Loyola School CHRISTMAS CONCERT DVD ORDER FORM Order online at this link: https://merelisproductions.wufoo.com/forms/q7w7r7/ The 2012 Christmas Concert will be professionally digitally recorded and is available for purchase on DVD! To ensure quality, the following techniques will be used:
2 digital video cameras, one for wide shots, one for close ups. Audio pick-up AT the stage, not just from the back of the theatre. Digital editing with opening and closing titles. Available on DVD. Includes menus and chapter points. Jump to your favorite scenes; just like a Hollywood DVD. (Plays on 99% of players; anything that can play a DVD-R.)
Order online, or mail this form WITH PAYMENT ONLY to Merelis Productions, Inc. 616 E 18 St #6D, Brooklyn, NY 11226 Deadline: Friday, January 11, 2013 Each DVD disc - $40 Prices include NY sales tax. Performer - ___________________________________________GRADE:__________ Name of Parent/Guardian - _________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ________ Zip ________________
Phone # - __________ _________________ E-Mail: __________________________ Number of DVD disks - _______ @ $40 each = __________ TOTAL
Please make out a check to “Merelis Productions, Inc” and include with form, or fill in below: CREDIT CARD PAYMENT SECTION – PLEASE FILL IN NEATLY & COMPLETELY: Card Number: __________________________________________________________ Security Code on Card: ___________ Exp. Mo/Year: ___________ If you do not provide complete information, including your card’s 3 or 4 digit security code, we will not be able to fill your order. We will attempt to call you to get any missing information, and we will expect you to provide additional information or mail a check to fill your order.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Merelis Productions, Inc, in its 10th year of business, is the New York Tri-State area’s premiere performance videography company, having produced over 300 performance DVD’s last year. Andrew Merelis, Owner and Chief Videographer, graduated from NYU Film School in December 2002. His additional services include Montage Editing, Demo Reel Creation and Home Video/Film Archival to DVD. He can be reached at 212-785-5886 or Andrew@Merelis.com.