God Loves Us Student Edition

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God Loves Us

Student Book Kindergarten ISBN-10: 0-8294-2401-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-2401-0





Welcomes Are Good Jesus welcomed little children.

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Scripture He said, “Let the children come to me.” Based on Mark 10:14 1

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Jesus loves children. Jesus welcomes us. He wants us to know him.

Jesus loves us. 2

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Others welcome us. We welcome others.

Try This Look at the pictures of people showing welcome. Circle them.


Think about how you might welcome others today.


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To be near God is . . . good. Based on Psalm 73:28




The Lesson Your Child Learned When we welcome other people, we also welcome Jesus into our lives. In this chapter, the children were encouraged to reach out to others and make them feel welcome. They learned that Jesus loves and welcomes children and that he wants them to know him.

Living the Lesson Can you recall your first day on a new job or at a new school? How about the first time you met your prospective in-laws? Do you recall how awkward everything seemed until someone made you feel welcome? You can probably still remember the people who first made you feel at home in those situations. Hospitality, the act of welcoming others and making a place for them, is not only good manners; it’s a religious act as well. Jesus made it very clear that those who fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, and welcomed the stranger were, in fact, caring for and welcoming Jesus himself. This week, think about the welcomes you give and the welcomes you receive. Pay particular attention to how welcome you make your child feel, especially when life is busy and you are facing many demands. Realize that the first gift we’re meant to give the children in our care is to receive them well—as the unique and wonderful people God made them. –Tom McGrath, author of Raising Faith-Filled Kids (Loyola Press)

Bringing the Lesson Home • Ask your child to tell you what he or she learned this week. Read with your child the pages that were sent home. Go over the activity on the back of this page together. • Children learn hospitality by modeling the acts of welcoming they observe among adults. As parents, we teach these things because we wish to teach our children good manners. Hospitality is about manners, and it is also a Christian value. Take advantage of opportunities to teach your child to greet visitors politely and to offer simple gestures of hospitality, such as taking coats and inviting guests to be seated.


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Are Good

Who Are You?

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When our friends call us by name, we feel good.

My name is


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Jesus is God. His name is holy. We say Jesus’ name with love. God tells us his name.

He loves us.

Scripture At the name of Jesus every knee should bend. Based on Philippians 2:9–10


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Try This Jesus’ name is holy. Color the letters in Jesus’ name.

s e uS 7 God Loves Us • SE-K Pass 3 • SND Review

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O Lord, how great is your name, over all the earth. Based on Psalm 8:2




The Lesson Your Child Learned To pronounce the name of Jesus reverently is to show respect for him. In this chapter the children talked about the importance of names. They were led to experience the mystery of God by becoming aware that Jesus’ name is holy.

Living the Lesson You may have seen that running gag on the TV show Seinfeld. Every time Jerry ran into the irritating neighbor who lived upstairs, he would sneer his name, “Newman,” in the same way you might talk about a dreaded disease. That one word spoke volumes about Jerry’s negative feelings. It was a recurring example of how the way we use names reveals what’s in our hearts. We should be careful with the names we use and how we use them. Every one of us longs for respect. We can offer that respect to those in our family as a way of recognizing that we are all made in the image of God. One of the surest ways to show respect is to say one another’s names with kindness and care—even when we are angry! There was an e-mail going around the Internet a few years ago listing the responses of young children to the question, “How would you define the word love?” One five-year-old reportedly said, “When somebody loves you, your name is safe in their mouth.” To take this week’s lesson to heart, make sure the names of your family members are “safe in your mouth” and show the same care for the names we use for God. –Tom McGrath, author of Raising Faith-Filled Kids (Loyola Press)

Bringing the Lesson Home • Read with your child the pages that were sent home. • Share with your child the significance of his or her name—its meaning and why it was chosen. If the name was given to honor a family member or friend, tell about the qualities of that person that you admire. Encourage your child to greet by name the people he or she meets. • Talk with your child about nicknames. Tell your child that nicknames are welcome and fun only if the person likes the name he or she is being called. Explain that one of the first things bullies usually do is give mean names to the kids they want to bully—and that is wrong. • Some families make a practice of bowing their head slightly whenever they use the name of Jesus. This is something your family might like to do as a sign of respect for our Lord. • Pray Psalm 8:2 as part of your family prayers this week. Ask your child to teach you and other family members the gestures for this psalm and pray it together as a family.


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Are Good

Books are full of stories. Stories can make us laugh or cry, open wide our eyes with wonder, or even shout with joy.


