The Maroon 11_06_2014

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Loyola University • New Orleans • Volume 94 • Issue 10 • November 6, 2015


Race is more than skin tone. Race is more than color. Understanding just what race means is complex and sensitive. But ignoring race is not an option. These are the faces of race at universities in New Orleans.

In 1962, Loyola was just starting to integrate minority students into the undergraduate college when five African American students enrolled in the school. Today, 53 years later, Loyola is one of the most diverse universities in New Orleans, garnering the ranking of number two in “lots of raceclass interaction” from the Princeton Review. For nine Loyola, Tulane and Xavier current and former students, their experiences as part of the minority population was different, but the same. And in many ways, their experiences were representative of the overall race-class experience at these universities. Each individual has their own story to tell, and while most report an overall positive experience, a few feel the residue of segregation present in their experience. All wished for more diverse institutions. Roberta Kaskel, vice president enrollment management, explained that this accolade is so important because the Princeton Review is a peer-to-peer ranking program. “Princeton Review asks currently enrolled students their opinions of the college they are attending. We have consistently ranked high in ‘lots of race/class interaction’ and our own students deserve the credit

for this ranking,” Kaskel said. Kaskel said that, compared to the other universities in New Orleans, she believes that Loyola is a leader in the area of diversity. “Loyola has had a long and rich tradition of living our values of respect and demonstrated acceptance of and dignity for individuals of all backgrounds. We sustain a community that goes beyond welcoming individuals of diverse backgrounds to establishing and sustaining communities of diverse individuals,” Kaskel said. Because Kaskel’s experience at Loyola does not date back before 2007, she said that so much of what is celebrated today is the result of the convictions and hard work of generations of students, their families, faculty and staff who preceded her. “My own early career did begin in a state that was under federal order to desegregate and still today that state has not accomplished half of the work that has been accomplished at Loyola. It is a great source of pride for me, and the entire enrollment team, that we represent a community that is clear about its values and lives it values daily,” Kaskel said. Though Xavier University is a historically black institution, Joseph

Byrd, vice president student services, said that the school is open to all students, regardless of race. “Xavier has a wonderful product to offer that is a quality education and we admit students not based on their race, creed, color or religion, and so when we go out and recruit, we recruit all students,” Byrd said. Byrd said that Xavier has a large Asian population as well as a growing Hispanic and white population. He said that Xavier welcomes all students, and that they just want to make sure that they are part of the Xavier community and are there to get a good education. “I think the American world puts too much emphasis on people’s race rather than on their character. And I can say that’s the wonderful thing about working at Xavier. I’ve been working here for 30 years, and we don’t have problems with students of other races. They may be a minority numbers-wise, but otherwise they’re just Xavier students,” Byrd said. Carolyn Barber-Pierre, assistant vice-president for multicultural affairs at Tulane, works to promote diversity at the university, and said that first and foremost, numbers are critical in determining if diversity has improved or not. She said that, in addition to a diverse student


body, faculty and staff should also reflect diversity. “Faculty and staff of color not only benefit other students of color, but they benefit the larger community and what they bring to the classroom,” Barber-Pierre said. Barber-Pierre said that she thinks that Tulane is in an opportune location to really have an impact on the community, and that she would like to see more classes on diversity being offered. “Having a course that all students take on understanding diversity and inclusion in the 21st century I think is critical for many institutions, not just Tulane, but something that we’re aspiring to do,” Barber-Pierre said. Kaskel said that students are drawn to Loyola for its diverse environment, and that the school has created a community where people can be themselves and live respected lives. “When we get asked the hard questions about diversity at Loyola, we can answer freely and proudly,” Kaskel said. By Lauren Saizan @Lauren_Maroon

See FACES, page 3


November 6, 2015

























Robbery Freret Street/Soniat Street

Oct. 28

10:48 p.m.

Assault Audubon Street/Plum Street

Oct. 30

10:56 p.m.

Burglary 1400 Block of Audubon St.

Oct. 30

11:41 p.m.

Vehicle Break In/Theft 6000 Block of Camp St.

Oct. 31

8:19 a.m.

Burglary 900 Block of Pine St.

Oct. 31

11:34 a.m.

Vehicle Break In/Theft 1900 Block of Joesph St.

Nov. 1

10:05 a.m.

Theft Biever Hall

Nov. 1

10:11 p.m.



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November 6, 2015 The Maroon


FACES, continued from front page

Faces of the community share their stories

Alveraize Saizan Began at Loyola in 1962

Bushra Ahmad Biology sophomore at Loyola

Steve Barbre Tulane A’68

Carolyn Le Chemistry and history student at Xavier

Alison Richards Loyola A’75

Dwight Richards Began at Loyola in 1969

Shawn Kelly Sociology junior at Loyola

Ruoxi Li Sociology and economics junior at Tulane

Ron Nabonne Loyola A’69

Alison Richards shares her Loyola experience

Shawn Kelly shares his Loyola experience

Ruoxi Li shares her Tulane experience

Ron Nabonne shares his Loyola experience

Bushra Ahmad shares her Loyola experience

Alison Richards, who began college in the 70s, said that she didn’t face discrimination during her time at Loyola. “My experience was a very positive one. There were about 50 black students at the time that I was a freshman enrolled there,” Richards said. Students may have had a different experience at Tulane during that time, Richards said. “I think that there may have been a bit more strife at Tulane than we actually had at Loyola. We had good relations with the black students over there, and they came from many of the same institutions that we had come from,” Richards said. Richards said that she thought of her class as the second wave of black students at Loyola. “When my brother was there, there were only a handful of black students, most of them travelled to and from school together, most of them were from back here in our neighborhood. And you really could count them all on one hand. In my case, 50 was a lot,” Richards said.

