Finding God 2013 Introduction Brochure

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Our Response to God’s Gifts


Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.

School and Parish Edition • Grades 1–6

Our Response to God’s Gifts

Know your faith. NDEITW ION

Grow in faith. Go in faith.


Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is a faith formation program that fosters a lifelong relationship with God by engaging children in the full and authentic teachings of the Catholic Church. Catechists and teachers are supported every step of the way as they lead children in an exploration of Scripture, Church Tradition, and prayer to build a strong foundation of faith. Through active learning strategies, children participate in activities that serve many different learning styles and allow children to grow in their faith. Resources designed by parents, for parents, offer practical suggestions on how to integrate faith into everyday life, calling families to “go in faith.” With Finding God, faith comes alive through

• • • •

Ready-to-use, recorded guided reflections that lead children into prayer

Online games and activities that help children reinforce and review concepts of faith their way

Dramatized Scripture stories that bring Bible stories to life for children Exploring Faith Through Art, which engages children with their senses Repeated, relevant opportunities for prayer that encourage children into a lifelong habit of praying

And Finding God helps build and enrich a home faith connection through

• •

Family E-newsletters, which include practical information and tips for parents The 3-Minute Retreat, which provides an online prayer experience for parents or families

Catholic Prayers for Catholic Families, offering tips on praying and traditional prayers

• Faith Moves, a card deck that helps parents nurture family faith • Intergenerational events that engage the whole parish community Finding God provides all the tools and resources for a lived, lifelong faith. 2

Scriptur e

Catholic Social Teac hing



The Church/Creed


G od


Overall Structure

GR ADE 8: Y o u A r e t h e C h o s e n Pe o p l e — C h u r c h H i s t o r y

G R A D E 7 : Th i s

I s M y B e l o ve d S o n — J e s u s C h r i s t

G R A D E 6 : I Am



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5: The Bread of Life —Sacraments & Worship

s s e d Are


DE 2: I


Who Am—The Old Testament

the Poor—B eatitudes & The Ten Com



3 : Fi s h e r s o f M e n — C h u r c h & H o l y S p i r i t

Am the True Vine —Eucharist & Reconcilia

DE 1: G


od Found Ever ything Good—God & Cr


eato r

Finding God is found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Spiral Curriculum Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is based on a spiral curriculum that integrates the fundamental themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as Scripture and Catholic Social Teachings. As children are introduced to and revisit concepts and vocabulary from one year to the next, their knowledge and experience both broaden and deepen.

Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.


Program Components

Children’s Book The Children’s Book features Catholic content shared in a rich context. It draws children in to fully learn, experience, and express their faith.

School and Parish Catechist Guides Easy-to-use, these Guides include complete catechetical background, clear plans, step-by-step support, and additional activities with custom plans for parish and school.

Scripture Stories, Guided Reflections Spoken Word, and Music CDS Dramatized recordings of Scripture stories bring the Bible to life; meditations mentor children to live a life of prayer; music recorded by the internationally known L.A. Children’s Chorus invites children into song and prayer.

Poster Sets Five Posters at every grade level include relevant topics and beautiful visuals.

New! Exploring Faith Through Art Twenty-five prints per grade level, each Art Print easel includes fine art, experiential activities, and prayer.

Director Quick-Start Guide Clear, concise plans for step-by-step program implementation.

Finding God Together: An Intergenerational Events Kit These parish- or school-wide plans offer five intergenerational events that include skits, crafts, grade-level saint stations, and fun projects.

Faith Moves This spiral-bound, pocket-sized booklet includes family faith formation activities for families on the go. To learn more about these components, visit


Web Site

Visit to view online samples. The Finding God Web site fully supports program users with plentiful resources. We offer directors of religious education, principals, catechists, teachers, children, and parents many online resources.

For DREs, Principals, Catechists, and Teachers

• Director Guide: supplemental tools for introducing and implementing the program in a variety of settings and situations

• Activity Finder: a search-friendly way to find hundreds of activities for every grade level, grouping, and learner

• Prayer Services: printable prayer service PDFs for every unit and season

• Blackline Masters: available as PDFs • Lesson Planner: fast, easy-to-use, customizable lesson planning

• Session Extenders: helpful Loyola Press Web links to articles, prayers, activities, and more

• Assessments: session and unit assessments available as printable PDFs

• Intergenerational Events Kit Support pieces:


For Children

• Study Guides: overview of lessons to help children and parents stay informed

• Interactive Session Reviews: ongoing review to help children retain lessons

• Fishers of Faith Game: fun, interactive game to review content

For Families

• Finding God At-Home Edition: for homeschool families to complete the program at home

• Family E-newsletters: delivered online for easy reading and distribution in English and Spanish

• Glossaries in English and Spanish: a definition for every vocabulary word in the program

• Spanish Support: support and resources for parents whose primary language is Spanish

contains everything you need to get kids, parents, and grandparents excited about and involved in each unit’s theme

Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.


Children’s Book Help Children Grow in Faith and Prayer

Saint Louis IX Louis IX, born in 1214, becam e the king of France at the age of 12. Because of his age, his mother made most of the impor tant decisions the kingdom for for many years. In 1234 Louis marrie Margaret of Prove d nce. They had 11 children.

Unit Opener

As king, Louis had a great love for God and for the French people. He made fair laws and prote cted the peop le from unjust treatment by nobles and officials. He improved Franc e’s taxation and legal systems, and he promoted peace among neighboring countries. He also supported the building of hospitals, schoo ls, and religious institutions. Louis especially supported the Dominicans and Franciscans , two religious orders, in their efforts to sprea d the Good News .



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Each unit opens with a saint whose holy life and response to God’s love reflect the unit theme.


King Louis becam e ill and died in 1270 while on a Crusade to North Africa. He is the patron saint of parents and large famili es. His feast day is August 25. Saint Louis, king of France, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres , Louvre, Paris, France.

UNIT 3 • The Church, Our



Community in

the Spirit

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Explore Further



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Kids leave the book and learning comes alive as children explore and discuss traditional and modern artworks from around the world and connect the themes to Catholic Scripture, Tradition, and beliefs.


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Inside Every Session




The Virgin


When we are baptized, we become members of a community of believers, the Church. What can


you do to be an active member of your Church community?

The People of God

Each session begins at a natural starting point—the child’s own life. Questions and an opening prayer lead children into the session.


Joseph Stella, 1926.

God, thank you for giving us the Church. Help us be active members of our faith community.



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Continuing Jesus’ Mission

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In the Gospel of Matthew, the risen Jesus visited the apostles. Some of them could hardly believe that it was Jesus standing before them. Jesus reassured them and instructed them to go forth and make new disciples. He also sent them out to continue his mission by teaching others how to follow God’s commandments.

Children deepen their understanding of Scripture and doctrine as they read, discuss, experience, and pray.

Welcomed into the Church

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to strengthen the faith of his followers. The grace of the Holy Spirit strengthens us through the Sacrament of Confirmation. When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we strengthen our union with Christ and his Church.

Then and now, Jesus’ disciples make up a universal Church, a community of believers that is open to everyone. We are welcomed into the universal Church at our Baptism.

