God’s Gift
Catechist Guide
Contents Program Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intro 4
I Live My Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Opening Prayer and Music Lyrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intro 19
I Know These Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Chapter 1 God Calls Us Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a−10z
Catechist Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Chapter 2 Jesus Saves Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11a−20z
Blackline Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chapter 3 Jesus Forgives Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21a−30z
CD Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Chapter 4 Jesus Heals Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31a−40z Chapter 5 The Holy Spirit Guides Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41a−50z Chapter 6 God Is Always with Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51a−60z
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God Calls Us Friends FA I T H FO C U S
God created us for friendship with him.
As you begin, pause for a moment. Take several deep breaths. Allow yourself to grow still. Be aware of God’s loving presence within you.
Genesis 3:8–9 When they heard the sound of the Lord God moving about in the garden at the breezy time of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. The Lord God then called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?”
Reflection We have probably seen many articles, books, or television shows about people looking for God. A number of people may even have shared their search with us. What we see in this story, however, is that it is God who is taking the initiative to look for us. God is calling our name, just as he called our first parents. Our first instinct is like theirs. We run and hide, afraid of some kind of judgment. It is time to stop, listen, and discover the God who is continually asking, “Where are you?”
1a God’s Gift Reconciliation
Question Think for a moment about what you will be doing today. When can you take time to stop and listen to God?
Prayer Loving God, every day you call to me, “Where are you?” Help me to slow down and listen so I can answer with an open heart, “Here I am!”
Catechist Background God Promised a Savior We are created in the image and likeness of God. All too often this image is hidden by the lack of respect and cruelty with which people treat one another and, on a global level, by the conflict among nations, races, and religious groups. In our own behavior, there are moments when we are not proud of our actions. Children also recognize that their own behavior toward others is not always admirable. This chapter takes a look at our human condition and highlights the reasons why we can so often fail in our efforts to live with integrity. The decision of our first parents to disobey God created the circumstance into which we are born. We are all born in Original Sin. This hampers our ability to live as friends with God and with one another. But there is good news. Genesis 3:15 sets the stage for our ongoing understanding of God’s steadfast love for us, his concern for our welfare, and his promise of a Savior. In the Gospel of Luke, we also learn of that moment later in time when Mary gave her consent to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior. We long to live in peace with one another. This chapter describes for us and the children why it is difficult to do so. It also discusses how God fulfilled his promise to reconcile us to himself and gave us the means to live in his friendship.
Catechist Background continued Celebrating Our Faith in Liturgy Our desire for friendship with God is implanted within us, given to us by God. Though we are separated from God through sin, we are reconciled with God through the coming of our Savior. God continues to invite us to draw closer to him. Prayer and worship are responses to God’s saving action. So, too, our celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a response to God’s loving invitation to be reconciled with him and to live as his friends. In the sacraments, God freely gives us the grace of our redemption.
Scripture in This Chapter The story of how Adam and Eve lost their close relationship with God and its consequences for us is found in Genesis 2, 3. Genesis 3:15 is seen as the first proclamation of the Savior.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) God’s act of Creation is discussed in CCC 45, 70, 383–384. The sin of Adam and Eve and the effects of Original Sin are considered in CCC 415–416. God’s promise to send a Savior is discussed in CCC 70, 410–411, 1714.
Catechist Preparation Before You Begin
Music in This Session
• Review the content and activities in this chapter and the additional features provided for your background. • Review the Choice and Review activities at the end of the chapter to decide which activities you will incorporate to further reinforce the concepts taught in the lesson. • Gather the necessary materials. • Prepare the CD player for the opening song and for the ritual for moving to and from the Prayer Center. • Plan to allow time for the children to remove their Chapter 1 Scripture story stickers, or prepare them yourself for distribution. • Practice the echo pantomime with gestures (page 4), the dominoes and wind-up toy demonstrations (pages 5 and 6), and the gestures for prayer (page 8).
• Opening Song: Make Us One, CD Track 1. • Music for the procession to [Peace Walk, CD Track 2] and from [We Go Forth, CD Track 3] the Prayer Center.
First Day Notes • Greet the children warmly as they arrive. • Prepare name tags if needed and plan for introductions as indicated on page 1.
Family Connection Encourage the children to explore with their families the family guide Together: Preparing at Home for First Reconciliation. In session 1, Children and their families explore friendship with God as the basis for their loving relationships with others.
Additional Program Components Throughout this session, reference My Own Reconciliation Booklet and incorporate activities and ideas found at godsgift. Coordinate with your program director on ways to incorporate the Preparing Together for the Sacraments DVD.
Prayer in This Session • Prepare a portion of your meeting space as a Prayer Center as indicated on page 73. For this session, you may wish to include items to recall God’s gift of creation. • Review the directions for Gather for Prayer and Bridge to Closure on page 73.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 1b
Get-Ready Guide
Chapter 1 God Calls Us Friends Faith Focus: God created us for friendship with him. Chapter Step
Outcomes At the end of this chapter,
Action Plan
name the purpose for their gathering. describe activities shared with friends. • identify the focus of the chapter.
Opening Song Distribution of books Engage: Good Friends Opening Prayer
Children’s Reconciliation books Pencils CD player Music: Make Us One, CD Track 1
explain that God created us to live in friendship with him. • describe how Adam and Eve lost the gift of God’s grace. • define grace, temptation.
Scripture Story: God’s Gift of Grace Sticker Activity
Bible Stickers Pencils
God’s Garden Pinwheels, page 10x
retell the story of Adam and Eve. discuss the impact of Original Sin. • define Original Sin.
Activity: The Wrong Choice Discussion: Stuck Along the Way
Ten dominoes Pencils
Making Good Choices, page 10x
describe God’s promise to send a Savior. retell the story of Adam and Eve and God’s promise to send a Savior. • define Savior, reconcile.
Discussion: God’s Promise Activity: The Story of Our Faith
Wind-up toy Book Pencils
Remembering God’s Promise, page 10y, BLM A
experience praying a litany of thanksgiving for the gift of God’s friendship.
Prayer: Our Friendship with God
Prayer Center items: cloth, Bible, cross, items from creation CD player Music: Peace Walk and We Go Forth, CD Tracks 2,3 Optional: globe, world map, or photos of people from around the world
A World of Thanks (Inclusion Activity), page 10y
identify ways we accept the gift of God’s friendship.
Connection to Life: I Live What I Learn Closing Prayer
Paper Markers
Review Activities, page 10z
the children will be able to •
5 minutes Child’s page 1
10 minutes Child’s pages 2–3
10 minutes Child’s pages 4–5
10 minutes Child’s pages 6–7
10 minutes Child’s pages 8–9
5 minutes Child’s page 10
1c God’s Gift Reconciliation
Choice & Review Activities
God Calls Us Friends
Good Friends
1 Welcome
Good Friends
Play the opening song, Make Us One, CD Track 1. You may wish to play it more than once to familiarize the children with the words.
Friends are great! We play with them, share treats with them, and go places together. Friends make each day fun.
Show a children’s book and read aloud its title. Introduce the purpose and importance of these preparation sessions and encourage the children to participate fully.
What fun things do you do with your friends?
Distribute the books with some formality. You might call each child forward by name, saying, “Know that God is with you as you prepare for First Reconciliation.” Have the children write their names on the inside front cover of their books. Then direct their attention to the prayer pages at the beginning of their books. Invite the children to read aloud the prayer together. Say: We will hear many stories and do many things that will help you prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation. Each time we gather, we’ll also take time to pray.
Prayer God, our Creator, you made me and you love me. Help me be your good friend.
