mr and Mrs Michael E Hogg '88 Mr and Mrs John I Holton Mr and Mrs Patrick T Izzo Mr and Mrs Marcus Jackson Mr Tom A Jefson and Dr Kathy Z Jefson '96 Mr and Mrs William Johnson Dr and Mrs Judy Joseph Mr and Mrs Michael J Kadlec '88 Dr and Mrs David M Kalainov Mr and Mrs Joseph S Kearney III '85 Mr and Mrs Randall C Kelly Mr and Mrs Michael T S Kennedy '87 Mr and Mrs John V Kerrigan Mr and Mrs Kevin P Kessler '85 Mr and Mrs Kevin C Kilmer '87 Mr and Mrs Michael C King '94 Mr and Mrs Richard Kirkendall Mr and Mrs Ken Koehler Mr and Mrs Jonathan A Kolssak Mr and Mrs Richard L Kosmerl Mr Jeremy Langford and Ms Elizabeth Collier

Dr and Mrs John A LaVaccare '84

Mr and Mrs Scott M Leadbetter

Mr Mark M Licudine '97 and Ms Theresa R Malvar '97

Mr and Mrs Fred T Lundgren

Mr and Ms John P Lynch

Mr and Mrs Mike D Mackie Mr and Mrs Patrick C Magner '89

Mr and Mrs Radim Mandel

Mr and Mrs Jeffrey J Markee

Mr Joel E Markiewicz '85

Mr and Mrs Michael P McCarthy '85 Mr and Mrs Daryl J McNabb

Mr and Mrs Mark M McKinley

Mr and Mrs Neil G Mesch Ms Elyse Mitchell

Mr and Mrs Mark C Murnane '85 Mr and Mrs Joseph Nevins

Phil Nieman and Family

Mr and Mrs George J Nikas

Mr and Mrs Richard L Noble

Mr and Mrs Gregory B Nold

Mr and Mrs Christopher P O'Brien

Mr Timothy D O'Brien '84 RIP and Ms Aimee M Meccia O'Brien

Mr and Mrs Michael O'Connor

Mr and Mrs Arthur B Oliver

Mr and Mrs Bayo Oluwole

Mr and Mrs James M Otte

Mr Shawn Patrick and Mrs Vicky Hernandez-Patrick

Mr and Mrs Michael J Powers '88

Mr and Mrs Frederick J Proesel '78

Mr and Mrs Patrick T Purdy Jr '86

Mr John R Quigley and Ms Julie A Cutler

Mr and Mrs Gordon G Repp

Mr and Mrs William P Roberts

Mr and Mrs Benedict P Rocchio

Mr and Mrs Jeffrey T Rogers

Mr and Mrs Patrick T Ronan

Mr and Mrs Mike C Ryan

Mr and Mrs Lee D Sachs

Mr and Mrs Lesley J Seitzinger '88

Mr Darren R Semple and Mrs Debra D Semple LdM '90

Mr and Mrs David J Servatius '87

Mr Peter K Shagory

Mrs Sheri A Shagory

Mr and Mrs Douglas R Sharfstein

Mr Seiji M Shinozaki and Mrs Leticia Guerra-Shinozaki

Mr and Mrs Vincent C Smith

Mr and Mrs W Brennan Smith Jr

Mr and Mrs Thomas J Spalla

Mr and Mrs Eric Tarasievich

Dr and Mrs Michael T Tarjan '90

Mr and Ms Evan Terry

Mr and Mrs Dennis E Tisdale

Ms Kathleen D Tobin

Mr Michael Turansick

Mr and Mrs Frank M Vance

Mr Nikolay Vasko and Ms Daria Vasko Mr Gil D Villacarlos '94 and Mrs Harumi Horibe

Rambler's Club

Mr MahderO Agdubaiand Mrs MesganaWoldeyesus

Mr andMrs JohnP Alfano Mr andMrs FabriceAncel Mr andMrs BryanAnderson Mr EmmanuelC Arciniegaand Mrs MaribelSanchez

Mr JosephE Auer'83and Ms KathleenG Kelly

Mr JamesAustinand Ms AmyLofstrom

Mr andMrs PatrickE Baele

Mr VictorM Bahezaand Ms LynetteKelecich

Mr andMrs VictorA Balata'86

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Balcsik

Mr andMrs KevinBaltazar

Mr andMrs MartinBanaszekJr

Mr andMrs JerryBarone

Mr BernardT Bartiladand Mr MichaelT Herman

Mr andMrs ScottP Baum

Dr andMrs AlfonsoE Bello Ms DanaBenjamin

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Berti

Dr PatrickM Birminghamand Dr SarahA Birmingham

Mr andMrs CraigBlazer

Mr andMrs AndrewD Bleser

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Bobay

Mr andMrs JamesP Boyle'81

Mr andMrs KevinL Brady

Mr andMrs RobertH Brennan

Mr andMrs FrancisW Briody'85

Mr andMrs TimothyE Brooke

Mr andMrs JohnBruckner

Mr andMrs ChrisBrunger

Mr andMrs ColinL Bunn

Mr StephenBurkeand Dr ShannonBurke

Mrs PeggyN Butler'95

Mr andMrs MichaelG Byrd Mr andMrs T P Byrnes'92

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 47

Mr andMrs JamesD CampbellIII

Mr JosephS Capitani'79RIPand

Mrs MaryCapitani

Mr andMrs DougB Carlson

Mr andMrs BrianCarroll'91

Mr andMrs MichaelCassady

Mr andMrs JohnT Cassidy'93

Mr EinsteinF Chamorro

Mr MichaelChernik

Mr PatrickJ Christian'93and

Ms AnnetteKaszubski

Mr JohnC Colemanand

Mr FrankBruno

Mr andMrs SeanConnolly

Mr andMrs ThomasM Considine

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Cotter'75

Mr andMrs PhillipA Couri'87

Mr andMrs RobertCox

Mr AntonioD Crosbyand

Mrs SarahHorwick

Mrs JuanaA Cruz-Manzanares

Ms MariaD Cuecha

Mr andMrs JamesR Curry

Mr andMrs AngeloCutro

Mr AdamCzyzewskiand

Mrs JolantaCzyzewska

Mr andMrs ToninoE D'Ascenzo

Mr andMrs KevinH Delaney

Mr andMrs PeterC Devine'90

Mr MattS Ditka

Mr andMrs MarioP DiVito

Mr andMrs JamesW Dominik

Mr andMrs EdwinR DooleySr '85

Mr StefanDoroszkiewiczand

Ms DonnaSibiga

Mr andMrs PeterDrossos

Dr andMrs GlynnJ ElliottIII'85

Mr KevinElliottand

Ms LuciaLacombe

Mr andMrs MichaelA Emerson

Mr andMrs RobEtheridge

Mr andMrs ThomasF Fallon

Mr andMrs MarkE Flechsig

Mr andMrs AnthonyA Folino

Ms NazcaFontes

Mr andMrs SeanForde

Mr andMrs AndyForster

Mrs CendyFuentes

Mr andMrs BrianM Garrity

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Gombas

Dr andMrs ChristopherGonzalez

Dr andMrs MarkH Gonzalez

Mr andMrs AndrewGoodrich

Mr andMrs WilliamM GrahamJr

Mr MarkT Gryland

Ms MargaretJ Tavormina

Mr andMrs BrianM Gundlach

Ms NicoleS Hajdu-D'Onofrio

Mr andMrs ChadR Hammerl

Mr andMrs KevinM Hand

Mr andMrs JosephHartnett

Mr BrianM Hayes'88and

Mrs KathyS HayesLdM'88

Mr andMrs PeterT Heneghan

Mr andMrs GregoryHerigodt

Mr andMrs GeraldT Hoffman

Mr andMrs AndreasG Hogue

Mr andMrs BrianHolcomb

Mr BrettHoustonand

Ms TishM BorkowskiHouston

Mr andMrs RicardoIbarra

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Isaacson

Mr andMrs ZahedJavan

Ms SharonIza

Ms LauraM Jay

Mr andMrs MarcoA Jimenez

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Juozaitis

Mr andMrs JohnA JurcenkoJr

Mr andMrs BrianP Kane

Mr andMrs DanielH Keenan

Mr andMrs BrendanJ Kelly

Mr andMrs MichaelT Kennedy

Dr AjitK Kesani

Mr RumenI Kondevand

Mrs StoyankaT Kondeva

Mr andMrs PeterKotz

Mr andMrs DanielR Koulianos

Mr andMrs RichardJ Kubiak

Mr andMrs JamesA Kunitzer

Mr andMrs JohnT LaFramboise

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Lattanzio

Mr andMrs JamesS Levi

Mr andMrs DavidLewis

Mr andMrs ThomasC Lindstrom'86

Mr andMrs WilliamP Litgen'97

Mr andMrs JaredA Locke

Mr andMrs RobertG LohmanIII

Mr andMrs ToddA Lovcik

Mr andMrs MarkM Lyman'77

Mr andMrs SeanE Lyons

Mr DavidM MacAskilland

Dr TundiM FrankMacAskillLdM'80

Mr andMrs JamesP Mackey

Mr andMrs MichaelA Mackin'90

Mr andMrs PeterJ Marino

Mr MichaelMark

Mrs MichelleMarkiewicz

Mr andMrs JohnD McBrearty

Mr andMrs WilliamT McCormick

Mr andMrs PatrickM McEneely'92

Mr andMrs MichaelJ McGovern

Ms KateE McGrath

Mr andMrs PatrickJ McKenna

Mr andMrs TimothyL McKenna

Mr andMrs KevinT McLean

Mr andMrs MatthewI McShane

Mr andMrs JonMejdrich

Mr andMrs BrockF Merck'88

Mr andMrs StephenM Michalak'93

Mr JohnC Miedema

Mr andMrs JohnMinyard

Mr andMrs RobertMroczowski

Mr andMrs ChristopherA Murphy

Mr andMrs BryanNaraky

Ms IvetteNarvaez

Mr JosephNebolskydeOchoaand Mrs CathyDemetropoulos

Mr andMrs JosephJ Needham'89

Mr andMrs MichaelA Odiotti'92

Mr andMrs KevinB O'Donnell'86

Ms AmaliaOlan

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Parker

Mr andMrs DouglasP Pasma

Mr andMrs MoonW Passino

Mr andMrs CarlosPerez

Mr andMrs DavidPlier

Mr andMrs DavidQuinn

Mr andMrs PatrickO Quinn

Mr andMrs MarkL Radtke

Dr LeonardM Randazzo

Mr andMrs ThomasA ReardonIII'91

Mr andMrs PaulR Rempe

Mr andMrs CharlesRice

Mr andMrs ReneRivero

Mr andMrs DonovanRobinsonSr

Mr andMrs JeffreyR Rode'84

Mr andMrs DanC Rosenmayer

Mr andMrs DanielJ Russell

Mr andMrs JimmyD Samartzis'94

Mr andMrs PatrickB SanRoman'86

Mr andMrs StevenM SanRoman'90

Mr andMrs MitchSantiago

Mrs MonikaSawyer

Mr StevenW Sawyer Dr RobertA Scheidtand

Dr LauraM Haugh-Scheidt

Dr andMrs ToddC Schirmang'92

Mr andMrs RorySeider

Mr andMrs BuddyA SempleJr

Mr andMrs DrazenSentic

Ms YolandaSerrano

Mr andMrs TerrenceJ Sheahan

Mr andMrs BrianJ Sheehy

Mr andMrs ArmandoSilva

Mr andMrs JosephSimon

Mr andMrs BrianG Slowinski

Mr andMrs ScottK Smith

Mr andMrs ScottM Smith

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Soifer

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Southard

Mr CharlesK Stevens'85

Ms MoniqueStevens

Mr andMrs JamesJ Stevenson

Mr andMrs AnthonyJ Strzalka

Mr andMrs AaronStumpf

Mr andMrs StephenA Sullivan

Mr andMrs NazarSuschko

Mr andMrs MatthewK Swaim

Mr andMrs JohnTamas

Ms AngelaM Thomas

Mr andMrs PaulM Thomas'95

Mr andMrs StevenR Tonkinson

Mr andMrs ScottM Torrez

Mr andMrs JasonTrott

Mr andMrs DavidTwohig

Mr JorgeA Valdezand

Mrs VeronicaL Rodriguez

Mr JohnJ Vapenskyand Ms AimeeLeblanc Mr JasonJ Vedderand Mrs HeatherR Bolton

Mr andMrs AndrewWalberer

Mr Chri t h W lt Mr and Mr Joh Mrs Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Other Ms Do Ms Con Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Ms Am Dr and Ms Nan Ms J Mr and Mr and Mr and Ms Ma Mr and Mr and Mr and Mrs Am Mr and Mr And Ms M Mr and Mr Han Ms N Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Dr and Mr Edw Mrs Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr Dan Ms S Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr Rich Mrs Sa Mr Pet Mrs Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr and Mr Ma Mrs

Mr andMrs ThomasFiglioli

Mr andMrs StevenFischer

Mr andMrs MichaelW Fisher

Ms KellyFitzpatrick

Mr andMrs MarviFlores

Mr andMrs KennethD Fowler'89

Ms PaulaL Fusco

Mr MarionJ Gal

Mr andMrs JackGamboa

Mr MatthewJ Garofoliand Dr ErinM Garofoli

Mr andMrs MichaelGarrigus

Mr andMrs LuisA Garza

Mr andMrs JovanGavric

Mr andMrs JohnP Ginley'89

Mr andMrs JosephT Gleason'89

Ms HeidiR Goebel

Mr andMrs JorgeGonzalez

Mr andMrs GeorgeC Gooch

M dM M tth G d

Mr andMrs RaymondF McPartlin'91

Mr EusebioJ Mederosand Mrs MargaretE Moreira

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Melzl'91

Ms ReneeMichelon

Mr andMrs JoshuaMintzer

Mr andMrs JohnF Mitchell'77

Mrs EyaMlope

Mr andMrs MichaelK Moffitt

Mr ThomasA Molloy'86and Dr ShannonMolloy

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 48

Mr andMrs JohnMontaquila

Ms LauraA Moran

Mr andMrs SeanMurphy

Ms KathleenM Myalls

Mr andMrs JeremyJ Naselli'87

Mr andMrs EdwardX Nash

Mr andMrs ChrisJ Newton

Mr andMrs MarkE O'Donnell'89

Mr MatthewE Off

Mr DouglasO'Haraand

Ms KatharineBreen

Mr andMrs MichaelO'Neill

Mr andMrs DanielF O'Shea

Mr RobertOtis

Mrs SusanOtis

Mr andMrs DavidM Patchin

Mr andDr JesalPatelSr '93

Mr andMrs WilliamJ Pattison

Mr andMrs NikolaPejovic

Mr andMrs PabloL Petrozzi

Mr andMrs JeffF Pezza

Mr andMrs JasonC Pfeffer

Mr andMrs MartinE Phelps'78

Mr andMrs RobK Pike

Ms MaureenN Prusaitis

Ms LisaM Puck'82

Mr andMrs PaulPurcell

Mr andMrs ThomasN Rajkovich

Mr andMrs AnthonyM Randazzo'90

Mr andMrs TimothyB Richards

Mr andMrs ScottRickspoone

Mr andMrs DavidRiggs

Mr andMrs MichaelT Roche'93

Mr andMrs AlvaroRodriguez

Mr MarioRufinoandMs AnaGutierrez

Mr andMrs DavidJ Samaritano'95

Mr andMrs EmmanuelE Sambo

Mr andMrs RobertE SampeyJr

Mr andMrs ChristopherSavaiano

Mr andMrs JamesK Schauwecker'87

Mr andMrs AnthonyJ Schiavone

Mr andMrs ChristopherR Schurer'87

Mr andMrs DanielP Seeley

Mr andMrs KevinShaughnessy

Mr andDr TomJ Shea

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Sheedy

Mr andMrs MarcoJ Simonetti

Mr andMrs BernardJ SlaterJr

Ms MarvaSmith

Mr andMrs JeremyB Snyder

Mr RobertJ Snyderand

Mrs JenniferL SnyderLdM'90

Dr andMrs GeneR Solmos

Mr andMrs ToddR Southwell

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Spilotro

Mrs MarjorieSteadman

Mr andMrs JeffreyStein

Mr andMrs VladyslavStelmakov

Mr andMrs MikeJ Sullivan

Ms LaurenSummerhill

Mr MichaelJ Summerhill

Mr andMrs StuartL Swanson

Ms JenniferTengelsen

Mr andMrs DonaldE Thompson

Mr andMrs TimThompson

Mr andMrs JoseA Toledo

Mr andMrs MichaelS Tom

Mr andMrs JeffTournillon

Mr andMrs RobertM Trotman

Mr andMrs BrianP Tuminaro

Mr andMrs JavierF Ubarri

Mr andMrs MichaelB Ujiki

Mr andMrs DavorVasilj'91

Mr andMrs GusC Vasilopoulos

Mr OscarA Vazquezand

Mrs MariaD J Perez

Mr andMrs PeterJ Voss

Mr KaronWallace

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Weber'82

Mr JayWilliamsand

Dr GioiaHerring-Williams

Mr andMrs EndyD Zemenides'91

Mr andMrs ThomasP Zera'87

Mr andMrs ZdenkoZovko

Pledge Payments


Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas'81

Mr andMrs JeffreyF Boyd

Mr andMrs RyanBradley

Dr GeorgeT Chiampas'89and

Dr LoriChiampas

Mr andMrs DanielJ Close

Mr andMrs TheodoreH CominosJr

Mr andMrs MatthewR Devine'85

Mr AnthonyP Diblik'86and

Ms JudithR Dever

Mr andMrs MarioJ Donato'82

Mr WilliamD Drehkoff'93and

Ms KatherineProtextor

Mr MarkA Ehlert

Mr andMrs JohnG Flanagan'94

Dr JoshuaA Hoppsand

Dr AminaAhmed

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Kadlec'88

Mr andMrs MichaelC King'94

Mr andMrs ChristopherLister

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr andMrs ChristopherN Merrill

Mr andMrs MatthewT Mitchell'94

Mr andMrs DanielR Moll'94

Mr andMrs JohnP Murphy'94

Mr andMrs DavidM Neenan

Mr andMrs JohnD Nimesheim'91

Mr andMrs BrendanA O'Donnell

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Prassas'86

Ms ElizabethPrior

Mr andMrs MichaelE Racine'88

Mr andMrs MichaelA Rucker

Mr andMrs KraigP Schario

Dr andMrs ToddC Schirmang'92

Mr andMrs LesleyJ Seitzinger'88

Mr andMrs PatrickG Shea'83

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Spalla

Mr UiJunSukandMs HeeK Lee

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Svets

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Mr andMrs ChristianWalsh

Mr andMrs JamesP Walsh'79

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 49


Class of1937

Class Participation 10.0%

Legris Circle

Dr RobertA EsserRIP

Rambler's Club

Mr LarryDonoghue

Class of 1944

Class Participation 4.0%

Other Donors

Mr LouisJ Desmet

Class of1946

Class Participation 5.3%

Founder's Circle

Mr LouisA LehrJr

Rambler's Club

Dr ThomasA McDermott

Class of 1947

Class Participation 18.0%

Legris Circle

Mr RichardH VlerickRIP

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JohnA Hafner

Mr JamesF Shannon

Rambler's Club

Mr LouisJ GlunzIII

Mr ThomasG Schleiter

Dr JohnA Striebel

Other Donors

Mr MichaelP WrennRIP

Class of 1948

Class Participation 4.9%

Humbert Circle

Mr EdwinL RyanJr

President's Circle

Mr RaymondBerryJr

Class of 1949 Class Participation 13.6%

Legris Circle

Mr RobertL BernerJr RIP

Mr ThomasE CaesteckerRIP

President's Circle

Mr HaroldG Buell

Principal's Circle

Mr FrankA ConnollyJr

Rambler's Club

Mr MichaelJ McNulty

Other Donors

Mr CushmanB BissellJr

Mr LeonardF B ReedJr

Pledge Payments

RobertL BernerJr RIP

Class of 1950

Class Participation 8.3%

Rambler's Club

Dr ThomasF Budinger

Dr FrankJ Seidl

Other Donors

Mr JamesA Bernhart

Mr CharlesM CollinsJr

Mr JamesM DalyII

Class of 1951

Class Participation 14.7%

Dumbach Circle

Mr JosephS KearneyJr RIP

President's Circle

Mr RichardJ MizernyRIP

Founder's Circle

Mr JamesJ Schumann

Maroon and Gold Club

Dr JamesM Killian

Mr JohnC PinterJr

Mr RonaldM Pontius

Rambler's Club

Mr JohnB Barranco

Mr JeromeN Groark

Mr StuartC Harvey

Mr GerardC Hillsman

Mr B MichaelPallasch

Pledge Payments

Mr JeromeR Prassas

Class of 1952

Class Participation 16 4%

Xavier Circle

Mr ThomasP O'Malley

Founder's Circle

Mr HaroldR Lifvendahl

Principal's Circle

Mr PhilipO WhiteJr

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr LeoP Finn

Rambler's Club

Dr WarrenW FureyIII

Mr TheodoreP Kral

Mr DennisJ Price Mr JamesT Revord

Other Donors

Mr JamesH Ferguson Mr JohnJ McHughRIP

Class of 1953

Class Participation 14.8%

Principal's Circle

Mr JamesJ O'SullivanJr

Maroon and Gold Club

Adm RobertB Abele,USN(Ret)

Mr RonaldA Carr

Mr JosephA RiceIII

Rambler's Club

Mr GeorgeJ DramisJr

Mr EugeneD Feit Dr EarlJ Freise Col JohnW Peters

Mr LambertJ VonBank

Other Donors

Mr JamesA Bailey Mr PeterF Gamber Mr RichardH Whelan

Class of 1954

Class Participation 21.0%

Ignatius Circle

Mr JohnD NorcrossRIP

Humbert Circle Mr KurtF Lang Mr RobertP PerkausJr

Principal's Circle

Mr JohnE OwensJr

Mr WilliamJ Rooney

Mr JamesR Seeberg Dr EugeneP Sinclair

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr CharlesF Caufield

Mr JeromeL Duffy

Mr LawrenceF Loughlin,USA(Ret)

Mr TimothyJ MurtaughIII

Rev RobertH Oldershaw

Mr WalterA Ovaert

Mr PhilipG Prassas

Mr JohnF SmithIII

Mr ThomasF Strubbe Mr PeterJ WrennRIP

Other Donors

Mr SamuelT Cowling

Mr AlbertJ Glueckert

Mr J PeterIrmiterRIP

Mr KennethR JansenRIP

Mr WilliamJ O'BrienJr RIP

Mr HughP Plunkett

Mr JohnC Schaffer

Mr JamesF Walsh

Mr RobertE Ward

Class of 1955

Class Participation 9.7%

Humbert Circle

Mr F QuinnStepanSr

President's Circle Mr WilliamM PlanteRIP

Founder's Circle

Mr FrankJ HoganRIP

Mr JohnT Nugent

Principal's Circle Mr JohnT Dempsey

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JohnF Littau

Mr DennisJ McDermott Mr JohnM O'Brien Mr JohnJ Sheridan

Other Donors

Mr TimothyJ CaseyJr RIP Mr DavidS Mann

Class of 1956

Class Participation 31.9%

Dumbach Circle Mr WilliamF Dooley

Humbert Circle Mr JamesS HoganSr Mr JohnF O'Keefe

Legris Circle

Mr FrancisW Dempsey

President's Circle Mr ThomasE Kneafsey Mr EdwardJ McAdamsIII

Founder's Circle Mr ThomasJ CavanaghRIP

Principal's Circle Mr BruceR DeMaeyer Mr ThomasF MullaneyJr

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JamesAllanIII Mr JamesH CroninJr

Mr EdwardA Kennedy Mr ThomasA Kloempken Mr RobertJ Stankiewicz Dr ThomasS Stevens Mr JamesE Sullivan

Rambler's Club Mr JohnH Arndt Mr CharlesJ Cerniglia Dr JohnR Durburg Mr A MichaelKakuska

Mr EdwardT KennedyIII Mr WilliamL LameyJr Mr RichardP Merrill Mr KennethM Mizerny Mr PatrickA MurphyRIP Mr JeromeC Neyer

Mr C B O'Carroll

Mr RobertJ Savard

Other Donors

Hon MichaelI Brady Mr WilliamA BuescherIII Mr JamesT Ferrini

Mr JohnR Fitzpatrick

Rev ThomasP Henehan,MMRIP Mr JohnD Hopkins Mr M J Leider Mr RonaldA Malik Mr HughA Sweeney

Class of 1957

Class Participation 15.7%

Ignatius Circle

Mr WilliamA McIntosh

President's Circle Mr ThomasJ O'Keefe

Principal's Circle Mr DavidR Bryant Mr PatrickJ Kearney Mr LouisH Scherb

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JohnJ Garvey

Mr VincentD VinciSr

Col JohnD Weides,USMC(Ret)

Rambler's Club

Dr EdwardM Colbach

Mr MoseJ Glynn

Dr WilliamF Hug

Mr FredericW Mueller

Mr MichaelT Wiegand

Other Donors

Mr RichardF Geimer Mr TimothyJ Groark Mr DenisJ Owens

Pledge Payments

Mr PatrickJ Kearney Mr WilliamA McIntosh

Class of 1958

Class Participation 14.4%

Legris Circle

Mr P WayneZiebell

President's Circle

Mr WilliamH Kelly

Founder's Circle

Mr AntonR Iberle

Mr GerardA Swick

Principal's Circle

Dr ThomasS Dina Mr JohnE Grimes

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JosephB GlunzSr

Mr MichaelA Hanlon

Dr JohnJ Kottra

Mr RaymondA Mitchell

Rambler's Club

Mr WilbertF Crowley Mr RobertJ Isbell

Dr KennethA Potocki Mr JeffreyR Vertenten Mr WilliamC Weinsheimer

Other Donors

Dr ArthurJ Becker Mr SheldonH Moore Mr DennisC Mullen Dr F B Nahser

Class of 1959 Class Participation 17.0%

Dumbach Circle


Founder's Circle

Mr HenryJ FeeleyJr Mr JosephA TolandJr

Principal's Circle

Mr RichardW Glueckert

Mr RichardJ Kenney

Mr JohnE McFadden

Maroon and Gold Club

Capt JamesA Biggins

Mr MichaelJ Brown

Mr MartinJ Harty

Mr JamesH Hughes Mr JohnA Stemwedel

Rambler's Club

Hon MichaelB Bolan Mr EdwardW FitzgeraldJr RIP

Mr PhilipJ Jones Mr LeonJ Pallasch

Other Donors

Mr RobertA Lloyd Mr BruceE Noble Dr RobertS Rohde Mr PeterShepherd

Pledge Payments

Mr JohnE Callahan

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 50

Class of 1960

Class Participation 17 0%

President's Circle

Mr TimothyJ Leahy

Mr CarlE MooreJr

Principal's Circle

Capt JamesS Baumstark,USN(Ret)

Mr CarlM Buss

Hon ArthurH Gross

Mr JosephC Lane

Rambler's Club

Mr GeorgeT Coleman

Mr ArthurB Collins

Mr RobertJ Dix

Mr EdwinR Dunn

Dr JohnH Gerding

Mr JohnE Maloney

Mr JohnD Mitchell

Dr RobertC Mueller,DDS

Mr MichaelM O'Brien

Mr DavidE Scholl

Mr F MichaelStockreiter

Dr ThomasJ Ward

Other Donors

Mr WilliamJ Braasch

Mr PatrickJ CallahanJr

Mr ThomasT HoskinsIII

Dr PatrickH Moorhead

Mr DominicF Sherony

Mr TerrenceJ Smith

Class of 1961

Class Participation 18.2%

Dumbach Circle

Mr JamesB Blacklidge

Legris Circle

Mr FrancisF Roti

President's Circle

Mr RobertW Tarjan

Principal's Circle

Mr RichardA Devine

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr RonaldV Berger

Dr MichaelJ Hogan

Mr LawrenceJ McPartlin

Mr WilliamR SullivanJr

Rambler's Club

Mr PaulM Drucker

Mr CharlesR Harrity

Mr AlanR Mutke

Mr RobertA Schultz

Dr JohnL Wilhelm

Other Donors

Mr MichaelJ Conerty

Mr LamontCordova

Mr M M Cramer

Mr ThomasE Fitzgerald

Mr EugeneF Frantz

Dr PatrickC Gibbons

Mr DennisJ GlynnRIP

Mr JamesM Hayes

Mr MartinJ Lane

Mr JeffreyT LiautaudSr

Mr JohnF Lotito

Mr JohnE Mack

Mr J BrianMcDonnell

Mr RichardN Miller

Mr JamesJ Penney

Mr AlexanderJ ToppIII

Class of 1962

Class Participation 16.5%

Legris Circle

Mr EdwardA Oehler

Mr L RobertPasquesi

President's Circle

Mr GeorgeP SullivanJr

Founder's Circle

Dr EdmundR Donoghue

Principal's Circle

Mr JohnP Purcell

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr MichaelJ Armutat

Dr WilliamP Reich

Rambler's Club

Mr WilliamS BarrancoJr

Mr ThomasC Bernardi

Mr ThomasM Blake

Dcn RichardJ Bowles

Dr WarrenJ Busscher

Mr GeorgeT CenarJr

Mr MichaelK Cox

Mr RobertJ Dixon

Mr E JohnDoyleIII

Capt DwightDavidFisher,USN

Dr CarlJ Gebuhr

Mr JohnF Gorman

Mr J DouglasHofherr

Mr StephenR Kennedy

Mr EdwardD Meintzer

Dr WilliamR Pendergast

Mr JamesA Quinn

Dr ArnoldL Wagner

Other's Donors

Mr FranciscoR Fernandez

Mr JohnP Gottschalk

Mr ArthurA Guzzetta

Col JamesM Murphy,USAF(Ret)