Shawn Kelly, sociology junior and Black Student Union co-president at Loyola, said that the campus does a pretty good job at building diversity, but that it could do a better job of attracting students like himself through outreach to local high schools. “I had never heard of Loyola before I applied and I only applied because it was on the Common App. They never really came to my school. Tulane did. Tulane did a much better job than Loyola trying to attract students like myself and I think they have an even worse diversity problem than us,” Kelly said. Kelly said that Loyola’s Princeton Review ranking is an example of how far minority students have come in New Orleans, and in American society in general. “I think we still have a long way to go. I don’t think diversity’s just numbers. I think diversity is the way you appreciate different people on your campus, I think diversity is having policies that make diversity a priority. But I think we’ve made really great progress toward getting full diversity on campus,” Kelly said.

Ruoxi Li, sociology and economics junior at Tulane, said that she does not necessarily feel disadvantaged as a minority student. “My experience at Tulane has been great. If I treat myself as the same, people generally treat me as the same. I have felt the kindness and support of the community and have been given many opportunities to learn and grow,” Li said. However, Li said that she hopes Tulane will become a more diverse community. “I think the opinions and thoughts I am exposed to here are relatively homogeneous, which is fine, but a little boring. I am looking forward to meeting people with more distinctive voices and stories,” Li said.

When Ron Nabonne attended Loyola, there were many movements and protests that characterized his time there, including the Civil Rights Movement and protests against the Vietnam War. An issue that Nabonne distinctly remembers was that the fraternities at Loyola would hold events at segregated venues, preventing students like Nabonne from attending them. “We protested the fact that the social organizations had functions off campus at segregated facilities,” Nabonne said. Despite issues such as this, Nabonne said his experience was overall positive, and that some of the faculty encouraged him to be an engaged student. “Obviously there were some faculty members who supported us, there were some faculty members who didn’t support us, but Loyola in terms of education offered us all a great education,” Nabonne said.

Bushra Ahmad, biology sophomore, said that she has been a minority student since preschool, particularly in the Catholic school setting. “There are times, like in religion classes or ethics classes, that the Catholic views are controversial to my own, however, for the most part it’s been alright. In college, there is more diversity so I feel as though there is more tolerance towards others and a genuine intrigue in minorities,” Ahmad said. Ahmad said that as a liberal arts university, she thinks that Loyola is quite diverse, and she’s glad to hear of the Princeton Review’s distinction. “It’s a great honor that I am a student of such a recognition. I think Loyola’s on the right track with its integration,” Ahmad said.

See FACES, page 11



November 6, 2015 The Maroon

WORLDVIEW briefs Construction worker stops assailant at a California university

Irfan Khan / MCT Campus

A student receives a whooping cough vaccination in Huntington Park, California. California parents are deciding against vaccinating their kindergarten-age children at twice the rate they did seven years ago.

Vaccines still debated among concerned parents By Etefia Umana

Roy Foret plans to keep his one year old daughter healthy by bringing her to the doctor for her vaccination. “I was vaccinated. It just seems like the right thing to do, keep diseases away,” Foret said. Although Roy’s decision to get his daughter vaccinated is common in America, the certainty he has behind the decision is not. Starting in the late 1990s, the anti-vaccine movement became prevalent in America after a study tied to link the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine to causing autism. A former British surgeon named Andrew Wakefield did the study, which was later retracted and led to Wakefield being banned from practicing medicine in the UK. “I don’t see what the problem with getting a vaccine is. It’s been working for many years,” Foret said. According to data from the Center for Disease Control, from 20092014, children who had been vaccinated between 19-35 months were shown to have healthy stable reactions. The decrease in vaccination exemptions has occurred nationally as well. Not only are the rates stable, but most seem to be nearing the Healthy People 2020 initiative rates that the CDC hopes for. On the initiative’s website,, it states that the initiative was created in conjunction


with other government agencies like the FDA and National Institutes of Health to “eliminate health disparities” and to address “social determinants of health.” The consistency of childhood vaccination rates comes in the face of a Gallup poll conducted in March that showed 52 percent of American adults are unsure if there is a link between autism and some vaccines. The poll also revealed that, since 2001, nearly twice as many adults suspected negative affects of vaccines for children. This lingering uncertainty exists despite the fact that the National Academy of Medicine released a report titled “Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism” in 2004, where they stated “the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.” The report goes on to say that “biological mechanisms for vaccine-induced autism that have been generated to date are theoretical only.” The CDC and NIH both support the findings of this report. The doubts about there potentially being a link between vaccines and autism are perpetrated by interest groups like the National Vaccine Information Center. Judith Jolly, the director of vaccine response reporting for the NVIC, said that the group provides unbiased research about the risks of vaccines. “We provide for the consumer public comment and our concerns