2 Build Background Read aloud the title on page 1. Ask: What makes someone a good friend?
If/Then If the children are new to one another, then use name tags the first few times you meet or give the children a chance to introduce themselves by tossing a bean bag to each child and asking him or her to respond by name.
Have a volunteer read aloud the text. Direct the children to write their answers to the question in their books. Invite volunteers to share their answers aloud.
3 Pray
Prayer ay: Let’s prepare to pray. Fold your hands, S and take some quiet time to remember that God is always with you.
Invite the children to pray the prayer aloud. Then pause for a few seconds and close by praying Amen.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 1
God’s Gift of Grace
God’s Gift of Grace
God existed before anything else. He wanted to share his life with us. So God created a beautiful garden. He created Adam and Eve to enjoy the garden. God came from heaven to walk with Adam and Eve. They were happy. God had given them a great gift called grace. Grace is God’s life in us. It helps us to be friends with God and with one another.
1 Introduce Say: God is our Creator who loves us and made us to be his friends. The Bible tells us how God created the world and everything in it. This story is in a part of the Bible called the Book of Genesis. L ift the Bible from its place in the Prayer Center and open it to the Book of Genesis. Raise the Bible for all to see and then set it back in place.
God gave Adam and Eve one rule—they were not to eat the fruit of one certain tree in the garden.
Say: When we read God’s Word or hear it proclaimed at Mass, God speaks to us. In the Bible, we learn that God made the world and everything in it. Then God looked at everything he had made and saw that it was good.
Satan wanted Adam and Eve to disobey God, so he tempted them to eat the fruit anyway. Adam and Eve gave in to the temptation. They lost the gift of grace. Everything changed.
2 Do the Sticker Activity Have the children open their books to pages 2–3. Discuss with them what they see in the illustration. Distribute the stickers or help the children remove them from their books. Ask them to look at each sticker and name what it shows. For each sticker, ask this question. Ask: Who made this? Then have the children place the sticker where it belongs on the page. Continue with each sticker.
God’s Gift Reconciliation
Ask: What did God think about all of his creation? Congratulate the children when they finish. Note that extra stickers are often provided. The extra stickers can be applied to the Scripture story illustration, or they can be used in other activities. See page 75 for additional ideas.
3 Present Say: God made all of these wonderful things. Whom did God create last? Listen as I read about what happened when God made people. Read aloud page 2, and have the children follow along.
2 God’s Gift Reconciliation
Understanding This Scripture
The Book of Genesis reveals the relationship God intended for humankind and how this relationship was changed through sin. In the Creation story, we learn that God created Adam and Eve in his image to share in his love and to live in his friendship. We find a powerful image of this gift of grace in the description of Adam and Eve walking with God in the beautiful garden he created. When Adam and Eve gave in to temptation and made the free choice to disobey God, they turned away from God’s friendship. Their choice changed everything. Sin entered the world and continues to affect all of us.
Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer the children to the glossary definitions as needed.
grace, p. 76 temptation, p. 76
Explore Explore
Adam and Eve were no longer happy with each other. They had disobeyed God. When God came from heaven to walk with them, they hid. God asked them if they had eaten the fruit of that one tree, and they said yes. They had hurt their friendship with God. They no longer had that special gift of grace. They had to leave the beautiful garden.
4 Discuss Ask: Why did God make Adam and Eve? What special gift did God give to Adam and Eve? Ask: What one rule did God ask Adam and Eve to follow? Did Adam and Eve obey this rule?
adapted from Genesis 2, 3
Ask: Who tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God? Read page 3 aloud. As the children follow along, have them underline what happened to Adam and Eve after they disobeyed God and lost the gift of grace. Invite volunteers to share what they underlined.
5 Check for Understanding Have the children circle the word grace on page 2. Then use these questions or those of your own to review with the children. • What is grace? • What happened after Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate from the tree?
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1
6 Connect to Everyday Life Ask: How do you think Adam and Eve felt after they had disobeyed God?
Enrich the Lesson The story of Creation will already be familiar to some of the children. Draw upon their knowledge as you lead the discussion.
Say: It is the same with us. When we do something wrong, we often feel bad. We hope that things can be made better again.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 3
The Wrong Choice
The Wrong Choice
God created a garden that was beautiful to see. He filled it with fruit and flowers, and every kind of tree.
1 Make a Bridge Explain: Adam and Eve made a choice to disobey God by eating from the tree. They did not act as God’s friends and lost the special gift that God had given them. They made the wrong choice. But God never stopped loving them.
Adam and Eve were happy; God was their special friend. They thought these happy times would never, ever end.
2 Present
But Satan came to tempt them, “All will be fine,” he said. “Don’t listen to what God says, listen to me instead.”
Have the children turn to page 4 in their books. Say: Let’s learn this rhyme to help us remember the story. Teach The Wrong Choice on page 4 as an echo pantomime. Use the gestures as indicated.
They did as Satan told them, and then they ran and hid. They lost God’s grace, his friendship, because of what they did.
To present the echo pantomime, display your book so that you will be able to lead the gestures while reading the verses. Have the children stand in an area where they have plenty of room to move around. Say each pantomime sentence, accompanied by the gesture indicated in your book. Have the children repeat the sentence and gesture after you. Continue with each sentence.
3 Check for Understanding
God’s Gift Reconciliation
Use these questions or your own to review with the children. • Who tempted Adam and Eve? • In what way were Adam and Eve tempted?
• What wrong choice did Satan tempt Adam and Eve to make?
If the children ask who Satan is, then explain that he is an angel who disobeyed God.
Explain that Adam and Eve gave in to temptation and made the choice to disobey God.
4 God’s Gift Reconciliation
Explore Explore
Stuck Along the Way
Hmm . . .
Friends are very important to us. But sometimes we get angry with our friends. Sometimes we may even be jealous of them. We might take something of theirs that we really want. Or we might choose not to help when one of them needs help. When we do these things, we are giving in to temptation.
Stuck Along the Way
I Think About This
1 Present
A temptation is a thought or feeling that can lead me to make a wrong choice.
Have volunteers read the text on page 5. Demonstrate the effect of Adam and Eve’s sin. Set up a row of 10 dominoes, spacing them so that each will fall when the first is pushed. Have a volunteer gently push the first domino. Say: The wrong choice that Adam and Eve made changed everything for everybody. This is what we mean when we say we are born in Original Sin. Because of Original Sin, we continue to act in ways that hurt our friendship with God and with others.
We may know that the things we do — or don’t do — are wrong. We may know that they hurt our friendship with God and with one another. We would like to stop, but we don’t know how. We just seem stuck acting that way. When Ever since Adam and Eve turned away from God’s friendship, all people are born in Original Sin. Original Sin makes it more difficult for us to be friends with God and with one another.
2 Check for Understanding
have you made wrong choices?
Use these questions or your own to review with the children. • What do we call the sin that all people are born in? • How are we affected by Adam and Eve’s wrong choice?
Say: Like Adam and Eve, we disobey God when we make wrong choices.
Words Check the children’s understanding of this term. Refer the children to the glossary definitions as needed.
Original Sin, p. 76
What We Know in Faith Everyone is affected by the sin of Adam and Eve, called Original Sin. Unable to love as we should, we hurt others by our deeds. We also hurt others by the good we fail to do. Without God’s grace, we are not able to live as his friends or to live in peace with one another. Like Adam and Eve, we may not resist temptation and consequently we sin. Yet, in his goodness, God promised to send a Savior to free us from sin and restore us to grace. In this plan of Salvation, God promised to overcome sin with his love.