Mr JamesJ O'Regan

Mr JosephM Robinson

Mr MichaelP Scott

Pledge Payments

Mr DonaldA Pantle

Mr L RobertPasquesi

Class of 1963

Class Participation 9.1%

Xavier Circle

Mr NormanX Raidl

Humbert Circle

Mr DanielV Considine Mr RichardM Jordan

President's Circle

Mr LeeT Polk Mr DonaldV Potter

Mr RobertD Riedy

Founder's Circle Mr JohnA Stevens

Principal's Circle

Mr PhillipJ Butzen Mr CezarM Froelich

Mr RobertE Murphy

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr CharlesJ Mann

Mr BrianJ Redding

Mr JamesC Runkle

Mr PhilipG Sunderland

Rambler's Club

Mr LorenR MillerIII

Mr RalphK Packard

Other Donors

Mr RobertV Ferrara

Mr RobertE Gorman

Mr JohnR Graham

Mr RichardP Hennig

Dr PatrickJ Murphy Mr JamesJ Nagle

Pledge Payments

Mr DanielV Considine

Class of 1964

Class Participation 10.8%

Ignatius Circle

Mr JohnN Gavin

Mr JohnG Schreiber

Xavier Circle

Mr JohnK Vignocchi

Humbert Circle

Mr PhilipA Marineau

Legris Circle

Mr RichardV LynchJr

President's Circle

Hon MichaelJ Hogan

Dr JamesC Kleeman Mr VincentCharlesScullyIII

Principal's Cirlce

Mr JamesF Foley

Mr JamesA Roche

Col ThomasE Skrodzki

Mr GeraldF Waldron

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr BrianF Crowe

Mr BarryK Evans

Mr BarryJ MitchellRIP

Mr JamesE Vahey

Rambler's Club

Mr ThomasM Cleary

Mr GeorgeC DelaneyJr

Mr E PaulDunn

Dcn PaulC Konold

Mr RobertD Leydon

Mr PhilipMcNally

Mr ThomasJ Mikos

Mr StephenT Quinn

Dr PhilipJ Rettig

Mr GregoryD Stevens

Other Donors

Mr GeraldJ Black

Mr RobertB Foreman

Mr RichardL Krause

Mr EugeneA McEwenJr

Mr AlexanderT McIntosh

Mr JohnH MoranJr

Mr CharlesK Swanson

Pledge Payments

Mr JohnK Vignocchi

Mr JohnN Gavin

Class of 1965

Class Participation 5 4%

President's Circle Mr C LawrenceConnollyIII

Founder's Circle

Mr DanielB Quinn

Principal's Circle

Mr JosephW Koss

Mr JohnJ Langdon

Mr JohnT Rank

Mr andMrs EdwardD Stanton

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr ThomasM Lera

Mr TimothyM Rose

Rambler' Club

Mr PaulD Buckley

Mr DonaldR Pardieck

Other Donors

Mr RobertM Ahern

Mr CharlesR BeauregardJr

Mr PatrickJ DeeleyJr

Mr BrianW Mahoney

Mr MichaelE Roeder

Class of 1966

Class Participation 11 2%

Humbert Circle

Mr JohnR Cassin,CLU

Legris Circle

Mr RichardJ Barrett

President's Circle

Mr JohnD Marshall

Founder's Circle

Mr LawrenceJ Eiden

Mr JohnJ MurphyJr

Mr JamesA SmithJr

Mr JohnA Sullivan

Dr CharlesA ThorsenIII

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr TimothyL Flanagan

Mr PatrickB Nuccio

Mr JamesJ O'Keefe

Mr PaulT Prikos

Dr AnthonyW Savino

Mr RichardM Schmalfeld

Mr KeithP Schoeneberger

Mr JohnT Sobol

Rambler's Club

Dr MichaelP Kennedy

Mr JamesE Maslanka

Mr W KurtMeier

Mr FerdinandM Minelli

Mr JeromeH Nolan

Mr RobertM Rushkewicz

Mr MarkD Steffens

Other Donors

Mr MichaelW Brimsek

Mr DanielT Gillespie

Hon JohnL Huff

Mr JohnP Hussey

Mr JamesL Jackson

Mr DavidA Martinov

Mr BrianP McIntyre

Mr JamesM Meinken

Mr JohnP Metzger

Mr RichardE Sullivan

Mr JohnA Wiese

Class of 1967

Class Participation 6 9%

Xavier Circle

Mr WilliamT O'DonnellJr

Humbert Circle

Mr MichaelN CannizzaroSr

Mr MarkK LaheyRIP

President's Circle

Mr WilliamF Poland

Mr MarkS Seeberg

Founder's Circle

Mr DavidK McNulty

Principal's Circle

Mr RonaldL Binnebose

Mr RobertB Hamilton

Mr PeterJ McMenamin PT

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JamesW Ford

Mr JeromeL Gavin Mr WilliamE Muno

Rambler's Club

Mr WilliamA Barasa

Mr JamesC Hayes

Mr RichardC Rushkewicz

Mr EdwardF Wonder

Other Donors

Mr MarshallV KearneyIII

Mr RichardH Leehr

Mr TimothyJ Meyer

Class of 1968

Class Participation 8.9%

Ignatius Circle

Mr WilliamJ Doyle

Humbert Circle

Mr TempelJ SmithJr

Mr JosephE ValentiJr

President's Circle


Founder's Circle

Mr JohnE BenzIII

Mr DonaldJ HealyJr

Mr MarkD Mitchell

Principal's Circle

Mr LouisAgosta

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JosephH DiClementi

Mr WilliamT Zanoni

Rambler' Club

Capt JosephT DalyIII,USN(Ret)

Dr PeterD Donofrio

Dr ThomasJ Kuehn

Dr ThomasR Malek

Mr WilliamF MastersonJr

Mr JamesF Rianoshek

Mr RichardJ Witry

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 51

Other Donors

Mr FrankI Gaughan

Mr SamuelJ Haik

Mr RobertJ Koller

Mr JamesE Mackey

Mr MichaelR Mals

Mr JamesM McMenamin

Mr DavidW Morrison

Mr JeromeL Novotny

Mr JamesS Stanis

Mr GaryG Stanton

Pledge Payments

Mr JohnR Heller

Mr JosephE ValentiJr

Class of 1969

Class Participation 6.8%

Dumbach Circle

Mr H PatrickHackettJr

Legris Circle

Mr PatrickJ Caruso

Founder's Circle

Dr JamesL FoxJr

Dr JohnL VanderSchilden

Principal's Circle

Mr JohnF KellyIII

Mr RobertN Wolf

Rambler's Club

Mr LawrenceW Baer

Mr TerranceA Bellei

Mr JamesR O'Connor

Mr PatrickJ O'Rourke

Dr JohnM Ortinau

Mr JamesL Powell

Mr RobertJ Schmalfeld

Other Donors

Mr KevinC Amhaus

Mr StephenR Arens

Mr RichardJ Ellwanger

Mr JamesJ Frainey

Mr JohnT Spellman

Pledge Payments

Mr RobertJ BatesJr

Mr MichaelJ O'Rourke

Class of 1970

Class Participation 16.8%

Ignatius Circle

Mr JosephE MorahanIII

Xavier Circle

Mr ThomasA ReynoldsIII

Humbert Circle

Mr MichaelR Miller

Legris Circle

Mr ArthurJ Ferrara

President's Circle

Mr JohnT HickeyJr

Founder's Circle

Mr JohnR Brinkman

Principal's Circle

Mr MarkE McGuire

Mr ThomasS O'DonoghueJr

Mr JohnH WeberJr

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr AdrioM Baur

Mr PeterJ BrennanJr

Mr MichaelB Hagen

Mr MichaelK Masterson

Mr PatrickK Sheehan

Rev KennethC Simpson

Mr ThomasP Valenti

Rambler's Club

Mr JohnR Ashenden

Mr TimothyJ Callahan

Mr DonaldJ Christ

Mr JosephT Cipolla

Mr KevinS Creevy

Mr EdwardH DalyJr

Mr DavidA Ebert

Mr JosephM Joyce

Mr ThomasJ Kaster

Mr ArthurJ Krumrey

Mr MichaelR Leary

Mr MartinJ Lyon

Mr LawrenceP Marshall

Hon RobertJ Quinn

Mr ThomasJ Rebarchak

Mr FrankJ RothingJr

Mr GregoryF Smolucha

Mr GeoffreyC Steger Mr JohnP Sullivan

Mr JosephR Waldeck

Mr MichaelJ Ward

Mr RobertL Willoughby

Mr JohnWolfe

Mr RichardA Wright

Other Donors

Mr RobertJ Bauman

Mr RobertF Bresse-RodenkirkJr

Mr J K Chapman

Mr MichaelF Crowe

Mr MichaelG Dowling

Mr MatthewD Hartigan

Mr JamesC Lee

Mr JohnH LemondIII

Dr AllenV Lentino

Mr EliasLymanJr

Mr ThomasE McAndrews

Mr RichardNash

Mr ThomasK O'Malley

Mr JamesS ThaleJr

Mr EdwardW Thomas

Class of 1971

Class Participation 15.6%

President's Circle

Mr TimothyJ Cooney

Mr HenryA ProeselII

Founder's Circle

Mr GeorgeM BakerJr

Mr TerrenceP Bannon

Mr JohnL Donnelly

Dr ThomasF Gleason

Principal's Circle

Mr EdwinG FrankIII

Mr ThomasL Garrity

Dr GaryM Gross

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr GerardA Brost

Mr StephenO Huff

Mr BrianV Masterton

Mr JohnE Musker

Mr PatrickM O'Day

Mr JohnJ Scapin

Mr R FrederickSeebeckJr

Rambler's Club

Mr JackH Adams

Mr GeraldW Barry

Mr MarkF Danielak

Mr JamesS Fahrenbach

Mr RichardC Garofalo

Dr RichardC Gayes

Mr RichardT Lee

Mr JosephE McMenamin

Mr MichaelJ Miotti

Mr WilliamH MorrisJr

Mr JamesW Murphy

Mr RobertC Ryan

Mr DonaldF Schmitt

Mr CharlesF SchollJr

Mr MichaelJ Stineman

Mr FrankE Weissert

Other Donors

Mr DanielF Alonzi

Mr ThomasH Cornille

Mr JohnR Crenna

Mr RichardC CummingsJr

Mr JoeP Goodman

Mr WilliamG Hofherr

Mr KevinJ Hughes

Mr GilbertR JimenezEsq

Mr ThomasJ Kearney

Mr DavidA Konsler

Mr RichardJ MorelII

Mr MichaelC O'Connor

Mr ColinM Pollard

Mr JorgeL Quirch

Mr MichaelT Reynolds

Mr JohnA Rossi

Mr WilliamJ Spellman

Mr JosephB Temple Mr ThomasR Zanoni

Class of 1972

Class Participation 9.8%

Ignatius Circle

Mr WilliamE Sullivan

Mr EdwardJ Wehmer

Humbert Circle

Mr JohnP Bredemann

Mr LawrenceR Lucas

Legris Circle

Mr ThomasM Compernolle

Mr ToddT Ford

Mr DavidP Wagener

President's Circle

Mr MarkF McAndrews

Mr PeterA Minwegen

Lt Col MichaelS Sackley,USAF(Ret)

Founder's Circle

Mr PatrickJ Foley

Mr JohnW O'BrienRIP

Mr MartinJ Perry

Principal's Circle

Mr EugeneAnthonyBroccoloJr

Mr RobertN Hermes Mr AlanJ Klingler

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JosephF BarberaII

Mr CareyD Brunelli

Mr PhilipA DelaneyJr

Mr RaymondJ Dowdle

Mr WilliamJ DunnJr

Dr KevinJ Kirby

Mr TimothyJ Schlax

Mr JamesP Seeberg

Rambler's Club

Dr PaulJ Carry

Mr GeorgeE Griesinger

Mr MichaelP McKiernan

Mr ChristpherP MoranIII

Mr RichardW MortellJr

Mr RobertE Otter

Mr JohnR Plunkett

Mr PhilipJ Ryan

Mr WilliamC Schindler

Mr GerardM Thometz

Other Donors

Mr CharlesF Mascari

Mr RobertC MeterJr

Mr JohnR O'ConnellJr

Pledge Payments

Mr ThomasM Compernolle

Mr DavidP Wagener

Mr EdwardJ Wehmer

Class of 1973

Class Participation 7.7%

Dumbach Circle

Mr PatrickE Sullivan

Legris Circle

Mr TimothyE Broccolo

Mr StephenP Donahue

Mr DavidB Kennedy

Mr MattJ Matthews

Mr JamesF Rollings

Mr PeterA Sweeney

Founder's Circle

Mr ErhardR Chorle

Principal's Circle

Dr ThomasJ Hinkamp

Mr P KentMcLaughlin

Mr MichaelJ Wrenn

Maroon and Gold Club


Mr RobertW Hart

Mr MichaelL Janda

Col StevenR Petersen,USAF

Rambler's Club

Mr WilliamA Biang

Mr JohnF Ewen

Mr MichaelM Forester

Mr TerrenceJ O'Laughlin

Dr EdgarU Peyronnin

Other Donors

Mr MichaelP Burns

Mr TimothyJ Daly

Mr GregoryM Gormaly

Mr ThomasC Hillsman

Mr DavidL King

Mr JamesB LeetJr

Mr JosephJ NimrodIII

Dr RobertF Sasso

Pledge Payments

Mr DavidB Kennedy

Class of 1974

Class Participation 7.5%

Legris Circle

Mr RichardG Daly

President's Circle

Mr PeterJ Broccolo

Founder's Circle

Mr BruceA Luecke

Principal's Circle

Mr KevinM Shanahan

Mr JosephC ZuercherJr

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr DavidR BarryJr

Mr GregoryJ Eisinger

Mr JamesE Hughes

Dr ChristopherJ Lahart

Mr DouglasE Wambach

Rambler's Club

Mr ThomasM Arens

Mr WilliamE Bransley

Mr GaryM Feiereisel

Mr JohnP Fox

Mr JohnJ Keating

Mr DavidK McHugh

Mr JohnD O'Brien

Mr JamesP ReichmannIII

Mr RichardW Wiermanski

Other Donors

Mr RobertE Egan

Mr GeorgeA Kowalik

Mr RichardJ Lamermayer

Mr ShermanF Reynolds

Mr DanielJ Schwegel

Mr JohnR Taylor

Pledge Payments

Mr MichaelR Denten

Class of 1975

Class Participation 5.2%

Ignatius Circle

Mr RalphJ Gesualdo

Xavier Circle

Mr JamesP Hickey

Humbert Circle

Mr J HobieMurnaneJr

Legris Circle

Mr PeterG Leemputte

Founder's Circle

Mr MarkR Muench

Mr DanielSeeberg

Principal's Circle

Mr GabrielM Rodriguez

Mr JamesM Valenti

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr MatthewL Hopkins

Dr JohnC Quinley

Rambler's Club

Mr PatrickJ Cotter

Mr RichardH WehmanJr

Other Donors

Mr RichardBaert

Mr JohnR Colletti

Mr LaurenceC McMurray

Mr JosephM Nilges

Mr JamesE NugentIII

Mr DonaldK Paras

Mr JohnP Schermerhorn

Pledge Payments

Mr PeterG Leemputte

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 52

Class of 1976

Class Participation 6.6%

President's Circle

Mr JohnW Person

Mr ThomasE Schufreider

Founder's Circle

Mr SaverioJ AlonziJr

Mr BrianR Bidwill

Mr DavidB FallonJr

Mr MichaelW Jamieson

Mr PeterD Sullivan

Mr MichaelJ Warga

Principal's Circle

Mr MichaelP Dowd

Mr VictorP FilippiniJr

Mr StevenF Otter

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr RobertA CurleyJr

Mr DavidG Klick

Mr S ThomasRill

Rambler's Club

Mr ThomasJ Dormin

Mr KennethJ Kadleck

Mr MichaelD Leemputte

Mr BernardJ Widera

Other Donors

Mr JamesD Arden

Mr KevinL Cotten

Mr DanielJ Durkin

Mr ThomasJ LymanIII

Mr MichaelJ Ouska

Class of 1977

Class Participation 6.0%

Xavier Circle

Mr WilliamV McMenamin

Dumbach Circle

Mr JohnA Graf

Founder's Circle

Mr SeanM Madden

Principal's Circle

Mr AnthonyM Mallerdino

Mr TerrenceW Moller

Mr MarkF Santacrose

Maroon and Gold Club

Dr GustavoC Rodriguez

Mr GregoryServatius

Mr WilliamA Terlato

Rambler's Club

Mr TerrenceR Brady

Dr WilliamC Holohan

Mr GabrielA LorenzoJr

Mr MarkM Lyman

Mr PatrickO McNulty

Mr JohnP Murawski

Other Donors

Mr RichardA Carlson

Mr ChristopherP Dolan

Mr DavidR GanfieldJr

Mr JohnF Mitchell

Mr JamesP Nally

Mr JohnC Nicolau

Mr RobertB Wish

Pledge Payments

Mr BurtisJ DolanIII

Class of 1978

Class Participation 6.0%

Ignatius Circle

Mr CharlesE McGarrity

Dumbach Circle

Mr F Q Stepan

Humbert Circle

Mr MichaelP O'Brien

Legris Circle

Mr GeorgeJ Kaiser

President's Circle

Mr WilliamH PhelanJr

Founder's Circle

Mr DavidJ Fox

Mr JohnM Gambacorta

Mr TimothyC Reynolds

Principal's Circle

Mr ChristopherA Ebert

Mr KeithJ Morgan

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JohnJ Compernolle

Mr HerbertC Gresens

Mr FrederickJ Proesel

Rambler's Club

Mr MichaelG Frey

Mr DanielS Kelly

Mr JohnR SmithJr

Mr KentA Swanson

Other Donors

Mr BrianG CallahanSr

Mr ThomasM CondonV

Mr MichaelJ LaVaccare

Mr AnthonyR MalatestaJr

Mr MartinE Phelps

Pledge Payments

Mr CharlesE McGarrity

Class of 1979

Class Participation 8.6%

Xavier Circle

Mr PatrickJ Dolan

Dumbach Circle

Mr RogerP Hickey

Humbert Circle

Mr RobertL BernerIII

Legris Circle

Mr JamesJ Barrett Mr GaryA Michalek

Mr JamesP Walsh

President's Circle

Mr WilliamM Sneed

Mr RobertJ Wild

Founder's Circle Mr JamesL Brault

Mr TimothyJ Dunn Mr AnthonyE Good Mr DavidE Haracz Mr DavidL Hill

Mr JohnP Jennings Mr JamesW Lyman Mr FredJ Osborne

Principal's Circle

Mr RichardG Cenar Mr SteveA Michels

Mr JamesR Schufreider

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JamesT Buchholz

Rev DanielK Lahart,SJ

Mr ThomasP McPike

Rambler's Club

Dr DavidE Blume

Mr JosephS CapitaniRIP

Mr RichardG Considine

Mr JoseL Ferrer

Mr TimothyF Foley

Dr MarkoJ Jachtorowycz Mr JohnR Mech

Mr DanielC Powers

Other Donors

Mr ChristopherJ Paxson

Pledge Payments

Mr PatrickJ Dolan

Mr JamesW Lyman

Mr JamesP Walsh

Class of 1980

Class Participation 23.0%

Legris Circle

Mr MartinJ Bredemann

Mr GeorgeC LymanIII

Mr AnthonyJ McKerr

President's Circle

Mr MichaelS Carlin

Mr ChristopherW Gardner

Mr G PrestonKendallIII

Mr JamesJ Murphy

Founder's Circle

Mr PatrickJ Coleman

Mr LouisJ GlunzIV

Principal's Circle

Mr MichaelJ Kelly

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr WilliamS Galliani

Capt GaryJ Haben,USN

Mr DavidE Pucci

Mr DanielT Schermerhorn

Mr RobertW Schufreider

Mr RaymondC Trigony

Mr KennethJ Young

Rambler's Club

Mr NicholasJ Adler

Mr KevinJ Barry

Mr ThomasE Blaige

Mr JamesX Bormes

Mr EdwardL CooperIII

Mr WilliamA Crowley

Mr PeterB Cummins

Mr WilliamJ Disselhorst

Mr GeorgeF DouaireIV

Mr PeterM Gresens

Mr andMs JosephK Hasson

Mr D KevinHoulihan

Mr MichaelR Huspek

Mr TerenceP Kane

Mr DesmondP Kilcoyne

Mr JoelF Murray

Mr KevinT Noonan

Mr ThomasW O'BrienIII

Mr TimothyL O'Brien

Mr FredJ O'Connor

Mr ThomasH RileyIII

Mr MichaelJ Rolfes

Mr DavidM Schultz

Mr PeterB Senese

Mr JamesP Smith

Mr RobertM Swarczewski

Mr JohnO TuohyII

Mr PaulA Williams

Other Donors

Mr JamesO Beck

Mr JohnJ Betterman

Mr JohnJ BourkeSr

Mr LawrenceW Byrne

Mr ArnoldR Eichhof

Mr DonaldR Faliszek

Mr RonaldE Feiereisel

Mr MartinB Finzer

Mr ChristopherC Furth

Mr ThomasE GanfieldRIP

Mr RobertC Goepp

Mr DanielJ Hackett

Mr MichaelJ Harrington

Mr DennisE Hebson

Mr ThomasC Hendrick

Mr HughJ Hodur

Capt PaulR Hogan

Mr HenryJ Hugel

Mr PatrickJ Kissane

Mr RichardA LapinskiJr

Mr JeromeA Maher

Mr PeterM Mammoser

Mr JohnD Mitchell

Mr MarkJ Modzelewski

Mr WilliamJ O'Brien

Mr WilliamJ O'Connell

Dr JamesP Orticelli

Mr JohnV Owens

Mr JosephP Pairitz

Mr RobertA Pecho

Mr MarkA Rolfes

Mr JeffreyS Sanders

Mr JohnJ Servatius

Mr MarcH Streb

Mr BrianJ Walsh

Mr JohnM Washburn

Mr RobertE Zahorik

Pledge Payments

Mr DanielT Schermerhorn

Class of 1981 Class Participation 19.7%

Ignatius Circle

Mr LeeC Banks

Dumbach Circle

Mr RonaldE Banas

Mr ChristopherS Canning

Legris Circle

Mr AlessandroM Cena

Founder's Circle

Mr TimothyJ Haggerty

Principal's Circle

Mr TimothyM Halloran

Dr MarkJ Humenik

Mr DanielJ Kelly

Mr JohnE McMahon

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr ThomasS FoustJr

Mr KevinP Garvey

Lt Col WilliamB Kelly USARIP

Mr MichaelP Maloney

Mr MichaelG McGuire

Mr WilliamH Muriel

Mr StevenP Pyke

Mr MichaelT Rollings

Mr MarkG Schmitz

Mr ThomasW SextonIII

Rambler's Club

Mr JamesP Boyle

Mr DavidA Bruhn

Mr JosephB CariniIII

Mr MichaelJ Collins

Mr GeorgeS ConnorJr Mr DonJ EngelsJr

Mr ChristopherP Godziela

Mr JamesE Hebson

Mr CraigD Hesselberg

Mr SalvatoreJ LaTorraca

Mr DavidG O'Donoghue

Mr JamesF Perkaus

Mr JosephA Scopelliti

Mr WilliamA SpencerJr

Other Donors

Mr JohnA Balla

Mr ScottC Bentivenga

JudgeMichaelB Betar Mr KevinF Brady Mr JudeT Brownlee Mr RobertJ Conway Mr MarkC CurranJr

Mr JosephX Cushing

Mr RobertJ DooleyIII Mr WilliamC Doyle Mr RobertL Dyra Mr MartinA Gahbauer

Mr JeffW Hall

Mr ThomasL Harte

Col PhilipC Hinkamp

Mr DavidL Jacobs

Mr ThomasN Kanelos

Mr PatrickJ Kelly

Mr BryanA Manning

Mr LuisM Martinez

Mr MarvinJ Mazzucchelli

Mr RobertL Michels

Mr PatrickR Michiels

Dr DeanT Monma

Mr MarkD O'Sullivan

Mr ChristopherJ Phelan

Mr JohnE PhilbinJr

Mr RichardM Schneider

Mr MartinB Schorsch

Mr PatrickJ Seeberg

Mr S S Simpson

Mr JohnP Sullivan Mr MichaelJ Sullivan Mr DanielJ Welter



Mr RonaldE Banas

Mr LeeC Banks

Mr ChristopherS Canning

Mr DavidG O'Donoghue



Ms KathrynM Hughes

Mrs ElizabethM Kearney

Mr MarkMcGuire

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 53

Class of 1982

Class Participation 6.1%

Ignatius Circle

Mr JohnH Compall

Mr MarioJ Donato

Xavier Circle

Mr JohnC Halston

Legris Circle

Mr ThomasA Unger

President's Circle

Mr JamesC Kelly

Mr JosephP Roddy

Founder's Circle

Mr EdwardL HocterSr

Mr JosephF Sullivan

Principal's Circle

Mr H GlenClarkeIII

Mr ChrisDitton

Mr JohnS Morahan

Mr WilliamA Uruba

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr DavidA Dempsey

Rambler's Club

Dr WilliamJ Andrew

Mr ChristopherJ Degenhardt

Mr PaulJ Hogan

Mr JohnG KyleJr

Dr WalterR Petri

Mr ThomasJ TonelliJr

Other Donors

Mr MarkF Cassidy

Mr MichaelF Dooley

Mr ThomasP Kelly

Mr PaulB Kissane

Mr SeanC O'Brien

Mr PatrickJ Weber

Pledge Payments

Mr MarioJ Donato

Mr JosephP Roddy

Class of 1983

Class Participation 6 8%

Xavier Circle

Mr PatrickG Shea

Legris Circle

Mr JosephF Scoby

President's Circle

Mr JohnC HittJr

Mr JohnF Kelly

Mr RobertG Vanecko

Mr TerryR Zeman

Founder's Circle

Mr ThomasN FitzGibbon

Mr PeterK Larsen

Mr ChristopherP Valenti

Principal's Circle

Mr MichaelP Murphy

Mr JohnB SadlerIII

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr TimothyE Bourke

Rambler's Club

Mr JosephE Auer

Mr JamesW Lambert

Mr DanielL Lyne

Mr T ReidMackinJr

Mr RobertH Muriel

Mr AnthonyR Tomas

Other Donors

Mr AlbertS Cualoping

Mr BrianJ Kelly

Mr AnthonyLuzinJr

Mr PatrickJ Lynch

Mr MichaelM McGuire

Mr RaymondC O'Byrne

Pledge Payments

Mr PatrickG Shea

Mr T SandsThompson

Mr RobertG Vanecko

Class of 1984

Class Participation 6.1%

Dumbach Circle

LTMichaelE Engels,USN(Ret)

Mr MichaelP Keller

Humbert Circle

Mr RobertT Bielinski

Legris Circle

Mr ShawnA Edwards

Mr JohnW Fitzgerald

Mr JohnJ McDonald

Mr JohnJ PikarskiJr

President's Circle

Mr ThomasJ Rolfes

Founder's Circle

Mr PeterC Anthony

Mr KevinT Coleman

Mr KevinG Dineen

Mr ThomasJ Hughes

Mr JohnR SouterJr

Principal's Cirlce

Mr JohnJ Gatti

Mr DanielF Otten

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr AnthonyR Donato

Dr JohnA LaVaccare

Mr EdwardW McNabola

Mr TimothyD O'BrienRIP

Rambler's Club

Mr ThomasJ Jackson

Mr SeanP Munster

Mr JamesJ O'Gara

Mr KevinP Rice

Mr JeffreyR Rode

Mr VincentD Vinci

Mr DanielV Waters

Other Donors

Mr CaryJ Schorsch

Pledge Payments

LTMichaelE Engels,USN(Ret)

