Women of Vision

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Contents Introduction Pa rt O n e :


Keep Close to God

Let us pray


Only one prayer   May Sarton Our part   Caryll Houselander Letting go   Caryll Houselander Letting God   Betty Ford Don’t give up   Saint Julie Billiart Remove the mask   Elizabeth Stuart Like a child to her father   Saint Julie Billiart Eyes shut or eyes open?   Elizabeth Stuart Pray with your whole heart   Saint Mechthild of Magdeburg Where shall I find God?   Florence Nightingale Our Father   Saint Teresa of Ávila Pray with your lips   Blessed Baptista Varani Wisdom through prayer   Dame Gertrude More

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Don’t hang up—hang on


Waiting for the answer   Victoria Lidiard Practicing the presence of God   Florence Allshorn Staying awake   Kate Compston

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Silence   Saint Julie Billiart In the dark   Eugenia Price Clinging to God   Saint Julie Billiart Trust—like a cat   Caryll Houselander God keeps his promises   Margaret Cundiff Being God’s friend   Eugenia Price Offertory and consecration   Caryll Houselander See me through   Harriet Tubman A vision on the eve of martyrdom   Saint Perpetua

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Growing in faith, hope, and love


Bible reading   Catherine Marshall LeSourd Letting things fall   Madame Guyon Dangerous saints   Margaret Bondfield Learning faith, hope, and love   Florence Allshorn The disciplines of life   Anne Ortlund A new relationship with Mary   Emilie Griffin Keep the path clear   Eugenia Price On receiving a gift   Saint Bridget of Sweden A gift of faith   Elizabeth Blackwell Awareness of God   Margaret Bondfield The hardest lesson   Hannah More Ready to obey   Madame Guyon Guard the city of your soul   Saint Catherine of Siena Seven jewels in a crown of patience   Saint Bridget of Sweden If they had known   Harriet Tubman Advice to a religious person   Blessed Baptista Varani

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Fly toward God   Blessed Baptista Varani Thou shalt not worry   Lucie Christine Keeping a journal record   Sister Mary Cecilia Cooperating with grace   Saint Catherine of Genoa

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Facing the facts


All sinners together   Caryll Houselander Down-to-earth holiness   Blessed Julian of Norwich If Jesus is for us   Margaret Cundiff Christ in the sinner   Caryll Houselander Chance after chance   Margaret Cundiff Run and ask forgiveness   Hannah Whitall Smith The basis of new life   Mary F. Smith Give me your grace   Margaret Cundiff Love without strings   Elizabeth Stuart Trying too hard   Margaret Hebblethwaite God wants to forgive   Hannah Whitall Smith Only afterward   Elizabeth Stuart Witness through weakness   Lin Berwick God in our failure   Maria Boulding Shipwrecked in the port of religion?   Blessed Baptista Varani

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63

Pa rt Two :


Real Lives, Real Pain

No insurance policy—only grace


Being human   Anonymous, quoted by Elizabeth Stuart The grace to endure   JoAnn Kelley Smith Forgivable failures   Margaret Hebblethwaite

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Nothing is your own   Saint Catherine of Siena Give me courage   Margaret Cundiff Not alone   Barbara Piller Bad times—and good   Caryll Houselander Unshakable foundation    Mary Endersbee Communion   Caryll Houselander A small and imperfect instrument   Lucie Christine God carries us   Lucie Christine

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God is there for us


Words of strength   Blessed Julian of Norwich Jesus makes the difference   Catherine Marshall LeSourd Faith reaffirmed   Betty Ford Not broken   Caryll Houselander Real peace   Eugenia Price A mother’s fears   Margaret Hebblethwaite A mother’s last words to her daughter   Amy Carmichael Turn the carpet   Hannah More A wonderful friend   Aida Skripnikova I have a guardian angel   Attributed to Saint Agnes Opening the door to the Spirit   Catherine Marshall LeSourd Perfect peace   Anne Ortlund Balance and serenity   Betty Ford God brings about the issue   Florence Allshorn Be still, my soul   Katharina von Schlegel

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On death and dying


Voice of experience   An elderly widow In death and eternal life   Joan Porter Buxton Shadows of glory   Caryll Houselander Fearing death   JoAnn Kelley Smith No fear   Florence Allshorn The leap of faith   JoAnn Kelley Smith Into the hands of Infinite Love   Caryll Houselander Death of a sister   Blessed Mary of the Angels Love creates love   Caryll Houselander Incomprehensible love   Margaret Hebblethwaite Sorrow irrigates   Cicely Saunders and Mary Craig Reach out in power and love   Margaret Cundiff

