Cleveland Christian Home 2018 Annual Report

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Cleveland Christian Home 30th Annual Scramble for Kids Presented by Fortney & Weygandt

E LY R I A CO U N T RY C L U B J U N E 17, 2 019 W I T H F Y 2 018 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Dear Friends, W E A L L K N OW T H AT T H E O N LY T H I N G T H AT IS CO NS TA N T IS C H A N G E, and that was never truer at

Cleveland Christian Home than this past year. CCH has been through many changes over the last 6 years. And while some of our services had to be eliminated, our core programs continue to deliver the quality care and treatment for which CCH is known. I am also pleased to report that the changes we experienced in FY2018 have all been positive. For the first time in many years, we concluded FY2018 with an operating surplus. This is no small feat given the constantly changing landscape of funding for child

I’m incredibly grateful for our treatment staff, without

welfare services and transition to a managed care model for

whose devotion to our mission we could not hope to effect

Medicaid reimbursement. I wish that I could report that the

change. Margaret Mead is quoted as saying, “Never doubt

need for child welfare has changed for the better, but sadly,

that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can

it has not. This past year, Cuyahoga County Department of

change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.�

Children and Family Services alone reported over 16,000 child welfare cases.

Our small group of thoughtful, committed, and highly qualified staff work to provided clinically sound care to

With ever-shrinking government funds to care for these

over 450 children and families. Without our dedicated

children, we rely more and more on the generosity of people

staff, Board of Trustees, and generous individuals like you,

like you. Your financial investment helps to cover the cost of

2018 would not have been a great year.

the high quality treatment needed to effect positive change. In short, your dollars help us to provide more than just food,

Thanks for all that you do.

shelter, and clothing to children faced with debilitating mental illness.


Chuck Tuttle, CEO



Fortney & Weygandt, Inc. BioThane USA J.S.S. Electric, Inc.



Ciuni & Pinachi, CPAs and Business Advisors NFP

Mike Weinhardt Oak Printing Company Janet Stevens-Brown Dan Clark UHEMC Daugherty, Sieverts Wealth Advisors Carter Lumber/Holmes Lumber Dan Sondels, Tim Haywood, Jim Singleton, & Dick Thompson Zoom Branding Group/American Business Apparel HOLE SPONSORS Vandemark Jewlers Laubenthal Funeral Homes Carson and Lillie McNeal CESO Summa Care TR Smith Economics Joy Wyatt Lakeside Supply Company LUNCH SPONSORS Stark & Knoll Tradesman International FOURSOME PLUS SPONSORS


Washington Avenue Christian Church

The 2019 Scramble for Kids Golf Committee Chris Bongiorno, Chair Joe Artiste Ethan Boron Dan Clark Matt Frank John Stankiewicz

Thank you for your ideas, time, and dedication to helping the Cleveland Christian Home to support children and families in need. Your contribution helps to change lives.



hook. He was known to remark, “If I could just hit the


ball straight, I wonder how far it would go.” When Bob

H OM E FO R T H E PA S T 25 Y E A RS. Our founder,

stopped playing golf, he still enjoyed getting in a cart and

Bob Fortney, who was originally introduced to CCH

driving around the course to visit with all the golfers.

and their mission by Frank Boron, was passionate about helping those in need.

Bob’s favorite part of the day was always the silent auction. He bid on many items and his competitive spirit

The mission of CCH as a haven for hope and healing for

emerged in the last five minutes, with a flurry of bids to

children, youth and families in Cleveland and providing

make sure he was the highest. He often bid on all items

essential programs to those in need, resonated with Bob.

that did not have offers so that the event had a positive

As a family, we have always believed in aiding children

financial result for the Home.

in crisis and saw this organization as an opportunity to give back to the community. We were all in!

During the major recession in 2008 Bob doubled his efforts to make sure the outing was a success. He

When the Scramble for Kids first began, it struggled to

realized businesses were struggling but he believed the

get attention, and I am sure there were years the effort

economy would bounce back. He could not let the kids

may not have been worth the funds raised for the Home.

who rely on CCH services to suffer.

After a couple of years, Bob started to aggressively solicit our business partners, subcontractors, and clients to rally

Our commitment has remained strong during the good

them for the cause. Pretty soon, we were committed to

times and the bad. Fortney & Weygandt encourages

being one of the major sponsors. We have had many

you to support the youth in our community who have

business associates involved over the years, and some

been dealt a bad start in life, and who now rely on the

travelled from out of state to attend, while others

Cleveland Christian Home for treatment.

donated money to the outing if they couldn’t make it. Join us in creating a brighter tomorrow for these kids by Bob loved the Scramble and the events surrounding it.

donating to their cause, or volunteering, or attending an event.

