I m p r i m at u r In accordance with c. 827, permission to publish is granted on November 13, 2012 to Rev. Msgr. John F. Canary, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Permission to publish is an official declaration of ecclesiastical authority that the material is free from doctrinal and moral error. No legal responsibility is assumed by the grant of this permission.
Catholic Vacation Bible School is an expression of the work of Loyola Press, a ministry of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus. Excerpts from the New American Bible, revised edition, copyright © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reprinted without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Author: Marian Bach Supervising Editor: Ron Watson Contributing Writer/Editor: Pamela Jennett Editors: Diane Gonciarz, Beth Renaldi Catechetical Staff: Jeanette L. Graham, M.A. Cover Design: Jill Arena Cover and Interior Illustrations: Norm Bendell Interior Design: Loyola Press and Think Bookworks ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-3769-0 ISBN-10: 0-8294-3769-X Copyright © 2014 Marian Bach All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
3441 N. Ashland Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60657 (800) 621-1008 www.loyolapress.com www.ignatianspirituality.com www.other6.com
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Welcome T
here are times when we search for that which adds meaning not only to our own lives, but also to the lives of others. There are times when that meaningful something comes to us, and all we can do is accept and say yes. As a young director of faith formation, I was asked by Sister Maria to “do” Vacation Bible School. I was frightened, but I chose to jump in with both feet anyway. In the early 1990s, I began doing an original Catholic version of VBS—and have continued ever since. This daunting proposition turned out to be more meaningful than I could have ever imagined. Over the years, I’ve seen a wonderful “church” in the making—people coming together in the name of God, to be of service to others, young and old alike, pitching in with time and materials. It is marvelous to see how people of all ages, all backgrounds, and with varied interests can come together to build something out of nothing. Facilitating Catholic VBS has been a journey filled with wonderful surprises. Hundreds of kids, along with many volunteers, have helped me throughout this journey. To this day, they tell me what they remember—the Scripture stories, the songs, and most importantly, the Catholic messages that guide them on their faith journeys. It is my hope that these themes will inspire and invite today’s CVBS leaders to “do” Vacation Bible School, using their own untapped wealth of creativity and imagination.
Contents Overview
Theme 1: Playing on God’s Team
Theme 2: Living in God’s Kingdom
Theme 3: Camping in God’s Creation
Blackline Masters
Cat h
olic A ll the Way!
Catholic Vacation Bible School is the only program that gives you three themes in one resource. And the content is Catholic all the way! Just choose a set of plans and use a little ingenuity to transform your parish center or school gym into a wonderland depicting God’s tremendous love for us. Before you know it, hot summer days will turn into cool faith-filled fun for children of all ages.
ontent for Catholic kids
dorable crafts, games, and snack ideas
hemes that capture children’s imagination
elpful, easy-to-use plans and activities
ur unique faith story in Scripture, experience, and song
ifelong memories in the making
nviting backdrops and group-meeting areas
atchy cheers and chants to reinforce teachings in an engaging way
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Faith Meets Fun From boys to girls, from youngsters to tweens—there’s something inspiring for every child in each Catholic Vacation Bible School theme. The three inspiring themes in this book can be presented in any order. Each theme is independent and stands on its own.
Theme 1: Playing for God’s Team Through the analogies of baseball and teamwork, children learn what it means to be one with Christ, to work together as part of God’s plan, and to love one another for the love of God. Highlights include
• Kids form “baseball teams.” • Kids meet in Savior Stadium. • Catechists incorporate Catholic prayers.
• Scripture topics include the Great
Commandment, caring for God’s creation, and Jesus feeding the five thousand.
• Crafts include pennants, T-shirts, and megaphones.
Theme 2: Living in God’s Kingdom This theme acknowledges that we live in a kingdom where God is king on earth and in eternal life, Mary is queen, and Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Children explore vocations as a way to spread the Good News of God’s Salvation. Highlights include
• Kids take on the role of “citizens” in
• Scripture topics include the Beatitudes,
• Kids meet in Catholic Castle. • Catechists teach the Rosary and other
• Crafts include guild banners, crowns, and
God’s kingdom.
Catholic prayers.
being a child of God, the Canticle of Mary, and John the Baptist. coats of arms.
Theme 3: Camping in God’s Creation Children imagine they are attending a summer camp, exploring what it means to be members of the Catholic Church. This theme reinforces the idea of our role in God’s creation and our responsibility to care for it. Highlights include
• Kids become “campers” as they
• Scripture topics include the Creation story,
• Kids meet at Camp Catholic. • Catechists incorporate Catholic prayers.
• Crafts include creation sashes,
explore their responsibility in caring for God’s creation.
the Ten Commandments, and the Ascension of Jesus Christ. cabin banners, and camp lanterns.
Consistent Plans Each Catholic Vacation Bible School theme includes a Five-Day Planner that helps you organize and implement daily three-hour sessions. While the themes change, the plans follow a predictable format, helping catechists facilitate a successful program year after year.
er Five -Day Pla n n
F iv e
n ne r - D ay P l a
Kingdom of Heaven
Children of God 4
Five-Day Planner DAY 1 DAY 3Setting Up
Camp of5Heaven enay QueD
Lighting Herald the Finding Prince the Fire Our s! Way Good New of Peace
Before the Day Begins: Planning and Arrival
Day t! utes min 45iri 30–Sp 3 ning and ArrivalTeam Reveille: Welcome Day the Day Begins: Plan Run!
