The Maroon 3-20-15

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For a greater Loyola University • New Orleans • Vol. 93 • Issue 22


MARCH 20, 2015

Hacking for justice Loyola College of Law hosts innovative coding competition to improve underprivileged communities’ access to legal aid

By Zayn Abidin @zayn_maroon

The term “hacker” often conjures up negative images. But soon, coders from all over Louisiana will come together to give underprivileged groups “Hackcess to Justice.” Loyola College of Law, in collaboration with the ABA Journal and the Louisiana Bar Association, will host a competition called “Hackcess to Justice.” It will take place on March 21 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and March 22 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the College of Law. The event, according to the college’s website, is designed to bring together technological and entrepreneurial groups with Louisiana legal aid organizations. Over the course of two days, they will try to develop technology-based solutions that will create an avenue for the underprivileged communities’ access to the justice system. The competition boasts a $1,500 first prize,

$1,000 second prize and a $500 third prize. Victoria Luwisch, coordinator for external affairs and graduate studies at the law school, said that the event is important because it will help Louisiana citizens who cannot afford lawyers better understand the legal process. “These technological solutions will help Louisiana’s legal aid systems to be fairer and more efficient. Representatives from legal aid organizations will be on site to discuss the unique issues that they and their clients face and the types of solutions they seek,” Luwisch said. She said that individuals or teams will use coding to submit technology-enabled solutions like apps or websites. However, submissions must address the specific needs of lawyers and legal aid organizations that serve underprivileged clients. William Palin, adjunct professor of law at Suffolk Law School, said he participated in “Hackcess to Justice” last year and won. “I’d never been to such an event,

so I wanted to see what it would be like and also compete and win the $1,500 prize. This event is necessary because it brings groups of different expertise together, helps in community building and is engaging,” Palin said. John Love Norris, an attorney and Loyola College of Law alumni, said he is planning to participate in the event for the first time this year. “I plan on introducing my idea called the ‘Legal Gap App.’ It will utilize limited scope representation contracts in the area of family law. Users will enter the application seeking an attorney for a specific need in family law, and the application will place them in contact with an affordable or pro bono attorney,” Norris said. Norris said he is taking part in the competition to bring about justice. “I choose to participate in this event because I believe in the underlying premise that everyone deserves a fair shot in the justice system,” Norris said. KARLA ROSAS / The Maroon


See LIFE & TIMES, page 8

See NEWS, page 3



March 20, 2015



























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3/13/15 10:58 AM

Theft/Larceny St. Charles Avenue, 6800 block

March 11

11:31 a.m.

Drug Law Violation Biever Hall

March 11

2:29 p.m.

Vehicle Break-In/Theft Lowerline Street, 1000 block

March 11

2:44 p.m.

Vandalism Lowerline Street, 1000 block

March 11

7:38 p.m.

Burglary Eleonore Street, 1000 block

March 12

9:13 a.m.

Assault Dominican Street, 7700 block

March 12

12:09 p.m.

Theft/Larceny Calhoun Street, 2600 block

March 12

5:24 p.m.

Theft/Larceny Willow Street, 6900 block

March 12

10:43 p.m.

Vehicle Break-In/Theft La Salle Street, 5000 block

March 13

3:55 p.m.

Vehicle Break-In/Theft Hampson Street, 7600 block

March 14

9:37 a.m.

Theft/Larceny Palmer Avenue, 2700 block

March 14

11:07 a.m.

Vandalism Calhoun Street, 2500 block

March 15

9:57 a.m.

Send mail to: The Maroon, Loyola University, Campus Box 64, 6363 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA 70118 The Maroon is published every Friday. Unless otherwise noted, all content is copyrighted by The Maroon. All rights reserved. First copy free to students, faculty and staff. Every additional copy is $1.00. The Maroon is printed on 30 percent postconsumer recycled content.


March 20, 2015 THE MAROON


NEWS BRIEFS SGA election winners announced at Loup Garou The Student Government Association announced the election results for the 2015-2016 school year at Loup Garou, Loyola’s spring concert. The election results were announced after press time. The winners and additional SGA election coverage can be found on The Maroon website,, at this time.

Journalist selected as commencement speaker

ZACH BRIEN / Photo Editor

Students gather to express their concerns with the dining plan requirement for commuters at an open forum hosted by SGA on March 11. The requirement, which was instituted on March 10, was postponed on March 12.

Wolfbucks requirement postponed By Colleen Dulle and Starlight Williams and @Colleen_Maroon and @Star_LightW

After an announcement last week that all commuter students would be required to purchase $500 worth of Wolfbucks, Loyola has announced that it will not implement the plan until 2016. The university announced the initial requirement on March 10, and students quickly responded against it with an open SGA forum on March 11. On March 12, the university announced that it would postpone the plan, allowing time to research different possible minimum prices for the meal plan membership.

The plan was originally developed in 2013 by student affairs, Sodexo and residential life with the goal of growing and renovating dining services, according to Amy Boyle, director of residential life. Boyle said a Wolfbucks requirement for commuter students was a part of the original plan. “A big part of that is to help finance larger projects. The community responsibility of everybody contributing a little bit helps take the burden off of residential students, who are the only people required to have a meal plan and are really the minority of students on campus,” Boyle said. Phoebe Cook, general manager for Sodexo at Loyola, said the financial aid office, student affairs, a dining advisory board and SGA initially

decided the $500 amount in 2013. “It is a dollar for dollar equivalency. Loyola doesn’t really make any money off of selling a meal plan. So, rather than administer a dining fee to help contribute to that investment, that’s where the idea came for the meal plan,” Cook said. Boyle said that the reason the original mandatory Wolfbuck meal plan was pushed up a year was to accommodate the growing student demand for national brands. However, after the overwhelming amount of student feedback in response to last week’s decision, the university decided they needed to reevaluate the plan to fit the needs of students. “When the plan rolled out there was a lot of feedback. Some positive feedback, but overwhelmingly

negative feedback from students and parents,” Boyle said. “We met as soon as we could with Sodexo, student affairs and residential life to see what other options were available. The decision was made to do a price study to figure what an equitable rate would be for our type of student and an institution our size.” Cook said that the new Wolfbucks requirement is designed to give students what they asked for in terms of national brands and renovations. “It’s not meant to be just another requirement but a part of contributing to the betterment of the campus. It’s kind of the idea that everyone gives a little and you gain a lot. In order for us to continue to grow, we have to pitch in in that investment,” Cook said.

