The following books won medals or honorable mention at this year’s American Library Association (ALA) Awards. Some are immediately available in the library and others are on their way! See Ms. Schombs to borrow or reserve a copy.
January 2013
L oyo l a l i b r a ry- t e c h n e w s
Youth media award winners 2013
To see the full list, click here. Ms. Schombs’ best first-liners Guess the book title and author!
1. “It was a pleasure to burn.” 2. “When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.”
Loyola freshmen use research for career exploration Students were asked to apply research strategies learned in Computing Technology to explore a career using, an online program that allows users to curate and publish digital magazines. Requirements included finding credible sources about a chosen field of study, summarizing the information in each source, and reflecting on the content in addition to commenting on peers’ magazines. They did a fabulous job— check out some of the best magazines below! Biotechnology
The Medical Field
Library Science
The Engineer
Event Planning
Sports Writing
Professional Soccer