Encontrando a Dios: Nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios

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Encontrando a

Grades 1–6

Our Response to God’s Gifts

Grados 1–6



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Encontrando a

Conoce tu fe. Crece en la fe. Vive con fe. Encontrando a Dios: Nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios es un programa bilingüe de formación en la fe que fomenta una relación con Dios de por vida. Provee conocimiento auténtico y completo de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia católica. Al educar de manera integral —mente, corazón, cuerpo y alma— Encontrando a Dios desarrolla discípulos devotos a Jesús en el mundo. Inspirado en la vida y obra de san Ignacio de Loyola, el enfoque ignaciano de Encontrando a Dios: nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios invita a todo aquel que viva la experiencia de este programa a reconocer la presencia de Dios en los sacramentos y en sus comunidades de fe, a distinguir la presencia divina en las experiencias con la creación de Dios, y en su vida como personas para los demás. El Subcomité para el Catecismo ha encontrado Encontrando a Dios: nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios en conformidad con el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.

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Our Response to God’s Gifts

Know your Faith. Grow in Faith. Go in Faith. Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is a bilingual faith formation program that fosters a lifelong relationship with God and knowledge of the full and authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. By engaging the whole person—mind, heart, body, and soul— Finding God develops devoted disciples of Jesus in the world. Inspired by the life and work of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the Ignatian approach of Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts invites all who experience the program to recognize the presence of God in the sacraments and in their communities of faith, and realize the presence of God in their experiences of God’s creation and in their lives as people for others. Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Subcommittee on the Catechism.


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Componentes del programa Nuestra fe debe vivirse en nuestros hogares, en nuestras escuelas, en nuestros trabajos y en nuestras comunidades. Encontrando a Dios: Nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios es un programa bilingüe de formación en la fe que invita a los niños y a sus padres a una nueva manera de vivir su relación con Dios, la familia, la comunidad y el mundo. Este programa integral provee una doctrina profunda, las Sagradas Escrituras, la Tradición y la oración a través de actividades que hacen de estas lecciones esenciales parte de una práctica de fe de por vida. Libro del niño La verdad y la belleza de la fe católica se comparten mediante la oración, las Sagradas Escrituras, relatos, artículos, canciones, ilustraciones y experiencias personales. Guía del catequista Cada guía incluye una base catequética completa, planificación explícita, material de apoyo que se presenta paso a paso y actividades adicionales. Exploring Faith Through


Exploración de la fe a través del arte Con un total de 25 láminas por una caballete, cada complementa páginas del Libro del niño, contiene instrucciones en inglés para el catequista y está rebozado de arte, actividades que apelan a la experiencia personal y oración. Las instrucciones en español aparecen en la Guía del catequista. Las instrucciones en inglés aparecen en el reverso de cada lámina (18 x 24 pulgs.). Set de pósteres Los pósteres, impresos solo en inglés, incluyen



temas relevantes para cada grado y hermosas imágenes (17 x 22 pulgs.).

Teaching the Catholic Faith Through Artwork, Experience, and Prayer

Guía de introducción para el director del programa Es fácil comenzar con una planificación clara, concisa y detallada paso a paso para la implementación del programa. G u ía

p a ra el d ir ec to r d el p ro g ra m a

Guiones y CD de música y narraciones en inglés Los guiones dramatizados de relatos de las Sagradas Escrituras hacen que la Biblia cobre vida; las reflexiones guían a los niños a vivir una vida en oración. Las canciones reflejan la diversidad y unidad de la Iglesia católica. Los discos están grabados solo en inglés. Los guiones en español de los relatos bíblicos y las meditaciones aparecen en la Guía del catequista.

