Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi 1 Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Word of God . . . . 1 2 Preliminary Profound Practicalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3 A Glorious Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4 A Forgiven Sinner: Awed in Gratitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5 Readied for Wise Loving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6 A School of Discipleship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 7 A Cosmic Confrontation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 8 Choosing and Loving Always for God’s Glory . . . . . . 101 9 A Compassionate Joy beyond Any Disappointment . . 117 10 Daily Life: Gratefully Serving God in All . . . . . . . . . . 133 11 Methods of Praying and Some Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 12 Discernment of Spirits in the Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 13 A More Probing Discernment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Epilogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
1 Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Word of God
he Spiritual Exercises is a little book with an explosive potential. In this chapter I will investigate the interrelationship among the Spiritual Exercises, the experience of Ignatius, and the mystery of Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. The remainder of the chapter will briefly present five different ways of viewing the Exercises—ways that richly overlap and reinforce one another. This chapter will thus set the scene for the description in the remainder of the book of the dynamics that make up the explosive potential of the Exercises.
The Exercises and Ignatius’s Experience The Exercises as we have it was born in the experience of Ignatius during a ten-month stay in 1523 at Manresa, a town in eastern Spain. But that Manresan experience was foreshadowed in earlier parts of his life, especially his recuperation from a war wound in the family castle at Loyola. The radical reorientation of Ignatius’s life had explosive results, but the upheaval was quiet and unobserved for the most part, rumbling through some deeply held convictions in his own heart. A
Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Word of God
gutsy soldier unaccustomed to much introversion and whose rallying cry had been heard in many a battle, Ignatius faced a lengthy period of inactivity during his recovery from a leg wound suffered in a battle with the French. Time stared him in the face and waited on him like an unwelcome guest. With nothing else to do, he began to read and reread what was available: Ludolph of Saxony’s Life of Christ1 and The Golden Legend, a book of lives of saints. With a thoroughness, determination, and hunger for the heroic that he had brought to his military exploits, Ignatius conquered these two readings. His reading was more than a time filler. Despite his customary attraction to fanciful, romantic subjects, he became absorbed in the religious dimension of his reading. These two books introduced him personally to Jesus Christ as never before, and his heart glowed with the possibility of a relationship so personal as to point toward a whole new way of living. This soldier’s attention, usually focused outward to observe any suspicious movements of the enemy, now, in the solitary confinement of recuperation, turned inward. With a sensitivity at first not fully appreciated, but which later puzzled, amazed, and instructed him, Ignatius began to notice the glow in his own heart. In the examples of the lives of the saints, he saw another type of heroism: he saw how far the love of God in Jesus could stretch people. An ardor stirred his own heart, a fire of desire for heroic deeds for God that would match, even top, those of the saints. All this was no less exciting than his military exploits. In fact, soldiering for Jesus seemed even more important and exciting. During those ten months of recuperation, Ignatius knew his life had decisively shifted. A whole new dimension of inner sensitivity and personal insight, together with quiet determination, had opened for him. The pieces of his life would never fit together again
Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Word of God
the way they had for almost thirty years. Although he had much yet to learn, he was concerned about preserving what he had already gained, so he turned to a former pastime: writing. In his elegant penmanship, he began to record the passages of his reading that were moving his heart so persuasively. His great delight2 in reading the Life of Christ led him to copy out three hundred pages in his own writing. Over time these ruminations and jottings gave birth to the Spiritual Exercises. The book was the result of years of reflection on his experience while the radical conversion continued to have its effect on him. For about twenty years he carefully honed the wording of his experience and its implications. Ignatius knew he could not force this life-changing experience on anyone else, but he was eager to do all that he could to provide an opportunity for others. In his little book he sketched out a program that would allow others to have the same experience that had brought him into the truth and wise intimacy of a new life. The Exercises is surely not a simple cookbook, but it does include a recipe for an experience of God’s love that never leaves a human life unchanged. It facilitates an interpersonal encounter in love that centers a person in God and generous service. When Ignatius’s little book is separated from his experience, it loses its vigor and orientation. Reduced to words on a page, it can mislead, confuse, and frustrate. In order to avoid this danger, I will often describe the dynamics of the Exercises in terms of Ignatius’s own lived experience.
