Finding God: Grade 2, Parish, Teacher's Edition

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Our Response to God’s Gifts



Parish Catechist Guide

Catechist Preparation Unit 1

God, Our Creator and Father Unit 1 focuses on God’s creation and our responsibility to love and care for it. In this unit children will learn the following concepts.

Session 1

God Creates Us

God creates us in his image, and he loves us and wants us to be happy. We return that love by living fully in his world, thanking him for all he gives us, and sharing these gifts with one another. Children continue to learn to pray the Glory Be to the Father, or the Doxology.

Session 2

Saint Isidore the Farmer

God Gives Us Jesus

We explore the greatest gift God has given us—his own Son, Jesus Christ. Joseph and Mary are models of faith who listened to the Holy Spirit and placed their trust in God.

Session 3

Un it Sa in t

God Is Our Father

Isidore the Farmer loved and cared for the earth and his fellow creatures. He lived in Spain and is known for his kindness and compassion toward others, especially animals.

We know of God the Father’s love for us through his Son, Jesus. Jesus reminds us that God is the Creator of all life and that God loves all his children. We listen to Jesus’ story of the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. This story reminds us to place our trust in God, our loving Father. Children review the Lord’s Prayer.

Session 4

God’s Life for Us

By listening to the Holy Spirit, we gain insight into ourselves, our relationships with others, and our world. We read the story of Simeon, who, guided by the Holy Spirit, recognized the infant Jesus as the Messiah. Children learn the Prayer to the Holy Spirit.

Session 5

Celebrating Ordinary Time

Children learn the meaning of Ordinary Time, why we celebrate it, when we celebrate it, and explore how Ordinary Time is celebrated in our Church.

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Prayer in Unit 1

Together as One Parish

In each session of Unit 1, establish the pattern and tone for prayer. Children pray short prayers of petition and thanksgiving, and participate in silent meditation. Children also experience extended prayer inviting them to engage in a guided reflection. Children are encouraged to pray silently focusing on their own personal prayer.

Catholic Social Teaching in Unit 1 In the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37), Jesus makes clear our responsibility to care for those in need. The Church articulates this responsibility in Catholic Social Teaching. Following are the themes of Catholic Social Teaching integrated into this unit. Call to Family, Community, and Participation  Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society. As the central social institution, the family must be supported and strengthened. From this foundation people participate in society, promoting the well-being of all. Care for God’s Creation  God is the Creator of all people and things, and he wants us to enjoy his creation. We have a responsibility to care for all things that God has made. We are called to make moral and ethical choices that protect the ecological balance of creation both locally and worldwide. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers  The Catholic Church teaches that the basic rights of workers must be respected: the right to productive work, to fair wages, to private property, to organize and join unions, and to pursue economic opportunity. More than being just a way to make a living, work is an important way in which we participate in God’s creation.


Religious Education with the Parochial School To celebrate the beginning of a new year of faith formation, celebrate Catechetical Sunday, which is usually celebrated nationally in October. You may wish to recognize all of the Catholic school teachers and parish catechists during Mass or other parish events. You can find resources for Catechetical Sunday on the USCCB Web site or from your diocesan Office of Religious Education.

Literature Opportunity At Break of Day by N ikki Grimes You might wish to read aloud this story, which is a retelling of the Creation story. God’s Creation


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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 1

God Creates Us 3-Minute Retreat Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take several deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey. Genesis 1:27 God created man in his image;

in the divine image he created him;

male and female he created them.

Reflection God created all things and has given the human family a unique role in his creation. Made in the image and likeness of God, we have a special relationship with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We also have a special responsibility to care for and love the world God created. Our Father, who loved us at the beginning, continues to love us today and always.

Question How do I see my special relationship with God and his creation?

Prayer Speak to God, using the words of this prayer or your own. Generous God, you care for my every need. Lead me to care for your creation and for other people, with a joyful heart.

Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 1 Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.

Scripture Genesis 1:31 shows how God looked upon what he made. 1 Timothy 4:4 relates God’s Word to the goodness of creation.

Tradition We are made in God’s image and likeness, as living representatives of God on earth. The human family has been given dominion over the earth. God’s dominion respects life. We begin to appreciate the goodness and beauty of God by appreciating the goodness and beauty of the created world. God— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—creates, sustains, and loves all of creation. The created world is the result of God’s decision to share his life and love with us.

Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Family, Community, and Participation; Care for God’s Creation; and The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.

Window on the Catechism Creation as the loving work of the Holy Trinity is discussed in CCC 290–292. The human vocation to care for it is treated in CCC 307.

General Directory of Catechesis Catechesis that is centered on Jesus leads us to understand the Father of all creation. This is discussed in GDC 100.

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catechist Preparation

One-Hour Session Planner

God Creates Us

Session 1

Prayer in Session 1

Session Theme: God created the world to show us how much he loves us.

The first session establishes the pattern and tone for the prayers in each session. The short opening prayer of petition and the closing prayer of gratitude invite children to reflect on the world God created. The end of each prayer offers an opportunity for children to engage in private reflection. In the Reflect step, children review the Sign of the Cross and the Glory Be to the Father, or Doxology.

Before This Session ▶▶ Set up a prayer center. See page EC-2 for ideas. ▶▶ Establish group rules and procedures. See page EC-2–EC-3 for ideas. ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Genesis 1:31 and 1 Timothy 4:4. Place the open Bible in

the prayer center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities

that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.


Approximate Time

Engage Unit Saint: Saint Isidore the Farmer  God Creates Us

10 minutes

Pages 1–2

Page 3

Explore Our Loving God

Page 4

God’s Blessings

Page 5

Art Print: The Garden

30–40 minutes

Art Print and Print Back

Reflect Prayer: Give Glory to God

15–20 minutes

Page 6

Thanking God for Creation

Page 7

Respond Living My Faith

5–10 minutes

Page 8

Materials Required ▶▶ Bible

if time allows ▶▶ Art supplies (pages 3, 5, 7)

▶▶ Garden gloves, trash bags (page 6)

▶▶ Paper hearts

▶▶ Session 1 BLM, T-301 (page 4)

▶▶ Butcher paper, magazines, paint

▶▶ Art Print 1: The Garden and

▶▶ Media player, Video: The Creation

Children’s Book page 235 ▶▶ Art supplies

(page 4)

(page 7) ▶▶ Note cards (page 8)

▶▶ CD player, CD 2, Track 3: “Echo”

Holy, Holy (1:32) (page 5)

▶▶ Session 1 Assessment, (page 8)

▶▶ Construction paper or poster board

(page 5)



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Engage UNIT


God, Our Creator and Father

Choose one approach to open the unit. 5-Minute Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . below Optional Unit Opener . . . . . . . next page

5-Minute Approach Children’s Pages

1 Begin

Saint Isidore the Farmer Saint Isidore the Farmer cared for the earth, plants, and animals. Although he was poor, Saint Isidore shared what he could with others. 1


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Saint Isidore lived in Spain. He and his wife, Saint Maria de

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la Cabeza, lived on a rich man’s farm. Isidore worked for this

2 Introduce the Saint Discuss the picture of Saint Isidore the Farmer. Ask: What was Saint Isidore’s job? (farming) Have a volunteer read aloud page 1. Say: A saint is a person who has lived a life of special faith and goodness. The Church has honored many saints. Saint Isidore was a man who loved God and showed special care to the earth and its creatures.

man his whole life. He took care of the man’s land with love. Isidore prayed while he worked. Saint Isidore is the patron saint of farmers, farm animals, and farming communities. He is also the patron saint of picnics! We celebrate his feast day on May 15. In many places farm animals

Work and Workers

and crops are blessed on Saint Isidore’s feast day.


Smile and welcome children warmly. Say: I’m so glad you’re here. This year we’re going to learn new and exciting things together. Introduce yourself and explain a little about your life and faith. Invite each child to do the same. Distribute the Children’s Books. Say: May this be a year of finding God. Have children open their books to page 1. Read aloud the unit title. Say: The sessions in our first unit will help us understand how much God loves us.

Ask children to turn to page 2. Read aloud the first paragraph. Say: God wants us to take care of the earth. Saint Isidore can teach us about loving the earth. Read aloud the last two paragraphs. Say: A patron saint watches over special groups of people, places, or animals. Ask: Which groups does Saint Isidore watch over? (farmers, farm animals, farming communities, and picnickers)

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father


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This page describes a program-wide intergenerational event that is offered in a supplemental component.

Optional Unit Opener Intergenerational Event

1 Prepare Work with your catechetical leader to use the Finding God Together kit to plan an intergenerational event for Unit 1.

2 Open the Event Gather families in one space. Use Finding God Together to open the event, introduce Finding God, and discuss the main theme for Unit 1. Together, enjoy an entertaining skit.

3 Implement the Saint Stations

Use Finding God Together to help families learn more about the saints at their grade-level saint stations. Be sure all families feel welcome and are engaged in the process.

Unit 1



Saint Isidore the Farmer Feast Day: May 10

Ideas to Share

4 Close Gather families in one space for a guided reflection. Use Finding God Together to close the event.

5 Transition to

Events Guide

Finding God Together: An Intergenerational Events Guide by Mary Lynn Hendrickson and Tom McGrath

Children’s Book

When children arrive for the faith formation session, discuss the event, distribute the Children’s Books, and review information about the unit saint. Have children open their books to page 3.




