October 28, 2016

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Loyola University • New Orleans • Volume 95 • Issue 8 • October 28, 2016


It could happen to you As the discussion of sexual assault becomes more prevalent on college campuses,

Loyola takes a moment to have an open discussion during Take Back the Night By Lester Duhé laduhe@loyno.edu @LesterDuhe

Sexual assault could possibly happen to one in four people on college campuses. “Possibly,” because experts struggle to pin down a precise number. “It is so hard to capture stats about sexual assaults because we really don’t know exactly what they are, because you can focus on so many different ones,” Amanda Tonkovich, a therapist at the New Orleans Family Justice Center, said. While it is a common misconception that sexual assault only happens to a small few, statistics show it can and does happen to anyone. Women may be more at risk for sexual assault than men, but men have a one in sixteen chance of being assaulted on college campuses as well. Combatting on-campus sexual assault is the purpose of the Take Back the Night event at Loyola University New Orleans. On Oct. 27, hundreds of students from the New Orleans university community gathered to listen to speakers openly discuss their stories of sexual harassment and participate in a candle-lit walk through Uptown to Tulane University’s campus. However, even though hundreds of people stand together for Take Back the Night each year, you never know who could be a victim. They

are our friends, our coworkers, the person we bump into in the hallway and our classmates at Loyola. A young woman, who chose to use the name Cyril to keep her anonymity, shared her story about sexual assault to let victims of the crime know that they have a voice and that they are not alone. “I was stupidly on Tinder and some dude invited me to go to a party as a first date, and I was like, ‘OK, this should be fun,’” Cyril said. But as Cyril got a little intoxicated, things began to get out of hand. “He started trying to kiss me, and I was like 'OK, this is fine.' Then, he started to grab on me while we were in a public place, and I was like ‘stop,’” Cyril said. He didn’t stop. As he tried to guilt her into returning to his residence hall with him, Cyril kept refusing. It didn’t help when she found out that he has done this to several other women as well. Cyril was able to get away before the situation escalated any further. “I remember slapping the hell out of him and then running away, and that was about it,” Cyril said. Erin Shapiro, a staff counselor at Loyola and co-chairwoman of Take Back the Night, said when talking to a victim at Loyola who was sexually assaulted, the most important thing is to stay calm. She also said it’s helpful to inform the survivor of the options available to help them make a decision, but not to influ-

ence their choice. “When someone is sexually assaulted, all of their power and control is taken away from them. By giving them their options and empowering them to make the choices they feel are best for them, we help to give them back power and control,” Shapiro said. Cyril didn’t realize how much the assault was affecting her until a few weeks after it happened. “I hadn’t been going into work a lot. I felt like I had been failing in my classes because of it,” she said. After talking to a professor about what happened to her, she decided to report her story to the Loyola University Police Department. However, when the moment came, she wasn’t sure how to handle giving the report. She didn’t want to ruin her assaulter’s life or be labeled as a victim of sexual assault. “They took me to a back room, and it was all female officers. They didn’t want any male officers in the room,” she said, which was fine with her, because she said she had a hard time talking to men. After asking her to fill out a report detailing who she was, they gave her a piece of paper for her to write down everything she remembered about the assault. The first time she went to talk with police, she actually forgot her assaulter's name, so she only gave them a description. Multiple officers interviewed her to make sure her story didn’t change,

and then they let her go, stating that someone would contact her soon via e-mail. Police Captain Roger Pinac said that Loyola police report all incidents that occur on and off campus. If a sexual assault happens off-campus, Pinac said, the New Orleans Police Department Sex Crimes Unit is contacted if the victim wishes to pursue criminal charges. The

“We’ve all gone out drinking. We’ve all worn a skimpy outfit, and we expect that we are still going to get home safe. The only time we don’t is if a rapist is present.” — Amanda Tonkovich Therapist at the New Orleans Family Justice Center police department also encourages the victim to receive medical examination by a sexual assault nurse examiner. While Cyril chose not to press charges, she still sees her attacker on campus. Even though they both try to avoid each other, the whole process triggers memories from Cyril’s childhood. “For three years of my life I was brutally raped by my step-father,”

Cyril said. “You feel like you can’t do anything about it, and you feel kind of worthless.” Cyril said this is why she believes that survivors’ stories need to be told: so other victims know that they are not alone. She also understands that in the current social climate, that is not always possible. Tonkovich agrees that the culture does not support survivors. “[Victims] are getting a lot of shame and blame from their family and their friends,” Tonkovich said. She added with that it’s not uncommon for survivors to ask themselves, “Why did you do that? You shouldn’t have been drinking. He’s such a great guy; he wouldn’t do that.” However, Tonkovich said there needs to be a shift on a cultural level in order to prevent sexual assault from happening, not only on college campuses, but everywhere. “A big misconception is that all the victims are going to act a certain way or look a certain way. Our big thing here, and with most advocacy organizations, is to meet the person where they are at,” Tonkovich said. “We’ve all gone out drinking, we’ve all worn a skimpy outfit and we expect that we are still going to get home safe. The only time we don’t is if a rapist is present.”


October 28, 2016

























Vandalism Biever Hall

Oct 21

6:35 a.m.

Theft 6200 Block of La Salle Street

Oct 21

12:37 p.m.

Simple Battery 2200 Block of Calhoun Street

Oct 22

1:06 a.m.

Armed Robbery 7600 Block of Maple Street

Oct 22

2:06 p.m.

Bicycle Theft 7000 Block of Freret Street

Oct 24

10:09 a.m.

Auto Theft Broadway and Freret Street

Oct 24

4:53 p.m.

Drug Violation 6300 Block of Willow Street

Oct 24

9:22 p.m.

Motor Vehicle Theft Calhoun Street and Saint Charles Avenue

Oct 25

1:59 a.m.



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October 28, 2016 The Maroon


Commuter students upset by space By Erin Snodgrass eesnodgr@loyno.edu

As Loyola’s commuter students returned to campus this semester, they expected to be able to claim “The Hub,” located in the basement of the Danna Student Center, as their regular place to hang out. Instead, they found the Student Government Association had moved its offices to that location. Satchmo’s Lounge has replaced The Hub as the designated commuter space, but according to some disgruntled commuters, there was no discussion with them before or after the decision was made. Ilyes Benslimane, physics pre-health senior, said commuter students were approached earlier in the semester by someone they thought was a member of SGA. The commuters were confused when they were asked to leave The Hub and were told the space no longer belonged to them. “There was no consultation with the commuters before the switch because we would have said no,” Benslimane said. Ellie Diaz, SGA president, stressed The Hub is an open spot for all organizations and clubs to request support and resources from SGA, including the Commuter Student Association. She said SGA Vice President Gabrielle Henry reached out to the Commuter Student Association in late September about the move and received no response. Brianna McMorris, Commuter Student Association president, said SGA did contact her, but that at that point “everything with the commuter students had kind of settled down.” Other commuters, however, continue to have complaints about moving to Satchmo’s. One is that they are constantly kicked out of the area despite

it being the commuter spot. Satchmo’s also serves as an event space and performance venue, and any student or faculty member can reserve the room for their event. For example, sororities conducted recruitment week activities in the lounge, and commuter students said they were forced to leave. “In Satchmo’s, there is no understanding that this is the commuter lounge,” Johnston said. Courtney Williams, associate director of student involvement, said he has heard mixed reactions from commuter students about Satchmo’s being reserved for other events. “If an event is happening in Satchmo’s, students may choose to attend or spend time anywhere else on campus,” Williams said. In addition to losing the room to events, commuters have other grievances with the new designated commuter space. According to them, commuters had access to storage space in The Hub, but in Satchmo’s, many have resorted to hiding their things when they leave the room. Some commuters also claimed they were approached last semester and asked for their suggestions on how to better The Hub. “We thought they were rebranding the place for us,” Benslimane said. “It was kind of a slap in the face that they were fixing the place up after we had complained only because we were leaving.” Liz Johnston, English writing sophomore, expressed her disappointment at the loss of The Hub and said the Commuter Student Association spent a considerable amount of time working to make the area feel like a welcoming home for its students. Many commuters credit The Hub with providing an inviting space where they formed friendships with fellow students living off-campus.

