2022, after a decade of anticipation, Loyola University New Orleans began construction on its new Chapel of St. Ignatius and Gayle and Tom Benson Jesuit Center, according to Patricia Murret, Loyola’s associate director of public a airs. However, despite the university anticipating the chapel’s construction, students on campus have raised concerns surrounding the construction project as well as the purpose of the center itself. According to Jose Unanue, a sophomore at Loyola majoring in business, it feels like the construction going on is a distraction for classes that surround it. “I’ve been having a hard time concentrating in classes recently, especially since most of my classes are in Monroe Hall, which is directly in front of the construction site,” Unanue said, adding “there are a lot of other buildings that need to be xed and repaired.” Tom Ryan, newly interim vice president for mission and identity, responded by saying that the university is working on both building the chapel and repairing other buildings on campus. He also compared this construction project to the construction which previously occured to build in Monroe Hall. “It was messy and inconvenient. But for me, looking at Monroe Hall now, what a gift that is”, Ryan said. He added that he believes that the new chapel and Benson center will be a similarly impactful gift by o ering a peaceful place for spiritual healing, as well as additional classrooms. e new building will also contain gathering spaces, aside from the chapel, which students can use, according to MyrandaMurret.Cook, a junior at Loyola majoring in studio art and English writing, said she feels horrible about the project because it creates a disruptive environment.“Idon’t understand why Loyola didn’t start the construction as soon as we got out of school last semester. I understand it will take a long time, but even that little head start could’ve made a di erence,” CookMurretsaid. clari ed that this past summer was the rst time that construction could actually start, given the COVID-19 pandemic, Hurricane Ida, and ongoing economic and supply di culties in the country as a whole. Further, the university purposefully broke ground before classes started, Murret said, to limit disruptions as much as they could. e university defended building the chapel by saying that it won’t change much of the university’s open space. ere is plenty of open space available on campus, including the Res. Quad, Palm Court, Peace Quad, and Academic Quad, the university said. According to Murret, the construction site, which sits in the middle of Loyola’s main campus, occupies a larger space than the completed building will to accommodate the equipment and to allow safety measures.
“ e reality is that the building itself will be a much smaller building that’s going to be in the northeast corner of the quad, and it’s going to preserve the majority of the green space,” Murret said. Cook also expressed concerns over the project’s source of funding. Cook understood that Loyola did not have the greatest in uence on how to use the Benson donation but suggested they could have declined it. Abigail
By Natalia Silva
Schmidt and Patrick Hamilton
THE MAROON FOR A GREATER LOYOLA Loyola University • New Orleans • Volume 101 • Issue 01 • September 2, 2022
Emerging Student Artists Take a Chance, Study Abroad New Program for Incarcerated Students See CONSTRUCTION, page 3 Building Chapel of St. Ignatius sparks student concerns see page 3 see page 6 see page 10 Design by

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Theft 1400 Block of Carrollton Av. Aug. 25 2:00 a.m. Theft 4700 Block of Freret St. Aug. 26 8:20 p.m. Rape 700 Block of Broadway St. Aug. 26 12:05 p.m
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2 Club M O N T H L Y Cider I T ' S L I K E A W I N E C L U B B U T W I T H C I D E R & M E A D * F O U R F I L L S , F L I G H T S , O R M I X O F P E R M O N T H * 2 0 % O F F A L W A Y S * T A P 1 3 A C C E S S * Q U A R T E R L Y L A G N I A P P E $ 4 5 P E R M O N T H Y O U A R E I N V I T E D T O J O I N T O S I G N U P O R F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N E M A I L : J O N @ B R O A D S T R E E T C I D E R . C O M M U S T B E 2 1 +
THE MAROON September 2, 2022
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Continued from page 1
By Sofia Mongillo @sofiaabermejosmmongil@my.loyno.eduLoyolaUniversity
Phoenix related the incarcerated stu dents’ circumstance to St. Ignatius’ own incarceration and said his strive for edu cation resonated with many students at Rayburn Correctional Center. She added that currently only Kond kar commutes to Rayburn Correctional Center to teach, but as the program ex pands and refines, more faculty will be added“Toaboard.havethe experience to go into a prison and sit with people and learn with them is unique and transformative, I think, for everybody involved,” Phoenix said,“thereaddingis just kind of a hunger for in formation and for knowledge because people are living in such a deprived en vironment.
Loyola launches 17-month nursing degree
O’Halloran added that funding for the center came from an endowment gifted to Loyola by a local philanthropist, Jo sephCanizaro’sCanizaro.$5 million gift will support the center for years to come, according to O’Halloran. He added that only 5% of the center’s budget will be used each year while funds are continually reproduced through the center’s events which gen erate cash flow and therefore, produce growing interest in the funds.
CONSTRUCTION: Students reject chapel
The chapel is entirely donor funded, which means that no funds from tuition and fees are being used for the construc tion, Murret said. Ryan further clarified that the funding received for the chapel could not be used for other projects. Cook said she still finds it difficult to wrap her head around how Loyola accepted money from the Benson fam ily, saying that many students are con cerned about the family as a donor. According to Murret, this project is one of the most successful fundraising campaigns in Loyola’s history. Murret said that the chapel will be “open to people of all faiths and will be designed to be an open welcoming gath ering space.” She said that the center is going to be a “dedicated space for stu dentSheactivities.”addedthat the school “wants a campus that ‘speaks’ our faith to a new generation, not only with words, but with structures and spaces.”
