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LOYOLA SCHOOL Uniquely Since 1900Jesuit, Independent, Coeducational


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In the Jesuit tradition, we foster student growth in five areas we call the “Grad at Grad” characteristics, qualities that inform every facet of the Loyola School experience in the formation of the “Graduate at Graduation.”


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what makes a grad at grad?

A Loyola student is becoming more ‌

Academically Excellent Open to Growth Religious Loving Committed to Doing Justice


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Academic Excellence

A challenging and rigorous curriculum At Loyo la , s t u d e n t s a r e c h all e n g e d

and engaged by small

classes, academic excellence, and a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum. The Jesuit approach fosters inquiry and reflection, providing an inspiring learning environment. The result? Extraordinary achievement. The Loyola academic program includes requirements in English, Theology, History, Foreign Language, Science, and Mathematics; elective courses are available in each of these disciplines as well. In addition, freshmen study Music Appreciation and Computer Lab; sophomores take courses in Art History and Health; and juniors take a required




Our curriculum couples individual attention with academic rigor. We place our students where they will be most challenged. As the four-year process continues, students pursue their interests on an advanced level. Before they graduate, they’re doing collegelevel work.—Mat the w

Bolton, Ph. D., D ean

of Academic s/English teacher

course in Speech and optional courses in Studio Art and Music Theory. All students take four years of English, Theology, Christian Service, Group Guidance, and Physical Education. A Loyola senior’s program may include as many as four full-year electives. A variety of honors and advanced courses throughout the curriculum provide rich opportunities for students to work at the highest level. Advanced Placement courses are open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors; in any given year, nearly half of the students take AP exams.

The learning environment at Loyola is enhanced by coeducation—boys hear the viewpoints of girls, girls get the boys’ perspective. Being coed adds a lot to the personality of Loyola, and my appreciation of gender issues has grown because I attend Loyola. —Chris, sophomore


Teachers who care

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At the heart of the Jesuit approach to education is the principle of cura personalis: care for the whole person. At Loyola, this means drawing out a student’s gifts and talents and encouraging classroom collaboration with peers and teachers. The teacher/student relationship at Loyola goes deep, encompassing both the academic and non-academic sides of the Loyola experience. Because teachers wear many hats in this small school— teaching, advising, mentoring, encouraging reflection, coaching athletics, moderating activities, and participating in service activities and retreats right alongside the students—they come to know each student as an individual.

As a teacher, I always want to reach every single student in the way that’s right for each of them, so Loyola’s small size is a powerful teaching tool. At the end of the day, there are just two words: cura personalis. This approach means everything, and I apply it every day. — J a c q u e s J os e p h , S c i e nc e t eac h er an d Ath letic s c oac h


Our teachers try to find the unique thing about each of us. And when we laugh, our teachers laugh with us.—Mateo,


Most of my courses at Loyola were more difficult than those at Dartmouth. Spanish 5 [at Loyola] was especially challenging—and I’d already spent four summers in Spain!— Adam Belan ic h ’0 4; Dartmo uth , BA


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Creating connections The Loyola classroom is a vibrant place where students listen to and learn from each other as well as from their teachers. The individual student is always at the center of the process, although many opportunities for collaborative projects enhance a sense of shared discovery. Teachers carefully craft lessons and projects to insure that students are actively engaged in learning by applying theories and concepts to concrete, relevant problems and issues. In Algebra 1, for example, students learn about the slope of a line. Ms. Cerussi makes this abstract idea real to students by asking them to apply it to the task of designing a ramp for the disabled. They must work within the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act, including the different requirements of manual and motorized wheelchairs. In the process, what initially appears to be abstract theory


is transformed into useful, practical knowledge. “They love the assignment,

There’s a larger

which makes the mathematical theory very concrete for them,” says Ms.

mission to Loyola,

Cerussi. Dr. Meade introduces students to the themes of alienation, identity, and loneliness through the study of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Franz

beyond academic excellence—our students are more aware of the world around them. Whether we’re

Kafka’s The Metamorphosis in his senior English class. With these works in

teaching in or out of

mind, the class views the movie Philadelphia, which shows these same themes

the classroom, we’re

in a more relevant and immediate context. According to Dr. Meade, “This

developing the whole person, and that’s

comparison really makes them sit up and take notice. They find the whole

what I love to do.

experience fascinating and illuminating.”

—Sun ita Meyers,

When students feel connected to the subject matter, their learning and achievement is strong, meaningful, and enduring.