By Jessamyn Reichmann jjyoung2@loyno.edu @jessamynreich


Commuter students Kyle Tumulty (left), biology sophomore, and Ilyes Benslimane, physics pre-health senior, study on the Danna Center front porch. Commuters have lost their designated area in The Hub and look for areas around campus to spend time.

Dionne Bowers, criminal justice senior, wishes the situation was different for her final year on campus. “We have no control, no say over the decisions made in Satchmo’s, but we did in The Hub,” Bowers said. “If we had any space where commuters could say ‘this is the commuter space,’ I would not mind at all. That would make us feel like we were part of the pack.” Diaz said she hopes to improve transparency on campus and expressed her desire to help fix any problems with unhappy commuters. She said the move of SGA offices into The Hub was to make SGA more accessible, inviting and visible to students.

“In previous years, the credibility and presence of SGA has been a complaint of our student body,” Diaz said. “Utilizing The Hub for senate meetings, along with programming and finance meetings, makes the space more welcoming to anyone who is potentially walking by to see their SGA hard at work.” However, commuter students continue to express their disappointment in losing the designated commuter space. They argue that, as commuters, it’s already hard enough trying to immerse themselves in campus life. “We want to be able to relax and just have a place to hang out,” Bowers said.

Loyola partners with NOPD to host Day Out Against Crime By Alena Cover mrcover@loyno.edu @alena_cover

Loyola’s Department of Student Involvement grilled food and played music as local police agencies chatted with students about crime at the university’s annual “Day Out Against Crime” Tuesday, Oct. 18. Held in the Peace Quad, the event aimed to raise awareness about how students can protect themselves against crime and the health and safety resources available to them on campus. According to Courtney Williams, Loyola’s associate director of student involvement, his team partnered with the Loyola University Police Department, Residential Life, Health Advocates, the Sexual Assault Response Team and several New Orleans police organizations for the day. “Day Out Against Crime is one of our annual events,” Williams said. “Its purpose is to promote crime prevention and to build community on our campus.” Williams said the event was a success. “It did rain earlier [in the day] so we lost a few people, but we’ve had a wonderful turn out despite the weather,” he said. “The goal was to get people out here, to raise awareness, to make people understand how they can be safe and secure in the city, and I think we’ve definitely met that goal.” Patrick Bailey, director in chief of Loyola’s police department, said Loyola has been hosting this event annually for almost 30 years. “We have been doing it every year; this is the first time we’re doing it during the day,” Bailey said. “We’re going to continue with crime prevention

throughout the year. We’ll have similar events.” Corporal Larry Kooken explained the event is associated with National Night Out Against Crime. “We’re not hosting other events around New Orleans, but other agencies are, like the New Orleans Police Department,” Kooken said. “Most of the time they’re at night for the National Night Out Against Crime. We chose to do it during the day so that we’d have the participation of the students.” Kooken said LUPD hoped to raise awareness of what the on-campus police department does to prevent crime. “We’re trying to get crime prevention awareness out to all the students, basically telling them what we do as a department, as well as some of the things we offer and our partnering agencies around here,” Kooken said. Bailey is proud of Loyola’s participation in the city-wide events for Night Out Against Crime. “This past Sunday we had the kickoff for Night Out Against Crime, and out of twelve universities and colleges in the New Orleans area, we were the only university police department represented there,” Bailey said. Students had mixed reviews about the Day Out Against Crime. Jaime Johnston, English writing senior, said she felt ambivalent about the event. “I feel like the campus environment, in general, is a little weary of police force,” Johnston said. “I don’t feel like the audience is here for this.” However, Rita Desouza, psychology senior, enjoyed the event and feels like it’s good that the school has events about crime prevention. “I think we should have more of them,” Desouza said.

Survivors and allies ‘Take Back the Night’


New Orleans Police Department officers interact with Loyola students at the annual Day Out Against Crime held Oct. 18 in the Peace Quad. The Day Out Against Crime aimed to raise awareness of ways to prevent crime and tell students about on campus health and safety resources available to them.

According to U.S. Beureau of Justice Statistics, 63 percent of sexual assaults are not reported to police, only 12 percent of child sexual abuse is reported to authorities and out of every 1,000 rape cases, 994 perpetrators will walk free. With rape being the most under-reported crime in the United States, Loyola and Tulane recognize the need to speak up for victims and give them a chance to speak up for themselves. Since 1990, Loyola and Tulane, with participatiown from other New Orleans area universities, have led a Take Back the Night march. This year’s march was organized for Thursday at 6 p.m. The universities were expected to gather in the horseshoe on Loyola’s main campus, where Tulane law student Margaret Martin addressed the crowd as keynote speaker, sharing her experience as a sexual assault survivor.

“When something like [sexual assault] happens to someone, certainly they are a victim, but they become a survivor,”

— Patricia Boyett Director of the Women’s Resource Center

Event organizers planned to open the emotionally powerful evening with speakers who would share their personal stories of dealing with domestic violence, assault and rape. Following the keynote speaker, a candlelit march, beginning at Loyola on St. Charles Avenue and ending on Tulane’s campus, would give participants the opportunity to speak out against sexual violence. According to Patricia Boyett, director of the Women’s Resource Center, this is one of the most important events pertaining to victims. “When something like [sexual assault] happens to someone, certainly they are a victim, but they become a survivor,” Boyett said. “By taking power over how they’re going to respond to that and helping other people is a way of speaking out against it, which helps other people speak out, which makes people who are victims and survivors not feel alone.” Boyett is more than just the director of the Women’s Resource Center and the Take Back the Night planner; she teaches the first-year seminar course “Gender, Justice and Violence” and is also a survivor of sexual assault. In addition to focusing the night on survivors and their journeys, Take Back the Night hoped to attract allies. Amber Crabb, political science freshman, was excited to attend and volunteer at her first Take Back the Night event. “Even though I myself have never been a victim of sexual violence or rape, I still support the cause,” Crabb said. “I’m still an ally.” Crabb said an ally is a person who promotes justice and consciously strives to end marginalization. “I want to be more than a bystander,” she said. “I want to actively work against victim blaming and reduce rape culture.” Through her passion for continuing to educate herself and others in the Loyola community, Crabb found she could support survivors by being a volunteer. She assisted the Take Back the Night event planners, sold event t-shirts and planned to pass out candle lights to marchers Thursday evening. These actions may seem small, but Crabb believes they help survivors reclaim the night.



