1 minute read
In This Place I Know You
What if there were nothing here when I come to be alone, nothing but emptiness and dumb silence? O most precious God, how great You come to be against blank nothingness, how dear to me, the Most in all. And in this place I know You where I hang in nothingness, for You are here and here I know You, that You live, are great and beautiful beyond all I see and feel, and know that You love it all, are love, and let me know, and ask me —You ask me—to choose to love You back—and let me rest in Your lap, a bewildered child, and here You let me stay for joy. Amen.
Send Your Spirit to Me
You free us, Lord, to grow in wisdom and in grace even as we grow in age, as Jesus did. I know that, good Father, and yet I grow in age clinging to what may not be wisdom and is not grace, aware that some of what is mine You cannot like. And yet, my Lord, I yearn for what You like.
I beg You, send Your Spirit to me and restore the sprouting holiness of the infant child baptized. Then I will remember whom You love.
I beg this grace through Christ our Lord. Amen.