The Cleveland Orchestra Annual Report 2011-2012

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. 2011 12






JAMES FEDDECK ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR Elizabeth Ring and William Gwinn Mather Chair

ROBERT PORCO DIRECTOR OF CHORUSES Frances P. and Chester C. Bolton Chair


Blossom-Lee Chair

Yoko Moore


Clara G. and George P. Bickford Chair

Peter Otto


Jung-Min Amy Lee


Gretchen D. and Ward Smith Chair

Takako Masame Paul and Lucille Jones Chair

Wei-Fang Gu Drs. Paul M. and Renate H. Duchesneau Chair

Kim Gomez Elizabeth and Leslie Kondorossy Chair

Chul-In Park Harriet T. and David L. Simon Chair

Miho Hashizume Theodore Rautenberg Chair

Jeanne Preucil Rose Dr. Larry J.B. and Barbara S. Robinson Chair

Alicia Koelz Oswald and Phyllis Lerner Gilroy Chair

Yu Yuan Patty and John Collinson Chair

Isabel Trautwein Trevor and Jennie Jones Chair

Mark Dumm Gladys B. Goetz Chair

Alexandra Preucil Katherine Bormann Ying Fu

SECOND VIOLINS Stephen Rose * Alfred M. and Clara T. Rankin Chair

Emilio Llinas 2

Louis D. Beaumont Chair

Richard Weiss 1

PICCOLO Mary Kay Fink Anne M. and M. Roger Clapp Chair

The GAR Foundation Chair

James and Donna Reid Chair

Eli Matthews 1

Charles Bernard 2 Helen Weil Ross Chair

Patricia M. Kozerefski and Richard J. Bogomolny Chair

Elayna Duitman Ioana Missits Carolyn Gadiel Warner Stephen Warner Sae Shiragami Vladimir Deninzon Sonja Braaten Molloy Scott Weber Kathleen Collins Beth Woodside Emma Shook Jeffrey Zehngut VIOLAS Robert Vernon * Chaillé H. and Richard B. Tullis Chair

Lynne Ramsey

CELLOS Mark Kosower*


Charles M. and Janet G. Kimball Chair

Stanley Konopka 2 Mark Jackobs Jean Wall Bennett Chair

Arthur Klima Richard Waugh Lisa Boyko Lembi Veskimets Eliesha Nelson Joanna Patterson Zakany Patrick Connolly

Bryan Dumm Muriel and Noah Butkin Chair

Tanya Ell Ralph Curry Brian Thornton David Alan Harrell Paul Kushious Martha Baldwin Thomas Mansbacher BASSES Maximilian Dimoff * Clarence T. Reinberger Chair

Kevin Switalski 2 Scott Haigh 1 Mary E. and F. Joseph Callahan Chair

Mark Atherton Thomas Sperl Henry Peyrebrune Charles Barr Memorial Chair

Charles Carleton Scott Dixon Derek Zadinsky HARP Trina Struble * Alice Chalifoux Chair

FLUTES Joshua Smith * Elizabeth M. and William C. Treuhaft Chair

Saeran St. Christopher Marisela Sager 2

OBOES Frank Rosenwein * Edith S. Taplin Chair

Mary Lynch Jeffrey Rathbun 2 Everett D. and Eugenia S. McCurdy Chair

Robert Walters ENGLISH HORN Robert Walters Samuel C. and Bernette K. Jaffe Chair

CLARINETS Franklin Cohen * Robert Marcellus Chair

Robert Woolfrey Daniel McKelway 2 Robert R. and Vilma L. Kohn Chair

Linnea Nereim E-FLAT CLARINET Daniel McKelway Stanley L. and Eloise M. Morgan Chair

BASS CLARINET Linnea Nereim BASSOONS John Clouser * Louise Harkness Ingalls Chair

William Hestand Barrick Stees 2 Sandra L. Haslinger Chair

Jonathan Sherwin CONTRABASSOON Jonathan Sherwin

Austin B. and Ellen W. Chinn Chair

Mary Kay Fink

Cleveland Orchestra photography by Roger Mastroianni



HORNS Richard King *

TIMPANI Paul Yancich *

George Szell Memorial Chair

Michael Mayhew §

Otto G. and Corinne T. Voss Chair

Tom Freer 2

Knight Foundation Chair

Jesse McCormick Hans Clebsch Richard Solis Alan DeMattia TRUMPETS Michael Sachs * Robert and Eunice Podis Weiskopf Chair

Jack Sutte Lyle Steelman2

PERCUSSION Jacob Nissly * Margaret Allen Ireland Chair

Donald Miller Tom Freer Marc Damoulakis KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS Joela Jones * Rudolf Serkin Chair

James P. and Dolores D. Storer Chair

Carolyn Gadiel Warner Marjory and Marc L. Swartzbaugh Chair

Michael Miller CORNETS Michael Sachs * Mary Elizabeth and G. Robert Klein Chair

Michael Miller TROMBONES Massimo La Rosa* Gilbert W. and Louise I. Humphrey Chair


Karyn Garvin MANAGER

Richard Stout Alexander and Marianna C. McAfee Chair

Shachar Israel 2 BASS TROMBONE Thomas Klaber EUPHONIUM AND BASS TRUMPET Richard Stout TUBA Yasuhito Sugiyama* Nathalie C. Spence and Nathalie S. Boswell Chair



listing as of November 2012

ENDOWED CHAIRS CURRENTLY UNOCCUPIED Dr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Dr. Glenn R. Brown Chair Sidney and Doris Dworkin Chair Sunshine Chair

* Principal § 1 2

Associate Principal First Assistant Principal Assistant Principal

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Cleveland has created and sustained a great orchestra because of people who are passionate about quality. The Cleveland Orchestra’s mission is to provide inspirational experiences by serving the art of music at the highest levels of excellence at every performance — whether we are on stage at Severance Hall or Blossom, at the Knight Concert Hall in Miami, touring Europe’s music capitals, or performing for students in a high school gymnasium. Maintaining and enhancing excellence and being relevant in a changing society requires constant effort by everyone. I thank all those dedicated to this pursuit: my colleagues in the Orchestra and Chorus, our trustees and volunteers, and our management and staff team. I am deeply committed to the Northeast Ohio community. To each and every patron of the Orchestra, I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude for your generous support. It is an honor for me to serve this institution and community.

