Christ Our Life God Guides Us
The New Evangelization The Essential Mission of the Church Entrusted by Jesus Jesus’ Commission In the Gospel of Matthew, after his Resurrection, Jesus gives this mandate to the apostles: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19–20) The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the apostles and disciples were at first afraid. But their fear disappeared with the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church (Acts of the Apostles 2:1–41). Peter went out and boldly proclaimed the Gospel to the gathering crowd. The mission of the Church to know, proclaim, witness, and share the Word did not end with the early Church. Jesus Christ is with us and continues to send the Holy Spirit to inspire us and give us the courage to proclaim the Gospel. Every generation is called to share the Good News of God’s love with the world. Catholic parents are especially called to recognize their vocation as the first catechists for their children to see that they learn the fundamentals of the faith. The children will then be prepared to enter the world with the knowledge they need to become evangelizers for their generation.
The Holy Fathers Speak The popes since the Second Vatican Council have called the Church to realize how central the mission of evangelization is to our identity as Catholics. The call for the Church to be an evangelizing community began in modern times with the Second Vatican Council. This was seen especially in the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World (1965) and The Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church (1965). This was followed up in 1975 with Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic Exhortation, On Evangelization in the Modern World. Building on the initiative of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II stressed the need for a New Evangelization in his Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America. There Pope John Paul II wrote, “The program of a new evangelization . . . cannot be restricted to revitalizing the faith of regular believers, but must strive as well to proclaim Christ where he is not known.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI made New Evangelization the theme of the 2012 Synod of Bishops. Following up the synod, the bishops of the United States published a new document, Disciples Called to Witness: The New
“I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” (Luke 12:49)
Evangelization. Pope Francis has made evangelization a primary focus of his Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. In that Exhortation, Pope Francis encourages all the Christian faithful “. . . to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” The primary language Pope Francis asks Christians to use is “. . . the language of mercy, which is more about gestures and attitudes than words.”
Catechesis and the New Evangelization The National Directory for Catechesis affirms that catechesis leads believers to a deeper knowledge and love of Christ and his Church. With the New Evangelization, catechesis is given a missionary dynamic to evangelize the culture, affirming what aligns with Jesus’ teaching and challenging what does not. (NDC 17.D) Among its pastoral directives, the NDC encourages dioceses and parishes to adopt and implement the goals of Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States. A summary of some fundamental objectives follows: (NDC 17.E) • for every believer to experience a personal conversion to Jesus Christ that leads to renewal and participation in the life of the Church • to encourage knowledge of Holy Scripture and Tradition of the Church • for believers to work toward renewing every parish, especially through implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults • for believers to rededicate themselves to the Word of God and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and to commit to celebrating the Eucharist every Sunday • to make evangelical and social justice connections to the Sunday Eucharist • to call believers to daily prayer, in particular, to pray the psalms and the Liturgy of the Hours, to contemplate Christ’s life in the Mysteries of
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THE NEW EVANGELIZATION the Rosary, and to revere the Eucharist through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament • to make all parishes and Catholic institutions welcoming and accessible to all
The New Gather and Go Forth Pages in Christ Our Life The addition of the Gather and Go Forth pages to the Christ Our Life program is a response to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization including that of Pope John Paul II, who asked each Catholic to evangelize in a way that is “new in its ardor, in its methods, in its expressions.” We become members of the Church through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. We celebrate the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life, every Sunday. There we hear the Word of God that helps to prepare us to evangelize. As Pope Francis tells us, “God’s Word, listened to and celebrated, above all in the Eucharist, nourishes and inwardly strengthens Christians, enabling them to offer an authentic witness to the Gospel in daily life” (The Joy of the Gospel, 2013). The Gather and Go Forth pages in the Student Book show children ways to know, proclaim, witness, and share their faith. In the Catechist’s Edition, the threestep teaching plan (Inspire, Proclaim, Transform) guides catechists to help children become more aware and active in their personal relationship with God, the Church, and their call to invite others to the faith. Beginning on page T232, you can find catechist instruction that accompanies all 25 chapters of the Gather and Go Forth pages in the Student Book. You will also find a full correlation of Grade 5 that shows how these pages align with the goals and objectives expressed by the U. S. bishops in Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States.
If not me, then who will proclaim the Gospel? If not now, then when will the Gospel be proclaimed? If not the truth of the Gospel, then what shall I proclaim? —excerpt from Prayer for the New Evangelization (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
In the document Go and Make Disciples, the U. S. bishops’ vision of the New Evangelization is centered around three goals: • Goal 1—to bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others; • Goal 2—to invite all people in the United States, whatever their social or cultural background, to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith; • Goal 3—to foster gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ Vision Is Our Own Being Jesus’ witness requires energy, renewed conviction, personal conversion, and enthusiasm from every baptized Catholic.
For Whom Is the New Evangelization Intended? Jesus’ commission to the apostles is at the heart of our call to know and share our faith with others. Every member of the Church plays a part in the New Evangelization. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops identifies various relationships that people may have to Jesus and his Church. The bishops tell us that each type of relationship has a role in the New Evangelization: “Evangelization, then, has different implications depending on our relationship to Jesus and his Church. For those of us who practice and live our Catholic faith, it is a call to ongoing growth and renewed conversion. For those who have accepted it only in name, it is a call to re-evangelization. For those who have stopped practicing their faith, it is a call to reconciliation. For children, it is a call to be formed into disciples through the family’s faith life and religious education. For other Christians, it is an invitation to know the fullness of our message. For those who have no faith, it is a call to conversion to know Christ Jesus and thus experience a change to new life with Christ and his Church.” (Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States: #27)
Roles of Life in the Church Catholics share a common vision to express faith according to their chosen role and state of life. To proclaim Christ is not solely for foreign missionaries, parish priests, bishops, or the pope. Young and old, ordained clergy, professed religious, and the laity share in knowing, proclaiming, and sharing God’s Word in ways suitable to their lives.
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“‘[E]veryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:13–15)
Additional Resources Second Vatican Council Documents on Evangelization • Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) • On the Mission Activity of the Church (Ad Gentes) Vatican Documents on Evangelization • Address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family • Lineamenta for the 2012 Synod: New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith • Message for the 2012 World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Gifts of Service Each member of the Church uses the Gifts from the Holy Spirit to evangelize. A young person might witness to Christ among friends, playing sports, volunteering, or at school. A parent may express faith in his or her workplace, demonstrating acts of kindness and charity, or championing Catholic Social Teaching in the neighborhood. A priest might share in the Church’s mission by leading Scripture study groups, celebrating the Mass on Sunday, or providing counseling to parishioners. A religious sister might share faith by teaching, volunteering in the community, or offering prayers and devotions for the living and the dead. In these and similar ways, Catholics reflect and spread Christ’s light and attract others to him. Embracing the Challenge Catholics who are brimming with joy for God’s Word might meet resistance in a culture and society whose values are often on a collision course with Jesus’ teaching. Indeed, Catholics are challenged to be “in the world” but not “of the world.” Saint Paul reminds us: “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) The world is a good place that God created out of his love for us. He sent his Son to live among us and save us from sin. Our Catholic challenge is to live the values of the Kingdom of God as Jesus taught us.
• On Evangelization in the Modern World (Evangelii Nuntiandi) • The Door of Faith United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Documents on Evangelization • Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States • Sons and Daughters of the Light: A Pastoral Plan for Young Adult Ministry • Teaching the Spirit of Mission Ad Gentes: Continuing Pentecost Today • The Hispanic Presence in the New Evangelization in the United States Diocesan Evangelization Resources about/bishops-and-dioceses/all-dioceses.cfm
As the Church, the People of God, we pray for ourselves and for one another. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us to know, proclaim, witness, and share the Good News courageously, even in difficult situations. We ask for the saints’ intercession, praying that the example of our lives, lived faithfully and authentically, welcomes others to the Church and invites them to know the Father.