October 28, 2016 The Maroon

Experts: Drug use, mental health linked By Haley Pegg hapegg@loyno.edu @haleypegg

A common misconception is that hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine are the most dangerous substances of all, as they kill thousands of people each year in the United States alone. However, other drugs, including prescription drugs, account for a much greater number of deaths than heroin and cocaine, and that number is growing at a dangerous rate. It hit home for one Loyola senior who grew up in Puerto Rico with a friend, bonding every weekend over their shared obsession with the newest sneakers. Then, the friend began experimenting with drugs at a young age to help him cope with family issues. “He started smoking pot in seventh grade. It developed into pills, cocaine, acid, ecstasy…everything you can imagine but heroin,” the Loyola senior said, who chose to remain anonymous in order to protect the identity of his friend. According to the source, his friend’s drug use escalated throughout high school and continued as they both enrolled as freshmen at Loyola. The friend eventually found help. He was on his way to recovery

and had been visiting a therapist every other week. However, after staying sober for six months, rumors spread that he had relapsed and used heroin. “Everyone knew he was a drug addict, but he was still functional, so no one really cared,” the student said. “He was super talented and to see him throw all that away was rough.” He was sent to a rehabilitation center to get back on the road to recovery, and now resides at a midway house in Atlanta. “I talk to him sometimes, and he said he’s doing better,” the senior source explained. “He’s just eager to get out and do his thing. He wants to go back to school, probably somewhere in New York, and work in arts and photography.” Ruben Baler, a scientist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse in Bethesda, Maryland, uses his background in molecular science and neuroscience to do research on issues of public health, including how drug use can escalate into addiction. According to Baler, using drugs changes the balance of neurotransmitters in a person’s brain, which leads to changes in that person’s behavior. He said addiction develops because of these chemical adjustments; most human brains become

accustomed to the stimulation they experience while under the influence of drugs. Baler described the influence of drugs on the brain as a “maladaptive learning process.” “There are good types of learning and bad types,” Baler said. “Think about the way you learn to ride a bike; it’s difficult to unlearn it. It’s the same with drug addiction.” Baler suggested drug addiction cannot be attributed completely to neurological patterns. He said the majority of people who suffer from a drug addiction also suffer from underlying mental health conditions, including inherited mental diseases or overwhelming stress from a recent event, such as a divorce. “We cannot talk about addiction in isolation. We have to look at the bigger picture,” Baler said. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were over 47,000 lethal drug overdoses in 2014, making it the leading cause of death in the United States. The organization also reported that in 2014, more than 10,500 people died of a heroin overdose. The National Institute on Drug Abuse also reported that the number of accidental deaths from prescription drugs in 2014 was 25,760. This number exceeds those of heroin and cocaine overdoses combined, though deaths related to


Death by drug overdose in 2014

25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

Perscription Pills those drugs have increased. Scientists agree there is a chemical link among different substances, which contributes to addicts abusing multiple types of drugs. Most heroin addicts have used opioid prescription drugs at some point. In fact, an article in the Drug Alcohol Dependence journal states four in every five heroin users started out



Source: The National Institute of Drug Abuse

abusing prescription painkillers. According to Baler, it is important to remember people who suffer from addiction often turn to self-medication because they feel they need to escape. “Many times people fall through the cracks, and those cracks are filled with drugs,” he said.

The Maroon

Joey Badass performs at Voodoo Fest 2015. The festival has continued to grow every year since its founding in 1999. Acts such as the Chainsmokers, Arcade Fire and the Weeknd will headline the 2016 edition.

Voodoo fest 2016 expected to be biggest yet By Grant Dufrene gmdufren@loyno.edu

On a rainy Halloween in 1999, New Orleans hosted its first ever inaugural Voodoo Music and Arts Experience at Tad Gormley Stadium in City Park. Back then, the in-advance tickets went for $19 and tickets at the gate sold for $23. It was a oneday affair that featured 20 headliners, including Wyclef Jean, The Roots and Moby. Voodoo saw significant growth the follow-up year and has been growing ever since. In 2000, Voodoo made big changes. They relocated from Tad Gormley Stadium to Scout Island and Marconi Meadow in City Park and expanded into a two-day event. That same year, Voodoo drew in a

crowd of an estimated 60,000 people, six times the attendance of the previous year. It wasn’t until 2007 that the festival became a three-day event and broke all former records of attendance with an estimated 100,000 fans showing up to take part in the festivities. The 2014 festival marked a different kind of growth, as Forbes. com reported it was the first time the demand prompted for an “active secondary market” for ticket sales, where demand grew so high that tickets were regularly obtained from ticket holders, rather than the venue itself. Over the last two decades, over one million people, including international fans, have gathered to see performances from about 2,000 artists.

Voodoo’s growth has prompted an evolution. One innovation Voodoo hopes to make to the experience is what they call its “cashless system.” Sig Greenbaum, festival co-organizer, explained details about the cashless system. “This new system allows festival goers to safely and temporarily register their credit cards to their wristbands to pay,” Greenbaum said. “Each person is given a four digit access code that only they know, and it is entered into an iPad to verify transactions. The receipt is emailed to you after every purchase, and since your name is registered with your wristband, it is secure. It works much like Apple Pay.” Other than the cashless system, Greenbaum said that the festival will also host two new experiences

for fans to enjoy: Brew Dat and the Mortuary Fright Zone. “Brew Dat aims to bring the sports bar experience to the festival, with 10 to 15 craft and sports beers locally and out of state. It will also host games, such as cornhole and ping pong, that attendees can play while catching up on the score of whichever team is playing at that time, and showing, of course, the Saints game screening on Sunday,” Greenbaum said. After the Mortuary sponsored an event in 2007, festival organizers decided to work with them to bring back an even larger installation. The fright zone is an interactive event that Voodoo Fest says will feature characters, multiple photo opportunities and much more. “We hope to bring the spirit of Halloween to the next level with this

installment,” Greenbaum said. A lodging feature on the festival’s website allows those from out of town to find and book local places to stay during the festivities that accommodate their needs. “Our lodging solutions feature was made available when the early-bird ticket sales began, and it’s now completely sold out. Almost every hotel in New Orleans is booked up for Halloween weekend; you’d have a tough time getting a room anywhere in the city,” Greenbaum revealed. This year, Voodoo will present 67 acts both nationally and locally acclaimed, including Arcade Fire, the Chainsmokers and the Weeknd. Voodoo expects this year’s festival to have the biggest turnout yet.


October 28, 2016


ACROSS 1. Lose brightness 5. Sonic the Hedgehog developer 9. “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” instrument 14. High-resolution film format 15. Spanish cross 16. Lariat loop 17. Political nickname for the Pacific states 19. Up and about 20. Catch in a snare 21. Departs 23. Tiler’s calculation 25. Civil War side: Abbr. 26. Deep voice 29. Mexican seafood entrée 35. European peak 36. Delivered from the womb 38. Trix or Kix 39. Rubber roller 41. Puccini title soprano whose name is an anagram of the ends of the four longest puzzle answers 43. Designer Schiaparelli 44. Nevertheless 46. Geological timespans 48. Put a match to 49. Protective botanical layers 51. Uneven, as a leaf’s edge 53. Everything 54. “Gone With the Wind” plantation 56. When the cock crows 61. Gospel writer enshrined in a Venice basilica 65. To no __: fruitlessly 66. Foppish neckwear 68. Esther of “Good Times” 69. Bendable joint 70. Lake on New York’s western border 71. 140-characters-or-less message 72. Like much cheese and wine 73. Scream DOWN 1. Submit one’s taxes 2. “You said it!”

