Malachi House 2018-2019 Annual Report

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2018 2019


Malachi House, created out of a Christian sense of ministry, serves persons who are terminally ill, without regard to gender, race, religion or national origin and without cost to the resident or family. This home ministers to individuals who need an available caregiver, have limited or no financial resources, and are in need of special home care during the final stages of life. Our trained staff and volunteers provide spiritual, emotional and physical support with the assistance of a hospice team.




The most memorable thing about Mr. Chung was his smile. No matter what was happening throughout the day, walking into his room and seeing his face light up in welcome would bring immediate joy to every staff member, volunteer and visitor.


Mr. Chung was often a quiet and reserved man. His time at Malachi House was spent peacefully—reading, watching his favorite shows, savoring time with his family or simply enjoying the tranquil scene outside his window. He was always kind, warm, soft-spoken and appreciative. If he was struggling internally with the changes in his life, he never let it be known. Outwardly, he was an inspiration to other residents and the true definition of strength to all who met him.

If there is one thing Mr. Chung taught us during his time here, it was to start each and every day with gratitude and a cheerful smile. Even though he is no longer with us, Mr. Chung’s energy still remains and you can feel the warmth he left in the heart of Malachi House—and, for that, we are truly blessed.



As I write this letter while visiting my son in Rome, I am reminded that the cathedrals of Europe are the work of many inspired and dedicated individuals who believed in something greater than themselves. It is this same sentiment that inspires the mission of Malachi House—the belief that we can change the world by touching and healing one soul at a time. I want to start by thanking our co-founders, Kaki O’Neill and the late Father Paul Hritz, who will always remain our greatest inspiration. I also want to acknowledge the incredible work that has been carried out at Malachi House by our dedicated staff and volunteers, led by our executive director Judy Ghazoul Hilow. Judy’s staff was bolstered last year by the addition of our clinical director, Kathy Cooper, who replaced the retired Pam Roe, and by the hiring of our development and event coordinator, Jena Olsen. Finally, Malachi House will soon say good-bye to Liz Bowen, our volunteer coordinator, who has decided to retire after eight years. You will be missed! Reflecting on this past year, our 2018 Benefit honored the St. Ignatius Sophomore Service Program for its incredible service to Malachi House since 1988. Frank and Barb Sullivan, long-time supporters of Malachi House, chaired the event and delivered a masterful reflection of the impact this program has had on Malachi House before introducing Mike McLaughlin, who leads the program. Mike’s words were nothing less than beautiful, told from the St. Ignatius student’s perspective. Thank you to Frank, Barb and Mike for making this event so memorable. In addition, Malachi House hosted Bishop Nelson Perez this past December to bless the home and say mass. The celebration was a beautiful moment for Malachi House and its residents. Bishop Perez is fast becoming a beloved bishop in the Cleveland Diocese thanks to his warmth, humor and engaging style—which were on rich display throughout his visit to Malachi House! As we look ahead to the coming year, I will leave you will this: there are many ways to spend your time and money, but nowhere are these resources better spent than at Malachi House. Sincerely,

As we reflect on the past year, we remain humbled by the number of people who have stepped forward to serve our mission to help those in need who are terminally ill. We started with modest beginnings, as our co-founders, Father Paul Hritz and Catherine “Kaki” O’Neill, forged together, one day at a time, to establish one of the most amazing non-profits in our community. Our supporters—whether they be volunteers, donors, staff, hospice partners or board members—continue to overwhelm us with their kindness and generosity! They exemplify what it means to be true Christians and let faith take its course. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10 Our residents do so much more for us than we can ever do for them. Although Vicky is legally blind, she is aware of your voice and immediately greets you by name, with kind words and gratitude. When leaving Geraldine’s room, she always announces, “Remember—blessed by the best!” Although Chung keeps to himself, he is always interested in letting you know how grateful he is. On his first day at Malachi House, George was not happy, but by the time the day ended he was clearly becoming part of our family. We can’t forget our dear Glenn, who passed away recently. His impact was profound and, like all of our residents who have passed away in our presence, we will always remember how he made us better humans. We continue to serve our mission! The guidance and foresight of our board chair, Joe Lee, along with his team of dedicated board members and associate board members, has allowed us to do so much—from developing a new website and new strategic plan, to building a security fence and gate around our parking lot, restructuring our organizational chart, and supporting our dedicated staff and volunteers. Together with our devoted family, we look forward to securing the legacy of our mission for our residents for years to come. I invite all of you to visit Malachi House, even if you’ve done so already, to witness the love and affection that our team so proudly displays for our residents each and every day. As always, thank you for your generous support. Warm Regards,

L. Joseph Lee, Chairperson Judy Ghazoul Hilow, Executive Director 2

Dr. Hoeksema attended Albany Medical College, after which she completed residency training in internal and preventive medicine at Griffin Hospital, fellowship training in patient safety at the VA National Center for Patient Safety and, finally, a hospice and palliative medicine fellowship at Henry Ford Hospital. She obtained a master’s degree in bioethics prior to attending medical school, and later earned a master’s degree in public health from the Yale School of Public Health during her residency training.


A committed member of our board, Dr. Laura Hoeksema serves as the medical director at Malachi House to help relieve suffering for our patients and their families during the final stage of life.

She joined the Cleveland Clinic in 2014 to launch the inpatient hospice service at its main campus. Dr. Hoeksema currently serves as an associate medical director for Cleveland Clinic Hospice, an associate program director for the hospice and palliative medicine fellowship, and a clinical assistant professor of medicine for the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. In 2019, Dr. Hoeksema was awarded a joint appointment in the Cleveland Clinic Center for Bioethics. “It is a privilege to be the medical director of Malachi House. This is a place of belonging, comfort and healing for individuals nearing the end of life—where the uniqueness of each individual is celebrated, and where a community of volunteers, caregivers and hospice staff journey alongside each and every resident during the last weeks or months of his or her life.” — Dr. Laura Hoeksema, Medical Director



Our co-founder and founding chairperson, Kaki O’Neill, continues to serve our residents and the mission of Malachi House to this day. She has been our guiding force since four, turn-of-the-century row houses were donated to St. Malachi Parish back in 1986—the first step toward realizing Father Paul Hritz’s vision to provide a loving home for life’s last journey, with the help of Kaki. This collection of articles from years past commemorate Malachi House’s humble beginnings and powerful impact.

“’Another woman very near the end was receiving last rites. The priest was setting the mood, trying to calm her fears and make her last moments as pleasant as possible. He asked her to recall the best time of her life and to dwell on that while he prayed with her. She told him the best time of her life had been at Malachi House. That’s a testament.’” — Kaki O’Neill, quoted in The Plain Dealer Magazine, 1988

— Michael Heaton, The Plain Dealer Magazine, 1988

“At Malachi House, a home for the homeless terminally ill, no one works for the money. They do it for people like the 29-year-old man who had said his parents died 10 years earlier. On the day he died, he confessed that his mother and father were alive and begged to see them. The staff tracked his parents down and stood by his bedside as the young man’s mother cradled him in her arms and sang him a final lullaby.” — Clare Ansberry, Wall Street Journal, 1992

“…O’Neill has spent countless hours in the community educating people on the importance of a facility like Malachi House and the need for the homeless and impoverished to die with dignity. It is clear that Malachi House would not have become a reality without her fundraising talents, her spirit and motivation, her efforts in formulating this unique program and her ongoing concern for the proper treatment of the terminally ill.” — David Fox, Medical Digest, 1993


“’Home’ is the key word for Malachi House. Although technically not a hospice, it offers hospice care. Those staying at Malachi House are not patients, but residents. The reasons for these distinctions become clear to a visitor. The atmosphere is a family one, from the lively banter in the kitchen to the personal attention residents get.”