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Gather and Go Forth
1. Read aloud the page title
Gather and Go Forth. Direct children to the word gather. ✦✦ What does it mean to gather? (to come together) When do we gather as Catholics? (Mass; religious education classes; youth ministry activities; parish ministries) ✦✦
Know and Proclaim We share God’s loving care with all those we come to know.
Have children quiet their minds and think of a time when their family gathered for a celebration. You are part of a family. Together you share experiences. You grow and learn together. You celebrate together. Your faith family is the same. We encourage one another to know God better.
2. Read aloud the text and
Scripture on page 9. Discuss what “set our hearts on fire” means.
✦✦ ✦✦
The Holy Spirit fills us with love and excites a desire in us to share that love with others.
We Know Our Faith
We Proclaim Our Faith
We know that God is good and loves us because he created everything in the world for us to use and enjoy.
As Catholics, we show God gratitude for all the wonderful things he has given us. We show gratitude by praying simple prayers of thanks and by treating the gifts God gives us with reverence.
God reveals himself to us perfectly through Jesus. We know how great and good God is by knowing the Person of Jesus.
We come to know God better when we follow Jesus’ example. We come to know God’s love and compassion when we serve those who are poor and others in need.
God gives us the gift of faith when we are baptized. Jesus gave us his Church and the sacraments to deepen our faith.
During Mass, Catholics celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. When we receive Christ’s Body and Blood, our faith is nourished.
s Catholics, we gather to hear the Word of the Lord and celebrate the sacraments. The Holy Spirit sets our hearts on fire and sends us forth as disciples to live our faith. “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. Jesus, the Son of God, became incarnate of the Virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit. In assuming a human nature, Jesus did not lose his divine nature. This mystery is called the:
Gather around a battery-operated candle. Pray together the Scripture, asking the Holy Spirit to let God’s love burn brightly inside each of you.
Immaculate Conception
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1
1. Read the Know and Proclaim
introductory text aloud. Have volunteers take turns reading the rows in the chart. ✦✦ After row one is read, ask how many children know how to play an instrument. [Ask for a show of hands.] How many play that instrument regularly? [Let children respond.] ✦✦
Knowing how to play an instrument is great, but that talent only grows and is enjoyed by actually doing it. The same is true for our faith. We learn about our faith, but it truly grows when we practice and share it. After row two is read, ask children what proclaim means. (to tell or share with others) We proclaim our faith with both our words and our actions. We share God’s love when we serve those who are vulnerable or in need.
After row three is read, tell children that their understanding of their faith will continue to grow and change throughout their lives. You do not need to know everything about your faith to proclaim it. The Holy Spirit will guide your words and actions.
2. Point out the Test Your
Catholic Knowledge section. Invite a volunteer to read aloud the directions, the question, and each answer choice. Give children time to
mark their choice before discussing the correct answer. Answer any questions by referring to the chapter.
DRE Connect Share ideas with an online community for faith formation leaders by accessing Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 109. To equip active Catholic members to exercise their baptismal call to evangelize
The Church Evangelizes Have children attend an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Beforehand, discuss Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist. Encourage them to talk to Jesus in prayer, tell him their concerns, share joys, and ask for his help. Children may choose formal prayers or to sit in contemplation, listening for Jesus to speak to their hearts. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 95. To foster an appreciation of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and of all the sacraments
See pages T314–T316 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.
We Come to Know God
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3. Read aloud A Catholic to
Know. Discuss Saint Joan of Arc. ✦✦ What does a witness do? (A witness speaks the truth about what he or she has seen or heard.) ✦✦
When have you been a witness for Jesus? [Let children respond.]
Joan of Arc was an unlikely soldier. By putting her faith in God and trusting in the Holy Spirit’s guidance, she acted as a witness for Christ.
A Catholic to Know Joan of Arc lived in France during a time of war when the country had no leader to inspire justice. Joan believed Saint Michael and other saints visited her with messages from God telling her to lead the French army. While Joan seemed an unlikely person for the job, she had great faith. She led the French army to victory over the English army in 1429 but was captured and told to deny hearing the voices she believed were sent by God. Joan did not deny the truth. Like Joan of Arc, we are called to show our faith by example even when it is difficult.
Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”
Lead a discussion with children about modern-day heroes who use their gifts to witness for Jesus.
My Way to Faith
4. Read aloud the Witness and
• I pray so I can know Jesus better.
Share instructions. Lead a guided meditation on the My Way to Faith statements. ✦✦ We are always growing and learning. The same is true in our faith life. As I read these faith statements, reflect on each one and ask yourself how you can continue to grow as a Catholic. ✦✦
Read aloud the first faith statement. Consider where are you on your faith journey right now. Are you growing closer to Jesus?
Read aloud the other statements, pausing to allow time for reflection.
Tell children that each person is on his or her own path. Point out that our faith journeys are unique.
You may wish to share some of your thoughts about these statements with an adult whom you trust, such as your parents, godparents, or priest.
Encourage children to write these statements in a journal and come back to them later in the year to reflect on how their faith has grown.
Saint Joan of Arc
• I know God created the world for me to use, care for, share justly with others, and enjoy. • I experience God’s love when I help those in need. • I celebrate the sacraments to deepen my faith. • I believe God reveals himself as three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Share Your Faith Think of one way you followed Jesus’ example this week. Write your ideas on the lines. Invite a friend to share a way he or she was inspired by Jesus’ life. Pray that your example inspires others.
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God
2. Discuss being a witness. ✦✦
Explain that being a witness and sharing your faith can include both big and small acts.
Sharing your faith can be as simple as telling a friend about witnessing a Good Samaritan. Letting others know that God is active in your life will make them want to know more.
Invite children to discuss their Share Your Faith responses.
Talking with others about where you notice God in your life is a powerful way to share your faith.
Español Invite Spanishlanguage speakers to access Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 103. To foster greater appreciation of cultural and ethnic spirituality.
1. Read aloud the Share Your
Faith activity. Where do you find examples of how Jesus lived? (in the Gospels)
The Church Evangelizes Explain that some parishes sponsor outreach programs encouraging college-aged students to seek out Catholic communities at school, encouraging them to live their faith in classes and on campus. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1 T265
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Gather and Go Forth
1. Read the text and Scripture in
the sidebar on page 17. ✦✦ Lead children in prayer: Lord, help us understand your Word. Make us eager to share it with the world. Amen. ✦✦
Know and Proclaim
Direct children to page 254 in their books. Review how to find passages in Bible.
As we learn more about our faith, we see that our actions and words can help others know God better.
We Know Our Faith
2. Have children play a game to
become familiar with the Bible. Write familiar Bible verses from this or earlier lessons on strips of paper, citing the verse at the end. Cut the strips in half.
Have children work in small groups to select a half of the strip and then find the person who holds the matching half. Encourage them to use a Bible to check their accuracy.
Know and Proclaim introduction and chart. ✦✦ Point out that reading the Bible helps us grow in our understanding of the faith. In the same way you study and read books to learn a subject in school, you can study and learn more about God by reading the Bible. ✦✦
Have children work in pairs to locate different books of the Bible as you name them.
How does living the Beatitudes help us build God’s kingdom on earth? (Possible answers: by teaching us how to be holy; by teaching us how to put God and others before ourselves)
God made the Hebrews his own people when he gave them his laws of love.
Catholics continue to live the values of God’s kingdom on earth by living the Beatitudes.
God shows us one way to pray in the Book of Psalms.
Catholics pray and sing the psalms at Mass and other celebrations of the Church.
cripture helps us know God. The Word fills us with the desire to share our faith. So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me empty but shall do what pleases me, achieving the end for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
Fill in the circle that best answers the question. Where would you find stories about God’s love for the Chosen People, the children of Israel? the New Testament the Old Testament
Explain that the Bible is the Word of God. God speaks to us through the Bible. Reading and studying Scripture helps us see God’s love for us. Then we can share this love with others.