Bob Woodward, journalist for the Washington Post, will be addressing the class of 2015 at Loyola’s spring commencement ceremony. Woodward won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting with Carl Bernstein on the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, led the Post’s coverage of the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, which won him a National Affairs Pulitzer Prize in 2002 and has been authored or co-authored in 17 books, all of which have been best-sellers. In addition to his speech, Woodward will receive an honorary degree from Loyola.

Students no longer to be charged course overload fee Starting next semester, students will no longer be charged an overload fee for taking more than 21 hours. While full time undergraduate students may enroll in up to 21 hours a semester with their advisor’s approval, honors, music and theatre students are allowed to enroll in up to 23 hours per semester with no additional approval.

Baquet talks New Orleans and politicians at Loyola By Lauren Saizan @Lauren_Maroon

It’s not every day that a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and executive editor of the New York Times comes to Loyola, but Dean Baquet did just that. On Monday, March 16, Baquet gave a talk and Q&A session entitled “From the Big Easy to the Big Apple: An Evening with Dean Baquet.” Tommy Screen, director of government relations for Loyola, said that Baquet’s talk is the sixth installment of the Ed Renwick Lecture Series, a program sponsored by the Institute of Politics. Screen said that hosting nationally prominent speakers, such as Baquet, is part of honoring Ed Renwick, who was a political science professor and director of Loyola’s Institute of Politics for over 35 years. Screen asked Baquet to talk at the event about his career as a whole. “I’ve asked Dean to essentially address his career and talk about how he went from a St. Augustine high school graduate all the way up to being the executive editor of the

New York Times,” Screen said before the event. As current director of the Institute of Politics, Screen also asked Baquet to include his experiences with politics throughout his career. Baquet’s speech included anecdotes from his childhood in New Orleans, including visits from different politicians at his grade school, covering politicians on the campaign trail as a young reporter, and even to the present day, dealing with the U.S. government in a whole different way: deciding whether or not to hold stories at the request of the FBI. Lindsey Harris, political science freshman, attended the event in hopes of learning about Baquet’s career in investigative journalism. “His lasting dedication to ensuring that justice and morality remain within politics is an inspiration to all. His service to the public has proven that accountability from our elected officials is an unwavering priority to a good government,” Harris said. Sarah Sewell, political science senior, said she was also interested in hearing about Baquet’s career from the perspective of political communications.

“The communications side of politics has always been a particular interest of mine, so I’m interested to hear how the intersection of politics and journalism has played out in Dean Baquet’s career,” Sewell said. Sewell said she thought students should attend the event to raise their political awareness and get inspired. “This is one of the many amazing free events that Loyola offers, and I think it could be a great tool for raising students’ political awareness. I’m grateful for Loyola’s Institute of Politics for arranging this every year. I’ve left each lecture feeling inspired, and I think all students could benefit in a similar way,” Sewell said. The event was open to all students, faculty, staff and the general public. “Dean is someone our city should be proud of and we’re lucky to have him come down and speak,” Screen said.


Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times, and Lee Zurik, WVUE news reporter, laugh together at Baquet’s presentation on March 16. Baquet gave a short speech and answered audience questions at “From the Big Easy to the Big Apple: An Evening with Dean Baquet,” hosted by Loyola’s Institute of Politics.



March 20, 2015 THE MAROON

Rental bill proposal delayed By Sara Feldman @sarasfeldman

LINDA HEXTER / Senior Staff Photographer

Terrance, a worker with the Make It Right Foundation, helps lay grass on the Ninth Ward site of a house intended for rent. If passed, a drafted legislation by Councilwoman Latoya Cantrell and Councilman-at-large Jason Williams would allow renters to register their properties with the city and submit it for periodic inspections.

David Wehrwein is amongst student renters in the uptown area who feel like they have been stuck with an apartment that is less than ideal. “I sometimes feel like if I step in the wrong corner of my house that my foot is going to go through the floor,” Wehrwein said. A drafted piece of legislation intended to help renters has sparked debate in New Orleans. The proposal, prepared by Councilman-at-large Jason Williams and Councilwoman Latoya Cantrell, would require landlords to register their properties with the city and submit the properties to periodic inspections. John Pourciau, legislative director for Councilwoman Cantrell, said that the councilmembers are still looking at all options to improve housing quality within the ordinance, which has yet to be officially proposed. Currently, renters have the ability to file a complaint, but Pourciau said that tenants are afraid to complain for fear they will be evicted from their homes. The new system, according to Pourciau, will be more proactive with inspections taking place before a tenant moves in to a property. Bart Gillis, a real estate agent for Keller Williams, started a petition in an attempt to make the legislation go away entirely and said he has specific reasons for why he started the petition. “I just feel like, with cell phones, and with our government looking over our shoulders, and video cameras everywhere, like that the home is really your last faction of total privacy and security,” Gillis said.