Most years, it was Bob’s only round of golf! His favorite club was his four iron, which he used off the tee. When

Thank you,

he hit it well, it would take off like a rocket, and at


about 150 yards out, the ball would take a dramatic left

Owner, Fortney & Weygandt, Inc.

B O B F O R T N E Y, F O U N D E R



“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men” Frederick Douglass

T H E C H I L D R E N, YO U T H A N D FA M I L I ES S E RV E D BY T H E C L E V E L A N D C H R IS T I A N H OM E COM E TO US W I T H VA R I O US FO R M S O F “B RO K E N N ESS. ” Lack of resources, poor housing,

neighborhood violence, food insecurity, joblessness or underemployment- the list goes on and on. Most of the children and youth served by CCH have experienced

I know most people have many organizations and charities which vie for their financial support. It is often a difficult choice where to place one’s time, talents and financial resources. CCH board and staff

abuse, neglect or other forms of trauma.

deeply appreciates your donations, volunteer hours

Many psychological and sociological studies have

provide the high-quality treatment and care to our

now shown a direct link between these “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs) and higher risks for later development of poor educational attainment, substanceabuse, mental illness and perpetration of violence. These risks increase with the number of adverse

and support. Without you, we could not continue to clients. We thank you every day. CCH has some challenges moving forward. Government policies and support are a moving target. Government and health insurance funding does

experiences a child has had in his or her history.

not even cover the operational costs of the agency.

CCH has a long track record of helping such children

(located on Lorain Avenue in Cleveland) is an aging

and youth to manage difficult emotions, to develop positive social and interpersonal skills and be positioned to grow up “strong.” I made a commitment several years ago to specifically support CCH because, as a mental health provider, I knew that CCH was dedicated to training its staff to help children and youth heal from trauma, and that CCH is turned to by government children’s services to treat many of the most vulnerable of the children and youth in the community.

The agency’s home for residential treatment of boys building. While solid in its foundational structure, the building faces significant, necessary repairs and upgrading. These repairs are crucial to maintaining the agency’s credentialing as a residential treatment center and to providing safety and comfort to our residents. CCH will be seeking donor financial support for these renovations and hope that you will consider helping us in this major endeavor. Sincerely,

JOY WYATT President, CCH Board of Trustees 4

Annual Report 5

National Automotive Experts

is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of Cleveland Christian Home’s Scramble for Kids Golf Tournament and make a difference in the lives of children, at-risk youth and families.


877.222.1645 WWW.NAENWAN.COM

NAE_GolfScramble_Ad.indd 1

6/7/19 5:31 PM


the NAE Holiday Party and for their stint at Santa’s


Workshop at the Cleveland Christian Home.

H OM E FO R T H E PA S T 6 Y E A RS. However, our

involvement with CCH goes back nearly 20 years,

Since 2012, NAE and sister company Imprise

when my wife Kelly, through Middleburg Heights

Financial have been the Presenting Sponsor for

Community Church, volunteered to buy a Christmas

CCH’s annual 5K Walk & Run for Kids at the

present for one of the children living at Cleveland

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Kelly recruits a large

Christian Home. She received a wish list, and buying

team of walkers from the NAE staff and associates.

that one gift has evolved into our entire family

She has also secured a great deal of support from

volunteering at Santa’s Workshop — an annual day of

her clients and Ohio Dealer Partners as sponsors for

gift wrapping in the Fireside Room at CCH.

the Walk & Run for the Kids, whereas I participate in the annual Scramble for Kids, one of the best-run

We and many others collect toys and clothing to be

golf outings in Northeast Ohio! My son Tanner and

wrapped and distributed to the boys at the Home,

I look forward to a great day on the links, but more

as well as the families helped by CCH’s Community

importantly helping to raise funds for the Cleveland

Based Services. Our oldest son Dustin has been

Christian Home.

volunteering with us each Christmas, and our youngest son Tanner began volunteering before he

The NAE family has adopted the Cleveland Christian

was even born, as Kelly was a less than a month away

home and extends their contributions with various

from delivering him during the Christmas season

fundraisers at work, such as Jeans Friday, March

of 2000.

Madness Brackets, and an Ice Bucket Challenge.