Image: © Ed Gazsi.


A Devout Farmer Saint Isidore was born in or near Madrid, Spain. He was a humble farmer who worked for the same employer most of his life. Before going to work each morning, Saint Isidore would visit a church. While he plowed the fields during the day, he would pray. He also visited local shrines on pilgrimage. As in the picture, Saint Isidore is usually shown with a hoe and a sheaf of grain. His wife, Maria de la Cabeza, was later named a saint too. We honor Saint Isidore every year on his feast day, May 15.


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Session 1 Outcomes ▶▶ Explain that God creates everything

out of love for us. ▶▶ Explain that God’s creation is good

Have you ever made a card

and that we must care for it. ▶▶ Define Eucharist, holy, and Sacrament

for a friend or a family

of Penance and Reconciliation.

member? Why did you make it? How did it make the person feel?

1 Set the Stage Invite a few volunteers to talk about a time someone made them a special homemade meal. Ask: Why do you think this person made you this special meal? Bring out the idea of making things out of love for others.

God Creates Us

2 Get Started Read aloud the text, stopping after each question to invite children to respond. Say: We make cards for others because we love them. In this session we will learn what God makes and why he makes those things.


God, help me know that you make all things so that I can see how good and wonderful you are. 3

If Time Allows


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I Love You Cards Invite children use crayons or markers to_______ make cards for loved ones. PDF Signoff: to Production _______ Design Editorial _______ On the inside of the cards, have children copy the following sentence from the board: God is good and wonderful, and so are you! Have children sign their cards and take them home to present to their loved ones. Family and Community

Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Take a moment to feel calm and quietly at peace. Let’s pray together and ask God to help us learn about what he makes. Ask children to close their eyes and fold their hands. Pray the prayer aloud slowly, emphasizing the goodness of God’s world. Pray the Sign of the Cross together. Close by praying Amen.

Go to for an article about God’s love revealed in his creation.

Unit 1  •  Session 1


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1 Begin

Our Loving God God made the world and everything in it. Everything he creates is good.

Distribute paper hearts. Ask children to write on the heart the name of someone they love. Then ask them to write how they show their love. Ask children to give their heart to the person they love. Say: Let’s read and find out how God shows his love for us.

God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is called the Trinity. God loves us and cares for us. That is why he always stays close to us.

2 Connect Read aloud the first paragraph. Say: When we talk about people who are creators, we think of people who have a new idea and make something from that idea. Who is our Creator? (God) What does he create? (Possible answers: heaven, earth, people) God is amazing— he creates everything from nothing! Ask a volunteer to read aloud the second paragraph. Say: God is with you always, no matter where you are. He is there to help and guide you. Say: This year we are going to learn about God as three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Whenever you hear the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, remember we are talking about the three Persons of the Trinity. Point out the picture of the three rings. Ask: How is this design like the Trinity? (It has three parts.) Say: The three interconnected rings form a single unity, just as the Holy Trinity is three Persons in one.

3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 4.

Reading God's Word Read aloud the Scripture adaptation as children follow along in their books. Invite children to give examples of good things God creates, such as a beach or a baby brother. Invite children to pray a silent prayer of thanks for those good things.


Reading God’s Word Everything that God makes is good. We are thankful for all God has given us. adapted from 1 Timothy 4:4 4

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

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Session 1 BLM

God’s Have children the Session 1 Blackline PDFBlessings  Signoff: Production _______complete Design _______ Editorial _______ Master [T-301] to reflect on God’s blessings.

Message Through Media: The Creation

Have children view a 5- to 10-minute scene from a creation movie such as The Creation. As they view, ask children to reflect on the goodness and beauty of God’s creation. Guide children to understand that they can pray while they watch the program. As they notice amazing parts of God’s creation, encourage children to pray silently “Thank you, God!”


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Explore God’s Blessings People are the most important part of God’s creation. God gave us the earth to live on, plants to eat, and animals to help us. God wants all people to love and care for one another and for the world he has created. God wants us to be holy. He shares his life and love with us. We can be holy because God loves us.

On the board draw a three-column chart with the following headings: Favorite People, Favorite Animals, Favorite Places in Nature. Invite each child to give a suggestion for each category. Record children’s answers on the board.

Caring for God’s Creation Think of a way you can care for God’s creation. Then finish the sentence.

2 Connect

I can care for God’s creation by

Read aloud God’s Blessings. Explain that creation is the world and all the things in it. Say: Look at the ideas on the board. God wants you to care for all these things. Have children point to the word holy. Say: We are invited to be holy every day because God loves us. One way to be holy is to love all God’s creation. Read aloud Caring for God’s Creation. Have children complete the sentence. Invite children to share their sentences with one another.


God wants all people to love and care for one another and for the world he has created.

Ready for the Sacraments This year you will prepare to receive Holy Communion, the Sacrament of the Eucharist, for the first time. You will also get ready to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. As you learn about these special sacraments, remember God loves you and is always with you.

Ready for the Sacraments GO TO PAGE



SESSION 1 • God Creates Us

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1 Begin


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“Echo” Holy, Holy

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Our Faith section of the book. Before you play the track, say: Listen carefully for the first word, holy. Listen once, and then sing along with the chorus.

Word Wall Construct a word wall in the classroom to help children remember the new words they will learn this year. Use construction paper or poster board to make a background with the texture of bricks. Add a new “brick” to the wall each time you encounter a word in dark type. For this session place bricks on the wall with the words holy, Eucharist, and Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation written on them.

Read aloud the paragraph. Explain that the sacraments were instituted by Christ and given to the Church. Point out that the sacraments give us the grace we need to live holy lives. Briefly describe the sacramental preparation for the year.

3 Close Display Art Print 1: The Garden. Use the Art Print 1 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 235.

The Garden

Art Print 1

For a full and flexible sacramental-preparation program that aligns with Finding God Grade 2, go to gods-gift-sacramental-preparation-program.htm and explore God’s Gift: Reconciliation and God’s Gift: Eucharist.

Unit 1  •  Session 1


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Reflect Prayer


Give Glory to God

Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 6.

God makes everything around us. We praise him with the Glory Be to the Father.

Children’s Page

As you pray the Glory Be to the Father, think about how much God loves you and cares for you.

Prepare  Pray the prayer in advance to become familiar with it.

Glory Be to the Father

Pray  Explain that during each session of the program, children will be invited to talk with God. Read aloud the title Give Glory to God. Say: To give glory to someone means to honor him or her with the highest praise. Point out the picture on the page. Ask: What do you see in the background? (mountains, a lake, sunset, clouds, sky) Why do we give glory to God for it? (because he created it and it’s amazing) Have children point to the folded hands at the top of the page. Say: This symbol will tell us we are going to pray. To begin this prayer, let’s pray the Sign of the Cross. Instruct children on what to do and say. Then invite children to pray the Sign of the Cross with you. Have children bring their hands together and say Amen. Invite children to fold their hands and relax. Pause for several seconds. Reverently read aloud the first two paragraphs. Say: Pray the words to the Glory Be to the Father after me as you follow along in your book. Pray aloud the prayer and have children repeat. Pause for several seconds. Slowly read aloud the last paragraph. Say: Let’s close our prayer with the Sign of the Cross. Pray Amen together.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Think about the things for which we praise God. Thank God for creating you. Thank him for loving you.


UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

If Time Allows



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Service: Grounds Cleanup Provide gardening gloves_______ and PDF Signoff: Production trash bags. Arrange additional chaperones for a walking field trip. Find an outdoor area near your parish in need of manageable cleanup. Clean up the area together. When children are back in class, talk about the importance of not littering as a way to give glory to God and to care for his world.


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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______

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Before praying explain that prayer helps build our friendship with God. Tell children we can talk with God about everything in our lives. Point out that prayer helps us grow closer to God.

God’s Creation



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Reflect Thanking God for Creation Remember that God loves and cares for us and everything he creates. We give God glory for his creation.

1 Begin Ask children to name a person they admire. Ask: What are some ways we honor or give glory to people we admire? (write letters, give awards, applaud)

God’s Creation Shows His Love Talk to God in your heart and thank him for his creation. Draw a picture of something that God created that shows his love.

2 Connect Have a volunteer read aloud the first paragraph on page 7. Remind children that to give glory to someone means to give him or her the highest praise. Point out that we give God glory for creation, including ourselves and all the people we love. Read aloud God’s Creation Shows His Love. Supply crayons or markers so children can draw their pictures. Invite volunteers to share their pictures with the class.

3 Close Invite children to return to page 6 and silently pray the Glory Be to the Father to praise God for his creation.


SESSION 1 • God Creates Us

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Creation Collaboration In advance make a list of items fromDesign God’s_______ creation, including types of PDF Signoff: Production _______ Editorial _______ animals, plants, landforms, and people. Write each item on a separate slip of paper. Invite each child to take a slip of paper and draw or paint the item listed. Then have children piece together their pictures to create a large mural of God’s creation. Invite children to pray a silent prayer of thanks for God’s creation.

Air, Land, and Water Collage Arrange children in three groups for air, land, and water. Have them draw, color, paint, or cut out of magazines pictures of animals and plants that would live in their assigned environment. Using a walllength roll of butcher paper or newsprint, have groups paint or glue on their environment the animals and plants they made or found. Invite children to pray a silent prayer of thanks for God’s creation.