3. Inane 4. Crowd scene actors 5. Mouthwash brand 6. Significant time 7. Speak effusively 8. Early Mexicans 9. At the movies, perhaps 10. ‘90s candidate H. __ Perot 11. Attend 12. “Yeah, sure” 13. Soft ball maker 18. Chocolate substitute 22. Waste receptacle 24. Dr. J hairstyle 26. Motel in a Hitchcock classic 27. Energetic 28. Shopping frenzy 30. Map in a map 31. “__ you coming?” 32. String quartet member 33. Fertile desert spot

34. Pool table slab 37. “Becket” star Peter 40. Come to a close 42. Price 45. Miss in the game of Clue 47. Mattress choice 50. 49th state 52. Jazz pianist Lewis 55. Showed curiosity 56. Blowgun projectile 57. Swear to be true 58. Third-oldest U.S. university 59. Irascibility 60. Mattress choice 62. Good-sized backyard 63. Churn up 64. “Power Hits” series record label 67. Robert E. __


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Life Times

October 28, 2016

GoodWood goes beyond design, helps students do so Loyola gallery to By Seán Brennan shbrenna@loyno.edu @Sean_TheMaroon

Two years ago, Michael Dalle Molle and Jordan Gurren, the founders and owners of the design and fabrication company GoodWood NOLA, were desperately trying to find a space to work out of, bringing in less than $1,000 per month and scrambling to get their vision off the ground. “Basically, for an entire year we had little to no social life,” Dalle Molle, 25, said, “We could only think about paying bills and making deadlines on time.” Before that, the two craftsmen, who met in 2013 on a building project for the WWII Museum, were creating their high-end products out of a garage with a few old hand tools and a chop saw. On the first of this month, after two years of 12-hour workdays, dumpster diving for wood, philanthropic initiatives and dozens of unique design projects for businesses around the city, Dalle Molle and Gurren moved GoodWood into its new home: a 4,200+ square foot studio in Mid-City, nearly four times bigger than their last workspace. “We’ve always thought about next steps, but we’ve never focused on them,” Gurren, 26, said. “It’s about fighting complacency; we knew taking on a bigger studio would force us to move forward.” The new GoodWood studio allows the team to take on projects like never before. Besides having more space to create pieces for repeat clients like District Donuts, Dirty Coast and the Besh Restaurant Group, Gurren and Dalle Molle can also expand their clientele to new businesses and larger end products. The owners and the rest of the GoodWood team, comprised of several part-time designers and craftsmen, view the new studio as a rewarding and exciting expansion. However, it’s just one of the big moves Gurren and Dalle Molle have made this fall. For the first time, the GoodWood visionaries are taking their expertise to the classroom, offering Loyola design students hands-on experience in industrial building and

mixed-media design through their course, GoodWood Build. “We wish that we had somebody to show us what this field was all about back in school,” Dalle Molle said. “We’re trying to show students that you can design and build things in the real world. Jordan and I aren’t that far removed from college; we know what they’re going through, we just went through it. We know our students haven’t done this before. We hadn’t either when we first started, at least not like this.” Throughout this semester, the two craftsmen have focused their instruction not only on laying the foundations of design and fabrication, but also showing their students the impact that designers can have on their communities. The GoodWood owners first became involved with Loyola last spring, when they partnered with design professor Tippy Tippens’ Social Political Design class. With their help, Loyola students created the new signage and branding for the Lower Ninth Ward Market, giving the integral food store a new, more recognizable business identity. After working under Dalle Molle and Gurren for the market project, Tiffany D’Souza, graphic design senior, felt compelled to take their GoodWood Build course. “I think the main reason I took a second class with them was how dedicated they are to their work,” D’Souza said. “They’re so passionate about everything they do.” The Lower Ninth Ward Market is just one of many initiatives that GoodWood has taken to give back. Together with Dirty Coast, one of GoodWood’s repeat clients and close friends, the GoodWood team not only raised over $10,000 for Louisiana Flood victims, but help continue to give boots on the ground in Baton Rouge, having fully gutted five flooded homes and offering assistance any way they can. The design company is also a corporate sponsor of the Junior League of New Orleans, a women’s volunteer organization, works with the John Besh Foundation, which provides scholarships for New Orleans students and continually donates items to The Camp Tiger Benefit Auction, an LSU initiative that works with mentally disabled chil-

feature University of Louisiana at Lafayette artwork

By Davis Walden jdwalden@loyno.edu @DavisWald


Michael Dalle Molle, left, and Jordan Gurren, right, the founders and co-owners of GoodWood NOLA, discuss layout plans for their new 4,200+ ft. studio in Mid-City.

dren through summer programs. “Money is, and always will be, the second thing,” Dalle Molle said. “We’re more concerned with compelling projects, happy clients and good work. Everyone who can give back to their community absolutely should.” All of this, while almost exclusively using recycled lumber as well as eco-friendly paints and locally sourced materials to create the fabrications they love, has earned them the rank as one of New Orleans’ five most sustainable new businesses of 2016 from LifeCity, an environmental business group. These values of community outreach and consciousness are what Daniela Marx, chair of the Loyola design program, saw beyond the GoodWood owners’ design skills, pushing her to invite them to teach the GoodWood Build class. “People don’t know what design is or what it can do. It goes beyond advertising,” Marx said. “At Loyola, it’s about making the world a better place through design. Michael and Jordan line up with our Jesuit values.” Marx plans to have a permanent class with Gurren and Dalle Molle and hopes for an industrial design program that can extend beyond

design students to the entire university. Outside of Loyola, GoodWood’s design work can be seen at the New Orleans Boulder Lounge on Tchoupitoulas Street, where general manager Garret Mortensen recalls working with Dalle Molle and Gurren, who have since become friends outside of business. “Basically, we brought a pile of junk to them that I created, and I’m not a skilled carpenter whatsoever,” Mortensen said. “They cleaned it up, made it pretty and made it considerably more functional in a relatively fast time.” The boulder lounge is one of many local businesses that the design company has created lasting ties with. As the GoodWood guys continue to settle into their new studio, teach their first class together and work with local businesses around the city, they have not forgotten their start. “We’ve pushed ourselves, and we pride ourselves on taking projects that we want,” Gurren said. “If you had told me two years ago that I would have a studio like this, and we would have done all of the awesome projects we’ve done, I’d say you’re crazy.”

The House of Shock celebrates two dozen Octobers with this Halloween weekend By Tyler Wann wtann@loyno.edu

The House of Shock is back for its 24th season to make terror topical in this already scary election season. Since 1993, Elmwood, Louisiana, has played host to one of the most notorious haunted houses in the country. Initiated by a group of friends in their backyard, including Phil Anselmo of heavy metal band Pantera, the House of Shock was started as a reaction against goofiness that began to defy the traditional, spooky haunted houses of the day. “It was always about intensity and giving every last bit of energy that you had,” Ross Karpelman, co-founder, explained. Since then, it has become one of America’s top haunted houses, according to Haunted Attraction Magazine naming the venue “Number One Haunted House in the Country” in 2014. The house reinvents itself each year in order to perfect the scare. Karpelman opened up about

Courtesy of House of Shock

Stage shows like this one at The House of Shock regularly feature pyrotechnics.

what people can expect this season. This year he spotlighted the popular 3-D attraction maze called “Laff in the Dark.” This attraction has doubled in size since last year and now features a pyrotechnics show plus 3-D painted psychedelic artwork from floor-to-ceiling, provided by San Diego graffiti artists. “If all (customers) did was walk through with 3-D glasses and look at the artwork, that would be, alone, worth it. But we also throw the clowns in there,” said Karpelman.

