Finding God: Grade 3, Student Edition

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Our Response to God’s Gifts

Our Response to God’s Gifts



Our Response to God’s Gifts



Our Response to God’s Gifts

Thank you, Jesus, for calling me to your Church.

Help me be open to the grace of the Holy Spirit so that I can show my love for God and others. Visit for fun activities and family resources.

Grade 3

ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-3171-1 ISBN-10: 0-8294-3171-3 3441 N. Ashland Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60657 (800) 621-1008


God, Our Creator and Father


Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint Ignatius of Loyola recognized God in every living creature in the heavens and on earth. He saw God in plants, in animals, and especially in people. 1


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Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint Ignatius of Loyola was born in Spain in 1491. He grew up in a noble family in the castle of Loyola. He was a soldier until he was wounded in a battle. He went home to get well. There he read about the lives of Jesus and the saints. He wanted to become a saint too. Ignatius traveled to a monastery in Spain at Montserrat. There he saw the mountain and many of God’s wonderful creatures. He prayed at the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat. He laid down his sword and pledged his life to God. He gave away his fine clothes and dressed as a poor man.

From The Spiritual Journey of St. Ignatius

Later Ignatius wrote what he learned about God and Jesus. His book is called Spiritual Exercises. He wrote it to help people grow closer to God. He tells us that God cares for all the things he created. If we want to know God, we can begin by caring for the world God gives us. Ignatius’s feast day is July 31.

The Montserrat monastery was built into the side of a mountain.


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All of God’s creation is good. He wants us to enjoy and care for it. What do you see here that God made for us to enjoy and love?

Created to Be Happy Prayer

Jesus, my friend, help me grow closer to God while I care for the things in my world. 3


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We Believe in God We see the world around us and know that God blesses us and cares for us. We depend on him. We praise God to show that we believe in him. We pray a special prayer called the Apostles’ Creed to show our faith. An apostle was a special follower of Jesus’. A creed tells us what people believe. The Apostles’ Creed tells us what the apostles believed. It states the beliefs of our Catholic faith. This is how the Apostles’ Creed begins. Learn this part and pray it often. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

Reading God’s Word God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. Genesis 1:31 4

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All Creation Praises God We have a feeling of wonder when we see the things God made for us. We tell God that we believe in him and love him. We sing praise to God. Let all God’s creation praise him, from the animals in the sea to the clouds in the sky. Mountains and trees, birds and animals praise God their creator. People young and old sing praise to God. His name alone is greater than heaven and earth. adapted from Psalm 148:7–13

Your Own Song of Praise On the lines below, write a message to praise God for something beautiful you saw this week.



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Prayer A Special Faith Prayer These are the first words of the Apostles’ Creed, our very special faith prayer. Pray these words often. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,

Knowing that God is in your heart, think about him as the Father of Jesus and your Father too. Then think about God making everything in the universe. Tell God how awesome he is. Thank him for his gift of creation. Tell God how you will keep our world beautiful.


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Knowing God The beauty of the world helps us to know God. We see that God created all things because of his love. Because he created us and loves us, we make God important in our lives. We can know about God and creation by reading the Bible, which is the Word of God.

Loving God’s Creation We can love all of God’s creation. Think of three people, animals, or parts of nature that you love, and write them on the lines. Draw pictures of them in the hearts.

I love . . .

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Living My Faith

Faith Summary We believe in God our Father, who created the world out of love for us. God wants us to know him and love him through the beauty of our world that leads us to him.

Words I Learned

Ways of Being Like Jesus

apostle Apostles’ Creed creed

Jesus loves and cares for all God’s people. Be kind to people and animals around you.

Prayer Jesus, thank you for helping me to know and love God. Help me to care for God’s world as he cares for me.

With My Family Activity Work together as a family to keep your neighborhood neat. Take a walk around the block and pick up litter you find lying on the ground. Faith on the Go Ask one another: Think about our wonderful earth. What do you think is the most beautiful part of God’s creation? Why? Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family as part of your creation. Help us to show love for your creation by taking care of the world around us. Amen.


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God shares his love with us. He wants us to share his love with others. How can we help someone in need?

Created to Be Together Prayer

Jesus, show me how to help those in need so that I can share your love for me, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 9


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Sign of the Cross Each night before bed, Katie prayed the Sign of the Cross as she began her evening prayers. Julia copied her older sister, but she did not understand what her sister was doing. “Why do we make that sign when we pray?” Julia asked. Katie explained that the Sign of the Cross reminds us of the Trinity. We pray to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We pray to God our Father. He created all things because he loves us. We pray to the Son, Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God who became man, came to tell us of the Father’s love and to save us. We pray to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand how much God loves us. The Spirit helps us show God’s love to others.

