Our Response to God’s Gifts
School Catechist Guide
Catechist Preparation Unit 1
God, Our Creator and Father Unit 1 focuses on God as our Creator and Father, on his creation, and on learning to care for his world. In this unit children will learn the following concepts.
Session 1
God Makes Everything
God looked at and loved everything he had made and proclaimed it very good. All the heavens and the earth proclaim the presence of God who makes us, loves us, and wants us to be happy. We thank God for all he gives us by sharing with one another.
Session 2
God Cares for Us
The Bible tells us that we are created in God’s image and likeness. We are most like God when we act in service to him, as expressed in the love and service we give to others.
Session 3
God Is Our Father
We know of God’s love for us as our Father through his Son, Jesus. Jesus tells us that God is his Father and our loving Father too. We can be happy when we follow what God teaches us about himself and about Jesus. In praying to God, we address him as our Father.
Session 4
God Gives Us Peace
The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, helps us know we are loved. The Holy Spirit helps us live in harmony with one another. The Glory Be to the Father, also known as the Doxology, is introduced as our prayer of praise to the Trinity.
Session 5
Un it Sa in t
Saint Francis of Assisi Francis was born in the town of Assisi, Italy, in 1182. At the age of 20, he devoted himself to a life of prayer. Three years later, Francis embraced a life of poverty and dedicated himself to God. Francis was a lover of nature. He took long walks through the countryside and studied its plants and trees. Francis felt that all plants and animals were part of God’s kingdom. Saint Francis is the founder of the Franciscan religious order. He is the patron saint of those who care for plants and animals.
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Children learn the meaning of Ordinary Time, why we celebrate it, and explore how Ordinary Time is celebrated in our Church.
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Prayer in Unit 1
Together as One Parish
In each session of Unit 1, establish the pattern and tone for prayer. The Sign of the Cross and the Glory Be to the Father are introduced, and children learn how to fold their hands for prayer as a way of honoring God. A short, guided reflection is used to help children pray in silence. Each prayer provides an opportunity for silent meditation.
Catholic Social Teaching in Unit 1 In the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29–37), Jesus makes clear our responsibility to care for those in need. The Church articulates this responsibility in Catholic Social Teaching. Following are the themes of Catholic Social Teaching integrated into this unit. Call to Family, Community, and Participation Participation in family and community is central to our faith and to a healthy society. As the central social institution, the family must be supported and strengthened. From this foundation people participate in society, promoting the well-being of all. Care for God’s Creation God is Creator of all people and things, and he wants us to enjoy his creation. We have a responsibility to care for all things God makes. We are called to make moral and ethical choices that protect the ecological balance of creation both locally and worldwide. Life and Dignity of the Human Person The Catholic Church teaches us that all human life is sacred and that all people must be treated with dignity. As Catholics we strive to respect and value people more than material goods. We ask whether our actions as a society respect or threaten the life and dignity of the human person. Our belief in human life and dignity is the foundation of our moral vision.
Religious Education with the Parochial School To celebrate a new year of faith formation, add an insert to your parish bulletin that introduces the religious education team with catechists’ names from both the religious education program and the parochial school. Introduce the list by sharing common goals for children who participate in the program.
Literature Opportunity Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie Baker You might wish to read aloud this story about a boy who visits the rain forest and wonders how long it will remain. God’s Creation
Solidarity Solidarity is the attitude that leads Christians to share spiritual and material goods. Solidarity unites rich and poor, weak and strong, and helps build a society that recognizes that we live in an interdependent world.
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Catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Catholic Social Teaching: Unit 1 Project The following is an optional project that you can have children complete as you experience Sessions 1 through 5. Children practice the theme Care for God’s Creation. They will go on a nature walk and set up a “nature museum” dedicated to God’s creation.
mat er ia l s ▶▶ Art supplies ▶▶ Items from nature ▶▶ Paper plates ▶▶ Unit 1 Project Blackline
Master (page S-331) UNIT 1 PROJECT
Set the Stage Photocopy and distribute to each child Unit 1 Project Blackline Master. Introduce the story by asking: Have you ever listened to birds singing? Invite children to share a few bird imitations. Ask: Isn’t the music that birds make beautiful? Say: Saint Francis of Assisi thought everything in God’s world was beautiful. We’re going to imagine that we are walking along with Saint Francis through the woods. Have volunteers take turns reading aloud the paragraphs.
Make a Nature Museum Take children on a short nature walk and introduce them to things in nature. Point out flowers, trees, people, and so on. Explain that all these things are made by God to show us how much he loves us. Invite children to collect one small treasure from God’s creation—fallen leaves, pinecones, twigs, rocks, dandelions.
A Walk in the Woods Imagine walking in the woods with Saint Francis. The sun shines through the trees. Francis is quiet. What is that sound? You hear singing in the trees. Birds are everywhere. Francis speaks softly. He says, “Brother and sister birds! Listen to me.” The birds become still. Francis says, “God gave you pretty feathers. God gave you lovely wings. You are so blessed.” The air is still. Then Francis says, “Go fly away and sing to God.”
Just for Schools
Now the air is full of happy singing!
Grade 1 • Unit 1 Project
David LaFleur
Say: During Unit 1 we’re going to go on a class nature walk and collect items from nature. Then we’ll work together to label each collected item and make a nature museum dedicated to God’s creation.
T ime
Time will vary.
Provide children with pencils, crayons, and paper. Have them label each collected item. Invite them to include pictures of animals and people. Remind children that God created all these things because he loves us. You might have children make wreaths by cutting out the center of a paper plate and gluing their items to the plate. Find a space in the school to set up and display the nature museum.
Close the Project At the end of Unit 1, invite other classrooms to visit the nature museum. Play “God is So Good” [CD 2, Track 3] as visitors arrive. After other children have viewed the museum, gather as a group and thank God for the wonderful gift of nature he shares with us every day.
Unit 1
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Bulletin Board: Unit 1
mat er ia l s ▶▶ Art supplies
Making Peace The following is an optional bulletin board that you can have children complete as you experience Sessions 1 through 5. Children learn different ways they can help foster peaceful living. Children make a bulletin board that shows examples of ways to live peacefully.
▶▶ Bulletin-board supplies ▶▶ Copy of the Peace Prayer
of Saint Francis T ime
Set the Stage
40 minutes
Ask children to listen as you tell a story about a boy their age who tried to bring peace to his family’s day. Say: My family wanted to have a peaceful day. Dad made us breakfast. Mom wanted me to clean my room. I did it right away. My brother didn’t feel well. So I took care of him. Dad asked me to help clean up. We did it together. My dog, Digger, needed to go outside. I took him for a walk. We sat down to eat dinner. We all worked together to make it a peaceful day. Explain that by doing what we are asked to do and caring for others, we help make peace around us. Say: Each one of us can do something to bring peace to others. Ask children to think about how they can be peacemakers in their homes and neighborhoods.
Make the Bulletin Board Title the bulletin board Bringing Peace. Have each child use art supplies to draw and cut out a picture of one way he or she can bring peace to the world. Invite children to pin their pictures to the bulletin board. In the center of the bulletin board, post the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis.
Bringing Peace Peace Prayer of Saint Francis
Close the Project After finishing the bulletin board, say: We all have unique gifts of peace to share with others. Some of us like to jump in and do a chore, and others like to sit quietly and read to a sibling. No matter what your gifts are, be sure to share them with others. Now take a moment to sit quietly and look at the bulletin board. Look at all the ways your classmates bring peace. Which ideas can you try?
Use the Bulletin Board During appropriate times in Sessions 1 through 5, call children’s attention to the bulletin board to remind them how to bring peace.
Prayer Gather children around the bulletin board and ask them to join hands. Say: I’m going to read aloud the Peace Prayer. Listen to Saint Francis’s beautiful words, asking God to help him bring peace and love to others. Read aloud the prayer. Say: Let’s take a moment to ask God to be with us, as he was with Saint Francis, to help us be shining examples of his peace in the world.
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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 1
God Makes Everything
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 1
3-Minute Retreat
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take three deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey.
Genesis 1:31
Genesis 1:31 tells that God examines all he has created on the sixth day.
God looked at everything he had made, and he found it
Psalm 96:11–13 invites all creation to praise God.
very good.
Reflection We begin this year mindful of the importance of children understanding how much God loves them. The first chapter of Genesis is all about beginnings. God created light from darkness, brought order out of chaos, separated land from water, and finally created the human family. God’s love surrounds us today with the same intensity as it did on that first day of creation.
Question How ready am I to see the presence of God in children?
Prayer Speak to your heavenly Father, using these words or your own words. God, Father and Creator of all that is, help me be a person who reflects your goodness to others, especially to those with whom you call me to share my faith in this session.
We begin with the celebration of creation as God’s gift to the human family. In his poem “Canticle of the Sun,” Saint Francis of Assisi celebrates the goodness of God’s creation. Francis praises the sun that gives us radiant light, the moon and the stars, which are “bright, precious, and fair.” Saint Francis also praises the wind, air, water, and fire. He finally praises the earth, “who governs and sustains us, producing varied fruits with colored flowers and herbs.” The earth and its abundance show God’s personal concern for our welfare and the welfare of the world.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching theme is Care for God’s Creation. See page 1b for an explanation of this theme.
Window on the Catechism CCC 287–289 discusses how the Scriptures help us understand the role of God in creation.
General Directory for Catechesis Catechesis that is centered on Jesus leads us to understand the Father of all creation. This is discussed in GDC 100.
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 1
God Makes Everything
Session Theme: God is the Creator and loves all that he creates.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Unit Saint: Saint Francis of Assisi
Our Beautiful World
Four Forms of Creation
pages 1–2
God Makes Everything
page 3
Time: 30 minutes
page 3
Small-Group Project
Time: 10 minutes
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-1D, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: art supplies Say: Let’s draw some of the wonderful things God has created. Have children fold a sheet of paper lengthwise and then crosswise, making a page with four squares. Have children draw a picture of a land animal in the first square, a sea creature in the second square, a tree or flower in the third square, and a person in the last square. Encourage children to share their drawings. Point out that God creates all different kinds of life, all over the world. Discuss how we should give praise to God for the gift of life and the wonders of his creation.
Time: 20 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Is the Creator
Session 1 BLM
God’s Creation
page T-277
Take Care of Our World
Time: 15 minutes
page 5
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: art supplies, animal stickers Ask children to draw a picture of the world God created. Distribute a few animal stickers to each child to add to his or her picture. Encourage children to share their drawings. Discuss the goodness in each thing God creates.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Saint Vincent de Paul
Art Studio: Get-Well Cards
Movement: Pantomime Helping
Print Back
Print Back
Children’s Book
Time: 20 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
Page 213
Time: 30 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Sign of the Cross
Respond to Prayer
My Sign of the Cross
page 6
page 6
God Makes Good Things
Time: 15 minutes
page 7
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: five 5 x 5 inch precut sheets of construction paper per child, with a hole punched through the top left-hand corner of each sheet; paper fasteners; art supplies Say: Now we’re going to make our own Sign of the Cross books. Ask children to turn to page 6, then draw and label themselves making each step of the Sign of the Cross, one step per sheet. As children work, walk around the room and offer assistance. Once everyone completes the activity, demonstrate how to fasten the paper fastener. Invite children to take their books home to share with their families.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Word Tree
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 8
Page 7
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-332)
My Garden God created all kinds of wonderful plants. We use some for medicine, some for food, and some so we may enjoy their beauty. God provides us with wonderful things! Draw your very own garden below. Include all different kinds of plants.