2 01 1- 2 01 2 From the President

A S I R E F L E C T on my first three years as president of the Musical Arts Association, I am moved by both institutional pride and extraordinary gratitude. I am proud of the continued artistic vibrancy of The Cleveland Orchestra. I am equally proud of the progress we are making to successfully evolve beyond a business model that is no longer sustainable, for us or for our peer orchestras. But most of all, I am grateful that our progress forward is based on a demonstrated recognition among all the constituencies that make up our institutional fabric that we are all in this together. Despite the challenges ahead, I am confident about the future of The Cleveland Orchestra. We have an informed and engaged Board of Trustees who relentlessly are facing our challenges, and making steady increases in their fundraising participation and personal philanthropy. We have a staff that demonstrates tireless devotion to the institution’s goals, who are holding down expenses, implementing new innovations, achieving record operating margins, and aggressively supporting our fundraising activities. We have musicians who not only sustain the highest artistic standards, but have increasingly partnered with us in seeking outcomes that will help The Cleveland Orchestra thrive for years to come. We have a music director who inspires artistic excellence and also demonstrates a rare vision into all aspects of our activities in a manner not always found among those who hold similar positions. We are blessed with the continued devotion and genuine enthusiasm of the Orchestra’s many patrons and volunteers, and the ongoing generosity of our donors, for which we are most grateful. We began a thorough, new analysis of the landscape faced by symphony orchestras in 2008. The backdrop for this effort was the economic distress that has become a “new normal” and the recognition of inevitable societal and demographic



change affecting orchestras, including the aspects of those forces that were most impactful for our own circumstances. These industry-wide realities included structural and operating deficits, shrinking audiences, the challenging relationships between board/leadership and musicians, and the need for multi-year financial planning and investment capital for innovation. We have developed and continue to evolve a ten-year plan based on transparent, rigorous analysis of the hard facts we currently face, rather than rely on historical wisdom as the basis for decisions. Most importantly, we have identified our challenges, financial and otherwise, while there is still time for remedy. We are earnestly implementing strategic goals to broaden the audiences and community we serve and benefit. This has brought a focus on broader community engagement across Northeast Ohio, to the importance of the entire concert experience, and to the influence of changing social patterns and technologies. Of equal importance, we have developed a structure of financial disciplines geared to support a recapitalization of our institution, improve operating margins, and resist the temptation to satisfy near-term financial needs at the expense of long-term financial stability. The dedication of all constituencies to this objective is clearly reflected in our recently completed, successful and cooperative trade agreement negotiations. Our year-on-year operating deficit shrank from $2.7 million in FY11 to $180,000 in FY12 — as a result of success in the special fundraising portion of our Sound for the Centennial Campaign. In order to continue on track for the future, we must succeed in sustaining this effort over the next three years while building our endowment. We are making progress toward eliminating concerns for future deficits, and we are a third of the way toward securing commitments for the Campaign’s overall endowment goals. Central to our vision, the justification for all these efforts begins with the musical experience. Here at Severance Hall and Blossom, in Miami and


New York, and abroad in Vienna, Paris, and Salzburg, I have had many opportunities to experience The Cleveland Orchestra’s artistic ascendancy firsthand, and to revel in the musical gifts they share in each performance. This is an Orchestra worthy of the acclaim it receives and the pride it inspires. At the same time, the Orchestra is pursuing a variety of programs from education and community initiatives to innovations such as Fridays@7 and expanded opera and ballet offerings. Coupled with strong audience development efforts, these initiatives are attracting new audiences that are younger than ever before. We are able to offer much only because of our community’s generosity — nearly 13,000 donors gave $17.3 million in FY12 annual support, in addition to endowment commitments to our comprehensive Campaign. We owe a debt of gratitude to the people of Northeast Ohio for such extraordinary generosity. We are proud to serve this community through our


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performances and education activities, and in doing so to contribute to the economic growth of our region and serve as a source of community pride. As one of the region’s most visible ambassadors, we proudly carry the Cleveland name everywhere we play. I am confident that together we are making steady progress toward long-term institutional and financial health, and toward the long-term sustainability of this great Orchestra for our great community.

Dennis W. LaBarre President November 2012

2 011- 2 01 2 From the Executive Director

T H E Y E A R 2 01 1 /1 2

once again demonstrated that the strength of this institution is found in its people, from the immediate members of The Cleveland Orchestra family — trustees, volunteers, musicians, and staff — to the thousands of donors who support the Orchestra financially, and outward to the millions around the world who are touched by the music the Orchestra plays. More than ever, each and every member of the Orchestra family is dedicated to ensuring the ongoing excellence, strength, and viability of this great institution.


of our activities here at home was a prime focus last season for everyone associated with the Orchestra. Today, in Northeast Ohio, we are in the midst of a renaissance of spirit, as we commit the institution to ever-greater community service. Alongside many ongoing education and engagement activities, we also created and launched a series of new initiatives:

— Cleveland’s public commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy was planned and led by The Cleveland Orchestra, as we convened families and first responders for a solemn and healing concert on Public Square. — Engaging young audiences became one of our highest priorities. With the generous support of many extraordinary donors, the Orchestra was able to make permanent its celebrated in-school performances, to invite under-18s to attend concerts for free (at Blossom and now at Severance Hall, too), and to mount a major program to attract students each week to Cleveland Orchestra concerts. — Individual members of The Cleveland Orchestra engaged the broader community with innumerable activities and initiatives. From performances at the Happy Dog tavern, to the celebrated El Sistema program at Rainey Institute, the musicians have mounted a focused ef-



fort to give back even more to the community through dozens of community and non-profit organizations. — Collaboration with our important sister institutions in Northeast Ohio became an annual highlight. In April 2012, the Orchestra starred in a theatrical production of Tom Stoppard and André Previn’s Every Good Boy Deserves Favor with Cleveland Play House. — The United Way and the Orchestra formed a unique community partnership in August, when we opened the doors of Severance Hall for an appreciation concert for the agency’s generous Northeast Ohio donors. — The Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra achieved a milestone this past June with its first tour to Europe, impressing audiences in Prague, Vienna, and Salzburg. A R T I S T I C H I G H L I G H T S across the past year sparked wide interest at home and abroad — a credit to Franz Welser-MÖst, to the Orchestra’s wonderful musicians, and to a tireless staff. A few of the most memorable include:

— In October and November 2011, the Orchestra wowed audiences across Europe with concerts led by Franz in Madrid, Valencia, Paris, Luxembourg, Cologne, Linz, and Vienna. — In mid-season, Franz and the Orchestra partnered with the great American pianist Yefim Bronfman to perform the Brahms concertos at Severance Hall. — Last winter saw the sixth year of Cleveland Orchestra Miami — audiences filled Knight Concert Hall for our subscription concerts, children fell in love with the Orchestra at the family concert, and our musicians were involved throughout the community leading educational activities. — In April, Franz led the Orchestra on a West Coast tour that included participating in the Centennial Season Celebration of the San Francisco Symphony. — At Severance Hall in the spring, the Grammywinning combination of Mitsuko Uchida and The Cleveland Orchestra continued their series of live recordings of Mozart concertos. — In possibly the most memorable artistic highlight of the Severance Hall season, Franz led the

Orchestra in a series of stunning opera-in-concert performances of Strauss’s Salome, featuring a star-studded cast and including a highlypraised Carnegie Hall appearance. — And just this past August, Franz and the Orchestra had the rare distinction of performing at all three of Europe’s greatest music festivals, in Edinburgh, Salzburg, and Lucerne. And they capped off the tour with two performances of Bruckner Symphony No. 4 in the great baroque Abbey of St. Florian in Austria, recorded for international telecast and DVD distribution. In these acclaimed performances, new recordings, and weekly radio broadcasts, The Cleveland Orchestra proudly continued to fulfill its role as our city’s most visible and important ambassador. T H E P E O P L E behind the institution, the members of The Cleveland Orchestra family, can be credited with one of the most successful years in recent memory. The highlights above only scratch the surface of what the institution achieved. Inside this annual report, you will discover a record of other meaningful successes, you will see the lists of Orchestra musicians and staff members who accomplished so much, and read the names of the generous contributors who made each of the Orchestra’s achievements possible. Even beyond the artistic and the community success stories, the financial results of the last fiscal year were the best since the 2008 recession. I invite you to turn to the statements on pages 12-13. The news is that while the structural deficit remained substantial, it was successfully managed in the past year thanks to record operating results, increasing fundraising, and to proceeds from the conservation sale of land at Blossom. For these results, I can thank first and foremost the dedicated members of the Board of Trustees under the leadership of President Dennis LaBarre, and my extraordinary management colleagues alongside whom I am privileged to serve. Together, these leaders have overseen and managed an innovative business model for diversified and growing revenues, while maintaining the most rigorous cost control program in the industry. The trustees have also undertaken an ever-expanding fundraising effort, under the leadership of Chairman Dick Bogomolny. This comprehensive Sound for the Centennial Campaign is producing early results — bringing the annual budget into balance,

while seeking the major long-term commitments needed to ensure the Orchestra can survive long into the future. The trustees themselves are committing tens of millions of dollars in current and future support. O U R E X PA N D I N G F U N D R A I S I N G

efforts across the past year and the promise of continued success in the current year give confidence to our community, as sure signs that The Cleveland Orchestra can thrive in a changing world. And while this year’s good news is gratifying, we have not lost sight of our long-term goals to build the endowment. Our board and management have looked carefully at the financial outlook of the Orchestra and brought clarity to the magnitude of our future needs. The collective conclusion is that meeting The Cleveland Orchestra’s financial challenges and sustaining this institution into its second century will require the creation of an endowment fund that is five or six times our annual operating budget. This means more than doubling the current endowment. To achieve success in our Campaign, everyone who cares about this community, and everyone who believes in the power of music to change lives, will be called upon to make a generous gift to ensure that the Orchestra will always be one of Northeast Ohio’s enduring institutions. W E A R E G R AT E F U L

for our passionate concertgoers, for the generous annual gifts from individuals, foundations, and corporations, and for ongoing support from our county and state arts agencies, all among the most supportive anywhere. We are thankful for the hundreds of dedicated volunteers who serve the institution every day as fundraisers, chorus members, and many other roles. Personally, I also want to thank my colleagues, the dedicated staff and the wonderful musicians of The Cleveland Orchestra, for their thousands of hours of tireless work in pursuit of ever-greater achievements. And finally, my deepest appreciation to our extraordinary artistic leader, Franz Welser-Möst, without whom the excellence toward which we collectively strive would not be possible.