Gone Fishing
Packing for Home
30–45 minutes
10 minutes Before Home Day 2 s on the Hook or net, let’s go Learn rules of the Identify cabin Carry coa Shine a light t of arm riking Out idge: Welcome 10 minutes St 1 ieval med a ay campground. Use groups. fishing. wbr D p! Lower the Dra shields. path we take. Wear crowns of the greeting. inutes Batter U guild –45s m lay 30 Disp ll! . the al Ba kingdom the d ArrivLearn rule of Let’s Play banners. anning an d fans in Pl . : Fin dom ns king gi s. . Campfire utes e Day Be dsing Large-Group Gathering 20 minutes egaphone p Gat 20 minCouncil: stan her Before th • What is the Good rou es s. Use m we shlirt 10 minut Assembly: Large-G • How can how do Hal team at Tand does How do we put How do we How do s’ we find News,How God earGre can we The W elcome e Jesu mot s it mean • What appreciate m-Up: W pro doe at ar am rs?us to make God first? y’s • Wh W te othe the our way in the prepare Mar e tell lay we Th learn from Disp • What is God’s sage of peace? d to be one of God’s s of moral choices? natural e? world? mes darkness? mpl exa banners an dom? king Learn rule . children? titude pennants the game. How do at build t by the Campfire: The Scripture Story 10 minutes it mean and eff minutes Stories or utes ing 20 min hat does re • The Preaching of orp: W t? st?Story 10am ptu p Gather po iri Scri be Peace:of sp ou fix r of Light The e Gr ou w Kee e• Prince The Story The The Call of Simon te doing the e? Baptist: to do theTen end ticle ofof How JohnThe h: Larg Def • The Can ak h 9:5World: ning Pitc r Isaiathe Creation: Commandments: the Fisherman: s we mes: e Greatest in the ou 3:1–12 ce • Th oi do The Ope ch Matthew w y: titud Mar : te: ean Ho ts lead to our • The Bea oca dom m Genesis 1:1–31 John 8:12; 3:19–21 Exodus 20:1–17 Luke 5:1–11 Adv it King e • Th es effor Luke 1:46 –55 What do of a e Matthew 5:3–10 Luke 9:46 –48 John 14:27 s Feeds th : su Je successes? Evil: inst to be part Aga ttle ht: : • Ba God ousand of Lig n Th es of ildre e ut • Ch ? ile in Fiv 1 –17 Sim team 10 mEphesians 6:10Je 14:13–2 3 3 es sus: thewShop: n 3:1– re Story ew 5:1 Joh Craft Time 45 minutes MatCraft atth e Scriptu Peter Deni :69–75 IM gout: Th 26 Salt: s Care • Creation Sashes • Camp Lanterns • Constellation • Fisher’s Nets In the Du Matthew Simile of God Take 16 ake Photo 4– 5:1 • Keeps utes min ew 45 test Telescopes of Us: • Cabin Banner • Coat of Arms all: Craft TimMeatth The Grea Frames • Queen’s Rosaries :6 –9,28–34 The Guildh dment: Shields Comman :34– 40; Luke 12 • Crowns of the d? o er Wor ot Pray the ace Ph at’s 22 • Wh ake Snack Time 15 minutes • Pe eepsHall: Kingdom Mess Matthew • K Collage the Stands Frames es ner • Gu utBan 5:19 minild • Fans for • Ants on a log • Campfire pretzels • Trail mix • Gummy fishing me 45 aphones h: Craft Ti eg tc re • M rods St ning s In irt hSh nt TSeve • Team ty • Fish in a barrel Plen of utes rns ts ens • Ho nnan Time 15 min Que ck Pe and Sna m gs s st: ie ea • Kin Fea t • T cook ters Scep The Banque eball • Royal • bas nner Lights Out: Closing 30 minutes • Crown Cooskies • Team Ba with prentice’s • Ap utes • nacho in dles We appreciate We pass the light of We honor God with We can follow Jesus Bun dogs me 15 m Lunchin se Ti ot ee k i-h ch ac Sn • m God’s creation. Jesus onto others. Wethe in many ways. n Stand: forth aswe ls ot dogs gochoices i-hutes min Concessio 30in • m oft pretze • popcorn We can live make. Thee Well: Closing ornFare• s mple cemakers in the pc exa pea y’s po ts Mar el nu like d to be • pea e cefully in God’s world. pea • caram nee liv We to our s n in us us way or es us guid God wants popc God gives kingdom. children before r • caramel faith. a certain way. defend against to God. Jesus is oun. utes Modify this schedule to reflect the times your Catholic Vacation Bible School will meet. minevil . est fa ness is osing 30 gg ive Cl bi rg h: Provide a copy of this schedule to each volunteer. See BLM 43 (page 208). Fo nt the Ni . always School will meet. Bottom of important God will . olic Vacation Bible ). good the times your Cath 190 e ct (pag refle to 25 care for us dule BLM We can be bers. ntee t. r. See volu Modify this sche ee each m to em ill dule m w ol this sche team Provide a copy of cation Bible Scho tholic Va 9 (page 174). es your Ca M ct the tim volunteer. See BL fle re to le le to each is schedu Modify th py of this schedu co Provide a
Livi ng in God’s
Pl ay in g
for God
’s Team
Kin gdom
Share the catch of the day.
How do we prepare ourselves to enter Heaven?
The Ascension of Jesus: Mark 16:19–20; Luke 24:50–53
• Keepsake Photo Frames
• S’mores
Someday we will join God in Heaven.
Camping in God’s Creation
During the course of each day, children participate in discussions, songs and cheers, craft activities, fun and delicious snacks, all of which are centered on the theme for the week. At the end of the week, children invite their families to share in their participation through a colorful, music-filled closing ceremony acknowledging everyone’s participation in the program.
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Everything You Need! Before You Begin
Choose a Theme Song The chart to the right lists possible musical selections that can be used throughout this theme. Select a song from the list or one of your choosing to be used as the theme song. Each time this theme song is played, have children move to the next part of the program. Select other songs to use for sing-alongs, to lead marches through Savior Stadium, and to build a sense ofMaterials community.
Catholic Vacation Bible School provides clear instructions for setup, implementation, and follow-up. For each theme, you will find the following: Team Configurations
Organize children into small teams. Use catchy team names related to the week’s baseball theme. For example:
Before You Begin
God’s Team for Playing ea m God’s T
What does it mean How do our How do we fix poor What does it mean Padres to be part of aAngels efforts lead to Doves Deacons our choices we make? to do our best? team? successes?
Demonstrate that Jesus is our team captain, all-star, and most valuable player. Determine that Catholics are team members who support, encourage, forgive, and love one another.
After adjusting the list based on actual enrollment, make copies of the team list for coaches to use throughout the week. Use BLM 3 (page 168) to make a list to accommodate your enrollment.
Seventh-Inning Stretch: Craft Time • Team Pennants • Team T-Shirts • Team Banner
Simile of Light: Matthew 5:13 Simile of Salt: Matthew 5:14–16
45 minutes • Megaphones
Game Equipment and Uniform
How do attitude To build children’s enthusiasm for the week’s and effort build theme, provide each child with the following team spirit?
items on the first day: baseball cap
Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand: Matthew 14:13–21
theme-based name tag
Bottom of the Ninth: Closing 30 minutes We can be good God will always Forgiveness is team members. care for us. important.
• baseball cookies
Jesus is our biggest fan.
God wants us to live a certain way.