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Reading God’s Word



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SESSION 11 • The People of God

UNIT 3 • The Church, Our Community in the Spirit


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But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts of the Apostles 1:8


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Grade 4

• Unit 3

6/28/11 12:51 PM


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Jesus lov ed his mo ther Ma was dying ry, the firs on the cro t disciple, treat eac ss, he tol ver y mu h other d her and ch. W hen as mothe his belove the Mothe he r and son d discip r of the . This me le, John, Church. Heaven, ant that to We are sharing Mary bec all her chi in the glo united in ame ldr ry en. Mary of Jesus’ the Comm now live Resurrec union of s tio in n. She wa Saints thr Mary’s Flo nts us to ough ou r union be wers with Ch The flo rist. wers bel ow hav violet, kn own as Ou e special meani ngs associ r Lady’s Lily of the ated wit Modesty, valley, kn h Mary. is associ at Jesus’ own as Ma Th ate e Death. Th d with her ry’s Tears e hawtho humility , is a rem . rn is ref inder of erred to her sorrow as Mary’ s flower of May.

We become full members of Jesus’ Church through the Sacraments of Initiation— Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. We receive new life in Christ when the priest or deacon baptizes us, as Jesus instructed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19–20


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• Session


A Celebrating Commun ity


The People of God worship together publicly at Mass. People of God is another way of describin g who we are as a Church community. As Catholics, we come together to celebrate the Mass with family, friends, and neighbors. We celebrate and pray with Jesus Christ, who is present in the Scripture readings we hear, in the priest who celebrates the Mass, in the community that gathers together, and in the Eucharist we receive.

Sent by Jesus Imagine that you are with the apostles when the risen Jesus sends them out into the world. Look at the apostles’ faces. You can tell that they love and trust Jesus. Listen as Jesus tells them to go and make disciples of all nations.

Various forms of prayer draw children into a lifelong relationship with God.



What an enormous

responsibility Jesus gives to the apostles. To help them, he sends the Holy Spirit. The apostles are eager and excited to do what Jesus asks of them.

Pray with Jesus How can you participate more fully in the Mass? Write your ideas on the lines.

Answers will vary.

Take a few minutes to talk with Jesus. Ask him what he wants you to do. Listen with all your heart.


UNIT 3 • The Church, Our Communit

Children review what they’ve learned and pray in gratitude for God’s gifts. Families are invited to live their faith through simple, life-enriching experiences, discussions, and prayers.

y in the Spirit

Living My aith F




Link to Liturgy

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Baptism by immersion, common in the early Church, involves submerging in water the person being baptized. The Church prefers to baptize infants this way and urges that adults be baptized this way as well. Pouring water on the head of the person being baptized is also a common practice.

Faith Summary

Jesus calls his followers to continue his mission in the world. We become members LoyolaPress. of7/19/11 Jesus’ community, 11:47 AM the i_3172_FG_SE _G4U3.indd ~ pg 67 ~ Church, through the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and Editorialthe _______ Eucharist. We come together asPDF a Signoff: Production _______ community of faith to celebrate the Mass.

SESSION 11 • The People of God


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Words I Learned universal Church

Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus welcomes everyone into the Church. Share a word of welcome with a new member of your parish community.

Prayer Jesus, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to help us be faithful members of the Church.

With My Family Activity Share pictures and stories of family members’ celebrations of the Sacraments of Initiation. Discuss how being a member of the Church helps you continue Jesus’ mission. Faith on the Go Ask one another: How does celebrating the Mass help you follow Jesus’ example? Family Prayer Dear Jesus, help us join together to become your disciples and to spread your message to others. UNIT 3 • The Church, Our Community in the Spirit

~ pg 68 ~ LoyolaPress.

Celebrating the Liturgical Year

Celebratiansg Christm

Celebrating Sessions highlight the Mass and how and why we celebrate throughout the liturgical year.

What We Experience

During Christmas we celebrate Jesus’ birth and thank God for giving us the Light of the World. One way to thank God for this great gift is to share Christ’s light with others. We do this by following Jesus’ new commandment and practicing the Beatitudes. What can you do to share Christ’s light with others?

The readings we hear are about how God’s people waited great hope for the coming Pra with of his Son and about how yer Jesus’ birth fulfilled those hopes. The carols and hymns inspireDear God, thank us to do you for givin what is right and to live g us the wond as Jesus wants us to live. Son, Jesus. Teach erful gift of The songs often us how have words about the peace your to share your that Jesus’ birth brings generosity to the world. with other

Write a new verse for a Christmas hymn or carol that speaks of peace.

Another title for Jesus is “the Bread of Life.” He satisfies our hunger for love, forgiveness, nourishment, and strength. When we accept and welcome the Bread of Life into our lives, we agree to share with others everything Jesus has shared with us.

Answers will vary.

Share with Others Write how you can share with others what Jesus, the Bread of Life, has shared with you.

Answers will vary.



of your Son, you for the gift Dear God, thank giving. with joy and thanks celebrate his birth



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UNIT 3 • The Church, Our Community in the Spirit



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Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes i_3172_FG_SE_G4U3.indd in me will never thirst.” John 6:35


Our Comm

means “house of bread.”

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Reading God’s Word


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In Hebrew the word Bethlehem Jesus. Help us

With My Fam

Activity Mak e a loaf of bread toge along with ther. Send a note, to it, a family mem get a chan ber you will ce to see duri not ng the Chr istmas seaso Faith on the n. Go Ask one another: Wha you can be bread for other t is one way s during the Christmas Family Pray season? er Thank you, God, for May we show sending us our thankfuln your Son. ess for this treat others. gift in how we

UNIT 3 • The Church,




Peace in Hymns and Carols

The Bread of Life

Did You Know? Prayer

Faith Summ ary

We can joyfu lly celebrate Jesus’ birth duri ng the Chr istmas seaso by sharing n his light with others. The songs that we sing at Mass during Chr istmas remi nd us of the peace that Jesus’ birth brings to the worl When we go to Mass during Christmas, we see a whited. cloth on the altar, and the priest wears white or goldWay s of Bein vestments . White, g Like Jesu the liturgical color of the s season, reminds us Jesu sharpurity ofs the es Godand joy of Jesus’ birth. We ’s love with often see a NativityShar us. e God’ scene withs love babywith Jesus in the manger, and with other s by Mary, Joseph, shepherds sharing ,aand signthe Magi. of peace with your family mem bers.

We Share Christ’s Light During Christmas

ber 25, birth on Decem We celebrate Jesus’ is such an Nativity. This the Feast of the ate it during that we celebr important event tmas season. the entire Chris t season, follows the Adven tmas This season, which Mass on Chris celebration of the begins with the Holy Family and the Feasts of the m of the Eve. It includes Feast of the Baptis the with ends st seasons in Epiphany and is one of the shorte tmas Chris Lord. While most joyful. it is one of the year, ical liturg the h Cristes the Old Englis mas comes from we call The word Christ of Christ.” Today means “the Mass at Mass. Maesse, which Christ’s birth se we celebrate it Christmas becau


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Mass During Christmas



Closing Session for Every Unit


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RESPOND Livin g My Faith

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Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.


Catechist Guide Empower Catechists and Teachers

Easy-to-use, each guide includes complete catechetical background, clear plans, step-by-step support, and additional activities with custom guides for parish and school.

• Provides clear, step-by-step instructions for novice and experienced catechists and teachers • Offers inclusion opportunities for children with special needs • Includes at-a-glance planning charts that make instruction as easy as 1-2-3 • Models different ways of praying with straightforward coaching tips • Addresses all learning styles with activities that dynamically engage children with their senses and imaginations




One-Hour Session Planner

One-Hour Session Planner SESSION 11

The People of God

The People of God

Session Theme: People are welcomed into the Church through the SESSI ON Sacramen ts of 11 Initiation.

At-a-Glance Planning Charts

Before This Session

Prayer in Session 11

In this session children learn about public worship, the coming together of Catholics to celebrate and pray. Session 11 includes an extended guided reflection, a special approach to prayer. Follow the Prepare directions on the Catechist Guide page before sharing with children. An alternative approach to prayer in this session is to use the Prayer on the children’s page.

