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Naturism means freedom for me. Personal freedom, freedom from modern civilization - its oppression, rush, materialism. Freedom and unity with nature; naturism provides the possibility of direct encounter with the wind, sun, water and landscape. - Michal




G E R M AN Y/ The history of Naturism


M AG AZI NE/ Growing Concepts


S OC IAL NU DIS M/ The Netherlands


E CO N OMY/ Nudity Industry


I N T ERV IEW/ Personal Story





The history of Naturism


Chapter 1





A series of philosophical papers was published i n G e r m a n y b y D r. H e i n r i c h P u d o r, u n d e r the pseudonym Heinrich Scham, who coined the term Nacktkultur.

1778 Naturism

In 1906 he went on to write a three volume treatise with his new term as its title, which discussed the benefits of nudity in co-education and advocated participating in sports while being free of cumbersome clothing

The word 'naturism' was used for the first time in 1778 by a French-speaking Belgian, Jean Baptiste Luc Planchon (1734–1781), and was advocated as a means of improving the hygiène de vie or healthy living.


Lebensreform movement G e r m a n n at u r i s m wa s part of the Lebensreform movement and the Wandervogel youth movement of 1896, from Steglitz, Berlin which promoted ideas of fitness and vigour. At the same time doctors of the Natural Healing Movement were using heliotherapy, treating diseases such as TB, rheumatism and scrofula with exposure to sunlight. 10

1903 Freilichtpark The first organized club fo r n u d i s t s o n a l a rg e scale, Freilichtpark (FreeLight Park), was opened near Hamburg in 1903 by Paul Zimmerman.


The history of Naturism

1945 After WWII


School of Naturism Adolf Koch established a school of naturism in B erlin ; enco u ra gi ng a mixing of the se xe s, open air exercises, and a programme of "sexual h y g i e n e " . I n 1 92 9, t h e Berlin school hosted the first International Congress on Nudity.

After the war, East Germans were free to practice naturism, chiefly at beaches rather than clubs (private organizations being regarded as potentially subversive). N a t u r i s m b e c a m e a l a rg e e l e m e n t in DDR politics. The Proletarische FreikĂśrperkulturbewegung subsection of the Workers Sports Organisation had 60,000 members. Today, following reunification there are many clubs, parks and beaches open to naturists though nudity has become less common in the former eastern zone. Germans are typically the most commonly seen foreigners at nude beaches in France and around Europe.




Nazi era



During the National Socialist Gleichschaltung era, all naturist clubs had to register with the Reichsbund fĂźr LeibesĂźbungen, which meant excluding Jews and Communists. Also, they had to keep all activities hidden in the countryside where there was little chance of being seen by others.

By 1951, the national federations united to form the International Naturist Federation or INF.Some naturists preferred not to join clubs, and after 1945, pressure was put to designate beaches for naturist use. From the middle of the 20th century, with changing leisure patterns, commercial organisations began opening holiday resorts to attract naturists .

Naturism had many different philosophical sources and means many things to different people. There is no one definition. In 1974, the INF defined naturism as: 'A way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of social nudity with the intention of encouraging selfrespect, respect for others and for the environment.' 11

Lebensreform movement

In Germany, where the naturist or nudist movement was originally founded, German naturism was part of the Lebensreform movement and the Wandervogel youth movement of 1896, from Steglitz, Berlin which promoted ideas of fitness and vigour. At the same time doctors of the Natural Healing Movement were using heliotherapy, treating diseases such as TB, rheumatism and scrofula with exposure to sunlight.


The history of Naturism


A back-to-nature lifestyle, emphasizing among others health food/raw food/organic food, nudism, sexual liberation, alternative medicine, and religious reform and at the same time abstention from alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and vaccines. Important Lebensreform proponents were Sebastian Kneipp, Louis Kuhne, Rudolf Steiner, Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach, Fidus (Hugo HÜppener), Gustav Gräser, and Adolf Just. Some practitioners of Lebensreform such as Bill Pester, Benedict Lust, and Arnold Ehret emigrated to California in the late 19th (Lust) or first half of the 20th century and directly influenced the later hippie movement. One group, called the "Nature Boys", settled in the California desert. eden ahbez, a member of this group, wrote a hit song called Nature Boy (recorded in 1947 by Nat King Cole), popularizing the homegrown back-tonature movement to mainstream America. Eventually, a few of these Nature Boys, including Gypsy Boots, made their way to Northern California in 1967, just in time for the Summer of Love in San Francisco.


Freikörperkultur - Free Body Culture

Nat King Cole’s first solo hit – in 1948, where it reached the top of the chart and stayed there for 8 weeks.

Nature boy Nat King Cole - singer eden ahbez - songwriter

There was a boy A very strange, enchanted boy They say he wandered very far Very far, over land and sea A little shy and sad of eye But very wise was he And then one day One magic day he passed my way While we spoke of many things Fools and Kings This he said to me: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return"


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return"

The history of Naturism


In 1898 the first Freikรถrperkultur club was founded in Essen. In 1900 more and more Swedish baths arose in rooms in Berlin and on the North and Baltic seas and a naturist movement began in France. The FKK movement was based on an attitude towards life where the naked body is not a source of shame. Freikรถrperkultur does not involve sexuality. Nakedness in the shower or sauna is not Freikรถrperkultur, since it is practically necessary. Nudity has to have prior group consent, and therefore requires no reserved zones, such as separate beaches or club areas.


With political liberalization, conservative circles challenged the nude baths which had become popular among urban intellectuals, seeing them as a corruption of morality.รถrperkultur



In 1902, a series of philosophical papers was published in Germany by Dr. Heinrich Pudor, under the pseudonym Heinrich Scham, who coined the term Nacktkultur. In 1906 he went on to write a three volume treatise with his new term as its title, which discussed the benefits of nudity in co-education and advocated participating in sports while being free of cumbersome clothing


The history of Naturism


The first nude beach in Germany was established in 1920 on the island of Sylt. The movement went on to gain prominence, portrayed as both health giving but also for its Utopian ideals. It became politicised by radical socialists who believed it would lead to a breaking down of society and classlessness. It became associated with pacificism. In 1926, Adolf Koch established a school of nudism encouraging a mixing of the sexes, open air exercises, as part of a programme of "sexual hygiene". In 1929, the Berlin school hosted the first International Congress on Nudity.