“The goal of Malachi House is simply to ease the last days of those who ‘literally fall through the cracks’ of the nation’s social service system, said Catherine A. (Kaki) O’Neill.” — Jennifer Stoffel, The New York Times, 1989



As communities grow more diverse and individuals—especially the medically underserved—live longer with chronic illness, nurses are becoming the main providers of primary care. To meet the challenges of an increasingly complex healthcare environment, nurses need more knowledge—not in science, but about their patients, whose difficult backgrounds play a pivotal role in shaping their healthcare needs. At Malachi House, we work with several health institutions and nursing schools, such as Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Ursuline College and Kent State University. We also host second- and third-year residents and physician’s assistants from MetroHealth and the Cleveland Clinic. “It became a process of me building confidence in my ability to relate to them, wherever they were.” Malachi House is the only place in Northeast Ohio that serves as a home for the dying poor. Our residents have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, have limited or no financial resources, and are no longer able to care for themselves. For these individuals, the alternative would be an institutional setting, a hospital or nursing home or, worse, the street. Since its inception in 1988, Malachi House has been home to more than 2,400 residents during their final days. Here, students learn to relate to patients as individuals whose backgrounds and hardships have driven their healthcare needs. It puts a human face on every health issue that is encountered—from diabetes and HIV/AIDS, to homelessness and addiction—and teaches them how to address these issues… not in an academic vacuum, but within the context of people’s lives. Community health rotations are designed to prepare students to practice at the highest level of their professions and to emphasize the role and responsibility of addressing health needs within a broad framework, including culture, socioeconomic status and spiritual wishes. Malachi House residents expose students to a specific experience: end-of-life symptom management, ethics in the final stages of life, and how socioeconomics and culture affect residents and their families. This education helps students gain essential clinical experiences to meet state board requirements.

A heartfelt thanks to more than 100 active volunteers who gave their time to Malachi House during the past year. It is because of your generosity that we are able to provide quality care to our residents in an environment of dignity, compassion and comfort. Sr. Pat Adams

Shirley Hemminger

Therese Mullen

Karen Andrejcak

Pat Hess

Dr. Kathleen Neal

Jim Bares

Sussy Hidalgo

Charlene Nichols Mac Niedbalski

Mary Bares

Catherine Hilow

Caden Beegan

Barbara Horan

Cindy Oakley

Alexander Bender

Joanne Hudson

Diane Obringer

Leo Bistak

Anne Hummer

Judy Ockuly

Mike Bonanno

Cynthia Ishler

Bryan O’Malley

Tom Brandt

Sharon Jesse

Jody Ondrus

Noah Brazytis

Dakota Jewett

Steve Ondrus

Cathleen Breeler

Liz Kalfas

Colleen O’Neill & “Rosie” Sue Osborn

Steve Brincka

Margie Kaminski

Kathleen Burke

Robert Kapel

Jim Parry

Christine Connors

Jim Kappa

Ellen Peoples

Christine Cross

Mary Ann Kappa

John Polito

Mary Dolejs & “Ghost”

Dan Kelley

Trevor Polomsky

Janet Duchoslav

Jennifer Kenney

Alex Quang

Gloria Ebratt

Barbara Ketterick

Edwin Quang

Doug Ely

Gabrielle Kim

Dr. Larry Quang

Sheila Fanara

Jill Koch Johnston

Bob Rensel

Mary Feighan

Abigail Krempa

Gary Rick

Jan Filkill

Sandy Lawrence

Ann Ritty

Jim Finnegan

Jerry Lazar

Eileen Schafer

Debbie Fitzgerald

Dr. Joan Lederer

Dawn Schweikert

George Fitzpatrick

Tom Lekan

Valerie Sleeper & “Tabitha”

Suzanne Fitzpatrick

Paul Lin

Colin Frank

Isabel Lozano

Laura Fratus

Beverly Lund

John Gerace

Gavin Majikas

Terry Gibbons

Tom Mammano

Ken Gill

Marilynn Martin

Alex Gilliam

Erika McLaughlin

Jim Gulick

Kathy McNulty

Eileen Hamblen

Michael Milia

Margo Hanna

Melissa Minton

Pat Harrington

Ann Moore

Darla Hastings

Luke Moorman Volunteer list as of 5/31/19



Julia Stenger Tammy Tadic Matthew Tarnowski Janet Thomas Threshold Choir Liz Tippit Kathleen Walsh Leah Walsh Peter Ward Heather Wojanowski Charles Zepp 7



On October 19, 2019, Malachi House will hold its 32nd Annual Benefit at the Crop Bistro in Ohio City. We are excited to announce this year’s co-chairs, Dianne & Tim Needles of Onix in Lakewood. Our Benefit will honor Pier W and its manager, Mark Kawada, for their generosity and commitment to Malachi House.


Each year, we pause to honor our friends, family and loved ones through our “Lights for Life” celebration on the first Friday of December. Our supporters purchase a light on one of our beautiful outdoor evergreen trees as a tribute to those who mean so much to them. Our evening entails a tree lighting ceremony, followed by a reception to recognize those commemorated in our Lights for Life book.


This event features the Merry Ploughboys, straight from Ireland, for an evening of unforgettable traditional Irish music. We had a fantastic turnout of nearly 400 guests at this year’s Merry Ploughboys concert at the Music Box Supper Club.


Our annual golf outing at Springvale Golf Club marked the 24th annual consecutive sellout event for the Malachi House Open. This year, 150 golfers enjoyed a gorgeous day of sportsmanship and golf.


This year’s event began with a tour of Malachi House, which allowed associate board members to gain a deeper understanding of how their contributions impact our residents. Afterward, the group made their way around Ohio City, stopping at four local hotspots – Nano Brew, Market Garden, Saucy Brew Works and Old Angle.


Malachi House’s Adopt a Resident program is our way of ensuring each of our residents has Christmas gifts they might otherwise not receive. Participants make our residents’ wishes come true by donating gifts that are personally suited to them through resident profiles listing favorite colors, sizes and gift ideas.


Lights for Life – Friday, December 6, 2019 Merry Ploughboys – Friday, January 31, 2020


Please check our website periodically for more information on upcoming events.

We are solely funded by generous giving from individuals, corporations and foundations within our community. We appreciate every gift you entrust to Malachi House and its residents. ANNUAL FUND DONATION

Annual gifts, of any size, are accepted at any time. You have the option of mailing a check or, for your convenience, making a donation online. You may also schedule a recurring gift payment on our website at As a donor, you can choose to designate gifts to a specific area or simply allow funds to be used generally in an area of greatest need.


In addition to cash, Malachi House gratefully accepts donations of stock certificates. You can receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of your donation.


Memorial gifts are a meaningful way to fondly remember our loved ones. You can choose to make a special gift in memory of a family member or loved one. Malachi House welcomes gifts in lieu of flowers. We send an acknowledgement card (keeping the gift amount confidential) to both you and the person you designate.



Tribute gifts are a wonderful way to acknowledge special people, highlight an accomplishment, or celebrate life events such as a milestone birthday or anniversary. We send a recognition card (keeping the gift amount confidential) to both you and the person you designate.


Consider supporting Malachi House through a special occasion gift, such as making a donation in lieu of favors for your upcoming special occasion. You can let guests know you have chosen to support us by using table cards, which we will provide.


By partnering with your employer through its Corporate Matching Gift Program, you can double or even triple your donation to Malachi House! Many companies will match charitable contributions made by their employees, or their employees’ spouses. Some companies even provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Check with your employer to inquire if your company offers this philanthropic option.


Planned or deferred giving is a type of charitable giving that allows you to express your personal values by integrating charitable, family and financial goals to leave a lasting legacy. Planned gifts can be made with cash, or by donating stocks or life insurance. In turn, they can provide valuable tax benefits and/or lifetime income for your family or other loved ones.


Malachi House offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.


We also accept in-kind donations of food, office and household goods that we use on a daily basis in order to provide care for our residents. See our “Wish List” on the inside back cover of this report for more details. Contact Jena Olsen, development & event coordinator, at (216) 621-8831 or to discuss the many ways in which you can support Malachi House. Contact Koula Callas, volunteer coordinator, at (216) 621-8831 or to discuss volunteer opportunities or in-kind donations.