Gabrielle Korein/The Maroon
Photo illustration by Gabrielle Korein/The Maroon
New Orle ans announced the launch of an accel erated nursing program beginning in the Spring 2023 academic term, in a press release published this summer. The 17-month long, full-time hybrid program offers both synchronous online learning and in-person clinical experiences, ac cording to the school’s website. This program will help address short ages in the health industry, specifically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the school’s webpage. In order to apply, students must meet certain requirements, including a min imum GPA of 3.0 in the applicant's un dergraduate degree, according to School of Nursing Director and Certified Regis tered Nurse Anesthetist Cherie Burke. The differences between a standard bachelor’s degree in nursing and the ac celerated program at Loyola are mostly notable in the intensity and paces of the two, Burke said, while a student enrolled in the traditional program earns their de gree over a period of four years, students in the accelerated program are finished in fourAsidesemesters.fromthe program’s fast pace and online options, new features have been added on campus. Burke antici pates students using the program’s new state-of-the-art simulation lab when on campus.Infact, students are required to come to campus only in order to use this lab, Burke said, which recently opened on the fifth floor of Monroe Hall. The 53-credit long program focuses “holistic health, patient-centered care and experiential learning” according to Loyola’s press release. “Nursing is very rigorous in itself and the content is extremely heavy, so I re spect anybody who is doing the acceler ated program. I think it is a great oppor tunity for the people who can handle it,” said Nursing Junior Grace LaLomia. LaLomia thinks the program will help the state of Louisiana in its shortage of nurses above all. “I think that it’s so awesome you can do this program and be a nurse so quick ly because there is such a need for them everywhere,” LaLomia said.
By Destiny Pouncy dlpouncy@my.loyno.eduThissemester, Loyola has partnered with B.B Sixty Rayburn Cor rectional Center in Angie, LA, to start the University's Incarcerated Students Program, according to Annie Phoenix, the executive director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute at Loyola. Travis Day, warden of the Rayburn Correctional Center, boasted that the in troduction of the program has improved the morale of the students who have ap plied and been accepted, and that many students are excited for the opportunity to be in Phoenixclass.believes this program can greatly decrease the likelihood of incar cerated individuals returning to incar ceration after initial release, because it will help provide job opportunities. Lack of employment is one of the main rea sons for re-incarceration, Phoenix said. The program was started by Loyola Professor, Marcus Kondkar, chair of the sociology dept. with support from Inter im President, The Rev. Justin Daffron,S.J. and USA Central and Southern Jesuit Provincial, The Rev. Tom Greene, S.J,” Phoenix said. Day explained that the program is for incarcerated people and correction al officers with a high school diploma, or equivalent, who wish to seek higher education.According to Phoenix, 20 incarcerat ed people and 14 correctional officers, out of 200 applicants, were accepted as a part of the program, which started on Aug. 23. The students were required to go through the Loyola application pro cess and submit test scores along with an essay, Phoenix said. She clarified that students will not all be in class together. She said that professors will teach two separate classes, one section will contain incarcerated students and the other will contain employees of the correctional centerThe Jesuit Social Research Institute plans to expand the Loyola Incarcerat ed Students Program slowly, Phoenix said. Both Phoenix and Day expressed their desire to allow up to 80 students to participate in the spring semester, up to offering four courses.
O’Halloran thanked Canizaro for giv ing back to the university and added that he hopes the Loyola community will em brace the opportunity with open arms. The center is now up and running in Bobet Hall and has already began to supply students with various resources, O'Halloran said.Nursing students practice taking vitals on a medical test dummy in Monroe Hall Aug. 25. Loyola’s new accelerated nursing program will allow future nursing students to obtain their degree in less time.
Incarcerated Students Program starts
“The goal is really in line with Loyola’s mission, which is to welcome students of diverse backgrounds and prepare them to lead more meaningful lives,” Phoenix said, “These students have really unique and diverse life experiences that they bring to the classroom.”
By Maggie Lewis mblewis@my.loyno.eduLoyolaUniversityNewOrleansannounced plans to es tablish the Canizaro Center for Catholic Studies, in a press release published this summer.Thelocation of the center itself will be on the first floor of Bobet Hall, in what is now the Arrupé suite, according to The Rev. Nathan O’Halloran, S. J., who will serve as the center’s director.
The center will aim at providing vari ous resources for students who are inter ested in becoming more involved with the religious studies program at Loyola, O’HalloranO’Halloransaid.plans to develop the cen ter’s usage through several programming opportunities for the Loyola communi ty. The first of these will be the Catholic Business Leader Conference, he said. The conference, planned for Sept. 29 through Oct. 29, will be held in the cen ter and plans to feature speakers joining together to help students learn about business from varying perspectives, O’Halloran said. Students interested in attending the conference can visit the Catholic Community Foundation’s web site for more information and to register for the O’Halloranconference.added that the conference is just one of many events that will be coming to the center. He said he hopes to make it a resource to serve all of Loyola as well the New Orleans community.
New CenterCanizaroopens

4 September 2, 2022THE MAROON

“This is definitely a positive step.”
By Macie Batson @maciembatsmmbatson@my.loyno.eduAlbertWoodfox,a member of the Black Panther Party who spent 43 years and 10 months in solitary confinement for a crime he didn’t commit, died Aug. 4 this year at 75 years old. Woodfox died just six years after his release from prison, and his time in sol itary confinement may have been the longest-recorded in U.S. history. His death has sparked conversations about mass incarceration and solitary confinement among criminology re searchers, including members of the Loyola community. “It’s essentially torture,” said Christian Bolden, a Loyola criminology and justice professor, of Woodfox’s imprisonment.
Kondkar added that detainees in confinement often self-harm as a way to “feel something,” due to the sensory deprivation they experience. He also said that long-term confinement creates problems when faced with reintegration back into society.