Israeli prime minister re-elected WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration signaled on Wednesday it could take a tougher stance toward Benjamin Netanyahu following his decisive Israeli election victory and campaign tack to the right, saying there will be consequences for his sudden reversal on the idea of an independent Palestinian state. “There are policy ramifications for what he said,” one official said of Netanyahu’s campaign rhetoric rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state. “This is a position of record.” If Netanyahu holds firm to his opposition to a two-state resolution to the Mideast conflict, it could force whoever sits in the Oval Office — now and in the next administration — to choose between the prime minister and a longstanding U.S. policy with bipartisan support. Hours after the Israeli election results were finalized, the White House quickly reaffirmed its support for the idea of two independent nations living side by side, a central tenet of peace negotiations led by presidents from both U.S. political parties. And the White House sharply chastised Netanyahu’s party for using anti-Arab rhetoric in the lead-

up to the election. “Rhetoric that seeks to marginalize one segment of their population is deeply concerning and it is divisive,” Obama spokesman Josh Earnest said. Netanyahu announced his support for Palestinian statehood in 2009, shortly after Obama became president. He continued to publicly back that position even as he approved new settlements in East Jerusalem, raising questions about his level of commitment. In the campaign’s closing days, Netanyahu abandoned his public commitment to Palestinian statehood. Though the prospects of a peace accord in Obama’s final 20 months in office were already slim, Netanyahu’s stance slammed shut any hope for a breakthrough without a dramatic shift in the region. Frustrated by both Israel and the U.S., Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has looked to other means to secure a Palestinian state, including the UN Security Council, which the U.S. has veto power on and has threatened to use.

Gillis is not alone in his trepidations about the legislation. Susan McLachlan, a New Orleans landlord, said she disapproves of the legislation because it would require landlords to personally pay for the inspections. “I don’t like it,” McLachlan said. “It would be the extra cost more than anything.” There are however, supporters of the legislation. Michael Pollard, sociology senior and renter, said the piece of legislation could help renters quickly solve problems that their landlords won’t address. “I think it’s a good idea because the house we’re living in now has issues that would have been resolved by an inspection,” Pollard said. Wehrwein, sociology senior at Tulane University, said that based on what he’s read, he thinks the legislation is a step in the right direction but still needs work to be truly effective. “I’m not totally convinced because it is unfeasible for the regulators to maintain and get the initial registry list up and running,” Wehrwein said. Though he has his doubts, Wehrwein said the regulations could possibly be helpful to him as a renter. “This year I think I could benefit from the legislation,” Wehrwein said. “I think if these regulations were in place and were enforced then we would be living in a nicer place.” Gillis said that he has presented the petition to the councilmembers and, as of Sunday, March 15, is waiting to hear a response. According to Pourciau, a timeline for the legislation is hard to determine because the councilmembers are still weighing all options.

WORLDVIEW BRIEFS Magnolia Marketplace opens on South Claiborne Mayor Mitch Landrieu and Councilwoman-at-large Stacy Head were among the many present for the grand opening of the city’s newest shopping center. Featuring a Raising Cane’s, Michael’s and Ulta Beauty, the Magnolia Marketplace sits on the corner of South Claiborne and Toledano Streets. According to a press release from the mayor’s office, Landrieu said, “Magnolia Marketplace is further proof that New Orlean is building back better than before.”

NOPD Sex Crimes Unit leadership faces changes

ODED BALILTY / Associated Press

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to supporters at election headquarters on Tuesday, March 17 in Tel Aviv. Following his victory, White House officials are wary about Netanyahu’s current stance in opposition of a two-state resolution.

New leadership in NOPD’s Sex Crimes Unit has been named following the aftermath of the Inspector General’s report. According to the The New Orleans Advocate, New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Michael Harrison has moved Cmdr. Darryl Albert and removed Lt. Gervais Allison and about 16 detectives. Cmdr. Doug Eckert has been named head of Criminal Investigations Division, while Albert has been moved to the Crime Lab.



March 20, 2015 THE MAROON

The Maroon's section of student art. Contribute at

FICTION Original stories written by Loyola students

Tom celebrates unemployment

PART NINE By Mike Hogan

Tom pushed through the doors of Tonino’s out onto the street, stopping at the curb to look up and down the road. Up the street were more restaurants — mom and pop joints established by the honest and the not so honest, hardworking people of elsewhere. Not all did deliveries, but there were always dishes to be washed. A new job was the last thing on his mind, though. Down the street were a cluster of bars, Bleu’s included. His gaze lifted towards the glowing half-moon sign. It beckoned him the way only neon blue could. Today there was a cluster of regulars at the bar — Chad, the hotshot realtor who seemed perpetually intent on slumming, Adam, a

late twenty-something confined to a wheel chair and Renaldo, Tom’s peach of a neighbor. Around them were familiar faces in a variety of garb whose names Tom had never gathered. The crowd was a motley piece of work, and Tom had never felt more at home with them than he did now. He was already smiling at some unheard joke and the laughter filling the air as he made his way to the bar. Jerry answered his call, filling a glass just to the line, the foam rippling threateningly before breaching the rim. He took a long sip before saying his hellos, and settled onto a stool on the edge of the group. “Jerry,” Adam said, peeking over the lip of the bar. “You ever play ball? College, pro, whatever.” Jerry looked down at Adam, with more than a hint of confusion in his eyes. “No,” he said carefully. “Why?” “Cause you look like Brett Favre’s retarded brother!” Adam yelled. He did bear an uncanny resemblance to Brett Favre, had the quarterback never made it through primary school. Tom spit beer through his nose at the thought, as the rest of the group howled with the unearned enthusiasm only alcohol permitted. Jerry’s studious gaze landed on Tom. “You think that’s funny college boy?” “I do bar man.” Tom slapped a ten

on the bar. “Pour me two vodkas.” As Jerry bent reluctantly to his task, Chad turned to Tom. “Hitting it hard today, huh?” Tom threw back his first shot and said, “Celebrating unemployment.” “You quit or fired?” Tom answered by downing his second vodka. “What’d they can you for?” Adam asked. “Just some bullshit,” Tom said, wiping his chin. Renaldo tittered at that, and Jerry turned on the TV above the bar, the TV where Tom had first seen Daniels. “You kidding me,” Tom bitched. “Came here for some quiet.” Jerry found the local news, and there was Tom again, marching through the rain while a ticker on the bottom of the screen speculated his motives. The group quieted and looked at him, in person and on TV. He felt the pressure give way to anger and tried to swallow it with the rest of his beer. It didn’t work. He gulped the last sip and flung the glass past Jerry, shattering the mirror behind the bar. “Out!” Jerry yelled. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it,” Tom said, heading for the door. He stalked home to find his apartment slightly emptier than it had been that afternoon.



