Reimaged Ramble 2020: A Night to Unite

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The Gift of


For the past 51 years, the Ramble has been the single largest contributor to Loyola Academy’s Tuition Assistance Program. In the past five years, the Ramble has generated $6.5 million thanks to the generosity of donors who believe in the transformative power of a Jesuit education. In this unprecedented time, we anticipate the need for tuition assistance will rise in the coming school year.

“ I t hin k t h e best t h ing that came from b ei ng at Loyola was the f a c t t h at t h ere w ere p eop le who only wanted me to b e b e tte r.”

Senite Barih ’20

Core Values


We believe that all qualified students should have the opportunity to attend Loyola Academy, regardless of their ability to pay. • We believe in creating a diverse community, a hub where students from different communities, socioeconomic levels, ethnicities, races and religions come together in our shared mission of creating a better world. • Our Jesuit, college preparatory education changes lives and opens doors for students who are motivated but lacking access to strong academic programs.

Fast Facts Our students come from over 90 zip codes in the Chicago area. • One in four students depends on partial or full tuition to attend Loyola Academy. • Expenses including tuition, iPads, books and uniforms are $19,500 per student annually. • The average tuition assistance award per student is $8,670. • Tuition assistance awards are for one year, and recipients must reapply annually.

Ramble’s Impact

Loyola’s annual tuition assistance budget is $4.3 million. Ramble is working to raise $1.3 million of that budget in one night. • Guardian Angel donors provide support for our students’ tuition, iPads, textbooks, uniforms and more. • Over 20,000 Loyola Academy community members will be able to experience the Reimagined Ramble and bid in the virtual auction online. ALL PROCEEDS FROM THE RAMBLE BENEFIT LOYOLA ACADEMY’S TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. 5

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