Related to the Theme Day 1: Blackline Masters 11–12 (pages 176–177)
Day 3: Blackline Master 17 (page 182)
Team Pennants: pennant cutouts,* paper, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” pencils, construction paper, glue, felt, markers, Instrumental baseball glitter, buttons, sports stickers, small decorative items (beads, paper cutouts, sequins, and felt organ music shapes), long dowels or sticks Team Banner: butcher paper, poster paint, markers or crayons, rulers, letter templates, Marching construction paper, scissors, glue, heavy dowel “We Are Marching”
Day 4: Blackline Master 19 (page 184)
Additional Preparation Suggestions
Make copies of the Day 5 Closing Ceremony invitation (BLM 6, page 171) for children to take home on Day 1.
oor ly space fl large assemb turn the Key . r paper toFieldpitcher ’s mound white butche and a brown Ticket Booth green, and memorabilia. 1 baselines Use brown, bases and e with sports decoratregistration with white table for participants and ball field r seats and volunteer check-in suggest bleache r paper to 2 Arch dramatic entrance into the stadium
there. butche are already Walls: Paint rs if they fencing.
d Materials Suggeste cardboard boxes
Field speakers use pitcher’s mound; teams are seated in surrounding field
Team Tables where Craft Time activities occur
Walls decorate to match the theme
Bases marching area around bases during large-group assemblies
Concession Stand set up and distribute snacks
Before the
7 Bases 3 Field 8 Concession Stand
butcher paper paper tubes dowels or
poster board
ions abilia or decorat sports memor
2 Arch for God’s
Playing for God’s Team
22 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Concession Stand
When children have finished their snack, lead them in prayer. Choose an appropriate Catholic prayer such as the following:
(30 minutes)
After children finish their snack and clean up, play the theme song as a signal to assemble and have teams gather in Savior Stadium. Use these questions to lead a dialogue that ties the day together, allowing children time to respond after (10 minutes) each question.
Let’s Play Ball!
In the Dugout
Reminder: Choose Seventh-Inning Stretch
The Scripture Story
Craft and oneTime marching (45 songminutes)
two sing-along songs
ASK:isWhat didWord we learn from today’s Scripture Story? What did it teach us Remind children that the Bible God’s and that Scripture about teamwork? (Possible answers: We should treat others with love and teaches us how to be a good member of God’s Team.
The Opening Pitch Large-Group Gathering
Team Pennants, Faith one per child Focus (BLM 11, page 176) After children have thoroughly discussed the various aspects of • pennant cutouts, paper, pencils, construction paper, glue, felt, being a team member, help them understand the connection to our markers, glitter, buttons, sports faith and to being a member of God’s Team. Catholic stickers, small decorative items, long dowels or sticksSAY: God has a team too. Today we will learn what it’s like to be part of God’s Team. Who is on God’s Team? Team Banner, one per team (BLM 12, page 177) Allow volunteers to share their answers. Point out that no matter • butcher paper, posterwhat, paint, we are all members of God’s Team. markers or crayons, rulers, letter SAY: To be chosen for a baseball team, a player must practice and put forth a templates, construction paper, scissors, glue, heavy dowel lot of effort. Even then, not everyone is chosen to be part of a baseball team. Some players go to major league teams, some to minor league teams, and some aren’t chosen at all. The good news is that each of us is a first pick for God’s Team. We are all on God’s Team. Let’s think about the sacrament through (30–45 minutes) IN ADVANCE which we were chosen for God’s Team: the Sacrament of Baptism. In God’s eyes, there is no major league or minor league. God loves each of us Before children arrive, meet with your assistant coaches. Cut outunconditionally. a pennant for When we are Use questions and baptized, we are part of God’s Provide them with a theme packet, which includes each child toforever. decorate. Team build on children’s
Day Theme 1,
If needed, you may want to nteers! Day 1 craft-activity instructions (BLMs 11–12, pages 176–177) Volu prompt children with examples of how we help others. After volunteers have After reviewing the contents of the packets, discuss the had a chance to share their answers, Welcome Volunteers! letter. Remind coaches that the move on to the Scripture enthusiasm Story. they show for the program will help motivate spark their excitement. Take a few minutes to discuss the Five-Day Planner and the Small-Group Organizer. “in the dugout.”
together We work Church. to build God’s
Theme 1, Day 2
Theme 1, Day 2
Theme 1, Day 3
Theme 1, Day 3
Theme 1, Day 4
Theme 1, Day 4
Theme 1, Day 5
Draw or write about a memorable play today.
Team Spirit
a T-shirt will help your team Scripture, spirit. With weyour areAable megaphone to connect can with be used to magnify Through the Scripture, sound ofwe A big arepart ableoftoa connect live event with is the fans inThrough the audience, Scripture, rooting we for are able to connect with Through Scripture,Designing we are able to connect with you show Through teammates, discuss the importance of team Jesus’ spiritlife and and your God’s team Word. name. your We voice. are able As Catholics, to see we are Jesus’ God’s life megaphones. and God’s players Word. or We performers. are able This to see type of support Jesus’ helps lifethose and God’s performing. Word. We are able to see Jesus’ life and God’s Word. We are able to see examples of how to live as good We are Catholics. responsible for sharing examples his voice. of how toLet’s live as make good some Catholics. fans to fill the stands examples of the Savior of how Stadium. to live as good Catholics. examples of how to live as good Catholics.
Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Directions: Read the Scripture Story Directions along with the Directions: Read the Scripture Story Directions along with the Catholic Directions: Read the Scripture Story along with the Directions: Read the Scripture Story along with the 1. Sketch your pennant design on another 1. Write sheetthe team name in the center of the banner. Make it big and bold, and 1. Brainstorm symbols that exemplify good qualities Figure Practice 1 Catholic Vacation Bible School leader. Practice the cheer Vacation Bible School leader. the cheer with your Catholic Vacation Bible School leader. Practice the cheer Catholic Vacation Bible School leader. Practice the cheer This document certifies that Attitude of paper or on the back of this sheet sochoose that a letter style that can be seen from far away. of a team, such as strength, cooperation, and 1. Keep the quarter-circle flat until decorations are 1. Lay out your fan outline in your work space. Set with your assistant coach. assistant coach. with your assistant coach. with your assistant coach. you can experiment with your design (Figure 1). perseverance. You may want to draw several on a complete. Write your team’s name in bold letters. weights to keep the corners from rolling up if 2. Add decorations that tell others about the team. Include symbols and perhaps , Remember that once you construct your pennant, sheet of paper. Decorate the remaining space with team symbols needed (Figure 1). a drawing of the team mascot. CHILD’S NAME LUKE 12:6–9 you cannot “erase” something you want to change and slogans. Write words that remind us of what it MATTHEW MATTHEW 5:13 MATTHEW 14:13–21 Performance 2. Lay the T-shirt flat. Slip newspaperSpirit inside the shirt26:69–75 2. Decorate your fan. Draw articlesShout of clothing and Cheer God’s Team Cheer It Out Day 5 Echo Cheer or do not like. means to forgive and be forgiven. 3. Teammates should share in doing this project. Cooperate on what needs to to prevent paints and markers from bleeding various props to show your fan’s team spirit. Use be done and who will decorate each part. Have each team member sign the “Are not five sparrows sold for two small through coins? Yet(Figure not one1).of We feel the Spirit, Let’s hear it your arms, Whose teamaismember this? of 2. When you like your design sketch, get a blank , is also 2. Add streamers, crayons, markers, paint, or otherWave art When materials toheard of it, he withdrew in a boat to a deserted Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. One of thea handle, or border designs. “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, Jesus completed banner. them has escaped the notice of God. Even the hairs of your head TEAM NAME pennant and select your materials. yesmaids we do! for the God’s Team! scream andby shout God’s Team! Bewere sure with not to decorate mouth add good lots offor details (Figure 2). came over to him and said, “You too Jesus the or obscure with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer place himself. The crowds heard of this and followed him on 3. Write the team name fi rst. (Assist younger children have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than opening or the 1).it Roll upbut theto be Shout out for God’s Team. Figure 2 Figure 2 of everyone, 2 disembarked and saw the vast But it in front saying, “I gluing do not edges (Figure anything thrown out and trampled foot from their towns. Figure When he 3. Write or cut out letters for your team name and with this part.)me It should part ofSpirit, the he denied WeGalilean.” feel the 3. Add underfoot.” slogans or messages to yourThat’s fan’s clothing many sparrows. I tell you, everyone who acknowledges beforebe the easiest what spirit Whom do wefold play for? here andgate, cut an openingSay forityour Figure 2 know what you are talking about!” As hemegaphone went out to the crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured loud.mouth. add them to the pennant (Figure 2). Then add to read (Figure and props. others the Son of Man will acknowledge design before the angels of 2). how about you? is all about. God’s Team! Laywere the megaphone another girl saw him and said to those who there, “This flat again. We are proud their sick. symbols or slogans. Make the border last to be God. But whoever denies me before others willyour be denied Directions: Complete the scorecard below. MATTHEW 5:14–16 4. Write name before and the year in another place. 4. Cut out your fan after you have finished drawing man was with Jesus the Nazorean.” Again he denied Yeah (clap/stomp), sure you have enough space. 3. Place a line it ofwith gluean along one straight the angels of God.” To playedge the game Let’sWhen hear it,it[Team name]. the disciples approached him and said, Whose is the best team? was evening, These should not be as big as the team name. and coloring (Figure 3). do not know the man!” A little later the bystanders came Directions ohoath, yeah!“I(clap/stomp) (Figure 2). Carefully roll the quarter-circle, “This is a deserted place and it is already late; dismiss the crowds God’s Team! God’s Team! Figure 1 Name: 4. Using glue or tape, attach the pennant to a stick Then write the theme name in smaller letters: over and said to Peter, “Surely you too arematching one of them; even your edges.for Showsousthat what it’s can all about. up the straight Slip“You yourare armthe into light of the world. A city set on a mountain LUKE 12:28–34 they go to the villages and1.buy for themselves.” Cutfood out the center of frame as indicated (Figure 1). (Figure 3). Allow time for decorations to dry. Playing for God’s Team (Figure 3). Wespeech play forgives God’s Team, you away.” At that he beganthe to wide curse end and and to swear, press the edges together for hidden. a Repeat the cheer, replacing Go for it, [Team NOW SHOW HOW YOU cannot be Nor do they light a lamp and then [Jesus] saidname]. to them, “There is no need for them to go away; Team: do do! not know the man.” And immediately a cockorcrowed. Thenthe glue sets (Figure 3). yes“I we minute more, until Foldsaid thetopage is on top and IT . . . 5. Add the team symbol and other decorative it cunder a bushel give them some food yourselves.” But2.they him,over “Fiveso that the frame each put specifi team name for basket; it is set on a lampstand, REALLY FEEL ABOUT Peter remembered the word that Jesus had spoken: “Before God’sloaves Team and is what “IfDraw God so the grass in the field play that grows a backing for your photo (Figure 2). touches. or clothes write about a memorable today.today and is where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your l two fish are all we have here.”there Thenishe said, “Bring Day: 1 2 3 4 Wethe play for crows God’s Team, the words God’s Team. cock you will deny me three times.” He went out and Encourage children to thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide it’s allthem about. ight must shine before others, that they may see your here to me,” andFigure he ordered to sit down on the Figure 3 3 the3.crowds how about Decorate your picture frame (Figure 3). began toyou? weep bitterly.Figure 3 6. Leave your completed Figure 2 Figure 3 cheer loudly. Rate your day by coloring in the bases. for you, O you of little faith? As for you, do not seek what you are good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to on anymore. the table All to eat and what you are to drink, and do T-shirt not worry Yeah (clap/stomp), 4. When decorations are mostly dry, glue your photo heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to dry.and your Father the nations of the world seek for these things, onto backing to the disciples, who in turn gave them to thethe crowds. Theyand all under the frame. oh yeah! (clap/stomp) Team Spirit knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and ate and were satisfied, and they picked up the fragments left Have each team repeat the these other things will be given you besides. Do not be afraid over—twelve wicker baskets full. Those who ate were about five This team player has demonstrated cooperation, confidence, fortitude, and Figure 3 any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the chant, replacing the word we thousand men, not counting women and children. teamwork, and is ready to go out into the world to recruit other players for God’s Team. kingdom. Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money with their team name. Attitude bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” ASSISTANT COACH PROGRAM DIRECTOR
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
Simile of Salt
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Simile of Light
Playing for God’s Team
Dependence on God
Vacation Catholic
Playing for God’s Team
Courage under Persecution
Law About the
Theme 1, Day 1 Theme 1, Day 1 Directions: Complete the scorecard below.
Pennants are symbols that reflect Your team team spirit, banner justRate as will wearing identify your team you walk into your day byacoloring in the as bases. cross around our necks reflects Savior our belief Stadium. in Jesus Use this Christ. banner to “advertise” your team.
mighty The mighty, [team name],
of these of the least be called breaks one do so will whoever others to and “Therefore, s and teaches But whoever obeys commandment greatest of heaven. kingdom s will be called least in the commandment teaches these of heaven.” in the kingdom
team. Go
for Go te of Completio Team Pennants Team T-Shirts Megaphones Team andT-Shirts CheerScripture Fans Story Megaphones forand the 18 Cheer Stands Scripture Fans and for20 Cheer the Stands Scripture Story and Cheer d’s T amStory e 12 Team Banner 14PlayingScripture 15 16 17 19 Story ertifica
Catholic Vacation Bible School
EW 5:19
We are the [team name],
Catholic Vacation Bible School
scholar heard Pharisees of them [a the law is When the r, and one ndment in d togethe which comma Lord, your God, they gathere “Teacher, the This shall love by asking, tested him to him, “You and with all your mind. it: t?” He said is like all your soul, the greates The second heart, with ndment. law and the with all your first comma . The whole t and the as yourself s.” is the greates neighbor love your commandment You shall these two depend on ts prophe
Bible School
Team Pennants Team Cheer
dment ees, MATTH test Comheman the Sadduc silenced The Grea of the law] that had
I am , the assistant coach for the Let’s hear it for the team!