Aloe Vera
Time: 40 minutes
Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Session 1 Wrap-Up
Left and Middle: clipart.com
Just for Schools
If children completed the small-group project of the week, have each group present its poster. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Small-Group Project of the Week: God’s Wonderful World Materials: 4 large butcherpaper circles, art supplies
In advance cut out four large butcher-paper circles. Organize children into four groups. Have each group decorate its circle to look like Earth. With crayons or markers, have children write words on their circles that name some of the good things that God has given us, such as various people, foods, plants, animals, and landforms. Have each group share its “Wonderful World” with the class.
NOTE: See page 1d for Prayer in Session 1, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner
God Makes Everything
Session 1
Session Theme: God is the Creator and loves all that he creates.
In this first session, begin to establish the pattern and tone for prayer. The short opening prayer of petition and the closing prayer of gratitude invite children to reflect on the beauty of God’s creation. Each prayer provides an opportunity for children to speak to God from their hearts. In the Reflect step of this session, the Sign of the Cross is introduced. Take time to review the words and the gestures.
Before This Session ▶▶ Prepare a prayer center. See page EC-2 for ideas. ▶▶ Establish group rules and procedures. See page EC-2–EC-3 for ideas. ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Genesis 1:31 and Psalm 96:11–13. Place the open Bible in
your prayer center. ▶▶ Display the Finding God poster Sign of the Cross. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage Unit Saint: Saint Francis of Assisi God Makes Everything
10 minutes
Pages 1–2
Page 3
Explore God Is the Creator
30–40 minutes
Page 4
Take Care of Our World
Page 5
Art Print: Saint Vincent de Paul
Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: Sign of the Cross God Makes Good Things
15–20 minutes
Page 6 Page 7
Respond Living My Faith
Prayer in Session 1
5–10 minutes
Page 8
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible ▶▶ Art Print 1: Saint Vincent de Paul and
Children’s Book page 213
▶▶ Session 1 BLM, T-277 (page 4)
▶▶ CD player ▶▶
CD 2, Track 3: “God Is So Good” (1:11)
▶▶ Fresh flowers or a potted plant ▶▶
if time allows ▶▶ Newspapers and magazines that contain pictures or photos of beautiful things from nature (page 3)
Finding God poster: Sign of the Cross
▶▶ Art supplies (pages 4–7)
▶▶ Recycling bins, craft sticks, yarn
(page 5) ▶▶ Note cards, poster board (page 7) ▶▶ Session 1 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 8)
▶▶ DVD player, DVD: Horton Hears a
Who (page 4)
▶▶ Art supplies
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Engage UNIT
God, Our Creator and Father
Choose one approach to open the unit. 5-Minute Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . below Optional Unit Opener . . . . . . . next page
5-Minute Approach Children’s Pages
1 Begin
Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Francis loved all living things.
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Francis liked the country. He loved the trees.
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He loved the animals. Once a hungry wolf began to bother people.
Warmly greet and welcome children as they arrive. Introduce yourself. Share why your faith is important to you and why you are excited about a new year of faith formation. Say: I’m so glad you’re here. This year we’re going to learn new and exciting things together. Distribute the Children’s Books. Then say: May this be a year of finding God in all things. Have children open their books to page 1. Read aloud the unit title. Say: The sessions in our first unit will help us understand that God our Father makes everything, and when we pray to God, he brings us peace.
The people were scared.
2 Introduce the Saint
Francis was not scared. He talked to “brother
Read aloud the saint’s name and the sentence below it. Then ask children to turn to page 2. Discuss the picture of Saint Francis of Assisi. Ask: What else do you see in the picture? (animals) How do you think Saint Francis felt about animals? (He loved them.) What kind of clothing is Saint Francis wearing? (a brown robe) Is his clothing fancy? (No.) Do you think Saint Francis was a rich man? (No.) Read aloud the page. Say: Saint Francis loved everything God created. He loved the animals as if they were his brothers and sisters. He treated them kindly. In our session together, we are going to learn how God makes everything and how prayer helps us show our love for all creation. Have children turn to page 3.
wolf.” He gave the wolf some food. Soon, no one was scared. “Brother wolf” was everyone’s friend.
God’s Creation 2
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
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This page describes a program-wide intergenerational event that is offered in a supplemental component.
Optional Unit Opener Intergenerational Event
1 Prepare Work with your catechetical leader to use the Finding God Together kit to plan an intergenerational event for Unit 1.
2 Open the Event Gather families in one space. Use Finding God Together to open the event, introduce Finding God, and discuss the main theme for Unit 1. Together, enjoy an entertaining skit.
3 Implement the Saint Stations
Use Finding God Together to help families learn more about the saints at their grade-level saint stations. Be sure all families feel welcome and are engaged in the process.
Unit 1
Saint Francis of Assisi Feast Day: October 4
Image: © Tristan Elwell.
Ideas to Share
4 Close Gather families in one space for a guided reflection. Use Finding God Together to close the event.
5 Transition to
Events Guide
Finding God Together: An Intergenerational Events Guide by Mary Lynn Hendrickson and Tom McGrath
Children’s Book
When children arrive for the faith formation session, discuss the event, distribute the Children’s Books, and review information about the unit saint. Have children open their books to page 3.
Lover of Nature Saint Francis was born in the town of Assisi in Italy in 1182. At age 20 he devoted himself to a life of prayer and at age 23 embraced a life of poverty, dedicating himself to God. Francis took long walks through the countryside and studied plants and trees. He felt all plants and animals were part of God’s kingdom. Saint Francis is the founder of the Franciscan religious order. He is the patron saint of those who care for plants and animals. His feast day is October 4.
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Session 1 Outcomes ▶▶ Tell that God created everything out
of love for us. ▶▶ Explain that we care for God’s creation
Think about the
by helping others.
wonderful world around you. Think about the
▶▶ Define Amen, Creator, God, and saint.
animals. Think about the trees and flowers. Think
1 Set the Stage
about your friends and your family. What are
Share with children your favorite outdoor activities. Invite children to share their favorite activities with the group. Direct children’s attention to the picture on page 3. Ask: What’s happening in this picture? (The happy girl is holding a flower.) Why does the girl seem happy? (Answers will vary.)
your favorite things?
God Makes Everything
2 Get Started
Prayer God, help me see the beauty of your world. Help me always know that you love me. 3
If Time Allows
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Our Beautiful World Distribute magazines and_______ newspapers and_______ have children find and cut PDF Signoff: Production Design Editorial _______ out pictures of beautiful things from nature. Lead a discussion on how to care for these gifts from God. Have children mount collages of the pictures on construction paper. Display the collages. God’s Creation
Say: Now we’ll read about things in God’s creation. Read aloud the session title and the paragraph. Say: God is so good to us! What are some of the good things he gives us? Accept reasonable responses. Say: I’m going to play a song. When it’s finished, I’ll ask you to tell me some of the words you heard. Play “God Is So Good” [CD 2, Track 3]. Ask: Which words did you hear at the end of each verse? (He’s so good to me.) Play the song again, inviting everyone to sing along. Say: In this session we’re going to learn that God is so good to all of us!
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for an article about God’s love revealed in his creation.
Say: We’ve been talking about the wonderful things God creates. Fold your hands and close your eyes. Pray along with me. Then you can ask God anything else you’d like. Pray the prayer aloud slowly and reverently. Pause and take two deep breaths. Have children open their eyes. Say: Always remember you can talk to God whenever you want.
Unit 1 • Session 1
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1 Begin
God Is the Creator God is the Creator of everything. God makes the sky and the sea. God makes trees and flowers. He even makes us.
Invite children to hold and look at fresh flowers or a potted plant. Have children look at the pictures on page 4. With a sense of wonder, ask: Did you know God makes lakes, people, flowers, trees, and fruit just for us?
God loves us. He wants us to enjoy everything he makes.
2 Connect Read aloud the title and text. Say: On this page there are two important words. Point out the vocabulary words in dark type, God and Creator. Ask: Who can tell me who God is? After a few responses, say: We call God the Creator because he makes everything. God creates wonderful things for us to enjoy because he loves us.
3 Close Talk about what children see every day. Ask: What do you see when you go to a park or to the beach? Encourage children to talk about each place. Ask: Isn’t it wonderful how we can see God’s creation everywhere we look? Always remember to thank God in your heart whenever you see something he makes for us.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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Session 1 BLM
God’s Creation Have children completeEditorial the Session 1 PDFWonderful Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ _______ Blackline Master [T-277] to highlight some things God makes for us.
Message Through Media: Horton Hears a Who
Have children view a 5 to 10 minute clip from Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!, a movie that emphasizes the importance of all God’s creations, no matter their size. As they view the clip, ask children to remember that everything God creates—from a tiny ant to the tallest mountain—deserves our care and love. God’s Creation
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Explore Take Care of Our World God loves us and wants us to be happy. How? We can love God and others. We can work together. We can play with one another. We can take care of our world.
1 Begin Ask: Does your family recycle? What kinds of things do you recycle? (paper, cans, glass, plastic) How do you recycle? (put recyclables in a container, put the container on the street for pickup) Say: When we recycle, we are caring for God’s world.
We can show love for God by praying. When we have finished, we pray Amen. Some people show love for God in a special way. Francis of Assisi did this. He was a saint.
2 Connect
Saint Francis of Assisi
Read aloud the title and the first paragraph on page 5. Ask: Why are these children recycling? (They care about the world God made for them. They want to take care of God’s world.) Ask: How can we show our love for God’s creation? (by feeding birds, planting trees, not littering) God’s Creation
SESSION 1 • God Makes Everything
If Time Allows
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Service: Recycling In advance arrange with your catechetical leader to place a recycling PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ bin in view of where children come and go. Encourage children to recycle their trash, both during the session and at home. God’s Creation
God Made Me Special Have children make “God Made Me Special” puppets. Distribute paper plates, and have crayons, markers, scissors, craft sticks, glue, and pieces of yarn on hand. Invite children to draw their own eyes, nose, and mouth on the paper plate. Then have them glue pieces of yarn to the paper plate for hair. Finally, have children glue a craft stick to the back of the plate to make a puppet. You might have them write “God Made Me Special” on the craft stick. Encourage children to use the puppets in role-playing or to act out stories from the Bible.
Read aloud the second paragraph. Ask: What does Amen mean? Say: We pray Amen to show we really mean the words we prayed. Have children repeat the word Amen. Read aloud the last paragraph. Say: Here’s another new word. The word is saint. A saint is a person who shows love for God in a special way. Saint Francis showed his love for God by caring for God’s creatures. Ask children to suggest parts of God’s creation that make them happy and how we can take care of those things.
3 Close
Saint Vincent de Paul
Display Art Print 1: Saint Vincent de Paul. Use the Art Print 1 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 213.
Art Print 1
Unit 1 • Session 1
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Reflect Prayer
Sign of the Cross
Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 6.
When we pray, we talk to God. We think of him. We ask God for what we need. We begin and end our prayer with the Sign of the Cross. Show God your love. Talk with God in your heart. Tell him what you are thankful for.
Children’s Page Prepare Display the Sign of the Cross poster. Then pray the Sign of the Cross, noting its five gestures. Pray Say: We’ve learned a lot about God and his world. We show our love for God by taking care of his world and by praying. Now we’ll learn a prayer that reminds us we belong to God. It’s called the Sign of the Cross. Have children look at the pictures. Ask children to raise their right hand. Stand near the children so that they can follow your movements. Gesture slowly, making sure children understand. Repeat as needed. Say: Now we’re going to add words to our gestures. Repeat the procedure, adding words to accompany the movements. Say: Let’s get ready for our special prayer time. When we talk to God in our hearts, it’s important to be quiet. So be very still and take a few moments to relax. Pause for three deep breaths. Read aloud the first paragraph. Say: Sometimes we pray our own words, and sometimes we pray special words. Follow along as I pray the Sign of the Cross aloud. Read aloud the second paragraph. Pause for 10 seconds to allow children to talk to God silently. Point to the Sign of the Cross poster. Say: Let’s close our special prayer time by praying the Sign of the Cross together. This poster will help you. We’re going to pray this prayer often, and it will always be very special to us because it’s the first prayer we learned together.