Have the children look at the first paragraph on page 5 and underline actions that hurt our friendships.
I Think About This
Read the feature on page 5. Say: Temptations make us think about disobeying God by making a wrong choice. When we make a wrong choice, we hurt our friendship with God.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 5
God’s Promise
Hmm . . .
I Think About This
1 Make a Bridge
Reconcile means “to bring together.”
In order to demonstrate the effects of Original Sin, show the children a wind-up toy and make it move across a desk. Then place a book in its path. Ask what will happen when you try to send the wind-up toy across the desk. Invite one of the children to demonstrate this.
God’s Promise The Bible tells us the story of God’s promise to help us. God promised that he would send a Savior. Our Savior, Jesus, would free us from Original Sin. He would show us how to become closer friends with God. He would reconcile us with God. Mary knew about God’s promise. She prayed that the Savior would come soon. An angel came to Mary. The angel told Mary that God was asking her to be the mother of the Savior. Mary said yes. She would do what God asked. She would be the mother of the Savior that God promised.
Ask: What happened when there was an obstacle in the toy’s path? What must happen so that the toy will work properly again? Say: Original sin is like an obstacle in our path. It causes us to get stuck.
2 Present Read aloud the first paragraph on page 6. Ask a volunteer to summarize its content. Say: People waited, prayed, and prepared for God to keep his promise. Their stories are in the Bible. The time was coming when God would keep his promise. Have a child read aloud the second paragraph. Say: God kept his promise to send the Savior. He wanted Mary to be the Mother of the Savior.
God’s Gift Reconciliation
Ask: What did Mary say?
What We Know in Faith
I Think About This
Ask a volunteer to read aloud this feature. Say: To reconcile is like “making up” after having an argument with one of your friends. When else do you think we might need to reconcile with someone?
6 God’s Gift Reconciliation
God promised to send a Savior who would reconcile us with God so that we could live again in his friendship. Scripture tells the story of God’s faithfulness to his promise. When the time came for this promise to be fulfilled, God chose Mary to be the Mother of the Savior. Filled with God’s grace, Mary consented to her role in God’s plan of Salvation. God fulfilled his promise and sent his Son, Jesus, to be our Savior.
Words Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer the children to the glossary definitions as needed.
Savior, p. 76 reconcile, p. 76
Explore Explore
The Story of Our Faith
The Story of Our Faith
Use words from the word bank to complete the story.
1 Do the Activity God is so happy to be your friend!
Word Bank yes
Ask a volunteer to read the title and directions for the activity on page 7. Encourage the children to look through the previous pages for clues if needed. When everyone has finished, have volunteers share their answers. Say: After Adam and Eve’s sin, all people were born with the effects of Original Sin. They needed help to restore their broken friendship with God. God protected and helped them. God taught them through his messengers, and always stayed close to them.
were happy in God’s
Adam and
Adam and
garden. Satan Eve. Adam and Eve hurt their
with God when they sinned. Ever since, all .
people are born with Original But God promised a help us. This person is
to . His . She said
mother is named
I Listen to God’s Word
“The LORD . . . will send them a savior to defend and deliver them.”
I Listen to God’s Word
Direct the children’s attention to the Bible enthroned at the Prayer Center.
Isaiah 19:20
Say: We learn about God’s promise in the Book of Genesis.
to God.
Have a child read aloud this feature. Point out the icon in the Child’s Book that identifies text based on Scripture. God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1
2 Check for Understanding
Enrich the Lesson To enrich the lesson and help children become more engaged with the Scripture, invite them to dramatize the story as you read the parts after they have filled in the blanks.
Use these questions or your own to review with the children. • What did God promise to do to free us from Original Sin? • Where do we find the story of God’s promise to send us the Savior? • What would the Savior do?
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 7
Reflect God Cares for Us
Our Friendship with God
God made us and wants us to be happy. He wants us to be friends with him and with one another. God loves us at all times, no matter what we do. He is a friend who cares for us and is always ready to forgive. Being friends with God helps us to be friends with others.
1 Prepare for Prayer Say: Our prayer today will be a prayer of thanks. In our prayer, we will thank God for creating the world, for creating us, and for inviting us to be his friends.
God Cares for Us Introduce the time for prayer by reading aloud this section.
Our Friendship with God Prayer Leader: Gathered as God’s friends, let us begin our prayer with the sign of belonging to God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Prayer Leader: You created the world for us to live in. All: We thank you, God. You give us grace to live as your friends. We thank you, God.
Say: All that God does for us he does because we are his friends and he loves us.
You help us when we are tempted. We thank you, God.
Say: During our prayer time, I will read a short prayer and then invite everyone to respond by praying together, “We thank you, God.” We’ll use special gestures. Let’s practice them now.
You welcome us back when we have sinned. We thank you, God. You sent Jesus to be our Savior. We thank you, God.
We thank you, God. thank = place right hand over heart God = extend arms out with palms facing up Have the children repeat the prayer and practice the gestures. Say: After our litany of thanks, we will end by praying together the Lord’s Prayer. Say: We will be moving now to our Prayer Center. Each time we gather in the Prayer Center, we will use a special prayerful way of going there.
2 Gather for Prayer Introduce the steps for how the group will proceed to the Prayer Center. [See page 73.] Play Peace Walk, Track 2 on the CD, as the children process to the Prayer Center. Have them carry their books and set them down open to page 8.
3 Lead the Prayer Begin the opening prayer on page 8 and invite the children to join you in praying the Sign of the Cross.
8 God’s Gift Reconciliation
Background for Prayer In prayer, we respond to God’s love and faithfulness by giving thanks. We thank God for the gifts of creation and for creating us in his image. We thank him for the promise of life in his love and friendship. We thank God for sending his Son, Jesus, to save us from sin and restore us to his friendship. We thank God for the grace to seek his forgiveness when we hurt our friendship with him through sin. Thanksgiving is at the heart of the prayer of the Church.
Keep in Mind T he CD includes music for the procession to [Peace Walk] and from [We Go Forth] the Prayer Center. You may choose to teach these songs before you gather for prayer.
Reflect Reflect
All: Loving God, thank you for the gift of your friendship. Help us to walk closely with you. Prayer Leader: Remembering God’s love for us, let us pray the prayer that Jesus taught us.
Then slowly read aloud each of the prayers, inviting the children to respond with words and gestures after each.
When I Celebrate
After the last response and the prayer for thanksgiving, allow children a few moments of silence to pray alone quietly.
I join in prayer with the Church around the world.
Conclude by reading the Prayer Leader part and praying together the Lord’s Prayer.
All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
4 Bridge to Closure Pause for a few moments after completing the prayer. Then teach the steps for how the group will return to their seats. [See page 73.] Play We Go Forth, Track 3 on the CD, and invite the children to return to their places using this ritual.
When I Celebrate
Display a globe, map, or available photos of people from around the world. Encourage the children to think about the Church globally. Ask them to name various towns, states, and countries. Then read aloud the feature on page 9.
If a globe, world map, or photos of people from other parts of the world are readily available, then you may wish to use one of these to help the children name various countries, states, and cities when you discuss When I Celebrate.
If your parish has an established norm for praying the Lord’s Prayer at Mass, then include that as part of your prayer as well.
Say: Just as God wants each of us to be his friend, he wants all people to be his friends. Our prayer connects us with people all around the world who belong to the Church.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 9
Respond Respond
Living My Faith
Living My Faith
1 I Remember What I Learn
I Remember What I Learn
Present this section and, as time permits, do the review activities on page 10z.