1. Guide children through the
As Christians, we read the Old Testament to learn what God did for his people before Jesus came. We read the New Testament to learn about Jesus and the early Church.
Test Your Catholic Knowledge
Reading Scripture can be a form of prayer. Take turns reading aloud your verse as we reflect on God’s Word and share the meaning.
We Proclaim Our Faith
The Bible is Sacred Scripture, which means that it is “holy writing.”
the Ten Commandments the Beatitudes
God Speaks to Us in Scripture CHAPTER 2
Why do we pray and sing the psalms? (Possible answers: to share our love of God and our faith with others; to praise God)
2. Point out the Test Your
Catholic Knowledge section. Have a volunteer read aloud the directions, question, and answer choices. Remind children of what they learned as they searched the Bible with their partner. Then instruct them to fill in the circle next to the best answer. Discuss the correct answer as a class.
Sunday Connection Explore this Sunday’s Scripture readings with children by accessing Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 96. To foster a greater appreciation of the power of God’s Word in our worship
The Church Evangelizes Explain that Catholic parishes make their facilities more accessible to those with special needs, ensuring handicap access is available. Some parishes provide listening devices for those who have trouble hearing, offer a quiet space for those with sensory issues, and provide a space for families with babies or young children. Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 94. To make the evangelizing dimension of Sunday Eucharist more explicit
See pages T314–T316 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.
We Come to Know God
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3. Read aloud A Catholic to
Know. Discuss the life of Saint John Bosco. ✦✦ Point out that when John was young, he taught religion to other boys he played with. ✦✦
A Catholic to Know John Bosco spent his life in the 1800s and helped troubled boys who were poor and orphaned. He saw the good in these boys and cared for them like a father. John gave them many responsibilities and helped train them for work. He also taught them about their faith, encouraging them to live Christian lives. Like Saint John Bosco, we are called to share our faith. By our words and actions, we can teach others that Jesus loves them.
Leading others to Jesus is being a witness for our faith. We lead others to Jesus when we help them learn the facts of our faith. When have you taught others about the Gospel? [Allow children to respond.]
Witness and Share
These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”
Saint John Bosco saw the good in people. He helped young boys whom others had given up on. His example reminds us that everyone deserves to know God’s love.
My Way to Faith • I talk to God by praying the psalms. • I read the Old Testament to learn about God’s love and care for his people. • I read the New Testament to learn about Jesus and his disciples. • I study the words and deeds of Jesus in the Gospels.
Discuss with children heroes today who work with people others have given up on.
• I thank Jesus for showing me the way to his Father.
Share Your Faith Look through the New Testament. Choose a story about Jesus and write a summary below. Then tell your family what you learned. Invite family members to share their favorite Bible passages. Discuss what lessons you learned.
4. Read the Witness and Share
introductory text. ✦✦ As I read aloud these faith statements, consider where you are on your faith journey. Ask yourself what kind of a witness to Jesus you are. ✦✦
Read aloud the faith statements, pausing after each for reflection.
Remind children that we are always called to conversion and renewal.
Remind children that they can talk to a parent, godparent, or other trusted adult about any of these statements if they have questions.
Choose one or more statements to write in a journal. Return to these statements later in the year. You might find that you understand these ideas differently than you do today.
Transform 1. Discuss ways to share our faith. Remember that being an example to others, especially younger children, is sharing your faith.
2. Read aloud the Share Your
Faith activity. Let children work with a partner and write their ideas.
Saint John Bosco
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God
3. Perform skits. ✦✦
Invite children to share the story they selected. Then have them work in groups to prepare skits inspired by the Gospel message. Arrange to have them perform for younger children. The Gospels are not just stories from the past. They are alive today. The teachings and examples of Jesus guide us to live how God wants us to live.
4. Pray together the Prayer to the Holy Spirit.
Direct children to the prayer on the inside front cover of their books. Pray for guidance and strength to live the Gospel message each day.
Arts & Faith Celebrate how faith is expressed and deepened through art at arts-faith. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community
The Church Evangelizes Many parishes develop professional Web sites showing the many ways their faith community is sharing God’s love with others. Explain that technology is one way to invite visitors to attend Mass and parish functions. G oal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 112. To effectively invite people to our Church
God Speaks to Us in Scripture CHAPTER 2 T267
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Gather and Go Forth
1. Read aloud the introductory
text in the sidebar on page 25. ✦✦ Let us pray together by reading God’s Word. Holy Spirit, open our hearts to the Word. [Pray the Sign of the Cross.] ✦✦
Know and Proclaim
Invite children to pray the Scripture verse aloud.
We explore the many ways Christ shows his love for us. Then we tell others the Good News.
2. Play a game to help children
We Know Our Faith
recall the names of the twelve apostles. ✦✦ Write the names of the apostles on the board, substituting blanks for some of the letters. For example, J_h_ for John or S_m_n for Simon. ✦✦
Invite children to work as a team to recall all twelve apostles’ names. Fill in the blanks as children correctly identify each.
Remind children that the apostles were ordinary men whom Jesus called to help him share the Good News.
We Proclaim Our Faith
The Holy Spirit calls Christians to work together to spread the Good News.
As Catholics, we receive the grace of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Baptism. The Holy Spirit give us the strength to spread the Gospel.
Jesus gave Peter special teaching authority. Peter was the first pope.
As Catholics, we honor the pope’s teaching in areas of faith and morals as being guided by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus speaks through the pope when the pope speaks as the head of the Church.
The pope celebrates a special Mass on feast days, such as Easter and Christmas. Many Catholics gather as a community to watch the Holy Father celebrate Mass on television.
n the Gospels, we hear Jesus call his apostles. He calls us too. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we joyfully share his Word. He appointed twelve [whom he also named apostles] that they might be with him and he might send them forth to preach. Mark 3:14
Test Your Catholic Knowledge Fill in the circle that best answers the question. Who is the visible head of the Church on earth? priests
Jesus calls us today for the same mission. He wants us to know him so that we can introduce others to his great gift of salvation.
laity deacons the pope
God Speaks to Us Through the Church CHAPTER 3
1. Read aloud the Know and
Proclaim introduction and chart. ✦✦ Read row one. Tell children that through our Baptism, we are all called to be disciples. Like the twelve apostles, we are entrusted to tell others about God’s great love for them. ✦✦
Read row two. Ask children to name their pastor, their bishop, and the pope.
Show children a picture of Pope Francis. Discuss with them his message of love and service to others.
What sacrament do only bishops, priests, and deacons receive? (Holy Orders)
Point out that these men are guided by the Holy Spirit as leaders of Christ’s Church on earth.
Discuss the lives of two recent popes to become saints,
Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II. Information can be found at ✦✦
2. Point out the Test Your
Read row three and point out that feast days allow Catholics to celebrate the history of the Church together as a faith family. Just as we celebrate important events in the history of our families, such as birthdays and anniversaries, we celebrate important events in the history of the Church.
Catholic Knowledge section. Invite children to read the question carefully. Have them fill in the circle next to the best answer. Discuss the question and the correct answer.
Special Needs Explore ways to invite children with special needs to know God better at Goal 2: To invite all people to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ 106. To make every Catholic institution more welcoming
The Church Evangelizes Tell children about Saint Joseph the Worker. Explain that Saint Joseph reminds us that all our work should give honor and glory to God. Invite children to decorate a prayer card about Saint Joseph and give it to their parents to pray and display at their place of work. G oal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 102. To promote and develop a spirituality for the workplace
See pages T314–T316 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.
We Come to Know God
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3. Introduce children to Saint
Andrew by reading aloud A Catholic to Know. ✦✦ Andrew was filled with excitement when Jesus called him to be his disciple. What excites you about your faith? (Possible answers: receiving the Eucharist; learning about God; spending time with family and friends in parish activities) ✦✦
A Catholic to Know According to the Gospel of John, Andrew was the first apostle Jesus called to follow him. After spending an afternoon with Jesus, Andrew was filled with excitement. He immediately went to his brother Simon Peter and shared his experience. “We have found the Messiah,” he proclaimed. Both men gave up their work as fishermen to become apostles of Jesus. Like Andrew, we are called to know Christ and then tell others about our exciting discovery of his love and friendship.