Our Response to God’s Gifts




CD 1: SPOKEN WORD Scripture Stories 1. The Rich Young Man 2. Jesus Calls Peter 3. Jesus and the Roman Officer 4. Philip and the Court Official 5. Jesus Is Tempted

Guided Reflections 6. The Lord’s Prayer 7. Kingdom of God 8. Faith in Jesus

Our Response to God’s Gifts

9. Our Gifts from God 10. Hold Them in Your Heart P



See last page of this file: 1889-7 ALL CD DONUTS NEED WHITE FLOOD CD 2: MUSIC 1. Song of Love 2. Song of Love (Instrumental) 3. All You Works of God 4. All You Works of God (Instrumental) 5. Here I Am, God 6. Here I Am, God (Instrumental) 7. Come, O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo 8. Come, O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (Instrumental) 9. Holy Is Your Name 10. Holy Is Your Name (Instrumental) 11. I Say “Yes,” Lord / Digo “Sí,” Señor 12. I Say “Yes,” Lord / Digo “Sí,” Señor (Instrumental) 13. Peace Walk 14. Peace Walk (Instrumental) 15. What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? 16. What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? (Instrumental) 17. Reflective Music 18. Reflective Music



© 2013 Loyola Press

See last page of this file: ALL CD DONUTS NEED WHITE FLOOD

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© 2013 Loyola Press

FindingGod.com tomo en cuenta a toda la comunidad de fe. Los directores de educación religiosa, directores de escuelas, catequistas y maestros deben inscribirse en línea para tener acceso a los materiales, como las evaluaciones que se han asegurado en el sitio.

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Program Components Our faith is meant to be lived out in our homes, at our schools, in our jobs, and in our communities. Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is a bilingual faith formation program that invites children and their parents into a new way of living in relationship with God, family, community, and the world. This comprehensive program provides sound doctrine, Scripture, Tradition, and prayer through activities that make these essential lessons part of a lifelong practice of faith. Children’s Book The truth and beauty of the Catholic faith is shared through prayer, Scripture, story, article, song, illustration, and experience.

Catechist Guide Each guide includes complete catechetical background, clear plans, step-by-step support, and additional activities.

Exploring Faith Through Art Comprised of 25 prints per easel, each Art Print accompanies Children’s Book pages, has catechist instructions, and is brimming with fine art, experiential activities, and prayer. Spanish instructions are in the Catechist Guide. English instructions are on the easel. (18 x 24 in.)

Exploring Faith Through


Poster Set Spanish and English posters at every grade level include relevant topics and beautiful visuals. (17 x 22 in.)



Teaching the Catholic Faith Through Artwork, Experience, and Prayer

Director Quick-Start Guide It’s easy to begin with clear, concise plans for step-by-step program implementation.

Scripts and English Spoken Word and Music CDs Dramatized scripts of Scripture stories bring the Bible to life; meditations mentor children to live a life of prayer. Songs reflect the diversity and unity of the Catholic Church. (English only.)

G u ía

p a ra el d ir ec to r d el p ro g ra m a

ONLINE SUPPORT FindingGod.com has the entire faith community in mind. To access secured materials such as assessments, directors of religious education, principals, catechists, and teachers should register online.

Our Response to God’s Gifts




CD 1: SPOKEN WORD Scripture Stories 1. The Rich Young Man

2. Jesus Calls Peter

4. Philip and the Court Official

3. Jesus and the Roman Officer 5. Jesus Is Tempted

Guided Reflections 6. The Lord’s Prayer

7. Kingdom of God 8. Faith in Jesus

Our Response to God’s Gifts 9. Our Gifts from God P

10. Hold Them in Your Heart

© 2013 Loyola Press



See last page of this file: 1889-7 ALL CD DONUTS NEED WHITE FLOOD CD 2: MUSIC 1. Song of Love 2. Song of Love (Instrumental) 3. All You Works of God 4. All You Works of God (Instrumental) 5. Here I Am, God 6. Here I Am, God (Instrumental) 7. Come, O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo 8. Come, O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (Instrumental) 9. Holy Is Your Name 10. Holy Is Your Name (Instrumental) 11. I Say “Yes,” Lord / Digo “Sí,” Señor 12. I Say “Yes,” Lord / Digo “Sí,” Señor (Instrumental) 13. Peace Walk 14. Peace Walk (Instrumental) 15. What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? 16. What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? (Instrumental) 17. Reflective Music 18. Reflective Music P


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© 2013 Loyola Press

See last page of this file: ALL CD DONUTS NEED WHITE FLOOD




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Libro del niño

Childrens’ Book

Presentación de la unidad Cada unidad

Unit Opener

Each unit opens with a saint whose holy life and response to God’s love reflect the unit theme.

comienza con un santo, cuya vida en santidad y respuesta al amor de Dios reflejan el tema de dicha unidad.