While being a part of Santa’s Workshop, we have

The Cleveland Christian Home is an integral part

come to appreciate the importance of the Cleveland

in the lives and families of many, many boys and

Christian Home, the importance of structure, and

families who need our help. Cleveland Christian

a sense of home and security for the boys. We have

Home serves Cuyahoga County, along with 13 other

heard the testimonials of the CCH staff regarding the

counties throughout Ohio. For some, the Cleveland

changes and improvement they see with the children

Christian Home is the last chance for too many

they treat. We have also encountered countless stories

children to receive the treatment that they require.

from case workers and staff about how the Christmas

I am very proud that we have been able to play a

presents that we collect and wrap are sometimes the

small role in CCH’s success, and we ask that you help

only ones the boys and their families may receive.

us to spread the word on the work they do.

Over the years, we have become “expert” wrappers,

Please join us in supporting Cleveland Christian

taggers, and organizers as we inventory a roomful of

Home today and throughout the year.

presents and hope for our kids. Kelly has recruited many of the associates from her company, National Automotive Experts (NAE), to volunteer their services over Christmas. Kelly’s sales team from around the


country descend on Cleveland every Christmas for 7

CCH PROGRAMS AND SERVICES RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT, the flagship program of the Cleveland Christian Home has long provided social and mental health services for boys aged 6-17; however, the nature of the services we provide has evolved with their changing needs. Today, Cleveland Christian Home is a valued clinical resource for boys who have been abused and neglected, as well as boys dealing with acute mental illness and severe behavioral disorders. Cleveland Christian Home has become an invaluable resource for government child welfare organizations and juvenile justice systems around the state.*

Our clinical and residential team’s ability to help these young men address their issues, increase their ability to function on a dayto-day basis, and improve their prognoses has made CCH the go-to organization for boys who face the most serious challenges. We offer highly specialized services designed to address the needs of the boys in our care, as well as at-risk families around the community. CCH has the capacity to accept emergency referrals and admissions to residential programs 24 hours per day, seven (7) days a week.


• Residential Treatment is a designed for children challenged with mood, adjustment, impulse control, or other mental disorders and, who cannot function in a family-like setting or less restrictive environment. All boys in Residential Treatment participate in Mental Health Day Treatment, a structured and intensive service that addresses issues of conduct, anxiety, affect, adjustment, impulse control, or other mental disorders • Intensive Treatment Unit has a maximum capacity of sixteen (16) males, aged 6-17 who are experiencing an acute crisis and/ or severe, prolonged social, emotional, and behavioral challenges related to mental illness. The mental health needs of these residents are severe to the point of requiring intensive services and a high level of supervision. Cleveland Christian Home operates the only ITU in Greater Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.

At the time of admission to The Cleveland Christian Home, a complete Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation, including a comprehensive clinical, medical, and cultural evaluation of a client’s needs, must be completed by a qualified Cleveland Christian Home staff member. The evaluations are completed prior to the initiation of any mental health program or service.

• Staff Secured Shelter Care Treatment has a capacity of ten (10) males, age 11-17 that have been referred by the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. These youth have been adjudicated delinquent or have a pending hearing for delinquency. The Court has completed a risk assessment and has determined that the youth are able to function in a setting less secure than a locked detention facility. Problems addressed include: neglect, poor peer relationships, conflicts with authority, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, depression, assaultive actions, learning disabilities, poor hygiene, and truancy. This program addresses the reasons these youth initially became involved in the court system.

• Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation • Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST) • Mental Health Day Treatment • Consultation • Prevention

• Hope Center Treatment provides housing and treatment for up to 8 boys, aged 12-17, who struggle to overcome the impact of severe sexual abuse, neglect by caregivers, and/or a moderate or severe emotional disturbance diagnosis. They come to us from foster care, other residential centers,


or psychiatric hospitals. Hope Center treatment helps them to develop tools and skills necessary to live independently without victimizing others and to become contributing members of the community. Accountability, honest victim empathy, behavior management, understanding of one’s own offense cycle, and relapse prevention are all emphasized in the program. The goal of the Hope Center program is to facilitate the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of our residents that will enable them to return to family life. Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services • Substance Use Disorder Case Management • Substance Use Disorder Crisis Intervention Community Based Services include out-patient counseling, and intensive in-home case management/counseling services to families referred (per contract) by the Department of Children and Family Services, Children Who Witness Violence, Mobile Crisis, Juvenile Court, and self-referral. Staff of the Community Based Services of licensed therapists and community support providers. Staff are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Treatment occurs in the family home or other specified sites in the community, and visits occur during the week, evenings, and weekends. Community Based Services fall into one or more of the following categories: • Family Reunification Services • Intensive In-Home Services • Parent-Teen Conflict Services • Resource Family Support • Mental Health Services • School Based Services • Integrated Comprehensive System of Care

* Cleveland Christian Home Residential Treatment Program accept children from 14 counties in Ohio: Cuyahoga, Erie, Summit, Franklin, Lucas, Knox, Lake, Mahoning, Green, Clermont, Jefferson, Mercer, Liking, Ashland, and Stark.