in regard to vaccines. We testify when needed on vaccines,” Jolly said. The group is not satisfied with the studies done on autism like the one done by the National Academy of Medicine. “They might look at one vaccine and then give a blanket statement that there is no link between vaccines and autism and other things. They have not done an actual study that compares completely unvaccinated children to vaccinated children,” Jolly said. Executive Director Theresa Wrangham has a daughter who was diagnosed with autism around the time Wrangham became a parent advocate. This is the case with many of the parents involved with the NVIC. Charles Stoecker is a health economist who is an assistant professor in the Tulane University School of Public Health. After taking a post doctorate course at the CDC, he narrowed his focus to studying vaccines. “Without a clear causal chain of what causes autism, people with autistic kids, they’re hurt. They’re looking around for what changed about when the kid got diagnosed with autism. Autism kind of manifests itself around the same time that kids are getting a lot of vaccine shots,” Stoecker said. The views of Jolly and the NVIC on the studies performed by the NIH differ highly from those of Frank Welch. Welch is the medical director for the state immunization

Types of Vaccines

plan for the Department of Health and Hospitals in Louisiana. He firmly believes that the Louisiana government is providing the best information possible to parents. According to Welch, parents are provided what is called a vaccination information statement, or a VIS, that discusses what a vaccine protects against, as well as any side effects from it. Doctors and nurses review the sheet with the parents and then sign a form saying that they did so. Welch also thinks people should be cautious of the studies that are not sanctioned by the government. “If we here in Louisiana were going to build another bridge across the Atchafalaya, would you run to a celebrity or would you go to a civil engineer? The same thing is true for vaccines,” Welch said. Despite the fact that philosophical vaccine exemptions are allowed in Louisiana, Welch said that the number of parents using these exemptions has remained low. Welch said he wants people to think of vaccines on a broader scale. “You’re protecting your community. So I like people to think about vaccines, and understanding the true risks and benefits of vaccines as a community responsibility,” Welch said. As for Foret, he often thinks about his daughter and the potential that she could be around unvaccinated children in the future. “It’s gonna happen, but I’d rather it not,” Foret said.

• DTP/DTaP- Diptheria, tetanus toxoids, and pertussis vaccine/diptheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine • Polio


• MMR- Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine • Varicella • HepB- Hepatitis B vaccine • PCV- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine


• Hib- Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine • Rotavirus 0

• HepA- Hepatitis A vaccine 2009






Four people at the University of California, Merced were stabbed on Wednesday, Nov. 5 when a male college student brought a hunting knife to campus. A construction worker stopped the alleged assailant by distracting the attacker, but was stabbed in the process. The construction worker was identified by the Merced Sun Star as Byron Price. The alleged assailant was shot and killed by campus police while fleeing from the University of California, Merced. Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke said Price stopped the assailant from further harming other people on the campus. “I think he prevented this first student from dying,” Warnke said during an afternoon news conference. “He didn’t go in knowing that there was a stabbing taking place. He went in thinking there was a fight.” All four of the victims are expected to make full recoveries.

Russian airliner crashes in Egypt, killing 224 A Russian jetliner crashed into the Egyptian desert, killing all 224 people aboard The flight took off from Egypt with many Russian passengers with the intent of landing in St. Petersburg. Within 23 minutes, it crashed in Northern Sinai. Multiple aviation experts have questioned if a bomb was the cause, others say it could have been faulty landing equipment. James R. Clapper, director of national intelligence, told the Associated Press, “that while there is no direct evidence of any terrorist involvement yet, it couldn’t be excluded that the plane was brought down by Islamic State extremists.” Mourners have been coming to St. Petersburg’s airport with family pictures, stuffed animals and flowers. Investigations are ongoing into what caused the crash.

President Obama discusses prison reform According to the White House, more than 2 million people are incarcerated in the U.S., and each year, 600,000 are placed back into society. This lead to President Barack Obama calling it the “cycle of incarceration.” Congress is discussing legislation for making sentences lighter on non-violent drug offenders. President Obama met with community leaders in order to discuss how change is necessary in our current society.

Animal Planet celebrities help NOLA in feral cat round up Television stars will be heading to New Orleans to take on the surplus of feral cats. New Orleans native Teleca Donachricha will be joined by Jackson Galxay, the host of “My Cat from Hell” and Tia Torres of “Pit Bulls and Parolees,” to help find new homes for around 40 cats that had been living in an empty neighborhood in Bayou Corner.


November 6, 2015




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November 6, 2015

The Maroon

Students take a stand

Loyola and the surrounding universities commemorated Take Back the Night on Thursday, Oct. 29. The ceremony began at the front of Loyola’s campus with numerous speakers during Loyola’s Horseshoe Ceremonies. Erin Shapiro gave opening remarks, and Ed Vacek, S.J., blessed the crowd. Many speakers addressed the crowd with statements of purpose prior to the keynot address. Sequoa La Joy, the keynote speaker, addressed the crowd detailing her experience with sexual assault. The crowd was then given candles to light in honor of sexual assault victims. Students, faculty and the community then proceeded to march down St. Charles Avenue and Broadway to end at Tulane’s campus. During the march, students chanted the words “yes means yes

and no means no.” Other phrases such as “break the silence, end the violence” were also chanted throughout the night. The night continued at Tulane’s Lavin-Bernick Center, where anyone was able to take the mic and share their stories on sexual assault. The 24th anniversary of Take Back the Night was recognized with week-long events that promoted awareness on sexual assault. Pictured clockwise: Students walk down St. Charles Avenue as part of the candlelight march, students march with the Take Back the Night banner, Robert Reed listens to the speakers, and Sequoa La Joy takes the mic.