What would prompt you to share your excitement for the Good News with others? [Discuss ideas.]
Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”
4. Discuss what it means to be
My Way to Faith
a witness. ✦✦ Why is it important to show our faith as well as tell others about it? (Possible answer: People are more likely to understand God’s love when they see us acting as Jesus did.) ✦✦
Saint Andrew
• I obey God the Father when I obey Jesus. • I receive God’s strength when I celebrate the sacraments. • I pray for the leaders of our Church. • I look to the teachings of the pope, bishops, and other Church leaders to guide me in my life. • I help build a better world by serving God’s kingdom.
Who are some heroes today who show their faith through service to God’s people?
Share Your Faith Think of one act of service you can do this week. Write your idea on the lines. Share your idea with a classmate. Invite the classmate to join you in this service. Work together to serve God’s kingdom!
5. Read the Witness and Share introductory text. Take a moment to think about the kind of witness you are. Are you growing closer to Jesus? Answer honestly in your heart.
Read aloud the faith statements, pausing to allow time for reflection.
Encourage children to be patient with themselves. Point out that we are all on a faith journey, no matter our age. Throughout our lives, we experience God in new and different ways. We must always be open to how he is working within us.
Remind children to talk with a trusted adult if they would like to discuss further any of the faith statements they heard today. Suggest that children return to these statements later in the year to see how they have grown in their relationship with Jesus.
Transform 1. Read aloud the Share Your
Faith activity. Have children complete the activity with a partner.
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God
Remember that we can serve others in big and small ways. Sometimes a simple word or gesture brings great comfort to someone in need.
2. Discuss ways children can be of service in the parish. What does it mean to be a member of a parish? (working together to serve God; sharing and caring for one another)
Find a parish ministry or group in need of assistance for an upcoming event. Arrange to have the class
volunteer to help with setup, hospitality, or cleanup. ✦✦
Remind children to always watch for opportunities to serve those in their own community.
3-Minute Retreat Invite deeper reflection on God’s Word by accessing Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 97. To foster a deeper sense of prayer
The Church Evangelizes Discuss how many Catholic parishes promote opportunities for couples to strengthen their marriage. Some parishes might publish a newsletter with information about retreats, counseling services, and babysitting opportunities so that parents can grow together while fostering their family of faith. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 122. To foster the importance of the family
God Speaks to Us Through the Church CHAPTER 3 T269
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Gather and Go Forth
1. Have children open to the
Gather and Go Forth section on page 33. ✦✦ Ask children to share stories from when they received or saw someone else receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and First Communion. ✦✦
Share one or more stories from your own life.
You have a story of faith. Your experiences in receiving the sacraments make up a big part of that story. Jesus has touched your life and changed you forever. You know his love. You can share this love by telling your stories.
The more we know Christ, the more we want to be with him. We tell others so that they can know and love him too.
2. Have a volunteer read aloud the
We Proclaim Our Faith
God calls us to faith and eternal life. God reveals himself to help us follow his call.
As Catholics, we pray the Litany of Saints, calling upon those who have gone before us in faith.
Jesus gave his apostles the Holy Spirit and sent them out to spread the Good News.
Catholics pray for the bishops and other Church leaders during the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass.
God shows his might and power in creation.
We show humility and honor the Lord when we care for his creation.
e grow closer to Jesus by praying and celebrating the sacraments. With God’s grace, we are filled with the desire to share our story of faith with others. And this is the promise that he made us: eternal life. 1 John 2:25
Test Your Catholic Knowledge
introductory text and Scripture. ✦✦ God wants us to live with him forever. He sent Jesus to save us from our sins. Jesus also shows us how we can have eternal life. ✦✦
Know and Proclaim We Know Our Faith
Fill in the circle that best completes the sentence. Catholics believe that knowing God: leads us to Heaven. keeps us from true happiness. leads us to pursue earthly possessions.
Display a prayer candle. Invite children to pray “Jesus, you are my light and my salvation” as a reminder that Christ leads us to God.
is too hard to try.
God Offers Us Eternal Life CHAPTER 4
1. Read aloud the Know and
Proclaim title and introductory text. ✦✦ Invite a volunteer to read row one. What are some ways God reveals himself to us? (Possible answers: in creation; through Jesus; in the Bible; in the Eucharist at Mass) ✦✦
Remind children that God guides us and gives us direction through the example of the saints, in Scripture, and under the leadership of the Church.
Invite a volunteer to read row two. Then remind children of the presence of the Holy Spirit. God sent the Holy Spirit to help us live our calling. The Spirit is alive and works through us as we serve others.
Invite a volunteer to read row three. How can we care for God’s creation? (Possible answers: recycle; clean up a park; conserve energy)
2. Point out the Test Your
Catholic Knowledge section. ✦✦ Knowing the facts of our faith and the history of the Church helps us teach others about Christ. ✦✦
Read aloud the instructions, sentence, and answer choices. Give children time to complete the sentence. Then review each answer choice and discuss why the first choice is correct.
Sunday Connection Explore this Sunday’s Scripture readings with children by accessing Goal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 96. To foster a greater appreciation of the power of God’s Word in our worship.
The Church Evangelizes Invite the parish liturgy director or the pastor to help children plan and participate in a children’s Mass. Assist in selecting songs and writing the Prayers of the Faithful. Have children act as greeters, take up the collection and the gifts, sing, and serve as ushers. G oal 1: To bring about enthusiasm for faith so it is freely shared with others 95. To foster an appreciation of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and of all the sacraments
See pages T314–T316 for a full correlation to the USCCB Go and Make Disciples national plan.
We Come to Know God
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3. Invite a volunteer to read aloud A Catholic to Know. Discuss Saint Catherine of Siena. ✦✦ What are some ways Saint Catherine of Siena served God? (helping those who were sick, poor, and in prison; bringing people who had left the Church back to it; praying for others) ✦✦
A Catholic to Know In the 1300s, Catherine of Siena brought Jesus’ love to the world through her vocation to religious life. She had a vision of Saint Dominic inviting her to join the religious order he had founded. As a Tertiary Sister of Saint Dominic, she prayed for and served those who were sick, poor, or in prison. Her actions and example brought many people who had fallen away from the Church back to prayer and the sacraments. Our lives can also lead others to Christ, whether they know the faith or have not yet learned how much God loves them.
Saint Catherine’s example reminds us that we are serving God when we help those in need. Sometimes our actions are enough to make others desire to know God better.
Saint Catherina of Siena
Witness and Share These sentences describe what Catholics believe. Listen carefully as they are read. Ask yourself, “How strong are my Catholic beliefs?”
Who are some modern-day heroes who witness for Jesus by helping those in need? [Discuss ideas.]
My Way to Faith • I pay attention to what I am praying when I proclaim the Nicene Creed. • I pray the Act of Faith to strengthen my belief. • I ask the Holy Spirit to help me live like a true child of God.
When have you been a witness for your faith by being an example to others with your actions? [Allow children to respond.]
• I honor God by practicing stewardship and caring for his creation. • I look forward to living a faithful life and living happily with God forever after death.
Share Your Faith Think of ways you can show appreciation for God’s creation. Choose one idea and invite a friend to join you in putting it into action. Say a prayer of thanks for this gift from God.
4. Read the Witness and Share introductory text. Remind children that each of us is unique. We all have a special relationship with God.
Follow along with me as I read each faith statement aloud. Ask yourself whether your friendship with Jesus is growing. Read aloud the first faith statement. Think about how you are putting your beliefs into practice at this point in your life.
Read aloud the other statements, pausing to allow time for reflection.
Suggest that children choose one statement to discuss with a trusted adult. Invite them to write this statement in a journal and to revisit it later in the year to consider how their faith has grown.