C C H : FINANCIAL REPORT July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 FY 2018 REVENUE




Charitable Contributions

$ 653,095


Interest & Other







Residential Treatment & Partial Hospitalization

$ 4,719,996

Community Based Programs



(78%) (8%)





Fund Raising





$ 6,053,157

Notes 1. Cleveland Christian Home achieved an operating surplus ($80,079) 2. FY 18 Financials were audited by Cuini & Pinachi. To request a detailed financial report or to learn more about how you can support Cleveland Christian Home, please contact Judith Mansour, Chief Development Officer, at 216.688.4103 or

C C H F Y 18 S E R V I C E S T A T I S T I C S

F Y 2 018 R E V E N U E Interest & Other 1%


Family Services

School-based System of Care


Charitable Contributions 11%

103 25 234

Government 88%








Shelter Care





F Y 2 018 E X P E N S E S

Fundraising 6% Management 8% Community Based Programs 8%

Family Services


(Adults/Parents/Caregivers are primary client)

Residentail Treatment & Partial Hospitalization 78%


BioThane is proud to support Cleveland Christian Home and their important work with children and families. BioThane is the trusted brand for sports leagues, space, and military organizations, proudly manufacturing BioThane Coated Webbing in the USA since 1977. 34655 Mills Road North Ridgeville, OH 44039 440.327.0405 | 877.588.2358

JSS Electric is proud to support the Cleveland Christian Home, providing programs and services for children and families of Northeast Ohio for over 125 years.

Platinum Sponsor of the 30th Annual Scramble for Kids




216 831.7171


Bequests & Trusts

Central Christian Church of Warren

Good Shepherd Christian Church

Belle Keech Trust

Central Christian Church of Wooster

Greens Run Christian Church

Broad Street Christian Church Fund

Church of the Redeemer UCC

Harmony Springs Christian Church

Collinwood Christian Church Fund

Heights Christian Church

of the CCF Clara Weiss Fund Clare R and Hazel N Ewing Fund of the CCF Collinwood Christian Church Fund of the CCF

of the CCF Community Christian Church of North Canton

Hocking Valley Parish Jackson Christian Church Karl Road Christian Church

Disciples Christian Church

Lane Metropolitan CME Church

Elmore Christian Church Fund of the CCF

Divine Word Catholic Church

Leipsic First Christian Church

Gerald F Vesey Estate Fund of the CCF

East Side Chruch (Baptist DOC)