Science chair


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Making the most of New York Located on Manhattan’s upper east side, Loyola calls the metropolitan region its campus, and the curriculum makes the most of opportunities to incorporate active learning. Wall Street, the engine of our economy, is a subway ride away; there are musical performances of every kind at Lincoln Center to inspire our chorus and orchestra enthusiasts; and museums showcase science, history, and art from the earliest periods on record through the present moment. And what city could possibly have more to offer our Film Study class? Hunting history

When freshmen read Homer’s The Odyssey or Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, the English literature class heads over to the Greek and Roman wing or the African wing at the Metropolitan Museum to see objects that might have actually appeared in those stories. Aside from providing active involve-


ment with the studies at hand, the field trip is also an introduction to working with museum resources. Dr. Bolton, Dean of Academics, describes the experience: “For The Odyssey, each student picks a different object from the story and writes a short essay, predicting how it would look today if it survived. When we get to the museum, the students look for that object and make comparisons. Then we tie it back to the work itself: How did the object inform your reading of the epic?” Delving into DNA

Every year, the AP Biology class treks out to Long Island to the Dolan DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to conduct a sophisticated molecular genetics lab. The facility is equipped with the latest in high-tech research tools and equipment, so the students have the opportunity to use professional quality micropipettes, centrifuges, and gel chambers. Ms. Meyers, AP Biology teacher says, “The students love going to the DNA Learning

Center because they feel like professional scientists—like on CSI ! We also get to tour a robotics lab on the premises, one of only a dozen of its kind.”


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Extraordinary Community

Home away from home Loyo la s t u d e n t s a r e pa rt o f

a warm, loving community. New

freshmen often speak of the friendliness of upperclassmen, daily greetings from faculty and staff, and how easy it is to fit in, right from the beginning. As the only Jesuit, independent, coeducational high school in the region, the school fosters a community that is close-knit, diverse, lively, and accepting. At Loyola, the values that inform teaching and learning also shape life outside the classroom. Through service and outreach, students and teachers work side by side, enjoying not only the purpose of their shared projects, but also the chance to get to know each other as individuals. In fact, most faculty members and administrators know every student, and the atmosphere inside the school is caring and welcoming.



My daughter’s experience has just been great. She has a 70-minute commute, but she loves the location—it’s a real family environment. She wants to be at Loyola early every morning, and I can hardly get her to leave at the end of the day. —Angela Li-A-Ping, parent

Loyola’s special environment is enhanced by the building itself. The light-filled chapel on the first floor is the site of optional morning masses and weekly reflections. Each floor of the school has only three or four classrooms, so students know that their teachers are nearby for consultation and conversation. When they step outside the Loyola building, students find themselves in the heart of a busy Manhattan neighborhood. It’s a dynamic home away from home. Alumni and parents bring their own perspectives, adding layers to the Loyola community. Many alumni maintain relationships with their teachers and see the school as a place that welcomes them home, long after graduation; parents and other family members often take part in service projects.


c omm u n i t y

Basically, everyone is your friend. There don’t seem to be many cliques, and there’s no invisible barrier blocking you off from another person. —Alexander,


Friends who care

Students at Loyola School are members of an unusually close, welcoming student body. The experience begins on the first day of freshman year, when all ninth graders are new, so bonding with classmates is easy and natural. As students settle into their schoolwork, extracurricular and athletic activities, and service programs, they reach across grades to form lasting friendships. All students find themselves fitting in, because diversity is more than an abstract idea at Loyola. The school actively fosters racial, social, economic, and cultural diversity, engendering an open-minded attitude among students and faculty. In a safe atmosphere of mutual respect, cooperation, and trust, accepting the individual for him- or herself is simply—in the words of one alumnus—“what you do at Loyola.”


Loyola students look forward to participating in enduring school traditions. • Outdoor Dance. Student government sponsors this dance on a September night in the courtyard. It’s the most popular Loyola dance and is packed with students from every class year. • Senior Halloween Parade. It’s a senior privilege to wear Halloween costumes for morning assembly and remain in costume throughout the day. • Christmas at Loyola. This special assembly begins with the Headmaster reading a Christmas story, followed by skits, films, and songs created, performed, and coordinated entirely by the students. • Mentor Mass and Breakfast. Faculty and students gather for a special liturgy in the student chapel geared toward the students, followed by breakfast together in the commons. • Sports Night. A triple header of basketball games played in our gym to a packed house of Loyola Knights fans. • Senior Barbecue: The faculty and seniors gather after the last day of classes to celebrate the year together.