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The Bible is a holy book. It tells the story of God’s love for us. The Bible tells the story of Jesus. He came to show us God’s love. God’s people listen to his story.

Scripture We will tell the wonderful things the Lord has done. Based on Psalm 78:4


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A Bible Story



A storm comes. Jonah runs away from God.



A whale swallows Jonah.

Jonah lands where God wants him. 6


He preaches and people listen.

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God loves all people. 11

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We will tell the wonderful things the Lord has done. Based on Psalm 78:4

The Bible in Families The Lesson Your Child Learned God reveals himself to us whenever the Bible is read. When we listen or read with faith, we are led to understand God’s action working in our lives—calling us to commit ourselves to him. The children learned that the Bible, which contains Jesus’ story, is a holy book that tells about God’s love for us. They also learned that God’s people listen to readings from the Bible at Mass.

Living the Lesson People love stories. We read them. We watch them in theaters and on television. We listen to them on the radio and on our iPods. We tell stories when we’re gathered around water coolers, kitchen tables, and campfires. And we recall them when extended-family members get together. Our family stories often carry within them deep beliefs about who we are and what we value. The same is true with the Bible, which is a collection of stories and accounts of how God created us and acted throughout history to save us from bondage to sin. The Bible tells us who we are (God’s own beloved children) and what we value (faithfulness, forgiveness, and generosity, to name a few). It tells us where we came from (the heart of God), where we are going (to live with God for all eternity), and how we will get there (by loving God and our fellow human beings and by following God’s ways). –Tom McGrath, author of Raising Faith-Filled Kids (Loyola Press)

Bringing the Lesson Home • Encourage your child to tell you about what he or she has learned. Talk about the class activities, which included having the children tell about themselves. Read with your child the pages that were sent home. • Together with your child, choose a place of honor in your home where you will keep your family Bible. Have your child place it reverently in the spot you choose. Invite your child to tell about God’s message of love to us in the Bible. • Begin reading short, appropriate sections of the Bible (or A Child’s Bible) to your child. You might choose Mark 10:13–16, Jeremiah 31:3, and parts of Genesis 1. • Use Psalm 78:4 as a prayer before reading from the Bible. Invite your child to teach you the gestures for this psalm, which the children prayed during this week.


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God’s World

Is Good

Blue skies Spotted giraffes Hoppity rabbits Puddles to splash. Red-ripe apples Trees to climb Sandy beaches Shells to find. Green grass Tickling my toes People with hugs A baby that grows. God made this wonderful world! 13

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God gave the world to us. God wants us to care for it. The Bible tells us so.

All the good things in the world tell us about God. They tell us that God loves us.

Scripture The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Based on Psalm 33:5 14

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In the Bible God made a promise to Noah. God promised to always love everything on earth. The rainbow is a sign of God’s love.

Try This

Find the animals in the clouds. Circle them.


Say thank you to God for the beautiful things he made. 2.


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The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Based on Psalm 33:5

Creation in Families The Lesson Your Child Learned All creation speaks of God’s glory and love for us. When we look around, we can see God’s handiwork. Everything that God created is good, and through the works of creation, we know God better. In this chapter the children were led to see how the wonderful works of creation show us God’s goodness and love. They were encouraged to respond to God’s love by caring for the world God made.

Living the Lesson I used to ride the “El,” Chicago’s elevated train, on my way to college classes. We passed through some neighborhoods that were on the decline, traveling alongside once-grand apartment buildings that had seen better days. One year as winter moved tentatively into spring, one of the apartment dwellers planted a window box with flowers. As the days went by, the plants grew and the flowers blossomed, offering a sign of hope to passersby. Soon other neighbors put out their own window boxes, proving that a touch of nature—even in such small doses as a window box full of flowers—can be healing and transforming. There are a number of spiritual lessons to be learned from time spent appreciating God’s creation. The wonders of nature can teach us that all creation is connected, that dying often leads to new and abundant life, and that having “enough” is better than constantly craving more. But perhaps the best reason to spend time cultivating an appreciation of nature is that doing so helps us develop our capacity to notice the subtle signs of God’s action in our own lives. Nature helps us become attuned to mystery and thus to the reality that there is more going on in the world than first meets the eye. There are wonders all around us if only we will awaken to them. –Tom McGrath, author of Raising Faith-Filled Kids (Loyola Press)

Bringing the Lesson Home • Encourage your child to tell you about what he or she has learned this week. Read with your child the pages that were sent home. • To help your family stay more attuned to your surroundings, create your own litany. Have each of your family members pick out something they observe and say, for example, “For that tall tree,” to which everyone else responds, “Praise the Lord.” • Let your child participate in a recycling program in your area or work in your garden. Your child will learn responsibility and various ways to respond to God’s call to care for the earth. • Pray Psalm 33:5 as part of your family prayers this week. Invite your child to lead your family as you pray this together. • Read aloud Genesis 1:31 and appropriate sections from Psalms 65, 66, and 104.