In the name of
and of the Son,
and of the Holy
the Father,
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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Respond to Prayer AskPDF children to draw a picture of Signoff: Production _______ themselves praying the Sign of the Cross. Invite them to share it with their families.
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Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
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Face children as you demonstrate the gestures for the Sign of the Cross. Then, explain it’s easier for them to follow along if your back is to them. Use exaggerated movements, making sure children can see where you’re placing your hands (especially on your right and left shoulders), as you pray the words slowly and reverently.
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8/25/11 10:49 AM
Reflect God Makes Good Things God looked at everything he made. He saw green plants,
1 Begin Say: What are some of your favorite things that God makes? Allow time for a few responses. Say: God is so good to us and he makes lots of wonderful things for us to enjoy.
sweet fruit, and fresh water. He said, “It is very good.” adapted from Genesis 1:31
Think about tall mountains, deep oceans, and animals of all sizes. Draw your favorite things God makes.
2 Connect Have children turn to page 7. Say: The title of this page is God Makes Good Things. What good things do you see? Allow time for a few responses. Read aloud the adaptation of Genesis 1:31. Ask: Why do you think God said, “It is very good”? (All that comes from God is good.) Distribute crayons and markers and read aloud the second paragraph. Invite children to complete the activity.
3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 7.
Reading God’s Word Clouds play in the sky. Flowers bloom on earth. Trees bow their branches to God. All are happy. God is good. adapted from Psalm 96:11–13
Reading God's Word
SESSION 1 • God Makes Everything
If Time Allows
~ pg 7 ~
7/20/11 8:54 AM
Word Tree If you have yourProduction own designated space or classroom that PDF Signoff: _______ meeting Design _______ Editorial _______ would support a permanent decoration, draw on poster board a large tree with many branches and tape it to a wall. Use green construction paper or poster board to make individual leaves for the tree. Write each vocabulary word on a leaf. Add a new leaf to the word tree each time you encounter a new vocabulary word. Encourage children to use each new word in a sentence. Use the word tree as a tool for vocabulary review throughout the year.
Say: Listen as I read something beautiful from our special book, the Bible. Read aloud the adaptation of Psalm 96:11–13. Ask: Why are all the things God created so happy? (because God makes everything and loves all creatures) Ask: How can we let God know we’re grateful for all he has made? (by thanking him in our prayers, by taking care of the earth)
Unit 1 • Session 1
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8/25/11 10:49 AM
Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Ask: What does God make for us? (all people, all things) Whom does God want to care for the world? (us) When we care for the world, what do we show God? (our love)
2 Connect
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
Words I Learned Ask children to repeat after you as you clearly pronounce each word. If you are using the Word Tree option from page 7, refer to the word tree.
God is the Creator of all people and all things. When we care for the world, we show God our love.
Words I Learned Amen Creator
Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus shows that he loves God’s world. Show you love God’s world. Pick up litter.
Prayer Thank you, God, for making this great world for us.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read aloud this section. Ask: Why is it important
With My Family
to love God’s world? (to thank God for all he creates) Why do we try our best to keep the earth clean? (to show God our love)
Activity Plant flower or vegetable seeds in small paper cups. As a family, talk about how God creates everything. Discuss ways in which you as a family can care for God’s world.
Prayer Say: Let’s thank God for making this world. Begin by praying the Sign of the Cross together. Then have children fold their hands in their laps. Pray the prayer aloud. Pause briefly to allow children to pray in their hearts. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together.
With My Family Read aloud the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
3 Go in Peace
God saint
Faith on the Go Ask one another: What is your favorite part of God’s creation? Why? Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family and all of your creation. Help us care for your world. Amen. 8
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 8 ~
7/20/11 8:54 AM
Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 2 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 2 and determine any materials you will need.
Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, God creates everything. Let’s all help take care of everything and everyone.
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8/25/11 10:50 AM
Catechist Preparation Ses sion 2
God Cares for Us 3-Minute Retreat Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take three deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey. Genesis 1:29 God also said: “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant all over the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food[.]”
Reflection God makes sure his creation meets our every need. In this passage from Genesis, we find God providing sustenance for his creation in the garden. God’s care and love for us are manifested not only in the life he gives us but also in his desire for us to share eternal life with him. Each day we are called to praise God for his love by the way we love one another.
Question How can I share God’s love with everyone in my life?
Prayer Speak to God, using these or similar words. Bountiful God, give me the peace to share generously, trusting in your abundant blessings to meet all my needs.
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 2 Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Scripture Genesis 1:29 tells that God provided food to the man and woman he created. Psalm 27:13 is an expression of hope in the goodness of God.
Tradition Genesis reminds us that God created the world just for us, and God calls us to grow in relationship with him and with one another. We thank God for such a precious gift by acknowledging what a truly wonderful blessing it is. We do not take his gift for granted, nor do we keep this beauty to ourselves. We thank God for what we have received when we share with others. We have been created to serve God. We fulfill this service by sharing with others.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Call to Family, Community, and Participation and Care for God’s Creation. See page 1b for explanations of these themes.
Window on the Catechism The truth that we are made in the image of God is taught in CCC 356–358. The intimacy between God and the human family is treated in CCC 374–379.
General Directory for Catechesis If we teach as Jesus did, our teaching will help us understand that God is the Father of all creation. This is discussed in GDC 101.
Un it 1 • Session 2
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8/25/11 10:56 AM
catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner
God Cares For Us
Session 2
Session Theme: God loves us and wants nothing but the best for us.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Cares for Us
Mural of God’s Love
page 9
page 9
Time: 5 minutes
Time: 35 minutes
Practice Makes Perfect Organize children into small groups to practice making new friends. Demonstrate how to introduce yourself to a new person. [Hello, my name is . . . How are you?] Then demonstrate how to respond when meeting someone new. [It’s nice to meet you. My name is . . .] Allow time for each child to practice a greeting. Remind children that since God loves each of us and welcomes us, we should be welcoming and kind to each new person we meet.
Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-9B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Time: 20 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Showing God We Care
Session 2 BLM
Psalm Art
pages 10–11
page T-278
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: construction paper, art supplies Write the following verse adaptations on the board: The earth has given us plants and flowers; our God blesses us. [adapted from Psalm 67:7]; With rain showers you keep the ground soft, blessing its young sprouts. [adapted from Psalm 65:11]; God made all kinds of animals and saw how good it was. [adapted from Genesis 1:25]. Read aloud the verses and invite each child to copy a verse onto a sheet of paper and draw a picture describing it. Ask volunteers to share their work with the class.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Showing Love
Art Studio: Peaceful Playgrounds
Movement: Friendship Tag
Children’s Book
Print Back
page 214
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
Print Back
Time: 10 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
We Give Thanks
Giving Praise
page 12
page 12
God’s Perfect World
Time: 15 minutes
Walk of Praise If weather permits, take children outside for a brief walk. Say: I praise God for this special time with you. Invite children to offer spontaneous praise to God for something they see along the way or for anything else they have in their hearts. After your walk gather children in a circle and pray: God, we praise you and thank you for all the ways you continue to bless us. Thank you for allowing us to go on this walk together. Amen.
page 13
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 30 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Thank You, God
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 14
Page 13
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
60 minutes
A Special Celebration
Anna’s church had a special liturgy. They invited people from another church.
Anna invited her friend Kate to join them. Kate was excited to attend Mass with her friend.
Everyone had a wonderful time sharing and learning something new.
Trace the letters. Say the word.
Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Session 2 Wrap-Up
Yoshi Miyake
Time: 40 minutes
If children completed the small-group project of the week, display the mosaic and have each child describe at least one way he or she shows love. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Just for Schools
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-333)
Small-Group Project of the Week: Love Mosaic Materials: large poster board, precut paper squares, art supplies, tape
Organize children into small groups. Distribute squares of paper. Invite children to draw a picture of one way to show love and write a sentence describing what they drew. As children complete their pictures throughout the week, have them tape the pictures to the poster board. When all children have finished, have them gather around the mosaic. Ask volunteers to point out what they drew and read aloud what they wrote. Compliment all the drawings and remind children that there are many wonderful ways for us to share God’s love with one another.
NOTE: See page 9b for Prayer in Session 2, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Un it 1 • Session 2
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8/25/11 10:57 AM
catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 2
God Cares for Us
Session Theme: God loves us and wants nothing but the best for us. Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Genesis 1:29 and Psalm 27:13. Place the Bible in the
prayer center, open to the passage from Genesis. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage God Cares for Us
10 minutes
Page 9
30–40 minutes
Showing God We Care
Pages 10–11
Art Print: Showing Love
Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: We Give Thanks God’s Perfect World
15–20 minutes
Page 12
Page 13
Respond Living My Faith
Prayer in Session 2 In this session continue to establish the pattern and tone for prayer. The short opening prayer of petition and closing prayer of gratitude invite children to reflect on the focus of the session. Each prayer provides an opportunity for children to add their own personal intentions. In the Art Print, children learn how to fold their hands for prayer as a way of honoring and loving God. It is good to review how to pray the Sign of the Cross and close our prayer with Amen and folded hands.
5–10 minutes
Page 14
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible
if time allows ▶▶ Butcher paper (page 9)
▶▶ Art Print 2: Showing Love and
▶▶ Art supplies (pages 9–11)
Children’s Book page 214
▶▶ Session 2 BLM, T-278 (page 10)
▶▶ Art supplies
▶▶ Construction paper (page 13)
▶▶ CD player
▶▶ Session 2 Assessment,
CD 2, Track 3: “God Is So Good” (1:11)
www.findinggod.com (page 14)
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8/25/11 10:59 AM
Session 2 Outcomes ▶▶ Explain that God wants us to help
Were you ever new to
others feel welcome.
a group? Were you shy?
▶▶ Tell that we show our love for God
Did someone help you
when we care for others.
feel welcome? How?
▶▶ Define liturgy and Mass.
1 Set the Stage Call attention to the picture on page 9. Ask: What’s happening in this picture? (Two boys in baseball uniforms are smiling.) Do you think the boys are part of a group? (Yes.) How do you know? (They have the same uniforms. They are both players on a baseball team.) Ask: Does either boy look like he feels left out? (No, they both look happy.) Allow time for discussion.
God Cares for Us
2 Get Started
Prayer Loving God, teach me to care for others. Help me show your love to them. 9
If Time Allows
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7/20/11 8:55 AM
Inclusion: Emotional
Working Together If your group includes children with emotional PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ or behavioral disabilities, promote interaction and cooperation as a way to show God’s love. Model how to work together in small groups. Always praise children’s participation.
Mural of God’s Love Provide a sheet of butcher paper that will accommodate all children. Spread out the paper on the floor or a table, or tape the paper to the wall at a height children can reach. Invite them to draw pictures of people showing God’s love to one another or of a time when children showed God’s love to someone. When children are finished, encourage them to share their drawings. Invite children to applaud their mural.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for a Sunday connection about how to show God’s love.
Read aloud the session title and the first two questions. Let volunteers answer. Read aloud the last two questions. Ask: What would you do to help someone new feel welcome? (say hello, include him or her in a game) Then say: When you care for others, you make God very happy. Say: In this session we’ll learn how much God loves us and how to show his love to others.
Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: Welcoming someone is one way we show God’s love. Have children close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Say: In the silence of your heart, ask God about anything else you’d like. Allow time for children to finish praying. Say: Remember, you can talk to God in your heart whenever you want. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together.
Unit 1 • Session 2
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8/25/11 11:00 AM
1 Begin
Showing God We Care Together at Mass we hear stories about God. We pray together. We sing together. We show our love for God.
Have children look at the pictures on page 10. Ask: Where were these pictures taken? (in church) Allow children some time to discuss the pictures. Ask: Whom do you see? What things look familiar to you? What do you think is going on in the pictures? (People are praying. People are singing.)
At Mass we pray together to celebrate the wonderful things God does for us. Mass is a special kind of liturgy.
2 Connect Read aloud the title and text. Say: On this page there are two new words in dark type. Practice saying the words after me. The first word is Mass. What do we do at Mass? (hear stories about God, pray, sing) Mass is our most important way of praying to God. The second word is liturgy. Liturgy is the public prayer of the Church that celebrates the wonderful things God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Liturgy is prayer we pray with other people. You may wish to point out the Glossary at the back of the book so that children can look up the definitions.
Reading God’s Word I will enjoy the good things God has given me. adapted from Psalm 27:13
Reading God's Word Say: Sit quietly and listen carefully as I read you more words from our special book, the Bible. Read aloud the adaptation of Psalm 27:13. Pause for a few moments before asking: What can we do to enjoy the good things God has given us? (take walks outside; recycle; take care of plants, flowers, and living creatures) God’s Creation
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 10 ~
7/20/11 8:55 AM
Session 2 BLM
We PDF GiveSignoff: Thanks at Mass _______ Have children Session 2 Production Designcomplete _______ the Editorial _______ Blackline Master [T-278] to reinforce the idea of liturgy as a form of prayer.
What My Church Looks Like Distribute drawing paper, crayons, and markers. Ask children to each draw a picture of their church. Encourage children to share their drawings with the group. Say: The church is the special place where we celebrate Mass together. Invite children to applaud for their work.
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8/25/11 11:00 AM
Explore God gives us so many wonderful things. At Mass we praise God for who he is and thank God for all he does. We use our voices to sing and our hearts to express our love. Together as one family at Mass, we celebrate God’s love through prayer. Draw your favorite part of the Mass.
Happily say: When you go to Mass and hear messages about God, you learn more about the ways God shares his love. When you pray to God at Mass, you join with others in showing love for him. Mass is an example of a liturgy. It is the most important way we praise and thank God for the blessings we have received from him. Read aloud the first paragraph on page 11. Share your favorite part of the Mass.
3 Close Read aloud the directions to the activity. Invite children to complete the activity by drawing their favorite part of the liturgy. When children are finished, have them share their drawings with the group.
4 Close GO TO PAGE
SESSION 2 • God Cares for Us
If Time Allows
~ pg 11 ~
Display Art Print 2: Showing Love. Use the Art Print 2 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 214.
Showing Love
Art Print 2
7/20/11 8:55 AM
Service: Greeters In advance arrange with your catechetical leader to have children be PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ greeters at church doors before and after Mass. Be sure to arrange for children to be supervised. Instruct children to stand by the open doors and to greet people as they enter. After Mass have children distribute bulletins and wish farewell to all leaving. Family and Community
Unit 1 • Session 2
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8/25/11 11:00 AM
Reflect Prayer
Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 12.
We Give Thanks We give thanks to God with special words. These are words you can pray.
Children’s Page
We Praise You
Prepare Before the prayer, set up your CD player to play “God Is So Good” [CD 2, Track 3] at the end of this prayer activity. Pray Say: Today we’re going to learn words to say whenever and wherever we pray. Slowly pray, “We praise you. We bless you. We thank you.” Ask children to find the words on the page. Say: Let’s get ready for our prayer time. Fold your hands as you do when you pray Amen at the end of the Sign of the Cross. Then say: Let us pray and give thanks to God for loving us. Close your eyes and pray silently in your heart while I pray aloud. When you have finished reading, pause to give children time to thank God. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together. Use the Sign of the Cross poster to help reinforce how to pray the Sign of the Cross. Ask children to turn to page 207. Say: We’re going to sing “God Is So Good.” Have children discuss why they think God is so good. Play “God Is So Good” a second time and encourage children to sing along.
We praise you. We bless you. We thank you.
God loves and cares for you. You are so special! In your heart, talk with God. Thank him for the way he cares for you.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 12 ~
Giving Praise Have children gestures with PDF Signoff:use Production _______ the words of praise on this page. Ask children to stand. Say: Raise your arms toward the ceiling with your hands open when we say the word praise. Lower your arms a little and turn your palms down when we say the word bless. Cross your arms in front of your chest when we say thank you. Encourage children to join in. Say: There are so many ways to pray! No matter which way we pray, God listens.
7/20/11 8:55 AM
Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
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Before praying explain that all children need for prayer is God and themselves. Say: God is always with you. Encourage children to feel comfortable praying anytime and anyplace that they enjoy.
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8/25/11 11:00 AM
Reflect God’s Perfect World God said, “I give you all the plants and trees.
1 Begin Say: My favorite food is strawberries. Ask: Do you have a favorite food? What is it? Allow time for a few responses. Say: God is so wonderful to give us such good things to eat and enjoy.
They have seeds and fruit for you to eat.” adapted from Genesis 1:29
How do we know God cares for us? He gives us good things.
God Gives Us Good Things Name the good things in the picture. Then color the picture.
2 Connect Call attention to the pictures at the top and bottom of page 13. Say: What do you see? Who gave us all these wonderful foods? (God) Because God makes everything, what special name do we give him? (Creator) Have children listen carefully as you read the adaptation of Genesis 1:29 and the two lines following the passage. Ask: What kinds of good things does God give us? (food, friends, water) God takes good care of us by giving us everything we need. Read the directions for the activity. Let children name the good things in the picture and then color it.
Black and white line drawing of children working in a vegetable and fruit garden will be commissioned to go here for coloring page
3 Close 13
SESSION 2 • God Cares for Us
If Time Allows
~ pg 13 ~
When children are finished, encourage them to share their drawings with the group.
7/20/11 8:55 AM
Spontaneous Thanks Invite children raise their hands and offer one thing they are thankPDF Signoff: to Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ ful for today. You might have children sit in a circle on the floor and roll a ball to one another. When someone receives the ball, he or she gives thanks for something before rolling the ball to someone else.
Thank You, God Distribute crayons and construction paper. Write Thank You, God on the board. Invite children to make thank-you cards for God, telling him what they are thankful for. Encourage children to decorate their cards. When everyone has finished, invite children to share their cards with the group.
Unit 1 • Session 2
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8/25/11 11:00 AM
Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Ask: Why should we be kind to others? (because God is kind and wants us to be like him; because God wants us to love one another) What are some ways God shows he loves us? (through what he gives us; through nature; through people, such as our families and teachers)
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
God loves us. He loves us more than anyone else can. God wants us to love one another.
Words I Learned
Ways of Being Like Jesus
liturgy Mass
Jesus cares for others. Show others you care about them.
2 Connect Words I Learned Pronounce the words for children. If time allows, have children review pages 10 and 11 in their books. If you are using the Word Tree option from page 7, refer to the word tree.
Prayer Thank you, God, for loving me and caring for me.
With My Family
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read aloud this section. Ask: What are some ways
Activity Draw a picture of a time you and your family showed love to someone.
you can care for your family? your friends? your neighbors? Allow several children to respond.
Faith on the Go Ask one another: Where is your favorite place to pray? Why? Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family. Help us know how much you love us so that we can share your love with others. Amen.
Prayer Have children fold their hands. Pray the prayer aloud. Pause to allow children time to pray silently. Close by praying the Sign of the Cross together.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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7/20/11 8:55 AM
Session Assessment Option With My Family Read aloud the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, God loves you! Share that love with others every day.
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 3 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 3 and determine any materials you will need.
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8/25/11 11:00 AM
Catechist Preparation Ses sion 3
God Is Our Father
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 3
3-Minute Retreat
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take three deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey.
Scripture Matthew 3:17 tells how God reveals Jesus’ identity.
John 14:23
John 14:23 speaks of the relationship between Jesus and the Father.
Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our
dwelling with him.
Reflection Jesus came to teach us about God our Father. God, the one who creates and sustains all life, wants to be known by the most intimate of names. God is our Father, who wants to share his life with us and help us be as close to him as we can. Jesus came to teach us how to achieve this closeness to God. As followers of Jesus’ Word, God dwells in us.
Question What do I want to say to God, who is dwelling within me?
Prayer Speak to God our Father, using these or your own words. God, our Father and father of Jesus Christ, you promised to be with us until the end of time. Thank you for sharing your life with me and helping me follow Jesus, your Son.
We address our prayers to God as Jesus taught us, to God our Father—a term that emphasizes the special closeness we share. The most important way we learn and understand what God reveals is through the Church and its living Tradition, based on the faith of the first apostles and disciples of Jesus. We find this in the New Testament, written by the first generation of faithful disciples under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Church guides us in our call to follow God’s direction of seeking all that is truly loving and good. We are able to undertake this call because each of us is created with a spiritual soul, an intellect, and free will.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Solidarity and Call to Family, Community, and Participation. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.
Window on the Catechism Knowing God as Father, as taught by Jesus, is in CCC 238–240. The unity of the Old and New Testaments is found in CCC 128–129.
General Directory for Catechesis Teaching as Jesus did leads to an understanding of the Father of all creation. This is discussed in GDC 100.
Un it 1 • Session 3
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8/25/11 11:02 AM
catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 3
God Is Our Father
Session Theme: Jesus tells us that God is his Father and our loving Father too.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Is Our Father
Two-Heart Cutout
God Loves Me Prayer
page 15
page 15
Time: 5 minutes
Time: 35 minutes Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-15B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: poster board, art supplies In advance write on poster board the following prayer: God made the stars, and God made the trees, God made everything, because God loves me! Pray aloud the prayer with children, pointing to each word. Then invite children to draw pictures to accompany the prayer. Hang up the poster board and children’s drawings in the room. Say: Every day take a moment to pray this prayer quietly so that you always remember just how much God loves you!
Time: 20 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
A Special Message
Session 3 BLM
Compliment Cards
Page 16
page T-279
God’s Message
Time: 15 minutes
Page 17
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: construction paper, art supplies Say: One way to share God’s love is to compliment a friend. Invite children to fold a sheet of construction paper in half to make a card. Assign partners. Say: Take a moment and think about one compliment you can give your partner. Invite children to draw a picture of their partner on the front of the card and write a compliment inside. Have partners exchange cards. Say: It feels good to give and receive compliments. Give someone a compliment every day.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Triumphal Entry
Art Studio: Welcome Banners
Music: Welcoming Jesus
Children’s Book
Print Back
page 215
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
Print Back
Time: 10 minutes
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8/25/11 11:03 AM
catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
How Special You Are
Pray Again
Ball of Red Yarn
Page 18
page 18
A Home With Jesus
Time: 20 minutes
Page 19
Time: 30 minutes
Materials: 36-inch length of red yarn per child Gather children together in a circle. Hand each child a piece of yarn. Demonstrate how to wind the yarn into a ball. As children are winding their yarn, read aloud the paragraph from the script of “God’s Special Child” [page T-267]: “Jesus reminds you that he is always there for you . . .” Once children have finished, say: Take your special ball of yarn home and place it somewhere you can see it every day. Let it remind you that Jesus is with you, loving and protecting you, every step you take.