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Personal Growth

An enriching environment Loyo la i s c o m m i t t e d to p rov i d i n g

the best possible context for

the deeply personal process of student growth, a context that is rich with experience and potential. So many of Loyola’s distinctive features facilitate the individual growth process—the small size and close community, the teachers’ ability to challenge students individually, the powerful connecting of students to a world outside their own sphere through social justice projects, and the Jesuit teachings that are at the heart of everything we do. All of these are essential components of fostering growth—and they depend on one additional element that heightens the experience of all of them—reflection.

personal growth

Growth through reflection In the Jesuit tradition, learning the art of reflection is key to living a life of purpose. Reflection—on experiences both in and outside the classroom—is fully integrated into school life at Loyola. Teachers encourage students to reflect on the significance of people and events they read about and research. Service projects and retreats also include time for reflection and the sharing of thought and experience. Loyola is one of just a handful of schools nationally that structures time for reflection into the schedule. Every Thursday afternoon, students take part in the weekly Examen, a seven-minute period of reflection to step back, reflect on the events of the week, and use their reflections to help guide their future. Both students and faculty gain much from the process—a strong sense of direction and focus, meaningful goals, and a connection to larger issues and concerns. Alumni find that making time for reflection comes naturally after they leave Loyola—it’s a habit they take with them.


p e r so n a l g r ow t h

Extracurricular experiences Through activities like

Loyola offers a full range of extracurricular activities—some familiar

the Coffeehouse and

and some unique to the school—which bring students to a new level

the literary magazine, we support

of personal growth. Leadership opportunities are available for any

students in creative

student who wants to create or participate in a club, service activity, or

work, encouraging self-expression and growth in writing and performance. —C hris tian Gregory, English teacher

any co-curricular activity in which he or she has an interest.


A sampling of extracurriculars: from publications to performance • Student government is popular at Loyola, with many students competing for election. The leaders contribute a student voice in the decision-making processes of the school and stage key events throughout the year. • Each year, school-sponsored travel opportunities include a tour through Italy, the Spanish Exchange Trip to Seville, and a ski trip to one of the challenging ski resorts out west. • Coffeehouse is an annual event celebrating student writing, music, and spoken word performances. • Speech Team. This competitive team participates in speech and debate tournaments on a regular basis; members routinely qualify for the State Championship. • Dramatics Club, Chamber Music, Chorus, and Dance Group. Each school year, two plays and two concerts showcase our actors, musicians, singers, and dancers, and provide the community with theatrical and musical entertainment. • Student publications include the school newspaper, the nationally recognized literary magazine, and the Loyola Yearbook, all written, edited, and published by students.


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Experience athletics Athletics are a valued part of the Loyola experience, and the school boasts a strong reputation for developing competitive championship teams, offering rewarding opportunities for student athletes to grow and excel. The large, well-appointed Loyola gym is the envy of many area independent schools. Dedicated coaches work closely with athletes in each sport to develop their skills, strengths, and talents, and to make sure they achieve their personal best. Students explore the meaning of excellence in the context of competition, respecting the rules of the game, the officials, their teammates, and the opposing teams.

The Loyola Knights compete in 11 varsity and four junior varsity sports: • Girls and boys basketball (varsity and JV) • Girls volleyball (varsity and JV) • Boys varsity soccer • Coed JV soccer • Girls and boys varsity cross country • Boys varsity baseball • Girls varsity softball • Girls and boys varsity track • Coed varsity golf

Committed to the team

Teammates and coaches together foster an environment of trust, support, and encouragement. Athletes practice after school, play demanding schedules, travel, and get to know each other well in the course of the athletic season. In so doing, they also develop the important ability to collaborate for the good of the team.

I tell our coaches to challenge every student. If you make things too easy, you won’t have a team. We ask the players, ‘Hey, what’s missing in your game?’ We want the really skilled athletes to become even better, and we want the average students to achieve more.—Frederick Athletic Director

Agnos takis,


p e r so n a l g r ow t h


Experience the arts The arts are integral to cura personalis—developing the whole person— and therefore they are essential to the Loyola curriculum. Interdisciplinary study—connecting the arts to the humanities and sciences—is encouraged. The fine arts curriculum emphasizes art and music appreciation, as well as student artistic and musical expression, and trips off-site take advantage of the cultural bounty of New York City.