By Abigail Schmidt @artbyabbaacschmid@my.loyno.eduOutdoorentertainment was officially legalized in the city Aug. 4, appealing to New Orleans residents' wishes to keep the aura of the pandemic's outdoor con certs alive and well. The New Orleans City Council made a unanimous decision to fully legalize outdoor entertainment for bars and restaurants, which allowed business es to stay afloat during the peaks of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Times Pica yuneThereported.Musicand Culture Coalition of New Orleans worked with former city councilmember Helena Moreno to get the law passed, and Zony Mash Brew ery Director of Operations Alexis Annis hosted events at the brewery to advocate for the legalization of outdoor entertain ment“As a city that relies on tourism,” An nis said “it is central to our cultural econo my. Other cities have worked hard to find ways to allow for live outdoor entertain ment, and it is long overdue in New Or leans.”Sophomore Jazz Studies major Noah Rozell said he believes that “ideally, there would be no laws restricting live music.” City Hall decided to give the mat ter permanent legal status after a 2015 sound ordinance was implemented and repeatedly ignored by Mayor Latoya Cantrell, the Times Picayune said. Ac cording to Annis, a City Planning Com mission was completed four years ago before the pandemic, responsible for recommending a path forward for live outdoor entertainment. Powerful neigh borhood associations fought it, and it was tabled. During the pandemic, temporary outdoor live entertainment permits were allotted to venues and made for an unintentional case study, said Annis. As the temporary permits were running out and the city was no longer renewing them, the Music and Culture Coalition of New Orleans picked the work back up and started working closely with More no's office to do the work to get it passed. Entertainment venues along with City Hall unanimously voted to fully legalize outdoor entertainment urgently, be cause “Cantrell’s emergency pandemic order allowing them could vanish at any time,” reported the Times Picayune. Her order “removed the cap on the num ber of special event permits businesses could receive a year for live outdoor en tertainment — eight individual events for a max of 24 days — but Cantrell could end the order at any point,” according to Celebrity Land. “This is definite ly a positive step,” said Tipitina’s gen eral manager Brian “Tank” Greenberg. He said he believes that New Orleans should have as many oppor tunities for entertainment as possible. “The more stages the better; this isn’t a competition...outdoor venues are the perfect opportunity to have more voices heard and bring it to the masses.” Greenberg said that during the height of the pandemic, outdoor entertainment was the only opportunity for business at Tipitina’s. He discussed how, while this did come with a cost for places like the Art Market on Frenchman Street, it was the ultimate “bread and butter” of the entertainment business in COVID-19era shutdowns. And Loyola's next door neighbor, Tulane University, also has members of its community advocating for venues to host outdoor entertain ment.“Allowing more opportunities for en tertainment can open plenty of doors for people, especially in a recession,” said Tulane student Kirsten Bazet. Bazet said that overall, having legal outdoor entertainment is a plus for the city.“New Orleans is a city of artists- with out them, we wouldn’t be New Orleans,” Bazet said.
The cover band Midriff performs before Dana Ives at Zony Mash on Friday, Aug. 26 in New Orleans. Zony Mash is one of multiple locations to host outdoor entertainment.
“So, paradoxically, solitary confine ment actually magnifies the problematic behaviors it is purportedly trying to ad dress,” he said.
Anna Hummel/The Maroon
The U. S. has the highest prison pop ulation in the world, and incarceration and lengthy periods of solitary confine ment are the most common punish ments for those found guilty of crimes, according to a report done by the Prison Policy
The Angola 3 were described as "cou rageous people who knew and spoke out about the injustice that Angola was running" by Vidal Amador-Flores, a Loyola psychology senior who gave his thoughts on the three men. “It’s fear. It’s anxiety ridden. It's essen tially a single cell with little-to-no mean ingful contact with any other people, and that within itself is just terrible,” he said of solitary confinement.
The Angola 3 Woodfox was a part of the Angola 3, a group of men who were incarcerated in solitary confinement at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, colloquially referred to as Angola. The men incarcerated with Woodfox were Robert King and Herman Wallace.TheAngola 3 have long campaigned against the cruel practice of solitary con finement, as well as for the release of prisoners who were wrongfully convict ed and Theseincarcerated.menmaintained a positive outlook while they were incarcerated, despite their being in solitary confine ment. They also organized strikes and protests with other incarcerated people to protest their conditions, according to the Angola 3 website. On solitary confinement Bolden spoke to the men’s years of solitary confinement and the effects the conditions had on them. “There’s a loss of interpersonal skills, a loss of life skills, not being able to inter act with people.” Bolden said. “Thrusting them inside a cell by themselves doesn’t solve the Marcusproblem.”Kondkar, the director of the Loyola prison education project, sec onded Bolden’s sentiments, claiming that there are many negative psycholog ical impacts on those who are subjected to solitary Kondkarconfinement.saidthatsolitary confine ment has been shown to trigger or exac erbate depression, anxiety, and paranoia. It is also associated with much higher rates of self-harm, suicide ideation and suicide attempts, he added. Kondkar is one of the creators of the Visiting Room Project, a digital expe rience that allows viewers to hear the stories of incarcerated people who are serving life sentences without the pos sibility of parole. The site contains over 100 detainee interviews filmed at Ango la, the largest prison in the U.S. “Most of the folks I interviewed who had experienced prolonged periods of solitary confinement described most of these symptoms, in addition to feelings of claustrophobia and cognitive/percep tual distortions,” Kondkar said.
— Brian "Tank" Greenberg Tipitina's General Manager
Mass incarcerated suffer in solitary confinement
TheInitiative.Angola3 were imprisoned in sol itary confinement for a total of 114 years, after being wrongly convicted for the murder of a prison guard and for speak ing out against the maltreatment which took place in various prison facilities, particularly at Angola, according to the Angola 3 website.