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Quiet Is Good Quiet is clouds moving across the sky, a loving hug and a friendly smile, yellow butterflies dancing in the sun, green grass growing in the yard, a warm and happy feeling deep inside, SHH-SHH-SHH.

Scripture Be still and know that I am God. Based on Psalm 46:11 17

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Quiet helps us enter into our hearts. We meet God there.

God is also with us in a special way in church.

God loves us. 18

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Quiet helps us think of God. It helps us love God.

Try This Look at the pictures showing quiet times that help you think of God. Circle them.


Think of God. Remember how much God loves you.


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My heart is quiet within me, O Lord. Based on Psalm 131:2

Quiet in Families The Lesson Your Child Learned Silence helps us enter into our innermost selves and encounter God present within us. In this chapter the children learned that good and beautiful things happen in quiet. Through a guided reflection, they learned how to meet God present within them.

Living the Lesson One year I gave up listening to the radio in the car for Lent, and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. The first lesson it taught me was how noisy my mind was. The second lesson was how I used outside entertainment to drown out those noises in my head. But eventually, after a time of withdrawal, I began to appreciate the silence and found it possible to enter into silent prayer. I benefited from those quiet times so much that even now I will occasionally turn off the radio or CD player in my car and treat myself to the gift of silence. I suspect that many people who commit to adding more prayer to their lives also find it difficult at first to quiet both mind and heart. They may erroneously conclude that they are no good at praying and let the opportunity slip away. But even the saints had the same struggles with prayer. It’s just that they didn’t stop praying when the going got tough. When your intention is right, even calming yourself for prayer is a kind of prayer in itself. Silence may be an acquired taste, but the rewards are beyond measure. As Father Thomas Keating, O.C.S.O., says, “Silence is God’s first language.” Why not give yourself the chance to listen in? –Tom McGrath, author of Raising Faith-Filled Kids (Loyola Press)

Bringing the Lesson Home • Encourage your child to tell about his or her prayer experiences this week. Read with your child the pages that were sent home. • When your family prays together before meals, introduce a short time for quiet personal prayer and reflection. This form of prayer is more easily modeled than taught. And though it may seem awkward at first, this form of prayer will become more comfortable with practice. • Encourage your child to enjoy quiet time, either time spent alone or with others. If your child seems anxious or crabby, a short time of quiet and less stimulation may be just what he or she needs. This is not to be confused with punishment; it’s merely providing what the child needs at the time. • If you have not already done so, create a prayer center in your home for quiet and for prayer. A favorite chair or a corner of a room can be designated as a place for prayer and peace.


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Talking to God Is Good We like to talk to those we love: “Dad, I love you very much.” “Look at the pretty butterflies.” “Thank you for letting me play.” “I’ll try to do my best today.”


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We can talk to God. We can say, “I love you.” “Thank you, God.” “Please help me do my best today.” God always listens. God loves us.

Scripture “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Based on 1 Samuel 3:10 22

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When we talk to God, we pray. God bless . . .

Try This Finish the prayer. Draw a circle around the people you want to pray for. Remember that you can talk to God anytime. You can pray to God in different ways.


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Fill us in the morning with your love. Based on Psalm 90:14




The Lesson Your Child Learned Through prayer we encounter God and converse with him as we would with a close friend. Prayer will become part of your child’s life when it is an evident part of yours. In this chapter the children learned that prayer can include reflection, speech, gestures, music, song, and dance. They participated in a variety of prayer experiences.