“If the recent sightings have gotten you on edge, this attraction is sure to provide.” That’s not all the house has to offer this year. He said that the attraction will have a section based on the controversial presidential election. “It’s gotten so ridiculous, we had to weigh in on it,” Ross said. The house is also introducing several new “freaks” this year, including the “Sasquatch Sisters” and the ominously named “Mother Milk,” who “provides sustenance”

to all of the other freaks. Karpelman revealed that while some aspects of the characters and scenarios depicted were inspired by hit movies such as “The Omen” and “The Exorcist,” the house is mainly inspired by New Orleans folklore. “There are enough legends in New Orleans to inspire a million haunted houses,” Karpelman said, noting particular examples such as a recreation of the Laveau mansion and a French Quarter-inspired piece. Karpelman said that over the years, the crew has learned how to get a reaction out of anyone. He noted a particular incident in which former Saints lineman and Hall of Famer Willie Roaf sprinted away in reaction to the house’s horrors. He invites anyone up for the challenge to give the house a visit. The House of Shock will be open from Oct. 28-31 at 319 Butterworth St., located under the Huey P. Long Bridge. General admission tickets may be purchased on site for $30, while VIP tickets may be purchased for $50 online and $55 on site.

The Diboll Gallery is showing a collaborative collection of printmaking publications and projects finished at Marais Press at University of Louisiana at Lafayette by students, their professor Brian Kelly and artists from around the world. Featuring works from the past 16 years, Marais Press is coordinated by Brian Kelly, professor of printmaking at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Full of printmaking equipment new and old, the facility merges traditional techniques as well as digital ones, inviting prominent printmakers and artists that collaborate with students in printmaking and visual arts. “These collaborations allow students the unique opportunity to assist professional artists in the execution and production of published prints, allowing them the opportunity to work closely with different modes of artistic inquiry, problem solving and visualizing alongside master printers and visiting artists,” Kelly said. Including prints from major printmaking processes such as lithography, intaglio, woodcut and silkscreen, as well as non-traditional and digital prints, artists visiting Marais Press worked with Kelly and his students on a variety of projects. “I strongly believe in a formal class setting. A student must be involved in an environment that stresses both quality and dedication,” Kelly said. With artists from around the country aiding in the process and Kelly working with students, Kelly feels that “good teaching ultimately comes from being a good example.” Kelly’s goals when it comes to approaching printmaking in the classroom are to expose students to more efficient techniques, teach them to safely navigate studios and to have confident students graduate with a broader understanding of techniques and of their creative ability. “You cannot effectively teach what you do not know or do,” Kelly said. “Confidence, assuredness and growth in my work translate into the same qualities in my teaching.” Kelly arrived at Marais Press in 1999, eight years after it was established, and from then on he was determined to bring excitement to the establishment. Marais Press’s mission is to raise funds for student art scholarships by selling prints, encouraging experimentation and to attract professional artists and the public through contact with other artists and their art, according to Kelly. The Diboll Gallery will be hosting an opening reception for the colletion on Nov. 3 from 5 to 7 p.m., which is free and open to the public. The gallery is located on the fourth floor of Monroe Library and is currently showing photography and installation work, as well as selected student works from a partnership with the Danna Center Student Gallery, located in the basement of the Danna Student Center.

October 28, 2016

Loyola jams under the oaks

Loyola’s Jazz Band gave music lovers something to dance to during the last Music Under the Oaks concert this year on Oct. 23. Under the direction of Gordon Towell and Nick Volz, more than 20 Loyola musicians and vocalists performed a mix of famous jazz and pop songs. Jackson Delany, a Loyola graduate student, gave a special performance on the piccalo trum-



pet, a smaller version of a trumpet. Along with Loyola’s band, the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra Brass Quintett, the New Orleans Concert Band and the Polymnia Quartett also performed. Music Under the Oaks is a yearly concert series sponsored by Bellwether Technology and Iberia Bank in Audubon Park. The event is free and open to the public.


Jackson Delany (above), graduate student, plays the piccolo trumpet. Taylor Brown (far left), jazz studies sophomore, performs a song from America’s Great Depression era. Michael Goudin (center), jazz studies junior, plays a solo. Summer Derrickson (right), jazz studies freshman, blows away the audience with her performance of Aretha Franklin’s “A Natural Woman.” Music Under the Oaks gave locals a chance to hear classical tunes in Audubon Park for free rain or shine.

SHELTER PET & GLOBALLY RECOGNIZED PIANIST Amazing stories start in shelters and rescues. Adopt today to start yours. KEYBOARD CAT 8M+ YouTube Views



October 28, 2016 THE MAROON

Jesuits elect leader, discern changes By Colleen Dulle mcdulle@loyno.edu @ColleenDulle

The Jesuits’ 36th General Congregation is now in full swing, with the group of delegates having elected a new global superior and now making some of the decisions that will lead the society for years to come. The General Congregation began Oct. 2 in Rome and, on Oct. 14, elected a new superior general. The Rev. Arturo Sosa, S.J., a Venezuelan, is the Society of Jesus’ first Latin American leader. The Rev. Ron Mercier, S.J., head of the Jesuits’ Central and Southern Province, which includes New Orleans, has worked with Sosa before. “He’s a man who loves to laugh,” Mercier said in a phone interview from Rome. “He’s a very warm and gracious man, and so when you meet him, he engages you. He chats. You know, there’s a real personal warmth.” The two worked together at the last general congregation in 2008. Mercier said he learned then that Sosa thinks deeply about today’s problems, a sentiment the Rev. Tom Greene, a delegate from this province, echoed. “He is a good listener, one who listens well before speaking, and he also has the ability to raise contentious issues while seeking common ground,” Greene said. When a new superior is elected, he celebrates Mass for the congre-

gation, and his homily there traditionally sets the tone for the rest of his time as superior. In Sosa’s first homily, on Oct. 15, he emphasized “reconciliation with the world,” a main idea from the last general congregation. Greene said that the decrees the congregation makes in the next few weeks will plan how the Jesuits will practice that reconciliation. Some speculate that it will have to do with the migrant crisis and the environment. “At this point, I believe father general is trying to listen to the various voices on the floor at G.C. 36 before giving his thoughts on future directions for reconciliation efforts,” Greene said in an email from Rome. Now, the congregation is working to chart that course, producing governing documents for the society. None have been released yet, though the process is moving more quickly this year because the delegates worked together on first drafts online before meeting. Greene said the delegates meet at 9 a.m. and wrap up after 6 p.m. each day. “It involves a lot of sitting!” Greene said. Mercier said one of the main issues the congregation is considering now is the society’s governance, which is divided into regional provinces. The society struggles with how to govern some of their projects, like the global Jesuit Refugee Service, that span multiple provinces. “We really need to figure out, in

By Erin Snodgrass eesnodgr@loyno.edu

Courtesy of General Congregation 36

Two Jesuits look over meeting materials in the aula, or meeting room, Oct. 20 at General Congregation 36. The global meeting of Jesuits will make governing decisions for the next several years.

very large provinces but also across province lines, how we collaborate together, how we share resources, etc., etc. Those are questions that have been bubbling for years, but we really need to help move them along,” Mercier said. John Sebastian, vice president for Mission and Ministry at Loyola, is on the committee that will implement the congregation’s decisions locally. He said the committee is waiting to make plans until the decrees that will guide them are released. “The next few days and weeks will be a very busy time for the Jesuits gathered in Rome but a period of patient waiting for most of us onlookers,” Sebastian said. The Jesuits had a break from their

deliberations on Oct. 24 to hear from Pope Francis. Popes traditionally speak with Jesuit general congregations, but this is the first time the pope himself has been a Jesuit. Francis told the delegates to do three things: 1. To ask insistently for consolation, the deep spiritual joy St. Ignatius taught about. 2. To let themselves be moved to mercy by the image of Jesus on the cross and by those suffering in the world. 3. To do good, led by the Holy Spirit, and to think with the church. More updates on the congregation and Pope Francis’ full address are available at gc36.org.

