The Wolf 2-27-15

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wolf magazine

health & wellness

NEW YEAR... same bad habits?




me, myself &

netflix beauty in every “body”

editor’s note

wolf magazine


ith the end of Mardi Gras and the start of springtime, I think it’s about time to turn over a new leaf. No, I’m not talking about losing weight, or dieting, or doing penance for Mardi Gras sins — I’m talking about turning over a new leaf for a healthier you. In the appearance-obsessed world we live in, I think it’s important to stay grounded. Sure, I love dressing up, curling my hair and painting my nails; but at the end of the day, health and happiness is what truly matters. In this light, I wanted The Wolf ’s Health and Wellness issue to focus on body positivity and healthy living — because for me, healthiness is about loving and respecting your body and yourself.


Design Chief KARLA DANIELA ROSAS Photo Editor ZACH BRIEN Contributing Writer MARY GRACI Contributing Writer KARLA DANIELA ROSAS Contributing Writer LAUREN SAIZON Contributing Writer STARLIGHT WILLIAMS Contributing Writer MARIE SIMONEAUX Contributing Writer DAVIS WALDEN Contributing Writer ZAYN ABIDAN Sales Manager ALISHA BELL Distribution Manager DEVINN ADAMS Photo by Zach Brien

Wishing you a happy and healthy spring —

Social Media Manager WHITNEY WOODS Webmaster ELLEN MCCUSKER Advertising Art Director ENJOLI GILBERT Faculty Advisor MICHAEL GIUSTI


Wolf Magazine is a publication by Loyola University New Orleans Student Media and does not necessarily reflect the views of Loyola’s administration. Unless otherwise noted, all content is copyright to the Wolf Magazine. The first copy is free to students, faculty and staff. Every additional copy is $1.00.

Melanie Potter Editor, Wolf Magazine


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Why I’m quitting Tobacco. L

ast month, I made the decision to quit smoking. One day, as I was smoking on my porch with my roommate, I looked at him and said, “Hey man, I think this is my last cigarette.” “Mine, too,” he said. Prior to that moment, I had been smoking regularly for about four years. I’d have a cigarette after my meals, between classes, and as a reward for anything that called for a lot of mental strength on my part (it’s no surprise that the height of my smoking was the semester I took a Constitutional Law class). That was on the weekdays. On weekends, I could easily smoke a pack in one night. Two, if I were really drunk. I would like to claim that it was some newfound concern for my health that finally made me decide to quit, but the truth is that I hated having to wash my clothes so often. Besides, my bank account couldn’t support my smoking habit. A pack of Marlboro Reds costs about five dollars per pack. On average, I’d buy about three packs during the week and at least two on the weekends. That would total to about 25 dollars a week I was spending on cigarettes. Unless you’re visiting royalty or very financially stable, 25 dollars is a lot for a college student to spend on something that isn’t coffee or food. In the time since I’ve quit smoking, I’ve been able to put that money into things that I previously could not afford. Instead of smoking a cigarette to curb my appetite or to wake me up, I’ll go buy myself a smoothie or a coffee. Little things

that I used to think I couldn’t afford suddenly seem much more feasible now that I’m not subconsciously prioritizing my cigarette habit. On a personal level, both my body and my mind are quite happy without cigarettes. Not only do I never have to worry about being that one person who stinks up the elevator, but also my skin, teeth and hair look so much better. Last week, I ran for forty minutes in the park without stopping. I haven’t been able to do that since high school. Have I relapsed? Most definitely. If I get drunk or stressed out enough and there’s a cigarette available, I very well may relapse again. But I’ve also gotten enough of a taste of the smoke-free that makes me think I’ll never be a smoker again. I like getting to know this new me — this woman who can run and walk up stairs without losing her breath, who smells like coconuts and old-lady perfume and can afford to indulge in a book or some Starbucks every now and then. She likes me, too. At the very least, she likes not having to do the laundry every week. Sincerely,

Karla Daniela Rosas Karla is a philosophy and political science double major.