Required ninth and tenth grade fine arts courses can be supplemented with a range of electives, including: • Art History • Art Studio • Photography • Film Study • Music History/Theory • AP Music Theory • Orchestra • Chorus


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Each summer a group of seniors and faculty spends ten days in Belize assisting in the construction of a basic house. Under the supervision of professionals, Loyola’s helpers mix cement, haul and cut wood, hammer, and paint. At the end of their stay, they have


A World Beyond Yourself

provided a home for a Belizean family.

L i n k i n g s o c i al j u s t i c e to fa i t h

is central to the Loyola

experience. Students are required to engage in service every year at Loyola. Faculty work individually with each student to design his or her own service program, thereby customizing the experience to particular interests. In addition, opportunities for participating in a variety of optional social justice trips and projects abound. Students seek out new ways to make a difference, year after year. Because faculty and administrators join them, these activities transform not just individuals, but the entire Loyola community.



The habit of service Over time, students develop a habit of service—a routine of seeking

Christian Service is

out the most significant outlet for the causes and issues in which they

not envelope stuffing

deeply believe. They also are ready to bring their goodness and talents to their service, assuming the kind of leadership that benefits others and can change lives, including their own. Loyola service is deeply rooted in the Jesuit world view of a faith that promotes justice.

—students find the issues about which they’re passionate, the issues that are worth fighting for. Our aim is to work in an interdisciplinary way, bringing together the-

From the classroom to the community

ology, philosophy, and

Loyola takes a two-part approach to the service requirement, combin-


ing practical experience with a regular course in service learning. A Student Faith Formation team, composed of Christian Service and Campus Ministry offices, focuses students on the connection between faith and justice. The group work of the classroom provides a thematic base for student fieldwork, and each class focuses on particular concepts and issues: the history and meaning of service in ninth grade; domestic issues such as urban poverty and welfare in tenth grade; and, in junior and senior years, global concerns such as human rights, oppression, and the impact of social service. For their work in the field, students create a dynamic service plan that grows and deepens over the four high school years, just as the students do. There’s a pull: Faith and justice go together, and both are essential to what we do at Loyola. —Susan Di rector of Campus Ministry

Ba ber,

Bludgus, Director of Christian Service


se r v i ce

So many ways to serve Brownbagging it Each December, Loyola

One of the most popular voluntary service projects is Brownbaggers, a

students, faculty, and

Saturday morning program. Many freshman and sophomore students,

alumni prepare Christmas food baskets for local

as well as parents and school faculty, meet in the school cafeteria to

organizations. Loyola

prepare brown bag lunches and then travel to Tompkins Square Park

students are a major part

to distribute them to the homeless.

of the effort to bring in more than 1,000 canned food items. Members of the Loyola community gather in the Student Commons and prepare food baskets for families on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

e Brownbaggers was a grass-roots response by students and families Th to the problem of hunger. It’s a perfect example of how we want students to act. If they can say, ‘We saw a problem so we devised a solution,’ then I know they’re the real thinkers—students who are really going to accomplish something.— Joan n Kusk, His tory teac h er a nd Br ownb a g g e r s d i r e c to r

To serve is to lead. At Loyola, we don’t equate leadership with acquiring titles or building résumés. We call students to lead by serving others. To lead is to serve; to serve is to lead. Loyola students have powerful examples of service in their teachers, counselors, coaches, and administrators, as well as in their families, and in each other. It’s immensely gratifying to witness their generous response to the invitation to leadership through service. —Steph en K at so u r os , S . J . , P r e sid e nt


choosing a Service project

Student service programs are as unique as students. Here are some examples of projects in which Loyola students have participated recently: • Serving immigrants and the elderly at St. Bartholomew’s soup kitchen in White Plains

Being committed to

• Providing art and music for autistic children at Heartsong

intertwines with our

• Helping to counsel families at The Alzheimer’s Association

requires caring for the

doing justice strongly actions. It not only

• Individual tutoring for underprivileged children

rights of those around

• Working in a hospice setting at Calvary Hospital

action—helping the

• Serving the physically and emotionally disabled at High Hopes Therapeutic Riding

us, but it also requires disadvantaged, acting as stewards to our planet, and distancing ourselves from selfish tendencies. When we

field service

serve others, there

In addition to required service projects, there are six voluntary trips

is an inspiration that

every year. Destinations include: Union Square, New York City —An

motivates us.—Sonia , junior

overnight stay incorporating a

variety of community service activities Camden, New Jersey —A

four-day trip, offered four times each year

Belize, Central America —A 10-day home-building trip for seniors; approximately 15 seniors take part in this trip annually Appalachia —A

weeklong spring break trip working with Habitat

for Humanity

Mutual Giving: The Camden, NJ, Service Trip What are the Camden placements? They are