(All photos by Kristen Stewart, The Maroon)

Students and faculty voice their complaints on Loyola’s Wi-Fi By Kristen Stewart @Kstewart818

Austin Rickel, music business sophomore, decided that enough was enough. To make his and the Loyola community’s frustration heard, Rickel created Loyola Students for Better Wifi, a Facebook group to protest the slow Wi-Fi. As of Nov. 4, the group had 774 members who voice their complaints and share their frustrations on a daily basis. Rickel said that the slow Wi-Fi adds to the stress of students, especially when they are trying to get school tasks done. “This Wi-Fi issue is just making this semester that much harder for students not to feel stressed. I think that’s why this is such a huge outcry for Loyola to fix it,” Rickel said. Among the students who have no-

ticed the connectivity issue is Tyler Lindsay, performance junior, who said that he’s tried both Wi-Fi connectivity and ethernet connectivity but has had problems with both. “It’s gotten worse this year from last. Watching a video for philosophy class? Nope. Trying to download a document to read for history? Nope. It’s incredibly aggravating and it hinders me from doing any and all course work that I do online. It even shut down during a quiz once. Thankfully my teacher was understanding,” Lindsay said. Not only is the Wi-Fi an inconvenience for students who are trying to get work done directly on campus, but students who are trying to reach out to others out of state or overseas. Nicole Daniel, forensic science and chemistry junior, works as a residential assistant for freshmen and says she notices the Wi-Fi negatively affecting her residents when trying

to contact home. “For those that are homesick and want to skype with family and friends, the inability to do so because of bad Wi-Fi becomes a threat to the mental and emotional well-being of the student,” Daniel said. Students aren’t the only people who are disappointed with the WiFi. Faculty are also affected by the slow connectivity. Lisa Collins, mass communication visiting professor, said the slow Wi-Fi affects class time with her students. “It’s really painful to have to stop what I’m doing to deal with the WiFi. It slows down the class, and it’s frustrating as a professor. I feel like I’m wasting my students’ time. It throws me off my train of thought when I’m trying to make a point,” Collins said. Collins said that the Internet is a teaching tool, and that the universi-

ty should make it a priority to fix it. “It’s just a bad experience for the students and that’s the bottom line. I want to be able to show my students good work. It sucks,” Collins said. Bret Jacobs, vice provost for Information Technology, said that the sluggish connection is not directly related to the school’s Wi-Fi, but the overall Internet bandwidth. Jacobs said that a spike in utilization was detected this semester, and that he contacted the Internet providers to increase bandwidth on campus. “The first phase of this increase was implemented on Oct. 27 and provided a 300 percent increase in bandwidth from one provider. After this first increase in bandwidth, we are now well under our overall bandwidth cap. The second phase of increasing our overall bandwidth is planned for completion in the next few weeks which will add similar capacity from our secondary provider,” Jacobs said.

According to Jacobs, a good solution to this would be reporting each incident that a student or faculty member may be having with the Wi-Fi. “I would like to encourage all community members to contact the Information Technology help desk to report any and all network issues. We take all calls very seriously and need everyone’s input to ensure that we provide the best services possible,” Jacobs said. As for Loyola Students for Better Wi-Fi, Rickel hopes that his group will make it clear on how serious the Wi-Fi issue really is. “It’s one thing to not be able to watch Game of Thrones at any point anywhere on campus. Wi-Fi is now an essential tool necessary for students and professors to interact and learn. This problem actually helped me realize how much we truly rely on Wi-Fi for many aspects of our college experience,” Rickel said.



November 6, 2015

Voodoo puts a spell on Halloween

Clockwise: Florence and the Machine perform at the Altar Stage (Photo by Austin Hummel). Sebastien Thibodeaux dresses up as Rainbow Dash from the show My Little Pony (Photo by Zach Brien). Deena Jakoub sings with Veridia at the Carnival Stage (Photo by Zach Brien). Mario Palmisano performs at the Altar Stage (Photo by Zach Brien). The crowd gets prepared for Joey BadA$$ and the Soul Rebels Brass Band at the Carnival Stage (Photo by Austin Hummel). Voodoo sign glows bright in the night sky in front of the Altar stage (Photo by Austin Hummel). The festival took place at the City Park festival grounds and featured over 70 artists from around New Orleans, the country and the world. Many of the attendees were in costume, as the festival fell on Halloween weekend. Photos by Zach Brien and Austin Hummel


November 6, 2015 THE MAROON


The Maroon's section of student art. Contribute at


“Sum of Parts”

Original work written by Loyola students

“Diagnosis” I wasn’t feeling well again so I went to the doctor. He told me I have a very serious case of nostalgia. I asked him if there was a treatment or if it would just go away on its own but he just patted my knee and said he’d give me a few minutes to myself.