Ecological Rapport with the natural world.


Naturist Ideals





Bathing in the sun, fresh air and water Sun is a form of medicine.

Children should be respected as equals instead of being patronised.

Diet Naturism has at times been associated with claims made for moderation with alcohol, meat, tobacco, drugs Psychologically Rapport with other humans including equality and respect. Being nude in groups makes all feel more accepted – physically, intellectually and emotionally. Spirituality Nudity, well being and direct contact to nature helps feel closer to the universe. 18

Equality Clothes build social barriers. Social nudity leads to acceptance in spite of differences in age, body shape, fitness, and health. Liberty No one has the right to tell others or their children that they must wear clothes.

The history of Naturism


Hermann Göring 30.10 1932 – 23.04 1945

During the National Socialist Gleichschaltung era, naturism both benefited from official recognition and sponsorship for its health benefits, and was persecuted as officials argued over the concept of Nacktkultur. In March 1933, Prussian Minister of the Interior Hermann Göring passed laws limiting mixed sex nudism, as a reaction to the increasing immorality of the Weimar state. In January 1934, Reichmeister for the Interior, Wilhelm Frick passed edicts restricting naturism due to fears that it was a breeding ground for Marxists and homosexuals . In Germany the ban against nude swimming was softened by allowing nude swimming in remote areas in 1942.


After the war, East Germans were free to practice nudism, chiefly at beaches rather than clubs (private organizations being regarded as potentially subversive by the government). Nudists became a large element in German Left Wing Politics. The Proletarische Freikรถrperkulturbewegung subsection of the Workers Sports Organisation had 60 000 members. In the West Germany, and today, united Germany there are many clubs, parks and beaches open to naturists. Since reunification, however, nudity has become less common in the former eastern zone.


The history of Naturism


In 1949, the Deutscher Verband fĂźr FreikĂśrperkultur (DFK) (German Association for Free Body Culture) was founded, which today is a member of the German Olympic Sport Federation (DOSB) and the largest member of the International Naturist Federation (INF).


The first naturist holiday resorts were opened around 1950 in France (Centre-HÊlio-Marin in Montalivet-les-Bains, Aquitaine, France). The nude beach in Kampen on the Sylt island in Germany was particularly popular due to extensive media coverage. FKK resorts in Yugoslavia, France and on the Baltic Seacoast became popular holiday places. Naturist organizations gained many new members in the 1960s. Vacationing in Mediterranean France at the large Cap d'Agde resort also became popular for Germans when it opened in the late 1960s, and Germans are typically the most commonly seen foreigners at nude beaches all around Europe. Social nudism and FKK inspired Naturism was particularly popular in East Germany, possibly because of a more secular cultural development. In the later decades of the 20th century, naturism became very popular outside Germany. Beach culture was often intermixed – nude and dressed people would swim together and nudity was widely tolerated. One popular form of FreikÜrperkultur is Nacktwanderung, literally translated as Naked hike, where a walking group will collectively hike through the open countryside, which is possible in Germany due to the liberal laws on non-sexual public nudity. This attitude does not extend to German-speaking Austria or Switzerland.




Growing concepts


Chapter 2

"Each country has its own kind of naturism, and even each club has its own special character, for we too, human beings, have each our own character which is reflected in our surroundings." - International Naturist Federation


The wide publication of those papers and others, contributed to an explosive worldwide growth of nudism, in which nudists participated in various social, recreational, and physical fitness activities in the nude. Apart from their naked bodies, today’s recreational nudists have little in common with the nudist of a hundred years ago. The earlier nudists were first and foremost “rebels with a cause”, attempting to make the world a better place. Naturism/nudism – the terms are used alternately – started in the early twentieth century as a social movement in response to industrialization, urbanization, and environmental pollution: The naturist’s idealism goes far beyond collective nudity. The naturist explores many new ideas: vegetarianism, anti-vivisection, naturopathy and natural foods. A naturist lifestyle completely repudiates alcohol and tobacco.


Growing concepts


By 1933, Boone's interest in nudism led to publishing the first American nudist magazine, The Nudist (with Henry S. Huntington as its editor) which later became Sunshine & Health, published by his Sunshine Publishing Company. Even with the genitalia airbrushed out of the photos of nudists, the United States Postal Service decided the materials were obscene and could not be distributed through the U.S. mail, but Boone challenged the decision and took his case all the way to the United States Supreme Court.


NUDIST GIRLS OF GERMANY contains over 100 stunning and revealing photographs of naked women from vintage German nudist magazines at the forefront of classic erotic photography. With 16 pages in full color.


Growing concepts


Health & Efficiency ( now H&E naturist ) was first published in 1900. Back then the magazine covered health topics such as diet, exercise, herbalism and general advice on living a healthy and efficient life. In the 1920s when nudists began publicising their activities and sun clubs began to form, Health & Efficiency became an early champion of their cause through publishing their letters, articles and photos. Later, this material occupied a greater proportion of the magazine, particularly as it absorbed other naturist and health periodicals, including Health and Vim and Sunbathing and Health Magazine. 29

The Physical Culture Magazine promotes health and fitness. The magazine was published between the years of 1899 and 1955, a combination of bodybuilding with nutritional and health theories. The magazine has been credited with beginning the culture of health and fitness in the United States.


Growing concepts


Germany in the 1920s and the United States in the 1960s saw a boom of short-lived naturist/ nudist magazines. The number of such magazine titles may be high, but many individual issues are now all but impossible to find. As well as magazines addressing what authors and publishers claimed to be about nudism or naturism. Often, these latter magazines were clearly variants of erotica, "art model" collections of photos, or other forms of cheesecake or beefcake.