Review the Rules of the Game (BLM 5, page 170) and answer any questions children may have. Discuss the importance of these rules to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time. Remind children that as part of God’s Team, we are always respectful of one another. You may wish to display the rules in a prominent location ahead of time.
Play the theme song as the coaching staff greets arriving children. Greet parents and answer any questions they may have. Give children their themed name tag, a baseball cap, and a craft bucket. Allow them to peek at Savior Stadium.
Bible Vacation coach. assistant
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic with the Story along Scripture with your the cheer
Directions:School leader. Practice
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Read the
to learn about our Catholic faith and being part of God’s Team. It is important to stand tall and march together for Jesus and for one another, just like a team, God’s Team. I am your head coach, . We have a number of assistant coaches too. Listen as they introduce themselves.
Have coaches take turns introducing themselves and their team name. For example:
ct with to conne to see we are able Scripture, Word. We are able lics. Through and God’s good Catho Jesus’ life of how to live as examples
EW 22:34–
SAY: Savior Stadium is a special place. We will come here each day
How can we help one another asDay we 1 Scripture Story and Cheer (BLM 10, page 175) play for God’s Team? e Scorecards (BLM 13, page 178) Welcom
d Cheer Story an
a theme song and a marching song for the Welcome.
With enthusiasm, greet everyone and welcome them to Savior Stadium.
Team? What is God’s job as our “head coach“?Organizer (BLM 3, page 168) Small-Group
24 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Reminder: Choose
designated areas.
Welcome Volunteers! letter (BLM 4, page 169)answers to guide Cut butcher paper for Follow up by discussing what it means to be teams to use for their the7,discussion Playing for God’s Team theme folder cover (BLM page 172) as part of God’s Team. banners. you see fit. ASK: What is our job as a memberFive-Day of God’sPlanner (BLM 9, page 174)
(10 minutes)
After children have arrived, begin the marching song. Have assistant coaches wave flags as they help children form a line. Ask coaches to begin marching around the meeting space and to enter Savior Stadium. Get children seated in
children and Playing for God’s TeamNow SAY: 29grab your hats. It’s time to go
26 Catholic Vacation Bible School
God Takes Care of His Creation
Planning and Arrival
Play another inspirational hymn that children may know. Encourage children to sing along, clap, or participate with appropriate gestures.
28 Catholic Vacation Bible School
The Warm-Up
Let’s Play Ball!
Before the Day Begins
others to accomplish something good, isn’t it? Let’s be a team. Join me as we sing a song together. Playing for God’s Team 31
Lesson Plans with Scripted Content
Let’s Play Ball!
SAY: Being part of a team can be fun. It’s very rewarding to work with
Have everyone collectively cheer for the team. Play the theme song as a signal for children to follow their assistant coach to their respective Craft Time location. www.loyolapress.com
30 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Catholic Vacation Bible School
caramel popcorn juice or water
Let’s Play Ball!
for the Closing.
After teams have gathered in their assigned location, have assistant coaches introduce the craft activities. respect; we all should work together for this goal.) Make sure assistant coaches connect the activities Dear God, SAY: Today’s Scripture Story is about the Greatest Commandment. With this What did you make during Craft Time? How does it help us be part of a team?to the day’s theme. Remind coaches to explain that commandment, Jesus shares with us the rules of the game: God’s rule is for us We thank you for all that you have given us. children will make their (20 ownminutes) pennants, but they to love God and one another.Accept reasonable responses and guide the discussion as We are especially grateful for the gift of love, as we learned in our will work together to make one team banner. Have needed. Then play a hymn5:19 that children know. Bring the group together by leading them in a familiar Read aloud the Bible passages, Matthew 22:34–40; Bible story today. coaches show children where supplies are located, Encourage children to sing along or clap. inspirational hymn. Invite children to play rhythm (BLM 10, page 175). review the samples and illustrated directions, and We are asked to love one another. We can do that by praying for those instruments, clap, or use appropriate gestures while the ASK: Why do we call this place Savior Stadium? (Possible demonstrate the steps as outlined on the blackline who do not have enough food to eat and for those who made our Connect the Scripture Story to the day’s theme. answers: Christ is our Savior; Christ taught us about being on God’s music plays. snack today. master. As teams work, circulate and support Team.) How can eacha of us strive be a good SAY: Players prepare physically and mentally to play game. Thisto is when theirmember of God’s Team? coachestoasguide needed. Remind older children to assist Use questions the opening discussion, starting with Bless all of those whom we love and who love us. But most of all, dear hours of practice pay off. As they(Possible answers: by helping those in need; by showing love and wait for their turn to bat or to play the field, ones. the ideayounger of sports teams in general and eventually connecting God, help us love those who feel that they are not loved. care for others; spreading God’s Word) players visualize how they will contribute to theby team. As members ofSO God’s NGS to the idea of how we are all part of God’s Team. Team, we do the same thing. We should visualize and prepare for how we are Announce when teams have five minutes remaining. Conclude by praying aloud the Sign of the Cross. Be sure to thoroughly discuss children’s responses to these going to make a difference in the Church, our community, and the world. How many coaches of you have been onthe a sports team?by What were the Remind toever complete activity having questions. Then What together another hymn with which ASK: How can we show our love for God and one another? playssing will we make for Distribute a scorecard (BLM 13, page 178) and pencil to requirements become part ofof thetheir team?pennant How did you feel once you childrentoshare details designs. children are familiar. Have children ceremoniously Reminder: Choose each child. Have children complete a scorecard and describe God’s Team? As Catholics, it is our responsibility to find and represent God in all were a part of team? two inspirational singout Savior Stadium, their name that we do. This is how we allmarch show we areofpart of God’s Team. putting At the end of this session, have coaches hand out the something they learned or particularly enjoyed this day. along songs for the Allow children time think each question. tag and hat in their craft bucket and placing it in a invitations fortoDay 5’sabout closing ceremony andAccept Encourage children to use either words or drawings for their Introduce the teams. Call out the team name and its assistant Gathering. appropriate responses and guide the share discussion designated location for the nextLarge-Group day. explain that children should them as needed. descriptions. Remind children to rate their day by coloringcoach. Encourage children to cheer for every team. Have the coach withwere theirthefamilies. Then have coaches teach ASK: What good things about being on a team? What were the in the bases, with four bases being the highest score. Thenstand and read the names Remind on the team’s roster, asking each children to take home theteam invitation for the difficult things? the Team Cheer (BLM 10, page 175). children ask children to take the scorecard home to share with member to stand in turn. To buildceremony camaraderie, have eachtheir coach closing on Day 5 and scorecard. Ask Have coaches remind children that they will their families. gather the team together, form a huddle, and repeat the following coaches to supervise their team until each child has been Tell children that although some things about being on a be performing this cheer tomorrow. cheer, naming individual teams time: pickedeach up by a parent or guardian. Display completed team are difficult, the challenge offers a great chance for and banners within Savior Stadium. a reward. SAY: Hup, hup, hup! We’re onpennants God’s Team: Go !