Outdoor legalizedentertainmentinNewOrleans
WORLDVIEW 5 September 2, 2022 THE MAROON
A group most don’t know
While the Angola 3 and their mirac ulous survival through years of confine ment have inspired many, they are still largely forgotten by the prison commu nity and the public due to their severe isolation, according to Kondkar. Bolden said he wishes that more people knew about the Angola 3 and be lieves there would be an uproar if more people knew. He teaches a class on mass incarceration at Loyola and said that when he lectures about the Angola 3, most students are shocked that they have never heard of the men before. “It’s such an extreme human rights vi olation,” Bolden said. “It’s unimaginable, all of that time stuck by yourself in a smallSincecage.”the incarceration of the Angola 3, there have been numerous lawsuits and campaigns to stop the torture that these circumstances entail; however, the struggle for justice for these isolated individuals is still ongoing, according to the Angola 3 website.
A broken system
People enjoy the outdoors as they wait for entertainment to begin at Zony Mash on Friday, Aug. 26 in New Orleans. Zony Mash is one of the many places who advocated for the allowance of outdoor entertainment. Anna Hummel/The Maroon Albert Woodfox, second from right, stands with his brother Michael Mable, second from left, as he is introduced by Malik Rahim, far left, and Parnell Herbert, right, at the Ashe Cultural Arts Center in New Orleans, Friday, Feb. 19, 2016. Max Becherer/ Associated Press

Emerging Student Artists
Artist and jewelry designer Electra Pelias customizes a tote bag in her home studio Aug. 29, 2022. Pelias incorporates sustainable practices into all of their pieces. Sofia Luciano Santiago/The Maroon Ri Kailah Mathieu, artist and painter from New Orleans, Louisiana paints at her studio in Treme on Aug. 30, 2022. Sofia Luciano Santiago/The Maroon
By Brooklyn Joyner @brooklyn_joynerbsjoyner@loyno.eduLoyola’scommunity
Pelias, who has hosted popups at Loyola, gives 10-20% of her earnings at popup events to local charities like Unit ed Friendship and the NO/AIDS Task Force.Now, her account has evolved into a place where she sells earrings, necklac es and other jewelry. She also upcycles thrifted clothing and makes stickers. “Honestly, I am all over the place,” Pe lias said.
The New Orleans native’s favorite piece she has created thus far is called “Belly of Rickey.” The oil painting was exhibited in the Clusterfunk Art Show in April 2022 put on by students in the Studio Arts department She said her art revolves around Black women and spir ituality.“It’s not something I plan out each time. My body just does what it tells me to do,” Mathieu said. “It’s important to always make art. I feel personally without it, I’m purpose less. I have to make art in order to sur vive. It’s a way for me to feel connected to the world and people. I feel the best when people can see my work. I live for that small moment of the long process,” Mathieu said. . Like Mathieu, Electra Pelias feels a connection to the world as well.The psy chology major with a minor in environ mental science focuses on sustainability throughout her projects. “Usually, I like to work with materi als that are second hand or recycled so that’s super important to me. That has to do a lot with my minor. I think as artists we are always aware of environmental impacts of the art we make so I try to use materials that lessen the environmental strain,” Pelias said. Pelias said throughout her life she has experimented with all types of mediums: painting, drawing, set design and even physical construction. During the height of the pandemic, Pelias honed in on sew ing, specifically face masks. “I noticed more and more people wanting masks as a way to protect them selves while staying fashionable, so to day I decided to start this Instagram to hopefully encourage people to not only continue to wear masks but express themselves through it,” Pelias posted on her Instagram, @electramakes in June 2020.Loyola’s community is no stranger to what Electra creates.
is deeply rooted in the arts, filled with emerging creators in every corner of the campus. “When I’m making clothes, that's when I feel most inspired and content with myself,” said China Rae Dix, a neu roscience senior at Loyola. Dix, a fashion designer, is one of many Loyola students who have taken a chance on their own art and shared it withSheothers.started sewing basic items like pillow cases and pajama pants in middle school. She still owns the very first pair of pants she made. Through snickers she shared she wears them to bed to this day. The New Orleans native said it all started in the eighth grade when she took a home economics class. Now, sewing has become a skill she cannot escape.“Ifelt at peace with it, and I wanted to keep doing it,” she said. “It’s something that stayed consistent in my life. I never not wanted to sew, and I can’t say the same for other hobbies in my life.” The neuroscience major said most people are surprised to learn she is a fashion designer. “I only saw myself as a STEM or aca demic person, but I am a creative person too,” Dix said. And Dix hopes to be even more cre ative moving forward. She explained she has progressed in moving past the sim ple act of sewing pieces to put a focus on creating a style of her own. One of her fa vorite creations is a hot pink blouse she made“Thatrecently.shirt,I literally thought of in my head, and I didn’t have a pattern. I just cut stuff out and went with what I liked as I sewed. I didn’t look at other things for inspiration,” Dix said. Dix said the students at Loyola en couraged and shaped her into the de signer she is today. “I feel like the environment I was in before was very restrictive. I wasn’t in my own identity, I was pretending. I wasn’t embracing my true self. I’m appreciative of the student body for being supportive of what I want to do. My friends push me to actually use my talent and not to hide it for just myself,” Dix said. Studio Arts Junior Ri Kailah Mathieu, also known as Rickey, like Dix, draws in spiration in painting and drawing from students on campus. “Going to Loyola provides a space for me to be my authentic self,” Mathieu said. "I never made the type of art I make now since going to Loyola. Loyola has helped me become better.”