A curvy peace of mind By Mary Graci

Within less than a year, Dana Falsetti went from senior music industry studies student to 12.1 thousand followers on Instagram for Curvy Yoga, @NolaTrees. Under the name NOLA Trees Yoga, Falsetti found more than just a means of exercise when she began her practice last May — she found a new lifestyle. “Honestly, yoga has just become the foundation for everything in my life,” Falsetti said. After working on weight loss and leading a healthier life, Falsetti decided she wanted to add something more to her everyday workout routine. That's how she discovered yoga. “It was super challenging at first of course, and I wanted to stop going many times, but I just stuck with it until I started enjoying going and I wasn't making myself go. It just really clicked with me,” Falsetti said. “And since I've started, it’s the only thing I do as far as physical exercise, but it's become more than that for me.” As yoga began to shape her life physically, it gradually began to shape her life spiritually as well. “The thing that I love about it is that it can change your life so positively, but it’s just you. Nothing is happening to you and no one is necessarily guiding you to this new place, it’s just through self-discovery,” Falsetti said. “It’s that journey of finding who you really are, who you’ve been this whole time before other people told you who you were or who you thought you were supposed to be growing up. Finding who you were before all of that came into your life, getting back to that place and kind of staying true to that as much as possible on that journey.” With little to no warning, Falsetti found herself under the spotlight. Her Curvy Yoga caught the eyes of not only eager Instagram followers but also the writers over at the web publication BuzzFeed, who featured her in an article about how “every body can be a yoga body.” “A year ago, I wasn’t even doing yoga, and now this path has become hopefully the way I am going to live and support myself,” Falsetti said. “That’s got to be the best thing, PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ZACH BRIEN & KARLA ROSAS

when you’re doing what you love but it’s benefiting everybody else.” When Falsetti realized how positively yoga had shaped her life, she knew others could use it to do the same and encouraged others to give it a try. “YouTube is a great resource and the Instagram community in general has done a lot to help my own practice. I've seen it help a lot of other people kind of come out of their shells, being willing to post on Instagram and seeing other people do it there, so really through social media is a good place to start looking for that,” Falsetti said. While Falsetti recognizes that yoga can be very challenging for a newbie, she stressed that no matter the body type or level of athleticism, the only thing to remember to get you through the tough times is that you are doing this for you — and only you. “Try not to be your own worst enemy in the beginning, which is really hard thing to do. It's easy to convince yourself that you're not strong enough or you're not flexible enough to do the postures, but yoga is about a lot more than just the physical practice,” Falsetti said. “There's an image attached to yoga that is very far from what it was meant to be, and I think that when you can really get into the practice as a whole, that's when all of those things that are really challenging in the beginning start to kind of drop away or become a little easier.” Falsetti has big dreams for the future of her Curvy Yoga, a way to continue doing what she loves and help others in the process. “The business side of it has kind of happened on its own,” Falsetti said. “Yoga is really teaching me to kind of take a step back and still be smart and still have goals in mind but let things flow the way that they should.” She even plans on integrating yoga into her future career. “Eventually, I would love to come back to New Orleans and open a Curvy Yoga NOLA. That would be the big dream, but I’m taking baby steps for sure and what feels right in the moment and just going with that,” Falsetti said. With so many yoga fads sweeping college campuses, Curvy Yoga is growing in popularity. However, Falsetti believes that something that has changed her life, and others, so much is more than just a fad. “I always thought that I probably couldn't do it, which is the same thing I'm now on a mission to battle, the same kind of notions I had in the beginning,” Falsetti said. “Challenge those preconceived notions and maybe challenge them through yoga. I think there’s a lot of benefit in it for everybody.”

“Honestly, yoga has just become the foundation for everything in my life,” — Dana Falsetti, music industry studies senior