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Faith Summary  Ask volunteers to read aloud this section. Ask: What is one way you might take care of God’s creation? (Possible answers: recycle, use less water, don’t litter, feed and shelter animals)

2 Connect

Faith Summary

Living My Faith

1 Begin

Words I Learned  Read aloud each word. Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of each term. Review each word in the Glossary if necessary. If you are using it, refer to the Word Wall option from page 5.

Because he loves us, God made many things. All of them are good. God wants us to take care of his creation.

Words I Learned Eucharist holy Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation

Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus loves us and everything that God makes. Show love and kindness toward people, animals, and the earth.

Prayer Thank you, God, for all you have made. Help me love you by taking care of your creation.

With My Family

Ways of Being Like Jesus  Have a volunteer read aloud this section. Say:

Activity Take a family walk at a park or nature preserve. Point out examples of God’s creation. Pray a silent prayer of thanks for God’s creation and for your time together.

Let’s be sure to show love and kindness for one another this year.

Ready for the Sacraments Talk about the special sacraments you will receive this year.

Prayer Ask children to close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Allow a few seconds for silent reflection. Conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross and Amen.

Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family as part of your creation. Help us care for one another and everything you create. Amen. 8

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

If Time Allows


With My Family  Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.

3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, God loves you and is always with you.

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Word Hop Write the wordsProduction creation and holy onDesign note _______ cards. Invite volunteers to PDF Signoff: _______ Editorial _______ choose either card, read it aloud, and say a sentence correctly using the word. Have the group listen carefully and “hop” once in place when they hear the vocabulary word. If the sentence was correct, invite the group to “hop” in place for a few seconds at the end of the sentence, instead of applauding.

Session Assessment Option

An assessment for this session can be found at

P l a n A he a d

Get Ready for Session 2 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 2 and determine any materials you will need.



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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 2

God Gives Us Jesus

Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 2

3-Minute Retreat

Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.

Before you prepare the session, pause briefly for silent reflection. Rest in the loving presence of God, who is with you as you open yourself to his Word.

Scripture Matthew 1:18–24 recounts how an angel told Joseph the name for Mary’s Son.

Matthew 28:20

Matthew 28:20 shows the risen Jesus speaking to his disciples.

And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.


Reflection God is not distant or aloof. He wants us to have a relationship with him, so he sent his only Son, Jesus, to lead us to Salvation. Jesus fulfills God’s promise to be with us always. In the last words from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus assures his disciples that his love and presence are eternal. Even to this day, we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, our spiritual food, which strengthens us on our journey.

Question In a world of broken promises, what does it mean to me to know that God’s love and presence are eternal?

Prayer Speak to God our loving Father, using this prayer or words of your own. Intimate and loving God, draw me continually closer to you and remain with me forever. Help me mirror your love and acceptance to all.

The angel told Joseph that Mary’s Son would be named Jesus, which means “God saves.” Jesus would also be called Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” Living in perfect obedience to his Father, Jesus saved us through his ministry to those who were poor and vulnerable, and through his own suffering, Death, and Resurrection. With the Father, Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit, the source of the grace we need to live as Jesus did. The Holy Spirit inspires us to recognize Jesus as Lord. As our Lord, Jesus receives all the praise, honor, and glory due to God.

Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching theme is Call to Family, Community, and Participation. See page 1b for an explanation of this theme.

Window on the Catechism Jesus as the good news of our Salvation is treated in CCC 422–424. The meaning of the name of Jesus is found in CCC 430–432.

General Directory for Catechesis Jesus Christ not only transmits the Word of God, but he is also the Word of God. This is explored in GDC 98.

Un it 1  •  Session 2


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catechist Preparation

One-Hour Session Planner Session 2

God Gives Us Jesus

Prayer in Session 2

Session Theme: Jesus is the Son of God who comes to save us.

In this session brief opening and closing prayers invite children to reflect on God’s gifts to us, and genuflecting is discussed. Session 2 includes an extended guided reflection, a special approach to prayer. Follow the Prepare directions on the Guide page before praying with children. An alternative approach to prayer in this session is to use the Prayer on the children’s page.

Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Matthew 1:18–24 and Matthew 28:20. Place the open

Bible in the prayer center. ▶▶ Check the meaning of your name in a baby-naming book to share with children. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities

that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.


Approximate Time

Engage God Gives Us Jesus

10 minutes

Page 9

Explore Most Precious Gift

30–40 minutes

Pages 10–11

Art Print: Holy Family

Art Print and Print Back

Reflect Prayer: Jesus Is Born  Another Name

15–20 minutes

Page 12

Page 13

Respond Living My Faith

5–10 minutes

Page 14

Materials Required ▶▶ Bible

if time allows ▶▶ Art supplies (pages 9, 10, 11)

▶▶ Art supplies

▶▶ Construction paper (page 9)

▶▶ Envelopes

▶▶ Session 2 BLM, T-302 (page 10)

▶▶ Art Print 2: Holy Family and

▶▶ CD player, instrumental music

Children’s Book page 236 ▶▶ CD player

▶▶ Beads, jewelry-making materials

(page 14) ▶▶ Session 2 Assessment, (page 14)

(page 10) ▶▶ CD 2, Track 5: “Jesus in the Morning

▶▶ CD 1, Track 6: “Jesus Is Born” (11:00)

(Jesus Verses)” (1:37) (page 13)

▶▶ Baby-naming books



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Session 2 Outcomes ▶▶ Identify Jesus as God’s most precious

gift and as our Savior, Emmanuel. ▶▶ Recognize that Jesus is present in the

Blessed Sacrament. ▶▶ Describe the story of Joseph trusting

the angel’s message. ▶▶ Define Blessed Sacrament, consecra-

Did you ever receive a

tion, Emmanuel, genuflect, Savior, and tabernacle.

special gift from a friend or family member? What made the gift special?

God Gives Us Jesus

1 Set the Stage Invite volunteers to name occasions when a friend did something nice for them. Ask: Why did your friend do this? How did it make you feel?

2 Get Started Read aloud the text, stopping after each question to invite children to respond. Say: God gave us many special gifts too. In today’s session we will find out about his most precious gift of all.


Dear God, help me always remember the gifts you have given me. 9

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Inclusion: Attention

Gifts from GodProduction Charades  Use thisDesign activity if you teach children with PDF Signoff: _______ _______ Editorial _______ attention differences. In advance make a list of gifts from God, including family, friends, talents, and creation. Write each item on a separate slip of paper. Invite each child to take a slip of paper and pantomime the item listed on it. Have children guess what is being acted out. After each child has a turn, invite children to pray a silent prayer of thanks for God’s gifts.

Giving Gifts

Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Take a moment to quiet your mind and heart. Let’s pray together to remember and thank God for the amazing gifts he gives us. Ask children to close their eyes and fold their hands. Pray the prayer aloud slowly. Close by praying Amen and asking children to open their eyes. Pray together the Sign of the Cross.

Ask children to cut out four squares from a sheet of construction paper. Have children write the name of a person on one side, and on the other side draw a picture of a gift they would like to give that person. Encourage children to think of gifts that are not material. Suggest that children give their gifts to their intended recipients. Go to www.findinggod/sessionextenders for an article on Jesus as the Son of God.

Unit 1  •  Session 2


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1 Begin

Most Precious Gift God has given us many things. His most precious gift is his Son, Jesus. God gave Jesus to the whole world. Jesus wants to help us live good lives.

Distribute paper and crayons or markers. Ask children to draw a picture of their favorite possession, such as a locket, a favorite book, or a photo. Then ask them to think of a person they love very much and write that person’s name on an envelope, such as parents, siblings, relatives, or friends. Have children fold the picture and place it in the envelope. Discuss how it would feel to give this precious gift.

As God’s Son who became man, Jesus saves us from our sins. He can help us live with God in Heaven one day.

2 Connect Have a volunteer read aloud the title. Say: God gives us special gifts. Let’s read and find out about God’s most precious gift to us. Read aloud the first paragraph. Say: God gave his Son to every person in the whole world. Does that mean he even gave his Son to you and me? (Yes, God gave his Son to every person in this classroom, in this neighborhood, and in the entire world.) Ask a volunteer to read aloud the second paragraph. Ask: Who is God’s Son who became man? (Jesus) Say: Imagine how wonderful Heaven must be. Imagine what it will be like to live with God in Heaven. I am so grateful Jesus came to save us!


UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

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Session 2 BLM

God’s Have children complete the Session Master PDFGifts  Signoff: Production _______ Design _______2 Blackline Editorial _______ [T-302] to reflect on God’s gifts to us.

A Heavenly Glimpse Ask children to imagine how Heaven might look. Have them draw a picture or write a short paragraph describing heaven. Encourage children to use detail. Play instrumental music while children work. Invite children to sit in a circle and share their work.



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Explore Jesus is present among us in the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament is the name given to the Holy Eucharist after the consecration at Mass. In a special place near your church altar, you will see a tabernacle. This is where the Blessed Sacrament is kept after Mass. As a sign of our belief that Jesus is with us, we genuflect to honor the Blessed Sacrament inside the tabernacle.