28:19–20 and Acts of the Apostles 1:8. Place the open Bible in your prayer center.

extended guided reflection, a special approach ▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional to prayer. Follow the If Time Allows activities that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials. Prepare directions on the Catechist Guide ▶ Arrange with your catechetical leader to have page before sharing with STEPS APPROXIMATEaTIME guest speaker children.give children a An alternatour Engage of the parish sacristy. tive approach to prayer Unit Saint: Saint Louis IX PAGES 6162 10 minutes in this session is to ▶ Bookma rk your use the Prayer on the The People of God PAGE 63Bible to Matthew 28:19–20 and Acts of the Apostle s children’s page. 1:8. Place the open Bible in your prayer

Before This Session

center. Explore Read Continuing theJesus’ 30–40 minutes Guide Missionfor this PAGE 64 session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities Welcomed the Church that PAGE 65 youintomight have time to complete, and gather the listed materials. Art Print: Saint Dominic ART PRINT AND PRINT BACK



STEPS Prayer: Sent by Jesus

This easy-to-follow, one-hour lesson plan guides catechists to implement the session.

15–20 minutes


A Celebrating Community





Unit Living Saint: My FaithSaint PAGE 68Louis IX The People of God Materials



Explore ▶ Bible

IF TIME ALLOWS Session 11 BLM, T-309 (page 64) Media player, Video: The New Birth Day Club: A Video on Baptism (page 64) ▶ Art supplies (page 65) ▶


CD player

30–40 minutes

▶ CD 2, Track 9: “Two Two” Welcom (1:18) ed into by the Church PAGE 65 ▶ of holy water ▶ Tour guide to give N: JustBottle children a tour of the for Schoo lsDominic Art ▶ Art Print: Print 11:Saint parish sacristy (page 67) Saint Dominic and ART PRINT AND PRINT BACK


Prayer: Sent by Jesus

Session 11 Assessment, (page 68)

The PeoAple Celebrat Commu ofingGo d nity 61d

DAY 4: Reflect - HERE HERE



Session Theme: People are welcomed into the Church through the Sacraments Respond of Initiation.


Living My Faith

DAY 1: Engage



Unit Saint: Saint Louis IX

TIME: 20 minutes

children complete the small-group ▶ project on page S-61D, have small groups begin now. Allow time on▶ days 1 to 5 for children to work.


TIME: 20 minutes

art supplies

in which they were doing something to practice their Have children include a caption faith. that explains what they are doing. Display the self-portraits in the room. TIME: 30 minutes

CD player

DAY 2: Explore



Continuing Jesus’ Mission

Session 11 BLM

Welcomed into the Church

TIME: 15 minutes ▶


PAGE T309


CD 2, Track 9: “Two by Two” (1:18)

61d DAY 3: Explore


Art Print: Saint Dominic Children’s Book

ACTIVITY 1 Art Studio: Following Jesus in Word and Action

PAGE 239


TIME: 20 minutes

TIME: 30 minutes


Materials: Bible, art supplies

groups. Ask a volunteer to read aloud Matthew 28:16–20. Invite groups to work together to make storyboards about how the early disciples might have fulfilled Jesus’ command to go out and make disciples of all nations. Then have groups present their storyboar ds. TIME: 30 minutes

ACTIVITY 2 Using Imagination in Prayer:


IF TIME ALLOWS Session 11 BLM, T-309 (page 64) DAY 5: Respond Media player, OPEN Video: The New Birth Day ACTIVI TY 1Club: Living My Faith A Video on Baptism (page 64) Newspaper Headlines PAGE 68 PAGE 68 ▶ Art supplies (page TIME: 15 65) minutes TIME: 15

60 minutes Dominic’s Example for All

Say: Jesus tells us to go forth and make disciples of all nations. Think about what you can do to help others learn about Jesus. Make your own personal pledge by completing the following sentence : Today I will go forth and Take time to think of at . least three things you can do. Have children write the activities they plan to do. Say: Place the pledge somewhere at home where it will serve as a reminde r to help others learn about Jesus and his teachings. TIME: 10 minutes

60 minutes

CD 1, Track “GointoForth” Arrange8: children (10:41) small

60 minutes


Bottle of holy water Art Print ACTIVI 11: Saint TY 2 Dominic and Fulfilling Children -the-Miss ’s Book ion Storyboa page 239 rds

TIME: 15 minutes

TIME: 30 minutes

60 minutes

Give children time to reflect on moments in their own REQUIRED lives in which they celebrated their Catholic faith, such as when they celebrate sacraments, served others, d the or prayed. Then ask children If you wish to haveBible to draw selfportraits

HERE Go-Forth Pledge Materials: writing supplies


Practicing-Faith Portraits

Small-Group Project


N: Just for Schools


Sacristy Tour

5–10 minutes


Materials Materials: paper,


The People of God


TIME: 10 minutes


Sent by Jesus


A Celebrating Community



Members of the Church

PAGES 6162


15–20 minutes


Tour guide to give children a tour of the parish sacristy (page 67) Session 11 Assessment, (page 68)

60 minutes

ACTIVITY 2 Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-360) If children completed the small-group project of the week, have groups present their reports. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it. TIME: 30 minutes



Saint Dominic helped people learn about Jesus’ teachings by providing them with a good example. You can also provide a good example for others.

Jesus instructed his disciples to teach others all they had learned from him. As members of his Church, we are also called to teach others what we have learned from Jesus. One way to teach others is to set a good example. We can do this by choosing to serve others.

Service Coupons In each coupon below, write one act of service you can perform for someone you know. For example, you might offer to rake a neighbor’s leaves. When you are done, cut out the coupons and distribute them.





Small-Group Project of the

Grade 4 • Unit 3 • Session

11 Wrap-Up

Week: Church-Leaders

Reports Materials: reference materials, Say: God has given us many leaders whose example writing supplies, we can follow. Arrange children small groups and have each group choose a church leader, into poster board, such as a saint, a pope, or groups work together to use a bishop. Have reference materials to research art supplies the lives of the people they Encourage children to find chose. stories about how the people followed Jesus’ example. what they find to prepare Have children use presentations about the leaders. Ask children to make posters their presentations. to go with

TIME: 10 minutes

NOTE: See page 61d for

Prayer in Session 11, materials

lists, and how to teach this

session in one hour.

UNIT 3 • Session 11



Teach by Example

Just for Schools

Children’s Book page 239 CD 1, Track 8: “Go Forth” (10:41)

Five-Day Cla Reflect ssroom Session Planner



10 minutes

5–10 minutes

PAGES 6162

Globe Continu ing Jesus’ Mission ▶

This easy-to-follow, five-day planner helps teachers plan the week with unique activities that are geared specifically for the classroom.

Prayer in Session 11

In this session children learn about public

worship, the coming Sessio Them together of Catholics e: People Arrangen with your catechetical are welcom leader to have a guest into speaker give ed the Church children a throug to celebrate and tour of the parish sacristy. h the pray. Sacram ents oftoInitiati Session 11 includes an on. Bookmark your Bible Matthew


Catechetical Background Complete catechetical background provides support for both novice and experienced catechists and teachers. Background knowledge regarding Scripture, Tradition, and prayer are fully explained in a simple overview.