The beauty in EVERY “body” By Marie Simoneaux Every day, we hear “oh, they have a great body.” Well that’s nice, but does that mean there is such a thing as a bad body? To people who still think that, stop. There is no such thing as a bad body. Bodies are the vessels that carry our beings from place to place. All bodies are good bodies — regardless of size, shape or otherwise. Over the past few years, there have been significant moves towards body acceptance and the idea that all bodies are beautiful. There has been an increasingly publicized realization that women in real life do not look like the ones in the media. In fact, many women in the media don’t really look like they do on television or in magazines. Jasmine Palmer, mass communication sopho-

more, said the body acceptance movement really changed her life. “I was always so self conscious. I felt like I was the ugly duckling, waiting to grow up to be skinny and beautiful. It wasn’t until I had graduated from high school that I started feeling ok with my body,” Palmer said. In response to the body acceptance movement, more companies have made a wider range of plus-sized clothes. “I remember reading a People Magazine article about beauty icons in the plus-size movement. It was the first time I had really seen big women being called beautiful,” Palmer said. “I was like ‘Oh, I can dress like that, I can buy cute clothes.’ It made me realize that I am beautiful too.” However, there are still problems within the

Courtesy of MCT Campus

body acceptance movement. While it claims to promote positive image for all bodies, most of the movement has been focused on plus-size acceptance. Some people call “skinny-shaming” a myth. Yes, the idea of the body acceptance movement is to break down the barriers of beauty that society has so long accepted, and that tends to be more towards the skinny-spectrum. However, you cannot claim that you are fighting body shaming if you are participating in it. Brianna Smidutz, a nursing student, has been thin all of her life. “Not beautiful thin, but awkward thin. I work very hard to eat the right amount of protein so that I don’t look like I have an eating disorder, but it’s just how my body works,” Smidutz said. While Smidutz said she realizes the importance of living in the body that you love and a body that you can be happy in, regardless of size, the body acceptance movement has not increased her own love for her body. If anything, it has made it worse. “I understand that loving yourself is key in this movement, but it’s just not happening across the board. I get called anorexic and told to eat a burger or two. I get called a skeleton,” Smidutz said. “Phrases like ‘real men like curves, dogs like bones’ are just as hurtful as calling someone fat.” The body acceptance movement has made great strides in challenging the popular conception of “beauty.” There have been an increasing amount of plus-sized models, clothing lines and body-positive media. In a country where the average sized woman is a size 14, it’s about time. Every body is beautiful; there is no good body and no bad body. We’re all humans and we’re all beautiful.

Stress: and how to deal

GRAPHIC BY KARLA ROSAS By Lauren Saizon With classes, jobs and extra-curricular activities filling up schedules, it’s no wonder why students often find themselves stressed out every now and again. According to a survey conducted by The Associated Press and MTV in 2009, eighty-five percent of college students feel stressed on a daily basis. Loyola students like Sabrina Hernandez, Environmental Science senior, struggle with just finding enough time to get everything done, like studying and homework. “So many unexpected events can come up over the course of the semester,” Hernandez said. Dr. Alicia Bourque, Director of the University Counseling and Health Services, said that the illeffects of stress can be two-fold. “Some short term consequences might be just situational anxiety, a tension headache, tardiness to class or work, and decreased concentration,” Bourque said. These short-term consequences can quickly snowball into bigger health issues, such as sleep

disturbances and insomnia, which then leads to fatigue and forgetfulness, said Bourque. Bourque recommends that students do something that they enjoy to balance the stress. “One of the things that students can do is to find 30 minutes out of every day to do something pleasurable — like walking, reading listening to music, hanging out with friends or family, whatever that may be,” Bourque said. Since other impacts on stress can include nutrition, Bourque recommends taking advantage of healthier food options on campus and avoiding too much caffeine. “Sometimes when students are feeling stressed, hormone levels of cortisol increase, and that’s when you get those cravings for junk food that sort of have that immediate gratification effect,” Bourque said. Katrina Ratliff, biology sophomore, said that she simply likes to watch Netflix to de-stress. As a senior, Hernandez said that she has learned a lot about time management in her years at Loyola. “Being busy comes with the territory of being a college student and an adult. It's important to

get things done as soon as you can,” Hernandez said. Bourque said that procrastination can also come as a result of stress. “Procrastination is rooted in anxiety, so the sooner you get started on a paper, the better off you’ll be in the long run,” Bourque said. Though students may turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of alleviating stress, Hernandez said that there are better opportunities available that could, in turn, benefit others while also helping yourself. “Volunteering is a great way to relax and take your mind off school-related worries. LUCAP offers tons of great projects that go out on the weekends,” Hernandez said. Bourque also listed numerous services available to Loyola students including University ministry, the University Sports Complex and the University Counseling Center. “The counseling center, in mid-February, is starting a time management workshop for all students. It’s a presentation on how to effectively balance time,” Bourque said.