INDIVIDUAL DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Abel Mr. and Mrs. Roger Abood Ms. Norma M. Abookire Ms. Margaret R. Abraham Ms. Mary J. Ackley Ms. Helen M. Adam Mrs. Sheila P. Adler Chris Adler Mr. and Mrs. James L. Agrippe Ms. Ann Albert Ms. Elaine C. Allen Ms. Patti Allen Ms. Catherine A. Allison Mr. David Amos Mr. Scott Amos Ms. Jeanmarie Amos Ms. Mary Ellen Amos Mr. Timothy Andrejcak Mr. and Mrs. Mike Andrejcak Mrs. Karen Andrejcak Ms. Marjorie Andres Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Ansberry Sr. Ms. Margaret C. Ansel Ms. Marie L. Anselmo Mr. Kevin Antal Mr. and Mrs. Albert Antal Ms. Kelly Antal Mr. David C. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Aquino Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arbeznik Ms. Karen A. Arscott Mr. Brian Arth Ms. Catherine Ashley Ms. M. Karen Aylward Ms. Catherine M. Ayotte Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Ayrey Ms. Dorothy Bahm Ms. Danielle Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robb J. Baker Ms. Denice R. Baldanza Ms. Mary G. Baldwin Ms. Phyllis Bambeck Mr. Terrence Barchanowicz Ms. Elizabeth Bardossy Mr. James Bares Mrs. Rosemary W. Bares Ms. Mary C. Barker Mr. Jeff Barlow Mr. Harry J. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Barr Ms. Amanda Barreto Ms. Carmella A. Barrett 10

Mr. F. Walton Barry Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Bartuccio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Basista Ms. Ann Marie Basta Ms. Dolores P. Bastaich Ms. Megan Baucco Mrs. Linda F. Baumbach Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baxter Mr. John F. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Becker Ms. Elly Beebe Ms. Judith Beeler Mr. and Mrs. David R. Beesing Miss Doris M. Belovich Ms. Bonnie E. Benson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bergan Jr. Mr. Richard I. Berger Ms. Mary Berges Ms. Beth Berna The Berry Family Mr. Robert Bertke Ms. Wilma A. Best Mr. Norman J. Betz Ms. Kathleen Betz Mr. Bruce Bibler Ms. Dolores E. Bielecki Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bielozer Ms. Beverly A. Bierbusse Mr. Edward G. Bilek Ms. Anne Billington Mr. Frank Bird Ms. Carol J. Bischof Mr. Leo Bistak Mr. and Mrs. George A. Blackburn Jr. Mr. George Blaha Mr. John Blake Dr. and Mrs. John R. Blakemore Ms. Sally Blatnik Ms. Marlene Blatnik-Freeze Ms. Katrina Blatt Mr. and Mrs. Johnny R. Bledsoe Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Bloom Mr. Dudley Blossom Mr. Paul P. Bobak Mr. Christian P. Bodle Mr. Paul A. Bodnar Mr. Frances G. Bodnar Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bodnar Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Boehm Mr. John Boland Dr. and Mrs. William E. Bolinger Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bollam Mrs. Marilyn Bollinger

Mr. Rich Bongorno Sr. Theresa Bontempo Ms. Mary Borchelt Mrs. Rosemarie Boutton Ms. Elizabeth Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyer Mr. Charles Boyle Mr. Thomas Boyle Ms. Barbara Boyle Mr. Matt Brady Ms. Karen Brady Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Brain Mr. David J. Brandeburg Mr. and Mrs. David J. Brandeburg Dr. Elizabeth Brandewie Mrs. Elaine Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bratko Dr. William Braun Ms. Caritina C. Braun Mr. Noah Brazytis Mrs. Lucille M. Breckel Ms. Madeline A. Brignon Ms. Diane Brodnik Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Brown Tanyka Brown Ms. Jacalyn Bruffey Mrs. Rosalie M. Brzozowski Mr. Alfred C. Buchta Ms. Leslie M. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buehner Ricki Bunkin Mr. John L. Burg Ms. Therese Burger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Ms. Christine Burke Ms. Kelly Burke Mr. Robert F. Burkhardt Ms. Stephanie Burris Ms. Rita A. Burrows Ms. Allison Burton Mr. Richard H. Busch Mr. John Bush Ms. Shirley Buterbaugh Mr. and Mrs. John P. Butler III Ms. Carol J. Buynak Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Cad Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Calabrese Ms. Clare Callahan Ms. Helaine J. Callier Mr. Louis D. Camino Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Camm DDS Dr. Jennifer Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C.Campbell Mr. John Carey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carfagna Mr. Eric Carlberg Mrs. Cheryl Carrino Mr. Timothy Carroll Ms. Rebecca S. Carter Ms. Marcella Castellarin Mrs. Ann Castelli Ms. Donna M. Catalona Ms. Kathleen Cauley Mr. Cavanaugh Mr. Michael Cesa Mr. and Mrs. Connor P. Chambers Ms. Laura J. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Chernutan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cholensky Drs. Richard Christie MD Ms. Mary E. Chura Ms. Dorothy B. Cibula Mrs. Carol N. Ciccarello Mrs. Donna M. Cinadr Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cizek Mr. Bernard Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Clark Ms. Ann L. Clark Mrs. Susan M. Clement Ms. Cathleen Clinton Mr. George Coakley Mr. Chris Coburn Ms. Bethanne Coffey Ms. Mary Ellen Colbert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collins Ms. Sharon O. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Comella Mr. Walter J. Compernolle Mr. and Mrs. William D. Conkey Ms. Colleen Connell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Connelly Ms. Carol E. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Conrad Ms. Carol A. Consolo Mr. Cosmo A. Conte Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Converse Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cook Honorable Judge Colleen Conway Cooney Mr. Kevin F. Cooney Mr. John A. Copeland Ms. Marilyn Copeland Ms. Linda Corbin-McKenzie

Ms. Victoria Corell Ms. Marcia Cornelius Mr. Mark W. Corrado Ms. Anne Correlli Mr. Brian Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Corrigan Ms. Karen J. Corrigan Ms. Arlene R. Corrigan Mr. Michael A. Costanzo Ms. Beverly J. Costello Mr. Daniel Cotter Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coughlin Ms. Patsy Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Covelli Mr. Peter C. Covich Mr. Douglas A. Cowin Mr. and Mrs. Tony Coyne Ms. Florence L. Cozza Mr. Jim Craciun Mr. Kevin Craig Ms. Anne L. Craven Ms. Dianne Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Astreverto V. Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Csongei Mr. Kenneth C. Cudnik Ms. Marguerite Cummings Mrs. Melva Curry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cutter Mr. and Mrs. Joe D’Agostino Ms. Barbara J. Daly Ms. Mary Darby Mr. Jim Darcy Dr. Narayana Dasari Mr. and Mrs. David P. Daube Mr. Ben Davies Ms. Linda J. Dawson Ms. Carol O. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Deadwyler Jr. Ms. Gayle Deadwyler Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeBaggis Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Debrock Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. DeChant Ms. Mary Anne Delsander Mr. and Mrs. Ernie K. Demanelis Ms. Donna DeMattie Ms. Diane E. DeMelo Mr. William Denihan Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeSantis Ms. Rita Desiero Ms. Mary Ann Desmarteau Mr. John L. Desmone Ms. Bernadette D’Ettorrre Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Devan Ms. Jeannie Devereax

Mr. Nickolas Devon Ms. Virginia DeWerth Ms. Megan DeWitt Ms. Donna Deye Ms. Lynn Dezelon Ms. Florence Di Nallo Mr. Vincent J. Dicaprio Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Dieckman Mr. John Diemer Mr. Steven Dieringer Ms. Carol Dies Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiFranco Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dimaline Ms. Jacqueline A. Discenza Mr. August DiVito Ms. Delores C. Dolesh Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Dollard Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doman Mr. Mark Donnelly Ms. Patricia J. Donnelly Ms. Meghan Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dorocak Mr. Brendan Dorsey Ms. Patricia L. Downey Ms. Patricia M. Downey Mr. Timothy Doyle Ms. Nancy Doyle Ms. Patricia A. Dragony Mr. George E. Drogomir Mr. Charles R. Drvenkar Mark and Rebecca Duesenberg Ms. Peg Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duke Mr. William E. Durkin Mrs. Mary Lou Durkin Ms. Sharon Dziak Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dzuban Ms. Betty J. Eggers Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Eichman Mr. and Mrs. David M. Eichman Ms. Dorothy Ellis Mr. Thomas G. Elsasser Mr. Robert J. Elwood Mr. Doug Ely Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Emrich Mrs. Judy G. Entres Ms. Marianne Ernst Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Estes Ms. Cynthia S. Evanko Mr. John A. Evans Sr. Mr. Murray J. Evans Mr. Bryan Evans