Standing together for racial justice By Belle Rodriquez mrodrigu@loyno.edu @mar_rodzz

On Oct. 23 at 9 p.m., while many were sleeping, studying or otherwise preparing for the next day, about 60 students were gathering in Bobet Hall’s Ignatius Chapel for a Mass dedicated to racial justice. The recent tragedies regarding race, ethnicity and religion have caused great grief inthe Loyola community. This Mass displayed respect for those lost to recent police violence, which was reflected in the various prayers led by the Rev. Gregory Waldrop, S.J., as well as the hymns sung by the Genesis Gospel Choir. The Mass also included a litany, listing a few of the 2,200 names of men and women who have lost their lives to police violence in the past two years. All students were invited to light candles in honor of those killed, while others wrote prayers and personal hopes for racial equality on the paper leaves of a prayer tree. Waldrop spoke in his homily about the role the media plays in the fight to ending racial injustice. “It’s so big. It’s so overwhelming. It is time for us to start reflecting within ourselves as opposed to [reflecting on] the media,” Waldrop said. John Sebastian, vice president for Mission and Ministry, also gave insight on why the department chose to dedicate this Mass to racial justice.


Members of the Genesis Gospel Choir light candles during a litany honoring those lost by police violence. The Mass for Racial Justice was held in Ignatius Chapel on Oct. 23 at 9 p.m.

“It’s really our way of trying to figure out a response to some of the things surrounding the media in the past few months and tensions with police, but also larger issues of race that are dominating politics at the moment. We’re happy to be able to contribute, not in the debate, but in healing the wounds,” Sebastian said. Johannah Williams, political sceince junior, and Moresa Robinson, music therapy freshman, both

Awakening retreat builds community

performers in the Genesis choir, reflected on their personal takeaways from the event. “It was good to see that there are people who are committed to ending social injustice. It gives me hope; that’s a very hopeful thing. It gives me hope to see people that you don’t really know want to end social injustice, someone outside of yourself or your friend group,” Williams said. Robinson continued, “If you don’t

speak out about racial justice, it’ll stay in the same place and remain stagnant rather than move forward. Some may be ignorant on the topic. The more people speak out, the more aware they are. This has been an issue for years.” For those interested in supporting the fight for social justice, a second Mass, otherwise known as the Martyrs Mass, will be held on Nov. 13 at 9 p.m. in the Peace Quad.

The weekend of Friday Oct. 21 to Sunday Oct. 23, students gathered at Fontainebleau State Park in Mandeville for this semester’s Awakening retreat. The spiritual event is held once a semester and is an opportunity for students to reflect on their relationship with God through shared experiences. Laura Alexander, university minister for retreats and Christian Life Communities, who works closely with student leaders planning and implementing the retreat, described the empowering effects Awakening has on participants. “It’s a great opportunity for students to be accepted and loved just as they are, to connect with a wonderfully accepting and fun community and to reflect on who God is for them,” Alexander said. The weekend-long event encouraged students to share their personal stories related to identity and spirituality. Students are given the time to reflect both on their own and in small groups. A’Niya Robinson, A’15, attended seven Awakening retreats during her time at Loyola. “People share their stories and personal experiences, but there’s also time to have fun, laugh and enjoy yourself. Even though it’s only a weekend, you grow and share a community with everyone else on the retreat,” Robinson said. Robinson had such a powerful experience on her first retreat that she returned as a staffer for the next six Awakenings she attended. “A lot of people who go on Awakening the first time come back as staffers because they want to give the same experience they received the first time,” Robinson said. She commented on the hard work and planning that goes into making each Awakening unique and memorable for students. “There are several different staffs that have different responsibilities in order to keep the retreat running smoothly. For example, there’s the cook staff, they prepare the food, music staff, they keep the energy up, and table staff who mostly keeps the retreaters focused and centered,” Robinson said. Alexander echoed that sentiment, saying, “The ideas, energy and hard work needed to pull everything off all comes from the students.” Due to the personal nature of the retreat, attendees are not able to share details about the specific events or stories. However, in regards to her overall experience, Emma O’Reilly, accounting freshman, described the experience as accepting and positive. She was interested in attending the Awakening Retreat in order to strengthen her faith and broaden her horizons. She hoped doing so would allow her to meet new people. “Awakening is a tight knit and close community that will be there for you forever,” O’Reilly said about her time at the retreat. “There’s honestly something in this retreat for everyone, whether you want to find a new community, learn more about others and yourself or just want to get away for a weekend,” Robinson said.


October 28, 2016 THE MAROON


SPORTS BRIEFS Men’s basketball ranked fifth in preseason poll


The volleyball team gathers around Angela Franke, head coach, after a practice on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at First NBC Court. The team will begin their three game home stand on Friday, Oct. 28 starting with conference opponent, Brewton-Parker.

Volleyball team looks to finish strong By Brian Wollitz bawollit@loyno.edu @brian_wollitz

With only conference play remaining this season, the Loyola volleyball team looks to build upon recent success in hopes of reaching the Southern States Athletic Conference championship. Coming off of a four game skid, the Wolf Pack stand at 12-18 overall and 6-9 in conference play and remain contenders in the conference, sitting in seventh place with five games remaining in their schedule before the championship begins in November. The Wolf Pack began to overcome early-season struggles, achieving a record of 6-4 in a 10 game stretch dating from Sept. 18 to Oct. 15. Angela Franke, head coach of the volleyball team, attributes some of the recent success with the work and improvement she sees from her players every day since the beginning of the season. “I think the girls are finally realizing that all their hard work is paying off, so they’re working really well together as a team,” Franke said. At this point in the season, Fran-

ke believes that the team chemistry they have developed is helping them close out games in crucial moments, while giving them confidence to compete against the best teams in the conference. “We’re finishing games, [and] we’re fighting back when we do get down,” Franke said. “The girls are really rallying and they’re not giving up. I think that that’s where we’re at, at this point, that they see the possibilities and they’re excited for these big teams with University of Mobile and Coastal Georgia coming up to really show how hard they’ve worked.” Maddie Huekels, education sophomore, sees the team’s chemistry as a foundation of strength the team can rely on. “I think this year, definitely, chemistry is in our favor. I think we started off right from the start. We blended well. We brought in seven freshmen and it didn’t take them long to get acclimated to us, and I think this year more than ever we have so much potential,” Huekels said. This potential and depth that additional players provide help boost a