Lordstown Christian Church

Glen Park Memorial Fund of the CCF

Elmore Christian Curch Fund of the CCF

Macedonia Christian Church of Okeana

Kenwood Christian Chruch Fund of the CCF

Fayette Christian Church

Mantua Cneter Christian Church

Luella A Goldenbogen Estate

Fifth Christian Church of Cleveland

Maple Christian Church

Martha and Clarence Branaman Fund

First Christian Church of Cambridge

Middleburg Heights Communtiy Church

of the CCF

First Christian Church of Charleroi


Mary J Graham Estate

First Christian Church of Girard

Mt. Healthy Christian Church

Olmsted Christian Church Legacy Fund

First Christian Church of Hiram

Niles First Christian Church

Second Christian Church, Warren Fund

First Christian Church of Indiana

North Eaton Christian Church

of the CCF

First Christian Church of Kent

Northwest Christian Church of Columbus

Staggers Family Fund of the CCF

First Christian Church of McMechen

Norwood Christian Church

First Christian Church of Newton Falls

Parma Christian Church

First Christian Church of Paulding

Perry Christian Church

Churches &

First Christian Church of Ravenna

Pilgrim Christian Church


First Christian Church of Saginaw-West

Ridgewood United Methodist Women

Bailey Road Christian Church

First Christian Church of Shadyside

Russellville Community Church

Bethany Christian Church of Cleveland

First Christian Church of Sidney

Sayre Christian Church

Bolindale Christian Church

First Christian Church of Stow

Shreve Christian Church

First Christian Church of Bowling Green

First Christian Church of Wadsworth

Sixth Street Christian Church

Brookfield Christian Church

First Christian Church of Wauseon

St. Barnabas Church

Burt Lake Christian Church

First Christian Church of Willoughby

St. Christopher Church

Canfield Christian Church

First Christian Church of Wilmington

First Christian Church of Sylvania

Carthage Christian Church

Fork Ridge Christian Church

Taylor Ridge Christian Church

Central Christian Church

Fourth Avenue Christian Church

Washington Avenue Christian Church

Central Christian Church of Hubbard

Gender Road Christian Church

Westlake Christian Church

Cnetral Christian Church of Kettering

Genoa Christian Church

Cnetral Christian Church of Marion

Ghent Christian Church

Central Christian Church of Newark

Good Shepherd Baptist Church 13



Gifts in Kind

Individuals $1,000-4,999

Sean Wolfington

Lane Metropolitan CME Church


Joy Wyatt


Christopher Benevides


Kevin Blakely

NAACP Young Professionals

LaVerne Blaser Brown

Individuals $500-999

National Automotive Experts

Kathryn and James Cake

Lloyd Ackeman

Morgan Narducci

Mario Ciano

Joseph Alix

Niles First Christian Church

Dan Clark

Jason Bayko

Northeast Ohio Dancers Collaboration

William Clark

Leo Bender


Henry Coffeen

Chris Bongiorno

Pajama Program

Conley Insurance Group

Rob Brandt

Sean Rogers

Donald Cruse

Elvis Caraballo

St. Barnabas Church

Dealers Resources Inc

Michael Daugherty

St. Christopher Church

Disciples Christian Church

Raymond Fatig

Sunnyside Chevrolet

Stone Eagle

Bonnie Goldner

Sunset World Gives Back

Greg Freeh

Stephen Hales

Joan Thomas

Teri Hayes

Ty Hicks

Washington Avenue Christian Church

Heggs Auto Group

James Ickes

Gary Kidwell

Charles James

Tom Kyner

Shawn Kahle

Individuals $25,000+

Maria Livers

Jon Kardamis

National Automotive Experts

Tyronne Lue

Edward Kidd

Bob and Kelly Price

Anna McWilliams

Cynthia Klingemier

Hilda Meier

Beth Kloos

The Milby Group

Charles Lance

Individuals $10,000-25,000

James Musgrave

Bob Mansuco

Rob Kochis

Don Nash

Morgan Narducci

Mary J Graham Estate

Richard Norton

David Neuenschwander

Maxwell Morgan

Oak Printing Company

Donna Ogle

Sean Rogers