The Exercises and the Scriptures Although Ignatius probably did not possess his own copy of the Scriptures, through his careful reading of Ludolph’s Life of Christ
Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Word of God
he met the saving mystery of Christ.3 So we turn now to that second important relationship: that existing between the Exercises and the mystery of Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. The phrase often used by Ignatius’s contemporaries that he was “taught by God himself ”4 can be misunderstood. Though Ignatius knew that “God treated him just as a schoolmaster treats a little boy when he teaches him,”5 this does not imply that God dictated the book to him. The Spiritual Exercises has no power on its own to work one’s salvation. When we exaggerate the importance of the book itself, we cut it off from its saving source. Paradoxically, when the Exercises is given such an exaggerated importance, the dynamics lose their liveliness and take on the brittle lifelessness of a bony skeleton. The Exercises does not flow in a smooth, steady style, chapter after chapter. Rather, it is “a set of materials, directives, and suggestions for the person helping another through the course. They are in that regard more like a teacher’s manual than a student’s textbook.”6 This manual of directives helps the one giving the Exercises to guide other people in their experience of the mystery of Christ, God’s saving revelation revealed in the Scriptures. Here in the saving mystery of Christ, and here alone, reside the explosive, transforming power and challenge that Ignatius experienced. The Holy Spirit cast a spell over him during his contemplative reading of Ludolph’s Life of Christ. Without this radically reorienting experience of Jesus as alive, active, and inviting today, no book of directives by Ignatius would have been possible. Yes, Ignatius was taught by God, not in literal dictation by the Holy Spirit but by learning to read his own heart in a moving and challenging encounter with Jesus as God’s good news of saving love. Gilles Cusson develops this relationship between the Exercises and the Scriptures at great length in his book Biblical Theology and
Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Word of God
the Spiritual Exercises.7 Biblical theology as the saving encounter with the mystery of Christ is the bedrock of the Exercises. This encounter happened to Ignatius, and it happens to all exercitants. The Exercises and a retreatant’s subjective experience are fully dependent on the great saving deed of God in Christ Jesus; biblical theology and the objectivity of Christian revelation have the clear priority. Cusson puts it this way: “The framework, the techniques, and all the steps of various kinds which make up the book of the Exercises have as their only purpose the transmission, the revelation, and the realization of the salvific plan, the mystery of God in Christ.”8 Ignatius’s contemplative absorption in Ludolph’s Life of Christ laid an extensive foundation that changed the basic structure of his life. The revelation of God in Jesus had grabbed and structured his soul as never before. At the same time, but on a different level of his soul, reading the lives of the saints quickened the heroic blood in his veins. Two contexts, therefore, are essential to any correct understanding of the Exercises: Ignatius’s continuing experience from Loyola to Manresa and the saving mystery of Christ.9 The dynamics of the Exercises described in this book are always initiated by and intermesh with the power of God’s word. At times in my description I refer to specific passages of Scripture. A lot more of this scriptural cross-referencing could have been done, since the whole retreat is a matter of prayer with the word of God. Too much of this scriptural cross-referencing, however, could distract from my central concern here: a description of the developing dynamics that form the very identity of the Exercises.
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“ [A] passionate, well-written book that will entice readers to engage in the dynamic encounter with God proposed by The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.” — William A. Barry, S.J.
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George A. Aschenbrenner, S.J., is the rector of the Jesuit community at the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania. He has been the director of the Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, and has worked with the Spiritual Exercises in the lives of many people for over twenty years. He is also the author of a number of books, including Quickening the Fire in Our Midst (Loyola Press, 2002).
What to Expect from the Spiritual Exercises
he Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius has transformed millions of lives and profoundly altered the course of Christian spirituality. It remains perhaps the most widely used and influential guide for personal retreats. Drawing on decades of experience as a spiritual director, George A. Aschenbrenner, S.J., probes the inner dynamics of this spiritual classic and reveals the ingenious structure of this powerful method of spiritual growth. Fr. Aschenbrenner contends that our experience of the Spiritual Exercises will be richer if we have a solid grasp of their logic and direction. He offers straightforward commentary on the Exercises, along with the passionate conviction that a knowledgeable engagement with them will open our hearts to God and to generously serving others. “ [Aschenbrenner] guides us to see how, in The Spiritual Exercises, consciousness of life and calling as God’s pure gift flower into profound gratitude, intimate love, and passionate surrender to the ‘Giver of All Good Gifts.’” — James L. Connor, S.J., provincial assistant for mission and continuing renewal, Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus
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