Class of 1985

Class Participation 12.1%

Ignatius Circle

Mr DouglasJ Clingan Xavier Circle

Mr HomerJ LivingstonIII

Humbert Circle

Mr AndrewC Goldberg

Legris Circle

Mr KevinW Burke

Mr MatthewR Devine

President's Circle


Mr MatthewX Engels

Mr KevinA Krakora

Mr RobertE LargayJr

Founder's Circle

Mr PhilipJ Andrew

Mr MarkM Burden

Mr DominicJ DeCarlo

Mr JonS Harnisch

Mr DanielA Kim

Mr ThomasMcCauley

Mr ThomasJ McHughJr

Mr JohnW Schmitt

Mr MarkG Vanecko

Principal's Circle

Mr JaimeR Juan

Mr JohnM McNaughton

Mr ChristopherH Pickering

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JosephS KearneyIII

Mr KevinP Kessler

Mr JoelE Markiewicz

Mr MichaelP McCarthy

Mr MichaelL Monticello

Mr MarkC Murnane

Mr MichaelT O'Regan

Rambler's Club

Mr MarkA Bernhard

Mr FrancisW Briody

Mr EdwinR DooleySr

Dr GlynnJ ElliottIII

Mr JeffreyJ Neslund

Other Donors

Dr ScottB Cienkus

Mr MichaelJ Craddock

Mr ChristopherJ Dean

Mr StevenJ Habeck

Mr MichaelA Herbert

Mr JamesE Masterson

Mr EugeneM Pilawski

Mr ChristopherJ Shanahan

Mr PaulA Tarvardian

Pledge Payments

Mr MatthewR Devine

Class of 1986

Class Participation 8.1%

Humbert Circle

Mr JohnP Gavin

President's Circle

Mr BrianL Collins

Mr ChristopherW Helt

Founder's Circle

Mr AnthonyP Diblik

Mr DanielQ Herbert Mr ChristopherW Lutz

Mr RichardKeaneO'Dwyer

Mr ChristopherJ Prassas

Principal's Circle

Mr LarkinS Flanagan

Mr K MichaelKane

Mr JohnHenryScheidJr

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JamesG Hagedorn

Mr PatrickT PurdyJr

Rambler's Club

Mr VictorA Balata

Mr AllenE Hoover

Mr TimothyP Kane

Mr KevinR Kelly

Mr FrancisG LaTorraca

Mr ThomasC Lindstrom

Mr KevinB O'Donnell

Mr PatrickB SanRoman

Mr NikolaosA Vlahos

Other Donors

Mr DanielB Dentzer

Mr ThomasA Molloy

Mr DanielN Mosher

Mr TimothyP Seeberg

Pledge Payments

Mr HanleyDawsonIV

Mr AnthonyP Diblik

Mr DouglasT Thompson

Class of 1987 Class Participation 8.7%

Founder's Circle

Mr JeffreyD Flakus

Mr MichaelR Gervasio

Mr ChristopherM Novy

Mr PeterR Vlerick

Principal's Circle

Dr JamesH BlackIII

Mr MichaelP Kyle

Mr JeffreyJ Reichenbach

Mr ChristopherW Rule

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr MichaelF Borkowski

Mr NealR Brauweiler

Mr AntonK Fernando

Mr MichaelT S Kennedy

Mr KevinC Kilmer

Mr DavidJ Servatius

Rambler's Club

Mr JohnY Chang

Mr PhillipA Couri

Mr JohnV LucasIII

Mr PhillipA Pinello

Mr JohnO Stanton

Other Donors

Mr AndrewA Boros

Mr DanielJ Carini

Mr ChristopherT Considine

Mr MichaelP Dolan

Mr JamesF Hartman

Mr JeremyJ Naselli

Mr ThomasE Nowak

Mr JamesK Schauwecker

Mr ChristopherR Schurer

Mr WilliamA Theisen

Mr ThomasP Zera

Pledge Payments

Mr DavidA DeckerJr

Mr ChristopherW Rule

Class of 1988

Class Participation 9.0%

Xavier Circle

Mr GeorgeE Sargent

Legris Circle

Mr DavidJ Burden

Mr MarkA Meccia

Mr DanielJ Williams

President's Circle

Mr JamesB Novy

Mr JasonP Pompeii

Founder's Circle

Mr SeanP Whalen

Principal's Circle

Mr JohnE BenzIV

Mr ChrisP Janson

Mr MichaelE Racine

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr AndrewJ Engels

Mr DavidN Fritzsche

Mr MichaelE Hogg

Mr MichaelJ Kadlec

Mr MichaelJ Powers

Mr LesleyJ Seitzinger

Rambler's Club

Mr JonasJ Allian

Mr JohnP Gallagher

Mr BrianM Hayes

Mr MatthewJ Keefe

Mr YungD KimJr

Mr BrockF Merck

Mr MichaelJ Muriel

Other Donors


Mr JonathanP Arendt

Mr WilliamR Brandstrader

Mr GaetanoV Comerci

Mr TimothyP Devine

Mr LeoT Mahon

Mr JamesP O'Reilly

Mr ThomasM Pasquesi

Mr WilliamJ Quinlan

Dr GeorgeD Tsonis

Pledge Payments


Mr AndrewT Cavallari

Mr TimothyP Devine

Mr MichaelJ Kadlec

Mr MatthewJ Keefe

Mr PeterJ Prommer

Mr MichaelE Racine

Mr LesleyJ Seitzinger

Dr GeorgeD Tsonis

Mr DanielJ Williams

Class of 1989

Class Participation 6 6%

Humbert Circle

Mr R MichaelMurray

President's Circle

Dr GeorgeT Chiampas

Mr MarkJ Momongan

Founder's Circle

Mr StephenM Kocian

Mr DanielP O'Brien

Mr JeffreyJ Winterkorn

Mr WilliamJ Kane Mr ThomasP Murray Mr CharlesKeberStevens
Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 54

Principal's Circle


Mr PaulL Lynch

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr PatrickC Magner

Mr JamesB MurrayJr

Rambler's Club

Mr MatthewT Abrams

Mr MichaelP Kailus

Mr KevinW Keyser

Mr JamesS Levi

Mr JosephJ Needham

Mr PatrickS Tray

Other Donors

Mr JohnP Carroll

Mr KennethD Fowler

Mr JohnP Ginley

Mr JosephT Gleason

Mr MarkE O'Donnell

Mr ArnoldH Park

Mr JamesX Sullivan

Pledge Payments

Dr GeorgeT Chiampas

Mr DanielE SullivanJr

Class of 1990

Class Participation 10.6%

Humbert Circle

Mr DennisR Stonequist

President's Circle

Mr BennettW Dixon

Dr AturA Kasha

Founder's Circle

Mr BrianW Braasch

Mr StephenH Kim

Mr GerardS LeiderJr

Mr ThomasA Zipprich

Principal's Circle

Mr StephenB Crilly

Mr JohnH Fiore

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr ChristopherJ Bender

Mr KevinJ Coleman

Dr MichaelT Tarjan

Rambler's Club

Mr PaulE Bambrick-Santoyo

Mr PeterC Devine

Mr JamesR Herbick

Mr JonP Hirsch

Mr MichaelA Mackin

Mr StevenM SanRoman

Other Donors

Mr ToddJ Adams

Mr BenjaminT Amponin

Mr FrankR Bacci

Mr RalphE Barganski

Mr GregoryM Bergquist

Mr PeterS Cogan

Mr DavidJ Foley

Mr CharlesA GiglioJr

Mr MichaelG Gorski

Mr RyanJ Larsen

Mr JosephP Marino

Mr StevenP Mathes

Mr RoryM Morrow

Mr PatrickM Plunkett

Mr AnthonyM Randazzo

Pledge Payments

Mr DennisR Stonequist

Class of 1991

Class Participation 11 1%

Legris Circle

Mr BrianS Flanagan

President's Circle

Mr JohnM Carr

Mr JohnD Nimesheim

Founder's Circle

Mr TimothyM Duet

Mr JohnI Vasilj

President's Circle

Mr ChristopherS Lane

Mr JamesD Ryan

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr FrankV Bongiovanni

Mr TimothyM Burke

Mr JerryQ Tran

Rambler's Club

Mr BrianJ Carroll

Mr BrianA Caufield

Mr MatthewHoldenEnnis

Mr CarlosM Garcia

Capt MichaelP O'Hara,USN

Mr ThomasA ReardonIII

Mr JohnM VanderVennet

Mr BrianH Williams

Other Donors

Mr PatrickJ Bourke

Mr KevinC Davoren

Mr RichardDeGraff

Mr MichaelQ English

Mr JohnV Gramins

Mr ThomasW Kavanaugh

Mr RaymondF McPartlin

Mr ThomasJ Melzl

Mr MichaelE Monoscalco

Mr JohnM Prikos

Mr AnthonyA Qaiyum

Mr DavorVasilj

Mr JosephJ Woods

Mr EndyD Zemenides

Mr BenjaminC Zorn

Pledge Payments

Mr JohnD Nimesheim

Class of 1992

Class Participation 8.7%

Dumbach Circle

Mr JamesM BaisleyJr

President's Circle

Mr GarrickW Beil

Mr ThomasJ Craddock

Mr MichaelL Regan

Founder's Circle

Mr MichaelL Braasch

Mr ChristopherT Collins Mr GeorgeA Lane

Mr ThomasG McBreen

Mr KevinW Willer

Principal's Circle

Mr DavidA Behof

Mr DanielR Powell

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr EdwardF Fitzpatrick

Mr ChristopherT Natkanski

Mr StephenA Sanger

Mr JosephF Taylor

Rambler's Club

Mr MichaelBrannigan

Mr T PatrickByrnes

Mr WilliamT Crane

Mr ThomasS Heidenrich

Mr PaulR Joseph

Mr ChanH Lim

Mr PatrickM McEneely

Mr MichaelA Odiotti

Mr WilliamC Perlitz

Dr ToddC Schirmang

Mr C B Sethness

Other Donors

Mr ChristopherS Griesmeyer

Mr RaymondR Janowski

Mr JamesJ Keane

Pledge Payments

Dr ToddC Schirmang

Mr GeorgeC Xamplas

Class of 1993

Class Participation 7 4%

Xavier Circle

Mr MichaelM Callahan

Dumbach Circle

Mr SeanL Cunningham

Legris Circle

Mr WilliamD DrehkoffJr

Mr GeorgeZ Lalich

President's Circle

Dr JeffreyH Freihage

Mr ChrisK Hatzopoulos

Mr JohnM LaffertyJr

Founder's Circle

Mr DanielJ Dunn Mr JefferyJ Johnson

Principal's Circle

Mr RobertM Desherow

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr PatrickE Clifford Mr MarkKocovski

Rambler's Club

Mr MatthewP Baldino

Mr JohnT Cassidy

Mr PatrickJ Christian Mr TimothyJ Kelley

Mr StephenM Michalak

Mr MarkC Passerini

Other Donors

Mr RyanE Agulo

Mr DavidR Brown

Mr JasonP Jimenez

Mr TomK Leko

Mr MarkJ Marinacci

Mr JesalPatel

Mr JasonM Penyich

Mr MichaelT Roche

Pledge Payments

Mr WilliamD DrehkoffJr

Class of 1994

Class Participation 11.1%

Ignatius Circle

Mr RobertJ Tierney

Legris Circle Mr TimothyJ Fowler

President's Circle Mr RobertN Ryan

Founder's Circle Mr PaulJ Lisowski Mr BojanPetrovich

Principal's Circle

Mr DavidE Detlefsen

Mr MatthewT Mitchell

Mr HughM O'Donnell

Mr RobertJ Pasquesi Mr JasonE Schmitt

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JohnJ Dreuth

Mr JohnG Flanagan

Mr ThomasJ Hartman

Mr BrianR Hopman

Mr WilliamP Kelly

Mr MichaelC King

Mr JamesD Seymour

Mr JamesV Tomaska Mr GilD Villacarlos

Rambler's Club

Mr RobertB FlanneryIII

Mr BrianM Garrity'94

Mr DanielC Heidkamp

Mr BrianJ Leydon

Mr JimmyD Samartzis Dr MichaelE Sprang

Other Donors

Mr JasonS Chamberlain

Mr ScottA Girard

Mr MichaelP Kelley

Mr PatrickR Kennedy

Mr ChristopherD McHugh

Mr RogerJ Monaco

Mr JohnP Murphy

Pledge Payments

Mr JohnG Flanagan

Mr DanielC Heidkamp

Mr MichaelP Kelley

Mr JosephP Kelly

Mr MichaelC King

Mr EricD Lussen

Mr MatthewT Mitchell

Mr DanielRaymondMoll

Mr JohnP Murphy Mr MichaelJ PerroneJr

Class of 1995

Class Participation 8.8%

President's Circle

Mr RyanM O'Donnell

Principal's Circle

Mr JonM Coen

Mr TimothyJ Drehkoff

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr LouisB Antonacci

Mr MichaelR Cagney Mr HirokiMinawa Mr GeorgeJ SchaeferIII Mr BrianM Tracy

Rambler's Club

Mrs PeggyN Butler

Mr JamesW GillespieRIP

Mr GeorgeR Kearney

Mr MichaelT Roth

Mr PaulM Thomas

Other Donors

Mr NormanN CordonPalao

Mr ThomasK Daly

Mr andMrs EricH deYoung

Mr PatrickT DriscollIV

Mr TimothyL Epstein

Mr DavinR Gallego

Mr RyanJ Gibbons

Mr PhilipK Gorecki

Mr RobertW HuntIII

Mr DanielP Joyce Mr RobertE Kempner Mr BrianD Kersey

Mr JohnV Loiacano

Mr ThomasM Lombardo Mr FrancisS LorenzIII Mr TimothyS Maloney

Mr RobertF Mastro Mr DanielMaynulet

Mr BrianT Monico

Mr JosephT O'Regan

Mr MarkV Sagun Mr DavidJ Samaritano

Mrs KareenA Samaritano Mr ChristopherQ StephanJr Mr MatthewS Zurek

Class of 1996 Class Participation 9.8%

President's Circle

Mr PatrickJ Lahey

Founder's Circle

Mr MichaelT Driscoll,USMC Mr MichaelC Furman Mr JohnM Michalik

Principal's Circle

Mr DanielA Bellino Mr MatthewC Brett

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr BrianW Burns Mr ScottJ Dolan Dr KathyZ Jefson Mr StevenC Schick Mrs NoelleD Walsh

Rambler's Club

Mr MarkC Baby

Ms WinifredW Chane

Mr EdwardR Fluet

Mr MichaelT Maloney Dr ChristineA Roloff,MD

Mr FritzV Wilson

Dr AdamP Zorn

Other Donors

Mr JohnP Basbagill

Mr AndrewC Brennan

Mrs JulieE BumgardnerFox

Mr ChristopherM Burke

Mr ThomasV Callahan,III

Mr AlbertR Donado Mr PatrickW English Mr ConorJ Heaton Mr RobertG Jan Mr PaulJ Lee Mr VernonC Magsino

Mr A ChristopherMarcelo Mr JohnF McKinneyJr

Mr EugeneV Minon

Mrs KarenF Radke

Ms MarilynK Rehmer

Mr MatthewB Sagun

Mr JustinM Sinclair

Dr DeepaA Thirunelli

Mrs KellyM Troup

Mr PeterA Vanaria

Mr ToddW Vender

Mr PatrickJ Wilmot

Pledge Payments

Mr PatrickJ Lahey

Class of 1997

Class Participation 6 6%

Ignatius Circle


Legris Circle

Mr JohnL HammondIII

President's Circle

Mr PeterC Lee Mr MichaelP McHugh

Founder's Circle

Mr JosephD Cook Mr ScottJ Szafraniec Mr MarkT Valenti

Principal's Circle

Mr MichaelP Moran

Mr ConorR O'Brien

Mr PadraicF Stanton

Maroon and Gold Club

Mrs MaureenB Kelly

Mr MarkM Licudine

Ms TheresaR Malvar

Mr WilliamR MooneyIV

Mr MichaelW Nowak

Mr DavidA Snyder

Rambler's Club

Mr StephenM Johnston

Mr KristoferJ Jones

Mr WilliamP Litgen

Mr MichaelA Lowe

Mr MichaelW Lucas

Mr WilliamF Schwartz

Other Donors

Mr ThomasJ DammrichII

Ms MichelleB Freihage Mrs MargaretJ Grady

Mrs JulieA Hammerle

Mr PatrickT Quinn

Pledge Payments

Mr JohnL HammondIII Mr JackR Jennings

Class of 1998

Class Participation 5 1%

Founder's Circle

Mr MarkC Fernando

Mr PatrickJ Heneghan

Mr ChristopherH Moore

Principal's Circle

Mr MartinG Jennings

Mr MichaelB Murlas

Mrs CourtneyK Murphy

Mr PhilipJ Rodrigues

Mrs DawnM Stanton

Maroon and Gold Club

Mrs AnnaR Dolan

Mr VincentP Duet

Mrs ChristineD Gowski

Mrs JoanE Murphy

Dr BlancaR Snyder

Rambler's Club

Mr ChristopherS Cagadas

Lt Col PatrickJ Fahey,USMC

Mr JohnW Tipton

Other Donors

Mr MatthewL DePreter

Mr JohnM Duggan

Mrs MargaretA Duggan

Mr NicholasJ Hynes

Mr DennisM McGannJr

Mr KevinC Rynes

Ms ElizabethA Suffredin

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 55

Pledge Payments

Ms ColinC McCourtBueche

Mr MartinG Jennings

Mrs CourtneyK Murphy

Class of 1999

Class Participation 4.5%

Legris Circle

Mrs MargaretMaryA Hammond

President's Circle

Mr RyanM Cleary

Mrs ElizabethL Hoobchaak

Mr EvanJ Hoobchaak

Founder's Circle

Mr PatrickJ Kennedy

Mr JamesC Wilhelm

Principal's Circle

Mrs AllisonM Gaetano

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr MarcusD Kennedy

Mr PaulA Rodrigues

Rambler's Club

Mrs KathrynE Birch

Mrs JudithM H Castiglioni

Mrs KathleenC Docter

Mr AndrewJ Franger

Mr JohnF GaitherIII

Mr JustinB Jurasz

Mrs JenniferI Lucas

Mr NestorSantana

Ms JanessaM Seider

Other Donors

Mrs VictoriaA Curry

Mrs AlisonC Girard

Mrs MargaretG Peterburs

Mrs ColleenG Walsh

Pledge Payments

Mrs MargaretMaryA Hammond

Class of 2000

Class Participation 16.4%

Legris Circle

Mr ShawnD Kohli

President's Circle

Mr AdrianGuerrero

Mrs MairghreadR Wycklendt

Founder's Circle

Mr PatrickJ Collins

Principal's Circle

Mr ChristopherLentino

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr MichaelA Gramins

Ms LauraM Reardon

Mr JosephD VonderHeide

Rambler's Club

Dr ElizabethFahrenbachEthington

Mr KurtJ Wunderlich

Mrs MeghanC Zuercher

Other Donors

Ms DorisAguilar

Mr ChristopherR Babel

Mr BrianC BakerJr

Ms DonnaM Berletich

Mr CarlosCagadas

Mrs KellyA Caruso

Mr MichaelP Caruso

Mr StevenW Cerny

Mr RyanP Crotty

Ms ChristinaE Dahlberg

Ms SheilaN Clark

Mr MichaelJ DiMattina

Ms KathleenDolack

Mrs AlysonL Doubek

Mr SeamusEgan

Mr PatrickFahrenbach

Mrs KirstenE Feeney

Mrs ThereseA Fontana

Mrs KateC Garcia

Mrs ChristyM Gernhofer

Mr KennethJ GilligJr

Dr StevenGross

Ms MaryAnneGuediguian

Mrs MeghanM Hannes

Mr BernardA HenryIV

Ms KathrynHickey

Mr JasonJ Hough

Dr SabrinaA Indyk

Mr PaulIsaac

Mr BrianJ Janus

Mrs JenniferL Janus Mrs ReginaJohnson Ms KathrynC Kempner

Ms CarolynKozlak

Mrs JenniferKrzyszton-Kozlowski

Ms BridgetMaloney

Ms CourtneyT Marrone

Mrs LaurenMartinez

Ms CristinMcAuley

Ms JennetteC McCloskey

Mr SpencerMoysey

Mr PrashantS Nair

Mrs GrainneL Napelton

Mrs MauraM Neville

Mrs HilaryJ O'Connor

Mr AndrewG Pandaleon

Mrs KathleenPankonin

Ms MerylR Perrone

Mr BrianA Ramiro

Mrs CelesteM Reding

Mrs SiobhanE Romano

Mrs GretchenM SchmidtKelley

Mr ChristopherSchoewe

Ms AndreaL Sexton

Mr LukeJ Shepard

Mr ChristopherW Stephens

Mrs SarahJ Strichau

Mr CharlesD Sullivan

Mr IvayloTchernev

Mrs JaclynM Toll

Ms PilarD Tudor

Mr RamiTurayhi

Mrs MoiraE Warnement

Ms MadonnaN Weck

Ms AgathaWeisser

Mr JesseJ Zien

Pledge Payments

Mrs GretchenM SchmidtKelley

Class of 2001

Class Participation 16 4%

Ignatius Circle

Mr FrancisA Gesualdo

Dumbach Circle Mrs KatharineA Baisley

President's Circle

Mr DanielJ Valenti

Founder's Circle

Mr MatthewB FitzSimons

Mr PatrickM Kosiek

Mrs CarolineF Newell

Principal's Circle

Mrs JacquelineZ Behof

Mrs AnneE Lentino

Ms MaryCatherineMortell

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr StevenE Dipiero

Mr ChristopherT Storey

Rambler's Club

Mr ChristianR Malalis

Ms CarolynM Noon

Ms KatherineK Seeberg

Other Donors

Mrs NinaM Bean

Mr JamesM Binsfeld

Mr JamesA Bradley

Mr LawrenceJ Burley

Ms ColleenE Carroll

Mr MichaelJ Chambliss

Mrs DanielleJ Chircop

Ms CathleenM Cramer

Mr JohnJ Czerwionka

Mrs BridgetA Davis

Mr JosephL DeMarino

Mr MichaelH deYoung

Mr BrianJ Donohoe

Mr KevinV Donohoe

Mr MikeDouaji

Mr J P Doyle

Mr TimothyP Driscoll

Mrs ColleenA Dugan-Biedenbender

Mr DonalB Falls

Mrs LaurenK Fulton

Mrs AshleyL Hein

Mr JohnT HickeyIII

Mrs NoraK Hickey

Mrs StefanieL Hood

Mr JustinR Hough

Ms HeatherJ Howard

Ms JoannE Kowalski

Mrs ColleenM Kuhlmann

Mr TerenceJ Kuhlmann

Mrs MonikaLange

Mr RichardJ Larabee

Mr ConorF LeFevour

Mr PatrickH Lowe

Mr MatthewF Lunkes

Mr MichaelJ Lupo

Ms JenniferR Lynch

Mrs NicoletteMartin

Mrs AileenM McAnally

Ms MaryC McGrath

Mr ChristopherR McKinney

Mrs CatherineE Moysey

Mr MichaelJ Neville

Mrs NellC O'Connor

Mr WilliamG O'Connor

Mrs ShawnM O'Gara

Mr ThomasJ O'Gara

Mr FabioA Ortega

Mrs AnneO Parker

Mr AndrewJ Paukert

Mr BrettS Polson

Mr JohnC Pragalz

Mr TimothyS Rybicki

Mr MatthewJ Schmidt

Mr SeanF Sloan

Mr TimothyJ Smith

Mr WilliamA Sommerschield

Ms MaureenE Tinley

Ms MiaL Valenti

Mr MichaelM Viglione

Ms CourtneyA Walsh Mrs LaurenE Weiss

Class of 2002

Class Participation 4 4%

President's Circle

Mr ChristopherR Reynolds

Founder's Circle Dr PatrickJ Ryan

Principal's Circle Mrs HillaryA Bufalino

Mr MichaelP Bufalino

Mr DanielE Solari

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JosephB Kennedy Mrs KathrynA Manny Mrs KatherineM Reget Mr PatrickJ Tierney

Rambler's Club

Mr DarcyR BonnerIII Mr PatrickCCraig Mrs MeghanD Koeppel

Mr BrianR Martin Dr AnnE McNeel Mr JohnC Mitchell Mr RichardW MortellIII Mrs ElizabethKadisonO'Connor

Other Donors

Mr MatthewT Fletcher

Mrs DianaE Larson

Mrs AngelaLitwin

Mr JamesP Suehr

Mrs MargaretM Taege

Pledge Payments

Mr MichaelA Bestvina

Class of 2003

Class Participation 4 1%

President's Circle

Mrs KateV Tess

Founder's Circle Anonymous

Mr LaurenV Centioli

Maroon and Gold Club

Mrs EmilyK Flaherty Mr MichaelJ Ireland Mr BrianMorris

Rambler's Club

Ms AmyE Babington

Ms ElizabethR Boe Mr StephenJ Canzona Ms TeresaK Schuessler Mr AnthonyScipioneIII

Other Donors

Ms CatherineM O'Donoghue Mrs EmilyM Keller Mrs LaurenKiefer Mrs ClareC Marlin

Ms GeomeleA Moya Mr JosephJ NimrodIV Mr BryanM Tews Ms MalloryM Ulaszek

Pledge Payments

Mr AndrewR Weissert

Class of 2004 Class Participation 3.6%

Founder's Circle

Mrs RebeccaF Centioli Ms GabriellaI Lenzi-Littleton Mrs MeredithRichard

Principal's Circle

Mr ThomasJ Bufalino Mr MichaelDipiero Ms SheridanRoot

Rambler's Club

Mr DanielBreslin Mrs KatherineConnor Ms MeganJ Dino Mr JoeGuediguian Ms KellyA Smith Mr StevenTazalla

Other Donors

Mrs MadelineH Brennen Mr MichaelBrennen Mrs EmilyC Fiorilli Mr DanielKozlak Ms ElizabethTarantino

Pledge Payments

Mr PaulJ LaughlinJr

Class of 2005 Class Participation 2.0%

Founder's Circle

Ms CourtneyO'Connor Principal's Circle Mr DouglasKadison Mr MatthewW Leske

Rambler's Club

Ms ColleenM Desmond Mr JamesE Grieco Ms JenniferSeeberg Ms MeghanC Tighe

Other Donors

Ms ChristineE Erickson Mr ChristopherR Heredia Mr JohnP MarlinRIP Mr MichaelJ Zera