Time: 10 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Service: Elderly Friends
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 20
page 17
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-334) If children completed the small-group project of the week, have each group present its Bible cloth. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Accept God’s Invitation God loves us. God cares for us. God wants the best for us. God gave us Jesus to teach us how to live. God gives us a very special invitation to follow him. Will you accept? Write your name on the line to accept God’s invitation to follow him.
I Accept Dear God, I love you very much! I accept your invitation to follow you! I,
promise to listen to your words in the Bible. follow Jesus’ example.
Just for Schools
do my best every day to be kind and loving.
Time: 40 minutes
Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Session 3 Wrap-Up
Small-Group Project of the Week: A Special Place of Honor Materials: white cotton fabric, fabric markers
Say: We’re going to decorate special cloths for our prayer-center Bible. When we’re finished, we’ll place the Bible on it. Organize children into small groups. Distribute one piece of white fabric to each group. Invite groups to decorate the fabric with fabric markers, tracing their hands or making designs. Place one decorated cloth under the Bible on the prayer table. Rotate the cloths so that each group’s cloth is used in the prayer center.
NOTE: See page 15b for Prayer in Session 3, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Unit 1 • Session 3
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catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 3
God Is Our Father
Prayer in Session 3
Session Theme: Jesus tells us that God is his Father and our loving Father too.
A special approach to prayer in Session 3 is an extended guided reflection entitled “God’s Special Child.” To prepare, listen to the recorded guided reflection [CD 1, Track 6] as a prayerful experience for yourself. Then, during the session, join the children in reflective prayer. If you choose to lead it yourself, listen to the recording a second time, following the script [pages T-266–T-267] and noting pauses and tone of voice. Use the script or adapt it as you wish. You might play instrumental music softly to enhance the sense of prayerfulness. An alternative approach to prayer in this session is to use the prayer on the children’s page.
Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to Matthew 3:17 and John 14:23. Place the Bible in the
prayer center, open to the passage from Matthew. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage God Is Our Father
10 minutes
Page 15
Explore A Special Message God’s Message
30–40 minutes
Page 16
Page 17
Art Print: Triumphal Entry
Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: How Special You Are A Home with Jesus
15–20 minutes
Page 18
Page 19
Respond Living My Faith
5–10 minutes
Page 20
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible ▶▶ Art Print 3: Triumphal Entry and
Children’s Book page 215
if time allows ▶▶ Red or pink heart-shaped construction paper, one for each child; hole punch, yarn (page 15)
▶▶ Art supplies
▶▶ Art supplies (pages 15, 17, 19)
▶▶ CD player
▶▶ Session 3 BLM, T-279 (page 16)
▶▶ CD 1, Track 6: “God’s Special Child”
▶▶ Finger paint, shallow container
▶▶ Cardstock cut into bookmark
shapes (page 17) ▶▶ 8-inch strips of construction paper
(page 19) ▶▶ Session 3 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 20)
(page 16)
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Session 3 Outcomes ▶▶ Explain that we show love for one
Whose birthday is it?
another in special ways.
How is the family
▶▶ Identify the Bible as God’s special
showing love? Think of
your family. How can you show your love?
▶▶ Tell that God gave us his only Son,
Jesus, to teach how much God loves us. ▶▶ Define Bible and Jesus.
1 Set the Stage Share your birth date and how you celebrate your birthday. Ask: Who has a birthday coming up? How will you celebrate? Who will celebrate with you? Allow some time for discussion. Then have children turn to page 15. Ask: What’s happening in this picture? (a birthday celebration) What are the people doing? (having a party) Say: When you love someone, you do things to help that person feel special.
God Is Our Father
2 Get Started
God, help me learn about your love. Help me grow closer to you. 15
If Time Allows
~ pg 15 ~
7/20/11 8:55 AM
Two-Heart Cutout Distribute crayons, markers, and redDesign or pink heart-shaped construcPDF Signoff: Production _______ _______ Editorial _______ tion paper. Write God Loves Me and I Love God on the board. Say: Let’s make something to remind us we are special to God. Invite children to copy God Loves Me on one side of the heart and I Love God on the other side. Then have children decorate the hearts. Punch a hole at the top of the heart and thread yarn through the hole. Encourage children to take their hearts home to share with family members.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for an article about the Bible and you.
Ask a volunteer to read aloud the title of the session and the first two questions. Invite children to answer. Then read aloud the rest of the text. Give children some time to think of ways to show love to their families. Say: In this session we will learn about God’s special message and how much Jesus loves us.
Prayer Call children’s attention to the prayer. Say: We’ve been talking about ways we show our love. Today we’ll learn about God’s love for us. Let’s ask God to help us learn more about him. Pray the prayer aloud. Pause to allow children time to pray silently. Then say: Remember, you can talk to God in your heart whenever you want. Let’s close our prayer with the Sign of the Cross.
Unit 1 • Session 3
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1 Begin
A Special Message Today is Ben’s birthday. His father gives him a special card.
Have children form a circle to play Telephone. Say: We can send God’s message around the room, but everyone needs to work together. The object of the game is to send the correct message. Whisper to one child: God loves and cares for us. Watch the message travel. When the message is announced, make any corrections to the statement.
Did you ever get a special message? How did you feel?
thday r i B Happy
2 Connect
Dear Ben, ry special to me. You are ve d to our family. You are kin ou always. Dad I will love y
Ask: Have you ever sent mail to someone? What can you say in a letter or a card? Allow some time for discussion. Have children turn to page 16. Read aloud the title and the first two sentences. Ask: How do you know that this is a card for Ben? What about the card tells you that it is a birthday card? Allow time for a few responses. Read the card aloud, pausing after each line. Ask: What do you think of that message? Would you like someone to send you that kind of message? Read aloud the questions and allow time for children to respond. 16
3 Close Talk about keepsakes. Explain that some things are so special, like Ben’s card from his dad, that people like to keep them forever. Ask: What kinds of keepsakes can you make to remind others of God’s love? (some of God’s creations, such as rocks, leaves, flowers or a bookmark with God Loves You written on it)
If Time Allows
~ pg 16 ~
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Session 3 BLM
A Message from Jesus Have children complete Session_______ 3 PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______theEditorial Blackline Master [T-279] to discover a special message from Jesus.
Say: Sending a letter is a wonderful thing to do. We don’t always have to use words to say something; sometimes a picture tells our message. Let’s make a picture to show our love to someone special. Pour finger paint into a shallow container. Have children press their palms into the paint and make handprints on white paper. Tell children that their hands are unique and that no one in the world has their same handprint. Ask: How does this handprint letter show love? Discuss children’s responses. Say: Remember, when you give your handprints to your special person, you will be giving him or her something no one else can.
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Explore God’s Message God our Father sends us a message. He loves and cares for us. God’s message is in the Bible. The Bible is the story of God’s promise to care for us. It also tells us about Jesus, God’s Son.
1 Begin Show children the Bible. Say: We get messages from God. We find these messages in our special book, the Bible. Select passages from the Bible and discuss the message from each. For example, you might discuss the Nativity in Luke 2:1–7 or the story of Creation in Genesis 1:24–28.
Connect the dots below and discover the hidden image. Write the name of the picture you have drawn.
2 Connect 8
11 9
Read aloud the title and the first paragraph on page 17. Have children repeat the new vocabulary word, Bible. Say: The Bible contains the story of God’s promise to care for us. Refer to your Bible in the prayer center. Say: This is where we keep our Bible. It’s a very special place. Help children locate the word Jesus on the page. Ask: Who is Jesus? (God’s Son) Say: The Bible tells us all about Jesus.
Link to Liturgy
Link to Liturgy
At Mass we hear stories from the Bible.
SESSION 3 • God Is Our Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 17 ~
7/20/11 8:56 AM
Service: Elderly Friends
Remind childrenProduction of Ben’s _______ special card. Say:_______ Ben lovedEditorial receiving that PDF Signoff: Design _______ special card from his dad. Today we’re going to make something special to share with our older friends. Provide card stock cut into bookmark shapes, along with markers and crayons. Invite children to color and decorate as they choose. When children are finished, gather the bookmarks in a pile. Have children extend a hand over them and repeat after you. Say: God, bless these bookmarks. May they brighten our friends’ day. Laminate and distribute the bookmarks to a local assisted-living center. Family and Community
Read aloud this feature. Ask: At Mass what kinds of stories do you hear from the Bible? (stories about God and Jesus) Say: After we hear a story, we say special words. We say “Thanks be to God” or “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.” Have children repeat. Say: When we say these words, we’re praising God for his messages in the Bible. Read aloud the activity directions and invite children to complete it.
3 Close Display Art Print 3: Triumphal Entry. Use the Art Print 3 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 215.
Triumphal Entry
Art Print 3
Unit 1 • Session 3
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Reflect Prayer
How Special You Are
Choose an approach and pray with the children.
Imagine Jesus is speaking to you, telling you how special you are! He tells you how much God loves you. Jesus tells you this is God’s message in the Bible.
Approach 1
Recorded Guided Reflection
Meet Jesus in your heart. Talk with him. Know that he hears your words. Be still with Jesus.
Prepare Listen in advance to the recorded guided reflection “God’s Special Child” [CD 1, Track 6]. Decide if you will use the recording or lead yourself. If you choose to lead, listen to the recording a second time, following the script [pages T-266–T-267] and noting pauses and tone. You can then use the script or adapt as you wish. Pray Play the recording or lead using the script, playing instrumental music softly in the background to enhance the sense of prayerfulness. Approach 2
Children’s Page Prepare Pray the prayer on page 18 in advance. Pray Display the Sign of the Cross poster. Say: Let’s get ready for prayer time by taking a moment to relax and be very still. Direct children’s attention to the picture. Ask: What do you think the child is thinking? Discuss a few responses. Read aloud the page in a prayerful manner. Pause between sentences, giving children time to reflect. At the end of the prayer, say: Now take a few moments to tell Jesus anything you’d like. Close the prayer by praying Amen and leading the children in praying the Sign of the Cross. Say: Remember, whenever you want to talk to God, just close your eyes and become quiet and still in your heart.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 18 ~
Pray Again If you have usedProduction the recorded PDF Signoff: _______ guided reflection, you might use this prayer page during another session.
7/20/11 8:56 AM
Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
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Before praying, set the tone for reflective prayer with a relaxed, confident, reverent tone of voice. Remind children that Jesus is always there for them and loves spending time with them.
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Reflect A Home with Jesus Imagine Jesus is coming to your home. How do you greet him? Who else is there to welcome him? What do you do when he comes?
1 Begin Ask: Does everyone in the world live in the same kind of home? What are some different kinds of homes people have? Allow several children to answer. Remember that children’s home situations may vary. Be sensitive to children’s responses. Guide the discussion so that children understand that all people should have a place to live.
Draw a picture of Jesus in your home.
2 Connect Slowly read to children A Home with Jesus, pausing after each question and allowing children time to respond. Then read aloud the activity directions and allow time for children to draw their pictures. When children are finished, encourage them to share their drawings.
Reading God’s Word
3 Close
Jesus said, “If you love me, my Father will love you. We will live with you in love.”
Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 19.
adapted from John 14:23 19
SESSION 3 • God Is Our Father
If Time Allows
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Link by Link Have children a paper chain toDesign symbolize all the people invited PDF Signoff:make Production _______ _______ Editorial _______ to live with Jesus. Provide several precut eight-inch strips of construction paper. Ask children to make one link for each family member and loved one. Demonstrate how to make the chain by gluing the short ends of one of the strips together to make a circle, thread another strip through the circle and glue the ends of the new strip together to make another circle. Tell children to continue this procedure until all their links are added. When children are finished, ask them to hold up their chains and say: Look at all the different families we have. We have very big families and smaller families and medium-sized families. How wonderful! Collect children’s chains and make one long chain. Drape the chain around the Bible in its special place of honor.