“Light Work”

“Light Work” Jake Erlandson, graphic arts sophomore

Life &Times

March 20, 2015 THE MAROON


Film • Arts • Food • Music • Leisure • Nightlife

Yotta Tech Inc. launches into the future


By Jack Vanchiere @jvanchiere

in the

Big Easy

Who needs beaches, bikinis and mai thais when you can spend your spring break in New Orleans with crawfish, jazz and a beer? If you’re skipping out on the hassle of a road trip or just avoiding another holiday with the family, here’s your guide to spring break in the Big Easy

Photo Illustration by MARY GRACI and Photo by LINDA HEXTER

New Orleans Food Festival

Louisiana Crawfish Festival

From devouring dishes from over 50 American restaurants at the street festival to participating in the beignet eating competition, the New Orleans Food festival can be a foodie’s dream come true. The New Orleans Food Festival celebrates a weekend-long dining experience of the American greats. The festival begins with a dessert tasting on March 27 at Café Reconcile at 8:00 p.m. The event continues with a street festival in the French Market on Saturday, March 28 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 29 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A beignet eating contest will be held on March 29 at 12:30 p.m. The street festival and beignet-eating contest both are free and open to the public.

You can bring your appetite and your crack-and-peel skills to the Louisiana Crawfish Festival to kick off the beginning of crawfish season. Founded in 1975, the Louisiana Crawfish Festival embraces Cajun culture with music, crawfish boils and hand-crafted products. The event will run from March 26 to March 29 at the Sigur Cultural Center. The festival is free of charge.

Easter Keg Hunt Adults can grab their Easter baskets and scavenge for a different kind of treat this spring at the Easter Keg Hunt. Hosted by the New Orleans Brewing and Full Restoration Network and held on April 3, teams will follow clues along a 3 to 4 mile walking path to a prize of free beer and live music. Registration for the hunt starts at 1 p.m., and the first

clue will be given out a 2 p.m. Pre-registration is $15 and sameday registration is $20 . All participants must be 21 years of age or older.

Freret Street Festival You don’t have to take a trip down the Bourbon brick road for a fun festival experience in New Orleans. The Freret Street Festival showcases over 150 local vendors of arts and crafts, music and food from numerous New Orleans eateries. The event kicks off on Saturday, April 4 at 11 a.m. between Freret and Napoleon Streets. All ages are welcome, and admission is free.

Wednesday at the Square The month of May may bring flowers, but April will bring showers of live music. The Wednesday at the Square concert series stages a variety of

music from local artists. Jamming in Lafayette Square, the Revivalists and Robin Barnes will take the stage April 1 at 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Animation Block Party Whether you are five years old or 50, the Animation Block Party reminds people of all ages that you are never too old for a Saturday morning cartoon. One of the largest animation festivals on the East Coast, the Animation Block Party will make its first appearance in New Orleans as part of the Brooklyn Brewery Mash tour. The festival will highlight a mix of Brooklyn and New Orleans short films and will include local filmmakers. Doors will open at One Eyed Jacks on March 29 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets may be purchased for $5.

As an undergrad, William Duhe never realized that one day he’d be able to walk into Monroe Hall and enter the code on the automated door lock to his own personal lab. Duhe, A’14, founder of Yotta Technologies Inc., is doing research and development in the fields of aeroponics, and virtual reality, a growing field of interest in the world of technology that can be used to increase efficiency in labs like his. Duhe left his graduate physics program at Tulane in order to manage the company at Loyola. Duhe operates out of a lab in Monroe Hall in return for student research internships. Rebecca Walker, environmental biology senior, and Alex Burch, business senior are two of his interns. Burch makes everything happen behind the scenes, and with her background in business she helps to manage the company. “Duhe and I became friends about three and a half years ago, but it wasn’t until this time last year that I found out he needed a business intern for his new company, so I took the chance to get involved immediately,” Burch said. Walker helps to engineer aeroponic systems for the company, and said she uses this research for schoolwork. “Duhe and I started working in the beginning of last year after being friends. We talked about him leaving the Ph.D. program and focusing on research while also helping undergrads as well,” Walker said. Duhe said his Loyola interns have really helped the company grow. “We partnered with Loyola to give students an opportunity to build on the ground shaking technologies in a world-class computing lab before they enter the workforce,” Duhe said. Recently, Duhe and his team have focused their attention on two main projects. “We are developing products that will change our society over the next 20 years. We know huge opportunities lie in our current areas of focus — virtual reality and aeroponics — and we are taking our technological insights to drive change and adoption in these markets,” Duhe said. As a senior in high school, Duhe built his first aeroponic grow system, which forgoes traditional growing methods and instead utilizes vaporized water to transfer nutrients and oxygen to the root masses. “In aeroponics, we are building a foundation for space horticulturists,” Duhe said. “These conclusions are helping us build the first aeroponics unit that will be capable of sustaining a colony in space.” The company’s other main venture is in coding programs for Oculus Rift, the developmental virtual reality headset. “We code practical programs with real world implications for use with the Oculus Rift,” Duhe said. “Through our integration of gesture tracking devices and recent hardware developments by Oculus, we have to create fully immersive experiences that are an all-encompassing and user-friendly package.”




eople filed into Mardi Gras World for the BUKU Music + Art Project. On March 13-14, with the sound of music in the air and packed crowds of college students, the music and art festival appeared to be a success. Crowds gathered around multiple stages to listen to acts like A$AP Rocky, TV on the Radio, Passion Pit, former Loyola student G-Eazy and much more. Each stage was packed with people dancing and singing along to the music. Most festivalgoers were dressed

March 20, 2015

for the warm weather and exemplified the New Orleans carnival spirit in short shorts, bedazzled undergarments, unicorn hats and vibrant tutus. Those wishing for a little more color took advantage of the artist booth, where guests could get their bodies painted in colorful paints. Vendors sold everything from jewelry to electronic cigarettes to portable cell phone chargers. Graffiti artists and painters clung to scaffoldings as they painted the sides of buildings — an ode to the “arts” in BUKU Music + Art Project.