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Good out of evil


Hard times, and sweet   Caryll Houselander My purpose is to receive   Enid Henke Lesson in pain   Joan Porter Buxton Real healing   Lin Berwick Entitled—by suffering   Corrie ten Boom Released from fear   Josephine Hilton A limit to self-pity   Cicely Saunders and Mary Craig Taking stock   Cicely Saunders and Mary Craig Blessings outweigh   Valerie Hadert Counting blessings   Eugenia Price Good out of all evil   Margaret Spufford How great is God’s love   Pauline Webb

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The suffering creator   Margaret Spufford Share the stories   Gwen Cashmore and Joan Puls The people we need   Caryll Houselander Affirm me   JoAnn Kelley Smith Don’t give up on me   Margaret Cundiff A happy Christ   Florence Allshorn

Pa rt Th r e e :

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The Real World

Our daily work


Spend it wisely   Saint Julie Billiart Start where we are   Elizabeth Fox Howard Real Christian work   Dorothy L. Sayers Drop by drop   Mother Teresa of Calcutta Today   Caryll Houselander The imprint of Jesus   Margaret Cundiff Into all the world   Hannah More Advice for women in the world   Margaret Blagge A blessing   Saint Clare of Assisi Women’s work   Elizabeth Fry Faith and life   Margaret Hebblethwaite The results are not important   Saint Julie Billiart Reverence for things   Mary F. Smith Sweeping statement   Lois Wilson Gift and work   Evelyn Bence Prayer and the cook   Saint Gertrude the Great The imperfect boss   Saint Gertrude the Great

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Justice for all


Open   Kate McIlhagga Individuals wanted   Sue Ryder Turning the world upside down   Elizabeth Stuart Thy kingdom come   Evelyn Underhill Will he find faith on earth?   Joan Puls Caring for the poor   Hannah More An example of service   Elizabeth L. Comstock Nothing is too small for God   Elizabeth L. Comstock Giving from a distance   Caryll Houselander The gospel of peace   Margaret Holden Solidarity with the poor   Janet Morley Great joy among the poor   Dorothee Soelle The gift of liberation   Dorothee Soelle The poor are our teachers   Dorothee Soelle

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The power of love


Real power   Penny Jamieson How we love one another   Florence Allshorn Christian love   Hannah More Do not ask . . .   Corrie ten Boom The servant   Sylvia Mary Alison Only channels   Corrie ten Boom Love like Jesus   Florence Allshorn We do not love   Elizabeth Gray Vining Children—the real VIPs   Margaret Cundiff Strong enough love   Caryll Houselander The way of self or the way of love   Florence Allshorn

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Much and warm loving   Saint Teresa of Ávila Lessons in charity   Saint Thérèse of Lisieux To a friar claiming his love better than hers   Saint Catherine of Genoa Why we love   Saint Catherine of Siena Head and heart   Saint Teresa of Ávila

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Life together


Only one course   Aida Skripnikova Ships in the night   Florence Allshorn Keeping on   Florence Allshorn Careful with that plumb line!   Eugenia Price I give you   The Grail Society A gift from God   Elizabeth Gray Vining Go deep   Kate Compston You too can be a survivor   Betty Ford Harvest festival   Caryll Houselander Special Sunday   Margaret Cundiff What good is freedom?   Aida Skripnikova Messengers   Marta Wilhelmsson Christ for the world   A Sister from Bukidnon Married or unmarried   Florence Allshorn Family or household?   Marion Beales Changes   Frances Ridley Havergal Follow the light   Margaret Fairless Barber How to negotiate   Lucie Christine Good judgment   Sister Mary Cecilia

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Pa rt Fo u r:

Time to Rejoice

Gratitude, thanksgiving, and praise


Celebrating Christmas   Margaret Hebblethwaite Bathed in light   Margaret Hebblethwaite The sheer loveliness of the world   Caryll Houselander Holiday   Florence Allshorn Give thanks   Eugenia Price Begin   Eugenia Price Say thank you   Melody Beattie Expect the good   Katie Whitelegg Cheering us on   Harriet Beecher Stowe The God of all happiness   Saint Catherine of Siena