Reading God's Word Say: Now sit quietly and listen carefully. Let me read you something beautiful from the Bible. Jesus is speaking to us and giving us a message. Read aloud the adaptation of John 14:23. Then say: When you love Jesus, God loves you.
Family and Community
Unit 1 • Session 3
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Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Remind children that when we read the Bible, we receive messages from God. Ask: Who is God’s Son? (Jesus) Why is the Bible so special? (It tells us about God’s love for us, about Jesus, and about how to live as Jesus did.)
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
God our Father and his Son, Jesus, speak to us in a special way. We learn about God’s love in the Bible.
Words I Learned
Ways of Being Like Jesus
Bible Jesus
Jesus tells us that God loves us. Share God’s message. Say “God loves you.” Say “I love you too.”
2 Connect Words I Learned Pronounce the words clearly for children. Ask volunteers to find and read the definitions in the Glossary. If you are using the Word Tree option from page 7, refer to the word tree.
Prayer Thank you, God, for your message in the Bible.
With My Family
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read this section aloud. Ask: Why is it important
Activity Put your family Bible in a special place. Ask your mom or dad to read with you.
to tell your parents and others you love them? How do you feel when your parents or others tell you they love you? (happy, secure, peaceful)
Faith on the Go Ask one another: What are some ways to show your love for God? Family Prayer Dear God, bless our family. Thank you for sharing your words in the Bible. Amen.
Prayer Say: Now let’s thank God for sharing his promise to care for us. Have children fold their hands and close their eyes. Softly pray the prayer aloud. Then invite children to speak to God silently. Pause for a moment. Close by praying the Sign of the Cross together.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
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Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d With My Family Read aloud the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
Get Ready for Session 4 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 4 and determine any materials you will need.
3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember, God loves you! Go and share his message of love with everyone!
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Catechist Preparation Ses sion 4
God Gives Us Peace
Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 4
3-Minute Retreat
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take three deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey.
Scripture John 20:19–22 tells that Jesus empowers the disciples to continue his mission.
John 20:21–22
Ephesians 6:23 concludes Paul’s letter with wishes for peace and love for the Church in Ephesus.
[Jesus] said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,
“Receive the holy Spirit.”
Reflection Usually when we pray for peace, we focus our thinking only on armed conflicts. Rarely do we ask God to bring peace to our minds, our hearts, and our relationships. When Jesus appears to his disciples, he knows their inner distress, and so he offers peace. Peace is not simply the absence of conflict, but the reality that exists when Heaven and earth “connect.” The peace Jesus offers the disciples is the knowledge that God is present, that God cares, and that God will be with them.
Question How can I help others understand the peace of God’s love so that they can love others?
Prayer Speak to the Holy Spirit, using these words or others that come to mind. Come Holy Spirit, breath of Heaven, bring me peace and help me bring peace to others.
Jesus gave his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God active in the world and active in our lives. He helps us know we are loved and share this love with others. When we find ourselves treating others with compassion as Jesus did—when we help others without being asked, when we forgive those who hurt us—we are moving in the Holy Spirit. When we recognize that we are personally loved, we are experiencing God’s Holy Spirit. When we pray the Glory Be to the Father, also called the Doxology, we are proclaiming our belief in the Trinity. We praise God for revealing his glory in the Holy Spirit, who shares his peace with us.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching themes are Call to Family, Community, and Participation and Solidarity. See page 1b for an explanation of these themes.
Window on the Catechism The Holy Spirit is introduced in CCC 691. His presence in our lives is presented in CCC 733–736.
General Directory for Catechesis The Holy Spirit animates us as catechists. This is described in GDC 34.
Un it 1 • Session 4
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 4
God Gives Us Peace
Session Theme: The Holy Spirit is God’s presence among us.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
God Gives Us Peace
Getting to Know You
Peace Offerings
Page 21
page 21
Time: 5 minutes
Time: 30 minutes Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-21B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Materials: construction paper, art supplies Have children make drawings that show them doing something for their families to help make a peaceful day. Have children share their drawings, both with the class and at home with their families.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
A Gift of Peace
Session 4 BLM
Beaded Cross
page 22
Page T-280
All Are One
Time: 15 minutes
Page 23
Materials per child: 2 chenille stems, 20 small red beads, 10 small gold beads, 10 small white beads Make one beaded cross in advance. Twist two chenille stems together to form a cross. String red beads across the horizontal stem. String gold beads on the top half and white beads on the bottom half of the vertical stem. Display the completed cross. Say: Let’s make crosses representing the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Red is for the Holy Spirit, gold is for God, and white is for Jesus. Distribute materials and assist children as needed. Invite children to take home their completed crosses.
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Corners of the World
Art Studio: Peace Doves
Movement: Peaceful Ways
Print Back
Print Back
Children’s Book
Time: 20 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
page 216
Time: 30 minutes
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Give Praise
Signs of the Trinity
My Prayer Space
Page 24
page 24
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Time: 15 minutes
Page 25
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: art supplies Ask children to close their eyes and imagine a warm and welcoming place—their favorite room at home, a quiet place outside, or somewhere completely new. Ask them to picture in their mind what this place looks like—from top to bottom, and from side to side. Say: Take one more good look around your special place. Pause for a moment and then ask children to open their eyes. Distribute drawing paper and crayons and ask children to draw their special place. Say: This is your special prayer space. Take your drawing home and keep it in a safe place. Look at it whenever you need a little help praying.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 5: Respond Open
Activity 1
Activity 2
Living My Faith
Service: The Gift of Time
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Page 26
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
60 minutes
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-335) If children completed the small-group project of the week, have each group present its ecology poster. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Discuss the activity after children complete it.
Gift of Peace Jesus loved his friends so much that he sent them the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled them with peace. Today Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit. We too receive his gift of peace. Jesus wants us to love others and share all the wonderful gifts he gives us. We are asked to share the gift of peace.
Just for Schools
Draw a symbol of peace below. It can be anything that reminds you of the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace. Then write a sentence about it.
Time: 40 minutes
Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Session 4 Wrap-Up
Small-Group Project of the Week: Bringing God’s Love Materials: magazines, poster board, art supplies, tape
Say: There are many things we can do to bring God’s love to others every day. Organize children into small groups. Display a picture or a photo from a magazine that illustrates someone showing God’s love. Cut it out and tape it to poster board. Invite children to look through magazines and find their own examples of God’s love. Then have children cut them out and tape them to the poster board. Display the finished poster board prominently in the room.
NOTE: See page 21b for Prayer in Session 4, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Un it 1 • Session 4
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8/25/11 11:08 AM
catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 4
God Gives Us Peace
Prayer in Session 4
Session Theme: The Holy Spirit is God’s presence among us.
In this session’s opening prayer of petition and closing prayer of gratitude, children thank God for the gift of peace and pray to share that peace with others. In the Reflect step, children are introduced to the Glory Be to the Father, also known as the Doxology, a prayer of praise to the Trinity.
Before This Session ▶▶ Bookmark the Bible to John 20:19–22 and Ephesians 6:23. Place the Bible in the
prayer center open to the passage from John. ▶▶ Display the Finding God poster Sign of the Cross. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage God Gives Us Peace
10 minutes
Page 21
Explore A Gift of Peace All Are One
30–40 minutes
Page 22
Page 23
Art Print: Corners of the World
Art Print and Print Back
Reflect Prayer: Give Praise
15–20 minutes
Page 24
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Page 25
Respond Living My Faith
5–10 minutes
Page 26
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible
if time allows ▶▶ Session 4 BLM, T-280 (page 22)
▶▶ Construction paper (pages 22, 23)
▶▶ Art Print 4: Corners of the World and
▶▶ Art supplies (pages 22, 23, 25)
▶▶ Session 4 Assessment,
Children’s Book page 216 ▶▶ Art supplies ▶▶
Finding God poster: Sign of the Cross
▶▶ 12-inch lengths of crepe paper,
www.findinggod.com (page 26)
14-inch lengths of yarn, stapler (page 22)
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Session 4 Outcomes ▶▶ Tell that Jesus brings us God’s love. ▶▶ Explain that the Holy Spirit brings us
God’s gift of peace. ▶▶ Define Holy Spirit and Trinity.
Think about your friends. How do you feel when you play together?
God Gives Us Peace
1 Set the Stage Ask: What is a game you like to play with your friends? How often do you play this game? Allow several children to respond. Have children turn to page 21. Ask: What’s happening in this picture? Do you think the children are happy or sad? Discuss how friends help us feel good.
2 Get Started Slowly read aloud the title of the session and the paragraph. Allow time for children to respond. Say: If you feel sad, can your friends help cheer you up? Guide the discussion so that children understand friends can help us feel happy when we are sad.
God, help me live in peace. I want to share your peace with others. 21
If Time Allows
~ pg 21 ~
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Getting to Know You PairPDF children together. If there is an Design odd number, someone’s Signoff: Production _______ _______be Editorial _______ partner. Say: We make friends by getting to know people. All of us have something special to share. Allow children a minute to find out something special about their partners. Suggest that they find out a pet’s name, a favorite food, or a hobby. Then encourage children to share this information with the group. For example, “John is special. He likes peanut butter.” Make sure everyone has a turn interviewing and being interviewed. Emphasize that we all have qualities that make us special.
Say: In this session we will learn about God’s wonderful gift of peace. Say: Let’s practice being peaceful. Fold your hands and relax. Sit quietly like this for a moment and then we’ll pray a special prayer to God. Have children close their eyes if they wish. Say: Let’s ask God for peace in our lives. Pray along silently while I pray aloud. Invite children to talk to God in their hearts. Pause for two or three deep breaths. Say: Remember, you can talk to God in your heart whenever you want. Now let’s close our prayer with the Sign of the Cross.
Go to www.findinggod.com/sessionextenders for a 3-Minute Retreat about peace of mind and heart.
Unit 1 • Session 4
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8/25/11 11:10 AM
1 Begin
A Gift of Peace Jesus’ friends were in a room. Jesus came to see them. He said,
Ask: Have you ever received a gift? What was it? Allow time for a few responses. Say: Gifts can come in many forms. Not all gifts can be held in your hand or wrapped up in a box. We give the gift of happiness when we give someone a hug, a kind word, or a smile. We give the gift of time when we help someone or do a chore for someone. Peace can also be a gift. Let’s learn about the gift of peace that Jesus gave to his friends.
“Peace be with you. My Father sent me to you. Now I send you to help others.” He breathed on them. Then he said, “The Holy Spirit is with you.”
adapted from John 20:19–22
2 Connect Have children turn to page 22 and look at the picture. Ask: Whom do you see in this picture? What do you think is happening? Allow a few children to comment. Say: This is Jesus with his friends. Jesus is our friend too. Say: Remember how we talked about the Bible last time? The Bible is a special book with God’s message for us. Read aloud the title, adaptation of John 20:19–22, and the sentences below the picture. Say: Hold your hand up to your mouth. Breathe in and out, and feel your breath. That’s how close God’s Holy Spirit is to you— as close as your own breath. Even though you can’t see your breath, you know it’s real. This is true about God’s Holy Spirit too.
3 Close Say: Jesus always wanted his friends to be at peace with one another. He often said, “Peace be with you.” Explain that at Mass we wish peace to one another as Jesus did. Say: At Mass the priest or deacon says “Let us offer each other the sign of peace.” You then turn and share that peace with people around you. Give children time to share a sign of peace with one another.
Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is always with us. He brings us God’s peace.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 22 ~
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Session 4 BLM
Hidden Peace Production Have children complete the Session Editorial 4 Blackline Master PDF Signoff: _______ Design _______ _______ [T-280] to reinforce children’s understanding of God’s peace.
Wind Sock Provide construction paper, crayons, and markers. Give each child six 12-inch lengths of colored crepe paper to glue along the longer edge of the paper. Help children roll the construction paper to form a cylinder. Staple the cylinders at the ends. Tie a knot at both ends of a 14-inch length of yarn. Staple the knots to each side of the cylinder to make a cord. Say: Even though you can’t see the air that moves your wind sock, it is there. The Holy Spirit is always with us even though we can’t see him.
~ pg 22 ~
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Explore All Are One The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the Trinity.
1 Begin Review what children have learned about peace. Explain that today they’ll learn who gives us peace. Ask: What do you call a bicycle with three wheels? (a tricycle) Write the word tricycle on the board. Say: These words begin with the letters t-r-i. The word Trinity does too.
2 Connect
God made us out of love. Love and peace are God’s gifts to us.
SESSION 4 • God Gives Us Peace
If Time Allows
~ pg 23 ~
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Service: The Gift of Time Have children a special card for a family member or a neighbor. PDF Signoff:make Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ Inside, children should offer a “gift” of their time to this person. For example, a gift for mom could be helping her set the table. A gift for a neighbor could be raking leaves, shoveling snow, or collecting his or her mail. Family and Community
Read aloud the title and the first sentence on page 23. Then write Trinity on the board. Say: Whenever we see tri-, we think of three. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the three Persons of the Trinity. Have children look at the picture. Ask: What do you see in this picture? (light, Jesus, a bird, colors) Read aloud slowly as you hold up your book and point to the symbol for each Person of the Trinity. Say: The beautiful bright light shows the presence of God. Jesus is shown as a young man, as he was on earth. A dove is often used to show the Holy Spirit. Ask: Which Person of the Trinity made us? (the Father) Which Person of the Trinity brings us God’s love? (the Son) Which Person of the Trinity brings us God’s peace? (the Holy Spirit) Read aloud the last paragraph.
3 Close
Corners of the World
Display Art Print 4: Corners of the World. Use the Art Print 4 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 216.
Art Print 4
Unit 1 • Session 4
~ pg 23 ~
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Reflect Prayer
Give Praise
Follow the steps to guide children through the prayer on page 24.
We praise the Trinity when we pray. Glory Be to the Father
Children’s Page
Glory be to the Father,
Prepare Pray the prayer in advance. Display the Sign of the Cross poster.
and to the Son,
Pray Say: Today we’ve learned God
is now, and ever shall be,
the Father made us, Jesus his Son brings us God’s love, and the Holy Spirit brings us peace. Now we’re going to learn a special prayer to praise the Trinity. Say: Let’s get ready for our special prayer time. Take a few moments to sit quietly. Read aloud the sentence above the prayer. Say: Sometimes we use our own words when we pray, and sometimes we use special words. Today we will pray the Glory Be to the Father. In this prayer we will use special words. Pause and take a deep breath. Say: Follow along in your books or look at the picture as I pray the prayer aloud. Say: Now close your eyes and continue listening. Read aloud the paragraph below the prayer slowly and clearly. When you finish reading, pause for 10 seconds to allow children time to pray silently. Close quiet time by leading children in praying the Sign of the Cross. Direct children’s attention to the Sign of the Cross poster. Say: Now you know two prayers you can pray to the Trinity. Ask: How are they alike? (In both prayers we say “the Father, the Son,” and “the Holy Spirit.”)
and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, world without end. Amen.
God is always with us. Talk with God in your heart. Tell him how you will share his peace with others.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 24 ~
Signs of the Trinity TakePDF children church to_______ look Signoff:toProduction for symbols of the Trinity: a hand or beams of light [the Father]; the cross [the Son]; a dove or a flame [the Holy Spirit]. Have children look at windows, statues, a cross or crucifix, the altar, and the Stations of the Cross. Explain that people use artwork in churches to teach us about God.
7/20/11 8:56 AM
Coaching Children to Editorial Pray _______
Design _______
Make sure you allow sufficient time for children to reflect during pauses in prayer. Begin with 10–15 seconds and gradually increase the time. Tell children that when they’re talking to Jesus in their hearts, they can use any words they want because he always understands.
~ pg 24 ~
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8/25/11 11:10 AM
Reflect Father, Son, and Holy Spirit What do we call the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Color the spaces that have dots. Then read the words.
1 Begin Say: We have been talking about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Do you remember the name of these three Persons? It begins with the letters t-r-i. The activity on this page will help you remember.
2 Connect Read aloud the title and the paragraph at the top of page 25. Distribute crayons or markers and explain the activity. Invite children to color the picture. Confirm that the answer to the question is the Trinity. Ask: How many Persons are there in the Trinity? (three)
3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 25.
Did You Know?
Did You Know? When you see a friend, what do you say? When Saint Francis saw a friend, he said something special. He said, “Peace and goodness.” Try it! 25
SESSION 4 • God Gives Us Peace
If Time Allows
~ pg 25 ~
8/11/11 3:19 PM
A Peaceful Day Have children in a circle. Begin byDesign describing yourEditorial idea of_______ a peacePDF Signoff:sit Production _______ _______ ful day. Ask them to share their ideas of a peaceful day. Reinforce the concept that positive behaviors bring peace. Point out that sharing— both work and fun—listening, helping, and laughing are all actions that foster peaceful living. Allow time for children to discuss. Then invite children to return to their seats and draw a picture of their idea of a peaceful day.
Have children turn back to page 2. Say: Saint Francis of Assisi was a man of peace. He spent his life serving Jesus and preaching the goodness of God. Francis believed all God’s creation should live together in peace. Read aloud the feature on page 25, emphasizing peace and goodness. Encourage children to say the words to one another. Ask: What are other ways we can be peacemakers? (by making friends with people who are different from us, by listening carefully when others speak) Allow several children to respond.
Unit 1 • Session 4
~ pg 25 ~
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8/25/11 11:10 AM
Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Ask: What did we learn about the Trinity? (There are three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.) Turn back to page 23 and hold up your book. Point to the symbol for each Person of the Trinity in the picture, and read the text next to that symbol. Say: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the Trinity.
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
God is always with us. God our Father made us. Jesus, his Son, brings us God’s love. The Holy Spirit brings us peace.
Words I Learned
Ways of Being Like Jesus
Holy Spirit Trinity
Jesus brings us God’s love. You can bring God’s love. You can share your toys.
2 Connect
Words I Learned Pronounce the words clearly for children. Ask volunteers to find and read the definitions in the Glossary. If you are using the Word Tree option from page 7, refer to the word tree.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for bringing peace to my life.
With My Family Activity Talk with your family at dinner. Pray a quiet prayer of thanks for your wonderful family and the time you share together.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Read aloud this section. Ask: Why is it so important to share? (Sharing brings peace.) How do you feel when someone shares with you? (happy, good, calm) Ask: What else can you share besides your toys? (a good book, an important idea, myself)
Faith on the Go Ask one another: How can you show God’s love? Family Prayer Dear God, bless my family and help us always know how much you love us. 26
Prayer Say: Let’s thank the Holy Spirit for sharing God’s peace. Pray the prayer aloud. Pause for a few seconds to allow children time to pray silently. Conclude by praying Amen.
With My Family Read aloud the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 26 ~
7/20/11 8:57 AM
Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 5 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 5 and determine any materials you will need.
3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Remember to share God’s peace with your friends and family!
~ pg 26 ~
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8/25/11 11:10 AM
Catechist Preparation Ses sion 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time Knowing and Sharing Your Faith in Session 5
3-Minute Retreat
Consider how Scripture and Tradition can deepen your understanding of the session content.
Before you prepare the session, pause and be still. Take three deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you on this journey.
Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:4 teaches us to give thanks to God every day for the grace bestowed on us through Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:4–5 I give thanks to my God always on your account for the
Psalm 118:24 calls us to rejoice and be glad for the day the Lord has given to us today.
grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus, that in him you were enriched in every way[.]
Reflection In his letters to the Corinthians, Paul was writing to a community about the size of our smaller parishes. He understood how people work and pray in their everyday lives. He understood their problems, hopes, and dreams. So Paul assures his readers that in the midst of their daily lives, they have received and continue to receive God’s grace. We too are recipients of God’s grace in Jesus Christ. As catechists we are privileged to share with others the knowledge of friendship with Jesus, which will bless their lives.
Question How do I express my gratitude for the gifts of grace that I have and continue to receive?
Prayer Speak to God, using this prayer or one of your own. Lord Jesus, thank you for the graces you so willingly share.
Ordinary Time is celebrated on Sundays in two distinct periods. The first period is after the Christmas season until Ash Wednesday. The second period is after the Easter season until the First Sunday of Advent. There may be 33 or 34 Sundays in Ordinary Time. The term Ordinary Time is based on the word ordinal, meaning “numbered days.” These are the Sundays that are devoted to reflecting on the mystery of Christ in his day-to-day life. It is during this time that we ask for Christ’s saving help so that our work can always find its origin in him and he may help us bring it to completion.
Catholic Social Teaching In this session the integrated Catholic Social Teaching theme is Life and Dignity of the Human Person. See page 1b for an explanation of this theme.
Window on the Catechism The ways in which we may enter into the fellowship with Jesus in the ordinary events of daily life is found in CCC 533.
General Directory For Catechesis The centrality of Jesus Christ for catechesis is found in GDC 98.
Un it 1 • Session 5
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8/25/11 11:12 AM
catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Five-Day Classroom Session Planner Session 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Session Theme: Ordinary Time is a time to be thankful for God’s creation.
Day 1: Engage
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Every Day
God Is Good Sing the following song about God, sung to the tune of “London Bridge.” Then invite children to write their own songs about God. 1. God is good and so am I, Clap your hands, touch the sky [clap, raise arms] God is good and so am I, I love God! 2. [Stomp your feet, touch the sky] 3. [Spin around, touch the sky]
page 27
Page 27
Time: 30 minutes
Time: 5 minutes
Small-Group Project optional
If you wish to have children complete the small-group project on page S-27B, have small groups begin now. Allow time on days 1 to 5 for children to work.
Time: 25 minutes
Day 2: Explore
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
We Show Thanks During Ordinary Time
Session 5 BLM
Share My Gifts
Page 28
Time: 15 minutes
Page T-281
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: art supplies Say: We have learned about gifts God has given us. Let’s think about special gifts we have that we can share with others. For example, I’m a good baker. I can bake cookies and share them with friends. Ask children to think about a gift they have and how they can share it. Have them draw a picture of it.
Time: 30 minutes
Day 3: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Mass During Ordinary Time
Service: RetirementHome Visits
God’s Creation
Page 29
page 29
Time: 15 minutes
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: art supplies Ask children to think about their church. Ask: What do you see from God’s creation? (Accept reasonable responses.) Then invite children to draw examples of God’s creation that they find at church. Remind them about holy water, the sunshine coming through the windows, and especially the people all around them.