“Diagnosis” Molly Mulroy, English writing junior

“Sum of Parts” Heather Butler, visual arts senior

SShake h a Up k p U e e U k a p h S YYour our CCareer er re a er Your

Tales of the Cocktail®, the world’s premier spirits event held annually in New Orleans, is looking for a spirited group of interns to help bring next year’s festival to life. Gain real experience in event planning and production while building your resume and showing the international cocktail industry what you’ve got. To learn more and to apply, visit


The Maroon


November 6, 2015

NOLA recycles, no waste, no problems By Emily Branan @embranan

If a local group has their way, soon New Orleans shoppers will not only have to remember their grocery lists, but also their reusable bags. No Waste NOLA, a New Orleans non-profit organization, launched its first campaign to ban single-use plastic bags in the city. Max Ciolino, president and founder of No Waste NOLA, said the idea for a citywide plastic bag ban began in his legislative drafting class at Tulane Law School. “I drafted it and I started going through the research based on it and I realized how bad plastic bags actually are for the environment and how economically ridiculous they can be,” Ciolino said. There are three layers to the plastic bag ban ordinance. The first part, according to Ciolino, is a ban on single-use plastic bags, which will eliminate 90 percent of plastic bags. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2012 that grocery stores insert a two to five cent fee into food to pay for the plastic bags, which translates to a saving of $18 to $30 if a ban goes into affect. The second layer of the ordinance is a paper bag fee. Ciolino acknowledged paper bags are not much better for the environment, but they do not pose the same problems plastic bags do. “They’re more resource intensive and they’re more chemical intensive, so a lot of bad things happen when you use a paper bag. But, they’re biodegradable so they don’t pose hazards to marine life like sea turtles,” Ciolino said. According to a memorandum issued by San Jose, California, before enacting a single-use plastic bag ban, plastic bags made up 12.2 percent of the litter in creeks and rivers in 2010. In 2012, after the ban was established, only 3.7 percent of litter in creeks and rivers were plastic bags. Bob Thomas, director of Loyola’s center for environmental communications, said he hopes the plastic bag ban prompts people to use reusable bags instead of taking a bag at the store. “I think one of the major steps forward for people in the world of being wise about resources, the sustainable world, is to be less wasteful and I just cannot stand seeing people take bags when they don’t need them. It’s just so wasteful,” Thomas said. Ciolino said the group is unsure about keeping the third layer, which would set standards for what is considered a reusable bag. He wants to prevent companies from being able to make plastic bags thicker and claim they are reusable. Ciolino reached out to the Loyola Association of Students for Sustainability and the Tulane Green Club to help spread awareness about his petition and blog. Eddy Schneider, Loyola Association of Students for Sustainability president, worked with Ciolino to get student interest at Loyola. He said he thinks a plastic bag ban is a great idea and hopes if it goes into effect, it will help the campus became more sustainable. Loyola Association of Students for Sustainability, which Ciolino helped establish while he was an undergraduate student at Loyola,

has started recycling initiatives on campus. Becca Greaney, Tulane Green Club member, said she is in support of all of the organization’s goals, but the part of No Waste NOLA’s plan she was most looking forward to is the composting. “I would love if that happened in New Orleans, even on a small scale, at our houses and at school. To have it in the city would be a huge deal,” Greaney said. After they get a citywide single-use plastic bag ban in place, Ci-

olino said No Waste NOLA wants to begin a push for citywide composting and a styrofoam ban. He is working with Council woman Susan Guidry, and Ciolino said she will hopefully sponsor the bill at least a month before Earth Day 2016, so No Waste NOLA will be able to hold an Earth Day rally around the ban. The group will be outside of Whole Foods on Magazine Street on Nov. 7 to spread awareness about their plans.


Nikki Holley and Dean Boyer, board members for No Waste NOLA, chat with people during the first social event on Sept. 10. No Waste NOLA is a non-profit organization.


November 6, 2015


FACES, continued from page 3

Alveraize Saizan shares his Loyola experience As one of the five first African American undergraduate students at Loyola, Alveraize Saizan said that he experienced quite an adjustment when he began college. “I had just come from nine years at Corpus Christi and four years at St. Augustine into this environment where, for the most part, you weren’t welcomed. It wasn’t blatant like the James Meredith experience at Ole Miss, but you could sense that it was preferred by the students and the faculty and staff that you weren’t around,” Saizan said. Though he experienced a sense of alienation at Loyola, Saizan connected with his coworker at Loyola’s library when President Kennedy was assassinated. “I do remember starting to work in the library at Loyola, and there was a young lady whose mother worked at the library. She was an incoming freshman as I was, and she was very friendly to me. We were working there when President Kennedy got shot, and I remember crying with her,” Saizan said. Saizan eventually transferred to LSUNO before going into the Vietnam War. Of his experience at Loyola, he said that it was more of a shift or change in the environment than anything.

“I wasn’t expecting peaches and cream coming from St. Aug, but it was a very different environment. For 13 years you interact and get along with people, and even if you felt everyone wasn’t for you, you felt this communal support working toward learning whereas there, that first year, I didn’t particularly feel that,” Saizan said.

Dwight Richards shares his Loyola experience Dwight Richards said that, by the time he attended Loyola, there was only a handful of black students, so consequently every black student knew each other. “It was overwhelmingly white compared to the black students there. Going to Loyola itself was a culture clash for me. I attended black schools all my life. I had gone to an all-boys black high school, very straight-laced, very studious, and when I got to Loyola, it was like a culture clash, first of all, to be around a huge body of white students,” Richards said. The small number of black students was evident, particularly in his classes, Richards said. “I could go to class all day long and never see another black student in my class,” Richards said. Richards said that seeing Loyola become a more diverse university

over the years means that what he saw take root back in 1960s and the 70s has come to fruition now. “To see that Loyola’s now one of the top schools as far as diversity’s concerned, I think it’s a great thing. I feel, in some small way, that I was a part of that in the formation of those things back in my school years so I’m happy to see those ideas have taken root and have grown to this point now,” Richards said.