Far too often, multiple publications by different publishers bore the same name (e.g., Nudist Life). Some magazines would change their name, and some of those would change it back again (e.g., Naturally became Travel Naturally, and then returned to being Naturally; The Nudist became The Nudist—Sunshine and Health, and then Sunshine and Health—The Nudist, and then Sunshine and Health). Editors would come and go; logos or title font would change and change back again. Placement of volume, number, and date were often irregular; issues were sometimes skipped altogether; and it's not uncommon to find issue dates to be inconsistently stated in a single issue, or altogether erroneous. For some years, a special "annual" issue would be produced, in other years not. If sales were good and seemed to warrant it, a quarterly might be published as a monthly for a time, until it went back to appearing as a quarterly, perhaps intermittently. And if sales were really good, then multiple versions of a magazine might be published in different languages for varying markets‌with or without a change in title or cover image.


Growing concepts


In the 1960s, nude photography became increasingly prevalent in the civilized world, with European countries such as Denmark and France leading the way with evermore daring and artistic publications. In Germany, where the naturist or nudist movement was originally founded, the focus was as much on outdoor nudity and sun-worship as on studio-based erotica.



Growing concepts




Growing concepts




Growing concepts



Visual Identity

Visual Analysing Since magazines as a quite important catalyst in spreading naturism concept to the public, what is the ideal images for catching people's attention also encouraging them to have a try. The taste depends on the main concept of the magazine, the position on the spectrum between Naturism and Nudism. Here I simply classified the fundamental elements from a amount of naturist and nudist magazines, to see the trends and the language of the cover images.



Growing concepts

Fundamental elements Face & Body Position/ Front Face

Side Face






Expression/ Smile


Gender/ Male


Model Age/ Baby



Young Adult



Relationship/ Single




Colour/ Blue

Green Yellow







Blocking/ Colours



Words of the Name/ Nature Elements



Naturist or Nudist

Background/ Nature


Simple background

Activity/ Sporting





Visual Identity

Face & Body Position/ Front Face

The first principle in the naturist magazine cover is the cover models have to show their smile when they facing front, which is for giving a healthy, happiness, and enjoy feeling to the readers. Since people think it would be an awkward situation to be naked in public place.

Side Face

In eraly time, usually model staring into the distance create a sort of poetic or enjoy atmosphere which has another function is hiding pubic area by standing in side view, and most of them facing towards left side.


Growing concepts


Front Body

The cover images are not always fully naked even in naturist magazines, some are partially cover a piece of textile. In early time the cover model tend to present like a beautiful and holy sculpture, compare to present time, the cover model has more nature pose and expressions.

Side and Back Body

In some magazines model stand in side or back view to hide pubic area, since some brands has a principel is not showing pudendum on cover. In early version, model sometimes staring into the distance, for present version are usually facing front even they standing in back view. 43

Visual Identity

Model Age/ Baby

Some said that baby are nature in a naturist, therefore sometimes magazines use baby on cover to show a sort of purity idea of naturist. In most of time are parent hoding a baby, presenting family spend time in nature together.


The idea more or less similar to baby on cover image, but getting rare to find children as a main model.


Apparently, it's rather hard to find cover with teenager model which is a really interesting point, since people in this age are quite sensitive and also they are at puberty period. Seems like people try to avoid any wrong information or the idea of illegal sexually attractive. 44

Growing concepts


Young Adult

Normally people put girls or woman as main model on the cover to attract readers. With young woman they were usually alone or with one order sisterlike but not present in couple.


In this age the cover model being presented in more different relationships: single, couple, friends, family, group....


Eventhough every one knows that naturism doesn't matter the size and age, but still people rather look young and beautiful body and faces than old and fat, for bussiness matters elderly people aren't the popular model in naturist and nudist magazine despite they are the main customers in naturist niche market. 45

Visual Identity Colour/ Warm colour - Yellow, Orange, Red

Since naturist largely connect to sunlight, most of them choose warm colour in their Logo or as main colour on cover graphic design.


Growing concepts


Natural colour - Green, Blue

Only few of them use blue/green colour on the title, but usually they took pictures at nature places such as forest, beach...etc. Therefore the composition of the images still give cool impressions.


Visual Identity Words of the Name/ Naturist or Nudist



Growing concepts



Nature Elements


Visual Identity

Activity/ Sporting



Growing concepts





Visual Identity



The magazine La Vie au soleil was founded by Albert Lecocq (1905-1969) in 1948: the first issue dates back to 1 February 1949 1. After his death, his widow Christine Lecocq (met in the naturist milieu and married in 1933) continued her work and La Vie au soleil2. The magazine changed names several times after 1983, and it resumed its original name in 1994.


Growing concepts


Early time: Cover model uaually didn't look at the camera but facing somewhere else , also they kind of hiding pubic area by standing side position, the composition of the images are way more poetic. Since the picture can only be black & white at that moment, the colour on cover are in warm colour like orange and red as background.

At the present time: Cover model started to look at the camera, but still hiding pudendum by standing side position. So models have to keep their face towards front with showing their smile. The major colour of the picture usually in green and blue.


Visual Identity


THE NUDIST - America

Stapled color pictorial wraps. Generally very good. One issue (April 1958) with covers cleanly detached from staples, one (Aug. 1959) with large scissored chip to front wrapper. Else sound and clean overall. Partial, late run of Boone's groundbreaking magazine, the first in the US devoted to nudism and published by his National Nudist Council. These issues published in the wake of his successful 1958 Supreme Court ruling allowing the distribution of the journal through the U.S. Mail. Unlike many other "nudism" magazines, who used the name puriently or as cover for various forms of smut and erotica, Boone's SUNSHINE & HEALTH was genuinely devoted to the movement and included numerous informative articles and ads geared to the community. With numerous photographs, almost all taken at Boone's nudist resort Sunshine Park.


Growing concepts


Early time: At that moment they tend to use different colour in different issue, but normally keep in blue, green and warm colours like yellow, orange and red. The composition of the picture have two type: one is group of people playing sport together, the other is one or two girls posed like a sculpture.

Later: They set red as main colour on the cover, and the title also change to 'Sunshine & Health' (but change back later on). The model in cover picture was getting closer and bigger with naturally and relexing expressions. The body position was way more still and life-feeling. All of them didn't reveal pudendum part in the pictures.