Class of 2006 Class Participation 3.3%

President's Circle

Mrs MeganJ McLaughlin

Founder's Circle

Mr RoryP Kenny

Principal's Circle

Ms EmilyK Harig

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr DavidL Blobaum

Mrs KaraBufalino

Mr KevinA Bufalino

Dr GavinH Green Dr KatherineC Kragh-Buetow

Mr MichaelP Lewandowski

Ms SalyM Sebastian

Rambler's Club

Mr PeterM Berg Mr TimothyC Harvey Mr JohnD Kendzior Mrs AmyM McArthur

Other Donors

Ms KathrynM Hughes

Mrs ElizabethM Kearney

Mr MarkMcGuire

Class of 2007

Class Participation 3.1%

Founder's Circle

Mr MichaelF LeFevour

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr KurtAkers

Capt HeatherConner

Mr AlanP Devey

Mrs ChristinaE Koenig

Rambler's Club

Ms MaryKateMcCarthy

Dr RyanPasiewicz

Mrs CareyShuler

Other Donors

Mrs LauraAlcide

Mrs HopeH Baker

Mr JohnM BakerJr

Mr BrianT Doyle

Mr RyanM Freedman

Mr DanielT Kearns Mr MatthewJ Stonequist

Class of 2008

Class Participation 5.1%

Founder's Circle

Mr TimJ Person

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr BrendanB Green

Mr BrianP Mulroe

Ms KimberlyF Weisenberger

Rambler's Club

Ms ShannonE Burke

Mr AlexanderC DeLaRosa

Ms ElizabethL Fenger

Mrs MichelleM Keenan

Mrs NoraO Klein

Ms LaurenN Kus

Mr PaulP Lambert

Ms MeganE Lyman

Ms MargauxR McGrath

Mrs BridgetM Schaus

Ms ErinE Mueller

Mr KevinG Tazalla

Ms AlexisM Vasiljevich Mr SeanT Wallace

Other Donors

Mr EdwardM Guediguian

Mr EricN Strobel

Ms ElizabethR Sullivan

Ms ElizabethC Webb

Pledge Payments

Ms Anna-PatriciaPleuhs

Ms HannaE Prince

Ms KarenM Prorok

Class of 2009

Class Participation 3.3%

President's Circle

Mrs AustinL Hickey

Mr PatrickL Hickey

Founder's Circle

Mr PatrickB Hake

Principal's Circle

Ms CaitlinE Desmond

Maroon and Gold Club

Mrs KathrynE Devey

Mr GavinJ McGarry

Mr RaymondL O'Connell

Mrs ClaireB O'Neill

Rambler's Club

Mr StephenS Conway

Mr JohnP DolanJr

Ms CatherineM Groden

Mr AlecJ Kosminskas

Mrs MargaretA TotaroKunkel

Ms MeghanK McMahon

Mr AndrewD Nigh

Other Donors

Mr DanielR Ampon

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 56

Class of 2010

Class Participation 7 8%

Founder's Circle

Mr SeanE Kelly

Principal's Circle

Mr LukeG Joyce

Mr WilliamPhelan

Ms MaryClareSweeney

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr EvanJ Fay

Mr EdwardL HocterJr

Mr JohnK Seeberg

Rambler's Club

Mr WilliamB Cowhey

Mr BrianR Daly

Mr CaseyJ Dolan

Mr AnthonyT Fassett

Mr WilliamD Forsyth

Mrs ClaireA Frankenberg

Mr PeterJ McEnaney

Mr MatthewM Milligan

Mr MichaelN Mulroe

Mr MaxwellA PaternosterLehmann

Mr JoeC StevensJr

Mr BrianF Timmreck

Mrs KathleenM Timmreck

Other Donors

Ms CarlyM Arens

Mr EthanA Boyle

Mr CharlesL Brault

Mr JustinM Brown

Mr WilliamC Costello

Dr MaeveT Dowdall

Mr MichaelEnich

Mr PatrickJ Ford

Mr AllisterLaurel

Mr TimothyM Maher

Ms KathleenM McGovern

Ms BrookeA Sallas

Ms AshleyK Sanks

Ms ElizabethI Schmidt

Mr MichaelT Schufreider

Mr JohnP Schulte

Ms JenniferA Slaski

Ms VidaVasilj

Mr PatrickJ Veech

Pledge Payments

Mr TylerR SaintGermain

Class of 2011

Class Participation 5.5%

Principal's Circle

Mr CharlesS Kurzydlowski

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JozefCaushi

Mr JohnH ReardonJr

Rambler's Club

Mr AnthonyC ColosimoJr

Mr MichaelM Harrington

Ms ElizabethM Lyman

Ms LaurenR Marino

Ms EstelleA Pappas

Ms KatharineL Robbins

Mr EarlE Webb

Other Donors

Ms GabrielleE Ansani

Ms EmeraldE Antwi-Nsiah

Mr LawsonA Barter

Ms TeresaC Belton

Ms RoseO Broccolo

Mr CodyR Busic

Mrs StephanieC SchererDeFilippis

Ms MargaretA Dowdall

Ms KristenD Figueroa

Mr JohnA Forsyth

Mr JohnP Groden

Mr WilliamA Jordan

Ms KaylaJ Martin

Ms KaitlynE Muench

Mr ThomasC Zahn

2012 Class of Class Participation 5.0%

Principal's Circle

Ms EmilyC Phelan

Maroon and Gold Club

Ms ColleenM Kollar

Rambler's Club

Mr EricE Bielinski

Ms HayleyR Bielinski

Mr RobertJ Dooley

Ms ClareM Dowdle

Mr NicholasR Haben

Ms AdelaideM Hake

Mr AndreJ Hunter-Mosquera

Ms MargaretR Iglar

Mr DanielP Martin

Ms CarolineM Newell

Ms ShannonA O'Malley

Mr WilliamJ Palivos

Ms EmmaC Walsh Mr JohnK Witry

Other Donors

Ms MadelineG Bednar

Mr JacobH Fils

Ms MorganC Kuhn

Ms EmilyH Levison

Ms BrittanyL McCray

Mr RobertJ Murray

Mr MatthewG Naughton

Ms MichelleB Ricolcol

Mr ScottM Suhey

Class of 2013 Class Participation 3.0%

Legris Circle

Mr ThomasJ Groden

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr ConnorJ Watts

Rambler's Club

Ms DianaHass

Mr DanielB Huffman

Mr ChristopherJ Kelly

Ms BrittanyA Lodarek

Mr IanP Pappas

Ms TierneyStein

Other Donors

Mr MatthewJ Fallon

Ms ImaniC Flowers

Ms MaryThereseForsyth

Ms JohannaHanson

Ms ElizabethV Heredia

Ms HiruteslasieY Negassi

Ms MaryK Vanecko

Class of 2014

Class Participation 2.6%

President's Circle

Mr PatrickT FitzGibbons

Principal's Circle

Mr GavinS Sullivan

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr GregoryF McDonnell

Rambler's Club

Mr PeterColosimo

Ms MichaelaM Flanagan

Ms SaraK Hickey

Ms AnneM Lyons

Ms JacquelineE McDonnell

Mr FrancisW O'Malley

Mr JackB Penn

Mr PatrickT Saletta

Other Donors

Ms LaurenM Lyman

Mr JackW Morrissey

Ms ClariceJ Swanson

Class of 2015

Class Participation 7.1%

Principal's Circle

Ms MaeveK Dowdle

Mr TimothyR Grayhack

Rambler's Club

Ms LaneE Ehlman

Ms AshleyN Lodarek

Ms VictoriaA McMenamin

Ms AspynRepp

Mr AndrewJ Treiber

Mr NigelH Wilson

Other Donors

Ms IsabellaF Armstrong

Ms EmilyA Blomquist

Mr JohnV Brett

Ms CourtneyE Cheevers

Ms MaryClareFrawley

Ms EvaP Hagman

Ms MargaretC Horne

Ms EmilyE Iglar

Mr ChristianJ Inciong

Mr ConnorW Kreb

Ms MargaretR McPike

Mr JohnA Miller

Ms ElizabethL Murphy

Mr DevinP O'Brien

Ms EleanorO'Meara

Ms KathleenN Otter

Mr TrevorJ Rahlfs

Ms KaitlinM Rourke

Ms JuliaT Sajnaj

Ms MadelineM Scala

Ms ErinD Shiel

Ms CarolineM Vance Mr MichaelC White Mr RyanD Zinkula

Class of 2016

Class Participation 14.6%

Principal's Circle

Ms MaryC Phelan

Maroon and Gold Club

Ms CarolineM Jaros

Ms CarolineD Thompson

Rambler's Club

Ms MadisonA Banas

Mr EricA Eshoo

Mr AlexanderS Gerbel

Ms BridgetS Kelly

Mr PeterJ Naughton

Mr ThomasR Picchietti

Ms LaurenPinderski

Mr JohnM Tamisiea

Mr PatrickS Tata

Other Donors

Ms CarolineC Ahearne

Ms JulianaBackstrom

Mr MatthewD Brucks

Ms HannahJ Burgess

Ms MaryKateByrne

Ms MaryKateK Calk

Mr ConnorB Carlin

Mr JosephConte

Ms LeahO Cruger

Ms ErinR Cullen

Ms JennaC Cutler

Ms MiaD DiSilvestro

Mr EdmundC Dooley

Ms ErinR Dowdle

Ms KateA Elisha

Ms KerryP Faoro

Ms RyanE Flanagan

Ms NoelleM Fox

Ms KathrynC House

Ms GabrielleM Hughes

Mr JonahU Isaac

Mr JohnC JoyceJr

Ms KierstenB Joyce

Ms CarolineA Karlson

Mr ChristianG KebrRIP

Ms KathleenR Kelsh

Ms TaylorO Kozloski

Ms AshleyN Licudine

Ms FrancescaL Lucchesi

Ms StephanieM Lyman

Ms SheilaM Lyons

Ms CarolineE McCarthy

Ms KelseyE McGarvey

Ms CarolineS McKinley

Mr NicholasT Miller

Ms AnnT Moran

Ms AlexandraD Nicholas

Ms JuliaF Nicholas

Mr ThomasB Nute

Mr ConnellT O'Brien

Mr EmmettS O'Malley

Mr IanR O'Shaughnessy

Mr TheodoreM Papakyriacou

Ms RachelR Phelps

Ms NoraE Reilly

Mr PatrickJ Riordan

Ms MaryCatherineSebby

Ms ClaireG Sexton

Ms BaileyJ Seymour

Ms MadelineShave

Ms OliviaE Shea

Ms ClaireF Sheridan

Mr MatthewW Sheridan

Mr DavisP Shugrue

Ms SydneyE Shugrue

Mr JamesJ Stanton

Ms MaeveE Stanton

Ms DanielleN Stone

Ms OliviaC Tritsis

Mr JacobvanCleef

Ms OliviaK VanZelst

Ms ElizabethM Wright

Ms AudreyN Yager

Ms CarolineM Yardley

Class of 2017

Class Participation 2.2%

President's Circle

Mr RobertD Kelly

Maroon and Gold Club

Mr JohnR McMenamin

Mr ThomasB Sexton

Rambler's Club

Mr DimitriP Alexopoulos

Ms PeriF Ehlman

Ms MargaretM Hickey

Mr WilliamJ Hopper

Mr WesleyR Koerner

Mr RyanJ Trueman

Other Donors

Mr AnthonyW LoVerdiIII

Ms CaraL O'Brien

Class of 2018

Class Participation 1.2%

Rambler's Club

Ms MargaretA Guanci

Mr JohnM YagerJr

Other Donors

Ms ZaraG Bokhari

Mr AndrewS Forsyth

Ms PaigeI Fullman

Ms SarahA Walsh

Pledge Payments

Ms MargaretA Guanci

Class of 2019

Class Participation 1 4%

Rambler's Club

Ms HannahG Kelly

Ms EmilyN Yager

Other Donors

Mr OwenD Boersma

Mr NolanW Chow

Ms CaralineM Foley

Mr JackP Lynch

Mr JohnF McDonaghIV

Class of 2020

Class Participation 0.9%

Rambler's Club

Mr EthanTong

Other Donors

Mr ThomasW Dorgan

Ms CatherineF O'Brien

Ms BridgetM Salter

Class of 2021

Class Participation 0 9%

Other Donors

Mr LiamT Heaney

Mr CameronJ Matejka

Mr MatthewI Seitzinger

Mr MichaelR Solmos

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 57

Graduate Parents Ignatius Circle

Mr CharlesW BidwillJr

Mr DouglasJ Clingan'85and

Dr BethA Clingan

Mr andMrs JosephL Dahm

Mr andMrs MarioJ Donato'82

Mr andMrs RalphJ Gesualdo'75

Mr andMrs BrittonT Hayes

Mr andMrs ChristopherLister

Mr WilliamA McIntosh 57

Mr andMrs GeraldJ Meehan

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Murphy

Mr andMrs RandallG Rueth

Mr andMrs WilliamE Sullivan 72

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Wehmer'72

Xavier Circle

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Dolan 79


Mr andMrs WilliamD ForsythIII

Mr andMrs ScottW Gunnison

KatherineandJimHickey 75

Mr andMrs HomerJ LivingstonIII'85

Mr JohnF McDonaghIIIand

Ms KarenS SauderMcDonagh

Mr andMrs WilliamV McMenamin 77

Mr andMrs WilliamT O'DonnellJr '67

Mr andMrs ThomasP O'Malley'52

Mr andMrs ThomasA ReynoldsIII'70

Mr andMrs DouglasRupert

Mr andMrs GeorgeE Sargent'88

Mr andMrs PatrickG Shea'83

Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi'64

Dumbach Circle


Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas 81

Mr andMrs DavidJ Brett

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Canning 81

Dr andMrs JohnCherf

Mr andMrs KentP Dauten

Mr PatrickFitzGeraldand

Ms MaryKrigbaum

Mr andMrs H PatrickHackettJr '69

Mr andMrs RogerP Hickey 79

Mr andMrs PaulJust

Mr JosephS KearneyJr '51RIPand Mrs CatherineKearney

Mr andMrs BruceA Lee

Mr andMrs RobertG Lewandowski

Mr andMrs EdLoeb

Mr andMrs RichardF OMalleyJr

Mr andMrs JohnJ O'Sullivan

Ms NancyE Paridyand

Mr StephenM Naughton

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Perry

Mr andMrs MichaelRobson

Mr andMrs SteveW Schmidt

Mr andMrs F Q StepanJr '78

Mr MartyJ Stock

Mr andMrs JamesP Sullivan

Mr andMrs PatrickE Sullivan'73

Mr andMrs LawrenceThuet

Mr andMrs ThomasP Zidar

Humbert Circle


Mr andMrs TomW Boylen

Mr JohnBrady

Mr andMrs JohnP Bredemann'72

Mr andMrs MichaelN CannizzaroSr '67

Mrs ElizabethJ Collins

Mr andMrs DanielV Considine'63

Mr andMrs GeraldF Corcoran

Mr andMrs ThomasP DanisJr

Mr TimothyDarraghand

Ms LynetteN Kerrane-Darragh

Mr andMrs GaryM Delaney

Mr JamesR Gillespie

Mr andMrs TylerE Ginn

Mr andMrs AndrewC Goldberg 85

Mr andMrs PeterHendrick

Mr andMrs JamesS HoganSr '56

Mr andMrs DavidE Kawala

Mr MarkK Lahey'67RIPand

Mrs MaryLahey

Mr andMrs LawrenceR Lucas'72

Mr andMrs KevinR Lynch

Mr andMrs PhilipA Marineau 64

Dr andMrs EdwardL Marut

Mr andMrs MichaelR Miller'70

Mr andMrs RaymondM MurrayIII'89

Mr andMrs WayneNormanJr

Mr andMrs MichaelP O'Brien 78

Mr andMrs RobertP PerkausJr '54

Mr andMrs PatrickWoodPrince

Mr andMrs DavidP Radelet

Mr andMrs MichaelA Rucker

Mr F QuinnStepanSr '55and

Mrs JeanF StepanRIP

Mr andMrs TimothyP Sullivan

Mr andMrs JosephT TalangesJr

Mr HaroldB TobinRIPand

Mrs SuzanneB Tobin

Mr andMrs JosephE ValentiJr 68

Mr andMrs RichardM Waris

Legris Circle

Mr andMrs StetsonF Atwood

Mr andMrs RobertL BernerJr '49RIP

Mr andMrs MartinJ Bredemann 80

Mr andMrs TimothyE Broccolo'73

Mr andMrs AngeloJ Bufalino

Mr andMrs KevinW Burke'85

Mr andMrs DonaldW Carlin

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Caruso'69

Mr MichaelT Clune

Mr ThomasM Compernolle 72

Mr andMrs ThomasP Conway

Mr andMrs JohnW Croghan

Mr andMrs RichardG Daly'74

Mr andMrs PeterH D'Arrigo

Mr andMrs DanielDelany

Mr andMrs FrancisW Dempsey 56

Mr andMrs MatthewR Devine'85

Mr andMrs KevinDougherty

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Falkenhayn

Mr andMrs StevenJ Fischer

Mr andMrs GeorgeF FitzpatrickJr

Mr andMrs GaryGardner

Mr andMrs DavidM Gonnella

Mr BrianP Hake

Mr andMrs ReidJ Hill

Mr andMrs RobertH HuffmanIII

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Huffman

Mr andMrs ScottHumphrey

Mr andMrs BrianE Johnson

Mr andMrs GeorgeJ KaiserIII'78

Mr andMrs RobertC Kelly

Mr andMrs DavidB Kennedy'73

Mrs ElizabethI Keyser

Mr andMrs PeterG Leemputte 75

Mr andMrs EugeneJ Leone

Mr andMrs GeorgeC LymanIII 80

Mr andMrs JohnP Lynch

Mr andMrs RichardV LynchJr '64

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr JamesV MartinJr RIPand Mrs VeoN Martin

Mr andMrs MattJ Matthews'73

Mr andMrs MichaelD McDermott

Mr AnthonyJ McKerr

Mr andMrs JamesA McShane

Mr andMrs GaryA Michalek'79

Mr andMrs WilliamMitchell

Mr andMrs MikeE Nugent

Mr andMrs L RobertPasquesi 62

Mr andMrs JamesK Placio

Mr ChrisR Prawdzikand

Ms AbbyL Bried-Prawdzik

Mr JamesF Rollings'73

Mr andMrs WilliamG Romaniuk

Mr PeterL SchaeferRIPand

Mrs JulieL Schaefer

Ms CatherineM Schiltz

Mr andMrs JosephF Scoby'83

Mr JohnD Shugrueand

Ms ElizabethA Price

Mr andMrs JonT Smoter

Mr andMrs PeterA Sweeney 73

Mr TheodoreJ Tsoumas

Mr andMrs ThomasA Unger'82

Mr RichardH Vlerick'47RIP

Mr andMrs JamesP Walsh'79

President's Circle Anonymous(2)

Mr andMrs PaulA Ainsworth

Mr andMrs StanleyS Awdisho

Ms DianaBarr

Mr andMrs GarrickW Beil'92

Mr RaymondL BerryJr '48

Ms PatriciaM Bidwill

Mr andMrs SteveBirchard

Mr andMrs PeterJ Broccolo'74

Mr andMrs JamesM Burke

Mr andMrs MichaelS Carlin'80

Dr GeorgeT Chiampas'89and

Dr LoriChiampas

Mr andMrs ArthurB CollinsIII

Mr andMrs BrianL Collins'86

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Craddock 92

Mr andMrs G LowellDixon

Mr andMrs MatthewX Engels'85

Mr JohnO Finzer'45RIPand

Mrs ElizabethFinzer

Mr andMrs StephenP Fitzell

Mr andMrs RobertJ FlanneryJr

Mr ChristopherW Gardner'80and

Ms EileenMcCarthy

Mr andMrs ChrisK Hatzopoulos'93

Mr andMrs FrankE Hayden

Mr CharlesW Heintzand

Ms ErinK Melley

Mr andMrs JohnT HickeyJr '70

Mr andMrs JohnC HittJr 83

Mr andMrs ThomasC Hjorth

Dr andMrs PeterHoepfner

Hon MichaelJ Hogan'64

Mr GaryA Joyce

Mr andMrs DanM Kavanagh

Mr DavidM Kavanaghand

Ms MaryM Dollinger

Mrs SophiaKeller

Mr andMrs JohnF Kelly 83

Lt Col WilliamB Kelly,USA'81RIPand

Mrs SusanM Kelly

Mr andMrs WilliamH KellyJr '58

Mr G PrestonKendallIII 80and

Hon VirginiaKendall

Mr andMrs JamesM Kurtzweil

Mr andMrs JohnG Kyle


Mr andMrs KevinLawler

Mr andMrs JohnM Lazzaretto

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Leahy 60

Mr andMrs BryanLocke

Mr andMrs GeraldJ MalloySr

Mr andMrs JamesMatejka

Mr andMrs WilliamK McGowan


Mr andMrs SeanD McManamy

Mr andMrs CarlE MooreJr 60

Mr andMrs JohnP Mullen

Mr andMrs JonathanMurlas


Mr andMrs DavidM Neenan

Mr andMrs ThomasNieman

Mr andMrs JohnD Nimesheim'91

Mr andMrs JamesB Novy'88

Mr andMrs PaulJ O'Brien

Mr andMrs JohnW Person'76

Mr andMrs WilliamH PhelanJr '78

Dr andMrs JamesJ Phillips

Mr andMrs JohnJ PikarskiJr 84

Mr WilliamM Plante 55RIPand

Ms RobinSmith

Mr LeeT Polk 63

Mr andMrs HenryA ProeselII'71

Mr andMrs MichaelL Regan'92

Mr andMrs JosephP Roddy'82

Mr andMrs JohnRushin

Mr andMrs ThomasE Schufreider 76

Mr andMrs RobertA Schultz

Mr andMrs JamesP Sohigian

Mr andMrs AndrewJ Soucheray

Mr GeorgeP Sullivan 62and

Ms DorothyTurek

Mr andMrs EarlT Szymanski Mr andMrs RobertW Tarjan'61

Mr andMrs DavidW Terrell

Mr andMrs GeorgeB Trapp

Mr andMrs NicholasVagra

Mr andMrs RobertG Vanecko'83

Mr andMrs JosephV WalkerIV

Mr andMrs EarlE Webb

Mr andMrs ThomasE Whelan

Mr andMrs JamesD Wiggins Mr RobertJ Wild'79and

Ms LisaL Donofrio Mr andMrs BryanJ Wilson

Founder's Circle

Mr andMrs PhilipJ Andrew 85 Mr andMrs JosephJ Annotti

Mr andMrs PeterC Anthony'84

Mr TerrenceP Bannon 71and Ms BarbaraA Kilian Mr andMrs StephenA Beard Mr andMrs JohnE BenzIII'68 Mr andMrs JasonBerne

Mr andMrs ThomasL Bindley

Mr andMrs MichaelL Braasch'92

Mr andMrs BrianJ Bradley

Mr andMrs JamesL Brault 79

Mr andMrs MarkM Burden'85

Mr andMrs WilliamE Burgess

Mr andMrs WilliamP ClarkeJr Mr andMrs KevinT Coleman'84

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Coleman 80

Mr andMrs ChristopherT Collins 92

Mr MarcP Collinsand

Dr MadelineA Collins

Mrs VictoriaD Creeden

Mr andMrs ChristopherG Cummins

Capt andMrs MichaelJ Darcy

Ms SharonDeRosaand

Mr RichOstrom

Mr andMrs ThomasP Desmond

Mr AnthonyP Diblik'86and

Ms JudithR Dever

Mr andMrs ThomasM Dunham

Mr andMrs DavidB FallonJr 76

Mr andMrs ChristopherD Farr

Ms MauraF Farrell

Mr andMrs HenryJ FeeleyJr '59

Mr andMrs JeffreyD Flakus'87

Mr andMrs DavidJ Fox'78

Dr andMrs JamesL FoxJr '69

Mr andMrs JohnM Gambacorta 78

Mr MichaelR Gervasio'87and Dr JenniferE Gervasio

Dr ThomasF Gleason 71and

Ms MinaLeon

Mr andMrs RobertF Goetz

Mr RobGuttschowand Mrs JoyVallesterol-GuttschowLdM'88

Mr andMrs L TimothyT Halleron

Mr DavidE Haracz'79and

Ms MaryS Dolan

Mr andMrs DanielQ Herbert'86

Mr andMrs DavidN HiattSr

Mr andMrs DavidL Hill'79

Mr andMrs EdwardL HocterSr 82

Mr andMrs JohnE HoganE'83

Mr andMrs JosephHoltgreive

Mr andMrs MichaelW Jamieson 76 Mrs ColleenJones

Mr DavidE Jones

Mr andMrs ThaddeusA Kapica

Mr andMrs GeorgeF KastenIII

Mr andMrs RichardJ KeatingJr

Mr andMrs ThomasN King

Mr PeterF KochRIPand Mrs PatriciaKoch

Mr andMrs BrandonKolaski

Mr andMrs RaymondA Kracik

Mr andMrs ThomasA KramerSr

Ms BridgetL Lamb

Mr WilliamJ LawlorIIIand Mrs BlairLawlorRIP

Mr andMrs GerardS LeiderJr '90

Mr andMrs ThomasM LeinenweberSr

Mr andMrs StephenJ LombardoIII

Mr andMrs JamesW Lyman'79

Mr andMrs SeanM Madden'77

Mr andMrs JosephM Magliochetti

Mr andMrs ThomasJ McHughJr '85

Mr andMrs DavidK McNulty'67

Mr andMrs ChristopherL Menconi

Ms MaureenA Miller

Mr andMrs MarkD Mitchell 68

Mr andMrs MarkR Muench 75

Mr ChristopherM Novy 87

Mr JohnW O'Brien'72RIPand Mrs PatriciaM O'Brien

Mr andMrs EdwardJ O'Connell

Mr andMrs RichardK O'Dwyer'86

Mr FredJ Osborne'79and Dr SaraJaneOsborne

Mr andMrs JosephH PaquinJr

Mr andMrs MarkPawlowski

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Prassas'86

Mr andMrs DavidS Quackenbush

Mr andMrs TimothyC Reynolds 78

Mr andMrs FrankE Schmitz

Mr andMrs DanielSeeberg 75

Mr andMrs ChristopherA Smyth Mr andMrs WilliamS SteeleIII Mr andMrs PeterD Sullivan'76

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Svets Mr andMrs GuyS Tagliavia Mr andMrs JohnP Tamisiea Mr JosephR TaylorRIPand Mrs AudreyTaylor Dr andMrs CharlesA ThorsenIII'66

Mr andMrs AllenM Tibshrany Mr andMrs JohnVasilj 91 Mr andMrs ChristianWalsh Mr andMrs JohnP WrennJr Mr andMrs ThomasA ZipprichJr 90

Principal's Circle

Mr andMrs J StephenBaine Mr andMrs DanielJ Baker Mr andMrs J G BambrickJr Mrs MaryBoyle Mr andMrs EugeneA BroccoloJr 72 Dr andMrs JamesH Brooks Mr andMrs DavidR Bryant 57 Mr andMrs MichaelCandioto Mr andMrs FrancisCarroll Mr andMrs JohnV CarrettaJr