• Adam and Eve lived in grace as God’s friends. • Adam and Eve chose not to follow God.
2 I Live What I Learn
• Everyone is born in Original Sin.
Have the children read aloud this section.
• God promised a Savior.
Say: As friends of God, we try to learn God’s ways and live as God wants us to live. How do we act when we are living as God’s friends?
• Mary is the mother of our Savior.
Talk with your family about friendship with God. What can you do as a family to live in friendship with him?
I Live What I Learn
Distribute paper and markers. Have the children draw a picture of something they will do this week to show that they are living as God’s friends. Allow volunteers to share their completed pictures.
I obey God’s rules.
Closing Prayer
I say yes to God. I thank God for his friendship.
Say: We say yes to God when we show love and care for others and for all of creation. We also say yes to God when we thank him in prayer for his friendship.
Thank you, God, for being my friend. Help me to say yes to you as Mary did.
I Know These Words I find these words in the Glossary.
3 I Know These Words Confirm the children’s understanding of these words. As time permits, have them do the word review activity on page 10z.
I Share with My Family
grace, p. 76
Savior, p. 76
Original Sin, p. 76
temptation, p. 76
reconcile, p. 76
God’s Gift Reconciliation
I Share with My Family Encourage the children to discuss with their families the question shown.
4 Pray
Closing Prayer
Chapter Checkpoint • In what ways do the children show an awareness of God’s desire for friendship with us? • Are the children able to distinguish between temptation and the choice to sin? • Can the children verbalize God’s promise to send a Savior to free us from sin?
onclude the chapter by praying together the C prayer on page 10. Say: As you go forth, remember that God is your friend who sent a Savior to save you from your sins.
Plan Ahead Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Chapter 2 and determine any materials you will need.
10 God’s Gift Reconciliation
Choice Activities
Choice Activities God’s Garden Pinwheels
Making Good Choices
Time 15 minutes Relates to pages 2–3 Outcome review the story of Creation Materials 8.5" × 8.5" squares of paper; drawing materials; scissors; push pins; pencils with erasers
Time 15 minutes Relates to page 5 Outcome distinguish between temptation and choice Materials props as appropriate
Directions Review pages 2–3. Distribute a square of paper to each child. Guide the children to draw diagonal cutting lines onto their squares (Step 1). Then have them color both sides and print words from the story of Creation (garden, God, Adam, Eve, friends, grace, fruit, temptation, and so on). As they work, talk about God’s gift of grace and Adam and Eve’s giving in to temptation. Model how to cut along the lines from each corner of the paper (Step 2). Then demonstrate how to fold each right corner of the paper inward, toward the center (Step 3). Secure with a push pin to the eraser of a pencil (Step 4). 1.
Directions Review the definition of the word temptation. Ask: Who tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God? choice to disobey God?
Who made the
Have volunteers role-play the following scenarios. Ask the rest of the group to identify the temptation in the situation and to name good choices that could be made. • Two children are playing a video game. The phone rings, and one of the children leaves to answer the phone. • Dad gives his son a candy bar and asks him to share it with his sister. • Maria finds a dollar bill while in line with her mom at the store. The person in front of her dropped it. • Will’s class is taking a test. Will can see Ana’s answers—some of which he needs. Discuss with the children the difference between the temptation someone thinks about and the choice that is made.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 10x
Choice Activities
Remembering God’s Promise Time 20 minutes Relates to page 7 Outcome identify people who remembered God’s promise of a Savior and prepared for the Savior Materials markers or crayons; scissors; invisible tape; BLM A Directions Refer the children to I Listen to God’s Word on page 7. Explain to them that God chose a people from whom the Savior would come. The Jewish people remembered God’s promise and prepared for the Savior. Distribute BLM A. Have volunteers take turns reading each strip. Discuss how the symbols relate to the people and God’s promise to send a Savior. (Noah/rainbow: God saved Noah and his family from the flood; Abraham/star: Jesus is a descendant of Abraham; Joseph/coat: Joseph saved his family from starvation and death; Moses/tablets: Moses helped save the Israelites; David/ crown: Jesus is a descendant of King David; Mary/flower: Mary was born without Original Sin.) Ask the children to decorate the strips and cut them out. When they have finished, help them secure the strips with invisible tape to form a chain. Display the finished chains in a prominent location in the room.
10y God’s Gift Reconciliation
A World of Thanks Inclusion: Attention Time 10 minutes Relates to pages 8–9 Outcome recognize God’s many gifts to us and thank him Materials none Directions If you work with children with attention differences, take the group on a quiet nature walk to appreciate God’s gifts of creation. Encourage them to limit their talking to pointing out discoveries. After the walk, invite the children to sit in a circle on the floor in the Prayer Center. Say: Think quietly for a moment about the whole world that God created. Let’s thank God for the many gifts he gives us. Encourage the children to each take a turn thanking God for something seen on the walk. Then explain that some of God’s gifts are things that cannot be seen or held, for example, the ability to play the piano, the talent to draw, or the skill to ice skate. Go around the circle a second time, this time encouraging the children to thank God for an intangible gift. Say: Finally, we thank God who is our Creator and made us to be his friends. We also thank God for loving us so much that he sent Jesus to be our Savior. We show our gratitude to God when we show our love for God and for others.
Review Activities
Review Activities Shoot ’n’ Review
Name That Word
Time 10 minutes Relates to I Remember What I Learn Outcome recall facts learned in this chapter Materials ball of yarn; box; slips of paper with questions based on I Remember What I Learn in a container
Time 5 minutes Relates to I Know These Words Outcome review terms and definitions learned in this chapter Materials none
Directions Before you meet, write the following questions on slips of paper and put them in a container:
Directions Have the children turn to I Know These Words on page 10. Tell them to listen carefully as you describe a word, and to then follow your directions. Use the following descriptions or those of your own:
What did God promise to send?
Say: I am thinking of a word that . . . means a kind of sin that all are born in. When you find this word, circle it. . . . is the person God promised to send. When you find this word, underline it. . . . means the great gift God gave Adam and Eve. When you find it, draw a squiggly line under it. . . . means a thought or feeling that can lead us to disobey God. When you find it, put a dot above it.
Who is our Savior?
Have volunteers share their responses with the group.
Who lived in God’s garden as his friends? What was the one rule that God gave Adam and Eve? What do we call a thought or feeling that can lead to a wrong choice? Did Adam and Eve choose to follow or to disobey God? What sin are we born in because of Adam and Eve’s wrong choice?
Who is the Mother of our Savior? Set up a simple “basketball court” using a box for the basket and a ball of yarn for the basketball. Have the children take turns pulling out a question. If the child answers correctly, he or she may take two shots at the basket. Continue until all the questions have been answered correctly. Add more questions if you wish.
God Calls Us Friends Chapter 1 10z
Jesus Saves Us Catechist Background
God sent Jesus to be our Savior.
As you begin, pause for a few moments. Relax. Take several deep breaths and grow still. Be aware of God’s loving presence.
Matthew 1:20–21 “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Questions Am I open to hear the word of God’s saving grace in Jesus? What steps can I take to celebrate God’s forgiveness in my own life?
Prayer Loving God, help me to know that in the midst of all difficulties, I can rely on your forgiving presence in my life.
Reflection Imagine Joseph as he is receiving this message in a dream. After hearing that Mary is with child, he is personally devastated. The Scriptures tell us that he was a fair man and would not act in a way that would embarrass Mary. Then in the midst of his troubles, he hears these words of salvation. Jesus is coming to save us from our sins. We can find it difficult to forgive ourselves for some of our actions. The good news Joseph received is for our sake. Jesus has come to forgive us and to save us. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we celebrate his forgiveness and saving love.