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Adjust snack choices based on the dietary restrictions and needs of your children.
Blackline Masters for Support
Bottom of the Ninth
(15 minutes)
After children have finished cleaning up their craft supplies, have them wash their hands. Then invite children to visit the Concession Stand. You may wish to stagger groups until all the teams have been served.
Snack Time
Let’s Play Ball!
Snack Ideas with Dietary Restriction Reminders
Playing for God’s Team
1 Ticket Booth
Daily Schedule
heavy tape
poster paint
Team Spirit!
Home Run!
Out Striking
Let’s Play
Bible School
Craft Supply Table craft-material location for volunteers to access
DAY minutes Batter Up! Time 30–45 Ball! and Arrival Planning fans in the Day Begins: ones. Find stands. Use megaph e 10 minutes Wear team p: Welcom The Warm-U T-shirts. Display team of the banners and Learn rules pennants. game. How do attitude minutes build it ing 20 and effort What does our roup Gather x fi do we team spirit? mean to How do g Pitch: Large-G we The Openin best? How do our to our poor choices it make? efforts lead What does part the es? be success mean to Jesus Feeds d: Light: of a team? 10 minutes Five Thousan Simile of re Story 5:13 14:13–21 Matthew Peter Denies t: The Scriptu Care Matthew Salt: In the Dugou Jesus: God Takes Simile of t 26:69–75 Matthew 5:14–16 of Us: The Greates : 8–34 Matthew Commandment Luke 12:6–9,2 22:34– e Photo Matthew • Keepsak the 40; 5:19 45 minutes Frames • Fans for Craft Time : ones Stands g Stretch • Megaph T-Shirts Seventh-Innin ts • Team • Team Pennan l cookies • basebal • Team Banner with minutes • nachos Time 15 t dogs cheese • mini-ho Stand: Snack t dogs Concession • popcorn • mini-ho • soft pretzels l popcorn • peanuts • carame l popcorn us to • carame God wants way. live a certain Jesus is our 30 minutes is Closing biggest fan. Forgiveness the Ninth: always Bottom of important. God will good care for us. We can be rs. team membe
Craft Supply
4 Table
large and
ssion 4 the Conce Table are the Craft Be sure that to Table, and know where Registration children mark d so that signs also clearly marke that the Make sure seating area. find these. designated each team’s
“Rejoice in the Lord Always” “Shepherd Me, O God”
6 Walls
18 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Setup Plans
“Jesus Loves Me”
Team Tables
Ball Field:
20 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Floor Plan
label it pillars and large box ted by Here are further suggestions on how you can turn your Catholic Vacation Other Bible School meeting Team andspace into Savior Stadium, featuring structures and it with God’s far endaofbaseball stadium with a Catholic influence. and label decorations that denote at the cardboard ard tube posts on cardbo
bleache eld Use existing suggest outfi r paper to progresses. Paint butche the week r ’s crafts as and butche Add children cardboard ion stand. Stand: Use k concess Concession a facade of a ballpar paper to make Stand, the
“Lord, You Have the Words”
craft bucket, labeled with the child’s name and a statement related to the week’s theme
Day Theme 1,
Savior Stadium
into a green
Make copies of scorecards (BLM 13, page 178), one per child per day (Days 1–4). Make samples of each craft activity for children to view as a model.
theme-based name tag
: Construct mounted on a wall or Scoreboard can be Teams. The the field.
Music Inspirational Suggestions
* Preparation needed. Measure and cut out these materials in advance.
baseball cap
“Jesus Loves Me”
“Rejoice in the Lord Always”
Playing for God’s Team
Playing for God’s Team
suppor cardboard
ard from a scorebo
Keepsake Photo Frames: cardstock picture frames,* pencils, crayons or markers, glue, small decorative items
“Lord, You Have the Words”
16 Catholic Vacation Bible School
n Ideas Decoratio
e arch of an entranc
with the theme
“When the Saints Go Marching In”
Day 5: Blackline Master 21 (page 186)
Team T-Shirts: white T-shirts, newspapers, fabric paints, fabric markers, permanent markers, paper towels
and m, the setting decorative baseba Help childre and walls or Savior Stadiu on the floors memorabilia space into ll stadium baseball s of a baseba lend or donate Include feature decorations. res. nding structu as freesta
Build Entrance: name and date.
“We Are Marching”
Fans for the Stands: body outlines,* pencils, scissors, crayons or markers, paint and brushes
Day 2: Blackline Master 15 (page 180)
“When the Saints Go Marching In”
diu m g your meeting ior Sta m by turnin people to rk stadiu ting Sav in a ballpa events. Invite Decora e they are toys and for the week’s n imagin ll-related
ium Savior Stad
Megaphones: construction paper or cardstock quarter-circles,* scissors, glue, markers or crayons, paper or plastic streamers
To build children’s enthusiasm for the week’s theme, provide each child with the following items on the first day: Inspirational
Modify this schedule to reflect the times your Catholic Vacation Bible School will meet. Provide a copy of this schedule to each volunteer. See BLM 9 (page 174).
for God’s
Instrumental baseball organ music
Each day’s craft time requires a blackline master that includes illustrated instructions and materials needed to complete the activity. Review each day’s activities ahead of time and use this list to prepare those materials that must be cut out or assembled for children’s use. If you wish, make a copy of the Scripture Story and Cheer page and the craft-activity instructions for each child.
Game Equipment and Uniform
“Shepherd Me, O God”
• nachos with cheese • mini-hot dogs
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame”
Craft Time Preparation
craft bucket, labeled with the child’s name and a statement related to the week’s theme
• Fans for the Stands • Keepsake Photo Frames
Concession Stand: Snack Time 15 minutes • peanuts • popcorn • mini-hot dogs • caramel popcorn • caramel popcorn • soft pretzels
18 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Find fans in the stands.
In the Dugout: The Scripture Story 10 minutes Greatest Takes Caremake Peter Denies Jesus: After adjusting the listThe based on actual God enrollment, Commandment: of Us: Matthew 26:69–75 copies of the team list for coaches to use throughout Matthew 22:34–40; Luke 12:6–9,28–34 the week. Use BLM 35:19 (page 168) to make a list to accommodate your enrollment.