Gary Hanson Executive Director November 2012


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as of November 1, 2012

MUSICAL ART S ASSOCIATION O FF I C E R S A ND E XE C UT I VE C O MMIT T E E Dennis W. LaBarre, President Richard J. Bogomolny, Chairman The Honorable John D. Ong, Vice President

Norma Lerner, Honorary Chair Raymond T. Sawyer, Secretary Beth E. Mooney, Treasurer

Jeanette Grasselli Brown Matthew V. Crawford Alexander M. Cutler Michael J. Horvitz Douglas A. Kern

Virginia M. Lindseth Alex Machaskee Nancy W. McCann John C. Morley Larry Pollock

Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Audrey Gilbert Ratner Barbara S. Robinson

R E S I D E NT TR U S TE E S George N. Aronoff Dr. Ronald H. Bell Richard J. Bogomolny Charles P. Bolton Jeanette Grasselli Brown Helen Rankin Butler Scott Chaikin Paul G. Clark Owen M. Colligan Robert D. Conrad Matthew V. Crawford Alexander M. Cutler Terrance C. Z. Egger Hiroyuki Fujita Paul G. Greig Robert K. Gudbranson Iris Harvie Jeffrey A. Healy Stephen H. Hoffman David J. Hooker Michael J. Horvitz Marguerite B. Humphrey David P. Hunt

Christopher Hyland James D. Ireland III Trevor O. Jones Betsy Juliano Jean C. Kalberer Nancy F. Keithley Douglas A. Kern John D. Koch S. Lee Kohrman Charlotte R. Kramer Dennis W. LaBarre Norma Lerner Virginia M. Lindseth Alex Machaskee Robert P. Madison Nancy W. McCann Thomas F. McKee Beth E. Mooney John C. Morley Donald W. Morrison Meg Fulton Mueller Gary A. Oatey Katherine T. O’Neill

The Honorable John D. Ong Larry Pollock Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Clara T. Rankin Audrey Gilbert Ratner Charles A. Ratner James S. Reid, Jr. Barbara S. Robinson Paul A. Rose Steven M. Ross Raymond T. Sawyer Luci Schey Neil Sethi Hewitt B. Shaw, Jr. Richard K. Smucker R. Thomas Stanton Thomas A. Waltermire Geraldine B. Warner Paul E. Westlake Jr. David A. Wolfort

N O N- R E S I D E NT TR U S T E E S Virginia Nord Barbato (NY) Wolfgang C. Berndt (Austria) Laurel Blossom (SC)

Richard C. Gridley (SC) George Gund III (CA) Loren W. Hershey (DC)

Herbert Kloiber (Germany) Ludwig Scharinger (Austria)

T R U S TE E S E X- O F F I C I O Faye A. Heston, President, Volunteer Council of The Cleveland Orchestra Beth Schreibman Gehring, President, Women’s Committee of The Cleveland Orchestra Claire Frattare, State Chair, Blossom Women’s Committee T R US TE E S E M E R I TI Clifford J. Isroff Samuel H. Miller David L. Simon PAS T PR E S I D E NT S D. Z. Norton 1915-21 John L. Severance 1921-36 Dudley S. Blossom 1936-38 Thomas L. Sidlo 1939-53

BOARD COMMITTEE CHAIRS AUDIT Michael J. Horvitz, Chair Hewitt B. Shaw, Jr., Vice Chair BLOSSOM OVERSEERS Paul A. Rose, Chair Marguerite Tremelin, Vice Chair COMMUNITY RELATIONS Alex Machaskee, Chair Robert P. Madison, Vice Chair EDUCATION Jeanette Grasselli Brown, Chair Helen Rankin Butler, Vice Chair FACILITIES Matthew V. Crawford, Chair Paul E. Westlake Jr., Vice Chair FINANCE Beth E. Mooney, Chair Hewitt B. Shaw, Jr., Vice Chair FUNDRAISING Richard J. Bogomolny, Chair Nancy W. McCann, Vice Chair FUNDRAISING: CRESCENDO Barbara S. Robinson, Chair Robert K. Gudbranson, Vice Chair FUNDRAISING: LEGACY GIVING Donald W. Morrison, Chair

Carolyn Dessin, Chair, Cleveland Orchestra Chorus Operating Committee Dr. Lester Lefton, President, Kent State University Barbara R. Snyder, President, Case Western Reserve University

H O N O RARY T RUS T E E S FOR LIFE Allen H. Ford Gay Cull Addicott Robert W. Gillespie Francis J. Callahan Dorothy Humel Hovorka Mrs. Webb Chamberlain Robert F. Meyerson Oliver F. Emerson Percy W. Brown 1953-55 Frank E. Taplin, Jr. 1955-57 Frank E. Joseph 1957-68 Alfred M. Rankin 1968-83

Ward Smith 1983-95 Richard J. Bogomolny 1995-2002, 2008-09 James D. Ireland III 2002-08

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Barbara S. Robinson, Chair Raymond T. Sawyer, Vice Chair INVESTMENT Alfred M. Rankin, Jr., Chair John D. Koch, Vice Chair MARKETING OVERSIGHT Larry Pollock, Chair Marguerite B. Humphrey, Vice Chair NOMINATING AND GOVERNANCE Virginia M. Lindseth, Chair Nancy F. Keithley, Vice Chair PENSION FUND Alfred M. Rankin, Jr., Chair Michael J. Horvitz, Vice Chair PERSONNEL Michael J. Horvitz, Chair David A. Wolfort, Vice Chair

