Malachi House Interment Brochure

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a celebration of life. As a Malachi House resident, you may choose to be interred at the historic and beautiful Lake View Cemetery at the Malachi House Vault. This option for interment will remove the emotional and financial burden for you and/or your family and provides scenic grounds for your final resting place. Funeral home and cremation arrangements must be in place before you can opt in for burial in the Malachi House Vault at Lake View Cemetery. A celebration of life and the interment of urns in the Malachi House Vault will take place once a year. At this time each year, Malachi House will pay the interment fee to Lake View Cemetery.

MISSION STATEMENT Malachi House, created out of a Christian sense of ministry, serves persons who are terminally ill without regard to gender, race, religion, or national origin and without cost to the resident or family. This home ministers to individuals who need an available caregiver, who have limited or no financial resources and are in need of special home care in the final stages of life. A trained staff and volunteers provide spiritual, emotional, and physical support with the assistance of a hospice team.

A Final Resting Place The Malachi House Plot at Lake View Cemetery

LEARN MORE... What are you (the resident) financially responsible for? As a resident of Malachi House, you will be financially responsible for all funeral home arrangements including cremation. These plans must be in place before you arrive at Malachi House. What cost does Malachi House cover? Malachi House will cover the cost of burial services at Lake View Cemetery. What happens once the cremation process is complete? Once the funeral home takes care of the cremation process, the ashes will be sent to Lake View Cemetery and placed in an urn which will temporarily be placed in a Crypt at Wade Chapel. Once a year, Malachi House will hold a Celebration of Life Ceremony where we will transfer the collected urns to the Malachi House Vault. Who will collect the ashes from the funeral home? The funeral home or family will be notified to send the urn containing our resident’s ashes to Lake View Cemetery with the resident’s name in care of Malachi House.

What is a Crypt? A crypt is a stone chamber, typically beneath the floor of a church or other building. The crypt at Wade Chapel is where our resident’s ashes will be temporarily placed until the annual Celebration of Life Ceremony. What is a Vault? A burial vault is a lined and sealed outer receptacle that houses and protects the cremation urns. The Malachi House Vault will be buried underground at our plot located in Section 13 and will be opened once a year during the Celebration of Life Ceremony. Can a portion of the ashes be kept by the family and another portion be interred at Lake View Cemetery? Yes, you may arrange to have all or a portion of the ashes interred. Can anyone visit the memorial site? Yes! Visitors are welcome at the Malachi House plot located in Section 13 at any time during Lake View Cemetery hours. Who can attend the Celebration of Life Ceremony? Anyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the ceremony.

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