New Year — same bad habits? By Starlight Williams As the countdown hits one, you have already voiced a thousand and one things you plan to achieve in the New Year. “I will lose weight.” “I will get all A’s in my classes.” “I will stop smoking.” The list goes on and on, and like the many who make their New Year’s resolution, you probably gave up or forgot about them by February. You are not alone. According to University of Scranton research, only eight percent of people achieve their New Year’s goals. Going into the New Year, we set resolutions because we know what we wish were different but have no drive to change. When we give ourselves hope about achieving unreachable promises, we are often confused on how we became one of the 92 percent to fail. If you could flip a switch one day and have your new resolution accomplished, then there would be no need for one — you would already being living the life you want. This is why to make a resolution work, we must re-wire the way our brain works. In a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology by Phillippa Lally, a health psychology researcher at University College

London, it was discovered that on average, it takes more than two months before a new behavior becomes automatic. This is why the New Year’s resolution needs to be put in the past and replaced with a New Year’s goal. Creating unrealistic goals is just asking for failure. By starting slowly and working on one goal at time, there is a more likely chance of making your goal last the year. Jade Stewart, English writing junior, set a goal for herself to work out at least three times a week by the end of the year. “As of right now I’ve only been able to work out two times a week,” Stewart said. “I’m glad that I am able to at least get in two days because last year I could only do one or no days at all. I still want to try to hit those three days a week to achieve my goal.” Sometimes a New Year’s goal does not have to benefit you directly. Kyle Bonnet, a Starbucks barista, has given himself a goal to make at least one person glad they have met him a day. “I want my New Years’ resolution to make people happy. I just want to put a smile on someone’s face at least every day,” Bonnet said. A New Years’ goal changes a resolution from wish to a plan of action.

Here is a list of ways to successfully start and finish your New Year: 1. Focus on one goal rather than several. 2. Set realistic, specific goals. Losing weight is not a specific goal. 3. Take small steps. Many people quit because the goal is too big. 4. Set goals with friends. It makes the goal a lot more fun and sets some friendly competition. 5. Reward yourself for each milestone. Don’t wait until the goal is finally completed. 6. Be prepared to have setbacks, but if you fall off the wagon, make sure you get back on. 7. Write your goals down somewhere you can see them. 8. Focus on the present. What is the one thing you can do today, right now, towards your goal? 9. Have fun. Regardless where you are in your goal, make sure the goal is something you want to achieve for you, not for someone else.

“Me, myself, and NETFLIX”

By Davis Walden

When it’s time to kick back and relax after a long day of classes, Netflix is always there for you. You type in the famed web domain, the screen fills up with red, and you know what happens? You’re overwhelmed with choices. From hit TV shows, to the random show that one friend of yours keeps recommending. Well, the time to watch is now. Gear up. Take a trip to the C-Store, load up on snacks, snuggle up, and kick on one of the best series Netflix has to offer. OBVIOUS CHOICES FRIENDS — Critically acclaimed and loved by millions, Friends is now finally at your fingertips. You can watch Ross go through all of his divorces, Joey become a rising star, Rachel being superficial, Monica being a neat freak, Phoebe’s twin antics, and Chandler being Chandler. There’s a reason why Friends is so famous, it’s amazingly funny and heart-warming. BREAKING BAD — If you haven’t watched Breaking Bad, then you definitely should. This is an amazingly well done show with talented actors, fantastic writing, and loads of funny moments.