Mr. and Mrs. William Evans Ms. Lynne Evans Ms. Mamie D. Ezekiel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faris Mr. Bob Farmerie Mr. Michael Farrell Mr. John J. Farris Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Farris Ms. Lori Faur Ms. Dolores M. Fedak Ms. Barbara A. Fedarko Mr. Reinhold Federmann Ms. Mary Felkonis Ms. Mary Ferrante Ms. Gail Fessenden Ms. Maria Fesz Ms. Mary R. Fielding Ms. Jan Filkill Ms. Kathleen M. Filkins Mr. James G. Fink Mr. Michael Fink Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fink Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Finley Mr. James Finnegan Mrs. Pamela Fioritto Ms. Patricia L. Fischbach Mr. David Fischer Ms. Mary Ann Fischer Mr. George Fitzpatrick Mr. Regan Fitzpatrick Mr. Kennedy Fitzsimmons Mr. and Mrs. Eugene N. Flanagan Ms. Elsie Fleckenstein Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fleming Ms. Nancy Fleming Mr. David H. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fogleson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Folzenlogen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Foos Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Forrey Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Forsgren Mr. and Mrs. James Forshey Mr. Kurt S. Forsthoefel Mr. John J. Fousek Ms. Paula M. Foutz Ms. Mary Fowler-Reagan Mr. John L. Fox Mr. Bruce Fraley Dr. and Mrs. William Francis Fr. Sheldon M. Franz Mr. James H. French Mrs. Mary French Underwood

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Frey Ms. Lenore A. Fritz Ms. Arlene W. Fritz Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fudale Ms. Cathy Fuentes Ms. Flora Fuerst Ms. Teri Funk Ms. Louise E. Furjanic Mr. Barry E. Gabel Mr. Thomas J. Gable Miss Sylvia Galizio Mr. Thomas Gall Ms. Anne Gallagher Mr. John E. Gallagher Jr. Mr. Michael J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher Mrs. Eileen B. Gallagher Ms. Jean M. Gallagher Ms. Ellen Gallagher Ms. Kay Gallagher Ms. Gloria D. Galloway Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O. Galvin Ms. Pamela Gamier Mr. James C. Gannon Mr. Patrick Gannon Mr. Richard Gardner Ms. Dori K. Garey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garnai Ms. Kathleen Bridget Garran Ms. Shari Garretson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Garry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garven Ms. Barbara W. Garver Mr. and Mrs. William F. Garvey Jr. Ms. Kellie Gaudet Ms. Mary Agnes Gavan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O. Geib Mr. John G. Gerace Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gesualdo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Gettens Ms. Kathleen Gharrity Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gibb Ms. Janis Gibbons Ms. Mary Gieresz Mr. Ken Gill Ms. Margaret M. Gill Ms. Judith M. Gillenwater Jean Gillet Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gilronan Ms. Cathy Giulivo Mrs. Sharon Goggin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Golden

Mr. and Mrs. Evan Golder Ms. Amy Goldman Ms. Annette Golkowski Mrs. Geraldine Goodwin Ms. Victoria M. Gordon Ms. Kathy Gordon Ms. Lucille A. Gorsica Mr. and Mrs. Dennis T. Grabiec Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Grace Mr. and Mrs. John Graef Mr. H. Dale Grafton Mrs. Margaret Granzier Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Grapo Ms. Sandra M. Grassman Ms. Merna L. Green Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Greene Ms. Maryanne T. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Gregg Ms. Susan Gregg Mrs. Mary Ann H. Greiner Miss Joyce A. Greulich Ms. Nancy J. Grgurich Bishop Roger W. Gries Ms. Lynn Gross Mr. and Mrs. James Gulick Mr. Andrew Gulla Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Gunsch Ms. Gertrude K. Gustke Dr. Edwin Haas MD Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Haberek Ms. Elizabeth Ann Hagen Ms. Rosemary Haggerty Ms. Eileen Hamblen Ms. Noree P. Hamilton Ms. Mary L. Hamm Mr. John Hanley Ms. Sandra Hanley Mr. Cullen Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Hannan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Hanrahan Ms. Meghan B. Hanrahan Mrs. Patricia Hanton Mr. Kenneth Hanzel Mr. Albert F. Hanzlick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hardesty Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hardman Ms. Margaret Harkness Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harrigan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harrington Ms. Patricia A. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Harris Mr. Alfred A. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hartle

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harvan Mr. Aaron Hassinger Mr. Robert J. Hatters Mr. Robert Hauck Mr. John Hausman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hausser Mr. Terrence P. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. James E. Helbig Ms. Shirley Hemminger Ms. Kathleen J. Hendriks Ms. Debby Henkhuzens-Willoh Ms. Paulette F. Hennessey Ms. Carol A. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Herman Ms. Terry Hermann Mrs. Louise Herrick Mr. Christopher J. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Hickman Mr. Paul Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hildebrandt Ms. Saundra L. Hileman Rev. Joseph T. Hilinski Ms. Betty Hillow Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hilow Roseanne, Eleanore and Elizabeth Hilow Ms. Eleanor S. Hils Mr. Patrick Hitch Mr. Jim Hlavaty Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hlavaty Ms. Mary Lou Hlivak Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hochschild Mr. George R. Hoffman D C Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hogan Ms. Kathy M. Hohf Ms. Bonnie Holder Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holecek Ms. Susan D. Holycross Mr. Robert Holz Ms. Doris Honsa Mr. and Mrs. William Honsaker Jr. Ms. Ruth E. Hopkins Miss Barbara Horan Mr. and Mrs. George D. Horn Ms. Janice K. Hornack Ms. Mary C. Horner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Horwatt Mrs. Agnes Hoskin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hotz Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoyt Mr. Philip C. Hudak Mr. and Mrs.

Anthony A. Hudak Jr. Mrs. Joanne Hudson Ms. Mary Ellen Hueksen Mr. and Mrs. Farrukh Humayun Ms. Kim C. Hunt Ms. Doreen Hurley Mr. Tim Hutchinson Mr. Timothy M. Hyland Ms. Patricia A. Ipavec Dr. Terence Isakov Ms. Cynthia Ishler Ms. Victoria Jablonski Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Jacques Mr. Carl James Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Janda Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Janda Mr. Richard A. Janus Mr. Jerry Jarzabek Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jazwa Ms. Penelope S. Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jezewski Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Jira Mrs. Jill Jirus-Aquila Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Johns Mr. Brian Johnson Mr. Eric Johnson Ms. Julie M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Jones Mr. Charles D. Joseph Mr. Thomas M. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jurcisin Mr. Stan Kaczmar Ms. Liz Kalfas Mr. David W. Kalisz Mr. and Mrs. Ken N. Kaloczi Mr. and Mrs. William Kalt Ms. Lena Kalynchuk Mrs. Margie Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kammeier Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Kan Ms. Eileen Kanda Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kander Mr. Tom Kanuch Mr. Robert Kapel Mrs. Mary Irene Kapostasy Mr. James Kappa Mr. Keith Karaba Mr. and Mrs. John S. Karliak Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Kastelic Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Kavran Ms. Marion Keefe Ms. Patricia Keefe

Ms. Mary Ann Kehr Dr. and Mrs. Newton J. Kellackey Mr. Brian Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Kelly Ms. Seana Kelly Ms. Patricia A. Kelton Ms. Virginia Kemmerling Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kennedy Sr. Delphine Kennedy Ms. Jennifer Kenney Ms. Linda A. Kerekes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kern Mr. Richard R. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Kerwin Mr. Xavier E. Kestler Mr. Michael J. Ketterick Mr. Edward J. Kidney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kilbane Ms. Mary Caye Kilbane Ms. Nancy L. Kilbane Ms. Helen O. Kilbane Mrs. Mary Susan Kiley Mr. Dale King Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kinsley Ms. Linda W. Kiousis Ms. Molly Kiss Mrs. Patricia M. Kleinhenz Ms. Marcia Klemens Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klenke Ms. Margaret E. Klingler Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Klonowski Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Klonowski Mr. Robert Kloos Ms. Kathy Knapik Ms. Denise J. Knecht Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Knotek Ms. Mary Ann Kochera Jean Koehler Mr. and Mrs. George Kolesar Mr. Arthur Komorowski Ms. Shirley J. Kondo Mr. and Mrs. John A. Konfala Ms. Patricia B. Korcheck Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Kordet Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Korzeniowski Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kostelnik Ms. Dianne C. Kotrlik-Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kowalski Mr. and Mrs. John Kozminski Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Kozon

Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Krajnak Mr. Robert Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Krane Ms. Karen M. Krava Mr. Steve J. Kravec Ms. MaryAnn Krawczonek Ms. Patricia Krewson Ms. Margaret Krolikowski Ms. Susan M. Krosel Mr. James Krost Mr. Michael G. Kucharson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhar Mrs. Barbara M. Kuhlman Mrs. Mary Ann Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kurela Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kurtz Mr. John M. Kutz Ms. Linda L. Kwasnicka Ms. Catherine M. LaBianca Mr. Matt Lachman Ms. Mary Jo Lackamp Mr. Sean Lackey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laino Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lambros Ms. Irene M. Lanese Mrs. Alice A. Lang Ms. Catherine M. Langan Ms. Kim Langley Ms. Barbara A. Langlotz Mr. Dennis Lansdowne Mrs. Mary Ann Lanser Mr. A. Michael LaPlaca Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Lappin Mr. John Lasch Mr. Gregg LaSpisa Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Latkovic Mr. and Mrs. John Lavelle Ms. Rose Ann LaVelle Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Lawrence Mr. Jerry Lazar Ms. Teresa A. Lazusky Mrs. Marilyn S. Leary Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Leckwatch Mr. and Mrs. L. Joseph Lee Mr. Joseph Lehane Ms. Marlene P. Lehky Ms. Carolyn L. Lehman Ms. Patricia Lehtinen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Leitch Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lekan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lekan Mr. Bob Lemke Ms. Mandy Leonard

Ms. Nancy Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Lesh Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lewis Mrs. Jean Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James F. Liebel Fr. Kevin M. Liebhardt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lihwa Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lihwa Ms. Vickie Linek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Link Mrs. Josephine Litten Mrs. Lillian Lodwick Ms. Therese A. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Long Ms. Stacy M. Long Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Longerich Mr. and Mrs. Larry Loperfito Mr. Carl F. Lorenzo Mr. Stephen Lorton Mr. Melvin E. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lowe Ms. Amy Lowrie Ms. Marcella J. Lowry Mrs. Janet J. Loya Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Lucak Ms. Marlene L. Lucas Ms. Deborah L. Ludwig Dr. Thomas W. Lukens Mrs. Beverly Lund Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lundstrom Dr. Alice Coyle Lunn PhD Mr. Andrew J. Luptak Ms. Jeanne Lynch Dr. Elizabeth P. Macintyre Ms. Jane M. Mackall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mackay Mr. Jeffrey M. Mackey Ms. Mary Mackin Mr. Dave Magalen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Maher Jr. Ms. Lucile H. Maher Mr. William Mahnic Ms. Sheila Mahon Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mahoney Mr. Joseph J. Mahovlic Mr. Gavin Majikas Mr. Hugh Malloy Mr. and Mrs. John F. Malloy III Ms. Helen C. Malloy Ms. Margaret Maloney Mr. Thomas Mammano Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Mancuso Ms. Mila M. Mandic Davor Mandic 11

INDIVIDUAL DONORS Mr. Thomas A. Manillo Mr. John F. Manix Mr. Edward B. Manley Ms. Kathleen M. Manning Ms. Julie Mantey Mr. Allen Maragliano Mr. John Marconi Miss Carmen V. Marin Ms. Elaine Markowski Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Marks Dr. Evelyn L. Maroon Mr. Michael Maroon Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Martanovic Mr. and Mrs. David M. Martanovic Ms. Marilynn K. Martin Ms. Jessie Martin Ms. Jo Ann Martin Mr. Robert Martuch Mr. David A. Marunowski Mr. Raymond Marvar Ms. Mary Jean Maschmeier Ms. Patricia A. Mascia Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Masek Ms. Kathleen M. Masterson Mr. Mario Mastroianni Jr. Ms. Susan Matelski Ms. Mary Ann Mates Ms. Tamarah Mathena Mr. Daniel G. Matias Mr. Thomas J. Mawby Ms. Lenore E. Maxa Mr. Peter F. Mayer Ms. Ellen Mayer Dr. Douglas B. Mayers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayock Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mazzella Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McBride Mrs. Dorothy McCampbell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. McCartan Mr. Kenneth P. McCarthy Mr. Michael P. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. McCarty Mrs. Merena E. McCarty Mr. David McClafferty Ms. Margaret M. McDermott Mr. Craig D. McDonald Mr. Charles R. McDonald Ms. Brenda C. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGinty Mr. and Mrs. William McGinty Ms. Kathryn A. McGinty Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. McGuire Ms. Joan E. McGuire 12

Mr. Stephen McHale Ms. Maureen C. McHugh Mr. Bill McLaughlin Ms. Erika McLaughlin Ms. Mary Kay McLean Miss Melissa McMullen Mr. and Mrs. John McNamara Dr. and Mrs. David L. McNamee Mr. Daniel W. McNea Ms. Kelly M. McNulty Mr. J. William McVicker Mr. Keith Medleau Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Meiser Mr. Michael Mele Ms. Christine Melichar Mr. and Mrs. Ermin R. Melle Mr. and Mrs. William C. Merriman Mrs. Lydia C. Metro Mrs. Inez M. Miclea Mr. Eugene Mikel Mr. Joseph M. Milauskas Ms. Patricia A. Milczewski Ms. Susan M. Milheim Mr. Mark C. Millar Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Miller Ms. Sheri Miller Mrs. Dolores B. Milota The Milton Family Ms. Ellen Minerd Ms. Martha S. Miniello Mr. and Mrs. Paul Minnillo Mr. Chris Mis Ms. Wilma A. Misenko Ms. Phyllis Mitchell Ms. Susan Mitchell Mr. Michael J. Mohlenkamp Ms. Sheila M. Moncheck Les Monroe Mrs. Ann Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moran Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Moritz Mr. Greg Morris Mr. Ed Morrow Ms. Melanie Morscher Mrs. Geraldine Morse Ms. Rosemary A. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mountain Ms. Catherine Mullee Ms. Therese Mullen Mr. John Muller Mr. and Mrs. John Mulroy Mr. Murlan J. Murphy Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Murphy Ms. Renee Musat Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mutryn Dr. and Mrs. James H. Myers Mr. and Mrs. John Myslenski Ms. Judy Nadeau Mr. Dan Nageotte Ms. Carol Najda Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Napoli Jr. Ms. Rosemary Nardone Ms. Marilyn A. Nastal Dr. Lillian A. Nawalanic Dr. Kathleen Neal Mr. Timothy S. Needles Mr. James J. Neforos Ms. Phyllis Nestor Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Neuman CPA Mr. Michael Nichols Mr. Fred G. Nickels III Mr. and Mrs. David M. Nickels Mr. Mac Niedbalski Mr. Christopher Niton Mr. Charles A. Nocella Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Norris Mr. and Mrs. William C. Norton Mr. and Mrs. John E. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Tom Norton Mr. Richard L. Nosse Mr. and Mrs. Neal Novak Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Novak Ms. Christine L. Novak Mr. David Novicky Ms. Rosi Novince Mr. J. Richard Novotny Mr. Robert G. Nunney Ms. Mary Rose Oakar Ms. Nancy C. Oakley Ms. Cindy Oakley Ms. Peggy O’Brien Coley O’Brien Ms. Diane Obringer Mrs. Nanette M. O’Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Connell Mr. James O’Donnell Ms. Denise C. O’Donnell Rev. James P. O’Donnell Ms. Mary O’Grady Ms. Paula K. Ogrocki Ms. Mary Ogrocki Ms. Constance M. Ohman Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Oliss

Ms. Barbara A. Ols Ms. Marilyn Olsen Mr. and Mrs. David Olson Mr. Edward T. O’Malley Jr. Mr. Bryan O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Rory J. O’Malley Ms. Marjorie G. O’Malley Mr. David A. Ondrus Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. O’Neil Ms. Mary E. O’Neil Nora O’Neil Stern Mr. David P. O’Neill Mrs. Colleen C. O’Neill Mrs. David O’Neill Mr. James J. Onk Mr. Jonathan Onk Jaime Onk Ms. Dorothy E. Opava Mr. and Mrs. John Orlando Mr. John Orlosky Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ormiston Mr. Robert L. O’Rourke Jr. Ms. Victoria O’Rourke Ms. Katelyn M. Orre Mr. Jim Orwig Mrs. Lori Orzech Ms. Kathleen Osbelt Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Oster Ms. Monica K. O’Toole Mr. William R. Ott Mrs. Lucia Otto Ms. Susan L. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Mark Owens Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pack Ms. Joanna M. Packard Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Palascak Ms. Carolyn M. Panigutti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paolucci Mr. William A. Papenbrock Mr. Keith D. Parker Mr. Ralph E. Parker Miss Kathleen Parrent Ms. Molly Pascoe Mr. Mickey Pastor Mr. Patrick Patton Ms. Deborah J. Patton Ms. Marsha Paul Kolke Ms. Nancy A. Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Pawlowski Mr. and Mrs. John D. Payne Thomas and Kathleen Penko Mrs. Ellen Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Perotti Mr. Domenic Pertz