Participar Cada sesión comienza de manera natural: con la propia vida del niño.


Explorar Los niños profundizan en su conocimiento de la fe católica a medida que leen, comentan, experimentan y rezan. Abundan las actividades, de manera que los niños puedan anotar sus reflexiones y aprendizaje.


Each session begins at a natural starting point— the child’s own life.

Children deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith as they read, discuss, experience, and pray. Activities abound so that children can record their reflections and learning.

Removing the Thorn

Explorar más

Explore Further

Un elemento fundamental de cada sesión es la lámina de arte con enfoque en la fe y los temas de la sesión, mediante la cual los niños pueden explorar más el contenido catequético.

Integral to each session, children further explore catechetical content as it relates to the Art Print faith focus and the session themes.

P. J. Crook, 2007. AR T PR I NT 7



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Varias formas de oración estimulan a los niños a tener una relación personal con Dios. Se invita los niños a expresar sus pensamientos e ideas como otra manera de reflexionar.



Los niños repasan los dones de Dios y rezan para expresar gratitud por recibirlos. Se invita las familias a vivir su fe mediante experiencias, conversaciones y oraciones que enriquecen sus vidas.

Respond Children review and pray in gratitude for God’s gifts. Families are invited to live their faith through lifeenriching experiences, discussions, and prayers.

Sesiones de los tiempos litúrgicos

Liturgical Sessions

Para concluir cada unidad, estas sesiones resaltan la misa y el cómo y el porqué de las celebraciones del año litúrgico.

Concluding each unit, these sessions highlight the Mass and how and why we celebrate throughout the liturgical year.



Various forms of prayer draw children into a personal relationship with God. Children are invited to express thoughts and ideas as another way to reflect.

El año en nuestra Iglesia Las sesiones de los tiempos litúrgicos ofrecen opciones para aprender más sobre el año litúrgico. Glosario Un amplio glosario ofrece aún más apoyo. Oraciones y prácticas Los niños pueden ampliar su aprendizaje con esta referencia que incluye oraciones, Tradición y creencias católicas.

The Year in Our Church Seasonal sessions provide options for learning more about the liturgical year. Glossary An extensive Glossary provides further support. Prayers and Practices Children can extend learning with this reference to Catholic prayers, Tradition, and beliefs.


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Guía del catequista

Catechist Guide

Preparacion catequética

Catechist Preparation



Al comienzo de cada unidad se presenta a los catequistas el tema de la unidad, una descripción de cada sesión y el santo de la unidad.

To begin each unit, catechists are introduced to the unit theme, session descriptions, and the unit-opener saint.

Retiro/ Contexto

Retreat/ Background

Al comienzo de cada sesión se invita a los catequistas a rezar a modo de preparación. Luego, leen la información que se ofrece para adquirir más contexto sobre las Escrituras, la Tradición y la catequesis que los niños van a recibir.

To begin each session, catechists are invited to pray in preparation. Then they read to gain background knowledge in Scripture, Tradition, and the catechesis that children will experience.

Planificación de una sesión de una hora

One-Hour Session Planner

Este fácil y práctico plan para las lecciones de una hora ofrece una guía para que el catequista imparta la sesión.

This easy-to-follow, one-hour lesson plan guides catechists to implement the session.


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Antes de adentrarse en la página, se guían a los catequistas a que profundicen en el conocimiento previo de los niños y que establezcan el contexto con introducciones entretenidas y activas.



Los catequistas guían a los niños por el contenido esencial de la página mediante la interacción a base de preguntas, conversaciones y demostraciones.


Se resume o se amplía el contenido a medida que concluye la página.

Connect Catechists lead children through the core content on the page, questioning, discussing, demonstrating, and interacting along the way.

Hojas maestras en blanco Muchas de las actividades de Si hay tiempo están relacionadas con una serie de hojas maestras en blanco que aparecen al final de cada Guía del catequista.