LINDA HEXTER / Senior Staff Photographer





March 20, 2015 THE MAROON

Muslim community holds peace event By Raquel Derganz Baker

Ignacio Volunteers kick off new program

By Sidney Holmes After hearing that her mosque would be hosting a Muslim peace event, Bushra Ahmad spread the word by inviting her sorority sisters and the people on her dorm floor. On March 10, the St. Charles Room in the Danna Center filled with people interested in learning more about the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim religion. The event, “Muhammad: Messenger of Peace,” was sponsored by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA. Tahir Cheema, outreach secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s New Orleans chapter, said that all 73 chapters located worldwide participated in the annual event. Cheema said this event provides a forum for people of different faiths, or of no faith, to come together and have a dialogue. “We want to demystify Islam, dispel myths and misconceptions about Prophet Muhammad,” Cheema said. The event started with a short video about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and then keynote speaker Mubasher Ahmed gave a short presentation about Muhammad. After the presentation, Ahmed answered audience members’ questions. “Every chapter celebrates the day of ‘Muhammad: Messenger of Peace.’ We do that in the month of March. That’s why it was given to me,” Ahmed said. Ahmed said that events like this are a positive thing that can make an impact. “The fear of Islam is removed and people can see the real picture @sidneymajee


Mubasher Ahmed, the keynote speaker of “Muhammad: Messenger of Peace,” talks with two men after his lecture. The event is held nationally by individual chapters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community every year.

which is love and tolerance and peace,” Ahmed said. “If one mind is changed, it’s better than no minds changed at all.”

Bushra Ahmad, biology freshman, said she was surprised with the number of people who ended up attending the event.

“I was surprised with the fact that even people from off campus and Tulane came to listen. It really touched me,” Ahmad said.

Senior retreat allows reflection before graduation By Mariana Rolón Salazar

Before putting on their caps and gowns, seniors will get an opportunity to reflect on their time at Loyola and look ahead to the future. The Office of Mission and Ministry will host its Senior Retreat from April 10-11 in Saint Ignatius’ style of reflection and action. The deadline to sign up is March 27, and it costs $20. This retreat gives graduating seniors a chance to reflect on their time at Loyola and feel calmer about moving forward. Noelle Lyons, A’14, said that the retreat gave her a chance to get away from the stress of the future. “This retreat can help you get away from all the pressure you’re facing from everyone — parents, professors, mentors, fellow peers, yourself, et cetera,” Lyons said. Laura Alexander, assistant director of university ministry, emphasized the importance of the retreat when it comes to celebrating the transition periods in life. “A lot of times, it’s really easy to just move on to the next thing and not reflect on our experiences. Senior Retreat is a chance for seniors to look back on their time at Loyola and both acknowledge the hard times and celebrate the great moments,” Alexander said. At the Ignatian-based retreat, the seniors will focus on methods of

self-reflection and prayer. They will also partake in spiritual exercises for the holistic personal growth of their minds, spirits and bodies. Alumni will give talks about their post-graduation experiences to help these new graduates feel more comfortable with the transition out of college. Christine Johnson, A‘14, said she remembers that she felt calmer about the future after the retreat because she realized it was not necessary to have a plan for post-grad success. “It’s been a year since the retreat, and I can now verify that that’s true. I also left with a lot of practical tips that helped quell my anxieties about things I thought I was supposed to automatically know,” Johnson said. After the retreat, graduates came to the conclusion that it is fine not to be prepared for changes, or for the future because they seldom go as planned. Julie Wischan, A’14, said she learned how to adapt to the changes in her life while not changing herself at Loyola. “I think it’s more important to be able to stay true to yourself no matter how things change, whether according to your original plan or not. Truly understanding yourself is the first step, and that’s what Loyola has helped to shape,” Wischan said.

Courtesy of Julie Wischan

Seniors at last year’s senior retreat take a group picture. This retreat is held each spring to give graduating seniors a chance to reflect and prepare for the future.

For some, spring break can be about enjoying the pleasures of life, but for others, it is about taking a step back to understand inequality in the world. This year, Ignacio Volunteers are embarking on a new program over spring break called, “New Orleans Urban Immersion.” The program aims to help students understand how inequality affects the city. Most Ignacio Volunteers take trips to third-world countries, but the Office of Mission and Ministry decided to make this program in New Orleans to expose the students to social inequality that is happening right in front of them. Cayla Kelton, history junior, said that having this program in New Orleans will make a difference in the city. “Exploring and serving in New Orleans is important because it is our home, where we live and many of our passions,” Kelton said. Manterrinan Zehyoue, criminal justice senior, said that people need to be more aware of local problems. “It’s the community in which we live and attend university, so I think it’s the most important place to serve and to be aware of all the injustices that take place here,” Zehyoue said. Eight students were chosen to participate in this program, which will last for six days and starts March 27. The participants will stay at Molly’s House in the Garden District. This trip will help students view oppression in the city related to social location, gender, class and race. Participants will do this by visiting the Louisiana State Penitentiary, exploring the school-to-prison pipeline, performing a day of group service, partaking in poverty simulations and reflecting on their experiences nightly. “I may need to check and prepare myself mentally and emotionally, but I plan to fully partake in every activity. Everything we do has a purpose and meaning,” Kelton said. To prepare for this, all students are required to attend an overnight retreat at a local retreat house and an evening pre-trip seminar. “During the retreat, we did a lot of activities to become acquainted to terms that we will be discussing, as well as learn more about the area,” Kelton said. The cost of the program, which will cover transportation, housing and meals, is $400 per person. The Ignacio Volunteers acquired the money through fundraisers they did both as a group and as individuals. The organizers had to keep the plans secret while raising money because the program is brand new. Most of the preparation involved working on logistics. “We’re kept in the dark about things most people are doing because it’s a new program,” Zehyoue said. The participants said they are excited and prepared to experience this program. “I can honestly say that it has been a dream come true for me just to participate in something like this,” Zehyoue said.