New Life in Jesus Scripture reveals Joseph as a man who lived in faithfulness to God and cooperated in God’s plan of Salvation. Joseph learned in a dream that Mary’s child was from the Holy Spirit. She would bear a son, who would save people from sin. Jesus entered his ministry based on the foundation of love he experienced in his family. He proclaimed that God is the Father of us all. He called all to become members of his kingdom and to act in service to the world. In response to his efforts, Jesus was arrested and crucified. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. From there, the Holy Spirit was sent to bring new life to all (John 20:19–23). We enter into this new life in the Sacraments of Initiation. In Baptism, we receive forgiveness of sins and new life in Christ. In Confirmation, we are strengthened through the outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith, we celebrate Jesus Christ’s Real Presence. Mary and Joseph received the child Jesus in faith and made possible his earthly ministry. We receive Jesus in faith so that his ministry can be continued in the world.
11a God’s Gift Reconciliation
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1/30/15 12:02 PM
Catechist Background continued Celebrating Our Faith in Liturgy In the Sacrament of Baptism, we receive the saving grace that Christ has won for us. We are marked with the Sign of the Cross, the sign of our Salvation. It is also a sign of our belonging to the Church. It marks us as children of God. When we turn away from the dignity given to us through Christ, God welcomes us to return to his friendship in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In this sacrament, the Sign of the Cross is a sign of God’s welcome and of the grace of forgiveness granted to us.
Scripture in This Chapter Joseph learns from an angel that Mary’s child will save people from sin in Matthew 1:18–21. Jesus promises to be with us until the end of the age in Matthew 28:18–20.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) The fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation in Jesus is described in CCC 73, 452, and 620–621. The Gift of the Holy Spirit is addressed in CCC 747, 852, and 1112. Sacraments and the Sacraments of Initiation are discussed in CCC 804, 1275–1279, 1316, and 1407.
Catechist Preparation Before You Begin
Music in This Session
• Review the content and activities in this chapter and the additional features provided for your background. • Review the Choice and Review activities at the end of the chapter to decide which activities you will incorporate to further reinforce the concepts taught in the lesson. • Gather the necessary materials. • Prepare the CD player for the opening song and ritual for moving to and from the Prayer Center. • Remove from each child’s book the Chapter 2 Scripture story stickers, or allow time during the session for the children to remove them. • Hide the Catechist Guide as indicated on page 11. • Set up a portion of your room for the Respond step as described on page 20. • Decide whether you will use Learning Reinforcement BLM N, which covers Chapters 1–2.
• Opening Song: Make Us One, Track 1 on the CD. • Music for the procession to [Peace Walk, Track 2] and from [We Go Forth, Track 3] the Prayer Center. • Reflective Music can be found on CD Track 4. Make use of this music if you lead the Guided Reflection yourself.
Prayer in This Session • Prepare a portion of your meeting space as a Prayer Center as indicated on page 73. You may wish to include a cross or crucifix. • Review the directions on page 73 for leading the prayer experience using a Recorded Guided Reflection. • Decide if you will use the Recorded Guided Reflection A Welcoming Sing, CD Track 8, or the script on page 80. • See the suggestions on page 18 if you choose to lead the Guided Reflection yourself. • Review the ritual for guiding the children to and from the Prayer Center (page 73).
Family Connection Encourage the children to explore with their families Together: Preparing at Home for First Reconciliation. It reminds us that the sacraments, like family traditions, help us to know who we are and to whom we belong.
Additional Program Components Throughout this session, reference My Own Reconciliation Booklet and incorporate activities and ideas found at godsgift. Coordinate with your program director on ways to incorporate the Preparing Together for the Sacraments DVD.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 11b
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1/30/15 12:03 PM
Get-Ready Guide
Chapter 2 Jesus Saves Us Chapter Step
Outcomes At the end of this chapter,
Action Plan
Faith Focus: God sent Jesus to be our Savior.
identify experiences of needing help. • name the focus of this session.
Opening Song Engage: Saved Again! Opening Prayer
Catechist guide, hidden CD player Music: Make Us One, CD Track 1
Scripture Story: Jesus, Our Savior Sticker activity
Bible Stickers
Jesus Shows Us God’s Love, page 20x
describe Jesus as present with us in the sacraments. • discuss the importance of Baptism. • write a prayer of thanksgiving. • define Baptism, sacrament.
Discussion: Welcomed into God’s Family Activity: Children of God
Bible Stickers
The Sign of the Cross, page 20x
describe the sacraments as helps we are given for the life of faith. • identify the Sacraments of Initiation. • explain that God forgives our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. • define Act of Contrition, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Sacraments of Initiation, sin.
Discussion: Friends with God Activity: On My Way
Drawing materials
Sacraments of Initiation, page 20y; BLM B The Act of Contrition, page 20y
5 minutes Child’s page 11
the children will be able to
10 minutes Child’s pages 12–13
10 minutes Child’s pages 14–15
tell the story of Joseph’s dream. explain that Jesus is the Savior promised by God.
10 minutes Child’s pages 16–17
reflect prayerfully on the Sign of the Cross.
Prayer: A Welcoming Sign
Prayer Center items: cloth, Bible, cross or crucifix CD player Music: Peace Walk and We Go Forth, CD Tracks 2,3 Recorded Guided Reflection: A Welcoming Sign, CD Track 8
identify the Sacrament of Reconciliation as making things right again with God.
Connection to life: I Live What I Learn Closing Prayer
An area of the room, prepared in advance as described on page 20
10 minutes Child’s pages 18–19
5 minutes Child’s page 20
Choice & Review Activities
Picture Review (Inclusion Activity), page 20z, BLM K BLM N
11c God’s Gift Reconciliation
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2/11/15 11:32 AM
Jesus Saves Us
Saved Again!
1 Introduce
Saved Again!
Play the opening song, Make Us One, Track 1 on the CD. As the children become familiar with the words, invite them to sing along.
Sometimes you forget what to do for homework and have to call a friend for help. Or maybe you forget your lunch or lunch money and have to ask your classmates to share with you.
Before the children arrive, hide your Catechist Guide where they will be able to find it. When you are ready to begin, ask the group for their help in searching for your Catechist Guide. Show your appreciation after they have found it.
Have any of these things ever happened to you? How did you feel when someone came to your rescue?
Say: Thank you. You really helped me. I would have had a difficult time without my book.
2 Build Background Have the children open their books to page 11. Ask volunteers to take turns reading aloud the text. Encourage the children to respond to the questions.
Say: It feels good when someone helps us just like you helped me. God sent someone special to help all of us. Today we’ll learn more about our Savior.
Jesus, our Savior, help me to remember that you are always ready to help me.
3 Pray 11
Direct the children’s attention to the prayer.
Enrich the Lesson
Keep In Mind
For extra review practice, invite volunteers to “teach the class.” Have them lead a brief review of Chapter 1 at the beginning of your time together using page 10 in their books.
When you prepare your Prayer Center, add a cross or crucifix to the prayer table.
Prayer ay: Let’s prepare to pray. Fold your hands, S and take some quiet time to remember how much Jesus loves you.
Invite the children to pray the prayer aloud together. Pause for a few seconds and close by praying Amen.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 11
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2/11/15 11:34 AM
Jesus, Our Savior
Jesus, Our Savior
Like Mary, Joseph knew of God’s promise to save us. One night, Joseph had a dream. In his dream, an angel told him that Mary’s baby was from God. The angel told Joseph to name the baby Jesus.