Link to Liturgy We begin Mass with the Sign of the Cross. The priest also blesses us with the Sign of the Cross at the end of Mass. 10

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Another Prayer to the Trinity Katie told Julia of another prayer that praises God as the Trinity. She said, “When we pray the Glory Be to the Father, we are praising God, who created us. He is with us now, and he always will be.” Katie helped her sister pray this prayer. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

As they closed their prayer with the Sign of the Cross, Julia smiled. From now on, when she prays these prayers, she will think of the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Holy Trinity Ukrainian, Winnipeg, Manitoba (facade)

Reading God’s Word We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us. God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him. 1 John 4:16



SESSION 2 • Created to Be Together


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Prayer A Reminder of the Trinity Let the Sign of the Cross be our prayer today. Think about the meaning of the words as we pray them.

Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father,

Bring to mind some of the wonderful things God the Father has created. and of the Son,

Imagine that you are walking with Jesus. What is Jesus telling you about God? and of the Holy Spirit.

Think about the kind and caring things you do for others. The Holy Spirit helps you do these things. Amen.

Spend a few more minutes with Jesus. Tell him how you will follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Tell him something you will do for another person. Thank him for his love.


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Gentle Jesus Jesus showed us how to love others. He used gentle words when he talked to people.

What Would Jesus Say? Read the sentences below. Make a smiling face in the circle next to each sentence that Jesus would like to hear you say. Make a frowning face in the circle next to the unkind sentences. You cannot have any of my candy. You can go first. Do you want to come to my house? I do not like you. Let’s ask Michaela to play. You cannot join my team.

Kindness Counts Draw a scene where two people are being kind to each other. Add balloons that show words they are saying to each other.

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Living My Faith

Faith Summary The love of the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is the source of our love. God wants us to share his love with others.

Words I Learned Sign of the Cross

Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus helped people when they were sick or in need. Treat people kindly. Offer to help others, even when you are busy.

Prayer Jesus, thank you for showing me how to help others. Let me care for others like you did so I can grow closer to you.

With My Family Activity Decide with your family what you can do together to help others. Some choices are making a food basket for a family in need, shopping for a wish-tree gift at Christmas, or helping a sick or elderly neighbor with chores around the house. Faith on the Go Ask one another: If you could help one person, whom would it be? Why? Family Prayer Pray the Sign of the Cross and the Glory Be to the Father with your family. Then spend a few minutes talking about the Trinity.


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Think about the last time you said a prayer. For whom did you pray? Why did you pray for that person?

God Is Our Father Prayer

Jesus, my guide, teach me how to pray to God our Father so that I can grow in love for God and others. 15


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Jesus Reveals God as Our Father As God’s Son, Jesus shows us what God is really like. He reveals that God is our Father, who cares for us as his children. As God’s children, we call God our Father, as Jesus did. Father, for Jesus, means the one who loves, forgives, and is good to his children. Sometimes Jesus called God Abba. That is a special name like Dad or Papa. Children all over the world use Father in their own language when they call God. The word for father in Spanish is padre; in German it is Vater. Do you know the word for father in another language?


Padre Vater

Abba Father Did You Know? When we pray, we raise our minds and hearts to God. We ask God for good things. 16

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Jesus Teaches Us to Pray Jesus went up the side of the mountain and sat down. His disciples gathered around him. Jesus began to teach them. This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. If you forgive others for the wrongs they do, your heavenly Father will forgive you. adapted from Matthew 6:9–14

Forgive Each Other Write about a time when you forgave someone or someone forgave you.

Link to Liturgy We pray the Lord’s Prayer as we prepare to receive Holy Communion.



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Prayer Grow Closer to God Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer. He wanted to bring us closer to God the Father, to himself, and to one another. God is our loving Father, and we pray the Lord’s Prayer to him.

Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We give glory to God, whose name is holy. We pray that what he wants for us and for the world will happen. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

We ask God for what we need to live. We tell him we will forgive others as he forgives us. We ask him to keep us from evil. Imagine that you are with Jesus and his disciples on the mountain. You have a chance to talk to Jesus alone. Tell Jesus what the most important part of the prayer is for you. Listen in your heart for what he wants you to know.


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Show Forgiveness In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus tells us that God wants us to forgive others.

What Would You Do? How would you show forgiveness in these situations? Write your answers on the lines. Then draw a picture of one of your answers. 1. You found your new souvenir from the museum in your sister’s room.

Earlier you told her that it was fragile and that she couldn’t play with it.

2. Your good friend forgot to invite you to his laser tag birthday party.

Later he said he was sorry he did not invite you.

Reading God’s Word Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God the Father always shows us mercy. He encourages us. He supports us when we are troubled. He wants us to do the same for others who are suffering. adapted from 2 Corinthians 1:3–4

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Living My Faith

Faith Summary By teaching us the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus reveals God as our Father. He tells us God wants us to forgive one another.

Word I Learned Abba

Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus forgave others. Ask God to help you learn forgiveness from him.

Prayer Jesus, thank you for showing us how to pray to God our Father. Help me forgive others so I can be more like you.

With My Family Activity Take a walk with your family in a peaceful environment, such as a forest or a park. Enjoy each other’s company. Faith on the Go Think back to a time when you might not have been forgiving. Ask one another: What happened? What would you do differently now? Family Prayer Dear God, help us to ask for forgiveness when we hurt others. Help us to keep our hearts open to love others and forgive them when they hurt us. Amen.