Gary Hanson, Executive Director



OF F I C E R S A ND E XE CUT I VE C O MMIT T E E Sheldon Anderson, President Daniel R. Lewis, Chairman and Treasurer Marsha Bilzin, Secretary T R U S TE E S Sheldon Anderson Brian Bilzin Marsha Bilzin Norman Braman Alicia Celorio Bruce Clinton Martha Clinton Mike S. Eidson Jeffrey Feldman Susan Feldman


Norman Braman, Vice Chair Hector Fortun, Vice Chair

Hector D. Fortun Francisco A. Garcia David Horvitz Francie Horvitz Ezra Katz Tati Katz Gerald Kelfer Tina Kislak R. Kirk Landon Shirley Lehman


William Lehman Daniel R. Lewis Jan R. Lewis Peter B. Lewis Sue Miller Janet Rosel Karyn Schwade Richard P. Tonkinson Gary L. Wasserman E. Richard Yulman

EUROPEAN ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Herbert Kloiber, Chair Dr. Wolfgang C. Berndt, Vice Chair Dr. Peter Mitterbauer Elizabeth Muhr

2 01 1- 2 01 2 Overview Severance Hall and Northeast Ohio From September 2011 to the beginning of June 2012, the Orchestra performed 96 concerts at Severance Hall. These included 62 regular subscription concerts and 2 opera-inconcert performances, plus December holiday concerts, Celebrity Series concerts, Family Concerts, and Education Concerts for students. These performances drew in over 145,000 total admissions. The seasons’s Opening Night Gala on October 1 celebrated Franz Welser-Möst’s tenth anniversary as music director and raised funds in support of the Orchestra’s education initiatives. During the season, the Orchestra also performed two regional concerts, at Oberlin College and for Akron’s Tuesday Musical Association. In April 2012, it partnered with Cleveland Play House in performing the Tom Stoppard and André Previn play for actors and orchestra, Every Good Boy Deserves Favor. In summer 2012 at Severance Hall, the Orchestra partnered with Oberlin College in the Cooper International Piano Competition and with United Way of Greater Cleveland for an appreciation concert.

Music Education and Community

The Cleveland Orchestra’s free downtown concert at Public Square draws tens of thousands each year. — In February 2012, pianist Yefim Bronfman joined together with Orchestra string principals for a sold-out chamber music recital as part of the season’s Brahms Festival. — Cleveland Orchestra musicians were literally part of the act in the collaborative production with Cleveland Play House of Every Good Boy Deserves Favor.



The Orchestra’s education programs and community engagement offerings in 2011-12 featured 11 Education Concerts at Severance Hall (including the annual side-by-side concert with the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra for high school students), as well as a variety of in-school programs and partnerships, youth ensemble performances, presentations for families, and adult learning programs and initiatives. Two in-school Orchestra performances were presented, at Saint Ignatius High School and at Cleveland’s School of the Arts. In June, the Youth Orchestra undertook its first international tour, to Europe. Notable community events in 2011-12 included the Orchestra’s 23rd and 24th free downtown community concerts at Public Square, in September 2011 honoring the tenth anniversary of 9/11, and in July 2012 to celebrate the Fourth of July. Along with other

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free public events such as the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Concert and Community Open House, the Orchestra reached over 150,000 students and adults through all of its community presentations and education programs.

Audience Development In recent seasons, The Cleveland Orchestra has begun a series of new audience development initiatives with the long-term goal of attracting one of the youngest audiences in the country by making tickets affordable and easy to purchase. Programs include subsidized ticketing for students and young people, as well as transportation initiatives at Blossom and Severance Hall. The “Under 18s Free” program, which has attracted over 26,000 young people to Blossom since 2011, was extended to several concert series for the 2012-13 season at Severance Hall.

Cleveland Orchestra Miami The Cleveland Orchestra’s annual residency in Miami, Florida, presented its sixth season between January and March 2012, with three weekends of subscription concerts, a family concert, two school concerts, four Musical Rainbows, and a variety of after-school programs, mentoring sessions, and masterclasses. The 2011-12 season was Giancarlo Guerrero’s first as principal guest conductor. Community and education partnerships continued to grow, and an expanded season of four weekends of concerts in Miami was announced for 2012-13. The renamed Miami Music Association — the community non-profit group partnering with The Cleveland Orchestra and overseeing Miami fundraising — elected Sheldon Anderson in 2012 as president, assuming responsibility from founding chairman Daniel R. Lewis.

European and North American Tours In late October and early November 2011, The Cleveland Orchestra and Franz Welser-Möst embarked on their eleventh international tour together. The tour included performances in Madrid, Valencia, Paris, Luxembourg City, Co-

logne, and Linz, as well as a four-concert residency at Vienna’s Musikverein. In April 2012, the Orchestra and Franz presented a West Coast tour, featuring two performances as part of the San Francisco Symphony’s centennial celebrations, plus concerts in Costa Mesa, Palm Desert, San Diego, and Las Vegas. The Orchestra’s concert activities away from home also featured two performances at Carnegie Hall in May, including a much-acclaimed opera-inconcert presentation of Richard Strauss’s Salome. Other performances during the year included concerts in Sarasota and West Palm Beach, Florida, and in Nashville, Tennessee.

Severance Hall Rentals Beyond the Orchestra’s own concerts, there were 120 rental events and performances at Severance Hall in 2011-12, hosting over 65,600 attendees.

Blossom 2012 The Orchestra’s 2012 Blossom Festival spanned from the Fourth of July to Labor Day Weekend and featured 16 concerts, including 12 by The Cleveland Orchestra. Among these was the benefit event Blossom. Sizzle. Pop! featuring pianist Yuja Wang. Average attendance across the Festival was 6,050 per concert, with total admissions of 96,800. The summer also featured 21 non-Festival concert performances and 7 other events hosted by Live Nation, which operates Blossom Music Center for the Musical Arts Association. Attendance at these concerts and events totaled just over 289,000, with an average of 12,390 per concert.