1 Introduce Say: We talked about God’s promise to send a Savior, and that God chose Mary to be the Savior’s Mother. Today we’ll learn about another person who was an important part of God’s plan.
Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus’ name means “God saves.” adapted from Matthew 1:18–21
Jesus grew up and learned how to be a carpenter. Later, he went from town to town teaching and healing people.
2 Present Say: God told Joseph in a dream about Mary’s baby. This story is in the Bible, in the Gospel according to Matthew.
Jesus taught people about how much God our Father loves them. He wanted all people to be friends with God. He wanted them to live holy lives.
L ift the Bible from its place in the Prayer Center and open it to Matthew 1:18–21. Raise the Bible for the children to see and set it back in place, open to the passage. Say: Let’s read about Joseph’s dream and what happened next. Ask volunteers to read aloud the text on pages 12–13.
God’s Gift Reconciliation
Understanding This Scripture The Gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke each approach the story of the birth of Jesus in a distinct way. Luke tells the story from Mary’s perspective. Matthew tells the story as revealed to Joseph. Joseph was disturbed when he heard that Mary, his betrothed, was to have a child. But he was a just man and did not want Mary to be treated as an outcast. Joseph had decided to send her quietly away. Then in a dream, Joseph learned that Mary’s child was from the Holy Spirit. Joseph was told to give the child the name Jesus, a name that means “God saves.” In Jesus, God’s promise of Salvation is fulfilled.
Keep in Mind Stories about Jesus may be more familiar to some children than to others. Invite the children to tell what they know about Jesus as they add stickers to the illustration.
12 God’s Gift Reconciliation
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1/30/15 12:03 PM
Explore Explore
But because of Original Sin, people still turned away from God. They did not like what Jesus was teaching. They had him arrested.
3 Check for Understanding Use these questions or your own to review with the children. • What did the angel tell Joseph to name Mary’s baby?
Jesus suffered and died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven to save us from sin. He offered his life so we could be reconciled with God our Father. He offered his life because he loves us.
• Why is this a good name? • Why did people still turn away from God?
4 Do the Sticker Activity Distribute this chapter’s stickers, or help the children remove them from their books. Lead the children in completing the Scripture illustration with the stickers, as indicated by the outlined spaces. Note that extra stickers are often provided. The extra stickers can be applied to the Scripture story illustration, or they can be used in other activities. See page 76 for additional ideas. Divide the group into pairs. Ask each pair to name one thing that Jesus did to show his love.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2
5 Connect to Everyday Life Say: In all his actions and words, Jesus showed us how much God loves us. Jesus offered his life to save us from Original Sin and to make us once again friends with God. That’s why we call him our Savior.
Keep in Mind The illustrations on these pages give an overview of the fulfillment of Salvation History. They show that Jesus saved us through his life, death, Resurrection, and Ascension into heaven.
Explain that sometimes to help a person we must give up something important to us. Say: To help a friend who forgets his or her lunch, we might give up some of our own lunch. What are other times we might give something up to help others? Explain that we give what we have out of love for others.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 13
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1/30/15 12:04 PM
Welcomed into God’s Family
Welcomed into God’s Family
I Listen to God’s Word
1 Make a Bridge
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
Talk about family and friends who live far away. As k: What are some things we do to stay close to them?
2 Present
Matthew 28:19–20
Read aloud the first paragraph on page 14. Say: Jesus returned to heaven to be with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but he gave us the sacraments so that he could remain with us. He asked us, as his disciples, to baptize other people, and told us how to do it.
Explain that at Baptism, the Sign of the Cross is traced on our forehead. Remind the children that we still pray the Sign of the Cross when we bless ourselves. Prayerfully demonstrate how the cross is traced on the forehead during Baptism.
Say: Whenever we pray the Sign of the Cross, we remember our Baptism.
I Listen to God’s Word
Gesture toward the Bible enthroned at the Prayer Center. Ask a volunteer to read aloud the last paragraph on page 14. Say: The Catholic Church baptizes today to continue what Jesus told his disciples to do.
The Grace of Jesus Christ comes to us in Baptism. When we are baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit. Baptism frees us from Original Sin and all personal sin. The grace we receive in Baptism strengthens us as we resist the inclination to sin, strive to live out the moral law, promote justice and what is good, and grow as the people God calls us to be, so that we might live in true freedom. Baptism is performed by a deacon, priest, or bishop, but in the case of extreme necessity, it can be performed by any person who has the true intention of doing what the church does. It is done by pouring water on the head of the person who is going to be baptized, while saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We are then welcomed into God’s special family, the Catholic Church. We become children of God.
Tell the children to read the second paragraph silently and to highlight or underline what happens when we’re baptized. Then have volunteers share their answers.
Have a volunteer demonstrate to the group the gestures and words for the Sign of the Cross. Then have the rest of the group practice it several times.
Jesus gave us the sacraments in order to be present with us today. He gives us his grace, especially in the sacraments.
God’s Gift Reconciliation
If some children have memories of a Baptism, whether it be their own (if they were baptized at an older age) or that of a younger family member, then invite these children to describe what they remember about the celebration of the sacrament.
Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer the children to the glossary definition as needed.
Baptism, p. 76 sacrament, p. 77
14 God’s Gift Reconciliation
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2/26/15 1:57 PM
Children of God
Explore You share God’s love.
Children of God
Grace is a gift of God that he gives us freely. We don’t have to do anything to earn God’s love. In Baptism, we receive God’s grace. God’s love and grace is a gift he gives all of us. Children are baptized so that they may share fully in God’s grace as children of God. We can return God’s love by sharing it with others.
1 Do the Activity Say: When we were baptized, we were welcomed by God as members of his family. As members of God’s family — the Church — we receive Jesus’ love. Jesus desires us to love him as well. Have a volunteer read aloud the directions for the activity on page 15. Ask children to name things they do that show their love for God and their love for others. Then distribute drawing materials and have them complete the activity. Invite children to share their drawings.
In the heart, draw yourself sharing God’s love with others.
2 Check for Understanding Use these questions or those of your own to check the children’s understanding. • Why did Jesus give us the sacraments? • What is the first sacrament that gives us God’s grace? • What does Baptism do?
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2
If/Then If time allows, then brainstorm with the children some of the wonderful things God does for them. You might want to write on the board words the children may have difficulty spelling.
What We Know in Faith Jesus saved us through his life, suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension and calls us to live in union with him. The Church was founded by the words and actions of Jesus and his total self-giving to us. The sacraments are the means by which the grace won by Christ is made available to us in Jesus Christ. Our life in Christ begins in the Sacrament of Baptism when we receive the grace that frees us from Original Sin and makes us members of the Church.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 15
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1/30/15 12:04 PM
Explore Hmm . . .
Friends with God
I Think About This The Sacraments of Initiation make us full members of the Church.
1 Make a Bridge Say: When we go on a trip, we often pack things that will help us along the way. Let’s play a game naming things that we might pack for a trip. Have each child name an item that would be helpful on a trip, after first repeating the items already named. Continue playing until everyone has had a turn.
Have volunteers take turns reading aloud the text on page 16.
I Think About This
Read aloud the text in the feature box. Discuss the meaning of initiation. Say: We’re full members of the Church after we have celebrated all three sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.
During the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are anointed with oil. Confirmation makes us stronger in our faith. It gives us the strength to be followers of Jesus.
Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are Sacraments of Initiation. Not everyone receives the Sacraments of Initiation at the same age. In the Eastern tradition, Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are administered in one celebration, expresing the unity of the sacraments. Confirmation is administered after Baptism, followed by participation in the Eucharist.
Say: Our Baptism is the first step of a journey called our life of faith. At Baptism, we received the gift of grace to help us on our journey.
Discuss with the children the symbols of the sacraments shown on the page. Copy the title Act of Contrition on the board and underline the word contrition. Explain to the children that it means “apology” or “sorrow.” Guide them to find the word contrition in the glossary and to read its definition. Tell them that they will learn this prayer as part of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
As we grow, God continues to help us with his grace. He gives us help in the sacraments.
Jesus gives us the gift of his Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Receiving Holy Communion helps us stay close to him and grow in holiness.
2 Present
Say: God continues to help us all along our journey. He gives us his grace and help in each of the sacraments. The age at what people receive the sacraments varies, and this is one example of the different traditions that coexist within our Church. In the East, the three Sacraments of Initiation are administered in the same celebration: Confirmation after Baptism, followed by participation in the Eucharist.
Friends with God
Sometimes we sin and turn away from God. We celebrate God’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. What is one way I can tell God I’m sorry when I sin? I can pray the Act of Contrition.
God’s Gift Reconciliation
What We Know in Faith Jesus gained Salvation for us, and in Baptism, we receive the grace we need to be saved. But the journey is not over. We still suffer from the effects of Original Sin, have a tendency to turn away from God, separate ourselves from others, and need God’s help along the way. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are strengthened by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Eucharist sustains us in our journey as we receive the Body and Blood of Christ as our spiritual food. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we find the grace that forgives our sins and restores us to friendship with God.
Words Check the children’s understanding of these words. Refer the children to the glossary definitions as needed. Act of Contrition, p. 77 Confirmation, p. 77 Eucharist, p. 77 Reconciliation, p. 77 Sacraments of Initiation, p. 77 sin, p. 77
16 God’s Gift Reconciliation
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1/30/15 12:04 PM
Explore Explore
On Your Way
On My Way
You will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this year. Draw a picture of your family. They will help you prepare for the sacrament.
1 Do the Activity Say: Your first celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important event for your whole family. They will help and encourage you as you continue to learn about the sacrament. Have a volunteer read aloud page 17. Tell the children to write their name on the line and to draw their families in the box. When everyone has finished, invite volunteers to share their drawings and to explain how the people in the drawing will help them to prepare. Talk with the children about additional ways their families can help in their preparation.
2 Check for Understanding Use these questions or those of your own to check the children’s understanding.
This is my family:
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2
• How does God continue to help us with his grace?
• Who besides your family can help you prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
If/Then If you have not begun teaching the children the Act of Contrition to prepare them for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, then this is a good time to start. (Refer to the prayer in the I Live My Faith section.) Encourage the children to ask their families to help them learn the prayer as well.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 17
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1/30/15 12:04 PM
Reflect The Sign of the Cross
A Welcoming Sign
We were welcomed into God’s family at our Baptism. The priest traced a cross on our forehead. When we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the priest welcomes us in God’s name. Then we pray the Sign of the Cross together. It reminds us that we are followers of Jesus and members of the Church.
During this session choose an approach for prayer: • Approach 1: use the prayer on the children´s page. • Approach 2: use the Recorded Guided Reflection [CD Track 8]. If reading aloud instead of playing the recording, use the script found on page 80.
1 Prepare for Prayer Have the children open their books to page 18 and identify the pictures. Say: In our prayer today, we will use our imagination as we reflect on the Sign of the Cross, the sign of welcome we received at our Baptism. Then we will sit quietly with God in prayer.
A Welcoming Sign Prayer Leader: We begin our prayer with the Sign of the Cross. We remember that we belong to God’s family, the Church. Be still and talk with Jesus in your heart. Imagine that you are at the Baptism of a baby. You watch the priest trace a cross on the baby’s forehead. When the priest or deacon baptizes the baby with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, you know this baby now belongs to God’s family. The cross is a sign of welcome and shows that we belong to God’s family, the Church.
The Sign of the Cross Introduce the prayer by reading aloud this paragraph. Review how to be reverent when praying the Sign of the Cross.
2 Gather for Prayer Review with the children the steps for how the group will proceed to the Prayer Center. [See page 73.] Play Peace Walk on Track 2 of the CD as they process to the Prayer Center following the ritual. Note that the children will not need their books.
3 Lead the Prayer Approach 1: Children’s page Show the children how they will pray using the response to the prayer. Then, lead the prayer, indicating to them when to pray aloud their response. After a brief time for quiet prayer, invite children to join you as you pray together the closing blessing.
Background for Prayer
At our Baptism, the Sign of the Cross was traced on our foreheads. With this sign, we were welcomed into the Church and claimed for Christ Jesus. In the waters of Baptism, we died and rose again with Christ, becoming members of God’s family. Throughout our lives, we continue to pray the Sign of the Cross and remember that we are called to live always in God’s friendship.
If you choose to use the prayer on pages 18–19 for your prayer time, then invite the children to sit in a comfortable position. Ask them to close their eyes if they wish. Establish a rhythm by silently counting to three while breathing in and out. This will help the children focus and become still. Lead the prayer slowly, allowing time for reflection after each paragraph. Pause briefly before praying the closing blessing.
18 God’s Gift Reconciliation
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1/30/15 12:04 PM
Reflect Reflect
You want to offer a welcome to this baby too. Come close. What welcoming message would you like to share? Ask Jesus to bless this baby and all who are baptized in his name. Be still with Jesus, and let him speak to your heart, friend to friend.
Approach 2: Recorded Guided Reflection You can choose to play the Recorded Guided Reflection A Welcoming Sign on CD Track 8, or read aloud to the children the script on page 80 of the Catechist Guide.
When I Pray I don’t always need to use words. God knows what is in my heart.
Introduce the Guided Reflection. Say: In today’s prayer, we will use our imagination as we reflect on God’s love for us and our love for him. Then we will take the time to just sit quietly with God in prayer.
May the God who created you and welcomed you into his family be in your mind and heart, now and forever. We ask this . . .
As you play the Recorded Guided Reflection, it is important that you pray along with the children. Your attitude and posture will model for them how to act and respond during reflective prayer.
All: . . . in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
4 Bridge to Closure Regardless of the approach to prayer that you chose, pause for a few moments after completing the prayer. eview with the children the steps for how the group R should return to their seats. [See page 73.] Then play We Go Forth, Track 3 on the CD, and invite the children to return to their places following this ritual.
5 Pray
Keep in Mind
Most children respond well to the invitation to pray quietly; others, however, may have difficulty remaining still for extended periods of time. Encourage the children to be respectful of one another as they learn to pray and reflect.
If you choose to lead the reflection yourself, then follow the script provided on page 82 of your Catechist Guide. Listen to the Recorded Guided Reflection in advance to help you set the tone and pace for this prayer. Playing reflective music softly in the background as you lead the reflection enhances the sense of prayerfulness. Music can be found on CD Track 4. If you have chosen to play your own reflective music, be sure it is not familiar to the children; otherwise their thoughts will focus on the songs and not on the prayer.
When I Pray Ask a volunteer to read aloud the feature on page 19.
Say: When we pray, we often use words. But sometimes we just sit quietly with God. That’s prayer too.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 19
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Respond Respond
Living My Faith
Living My Faith
1 I Remember What I Learn
I Remember What I Learn
Present this section and, as time permits, do the review activity on page 20z.
• The name Jesus means “God saves.” • I received new life in the Sacrament of Baptism.