Blackline Masters

Close Content is wrapped up or expanded on as instruction for the page is closed.

Many If Time Allows activities are tied to a series of Blackline Masters found in the back of each Catechist Guide.


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Begin Before jumping into the page, catechists are guided to tap children’s prior knowledge and build background with fun, active openings.





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Explorando la fe a través del arte

Exploring Faith Through Art

Caballetes de láminas de arte

Art Print Easel

La lámina de arte de cada sesión coincide con el tema de la sesión. Las pinturas, esculturas, vitrales y otras formas de artes visuales de distintas eras, estimulan la imaginación a la vez que reflejan las ideas y temas católicos. El sólido caballete mide 18 x 24 pulgadas.

Each session Art Print coincides with the session theme. Paintings, sculpture, stained glass, and other forms of visual art from a variety of eras spark the imagination as they reflect Catholic themes and ideas. The sturdy easel stands 18 x 24 inches.

Removing the Thorn

Display the Art Print

Muestre la Lámina de arte

This step in the Catechist Guide directs catechists to display and use the session Art Print.

Este paso de la Guía del catequista dirige a los catequistas a mostrar y utilizar la lámina de arte de la sesión. P. J. Crook, 2007.

El caballete real mide 24 pulgadas de alto.



Actual easel stands 24 inches tall.

Página de actividades

Activity Page

Después de comentar la obra de arte, los catequistas guían a los niños por un contenido relacionado con la lámina que fomenta aún más el aprendizaje. Cada lámina de arte está apoyada con una página de actividades en el Libro del niño.

After discussing the artwork, catechists lead children through related content that furthers their learning. Each Art Print is supported by an activity page in the Children’s Book.


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Instrucciones en español en la Guía del catequista

English Instruction on the Back of Each Art Print Removing the Thorn

GraDe 4, Unit 2, session 7

1 Begin

Faith Focus: Saint Jerome is an example of someone who practiced the Beatitudes.

After completing page 41 in the Children’s Book, display the Art Print.



Explain that Saint Jerome is an example of someone who practiced the Beatitudes. Retell the story of Jerome and the lion. Name ways to practice the Beatitudes.

Art•i•facts St. Jerome, Removing the Thorn is acrylic on canvas with a painted wood frame. It depicts Saint Jerome removing a thorn from a lion’s paw. In the ancient world, removing a thorn from a lion’s paw was a well-known technique for taming lions.

For your convenience, the Children’s Book page is reproduced below.




Art Print 7 is an image of a man taking a risk by removing a thorn from a lion’s paw. How does following the Beatitudes sometimes require taking risks?

Saint Jerome and the Lion Jesus gave us the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. When we choose to practice the Beatitudes, we choose to follow God’s plan for us. Saint Jerome is an example of someone who chose to practice the Beatitudes. Jerome was born in the fourth century in a country that is now Croatia. After he spent time studying Hebrew and Greek, the pope asked him to translate the Bible into Latin, a language that many people knew. Many pieces of art show Jerome working while a lion rests nearby. This image is inspired by a legend that is often told about the saint. One day a lion came limping to Jerome. The lion’s paw had a thorn in it. Jerome removed the thorn and bandaged the paw. The lion was grateful and chose to stay and live at the monastery with Jerome and the other monks.

Curios•y•arte Esta sección ofrece información sobre la técnica o el tema principal de la obra de arte.

Conectar Esta sección ayuda a los catequistas a guiar a los niños por la página de actividades que aparece en el Libro del niño; con el fin de que comprendan mejor el enfoque de la fe que se presenta en la lámina de arte y cómo se relaciona con la sesión. Las páginas del Libro del niño también aparecen en línea para una referencia fácil y su reproducción.

Invite children to reflect on the artwork and to pray a silent prayer asking God to help them build up God’s kingdom by making good choices, even when doing so requires risk.