God The People of Knowing and Sharing11

The People of


Jesus wants us to cont inue his ministry others. Chil by sharing his dren will learn Good News that Jesus wan munity—the with Church. We ts ever yone of Jesus’ to be part of become mem Sacraments –20 tells the storyPrayer in Unit 3 his combers of the Chu of Initiation Matthew 28:19 : Bapt ism, les. apost TOGETHER the as One Parishrch through the of Confirmation commissioning , and the Euc In this unit continue we have the pattern and tone for prayer in each that us harist. ures Religious Education with tles 1:8 reasssession. ort SION Traditional us in ourprayers children will pray areSES 12 supp Acts of the Apos the Th Morning to t e the Parochial School Church Tea the Holy Spiri Offering and ches Us the strength of As Catholics s to others. the Hail, Holy Queen. we belong to the Good New Invite children from Jesus’ com work to spread after Jesus died munity—the and ascended school Church. We expl sion. Today into the Heaparish ven, the aposand ore how, the pope and tles cont inue the religious the bishops, education spiritual lead Tradition we mean d Jesu ch, the ers Chur of the essors the Church. programsucc of the apostles, s’ misto write that we are short grow in our Following the When we say s people. The relat ionship are the Precepts with God reflections assembly of God’ about are whatof the Church and with the that we are the “assembly.” We s helps us mean Chu ch membership Chur The followingthrou in the rch. gh the Greek word for are bly of God themes of Catholic Social Teaching integrated into SES Church means to them. SION this assem 13 God Is this unit. which gives us introduced into Ou tion: Baptism, r s Frie Print the Initia reflections gthen of in nd s This session h stren Sacrament ion, whic irmat focuses on the Call to Family, Conf Community, the st; bulletin, in and the Participation parish our Chri in Participation ishes Sacrament of receive God in’sfamily and new life Reconcili the arist, which isnour forgiven Euchcommunity central to our newsletter, , the faith and to a healthy society. God and , through whic Aswith the central ess. When we sin, we or onation that life; and the Jesus’ community bers of others. Mor h we dam institution, parish Web the family age our relat As memsocial site. gh the unit must be supportedour andrelat throu strengthened. life in Christ. ionship with hip Godpeople ionship withFrom tal sin is a serious offen to wors foundation ble this participate se through sacriin society, promoting the with the Church, we assem ofGod othewell-being which we rejec all. . Venial sin is a less rs. r toget her to offer serious brea t we gathe or to s,Human ment Life rate k with God and the Dignity liturg y. When sacra of the Person The Catholic Church teaches us that and , to celeb Literature Opportunity s, we Hour all human lifeofisthe fice of the Mass sacred gy and that all people Litur must be treated the es inCatholics Yang the Youngest SESSIONwith dignity. As the work doing wech, sing God’s prais strive to respect Ser and value people over material 14 vin the Chur goods. We askg God and and His Terrible Ear of God, whether our actions as a society respect or threatenMar y is Others are the People the lifethe and dignity first of the by Lensey her. and greatest Namioka human person. The foundation of our moral visionwas to be of God toget of Jesus’ disc is our belief the mot in the and ipleswish herlife . Whto might of God the dignity en read Mar y learned also called to ’s Son, You she responde Teaching of the human person. that she discipleship. aloud this story d with of a joy. young Catholic Social Option for Cath l Like Mar y olic Socia the Poor we are and Vulnerable Chinese boy’s quest to As Catholics we are called to pay the integrated munity, Com In this session special attention to the to Family, needs of people who are poor. find Call his SES place are both in We SION es can follow Jesus’ the of 15 Celebr Teaching them example Dignaity byand making specific effort atin his to defend and promote the dignity new home of Seattle, and Life g Ch tion n of rist icipa natio mas and Children learn and Part people who are for an expla Washington, the meaneeds. immediate material in his on. See page 61b poor and vulnerable and meet their ning Pers an expl of Hum Christmas and ore how why we celeb es. Solidarity Solidarity is the attitude that leads Christians Christmas is celebrated own family. of these them rate it, and to share spiritual in our Church and material goods. Solidarity unites rich and Life and Dignity poor, weak and strong, and m chis Cate helps build a society that recognizes that we live in an interdependent Window on the world. us names and discusses the vario as “assembly,” The Catechism ch Church. For Chur images of the . 52 and 1140 –1141 see CCC 751–7


Catholic Social Teaching in Unit 3

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Scripture and CATECHIST PREPARATION Consider how on content. ding of the sessi your understan

Matthew 28:19 s, les of all nation and make discip Go, therefore, of the the Father, and in the name of baptizing them holy Spirit. Son, and of the

Pray to Jesus, your own.

Unit 3 focuses on our call, as members and to serve of the Church, others. In this to follow Jesu unit children s will learn the following.

sion Your Faith in SesTradition can deepen

ent pause for a mom re the session, for Before you prepa r of thanks to Jesus tion. Pray a praye of silent reflec les. teach his discip calling you to


The Church, Our Commu in the Spirit nity


t 3-Minute Retrea





r or one of using this praye

discipleship by fulfill the call to Jesus, help me one I meet. News with every sharing the Good

General Director

y of Catechesis

proclaim the Church to The mission of 23. explored in GDC

God is

n 11 UNIT 3 • Sessio


Saint Louis IX

Louis IX, king of France in the 13th century, cared about the welfare of his people and had a strong relat ionship with God. He dedi cated himself to strengthe ning Jesus’ community— the Church. Saint Louis IX is an ideal role model for wha t it means to serve others and to build up the Church.





EXPLORE Welcomed into the Church

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to strengthen the faith of his followers. The grace of the Holy Spirit strengthens us through the Sacrament of Confirmation. When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we strengthen our union with Christ and his Church.

Special Features in the Program

Reading God’s Word

1 Begin Display a bottle of holy water. Ask: What is this? (holy water) Where do we find holy water? (Possible answers: near the entrances of our church, in the holy water font) When do we use holy water? (during Baptisms, to bless ourselves when we enter church) Say: When we bless ourselves with holy water, we remember that we were washed free from Original Sin at our Baptism.

We become full members of Jesus’ Church through the Sacraments of Initiation— Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. new life in Christ 61bWe receive www.findinggod .com when the priest or deacon baptizes us, as Jesus instructed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

2 Connect Invite volunteers to read aloud the section Welcomed into the Church. Ask: What are the three Sacraments of Initiation? (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist) What do we receive when we are baptized? (new life in Christ) Why are we baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit? (This is how Jesus instructed his followers to baptize others.) What did Jesus promise to send to strengthen the faith of his followers? (the Holy Spirit) When do we especially receive the grace of the Holy Spirit? (at Confirmation) What do we receive in the Eucharist? (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) What is strengthened when we receive the Eucharist? (our union with Christ and his Church)

Special Features for Catechists and Teachers

But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of Acts of the Apostles 1:8 the earth.



With these special features, the Catholic faith is highlighted IF TIME ALLOWS through Scripture, liturgical references, interesting facts, and These icons alert catechists and teachers Service: Welcome-to-Our-Church Cards information about saints and sacred sites. of special features and components. 65

SESSION 11 • The People of God


~ pg 65 ~


7/19/11 11:47 AM

Distribute paper,Production pens or pencils, glue. PDF Signoff: _______crayons, Designmarkers, _______ scissors, Editorialand _______ Invite children to make welcome cards for the families of recently baptized infants. Encourage children to write a note in the cards, congratulating the recipients and welcoming the recently baptized person into the universal Church. Arrange with your catechetical leader to have the cards sent to parish families who have recently celebrated a Baptism.

Reading God's Word

After reading aloud the passage, ask: Who is speaking in this passage? (Jesus) What is he saying? (that his followers will receive the strength of the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses in the world)

Catholic Social Teaching3 Close

Reading God’s Word

Did You Know?