Melissa Ollendieck

SFK Anonymous

Jim Quinn

Individuals $5,000-9,999

Shirley Shubert

Rich Radachi

Ethan Boron

Thomas Smith

Cathy Smith

Robert Kovalak

Nathan Ware

Joshua Sooy

David Palagyi

Mike Weinhardt

Julia Sprong

Gerald Western

John Stankiewicz

Elise Whetzel

Katherine Swartout

Brad Thimke

Melanie Baum

Pamela Brown

Joan Thomas

Jessica Baumann

Rebecca Brown

James Vinciquerra

Thomas Baumann

Richard Brown

David Watterman

Charles Baumgartner

William Brown

Lila Wood

Dylan Beach

William Bruce

Sue Yarborough

Nicki Behr

Jake Bulkowski

Charles Behrens

Arlene Burch

Vertis Belcher

Teresa Burger

Individuals $499 & under

Barbara Bell

Jim Burke

Karen Adamson

Barbara Bellisario

Kristi Burkhart

Barbara Ague

Mary Bielek

Kenneth Burns

John Ahern

Joan Biery

Vera Burton

Emmanuel Alcazar

Jason Bilinovich

Donna Busch

Blake Allman

William Bird

Richard Busch

Judy Amaddio

Elijah Bisbee

Charlyne Butler

Sandy Ammon

Rachel Bisbee

James Cahlik

Dorothy Anderson

Kelly Bissetta

Alex Caldwell

Anonymous WFK Spectators

Dina Bluemel

Susan Canfield

Scott Anthony

Timothy Bobbitt

Keith Cardwell

Laine Arida

Carol Bodkin

Rhonda Carley

John Arnold

Monica Boduszek

Kenneth Carlson

Wayne Aubel

Paul Boersma

Robert Carpenter

Brenda Bacho

Deborah Bolen

Carl Carr

Fred Baillis

Tom Bordonaro

Mary Beth and Peter Cascio

Donald Baird

Frank Boron

Mary Castle

Dustin Baird

James Bournival

Paul Castle

Leslie Baird

A. Houston Bowers

Debra Castro

Kathy Bakale

Katelyn Boyden

Danny Caulkins

Jim Balata

Tara Bradley

Sharon Cech

Curt Balogh

Linda Brehm

Frank Chahulski

Roberta Balogh

Jason Bricker-Thompson

Katie Chalmers

Ray Banyas

Kaylee Britton

Charles Chaney

Jamie Baran

Lawrence Brock

Rhonda Chaplin

Charles Barnaby

Sandra Bronoff

Tom Chaplin

Rosalind Barnsdale

Tracy Brooks

Annette Charlesworth

Brian Barreto

Jim Brothers

Robert Cherry

Roger Bauer

Nancy A. Brown

Adrienne Childs 15



Kate Cieslinski

Sarah Duncan

John Gard

Guy Cipriano

Alyssa Dziak

Connie Gatta

Liz Clark

David Eaton

John Giammo

Victoria Clark

Martin Eble

Deryl Gibson

Thomas Collin

William Edwards

Dianette Gilbert

Nick Collins

Edward Eiskamp

Jim Gilbride

Elaina Comfort

June Elwell

Laura Gilbride

Robert Compton

Jordan Evanko

Joseph Gillum

Jennifer Condon

Douglas Evans

Joanne Ginter

Cathy Cooper

J. Kenneth Evans

Jill Goodman

Debbie Corona

W. Everett

Marilyn Gordon

Alan Cory

Haley Evert

Marty Gran

Diane Costa

Marge Eyring

Donald Gray

Ken Coy

Kerry Fairchild

Jeff Gray

John Craighead

Jill Falgiani

Jodi Groh

James Crozier

Jerome Farner

Kenneth Gurchensky

Greg Curry

Chris Faykus

John Guska

Amber Curtis

Raid Felding

Paityn Gutkowski

Thomas Dade

Robert Fenton

Roger Gutschmidt

Rachel Daling

Sara Ferguson

Elise Hagesfeld

Paula Dalpiaz

Angela Fisher

Edward Hajek

Dorothy Darah

Jean Fisher

Kevin Hales

Christopher Daugherty

Margaret Fisher

Roger Hales

Jean Daugherty

Abbey Flenoury

Ann Halpin

Carol David

Linda Floyd

Don Hange

Bob Davis

Lloyd Foight

Jamie Hansen

Fred DeFrancesco

Ruth Fortney

John Harknett

Caroline DeLamatre

Christy Foster

David Harlow

Donna Demerling

Steve Foster

George Harris

Deidra Desport

Sally Fowler

Robert Harting

Thomas Dewey

Bill Freed

Nevin Harwick

Mary Dickerson

Nina Freeman

Nicole Harwood

Jane Dietsch

Heather Frutig

Gertrude Hawkins Estate

Thomas Dietz

Patricia Frutig

Fred Helyes

Robert DiGiacomo

David Furcsik

Eric Henz

Vicky Dolinsky

Bonnie Furr

David Heym

James Donald

Dave Gantose

Glenn Hickman

Gerry Higgins

Brenda Keenan

Drake Limer

Jean Hignett

Ralph Kelley

John Lindamood

Helen Holcomb

Greg Kendro

Anna Lindenmuth

David Hopkins

Kayla Kendro

Jim Lineweaver