2 I Live What I Learn
• I am strengthened in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
In advance, prepare an area of the room to look messy and disorganized. Then tell the children that many things are out of place and that you need their help to make things right again. Have the children work together to identify the things that are out of place and to restore order.
• I am nourished in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Ask: What have we just done?
I live as a child of God.
Explain that this is what Jesus did for us when he died. And this is what Jesus continues to do for us in the sacraments. We are children of God. When we turn away from God, Jesus helps us to make things right again. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are able to be friends with God again.
I follow Jesus.
Have a volunteer read aloud I Live What I Learn on page 20.
Act of Contrition, p. 76
sacrament, p. 77
Say: Praying the Sign of the Cross reminds us that God wants us to be his friends.
Baptism, p. 76
Sacraments of Initiation, p. 77
Confirmation, p. 77
sin, p. 77
Eucharist, p. 77
Reconciliation, p. 77
I Live What I Learn Closing Prayer
I pray the Sign of the Cross.
Loving God, thank you for the gift of Jesus. Help me to stay close to him.
I Know These Words I find these words in the Glossary.
God’s Gift Reconciliation
Confirm the children’s understanding of these words. As time permits, do the word review activity on page 20z.
I Share with My Family Encourage the children to share with their families how God helps them.
4 Pray
We place our trust and hope in God. Ask your family members to share ways that God helps each of them.
• I am reconciled with God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
3 I Know These Words
I Share with My Family
Chapter Checkpoint • Do the children give evidence that they recognize Jesus as the promised Savior? • Can the children name the three Sacraments of Initiation? • Can the children identify the Sacrament of Reconciliation as the sacrament in which we are reconciled with God after we have sinned? Assessment Option: Learning Reinforcement BLM N covers chapters 1–2.
Closing Prayer Conclude the chapter by praying together the prayer on page 20.
Plan Ahead Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Chapter 3 and determine any materials you will need.
20 God’s Gift Reconciliation
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2/11/15 11:35 AM
Choice Activities
Choice Activities Jesus Shows Us God’s Love
The Sign of the Cross
Time 20 minutes Relates to pages 12–13 Outcome identify specific ways that Jesus shows God’s love Materials chalkboard and chalk or chart paper and markers
Time 15 minutes Relates to page 14 Outcome explain the significance of the Sign of the Cross and make a cross for home Materials two craft sticks per child, yarn; optional: clay, magnet
Directions Have the children refer to pages 12–13 as you ask the following questions: Ask: What does the name Jesus mean? name for Jesus?
Why is this a good
Directions Ask a volunteer to read aloud the feature box on page 14. Say: These words are from Scripture. They recall a prayer that we pray. What is it?
Ask: What are some things that Jesus did to show God’s love?
Say: When we pray the Sign of the Cross, we remember our Baptism and the grace we received. The Sign of the Cross helps us to remember that Jesus freed us from Original Sin and wants us to live holy lives.
Write the word SAVIOR on the board or chart paper as shown in the example below. Work with the children to prepare an acrostic naming ways that Jesus showed us God’s saving love.
Tell the children that they will make wooden crosses to help them remember this prayer and its importance. Demonstrate by wrapping yarn around two craft sticks. You may wish to give each child a small piece of clay to hold the sticks together as the yarn is wrapped. Glue a small magnet to the back of the cross so that it can be easily displayed at home.
healed the Sick Announced Good News
forgaVe sinners
Invited all to love God
Offered his life for us on the cross
Rose from the dead
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 20x
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3/6/15 11:29 AM
Choice Activities
Sacraments of Initiation
The Act of Contrition
Time 5 minutes Relates to page 16 Outcome review the Sacraments of Initiation and their symbols Materials BLM B Sacraments of Initiation; scissors; crayons or markers Directions Review page 16 and read aloud the feature. Remind the children that God gives us help in the sacraments and that the three Sacraments of Initiation make us full members of the Church. Ask the following questions:
Time 10 minutes Relates to I Live My Faith, Catechist Guide page 68 Outcome learn about the Act of Contrition Materials none Directions Discuss with the children how we can make things right again after we hurt someone with what we say or do (ask for forgiveness; say “I’m sorry”.)
• What do we call the first sacrament that we receive? happens at Baptism? • In what sacrament are we anointed with oil? happens at Confirmation?
• Soon you will prepare for another Sacrament of Initiation. In this sacrament, we receive the Body and Blood of Christ. What sacrament is this? Distribute BLM B. Review with the children the symbols for each of the Sacraments of Initiation. Have them color the symbols, cut along the dotted lines, and fold along the solid lines. Show them how the sides fold together to make doors. Invite the children to decorate them like doors to a church. Display the finished project in a prominent location.
Tell the children that a special prayer, the Act of Contrition, is prayed during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Explain that it tells God we’re sorry. Have the children turn to page 74. Ask volunteers to take turns reading aloud each line of the long form of the Act of Contrition. Ask: Which words tell God how we feel about hurting our friendship with him? Which words tell God how we will try to do better? Who will help us do better? In whose name do we ask for forgiveness? Say: We pray the Act of Contrition when we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We can also pray it at the end of each day. Pray it often as you prepare for First Reconciliation, and learn the words by heart. Have the children stand and pray the Act of Contrition together.
20y God’s Gift Reconciliation
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1/30/15 12:05 PM
Review Activities
Review Activities Reach the Top
Picture Review
Time 10 minutes Relates to I Remember What I Learn Outcome recall facts learned in this chapter Materials chalkboard and chalk or flip chart and markers; questions based on I Remember What I Learn Directions Draw a hill with a cross at the top. Write the numbers 1 through 6 up one side of the hill, with 1 at the bottom and 6 next to the cross. Say: We’ll work together to try to reach the top of the hill. Each time a correct answer is given, we’ll draw a line from one number to the next and get closer to the top. Ask a question. If the correct answer is given, allow that child to draw a line from number 1 to number 2. If an incorrect answer is given, encourage that child to work with the rest of the group to find the correct answer. Use the following questions, based on the statements in I Remember What I Learn.
Inclusion: Chronic Health Conditions Time 15 minutes Relates to I Know These Words Outcome review terms learned in this chapter Materials BLM K; art supplies Directions If a child misses class due to a chronic health condition, invite the rest of the class to help the absent child catch up on the material he or she missed. Photocopy and cut out the vocabulary cards for this chapter, which are shown on BLM K. You may also wish to include previously learned terms. Shuffle the cards. Have a volunteer choose a card from the pile and read aloud the word. Then ask a second volunteer to tell what the term means. After all the terms have been reviewed, have small groups draw a picture that illustrates the meaning of each term. Then have groups write a sentence below the drawing that uses the word. Gather the pages and organize them in book form. Make a cover and deliver the book to the absent child.
1. What does the name Jesus mean? 2. Which sacrament welcomes us into God’s family? 3. Which sacrament gives us strength? 4. In which sacrament do we receive the Body and Blood of Christ? 5. Which sacrament restores our friendship with God? Continue until all the questions have been answered. When the top of the hill has been reached, congratulate all of the children on how much they have learned.
Jesus Saves Us Chapter 2 20z
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1/30/15 12:05 PM
God’s Gift Reconciliation
offers meaningful instruction that helps children and their parents understand, prepare for, and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This fully integrated sacramental preparation program, available in English and bilingual versions, engages children’s hearts and minds through multiple prayer opportunities, beautiful commissioned artwork, and unique interactive elements. God’s Gift has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Visit for more information and resources.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-4112-3 ISBN-10: 0-8294-4112-3