Orchestra Personnel Franz Welser-Möst appointed two new members of the Orchestra during the 2011-12 season: Derek Zadinsky (bass) and Mary Lynch (oboe).

TOP TO BOTTOM: The Cleveland Orchestra led Northeast Ohio’s commemoration of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 with a free community concert at Public Square. — Cleveland Orchestra musician and Music Mentor Brian Thornton works with students at Cleveland School of the Arts. — Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra students walked in the footsteps of Mozart, Beethoven, and Dvořák on their first international tour (with performances in Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague) in June 2012. — Cleveland area students are Learning Through Music with Cleveland Orchestra musician and teaching artist Mark Atherton. The Orchestra’s LTM program integrates the arts with core academic subjects. OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: El Sistema@Rainey, launched by Cleveland Orchestra violinist Isabel Trautwein in autumn 2011, is an intensive afterschool program at Cleveland’s Rainey Institute to provide underserved children the opportunity to learn music and to play in orchestras. The program is part of a network of El Sistema orchestras worldwide.

Cleveland Orchestra photography by Roger Mastroianni. Additional photography: Cleveland Orchestra Media Relations.



2 01 1- 2 01 2

Franz Welser-MÜst leading The Cleveland Orchestra and an international cast of soloists in an opera-in-concert presentation of Richard Strauss’s Salome, at Severance Hall in May 2012.


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2 01 1- 2 01 2 Statements of Financial Position



Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Accounts and Pledges Receivable Commitment from the Musical Arts Association of Miami Other Assets Land, Buildings and Equipment — net Endowment: Investments Pledges Receivable TOTAL ASSETS

JUNE 30, 2012

JUNE 30, 2011

$ 5,404 5,190 21,976 3,690 3,734 39,994

$ 5,065 4,673 16,557 1,052 3,648 30,995



130,617 13,701 $ 226,206

130,566 17,968 $ 223,270

$ 6,549 28,150 5,148 32,805 72,652

$ 5,554 28,150 5,418 21,592 60,714

(7,273) (18,643) 17,610 15,428 7,122

(7,090) (8,105) 17,497 21,542 23,844

21,315 5,851 27,166

14,932 7,490 22,422

119,266 153,554 $ 226,206

116,290 162,556 $ 223,270


Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Bonds Payable Deferred Revenue Accrued Pension and Other Retirement Benefits Total Liabilities Net Assets:

Unrestricted: Operating: Accumulated Results Pension Plan Capital Board Designated Endowment Temporarily Restricted: Operating Endowment Permanently Restricted Endowment Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

Statements of Operating Activities YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 REVENUE

Total Fixed Expenses






$ 31,556 $ (31,385)






149 $ 29,810 $ (29,661)

Contributions from Operations

Activities Using Orchestra Services Media Blossom Special Attractions Non-Orchestra Activities

17,686 129 1,216 1,093 20,124

13,006 501 — 610 14,117

4,680 (372) 1,216 483 6,007

17,275 437 1,182 1,171 20,065

13,443 786 — 665 14,894

3,832 (349) 1,182 506 5,171

Total Annual Fundraising

10,336 2,018 607 12,961

2,562 — 205 2,767

7,774 2,018 402 10,194

10,019 2,036 669 12,724

2,518 — 322 2,840

7,501 2,036 347 9,884

Endowment Draw Subtotal

6,873 40,129

— 48,440

6,873 (8,311)

6,671 39,609

— 47,544

6,671 (7,935)

4,574 3,554 $ 48,257

— — $ 48,440

4,574 3,554 $ (183)

Total Operations Annual Fundraising

Annual Fund Government Grants Volunteer Activities

Blossom Land Proceeds Special Fundraising TOTAL RESULTS



3,676 — 3,676 1,523 — 1,523 $ 44,808 $ 47,544 $ (2,736)

Statements of Endowment Activities YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2012

Pledges and Contributions Investment Income (net of fees) Net Realized and Unrealized Gains Endowment Draw Board-designated funds transferred to Capital Change in Endowment Net Assets


Net Assets — Beginning of Year Net Assets — End of Year Net Accrued Income and Expense ENDOWMENT INVESTMENTS — End of Year

Notes to Financial Statements NOTE A Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

4,379 1,772 (1,602) (7,026) (2,300) (4,777)

$ 11,582 1,231 19,025 (6,797) (2,300) 22,741

145,322 140,545

122,581 145,322

(9,928) $ 130,617

(14,756) $ 130,566


The following describes the Association’s classes of endowment net assets:

Organization: The core purpose of the Musical Arts Association (the Association) is to provide an inspirational experience by serving the art of music at the highest levels of artistic excellence. The Association operates The Cleveland Orchestra; owns and operates Severance Hall, located in Cleveland, Ohio; and owns Blossom Music Center (BMC), situated on approximately 198 acres of land in Summit County, Ohio.

Unrestricted endowment net assets consist of funds which have been designated by the Board of Trustees to function as endowment. The classification includes life income instruments and gains on permanently restricted endowment net assets for which the use of income is not governed by donor imposed restrictions and that have been appropriated by the Board.

Basis of Accounting: The Association’s accounting records are maintained on the accrual basis of accounting.

Temporarily restricted endowment net assets are subject to donor imposed restrictions that will be met by actions of the Association and/or the passage of time. This classification includes all unspent gains on permanently restricted endowment net assets for which the use of income is governed by donor imposed restrictions.

