Jesuit, Independent, Coeducational Office of the President November 5, 2012 Loyola Community Members, Love is shown more in deeds than in words. St. Ignatius of Loyola Our thoughts and prayers remain with those in the tri‐state area who were most affected by Hurricane Sandy. We have heard from many of you about the volunteer work that you are involved in, and we have received calls from many who want to know how they can help those most affected by Sandy. We believe that Loyola School can be of great assistance by connecting those who desire to help those in need with organizations that are looking to work with volunteers who are interested in service assistance or organizations which are looking to collect food, clothing, toiletries, etc. We ask any of you who are involved with an organization or relief effort which is helping people in need to post the information about these efforts, and how people can help, on Loyola’s Facebook page. Please include as many details as possible and all the necessary contact information. We are asking all of you who can help to visit our Facebook page and to connect directly with those organizations and relief efforts in need of assistance. You can get to Loyola’s Facebook page by following these instructions: Go to Loyola’s website at www.loyola‐ and click on the Facebook symbol at the bottom of the main page or go to then click "Like" to have the ability to view parent, student and alumni postings. At present, we are continuing to assess the needs of our Loyola families and those in our neighboring communities. We are currently working on an ongoing plan of action that will include expanding our canned goods collection leading up to Alumni Night to include coats. We are also working to connect with an organization in our area that will help us get items to those that are most in need. Moreover, we are formulating a plan for our students to volunteer with organizations providing relief…..more information on these efforts to follow. As a service to our community, below is a list of organizations which have volunteer opportunities or are looking for donations of items. If you are interested, please contact these organizations directly for their latest information. We are certain that we have missed organizations in this listing and if you know of particular ones that can be most helpful to those who suffered the destructive effects of Hurricane Sandy, please make note of these organizations on our Facebook page. We will continue to keep all those affected by Sandy in our prayers and will look to provide as much information as we can on how we can all be of assistance.
980 Park Avenue • New York, NY 10028-0805 Telephone: 212.288.3522 • Fax: 212.861.1021 • Website:
NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS The Red Cross (800) 733‐2767 (RED‐CROSS) or The American Red Cross is reaching out for people to help in several ways, including providing assistance in shelters, providing support in Red Cross warehouses and helping with distributing needed supplies. World Care Center (212) 563‐7570 or Visit the website and fill out a disaster volunteer application to get involved. LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS New York Cares (212) 228‐5000 or Those interested can click on the front page to find out how to get involved with the relief effort. Jersey Cares (973) 424‐1091 or Visit the website to register for Sandy recovery projects. Jersey Cares will then reach out to you when the projects are in place. Rockaway Emergency Plan on Facebook Go to!/pages/Rockaway‐Emergency‐Plan/463945416990840?fref=ts and click “Like” for more information. Long Island Volunteer Center (516) 564‐5482 or Visit the website and complete an individual profile to register for Sandy recovery projects. The center will then reach out with instructions and a specific place to go. New York City Service (212) 788‐7550 or Those interested in volunteering should send an email to the address listed above with his or her name, email address, phone number and borough or call 311. Food Bank NYC (212) 566‐7855 or Through the website, those interested have the option to donate food or volunteer. Volunteer Center (Westchester) (914) 948‐4452 or info@volunteer‐ Through the website, those interested can find how to get involved with Adopt‐A‐Family, give blood or become a community emergency response team member.
Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens The Catholic Charities in Brooklyn and Queens are in need of volunteers to be part of a clean‐up crew to help restore parish‐based food pantries and program sites as well as donations. To see where you can drop off materials and what items are needed, visit the their web site at or to assist lower Manhattan and Staten Island go to the Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York website at Sincerely,
Tony Oroszlany President