5. Read aloud the directions for
the Share Your Faith activity. ✦✦ Have children complete the activity and then share their work with a partner. ✦✦
Encourage children to tell the whole group about their shared faith experience.
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God
This week, pay attention to all the ways God is working in your life. Then point it out to others. Your personal witness may inspire others to look for God too.
1. Invite children to share
something special that happened in their lives this week. How does it feel to hear the good news of others? [Let children respond.] These stories show how God is working in our lives.
3. Suggest that children keep a
journal to record their experiences noticing and sharing God’s love this week. Share your own experiences with the class. Invite children to share passages from their journal with the class at the end of the week.
2. Challenge children to share their good-news stories.
The Church Evangelizes Have the class host an art fair. Students can use a variety of media to focus on God through their works of art, including poetry, paintings, sculptures, and music. Invite families, other classes, or the entire parish to view students’ work. Goal 3: To foster gospel values, promoting dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good 124. To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community
God Offers Us Eternal Life CHAPTER 4 T271
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Program Overview
Unit 4
Planning Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-16
We Love God’s People
Scope and Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-18
Chapter 14 We Honor and Obey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T136
Correlations to NCEA IFG: ACRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV-20
Chapter 15 We Respect the Gift of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T148
Unit 1
Chapter 16 We Are Faithful to Ourselves and Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T158
Note to Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T1a
Chapter 17 We Respect What God Has Given Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T168
We Come to Know God Chapter 1
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T2
Chapter 2
God Speaks to Us in Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . T12
Chapter 3
God Speaks to Us Through the Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T22
Chapter 4
God Offers Us Eternal Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T32
Chapter 18 We Respect the Gifts of the Earth . . . . . . T178 Chapter 19 We Speak the Truth with Love . . . . . . . . . . T188 Chapter 20 We Live God’s Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T198
Unit 5
Jesus Leads Us to Happiness
Chapter 21 Happy Are the Poor in Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . T208
Unit 2
God Strengthens Us to Be Holy
Chapter 5
We Are Called to Follow Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . T42
Chapter 6
Jesus Invites Us to Receive God’s Mercy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T52
Chapter 7
We Worship God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T62
Chapter 8
God Gave Us Laws for Living . . . . . . . . . . . . T72
Chapter 9
We Honor Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T82
Unit 3
We Love God
Chapter 22 God’s Sorrowing and Meek People Receive a Special Promise . . . . . . . T220 Chapter 23 God’s People Long to Be Clean of Heart and Holy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T230 Chapter 24 God’s People Bring Mercy and Peace to Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T240 Chapter 25 God’s People Are Happy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T250
Chapter 10 We Show Our Love for God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T94 Chapter 11 We Love All That Is Holy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T104 Chapter 12 We Keep the Lord’s Day Holy . . . . . . . . . . . T114 Chapter 13 We Grow in Holiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T124
Gather and Go Forth
Saints and Feast Days
New Evangelization Correlation Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T314
Calendar of Saints and Feast Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T395 September T396 October T398 November T402 December T403 January T404 February T405 March T406 April T407 May T408
Special Seasons and Lessons
The Catechist’s Handbook
Student pages follow each chapter.
The New Evangelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T261 Unit 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T264 Unit 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T272 Unit 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T282 Unit 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T290 Unit 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T304
8 The Guardian Angels October 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T357
The Catechist’s Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T409 Profile of a Fourth Grader T410 Areas of Growth T411 The Catechist T412 Tips for Good Catechesis T414 What the Catechism Says to Catechists T415 Techniques and Tools of Teaching T416 Creative Activities T422 Inclusion: Meeting Special Needs T424 Multicultural Awareness T427 Assessment T428 Catechist’s Resources T429
9 Reconciliation Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T361
Parent-Catechist Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T431
10 Queen of Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T365
Music List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T434
What Catholics Should Know
Directory of Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T441
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prayer and How We Pray Prayers We Pray as Catholics The Rosary Mysteries of the Rosary Stations of the Cross Celebrating and Living Our Catholic Faith Living Our Faith The Bible and You Showing Our Love for the World
T369 T371 T373 T377 T379 T380 T381 T385 T390 T391
The Year in Our Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T317 1 Feast of All Saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T318 2 Advent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T323 3 Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T329 4 Lent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T334 5 Holy Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T341 6 Easter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T347 7 Pentecost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T352
Student Book Cover Prayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T393
Online Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T443
Glossary Index
Scripture Index
We Come to Know God Goals The children will learn that God is revealed in creation, Sacred Scripture, the Church, and—most perfectly—his Son. They will be motivated to nourish faith through prayer, the sacraments, and obedience.
1 God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son
To help us believe in him and thus attain eternal life, God reveals himself to us in natural and supernatural ways. In this chapter the children learn that God is revealed in creation, his words and deeds, and—most perfectly—his Son. Not only does God speak through Jesus, but Jesus is God, speaking and acting. The children learn that the apostles came to know Jesus and, through him, the Father. They are introduced to the gift of faith and Jesus’ ways of strengthening that faith. They are led to appreciate the greatness and goodness of God in creation and to respond to God’s call to faith with a sincere desire to learn more about God.
2 God Speaks to Us in Scripture
The Bible, or Sacred Scripture, is the written Word of God. In this chapter the children learn more about Scripture and discover that God’s love is the Bible’s most important message. They are encouraged to grow in love and respect for the Bible, as well as for the Word of God when it is proclaimed or read.
3 God Speaks to Us Through the Church
God continues to speak to us through all people, who form the community of the Church. In this chapter, the children learn more about the makeup of this community, particularly the position of its leaders. They discover that the authority Jesus gave to the apostles is passed on to successive leaders of the Church. The children are encouraged to show their appreciation and love for the Church’s leaders by praying for them. They are also taught to use their own talents in helping spread the Good News through prayer, work, and Christian witness.
4 God Offers Us Eternal Life
God calls us to believe and trust in him in order to enjoy eternal life with him in heaven. In this chapter the children are led to reflect on the great treasure that awaits them if they respond to God’s call. They review the key concepts of this unit and celebrate their faith.
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son Faith Focus God reveals himself in many ways but especially through his Son, Jesus.
Reflecting on the Faith Experience Take a few moments to reflect prayerfully before preparing the lesson.
Listening For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. John 3:16
Reflecting So that we may believe and attain eternal life, God reveals himself to us in two basic ways: natural and supernatural. In natural revelation, God makes himself known through the world of creation; in supernatural revelation, God communicates by divine speech, as he did through the prophets in the Old Testament and through his Son in the New Testament. Just as an artist’s personality is reflected in his or her work, so God reveals himself in his wondrous creation. Gerard Manley Hopkins, viewing creation with the eye of a poet and the heart of a mystic, exclaimed: The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil. from “God’s Grandeur”
Another poet, Joseph Mary Plunkett, elaborated on this vision of God in creation:
I See His Blood upon the Rose I see His Blood upon the rose And in the stars the glory of his eyes, His body gleams amid eternal snows, And his tears fall from the skies. I see His Face in every flower, The thunder and the singing of the birds Are but His voice—and carven by His power Rocks are His written words. All pathways by His feet are worn, His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea, His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn, His Cross is every tree. In supernatural communication, God speaks through others. The prophets, for example, were seers chosen by God to bring his revelation to us. In the person of Christ, however, it is not merely God speaking through someone but God himself speaking to the members of the human race. What response does the reality of God’s existence call forth from me?
We Come to Know God
Responding O God, fill the children with a strong desire to know you.
Scripture for Further Reflection Matthew 11:27 Jesus is the fullness of God’s revelation about himself. To know Jesus is to know God. John 1:16–18 God has given us himself by sending Jesus, his Incarnate Word. Romans 1:20 The everlasting power of God is present and evident in creation.