Carolyn Le shares her Xavier experience Carolyn Le, chemistry and history student at Xavier University, said that her experience as a minority student has been average. “There are times where I feel our Vietnamese Association priorities as an Asian association are overlooked, but as far as I know, it’s trying to get changed,” Le said. Le said that she gets the same privileges as everyone else in the school and that she is treated fairly. “Xavier is actually trying to improve in terms of diversity. The Vietnamese Association is much more active and bringing more awareness to Asian culture,” Le said.





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Steve Barbre shares his Tulane experience Steve Barbre, who attended Tulane from 1965-1968, said that it was Tulane’s local and national reputation that originally drew him to attend the institution, but that when he got there, his experience was mixed. “I was looking forward to a positive experience. But once we arrived, we began to see that while things were in most aspects desegregated, there was still a residue of segregation,” Barbre said. Barbre said that the director of admissions at the time, Cliff Wing, initially put the school on the road to diversity. “He increased undergraduate enrollment from two students the class entered in 1963 to probably about 30 students plus by the time I entered in 1965. But Wing left that year, he left in 1965 to take a position at Harvard, and other people succeeded him, but I don’t think they really pushed to increase black enrollment the way he did,” Barbre said. Though Tulane was an integrated university by the time Barbre arrived, issues of discrimination were evident. “In terms of accommodations, many of the students lived on campus, but black students sometimes had this experience that if they

were assigned a roommate who was white, that person might not stay,” Barbre said. “Now in most instances, that was not true, but there was always a possibility that someone would elect not to live with a black student merely for that reason, that they did not want a black roommate.” Barbre said that many black students began to look around and see that these same situations prevailed across the country, and that it wasn’t just Tulane. “In many ways, there was too much of a residue of segregation at Tulane to make it the place that it should have been back then, but I think the school probably learned from that and tried to do things subsequently to become more diverse,” Barbre said.

“I could go to class all day long and never see another black student in my class” — Dwight Richards began at Loyola in 1969



November 6, 2015 THE MAROON


LUCAP to host movie screenings

Religious Americans keep faith amid secularization NEW YORK (AP) — A newlyreleased survey finds the 77 percent of American adults who continue to identify with a faith group have largely stayed as religiously engaged as they were in 2007. The Pew Research Center’s findings are based in part on a 2014 telephone survey of more than 35,000 people. It found two-thirds of religiously affiliated adults said faith was very important to them and they prayed daily, nearly unchanged from 2007, the last time Pew conducted its U.S. Religious Landscape Study. About six in 10 said they attend worship services at least once or twice a month, a rate similar to the earlier study. But a higher percentage say they regularly read scripture, participate in small prayer or study groups and share their faith with others. In an initial release of data last May, Pew researchers found that the 23 percent of Americans who don’t affiliate with a religion have become the second-largest group in total numbers behind evangelicals, at 25 percent.

By Sidney Holmes @sidneymajee

The Loyola University Community Action Program started a new series of events where they show films to reflect their service projects. LUCAP’s project leaders came up with this new series of screenings as a way to show people what each of their projects represents through movies. The first screening was for LUCAP’s Hunger Relief project. Alexa Bilich, Hunger Relief project leader, chose to show the documentary “When the Leeves Broke.” The documentary is about the impact that the flood of Hurricane Katrina had on the city. Bilich said she chose this documentary because it’s important to the people of New Orleans. “I chose this film because it showed how the people of New Orleans were directly affected by Hurricane Katrina, how it caused so many New Orleanians to become homeless and how the storm tragically affected their lives,” Bilich said. Students who attended the screening said that they enjoyed it. Cecelia Tran, New Orleans native, said that the film showed a perspective of the storm that she didn’t experience. “My family evacuated during the storm, and this documentary showed me what it was like for people who stayed in New Orleans,” Tran said. Bilich said that there was a great turn out to their first showing. “We had about 25 people show up. It was our first showing though, so I hope that more continue to show up as the semester goes on,” Bilich said. Natalia Diaz, Best Buddies project leader, showed a documentary called “Monica & David,” which is about a couple with Down Syndrome. Some students have given good feedback to the new project, like Mollie Johnson, music industry sophomore. “I work with the Best Buddies project a lot, so it’s nice to see the project getting the recognition that it doesn’t normally get,” Johnson said. LUCAP has 11 active organizations. Bilich said that each LUCAP project will get their own screening. Naasha Dotiwala, political science junior, said the screenings will last for entire school year. “The screenings are being held each in celebration of LUCAP’s 40th anniversary. The goal is to promote our projects and create awareness of difficulties that people face in their daily lives,” Dotiwala said. The upcoming screenings for this semester include, “Define America”, scheduled to be screened on Nov. 18 and “Amour”, to be screened on Dec. 2. All movie screenings will be held at 7 p.m. in Miller Hall 114.