Visual Identity


HEALTH & EFFICIENCY - United Kingdom

H&E naturist (originally Health and Efficiency) is a 92-page monthly commercial magazine focusing on the naturist and nudist lifestyle, through articles on travel, health and culture, as well as various features on arts and books with a naked theme. This content and focus has sometimes caused it to be accused of appealing to consumers of pornography, although sexual nudity is absent from its pages. After the Second World War, nudism became more popular and the monthly H&E - as it became known - promoted the lifestyle option, and throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s the magazine's reputation as the "nudist bible" grew.


Growing concepts


Early time: All the issue only use black & white images and graphic design, sometimes model didn't look at the camera and also facing other direction. In many issues model even wear the underwear or swimming suit rather than being naked.

At present time: Like other naturist/nudist magazines, the composition of the images model become bigger and closer. With modern style the environment (background)seems less important than before, the main focus are all on the faces and expressions. Also they try to cover nipple and pudendum part with words. Something interesting in this magazine is here are more cool people being presented in fashion or underground (tatoo) style.




The Netherlands

Chapter 3

Social nudity describes the nude appearance of the human body in relatively public settings not restricted by gender. This occurs both in public spaces and on commercial property, such as at a naturist resort.


The Dutch naturist movement dates from the 1920s, when three small clubs were set up, including the Vrije Lichaams-Kultuurbeweging [Free Body Culture Movement, 1926-1945], which allowed only “Aryans” to join. The Amsterdam Bond van Lichtvrienden [Union of Friends of Light, 1931-1935] was socialist. In this case, “Light” was a synonym for “Nudity”. The Friends of Light organized picnics and sports events outdoors, but they did not have their own recreational sites.

It was not until after the Second World War that the first such site was established, when the Verbond van Nederlandse Naturisten Zon en Leven [League of Dutch Naturists Sun and Life] was set up. The league organized special campsites for nudists and published a monthly naturist magazine, Zonnewijzer [Sundial]. The first such site, De Vier Elementen [The Four Elements], opened its gates on a small island near Loosdrecht in 1949. Dutch naturism was family oriented. In Zonnewijzer coy pictures of happy families abound.


The Netherlands


In the 1950s and 1960s the League had fewer than a thousand members. This increased during the 1970s, a period of great social change, and the Nederlandse Federatie van Naturistenverenigingen [Dutch Federation of Naturist Associations, NFN, was founded. The first nude beach opened in 1973 near Callantsoog. Nude bathing was technically illegal, but thanks to the characteristically Dutch policy of “turning a blind eye� (gedoogbeleid) nude beaches began to appear all along the coast. In 1985 a bill was passed legalizing recreational nudity. Nude resorts became very popular, though the naturist ideology that originally underpinned nudity gradually faded. Nowadays, the motto of the NFN (link is external), which represents those interested in recreational nudity and naturism, is simply: Enjoy Going Naked in Holland and Abroad.


Naturism in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is known for its tolerant attitude towards naturism. Although not every Dutch person practises nude recreation, the Dutch are generally not a prude people. Taking a shower together after sports, or changing clothes on the beach without struggling with a towel around your waist are normal.

Saunas and pools All over the country there are saunas, over 150. Naturism is the standard in the saunas of the Netherlands and are in general mixed. A number of saunas offer special women only days or women only nights and some do (unfortunately) even offer special days for clothed visitors. About 60 swimming pools offer nude swimming sessions. 62

The Netherlands


Nude recreation For naturists, there are plenty of opportunities. The Netherlands is blessed with a coastline of 450 km, 300km of which is sandy beaches. Spread over this sandy coastline you will find 38 nude beaches, which means the average distance between two nude beaches is less than 10 km. If you stay along the coast, there will always be a nude beach close to you. Besides the nude beaches on the coast, you will also find about 50 nude beaches and nude recreational areas inland. These places are generally found in nature areas or recreation areas. There will normally be a place to swim and facilities like toilets are usually available. Some places even have a snack bar. De Groenlanden - campsite

Texelcampings Loodsmansduin - campsite

Natukreek Naturistencamping - campsite Athena Ossendrecht - campsite, sauna

Natupark Het Verlaat - campsite

Hertogstad - 't Vinkel - campsite Achter Ut Huus - campsite Naturistisch Recreatiepark Elsendorp - campsite De Ossendijk - campsite

Naturistencamping Kuikseind - campsite

Naturistenvereniging Atlanta - campsite 63

Naturism in the Netherlands

Nude beaches Nude beaches in the Netherlands are in generally accessible by car or by public transport. Depending on the location you have to count on a 5-20 minute walk before reaching the nude part of the beach. In general, on the coast the nude section is at the far end of the beach and inland nude spots tend to be in more isolated areas. Some nude beaches even offer a restaurant and terrace.

Callantsoog The oldest official nudist beach in the Netherlands.

Het Twiske (Baaiegatstrand) Zandvoort Amsterdamse Bos Noord Aa (Zoetermeer) Scheveningen Brielse Maas



The Netherlands


Nude accommodation Near some nude beaches, you can find naturist clubs and resorts. These you can visit as a day visitor or stay for a few nights. Usually membership is required. You can also find some smaller naturist camp sites, with no membership required and four larger naturist resorts: Flevo Natuur, in the province of Flevoland, Loodsmansduinen on the island of Texel, Natukreek in the province of South Holland and Elsendorp in the province of North Brabant.