We Genuflect As Catholics we genuflect in church by lowering one knee to the ground and blessing ourselves with the Sign of the Cross. Who do we honor when we genuflect before the tabernacle? Jesus

Ready for the Sacraments Preparing to receive the Sacraments of the Eucharist and of Reconciliation is like getting ready to take an important trip. You do have to prepare, and the goal of the journey is to grow closer to God. The good news is that God is with you every step of the way.

Ready for the Sacraments GO TO PAGE


SESSION 2 • God Gives Us Jesus

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~ pg 11 ~

Read aloud the first two sentences on page 11 while children follow along. Direct children’s attention to the word consecration. Say: When something is consecrated, it is made to be special to God through prayer. At Mass the priest consecrates the bread and wine. Through his prayer, they become the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Read aloud the rest of the paragraph. Ask: What does it mean to honor someone? (to show respect) Have children look at the picture on the page. Ask: What makes this container look special? Look for the tabernacle next time you are in church. Say: The Blessed Sacrament is kept in the tabernacle after Mass. Read aloud We Genuflect. Demonstrate how to genuflect. Invite children to practice. Have children answer the question by writing their responses on the lines. Invite children to share their answers.



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Service: The Gift of Time Have children a special coupon for a_______ family member a PDF Signoff:make Production _______ Design Editorialor _______ neighbor. Explain that children should offer a gift of their time to this person. For example, a gift for moms could be to help them with the dishes. A gift for neighbors could be to water their plants. Family and Community

Read aloud the paragraph. Discuss different ways that children may prepare to receive the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, such as by attending religion class, learning new prayers, and going to Mass on Sundays. Remind children that this is a joyful, challenging, and exciting journey.

3 Close Display Art Print 2: Holy Family. Use the Art Print 2 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 236.

Holy Family

Art Print 2

For a full and flexible sacramental-preparation program that aligns with Finding God Grade 2, go to gods-gift-sacramental-preparation-program.htm and explore God’s Gift: Reconciliation and God’s Gift: Eucharist.

Unit 1  •  Session 2


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Reflect Prayer Choose an approach and pray with the children.


Jesus Is Born Imagine you are with Joseph and Mary in the stable where Jesus was born.

Approach 1

Recorded Guided Reflection

You are holding Jesus carefully and gently, close to your heart. You know you can tell him whatever you would like. What do you whisper to him?

Prepare  A special approach to prayer in Session 2 is an extended guided reflection “Jesus Is Born” [CD 1, Track 6]. Listen to the recording as a prayerful experience for yourself. Then when you play it during the session, join children in reflective prayer. If instead you choose to pray aloud the reflection yourself, listen to the recording a second time, follow the script [pages T-290–T-291], and note pauses and tone of voice. Use or adapt the script as you wish.

Jesus loves you. You listen with your heart to what he wants you to know. You are happy together.

Pray  Play the recording or pray aloud using the script. Play instrumental music softly in the background to enhance the sense of prayerfulness. Approach 2

Children’s Page Prepare  Pray the prayer on page 12 in advance. Pray  Reverently pray with expression the first paragraph. Continue reading, pausing after each paragraph to give children time to reflect. At the end of the reflection, provide a moment of silence for children to talk to God in their hearts. Close the prayer by praying Amen and joining the children in praying the Sign of the Cross. Say: With happi-


UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

If Time Allows



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Pray Again If you have usedProduction the recorded PDF Signoff: _______ guided reflection, you might use this prayer page during another session.

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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______

Design _______

ness in our hearts, remember that Jesus is always with us and that we can talk with him anytime and anywhere.



Before praying ask children to close their eyes, fold their hands in front of them, silently take a long breath, and let it out. Remind children to be very quiet and still with hands, head, and heart. Say: Jesus is always with you and loves to spend time with you.


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Talk about the meaning of different names. For example, Jessica means “wealth” in Hebrew, and Shen means “spiritual” in Chinese. Share the meaning of your name. Ask: Do you know the meaning of your name? Invite volunteers to share their responses. If children do not know the origins of their names, use babynaming books or online resources to help children look up the meanings of their names.

Another Name Jesus is also called Emmanuel and Savior. Emmanuel means “God with us.” Savior means “one who saves.”

Names for Jesus Jesus is known by many names. Choose a word from the box to complete each meaning. The first one is done for you. blessed




2 Connect

Name and Meaning

Christ =


Emmanuel = God Jesus =


Savior = one who

by God with


saves saves


SESSION 2 • God Gives Us Jesus

If Time Allows


1 Begin

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Jesus in the Morning (Jesus Verses)

CDSignoff: 2, Track 5  Have _______ children turn to page 225 in the Songs of PDF Production Design _______ Editorial _______

Our Faith section of the book. Say: Listen carefully as we hear about Jesus always being with us. Play the song and invite children to sing along. After the song have children make a list of times this week when they really felt Jesus was with them.

Write the names Jesus, Christ, Savior, and Emmanuel on the board. Call out each name, and tell children to raise their hands if they have heard the name before. Explain that Christians all around the world use these titles for Jesus. Have a volunteer read aloud the first paragraph on page 13. Focus on the word Emmanuel. Ask: What does the name Emmanuel mean? (God with us) Read aloud the directions for Names for Jesus. Say: Let’s read the first meaning together. Christ means “blessed by God.” Because we used the word blessed, it is marked off in the word box. Have children complete the activity independently. When they have finished, review the answers.

3 Close Ask children if they have more than one name or a nickname. Remind them that there are many names for Jesus. Review what each name means and what it tells us about God’s gift of Jesus.

Unit 1  •  Session 2


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Faith Summary  Read aloud this section. Ask: Why did God send his Son? (because he loves us) What is God’s greatest gift to the world? (his Son, Jesus)

2 Connect Words I Learned  Read aloud each word. Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of each term. Review each word in the Glossary if necessary. If you are using it, refer to the Word Wall option from page 5.

Faith Summary

Living My Faith

1 Begin

Because of God’s great love for us, he sent his Son to become man. Jesus is God’s greatest gift to the world.

Words I Learned

Ways of Being Like Jesus

Blessed Sacrament consecration Emmanuel genuflect Savior* tabernacle

Jesus came to show us God’s love. Do a kind deed for a friend today.

Prayer Thank you, God, for sending us Jesus. Please show me how to be more like him.

Ways of Being Like Jesus  Read aloud this section. Say: When we act with kindness, we show God’s love to others.

With My Family Activity Make a thank-you card for a family member who has been like Jesus this week.


Ready for the Sacraments Make a Family Spirituality Time Line. List when family members received sacraments, as well as special moments when they felt God’s grace.

Ask children to get comfortable and prepare their minds and hearts for prayer. Encourage children to pray silently as you pray aloud. Allow time for silent reflection. Pray Amen, and pray the Sign of the Cross together.

Family Prayer Dear God, we thank you for sending your Son, Jesus. Help us show kindness, love, and compassion, just as Jesus did. Amen. 14

With My Family  Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.

3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember that God sent Jesus to be with you always!

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

* This word is taught with the Art Print. See page 236.

If Time Allows


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Keeping Jesus Close Bring in Signoff: alphabet beads and other beads jewelry-making materials. PDF Production _______ Designand _______ Editorial _______ Have children make necklaces by stringing together or writing on a bead one of the names for Jesus. Suggest that children wear their necklaces to remind them that Jesus is always with them.

Session Assessment Option

An assessment for this session can be found at

P l a n A he a d

Get Ready for Session 3 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 3 and determine any materials you will need.



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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 3

God Is Our Father

Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 3

3-Minute Retreat Before you prepare the session, pause briefly for silent reflection. Remember that you are in the loving presence of God, who is with you in this journey of teaching and learning. Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?

Reflection Jesus wants us to know that God is a loving Father who knows and cares about our needs. God takes care of the birds and flowers, so surely we will be taken care of as well. Jesus assures us of the perfect and intimate love that God has for us.

Question What worries of life can I place in God’s care today?

Prayer With thanksgiving, speak to the Father, using these words or others that come to mind. Abba, Father, you meet the needs of all creation. Be with me today. Help me to be a sign of your love to all I meet.

Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.

Scripture Matthew 6:25–34 shows Jesus assuring believers that God will take care of them. 1 Peter 5:6–7 counsels the young to be humble before God and to entrust him with their worries.

Tradition In Matthew 6:26, Jesus explains the importance of trusting in God’s care. Using the imagery of birds and wildflowers, Jesus tells us that God is our loving Father who is present for us. Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer to praise and glorify God and to ask for what we need. In the first part of the Lord’s Prayer, we give praise and honor to God; in the second part we ask for what we need. We ask for God’s forgiveness as the first step toward forgiving others, and we ask God to help us when our faith is tested. We end with Amen, expressing our acceptance of all that we have prayed.

Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Call to Family, Community, and Participation and Solidarity. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.

Window on the Catechism Jesus Christ is introduced in CCC 65. The principle that all prayer is addressed to God as Father is treated in CCC 2786–2793.

General Directory for Catechesis The relationship between Jesus and the Father is explored in GDC 100.

Un it 1  •  Session 3


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catechist Preparation

One-Hour Session Planner Session 3

God Is Our Father

Prayer in Session 3

Session Theme: We call Jesus the Son of God because he reveals to us his loving Father.

This session continues the pattern of prayer in the brief opening and closing prayers that invite children to reflect on God as their heavenly Father. At the end of each prayer, children are invited to pray quietly. This session presents two forms of prayer: petition and praise. Children also review the Lord’s Prayer and the orans position as a prayer posture.

Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Matthew 6:25–34 and 1 Peter 5:6–7. Place the open Bible

in the prayer center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities

that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.


Approximate Time

Engage God Is Our Father

10 minutes

Page 15

Explore God Cares for Us

30–40 minutes

Pages 16–17

Art Print: God created the earth . . .  Art Print and Print Back

Reflect Prayer: Jesus Teaches Us to Pray  Praise Him, Praise Him

15–20 minutes

Page 18

Page 19

Respond Living My Faith

5–10 minutes

Page 20

Materials Required

▶▶ CD player, CD 2, Track 7: “Our

▶▶ Art supplies

if time allows ▶▶ World map, paper hearts, tacks (page 15)

▶▶ Art Print 3: God created the earth . . .

▶▶ Session 3 BLM, T-303 (page 16)

▶▶ Bubble solution and wand

▶▶ Bible

and Children’s Book page 237

▶▶ Gardening gloves and tools, plant

bulbs (page 16)

Father” (1:02) (page 18) (page 19) ▶▶ Session 3 Assessment, (page 20)



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Session 3 Outcomes ▶▶ Explain how God provides for his

creation. ▶▶ Recognize that Jesus wants us to trust

God our Father with our cares.

Think about your family,

▶▶ Define petition and praise.

your home, and the food you eat. In what ways does God take care of you?

1 Set the Stage Ask: How many people are in your family? Say: Stand up if you have any brothers. Have children sit down. Then say: Now stand up if you have any sisters. Then say: Now stand up if you are an only child. Have all children sit. Finally, say: God loves all families and watches over them.

God Is Our Father

2 Get Started

Prayer Dear Jesus, help me know and love God our Father as you do. 15

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People of the World UsePDF a large world map to _______ show children the continents and oceans. Signoff: Production Design _______ Editorial _______ Say: God’s world is huge, and he loves everyone in every country on every continent. God cares for every person in every place in the world. Point to North America and show children where they live. Have volunteers name other continents and countries where they have lived or visited. Distribute paper hearts and have children draw a person inside. Explain that the hearts represent God’s love for people all over the world. Invite children to come one by one and attach their heart to the map in a country of their choice. Say: God cares for everyone, and his love fills the earth. Solidarity

Read aloud the first sentence. Ask children to describe what they see. Ask: What types of food does your family like to eat? Who do you think gave this girl her bowl of food? What do you think she’s eating? Share your family’s favorite foods. Invite volunteers to share. Read aloud the question and ask volunteers to answer. Say: In today’s session we will find out how God our Father cares for us.

Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Take a moment to remember that God is always with us. Let’s pray together to ask Jesus to help us learn how to love God as much as he did. Ask children to close their eyes and fold their hands. Pray the prayer aloud slowly. Close by praying Amen and asking children to open their eyes. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together.

Go to for a meditation on God our Father.

Unit 1  •  Session 3


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1 Begin Ask: Who has taken care of you this week? (Possible answers: parents, teachers, babysitters, relatives, siblings) Then ask: What is the most important thing your parents or caretakers do for you? (Possible answers: keep them safe, fed, clothed, sheltered, and loved) Ask: Have you ever cared for a pet or a plant? What do you do when you take care of something? (Possible answers: feed and water plants, give them sunlight; feed and give water to pets, play with them, keep them clean and safe, love them)

God Cares for Us Jesus called God Father just as some children call their fathers Dad. Jesus reminds us that God is our Father too. God loves us and wants us to be happy. He wants the best for us.

2 Connect Direct children’s attention to the pictures on page 16. Ask: Who feeds and cares for birds and flowers in nature? (God) Read aloud the title and first two paragraphs while children follow along. Say: Jesus wants us to know we are very important to God our Father. We can trust him to care for us the way he cares for the birds and flowers.

God gives birds the food they need to live. Flowers grow strong and lovely with God’s care.

Link to Liturgy During Mass we stand to pray the Lord’s Prayer. We pray this prayer together.

Link to Liturgy Read aloud the paragraph. Tell children that Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer to bring us closer to God our Father. Say: During Mass we pray this prayer together to be one with God and one another.


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Session 3 BLM

OurPDF Loving Father  Have_______ children complete the Session 3 Blackline Signoff: Production Design _______ Editorial _______ Master [T-303] to reflect on trusting God.

Service: Garden for God Bring in gardening gloves and shovels. Arrange for additional chaperones for a community planting. Together find an outdoor area near your parish that might be in need of a new garden. Plant bulbs or lateblooming flowers together. When children are back in class, talk about the importance of taking care of creation, just as God shows his care. Family and Community



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Explore When we petition God in prayer, we ask him for what we need. We pray to God to help us. We also praise God in our prayers. We tell him how wonderful he is. God is our Creator and Father. We are his children. He cares for all people of the world because he is everyone’s Father. Jesus was a good Son. He listened to his Father. Jesus had trust in God. He reminds us to trust God too.

Ready for the Sacraments We are able to receive the Sacraments of the Eucharist and of Reconciliation because we have been baptized. Through Baptism we belong to God’s Church as children of God. Through all the sacraments, God shares his life with us.

If Time Allows


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Ready for the Sacraments




SESSION 3 • God Is Our Father


Read aloud the first two paragraphs on page 17. Say: What are some reasons we might pray a prayer of petition? (Possible answers: to ask for help with our cares or worries, to ask God to bless our families) Say: Praise is an expression of the happiness we feel because God is so good. Ask: Have you ever been praised or thanked for a job well done at school or at home? How did it make you feel? (Possible answers: happy, loved, special) Ask: For what can you praise God? (Possible answers: my family, my home, my pet) Say: The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of praise because we honor God. It is also a prayer of petition because we ask for God’s help. Read aloud the last two paragraphs while children follow along. Explain that Jesus reminds us to listen to God too, and that Jesus is a good model for us because he teaches us to trust in God.

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A Holy Phrase Select phrase Production from the Lord’s Prayer such_______ as “Our Father, art in PDFaSignoff: _______ Design Editorialwho _______ heaven” or “thy kingdom come.” On the board write one blank line for each letter of the words in the phrase; include a blank space between the words of the phrase. You may wish to fill in two or three letters. Then have children take turns calling out letters. Congratulate children when they figure out the phrase.

Read aloud the paragraph. Explain that when we are baptized, we are welcomed into the Church. Say: Baptism celebrates the beginning of our life as Catholics. As you prepare for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and of Reconciliation, your hearts share the excitement your parents and godparents had on the day you were baptized!

3 Close

God created the earth . . .

Display Art Print 3: God created the earth . . . Use the Art Print 3 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 237.

Art Print 3

For a full and flexible sacramental-preparation program that aligns with Finding God Grade 2, go to gods-gift-sacramental-preparation-program.htm and explore God’s Gift: Reconciliation and God’s Gift: Eucharist.

Unit 1  •  Session 3


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Reflect Prayer


Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 18.

Jesus Teaches Us to Pray In prayer we talk to and listen to God. Jesus gave us the words to the Lord’s Prayer, or the Our Father. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we praise God and ask him for what we need.

Children’s Page Prepare  Pray the prayer in advance to become familiar with it.

As you pray, keep in mind how much God our Father loves us.

Pray  Turn the group’s attention to the prayer in the book. Say: Today

Lord’s Prayer

we’re going to pray the Lord’s Prayer. We praise God for his greatness, and we petition him to care for us and our world. Read aloud the first two paragraphs. Say: This is an important prayer because Jesus taught it to us. It is important to take it to heart. I will help you. Slowly and reverently pray the prayer together. Say: Now let’s spend a few moments with God and tell him in our own words that we love and trust him. Allow time for silent prayer. Close the prayer by saying: Let’s close this special prayer by praying the Sign of the Cross.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.


UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

If Time Allows



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Our Father

CDSignoff: 2, Track 7  Have _______ chilPDF Production

dren turn to page 226 in the Songs of Our Faith section of the book. Say: Listen carefully to the sung version of the Lord’s Prayer. Play the song and encourage children to close their eyes and think about what the words mean. Then have children draw a picture or write sentences about what comes to mind.



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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______

Design _______

Establish a consistent phrase to lead into the time of prayer. For example: Let’s remember that we are in the holy presence of God. This helps children recognize an abiding sense of the presence of God.


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Reflect Praise Him, Praise Him One way we can praise God and tell him our needs is by praying the Lord’s Prayer.

1 Begin Ask: What are ways we can praise God? (Possible answers: praying, singing, reading the Bible) Explain that we can also praise God through our actions. Tell children that when we show kindness to a friend or smile at a neighbor, we are praising God our Father.

Picture of Praise Think about the prayers you have learned. Draw a picture of yourself praising God.

2 Connect Have a volunteer read aloud the first sentence. Say: Find the place in the Lord’s Prayer where we praise God. (hallowed be thy name) Say: Find the place in the Lord’s Prayer where we bring God our needs. (Give us this day our daily bread.) Read aloud the activity directions. Say: As you draw yourself, think about how you feel when you praise God. Are you happy? Are you alone or with a friend? Are you praising God through your actions or your words? Have children complete the activity independently.

3 Close 19

SESSION 3 • God Is Our Father

If Time Allows


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Invite children to pray silently the Lord’s Prayer to praise God for his greatness and bring him their needs.