Link to Liturgy

Meet a Saint or Holy Person

Music CD

Sacred Site

Scripture passage

Family and Community

Display Art Print 11: Saint Dominic. Use the Art Print 11 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 239.


~ pg 65 ~

PDF Signoff: Production _______

Saint Dominic

Exploring Faith Through Art

Art Print 11

UNIT 3 • Session 11


Design _______

Spoken Word CD


7/26/11 3:30 PM

Editorial _______

Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.


Catechist Guide Clear, Easy-to-Follow Lessons

Just for Schools


The School Catechist Guide contains comprehensive, classroom-friendly elements to customize instruction for the Catholic School. CATECHIST PREPARATION: Just for Schools

Catholic Social Teaching: Unit 3 Project

Pictures of stained-glass windows


Art supplies

Unit 3 Project Blackline Master (page S-359) UNIT 3 PROJECT

SET the Stage Photocopy and distribute to each child Unit 3 Project Blackline Master. Introduce the stained-glass windows at Sainte Chapelle by saying: Saint Louis IX built a glorious chapel to honor God. This chapel has some of the most famous stained-glass windows in the world. Let’s learn more about them. Have volunteers read aloud the paragraphs.

MAKE Stained-Glass Windows Have small groups brainstorm symbols that children can use in their stainedglass windows to convey the theme of solidarity. Have children make their stained-glass windows by using markers to color designs on transparencies. Give children time to make their stained-glass windows.

Share Stained-Glass Windows in a window.


Sacraments of Initiation The following is an optional bulletin board that you can have children complete as you experience Sessions 11 through 15. Children make symbols that represent the Sacraments of Initiation.

SET the Stage


King Louis IX of France built Sainte Chapelle in Paris, France, during the 1240s. Sainte Chappelle means “holy chapel.” The purpose of this building was to house the holy objects believed to be Jesus’ crown of thorns and a piece of the cross on which he died.


Just for Schools

The theme of the stainedglass windows that decorate Sainte Chapelle are related. Each tall window is divided into sections that show different scenes, including stories from the Bible.

Above: Detail of a stained-glass window that depicts a Baptism. Right: Upper Chapel of Sainte Chapelle

Grade 4 • Unit 3 Project


Time will vary.

At the end of Unit 3, have children discuss how stained-glass windows can be used to teach us about our faith. Together pray a prayer thanking God for the many ways we can show our solidarity with others.

Ask each child to draw and decorate a symbol that represents one of the Sacraments of Initiation. Have children cut out their symbols. Use them to make a bulletin board with the heading The Sacraments of Initiation.

CLOSE the Project

Prayer Have children pause for a moment of silent reflection. Then pray aloud: Dear God, thank you for the many visible reminders we have of your love.



“Just for Schools” Resources include: • Five-Day Classroom

• Additional Blackline

• Catholic Social Teaching:

• Small Group Project

Unit Project


of the Week

• Unit Bulletin-Board Activity


Art supplies

Bulletin-board supplies TIME

30 minutes

MAKE the Bulletin Board

Use the Bulletin Board During appropriate times in Sessions 11 through 15, call children’s attention to the bulletin board to emphasize that it is through the Sacraments of Initiation that we become members of Jesus’ community—the Church.

CLOSE the Project

Session Planner

Writing supplies

Ask: Why are the Sacraments of Initiation important? (Through them we become members of the Church.)

After finishing the bulletin board, say: Symbols for the sacraments are important to us. They are visible reminders of the invisible grace we receive when we celebrate the sacraments.

When groups are finished, hang their works



Tell children that in the Sacrament of Baptism, a priest sometimes uses a shell to pour water over the head of the person being baptized. Explain that a dove is a symbol of the Sacrament of Confirmation because it represents the Holy Spirit. Point out that bread and wine represent the Eucharist because they become Jesus’ Body and Blood through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Sainte Chapelle

Right: Didier B/WikimediaCommons; Left: Marie-Lan Nguyen/WikimediaCommons(PublicDomain)

After reading show pictures of stained-glass windows that display various catechetical themes. Say: In addition to making our churches beautiful, stainedglass windows often contain images that teach us about our faith. Today we are going to make stained-glass windows that teach about the theme of solidarity. Use the information on page 61b to explain solidarity.

Bulletin Board: Unit 3


The following is an optional project that you can have children complete as you experience Sessions 11 through 15. Children practice the theme Solidarity. They work together to make scenes for stained-glass windows that represents the idea of solidarity.


The Sacraments of Initiation





Guided Instruction Step-by-step Instructions

When we are baptized,

Name and describe the Sacraments of Initiation.

Identify how Saint Dominic followed Jesus’ example.

Define universal Church.

we become members of a community of believers, the Church. What can you do to be an active

Explain that Jesus instructed the disciples to teach others to follow God.

member of your Church community?

1 Set the Stage

The People of God


If Time Allows suggestions lead catechists to introduce hands-on, minds-on extension activities. Activities vary from session to session—look for inclusion activities.

2 Get Started


God, thank you for giving us the Church. Help us be active members of our faith community. 63



~ pg 63 ~


7/19/11 11:47 AM

Members of the Church

AskPDF children to Production Signoff: write a paragraph _______ about Designwhat it means _______ to be Editorial a _______ member of the Church. Encourage children to include thoughts about how their words and actions demonstrate that they are active members of the Church. When children have finished, invite volunteers to read aloud their paragraphs.

Direct children’s attention to the picture. Ask: What is happening in this picture? (a girl is being baptized) Invite a volunteer to read aloud the session title and the text in the blue box. Give children time to share their responses to the question. Say: Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are welcomed into the Church community. There are many ways to be active members of the Church. Ask: What can we do to be active members? (Possible answers: go to Mass, celebrate the sacraments, help others) Say: In this session we’ll learn more about the Church, the community of people who believe in and follow Jesus.

Inclusion: Attention

Searching-for-Service Walk If you have children with attention disorders, try this approach to answer the question, What can you do to be an active member in your Church community? Take children on a walking tour of the church grounds and rectory to find the answers. Stop by the parish offices and talk with workers who interact with those who help parishioners share their gifts with the Church community. Invite children to ask questions. Go to for an article on the Sacrament of Baptism.

Step-by-Step Instructions


~ pg 63 ~


PDF Signoff: Production _______

Design _______


Coaching tips guide catechists to pray with children in a variety of ways.

Ask children to quiet themselves for prayer. Pray the prayer together. Then say: Take a moment to talk to God. Share with him what is in your heart. Give children time to reflect. Conclude by praying together Amen.

UNIT 3 • Session 11


Session outcomes clearly stated.

Ask: What communities do you belong to? (Possible answers: family, school, parish, town) How were you welcomed into these communities? How do you show that you are active members of these communities? (Answers will vary.)


7/26/11 3:30 PM

Editorial _______

1 Begin Catechists are guided to tap children’s prior knowledge and build background with fun, active openings.


Continuing Jesus’ Mission

Display a globe. Ask: What is this? (a globe) What does it represent? (the planet Earth) How are people who live on earth different? (Possible answers: They speak different languages. They live in different countries.) How are people who live on earth the same? (Possible answers: They are all human. They are all God’s children.) Say: Jesus’ followers live all over the earth. There are similarities and differences among them. Some live in different countries, and some speak different languages. What makes us the same is that Jesus has given us the same mission and one Church to carry out that mission.