Harold Hopkins

Edwin Kern

Gail Long

Katherine Howard

JoAnn Kern

Janet Long

Janet Howson

Michele Kern

Jay Long

Cordaireus Hubbard

Thomas Kerns

Roger Long

Daisy Hubbard

Joseph Keys

Ralph Lorenz

Patricia Hudgins

Habib Khoury

Barbara Loudermilk

Carina Hughes

Bernice Kibler

Sheldon Lovejoy

Robert Hughes

Michael Kiesel

Eldon Lown

John Humbert

Thomas King

Robert Lucarelli

John Hungerford

Brenda Kirby

Andre Lukez

Jane Hutson

Jay Kirkbride

Thomas Madden

Olivia Ibrahim

Catherine Kissinger-Lance

Judy Mahaffey

Charlotte Ivey

Barbara Klein

Brenda Mancuso

Glen Jenkins

Mary Kleinert

Lettie Mangan

Tiffany Johnson

Glenna Knapp

Dan Manik

Vickie Johnson

Adrienne Knauer

William Mansfield

Dorothy Jones

Steve Koch

Ralph Martin

Janiah Jones

Dean Kontul

Elijah Mason

Lawrence Jones

Jonathan Kopke

Eric Mason

Pat Jones

Elias Koury

Mark Mathes

Yvonne Jones

Zachary Kraner

Kristin Matthew

Zuma Jones

Jeanne Krebs

Arnold Matthews

Bradley Joseph

Robert Kulg

Asja Matthews

Mary Louise Jost

Justin Kupczyk

Monica Matthews

Martin Kaback

Andrew Lance

Lori Matula

Emily Kalina

Debra Lance

Deborah Mayer

Haylie Kalina

Karen Lapidakis

Tianna Mays

Jackson Kalina

Mitchell Lapin

James McCafferty

Tori Kaminski

Linda Lauck

Anita McCain

Sarath Kareti

John Leskovec

Irene McCollum

Lucy Kaufman

Steve Letsky

Gail McConville

Beth Kean

Veronica Levoy

Amber McCourt

Beverly Kean

Tom Liggett

Vicki McGaw 17



Gary McIntyre

Gary Osborn

Margie Reece

Jerry McLean

Frank Osborne

Paula Reeder

Louis McMahon

Ann Over

Clifford Reeves

Anna McMillan

Gordon Overbey

David Rex

Carson McNeal

Sandy Overko

Andrea Reynolds

Patricia McNeilly

Eloise Owens

Carl Rhode

Grace McVicar

Marcia Paladino

Paige Rider

Daniel Mercer

Jennifer Palagyi

Bob Rieth

Lyndin Merrick

Evelyn Park

Sandy Rieth

Glenn Mers

Gerald Parker

Amanda Riggle

Allen Mihlack

Judson Parkhurst

Kelly Rigo

Elizabeth Miller

Craig Pastor

Jeff Riha

Maria Miller

Bruce Patterson

Janice Riley

Mary Louise Milligan

Greg Pawluk

Anne Roberts

Jay Mishler

Altricia Payton-Black

Dave Roberts

Chris Molmen

Jake Pease

Gabriella Roberts

Steve Morgunov

John Peer

Scott Roberts

Michael Mott

Michael Pennino

Steven H. Robertson

Ann Mottice

Harlan Peterjohn

Louise Robinson

Matt Moyle

Alan Petersen

Theresa Rockamore

Matthew Mullen

Donald Pfister

Marisa Rose

Thomas Musgrave

Steve Phillips

Lindsay Rusnov

Gabriela Nappo

Todd Phillips

Charity Russell

Christina Nassif

Linda Pitkin

Derrick Russell

Teresa Negron

Ted Popiel

Donna Ryant

Cassandra Neiden

James Posey

Charles Sager

Julie Nelson

Elizabeth Price

Marcia Sandor

LaRhonda Nelson

Vince Price

Lynn Sandrock

Lee Neumann

Joyce Pritchett

David Sapin

Henry Noffke

Robert Prugh

Jeff Schaeffer

Walter Nolan

Diane Pustay

Kim Schellhase

Jessica O’Donnell

Michael Quinlan

Jeffrey Schmittgen

Patrick O’Neill

Emily Rabenold

Barbara Schultz

Bernard Oakes

Rachel Ratajczak

Valerie Schultz

Linda Obral

Sheila Ratcliff

Andrew Schwind

Jayne Ohly

Sarah Redman

Joseph Schwind

Christine Orlowski

Luther Redmon

Julie Schwind

Sarah Schwind

Anne Sowell

William Thompson

Bruce Scott

Diana Spaliatsos

Florence Thwaites

Gail Scott

Lois Spellman

DeAnne Toto

Will Sebastian

Marilane Spencer

Yvonne Toto

Andrew Seger

Kathy Sprague

Ron Traub

Paul Serrin

Marilyn Spurgeon

John Troyer

Jack Shauf

Jacqueline Srp

Jill Tulk

Carmel Shaw

Diana Stack

Carol Tuttle

Scott Shea

Eric Stack

Charles and Katherine Tuttle

Bruce Sheldon

Kevin Stack

Stephen Tuttle

Edmund & Anna Lee

Nadine Stancil

Amber Twarek

Shepple Family

Frank Star

Sandra Uhl

Al Sherrill

Mark Starcher

Cynthia Umbarger

Earl Shirey

Amanda Stark