LIFE & TIMES 6 SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 THE MAROON Film • Arts • Food • Music • Leisure • Nightlife
China Rae Dix creates a garment in their home studio in New Orleans, LA on Aug. 26, 2022. Dix is an up and coming designer studying neuroscience at Loyola. Sofia Luciano Santiago/The Maroon Loyola creatives find community on campus

7September 2, 2022 THE MAROON

By Veronica Offner veoffner@my.loyno.edu@my.loyno.eduAndrewFava,afamiliarface to the Wolf Pack, is the newest coordinator of the University Sports Complex. Fava, who transferred from the Uni versity of Florida after two seasons, joined the Wolf Pack in 2019. He most recently helped lead the men’s basket ball team to its first national title last year since 1947. For the past three years, Fava has worked as a building manager at the University Sports Complex, but he stepped up this year as the complex’s overall coordinator.“Ilikehaving responsibilities, and being able to put my footprint on some things and hopefully elevate the level of the sports complex,” Fava said. Fava looks over the daily operations of the gym. He works with the assistant athletic director, coordinates the use of the facilities, and helps prepare the gym for events, he said. But Fava’s new position hasn’t been without hurdles. Due to the damage caused by Hurricane Ida last August, the complex is currently undergoing reno vations. Fava was hired in the midst of the renovations, and the complex has been closed for the majority of his time as coordinator so far. “(Renovation) has been a little tricky trying to navigate but I'm really excited about what's going to happen once we reopen,” Fava said.
After two tough losses at the San Antonio Shindig tourna ment the Wolf Pack went 2-2 for an overall 5-3 record.
By Abigail Schmidt acschmid@my.loyno.eduTheWolfPackcan
Gabrielle Korein/The Maroon
Fava sticks around
By Matthew Richards mlrich2@my.loyno.eduTheLoyolawomen’s volleyball team is setting the bar high for its players this 2022-2023 season. Voted the top team in the Southern States Athletic Conference this presea son after claiming last year’s regular season conference title, the Wolf Pack is hoping to improve their 22-11 record from last season. The team was also ranked 31 in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics preseason poll. “Our goals going into the season are to continue achieving new heights like we've done for the past five seasons, to repeat as regular season conference champions and also win the conference tournament,” said Women’s Volleyball Head Coach Jesse Zabal. Zabal collected a couple of personal awards last season as she was named Coach of the Year by both the SSAC and the Louisiana Sports Writers Associa tion.“It was a great honor to be named SSAC Coach of the Year,” Zabal said. “We have some very talented coaches in our conference, all coaching high level teams, so I'm grateful to have been cho sen.”Zabal nodded to Robert Pitre, the team’s assistant coach, for supporting her to be able to win the award. She said his time and effort was indispens able last season. In addition to Zabal’s recognition, the Wolf Pack return from the 2021-2022 season with the reigning SSAC Conference Player of the Year and NAIA All-American Honorable Mention, Junior Simone Tyson. Tyson led the team with 372 kills. Junior Emily Shep eris led the team with 105 blocks, and Senior Gracie Bailey led the team with 554 assists. The SSAC Co-Freshman of the Year was Simone Moreau, who addi tionally led the team with 458 digs. “Our goal this year is to go farther than any other volleyball team in pro gram history at Loyola and make it to the NAIA national tournament,” Tyson said “Personally, my goals are to lead my team on and off the court in any way that I can."Tyson said that her team has “great leaders” in Gracie Bailey and Brittany Cooper. She said that with them, she hopes to be a leader on the team. She also thanked her coaches, Zabal and Pitre, for receiving her player of the year award.“Itmeant the world to me to be able to receive such a prestigious award and have all that hard work pay off,” Tyson said.The team opened their 2022 season by going 3-1 at Keiser University’s Chickfil-A Classic in West Palm Beach, Florida and will open conference play on Sept. 9 against Middle Georgia State University. They will return home Sept. 16 to face a new SSAC member, Life University.
Loyola University Sports Complex Manager Andrew Fava poses in the newly refurbished sports complex August 31. Fava, a former Loyola basketball player, is excited to continue to be a part of the Loyola athletic program.
finally come home Thursday morning at 8 a.m. to the Uni versity Sports Complex, the athletics department announced in an email Wednesday.Aftera long-awaited opening due to the complex’s need for renovations following Hurricane Ida last August, the building is back open. The university sent an email about the building’s indefinite closure in late July, stating that the basketball court was un dergoing sanding and refinishing after water damage from the hurricane. Students, staff, and faculty will retain free access to the facility, and communi ty patrons’ memberships will unfreeze on the reopening date Thursday, said Brett Simpson, the director of athlet ics. Guest fees to the gym are still $10, and guests must be accompanied by a Loyola community/sports complex member at all times. There is a two-guest limit, and guests must provide a photo ID upon entrance to the facility. Simpson announced that the facil ity’s racquetball court will also reopen later this month. Loyola is also currently working to hire lifeguards for the pool amid a city-wide lifeguard shortage.
SPORTS September 2, 2022 THE MAROON
Fava hopes to one day coach college basketball after his time as Loyola’s com plex coordinator. He said that there’s a lot that goes into coaching that he looks forward to. “It's not just X's and O's on a bas ketball court, a lot of it is helping stu dent-athletes with their day-to-day op erations and helping to run an entire athletic program,” Fava said. Last semester, Fava went viral on Twitter, offering to drive basketball coaches to and from the airport during the final four basketball tournament in New Orleans, in order to connect with them and learn the ins and outs of coaching a college basketball team. Despite Fava's goals of being a coach, he said his commitment to both the sports complex and the Wolf Pack as Loyola’s coordinator are his main focus at the time. “I love really being able to make an impact on the community with the student body with the members of this community,” Fava said. Anyone with questions or sugges tions about the University Sports Com plex is asked to contact Fava at fafava@ loyno.edu or (504) 864-7374.
Volleyball at University of St. Francis
Golf picked 15th in August preseason poll The women's golf team was picked 15th in the coaches' top 25 poll, making it the 34th straight poll Loyola has been chosen for.
Fava goes from the court to managing the complex

For weekly puzzle answers, download Loyola Maroon Mobile App Apple Store Google Play Von LaRae performs at the Safe and Sound Collective show last semester. LaRae put out their album "The Art of Sex" this summer.