1 Begin



Welcomed into the Church

In the Gospel of Matthew, the risen Jesus visited the apostles. Some of them could hardly believe that it was Jesus standing before them. Jesus reassured them and instructed them to go forth and make new disciples. He also sent them out to continue his mission by teaching others how to follow God’s commandments. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19–20

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to strengthen the faith of his followers. The grace of the Holy Spirit strengthens us through the Sacrament of Confirmation. When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, we strengthen our union with Christ and his Church.

Then and now, Jesus’ disciples make up a universal Church, a community of believers that is open to everyone. We are welcomed into the universal Church at our Baptism.

2 Connect

2 Connect

2 Connect Catechists lead children through the core content on the page, questioning, discussing, demonstrating, and interacting along the way.

3 Close

Invite volunteers to read aloud the first paragraph and the Scripture passage. Ask: Why did the apostles have a difficult time believing Jesus was appearing before them? (Possible answer: They thought he was dead.) What did Jesus tell his followers to do? (go forth and make new disciples, continue his mission by teaching others how to follow God’s commandments) Read aloud the last paragraph. Point out the term universal Church. Say: The Church is universal because it is open to everyone. People from all over the world are invited to believe in Jesus and follow his teachings. Last year you learned about the Marks of the Church. One Mark is that the Church is catholic. This is another way to say that the Church is universal.

3 Close Play “Two by Two” [CD 2, Track 9]. As children listen to the song, ask them to follow along, using the lyrics in the back of their books. After children listen, say: As members of the universal Church, Jesus sends us out into the world to share the Good News with everyone.


Reading God’s Word But you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts of the Apostles 64


UNIT 3 • The Church, Our Community in the Spirit

~ pg 64 ~

Session 11 BLM



SESSION 11 • The People of God




Carrying On Jesus’ Production Mission Have Design _______ children complete _______ the Session Editorial _______11 Blackline Master [T-309] to have them reflect on ways they can carry out Jesus’ mission in the world today. PDF Signoff:

Message Through Media: The New Birth Day Club: A Video on Baptism

Have children watch this 12-minute video that makes a connection between a young boy’s desire to belong to a community and the Sacrament of Baptism. After watching the video, ask children to list and explain the symbols and gestures that are part of the Sacrament of Baptism.

7/19/11 11:47 AM




~ pg 65 ~

Service: Welcome-to-Our-Church Cards


1 Begin Display a bottle of holy water. Ask: What is this? (holy water) Where do we find holy water? (Possible answers: near the entrances of our church, in the holy water font) When do we use holy water? (during Baptisms, to bless ourselves when we enter church) Say: When we bless ourselves with holy water, we remember that we were washed free from Original Sin at our Baptism.

We become full members of Jesus’ Church through the Sacraments of Initiation— Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. We receive new life in Christ when the priest or deacon baptizes us, as Jesus instructed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

7/19/11 11:47 AM

Distribute paper,Production pens or pencils, _______crayons, Designmarkers, _______ scissors, Editorialand glue. _______ Invite children to make welcome cards for the families of recently baptized infants. Encourage children to write a note in the cards, congratulating the recipients and welcoming the recently baptized person into the universal Church. Arrange with your catechetical leader to have the cards sent to parish families who have recently celebrated a Baptism. Family and Community PDF Signoff:

Invite volunteers to read aloud the section Welcomed into the Church. Ask: What are the three Sacraments of Initiation? (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist) What do we receive when we are baptized? (new life in Christ) Why are we baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit? (This is how Jesus instructed his followers to baptize others.) What did Jesus promise to send to strengthen the faith of his followers? (the Holy Spirit) When do we especially receive the grace of the Holy Spirit? (at Confirmation) What do we receive in the Eucharist? (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) What is strengthened when we receive the Eucharist? (our union with Christ and his Church)

Reading God's Word After reading aloud the passage, ask: Who is speaking in this passage? (Jesus) What is he saying? (that his followers will receive the strength of the Holy Spirit to be his witnesses in the world)

3 Close Display Art Print 11: Saint Dominic. Use the Art Print 11 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 239.

Family and Community

Saint Dominic

Art Print 11 UNIT 3 • Session 11

Content is wrapped up or expanded on as instruction for the page is closed.


~ pg 65 ~

PDF Signoff: Production _______


Design _______


7/26/11 3:30 PM

Editorial _______

Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.


The Virgin

Explore Faith Through Art Engaging, Experiential, and Distinctive Joseph Stella, 1926. ART PR I NT 14


~ pg 31 ~


PDF Signoff: Production _______

Design _______

6/28/11 12:51 PM

Editorial _______

Joseph, the Carpenter

Art Print Easel

The Ten Commandments

Integrated into every lesson, each session Art Print coincides with the session theme. Paintings, sculptures, stained glass, and other forms of visual art from every era spark the imagination as they reflect Catholic themes and ideas. Guided instruction and activities are on the back of each Art Print. Each grade level has 25 prints per easel!

NEW! Georges de la Tour, circa 1640. AR T PR I NT 14


The Ten Commandments GraDe 4, Unit 5, session 21

A R T P R I N T 21

After completing page 125 in the Children’s Book, display the Art Print. Briefly introduce and discuss the artwork, using information from About the Artist and Artifacts.


Describe the Covenant God made with the Hebrews. Explain that following the Ten Commandments helps us grow in our relationship with God and with one another. ▶▶ Define Covenant.



About the Artist Marc Chagall can be described as a Russian-French artist, a Jewish artist, and a pioneer of modernism. He is unique in that his works include a wide array of artistic mediums: paintings, book illustrations, glass, ceramic, tapestries, and stage sets for the theater. His work decorates the Opera House in Paris, the New York Metropolitan Opera, the United Nations building, and the Vatican. Chagall is one of the few artists whose work was exhibited at the Louvre in their lifetime.

Art•i•facts Chagall is known for working with various mediums. For Moses receiving the Ten Commandments, he used oil on canvas. He has included this subject matter in various works using different mediums. This particular painting hangs in the Chagall museum in Nice, France. Oil paintings are made by using colored pigments bound with oil, such as linseed, poppy seed, walnut, or safflower oil. This medium was first used in western Afghanistan between the fifth and ninth centuries.




Art Print 21 is an image of God presenting Moses with the Ten Commandments. What can you do to follow the Ten Commandments?

God’s Covenant

▶▶ Art

Book page 249


1 Begin


10–30 minutes

Contains instructions to lead discussion of the artwork. Ends with prayer.

Have children turn to page 249 in their books. Read aloud the introduction and discuss the question. Invite volunteers to read aloud God’s Covenant. Ask: What did the Hebrews choose when they committed themselves to following the Ten Commandments? (to belong to God in a special way) Point out the vocabulary word. Ask: What did the Hebrews agree to do when they entered into the Covenant with God? (to live in relationship with him and with one another according to his instructions) How does God want us to share his love with others? (by treating them with compassion and respect) What can we do to help us remain faithful to this relationship? (follow the Ten Commandments)

2 Connect Helps lead children through the Children’s Book page, which connects Art Print to the session.

Read aloud Symbols of Your Relationship. Give children time to complete the activity. If TIme Allows

If time allows, complete one or more of the activities below.

Expression: Movement The Hebrews’ Journey Arrange children into three groups. Assign one of the following Scripture passages to each group: Exodus 3:4–17; 7:14—11:10; or 14:5–30. Ask groups to read their passages and then work together to act them out.

If Time Allows Features

Expression: Art Studio Moses on Mount Sinai Explain that many artists have made images of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God and that Chagall painted multiple pictures of this event. After distributing art supplies, invite children to make their own illustrations of God giving the Ten Commandments to Moses.