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March 20, 2015 THE MAROON


SPORTS BRIEFS Tennis teams fall to Martin Methodist and Auburn-Montgomery The men’s and women’s tennis teams dropped matches against the Martin Methodist Redhawks and the Auburn University at Montgomery Warhawks in the final match of the SSAC Roundup in Mobile, Alabama. The men lost their match against Martin Methodist 5-0. The match was cut short due to a rain delay on Friday. The number two doubles position of sophomore Trivesh Singh and freshman Ricardo Mercado fell to Cristian Arias and Farith Lozano of Martin Methodist 8-5. In singles play, Mercado and junior Tony Benjamin fell 6-0 to their Redhawks opponents. The women’s team fell to the Redhawks 4-1. Their matches were also cut short due to rain. The number one doubles pair of Meghan De Baroncelli and Alexa Mancuso fell to Gema Yusta and Brenda Rique. Both teams will be back in action on March 22 to take on Millsaps College at UNO starting at 1 p.m.

ZACH BRIEN / Photo Editor

Janeicia Neely, mass communication senior, embraces teammate Shayne Charles after an emotional game. The women’s team made history this season by winning the SSAC championship but came up short in the NAIA Division I National Tournament.

The end of the road Two weeks after securing the program’s first SSAC championship, the Loyola women’s basketball team fell to Great Falls University in the national tournament By Daniela Garcia-Shultz @Daniela_gsc

After a breakthrough season, the Loyola women’s basketball team fell to Great Falls University in the NAIA Division I national tournament. On Wednesday, March 18, the team was defeated 73-54 in the tournament held in Independence, Missouri. The team’s head coach, Kellie Kennedy, said that the loss was a tough way to end their season. “It wasn’t a true representation of our group, and that’s what’s hard,” Kennedy said. “That’s the way the

game is sometimes. Some days you’re on it and some days you just can’t get anything going.” The team shot 29 percent from the field and only 10 percent from the three-point line in the 19-point loss to Great Falls. In spite of the setback, the team can still boast a historic run overall this season. The team defeated Bethel University on Saturday, March 7 in Montgomery, Alabama at the 2015 SSAC Tournament, returning home with a 81-59 victory and the SSAC title for the first time in Loyola history. Janeicia Neely, mass communication senior, said her team was determined to win the SSAC tourna-

ment championship last weekend. “Coming into the game we knew that we really wanted to beat them, not just beat them by a few points. We really wanted to show ourselves that we could really beat this team by a substantial amount of points,” Neely said. Neely finishes her career on the women’s basketball team with 1,535 points, putting her at seventh alltime in scoring and second in assists with 467 during her four years at Loyola. The team finished the season with a record of 27-4.

Tennis team all about results By Kameron Hay @writer_twitter

Wins and losses are usually the measuring stick of a successful season, but the Loyola tennis team has a different idea of success. The team’s head coach, Kyle Russell, said that keeping his players committed and dedicated are his ultimate goals this season rather than winning. “I think for our program right now, we are more about result goals and not action goals,” Russell said.

Russell said that this season, his players have responded well to these goals. “We are trying to change the culture through commitment and dedication and I could not be happier with the way the players have responded,” Russell said. Tony Benjamin, business senior, said that Russell has already achieved his goal in such a short period of time with the team. “I feel the team spirit is better than any of the years I have been here. We’ve done great for the situation,” Benjamin said.

This “situation” lies in the limited number of players on the team this season, specifically on the women’s side with only five available players. Alexa Mancuso, graphic design sophomore, said that not having a full women’s team has been their biggest challenge this year. “We go into a competition already down two matches,” Mancuso said. Russell said he’s most proud of the way the women’s team has handled the adversity this season. “With them being undermanned it would be very easy for them to get discouraged, but they have main-

tained a positive attitude,” Russell said. Despite the tough times early on in the season, Benjamin said that he has gained a new sense of admiration for his teammates. “I have great respect for them, and that as a captain makes me the happiest,” Benjamin said. The team will be back in action on the road on March 22 to play Millsaps College at the University of New Orleans.

Track and field sets two school records in first outdoor meet The Loyola track and field team set two school records at McNeese State in Lake Charles on Saturday, March 14. Freshman Evan Lowery set a record in the 400m hurdles with a time of 1:00.28. Freshman Christian Mays also set a record in the shot put with a distance of 13.29m. The men’s team totaled 76 points, first among non-NCAA Division I colleges. For the women’s team, Nia Starr was the top Wolf Pack finisher in the 100m dash with a time of 13.63. Haley Milsark finished the 1500m race in 5:02.26, just three seconds shy of the school record. The women finished with 35 points, eight shy of fifth place Southwest Christian. The team will travel to Lafayette on Friday to compete in the Louisiana Classic.

Baseball team loses to Faulkner University Loyola was simply unable to stop Faulkner’s starting pitcher Victor Arche in the first game. The Wolf Pack managed just two hits against Arche, a single by Jordan Wilson in the fourth inning and a Rawlings Elam infield single in the seventh inning. In both instances, the Eagles erased the Pack runner with a double play on the very next batter. Arche went the full seven innings for the Eagles, striking out nine Loyola batters and walking none. The Pack lost the first game 4-0. In the second game, Faulkner took a 2-1 lead over Loyola. Faulkner then scored one run in the third inning, two in the fourth and three in the fifth when Robert Llera, Dennis Morton and Dario Polanco hit backto-back-to-back home runs. Faulkner downed the Pack in the second game 8-2. The team will be back in action on Friday, March 20, to take on Middle Georgia State on the road.