Preparing for the Faith Experience Scripture in This Chapter Psalm 104 Praise of God the Creator John 20:24–29 Jesus’ Appearance to Thomas Mark 16:15 Jesus Calls the Apostles to Witness for Him
Catholic Social Teaching The Poor and Vulnerable
Church Documents Catechism of the Catholic Church. The themes of this chapter correspond to the following paragraphs: 65, 150–152, 293–294, 457–458.
Before You Begin 1. By leading them through an
appreciation of the things they can enjoy because of their natural human life, this lesson helps the children understand the greatness of the eternal life that God offers them. They learn that Jesus won this life for them through his death and Resurrection and that God gives a share in eternal life to those who believe in his Son.
2. Our good God reveals himself to us so that we can come to know and love him. In this lesson the children learn that God helps us know him through his words and deeds. They consider the works of
General Directory for Catechesis #16. Our faith tells us that everything we do and everything that exists is marked by the creative activity of God, communicating goodness to everything. National Directory for Catechesis #1. Christ himself is the Good News, proclaiming the Kingdom of God and bringing about our salvation by his suffering, death, and Resurrection. Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation #3, 4 (Vatican II). Everything God has created provides evidence of his nature. Jesus’ words and works, but especially his death and Resurrection, are the clearest revelation of God’s love for us and his plan to raise us up to eternal life.
creation and realize that from them they can learn something about God. The children hear that God reveals himself perfectly in his Son, Jesus.
3. To believe is to trust another
and accept what he or she tells us because we are sure of his or her love and knowledge. Christian faith believes in God and trusts in his goodness, love, and knowledge. It accepts all that God teaches through his Son, Jesus, and his Church. Christian faith is a gift received from God in Baptism.
Sharing Catholic Social Teaching (USCCB). Through our stewardship of creation, we show respect for the Creator, who calls us to live our faith in relationship with all creation.
Gather and Go Forth Find catechist instruction for Gather and Go Forth student pages 9–10 on T264–T265.
Enriching the Faith Experience Use the activities at the end of the chapter to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your class.
to assess the children’s strengths and weaknesses. Use the results to plan your lessons for the year. Save the tests. At the end of the year, give the test again as a post-test. Lead the children to see how much they have learned.
5. Have the children tear out pages v and vi, Notes to Parents, to take home.
4. BLM 1A–C You may wish
to administer BLM 1A–C as a pre-test. After correcting the pre-tests, analyze them
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1 T3
Get-Ready Guide Steps
Learning Outcomes
Action Plan
The children will be able to
Centering 5–10 minutes Page 2
explain that God is a Trinity of three persons.
30–45 minutes
explain how creation tells about God.
Pages 3–7
explain that they received a share in God’s life at Baptism.
describe how God reveals himself through Jesus.
explain that faith is a gift from God.
explain how we come to know about God today.
define the Words to Know. Hebrews prophets See the Glossary for definitions.
Welcome the students.
Explain to the children that for every unit they will take home A Letter Home so their parents will know what they are learning. (T5)
Option: Administer the pre-test.
Page 3 ✦✦
Read and discuss God Calls Us to Be His Friends.
Lead a discussion about eternal life. (T6)
Page 4 ✦✦
Read and discuss God Reveals Himself in Creation.
Option: Do the postcard activity at the bottom of the page.
Bible with a marker at John 17:20 Student book for each child Option: BLM 1A–C Flash cards: faith, eternal life Drawing of a picture frame on the board with the title “My Favorite Things” Crucifix Option: Background music
Page 5 ✦✦
Read and discuss God Reveals Himself Through Jesus.
Explain how people came to know Jesus. (T8)
Page 6 ✦✦
Read and discuss Jesus Invites Us to Believe.
Discuss the gift of faith. (T9)
Pray A Moment with Jesus.
Page 7 ✦✦
Complete the two activities on this page.
Page 8
5–10 minutes Page 8
Have the children cut out the Act of Faith card. (T10)
Review the chapter.
Option: Administer the Chapter 1 Quiz.
Remind the children to take home Building Family Faith and the letter at the beginning of the unit.
Act of Faith card in the back of the student book Option: BLM 2 Quiz
Gather and Go Forth ✦ NEW EVANGELIZATION Inspire Proclaim Transform 15–20 minutes
apply principles of the New Evangelization.
demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in this chapter.
Pages 9–10
Page 9 ✦✦
Inspire children to share God’s Word.
Help children connect Catholic beliefs with practices.
Pose a faith knowledge question.
Page 10 ✦✦
Discuss Saint Joan of Arc.
Guide reflection on faith statements.
Invite others to a discipleship promise.
Additional Background For definitions of the following key terms, go to deceive, eternal life, faith.
We Come to Know God
Centering 1. Conduct a ceremony during
Letter A Letter Home Home
which you distribute the student books to the children. ✦✦ Show the children the student books and read the title. Read John 17:20–21 from the Bible. You may wish to play soft music as the children come forward to receive their books. ✦✦
Dear Parents and Family,
elcome! You have an exciting role ahead in supporting your child’s learning about the faith. Your interest, participation, and discussion will expand your fourth grader’s understanding of these lessons and convey their importance. In Unit One, the children will discover the many ways God is reaching out to us. They first learn how God reveals himself in creation and especially in his Son, Jesus. Not only does God speak through Jesus, but Jesus is God, speaking and acting. The children will grow to see God’s hand in creation and to respond to his call with a real desire to learn more about him. You can help them identify God’s handiwork in the world around them.
As you give each child his or her book, say a prayer such as “[Name], may you and Jesus become better friends this year.” The child may respond, “Amen.”
The children will learn that the key message of the Bible is that God loves us. A better understanding of Scripture will help them develop a devotion to and a new respect for the Word of God. You, too, can gain insight into the readings at Mass with the Sunday Connection found in the Resources section at
2. Have the children look through the books and comment on them. ✦✦ Direct them to write their names in the space provided on the inside front cover of their books. ✦✦
This first unit also describes how God continues to reach out to us through the Church. The authority that Jesus gave to the apostles is the same authority handed down to today’s pope and bishops. The children will be encouraged to show their appreciation for Church leaders as well as to use their own talents to help spread the good news of Jesus’ UNIT Resurrection through prayer; through their efforts at school, at home, and in the community; and through their example. This is a worthy goal for your whole family.
1 We Come to Know God
Remind them to treat the books with reverence.
At the end of each chapter in this unit, the children will bring home a review of the chapter along with either the Building Family Faith page or the Family Feature section. These features give you a quick review of what your child learned and offer practical ways to reinforce the lesson at home so that the whole family may benefit.
3. Have the children tear out page
2 to take home for their parents. Explain that this is an important letter for their parents to read.
Visit for more family resources.
4. Option
BLM 1A–C Distribute and administer BLM 1A–C Pre-test. Analyze the tests to assess the children’s strengths and weaknesses.
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. 1 John 3:1
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1 T5
Sharing 1. Direct the children to God
Calls Us to Be His Friends on page 3. ✦✦ Call on a child to read the first paragraph aloud. P HA TE
2. Call on a volunteer to read the next paragraph. ✦✦ Ask the children if they can think of any words that begin with t-r-i. (tricycle, triangle, triplet) ✦✦
What does the tri refer to? (three)
Draw the children’s attention to the word Trinity in their books. Explain that just as tri means three in the words mentioned, it means the same thing in the word Trinity.
Trinity refers to the three Persons in one God. Who are these three Persons? (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
What prayer do we pray that addresses all three Persons? (the Sign of the Cross, the Glory Be to the Father)
Discuss with the children their answers to the questions that follow.
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son God Calls Us to Be His Friends “Jack, come over here,” Matthew called excitedly as Jack walked into the classroom the first day back to school after vacation. “Wait till you hear what I did this summer!” • What may Matthew have wanted to tell Jack? • Why are we so eager to tell our friends about our summer? God calls us friends. He reveals himself to us because he loves us. God reveals himself as three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We call this the Trinity. God wants us to come to know him better so that we will love him more. You will come to know God in many ways, but especially through Jesus.