Texelcampings Loodsmansduin

Flevo Natuur

Natukreek Naturistencamping

Recreatiepark Elsendorp


Naturism in the Netherlands

The law Naturism is described in section 430a of the penal code. "A person who is nude outside a naturist a r e a d e s i g n a t e d s o b y t h e m u n i c i p a l i t y, or one who is nude at or near a public thoroughfare or any place not designated for nude recreation will be punished with a fine of the first category (maximum â‚Ź 380,-)." - the municipality can point out an area, which is designated for naturism. - if the municipality did not designate a specific area for naturism, it will not mean that naturism is prohibited on this spot. - the municipality can not decide whether naturism is allowed or not on a location. The judge is the only one who can. - be aware that the Dutch police sometimes have their own opinion and are not necessarily familiar with the details of section 430a of the penal code. In the Netherlands you have the right to point out the law to the police (so carry the law text with you). If you get a fine on a location where naturism was allowed or tolerated in the past, consider not paying and letting the judge decide. Most naturists in this situation won their cases. - whether a location is suitable for naturism or not has to be decided by the judge. A nude walk through a shopping street will in general not be accepted, naturism at a quiet pond most likely will be. - naturism in your own garden is definitely allowed. The only restriction is that you should not be visible from a public road. Neighbours cannot complain and a judge will decide in the favour of the naturists. 66

The Netherlands




ECO N O M Y Nudity Industry

Chapter 4


Niche Market


Nudity Industry


“The number of people taking naturist holidays in France is growing by between 3.5 per cent and 4 per cent per year at the moment. It’s mostly down to strong marketing activity abroad by Atout France (the French equivalent of Fáilte Ireland). One large naturist campsite owner told us that his visitor numbers had increased by 5 per cent each year for the past three years. This doesn’t mean that the numbers of naturists is increasing as quickly as that, but it does show that more and more people are turning towards naturism and towards naturist holidays.” French Naturism employs more than 3000 people, and is estimated to be worth 250 million Euro to the French economy. France is represented on the INF by the FFN.


Niche Market

“Also, they are very loyal guests. For instance, 35 per cent are coming three to five times and 30 per cent of our guests come back more than six times. Overall, more than onethird of our guests return, which is a huge number in the tourism industry.” Explains Bonifacichas - marketing manager of Valamar – one of Croatia’s biggest holiday groups that owns a slew of resorts and hotels all over Croatia.


Nudity Industry


Earlier this month, Castaways Travel , a Spring, Tex.based travel agency specializing in nude trips, announced it was offering an all-nude charter flight from Miami to Cancun in May--the first of its kind. Passengers will be invited to disrobe once the plane hits cruising altitude, and the cabin crew will remain dressed. For safety reasons, no hot beverages will be served and, in case you were wondering, all passengers will be sitting on towels. Castaways co-owner Donna Daniels Donna Daniels says that so far she has sold about 70% of the plane's 172 seats. The flight costs $499 (this is one flight where passengers won't have to worry about excess baggage charges) and participants will be staying at the El Dorado Resort and Spa, where room prices start at $910 per week. Castaways selling tag line is, "Fly nude, dude!"


Niche Market



State & Cnty Sales Tax - 7%






Per diem Benefit






Economic Impact Haulover Tourists

Annual Tourist Visits 883,412

Annual Local Visits 514,853






Economic Impact Annual Total

Page 1

Avg. Tourists Total Jobs Created 80.0 11,043






Average Nights Stay

88% of Haulover Park naturist beach visitors from outside Miami-Dade County say that Haulover's naturist beach is the primary reason for their visit to Miami-Dade County. (2)

NOTES: 1: Data Source: Miami-Dade Ocean Rescue (Lifeguard) Service and Park & Recreation Dept. 2. Data Source: B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Survey July 14-15, 2012 ° Haulover survey visitors: 119 3: Data Source: from Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau Visitor Industry Overview (per diem benefit, average nights stay, taxes): 2013 Tourism Industry in Greater Miami & the Beaches; Hotel Industry Recap by Smith Travel Research 4. Data Source: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (included in GMCVB Visitor Industry Overview) 5: Data Source: Park Dept. user figures derived from daily parking revenue, reflect daily visits, not total individual visitors. 6: Economic benefit of Broward & Palm Beach users not included due to lack of data. We are aware that many stay overnight locally, averaging 2.3 nights. NOTE: Park Dept.'s estimates of Haulover Beach users do not include tourists and visitors who come to the beach using public transportation, private shuttles, handicapped drivers, bikes, or walk from area hotels and residences. Prepared by Shirley Pickford-Mason 8/12/14



Convention Development Tax - 3%

Employment: Leisure & Hospitality (4) 80 tourist = one job



Annual Naturist Tourist Visits

179,810 222,499 112,543 142,296 340,217 296,234

Net User Visits


13.9% 17.2% 8.7% 11.0% 26.3% 22.9%



Average per diem 4,027

Tourist Development Tax - 2%

(local users) (local users) (7% local; 93% tourist) (tourists) (tourists) (tourists)

Annual 1,470,000 88% 1,293,600

Hotel Food & Beverage Tax - 2%

Direct Revenue Impact (per person)

Naturist Tourist Economic Impact (3)

Miami-Dade Broward / Palm Beach (6) Monroe / Martin / St. Lucie counties Elsewhere in Florida USA outside Florida Outside USA

Demographic Breakdown of Naturist Users by Residence (2)

ITEM Haulover Park user visits (1,5) Percent naturist beach users (1,5) Net naturist user visits


B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute, Inc.

Nudity Industry



Niche Market

When it comes to naturism, the mantra of Catalonia’s tourist industry seems to be: “There’s so much still to be done and so much to be gained from doing it.” Some 2,000 people in Spain are members of naturist clubs and half of them are in Catalonia. In the summer months, they are joined on the country's beaches by an estimated two million nudists, three-quarters of whom are foreign tourists, according to data from the country’s tourism authority and the Spanish Naturist Federation.