Mr andMrs JamesA Casey

Mr andMrs RichardG Cenar'79

Mr andMrs H GlenClarkeIII'82

Mr andMrs MichaelP Conway

Mr andMrs IvoCozzini

Mr andMrs TimothyJ DanielsSr

Mr andMrs JohnT Dempsey'55

Mr JohnDerwent

Mr RobertM Desherow 93and Mrs DanielleL DesherowLdM 93

Mr andMrs JayDettling

Mr andMrs RichardA Devine'61

Mr andMrs FredericD Donnelly

Mr andMrs EdwinM Doody Mr andMrs ThomasP Driscoll Mr ChristopherA Ebert'78

Mr MarkA Ehlert

Mr VictorP FilippiniJr 76and Ms MarloM DelPercio

Mr andMrs TimothyM Finnegan

Mr andMrs JohnH Fiore 90

Mr andMrs LarkinS Flanagan 86

Mr andMrs JohnJ Gatti 84

Dr GavinJ Greenand Mrs KatherineB Green

Mr andMrs RobertB Hamilton'67

Mr andMrs RobertG Hess

Dr andMrs ThomasJ Hinkamp'73

Mr andMrs MichaelF Howard

Mr ChrisIrwinandMrs KarenStroble

Mr andMrs ChrisP Janson'88

Mr FrancisJules

Mr andMrs JohnF KellyIII'69

Mr andMrs JamesD King

Mr andMrs MarkA Koerner

Mr andMrs MichaelP KyleSr '87

Mr andMrs JosephC Lane'60

Mr andMrs GrantJ Leech

Mr andMrs MatthewB Letson

Mr andMrs PeterMalecek

Mr andMrs MichaelL Manelis

Mr andMrs CharlesMcCarthy

Mr andMrs JohnP McGarrity

Mr KevinT McGarvey

Mr andMrs PatrickJ McGowan

Mr andMrs DanielW McGrath

Mr andMrs MarkE McGuire 70

Mr P KentMcLaughlin 73and

Ms JoanA Kram

Mr PeterE McNulty

Mr andMrs EdmundMeadows

Mr andMrs RobertMiller

Mr andMrs AlanMocny

Mr andMrs MarkA Moran

Dr andMrs DavidMorgan

Mr andMrs RobertE Murphy'63

Mr andMrs ThomasS O'DonoghueJr '70


Mr andMrs JamesJ O'SullivanJr '53

Mr StevenF Otter 76

Mr JohnE Owens 54

Mr andMrs RobertP Palmersheim

Dr JimParkandDr JenniferKim

Mr andMrs RobertJ Pasquesi 94

Mr andMrs RobertJ PillionJr

Mr andMrs P MarcPoggioli

Mr MatthewS Ponziand

Ms AnnM Smith

Mr andMrs DanielR Powell'92

Mr andMrs MichaelE Racine'88

Mr JohnT Rank 65and

Ms LindaPrasil

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Reardon

Mrs FayeRebarchakRIP

Mr andMrs JeffreyJ Reichenbach'87

Mr GregoryP Reilly

Mrs JulieP Reilly

Mr andMrs PaulD RocheJr

Mr andMrs GabrielM Rodriguez'75

Ms SusanD Romanski

Mr andMrs WilliamJ Rooney'54

Mr andMrs ChristopherW Rule 87

Mr MarkF Santacrose'77and Ms MargaretM Fiorenza

Mr andMrs JohnH ScheidJr 86

Mr andMrs LouisH Scherb 57

Mr JamesR Seeberg 54

Mr JohnD Silkand

Mrs AlisonD SilkLdM 88

Mr andMrs VincentC Smith

Mr andMrs JeromeC Spellman

Mr andMrs PeterSperling

Mr andMrs DanielP Stauder

Mr andMrs JohnA Sullivan'66

Mr RichardSusantoand Ms CarolinaThaulad

Mr andMrs JonTalty

Ms ValerieTews

Dr LeonardoVargasand Mrs IreneValerio

Mr andMrs JaredVelasco

Dr andMrs JefferyS Vender


Mr andMrs GeraldF Waldron'64

Mr andMrs JohnT Wannemacher

Mr RobertN Wolf'69

Mrs LauraA Yasko

Mr andMrs JosephC ZuercherJr 74

Maroon and Gold Club


Mr andMrs StevenM Bachert

Mr andMrs AntonioM Baio

Mr andMrs LawrenceA Ball

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Bartholomew

Mr andMrs KevinBaudhuin

Mr DonaldJ BenderyJr and

Mrs MariaS BenderyLdM'91

Mr andMrs PatrickBennett

Mr andMrs RobertJ Benvenuto

Mr BrianR Blockovichand

Mrs PatriciaH Hindo-Blockovich

Mr andMrs AndrewB Bloomer

Mr andMrs JeffreyF Boyd

Mrs SusanN Brady

Mr andMrs CareyD Brunelli 72

Mr andMrs GerardC Buchanan

Mr andMrs CyleCantrell

Mr RonaldA Carr 53

Dr HowardChrismanand

Hon AmySt Eve

Mr andMrs AndrewChruszczyk

Mr andMrs PatrickE Clifford'93

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 58

Mr andMrs JohnJ Compernolle'78

Mr andMrs ToddCowen

Mrs AngelaCrilly

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Dammrich

Mr JamesJ Darrowand

Ms AnneM Wilson

Mr andMrs MichaelW Davis

Mr andMrs DavidA Dempsey'82

Mr andMrs JoseR Diaz

Mr andMrs RobertJ Dineen

Mr andMrs LorenzoDiVito

Mr andMrs AnthonyR Donato 84

Mr andMrs BenjaminDooley

Mr andMrs MichaelE Dorgan

Mr andMrs RaymondJ Dowdle'72

Mr andMrs AndreasDuenkel

Mr andMrs MichaelS Dukes

Mr andMrs ToddJ Ehlman

Mr GregoryJ Eisinger'74and

Mrs JeanneG Borscha-EisingerLdM 77

Mr andMrs AndrewJ Engels'88

Mr andMrs DavidT Erie 78

Mr andMrs LeoP Finn'52

Mr andMrs JohnP Fiore

Mr andMrs TimothyL Flanagan 66

Mr HarryD Foley

Mr andMrs JamesW Ford'67

Mr andMrs JosephM Freda

Mr andMrs DavidN Fritzsche 88

Mr andMrs JeromeL Gavin'67

Mrs JulieGleixner

Mr andMrs JosephB GlunzSr 58

Mr andMrs MichaelM Gombac

Dr andMrs MiguelG Gonzalez

Mr DouglasS Gourley

Mr andMrs JohnC Graham

Mr andMrs ErickGrahn

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Grant

Dr andMrs JohnJ Grayhack

Mr andMrs ColinJ Gubbins

Mr andMrs MichaelGuercio

Mr andMrs JamesG Hagedorn'86

Mr andMrs MichaelB Hagen 70

Mr JohnB Higgins

Ms ColleenHogg

Mr andMrs MichaelE Hogg'88

Mr andMrs JohnI Holton

Mr MatthewL Hopkins'75and

Ms ColleenM Detjen

Mr andMrs JamesE Hughes 74

Mr andMrs WilliamJohnson

Dr andMrs JudyJoseph

Mr andMrs JosephS KearneyIII'85

Mr MichaelJ Kelly

Mr andMrs RandallC Kelly

Mr andMrs JohnV Kerrigan

Mr andMrs KevinP Kessler'85

Mr andMrs EdwardF KilbII

Mr andMrs StephenV King

Mr andMrs NeilR Kitchie

Mr andMrs KenKoehler

Mr andMrs JonathanA Kolssak

Mr andMrs RichardL Kosmerl

Mr JeremyLangfordand Ms ElizabethCollier

Mr andMrs ScottM Leadbetter

Mr andMrs AnthonyD Leung

Mr andMrs JohnF Littau 55

Mr andMrs DavidB Loucks

Mr andMs JohnP Lynch

Mr andMrs PatrickC Magner'89

Mr andMrs JeffreyJ Markee

Mr andMrs MichaelP McCarthy 85

Mr andMrs MichaelG McGuire 81

Mr andMrs MarkM McKinley

Mr andMrs DarylJ McNabb

Mr andMrs ThomasP McPike'79

Mr andMrs WilliamL Metzger

Mr BarryJ Mitchell'64RIPand

Mrs CarolM Mitchell

Mr MichaelL Monticello'85and

Dr KarinUlstrup

Mr RobertMorand

Mr andMrs MarkC Murnane'85

Mr andMrs EugeneE MurphyJr

Mr andMrs TimothyJ MurtaughIII'54

Mr andMrs JosephNevins

Mr andMrs LawrenceM Nicholson


Mr andMrs GeorgeJ Nikas

Mr andMrs RichardL Noble

Mr andMrs GregoryB Nold

Mr TimothyD OBrien 84RIPand

Ms AimeeM MecciaO'Brien

Mr andMrs MichaelF O'Hara

Mr FrancisW O'Malleyand Mrs LorettaA OMalleyLdM 83

Mr andMrs JamesM Otte

Mr andMrs PaulT Prikos 66

Mr andMrs FrederickJ Proesel 78

Mr andMrs PatrickT PurdyJr '86

Mr andMrs JohnH ReardonJr '82

Mr andMrs GordonG Repp

Mr andMrs WilliamP Roberts

Mr andMrs JohnF Robertson

Dr ShirleyA Roy

Mr andMrs MikeC Ryan

Mr andMrs LeeD Sachs

Mr andMrs PhillipJ Salter

Dr andMrs AnthonyW Savino'66

Mr andMrs JohnJ Scapin 71

Mr andMrs DanielT Schermerhorn'80

Mr andMrs KeithP Schoeneberger'66

Mr andMrs JamesP Seeberg'72

Mr andMrs LesleyJ Seitzinger 88

Mr DarrenR Sempleand

Mrs DebraD SempleLdM'90

Mr andMrs DavidJ Servatius 87

Mr andMrs GregoryServatius 77

Mr andMrs ThomasW SextonIII'81

Mr andMrs JamesA Seymour

Mr PeterK Shagory

Mrs SheriA Shagory

Mr andMrs JamesF Shannon'47

Mr andMrs DouglasR Sharfstein


Mr SeijiM Shinozakiand

Mrs LeticiaGuerra-Shinozaki

Mr andMrs GlennC Shipley

Mr andMrs W BrennanSmithJr

Mr andMrs JohnT Sobol'66

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Starshak

Mr andMrs PaulA Stevens

Mr andMrs JamesH Stoner

Mr andMrs JamesE Sullivan'56

Mr andMrs WilliamR SullivanJr 61

Mr andMrs RobertC SzafraniecSr

Mr andMrs JeffreyTallis

Dr andMrs MichaelT Tarjan'90

Mr andMrs GregoryA Tazalla

Mr andMrs DouglasP Thomas

Mr JohnB Thomas

Mrs MaryE Thomas

Mr andMrs DennisE Tisdale

Mr ThomasP Valenti'70

Mr andMrs FrankM Vance

Mr andMrs VincentD VinciSr '57

Mr andMrs ThomasWalsh

Mr andMrs DouglasE Wambach 74

Mr andMrs RobertS Wetoska

Mr andMrs WilliamT Zanoni 68

Rambler's Club

Mr andMrs ThomasM Arens'74

Mr andMrs JohnH Arndt'56

Mr JosephE Auer'83and

Ms KathleenG Kelly

Dr andMrs CarlBacker

Mr andMrs PatrickE Baele

Mr VictorM Bahezaand Ms LynetteKelecich

Mr andMrs CarlR Bailey

Mr andMrs KevinBaltazar

Mr andMrs FrankR Bauer

Mr andMrs ScottP Baum

Mr andMrs JamesBegley

Mrs MaryC Beirne

Dr andMrs TerrenceM Belton

Ms DanaBenjamin

Mr andMrs GaryM Berg

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Berti

Mr andMrs ChristopherP BetzSr

Mr andMrs CraigBlazer

Mr andMrs DavidJ Blockowicz

Mr andMrs JamesP Boyle'81

Mrs RebeccaBrennan

Mr andMrs JamesM Brennan

Mr andMrs RobertH Brennan

Mr andMrs FrancisW Briody'85

Mr andMrs TimothyE Brooke

Mr andMrs JohnBruckner

Mr andMrs PaulD Buckley'65

Mrs PeggyN Butler 95

Mr andMrs JohnC Canty

Mr JosephS Capitani 79RIPand

Mrs MaryCapitani

Mr andMrs JosephB CariniIII 81

Mr andMrs BrianCarroll'91

Mr andMrs MichaelCassady

Mr andMrs CharlesF Caufield 54

Mr MichaelChernik

Mr andMrs DonaldJ Christ'70

Mr ArthurB Collins'60

Mr andMrs JosephP Collins

Mr andMrs ThomasM Considine

Mr andMrs StephenConway

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Cotter'75

Mr andMrs PhillipA Couri 87

Mr andMrs RobertCox

Mr andMrs KevinS Creevy 70

Mr PeterB Cummins'80and

Ms MichelleMalca

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIII

Mr andMrs ChristopherDay

Mr andMrs JosephF Delaney

Mr andMrs KevinH Delaney

Mr andMrs JohnL DemandII

Mr MichaelK Demetrioand

Hon MaryKayRochford

Mr andMrs DinoC DiGiovanni

Mr andMrs MarioP DiVito

Mr RobertF Dixonand

Ms MaryM Donahue

Mr andMrs KennethDonofrio

Mr andMrs LarryDonoghue 37

Mr andMrs EdwinR DooleySr '85

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Dormin'76

Mr andMrs GeorgeF DouaireIV'80

Mr andMrs EdwinR Dunn 60

Mr andMrs JamesC Durham

Mr andMrs AnthonyC Eirich

Dr andMrs AshorElia

Dr andMrs GlynnJ ElliottIII 85

Mr KevinElliottandMs LuciaLacombe

Mr andMrs MichaelA Emerson

Mr andMrs LeRoyP Endre

Mr DonJ EngelsJr 81and

Mrs JulieA EngelsLdM'82

Mr andMrs RobEtheridge

Mr andMrs ThomasF Fallon

Mr andMrs HarryE Fear

Mr andMrs KevinP Flanagan

Mr andMrs TimothyF Foley'79 Dr StephenM Folgaand Dr AnnaB Folga

Ms NazcaFontes

Mr andMrs MichaelM Forester'73 Mr andMrs JohnP Fox 74

Mr andMrs MarcP Franson

Mr MichaelG Frey'78

Mr LouisJ GlunzIII'47

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Gombas Dr andMrs ChristopherGonzalez

Dr andMrs MarkH Gonzalez

Mr andMrs ThomasE Gordon

Mr PeterE Goschiand

Dr BarbaraM Goschi

Dr andMrs RogerJ Grabowski

Mr andMrs WilliamM GrahamJr

Mr andMrs ChristopherT Griffith Mr MarkT Gryland

Ms MargaretJ Tavormina Mr andMrs JohnC Guy Ms NicoleS Hajdu-DOnofrio

Mr andMrs KevinM Hand Mr andMrs DanielS Hare Mr andMrs RandallR Harmer Mr JosephK Hasson 80and

Ms MaryBethE Lake Mr BrianM Hayes 88and Mrs KathyS HayesLdM'88

Mr andMrs JamesH Hayes Mr andMrs J MichaelHeaton

Mr andMrs JamesE Hebson'81

Mr andMrs PeterT Heneghan Mr andMrs FrankHengelmann

Ms DeborahA HensleeLdM'75 Ms LauraA Herbert Mr andMrs GerardC Hillsman 51 Mr andMrs BrianHolcomb

Dr andMrs WilliamC Holohan'77

Mr andMrs AllenE Hoover 86

Mr andMrs SerafinJ Ilagan Mr andMrs MichaelJ Isaacson

Dr andMrs MarkoJ Jachtorowycz'79 Ms LauraM Jay

Mr andMrs PatrickM Johnson

Mr andMrs JosephM Joyce'70

Mr andMrs JohnA JurcenkoJr

Mr andMrs KennethJ Kadleck'76

Mr andMrs TimothyP Kane 86 Mr JohnKeating 74and

Dr AnnKeating

Mr andMrs DanielH Keenan

Ms TamaraK Keller

Mr andMrs BrendanJ Kelly

Mr andMrs GrangerF KenlyJr Ms KarenKennedy

Mr andMrs MichaelT Kennedy

Mr andMrs DavidC Kimbell

Mrs SuzanneKlemmer

Mr andMrs MarkKosminskas

Mr andMrs CasimirJ Kotowski

Mr ArthurJ Krumrey'70and

Ms CindaL Berry

Mr andMrs KonstantyE Krylow

Mr andMrs JohnG KyleJr '82

Mr andMrs JohnT LaFramboise

Mr andMrs WilliamL LameyJr 56

Mr PeterJ Langasand

Mrs JacqualineE LangasLdM'83

Mr andMrs SalvatoreJ LaTorraca'81

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Lattanzio

Mr andMrs PaulJ Laughlin

Mr andMrs CharlesJ LeBrun

Mr andMrs JamesS Levi

Mr andMrs RobertD Leydon'64

Mr andMrs ThomasC Lindstrom 86

Mr andMrs ToddA Lovcik

Dr andMrs WilliamH Lowe

Mr andMrs MarkM Lyman

Mr andMrs JohnE Maloney 60

Mr andMrs AnthonyJ Mancini

Ms SandraMarinic

Mr andMrs PeterJ Marino

Mr andMrs MartinE Martinson

Mr andMrs PatrickK McCaskey

Mr andMrs WilliamT McCormick

Mr andMrs DennisJ McDermott'55

Mr andMrs JosephP McFaddenIII

Mr andMrs JosephT McGovern

Ms KateE McGrath

Mr andMrs WilliamJ McGuire

Mr andMrs DavidK McHugh'74

Mr andMrs PatrickJ McKenna

Mr MichaelJ McNulty 49

Mr andMrs MatthewI McShane

Mr andMrs JonMejdrich

Mr andMrs BrockF Merck'88

Mr andMrs ArtW Mergner

Mr andMrs WilliamG Merkle

Mr andMrs RichardP Merrill'56

Mr andMrs PeterP Mezyk

Mr JohnC Miedema

Mr andMrs JohnMinyard

Mrs CarolynMitchell

Mr andMrs JohnD Mitchell'60

Mr andMrs ChristopherMoore

Mr andMrs ChristopherP MoranIII 72

Mr andMrs JohnC Morrissey

Mr andMrs RichardW MortellJr 72

Mr andMrs ChristopherA Murphy

Mr andMrs JamesW Murphy 71

Mr JohnM Murphyand

Mrs CatharineBraultMurphyLdM'81

Mr andMrs BryanNaraky

Ms IvetteNarvaez

Mr andMrs JosephJ Needham 89

Mr andMrs JohnM O'Brien'55

Mr andMrs ThomasW O'BrienIII'80

Mr andMrs FredJ O'Connor'80

Mr andMrs JamesJ O'Connor

Mr andMrs KevinB O'Donnell'86

Mr andMrs DavidG ODonoghue'81

Mr andMrs JamesJ O'Gara'84

Dr andMrs JohnM Ortinau'69

Mr WalterA Ovaert'54

Dr DavidOzarandDr LorraineOzar

Mr andMrs ChristianPappas

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Parker

Mr BenJ Parmaand

Mrs RowenaT ParmaLdM 85

Mr andMrs DouglasP Pasma

Mr andMrs VeseljkoPavlovic

Mr JohnR Plunkett'72and

Mrs ValerieA PlunkettLdM 75

Mr andMrs DavidQuinn

Hon andMrs RobertJ Quinn 70

Mr andMrs MarkL Radtke

Mr andMrs ScottRadtke

Mr andMrs PaulR Rempe

Mr andMrs JamesT Revord'52

Mr andMrs CharlesRice

Mr andMrs TonyM Ritter

Mr andMrs ReneRivero

Mr andMrs JeffreyR Rode 84

Mr andMrs ThomasC Rodeno

Mr andMrs FrankJ RothingJr '70

Mr andMrs JohnD Ruark

Mr andMrs JamesJ Rushin

Mr andMrs DanielJ Russell

Mr andMrs PhilipJ Ryan'72

Mr andMrs JohnA Saladino

Mr andMrs MitchSantiago

Mr andMrs VijaySarthy

Mrs MonikaSawyer

Mr StevenW Sawyer

Dr RobertA Scheidtand

Dr LauraM Haugh-Scheidt

Mr andMrs LohtarSchick

Mr andMrs TerrenceJ Sheahan

Mr andMrs BrianG Slowinski

Mr andMrs JohnF SmithIII 54

Mr andMrs JohnR SmithJr '78

Mr andMrs ScottM Smith

Mr andMrs JohnO Stanton 87

Mr CharlesK Stevens'85

Ms MoniqueStevens

Mr andMrs AnthonyJ Strzalka

Ms LuzvimindaL Sucaldito

Mrs JohnD Sullivan

Mr andMrs StephenA Sullivan

Mr andMrs RobertM Swarczewski'80

Mr andMrs VictorSwitski

Mr andMrs JohnTamas

Dr andMrs MarcL Tenzer

Ms AngelaM Thomas

Mr andMrs GerardM Thometz'72

Mr AnthonyR Tomas'83and

Mrs FatimahD TomasLdM'86

Mr andMrs StevenR Tonkinson

Mr andMrs ScottM Torrez

Mr andMrs JohnA Tuteur

Mr andMrs DavidTwohig

Mr andMrs JamesM Vaughan

Mr JasonJ Vedderand

Mrs HeatherR Bolton

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Veech

Mr andMrs MichaelT Vullmahn

Mr andMrs AndrewWalberer

Mr ChristopherWaltman

Dr ThomasJ Ward'60

Mr andMrs DavidJ Weber

Mr andMrs RichardH WehmanJr 75

Mr andMrs WilliamC Weinsheimer 58

Mr andMrs FrankE Weissert'71

Dr andMrs FrankJ Weschler

Mr andMrs LouisR Westol

Mr ThomasJ Wimbiscusand

Mrs MaureenA WimbiscusLdM'86

Mr andMrs JohnP WrennJr

Mr andMrs JosephYau

Mr andMrs MichaelF York

Other Donors


Ms MargaretM (Lauf)AndersonLdM'73 Ms DorisAguilar'00

Ms ConcettaJ Ahern

Mr andMrs JohnC Albrighton

Mr andMrs PaulW Allison

Mr andMrs WilliamAndino

Mr andMrs PeterK Anger

Mr andMrs RobertF Anthony

Mr andMrs VincentH Argento

Mr andMrs CesarArocho

Mr andMrs HenryP BabyJr

Ms CarolBagley

Mrs MarilynBallard

Dr andMrs MichaelJ Banks

Dr andMrs DanielBelmont

Mr andMrs SamuelJ Belmonti

Mr andMrs ScottC Bentivenga 81

Mr JamesA Bernhart'50

Mr ThomasC BielinskiRIPand Mrs MarianneBielinski

Mr AntonioA Bismonte

Mr CushmanB BissellJr '49

Mr andMrs DouglasP Boersma

Mr andMrs MichaelD Boland

Mr andMrs BrunoBoucher

Mr JohnJ BourkeSr '80

Mr andMrs WilliamJ Braasch'60

Mr WilliamR Brandstrader'88and

Mrs JoanneL BrandstraderLdM'84

Mrs AvisBryant

Mr AndrewK Buchananand

Ms MaryD McMahon

Mr andMrs JohnH Buehler

Mr andMrs JoshuaS Burden

Mr andMrs JohnM Burke

Mr andMrs BrianG CallahanSr 78

Mr andMrs PatrickJ CallahanJr '60

Mr andMrs DanielJ Carini'87

Mr andMrs WilliamA Carroll

Mr andMrs MarkF Cassidy 82

Mr HansyCharlierand

Ms NancyZunigaCharlier

Mr andMrs MichaelChoate

Dr andMrs ScottB Cienkus 85

Mr andMrs H R CollinsSr

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Collins

Mr andMrs SeanCompton

Mr andMrs RobertJ Conway'81

Mr andMrs TimothyG Conway

Mr andMrs ThomasH Cornille 71

Mr andMrs ChristopherM Cornue

Mr andMrs CarlL Cox

Mr andMrs J PatrickCraddock

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Craddock'85

Mr andMrs DemetriosA Criezis

Mr andMrs JosephG Cronin

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 59

Mr andMrs TimothyF Cummins

Mr andMrs JosephX Cushing'81

Mr EdwardDabuand

Mrs ArmidaEnriquezDabuLdM 94

Ms ElizabethF Daly

Mr andMrs JamesM DalyII'50

Mrs ElisaC Denja

Mr andMrs ThomasR Dessent

Mr andMrs JamesDillon

Mr AngeloA DiPaolo

Mr andMrs ChristopherDoell

Mr J PatrickDohertyRIPand

Mrs JeanneDoherty

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Dolan

Mr andMrs ToddM Dombrowski

Mr andMrs KevinJ Donnelly

Mr andMrs MichaelF Dooley 82

Mr andMrs RobertJ DooleyIII'81

Mr RichardO Doran

Mrs SarahR Doran

Mr PeteDouvalakisand

Mrs MoniqueI Giannoni

Mr andMrs JamesF Doyle

Mr andMrs ThomasF Dreher

Mr andMrs ThomasDrouillard

Mr andMrs DanielA Dunn

Mr andMrs DanielJ Durkin 76

Ms LynnM Egan

Dr andMrs JamesD Eggers

Mr MichaelJ Farinaand

Mrs MargaretJ FarinaRIP

Mr andMrs JamesT Ferrini'56

Mr andMrs JohnG Finneke

Mr andMrs MichaelW Fisher

Mr andMrs JohnR Fitzpatrick'56

Mr andMrs KennethD Fowler'89

Mr andMrs RobertE Franke

Ms PaulaL Fusco

Mr andMrs PeterF Gamber'53

Mr AustinGarfieldand

Ms ClaudiaLearned

Mr MatthewJ Garofoliand

Dr ErinM Garofoli

Mr andMrs MichaelGarrigus

Mr andMrs FrankI Gaughan'68

Mr andMrs JovanGavric

Mr andMrs RichardF Geimer 57

Mr JohnGeorgeand

Ms JenniferLampshire

Mr andMrs NicholasL Giampietro

Mr andMrs JohnP Ginley'89

Mr andMrs JosephT Gleason 89

Mr DennisJ Glynn'61RIPand

Mrs NanetteGlynn

Mr andMrs JorgeGonzalez

Ms MarianelaS Gonzalez

Mr andMrs StephenA Gorman

Mr andMrs ThomasA Gorman

Mr JohnR Graham'63and

Dr CarolFoyGraham

Mrs CathyGreen

Mrs PaulaGreene

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Griesmeyer'92

Mr andMrs JamesB Gustafson

Mr JackHagertyand

Mrs AnnL HagertyLdM'85

Mr andMrs JohnP Hagnell

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Harrington'80

Mr andMrs ThomasL Harte'81

Mr andMrs DanielE Healy

Mr HenryL Hendersonand

Ms ElizabethA McGowen

Mr andMrs HughJ Hodur 80

Mr andMrs WilliamG Hofherr 71

Mr andMrs DanielHolton

Mr andMrs BryanJ Holy

Mr andMrs MarkG Jablonski

Mrs JeanneJacobson

Mrs LuciaJakubow

Ms JenniferB Jalloway

Ms RosemaryA Janczak

Mr andMrs DonJenkins

Mr GilbertR JimenezEsq '71

Mr andMrs RobertB Johnson

Mr andMrs BradleyJones

Mr DavidJ Jorashand

Ms CathleenM Corr

Mr andMrs JacquesJoubert

Mr J MichaelJoyceIV

Mr MichaelKaczmarekand

Mrs EileenM Brusek-Kaczmarek

Mr andMrs AlfredKaralli

Mr andMrs TonyKareotes

Mr andMrs MarshallV KearneyIII'67

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Kearney 71

Mr andMrs BrianJ Kelly'83

Mr andMrs JohnJ Kennedy

Mr andMrs JamesKessler

Mr PatrickA Kessler'51RIPand

Mrs MaryEllenKessler

Mr andMrs JaiS Khanna

Mr SaheluW Kidaneand

Mrs MahiderW Hailu

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Klonoski

Mr andMrs MarkA Kollar

Mr andMrs MarkKozlowski

Mr andMrs RichardL Krause'64

Ms SusanS Krieg

Mr andMrs HarryLalor

Mr andMrs MartinJ Lane 61

Mr andMrs JamieLarsen

Mr JeffreyP Laterand Ms BetsyDonahue

Mr andMrs TimothyJ LeVert

Mr andMrs JeffreyT LiautaudSr 61

Ms DianaLin

Mr andMrs JosephM Loiacano

Mr andMs EdwardM Lopez

Mr andMrs TonyLoVerdiJr

Mr ThomasJ LymanIII'76and

Ms SuzyGuyot

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Lynch'83

Mrs NancyE MacIntosh

Mr andMrs LeoT Mahon'88

Mr andMrs EdA Mahoney

Mr RonaldA Malik 56

Mr ThaddeusR MarcyanRIPand

Mrs HelenMarcyan

Mr andMrs LuisM Martinez 81

Mr andMrs StevenP Mathes 90

Mr andMrs KazimierzMazurek

Mr andMrs KennethJ McBride

Mr andMrs JohnR McCambridge

Ms LisaB McCarthy

Mr andMrs EamonnMcCauley

Mr andMrs TomMcDonnell

Mr andMrs MichaelM McGuire 83

Mr andMrs AlexanderT McIntosh'64

Mr andMrs GeraldM McLaughlin

Mr andMrs ThomasMcManus

Mr EusebioJ Mederosand Mrs MargaretE Moreira

Mr andMrs MichaelS Melbinger

Mr andMrs TheodoreR MeyerJr

Mr andMrs RobertL Michels 81

Ms AnnMiller

Mr andMrs JohnF Mitchell'77

Mrs EyaMlope

Mr ThomasA Molloy'86and Dr ShannonMolloy

Mr andMrs JohnMontaquila

Dr andMrs PatrickH Moorhead'60

Dr DanP Moritz

Mr andMrs DavidW Morrison'68

Mr andMrs DanielN Mosher'86

Mr DennisC Mullen 58

Dr andMrs PatrickJ Murphy'63

Mr MartinMurray

Mr andMrs ThomasE Murray

Mr andMrs JamesP Nally 77

Mr andMrs JeremyJ Naselli'87

Mr andMrs EdwardX Nash

Mr andMrs ChrisJ Newton

Mr andMrs JohnC Nicolau 77

Mr andMrs JosephJ NimrodIII'73

Mr andMrs SeanC O'Brien'82

Mr andMrs PatrickJ O'Flaherty

Mr andMrs GeraldJ OMalley

Mrs MaureenO'Meara

Mr andMrs MichaelO'Neill

Mr andMrs BillT Papanastou

Mr andMrs ArnoldH Park 89

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Paxson'79

Mr andMrs PabloL Petrozzi

Mr andMrs JeffF Pezza

Mr andMrs MartinE Phelps'78

Mrs MaryPhelps

Mr andMrs ChrisC Phiri

Mr andMrs RobK Pike

Mr andMrs HughP Plunkett 54

Ms LisaM Puck'82

Mr andMrs PaulPurcell

Mr andMrs WilliamJ Quinlan

Mr andMrs ThomasN Rajkovich

Mr ErnestoReyes

Ms LauraA Reyes

Mr andMrs ShermanF Reynolds 74

Mr andMrs TimothyB Richards

Mr andMrs DavidRiggs

Mr BrianE Ritzenthalerand

Mrs AnnM RitzenthalerLdM 85

Mr andMrs CharlesC Robey

Mr andMrs MichaelT Roche'93

Mr andMrs PaulF Romer

Dr andMrs FranklinB Saksena

Mr andMrs RobertE SampeyJr

Mr andMrs FredrickJ Schaupp

Mr andMrs JamesK Schauwecker'87

Mr andMrs AnthonyJ Schiavone

Mr andMrs TimothyM Schulte

Mr andMrs ChristopherR Schurer'87

Mr VernonSebbyand

Mrs MaryAnneNash-SebbyLdM'71

Mr andMrs LesleyG Seitzinger

Mrs ElizabethB Servatius

Mr andMrs KevinShaughnessy

Mr andMrs MarcoJ Simonetti

Mrs NancySimpson

Mr andMrs BernardJ SlaterJr

Mr andMrs KarlSlowiak

Mr andMrs PeterC Smolinski

Mr RobertJ Snyderand

Mrs JenniferL SnyderLdM 90

Dr andMrs GeneR Solmos

Mr andMrs JohnW Spoeri

Mr JohnQ Springer'44RIPand

Mrs EileenSpringer

Mr JohnE Stewart

Mr andMrs GeorgeStoll

Mr andMrs MichaelT Stone

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Sullivan 81

Mr andMrs MikeJ Sullivan

Ms LaurenSummerhill

Mr MichaelJ Summerhill

Mr andMrs StuartL Swanson

Mr andMrs LawrenceJ ThalmannIII

Mr andMrs DonaldE Thompson

Mr andMrs JoseA Toledo

Mr andMrs MichaelS Tom

Mr andMrs DonaldC Trieschmann

Mr andMrs RobertM Trotman

Mr andMrs BrianP Tuminaro

Mr andMrs JavierF Ubarri

Mr andMrs DavorVasilj'91

Mr andMrs GusC Vasilopoulos

Mr andMrs AlbertL Vermeil

Mr andMrs DouglasB Vesperman

Mr DanielS Vogtand

Ms DebbieJ Wloch

Mr andMrs PeterJ Voss

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Weber 82

Mr andMrs EdwardA WiertelJr

Mr andMrs VincentR Wilson

Mr KennethC Witry

Mr MichaelP Wrenn'47RIP

Mr andMrs RobertE Zahorik'80

Mr andMrs ThomasR Zanoni'71

Ms AnnZdeb

Mr andMrs EndyD Zemenides'91

Mr andMrs FrankJ Ziegler

Mr andMrs RichardE Zulke

Pledge Payments


Mr andMrs PeterK Anger

Mr andMrs JosephJ Annotti

Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas'81

Mr andMrs RobertL BernerJr '49RIP

Mr andMrs JeffreyF Boyd

Mr andMrs DavidJ Braun

Dr andMrs WalterF Burke

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Canning'81

Dr GeorgeT Chiampas'89and Dr LoriChiampas

Mr MichaelT Clune

Mr ThomasM Compernolle'72

Mr andMrs DanielV Considine'63

Mr andMrs JosephL Dahm

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIII

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIV 86

Mr EdwardG Denten'50RIPand Mrs CatherineMcKeeverDenten

Mr andMrs MichaelR Denten 74

Mr andMrs MatthewR Devine 85

Mr AnthonyP Diblik'86and Ms JudithR Dever

Mr andMrs BurtisJ DolanIII'77

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Dolan 79

Mr andMrs MarioJ Donato'82

Mr MarkA Ehlert

Mr andMrs ThomasE Gordon

Mr andMrs JohnR Heller'68

Mr andMrs JoelP Hoffman

Ms PatriciaA Kalal-Guanci

Mr andMrs DavidB Kennedy'73


Mr andMrs StephenV King

Mr andMrs ThomasL Kittle-Kamp

Mr andMrs PeterG Leemputte'75

Mr andMrs ChristopherLister

Mr andMrs JamesW Lyman'79

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr KevinT McGarvey

Mr WilliamA McIntosh'57

Mr andMrs ChristopherN Merrill

Mr andMrs DavidM Neenan

Mr andMrs JohnD Nimesheim 91

Mr andMrs JamesB Novy 88

Mr DanielJ Obringer

Mr andMrs KevinD Odle

Mr andMrs DavidG ODonoghue 81

Mr FrancisW O'Malleyand

Mrs LorettaA O'MalleyLdM'83

Mr andMrs MichaelJ O'Rourke 69

Mr andMrs GeorgeA Pandaleon

Ms NancyE Paridyand Mr StephenM Naughton

Mr andMrs L RobertPasquesi'62

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Prassas'86

Mr andMrs JeromeR Prassas'51

Mr andMrs MarkH Prince

Ms ElizabethPrior

Mr andMrs MichaelE Racine 88

Mr andMrs ThomasA ReynoldsIII'70

Mr andMrs JosephP Roddy'82

Mr andMrs MichaelA Rucker

Mr andMrs ChristopherW Rule'87

Mr andMrs PatrickG Ryan

Mr andMrs DanielT Schermerhorn 80

Mr andMrs LesleyJ Seitzinger'88


Mr andMrs PatrickG Shea'83

Mr andMrs MurrayJ Snow

Mr andMrs DanielE SullivanJr '89

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Svets

Mr andMrs DouglasT Thompson 86

Mr andMrs T SandsThompson'83

Mr andMrs JosephE ValentiJr '68

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Mr andMrs RobertG Vanecko 83

Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi 64

Dr NicholasJ Volpeand Dr FrancescaMattone-Volpe

Mr andMrs ChristianWalsh

Mr andMrs JamesP Walsh'79

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Wehmer'72


Ignatius Circle

Mrs JoanA EricksonRIP

Xavier Circle Mrs JeanNellRIP Mr andMrs WilliamB Smith

Dumbach Cirlce

Mr AndrewBatcheler

Mr andMrs DanGruesser Mr PaulVincentand Ms JulieAiello-Vincent

Humbert Circle

Dr DebraG King

Legris Circle

Mr MatthewBeverly Ms FannyCarillo

Mrs CatherineB Eardley-Murphy

Mr andMrs WilliamGiambrone Ms MaryJaneO'Connor TheLinesFamily

President's Circle

Ms RosieGianforte

Mr andMrs MarcGordon Mr DavidJuran Mr MichaelPalecznyand Ms KathrynP Paleczny Mr RichardC Romano Mr andMrs BrianS Rudich

Founder's Circle

Ms MeaghanBurdick Ms CandraC Busse Mr TimothyCoxand Ms NorahJones

Mr andMrs PeterDellva Mr andMrs BobGoldberg Mr JimGroth Mr DaveJones Mr JamesA Langan Mr DougLipke

Mr JohnM Losonsky Rev PatrickE McGrath,SJ Mr KevinNolan

Mr NickolasPetrovic Mr ThomasRivi Mr ToddStahl Mr JamesD Stanley-Erickson Mr andMrs JamesB Stucker Mr DennisSuskind Mr RogerSweeney Mr JohnWagnerand Ms KatherineWetoska Dr MaryWilkinson

Principal's Circle

Mr andMrs FredC Bandaccari

Mr RobertJ Braasch'62RIPand Ms VirginiaD Braasch

Ms BernadetteCarlson

Mr andMrs WilliamP Clarke Ms JoanneCoen

Mr andMrs MikeCollins

Mr andMrs KennethR Duetsch

Ms MaryGauntner

Mr RogerGoddu Ms BethanyGuerin

Mr PeterHolton

Mr PaulJ Janus

Mr andMrs JayKatarincic

Ms MadelineE Keller

Mr MurrayKornberg

Mr andMrs ThomasKuczmarski

Mr andMrs RoderickE MacRae

Mr ChristopherMario

Ms MeganMulay

Mr andMrs ThomasP Murphy Ms AgnesNutter

Mr andMrs BernardW Petosa

Mr andMrs TomReeg

Mr JoseRodriguez

Mr EdwardSchaeffer

Mr DavidSchmitt

Ms MeganSchossow

Mr MatthewW Smith

Mr andMrs EdwardT Swan

Mr MatthewThrun

Mr DanTiernan

Col andMrs RobertVorisek

Mr KevinC WarnkeRIPand Mrs AnneWarnke

Mr DennisWolffJr Mr DonaldYacktman

Maroon and Gold Club

Ms GrainneBailey

Ms KateBoege

Mr PatrickBolen

Mr DennisBrownand Ms MaureenBrown

Mr TrentColeman

Mr ChristopherL Deger

Mr andMrs MichaelW Drew Ms ElizabethB Ganitopoulos

Mr VasiliosGeorgatos

Mr EugeneGrewe

Mr BradHedberg

Ms KathleenHenrikson

Mr JosephHudson

Ms ShelleyA Keane

Mr PatrickKennedy

Mr JamesKiley

Mr YunHoKoand Mrs JooHeeJun

Mr EricLangan

Mr andMrs DanLines

Mr andMrs AnthonyM Mandolini

Mr andMrs RoyalB Martin

Mr AndrewMcKernin

Mr JohnG Moore

Mr andMrs BradC Mulay

Ms MaryMurtaugh

Ms NancyNazarian Mr andMrs HarryO'Brien Mr CharlesOrth

Ms JenniferPavelec Mr andMrs EdwinPearson Mr JosephRodriguez

Mr EdwardG Schroeder

Mr andMrs DaleStahl

Ms JaniceStahl

Ms CathleenStegich

Ms EllenSullivan

Mr andMrs JohnSundquist

Ms DeliaVillacarlos

Mr andMrs W L Walton

Mr KeilWilson

Mr JamesJ Wochnerand Mrs ReneePackel

Mr HenryWooand

Ms AnneE Walker

Mr JamesYale

Rambler's Club

Ms AnnAcker

Mr GregoryBarr

Mr andMrs DavidS Barrie

Ms JuliaBart

Ms AlexandraBaugher

Mr MarkD Bittner

Mr KevinBolger

Mr ScottBritton

Ms JulieBromley

Ms AlbertineBurget

Mr WilliamCashin

Ms DanielleClapper

Mr AndrewConklin

Mr andMrs JohnM Couzens

Ms DianeCrowleyand

Mr GeorgeHano

Mr JamesCunningham

Mr andMrs PeterCunningham

Ms DanielleDeCamp

Ms DeniseDellva

Mr andMrs ClarkeDevereux

Mr JoshuaDinkelman

Ms JillDixon

Mr TroonDowds

Mr RyanEngelhardt

Mr andMrs MarkErickson

Mr andMrs PeterEschenbach

Mr andMrs RichardW Evans

Mr andMrs RobFischer

Ms BarbaraFranklin

Mr ChrisFrohm

Ms MarjorieA Galloway

Ms JulieGarcia

Ms PenelopeGiannos

Mr DanielGillespie

Mr PeterHawkinson

Ms PatriciaHeintz

Mrs AnnHillenbrand

Ms ElisabethHoge

Mr ReaganHogerty

Mr ThomasHope

Mr BrandonHori

Ms CarolHudson

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Iskalis

Ms SharonJohnson

Mr PatrickKelley

Ms CarlynKelly

Ms KathleenKelly

Mr DonKim

Mr andMrs JasonL Koh

Mr andMrs MichaelKohne

Mr DavidKomie

Mr andMrs RobKrueger

Mr MarkKwilosz

Mr LouLonghitano

Ms BethLopotko

Mrs MicheleLunden

Mr BrianMadvig

Ms MargaretMadvig

Mr andMrs DavidS Majewski

Mr MatthewMcCormack

Mr andMrs JohnT McEnroe

Ms MonicaP McNerney

Mr YuriyMelenchuk

Ms BarbaraMellody-Pizzato

Mr GregMichuda

Mr andMrs DavidB Mueller

Mr andMrs RobertJ Muller

Mr WilliamMurphy

Ms NancyC Myers

Mr andMrs DaveNordenson

Ms EstherNuam

Mr KevinOatess

Mr BenedictO'Connor

Ms JaneOhKim

Mrs JeanneOlson

Mr andMrs JohnPacholick

Ms AgnesL Piszczek

Mr CasimerPiszczek

Ms SusanReilly

Mr EricRuttencutter

Mr NicholasSaccaro

Mr JohnShane

Ms SariShein

Mr andMrs BernardoSichel

Mr KevinSmith

Dr KimSobinsky

Mr ThomasSouther

Mr JeffStahl

Mr andMrs JamesP Stamatis

Ms BaharaStapelberg

Mr WilliamStegich

Ms MollieSudhoff

Mr BillSullivan

Mr andMrs R L Sullivan

Mr KarlSwanson

Ms MarisHarringtonTallentire

Mr CharlieTrimble

Ms AndreanaTurano

Mr KyleVanBalen

Mr ScottWalster

Mr DaveWannstedt

Mr andMrs PaulWitt

Mr andMrs KeithS Yamaguchi

Ms LauraZimmermann

Other Donors



Ms JessicaAckerman

Ms LisaAhern

Mr EdwardAhlfors

Ms LisaAlbandia

Ms JenniferAlloccoMorris

Dr andMrs DouglasC AltenbernJr

Mr JasonAnderson

Mrs SusanAste

Ms AnneM Audy

Ms MarciaBarnes

Ms LaraBarros

Mr MichaelBart

Mr andMrs GreggM Berhalter

Ms StacyBerkowitz

Mr andMrs RobertJ Birdsell

Ms MarilynBirz

Ms MaryKayBlack Ms AnneBloedorn

Mr JordanBobbo

Ms KatieBodie

Mr andMrs RogerBouche

Mr andMrs ShawnBrady

Ms LindaBrannen

Ms MaureenK Bransfield

Ms SarahBreen

Mr RichBrendza

Ms JacquelineM Brennan

Mr andMrs WilliamR Brett

Mr JamesBright

Mr LouisBriody

Ms KarenBristol

Ms PatriciaBrunger

Ms MiriamBryant

Mr andMrs KevinBurns

Mr AnthonyCamasta

Ms AnnCantieri

Ms EileenCeisel

Mr BrianT Clapperand

Ms DanielleG Pconka

Mr GreerClausen

Dr GeraldineB Coleman

Mr andMrs MichaelConry

Ms JulieH Cooney

Mr andMrs DavidH Cox

Mr andMrs DavidA Crosswhite

Mr WilliamCrowley

Dr FeliciaCzerwionka-Hartnett

Ms AnnaDabrowska

Ms CaroleDaley

Mr JonathanDeFreytas

Ms BarbaraDent

Ms JenDeutch

Mr andMrs JimDietz

Ms KariDillon

Ms JenniferDine

Mr JakeDolan

Ms JulieDregberg

Mr andMrs BrentDuelm

Mr KenDuetschII

Mr andMrs ChrisDunn

Ms LaureenDunne

Mr andMrs PaulK Dupasquier

Mr andMrs JoelDykstra

Mr CharoEgan

Mr andMs JohnA Erickson

Mr andMrs RichardW Evonitz

Mr RogerG Fein

Ms ElizabethFell

Mr TimFergus

Mr JohnA Ferguson

Ms MariaFerrera

Ms LiaFerro

Mr andMrs JustinK Fisk

Mr andMrs MichaelK Flaherty

Mr DavidFord

Ms JaneD Foster

Ms ChristineFrantz

Ms BetteFreund

Mr MattGailey

Mr JamesV Galeand

Mrs JeanneNordstromGale

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Gamalski

Mr RickGayeski

Ms JudithGeake

Ms KatherineGeier

Ms PatriciaGnetz

Ms TrisaGonzales

Ms TrisaGonzales

Ms DanielleGorashHolland

Ms GinnyGreer

Mr JohnGribbon

Mr JB Grogan

Dr andMrs SteveM Grohmann,MD

Ms DeniseGruensfelder

Ms ToreiGudaitis

Ms JessicaGunner

Ms NancyM Guthrie

Mr NathanHaines

Mr KaiHansen

Mr PeterHaralambopoulos

Mr andMrs RobertE HarringtonIII

Mr DavidHassan

Ms ValerieHausman

TheCharlesH ShawFamily

Ms AmyHeisler

Mr andMrs AlfredHemauer

Ms KathleenM Hollonbeck

Mr JustinHolsen

Mr andMrs WalterV Holt

Mr MichaelHood

Ms MacieHouse

Ms HelenHovdesven

Mr andMrs WilsonF Hunt

Mr andMrs TaddIngles

Mr SpenncerIsom

Ms AlexsandraJacome

Ms MeganJanezic

Mr MartinJepsen

Mrs KelliJohannesen-Logan

Ms AndreaJohnson

Mr andMrs VernJohnson

Mr StephenKammerer

Ms DinaKazanjian

Mr andMrs WilliamKearns

Mrs JoanKeefe

Mrs PatriciaKeeley

Ms BennettaKelly

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Kelly

Ms SusanKelly

Mr andMrs RogerKieffer

Mr andMrs BrianKnott

Mr ReedKolbe

Mr andMrs LaszloKoszeghyIII

Mr andMrs PeterKoszela

Mr andMrs KurtKovacic Ms MarybethKovacic

Ms AnnelieseM Kranz

Ms HollyKremin

Ms MaryLouKriegl

Ms KellyLabrie

Ms LisaLang

Mr andMrs SalvatoreLanza

Mr AndrewLaws

Dr andMrs KevinLeehey

Ms PatLeidolf

Mr JamesLennon

Ms LynneLevernier

Mr YongLiandMrs YanZhuo

Mr VanceLiebman

Ms EllenLindsey

Mr MattLondon

Mr EarlLouis

Mr andMrs JohnLouis Mr PeterLucas Ms MeganLynch Ms ElaMacander

Ms JaneMacDonald

Mr andMrs DavidW Mahoney Mr MarkMallon

Mr andMrs RaedMansour Mr andMrs WilliamH Martay Mr AlanMartin

Mr DavidJ Mathers

Mr andMrs JohnH Matheson Ms ShelbyMazurskyand JudyMazursky

Ms HeidiMcCormack

Mr MarkMcDonald

Mr MichaelMcenerney

Mr andMrs WilliamP McNulty

Mr andMrs TimothyMcQuillen

Mr andMrs JoelMehr

Mr RobMetzger

Mr andMs SteveM Mewborn Ms ReneeMichelon

Mrs andMr ColleenMilks

Mr andMrs KarlMiller

Mr BrianP Millerand Dr KimberlyP Miller Ms KyleMiller-Davila

Mr JasonMoebius

Ms AnneMoore

Mr andMrs HectorMorales

Mr JasonMorhart

Mr BrianMueller

Mrs andMr DeniseMueller

Mr KurtM Mueller

Mr andMrs JoeMuñoz

Ms IsabelM Naphin

Mr EamonNashand

Ms EileenP Moran

Mr andMrs StephenNeedel

Ms ChristinaNeitzey

Ms DawnNeitzey

Mr AlexNordenson

Mr andMrs RogerOBrien

Mr WilliamP OBrien

Mr andMrs AndrewJ O'Conor

Mr KeithO'Haraand

Mrs DenaCocozzaOHara

Ms NicoleOrlando

Dr andMrs BryanD Oslin

Mr JohnO'Toole

Mr MichaelJ Otter Ms JuliePacini

Mr andMrs RichardC PerkausJr

Mr andMrs MatthewPersohn

Mr andMrs RichardJ Pfleeger

Ms IreneM Pierson

Mr JosephB Potthast

Mr andMs PeterW Poulos

Mr andMrs CoryPowers

Mr DevProctor Mr RogerProsise Ms ElainePrugar

Mr JonathanQuinn Ms KellyRafford Ms LauraRamser Mrs MaryRamsey

Mr andMrs RobertC Ramsey Ms GwennRausch Ms EileenRice Ms KellieRice

Mr andMrs StevenM Richter Ms GigiRoberts Mr JulioRodriguez Ms KatrinaRodriguez

Mr ThomasD Roegnerand CaryleRoegner

Mr JosephRomano

Ms VeronicaRosenSanetra

Mr andMrs SethRosenberg

Mr andMrs EricRubenstein

Mr BarryRubin

Ms JoselynRueda

Ms LisaM Russ

Mr TomRyan Ms JuneSalajka

Mr andMrs JamesSassen Mr andMrs GaryR Satyshur Ms MelissaSawadski Ms MaureenSawyer Mr andMrs JonathanSayer Mr andMrs EdScanlanIII Ms SusanSchmitz Mr PaulJ Schnepf

Mr andMs PeterG Schoonyoung Ms RobynA Schuchardt

Mr RichardSchultzand Mrs IngerEiesland-Schultz

Mr JeffreyScott Mrs AnneSeidenbecker

Mr andMrs TomD Seip

Mr andMrs MarkA Seyller

Mr andMrs BobShaevel

Ms CatherineSharkey

Mr MichaelSheehan

Mr andMrs StevenA Silich Mr JackSilver Ms GailSilverstein

Mr andMrs RichardSilverstein

Mr WilliamSimon Ms DawnSkwarek Mr MartinSmidand Mrs JohannaG Quezada Ms AgnesSmith Ms KotrynaSmith Ms RachelSmolkin

Mr andMrs MichaelF SmylieSr Mr andMrs JoelA Spainhour Mr DonaldE Sprague

Ms MaryCateStabler

Mr LaurenceP Stanton

Mr andMrs JohnE Steele

Ms KaraStefanson

Mr MichaelP Stenson

Mr JordanStephen

Mr MassimoGioiaand Mrs IrenaStrel

Ms AlexandraSullivan Ms RoniSung

Ms LeahSvoboda

Ms ConstanceSzefer

Ms BeverlyTaylor

Mr andMrs AaronR Taylor

Ms JenniferTengelsen

Mr andMrs StephenJ Testa Mr StanleyThoren

Mr andMrs MikeA Tierney

Mr JoeTurley

Mr andMrs StantonJ VanKlompenburg

Ms DrabkinVaria

Mr andMrs EricW Vickrey

Mr andMrs ChrisWalsh

Mr MichaelWalsh

Mr andMrs ThomasB Watkins

Ms GloriaWayer

Ms TracyWebb

Mr andMrs AndrewM Weller

Ms MarleneWenk

Mr ChristopherWieczorekand Dr EvitaVulgaris

Mr ChristopherWilliams

Mr andMrs HenryWisniewski

Ms DanielleWitkowski

Ms CandaceK Witt

Mr andMrs NicholasC Zagotta

Mr andMrs MichaelZonsius

Mr DavidZysk


Dumbach Circle


Humbert Circle

Mr andMrs DennisR Stonequist 90

Legris Circle

Mr andMrs BrianP Hake

President's Circle

Mr CharlesW Heintzand

Ms ErinMelley

Mr ChristopherK Howe

Ms CatherineA Kendrigan

Mr andMrs MichaelR Snyders

Mr andMrs TylerS Vradenburg

Mr andMrs ThomasE Whelan

Founder's Circle

Mr andMrs MichaelL Braasch'92

Ms MelissaKrein

Mr andMrs DavidWick

Principal's Circle

Mr DavidA Behof'92and Mrs JacquelineZ Behof'01

Mr andMrs MichaelP Conway

Mr RobertM Desherow'93and Mrs DanielleL DesherowLdM'93

Mr andMrs MartinG Jennings'98

Mr MatthewW Leske'05

Mr PeterE McNulty

Mr andMrs RobertMiller

Dr EdenOlson

Mr andMrs ChristopherPenna

Mr DavidStuercke

Mrs LauraA Yasko

Maroon and Gold Club

Mrs SarahB Bennett

Mr andMrs JoseR Diaz

Ms JoanM Dowdle

Mr andMrs MichaelM Gombac

Mr andMrs MichaelGuercio

Mr NoahHartman

Mr JoshuaHookerandDr NicholHooker

Mrs TerriJacksonandMr MarcusJackson

Mrs AdrianaS KellyandMr RandallC Kelly

Mr andMrs JosephW Malin


Mr andMrs GregoryB Nold

Mrs DebraD SempleLdM'90and

Mr DarrenR Semple

Mr andMrs JamesH Stoner

Rambler's Club

Mr andMrs RobertAtwood

Mrs ColleenAufderheideLdM 85and Mr MichaelAufderheide

Mr andMrs PaulD Buckley

Mr andMrs JonathonConnor

Mrs CarolynG Danstrom

Mr andMrs RobEtheridge

Mr AnthonyT Fassett'10

Mr NoahHartman

Ms DeborahA HensleeLdM 75

Ms SaraK Hickey

Mr andMrs TimothyP Kane'86

Mr andMrs SalvatoreJ LaTorraca'81

Mr andMrs ToddA Lovcik

Dr andMrs WilliamH Lowe

Dr TimothyJ Martin

Mr KevinJ Mistrik

Mr TimothyS Mitchell

Mrs TaniaPineda

Ms JacquelineZavoli-Nitsche
Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 61

Mr ThomasM Sapp

Ms KatherineK Seeberg 01

Mr andMrs MichaelF York

Other Donors

Mr AsamArenas

Mr WilliamR Brandstrader'88and

Mrs JoanneL BrandstraderLdM'84

Mr PatrickBrown

Mrs SaraCagle

Mr andMrs MarkCarrier

Mrs ArmidaEnriquezDabuLdM 94and

Mr EdwardDabu

Ms DanielleD'Ambrosio

Mr andMrs TimothyP Devine

Ms LynnM Egan

Mr andMrs RyanJ Gibbons'95

Mr andMrs ThomasA Gorman

Mrs MollyHarrisandMr DanielHarris

Ms MaryJust

Mr MichaelP Kelley'94and

Mrs GretchenM SchmidtKelley'00

Mr andMrs DennisM McGannJr '98

Mr MarkMcGuire 06

Mr andMrs MarkMedland

Mr JohnA Miller'15

Mrs LuisaPashinian

Mrs SaraProvis

Mr andMrs AnthonyM Randazzo

Mr andMrs DavidRiggs

Ms AshleyK Sanks'10

Mr andMrs ChristopherR Schurer

Mr andMrs LesleyJ Seitzinger 88

Mrs JenniferL SnyderLdM 90and

Mr RobertSnyder

Ms ClariceJ Swanson'14

Mrs MarisaTell

Mrs ColleenG Walsh'99

Ms BrianaWellsandMr MichaelPeet

Mr andMrs ThomasP Zera 87

Ignatius Circle






Xavier Circle

HelenV BrachFoundation SargentFamilyFoundation ValentiBuildersIncorporated

Dumbach Circle

Anonymous RobertE GallagherCharitableTrust InternationalAutos



Humbert Circle




IrishFellowshipEducationaland CulturalFoundation


DanielM KerraneJr Foundation




Dr SchollFoundation



TheJosephValentiJr FamilyFoundation WintrustWealthManagement

Legris Circle

BankofAmericaMatchingGiftsProgram Canning&Canning,LLC




GreaterOrganizationForTheLessFortunate Gregorio&Marco,Ltd

TheWilliamR JohnsonFamilyFoundation



TheWilliamF O'ConnorFoundation

QuestFoodManagementServices Inc





President's Circle Anonymous(3)

FrankAnemoneLandscaping,Inc BankOfAmericaCharitableFoundation






KardosFamilyFoundation McDermottConstruction Inc


FredricG andMaryLouiseNovyFoundation



TheRichardC andMargaretV RomanoCharitableTrust







Founder's Circle Anonymous(2)



RobertW Baird&CoFoundation,Inc















LawOfficesofJeffreyJ Neslund





TJ HaggertyInc



Principal's Circle Anonymous AbbVieFoundation





ChaletLandscape Nursery&GardenCenter


TheLawOfficeofJosephD Co





GavinJ Green,DDS











PolkBros Foundation





Storino Ramello&Durkin

Maroon and Gold Club




















HoltonBrothers,Inc JDInc






MercerConsulting MichiganShoresClub MiramarBistro Morningstar MosquitoJoe NPN360


QueenofAllSaintsBasilica Saatchi&SaatchiX,Inc ScottSimpsonDesign+Build SmylieBrothersBrewingCo

JamesonSotheby'sInternationalRealty St JosephMen'sBowlingLeague

Stuart-RodgersPhotography,Ltd SuttonStudios


Coaching&AdmissionsConsulting TCBOOSTSportsPerformance TenthPOBFamily Tito'sVodka TopDriverAcqusition,LLC UnitedWayofMetropolitanChicago


VineyardVines OldOrchard VinissimoWineShop WeilFootandAnkleInstitute

WellsFargoCommunitySupportCampaign WhiteSoxOrganization WildcatGolfAcademy WilmetteParkDistrict WTTW

Rambler's Club Anonymous(3) 1340N Bosworth LLC 1350N Bosworth,LLC 1376N Dean,LLC 1750W Augusta,LLC 2328W Thomas LLC 936N Wolcott,LLC 944N Wood,LLC

AlphaPhiofCreightonUniversity AmazonSmileFoundation

AT&THigherEducation/Cultural MatchingGiftProgram BeHealthyWithin LLC BlackBarrelTavern BloOutsBlowDryBar ChaneOfCommand CharitiesAidFoundationofAmerica ChicagoSky Chick-fil-AOldOrchard CoronetCollection DamenII LLC TheDerm

TheDevineLawGroup,LLC DinosSportsFanShop DooleyFamilyFoundation ElectrolysisForYou EnelNorthAmerica,Inc EvanstonArtCenter FeatherLoft LLC

FirstEagleInvestmentsFoundation FletcherII,LLC Foodstuffs

GraduateEvanston GreenStreetLocal


TheHappInn Hewlett-Packard AndreasHogueSalon IllinoisBaseballAcademy InspiredBoutique TheJoffreyBallet KendraScott Kenmore,LLC

LoyolaAcademyAthleticDepartment LoyolaAcademyGirls Lacrosse JohnE MaloneyCompany J McLaughlin NicoleThomasPhotography NineTimesBakery NorthShoreRacquetClub NorthlightTheatre NosotrosLifeandSpirits ThePatrickGroup Paulina,LLC

PeachtreePlace PotomacII,LLC

RobertCampbellFinePortraiture SavantWealthManagement Shred415 StretchLab

TenNinetyBrewingCo ThomsonReuters

ThreeTartsBakeryandCafe ToyotaMotorSalesUSA,Inc


TwistedTrunk WorldWiseTutoring ZaniesComedyClubs

Other Donors Anonymous(2)

TheBentForkBakery&VintageGifts BlueCrossBlueShieldofNebraska



Patricia&AlbertC BuehlerJr Foundation CAbi


ChicagoBearsFootballClub,Inc ClubLucky ClubPilates

TheLawOfficeofJohnM Duggan,Corp EastPrairieSchoolDistrict73


EggHarborCafe FarmhouseEvanston


FiveGuysandFries ForzaMeats Inc

FredsGarage GlarusTradingCompanyLLC GrubHub


Heinen'sFineFoods HlavacekFlorist HydeParkDaySchool HynesLawGroupPC Johnny'sKitchen&Tap LouMalnati'sPizzeria

LoyolaAcademyBaseballProgram LoyolaAcademyBookstore MaddieAmelia MisericordiaWomen'sBoard MissionAdvancementPartners

MorningGloryFlowerShop NimrodMaintenance&ConstructionCo NoFineWine Nonnina NortonsRestaurant NoteworthyNotes OilLampTheater OldTownOilEvanston LLC