March 20, 2015


1. Dash gauge 5. Pawn at a shop 9. Vague shapes 14. Height: Pref. 15. Saintly glow 16. Sportscast rundown 17. *Pest-control device 19. Hersey’s bell town 20. Like paradise 21. Go round and round 23. “Tao Te Ching” poet __-tzu 24. “Yummy!” 25. *Off-the-wall game? 27. Grant-granting gp. 29. Soul automaker 30. *Simple garment 36. Aerobic exercise aid 40. Woodlands man-goat 41. Campus URL suffix 42. Serious 43. Old Russian ruler 44. *One given to flights of fancy 46. Short-lived Egypt-Syr. alliance 48. Drunkard 49. *Hidden explosives activator 54. Overthrow 59. Farm female 60. “__ o’ your throats”: “Measure for Measure” 61. Phobic 62. “Alas and __!” 64. Figuratively, where some wild ideas come out of; literally, a hint to a word and its position when paired with the starts of the answers to starred clues 66. In need of a chill pill 67. Mystery writer Gardner 68. Colombian city 69. Beer holder 70. Ear piece? 71. __-slapper


1. Got under control

2. Words after “crack” or “live by” 3. Pitiless 4. Mubarak of Egypt 5. Came out of one’s shell? 6. “Days of __ Lives” 7. Attend uninvited 8. Letter after iota 9. Chastain of women’s soccer 10. Guided 11. City NW of Orlando 12. Unoriginal 13. Thread dispenser 18. Ex-Disney CEO Michael 22. Printer cartridge contents 26. Iraqi port 28. Neighborhood 30. FDR’s last vice president 31. Western defense gp. 32. Actress Hagen 33. IHOP condiment 34. Ice cream maker Joseph

35. Brewski 37. Bagpiper’s topper 38. December 24 or 31 39. Each 42. Exit the bus 44. Tap concern 45. Went round and round 47. Greet the day 49. “__ Life”: Sinatra hit 50. Rented again 51. Silly 52. Romeo and Juliet, e.g. 53. Apply, as pressure 55. Puncture with a pin 56. Song of praise 57. City in northern France 58. Comic Izzard 63. TV forensic drama 65. shot


Puzzle answers for March 13, 2015



March 20, 2015 THE MAROON



The majority opinion of our editorial board

HOWLS & GROWLS HOWL to the farmer’s market in the Peace Quad. GROWL to scrambling to get everything done and eggs. HOWL to Antigravity, Krass Journal, The White Review and The Man Repeller. GROWL to my ex-husband. HOWL to the English department course listings next semester. GROWL to not caring about the stairs in Monroe because classes are outside now that its warm.



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Garnering the funds necessary to pay for a college education is extremely difficult to do — especially in this day and age. The new Student Aid Bill of Rights affirms each student’s right to a reasonably financed education and aims to protect students from financial exploitation.

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Copy Editor

EDITORIAL POLICY The editorial on this page represents the majority opinions of The Maroon’s editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Loyola University. Letters and columns reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of The Maroon’s editorial board. The Maroon does not represent the opinion of administration, staff and/or faculty members of Loyola. Letters are subject to editing for length, grammar and style. Please limit submissions to 400 words. Submissions are due no later than 4 p.m. the Sunday before publication. Please send all submissions — The Maroon, 6363 St. Charles Ave., Box 64, New Orleans, LA 70118. Email us your letters — letter@ Submissions may also be made online at


Ask anyone — for the most part, a college education has lost its traditional appeal as a spillway from the awkward throes of adolescence into middle and upper-class corporate America and is instead more commonly regarded as a heavy financial burden for a privileged few to undertake. And unfortunately — all other reasons aside — because of its high price tag, post-secondary education is often seen as an expensive luxury that many prospective students would rather go without. This problem is not nebulous and vague. It is ubiquitous. This problem exists widely across the United States, but it is also evident in Louisiana’s failing education system, and more specifically, New Orleans’. Individual students are affected, and families are making difficult decisions in response. According to Governor Bobby Jindal’s proposed executive budget for the 2016 fiscal year, statewide funding for higher education will decrease by $141.3 million. The effects of earlier cuts to higher education are evident today; the University of New Orleans has made many cuts to programs, faculty and staff in recent years in attempts to

compensate for their $6 million deficit. Earlier this semester, Tulane revealed their annual $20 million deficit, and we are all too aware of Loyola’s current $1.2 million deficit. When states and institutions of higher education are not pitching in to make education feasible, the funds necessary to attend must come from elsewhere. These numbers are not merely dry financial statistics. They represent the hard struggle of institutions, students and families trying to make ends meet. Thankfully, we have a president in office willing to acknowledge and take action about this predicament. President Barack Obama has made strides to make college education affordable for anyone that is willing to do the rigorous work such an undertaking requires. One of these efforts is the Student Aid Bill of Rights, which boldly affirms this belief and outlines certain principles necessary to implement it into action. Its central premise is holding financial aid offices, private con-

tractors and private service lenders — like Sallie Mae and Navient — accountable and responsible for negotiating reasonable repayment terms for student borrowers, so as to make higher education more feasible and accessible. With the bill’s implementation, the Department of Education will introduce a website dedicated to processing formal complaints about these miscellaneous institutions by June 2016. According to a report issued by the White House’s press office, 70 percent of students earning a Bachelor of Arts degree graduate in debt, with an individual average of $28,400 at both private and state colleges. It is of paramount importance that these students are making informed financial decisions, and in turn, these mammoth financial undertakings should be respected as such and the terms of which should be made reasonable for these vulnerable young adults. Although the detailed ins and outs of the logistics behind the

implementation of this Student Aid Bill of Rights are not clear as it stands, The Maroon is optimistic about what these reforms will mean to the student body we represent. This is an important first step in the right direction. It would be wise for students to utilize these resources when they become available, and be vocal and offer suggestions about how to best put this reformation of college and university financial aid and lending systems into effect when the time to do so comes along. This is a two-fold process: Legislators create and implement laws governing their constituents, but constituents must be cooperative, transparent and proactive in their engagements with prospective legislation, so as to ensure that the product of their collaborative efforts is thorough and comprehensive. This tug and pull means change, flux and reform — three elements necessary for a dramatic overhaul of unfair burdens and the financial shackles that all too often accompany what many of us consider to be one of the most important investments of our young lives.



