Exercises in English 2013 Level C (Assessment Book)

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ENGLISH Blackline Master Assessment Book


workbook LEVEL




Contents Program Overview


Sentences 1 Nouns 3


Pronouns 5 Verbs 7


Adjectives 11

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Adverbs & Conjunctions


Punctuation, Capitalization & Abbreviations


Diagramming 19

Answer Key



Š Loyola Press. Exercises in English  Level C


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Assessment  •   Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which group of words is a sentence? a. The girl and her parents b. Flowers and trees c. The book is long d. The hungry dog

7. Which sentence uses the correct end punctuation mark? a. I read the book in three days? b. When should I come over? c. How often do you play baseball. d. You look stunning?

2. a. b. c. d.

Which sentence is a statement? I put the letter in the mailbox Is it time for dinner Why can’t I go to the movies How long is recess

3. a. b. c. d.

Which sentence is a question? I have too many books When is Mya’s party She likes playing board games Juan got a package in the mail

8. Which sentence uses the correct end punctuation mark? a. The mailbox is blue? b. When is the party! c. The spaghetti is delicious? d. The playground is empty.

4. Which sentence uses a question word correctly? a. How is going to the store? b. Who is going to the store? c. Why is going to the store? d. When is going to the store? 5. a. b. c. d.

Which sentence is a command? Run to the bench. Reading is fun. You should sit down. You can work harder.

6. a. b. c. d.

Which sentence is an exclamation? Yay, I won the race Open your book I finished painting the picture Should I clean up

9. a. b. c. d.



© Loyola Press. Exercises in English  Level C



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Which sentence is a statement? Sing as loudly as you can. The scissors are on the shelf. Where is Mr. Lee’s classroom? The view is amazing!

10. Which sentence has the simple subject underlined? a. People are washing their cars. b. The brown puppy loves to play. c. A spider spun a web in the corner. d. My friend, Oscar, lives three blocks away.



11. Which sentence has the complete subject underlined? a. A red ball is rolling down the hill. b. The boy likes to play basketball. c. A snail crawls across the leaf. d. The girl does not like drawing. 12. Which sentence has the simple predicate underlined? a. An elephant is bigger than a mouse. b. The football players run quickly. c. The vase broke into many pieces. d. We invited Haley to the party.

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Assessment, continued

13. Which sentence has the complete predicate underlined? a. I watered the plants. b. The baby cried all night. c. The dog barked at the cat. d. My sister washed the dishes. 14. Which sentence has the simple predicate underlined? a. The girl walks to school. b. The jet prepared for takeoff. c. I read the magazine. d. My friend forgot his homework.



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17. Which group of words is a compound sentence? a. The girl with the red backpack is sitting in the front seat. b. The light turned red, and we stopped walking. c. The two friends and their parents went on a roller coaster. d. I bought pencils, erasers, and notebooks.

18. Which group of words is a compound sentence? a. Jack loves pancakes and maple 15. Which sentence contains a syrup. compound predicate? b. Caleb went to the pool, and he swam laps. a. The bus driver stops at the corner and opens the door. c. That movie was the best I’ve ever seen! b. The grocery store and the shoe store d. Noriko plays the violin in the school are on the same street. orchestra. c. Ava likes to eat turkey sandwiches with carrot sticks. 19. Which group of words is a d. The factory makes toy cars and compound sentence? wooden blocks. a. We cooked dinner and ate together. 16. Which sentence contains a b. I found a seashell at the beach, I compound subject? brought it home. a. Martina and James worked on the c. Mark doesn’t like to watch TV, he project together. likes playing sports. b. My three tiny goldfish live in a fish d. My family went camping, and we tank. forgot our tent. c. The meatballs are hot and spicy. 20. Which sentence is a run-on d. I went to school, turned in sentence? homework, and took a test. a. Shana went to the store and bought a magazine. b. Tate likes singing, but he doesn’t enjoy dancing. c. I went to bed late, I am tired. d. My library has books, movies, and magazines.

© Loyola Press. Exercises in English  Level C


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