Recognize what it means to be part of the team that we call Catholic.
Teamw ths and the same er to reach that our streng work togeth us to know admit to our s, which allows e, courage to in our abilitie fortitud value. It takes talents have them. also to learn from but they are mistakes and to teamwork, ies that important gh the activit are not only Throu lic. These traits good Catho part of a team, to being a tance of being important the impor en will learn follow, childr Team. ially God’s most espec
CardinalsThe OpeningAll SoulsLarge-Group Gathering Ambassadors Pitch: 20 minutesBraves
peration takes confidence ork takes coo goal. It
Home Run!
30–45 minutes
The Warm-Up: Welcome 10 minutes Display team Wear team T-shirts. Use megaphones. banners and Holy Soxpennants. Saints Bishops
Learn rules of God’s Team the game.
er ng togeth people worki a group of A team is sports, a team er to on goal. In works togeth toward a comm . In life, a team of a team? to win a game to be part follows rules does it take its goal. What s that we accomplish , which mean
Before the Day Begins: Planning and Arrival
Playing for God’s Team compares the members of the Catholic Church to the players on a sports team. Through the analogy of baseball and the idea of teamwork, children learn what it means to be one with Christ, to work together as part of God’s plan, and to love one another as God loves all of us.
Organize children into small teams. Use catchy team names related Let’s Play Ball! Batter Up! Striking Out to the week’s baseball theme. For example:
CardinalsTheme Summary All Souls
The chart to the right lists possible musical selections that can be used throughout this theme. Select a song from the list or one of your choosing to be used as the theme song. Each time this theme song is played, have children move to the next part of the program. Select DAY 5 other songs to use for sing-alongs, to lead Team Spirit! marches through Savior Stadium, and to build a sense of community.
Related to the Theme
Playing for God’s Team
Background Information
Five-Day Planner Team Configurations Saints Bishops
Introduction Holy Sox
Choose a Theme Song
BLM 13
www.loyolapress.com 177 Theme 1, Days 1–4 — Daily Scorecard
180 www.loyolapress.com
www.loyolapress.com 179
www.loyolapress.com 182
www.loyolapress.com 181
www.loyolapress.com 184
www.loyolapress.com 183
BLM 21
185 www.loyolapress.com Theme 1, Day 4 — Keepsake Photo Frames
www.loyolapress.com Theme 1, Day 5 — Certificate of Completion
BLM 22
Where to Begin Before choosing a theme, be sure to study pages 8–13. These pages provide you with handy tips for starting a Catholic Vacation Bible School program at your parish. When you put these steps into action, you’ll be ready to choose a theme and start planning a summer of faith and fun! Welcome
Catholic Vacation Bible School Overview What would summer be without picnics, family vacations, trips to the beach, and Vacation Bible School? Vacation Bible School is often part of a family’s summer plans. But wouldn’t it be fun to attend a Bible school program that is more like a trip to a theme park than another week in a classroom? Wouldn’t it be a great idea to center the entire program— songs, Scripture, crafts, activities, and snacks—around a childfriendly theme? And wouldn’t it be fantastic to have a program that is based on the teachings and fundamentals of the Catholic faith? On the pages that follow, you will find introductory information with four simple steps to assist you in presenting Catholic Vacation Bible School (CVBS) in a way that ensures catechists, volunteers, and children all have a lot of fun. Step 1:
Step 1 provides you with the information
Planning in Advance
needed to plan your CVBS months in advance. This includes communication tips for parents, volunteers, and children, as well as help in determining exactly who your audience will be.
Step 2:
Acquiring Supplies
Step 2 offers suggestions and ideas for finding needed supplies, collecting donations, and minimizing costs.
Step 3:
Step 3 lists sources for possible volunteers
Finding Volunteers
to assist you with planning, setting up, and successfully running your CVBS.
Step 4:
Step 4 tackles the day-to-day operations once your CVBS begins. In this section, the specifics of the program are discussed as they pertain to each day of your program. Furthermore, suggestions and tips are provided to help your program run as smoothly as possible.
lanning and Teaching P CVBS
Catholic Vacation Bible School
Step 1 Planning in Advance Begin planning your CVBS several months in advance. This will help ensure that you have everything you need before the program begins. It will also help make sure the program runs smoothly once it starts and that it will be easy to wrap up when it ends. The more time you allow yourself, the easier it will be to enlist volunteers, collect donations, and raise funds. Use the Planning Checklist (BLM 1, page 166) to keep track of the steps to make your CVBS experience successful.
Location First, secure the location for your CVBS. You will need a dedicated meeting space available for a minimum of seven days. Remember that you will need time to prepare and set up decorations, arrange tables and chairs, prepare materials, conduct the program, and then clean up at the program’s culmination. If your parish has an auditorium or a gymnasium, this is an ideal space for your CVBS. When you have established and reserved where your CVBS will be held, you can continue with other arrangements. The size of your meeting space will dictate how many children can attend. Find out about and observe all fire codes and other space restrictions as you determine the number of attendees and plan your decorations. Registr
Theme: Where:
ation Fo rm
When: Registration deadline: Cost: I would like to reg Catholic ister the Vacatio followi n Bible School. ng individuals Children for this yea (ages 4–1 r’s 2) Name
Name Name
Junior Hel Name
Children ages four and up can easily participate in this program. Because these lessons stress the idea of cooperation and kindness, children are arranged into groups to include a variety of ages and abilities. In this way, younger children are assisted by older children, who act as leaders themselves. Children older than age 12 can participate by serving as junior helpers and “teacher’s assistants.”
pers (age
Age s 12+)
Name Adult Volu Name
Name Check all
that apply: I can act as group leader. I can gath er donatio ns and supp I can prep lies. are snacks.
Bible Scho Vacation Catholic
List allergic
or medical
What else would you like
I can set up the meeting space. I can prep are materia ls and supp I can take lies. down the meeting space.
Address Contact num ber and/or email Emergen cy telepho ne number Insurance company Policy #
to tell us
Signed ww w.lo
concerns/m edications (Use the regarding your child ren? (Use
back of this
the back
sheet if nee
of this shee
t if needed .)
Day 1
Small G roup Org an Registratio
n Form
The registration form (BLM 2, page 167) will give you the information to help arrange children into groups. Use the group organizer (BLM 3, page 168) to make a master list. Take special needs or other considerations into account. Keep in mind that you may have children who did not register in advance show up on the day of the program. Leave room in each group to add these children.