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Bubbles of Love Gather for this activity. hundreds with PDFoutdoors Signoff: Production _______ Blow Design _______of bubbles Editorial _______ bubble solution and a wand. Have children try to count the number of bubbles. Say: Look how the bubbles go all over! It’s hard to count the number of bubbles, isn’t it? These bubbles are like God’s love. There is so much, and it goes everywhere!

Unit 1  •  Session 3


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Faith Summary  Read aloud this section. Say: God cares for us. He wants us to trust him and know that we are loved and safe. Ask: What does Jesus tell us to do instead of worrying? (trust in God)

2 Connect

Faith Summary

Living My Faith

1 Begin

Jesus helps us learn that God is our loving Father and is close to us. Jesus tells us to trust in God and place our cares in his hands.

Words I Learned

Ways of Being Like Jesus

petition praise

Jesus was a good Son to God the Father. He trusted and obeyed his Father. Listen to your parents and trust them with your cares.

Words I Learned  Read aloud each word. Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of each word. Review each word in the Glossary if necessary. If you are using it, refer to the Word Wall option from page 5.

Prayer Thank you, Jesus, for teaching me to trust in God and to place my cares in his hands.

With My Family Activity As a family, take turns blindfolding and guiding one another around your house. Discuss similarities in trusting your guides and in trusting God.

Ways of Being Like Jesus  Read this section. Ask: Why is it important to obey and listen to our parents? (Possible answers: to be like Jesus, to make God happy)

Ready for the Sacraments Talk about your Baptism, including your godparents, the celebration, and how the people present welcomed you to your family and the family of God.

Prayer Ask children to get ready for prayer. Invite them to pray silently as you pray aloud. Allow time for silent reflection. Together pray Amen and the Sign of the Cross.

Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family. Help us to trust in you always. 20

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

If Time Allows


With My Family  Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.

3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, God will hold all your cares in his hands. He loves you, and he is with you always!

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God Cares Remind childrenProduction that God_______ loves andDesign cares _______ for us andEditorial wants us to be PDF Signoff: _______ happy. Review the meanings of the words praise and petition. Invite children to silently praise God for what he has given them and petition him for what they need. Say: Ask God to help you love and care for others as he loves and cares for you.

Session Assessment Option

An assessment for this session can be found at

P l a n A he a d

Get Ready for Session 4 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 4 and determine any materials you will need.



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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 4

God’s Life for Us

Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 4

3-Minute Retreat

Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.

Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take some long, deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey.

Scripture Luke 2:25–32 recounts the words of Simeon at the presentation of Jesus.

Luke 2:28–32

Isaiah 49:6 tells what the prophet spoke to the Jewish people in exile.

[Simeon] took [Jesus] into his arms and blessed God, saying:

“Now, Master, you may let your servant go

for my eyes have seen your salvation,


in peace, according to your word, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples,

a light for revelation to the Gentiles,

and glory for your people Israel.”

Reflection No outward sign let Simeon know that the infant Joseph and Mary brought to the Temple was the Messiah. Simeon recognized him by listening to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit also speaks to us to provide us with insight and guidance into our relationships with God, with others, and with ourselves. When we listen to the Holy Spirit, we can understand how God is present in our lives, and make good decisions.

Question When am I most able to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit?

Prayer Pray to the Holy Spirit, using this prayer or one of your own. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

God promised Simeon that he would not die before seeing the Messiah. One day an ordinary-looking couple with a child entered the Temple. Simeon, by now an old man, probably did not see these people clearly. But through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he recognized in this infant God’s promise fulfilled. The teaching of the Church stresses the importance of recognizing the work of the Holy Spirit in all our relationships. By listening to the Holy Spirit, we learn to care for others and for ourselves.

Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching theme is Solidarity. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.

Window on the Catechism The work of the Holy Spirit in human life is in CCC 733–736, 739. The work of the Holy Spirit in our relationships is discussed in CCC 739.

General Directory for Catechesis Catechesis takes place within the Christian community. The role of the Holy Spirit in forming this community is covered in GDC 253.

And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.

Unit 1  •  Session 4


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catechist Preparation

One-Hour Session Planner Session 4

God’s Life for Us

Prayer in Session 4

Session Theme: All good things we do and the good decisions we make come from the Holy Spirit.

In this session children learn the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, which reinforces the belief that the Spirit guides us in the same way it guided Simeon. In the opening prayer of petition and closing prayer of gratitude, we acknowledge the importance of and the need for the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Luke 2:25–32 and Isaiah 49:6. Place the open Bible in the

prayer center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities

that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.


Approximate Time

Engage God’s Life for Us

10 minutes

Page 21

Explore Simeon of Jerusalem  The Holy Spirit

30–40 minutes

Page 22

Page 23

Art Print: Behold Jesus

Art Print and Print Back

Reflect Prayer: Holy Spirit, Be Our Guide  Holy Spirit, Guide Me

15–20 minutes

Page 24

Page 25

Respond Living My Faith

5–10 minutes

Page 26

Materials Required ▶▶ Smiley face stickers ▶▶ Bible ▶▶ Art Print 4: Behold Jesus and

Children’s Book page 238

if time allows ▶▶ Internet telephone and video network service, boxes, magazines, construction paper (page 21) ▶▶ Art supplies (pages 21, 22, 23) ▶▶ Session 4 BLM, T-304 (page 22)

▶▶ Feathers

▶▶ Bible, paper cutouts in geomet-

ric shapes, tree-shaped poster (page 25) ▶▶ Session 4 Assessment, (page 26)

▶▶ Construction paper (page 23) ▶▶ CD player, CD 2, Track 9: “Jesus in

the Morning” (Spirit Verses) (1:37) (page 24)



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Session 4 Outcomes ▶▶ Express appreciation for the good

things in our lives. ▶▶ Explain how Simeon recognized Jesus

because he listened to the Holy Spirit. ▶▶ Describe how the Holy Spirit guides us

We have received the gift of life. We celebrate it in

in decision making. ▶▶ Define faith, Messiah, and Temple.

many ways. How have you celebrated your gift of

1 Set the Stage

life lately?

Ask: What are some enjoyable things you have done recently? As children answer, give each a smiley-face sticker to wear. Say: All these good things come from the Holy Spirit. Ask: How are the children in the picture celebrating life?

God’s Life for Us

2 Get Started

Prayer Dear God, bring me closer to your Holy Spirit so that I can remember he is always with me. 21

If Time Allows


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Inclusion: Chronic Health Condition

Caring Kids Production Have a plan to include children chronic illnesses PDF for Signoff: _______ Design _______with Editorial _______ during absences. Send cards, activity packets, and connect via group phone or video messages. Engage the class in the work of the Holy Spirit by helping to organize care packages and praying together.

People of the Spirit Arrange children in small groups and distribute magazines. Have children find pictures of people doing good things and cut them out. Tell children to arrange their pictures on a large sheet of construction paper. Then have each group show its collage to the rest of the children and describe each picture. After each presentation say: These people are filled with the Holy Spirit!

Read aloud the text. Encourage volunteers to respond to the question. Say: When we enjoy life and do good things for ourselves and others, the Holy Spirit helps us. Then say: We have learned about God, our Creator, and about Jesus, his Son. In this session we will learn about the Holy Spirit.

Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Take a moment to imagine the beauty and goodness in your life. Let’s pray together to ask God to help us be close to the Holy Spirit. Have children close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Say: Let’s take a moment to talk to God in our hearts. Allow time for children to finish their silent prayers. Pray Amen and ask children to open their eyes. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together.

Go to for a meditation on the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives.

Unit 1  •  Session 4


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1 Begin

Simeon of Jerusalem

Display the class Bible. Say: The Bible is full of wonderful stories, many about Jesus. The story we are going to read is about Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus into the Temple. Ask children to describe what they see in the picture.

There was a man named Simeon who lived in Jerusalem.

2 Connect

saw Mary carrying the baby Jesus.

Say: Let’s read aloud this story. Read aloud the title and first sentence. Pronounce the name Simeon for the children and have them repeat after you. Slowly read aloud the second paragraph. Say: Simeon prayed for many years. The Holy Spirit promised Simeon he would not die before he saw the person chosen by God to save his people. He listened to the Spirit. Ask: What other people have we learned about who also listened to the Holy Spirit? (Mary and Joseph) Tell children the word Messiah means both “Savior” and “anointed with oil.” Read aloud the rest of the story. Say: When most people saw Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, they probably thought they were a poor couple with an ordinary baby. Then ask: When Simeon looked at Jesus, what did he see? (the Messiah, the one who had come to save his people) Ask: Why do you think Simeon knew this? (He listened to the Holy Spirit.) Say: Because Simeon listened to the Holy Spirit, he was able to see who Jesus really was—our Savior.

Guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, Simeon knew Jesus was

3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 22.

Simeon loved God. He listened to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit promised Simeon he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. One day Simeon was in the Temple, where Jewish people worshiped God. Mary and Joseph came to the Temple. Simeon

the Savior. Simeon took Jesus into his arms. He praised God and said, “Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace. My eyes have seen the Savior. He is the one you have promised to all people.” adapted from Luke 2:25–32

Did You Know? The name Simeon means “God has heard.” 22

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

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Session 4 BLM

Be Like Simeon  Have children the Session 4 Blackline PDF Signoff: Production _______complete Design _______ Editorial _______ Master [T-304] to reflect on the Holy Spirit.