John Urbanick

Sharon Siffert

Chris Stark

Andrea Vagas

Pamela Silverstrim

Susan Stark

Andrew Vance

Polly Simmons

Janet Stevens-Brown

Sarah Verlie

Zach Simonitis

Kenneth Stoddart

Robert Vernadakis

Joel Sinegar

Susan Stoddart

Katharine and Andy Vinciquerra

Michael Singerman

Laura Sturgeon

Jessika Volz

Anand Singh

Lorelei Suehrstedt

Allen Waddle

Susan Sipos

Tondria Suggs

Cory Wade

Lynn Slaby

Elizabeth Sullivan

Jen Wade

Courtney Smith

Kyle Sverth

Jon Wade

Jeffrey Smith

Terry Swearingen

Mark Wainwright

Jonathan Smith

Mandy Sweeney

Daniel Walker

Kathleen Smith

Jennifer Sweeten

Debbie Walker

Kyleigh Smith

James Tallman

Wayne Walker

Lisa Smith

SoilĂŠ Talmadge

Danny Walsh

Mary Smith

David Tarvin

Laurene Warfield

Nathan Smith

James Taylor

Robert Watson

Tiffany Smith

Craig Tessimond

Nathan Weagraff

Michael Snow

Scott Thayer

Amber Wearstler

Kimberly Snyder

Christopher Thomas

Ralph Wearstler

John Sohosky

Margaret Thomas Repcik

Terri Wearstler

Misty Sohosky

Tammy Thompson

Matt Webb

Lillian Solomon

Wells Thompson

Manuela Weeber 19


C. Edward Weisheimer

Deborah Wilson

Marie Zantopulos

Konnie Wenneman

Rory Wolff

Ashley Zarletti

Marsha Werman

Karin Wolford

Ella Zawacki

Ruth West

Richard Woodward

Michael Zawacki

Caroline White

Stephanie Woolf

Mariam Zayour

Matthew White

Sandra Woosley

Lynn Zielaskiewicz

Dennis Wilhelm

Douglas Wooten

Jamie Zielinski

Deborah Willets

Nina Yarnell

Brian Zimmerman

Beth Williams

John Yeagle

Terri Zuber Clark

Daniel Williams

Amy Young

Marilyn Williams

Hugo Young

Phil Williamson

James Young

William Wills

Kylie Zabielski

Charlene Wilson

Steph Zambelli

An Independent Agency since 1925 with professionals specializing in Commercial, Personal, Construction, Life, Health and Bonds. Visit us at

Proud to support the 30th Annual Cleveland Christian Home Scramble for Kids, supporting children and families in crisis.




The Cleveland Christian Home exists to be a

DR. JOY WYATT, President Psychologist (Retired)

haven of hope and healing for children, youth and families struggling with mental illness, abuse and neglect.

OUR VISION The Cleveland Christian Home will be a center of excellence providing the highest quality services to meet the physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural and spiritual needs of children, youth

ETHAN BORON President, BioThane Coated Webbing Corp. DANIEL CLARK US Military, Educator (Retired) CAROLINE DELAMATRE (Secretary) Clinical Social Worker (Retired) BONNIE GOLDNER Educator (Retired)

and families. In order to create this vision, we are dedicated to:

THOMAS HITCHCOCK Human Resources (Returned)

• Employing highly skilled professionals who work jointly with children, youth and families;

JOSEPH LAPLACA Assistant Vice President, Banking Advisor PNC

• Providing services in a responsive, flexible and supportive environment;

DANIEL MERCER Pharmacy Finance Director, Cleveland Clinic

• Developing programs and maximizing resources as a response to the needs of children, youth and families; • Utilizing the talents and resources of the Board of Trustees, Staff and Volunteers to establish the Cleveland Christian Home as a center of excellence.

ROBERT PRICE Educator (Retired) STEVEN ROBERTSON Financial Planner; Robertson, Robertson, & Associates RUSS SMITH Economist, TR Smith & Associates NATHAN WARE Attorney, Baker Hostetler, LLP MANNEULA WEEBER (Vice President) Executive Administrator, Lake Shore Christian Church SUSAN YARBOROUGH Regional Property Manager, Chartis Insurance


CCH Administrative Offices 4614 Prospect Ave. East Suite 240 Cleveland, OH 44103 Phone: 216.671.0977 Donations: 216.476.0333

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