2 Connect Have children turn to page 235 in their books. Read aloud the introduction and discuss the question. Invite a volunteer to read aloud the heading and the first paragraph. Ask: What did Jesus give us in the Sermon on the Mount? (the Beatitudes) What do we choose when we choose to practice the Beatitudes? (to follow God’s plan for us) What is Saint Jerome an example of? (someone who chose to practice the Beatitudes) Invite a volunteer to read aloud the second paragraph. Ask: What two languages did Jerome study? (Hebrew and Greek) What did the pope ask Jerome to do? (translate the Bible into Latin) Say: During Jerome’s time the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, languages that most people didn’t know. By translating the Bible into Latin, Jerome helped others be able to read it in their own language. Read aloud the third paragraph. Ask volunteers to summarize the story of Jerome and the lion. Ask: What does this story tell us about Jerome? (Possible answers: He was merciful. He cared for God’s creation. He was brave. He was willing to take risks.) Read aloud Practice the Beatitudes. Give children time to complete the activity.

Reading God's Word After reading aloud the feature, explain that we have clean hearts when we choose to worship God and to follow his plan for us. Say: God blesses all those who work to build up his kingdom. If TIme Allows

If time allows, complete one or more of the activities below.

Practice the Beatitudes

Story in the Round Ask children to sit in a large circle. Explain that everyone will work together to retell the story of Jerome and the lion. Begin with the following starter: Long ago there lived a man named Jerome. Go around the circle and invite each child to add a sentence to the story. As they share their sentence, encourage children to pantomime actions that illustrate what they are saying. After the story is complete, say: We can practice the Beatitudes by following Saint Jerome’s example. time: 10–15 minutes materials: none

Expression: Art Studio Living the Beatitudes After distributing art supplies, ask each child to draw a picture of himself or herself practicing the Beatitudes. Encourage children to caption their artwork. Invite volunteers to share their completed drawings.

Reading God’s Word ©

Comenzar Los catequistas utilizan estas instrucciones para dirigir la conversación de los niños sobre la obra de arte. Esta sección termina con una oración.

Book page 235


10–30 minutes

Expression: Movement

Recall how Saint Jerome cared for the lion. Write how he practiced the Beatitudes through his action.

Sobre el artista Se proporcionan datos biográficos sobre cada artista como información para el catequista y temas para comentar.

Art Print

Ask: What do you see in this image? (a person holding a lion’s paw, a sheep, a dove) Say: The man is removing a thorn from a lion’s paw. Ask: What does this say about the man? (Possible answers: He is brave. He is willing to take risks.) Say: We are called to be Jesus’ followers and to build up God’s kingdom by making good choices. Sometimes this requires that we take risks. Ask: What risks have you taken to do the right thing? (Accept reasonable responses.)

About the Artist P. J. Crook is a British painter who has a strong following in England, France, and America. She is known for pieces that are as large as 50 inches by 70 inches to pieces that are as small as 10 inches by 10 inches. Her work is frequently done in acrylic on canvas or corrugated wood support, which gives it a three-dimensional effect. She is known for including the theme of crowd interaction in her paintings.


mate r ials ▶▶ Removing the Thorn

▶▶ Children’s

Briefly introduce and discuss the artwork, using information from About the Artist and Artifacts.




CateChist DireCtions

Catechist Guide page 41

How good God is to the upright, the Lord, to those who are clean of heart! www.findinggod.com

time: 25–30 minutes materials: art supplies Psalm 73:1 Grade 4 • Unit 2 • Session 7

About the Artist Provided for catechist background and discussion, biographical information is presented for each artist. Art•i•facts This feature provides information about the artwork’s medium or main theme.


Catechists use these instructions to lead children in a discussion of the artwork. This section ends with prayer.

Connect This section helps catechists lead children through the activity page in the Children’s Book to deepen their understanding of the Art Print faith focus as it relates to the session. The children’s pages are also found online for easy reference and reproduction.

Sección Si hay tiempo

If Time Allows Features

Si hay tiempo, los catequistas pueden utilizar una o más de las siguientes actividades para ayudar a los niños a reflexionar y expresar sus ideas y su comprensión: • Estudio de arte • Movimiento • Usando la imaginación • Música en la oración

If time allows, catechists can use one or more of the following activities to help children reflect and express their ideas and understanding: • Art Studio • Movement • Using Imagination • Music in Prayer


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Encontrando a Grados 1–6

Grades 1–6

Our Response to God’s Gifts

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