roster that Huekels thinks makes the team well-rounded. “Our hitting is on and our passing is on and our setting is on, and we’re not just a defensive team…I think that’s a really big strength for us at this point, that we’re an all around team,” Huekels said. Katie Philippi, psychology senior, believes that the team is just beginning to hit their stride after overcoming some bumps in the road earlier in the season. “With anybody or any group of friends or team, as you play together, you get to know each other a little bit better every single day. So, I think that we are doing a great job of learning each others’ strengths and weaknesses and building off each other,” Phillipi said. As a senior and a leader on the team, Phillippi believes the Wolf Pack have the skill and work ethic to compete for a conference championship, but have to stay committed to their goals while holding each other accountable. “Our team’s working on it every day to hold each other and ourselves accountable for any mistakes we make and any errors or anything

that we can improve upon. As long as we continue to do that, then I think we’re just going to keep getting better and better, so that conference ring is definitely in reach,” Phillipi said. Huekels cites consistency as another thing the Wolf Pack can improve upon in order to take the next step of obtaining a conference title. “I just want to be the team that I know we can [be], like the way that we have been playing these last few games, and to go out with a conference ring, because who doesn’t want that? Next year’s not guaranteed that we’re going to keep getting better, so we need to take advantage of this right now,” Huekels said. Philippi views the remaining games as an opportunity to leave a lasting footprint on the program for years to come. “I’m just trying to leave a legacy; I want to get a conference ring, I want to win the conference tournament, and I know we can do it. I know our team is the best it’s been in years. It’s the best its been since I’ve seen it, since I’ve been here, and I think that we can make it happen. I’m ready,” Philippi said.

The Southern States Athletic Conference released their 20162017 Preseason Poll last Wednesday, selecting the Wolf Pack to finish in fifth place. Last season the Wolf Pack finished with a record of 17-13 and 10-8 in conference play, securing an eightseed going into the conference tournament. Last year, the Wolf Pack rolled past the first two rounds of the conference tournament until they reached the semifinals, where they took on the eventual conference champions, Faulkner University, and lost 74-69. Senior Johnny Griffin, Jr. looks to lead the Wolf Pack deep in the tournament once again after leading last year’s team in scoring and rebounds, while receiving multiple accolades in his junior campaign, according to Loyola Athletics.

Wolf Pack swim team finds success in Alabama The Loyola swim team traveled to Birmingham, Alabama, this past Saturday where they faced off against Birmingham-Southern College and Berry College in a tri-meet. The women’s team scored 74 points, securing a second place finish while the men’s team tallied 38 points, placing them in third according to Loyola Athletics. Freshmen Nina Mantich, Mallory Adair and Paige Carter paved the way to success for the Wolf Pack as they captured first in the 400m medley relay and the 400m freestyle relay. Freshman Paige Carter once again stood out for Loyola as she took first in the 200m freestyle and 500m freestyle. For the men, freshman Jon Tarpey captured the only win for the Wolf Pack in the 200m backstroke. Loyola will travel to Conway, Arkansas on Nov.18 to take part in the Hendrix Invitational.

Men’s basketball opens season with win

Volleyball drops three conference games

By Ryan Micklin

The volleyball team went on the road Oct. 21-23 and lost each of their three games agianst conferecne opponents. On Friday, the Wolf Pack took on conference opponent Faulkner University and lost to the Eagles in three sets. Loyola looked to bounce back on Saturday as they took on Brenau University but could not overcome the Golden Tigers’ attack as they got swept in three sets for the second night in a row. The Wolf Pack finished up their road trip on Sunday as they took on Dalton State. Loyola was able to capture one set from the Roadrunners, but ultimately lost by a score of 3-1. The Wolf Pack are now 12-18 on the season and 6-9 in conference play. The Wolf Pack will look to bounce back as they host a three-game home stand starting Friday, Oct. 28, at First NBC Court.

rwmickli@loyno.edu @RyanMicklin61

The Loyola men’s basketball team opened up the 2016-2017 season with a 74-60 win over Carver Bible College. Johnny Griffin, Jr. recorded his first double double of the season as he finished with 16 points and a team-high 13 rebounds in the win. Both teams went back and forth in the first 10 minutes of play, but Loyola closed the first half with a 22-6 scoring run that gave them a

38-22 lead heading into halftime. The Wolf Pack got off to a fast start in the second half as they were able to extend the lead to 27, but Carver bounced back and cut the lead to 17 with a little under seven minutes left to play. Carver managed to pull within 12 points with 3:04 to go, but Loyola was able to hold off the Cougars in the final minutes to secure their first victory of the season. Nick Parker and Griffin led the way for the Wolf Pack, finishing with 16 points each. Jalen Gray put

together a strong all-around performance tallying 13 points, a teamhigh eight assists, five rebounds and two steals. Eric Brown came off the bench and chipped in as he finished with seven points and four rebounds in the win. “We executed well, and we rebounded the ball fairly well. At times we were not as engaged. We have the potential to be pretty good, but we only got to see parts of that tonight,” Stacy Hollowell, head coach, said after the game. Griffin was pleased with the way

the team played but admitted that the team let up in the second half of tonight’s win. “I think it was a good team effort. Everybody played hard on both ends of the floor, but there were a couple of moments in the game where we let up, but we’re gonna learn from it,” Griffin said. The Wolf Pack advance to 1-0 on the season and will host Louisiana State University-Alexandria on Saturday, Oct. 29 at First NBC Court. Tip off is set for 4 p.m.


TULANE UNIVERSITY New Orleans , Louisiana Nov. 3 @ 7 p.m.

SELMA UNIVERSITY Selma, Alabama Nov. 5 @ 4 p.m.

SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY New Orleans, Louisiana Nov. 8 @ 7 p.m.

XAVIER UNIVERSITY New Orleans, Louisiana Nov. 15 @ 7 p.m.

SPRING HILL COLLEGE Mobile, Alabama Nov. 17 @ 7 p.m.

SELMA UNIVERSITY First NBC Court Nov. 19 @ 4 pm

SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY First NBC Court Nov. 22 @ 7 p.m.



October 28, 2016 THE MAROON


The majority opinion of our editorial board


HOWL to Voodoo fest this weekend! GROWL to Halloween on a Monday


HOWL to Streetcar Stories’ first episode! GROWL to long lines at Starbucks thanks to PSL season HOWL to actual Fall weather, and unleashing our oversized sweaters GROWL to women not getting enough pocket space HOWL to withdrawal period being extended



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EDITORIAL POLICY The editorial on this page represents the majority opinions of The Maroon’s editorial board and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Loyola University. Letters and columns reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of The Maroon’s editorial board. The Maroon does not represent the opinion of administration, staff and/or faculty members of Loyola. Letters are subject to editing for length, grammar and style. Please limit submissions to 400 words. Submissions are due no later than 4 p.m. the Sunday before publication. Please send all submissions — The Maroon, 6363 St. Charles Ave., Box 64, New Orleans, LA 70118. Email us your letters — letter@ loyno.edu. Submissions may also be made online at www.loyolamaroon.com.