The Temple Tell children that the Temple in Jerusalem was the most important place where the Jewish people came to pray. Explain that they believed that this was the place where they could be closest to God. Tell children that Jesus often came to pray in the Temple. Have children draw a picture of a special place they go to pray.

Did You Know? Read aloud the text. Explain that all names have meaning. Have children discuss why the meaning of Simeon’s name is so significant.



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Explore The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit helps us know God is always with us. The Holy Spirit guides us, as he guided Simeon.

Remind children about the story of Simeon. Say: The Holy Spirit guided Simeon to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Now we’ll learn more about the Holy Spirit and how he helps us recognize what is special in one another.

The Holy Spirit also gives us faith in God. By listening to the Holy Spirit, we learn to believe and trust in God. We learn to care for ourselves and others as God wants us to.

2 Connect

Learning to Care for Others What is one way that you can care for others? Finish the sentence.

Read aloud both paragraphs. Point out the word faith in dark type. Say: Faith is a gift from God that helps us believe in him and live as he wants us to live. Read aloud Learning to Care for Others. Ask: How is the child in the picture caring for someone? Then say: God wants us to live like this—to show love to others and to care for creation. It is God’s Holy Spirit that helps us live this way. Have children complete the sentence and share their answers with one another.

I can care for others by


Ready for the Sacraments Know God’s grace is already working in you to help you prepare to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and of the Eucharist. This grace gives you the strength to do the right thing even when it is difficult. It gives you joy in friendship and a growing desire to love God more every day.

Ready for the Sacraments GO TO PAGE



SESSION 4 • God’s Life for Us

If Time Allows


1 Begin

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Service: Pen Pals Establish a pen-pal project with members of your parish, such as PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ senior citizens or those serving in the military. Begin by having children make special Holy Spirit prayer cards for their pen pals. Invite children to write a short prayer to the Holy Spirit, assuring their pen pals that the Holy Spirit is with them. Have children decorate the cards with pictures or designs. Solidarity

Read aloud the paragraph. Explain that God’s grace is a gift to each of us. Emphasize that God wants to fill our hearts with strength, joy, and the desire to love him. Discuss why it is important to thank and praise God for this fantastic gift.

3 Close Display Art Print 4: Behold Jesus. Use the Art Print 4 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 238.

Behold Jesus

Art Print 4

For a full and flexible sacramental-preparation program that aligns with Finding God Grade 2, go to gods-gift-sacramental-preparation-program.htm and explore God’s Gift: Reconciliation and God’s Gift: Eucharist.

Unit 1  •  Session 4


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Reflect Prayer Prayer

Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 24.

Holy Spirit, Be Our Guide The Holy Spirit is in your heart, waiting to guide you. Ask the Holy Spirit for help by praying this prayer.

Children’s Page Prepare  Pray the prayer in advance to become familiar with it.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of

Pray  Turn the group’s attention to the prayer in the book and read aloud the first paragraph. Say: Today we’re going to pray a prayer to the Holy Spirit. Let’s take time to speak with and listen to the Holy Spirit. Slowly and reverently pray together the prayer. Read aloud the sentences following the prayer. Say: Now let’s spend a few moments with the Holy Spirit. You can talk to the Holy Spirit the same way you talk to God and Jesus. Allow time for silent prayer. Close the prayer by saying: Let’s close this special prayer by praying the Sign of the Cross. Say: Now, with the Holy Spirit as our guide, let’s learn more about how we can recognize God in our lives. You may wish to draw children’s attention to the Prayer to the Holy Spirit in its entirety on page 190 in the section Prayers and Practices of Our Faith.

your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.

Thank the Holy Spirit for being your guide and filling your heart with love.


UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

If Time Allows


Jesus in the Morning (Spirit Verses) PDF Signoff: Production _______

CD 2, Track 9  Have children turn to page 227 in the Songs of Our Faith section of their books. Say: Listen carefully as we sing about the Holy Spirit being with us always. Play the song twice and have children sing along. Arrange children in small groups. Distribute magazines and newspapers and have children find pictures of the Holy Spirit at work in the world. On pieces of poster board, have children write “Come, Holy Spirit!” Then have each group make a collage with their pictures and share their work with the group.



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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______

Design _______

Before praying remind children that the Holy Spirit is always with us. Tell children that we can ask the Holy Spirit for help anytime. When children are praying, remind them to breathe deeply and relax. Say: Breathe in the love of the Trinity. Then breathe out the hurts and worries of your day.


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Reflect Holy Spirit, Guide Me Listen to the Holy Spirit in your heart. Trace three paths that show how the Holy Spirit guides you in the right direction.

1 Begin Have a few volunteers come forward. Give each a feather. Tell them to hold their feathers up high. Then let go of them so they fall to the floor. Ask: What controls the way the feathers fall? (air) Say: Even though we can’t see the air, it exists and affects the feathers. The same is true of the Holy Spirit. We may not be able to see him with our eyes, but he is real and always with us, just like the air we breathe.

2 Connect Remind children that the Holy Spirit guides us to make good choices and helps us live as Jesus did. Have partners brainstorm ways in which the Holy Spirit has guided them this week. Read aloud the activity directions. Invite children to complete their maps.

3 Close Ask volunteers to share their maps with the group. Praise children for allowing the Holy Spirit to fill their hearts and minds. SESSION 4 • God’s Life for Us

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Fruits of the Spirit Read aloud fromProduction Galatians_______ 5:22–23: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, PDF Signoff: Design _______ Editorial _______ peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Discuss the definition of each quality described in the passage. Distribute construction paper cutouts in various geometric shapes, and have children write one quality and an example on their cutouts. For example, I show love when I write letters to my grandparents. I show self-control when I share my dessert with my sister. Have children share their examples with one another and discuss how the Holy Spirit guides us. Display children’s shapes on a tree-shaped poster.

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Faith Summary  Ask volunteers to read aloud this section. Ask: Whom did we learn about in this session who listened to the Holy Spirit? (Simeon) Where did Simeon see the infant Jesus? (in the Temple)

2 Connect

Faith Summary

Living My Faith

1 Begin

The Holy Spirit is present in our lives. When we listen to the Spirit, we recognize God in ordinary things.

Words I Learned

Ways of Being Like Jesus

faith Messiah Temple

Jesus knew that God is all around us in ordinary things. Look for God in the world around you.

Words I Learned  Read aloud each word. Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of each word. Review each word in the Glossary if necessary. If you are using it, refer to the Word Wall option from page 5.

Prayer Holy Spirit, thank you for being my guide. Help me always listen to you and do what you want me to do.

With My Family Activity Guided by the Holy Spirit, show goodness and love to others. Help neighbors in need by raking their leaves, bringing them a meal, making them cards, or visiting them.

Ways of Being Like Jesus  Have a volunteer read aloud this section. Ask: What are some ordinary things that show God is all around us?

Ready for the Sacraments As a family, share ways you feel God helping you at home, at work, at school, and at play.

Prayer Ask children to close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Allow a few seconds for silent reflection. Pray the Sign of the Cross together.

With My Family  Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.

3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, the Holy Spirit is always with you.


Family Prayer Dear God, help us to show goodness to one another. Help us to love others as you do. Amen. 26

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

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Session Assessment Option

An assessment this session can be found at PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______

P l a n A he a d

Get Ready for Session 5 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 5 and determine any materials you will need.


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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 5

Celebrating Ordinary Time Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 5

3-Minute Retreat Before you prepare the session, pause briefly for silent reflection. Remember that you are in the loving presence of God, and offer him your mind and heart. John 6:48 I am the bread of life.

These words of Jesus are so familiar to us that they seem quite unremarkable. But when we pause and take a closer look, we can marvel that our God comes to us as food—real and spiritual. God doesn’t simply provide food for us, but gives us himself to eat. When we gather to celebrate the Eucharist, we walk together to the altar to eat and drink the Body and Blood of Christ. Through this meal we are transformed and go forth to nourish others. In what ways does the Eucharist strengthen me to nourish others?

Prayer Speak to Jesus, the Bread of Life, using this prayer or words of your own. Jesus, brother, friend, and food, thank you for being with me always, and most especially for giving yourself to me as bread. May I always

Scripture John 6:48 tells that Jesus is the food that we need on our journey to eternal life.




Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.

Ordinary time is celebrated on Sundays in two distinct periods. The first period is after the Christmas season until Ash Wednesday. The second period is after the Easter season until the First Sunday of Advent. There may be 33 or 34 Sundays in Ordinary Time. The term Ordinary Time is based on the word ordinal, meaning “numbered days.” These are the Sundays that are devoted to reflecting on the mystery of Christ in his daily life. During this time we ask for Christ’s saving help, especially by receiving him in the Eucharist. We ask that our work can always find its origin in Jesus Christ and that he may help us to bring it to completion.

Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching theme is Solidarity. See page 1b for an explanation of this theme.

Window on the Catechism The ways in which we may enter into fellowship with Jesus in the ordinary events of daily life is found in CCC 533.

hunger for you.

General Directory for Catechesis The centrality of Jesus Christ for catechesis is found in GDC 98.

Un it 1  •  Session 5


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catechist Preparation

One-Hour Session Planner Session 5

Celebrating Ordinary Time

Prayer in Session 5

Session Theme: Ordinary Time is a time to be fed by Jesus, the Bread of Life.