IF YOU LIKE TO BE DRAMATIC HOUSE OF CARDS — Following Kevin Spacey as a corrupt senator willing to do anything to get to the top and his equally vile wife, played by Robin Wright, House of Cards is brutal, at times, and expertly plays out story lines like pieces on a chessboard. Filled with subtle, and not so subtle, criticisms of politics, House of Cards keeps viewers on the edge of their seat. GREY’S ANATOMY — Following a group of interns working their way up through careers and relationships, the amount of drama Grey’s has to offer never ceases to amaze. Making you go through good times and bad, Grey Anatomy’s is a good watch. From cool medical mysteries to steamy hospital romances, it has something for everyone. THE FALL — Starring Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan, The Fall follows a series of murders in a small English town. The Fall is a shockingly underrated show that makes viewers question society and morality. IF YOU LIKE TO LAUGH ARCHER — Created by Adam Reed, who brought us Space Ghost Coast to Coast, and some of the writers of

Arrested Development, Archer spoofs the spy genre by giving us an utterly incompetent team of spies who argue non-stop throughout each episode. You’ll fall in love with each character and their hilarious antics.

IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA — The narcissistic sarcasm of the characters is everything you say in your head, but are too politically correct to say out loud. You’ll love to hate these characters. NEW GIRL — Lovable, quirky, and lead by Zooey Deschanel, New Girl is filled with the friends you’ve always wanted, but never had. The characters’ antics are memorable and fun to watch. ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK — A good reason to get Netflix if you don’t already have it, OITNB follows the lives of women in prison. Funny, daring, and heart-wrenching, Orange is the New Black is a must-see for its ability to tell stories and get us to love each-andeveryone of their characters. HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER — The show may have worn its welcome with nine seasons, but its funny script and charming cast are legen...wait for it... dary! Each character works their way

up through life, relationships, careers, and learns several lessons along the way. This is the kind of show that any sitcom fan should watch. IF YOU LIKE TO SCREAM AMERICAN HORROR STORY — An anthology series that introduces new characters and a new story every season, American Horror Story is one of America’s scariest shows. For this reason, you often see clusters of viewers huddled up to a TV screen here at Loyola. Funny and terrifying, American Horror Story is a scary good show. BATES MOTEL — A modern day prequel to Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, Bates Motel introduces a whole new background to the characters that shocked viewers since its release. Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore wonderfully lead the show as Norma and Norman Bates, a mother and son with a deadly relationship. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER + ANGEL — Two of Joss Whedon’s most famous works, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are two must watch shows for fans of the supernatural genre. Both are filled with lots of comedy, scares, and moments that will most definitely make you cry.

Your personalized workout playlist By Zayn Abidin Let’s face it; working out can be a hard task. Gathering the strength to get up from your comfy couch and onto a treadmill is a dreaded thought for many. Most of us need something to motivate us into getting not only a beneficial, but rewarding workout. According to the Huffington Post, studies have consistently proven that music helps increase endurance and provide great energy during a workout. They have also shown that music distracts you from feeling pain and makes you less aware of the amount of energy you are exerting. Here are lists of songs from four different genres that you can add to your playlist to inspire you for your next workout session:


Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars Uptown Funk Penguin Prison Calling Out (Elephante Remix) Sia Elastic Heart Yellow Claw & Ayden Till It Hurts Pitbull & Ne-Yo Time of our Lives Charli XCX Break the Rules Jessie J & 2 Chainz Burnin' Up OneRepublic I Lived (Arty Remix) Calvin Harris & John Newman Blame Ariana Grande & Zedd Break Free


Avicii Hey Brother The Band Perry Done Carrie Underwood Blown Away Keith Urban Sweet Thing Taylor Swift Sparks Fly Jessie James Boys in the Summer Lucy Hale Mistletoe Kacey Musgraves Follow Your Arrow Miranda Lambert Fastest Girl in Town Zac Brown Band The Wind


Imagine Dragons Shots Saliva Ladies and Gentlemen Papa Roach Last Resort Nine Inch Nails Head Like a Hole Queens of the Stone Age Feel Good Hit of the Summer Limp Bizkit Nookie AC/DC Thunderstruck Kid Rock Bawitdaba Metallica Enter Sandman White Zombie More Human Than Human


Nicki Minaj, Drake & Lil Wayne Truffle Butter Eminem Soldier Lil Jon Throw It Up Tupac Ambitionz az a Ridah Method Man Bring the Pain DMX We Right Here Wiz Khalifa Work Hard Play Hard Flo Rida Good Feeling Tupac Hit ‘Em Up Rick Ross Push It

Courtesy of MCT Campus

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