Midterms matter. Both professors and students fall prey to misunderstanding this simple concept. Professors need to take midterms seriously, and students need to take midterms seriously. Loyola has recently taken the steps to mitigate midterm stress by extending the drop period until Oct. 28 by 4:00 p.m. An extra week will allow students and professors additional time to assess grades and possibly commit to a plan of improvement. Students often wonder if midterm grades are a valid representation of their work, especially if there have only been a few graded assignments in the course. Midterm grades weigh into determining your scholarship status and even maintaining “good standing” in extracurricular activities or sports on campus. Midterms are an indicator of a student’s progress thus far. If we have an inconsistency between one professor granting midterm grades as a general rule of thumb about where we stand and another who says “Those grades don’t really matter,” then how can we know how to improve? How can we succeed if we are uncertain from the beginning? Treating midterms as mere letters for the sake of meeting the university’s policy to put something in a grade box only hurts the student, especially if that student is planning on applying to graduate school and the student’s future university re-

quires their most recent academic progress, i.e. midterms. We need to know if this is the time to withdraw or remain in the course and work to change the grade. If the class is only offered once per semester or the student is graduating, the stakes are higher and more dependent on midterm grades. On the other hand, if professors are willing to take midterms seriously, students need to take midterms seriously. Midterm grades have an effect on a student’s overall grade towards the end of the semester. Don’t merely rely on extra tests and points to pull a grade up. Study hard. Attend classes. Regardless of if attendance is mandatory or not, we can only expect to make decent grades if we show up to class. You get what you put in, so put in the work and time your classes require. If a professor is going to take the time to offer consultation or office hours for your benefit and success in their class, use them. A professor’s email, office hours or even phone number at the top of the syllabus aren’t just for show. The fact that a professor is willing to be as flexible as possible for the sake of a student’s well being and success should show us that they care. Loyola is built on such ideals as care for the whole person. Midterm grades are our opportunity to take advantage of that care and strive to better ourselves.


October 21, 2016 The Maroon


David Duke needs to be taken seriously Nick Reimann Mass communication junior & Worldview editor nsreiman@loyno.edu

If you think that a neo-Nazi, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of the National Association for the Advancement of White People can’t win an election in 2016, you’re wrong. At least, as long as that neo-Nazi is David Duke and he’s on the ballot in Louisiana. Duke, who has largely been out of the political spotlight since losing to Edwin Edwards in the runoff of the 1991 Louisiana governor’s race, has spent most of the past couple of decades traveling around Europe and promoting books he has authored, such as “Jewish Supremacism” and “My Awakening: A Path to Racial Understanding.” During this time, Duke found

himself under arrest in the Czech Republic on suspicion of “denying or approving of the Nazi genocide and other Nazi crimes,” and has been expelled from Italy, only because Italy was following Switzerland’s suit, which had already banned him from living in that country. But that’s history now. It’s 2016, and Duke is back where he gained his fame—thick in the fray of Louisiana politics. And what I mean by “thick in the fray” is that he can win. Seriously, David Duke has a shot of being the next U.S. senator from the state of Louisiana. There are two factors that make this possible—Duke’s past performance in elections and the dynamics of the 2016 senate race. On his past, it’s not like Duke is new to controversy. When he first started seeking office in the 1980s, Duke was fresh off of his days in the Klan and was already a wellknown figure among LSU students for wearing a Nazi uniform around campus during his time there in the 1970s. That didn’t stop him then, as

Duke won a special election to fill a seat in the Louisiana House in 1988. While serving in office representing his Metairie district, Duke ran for the U.S. Senate in 1990, but failed to make the runoff after receiving 43 percent of the vote in the primary. Then came the famous 1991 governor’s election, where Duke suffered a landslide loss to former governor Edwin Edwards in the runoff, receiving 39 percent of the vote. Duke has not been in as bright of a spotlight since. He sought the Republican nomination for president in 1992, but received less than 1 percent of the vote. He then ran for senate again in 1996, getting 12 percent of the vote, before losing his most recent major campaign, when he received 19 percent of the vote in a 1999 U.S. house race. While Duke has never held a statewide majority, in all of the races he has run solely within the state of Louisiana (excluding his presidential campaigns, in other words), Duke has never received below 11 percent of the vote. The question now is whether that bloc of voters

still exists; because if it does, that might be all that he needs to win. There will be 24 candidates on the ballot for senator in Louisiana in 2016. Since recent election results suggest that around 40 percent of the vote will go to Democrats, we can expect that to be split pretty evenly between two strong Democratic candidates—Caroline Fayard and Foster Campbell. The rest should be split along the Republican side, which has an extremely strong field that includes two sitting U.S. representatives, a former U.S. representative and the current state treasurer. This will result in a heavily split vote, with the most recent poll of the race showing 15 percent enough to be in first place. Then there is the Trump factor. Trump is likely to run away with Louisiana in the presidential election, a result Duke believes will help him. Duke claims that he shares many views with Trump, and while this is certainly questionable, what cannot be questioned is Duke’s support

for Trump. Since Duke has qualified for the next debate, he will be able to articulate that he has supported Donald Trump from the start. That’s a powerful message in Louisiana. In the runoff, and in a 2016 election that will likely see Donald Trump run away with Louisiana, it’s not impossible to think Duke could win. Although Trump has disavowed Duke’s support, on the question of whether he would endorse a Democrat in the runoff against Duke, Trump responded: “It depends on the Democrat.” That’s the political world we live in today, one where it’s possible for David Duke to be elected to the senate. So, if you think that being expelled from Italy and being arrested on suspicions of Nazi sympathy should disqualify someone from being fit to hold elected office, you’d seem to be a reasonable person, but alas, that seems to be a shrinking demographic these days.

Naasha Dotiwala/ THE MAROON

A Baton Rouge resident cleans wreckage from flooded house (left). Residents fill their yard with debris in front of their house after the flood (right). Up to five feet of floodwater was recorded in neighborhoods across Baton Rouge when record rainfall hit in August.

Southeast Louisiana community weak but not defeated MALLORY DICKERSON Political science sophomore mmdicker@loyno.edu

Beginning on Aug. 12, 2016, southeastern Louisiana experienced a historic flood. According to

coverage by CNN, in one part of Livingston Parish, more than 31 inches of rain fell in 15 hours. More than 30,000 residents and 1,400 pets were rescued by their neighbors and various organizations, and 7,000 people waited in emergency shelters as the rain swallowed their homes and possessions. However, the destruction Mother Nature inflicted extended far beyond materials. As people’s homes were destroyed and their possessions were taken, their

hopes and dreams were swallowed. Southeastern Louisiana’s faith in human compassion dwindled as their suffering was ignored by national media outlets. Yet, as southeastern Louisiana suffered, it found salvation in its community. Local restaurants, unaffected by the flood, opened for extended hours to donate food to shelters and to those who could not afford a hot meal. The “Cajun Navy,” a group of numerous individuals

from various parishes, formed to rescue helpless members of their community when the National Guard was not available. Southeastern Louisiana was weak and tired, but it was not defeated. The strength of a community is a powerful thing. As southeastern Louisiana was seemingly helpless and nationally ignored, it grew stronger because of its communal support. However, the fight is not over yet. Debris and parts of hous-

es still litter the streets, pets are still waiting to be returned to their owners and local businesses are still rebuilding almost two months after the historic flood. Yet the morale of the people is stronger than ever because of their community, neighbors, friends and family being there to help when the nation was not. While the help we needed wasn’t there when we needed them the most, maybe we didn’t need them anyway.


The Maroon

October 28, 2016




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