Paulie'sNeighborhoodRestaurant,WineBarandMarket PeckishOneLLC/DBAPeckish

PorchlightMusicTheatre RaviniaFestivalAssociation




TrixieGirlBlowDryBar TrueJuice US BankFoundation

UncommonGroundDBAGreenStarBrewing Valentina

Vinny'sPizza&Pasta WagsonWillow Wildfire WilmetteBicycle&SportShop YardHouseRestaurant Yogasix

Organizations donated in FY22 311 Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 62

Commemorative and Special Funds

Academic Co-Curricular Activities

Mr andMrs JohnA Graf'77

John D. Aiello Endowed Scholarship

Ms MaryGauntner

Mr andMrs AnthonyE Good'79

Mr andMrs JohnC HittJr '83

Mr PaulVincentandMs JulieAiello-Vincent

The Frank J. Amato Track and Field Endowment Award

Mr andMrs JohnC HittJr '83

Rev. James C. L. Arimond, SJ, '57 Scholarship for Excellence Endowment

Mr andMs LouisAgostaJr '68


Mr andMrs WilliamJ Doyle'68

Mr VictorP FilippiniJr '76andMs MarloM DelPercio

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Kearney'57

Mr andMrs DanielS Kelly'78

Mr WilliamA McIntosh'57

Mr andMrs JamesF Rianoshek'68

Mr andMrs LouisH Scherb'57

Armed Forces Memorial Endowment Fund

Ms JoanneCoen

Mr JosephD Cook'97andMs JenniferP Callahan

LTMichaelE Engels'84,USN(Ret)

Mr andMrs JeromeL Gavin'67

Mr andMrs JohnC HittJr '83

Mr andMrs MichaelF Howard

Mr andMrs JosephW Koss'65

Col andMrs StevenR Petersen,USAF'73

Mr andMrs JohnT Sobol'66

Dr andMrs MichaelE Sprang'94

Lee and Elizabeth Banks Scholarship Fund

Mr andMrs LeeC Banks'81

Brian Joseph Barry Memorial Foundation Scholarship

Mr DonaldE Sprague

Basketball Program

Mr JamesM Baisley'92andMrs KatharineA Baisley'01

Mr andMrs BrittonT Hayes

Rev. John P. Beall, SJ, Scholarship Endowment

Mr VictorP FilippiniJr '76andMs MarloM DelPercio

Mr andMrs JohnC HittJr '83

Become More Fund/ Bowman Scholars

Mr andMrs TimothyP Devine'88

Mr andMrs PeterHendrick

Dr JoshuaA HoppsandDr AminaAhmed

Mr DesmondP Kilcoyne'80

Dr Eun-KyuKohandRev KaariM Reierson

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Murphy

Stormy and Tiscia Bidwill Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mr CharlesW BidwillJr

Boys Hope Girls Hope Fund

Mr J HobieMurnaneJr '75


Gerard Brost Award

Mr andMrs GerardA Brost'71

Rev. Raymond J. Callahan, SJ, Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs JeromeC Spellman Centioli Family Scholarship Endowment

Mr LaurenV Centioli'03and

Mrs RebeccaF Centioli'04

Chicago Jesuit Academy Graduates Scholarship

Ms MaryC Mortell'01

Class of '51 Scholarship Endowment

Mr JosephS KearneyJr '51RIPand Mrs CatherineKearney

Class of '52 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs JamesT Revord'52

Mr andMrs PhilipO WhiteJr '52

Class of '60 Scholarship

Hon ArthurH Gross'60

Class of '61 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs LawrenceJ McPartlin'61

Class of '63 Endowed Scholarship

Mr andMrs RobertV Ferrara'63

Mr andMrs CezarM Froelich'63

Mr JohnR Graham'63and Dr CarolFoyGraham

Mr andMrs RichardM Jordan'63

Mr andMrs BrianJ Redding'63

Mr JamesC Runkle'63and Ms DonnaE Beer

Class of '64 50th Reunion Gift


Mr andMrs JamesF Foley'64

Class of 1970 Scholarship Endowment

Mr ArthurJ Ferrara'70

Mr andMrs MichaelR Miller'70

Mr andMrs ThomasS O'DonoghueJr '70

Mr ThomasJ Rebarchak'70and Ms LenoraKnudson

Mr andMrs ThomasA ReynoldsIII'70

Mr andMrs PatrickK Sheehan'70

Mr andMrs JohnH WeberJr '70

Class of 1981 Scholarship Fund

Mr andMrs LeeC Banks'81 Canning&Canning,LLC

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Canning'81

Mr andMrs AlessandroM Cena'81

Mr andMrs ThomasS FoustJr '81

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Haggerty'81

Mr andMrs JamesE Hebson'81

Dr andMrs MarkJ Humenik'81

Mr andMrs DanielJ Kelly'81

TJ HaggertyInc

Class of 1988 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs TimothyP Devine'88

Mr andMrs ChristopherP Janson'88

FredricG andMaryLouiseNovyFoundation

Mr andMrs JamesB Novy'88

Mr andMrs JamesP O'Reilly'88

Mr andMrs MichaelE Racine'88

Mr andMrs LesleyJ Seitzinger'88

Class of 1992 Scholarship Endowment

TheWilliamR JohnsonFamilyFoundation Class of 1998 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs MartinG Jennings'98

The Clingan Family Scholarship

Mr DouglasJ Clingan'85and Dr BethA Clingan Compall Family Endowed Scholarship

Mr andMrs JohnH Compall'82

The William F. Dooley 1956 and 2021 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs WilliamF Dooley'56

Dumbach Scholars Program

Mrs ChristinaE Koenig'07

Entrepreneurship Program at Loyola Academy (Endowed) Anonymous

Dr. Robert A. Esser '37 Scholarship Dr RobertA Esser'37RIPand Mrs MariaEsser

Molly Fausone Award


David Fear '70 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs HarryE Fear

Fr. John J. Foley, SJ and Salvatore DiMucci III '99

Scholarship Endowment

Capt andMrs JustinB Jurasz'99

Football Program

Mr JamesM Baisley'92and Mrs KatharineA Baisley'01

Mr PatrickFitzgeraldand Ms MaryKrigbaum

Gavin Family Scholarship

Mr andMrs JohnN Gavin'64

General Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs StetsonF Atwood

Mr andMrs MatthewM Bonanno

Mr andMrs JohnP Bredemann'72 Ms JaneSomers

Mr TheodoreJ TsoumasRIP

Field Hockey Program

Mr andMrs PeterK Larsen'83


Golf Program

Mr andMrs PatrickC Craig'02

Graduate Parents Network

Mr andMrs ChristopherS Canning'81

Mr andMrs RogerP Hickey'79

Mr andMrs ChristopherLister

Mr andMrs DanielW McGrath

Mr andMrs LawrenceM Nicholson

Mr andMrs JohnC Nicolau'77

Mr andMrs JamesB Novy'88

Ms NancyE Paridyand Mr StephenM Naughton

Mr andMrs WilliamH PhelanJr '78

Mr BrianE Ritzenthalerand

Mrs AnnM RitzenthalerLdM'85

Mr andMrs RandallG Rueth

Mr andMrs RichardM Waris

Guardian Angel Fund


Mr andMrs EricM Anderson

Mr andMrs PhilipJ Andrew'85

Mr andMrs PeterC Anthony'84

Mr JosephE Auer'83and Ms KathleenG Kelly

Mr MichaelAufderheideand Mrs ColleenAufderheideLdM'85

Mr andMrs RichardC Baker



Mr andMrs GarrickW Beil'92

Mr andMrs PatrickBennett

Mr andMrs JoeBerg

Mr andMrs RobertT Bielinski'84

Mr andMrs ThomasM Blunk

Mr KevinBolger

Mr andMrs MichaelL Braasch'92

Mr andMrs BrianJ Bradley

Mr andMrs KevinL Brady

Mr andMrs JohnP Bredemann'72

Mr andMrs DavidJ Brett

Mr andMrs TimothyE Broccolo'73

Mr andMrs DavidJ BurdenSr '88

Ms AlbertineBurget


Dr andMs FrancoM Campanella

Mr andMrs CyleCantrell

Mr andMrs DavidCarrigan


Mr andMrs JosephJ ChekourasEsq

Dr andDr NikosG Christopoulos

Mr andMs CharlesM Clark

Ms JoanneCoen

Mr andMrs KevinT Coleman'84

Mr andMrs KevinP Connelly

Mr andMrs TimothyJ DanielsSr

Mr andMrs ThomasP DanisJr

Mr andMrs MarkJ Degnen

Mr andMrs TomR Demery

Mr RobertM Desherow'93and Mrs DanielleL DesherowLdM'93

Mr AnthonyP Diblik'86and Ms JudithR Dever

Mr andMrs JosephE Dimberio

Ms DeniseDitka

Mr ScottJ Dolan'96and Mrs AnnaR Dolan'98

Mr andMrs FredericD Donnelly

Mr andMrs DanielJ Durkin'76

Mr andMrs ShawnA Edwards'84

Mr GeorgeEldredgeandMs MaryJust

Mr andMrs MichaelE Evans


Mr andMrs StevenJ Fischer

Mr andMrs PatW Fitzgerald

Mr andMrs WilliamD ForsythIII

Mr andMrs ErikFoster

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Fowler'94

Mr andMrs KharyD Gibbs

Mr DanielT Gillespie'66

Mr andMrs AndrewC Goldberg'85

TheDrs Govoni


Mr TimothyR Grayhack'15

Mr andMrs ColinJ Gubbins

Mr andMrs FrankGuerrero

Mr andMrs L TimothyT Halleron

Mr andMrs WilliamHardin

Mr andMrs EdwardHarkerJr

Mr DavidHassan

Mr andMrs ChrisK Hatzopoulos'93

Mr CharlesW Heintzand

Ms ErinK Melley

Mr andMrs PeterHendrick

Mr andMrs PeterT Heneghan

Mr andMrs ReidJ Hill

Mr andMrs ThomasC Hjorth

Mr andMrs JamesM Hoey

Mr andMrs JosephHoltgreive

Mr andMrs MichaelF Howard

Mr andMrs PatrickF Hughes

Mr andMrs BrianE Johnson

Mr andMrs MartinG Jennings'98

Mr andMrs BrianE Johnson

Mr andMrs GeorgeF KastenIII

Mr MichaelJ Kelly

Lt Col WilliamB Kelly,USA'81RIPand Mrs SusanM Kelly

Mr G PrestonKendallIII'80and Hon VirginiaKendall

Mr SaheluW Kidaneand Mrs MahiderW Hailu

Mr andMrs ThomasN King

Mr andMrs SvenKins

Mr andMrs RichardL Kosmerl

Mr andMrs KevinA Krakora'85

Ms MelissaKrein

Mr andMrs BillW Krug


Mr andMrs KevinLawler

Mr andMrs ThomasM LeinenweberSr

Mr MatthewW Leske'05

Mr andMrs MatthewB Letson

Mr andMrs RobertG Lewandowski

Mr RyanLibelandMs KellyMulcahy-Libel

Mr andMrs PaulJ Lisowski'94

Mr TimLittetonand

Ms GabriellaI Lenzi-Littleton'04

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 63

Mr andMrs HomerJ LivingstonIII'85

Mr andMrs BryanLocke

Mr andMrs EdLoeb

Mr andMrs RobLoftus

Mr andMrs StephenJ LombardoIII

Mr andMrs KevinR Lynch

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Maher

Mr andMrs GeraldJ MalloySr

Mr andMrs JeffreyJ Markee

Mr JoelE Markiewicz'85

Mr andMrs WilliamK McGowan

Mr MarkMcGuire'06

Mr andMrs MichaelA McGuire

Mr andMrs ThomasJ McHughJr '85


Mr andMrs SeanD McManamy

Mr andMrs EdmundMeadows

Mr andMrs GaryA Michalek'79

Mr andMrs RobertMiller

Mr andMrs AlanMocny

Mr andMrs MarkR Muench'75

Mr andMrs JohnP Mullen

Mr andMrs MichaelL Nelson

Mr andMrs MichaelG Nolan

Mr andMrs KevinO'Hara

Mr andMrs MichaelP O'Brien'78

Mr andMrs PaulJ O'Brien

Mr TimothyD O'Brien'84RIPand

Ms AimeeM MecciaO'Brien

Mr andMrs KevinO'Hara

Mr andMrs MichaelF O'Hara


Ms NancyE Paridyand

Mr StephenM Naughton

Mr andMrs CraigM Payne

Mr andMrs RossT Perrotte

Mrs ChantalPetherbridge

Mr andMrs LukeJ Petherbridge

Mr andMrs WilliamH PhelanJr '78

Mr andMrs RobertJ PillionJr

Mr andMrs JamesK Placio

Mr ChrisR Prawdzikand

Ms AbbyL Bried-Prawdzik


Mr andMrs MichaelE Racine'88

Mr andMrs MichaelL Regan'92

Mr GregoryP Reilly

Mrs JulieP Reilly

Mr andMrs CharlesRice

Mr andMrs JosephP Roddy'82

Mr andMrs RandallG Rueth

Mr andMrs BradleyJ Schotanus

Mr andMrs RobertA Schultz

Ms SalyM Sebastian'06

Mr andMrs JonT Smoter

Mr GavinS Sullivan'13

Mr andMrs JamesP Sullivan

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Svets

Mr andMrs JosephT TalangesJr

Mr andMrs LawrenceThuet

Mr andMrs JamesV Tomaska'94

Mr MichaelTuransick

Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi'64


Mr andMrs TylerS Vradenburg

Mr andMrs JosephV WalkerIV

Mr andMrs EarlE Webb

Mr andMrs GeraldM Winters

Mr andMrs MatthewM Zimmer

R. G. Harrington '44

Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs JamesP Nally'77

Rev. Donald J. Hayes, SJ, '43

Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs EdwardF Wonder'67

Hellenic Alumni Association

Scholarship Endowment


Dr andMrs GeorgeD Tsonis'88

John T. Hickey Sr. '43

Scholarship Endowment


Mr andMrs DavidS Barrie

Mr andMrs JohnH Buehler

Patricia&AlbertC BuehlerJr Foundation

Mr andMrs JoshuaS Burden

Mr andMrs MichaelConry

Mr andMrs JohnM Couzens

Mr andMrs JohnW Croghan

Ms ElizabethB Ganitopoulos

Mr ChristopherW Gardner'80and Ms EileenMcCarthy


Mr andMrs StephenA Gorman

Ms NancyM Guthrie

Mr andMrs JohnC Guy

Mr andMrs WalterV Holt

Mr WilliamJ Hopper'17

Mr JamesA Langan

Mr andMrs DavidB Loucks

Mr andMrs JohnR McCambridge

Mr MichaelPalecznyand

Ms KathrynP Paleczny

Mrs FayeRebarchakRIP

Mr andMrs MichaelT Rollings'81

Mr andMrs TomD Seip

Mr andMrs EdwardT Swan

Mr ScottWalster

Mr andMrs NicholasC Zagotta

Frank and Monica Hogan

Performing Arts Endowment

Mr FrankJ HoganIII'55RIPand

Mrs NancyHogan

Mr andMrs JamesS HoganSr '56

Mr andMrs JohnE HoganE'83

Hon MichaelJ Hogan'64

Honor and Memorial Gifts Fund

Ms AnneM Audy

Ms MaryKayBlack

Ms MaureenK Bransfield

Ms JacquelineM Brennan

Mr andMrs JohnM Burke

Mr andMrs JamesA Casey

Ms DianeCrowleyandMr GeorgeHano

Mr WilliamCrowley

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIII


Mr andMrs TimothyJ Dunn'79

Mr RogerG Fein

Ms ElizabethFell

Mr andMrs MichaelK Flaherty

Mr JamesV Galeand

Mrs JeanneNordstromGale


Mr andMrs JohnL HammondIII'97

Mr andMrs GerardC Hillsman'51

Mr FrankJ HoganIII'55RIPand Mrs NancyHogan

Ms KathleenM Hollonbeck

Ms HelenHovdesven

Ms DinaKazanjian

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Kelly

Mr PatrickA Kessler'51RIPand Mrs MaryEllenKessler

Mr andMrs JamesD King

Mr ThaddeusR MarcyanRIPand Mrs HelenMarcyan

Ms AnnMiller

Mr BarryJ Mitchell'64RIPand Mrs CarolM Mitchell

Mr JohnG Moore

Mr RobertMorand

Mr DennisC Mullen'58

Mr andMrs ThomasP Murphy

Mr andMrs ThomasE Murray Ms IsabelM Naphin

Mr WilliamJ O'BrienJr '54RIPand Mrs DorothyO'Brien

Mr MichaelJ Otter

Mr andMrs LeonJ Pallasch'59


Mr KevinM Shanahan'74

Mr andMrs R L Sullivan

Mr andMrs ThomasB Watkins

Mr andMrs LouisR Westol

Mr andMrs JamesD Wiggins

Mr andMrs RichardE Zulkey

Rev. Robert G. Humbert, SJ, Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs FrancisW Dempsey'56

Mr andMrs A MichaelKakuska'56

Mr andMrs EdwardA Kennedy'56

Mr andMrs EdwardJ McAdamsIII'56

Mr ThomasF MullaneyJr '56

Mr andMrs JohnF O'Keefe'56

Mr RobertJ Stankiewicz'56

Dr andMrs ThomasS Stevens'56

Mr andMrs HughA Sweeney'56

Irish Fellowship Foundation

Current Student Aid Fund

IrishFellowshipEducationaland CulturalFoundation

The Annette Rogers Kelly


Ms KathleenA Kelly

Dr DebraG King

William Burdick Kelly '81 Scholarship


Ms JessicaAckerman

Ms LisaAhern

Ms LisaAlbandia

Ms GrainneBailey

Ms MarciaBarnes

Mr GregoryBarr

Ms LaraBarros Ms JuliaBart Mr MichaelBart

Ms MadelineG Bednar'12

Mr DavidA Behof'92and Mrs JacquelineZ Behof'01

Ms StacyBerkowitz

Ms MarilynBirz

Mr MarkD Bittner

Ms AnneBloedorn

Ms KatieBodie

Mr PatrickBolen

Mr andMrs RogerBouche

Mr CharlesL Brault'10

Ms SarahBreen

Mr andMrs WilliamR Brett

Mr JamesBright

Mr LouisBriody

Ms KarenBristol

Mr ScottBritton

Ms JulieBromley

Ms MiriamBryant

Ms MeaghanBurdick

Ms BernadetteCarlson

Mr andMrs JamesA Casey

Mr andMrs RichardG Cenar'79

Mr BrianT Clapperand Ms DanielleG Pconka

Ms DanielleClapper Mr GreerClausen

Mr MarcP Collinsand Dr MadelineA Collins

CookCountyState'sAttorney'sOffice GangUnit

Mr JosephD Cook'97and Ms JenniferP Callahan

Ms JulieH Cooney

Mr WilliamB Cowhey'10

Mr andMrs CarlL Cox

Mr andMrs DavidH Cox

Mrs AngelaCrilly

Mr JamesCunningham

Ms DanielleDeCamp

Mr andMrs PeterDellva

Mr andMrs JimDietz

Mr andMrs JamesDillon

Ms KariDillon

Mr andMrs RobertJ Dineen

Mr JoshuaDinkelman

Mr AngeloA DiPaolo

Mr J PatrickDohertyRIPand Mrs JeanneDoherty

Mr RobertJ Dooley'12

Mr TroonDowds

Mr andMrs BrentDuelm

Mr andMrs JeromeL Duffy'54

Mr andMrs ChrisDunn

Ms LaureenDunne


EastPrairieSchoolEducational Foundation

Ms PeriF Ehlman'17

Mr andMrs LeRoyP Endre

Mr RyanEngelhardt

Ms ChristineE Erickson'05

Mrs JoanA EricksonRIP

Mr andMs JohnA Erickson

Mr andMrs MarkErickson

Mr andMrs RichardW Evonitz

Mr EvanJ Fay'10

Mr andMrs RobFischer


Mr DavidFord

Mrs ClaireA Frankenberg'10

Mr ChrisFrohm

Mr MattGailey

Ms JulieGarcia

Mr WilliamV Gardy

Ms JudithGeake

Ms RosieGianforte

Ms PatriciaGnetz

Mr andMrs MichaelP Golden

Mrs PaulaGreene

Ms GinnyGreer

Mr ThomasJ Groden'13

Mr JB Grogan

Mr andMrs EdwardHarkerJr

Ms ValerieHausman

Mr PeterHawkinson

Mr BradHedberg

Mr andMrs CraigD Hesselberg'81

Mr andMrs ThomasC Hjorth Mr ReaganHogerty

Mr JustinHolsen Mr MichaelHood

Mr ThomasHope

Mr BrandonHori Ms MacieHouse

Mr andMrs MichaelF Howard

Mr andMrs EdwinJ Howland

Ms CarolHudson

Mr JosephHudson

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Huffman

Mr andMrs WilsonF Hunt

Mr SpenncerIsom

Mr andMrs MichaelW Jamieson'76

Mr PaulJ Janus

Mr andMrs MartinG Jennings'98

Mr MartinJepsen

Ms AndreaJohnson

Ms SharonJohnson

Mr andMrs VernJohnson Mr DavidJuran Mr StephenKammerer Ms ShelleyA Keane Mr PatrickKelley Ms BennettaKelly Ms CarlynKelly

Mr ChristopherJ Kelly'13

Ms HannahG Kelly'19

Mr andMrs JamesC Kelly'82

Ms KathleenKelly

Mr andMrs RandallC Kelly

Mr andMrs RobertC Kelly

Mr RobertD Kelly'17

Mr andMrs SeanE Kelly'10

Ms SusanKelly

Mr andMrs RogerKieffer

Mr DonKim

Mr andMrs PaulB Kissane'82

Mr andMrs MarkA Koerner

Mr WesleyR Koerner'17

Mrs andMr LauraH Koh

Mr ReedKolbe

Mr DavidKomie

Mr MurrayKornberg

Mr andMrs KurtKovacic

Ms HollyKremin Ms MaryLouKriegl

Ms KellyLabrie Ms LisaLang

Mr EricLangan

Mr JamesA Langan

Ms LynneLevernier

Mr YongLiandMrs YanZhuo

Mr andMrs DanLines


Ms AshleyN Lodarek'15

Mr MattLondon

Mr LouLonghitano

Mr andMrs GabrielA LorenzoJr '77

Mr andMrs JohnLouis


Ms ElizabethM Lyman'11

Ms MeganE Lyman'08

Ms ElaMacander

Mr andMrs BrianMadvig Mr MarkMallon

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 64

Mr andMrs RaedMansour

Mr andMrs WilliamH Martay

Mr AlanMartin

Mr MatthewMcCormack

Mr MichaelMcenerney

Mr andMrs JohnT McEnroe

Mr andMrs MarkM McKinley

Ms VictoriaA McMenamin'15

Ms MonicaP McNerney

Mr andMrs JoelMehr

Mr YuriyMelenchuk

Mr andMrs ArtW Mergner

Mr RobMetzger

Mr GregMichuda

Mr andMrs KarlMiller


Mr andMrs BradC Mulay

Ms ElizabethL Murphy'15

Dr andMrs PatrickJ Murphy'83

Mr RobertJ Murray'12

Ms MaryMurtaugh

Ms NancyNazarian

Ms ChristinaNeitzey

Ms DawnNeitzey

Ms CarolineM Newell'12

Mr KevinNolan

Mr AlexNordenson

Mr andMrs DaveNordenson

Mr WilliamP O'Brien

Mr BenedictO'Connor

Mr HughM O'Donnell'94and

Dr EdenOlson

Mr andMrs DavidG O'Donoghue'81

Mr EmmettS O'Malley'16

Ms ShannonA O'Malley'12

Mr CharlesOrth

Ms JuliePacini

Mr andMrs WilliamH PhelanJr '78

Ms IreneM Pierson

Mr DevProctor

Mr RogerProsise

Mr andMrs WilliamJ Quinlan

Mr JonathanQuinn

Ms EileenRice

Mr ThomasRivi

RobertW Baird&CoFoundation,Inc

Mr andMrs JohnF Robertson

Dr andMrs GustavoC Rodriguez'77

Mr JoseRodriguez

Mr JosephRodriguez

Mr JulioRodriguez

Ms KatrinaRodriguez

Mr ThomasD Roegnerand


Ms VeronicaRosenSanetra

Mr andMrs SethRosenberg

Mr andMrs EricRubenstein

Mr EricRuttencutter


Ms MeganSchossow

Mr EdwardG Schroeder

Mr MichaelT Schufreider'10

Mr JohnP Schulte'10

Mr RichardSchultzand

Mrs IngerEiesland-Schultz

Mr JeffreyScott

Mr andMrs DanielSeeberg'75

Ms JenniferSeeberg'05

Mr JohnK Seeberg'10

Ms KatherineK Seeberg'01

Mr andMrs BobShaevel

Ms CatherineSharkey

Mr JackSilver

Mr andMrs RichardSilverstein

Mr WilliamSimon

Ms DawnSkwarek

Ms AgnesSmith

Mr KevinSmith

Ms KotrynaSmith

Ms RachelSmolkin

Ms MaryCateStabler

Mr andMrs DaleStahl

Ms JaniceStahl

Mr JeffStahl

Mr ToddStahl

Mr andMrs JamesP Stamatis

Mr JamesD Stanley-Erickson

Mr LaurenceP Stanton

Ms BaharaStapelberg

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Starshak

Ms KaraStefanson

Ms CathleenStegich

Mr WilliamStegich

Ms TierneyStein'13

Mr JordanStephen

Mr JoeC StevensJr '10

Ms MollieSudhoff

Mr ScottM Suhey'12

Ms AlexandraSullivan

Mr BillSullivan

Ms ElizabethR Sullivan'08

Ms EllenSullivan

Mr andMrs JohnSundquist

Ms RoniSung

Ms LeahSvoboda

Mr KarlSwanson


Mr StanleyThoren

Mr MatthewThrun

Mr DanTiernan

Mr andMrs DennisE Tisdale

Mr EthanTong'20

Mr andMrs DonaldC Trieschmann

Ms AndreanaTurano

Mr KyleVanBalen

Ms AlexisM Vasiljevich'08

Mr PatrickJ Veech'10

Col andMrs RobertVorisek

Mr andMrs ChrisWalsh

Mr ConnorJ Watts'13

Ms ElizabethC Webb'08

Mr andMrs AndrewM Weller

Mr ChristopherWilliams

Mr KeilWilson

Mr DennisWolffJr

Ms EmilyN Yager'19

Mr JamesYale

Lacrosse Program

Dr JimParkandDr JenniferKim

Lister Family Scholars Fund

Mr andMrs ChristopherLister

Patrick Lynch '87

Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs JohnP Lynch

Rev Robert G Mair

Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs CharlesE McGarrity'78

John J. Martin Scholarship by Maggie '99 and Jack Hammond '97


Mr andMrs JohnL HammondIII'97

McDonald Brothers Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs JohnJ McDonald'84

Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, Endowed Scholarship

Mr andMrs CesarArocho

Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas'81

Ms KateBoege

Mr andMrs JamesL Brault'79

Mr andMrs JosephJ Chekouras,Esq

Mr MichaelT Clune

Mrs AngelaCrilly

Mr MatthewL Hopkins'75and

Ms ColleenM Detjen

Mr andMrs StephenP Fitzell

Mr andMrs WilliamD ForsythIII

Mr andMrs GaryGardner

Mr CharlesW Heintzand

Ms ErinK Melley


Mr MatthewL Hopkins'75and Ms ColleenM Detjen

Mr PatrickKennedy

Mr JamesKiley


Mr andMrs KevinLawler

Mr andMrs BruceA Lee

Mr andMrs GeraldM McLaughlin

Mr andMrs JamesA McShane

Mr andDr MylesX Mendoza

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Murphy

Mr JohnW O'Brien'72RIPand

Mrs PatriciaM O'Brien

Mr andMrs MichaelF O'Hara

Mr andMrs ChristopherPenna

Mr andMrs P MarcPoggioli

Mr MarkF Santacrose'77and

Ms MargaretM Fiorenza

Mr PeterL SchaeferRIPand Mrs JulieL Schaefer

Ms SalyM Sebastian'06

Mr andMrs PatrickE Sullivan'73

Dr andMrs MarcL Tenzer

Mr andMrs JamesP Walsh'79

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Wehmer'72

Mr andMrs WilliamT Zanoni'68

Elizabeth D. and William B. McNulty '38 Scholarship


Mr andMrs JohnW Croghan

Mr andMrs DavidK McNulty'67


Mr andMrs AndrewJ O'Conor


The Joe Morahan and Judy Winnick Arts Scholarship

JosephE MorahanIII&JudyWinnick

Needy Family Fund


Mr andMrs JonathanP Arendt'88

Mr andMrs RobertJ Birdsell

Mr andMrs AndrewB Bloomer

Mr andMrs DouglasP Boersma

Mr OwenD Boersma'19

Mr andMrs Jose-LuisBretones


Ms WinifredW Chane'96

Dr HowardChrismanand Hon AmySt Eve

Dr andMrs ScottB Cienkus'85

Mr andMrs JonM Coen'95

Mr andMrs PaulColino

Mr andMrs MikeCollins

Mr andMrs EdwardL CooperIII'80

Mr andMrs DanielDelany

Ms CaitlinE Desmond'09

Mr andMrs RichardA Devine'61

Mr RobertK Dickeand Mrs CatherineO Dicke'03

Mr andMrs EdwinR Dunn'60

Mr andMrs DavidB FallonJr '76

Mr MatthewJ Fallon'13

Mr andMrs JoseL Ferrer'79

Mr andMrs JohnG Finneke

Mr AndrewS Forsyth'18

Mr JohnA Forsyth'11

Ms MaryThereseForsyth'13

Mr andMrs WilliamD ForsythIII Mr WilliamD Forsyth'10 Mr RyanM Freedman'07

Mr JohnP Gallagher'88and Mrs LilyMcDonagh

Mr andMrs CarlosM Garcia'91

Mr JeromeN Groark'51


Mr andMrs EdwardL HocterSr '82

Hon MichaelJ Hogan'64

Dr andMrs WilliamC Holohan'77

Mr andMrs RobertH HuffmanIII

Mr andMrs MartinG Jennings'98

Mr JaimeR Juan'85

Mr MichaelKaczmarekand Mrs EileenM Brusek-Kaczmarek

Mr andMrs A MichaelKakuska'56

Mr andMrs RobertC Kelly

Lt Col WilliamB Kelly,USA'81RIPand Mrs SusanM Kelly

Mr andMrs RobertC Kelly

Mr andMrs JosephJ Kraft

Mrs MargaretA TotaroKunkel'09

Mr PeterJ Langasand Mrs JacqualineE LangasLdM'83

Mr andMrs GerardS LeiderJr '90

Mr TimLittetonand Ms GabriellaI Lenzi-Littleton'04

Mr andMrs BryanLocke

Mr PeterLucas

Mr andMrs KevinR Lynch

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr andMrs MichaelR Mals'68

Mr A ChristopherMarcelo'96

Mr andMrs PeterJ Marino

Mr andMrs JohnD Marshall'66

Mr andMrs WilliamT McCormick


Mr andMrs MichaelJ McGovern

Mr JohnF McKinneyJr '96

Mr andMrs WilliamH MorrisJr '71

Mr MatthewG Naughton'12

Ms HiruteslasieY Negassi'13

Mr andMrs SeanC O'Brien'82

Mr andMrs RaymondL O'Connell'09

Mr andMrs GeraldJ O'Malley

Mr andMrs RossT Perrotte

Col andMrs JohnW Peters'53

Dr andMrs JamesJ Phillips

Mr andMrs JamesP ReichmannIII'74

Dr andMrs PhilipJ Rettig'64

Dr andMrs RobertS Rohde'59

Mr EdwardSchaeffer

Mr JasonE Schmitt'94

Mr VincentC ScullyIII'64

Ms SalyM Sebastian'06

Mr andMrs JamesA Seymour

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Shanahan'85

Mr andMrs AndrewJ Soucheray

Mr PaddyStanton'97and

Mrs DawnM Stanton'98

Mr F QuinnStepanSr '55and Mrs JeanF StepanRIP

Mr andMrs StephenA Sullivan

Mr JohnB Thomas

Ms MaryE Thomas

Mr andMrs WilliamA Uruba'82

Mr andMrs ThomasP Zidar

The Neenan Family Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs DavidM Neenan


John D. Norcross '54

Aquatic Center


Mr andMrs RonaldE Banas'81


Mr andMrs PatrickJ McGowan

Mr andMrs MarkR Muench'75

Mr andMrs DavidG O'Donoghue'81

TheCharlesH ShawFamily

Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi'64

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Wehmer'72

The O'Brien Family Scholarship

Ms CaraL O'Brien'17

Ms CatherineF O'Brien'20 Mr ConnellT O'Brien'16

William T. O'Donnell Professional Development Endowment

Mr andMrs WilliamT O'DonnellJr '67

The James M. O'Loughlin and the Class of '62 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs ThomasM Blake'62

Dr andMrs EdmundR Donoghue'62

Mr andMrs J DouglasHofherr'62

Mr andMrs EdwardD Meintzer'62

Mr andMrs JamesA Quinn'62

Mr GeorgeP Sullivan'62and Ms DorothyTurek

Perkaus/Reed Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs RobertP PerkausJr '54

Robert P. Perkaus III '77

Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Mr VictorP FilippiniJr '76and

Ms MarloM DelPercio

Mr andMrs RichardC PerkausJr

Michael J. Phelan '84

Memorial Endowment



Ms ZaraG Bokhari'18

Mr andMrs BrianJ Bradley

Mr andMrs ShawnBrady

Mr andMrs KevinBurns

Mr andMrs WilliamP Clarke

Mr andMrs MarkConcannon

Mr andMrs ClarkeDevereux

Mr andMrs ShawnA Edwards'84


Mr andMrs TimothyL Flanagan'66

Ms BarbaraFranklin

Ms ToreiGudaitis

Ms BethanyGuerin

Ms JessicaGunner

Mr andMrs AllenE Hoover'86


Mr andMrs ThomasE Kneafsey'56

Mr andMrs RobKrueger

Dr andMrs KevinLeehey

Ms JaneMacDonald

Mr andMrs MartinE Martinson


Mr andMrs DavidS Quackenbush

Mr andMrs ScottRadtke

Ms SusanReilly

Mr andMrs ThomasC Rodeno

Ms MaureenSawyer

Mr JohnShane

Ms SariShein

St JosephMen'sBowlingLeague

Mr CharlieTrimble

Mr JoeTurley

Dr andMrs FrankJ Weschler

Mr JohnWagnerand

Ms KatherineWetoska

Mr andMrs KeithS Yamaguchi

Polish Club

Mr andMrs AndrewChruszczyk

Dr GeraldineB Coleman


Mr andMrs LesleyG Seitzinger

Mr andMrs LesleyJ Seitzinger'88

Henry A. and James V. Proesel '39 Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs FrederickJ Proesel'78

Mr andMrs HenryA ProeselII'71

Michael Rebarchak '79

Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs DanielC Powers'79 Mrs FayeRebarchakRIP

The Robertson Family Scholarship Fund

Mr andMrs NicholasRobertson

The Joseph V. Roddy Memorial Scholarship

Mr andMrs JosephP Roddy'82

Charles S Rollings Jr '45

Scholarship Endowment

Mr JamesF Rollings'73

Kyle Shellberg '96 Scholarship Endowment


Mr andMrs MichaelT Driscoll,USMC'96

Mr andMrs RoderickE MacRae

Speech and Debate Team

Mr andMrs StanleyS Awdisho

St. Jude Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Dolan'79

Student Activities Fund


Mr andMrs DanM Kavanagh

Summer Camps

Anonymous Summer Service Program Fund

Ms CarolineM Jaros'16

Swimming Program Fund

Dr andMrs DouglasC AltenbernJr

Ms AlexandraBaugher

Mr andMrs JamesL Brault'79

Mrs CatherineB Eardley-Murphy

Ms JaneD Foster

Mr andMrs MarcP Franson

Ms TrisaGonzales

Mr andMrs WilliamP McNulty


Mr BrianMueller

Mr andMrs DavidB Mueller

Mr KurtM Mueller

Mr andMrs JoeMuñoz

Dr andMrs BryanD Oslin

Mr andMrs JohnPacholick

Mrs MaryRamsey

Mr andMrs RobertC Ramsey

Mr andMrs GaryR Satyshur

Mr andMrs MarkA Seyller

Mr andMrs StephenJ Testa Mr DonaldYacktman

Joe Taylor Boys Hope Girls Hope Scholarship


Mr andMrs RobertG Atwood

Mr andMrs J G BambrickJr

Mr MatthewBeverly

Mr andMrs MichaelCandioto

Ms AnnCantieri

Ms EileenCeisel

Mr andMrs JosephL Dahm

Mr ChristopherL Deger

Ms JenDeutch

Ms JoanM Dowdle

Mr KenDuetschII

Mr andMrs KennethR Duetsch

Mr andMrs PaulK Dupasquier

Mr CharoEgan

Ms EllenLindsey

Ms BethLopotko

Mr andMrs DavidW Mahoney

Mr DavidJ Mathers

Ms ShelbyMazurskyandJudyMazursky

Ms HeidiMcCormack

Ms BarbaraMellody-Pizzato

Mr andMrs WilliamG Merkle

Mr KevinJ Mistrik

Mr JasonMoebius

Dr andMrs PatrickH Moorhead'60

Mr andMrs HectorMorales

Ms AnnT Moran'16

Mr andMrs JohnC Morrissey

Ms NancyC Myers

Mr andMrs RogerO'Brien

Ms JaneOhKim

Mrs JeanneOlson Dr DavidOzarandDr LorraineOzar Ms JenniferPavelec

Mr andMrs BernardW Petosa

Mr andMrs RichardJ Pfleeger

Mr JosephB Potthast

Ms KellyRafford

Ms LauraRamser

Mr andMrs TomReeg

Mr andMrs RobertM Rushkewicz'66

Ms JuneSalajka

Ms MelissaSawadski

Ms SusanSchmitz

Mr PaulJ Schnepf

Ms RobynA Schuchardt

Mr andMrs JeromeC Spellman Mr DonaldE Sprague

Mr andMrs JohnE Steele

Mr andMrs JamesH Stoner Ms BeverlyTaylor

Mr JosephR TaylorRIPand Mrs AudreyTaylor

Mr andMrs MikeA Tierney

Mr andMrs StantonJ VanKlompenburg

Mr andMrs EricW Vickrey

Mr andMrs W L Walton

Ms GloriaWayer

Ms MarleneWenk

Mr andMrs DavidWick

Mr andMrs EdwardA WiertelJr

Mr andMrs HenryWisniewski

Ms DanielleWitkowski

Ms CandaceK Witt

Ms JacquelineZavoli-Nitsche

Mr andMrs FrankJ Ziegler Ms LauraZimmermann

Mr DavidZysk

Technology Fund

HelenV BrachFoundation

Fine Arts Initiative



Mrs SusanAste


Mr andMrs LukeJ Petherbridge

Mr andMrs WilliamE Sullivan'72

Mary D. Tierney Scholarship Endowment


Mr andMrs RobertJ Tierney'94

Turf and Athletic Enhancements Initiative

Mr andMrs FrancescoAnemone

Mrs MarilynBallard

Mr andMrs GarrickW Beil'92

Mr andMrs MatthewM Bonanno

Mr andMrs RyanBradley

Mr andMrs JamesM Burke

Mr andMrs MichaelM Callahan'93

Dr GeorgeT Chiampas'89and Dr LoriChiampas

Mr andMrs NicholasS Christopher

Mr andMrs MarkConcannon

Ms ElizabethF Daly

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Dammrich

Mr andMrs MatthewR Devine'85

Mr AnthonyP Diblik'86and

Ms JudithR Dever


Mr andMrs WilliamJ Doyle'68

Mr MarkA Ehlert

Mr andMrs RichardW Evans

Mr JohnW Fitzgerald'84and Mrs AgneseStrautniece

Mr andMrs WilliamD ForsythIII


Mr andMrs ChristopherFraterrigo


Mr andMrs AndrewC Goldberg'85

Mr andMrs WilliamHardin

Mr andMrs J MichaelHeaton

Dr andMrs PeterHoepfner

Mr DavidA Hughesand

Dr ThereseK Hughes

Mr andMrs DavidE Kawala

Mr andMrs RichardJ KeatingJr

Dr andMrs JohnJ Kottra'58

Mr andMrs KennethL LangstonSr

Mr andMrs JohnM Lazzaretto

Mr andMrs EugeneJ Leone

Mrs MicheleLunden

Mr JohnF McDonaghIIIand

Ms KarenS SauderMcDonagh

Mr andMrs JosephT McGovern

Mr MarkA Meccia'88and

Ms LiisaA Bayko

Mr JohnC Miedema

Mr andMrs BrendanA O'Donnell

Mr andMrs JohnJ PikarskiJr '84

Mr andMrs GordonG Repp


Mr andMrs WilliamP Roberts


Romanski '94 Scholarship Endowment


Mr JasonS Chamberlain'94

Mr andMrs JohnG Flanagan'94

Mr ThomasJ Hartman'94

Mr andMrs JohnH Matheson

Ms SusanD Romanski

John and Kathleen Schreiber Scholarship Endowment

Mr andMrs JohnG Schreiber'64

Second Century Reserve Fund

Mr andMrs ThomasMacina

Mr JohnD Norcross'54RIP

Ms NancyE Paridyand

Mr StephenM Naughton

Mr andMrs PeterEschenbach

Mr MarkC Fernando'98

Ms MariaFerrera

Ms ChristineFrantz

Ms BetteFreund

Ms MarjorieA Galloway

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Gamalski

Ms KatherineGeier

Ms DebraGonzalez

Mr RaymondR Janowski'92and Ms JenniferGouldLdM'92

Mr JohnGribbon

Ms DeniseGruensfelder

Mr NathanHaines

Mr KaiHansen

Ms AmyHeisler

Mr andMrs AlfredHemauer

Ms DeborahA HensleeLdM'75


Mr RaymondR Janowski'92and Ms JenniferGouldLdM'92

Mr andMrs BrianKnott

Mr andMrs MichaelKohne

Mr andMrs SalvatoreLanza

Mr AndrewLaws

Mr andMrs BrianJ Leydon'94

Mr JosephF BarberaIILA'72and Mrs MaryS BarberaLdM'75

Mr AndrewBatcheler

Mr andMrs ThomasC Bernardi'62

Mr RobertJ Braasch'62RIPand

Ms VirginiaD Braasch

Mr andMrs MartinJ Bredemann'80

Mr andMrs JohnR Brinkman'70

Mr andMrs GerardA Brost'71

Mr andMrs MichaelS Carlin'80

Mr MichaelT Clune

Mr JasonDanielandMs JanetM Hayes

Mr andMrs HanleyDawsonIII

Mr andMrs JohnL Donnelly'71

Dr SchollFoundation

Mr andMrs DanGruesser

Mr JasonDanielandMs JanetM Hayes

Mr andMrs DonaldJ HealyJr '68

Mr andMrs RichardP Hennig'63

Mr andMrs PatrickJ Kearney'57

Mr andMrs JamesM McMenamin'68

Mr andMrs WarrenMula

Mr andMrs CharlesJ Murphy

Mr JohnD Norcross'54RIP

TheWilliamF O'ConnorFoundation

Ms MaryJaneO'Connor

Mr andMrs ThomasP O'Malley'52

Mr andMrs MichaelRobson

Mr andMrs BenedictP Rocchio

Mr andMrs DouglasRupert

Mr andMrs JohnRushin

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Ryczek

Mr andMrs KraigP Schario

Ms CatherineM Schiltz

Mr TimothyJ Schlax'72

Mrs ElizabethB Servatius

Mr andMrs DouglasR Sharfstein

Mr andMrs WilliamS SteeleIII

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Svets

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Mr andMrs GabrielG Vehovsky

Mr andMrs ChristianWalsh

Mr andMrs BryanJ Wilson

Mr andMrs DeanM Wisler

Stewart Vergne '76

Scholarship Endowment

Mr StevenF Otter'76

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 66

Veterans Memorial Initiative


LTMichaelE Engels'84,USN(Ret)

Ms MadelineE Keller

Mr andMrs MichaelP Keller'84

Mrs SophiaKeller

Mr andMrs JohnE McFadden'59

Mr andMrs JosephM Nilges'75

Mr andMrs BrianK Stearney

Vignocchi Family Scholarship

Mr andMrs JohnK Vignocchi'64

Connor Walsh Fine Arts Award

Mr andMrs DavidA Dempsey'82

Mr andMrs MichaelZonsius

Kevin Warnke Endowed Scholarship Fund

Ms EmilyN Yager'19

Mr JohnM YagerJr '18

President's Leadership Council (PLC) Donations

Mr LukeG Joyce'10

Empower Illinois


Ms JeanneAnderson

Ms CandraC Busse

Dr andMrs JohnCherf

Mr andMrs DanielJ Close

Mrs ElizabethJ Collins

Mr andMrs DanielV Considine'63

Mr andMrs TomR Demery

Mr andMrs MarioJ Donato'82

Mr andMrs KevinDougherty

Mr andMrs TimothyJ Drehkoff'95

Mr andMrs MichaelJ Evans

Mr andMrs GeorgeF FitzpatrickJr

Mr andMrs DavidJ Fox'78

Ms MichelleB Freihage'97

Mr andMrs FrancisA Gesualdo'01

Mr andMrs RalphJ Gesualdo'75

Mr andMrs RobertB Hamilton'67

Mr AndrewKlemens

Mr PeterF KochRIPandMrs PatriciaKoch

Mr andMrs SeanLannan

Mr andMrs RichardV LynchJr '64

Mr andMrs MichaelP McHugh'97

Mr andMrs WilliamV McMenamin'77

Mr andDr MylesX Mendoza

Mr andMrs RobertF O'KeefJr

Mr KevinOatess

Mr andMrs MartinJ Perry'72

Mr JamesS RoweandDr CynthiaL Rowe

Mr andMrs RandallG Rueth

Mr andMrs DouglasRupert

Mr andMrs EdwardJ Ryczek

Mr andMrs SteveW Schmidt

Mr andMrs JohnG Schreiber'64

Mr andMrs DouglasR Sharfstein

Mr andMrs ThomasJ Spalla

Mr UiJunSukandMs HeeK Lee

Mr andMrs PeterA Sweeney'73

Mr andMrs RobertJ Tierney'94

Mr andMrs GeorgeB Trapp

Mr andMrs ChristopherJ Vallace

Mr andMrs RobertG Vanecko'83

Mr andMrs JohnVasilj'91

Mr JosephD VonderHeide'00

Mr andMrs JamesP Walsh'79

Mr andMrs RichardM Waris

Mr RobertJ Wild'79andMs LisaL Donofrio

Mr MichaelWycklendtand Mrs MairghreadR Wycklendt'00

Educational Excellence Funds

FrankJ AmatoExcellenceinCoachingAwardEndowment

TheFrankJ AmatoTrackandFieldEndowmentAward


TheThomasE Caestecker'49AmericanHistoryAward


MichaelN CannizzaroSr '67FamilyGuidanceEndowment

ThePhilipH CorboyChairinSocialStudies

J C DanielD'AmbrosioRetreatEndowment





TheJohnT Geldermann'43ChairinComputerScience

JamesT GlerumJr andMaryE GlerumClassicsTourScholarship GreatTeachingEndowment


AllenJ Hoover'58ScienceAward

Rev RobertG Humbert,SJ,ChairforReligiousStudyEndowment






Rev WilliamMoran,SJ,andRev RobertMulligan,SJ,Award ofExcellence

Rev EdwardF Mulhern,SJ,GuidanceFund


TheDr WilliamM SchollChairinScience

F QuinnStepanIgnatianEducatorFund



St. Louise de Marillac Giving Societies

Sr Constance Circle

Ms LisaJ Harvey'88

Ms KathleenA Kelly'75

Founder's Club

Mrs DanielleL Desherow'93

Mrs JoyVallesterol-Guttschow'88

Northstar Club

Mrs MaryS Barbera'75

Ms MariaS Bendery,'91

Mrs JeanneGerardBorscha-Eisinger'77

Mrs JulieDelaney'76

Mrs NancyJ Detlefsen'93

Mrs AlisonM Silk'88

Green and Blue Club

Mrs ColleenAufderheide'85

Mrs KathleenE Dominik'81

Ms DeborahA Henslee'75

Dr TundiM FrankMacAskill,DDS'80

Mrs CatharineB Murphy'81

Mrs LorettaO'Malley'83

Mrs ValerieA Plunkett'75

Mrs DebraD P Semple'90

Ms FatimahF DalaoTomas'86

Mrs MaureenA Wimbiscus'86

Editor's Note

LdM Club

Mrs JoanneL Brandstrader'84

Mrs ErinT Cellini'93

Mrs JulieA Engels'82

Mrs JaymiN Griesmeyer'92

Mrs KathySheridanHayes'88

Ms PatriciaA Heffernan'83

Mrs JacqualineE Langas'83

Mrs RowenaT Parma'85

Ms LisaM Puck'82

Mrs AnnM Ritzenthaler'85

This Honor Roll of Donors includes contributions received between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022 We make every effort to ensure that the donors who support Loyola Academy's mission of Jesuit education are appropriately recognized for their generosity, foresight, and commitment. If you have not received proper recognition for your gift in this annual report, please accept our apologies and notify our Development Department at 847 920 2766 or mwarner@loy org as soon as possible so that we can correct our records

Other Donors

Ms MargaretM (Lauf)Anderson'73

Ms MaureenM Clarke'74

Mrs ArmidaEnriquezDabu'94

Ms KathrynM Gallagher'78

Ms JenniferGouldLdM'92

Mrs AnnL Hagerty'85

Mrs LisaM Kessler'83

Mrs MaryAnneNash-Sebby'71

Mrs JenniferL Snyder'90

Mrs MaureenWilde'83

Loyola Academy Annual Report 2021-2022 67

Since the founding of Loyola Academy in 1909, thousands of donors have made gifts to establish or contribute to 209 different scholarships. The list below includes scholarships through June 30, 2022. Over the years, the dollar amount for establishing an endowed scholarship has increased. Fully endowed scholarships are recognized according to Loyola's history of funding requirements.

JohnD AielloEndowedScholarship


Rev JamesC L Arimond,SJ,'57Scholarshipfor






Rev JohnP Beall,SJ,Scholarship

Br PaulBecklenbergScholarship



PaulW andCatherineA BoltzScholarship

JuliaG BoyceScholarship

JohnA BreenSr Scholarship


TheDr WilliamJ BurnsScholarship




Rev RaymondJ Callahan,SJ,Scholarship














Classof1966ChampionshipScholarshipfor TuitionAssistance











RobertJ CorboyScholarship

StuartD Corboy'43Scholarship



Rev WalterCrane,SJ,Scholarship






EdwardJ DetmerMemorialScholarship

WilliamJ andQuinlanDevineScholarship

WilliamG DiederichIIIScholarship


RobertJ Dooley1927,1955,1981,2012Scholarship

TheWilliamF Dooley1956and2021Scholarship


TheJamesC Dowdle'52MemorialScholarshipI

TheJamesC Dowdle'52MemorialScholarshipII

JohnA andJulieDowdleScholarship

EileenT Doyle'06Scholarship


E A andH S EganScholarship


EndowmentfortheAdvancementof TuitionAssistance

Rev MichaelEnglish,SJ,Scholarship

Dr RobertA Esser'37Scholarship





MichaelE FinneganScholarship


ThomasJ FitzgeraldScholarship


AugustineA FlickIII'47Scholarship


JosephS FloodMemorialScholarship

Fr JohnJ Foley,SJandSalvatoreDiMucciIII'99 Scholarship






HughP HackettScholarship

Rev NormanE Harland,SJ,Scholarship

R G Harrington'44Scholarship

Rev DonaldJ Hayes,SJ,'43Scholarship



JohnT HickeySr '43Scholarship


EdwardJ andGraceV HirschScholarship

AlbertA Hoffman'45andRev JohnC Hoffman,SJ,'48Scholarship

RobertH HuffmanJr MemorialScholarship

Rev RobertG Humbert,SJ,Scholarship


JohnR Jozwiak'45Scholarship

RaymondJ KavanaghScholarship

MinnieR KehlScholarship




JohnE KennySr '31Scholarship

WilliamT Kernan'02O'ShaughnessyProgram Scholarship


MathiasA KleinJr Scholarship

St StanislausKostka,SJ,Scholarship





TheJoanF andWilliamJ Lavezzorio'46 Scholarship


GerasimeM Legris,SJ,Scholarship




JamesW Lyman'79FamilyScholarship



Rev RobertG MairScholarship

JamesJ Maloney'47Scholarship

GregoryJ Mann'35Scholarship


JohnJ MartinScholarshipbyMaggie'99andJack Hammond'97





Rev PatrickE McGrath,SJ,EndowedScholarship


ElizabethD andWilliamB McNulty'38Scholarship


TheJoeMorahanandJudyWinnickArtsScholarship Rev EdwardF Mulhern,SJ,Scholarship

TheMulvihillandMohrFamilyScholarship Rev TheodoreG Munz,SJ,Scholarship




EdwardJ Nesbitt'35Scholarship




JohnA andDoreenA O'HaraEndowedLABS ScholarshipFund


TheJamesM O'LoughlinandtheClassof'62 Scholarship

WilliamE O'Neil,Jr '33Scholarship



RobertP PerkausIII'77MemorialScholarship

MichaelJ Phelan'84MemorialEndowment

MichaelJ Phelan'84MemorialFund


HenryA andJamesV Proesel'39Scholarship

QuakerOatsCo Scholarship


ThomasA ReynoldsJr'45Scholarship

Mr andMrs CharlesE RittenScholarship


BridgetF WalshRochfordScholarship

TheJosephV RoddyMemorialScholarship

TheThomasJ Rogers'46MemorialScholarship

CharlesS RollingsJr '45Scholarship






MichaelJ Schaefer'96MemorialScholarship

FrancisE andMaryR SchlaxScholarship






JonathanJ Schwabe'00MemorialFund

RaymondA Seng'21Scholarship

WilliamJ SennottScholarship


JamesM Sheerin'72Scholarship




Rev JohnStejskal,SJ,MemorialScholarship

PhilipJ StelnickiScholarship

St JudeScholarship

St ThomasofCanterburyScholarship



JosephC Thomas'02MemorialScholarship


MaryD TierneyScholarship


JosephandMarcellineValentiFamily ScholarshipI





Rev A F Walker,SJ,'34Scholarship

KevinWarnkeEndowedScholarship WilliamandMargeryWeissScholarship


RaymondM White'32Scholarship


Editor's Note

To learn more about establishing a named or endowed scholarship, contributing to an existing scholarship, or receiving an endowment report about your scholarship, contact Bob Miller, vice president of advancement, at 847.920.2428 or bmiller@loy org

Loyola Academy Board of Trustees 2022–2023


James P. Walsh '79

Head of Corporate Development BMO Financial Group


James M. "Jamie" Baisley Jr '92

Managing Director

Frontage Search Partners, LLC

Phil Cooley, SJ

Second Year Studies

Loyola University Chicago

Hanley Dawson IV '86

Brian E. Johnson

Chief Financial Officer

Nancy E. Paridy

Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

G.P. "Preston" Kendall III '80 President

Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep

Newly Weds Foods, Inc. Rev. Jeffery T. Labelle, SJ

Associate Dean College of Education Marquette University

Genevieve M. LeFevour '99 Shareholder Johnson & Bell

Kevin R. Lynch

Stephen J. Pemberton

Chief Human Resources Officer


Matthew T. Regan

Partner, Kirkland and Ellis, LLP

Joseph P. Roddy '82

Attorney and Partner

Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella, PC

Rev. Charles Rodriguez, SJ

Rev. Matthew Dunch, SJ Faculty, Department of Philosophy Loyola University Chicago

President The Patrick Group William D. Forsyth President Frontier Partners

Rev. David A. Godleski, SJ Minister Loyola University Jesuit Community

Managing Director and Private Wealth Advisor Morgan Stanley

James W. Lyman '79

Corporate Vice President of Sales Operations Reinhart Foodservice

William A. McIntosh '57

Viola M. Meehan Chief Financial Officer Vanqua Bio Inc

President's Executive Leadership Team

Rev. Gregory J. Ostdiek, SJ


Genevieve Baisley Atwood

Vice President of Athletics and Fitness

Robert M. "Beau" Desherow '93

Vice President of Admissions and Enrollment

Brian P. Hake

Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer

Charles W. Heintz


Martin G. Jennings '98

Assistant to the Provincial for Formation Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus

Jimmy D. Samartzis '94

Chief Executive Officer LanzaJet

Saly M. Sebastian '06

Rev. James. R. Shea, SJ Teacher and Chaplain Cristo Rey Jesuit High School

Vice President of Alumni and Network Engagement

Robert O. Miller

Vice President of Advancement

Dennis R. Stonequist '90

Executive Vice President

To make a gift to Loyola Academy, please contact Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller at 847.920.2428 or bmiller@loy.org. Loyola Academy admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin

Susan Rollings Webb
We need your feedback! Will you take a 15 second survey?

1100 Laramie Avenue | Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089

Our Mission

To form women and men for meaningful lives of leadership and service in imitation of Jesus Christ through a college preparatory education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.

For more information, visit goramblers.org/Ramble.


Bob Miller

Vice President of Advancement 847 920 2428 bmiller@loy org

Briana Wells

Director of Special & Philanthropic Events 847 920 2714 bwells@loy org



We are excited to host our 54th annual Ramble this spring! The Ramble is Loyola's largest annual tuition assistance benefit and was reimagined last year to now include a chic reception, an hourlong live auction show, and a silent auction Share the grace of giving and support our Ramblers and our Tuition Assistance Program!

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