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The goodness of God


Jesus, my center and life   Blessed Mary of the Angels Drinking draughts of God   Margaret Hebblethwaite God loves us as we are   Elizabeth Stuart God is there   Elizabeth Stuart Ah, Mary we hardly know you   Karen Summers My angel   Pauline Webb Believe in God and make someone happy   Olave, Lady Baden-Powell God understands   Melody Beattie God loves and keeps us   Blessed Julian of Norwich God’s goodness to women   Catherine Booth Certain of God’s help   Elizabeth Fox Howard God’s love is everywhere   Josephine Butler

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The soul experiences life   Blessed Marie of the Incarnation 225 Look forward   Evelyn Underhill 226 The goodness of created things   Saint Teresa of Ávila 227

Seeing God face-to-face


God within us   Saint Teresa of Ávila Accept God’s graces   Saint Teresa of Ávila The interior castle   Saint Teresa of Ávila What the heart enjoys with her God   Saint Veronica Giuliani The palace of love   Saint Veronica Giuliani All shall be well   Blessed Julian of Norwich Prayer and a learned lady   Saint Gertrude the Great God is my being   Saint Catherine of Genoa Union with God   Blessed Marie of the Incarnation Come into my soul   Blessed Mary of the Angels Timeless existence   Lucie Christine

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About the Contributors


Index of Authors


Index of Subjects




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Pa r t O n e

Keep Close to God Women of vision keep close to God. Most pray. Some chat in friendly terms; some sit in silence. Some read the Bible, and some watch birds! All consider the time spent with their Heavenly Father as pivotal in their lives. It is from this space that they find the resources they need for their life, their work, and their growth as children of God. And they recognize that growth as needing application and dedication, just as in any garden. As one writer says, we need to keep the path clear! But paths can easily become overgrown with weeds and so, too, do lives fall into sin and failure. Women of vision are honest about their failings. They recognize the masks we all hide behind—and they take them to God. There is an assurance and a freedom to be who you are and to become who God wants you to be—fulfilled, filled with joy and his Spirit.

Let us pray Only one prayer g There is really only one possible prayer: Give me to do everything I do in the day with a sense of the sacredness of life. Give me to be in your presence, God, even though I know it only as absence. May Sarton

Our part g We are only syllables of the perfect Word. Caryll Houselander

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Letting go g I finally decided that I must give up stating the case in my prayers and telling God what I thought he ought to do, and instead just kneel down before God and put it before him simply by saying a name. Like the old peasant who had a bad foot. Since he did not know which was best for him, to be cured, to be lame, to be in pain or out of pain, he just went to church and said, “Lord—foot.” Caryll Houselander

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$17.95 U.S.

Dorothy Stewart is a freelance writer and editor. She has compiled a number of anthologies, including Women of Prayer (Loyola Press, 1999). Astonished to find women so poorly represented in traditional anthologies of spiritual writing and prayer, she began the research that led to this collection.

“Each page of Women of Vision offers stunning wisdom and golden insight, plus good old common sense . . . here is fresh spiritual fuel. Thank you, Dorothy Stewart and your most visionary women!” —Suzanne Strempek Shea, author of Lily of the Valley “Dorothy Stewart’s use of women writers from the past to the present celebrates the need for God in a meaty and realistic way that offers both hope and challenge for the searcher. . . . The faith experience of these magnificent women is deeply grounded in who they are in relationship to God.” —Joan Margret Schwager, R.S.M., Council of Women Religious

Women of Vision


“I always told God, I’m going to hold steady on you, an’ you’ve got to see me through.” —Harriet Tubman

Women of Vision An anthology of spiritual words from women across the centuries

Cover design by Shar Coulson/Amy Evans McClure Cover art by Meltem Aktas ISBN 0-8294-1556-4

Stewart led by Dorothy Stewart Compiled

“We are neither factories nor reservoirs of [God’s] love, only channels. When we understand that, all excuse for pride is eliminated.” —Corrie ten Boom “It may be a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops.” —Mother Teresa of Calcutta

g Spanning decades and continents, this remarkable collection is a testament to the vitality of women’s spiritual writing. Dorothy Stewart’s latest anthol-ogy, compiled in the style of her highly regarded Women of Prayer, offers a wonderful example of this rich tradition of inspirational writing. From age-old to contemporary, Stewart’s selections feature works from Saint Gertrude the Great and Florence Nightingale to Betty Ford, Harriet Tubman, and Elizabeth Fry. The women in this collection will help you deepen your spirituality and find God in the ordinary and extraordinary events of everyday life.

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