Ms. Norma A. Peterson Ms. Annie Peteya Mr. James Petras Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrovich Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Pfenninger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Phillips Mr. Shawn Philpot Mr. and Mrs. William A. Picard Miss Fay R. Pickering Ms. Judy A. Pigza Bishop Anthony M. Pilla Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pischel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Pitrone Mrs. Ruth G. Plasket Ms. Ruth Platek Ms. Eileen M. Platten-Kral Ms. Diane Plotz Ms. Jennifer Poklar Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Polak Mr. John Polito Mr. and Mrs. Myron Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Polomsky Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pompeii Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Ponstingle Miss Deborah L. Porter Mr. Kevin Powers Mr. and Mrs. David W. Presley Ms. Mary Primosch Ms. Evelyn Prince Mr. and Mrs. Mike Protzik Ms. Elaine Pulizzi Mr. Carl N. Quagliata Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Quang MD Mr. Gerald Quinn Mr. Gerald Quinn Jr. The Reverend Philip G. Racco Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Radefeld Ms. Alice M. Radefeld Ms. Rosemary Radeff Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ragazinskas Mr. Paul J. Raia Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Raishart Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rakowsky Mrs. Patricia Ram Ms. Elaine Rankin Ms. Catherine A. Rassie Ms. Joanne Rassie Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Ratcliff Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ratusnik Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Ratzel

Mr. John B. Raufus James and Elizabeth Redinger Ms. Annie Redmond Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rees Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rees Mr. John M. Reese Ms. Patricia L. Regalbuto Mr. and Mrs. David M. Regan Ms. Rosemary Rehner Mr. Leo R. Reichard Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reidy Mr. Michael Reiling Ms. Robyn J. Reis Ms. Mary Ellen Reynolds Mr. Jeff Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Richmond Ms. Noreen A. Riley Ms. Diana Riley Mr. Anthony Rinaldi Esq Ms. Rose Marie Ripepi Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Ritty Mrs. Ann C. Ritty Mr. and Mrs. James Robejsek Honorable Judge Kenneth A. Rocco Mr. Jerome E. Rodak Mr. and Mrs. Garry E. Roggenburk Ms. Linda B. Rogowski Mr. Todd Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rokakis Mr. and Mrs. Giulio Romano Jeri Romanski Mrs. Nancy A. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roop Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ropenus Mr. Eugene A. Rorak Mr. John Rose Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Rosenhamer Ms. Therease Ross Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rousell Mr. Franklin Rozak Mr. and Mrs. Marc Rubin Ms. Lauren Rudman Mr. and Mrs. Boyd D. Russell Ms. Mary Russell Mr. Anthony Russo Mr. J. Kevin Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Rydzewski Ms. Dorothy Sadowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sakai

Ms. Judith Salcedo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Salmon Ms. Margaret A. Samosky Mrs. Marcia Samp Ms. Barbara Samson Ms. Constance O. Sandidge Mr. and Mrs. Nelson L. Sanger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sarakaitis Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sassano Mr. and Mrs. John M. Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scheible Mr. James Schilens Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Schindler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Schmidlin Mr. John Schmidt Ms. Rita M. Schnedler Mr. Thomas A. Schock Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Schrader Mr. and Mrs. William Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schriner Jr. Mr. Gerald Schroer Mr. and Mrs. John Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schuele Mrs. Raymond Schuerger Mr. Craig Schultz Ms. Joanne E. Schwartz Mrs. Dawn Schweikert Mr. Albert P. Schwerko Ms. Nancy A. Score Ms. Janet Sebesy Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sedmack II Mr. Lawrence M. Seman Mr. and Mrs. David W. Senger Ms. Sharon Senick Ms. Mary Sexton Ms. Alana Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shaker Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Shaw Mr. Tim Shea Ms. Judith A. Shemkovitz Mr. Ed Shemo Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. George Shiekh Ms. Margaret M. Shimko Ms. Pam Shuman Ms. Helen K. Sicker Mr. Dan Sieradzki Dr. and Mrs. William L. Simko Ms. Anita Simko Mr. Tom Simmonds Ms. Patricia S. Simone

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simoneau Ms. Ruth M. Simonis Ms. Carol A. Simpson Ms. Jacqueline Simpson Mr. and Mrs. James Sims Ms. Mary B. Sims Miss Marie T. Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sinko Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Sivik Ms. Mary Skufca Ms. Donna M. Skurzak Ms. Janet Slaby Ms. Sandra Smart Mr. Daniel A. Smith Mr. Robert H. Smith Mrs. Carol Smith Ms. Shirley A. Smith Ms. Mary Anne Smith The Smith Family Ms. Catherine Smith Sabolik Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sojda Mr. David M. Sorboro DDS, MS, LLC Ms. Nancy O. Southworth Ms. Anna Spann Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Specht Mr. Edward Spiezio Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Spirakus Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spoth Ms. Loreen T. Spuhler Ms. Marilyn J. Spurgeon Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur G. Stacho Mrs. Michelle Stacho Ms. Mary Jane Stacho Mr. and Mrs. James Stack Mr. David Stadler Mr. Terrence M. Stahurski Mr. John A. Stanko Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Stanko Mr. Terence X. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Stanton Mrs. Mary T. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Steele Mrs. Donna Stefanko Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Stegh Ms. Maria Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stenger Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Stepanik Ms. Judith Stepp Ms. Susan M. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stinson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan Ms. Rose Sullivan

Ms. Henry Etta Sumpter Mr. Donald T. Sumser Jr. Ms. Maryanne Sutherland Ms. Marlene A. Sutowski Ms. Caroline C. Sutowski Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Swartz Mr. James Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Kenn M. Synek Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Szabo Ms. Mary Szalkowski Mr. James E. Szczublewski Ms. Susan Szent Kiraly Mrs. Lillian A. Szente Mr. and Mrs. John and Rita Szy Mrs. Helen Taft Mr. and Mrs. James Tancredi Ms. Yvonne Tarase Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tarasovic Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Tassio Ms. Kathryn E. Tatman Mr. Steve Terakedis Mr. and Mrs. Leo Terlep Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tetzlaf Mrs. Gloria Thaman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thein Mr. William D. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Rick Thomas Ms. Janet M. Thomas Ms. Margaret M. Thomas-Repcik Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Thompson Mr. Jim Thompson Ms. Mary K. Thompson Ms. Mary Thompson J.P. Tierney Mr. James Tilton Ms. Donna L. Tindera Mr. John Toma Mr. Mike Toma Ms. Mary Lou Tomaro Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Toole Ms. Laura Toolis Mr. Wayne C. Toronski Mr. Eric Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Richard Travis Mr. Wilfred Tremblay Mr. Thomas Trillo Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Trojan Mr. Phillip Trolli Mr. Stephen F. Tucholsky Mr. Christopher Tudda Ms. Mary Tuma Mr. and Mrs. William M. Turchek Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Turkall Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Turski

Mr. Alan F. Unger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Urban Ms. Dina Urbansky Mr. Peter Van Wormer Mr. and Mrs. William Varga Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Variakojis Ms. Mary Ann Vaughan-Tinus Ms. Clarice R. Vavpot Ms. Margery A. Ventresca Ms. Irene Veracky Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Verlie Ms. Susan Vernon Miss Catherine A. Veverka Ms. Irene Vianos Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Vincek Ms. Kathryn Vine Ms. Joan S. Vitikas-Ferritto Ms. Janet A. Voiklis Ms. Lucy Vrban-Zschuppe Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Vystrcil Mr. Jerald M. Wagner Mr. Frank Wagner Ms. Marianne Wagner Ms. Christine Wahl Ms. Marianne C. Waickman Ms. Eileen R. Waiwood Ms. Cynthia M. Wald Ms. Cynthia A. Wallace Mr. James F. Wallenhorst Mr. Elmer F. Walling Mr. and Mrs. James P. Walsh Ms. Marie S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ward Mr. Robert W. Wardega Ms. Harriet Warm Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Warnement Mrs. Mary C. Warren Ms. Meggan Watterson Mr. Thomas Watts Ms. Susan K. Way Mrs. Brenda M. Weegar Ms. Mary Weekley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Weger Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Wehrheim Mr. George T. Weidinger Mr. and Mrs. Al Weila Mr. Francis Weir Mr. and Mrs. Don Weisheit Ms. Megan Weiss Ms. Jennifer Weixel Mr. M. J. Welch Ms. Antoinette M. Wells Ms. Sharon Werner