In this session children reflect on Jesus as the Bread of Life. They begin to see the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, as a way to be close to God. In the short opening and closing prayers, children pray to grow closer to Jesus.

Before This Session ▶▶ Determine whether you will use the Unit Assessment option listed on page 30. ▶▶ Determine whether you will also discuss the All Saints Day seasonal pages in the

back of the Children’s Book. ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to John 6:48. Place the open Bible in the prayer center. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities

that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.


Approximate Time

Engage Celebrating Ordinary Time

10 minutes

Page 27

Explore Jesus Feeds Us

25–35 minutes

Page 28

Reflect Mass During Ordinary Time  What We Experience

20–25 minutes

Page 29

Page 29

Art Print: Breaking Bread

Art Print and Print Back

Respond Living My Faith

5–10 minutes

Page 30

Materials Required ▶▶ Bible

if time allows ▶▶ Colored beads, string (page 27)

▶▶ Wall calendar

▶▶ Ball (page 27)

▶▶ Art Print 5: Breaking Bread and

▶▶ Session 5 BLM, T-305 (page 28)

Children’s Book page 239

▶▶ Session 5 Assessment, (page 30)

▶▶ List of new parish families,

▶▶ Unit 1 Assessment, T-306–T-308

(page 30)

art supplies (page 29)



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Celebrating Ordinary Time

Session 5 Outcomes ▶▶ Identify Ordinary Time as a time to be

fed by Jesus, the Bread of Life. ▶▶ Explain that Ordinary Time is a time to

grow in knowledge and love of Jesus. ▶▶ Define Bread of Life and chasuble.

The Church keeps a calendar to mark different seasons and special times in Jesus’ life. Celebrating these seasons helps us think about God’s love in our own lives.

1 Set the Stage Display a monthly wall calendar. Ask: Why do people use calendars? (to record important events, to understand how much time has passed in a year) Ask children to tell their birthdays, when seasons begin, and other important days. Show those dates on the calendar. Say: Our Church has a special calendar. Let’s read about one special part of our Church’s year.

Ordinary Time is celebrated two times during each liturgical year—from Christmas until Lent and from Easter until Advent.

2 Get Started Prayer Dear Jesus, I want to grow closer to you during Ordinary Time. Help me to grow in your love. 27

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Read aloud both paragraphs. Have children turn to page 151 in their books and point to both Ordinary Time sections. Point out the two feast days celebrated during Ordinary Time. Say: In this session we will talk about Ordinary Time—the time of year we learn that Jesus is the Bread of Life.

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Inclusion: Autism Spectrum


Calendar Beads  Make a _______ liturgical calendar using beads. Choose PDF Signoff: Production Design _______ Editorial _______ colored beads to represent each season and feast. String each bead to correspond with the liturgical calendar. Use this visual aid with children with autism as you discuss the Church year.

Jesus and Me Have children sit in a circle on the floor as you review that Ordinary Time is a time to remember and celebrate the parts of Jesus’ life that were ordinary. Ask children to think about everyday things Jesus might have done that are similar to things children do today. Say: Jesus said his prayers as I do. Roll a ball to someone across the circle and have him or her tell a way Jesus lived like us. Encourage children to help others come up with ideas. Continue until everyone has had a turn.

Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Imagine a beautiful autumn day. Let’s pray together to ask Jesus to be with us during Ordinary Time. Ask a volunteer to pray aloud. Then have children close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud again. Say: Let’s take a moment to talk to Jesus in our hearts. Allow time for children to finish their silent prayers. Pray Amen and ask children to open their eyes. Conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross.

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1 Begin

Jesus Feeds Us Ordinary Time is a time to be fed by Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.

Tell children what you had for breakfast. Ask them what they had. Ask: Why do we need to eat meals and snacks? (because we need food to help our bodies and minds work) Say: All living things need food to survive and thrive.

We are filled with grace each time we receive the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.

How Can I Grow? Put an X on the line to answer each question.

2 Connect


How can I grow in my knowledge of Jesus? I can play with my friends.

Read aloud both paragraphs. Explain that when we receive Holy Communion, Jesus comes to us. Point out that he is our spiritual food and that we thrive when we are fed by Jesus in the Eucharist. Read aloud the activity directions. Guide children in completing the first question together. Ask: Does playing with my friends or praying and reading my Bible help me learn more about Jesus? Invite children to discuss and complete the second question with a partner.

X 2.

How can I grow in my love for Jesus? I can ride my bike around the block. X

3 Close

I can help someone who is sick or sad.

Reading God’s Word “I am the bread of life.”

Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 28. 28

Reading God's Word Read aloud the verse from the Bible as children follow along in their books. Explain the verse in simple terms. Say: Like the food we eat, Jesus also nourishes us. He puts love in our hearts and peace in our minds. He is our spiritual food.


I can pray and read my Bible.

John 6:48

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

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Session 5 BLM

Bread Life  Have children complete the_______ Session 5Editorial Blackline Master PDFof Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ [T-305] to discover the gift of the Eucharist.

Seasonal Session: All Saints Day Work with children through pages 177–180 of the Children’s Book and this guide. This special session can take up to one hour to complete.


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Reflect Mass During Ordinary Time Watch as parish members process to Holy Communion. Are they joyful? Prayerful? Filled with peace? Think about how they might feel receiving Jesus in Holy Communion.

Tell children that process means “to move in an orderly and ceremonial way.” Have children form a line and process to the prayer space. Describe the prayer space and tell children about each item. Discuss other holy spaces they have seen in different parts of the church.

What We Experience At Mass during Ordinary Time, the priest wears green vestments. Often the church is decorated with plants and flowers.

• •

• •

Color the picture green where it’s dotted and fill in the rest of the picture with your choice of colors.

1 Begin

2 Connect Ask a volunteer to read aloud the first paragraph on page 29. Discuss each question, asking children to reflect on the beauty of Holy Communion. Ask a volunteer to read aloud What We Experience. Encourage children to reflect on growing. Invite children to color the drawings on the page, filling in the dotted areas with green.

Ready for the Sacraments Sacraments allow us to meet God as we are. They use ordinary objects or actions like water (for Baptism), bread (for the Eucharist), and a blessing (for Reconciliation) to show God wants to feed us, heal us, and free us from sin. We don’t have to travel to the ends of the earth for such a great treasure. In the sacraments God comes to meet us and be with us.

• •




SESSION 5 • Celebrating Ordinary Time

If Time Allows


Ready for the Sacraments

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Service: Welcome a New Family Obtain your catechetical leader a list _______ of familiesEditorial in your_______ parish PDF from Signoff: Production _______ Design who are new to the United States. Have children make cards to welcome the families. Arrange a time to deliver the cards. Ask the families if they need any clothing or supplies. If so, ask children to donate or collect various items for the family during Ordinary Time. Solidarity

Have children turn to The Seven Sacraments on page 198. Invite volunteers to read aloud each section on pages 198–201. Define and discuss each sacrament. Then have children turn back to page 29. Read aloud the feature. Explain that God enters our lives through each sacrament. Emphasize that we grow in God’s love and grace as we participate in each one.

3 Close Display Art Print 5: Breaking Bread. Use the Art Print 5 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 239.

Breaking Bread

Art Print 5

For a full and flexible sacramental-preparation program that aligns with Finding God Grade 2, go to gods-gift-sacramental-preparation-program.htm and explore God’s Gift: Reconciliation and God’s Gift: Eucharist.

Unit 1  •  Session 5


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Faith Summary  Ask a volunteer to read aloud this section. Ask: How can you grow during Ordinary Time? (attend Mass, pray, read the Bible, help others)

2 Connect Words I Learned  Read aloud each word. Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of each term. Review each word in the Glossary if necessary. If you are using it, refer to the Word Wall option from page 5.

Faith Summary

Living My Faith

1 Begin

Ordinary Time is celebrated two times during each liturgical year. It is a time to be fed by Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Words I Learned

Ways of Being Like Jesus

Bread of Life chasuble*

Jesus loves and cares for everyone. Show kindness to everyone, especially when others are unkind.

Prayer Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of your love in Holy Communion. Help me to love like you.

With My Family

Ways of Being Like Jesus  Have a volunteer read aloud this section. Say:

Activity During Mass watch for the priest’s green vestments. Talk about how the Church celebrates Ordinary Time.

Tell a partner about a time you were like Jesus in this way.

Ready for the Sacraments Ask family members to draw crosses on sticky notes and place them where they feel God’s presence in your home. Discuss these special places.

Prayer Ask children to close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Allow a few seconds for silent reflection. Pray the Sign of the Cross together.

With My Family  Ask children to read silently the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.

3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Next time we meet, be ready to tell me ways you’ve found to act more like Jesus. I know you will have a lot to share!

Family Prayer Invite your family to use Ordinary Time to grow in faith together by making a prayer journal for special prayer intentions or requests. 30

UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father

* This word is taught with the Art Print. See page 239.

If Time Allows


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Session Assessment Option

An assessment this session can be found at PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______

Unit Assessment Option If you wish, photocopy the Unit Assessment on pages T-306–T-308. Administer the assessment during the session or send it home.

P l a n A he a d

Get Ready for Session 6 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 6 and determine any materials you will need.



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