If time allows, catechists can use one or more of the following activity types to help children reflect and express their ideas and understanding: •• Music •• Movement •• Art Studio •• Using Imagination in Prayer

time: 25–30 minutes materials: art supplies

We are also called to enter into a special  relationship with God. He loves us and wants  us to share his love with others by treating  them with compassion and respect. God has  given us the Ten Commandments to help us  remain faithful to this relationship.

Expression: Using Imagination in Prayer

Symbols of Your Relationship

An Encounter with God Give children time to study the Art Print and to imagine they are on Mount Sinai with Moses. Say: Take a moment to talk with God and to thank him for giving us the gift of the Ten Commandments. Share with him what you will do to practice them in your life. Conclude by praying Amen. time: 5–10 minutes materials: none


The stone tablets on which the  Ten Commandments were written  symbolize the special relationship  God had with the Hebrews.  Design a symbol that represents  your relationship with God.


Grade 4 • Unit 5 • Session 21

~ pg 44 ~


PDF Signoff: Production _______


6/28/11 12:59 PM

Editorial _______

mate r ials

▶▶ Children’s

time: 20–25 minutes materials: Bibles

When God’s Chosen People, the Hebrews,  committed themselves to following the  Ten Commandments, they chose to belong to  God in a special way. God had set them free,  saved them from the Egyptian army, and taken  care of them in the wilderness. In response the  Hebrews entered into a Covenant, or special  agreement, with God. They agreed to live in  relationship with him and with one another  according to his instructions.

actual size 18” x 24”

2 Connect

For your convenience, the Children’s Book page is reproduced below.



Design _______

6/28/11 3:45 PM

Editorial _______

▶▶ The Ten Commandments

Invite children to reflect on the artwork and to pray a silent prayer thanking God for the gift of the Ten Commandments.

These instructional pages are reproduced in the back of the Catechist Guide for your convenience.

~ pg 45 ~

PDF Signoff: Production _______

Ask: What do you see in this image? (Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God; angels, people, animals, a village) Who are the other people? (the Hebrews) What do you notice about God and about Moses? (Possible answers: They have blue eyes. They are wearing white clothing.) Why might the artist have given them white clothes? (Possible answer: White symbolizes purity and joy.)


Design _______

Art Print

1 Begin

Faith Focus: God gave the Hebrews the Ten Commandments to help them remain faithful to the Covenant he made with them.


PDF Signoff: Production _______


CateChist DireCtions

Catechist Guide page 125

~ pg 31 ~

Marc Chagall, 1966.

Design _______

Editorial _______

6/28/11 12:58 PM

More Resources

More Resources As a Jesuit ministry, Loyola Press understands the goal of schools and parishes. We understand and partner with you in an effort to provide a comprehensive faith formation program for children while also involving their parents. We provide free resources with the purchase of the Finding God program that help make the essential Catholic lessons a part of a lifelong practice of faith.

5 FREE posters are provided in each guide with

age-appropriate prayers or topics. These colorful posters help children learn important Catholic facts.

2 FREE CDs are included with each guide. They

Visit to listen to samples of the Dramatized Scripture Stories, Guided Reflections, and music.

include dramatized Scripture stories, guided reflections, and music. These CDs help children to expand their understanding of important Scripture stories, use their imagination in prayer, and participate in singing songs of our Catholic faith.

FREE Blackline Masters are included with each guide. They contain

a wealth of resources, including assessments, activities, prayer services, and more.

FREE Catholic Prayers for Catholic Families is


us’ Mission Carrying On Jes carry er how you can



passage to discov live each Script ure one way you can Directions: Read today. Then write them in an n in the world cards and place on Jesus’ missio e. Cut out the . of each passag complete the action out the message of the cards and week draw one envelope. Each

Name Date

The Liturgical Calendar The liturgical calendar shows

us the feasts and seasons of

Directions: Color in each season

the Church year.

with the correct liturgical



Ho Palm ly S H Go Thu und Ea oly od rsd ay ste Sa Frid ay r S tur ay un da da y y

Ch ris t

Adve nt



Asce ns Pent ion ecos t

follow Jesus by ©

This week, I will

so you will r’s burdens, and Bear one anothe Christ. fulfill the law of Galatians 6:2

follow Jesus by This week, I will

Ordinary Time Grade 4 • The Year in Our


Grade 4 • Unit


Vitali Konstantinov

the Lord; s the greatness of My soul proclaim in God my savior. my spirit rejoices Luke 1:46–47





follow Jesus by This week, I will

. follow Jesus by

all nations. make disciples of Matthew 28:19

This week, I will

Day uls Day So All Saints All

Ho ly W ee k

r Easte

First Sunday of Advent

Fa l l

Go, therefore, and

Ch rist ma s


parents and families to live their faith. Available in English and Spanish.

Lent Time ary din Or esday Ash Wedn

7 FREE Parent E-Newsletters provide practical ways for

as m

ny ha ip Ep

my know that you are This is how all will another. have love for one disciples, if you John 13:35


included with each Children’s Book. This resource provides parents with the tools to become involved in their child’s faith formation and prayer life. Available in English and Spanish.


Prayer for Catholic Families

3 • Session 11

om www.findinggod.c

Preview samples online at or call for samples at 800-621-1008.


Additional NEW Components

Director Quick-Start Guide Comprehensive yet concise, the Director Guide provides an overview of the program structure, tips on implementing the program into your school or parish with five, ready-to-use implementation Step 1: Step 1: Bec Becom omee Fam Familia iliarr withh Fin wit models, training for catechists and teachers, and Findin dingg God God tools to introduce the program to parents.


FinDinGGGoD FinDin GoD

Asprogram As programdirector, director,ititisiscrucial crucialfor foryou youtotobe becomplet God.The God. completely TheCatechis Catechist tGuide elyfamiliar familiarwith Guideisisthe withFinding Finding theideal idealstarting startingpoint. Guideand Guide point.Both andthe Boththe theSchool theParish SchoolCatechis ParishCatechis Catechist tGuide Catechist t Guideinclude includean calledProgram called aninformat ProgramOverview informative iveintroduc Overview introductory , whichwill , which torysection section willprovide provideyou components, compon youwith withaasolid ents,and solidgrasp andfeatures featuresofofFinding graspofofthe thevision, FindingGod. vision, God.Before Beforereading Quick-Start Quick-St readingfurther artGuide, Guide,take furtherininthis taketime timetotothoroug thisDirector Director thoroughly hlyread sectionofofany section readthrough throughthe anyCatechis the Catechist tGuide ProgramOverview Program Guide(pages Overview (pagesOV-4 OV-4through provideyou provide throughOV-23). youwith OV-23).This withan anundersta Thisoverview understanding overviewwill ndingofofthe will thefollowin following:g: • • the thevision visionofofthe theFinding FindingGod Godprogram program • • compon components entsfor foradult adultfaith faithformatio formationnand andchildren children • • features featuresofofthe ’s’sfaith faithformatio formationn theChildren Children ’s’sBook Book • • features featuresofofthe theCatechis Catechist tGuide Guide • • the thecatechet catechetical icalprocess processused usedininevery everysession session • • addition additionalalchildren children ’s’sand andcatechis catechists’ts’resource resources s

Additional online support tools are provided, such as • plans for a catechist/teacher retreat.

Program Prog ramComp Componen onents ts


AAsimple, simple,four-par four-part tlesson lessonplan planisiseasy easytotouse useand aapattern patternfor andcreates creates forlearning learningand andreflectio reflectionnatatallallgrade gradelevels. levels.

Engage Engage

Childrenthink Children thinkabout aboutaareal-life real-lifeexperien experienceceand andhow mayhave may howthey haveexperien they experienced cedGod’s God’spresence presence. They . Theymove theknown the movefrom knownininthis from thisstep steptotothe thenew newininthe thenext. next.