Police arrest 2 men in vandalism of Boston-area mosque


An Indian woman colors earthen lamps ahead of Diwali festival in Jammu, India, Tuesday, Nov. 3, (top). People buy these lamps to decorate their homes during the annual Hindu festival of lights, which will be celebrated on Nov. 11. Festival street decorations light the roadways as many thousands throng the area during celebrations for the Hindu festival of Diwali, attracting a crowd of thousands in Leicester, England, Sunday, Nov. 1, (bottom).

Diwali:The Festival of Lights Hindus around the world will celebrate Diwali on Nov. 11 By Jamal Melancon and Zayn Abidin & @Jam_M_Mel & zayn_maroon

Diwali, often referred to as the Festival of Lights, is an annual fiveday Hindu festival, which is going to be celebrated this month across the world. Spiritually, it celebrates light’s victory over darkness and the main festival night takes place on a new moon in the Hindu month of Kartika. The festival is celebrated in many different ways over the five days. Some people perform rituals, play games imitating Gods, fast and feast, light lamps and set off fireworks, as well as exchange presents with loved ones.

According to Guy Beck, religious studies professor, Diwali is similar to Christmas in Hindu culture, as both are mostly celebrated at homes. “It differs from other Hindu festivals in that there is no parade or loud public gatherings: it is mostly domestic, yet Indian communities outside of India get together in public to celebrate,” Beck said. Diwali celebrations in the home include inviting the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, to bring blessings on the first day. As well as lining up lamps in houses to mark the way back home for the protagonist Rama in the Hindu epic Ramayana on the fourth day. Akash Desai, public health senior and president of Indian association at Tulane university, said that lighting candles at home with the diyas, which are clay pots that hold the candles in them, is the typical thing to do during Diwali. “For me the festival is interesting, because it is the festival of lights so I think of it as also the festival of

knowledge because every year you grow a little bit older and I feel like in college especially, you definitely look at the idea of knowledge in a different way, so I think looking at the things that light up my life each year is kind of how I interpret it,” Desai said. Divya Samtani, accounting senior, said she celebrates Diwali with extended family and since the festival is dedicated to the Goddess Lakshmi, that’s who her entire family prays to. “One tradition that our family has is buying something new, usually kitchenware. As for religious tradition, we perform a normal prayer which is pretty similar to any other prayer performed in the Hindu religion,” Samtani said. Desai added that the Indian association of Tulane University will be hosting a Diwali celebration event on Nov. 14 at Pontchartrain Landing. The event will include cultural performances, food and dancing.

BURLINGTON, Mass. (AP) — Police have arrested two 18-yearold men who allegedly vandalized a mosque in the Boston suburb of Burlington. Cameron Cappella and Derrik Demone, both of Burlington, are each charged with malicious destruction of property over $250 and tagging property. Police were called to the Islamic Center of Burlington Sunday after the vandalism was discovered. “U.S.A.” was written multiple times with red spray paint on the outside of the building. Several eggs had been thrown at the building. Cappella and Demone were arrested Monday after police received several leads from the community. It was not immediately clear whether the men had retained lawyers. The Massachusetts chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Sunday that the graffiti reflects a growing sentiment that Muslims are not “real” Americans.

Farm animals in demand for Nativity scenes BERRY, Ky. (AP) — Some farmers have extra reason to rejoice at Christmas: Tis the season for renting out animals for live Nativity scenes and other holiday events. Megan Powell, the event coordinator at Honey Hill Farm, a mobile petting zoo with locations in Kentucky and Ohio, says renting animals for Christmas programs helps pay for their food and upkeep and has been a huge growth area for the business. Powell says Honey Hill works with dozens of churches, schools and businesses to provide sheep, donkeys and goats for live Nativity scenes. Many churches also ask for camels, but few petting zoos and traditional farms raise them.


November 6, 2015 The Maroon


Sports briefs Men’s basketball defeats Carver College in overtime thriller After a 21 point victory over Webber International, the Wolf Pack’s success continued when they took on Carver College in the Den on Friday, Oct. 30. The contest saw 19 lead changes and a tie score after the regulation buzzer sounded. Junior guard, Jalen Gray, used his clutch free throw shooting to help seal the deal in overtime as the Wolf Pack went on to win 90-85. Gray finished with 28 points, eight rebounds and five assists. Fellow guard, Johnny Griffin, secured a double-double despite his limited play as he notched 12 points and 10 rebounds. Freshman guard Tre’Von Jasmine also recorded a double-double with 17 points and 10 rebounds off the bench. Loyola returns to the court on Nov. 9 to take on Xavier University on the road at 7:00 p.m.

ZACH BRIEN / The Maroon

Jalen Gray, finance junior, rises for a one-handed dunk during an afternoon practice in the Den. Gray will be one of the remaining veterans on the team that the young players will look to lead them this season.