By Sofia Luciano Santiago
“I think that's why there's also so many harmonies in this album because I wanted to experiment with my voice and build different things,” LaRae said.
Senior Von LaRae debuted their first full length album “The Art of Sex” over the summer. Since then, the album has been ac claimed for its experimental sound and unique harmonies ornamenting a story of love, turmoil, and belonging. LaRae, who is originally from Indi anapolis, Indiana, first expressed their love for music when they were a child singing in their living room. LaRae par ticipated in show choir all throughout high school but never thought about making music until their freshman year of college.“Idon't know. After being down here (in New Orleans) it was just, I can't even tell you what it was. It was just a feeling. I remember when the pandemic hit I would sit in my room and just sing and sing and I always used to write poems. Well, I wanna make music,” LaRae said of their journey to artistry. The musician and dancer has re leased past projects like the hit singles “Speed Racer” and “10:01 a.m.”, as well as an EP titled “In the Wind” in 2022, but “The Art of Sex” is their first full length project.LaRae began creating the album in early 2022. “I was about to be 21 and about to be (a) senior, only had a few singles out, and I wanted to just focus in on that. Also, at the same time I was at the early stages of recovery, still getting over the loss of my other mom in the beginning of last year, getting out of a relationship, and almost lost one of my siblings due to some fam ily issues,” LaRae said. “The Art of Sex” speaks on an inter connected narrative about finding love, exploring intimacy, codependecy, and addiction all while finding yourself, and defining what love looks like between difficult“Understandingcircumstances.sex and what it meant to me, as well as the theme of recovery and finding your way through this weird maze of like emotions and not knowing what's going on and living in the moment otherwise, it can end in delirium,” LaRae said. “When I came up with the title “The Art of Sex,” I was like sex is more than just an intimate act. It is intimacy, vul nerability, getting down to the nitty-grit ty, exploring this unknown territory of a person that nobody else gets to see but you in that moment," LaRae said. “I grew a lot through making this al bum and kind of understanding what I like, what fits me, what do I see myself engaging in, and who I see myself with,” LaRaeLaRaesaid.is known for their distinctive and melodic rhythm and blues sound, but for this album, the artist took a more experimental approach with their music and delved deeper into genres they are most passionate about. As a child, LaRae used to listen to their mom's CDs with the likes of icons such as Whitney Houston, The Tempta tions and Sam Cooke who have played a significant role in the musical develop ment of the artist. “I feel like a lot of the genres I explored on this album are genres I listened to when I was growing up. For example “The Art of Sex” and “Reverse” give you late 90’s R&B vibes and early Y2K. “You” and Kitchen Lights” gives you the dream pop bedroom pop vibes. “D.O.A” is reg geatón, afro beats, and dancehall. And straight up R&B in “Tell Me How”,” LaRae said.As the main producer of their dis cography, LaRae likes to explore vari ous beats and cadences and fuse them together to create something unique, eclectic, and timeless to the mood they wish to convey in each track.
Courtesy of Maria Paula Mariño
The first track they produced for the album was D.O.A, inspired by the song Dead On Arrival, LaRae coined the acro nym as Dependent On Alcohol for their album. The track is nostalgic and dark, uplifted by the back harmonies, distinc tive rimshot, and the sharpness of the snares and percussion that give it that distinctive Afro beats, reggeatón, and dancehall sound. “I looked for a mood, I always go in with a mood,” LaRae said. As an artist, LaRae seeks to continue telling more stories that reflect the sto ries and visuals that exist in their mind and“Therememory.isa lot of beauty in telling a painful story,” LaRae said.
9 September 2, 2022 THE MAROON 51Across__CassSomeSappho poems 9 Not great, chancewise 13 Malicious 14 Ruminant with striped legs 15 Locks in a stable? 16 Chimney concern 17 Horror movie locale 18 Rankles 19 Storage area for Christmas toys? 22 "The Comedy of Errors," for one 23 Prepped 24 Clippers used by Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail? 29 Cookies that once came in collect ible tins 30 Flying things 31 Basic nutrient 34 Hors d'oeuvres carrier 35 Hand-picked instrument? 36 Arrived 37 Very popular 38 Canine that preys on red kangaroo and swamp wallaby 39 Après-ski drink 40 Analyst for Ducks and Penguins? 42 Initial phase 45 Cy who pitched the first perfect game of the modern era 46 Earthquake-resistant? 51 Touched down 52 Still in the game 53 Dish (out) 56 Inheritance factor 57 Records, in a way 58 Aerial enigmas 59 Set up: Abbr. 60 Pour out forcefully 61 Some lit. degrees 21DownGuysHail, in a hymn 3 Falter 4 Assistant in Mass production 5 Pod that may be fried or pickled 6 Diary pages 7 Actor Omar 8 Order of Darth Sidious 9 Shows satisfaction 10 Silk source 11 Tatted up 12 Out of order? 14 Chamber group 20 CBS military drama with regional 21spinoffs__on the side of caution 22 Grain of emmer, spelt, or einkorn 24 "Divergent" novelist Veronica 25 "Boys Don't Cry" Oscar winner 26 Trunk hardware 27 "Have a ball!" 28 In the past 31 Going head-to-head 32 "You're __ friends" 33 Deck chair wood 35 Shaving brand 36 Mineral in abrasives 38 Inflict upon 39 Woo-shik of "Parasite" and "Train to Busan" 40 Hoisted 41 Wanda who plays Dr. Karl in the "Bad Moms" films 42 Old enough to vote, say 43 "Frasier" role 44 Stretch 47 "Phooey!" 48 Intimate apparel item 49 Bee flat? 50 State openly 54 Mauna __ 55 Start of spring?