In my four years of Camden trips, the crime

probably very similar to your current service

rate has dropped only slightly and many people

placement—homeless shelters, senior homes,

are still on welfare. The work we do, our pres-

and soup kitchens. So what is so special about

ence and actions, is just a small step in a huge

Camden’s? The answer is simple: the people we

process. A week in Camden will not save the city,

serve. Their enthusiasm seems unwaning and

but will comfort an individual and educate the

their energy is high; the stories they tell have

servant. The mutual giving will change the world

prompted many a student to stop their work and

in a ripple effect, one person affecting the next.

listen. Camden is a place to tear down prejudices

—From an article in the Loyola School Blazer

and build up friendships.

by Emily, senior


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The Jesuit Perspective

Seeking God’s presence and its four-year service

I was closed-minded

C o m p l e m e n t i n g t h e ac a d e m i c p ro g r a m

[to the Jesuit part of

requirement, the school offers an experiential spiritual life program compris-

my education] when I came to Loyola, but

ing liturgies, prayer services, retreats, and other opportunities to put faith

I’ve learned to value

into action. Through prayer, reflection, and communal celebrations, students

it so much that I will seek it out in college. —Elizabeth, senior

and faculty together seek the presence of God in their work and activities. Students are not simply participants, but planners and leaders as well. A Jesuit education is about helping students develop a lifelong ability to learn, reflect, evaluate, and celebrate the life of the mind, heart, imagination, and religious experience. In the Ignatian spirit of cura personalis—developing the whole person—the school encourages all community members to use their unique talents in the service of others, for the greater glory of God.



Grad at Grad

The five characteristics of a Loyola graduate at graduation are at the heart of the Loyola experience. The school year is broken into five timeblocks, and during each one, students reflect on how they are becoming more: • Academically Excellent

Regardless of their

• Open to Growth

faith background, Loyola’s students are

• Religious

guided by the

• Loving

directive of the

• Committed to Doing Justice

founder of the Jesuits, St. Ignatius Loyola, ‘to find God in all things.’ Finding God in one


another strengthens

Loyola organizes a four-year sequence of retreats for all students, based

the Loyola community

on Ignatian prayer, spirituality, and worldview. In addition to the

and the bonds among

required retreats for each class, there are optional retreats for juniors and seniors. Students work closely with faculty members to plan the

its members. —Jam es Lyne ss, Headmaster

retreats; most sessions are student directed.


At various times during the academic year, the entire school gathers for Mass in St. Ignatius Loyola Church. These liturgies are coordinated through the Campus Ministry Office, with an emphasis on student involvement and developing leadership skills. Students participate in planning the Masses and serve as the lectors, eucharistic ministers, cantors, and altar servers. Every other morning, in addition, students are invited to attend a Mass or prayer service in the school chapel.

Teach-In In November, juniors and seniors studying civil rights are invited to participate in the Ignatian Family Teach-In in Columbus, Georgia. The Teach-In challenges participants to increase their awareness of and commitment to issues of social justice. In addition to listening to the assembled speakers, Teach-In participants come together for liturgy and a prayer vigil commemorating the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and others killed in the pursuit of a more just society.


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Life Beyond Loyola We start early, but don’t contribute to the college frenzy. In fact, the students feel they’re in good hands and can just back off from feeling stress. —Thomas

Hanley, Di rector of College Guidance

College guidance Loyo la’ s i n n ovat i v e c o ll e g e g u i d a n c e p ro g r a m

is one of its

distinctions. It is a four-year process that stresses instruction, goal setting, and guidance, while de-emphasizing the competitiveness and anxiety that often accompany the quest to find the right college. Planning meetings for students and their parents are offered every year, in a group format for freshmen and sophomores, and individually for upperclassmen. Loyola students have outstanding college admission results, and 100 percent of Loyola graduates attend a four-year college. Highlights for each class year include: Freshmen PSAT

provides early familiarity with the PSAT/SAT testing format

Freshman college seminar —Class-wide

assembly featuring an admissions dean from a prominent college or university

Sophomores Sophomore College Immersion Day ,

a daylong visit to two New York metro-area colleges. Recent visits have included Fairfield University, Yale University, Princeton University, Drew University, Fordham University, and Vassar College.