Basis of Presentation: The Association records all unconditional promises to give (pledges) as receivables and revenue in the period made and classifies such contributions into three net asset classes based upon external (donor) imposed restrictions. A description of the three net asset classes follows: Unrestricted Net Assets — Net assets that are not subject to any donor imposed restrictions. Temporarily Restricted Net Assets — Net assets subject to donor imposed restrictions that will be met by actions of the Association and/or the passage of time. Permanently Restricted Net Assets — Net assets subject to donor imposed restrictions that will neither be met or otherwise removed by actions of the Association nor the passage of time. Land, Buildings, and Equipment: Severance Hall opened in 1931 and is located on land leased from Case Western Reserve University. The Association has a 99-year lease, which expires in 2029 and is renewable for additional 99year periods in perpetuity. The lease (including the option period) provides for a nominal rental charge and requires the Association to pay all taxes and assessments that may be levied on the premises. Blossom Music Center opened in 1968 and the Association owns the land and all buildings thereon. Purchased land, buildings, and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is computed on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the respective assets, using a half-year life convention in the year of acquisition. Routine repairs and maintenance and individual capital expenditures of less than five hundred dollars are expensed as incurred. The Association’s music library and archives and its equity in the Medical Center Company are carried at no value in the financial statements. In July 2008, the Association signed a letter of intent with The Trust for Public Land, a national, nonprofit, land conservation organization, to sell a portion of the Association’s Blossom land, which originally totalled approximately 800 acres. The first phase of the land sale was completed in March 2011 providing gross proceeds of $3,980. The second and final phase of the land sale was completed in October 2011 providing gross proceeds of $5,286. After payment of the related expenses, the net proceeds of the sale were used to partially reduce operating deficits. Collective Bargaining Agreements: The Association’s orchestra musicians, stagehands, ticket sellers, and service employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements. The Cleveland Federation of Musicians, Local No. 4 three year collective bargaining agreement expired on September 2, 2012. On October 28, 2012 a new three year collective bargaining agreement was ratified that expires August 30, 2015. The Service Employees International Union Local No. 3, AFL-CIO collective bargaining agreement expires December 31, 2013. The Stage Employees Local No. 27 of The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employee’s collective bargaining agreement expires August 31, 2014, and The Treasurer’s and Ticket Sellers Union No. 756, AFL-CIO collective bargaining agreement expires December 31, 2012.

NOTE B Endowment Because the endowment assets include funds derived originally from permanently restricted contributions, management thereof is subject to Ohio State law. In July 1996, the 121st General Assembly of the State of Ohio passed Substitute House Bill No. 391. Under the provisions of this Bill as interpreted by the Association, the Association is permitted to expend the gains, both realized and unrealized, on its permanently restricted endowment contributions unless specifically restricted by the donor. Effective June 1, 2009, Ohio’s version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) became law. The Association has interpreted UPMIFA as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result, the Association classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsquent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund.


Permanently restricted endowment net assets are subject to donor imposed restrictions that require the assets to be maintained in perpetuity. Certain of these net assets are maintained by the Association and others, charitable perpetual trusts, are in the control of third party trustees or administrators. The Association records its interest in charitable perpetual trusts at its pro-rata share of the fair market value of the assets. The Association’s annual draw is based on a total return philosophy, and is calculated as the prior fiscal year’s draw amount weighted 70%, plus 5% of the prior fiscal year’s average quarterly endowment market value net of investment fees weighted 30%, plus 5% of the current fiscal year’s endowment cash contributions pro-rated based on the fiscal quarter received. Because the amount drawn in a given year is heavily weighted by the market value of the endowment in prior years, the percentage drawn of a given year’s endowment market value often varies from the 5% draw factor used in the calculation. Endowment investments are summarized as follows as of June 30: Money market funds Mutual funds Common/collective trust fund Small-cap long-only equity fund International equity fund Charitable perpetual trusts held by others Absolute return securities Hedged equity securities



$ 4,713 63,974 8,492 5,432 13,368 3,620 22,496 8,522 $ 130,617

$ 1,295 64,406 8,800 5,431 13,181 3,802 22,232 11,419 $ 130,566

NOTE C Related Party Transaction — Miami Residency The Musical Arts Association of Miami (MAA-Miami) was formed in 2005 and obtained its tax exempt status as a 501c(3) organization in 2008. MAA-Miami, which operates under its own separate Board of Trustees and management from the Association, exists solely for the benefit and support of The Cleveland Orchestra’s Miami Residency.

NOTE D Cuyahoga Falls Concerts, Inc. Agreement Effective November 1, 1999, the Association entered into an amended and restated 15-year agreement with Cuyahoga Falls Concerts, Inc. (CFCI) (the “Agreement”). CFCI will operate Blossom Music Center (BMC) and will book, promote and present special attractions, upon which it will pay the Association annual rentals based upon a percentage of CFCI’s gross receipts from BMC special attractions. Upon signing of the Agreement, CFCI granted the Association $6,000 to fund future Association operations. This grant has been recorded as temporarily restricted revenue and is being amortized into unrestricted revenue on a straight-line basis over the 15-year term of the Agreement beginning in fiscal 2001. The obligations of CFCI under the Agreement are guaranteed by HOB (House of Blues) Entertainment, Inc.

NOTE E Pension and Other Retirement Benefi ts The Association has a frozen noncontributory defined benefit pension plan covering substantially all employees. The benefits are based on years of service and the employee’s compensation level. The Association’s funding policy is to contribute annually at least the minimum amount required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. In addition to the defined benefit pension plan, the Association provides executive supplemental retirement benefits, which are included as accrued benefits on the statement of financial position.