March 20, 2015 THE MAROON


Students sharing their opinions on topics


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama meet in the Oval Office of the White House in 2014. Both countries have young populations that are looking for employment outside of their country as a result of unemployment and high costs of living. These leaders should consider their young populations in the creation of future policy.

Political administrations must support young voters MOLLY MULROY Molly is an English writing sophomore.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial speech before Congress about Iran’s nuclear program earlier this month certainly increased the American media’s focus on the recent Israeli elections. However, The Times of Israel reports that polls are showing the Prime Minister’s speech had little to no effect on Israeli voters. How can this be? The American media made such

a fuss about it — calling it an insult to the White House, demanding boycotts and coining tickets to the speech “the hottest ticket in town.” Not to mention the speech itself, which raised more than a few eyebrows in its scathing portrayal of Iran, Islamic movements and even the Obama administration. Many accused Netanyahu of using the chance to win some political points back home, as well. But Israel’s Channel 2 reported that while about two-thirds of polled Israeli voters acknowledged the possibility of Netanyahu’s political motives, neither his strategy nor his position on Iran seemed to be their main concern in the election. Instead, The Guardian reports that over half of the people polled by the Knesset Channel voted based on socioeconomic issues, and understandably so, with the 55 percent

increase in the price of housing between 2008 and 2013, according to the State Comptroller of Israel. The Israeli Bureau of Statistics further reports that about half of Israeli households have had to go into overdraft. In addition, The Economist highlights a severe decrease in tourism — a normal component of Israel’s yearly GDP — as a cause for further financial problems, as well as the sinking of both inflation and industrial exports to dangerous rates. Many young Israelis are actually leaving the homeland — either because living expenses are too high or, perhaps, from a sense of disillusionment. The Haaretz reports that roughly 40 percent of these mostly middle class, mostly educated and mostly secular young citizens are willing, and even eager, to start a new life

abroad. So we’re left with a country drastically intertwined in foreign struggles with an unhealthy habit of irritating other countries — a country that furthermore has severe economic issues and a frustrated generation of young middle class citizens ready to throw up their hands. Sound familiar? As a part of that frustrated young generation here in the United States, it seems to me that Israel should be paying more attention to this growing group of “wanderlusty” citizens, and perhaps the U.S. should be doing the same. The U.S. Department of Labor reported in 2013 that 45 percent of unemployed Americans are millennials, and, like the Israelis, 59 percent of young Americans polled by the Boston Consulting Group reported that they would be in favor of

looking for work abroad. It’s easy to see why so many young people, whether in Israel or in the United States, want to leave a country that seems unable — or perhaps even unwilling — to support them in their attempts to start their adult lives. If Israel wants to maintain its Jewish heritage and avoid further accusations of being an apartheid, it’s going to need a younger generation to keep it alive. And if the United States wants to preserve the American Dream, it’s going to need young Americans to continue to believe in that dream. Perhaps both governments then, should spend less time trying to look tough for the cameras or make inflammatory headlines and spend more time facing the problems of their citizens head-on.

Net neutrality protects our freedom online DAVID ZEMMELS David is an assistant professor of design and digital technology.

On Feb. 26, 2015, the Federal Communication Commission voted to reclassify the Internet as a telecommunication service, like telephone or television companies, rather than an information service. As an Internet scholar, I am overjoyed but wonder if people realize how big this decision is or what the consequences would have been if

the FCC had not acted. At issue is the ability of the FCC to enforce an existing regulation known as “net neutrality,” which is “the Internet’s guiding principle: It preserves our right to communicate freely online” according to’s article “Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now.” If net neutrality were eliminated from FCC regulations, telecom companies would have the right to exploit Internet technologies by monitoring, controlling or blocking data sent via their networks. Our right to communicate freely online would begin to erode quickly. The main backers of maintaining net neutrality are among the Silicon Valley companies such as Netflix,

Etsy and Twitter. With the recent FCC ruling, they win out against some of the most powerful interests in Washington, including telecom companies like Verizon, AT&T and Comcast, which manage most home and office Internet access in this country. Cox Communications is a local example. What does this mean to us, the people? Can you imagine this country today if the telephone companies had the right to decide if you could have a telephone and who you could call, if radio stations decided if you could have static-free radio without overlapping station signals and if TV broadcasters decided if you could see quality channels over the public airwaves? Fortunately, you don’t have to

because our government considers these media essential telecommunication services. Classifying the Internet as such allows the FCC to apply well-established “common carrier” regulations: “Common carriage prohibits the owner of a network…from discriminating against information by halting, slowing, or otherwise tampering with the transfer of any data,” according to’s, “What Is Net Neutrality?” Without this change, the telecom companies would have been able to create a multi-tiered system of access out of the Internet, allowing them to deliberately halt, slow or otherwise tamper with the transfer of any data they didn’t like and/or demand users pay extra for faster

online speeds. The Internet has become central to modern life in this country and around the world. If telecom companies were allowed to decide who can participate and at what cost, users would become hostage to corporate earnings at the expense of democratic discourse. The principle of net neutrality must remain at the core of the Internet if we, the people, are to continue to enjoy the equal access and speeds we currently take for granted.



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