Nudity Industry



Niche Market

Another misconception is that nudists are mostly aging hippies, people who pine for the good old swinging sixties. Once these hippies die off, nudism should die right along with them. In reality, nudists come from all walks of life. At the clothing-optional venues I attended, I met doctors, lawyers, and all kinds of businessmen. It only makes sense, considering the exorbitant membership costs. Many resorts are located in remote places, far from those who might enjoy them, so driving distance is also a factor. Lake Como, Paradise Lakes and Caliente also serve as retirement communities, so naturally, they will attract older clientele. - NICK ALIMONOS





Personal Stories

Chapter 5

Never before did I get so close to Nature; never before did she come so close to me... Nature was naked, and I was also... Sweet, sane, still Nakedness in Nature! - ah if poor, sick, prurient humanity in cities might really know you once more! Is not nakedness indecent? No, not inherently. It is your thought, your sophistication, your fear, your respectability, that is indecent. There come moods when these clothes of ours are not only too irksome to wear, but are themselves indecent. - Walt Whitman American writer


For doing this naturism research, I also took part a naturism event called 'Naked Mini Golf' in Tilburg at 25, March, it was my first time. In Taiwan we call naturism 'sky body', first time I heard about this was on a TV news, there are group of people strolled naked in a Botainical garden in the foreign country, I was really shocked and confusing at that moment, the footage looked quite weird, seems like people trying to act normally but without clothes. It was a sunny day, the temperature was still low in March, I went there with my friend, Trent. That is an indoor recreation place call'Dolfijn', modern interior design with bar, bowling, billiard, eacape room and minigolf. It was Sunday morning, the event started from 10:30 a.m. till 12:30 p.m., before the open time. There are about 50 person in total, only Trent and me are Asian. We're a bit late, most of people have stripped off already, and they started to draw some patterns or words on body for each other with fluorescent crayon, cause the mini-golf place is in a dark room with Luminous light. Before I came there, I used to imagine how would it be. I thought I probably feel quite free cause I'm not the only one without clothes, until I really be there and has to take off everything on me, I felt so awkward at that moment.


Personal Stories


We were splited into several groups, each group are 3 person so there is a young Dutch guy with us. We played mini-gold together, people were quite curious about us since we were the only Asians, which is a best moment to do informal interviews from those people, and they seemed want to talk to us as well.

One of important principle of naturism is not staring at people. After we left, Trent told me that he noticed many people stared at me while I was playing golf as I'm the only Asian female in the event, but we never know what do those stares mean? They invited us to join their facebook group ' Generation N (GenN)'. After that I made a questionnaire and got 27 people helping me for filling the form, which is amazing. From their answers I get more knowledge and understanding of naturism.



1 Male, 27 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

It has a different meaning. The differrence is that for Naturism there has to be good weather, for nudism not (sauna for example). How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

10 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

In France a public beach, on holiday. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

1 or 2 times per week. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Nude beach. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Not really changed my life.



2 Female, 28 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Depends per person. For me, naturism is more a conscious life style and has a social aspect to it, nudism is only about the pleasure of being naked, not connected to well being of social interaction. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

About 8 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Public places like a local beach/lake, Holland. Are you naked when you are at home?

Quite often.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

In winter mostly at home, weekend and 2 or 3 evenings. In summer every day at home (indoor), 1-3 times a week outdoor. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Naked swimming and sunbathing outdoors. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes! I got way more comfortable with my body and being naked socially. More free.



3 Female, 27 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Nudism is the fact that you like to be naked, naturism is also nudism but with more attention to nature and environment. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

8 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Our Garden (Netherlands) beach (Netherlands, France, spain). Are you naked when you are at home?

Sometimes in the garden, with good weather.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

2-4 times a month, in sauna or in summer on the beach or in the garden. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Things in the sun! Or swimming/going to sauna. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

It feels natural, normal, and it is more comfortable than swimsuits. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes, I think I am more open-minded and I care less about the opinion of others.



4 Male, 30 Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

I Think the naturist knows more anout the nature en i think they are more vegentarian en that kind of stuff, a nudist likes more the naked style of life en they don’t shame to be naked when it is possible. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

8 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Sauna. Are you naked when you are at home?

Yes! After douch or sometimes we go down and whatch tv or somting.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Everday 1 or 2 hours i think. In summer maybe more in the garden. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Vacation on a nudist area. Beach, swimming, chilling on a terras... What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

No clothes is a great feeling, the most on the beach and swimming pool. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

No i think not. But I am not ashamed of my body.



5 Female, 34 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Naturism is a lifestyle all about worshipping nature in the purest form. As nudism is more about being naked and free as often as possible. To me they are boxes, I dont like it members of the lifestyle tell me how to be the best or the purerst ... , i'm out. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

I love being naked and free for 9 years now. Am looking for a broader network of nude people for a bit less then two years now. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

My first experience was a paid naturist forrest pool in the middle of the Netherlands.


Personal Stories


Are you naked when you are at home?

A lot. Until I have to leave the house. But don't always dress down when I get back home again. How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

80 hours when also counting sleeping. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Go to a gay beach in spain. So much peace. I want to go to le Colombier in France because its a campingground with lots of hectares of nature to wander around. Saunas in holland are the best. The rest is for me to experience as well. Keep me posted! What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Lack of freedom and need for steady senso motive basis. In other words, it seemd like a good thing to do at the time. And is was! Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

I have more peace of mind, understand why I hate clothing and in paticular bikinis. I feel more incecure when I have a bikini on than when I am naked.



6 Female, 24 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Yes. A nudist is someone who cares less about other people who are not naturists/nudists with getting naked. A naturist enjoys recreation in the nude in a more thoughtful way. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

All my life. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?

Yes sometimes, but not all day every day.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

4 to 5 times a week. At the end of the day at home and once every few months at a campsite, sauna or beach. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

A campsite. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I grew up with it and it makes me feel like I am good as I am. It seems that it doesn't matter if you are big or small, have scares or have perfect complexion. Everyone's oke as the are. I feel less judged. And it is less of a hassle to not wear no clothes. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

I always thought this way.



7 Male, 31 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

It is a feeling... How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

17 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Depends on the weather. But i sleep naked and besides that a couple of activity’s a week. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

On a naturist campsite. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I just love to be naked, it’s natural and honest. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?




8 Male, 26 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Nudism is only about to be naked. As a naturist, to be naked is a side issue of a bigger philosophy. E.g. respect for each other, respect for nature, no differences between each other. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

7 years (since my 21th). Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Nude beach, the Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?

When I've showered in the morning/evening and I've no plans to go outside, I'm naked.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

In the summer once a week. In the winter, once a month. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

A naturist camp side. At nude beaches sometimes you have some peekers. That isn't the case at a naturist camp. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

It always felt natural for me to be naked. When internet came up, I start searching for other people because I thought It was weird. Luckily it wasn't the case. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes for sure! In daily life it is all about earning money, status, hierarchy and the newest clothing. In naturism it's a relief all that is gone.