Men’s basketball looks to increase young talent By Kameron Hay @_Kam_Hay

A year ago, the men’s basketball team made significant strides as a unit. This season, they have a chance to further their progress as a formidable team in their respective conference. The men’s basketball team will have a different look and feel compared to years past, with more length, speed, and athleticism on the perimeter. With the influx of freshman and transfers on to the team, Stacy Hollowell, head coach, believes he has the athletes to play an up and down brand of basketball this season. “I love the group that we brought in, we’ve got six freshman and two transfers, brought some length and

athleticism, we’ll be a little bit different than we were last year,” Hollowell said. Tre’Von Jasmine is one of those athletic freshmen that Hollowell will be depending on this season. Jasmine is a second generation player at Loyola, with his father Yussef Jasmine having played at Loyola and been inducted into the Wolf Pack Athletics Hall of Fame in 2010. Jasmine’s main goal is team success. He believes the individual accolades will come later. “By the end of the season I hope to accomplish our team goal of winning the conference and for us to grow as a better team and family. Also helping to lead my team to a championship,” Jasmine said. With the graduation of four senior contributors from last season’s team and six freshman joining the

team, there is a leadership void left on the team. Junior guard Jalen Gray has stepped up and assumed the leadership role for this coming season. “I’m definitely being more vocal, especially in practice with the younger guys, just letting them know every day you have to come and work hard so you can produce on the court,” Gray said. But the main goal for this season according to Hollowell is maintaining good health for the team and avoiding injuries. “Teams win and lose based on who they have healthy late and last year we had 10 guys injured late, so hopefully we can stay healthy and finish strong,” Hollowell said. If the men’s basketball team’s new faces can mesh with the returning players, along with staying healthy,

they could be primed for a breakout season. The Pack will take on Gulf Coast opponent Xavier University on the road on Nov. 9.

upcoming games Xavier University New Orleans, Louisiana @ 7:30 p.m.

University of El paso El Paso, Texas @ 8:00 p.m.

Spring Hill College THE DEN @ 7:00 p.m.

Faulkner University THE DEN @ 4:00 p.m.

Injuries and inconsistent play plague quidditch team By Alena Cover @alena_cover

The quidditch team has suffered some serious injuries to key players this season. While it will pose challenges moving forward, the team feels confident they will be able to make the necessary adjustments. The team has played in two tournaments so far and Keevy Narcisse, head coach, is happy with the team’s performance so far. “One of our strengths is that we have a lot of experience. We’re just getting into our groove now, and we can still improve on working together as a team, and getting the chemistry down,” Narcisse said. Because of the team’s deep roster, Narcisse has been able to find players to step into the roles of the injured players until they get back on their feet. He feels it’s fortunate that the team is a supportive environment, where the injured players can be sure that their teammates

won’t think they are letting the team down, but rather understand that it’s important to let their injuries heal. “We take injuries very seriously. We make sure everyone gets the proper medical attention. It’s about personal health before the game. Because we have had experience with injuries in the past, and people have stepped away, there’s not a stigma,”Narcisse said. Though the team may not be where they were last season, only time will tell before the Pack can make a run in the season’s final tournament. Sian Hairston, team captain, believes that there is still work to be done as a unit. “Seeing where we started at the beginning of the semester, we’ve definitely done a lot better. We hit a couple snags, but we’re on the right track now. Looking back at where we were last season, we definitely have a long way to go,” Hairston said. With the injuries and the growing chemistry of the team, Hairston is a

bit uncertain of where the team will end up in the final tournament of the season. “It’s definitely not too early to say, but I just really don’t know what’s gonna happen. We have some favorable matchups in the next tournament, but I am confident that we won’t drop out,” Hairston said. And like Narcisse, Hairston also says that one of the priorities going forward is not only health but team chemistry. “When it comes down to it you can be as big and as fast as you want to be, but on the pitch, if you don’t have that chemistry or that flow, things will slowly fall apart. You see that with a lot of teams. We have to have general team bonding,” Hairston said. The team will look to put their chemistry to the test as they hit the road to participate in the Renegade Cup in Tallahassee, Florida on Nov. 7.

Women’s basketball team upset by Dillard University Despite holding the Bleu Devils to just 38 percent shooting from the floor, the Wolf Pack fell inside The Battlefield 68-73 in the cross-town rivalry. In a tightly contested match that came down to the final minutes, Dillard ended the game hitting sixof-eight free throws to complete the upset 73-68. Senior guard Briana Oglesby led Loyola with 19 points on 6-of-11 shooting. Sophomore guard Zoie Miller finished with 14 points, five assists and six rebounds. Additionally, junior forward Meghan Temple collected a double-double (12 points and 11 rebounds) in the loss. The Wolf Pack returns to action on Nov. 7 to take on Concordia College in Selma, Alabama at 4:30 p.m.

Xavier spoils Senior Night with a 3-2 win over the Wolf Pack Down 2-0, the Wolf Pack battled back to tie the score at 2-2 before eventually falling to the Gold Nuggets 15-12 in the fifth set to give the visitors a 3-2(21-25,25-27,25-22,2520,12-15) victory. Senior Eva Allen recorded a double-double to lead the Wolf Pack, collecting a team-high 19 kills to go along with 15 digs. Freshman Maddie Huekels dished out a career-high 42 assists and Freshman Allison Hartmann added 12 kills. Additionally, senior Breanna Stevenson had a game-high three service aces to go along with 10 digs in the loss. Loyola returns to action on Nov. 6 at Dalton State with the game set for 7:00 p.m.

Kansas City Royals win second World Series Title

ZACH BRIEN/ The Maroon

Oliver Blackstone, music industry sophomore, trying to stay on his feet during a tournament at Tulane University. The team is looking to improve chemistry.

For the first time in 30 years, the Kansas City Royals claim a World Series Title with a 7-2 victory over the Mets. The team defeated the Mets 4-1 en route to their second title as a franchise. Salvador Perez was named MVP of the series.

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