Time: 30 minutes
~ pg 1 ~
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catechist Preparation: Just for Schools
Day 4: Reflect
60 minutes
Activity 1
Activity 2
Art Print: Easter Seedling
Art Studio: Growing Time
Movement: Yoga
Print Back
Print Back
Time: 20 minutes
Time: 10 minutes
Children’s Book page 217
Time: 30 minutes
Day 5: Respond Activity 2
Living My Faith
Unit Assessment BLM
Presentation or Wrap-Up BLM
Materials: Unit 1 Assessment (pages T-282–T-284)
Materials: completed project or Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up (page S-336)
Page 30
Time: 10 minutes
Time: 30 minutes
Celebrating the Ordinary The Church’s calendar remembers special occasions in Jesus’ life. Ordinary Time is part of the Church’s calendar. Ordinary Time is the time between other Church seasons such as Christmas and Easter. We use this time to think about how we can best follow examples set by Jesus. Before you say or do anything, think to yourself, “What would Jesus do?” Look at the pictures below. These children are not being like Jesus. Think about what Jesus would do. Then draw a picture that shows what you would do instead.
Grade 1 • Unit 1 • Session 5 Wrap-Up
Yoshi Miyake
If children completed the small-group project of the week, have each group present its plants. If children did not complete the project, have them complete Just for Schools Session Wrap-Up. Explain that in the top picture, the girl is drawing on a wall, and in the bottom picture, the boy is sneaking a cookie. Invite volunteers to share their work.
Just for Schools
Activity 1
60 minutes
Time: 20 minutes
Small-Group Project of the Week: Celebrating God’s Creation Materials: potting soil, plastic cups, flower seeds, water, markers, plastic wrap
In advance write out and display planting directions: 1. Scoop soil into a cup. 2. Plant three seeds in the soil. 3. Water the soil. Organize children into small groups. Have each child write his or her name on the outside of a cup. Demonstrate how to follow planting directions by planting your own seeds. At the week’s end, cover the cups tightly with plastic wrap and send them home with children. Remind everyone to place his or her cup near a sunlit window and to keep the soil damp.
NOTE: See page 27b for Prayer in Session 5, materials lists, and how to teach this session in one hour.
Unit 1 • Session 5
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8/25/11 11:13 AM
catechist Preparation
One-Hour Session Planner Session 5
Celebrating Ordinary Time
Session Theme: Ordinary Time is a time to be thankful for God’s creation. Before This Session ▶▶ Determine whether you will use the Unit Assessment option listed on page 30. ▶▶ Determine whether you will also discuss the All Saints Day seasonal pages in
the back of the Children’s Book.
Prayer in Session 5
In this session children will learn about Ordinary Time. Children will learn that we give thanks for God’s creation and for all God’s gifts during Ordinary Time.
▶▶ Bookmark your Bible to 1 Corinthians 1:4 and Psalm 118:24. Place it in the prayer
center open to the passage from Corinthians. ▶▶ Read the Guide for this session, choose any additional If Time Allows activities
that you might have time to complete, and gather the listed materials.
Approximate Time
Engage Celebrating Ordinary Time
10 minutes
Page 27
Explore We Show Thanks During Ordinary Time
Page 28
Reflect Mass During Ordinary Time Art Print: Easter Seedling
20–25 minutes
Page 29
Art Print and Print Back
Respond Living My Faith
25–35 minutes
5–10 minutes
Page 30
Materials Required ▶▶ Bible
if time allows ▶▶ Colored poster board (page 27)
▶▶ Art Print 5: Easter Seedling and
▶▶ Art supplies (pages 27, 28)
Children’s Book page 217 ▶▶ Monthly wall calendar
▶▶ Session 5 BLM, T-281 (page 28) ▶▶ Session 5 Assessment,
www.findinggod.com (page 30)
▶▶ Art supplies
▶▶ Unit 1 Assessment, T-282–284
(page 30)
~ pg 2 ~
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8/25/11 11:14 AM
Celebrating Ordinary Time
to show our thanks for God’s creation and for the gifts God gives us. ▶▶ Discuss the images of God’s creation—
especially wheat and grapes that become bread and wine—during Ordinary Time. ▶▶ Define creation, liturgical year, and
Ordinary Time.
We celebrate Ordinary Time two times during each liturgical year. We celebrate first from summer until fall, then again in the winter between the Christmas season and Lent.
1 Set the Stage Display a monthly wall calendar. Ask: Why do people use calendars? (to record important events, to know when to complete tasks, to understand how much time has passed in a year) Say: Our Church has its own calendar that marks a year. Let’s read about a special part of our Church’s year.
2 Get Started
Prayer Dear Jesus, I know you are my friend. Help me to grow closer to you. 27
If Time Allows ~ pg 27 ~
Outcomes ▶▶ Explain that Ordinary Time is a time
The Church keeps a calendar to mark different seasons and special times in Jesus’ life. We call the Church’s year the liturgical year.
Session 5
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Inclusion: Autism Spectrum
God’s colored poster board a visual aid to teach PDFColors Signoff: Use Production _______ Designas_______ Editorial _______ children with autism about the liturgical calendar. Write the words Ordinary Time on green poster board. Tell children that during Ordinary Time priests wear green vestments. Point out that green decorations and linens can often be seen on the altar and around the church. Ask volunteers to draw some of these items on the poster board. Make similar posters for each season of the liturgical year. Display the posters and allow children to add words and pictures to them throughout the year.
Every Day Write the days of the week on the board. Have children copy them onto paper and draw pictures showing what they do each day. Invite volunteers to share their pictures. As they present, say: God is with you every day!
Have children turn to page 27. Read aloud the title and text. Then have children turn to page 151 in their books and locate both sections of Ordinary Time on the liturgical calendar. Say: In this session we’ll learn about Ordinary Time—a time to be grateful for living things and to give thanks for the gifts God gives us.
Prayer Say: Take a moment to imagine a beautiful summer day. Let’s pray together to ask Jesus to be with us during Ordinary Time. Pray aloud the prayer. Then have children close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud again. Say: Let’s take a moment to talk to Jesus in our hearts. Allow time for children to finish their silent prayers. Conclude by praying the Sign of the Cross together.
Unit 1 • Session 5
~ pg 27 ~
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8/25/11 11:14 AM
1 Begin
We Show Thanks During Ordinary Time
Say: There are so many different living things that grow in our world. All of these things are created by God. Ask: What are some of your favorite living things? (people, flowers, trees, animals)
Ordinary Time is a time to be grateful for all living things. All living things grow. We grow by learning more about Jesus. We grow by showing our love for Jesus and for others. We also give thanks and praise to God for all the gifts he gives us.
2 Connect
Draw a picture of one gift God has given you.
Read aloud the title and the first paragraph. Discuss the gifts shown on the page. Name gifts children in your group may have, such as a loving family, the ability to read, or a strong soccer kick. Then invite children to share their answers. Read aloud the activity directions. Offer an example for the activity. Say: God has given me the gift of friends, so I am going to draw a picture of my friends. Invite children to complete the activity independently.
Thank you, God!
3 Close Direct children’s attention to the feature at the bottom of page 28.
Reading God’s Word Give thanks to God.
Reading God's Word Read aloud the adapted verse from 1 Corinthians as children follow along in their books. Then have children read aloud the verse in unison. Ask: When you pray, what do you thank God for? Discuss children’s responses.
adapted from 1 Corinthians 1:4
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 28 ~
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Session 5 BLM
We PDF Thank GodProduction for Living Things Design Have children the Signoff: _______ _______ complete Editorial _______ Session 5 Blackline Master [T-281] to thank God for things that grow.
Seasonal Session: All Saints Day Work with children through pages 177–180 of the Children’s Book and this guide. This special session can take up to one hour to complete.
~ pg 28 ~
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8/25/11 11:15 AM
Reflect Mass During Ordinary Time When we go to Mass during Ordinary Time, we celebrate God’s creation. We give thanks for all that God makes for us. We show our thanks by caring for God’s creation.
Brainstorm a list of items created by God and write them on the board. Discuss various items found in church that are created by God (flowers, plants) and items made by people. (altar, pictures, statues)
What We Experience We see flowers or plants around the altar. We also see the gifts of Bread and Wine. The gifts of Bread and Wine are offered at every Mass.
2 Connect
God’s Special Gifts
Read aloud the title and the first sentence on page 29. Explain that the word creation means all the things made, or created, by God. Then read aloud the second sentence. Guide children in understanding that God’s creation includes everything: people, animals, the earth, the sun, and so on. Read aloud the section What We Experience. Discuss the gifts of bread and wine. Say: Bread and hosts are made from wheat, and wine is made from grapes. The gifts of bread and wine are offered at every Mass. During Ordinary Time we think about these gifts as a reminder that Jesus is with us and helps us as we grow and change. Then invite children to complete the activity.
Circle the two gifts that are offered at every Mass.
Did You Know?
The liturgical color for Ordinary Time is green.
1 Begin
SESSION 5 • Celebrating Ordinary Time
Did You Know?
If Time Allows
~ pg 29 ~
7/20/11 9:33 AM
Service: Retirement Home Visits TalkPDF to your catechetical andDesign find out when extraordinary Signoff: Productionleader _______ _______ Editorial _______ ministers of Holy Communion visit retirement homes in your area. Arrange for small groups of children to be chaperoned by parents and accompany the ministers during their visit. Ask each group to choose and learn a simple song from your hymnal that they can sing for residents during their visit. Assign at least one visit per group during Ordinary Time. Life and Dignity
Read aloud this feature. Explain that the color green is used during Ordinary Time as a symbol of growth, life, and hope. Invite children to name green items they have seen in church.
3 Close Display Art Print 5: Easter Seedling. Use the Art Print 5 instruction to teach this section. Art Print teaching instruction can also be found on page 217.
Easter Seedling
Art Print 5
Unit 1 • Session 5
~ pg 29 ~
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8/25/11 11:15 AM
Faith Summary Read aloud this section. Ask children to name things that grow. Remind them to thank God for all his gifts during Ordinary Time.
2 Connect Words I Learned Read aloud each term. Ask children to suggest words or phrases that clarify the meaning of each term. Review each term in the Glossary if necessary. If you are using the Word Tree option from page 7, refer to the word tree.
Faith Summary
Living My Faith
1 Begin
Ordinary Time is a time to be grateful for all of God’s gifts.
Words I Learned creation liturgical year Ordinary Time
Ways of Being Like Jesus Jesus loves God’s creation. Take care of people, plants, and animals.
Prayer Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me to love all of God’s gifts.
Ways of Being Like Jesus Have a volunteer read aloud this section. Say: Tell the person sitting next to
With My Family
you about a time you were like Jesus in this way.
Activity When you go to Mass during Ordinary Time, look around your church. Find examples of things described on page 29.
Prayer Ask children to close their eyes, fold their hands, and pray silently as you pray aloud. Allow time for silent reflection. Conclude by praying together the Sign of the Cross.
With My Family Read aloud the three suggestions in this section. Invite children to choose one or more to complete at home.
3 Go in Peace Collect materials and return them to the appropriate places. Encourage children to discuss the With My Family section at home. Say: Next time we meet, be ready to tell me ways you’ve been more like Jesus. I know I will be so proud of you!
Faith on the Go Ask one another: What gifts did God bless me with? Family Prayer Invite your family to use Ordinary Time to grow in faith together. Make a prayer jar for special prayers or requests. 30
UNIT 1 • God, Our Creator and Father
If Time Allows
~ pg 30 ~
7/20/11 8:57 AM
Session Assessment Option
An assessment this session can be found at www.findinggod.com. PDF Signoff: for Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______
Unit Assessment Option If you wish, photocopy the Unit Assessment on pages T-282–T-284. Administer the assessment during the session or send it home.
P l a n A he a d
Get Ready for Session 6 Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Session 6 and determine any materials you will need.
~ pg 30 ~
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8/25/11 11:15 AM