Mr. Allen S. West Mr. Jeff West Ms. Diane White Mr. Alton W. Whitehouse Mr. Timothy P. Whitford Mr. Charles E. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Widener Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wiesemann Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Wilhelmy Ms. Yolanda Willaims Mr. Terry Wilmink Ms. Jeanne M. Winburn Mr. Ronald C. Windahl Ms. Mary Ann Winters Mrs. Margaret Wintroub Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Wintucky Ms. Mary K. Wishnesky Mr. and Mrs. Austin T. Witt Ms. Sherrill P. Witt Mrs. Carrie Wood Ms. Patricia Woodruff Mrs. Patricia Woytek Ms. Jane A. Wren Mr. Alan D. Wright Ms. Martha Wright Mr. Richard Yako Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yates Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zaborski Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zadd Ms. Karen Zadrovec Mrs. Lillian Zahara Mr. Stan Zaharewicz Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Zavesky Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Zawadski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zbin Ms. Joanne C. Zema Ms. Ruth M. Zimmer Mr. Michael Ziska Mr. Dave Zock Mr. and Mrs. George H. Zolan Mr. Richard Zucca Mr. and Mrs. John C. Zuccola Mr. and Mrs. Cyril F. Zupan Ms. Pamela Zupancic Mr. and Mrs. Tim Zwick




BUSINESS, CIVIC & FAITH-BASED DONATIONS 107.3 The Wave 5 Points Coffee & Tea ABARTA Coca-Cola Beverages, LLC Aetna Volunteer Committee Admiral Products Ahola Akron Rubberducks Al Wilhelmy Flowers Inc Alien Vacation Mini Golf Allied Enterprises, Inc. Allstate Hairstyling & Barber College Alta Partners, LLC America Legion Auxiliary Unit 469 Amy’s Shoes LLC Angelo’s Pizza Anthony Rinaldi & Associates LLC Apex Pest Control Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. Armada Risk Partners Association of Fundraising Professionals AT&T Pioneers AXA Advisors - Central Region Baker & Hostetler, LLP Baldwin Wallace Banana Blossom Barnes Wendling CPAs, Inc. Beachland Ballroom Beck Center for the Arts Bellwether Farm Benedictine High School Bert Elliott Sound Best Greening Services BigHearted Blooms Blossom ‘N Bows ‘N More Blue Canyon Kitchen & Tavern Boston Mills/Brandywine Ski Resorts Brady Campbell Irish Dance School Brooklyn Parma Knights of Columbus, #2803 Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLC Bunker Hill Golf Club Canon Law Professionals Caring Cubs Carmel of the Holy Family Carnegie Management & Development Carrie Cerino’s Ristorante Case Western Reserve University Casto Architects Catholic Charities Corporation Catholic Hunger & Shelter Network Chagrin Valley Little Theatre Chez Francois Restaurant Church of St. Clare - St. Vincent de Paul Fund Church of the Redeemer UCC

Cinecraft City Club of Cleveland City of Bedford Employees Labor Union Clague Playhouse Inc. Cleve Fed Societies of the Czech Catholic Union Cleveland Botanical Gardens Cleveland Browns Cleveland Cliffs Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Council No. 733, Knights of Columbus Cleveland Fire Department Cleveland Hockey Booster Club Cleveland International Film Festival Cleveland Italian American Organization Cleveland Kitchen & Design Cleveland Leadership Center Cleveland Marble Mosaic Co. Cleveland Metroparks Golf Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Cleveland Police Department, 2nd District Cleveland Public Theatre Cleveland Street Chronicle Cleveland Vibrator Company CM Wealth Advisors Conrad’s Tire Express & Total Car Care COSI CQ Printing Crain’s Cleveland Business Currents Magazine Cuyahoga Valley Church Dante Lucci Salon, Inc. Dave & Buster’s of Westlake Dewey’s Pizza Diocese of Cleveland Donatos Don Davies Don’s Pomeroy House DPOCO, Inc. Duquesne Alumni Association - Cleveland Earth Fare Edgewater VFW Post 387 Elevate Partners LLC Ennis Court Enpac, LLC Equity Trust First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association FirstEnergy Corp Flat Iron Cafe Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Friends of Bay Village Library Fuchs Mizrachi School

Gale’s Westlake Garden Center Gardeners of Greater Cleveland Gardiner Garry Gosky, M.D. Gerry Quinn, AM 1420 Giant Eagle Gilmour Academy Gino’s Jewelry & Trophy Mfrs. Girl Scout Troop 91473 GLASFunds, LLC Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Goodtime Gordon Food Service Great Lakes Brewing Company Great Lakes Theater Festival Greater Cleveland Aquarium Greater Cleveland Community Shares Greater Cleveland Foodbank Greenbriar Women’s League Greg Sword Grumpy’s Cafe Hawken School HDR Heartland Hospice Heinen’s Inc. Holden Arboretum Holick Craciun Funeral Home Holy Rosary Parish Home Instead Senior Care Hospice of the Western Reserve House of Blues Huntington Bank Independence Business Supply Indianapolis Motor Speedway International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union No. 38 International Visitor Program Intreeg LLC Isabella Guild of Garfield Heights I Simply Design J. Alexander’s Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone Jesuit Community at St. Ignatius High School John Marshall High School JTM Company JustGiving Kalt Manufacturing Company Keep It Local CLE Kent State University KeyBank “Neighbors Make the Difference” Kilgore Trout Knuth’s Ladies Auxiliary to Lake Erie Post 1974 VFW

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Lakeshore Management, LLC Lakeside Produce Distribution, Inc. Lakewood New Life Church Lakewood United Methodist Church Legacy Village Leimkuehler Inc. LIVE Publishing Company Loco Leprechaun Lutheran Hospital Magnificat High School Maltz Museum Market Garden Brewery May Dugan Center McDermott & Hickey, LLC McGinty, Hilow & Spellacy McGorray-Hanna Funeral Home McMaster-Carr Supply Company Melt Bar and Grill Memphis Kiddie Park Merchant du Vin, Orval Beer Merry Arts Pub Grille Inc MetroHealth Miller Boat Line Miracle Center for Spiritual Living Mitchell’s Ice Cream Modgility Music Settlement NARFE Chapter 470 National Slovak Society Assembly #70 Nautica Queen Near West Theatre Neighborhood Family Practice New Community Bible Fellowship New York Community Bancorp, Inc. Nissan of North Olmsted, LLC North Country Rivers Northeast Ohio Grant Consulting OBM Arena Odyssey Reinsurance Company Ohio City Burrito Ohio City, Inc. Ohio City Merchants Association Ohio City Non – Profit Dialogues Ohio Savings Bank O.L.A. Senior Group Old Fashion Hot Dogs, Inc. Olmsted Community Church Onix Networking Corporation Oppenheimer & Co. Inc Our Lady Of the Falls SFO Padre Pio Prayer Group of Cleveland Padua Franciscan High School




Panera Bread Patrick Construction Company Pershing LLC Petitti Garden Center Pickle Bill’s Pier W Pipe Fitters Local Union No. 120 Plain Press Newspaper Playhouse Square Preformed Line Products Company Presbyterian Women of Independence Prosper for Purpose Providence Baptist Church Renaissance Cleveland Hotel Robert W. Baird & Co. Rocky River United Methodist Church RPM International Inc. Ruffing Montessori Sainato’s at Rivergate Saint Ignatius High School Saint Joseph Academy Saint Leo the Great School Saint Maron Church Saucy Brew Works LLC Scoperta Importing Company Security Installations SIRVA Mortgage Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine Sisters of St Joseph SJO Smart Business Magazine St. Ambrose Catholic Church St. Angela Merici Parish St. Angela Parish Youth (YOSA) St. Augustine Manor St. Basil the Great Parish St. Bernadette Parish St. Charles Borromeo Parish St. Christopher Parish St. Clarence Catholic Church St. Edward High School St. Francis Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order St. James Catholic Church St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church St. John Neumann Church St. John Vianney Parish St. Joseph Parish St. Leo the Great Parish St. Luke Catholic Church St. Malachi Church St. Pat’s Early Risers Bowling League St. Paul United Church of Christ

