Midterm final exam rules

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Midterm Examination Day Rules and Procedures

Exam Schedule

1. There will be no morning assembly or mentor period. Morning exams generally begin at 9:00 AM (8:30 AM for extended time) and afternoon exams begin at 1:00 PM. Thursday’s math exam is the exception- beginning at 10AM for ALL students. A bell will ring ten minutes before each exam, at which point students should go directly to their exam locations. Exam locations will be posted daily on the Commons bulletin board. 2. Students need only be in school for their scheduled exams. If a student has two exams on the same day, he or she is free to leave the building between exams. The same holds true for students who are returning to study or to meet with a teacher. To minimize traffic, students should leave and re-enter the building only once. Students must sign out and in at the reception window. When a student leaves for the day, he or she must also sign out at the reception window. 3. School will close to students at 4:00 p.m.

Absence and Lateness on Exam Days

1. Exams will begin on time. Students who are late for an exam must report to the Main Office before going to their testing location. Testing-time lost due to lateness may not be made up. Latecomers must serve JUG after their exam. 2. No student should be absent for an exam. If, however, a student is going to be absent, that student’s parent or guardian must call the Dean of Students’ Office the morning of the absence. The student must produce a doctor’s note upon his or her return to school. A student who is absent and does not have a doctor’s note will receive a grade of “0” on any midterm exam he or she has missed.

Student Conduct

1. All students must be in dress code at all times. 2. Unless otherwise stated, all Loyola rules and expectations apply. JUG will be held at 11:00 and 3:00 any day it is deemed necessary. 3. Students should not bring any bags, papers, books, or other materials into the testing locations except for those required for taking the examination. 4. Since cellphones and iPads are communication devices, they are not allowed in the testing locations. A student found to have a cell phone during a test may be considered to be violating the academic integrity policy. Any student who accidentally carries his or her cell phone to the testing location should give it to the test proctor. 5. Students who need to use the restroom during an exam will be required to sign out of the classroom.

School Facilities 1. 2. 3. 4.

The kitchen will be open for breakfast only each day. The gym and the Jug Yard will be closed. The library will be a “quiet zone” for silent or near-silent study. To make the Commons more conducive to studying, the senior stereo will not be played.

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