Artist Von LaRae releases new album

Jacob L'Hommedieu/The Maroon lacks consideration in constructing Chapel of St. Ignatius
Maleigh Crespo Equity and InclusionOfficer Coming into the new school year, few students expected to see the uni versity finally get on with the plans it has had for the new Chapel of St. Igna tius since 2010. The project has been on Loyola’s backburner for almost a decade, and now, its completion is expected to be done by fall of 2023. We acknowledge that they told us about the project, but scrolling through emails or posts on social me dia is insufficient in sharing the major announcement– especially compared to the space the construction has stripped away from campus. As the construction of the new chap el continues, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that Loyola is suffering from a lack of consideration for student con cerns.The building is a gift given by the Benson family, which will replace the Ignatius Chapel in Bobet Hall as the university’s official place of worship. It is also an addition to campus that stu dents did not ask for. But still, the university is putting its nose to the grindstone to get this chap el built.Thebuilding of the chapel, as well as the university’s lack of input from stu dents on the project has, understand ably, made many people upset. Why didn’t they ask us first? The answer is simple. The Benson family has a legal right to build what ever they want with the donation they give, but we wish they would have asked the student body what we would haveWewanted.couldhave asked them for the money to go toward scholarships, en dowed professorships or even a build ing that the majority of students would have made actual use of. While we ac knowledge that people on campus are religious and might use the place for worship, it’s not suited for everyone. While Loyola does have to cater to its Catholic populace as a Jesuit school, one does have to question the Benson foundation’s logic in their donation. We would have preferred to have a building dedicated exclusively to more inclusive student services like a place for commuter students, more food op tions and event spaces, for example. Since the university announced its construction earlier this year, a mul titude of criticisms have been leveled against the chapel and its construction. The construction zone eating away the green space outside of Monroe Hall is frustrating. Students feel the mod ern architecture and its placement in the middle of campus sticks out like a sore thumb among the university's red brick. And for new students, their first experience of Loyola is of it with a large mud stain smack in the middle of the campus.Infact, there is so much animosity towards the new chapel that Loyola deleted an Instagram post that an nounced the chapel’s construction, where students shared dozens of neg ative comments regarding the project. It is speculated that the deletion of this post was due to the heat it received. Other than what we have been told in announcements from the univer sity, the majority of students weren’t involved in the process of planning the chapel’s construction. Instead, all we are left with is more questions than answers.Didthe Benson family ever consider asking the student body itself what it wanted? Why did they decide on white, modern architecture in the middle of a red-brick campus? And, of course, the ever pressing: how does this chapel even benefit the school? We get that the university has to build what the donors want, but we wish that our own thoughts and opin ions could have been factored into the decision to begin this ugly construc tion.
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— The Maroon, 6363 St. Charles Ave., Box 64, New Orleans, LA 70118. Email us your letters — letter@ loyno.edu.Submissions may also be made online at www.loyolamaroon.com.
HOWL to a new semester GROWL to power outages HOWL to Midnights GROWL to construction HOWL to calm waters GROWL to hurricane season HOWL to a joyful year GROWL to InDesign HOWL to good fishing
Abigail Schmidt Sports Editor Jacob L'Hommedieu Opinion and Editorial Editor
The editorial on this page represents the majority opinions of The Maroon’s editorial board and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Loyola University. Letters and columns reflect the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of The Maroon’s editorial board. The Maroon does not represent the opinion of administration, staff and/or faculty members of Loyola. Letters are subject to editing for length, grammar and style. Please limit submissions to 400 words. Submissions are due no later than 4 p.m. the Sunday beforePleasepublication.sendallsubmissions
Ava Acharya News Editor Sofia Luciano Santiago Life & EditorTimes
Arianna D'Antonio Worldview Editor
The construction site for the Chapel of St. Ignatius sits barren and muddy on Monday August 22, 2022. Students see the site as an eyesore in the heart of Loyola's campus.
Macie Batson Senior Staff Writer

Addison Laird sophomorefilmmakingDigital a chance on study abroad
OPINION 10 September 2, 2022 THE TakeMAROON
Robert Thomas Professor & Director of Center for CommunicationEnvironmental “History tells us we need the best-of-the-best in air protection in and around New Orleans."
Why F35s in Belle Chasse are good for national security
My comments refer to the nation al security issues associated with New Orleans being the most important port system in the United States. The Port of New Orleans is strategically the most important conduit for the economy of our nation, and we must stress the need for rapid and effective protection for this region.Anattack on New Orleans will negative ly impact a) access to offshore oil, b) access to and the operation of the Strategic Petro leum Reserve, c) pro tection of the Missis sippi as the aorta of commerce into the heartland of the USA, and d) one of two major chemical corridors producing the building blocks of most chemical prod ucts used in the U.S. Most people focus on the importance and value of larger cities such as Wash ington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles and others as being first targets in our nation.Asstated above, I think an enemy at tack on New Orleans will immediately stop movement of commodities from the nation’s heartland and the national flow of American oil and gas! After Hurricane Katrina, economists estimated that each day the Mississippi River is not opera tional (as in a chem ical spill, a collision, or a hurricane) the U.S. economy loses $300,000,000 dollars. It does so by breaking the supply chain for food, ener gy, commodities entering and exiting the country – and it affects the well-being of each and every citizen. In the Civil War, the Union immedi ately recognized that their first military step was to capture New Orleans and take its prosperity and river access out of theThewar.project was named “Anaconda” to mentally and visually illustrate the con stricting pressure such a move would place on the supply chain to the Confed erate war effort. In World War II, the Germans placed submarines at the mouth of the Missis sippi River and put a huge dent in the movement of war supplies to both Eu rope and HistoryAsia.tells us we need the best-ofthe-best in air protection in and around New Orleans. The F-35 addition to or re placement of our existing F-15 presence will be a brilliant strategic move for na tionalThesecurity.biggest lesson we’ve recently learned is how swiftly aggressive military nations can change the path of global se curity.Astrong defense for our most strate gically important areas must be a nation al imperative.