Group Nam e: Leader: Junior Help ers:
Group Nam e: Leader: Junior Help ers:
Children: Children:
Bible Scho
Group Nam e: Leader: Junior Help ers:
Group Nam e: Leader: Junior Help ers:
ww w.lo
Step 2 Acquiring Supplies Each theme lists the materials that will be needed to conduct its program. In addition, the following supplies are items you will want to secure in advance.
Supplies For snacks: • ingredients for each day’s snack • preparation utensils • serving platters, trays • utensils, paper plates • napkins
For music: • recorded music and a means to play it • musical or percussion instruments (optional) • microphone (real or toy)
Miscellaneous: • cameras for picturetaking • printer and paper for photos • poster board or construction paper for reminder posters • art supplies
Sources of materials can vary. You can always purchase needed materials online or from local retail stores. Craft suppliers, party suppliers, teacher-supply stores, fabric stores, office-supply businesses, home-improvement centers, hobby and toy stores, and grocery stores are just some of the possible sources for materials. Consider asking local businesses to donate materials that they offer for sale or use in the course of their business. Decorations and costume items can be purchased. If you have help from volunteers, a more creative and resourceful approach would be to make these items, as suggested, or repurpose items for this use. How you pay for the materials will be up to you. You might request a small fee per child to cover the costs of food and materials. (Offer a “scholarship” program for those families who would like to attend but cannot afford to otherwise.) Conduct fundraisers beforehand, with funds specifically earmarked for CVBS. Ask for a dedicated offering during Mass to go toward CVBS. Invite the community to make donations of goods, materials, or money to help pay for the program. Use recycled materials whenever possible, including plastic containers, cardboard boxes, old art materials, and musical equipment.
10 Catholic Vacation Bible School
Step 3 Finding Volunteers While you will be the leader of the CVBS program, enlist volunteers to help make your program a success. Recruit enthusiastic and creative individuals to help you plan and set up the program. You will also need a volunteer to lead each group. Groups will also need helpers, who can be other adults or older children. A team of volunteers will be needed to assemble and take down the meeting-space decorations. Another team will need to prepare and serve the food for snack time. You may want a team that prepares all the copies, craft materials, and samples in advance. You may even want to set up a team to handle cleaning up and putting away materials at the end of each day. A good approach is to look within your parish for volunteers. This should be started as soon as possible. The earlier you start asking, the quicker you’ll have enough volunteers. The registration form (BLM 2, page 167) provides space for volunteers to sign up.
Step 4 Planning and Teaching CVBS To ease implementation of the program, each CVBS theme follows the same daily schedule. Daily lessons include a daily theme, questions and discussion topics, scripting, and Scripture passages, all of which are presented in a fun manner for children. Each part of the routine is designed to help children discuss and draw connections between the CVBS theme, the day’s lesson, their own experiences, and what it means to be Catholic. Below are the steps for each day of CVBS.
Planning and Arrival: Before children arrive, volunteers meet to plan and discuss the upcoming day.
Welcome: Use these opening moments to build enthusiasm and welcome children as they arrive. Through audience participation, children are engaged and motivated to share.
Large-Group Assembly: Engage children through marching, music, cheers, scripted instruction, discussion, and fanfare. Children connect the day’s theme to their own lives. The Faith Focus connects the group discussion to our Catholic faith.
Reveil le
the Fire
(10 minutes )
Play the theme so ng and ha holding ca ve children bin bann form a ma ers in fro march in rching lin nt. Have and arou e, everyone nd Camp motivation continue Catholic to al songs. as they sin g two up beat, After ever yone is in side Camp the camp Catholic fire, gree and gath t each ca Then ask ered arou bin as it the Ceda nd displays r Cabin to its cabin other cabin begin the banner. s joining Ca bin Shou in on their one more t-Out, wi part. Repe time so th th at the sh at children rhythm. ou t-out become fam Then we lcome ca iliar with mpers fo its words SAY: Welco r the day. and me back to
SONGS Reminde
r: Choose a theme son g and two marching songs for the Welcome .
Camp Catho camp. Yes lic. It’s the terday we second da observed good creati y of our we God’s creati on is. We als ek here at on around o learned God’s creati us and dis that we ha on. Today cussed jus ve a respo we t how another res will learn nsibility to about ponsibility take care we have: to shine a of light on Go d’s message of Salvation.
The Scripture Story: Read aloud the day’s Bible passage and connect it with the day’s theme through questions, sharing, and discussion. This also gives the opportunity to further children’s connection between their own lives and our Catholic faith. Ca mping
Craft Time:
in God’s
Children work cooperatively to complete a theme-related craft. Often the finished craft becomes part of the fanfare during the next day’s assembly. Children also learn a cheer for the next day.
Snack Time: Children come together to share a theme-based snack.
Closing: Everyone assembles to sing and cheer and discuss what they learned during the day’s session. Costumes and materials are put away until the next day.
12 Catholic Vacation Bible School
What Else Do I Need to Know? Food Preparation: Check with your parish and your local health department concerning food preparation for public assemblies. Most likely, all food and beverages will have to be prepared on-site. Make sure volunteers are familiar with sanitation laws and that perishables are kept fresh until served. Also be aware of any food allergies participating children may have.
Music, Chants, and Cheers: Throughout the week, CVBS suggests appropriate songs to use with the group; however, feel free to use your own musical selections. CVBS also suggests specific times to sing songs and perform cheers, but you can sing or cheer whenever it seems appropriate. For example, use the songs and cheers to focus attention, build camaraderie, or connect one part of the program to another. Make visual aids to use as prompts. Song lyrics, words to the cheers, Scripture Story titles, and each day’s theme titles are helpful visual reminders. Place these visual aids throughout your CVBS space to use as references.
Group Discussions: Questions form the basis of discussion throughout the program. For questions that have a certain answer, possible answers have been suggested. In other instances, when the questions ask for a personal opinion or there is a wider range of answers, accept any responses that are reasonable or that children can support through examples or explanation. Allow the discussion to head in worthwhile directions. Keep responses positive and focused. Children love to share, so use guiding questions and statements to keep children on topic. To encourage audience participation, use a microphone—either real or toy—during question-andanswer sessions. Children enjoy “having the floor,” and the microphone acts as a prompt to show who should be speaking at any given time.
Day 5 Closing Ceremony: The final day of the program ends with a closing ceremony. This variation on the daily closing is a way for families to experience CVBS for themselves. This ceremony acknowledges children’s participation, thanks volunteers, allows children to display what they have learned, and closes the program until next year. Before Day 5, send home with each child the invitation to the closing ceremony (BLM 6, page 171). Encourage children to share it with their family. Prepare a theme-based medal or small gift to be presented to each volunteer during the closing ceremony. In advance, prepare for each child a completion certificate provided for each theme (BLMs 22, 40, and 58, pages 187, 205, and 223). You may wish to further decorate the certificates before the closing ceremony.