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Mary and Joseph prepared for Jesus to be born. How do you think they got ready for Jesus? If you had been there, how would you have helped Mary and Joseph?

Jesus Is with Us Prayer

Jesus, Savior, help me to learn from your life so that I can live as God wants me to live. 21


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Trust in God A young woman named Mary was engaged to a good man named Joseph. An angel visited Joseph in a dream and told him that Mary would have a baby through the Holy Spirit. The angel said the baby’s name would be Jesus, which means “God saves us.” Jesus was to be our Savior. Jesus would also have the name Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” adapted from Matthew 1:18–23

Joseph listened to the angel and trusted in God. He and Mary got married. Jesus, the Son of God, was born. Joseph cared for Mary and Jesus.

Did You Know? The name Christ means “the anointed one.” That means the one chosen by God to be our Savior.






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Listening and Trusting In the Scriptures we learn that the angel visited Joseph in a dream. Joseph listened to the angel. He trusted in God and cared for Jesus and Mary. We trust in God. Jesus, God’s Son who became man, is with us always. Even when we are alone or afraid, Jesus is with us. Sometimes we must listen to others. We trust our parents and teachers when we do not know what to do. Can you think of a time when you listened and trusted what someone told you? On the lines below, share what happened.

listen and trust Reading God’s Word The Lord leads you. He will always be with you. He will never disappoint you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. adapted from Deuteronomy 31:8


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Prayer We Believe in Jesus Joseph believed and trusted the angel who appeared to him. We tell God we believe in Jesus when we pray this part of the Apostles’ Creed. [I believe] in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

Pray this part of the Apostles’ Creed in the presence of Jesus. Spend some time talking with him. Invite him to be at home in your heart just as he was at home with Joseph and Mary. Think about how you will make Jesus at home in your heart. Talk it over with him. Remember to say “Thank you!”


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Examples for Living Jesus showed us how to live the way God wants us to live. Jesus spent his life teaching and healing others. Joseph also showed us ways of living a good life. He trusted in God and took care of Mary and Jesus.

Good Examples People in our lives can show us good ways to live. Circle the pictures of the people below who set good examples for us.

Write a short prayer thanking God for people who show you how to live a good life. Use at least two of the following words in your prayer: thanks, trust, lead, teach, God.

Dear God,

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Living My Faith

Faith Summary We believe that God sent his Son to save us and to be with us at all times. Through his own life, Jesus reveals God’s love for us and teaches us what it means to live as God wants us to live.

Word I Learned Scriptures

Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus always helped others and was good to everyone. Follow Jesus’ example by looking for ways to help others.

Prayer Jesus, thank you for always being with me. Help me to reach out to others and treat them kindly, as you did.

With My Family Activity Jesus reached out to people who were hurting. Try to notice when someone in your family seems sad. Do something to make that person happy. Faith on the Go Ask one another: Name a person that treats other people with love. What does that person do for others? Family Prayer Dear God, help us to know when other people need us. Teach us how to care for them. Amen.


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Celebrating Ordinary Time



Each year the Church celebrates special feasts and seasons that help us remember the great things God has done to save us and how much he loves us. The liturgical year is the Church’s calendar. Ordinary Time is celebrated two times during each liturgical year— between Christmas and Ash Wednesday, and between Easter and Advent.

Prayer Dear Jesus, I know you are with me during each day of Ordinary Time. As you walk with me, help me to serve others the best I can.



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We Grow in Community During Ordinary Time Ordinary Time is a time to be grateful that we belong to our church community. Together we work to serve others as Jesus did. We grow in community by being Christ to the world. What is one way that your church community is Christ to the world?

Be Like Christ During Ordinary Time how can you be more like Christ at home and in your school? Write your idea on the lines.


in your


Reading God’s Word Be thankful in your hearts to God. adapted from Colossians 3:16


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Mass During Ordinary Time When you go to Mass during Ordinary Time, you often receive a parish bulletin that tells about the life of the church. As you read the bulletin, you will learn about opportunities to love and serve others in your community and around the world.

What We Experience When you look around your church, you will see parish members praying and singing together as a community. Watch closely as they share in a sign of peace.

My Parish Write a word on each line in the cross that tells something about your parish.

Did You Know? Each Sunday you can find out which liturgical season or feast we are celebrating by looking in your parish missal or in your parish bulletin.


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Living My Faith

Faith Summary Ordinary Time is celebrated twice during each liturgical year. It is a time to grow in community by being Christ to the world. We are grateful that we belong to our church community.

Word I Learned community

Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus served those in need. Spend time visiting with an elderly neighbor.

Prayer Dear God, thank you for giving us the Church. Help us to grow in community by showing your love to the world.

With My Family Activity When you go to Mass during Ordinary Time, bring home a church bulletin and discuss the information you read. Faith on the Go Ask one another: How can I become more involved in my church community? Family Prayer Use Ordinary Time to invite family members to grow in faith together by making a prayer box for special prayer intentions or requests.


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