For most, a summer in the City of Love sounds like a dream come true. It can be a peaceful getaway from every day life to an exciting time of learning, growing, and experiencing new things. But for someone young, inexperienced, and riddled with anxieties, it has the po tential to be a waking nightmare. For my summer 2022, I was given the amazing opportunity to spend a month in Paris, France with Loyola’s study abroad pro gram. Though I was wary, I knew that after a lifetime of dreaming of Paris (and two years of travel plans being canceled by COVID-19), I would never forgive myself if I didn’t take a chance. Now, back in the states, I look back on my time abroad with a critical eye, wondering if my time, stress, and more importantly, money, was worth it. While the cost of studying abroad varies between different trips, it’s costly regardless. There’s an initial cost to claim your spot on the trip. Then, there’s pay ing for the trip itself. The payment covers most of the trip, such as housing, food at the hostel, tuition, and class excursions. However, it does not cover anything extra, such as flights to and from Paris, personal shopping or eating, as well as additional excursions or travels you take on your own time. Laundry is also not always included or available wherever you’re staying, and most laundry ser vices do not come free. It’s a costly ex perience, especially for a young student. Once you’ve saved and spent the money, then there are other matters to consider that can be overwhelming. Per sonally, I do not trav el often. And I never travel alone. The idea of flying to Paris alone was daunting. I al ready experience a great deal of anxiety in day-to-day life, so the mere thought of being on an airplane and in airports, navigating one of the biggest cities in the world, and then having to meet and make friends with the group of strangers from Loyola all by myself was absolutely terrifying. But of course, I refused to let my own fears scare me out of the trip. I secured my spot before I could spiral further about all the things that could go wrong.Iboarded a flight from New Orleans to Chicago, and from Chicago to Lon don, and then from London to Paris. Navigating airports and flying alone was not nearly as awful as I thought it was going to be. My boarding passes were on my phone, my mom was on speed dial, and thankfully, every flight atten dant and airport worker was friendly. It was only upon my arrival in Paris where things began to go wrong. Back in New Orleans, my flight had been delayed. I was rerouted in Chicago to have a brief layover in London before catching a short flight to Paris. Somewhere along the way, between all the flights and changing between airlines, my luggage was lost. Of course, I didn’t know this until I arrived in Paris and waited thirty minutes for it to appear on the luggage carousel. Except, it never appeared. Me, being already late to meet my group from Loyola and now in a foreign coun try with no clothing or toiletries, had a quick cry in the airport bathroom before catching a cab into the city. Thankfully, the other members of the study abroad group were beyond friend ly. After missing the first group excursion to the Eiffel Tower, I was greeted back at the hostel with a t-shirt and toilet ries. My anxieties about making friends melted away as I realized that no one else within the group really knew each other either. We were random strangers, but we were Loyola students, so we had to stick together and look out for each other. Over the first three days of the trip, whilst the Paris airport and British air lines searched for my luggage, I was taken good care of by the others on the trip. My luggage was eventu ally shipped to our hostel, and everyone celebrated with me. Unfortunately, about a week into our trip, another tragedy struck. We had known from the beginning that COVID-19 was still a prominent con cern. We had been instructed to pack masks and frequently wash our hands whilst traveling the city. Although we were very cautious, one morning I was informed that my roommate had test ed positive for COVID-19 and that they would have to quarantine for seven days before being able to get tested again. I was also tested. I walked alone down to a pharmacy near our hostel and paid for a test. I waited an excruciating 30 minutes to receive my results. Thankfully, I tested negative. The group masked for the re mainder of the trip. The next three weeks managed to pass without issue. After my luggage and my COVID-19 scare, I was finally able to enjoy and take in the experience. Every morning began with my two classes, lunch, and then, we'd leave as a group to explore a new part of Paris. We visited many museums and famous landmarks. After about an hour or two of exploring as a group, we were free to spend the rest of our evening how we pleased. I would shop, eat, and sightsee with friends until sunset (which was around 9 p.m.). Class the next morning was always tied into whatever we’d be visiting that day, which further enriched the experience. I will never forget my first trip to Paris. I am extremely grateful for the oppor tunity to travel and everything the trip taught me. Not only do I feel more knowl edgeable about the culture of Paris and the world, but I also feel more knowl edgeable about myself. I am extremely proud that I was able to overcome my anxieties and the situational mishaps that occurred while abroad. Though costly, I do believe it was worth it for me to experience. I believe that anyone who has the opportunity to study abroad or get out of their comfort zone in the slightest should take the chance. Don’t let your own fears and reservations stop you from doing incredible things; life is too short for that.
Abigail Schmidt/The Maroon “I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to travel and everything the trip taught me.”
Some may find it odd to support the addition of arguably the world’s most ef fective jet stealth fighter to the arsenal in theirThecommunity.U.S.military is in the process of deciding which of four bases in the na tion will be give one or more squadrons of F-35 airplanes. In the running are three sites in California and the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, the last named in Belle Chasse and local ly called Calendar Field. A public scoping period is set to allow citizens to voice their opinions on where these airplanes will be placed. There are three ways one can share opinions: 1) attending live public hearings, 2) virtual meetings, and 3) written statements. It is especially important that citizens learn about potential local environmental im pacts from these changes. To my knowledge, there was only one notice of these hearings in the local newspaper, and it appeared very close to the public scoping meeting. Anyone who made contact with the Department of the Air Force with com ments will have their information con sidered during the Environmental Im pact Statement process. Anyone with opinions to share can contact the DAF and their communi cation will be considered before final decisions are made – it is not too late to express your views. It appears the F-35 jets will be as signed to the chosen military base via their state National Guard and the U.S. AirIForce.support the placement of F-35 fight er wings in Belle Chasse, Louisiana.

12September 2, 2022 THE MAROON