• plans for parent meetings.

Explore Explore

Childrenexplore Children exploretopics topicsthrough throughreading, reading,discussio discussion,n, prayer,and prayer, andactivities activities. .

Reflect Reflect Childrenexperien Children experienceceaavariety varietyofofforms formsofofprayer, prayer,reflectio meditation meditati reflection,n,and onthat thatrelate and relatetotothe thecontent contentofofthe thesession. session.

Respondd Respon

Childrenreview Children reviewcontent contentand andshare shareconcept concepts swith withtheir theirfamilies. families.

Director rQuick Directo Quick-Start -StartGuide Guide Celebrating Celebra tingthe theLiturgic LiturgicalalYear Year

Celebrating Celebrat ingSessions Sessionsare areprovided providedatatthe theend endofofeach lessonformat lesson eachunit. formatbut unit.They butenhance Theyfollow enhancefaith followthe thesame faithformatio same formationnby byhelping celebration celebrat helpingchildren ionofofMass childrenconnect Massand connecttotothe andsacrame sacramental the ntallife. life.

SeasonalalSession Season Sessionss

Thesesessions These sessionsoutline outlinethe theliturgica liturgical calendar l calendarand majorChurch major andoffer Churchseasons: offerlessons lessonsfor seasons:Ordinary for OrdinaryTime, Time,Advent, Advent,Christma HolyWeek, Holy Christmas,s,Lent Week,Easter. Easter.These Lentand Theselessons and lessonscan canbe bepresente presenteddatatappropr timesthrough times throughout appropriate outyour yourfaith iate faithformatio formationnprogram program, especial conjunction conjunc , especiallylyinin tionwith withthe theCelebrat Celebrating ingSessions Sessions. .


Anin-depth An in-depthpresenta presentation tionofofthe theprogram programisisprovided ProgramOverview Program providedininthe Overviewsection the sectionofofthe theCatechis Catechist tGuide. Catechist tsection Catechis Guide.The TheEffective sectionreinforce Effective reinforces sthe therole roleofofthe thecatechis catechist tand helpfultips helpful tipsand andoffers andsuggesti offers suggestions onstotoaffirm affirmand andsupport supportcatechis theyprepare they preparetotopresent catechiststsasas presentFinding FindingGod. God.

SessionHighlig Session Highlights hts

Eachunit Each unitbegins beginswith withtwo twoCatechis Catechist tPreparat Preparation andsummar and ionpages summarize pagesthat thatintroduc izethe theunit. introduceethe unit.An Anoutline theunit outlineofofthe unittheme theme theprayer prayerand theunit the unitisisalso andthe theCatholic alsopresente CatholicSocial presented,d,along SocialTeaching alongwith Teachingfor withaasuggeste for suggesteddpiece unittheme. unit theme.Opportu pieceofofliterature Opportunities literaturethat nitiestotounite thatisistied uniteparish tiedtotothe parishand the andschool asasOne OneParish schoolare Parishbox. arealso alsoprovided box. providedininthe theTogether Together Youmay You maychoose choosetotoopen openeach eachunit unitusing usingthe thebook eventusing event bookororby usingFinding byhosting FindingGod hostingan GodTogether anintergen Together. In intergenerationa . erationa In either either ll case, case, aremodels are modelsofoffaith. childrenwill children willlearn faith.The learnabout Thechosen aboutsaints chosensaints saintswho saintsexempli who exemplifyfythe andFather; and Father;Jesus, theunit unitthemes: Jesus,Our themes:God, OurLord God,Our Lordand andSavior; OurCreator Creator Savior;The TheChurch, Sacraments, Sacrame Church,Our OurCommu nts,Our OurWay Community WayofofLife; nityininthe Life;and theSpirit; andMorality Spirit; Morality , OurLived , Our LivedFaith. Faith. Thefollowin The followinggaddition additionalalresource resources sappeal appeal totoaavariety ages,and ages, varietyofofdifferent andapproac approaches: differentlearning hes: learningstyles, styles,


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FindinGGGod Findin GodCDS CDS

TheseCDs These CDsinclude includehymns, hymns,reflectiv reflectiveeinstrume instrumental andguided and ntalmusic, guidedreflectio music,Scripture reflectionsnsthat Scripturereadings thatare readings, , arewoven woveninto intothe usedininaavariety used thesession. session.These varietyofofways Thesemay mayalso waystotoenhance alsobe enhancewhole-c be whole-commun ommunity itycateches




actual size 5 3/4” x 41/4”


Faith Moves Designed for kids of all ages, Faith Moves is ideal for busy families who want to live out their faith. Practical and fun, this booklet provides opportunities for parents to have faith conversations with their children followed by a game or activity to drive home the message. Perfect for family night, car rides, waiting in line, or anytime!


Finding God Together: An Intergenerational Events Kit

Celebrate the start of each Finding God unit with this intergenerational events kit. The kit contains everything you need to get kids, parents, and grandparents excited about and focused on each unit theme. With plenty of skits, crafts, saint station posters, prayers, and family faith formation discussions to choose from, there’s always a reason to gather up your families and share the blessings of faith together!

The Intergenerational Events Kit includes the following components:




• Leader Guide • Complete Plans for Five Events • Saint Station Posters


Web Resources for the Intergenerational Events Kit include the following:



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: © Aman


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Page 1 of 2


and Help Designate at for each grade. more the Saint Station , you can have Leaders to run have a large parish Recruit Saint Station Station. If you for each Saint least one helper for each grade. and one helper than one leader

Recruit Leaders

tory ncis’s S

d  e one an  Choos e below. w to make a  ch scen ho  learn  t out ea ions: Cu  your leader to Direct  to . Listen . color it ur card e with yo neck lac

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Pl an ne r Sa in t St at io n

Dear Family,




Help er

Look through family photographs. Find pictures that illustrate the beauty of God’s creation, including pictures of your family. Use craft supplies to put together a special scrapbook. Label the pictures. Display the scrapbook for all to see. Discuss a project you can do together as a family to care for the earth. You may wish to plant flowers or trees in a family garden, pick up litter at a nearby park, agree to participate in your community recycling program, or something similar. ▶▶ As a family take a walk around the neighborhood to collect specimens of creation. Arrange the specimens in a basket. As part of your family mealtime prayer, invite each family member to take turns selecting an item and sharing why he or she finds that item to be especially beautiful. Use the prayer service to help you. Together ▶▶



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Yoshi Miyak






God Tog

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Unit 1

• Grade

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Finding God

(a) © iStock

W0169 Thank you for spending your very valuable time with us.



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Event. Together we explored how God, our Creator and Father, is present in our lives. Additionally we learned how the saints serve as role models in faith. We hope you had fun! Location We invite you to continue your faith journey as a family at home. Here are a few ideas to get you started:


Unit 1 take-Home activity

for be enough space sure there will Station. Make and chairs. n for each Saint Select a locatio ns will have tables that the locatio s. participants and Station session you plan the Saint __ ing grid to help ____________ Use the follow ______ Time:_ __________ ____________ ____________ Thank you for participating in our Intergeneratio Date:________ nal

Plan Logistics

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Unit 1

Gr ade



• Saint Station Activity Pages • Planners • Table Topics Questions • Skit Scripts and Skit Planner • Blackline Masters • Group Share Games • Family Take-Home Packets



Finding God Together  •  Unit 1 Take-Home A ctivity W0124

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School and Parish Edition • Grades 1–6


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Our Response to God’s Gifts

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