Where our grads go

classes, emphasizing self-assessment and preparation for the college selection and application process

Recent top choices for matriculation:

in June—Rising seniors explore colleges and universities in either New England or the mid-Atlantic states

Bowdoin College

Jesuit college fair —20

Columbia University

Biweekly college guidance

Five-day college tour

colleges/universities come

Boston College Brown University College of the Holy Cross College of William and Mary Cornell University

to Loyola School Princeton Review course

Amherst College

offered at Loyola

Duke University Georgetown University Hamilton College


Harvard University Haverford College

for students. English department faculty attend, and students can review essay drafts and follow up on all the details of college applications.

McGill University

Weekly college guidance classes

Southern Methodist University

College application seminar

Middlebury College Northwestern University Princeton University Rice University Stanford University Tulane University University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of California, Berkeley University of Vermont University of Virginia Vanderbilt University Villanova University Yale University


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This school is just so alive. At Loyola, we felt prepared for college, and for life, and we’re still coming back here.—Gilli an

Panczyk Van Schaick ’80, Senior Vice

President, Chase Manhat tan Bank


Beyond high school The best, most vital examples of the Grad at Grad principles in action are Loyola’s own alumni. Their lives exemplify these precepts and are a testament to the values that are the hallmark of a Loyola education. A Loyola School diploma not only prepares students for top-notch college experiences and graduate work, but also becomes the foundation for a personally and professionally meaningful life. Alumni stay in touch with each other, their teachers, and the school itself, taking part in a variety of activities and events that fulfill their desire to remain part of the Loyola family.

At Loyola, I learned that I wanted a life of service and leadership. The School challenged me to find the connection among human beings. My teachers taught me to think—not what to think—and they solidified the values I grew up with at home. They opened my eyes to the importance of working for social change.— Kathl een A bel s ’ 0 5 ; H ave r ford C ol l ege, BA

Where are Loyola’s alumni? Loyola alumni can be found in a full range of careers: public service, finance, education, technology, law, the arts and humanities, medicine and healthcare, community work, publishing, not-for-profits, religion, military service, communications—just about everywhere. Here’s what a few of our alums have been doing: • Tanya Bastianich ’89—Georgetown University, BA; Syracuse University, MA; Oxford University, Ph.D.; Art historian/author, co-owner, Lidia’s Esperienze Italiane • James Dwyer ’75—Fordham University, BS; Columbia University, MS (Journalism); Author/writer, The New York Times, multiple Pulitzer Prize winner • Meagan Lizarazo ’00—Wellesley College, BA; Assistant Director, International Genetically Engineered Machine at Massachusetts Institute of Technology • Marco Maccioni ’85—New York University, BA; Cornell Hotel School, MPS; Restaurateur, LeCirque and Osteria del Circo • Robert Mauro ’70—Middlebury College, BS; NYU School of Medicine, MD; Pediatrician, University of Colorado Health Services Center • Christopher Morales ’03—United States Naval Academy, BS; Strike Fighter Squadron 106, United States Navy • Mary Murphy ’77—Yale University, BA; Oxford University, MA (Rhodes Scholar); Harvard University, JD; Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP • Francis Nemia ’73—Boston College, BA; Fordham University, MBA; Partner, Ernst and Young • Mary Sciutto ’77—Cornell University, BS; University of Louisville, MD; Advisory Dean and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons • Matthew Smith ’99—Northeastern University, BS; UC Berkeley, MS; Senior Engineer, Parsons Brinckerhoff • Lucas Tramontozzi ’96—Georgetown University, BA; Program Manager, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals—Office of the Secretary


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• 208 students • 8:1 student to teacher ratio • Only Jesuit, independent, coed high school in the Tri-State area • 11 sports teams • Students from all five boroughs of NYC, from NJ, Westchester, Long Island, and Connecticut • More than 20 non-athletic extracurricular activities

• Nearly 1,000 sandwiches distributed to the homeless by our Brownbaggers each year • A dozen colleges visited each year during our June college tour • Four Loyola alumni on the faculty • 13 faculty members on staff for more than 10 years each


Experience Loyola Visiting Loyola

We invite you to come and experience Loyola for yourself. Families can pre-register for one of our Information Nights in the fall. In October or November, families may arrange to take a small group tour once they have made a preliminary application. Visiting the Loyola web site is the next best thing to being here. At, you’ll find a wealth of information about the school, including multimedia content that provides unique insights from students, faculty, and staff. Office of Admissions Loyola School creative: C hene y & Company prin cipa l photog raphy: mario aren as

980 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 Phone: 646.346.8131, 8132 Fax: 646.346.8175

Loyola School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, or religion to the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or religion in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

LOYOLA school

980 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 Phone: 212.288.3522

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