3. Invite a child to read the last
Jesus calls each of us to share God’s friendship. This year you will learn how to live the way a friend of God does. You will study the commandments he gave, which guide us to happiness here and to perfect happiness with God forever.
paragraph on page 3.
4. Explain what it means to
believe. ✦✦ To believe means to accept something as true. Do you believe everything others tell you? Why or why not? ✦✦
[Display the flash card faith.] At Baptism God gave us faith—a gift that helps us know things we cannot know through our natural powers alone. Faith gives us the power to believe in God’s Son, Jesus, even though we have never seen him.
friends because we believe in him and love him.
6. Discuss eternal life. ✦✦
5. Option Let the children share
their belief in Jesus. ✦✦ What do you believe about Jesus? (He is God’s Son; he loves us; he died on the Cross to save us; he taught and healed people while on earth; he gave us the Church and sacraments.) ✦✦
Jesus said that he loves us and wants us as his friends. We are his
We Come to Know God
Once Jesus spoke to a man named Nicodemus about the wonderful new life that God gives us. He said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.“ (John 3:16) What kind of life does God give us through his Son Jesus? (eternal life) [Display the flash card.]
What does eternal life mean? (life everlasting—a life of happiness with God forever)
What should we do to receive eternal life? (believe in Jesus and live as he wants us to)
Why does God give us the wonderful gift of eternal life? (because God loves us)
Who won eternal life for us? (Jesus) How? (through his life, death, and Resurrection)
7. Option Lead the children to
reflect on the new life they received at Baptism. ✦✦ We already have this life that will last forever. Do you know when we received it? (at Baptism) This life is a share in God’s own life. ✦✦
Although we have eternal life, we can’t see now what it will be like one day. It is in us in much the same way as a tiny seed is in the ground. [On the board draw a seed in the ground.] Can you see what this seed is going to become some day? (No.) It doesn’t look
like anything wonderful yet. What might it become? (a beautiful flower, a tree) ✦✦
God Reveals Himself in Creation
[Draw a tree next to the seed.] Does the tree look like the seed from which it began? (No.) Yet the same life that was in the seed is in the tree. The seed developed into what it had the power to become—a tree.
None of us has seen God. How can we know him? We listen to God as he reveals, or tells us about, himself. God reveals himself to us in many ways. All the things God has created tell us something about him. They tell us that God is great and good and loving! God created everything for us to use and to enjoy. How good God is! O Lord, How Great and Good You Are! O Lord, my God, how great you are! You put springs of cool water in the valleys, where the wild animals come to drink. The birds make their nests in the trees. You make fresh grass grow for the cattle and bring forth crops from the soil so that people may have food to eat. How many are your works, O Lord God! adapted from Psalm 104:1, 10–12, 14, 24
8. Option Have the children
look at the picture of Jesus and the children on page 3 and discuss it with them. ✦✦ Imagine that Jesus and the children are talking about the things we talked about today. ✦✦ ✦✦
What might Jesus be telling the children?
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God
What might the children ask Jesus? (Example: The power of a waterfall reminds us of our all-powerful God.) When the students have finished, ask volunteers to share what they have written.
9. Ask a child to draw some of his or her favorite things inside the large frame on the board. What do you learn about [Name] from the drawings?
10. Have the children silently read God Reveals Himself in Creation on page 4. ✦✦ Divide the class into two groups. ✦✦
What does your description of creation tell you about God?
Write a postcard to a friend describing a nice place to play outdoors near your home.
Our sharing in God’s life is something like this. We have God’s life now, but we don’t enjoy it the same way we will in heaven.
Ask the first group to reverently pray together the first stanza of Psalm 104 and the other group the second stanza.
What did your description of the outdoors God created tell you about God?
How can we come to know God when we have not seen him? (through what God has created)
People can help us know God. Think of a parent and a child. What does a father, a mother, or anyone else who cares for a child tell you about God? (God is loving.)
Look at the picture. When we see the gigantic tree God has made for us, what do we know about God? (God is strong, powerful.)
11. Option Then have the
children do the postcard activity. ✦✦ Ask them to share through their description on their postcards the beauty of God’s creation and what it reveals about God himself.
What other things can you think of that tell of God’s greatness? (lightning, waterfalls, mountains, glaciers, plants)
12. Have the children circle three
words on page 4 that tell what God’s creation reveals about him. (great, good, and loving)
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1 T7
13. Have the children read silently
page 5, God Reveals Himself Through Jesus. ✦✦ How does God reveal himself perfectly? (through Jesus) ✦✦
God Reveals Himself Through Jesus God reveals himself in the words he speaks to us and in the deeds he does for us. God reveals himself perfectly through Jesus.
What are some things Jesus reveals about God our Father? (things we might not learn in any other way; how good and great God is; God’s kindness, forgiveness, and love for people who are poor)
Two thousand years ago the Son of God became man. This mystery is called the Incarnation. Jesus is both God and man. Why did God become man? The Bible tells us:
What are some of the things you have come to know about God? (God is the creator of heaven and earth; God is love; God is good because he sent his Son to save us; God forgives us.)
At the Last Supper, Philip said to Jesus, “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us!” Jesus answered, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. . . . The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”
In the first paragraph, underline three ways that God reveals himself to us. (in the words, in the deeds, through Jesus) Now circle how God is revealed perfectly. (through Jesus)
Why did God become man? (so that we might have eternal life)
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16
adapted from John 14:8–11
In many ways, Jesus reveals how much God our Father loves us. Jesus’ words and deeds tell us how great and good God is. He shows us God’s kindness, forgiveness, and love for the poor. God wants us to show loving concern and care for those who are poor too.
14. Explain how people in Jesus’
time came to know him. ✦✦ The apostles and other people who lived in the time of Jesus came to know God our Father through Jesus. They met Jesus. They saw what he did and heard him speak. The apostles lived with Jesus day after day for three years. They heard Jesus speak about his Father’s love and care. ✦✦
Do you remember the story Jesus told about the boy who ran away from home but who was lovingly forgiven by his father when he returned? In this story, Jesus was telling us how much God our Father loves us. Another time Jesus spoke about how our heavenly Father takes care of the birds and the flowers. What was Jesus telling us? (how God takes care of us) People saw Jesus cure sick people, raise others from the dead, and bring sinners back to God. What other wonderful things did Jesus do? One great thing that Jesus did tells us more than all the rest about how much God loves us. Do you know what it was? (Jesus
We Come to Know God
died for us.) Jesus’ death reveals God’s saving love in a very special way. What do we have because Jesus died and rose? (eternal life)
15. Option Discuss the
conversation of Jesus and Philip at the Last Supper. ✦✦ Who was it that Philip wanted to see? (the Father) ✦✦
What words of Jesus show that he was disappointed? (“Have I been with you for so long a time, and you still do not know me?”)
What didn’t Philip understand? (that to see Jesus was to see God our Father)
What did Jesus say about the words he speaks? (“I do not speak on my own.”) Whose words did Jesus speak? (God the Father’s)
What did Jesus say about his works? (“The Father who dwells in me is doing his works.”)
Why did Jesus say that his words and deeds are the words and deeds of the Father? (because he is in the Father and the Father is in him) He and the Father are one.
16. Ask a volunteer to read the last
paragraph on page 5 aloud. Note that all of us are called to reveal the love of God the Father by showing care and concern for those who are poor. The Poor and Vulnerable
17. Direct the children to look at
the picture of Jesus and Thomas on page 6. ✦✦ What is the title of this page? (Jesus Invites Us to Believe) ✦✦
Jesus Invites Us to Believe On the first Easter evening, when Jesus came to the apostles, Thomas was not with them. Thomas did not believe the apostles when they told him that Jesus was risen from the dead. Thomas said, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
What does Jesus seem to be doing to help Thomas believe it is really him? (showing his wounds)
A week later Jesus came to the apostles again, and Thomas was with them. Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.”