9 Male, 31 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Most people say: nudists are more into a clothes free life and naturists into a clothes free vacation. Naturists tend te to be more selective about when and where. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

9 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Nudist campsite in the Netherlands a few weeks before my first nfnJ vacation. Are you naked when you are at home?

Sometimes I'm working on more privacy in our home and garden.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

I sleep naked so mornings and evenings I'm not in a hurry to get dressed. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Secluded spot in nature. Like a campsite usually is. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Liked sauna, took step up. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes, but not profoundly.



10 Female, 22 Non Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Yes a naturist is in my opinion more like an oldskool hippy who loves nature en everything around it. So they protect the environment. A nudist only likes to walk around with no clothes on. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

I'm just a beginner. I don't call myself a nudist yet. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

4 times a year. In the sauna or with really hot weather at a naturism beach. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Sauna. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

My boyfriend is a nudist. So we can enjoy our time at beaches together. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes. I thought nudists and naturist meant something with sexuality but it's nothing like that.



11 Male, 27 Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

To be honest, I don't really know what the difference is. I just say that I like to be naked where-ever the situation or environment allows me to be naked. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

I guess from the age of 21. I slowly started to be naked at home, more and more. Then around my 22th I went to a nudist beach for the first time. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

I went to a nudist beach in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?

Yes, most of the time.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Twice a month. On sunday's I'd like to go to the nudist beach. sometimes I get a call from a friend of mine who has a car. Then we go to the nearest nude beach. But at home I'm usually naked for a couple of hours a day and when it's not too cold. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

The nude beach or nude swimming activity at the pool. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

The feeling of freedom is amazing. It cannot be replicated with clothes on. The sun shining on my skin, the wind blowing over my bare skin, the soft sand and the grass touching my skin ect. it is the best way for me to connect with nature and the earth. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes. without clothes we are all the same. Nobody notices the difference between a chief engineer or an office cleaner. We are all the same. 105


12 Male, 27 Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Naturism is more the feeling of being part of the nature and nudist is more straight on being naked. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

5 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Every night in bed and bedroom and summer nude beach. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Naked beach. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I was curious how it would be. It feels so fine that I didn't stop. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Not really.



13 Male, 27 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

I think ‘naturism’ means going on a naturist camping holiday, going tot the sauna or beach and ‘nudism’ is wanting to be naked all the time, but I prefer not to give it a name, I just like to sunbathe without getting tan lines and love the respect en freedom that you find on a naturist camp. It’s hard to explain this in English for me, hope you understand me How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

5 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

France. Are you naked when you are at home?

In de shower yes... haha and I sleep naked, but not more than that. 108

Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

In summer when I go camping, more often than in winter. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Sauna and campings. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

The holiday from NFN-Jongeren. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

I think this is different for every person. Some say you’ll change in having respect for eachother, never go on a holiday “with clothes” again or you feel more conected with nature. But that last thing isn’t something I would say. That’s more of an old standard for naturists.



14 Male, 30 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Naturism is nudity when it’s natural or practical, nudism is nude whenever possible. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

5 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Swimming pool in The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Depends on the season. In summer like once a week. Saunas, swimming pools, beaches, camping. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Swimming. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I like the culture. Not having to worry about clothes or how I/someone looks. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes, I think it’s the highest form of civilization in society.



15 Female, 23 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Love to be naked and love to have respect for everyone. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

23. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Camping. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Holiday. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Camping. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

My parents. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?




16 Male, 26 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Where you feel comfortable with. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

26 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?

Sometimes not often besides under the shower.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Depends whitch season when its nice weather as much as possible but mostly on weekends. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Swimming/ sunbathing/ relaxing. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Its Just easy and comfortable and the People are moe open/ friendly. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?



17 Female, 26 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

There are different connotations to the word. Often nudist is perceived to be more of a sexual nature than naturisme. The difference is often explained as: A nudist is said to turn on the heating in order to walk naked, while a naturist would put on a sweater. Naturism is said to be more a way of life. Being aware of the discussion on this topic I don't really care how I am labelled. For me both meanings have to do with being naked when the situation allows. In my surroundings people talk more about naturism; so I am more used to that one. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

26. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

France campsite.


Personal Stories


Are you naked when you are at home?

Sometimes. How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Depends on the season (good weather or not), where I live at the moment etc. Last year In summer i went one weekend every 2 weeks to a naturist campsite and once every 2 weeks to a nude beach. Sometimes naked at home. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

France and Croatia. Camping and nude beaches. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Comfort, fresh air on my skin, no tan lines, friendly people, clean and beautiful campsites. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Since I don't know any other way, I don't know a before and after.



18 Female, 31 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Nudist live naked, naturist chill naked in naturist locations. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

Since I was born. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

France, at a campsite. Are you naked when you are at home?

No, I am not a nudist.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Every day, in shower/bed. A few times a year in a sauna, and once a year on a campsite. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

I like campsites in France, and the Thermen in Nijmegen is a great spa, because it is not that busy. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

My parents brought me up with naturism. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

No, because I've been a naturist nu whole life.



19 Male, 38 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

They are the same. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

7 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

A camp-site in France (Corsica). Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

As much as i can at home. At least once a week in the sauna. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Going to a naturist beach. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

It feels good Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?




20 Male, 27 Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Nudism for me is Just enjoying being nude. Naturism is more like a life style?! How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

7 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

At a sauna in the netherlands and at a nude beach in Breda. Are you naked when you are at home?

In bed and in the showen.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

I sleep naked. When weather allows I enjoy a few hours at a nude beach. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Outside at a beach when Good Weather. Cold weather: sauna What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I enjoy being naked, feeling free. Like the idea that I have nothing to hide. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?




21 Female, 26 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Huge difference! Being free and close to nature on one hand and being naked on the other hand. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

15. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

The Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?