St. Peter United Church of Christ St. Raphael Parish St. Richard Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Basil Church Stan Hywet Hall & Garden Stonehouse Grill Stuart & Associates Surface Materials Surface Works & Design Tate’s Cookies Teamsters Joint Council No. 41 Terra National Real Estate Group Thank God Its First Friday – West The Brew Kettle The Charles Manufacturing Company The Church in Aurora/Missions Committee The Church of Saint Clarence The Cleveland Orchestra The Community of St. Bridget The Harp The Merry Ploughboys The Meyer Company The Mohicans The Sherwin-Williams Company The Travel Connection The Urban Orchid Threshold Choir Cleveland Tom Schaefer Plumbing Inc. Tom Sivo Photography Town Hall TPI Efficiency Tracy Carloss, WEWS Trials for Hope UBS Financial Services, Inc. Urban Community School Ursuline College VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 9295 Village Originals Inc. Visiting Nurse Association of Cleveland Vocational Guidance Services Walsh Jesuit High School Walter & Haverfield LLP We Care Committee, Cleveland Clerk of Courts Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging Western Reserve Historical Society West Side Catholic Center Whirlyball White Oaks Restaurant Williamsburg Cleaners Zapis Capital Group

FOUNDATION SUPPORT Aetna Foundation Matching Gifts Program Amazon Smile Foundation ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts Program Baird Foundation, Inc. The Nancy Barthelmess Gift Fund, Fidelity Charitable Chuck & Erin Behrens, Fidelity Charitable The Edward & Barbara Bell Family Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund Garrett Blaha Family Foundation Gavin & Caroline Blaha Foundation Maureen Blaha Fund Cleveland Foundation Community West Foundation CyberGrants Cyrus Eaton Foundation Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation Rebecca and Mark Duesenberg, Schwab Charitable Jahoda-Durst Family Fund, Dayton Foundation Depository Suzanne and Mark Dvoroznak, Schwab Charitable The David & Helen Dzurec Family Foundation Fedeli Family Charitable Foundation FM Global Foundation The Folk Charitable Foundation Char & Chuck Fowler Family Foundation The Harry K. and Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation The Sam J. Frankino Foundation The Giant Eagle Foundation J. Harrington & Marie E. Glidden Foundation Lambur-Glorioso Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Green, Fidelity Charitable William E. Harris Family Fund, Cleveland Foundation The Higley Fund, Cleveland Foundation Ruth Kabat, Fidelity Charitable The Kevin M. Kelly Fund, In His Steps Foundation KeyBank Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mark Klingman, Fidelity Charitable KPMG Community Giving Campaign Kretz Family Foundation Kuechle Family Foundation, Cleveland Foundation The Claire Marie and John Langkau Fund, Vanguard Charitable The Fred A Lennon Charitable Trust The Edward A. & Catherine L. Lozick Foundation The Lubrizol Foundation Luciano Family Foundation The Manning & Napier Foundation Inc. The Arthur B. McBride Sr. Family Foundation Samuel H. and Maria Miller Foundation Moritz Family Foundation

The Murphy Family Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation My Tribute Gift Foundation The Nehring Family Foundation Network for Good The Frederick and Julia Nonneman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William R. Oatey Fund C/O Community West Foundation O’Donnell L K Fam Charitable T.M. and N.A. O’Donnell Foundation O’Neill Brothers Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Parks, Fidelity Charitable Parma Eagles #4204 Charity Fund The Lauretta K. Peters & Richard R. Peters Charitable Foundation George J. Picha, Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Richard W. and Patricia R. Pogue Fund PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program The Progressive Insurance Foundation PK Ranney Fund The Albert B. & Audrey G. Ratner Family Foundation The Reinberger Foundation Foundation Janet Saxon, Fidelity Charitable The Jack Schriner Family Foundation Tom Schriner, BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund Sisters of Charity Foundation Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Helen F. & Louis Stolier Family Foundation Thomas and Sandra Sullivan Foundation, Catholic Community Foundation Thatcher Family Fund, Cleveland Foundation Thrivent Financial Choice Dollars Grant Funds Truist Robert F. Tucker, Fidelity Charitable S. K. Wellman Foundation Helen Whitehouse, Glenmede Trust Walter Wright, Pinnacle Gardens Foundation Timothy F. Wuliger, Jewish Federation YourCause

LEGACY CIRCLE Planned or deferred gifts to Malachi House are one of the most important ways you can help us build our endowment to ensure our home will always be there in perpetuity for those who need us most, when they need us most. Anonymous (6) Mr. James A. Bernet Blaha Family Foundation Ms. Marilyn Bollinger Frances K. Bradner Trust Ms. Agnes Bruck Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cachat Ms. Grace Campion Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Carfagna Ms. Phyllis J. Colarusso Ms. Lois H. Cole Dan and Liz Cotter Mr. Robert Deucher Forest City Enterprises Mr. Leonard I. Gunsch Mrs. Evelyn A. Hammett Ms. Dorothy Herwat Ms. Gertrude C. Donnelly Hess Mr. Neil Hitz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Jackson Mr. Harry Jackson Ms. Julie M. Johnson Ms. Mary Johnson Michael R. and Diane C. Kennedy Ms. Lois Klawon Mr. and Mrs. John F. Langkau Ms. Patricia J. Lehtinen

Ms. Marabell MacLeod Ms. Janice L. Maher Ms. Catherine R. Malloy Ms. Ann C. Masterson McBride Family Foundation Mr. Joseph M. Milauskas Moritz Family Foundation Mr. Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. Mr. Raymond M. Murphy New York Life Insurance & Annuity Corp. Frederick & Julia Nonneman Foundation L.K. O’Donnell Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. David O’Neill Mr. William B. Pelwalis Mr. William A. Primavesi P.K. Ranney Foundation Helen Rego Charitable Trust Reid Family Foundation RPM International Inc. Ms. Patricia Schlott Mr. Charles H. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Sullivan, Sr. Ms. Elizabeth A. Willacker





FUNDRAISING $108,760.09




Fiscal 2019: July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Malachi House provides care to each of our residents at no cost. We do not receive government funding or insurance reimbursement of any kind.


We rely solely upon the generous support of individuals, foundations and corporations, like you, to provide our residents with loving, compassionate care during their final stages of life. We appreciate every gift you entrust to Malachi House and its residents.




Laundry Detergent (liquid, rated for HE- High Energy machines only)

Napkins (plain white, dinner-sized)

Cake, Cookie & Brownie Mixes

Dishwasher Detergent (liquid – no powder or pods)

Toilet Paper

Dishwasher (rinse aid) Body Wash (regular-sized bottles) Disposable Baby Wipes Disposable Bathing Wipes Trash Bags (13-gallon, 30-gallon) Coffee (ground, regular and/or decaf – no flavors) Broth (canned – beef, chicken or vegetable) Jello (all flavors, no sugar-free or fruit pieces)

Tissues Paper Towels Paper Placemats (10” x 14” for meal trays – GFS carries these)


Cake Frosting Cornbread Mix Soda Pop (cans only – no diet) Hot Cereal (oatmeal, cream of wheat or grits) Cold Cereal (Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, etc.)

Multi-Purpose Copier Paper (8 ½ x 11, white, 20 lb., not 3-hole-punched)

Pudding Snack Cups

Printer Cartridges:

Egg Noodles

Canon 210 & 211

Salad Dressings (bottled)

Canon 240 Black / 241 Tri-Color HP 61 Black / Tri-Color

Soups (canned – especially tomato or chicken noodle)

HP 902 Black / Tri-Color

Spaghetti Sauce

Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce)

Fruit (canned – no commercial-sized cans)

Brown Sugar

Sugar Packets (single serve)

Tomato Sauce

Creamer Packets (single serve)

Tomatoes (canned)

Fruit Juices (orange, apple or grape) Gift Cards (Home Depot, Giant Eagle, Dave’s Market, Save-a-Lot) First-Class Postage Stamps

Granulated Sugar

Tuna or Chicken (canned) Vegetable Oil, Vinegar or Vegetable Oil Sprays Vegetables (canned – green beans, peas, carrots, spinach, no corn) Ensure/Boost nutritional drinks (vanilla or chocolate) Gravy (jars, cans or dry mixes) Spices (pepper, onion powder or garlic powder)


Please, no commercial-sized containers.


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