18. Tell the children to read silently
the story about Thomas in the first four paragraphs of page 6, ending with Jesus’ words to Thomas. ✦✦ Why wouldn’t Thomas believe the other apostles when they told him that Jesus was risen? (He didn’t see Jesus himself.) ✦✦
Why do you think that Jesus invited Thomas to put his hand into Jesus’ side? (He wanted Thomas to believe.)
What was Thomas’s prayer when he saw Jesus and believed? (“My Lord and my God!”)
What did he tell Jesus through this prayer? (He believed Jesus is God.)
Whom did Jesus call blessed? (those who believe without seeing) Underline this statement in your books. Jesus wants us to believe in him without seeing him. He wants us to have faith in him because he loves us.
Thomas answered, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” adapted from John 20:24–29
We believe without seeing because we have faith. Faith is a precious gift from God that helps us to believe in him. It makes us able to trust in him. God is always truthful; he cannot deceive us.
A Moment with Jesus Think about the postcard you wrote earlier in the chapter. Invite Jesus to join you in that special place you described. Thank him for his awesome gifts of creation. Ask him to help you deepen your faith. Tell him how much you love him, and enjoy knowing how much he loves you.
We believe what Jesus tells us because he is the Son of God and loves us. Jesus is good and tells us only what is true. We accept everything God tells us because he is a God of love who knows and sees all things. God cannot be deceived or tricked. God is Truth, and tells only what is true. God can’t deceive us. [Write deceive on the board.] What does it mean to deceive someone? (to make someone
UNIT 1 We Come to Know God
believe something that is untrue) God is all good and will not deceive us. That is why we believe and trust God. We do what he tells us.
19. Lead the children to
understand the gift of faith and how it helps us. ✦✦ Faith is a special gift from God. It gives us the power to believe and trust that everything God tells us is true.
When we were baptized, God gave us the gift of faith and a share in his own life. Faith leads us to enjoy eternal life with God. Through his Church, Jesus helps our faith to deepen. Our faith becomes stronger when we pray and celebrate the sacraments, when we listen to God’s Word and study the Church’s teachings, and when we do what God tells us to do.
20. Discuss ways to grow in faith. ✦✦
How have you grown in faith, in believing in God, since you were baptized?
Our faith becomes stronger when we celebrate the sacraments. Which sacraments can we celebrate often? (Reconciliation, Eucharist)
We grow in faith when we listen to Jesus and do what he wants. What does Jesus want us to do? (to love God with our whole hearts, to love one another as he has loved us)
21. Have two children read aloud
the last two paragraphs on page 6 as a summary.
Lead the children in prayer by reflecting on A Moment with Jesus on page 6. ✦✦ Invite the children to sit quietly and close their eyes. ✦✦
Read the reflection slowly and reverently, giving the children time with Jesus.
At the end of the prayer, allow a few moments for the children to rest in the love of Jesus. Have them slowly open their eyes and then move to the next activity.
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1 T9
23. Have the children work the
exercise at the top of page 7.
24. Direct the children to the house activity at the bottom of page 7. ✦✦ In the outline of the house, direct the children to draw a picture of themselves and their family members doing something together that helps them know or follow Jesus. ✦✦
Suggest that partners show their drawings to each other and explain what is happening in the picture.
How We Come to Know Jesus Today Draw lines to the words that complete the sentences.
We meet Jesus in the
• Scripture.
We read about Jesus in
• people.
Jesus teaches us through the •
• sacraments.
We see Jesus in other
• Church.
Think of how you and your family do things together in your home that help you know Jesus better, such as reading, praying, or helping someone. In the house, draw yourself and your family doing that activity.
Acting 1. Have the children complete A Faith Puzzle on the top of page 8.
2. Direct the children
to cut out the prayer Act of Faith card with the Act of Faith from the cutout page in the back of their books. ✦✦ Tell them to take it home where they can mount the card on colored construction paper, and decorate it with symbols of our faith. O my God, I firmly believe
that you are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths
which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them
who are eternal truth and wisdom,
who can neither deceive nor be deceived. In this faith I intend to live and die. Amen
Suggest that they put the cards in their bedrooms as a reminder to pray the Act of Faith frequently.
3. Lead the children through the Review on page 8.
4. Option
BLM 2 Distribute and administer BLM 2 Chapter 1 Quiz. Use this opportunity to assess the children’s understanding of the main concepts in the chapter.
5. Have the children tear out and take home page 8. Encourage them to share Building Family Faith with their families.
6. Remind the children to bring
home the letter at the beginning of the unit.
We Come to Know God
God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1
CHECKPOINT • Were the learning outcomes achieved? • Do the children show that they grasp the concept of faith? • Did the children demonstrate an understanding that Jesus revealed the Father to us?
Gather and Go Forth Find catechist instruction for Gather and Go Forth student pages 9–10 on T264–T265.
Enriching the Faith Experience
1. Faith leads us to eternal l
walk and pick a comfortable area to take a break. Let each child choose a quiet spot of his or her own. Allow 10 minutes
God’s life. .
3. Faith is the power to b 4. When we believe, we t in God. 5. God tells only the t
1 2 3
, not lies.
How does God reveal himself? God reveals himself through creation, Scripture, and perfectly through Jesus. How can we help God’s gift of faith to grow? We can help our faith to grow by praying, celebrating the sacraments, listening to God’s Word, studying the Church’s teachings, and doing what God tells us.
We Respond
F A I 4 T H
Building Family Faith
Act of Faith (adapted) O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins, and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches, because you have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Amen.
CHAPTER SUMMARY We believe God created us out of love, and we come to know God through creation, his words and deeds, and his Son, Jesus. We respond to God’s love with faith. REFLECT For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. John 3:16–17
2. Plan an art gallery named
4. Take the children for a nature
Review We Remember
2. In Baptism we s
corner in your room. Decide with the children where it should be and what would help make it a special place for prayer (table, Bible, candle, flowers). Encourage the children to make a prayer corner at home.
a partner. They should take turns tracing one another on a large piece of paper, such as paper that comes on a large roll. This allows them to make life-size outlines of themselves. Each child should decorate his or her own body tracing. Then encourage them to write two or three sentences about something God has done for them that makes them happy. They may title their work “I Am Happy” and may share their ideas with the class.
Fill in the puzzle with the missing words.
1. Plan and arrange a prayer
3. Have the children pair up with
A Faith Puzzle
Use the following activities to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your class. For additional enrichment ideas, such as preparing for the Sunday Scripture readings or using activities on the Christ Our Life Web site, see page T372. For activities related to the liturgical season, see Special Seasons and Lessons, which begin on page T261.
God’s Gifts in Creation. Let each child draw or paint a picture of a favorite part of creation. Hang the pictures on a piece of yarn stretched across the room. Give each child a chance to explain what his or her picture says about God.
Chapter 1
DISCUSS AS A FAMILY • how God reveals himself through nature, other people, the Church, and Jesus. • some ways your family can grow in faith.
PRAY Lord, help me grow strong in my faith. DO • Notice what amazes or delights you at a park, a nature conservatory, or even in your own backyard and realize that these are signs of God. • At mealtime name one person, place, thing, or experience that helped you realize God’s love. • Read a story or watch a family movie about believing, such as Field of Dreams. Visit for more family resources.
for the children to tune in to the sights and sounds around them. Afterward, form a circle and let the children present spontaneous acts of praise to God for the things they saw in creation.
5. Plan a Good News Bulletin
Board on which the children can post articles or pictures of good things happening in creation.
the cards while the others try to guess what each child is pretending to be.
We reveal God’s love by showing concern for one another. Have the children make get-well cards for children in a community hospital or collect books and games to donate to them. The Poor and Vulnerable
6. Allow the children to make a mobile of people and things through which God reveals himself.
7. Pass out cards with names
on them of different things that can be found in creation. Let the children take turns pantomiming the items on God Reveals Himself to Us Through His Son CHAPTER 1 T11