Loyola library-tech news APRIL 2013
April is School Library Month The NBA’s Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is this year’s spokesperson for School Library Month. Of school libraries, AbdulJabbar said, “America’s school libraries are an inexhaustible fountain of knowledge. They provide today’s students with the skills they need to achieve great things in
their lives. School librarians help children develop a love of reading and teach them
Ipads are now encouraged in classrooms at Loyola. If you haven’t registered your iPad yet, please see Mr. Richroath or Ms. Schombs in the library.
to become critical thinkers. In other words, they are essential to building a child’s greatest asset – their mind.”
Book Club’s April Read:
For more information about School
Never Fall Down
Library Month,
By Patricia McCormick
visit www.ala.org/aasl/slm.
Newest Spring Reads at Your Library:
When soldiers arrive at his home town in Cambodia, Arn is just a kid, dancing to rock ‘n’ roll, hustling for spare change, and selling ice cream with his brother. But after the soldiers march the entire population into the countryside, his life is changed forever. -Barnes and Noble
Freshmen Scoop.it Projects
Ms. Schombs’ Brain Teasers:
The freshmen have been hard at work in Computing Technology, practicing their research skills by exploring possible careers. Check out the fruits of their labor below: Music Manager
Mechanical Engineering
Sports Agent
Pro Basketball
The Novelist
The Field of Acting
Guess the food: 1.
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