No, only for practical reasons. How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Only on holidays and among naturist friends, few times a year. 124

Personal Stories


From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

De vier elementen (Zon & Leven terrain in Loosdrecht, The Netherlands), where I first got in contact with naturism. For me it is fully connected to this place and, except for saunas, I have no need (yet) to be naked somewhere else. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I got in contact with the place and the people because of sailing weekends on the age of 11. Got used to it in a natural way in an unforced environment and it is still a small but special part of my life. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

I have always been easy with naked. Naturism has played a role in this, but not in a dominant way. I think that meeting this place and these people mainly made me more open and respectful to alternative ways of recreation. Most of all, the experience has changed my view about naturism. I sometimes feel the need to explain others who are not familiar with naturism that it's not weird people being naked, but a nice and free way of recreation and being close to nature. 125


22 Male, 31 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Naturisme: doing recreational outdoor activities, like swimming, naked. Nudism: doing anything naked. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

2 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Beach near my hometown in the Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

In warmer months I sleep naked and visit the nude beach as often as I can. Sometimes 3 data a week, 5 hours each. In colder months I visit a pool once a month that has a nude swimming hour. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Swimming, sunbathing. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

On warm days, any clothing is uncomfortable, I realiseer. Swimming feels much better naked. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

I suddenly couldn't tell everyone I had been doing during the weekend. It did not change my worldview.



23 Male, 32 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Nudism seems like a more old fashioned term. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

19 years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

At a naturist swim, in the UK. Are you naked when you are at home?

Sometimes. But only if I'm on my own. How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

At least once a day, at home, usually a hot bath, reading a book, after a stressful day at work. 128

Personal Stories


From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Secluded beaches in warm countries. Swimming, reading in the shade. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I read one or two newspaper articles about it, when I was 13. A photograph of naturists, in an everyday context, made me want to be that relaxed and confident. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

I changed the kinds of clothes I wear. They are usually much simpler, with usually only one more expensive or stand out item. Nudity isn't seen as a source of humour, but a pragmatic fact.



24 Female, 27 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

I was learned that the diffirence between the two was that nudist always want to be naked and naturist only in good weather and nature. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

For 10 years now. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Netherlands and it was at a swimming event from NFN. Are you naked when you are at home?

Sometimes but not often.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

In summertime once a month I think. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Sunbathing or chilling on a campsite. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Friends of me got me into it. I met a lot of lovely people at the nfnj and that's how it started. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

Yes I think so. It got me to be a more open person.



25 Female, 24 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Naturism is 'more' than nudism. With nudism it's just about being naked and enjoying that. But with naturism it's also about the health of your body and respect for the nature. So you don't drink alcohol, don't smoke and don't eat meat. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

since 4 months old. my parents took me to a naturistcamping Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Switzerland, Thielle die neue Zeit, Gampelen. Are you naked when you are at home?

Just for the shower.


Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Summer vacation on the camping. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Thielle, do whatever you like. Dance, yoga, volley, sunbathing... What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

I grew up with it. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?




26 Male, 31 Naturist + Nudist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

Same, same , but different. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

Officialy 1 year, if you count in visiting nude sauna’s at least ten years. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Sauna. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Every night. During the day nit so much. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Sauna. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Freedom, body acceptance, open mindednes. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?

A bit, but it is something that growed with me. Social naturism with younger naturists changed my perspective on it.



27 Male, 22 Naturist Do you think it has different meaning of 'Naturism' and 'Nudism'? What is the difference?

The opinion of people. How long have you been being a naturist/nudist?

Whole life. Where is your first place to do social nudism (being naked at public place/private club) ? Which country?

Netherlands. Are you naked when you are at home?



Personal Stories


How often you do naked? How much time (per week) ? Where (in general) ?

Home Everyday. From your experience, where/which is the best place/activity to do ?

Camping. What is the reason for you to start be a naturist/ nudist?

Growed up being it. Does it change your life or the way how you think of life after you start to be a naturist and nudist?





Chapter 6

'I think naturism is the highest form of civilization in society.' No.14


The reason I chose Naturism as my research topic, I think it's also one of my question about human body. I used to work in flower shop for 4 years, and when I was 14 years old, I thought about should I go study art and design field or go to study something about plants. I thought I'm a kind of person who is a nature lover, in this idea, I think human are all just one of Mammals, which means we shouldn't feel shame to be naked, is it?



'There are different connotations to the word. Often nudist is perceived to be more of a sexual nature than naturisme. The difference is often explained as: A nudist is said to turn on the heating in order to walk naked, while a naturist would put on a sweater. Naturism is said to be more a way of life. Being aware of the discussion on this topic I don't really care how I am labelled. For me both meanings have to do with being naked when the situation allows. In my surroundings people talk more about naturism; so I am more used to that one.' No.17 I got so many interesting feedback from the questionnaires which answer by naturist and nudist. Everyone has different point of view also definition between naturism and nudism.


After the whole research process and interviews, I don't think that I have built my own perspective, which can only be found by I really becoming a naturism, try to live in this way and then feel what I feel, just like anyone else. It's a bit hard to seprate naturist and nusist clearly, there is a spectrum, some are more close to nudist some aren't, or some people said it's doesn't matter, just a name. Some are quite strict with the definition...

'I'm not naked in home, cause I'm not a nudist.' No.18



Some of questions in my head have been answered, but some aren't, and I also have new questions during these months. Many people mentioned:' People are more open minded and friendly.' Which is quite interesting to me, what is the relation between naked and open-minded?

'I have always been easy with naked. Naturism has played a role in this, but not in a dominant way. I think that meeting this place and these people mainly made me more open and respectful to alternative ways of recreation. Most of all, the experience has changed my view about naturism. I sometimes feel the need to explain others who are not familiar with naturism that it's not weird people being naked, but a nice and free way of recreation and being close to nature.' No.21


Sometimes I feel like naturism is a sort of religion, people change their philosophy of life and relations, almost everyone told me that they can feel they have started to think in different way.

'Since I become a naturist, I changed the kinds of clothes I wear. They are usually much simpler, with usually only one more expensive or stand out item. Nudity isn't seen as a source of humour, but a pragmatic fact.' No.23



'I suddenly couldn't tell everyone I had been doing during the weekend. It did not change my worldview.' No.22 As normal, not everyone can be spported or understanded what you have been doing by friends and family. So you have split life and world, and you don't want to mix friend from one to the other. I felt that I am a person who only stay in his second world.





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