Living the Lesson Probably the most powerful lesson in prayer I ever received was looking out from the sacristy on my first day as an altar boy. I could see the people gathering for the 6:30 a.m. Mass, and in the front pew I saw my father with his head bowed, lost in prayer. Here the man I viewed as the most powerful guy in the world was on his knees before God. Growing up, I had no doubt that prayer was important to my parents, and as a result I grew up knowing I could always turn to God in every situation of my life. Realize that your example is a powerful way to influence your child’s prayer life. You don’t have to be an expert to pray. Your prayer can be as simple as uttering the words, “God, help!” during a tough situation at work or “Thank you, God,” when a sick child returns to health. “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God,” says the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So raise your heart and your mind regularly. God will be so happy to hear from you. –Tom McGrath, author of Raising Faith-Filled Kids (Loyola Press)

Bringing the Lesson Home • Encourage your child to tell you about the different ways the class prayed to God. Read with your child the pages that were sent home. • Let your child see you at prayer and hear you call upon God in times of joy and sorrow. • Create a prayer jar so that family members can write their names or needs on slips of paper and put them in the jar. Then during the week each person takes out a slip of paper and prays for the other person’s needs. • Decide on a regular time for daily family prayer. Many find mealtimes and bedtime to be good times for family prayer. • If you have family prayer in a designated prayer center, you might choose to light a candle during prayer. • When a disaster is reported widely in the news, make a point of praying together as a family for those affected.


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Be still and know that I am God. Adapted from Psalm 46:11

Growing Family Faith The Power of Prayer Few things are as essential to our health and well-being, yet carry as vast an assortment of experience (and therefore baggage), as prayer. Some of us were never taught how to pray. For others, what was taught wasn’t meaningful, so we have placed prayers and praying in a box on a shelf in the back of the closet, to be taken out only on special occasions—at funerals, for example, or when a loved one is ill. Many of us do use prayer more or less regularly, but we aren’t sure what we’re doing is right. As one parent lamented, “I keep thinking there must be something like a ‘secret handshake’ that would make my prayers more effective, but I don’t know what it is—or how to find out.”

© LoyolaPress.

Whatever your experience of prayer is or has been, consider this: Prayer is, at its heart, a remembering. We pray in order to remember who we are. We pray to remember God who is both our source and the eternal essence within each of us that is whole, perfect, and unchanging. Whether we have been praying all our lives or are just taking the first few tentative steps toward remembering who we are, let us take encouragement from the Trappist monk Thomas Merton, who observed, “We do not want to be beginners, but let us be convinced that we will never be anything else but beginners all our life.” If prayer is not yet a part of your daily life, the good news is that it’s never too late to begin! Here are a few old and new ideas to try alone or with your family:

Putting More Prayer in Your Day • Create a regular time and a place to pray. Plan to wake up 30 minutes earlier every morning, or take 20 minutes of your lunch hour, or commit to a prayer time before you go to sleep each night. Experiment until you find the time and place that you are least likely to be interrupted. • Find a book of prayers that you like and use it daily. There are hundreds of them on the market, or you may already have one at home.

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• If you prayed as a child, revisit some of the prayers you prayed then. You have a different perspective now that you are a parent, and these prayers may resonate in ways they did not when you were younger. For example, see The Practicing Catholic on page 26. Pray these prayers with your child and tell why they mean so much to you. • Create a simple ritual that you and your child could perform at the beginning or end of each day.


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Putting More Prayer in Your Day


Try reading these two lines from Psalm 118:24 each morning: Adult: This is the day the Lord has made… Child: Let us rejoice and be glad. • Before you begin any prayer, ask your child if there is anyone for whom he or she would like to pray. Then be sure to add your own intention. This simple exercise teaches children to think of others and reminds them that prayer benefits even those who are not present. • Check out bookstores, the Internet, or your local library for a book of mealtime prayers to use each time you and your child share a meal together. • Take your child to Mass with you each week. The Mass, of course, is the prayer, the great remembering of who we are and who we aspire to be. If your child reacts negatively, have your response ready: “This is who we are. This is what we do.” • Write your prayer in the form of a letter to God each prayer time. At first this might seem like an impossible undertaking, but the inspiration, peace, and comfort it provides make it an exercise that will become a joyful, life-giving habit. Try it, you’ll like it!

The Practicing Catholic During the Vietnam War, my father decided that our family would pray the Rosary together every night for three years while my brother was in the Marines. My brother came home safely, but by then I was pretty sure I never wanted to say another Rosary again! Recently though, I had the idea to time my morning stretching exercises by saying the Our Father and the Hail Mary instead of counting the seconds. After a week I realized I had an entire Rosary in my exercise routine. Th is simple change has transformed my experience of both prayer and exercise. It also connects me in a profound way to my father, who died over ten years ago. —Ann O’Connor, author of The Twelve Unbreakable Principles of Parenting (ACTA Publications)

We cannot find God in noise or agitation. Nature: trees, flowers, and grass grow in silence. The stars, the moon, and the sun move in silence. —Mother Teresa


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God Loves Us

Student Book Kindergarten ISBN-10: 0-8294-2401-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-2401-0

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