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YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2011

The following table sets forth the Plan’s funded status, key assumptions, and other activity recognized in the Association’s financial statements: JUNE 30, 2012

JUNE 30, 2011

Projected benefit obligation at year end Fair value of plan assets at year end

$ 65,500 33, 783

$ 56,893 36,255

(Under)funded status of the Plan

$ (31,717)

$ (20,638)



4.81 % 8.50 %

5.75 % 8.50 %

Weighted-average assumptions: Discount rate Expected rate of return on plan assets

Net periodic benefit cost Employer contributions Benefits paid



$ 2,211 $ 1,670 $ 3,093

$ 1,717 — $ 2,945

The portion of the defined benefit pension plan covering hall and office employees was frozen effective April 1, 2009. At that date, a new contributory 403(b) plan was established. Association contributions to the 403(b) plan for hall and office employees totaled $311 and $345 for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Per the terms of the collective bargaining agreement with the Cleveland Federation of Musicians, Local No. 4 (Union), the portion of the defined benefit pension plan covering these employees was frozen effective August 1, 2009. Effective August 1, 2009, the Association began contributing a percentage of the musician’s minimum weekly salary to the American Federation of Musicians and Employers’ Pension Fund (AFM&EPF). Per further agreement between the Union and the Association: (a) effective March 30, 2010, the Association withdrew from and ceased participation in the AFM&EPF with respect to all contributions currently provided under the collective bargaining agreement, and no contributions shall be due to the AFM&EPF under the collective bargaining agreement after that date, and (b) effective April 1, 2010, the Association began contributing a percentage of the musicians’ minimum weekly salary into the 403(b) plan. Contributions to the 403(b) plan totaled $1,385 and $1,049 for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively. In March 2012, the Association received a demand for payment of withdrawal liability from the AFM&EPF in the amount of $401, payable with interest at $8 per quarter for twenty years. The Association has reviewed the matter with legal counsel, believes that no such liability exists, and thus has not recorded this liability in its financial statements. The Association is contesting the AFM&EPF’s demand, though as required by law, it is making the $8 quarterly payments under a reservation of rights until the matter is resolved.

NOTE F — Debt On December 1, 2003, the Association issued $28,150 of County of Cuyahoga, Ohio, Economic Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2003, due December 1, 2028 (maturity date). No principal payments are required prior to the maturity date. Proceeds from this issue were used to redeem the County of Cuyahoga, Ohio, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1998, due April 1, 2028. The Series 1998 Bonds, which were issued as part of the overall financing plan for the renovation, restoration, and expansion of Severance Hall, were called and paid in full in February 2004. The Series 2003 Bonds were issued and continue to function in a floating rate mode, with the interest rate re-set on a weekly basis. From July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012, the interest rate for the Series 2003 Bonds ranged between 0.49% and 0.78%. The Series 2003 Bonds are supported by a Financial Guaranty Insurance Policy which expires on December 1, 2028. In connection with the issuance of the bond insurance policy, the Association agreed to certain covenants, including limits on additional indebtedness, ratios of unrestricted cash and investments to outstanding debt, and periodic financial reporting. These covenants were met for the year ended June 30, 2012. The Association maintains agreements with KeyBank and PNC Bank that extend through September 2014 and May 2014, respectively, providing committed unsecured lines of credit aggregating $10,000. There were no outstanding balances or commitment fees under these agreements at June 30, 2012, and 2011.

NOTE G Cost of Fundraising The Association charges to operations on the Statement of Operating Activities expenses related to fundraising for annual fund, government grants, special fundraising and endowment pledges and contributions. In addition, the Association netted the direct costs of its planned giving program, $322 and $407 for the years ended June 30, 2012 and 2011, respectively, against realized planned giving expectancies which are included in pledges and contributions in the Statement of Endowment Activities.

Support The Cleveland Orchestra The generosity of thousands of donors from across Northeast Ohio and beyond is the lifeblood of The Cleveland Orchestra. To maintain the Orchestra’s core programming for new generations, to secure the future of this great institution, and ensure that the Orchestra is as healthy financially as it is artistically require both increasing annual support and the long-term security of an increased Endowment. — Annual Gifts are a significant and vital source of funding that helps close the gap between ticket revenue and expenses each year. The annual gifts of thousands of individuals and organizations help ensure each season’s artistic achievements and the day-to-day success of ongoing community and education programs. — Special Fundraising helps ensure a steady course of annual programming while the Endowment is being increased for longterm financial stability. — Endowed Funds establish permanent investments and provide an ongoing, longterm source of support for the Orchestra, allowing us to be less vulnerable to economic cycles. — Legacy Giving, including bequests, living trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, and life income gifts, can provide a donor with considerable tax savings as well as an income for life, while also providing continual income for the Orchestra.




Sound for the Centennial The Cleveland Orchestra’s artistic health and financial well-being depend on the dedicated and ongoing support of music-lovers throughout Northeast Ohio. The Orchestra’s continued excellence in community service and musical performance can only be ensured through ongoing annual support coupled with increased giving to the Endowment and special fundraising. As the Orchestra approaches its centennial celebration in 2018, the individuals and organizations listed on these pages have made longterm commitments to secure the

financial stability of our great Orchestra. This listing represents multi-year commitments of annual and endowment support, and legacy gift declarations, as of October 2012. The Cleveland Orchestra and Musical Arts Association gratefully recognize the transformational support and extraordinary commitment of these individuals, corporations, and foundations toward the Orchestra’s future. To join your name to these visionary contributors, please contact Jon Limbacher, Chief Development Officer, at 216-231-7520.


Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Cutler Maltz Family Foundation Anonymous GIFTS OF $1 MILLION TO $5 MILLION

BakerHostetler Mr. William P. Blair III Mr. Richard J. Bogomolny and Ms. Patricia M. Kozerefski Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton Mrs. M. Roger Clapp Eaton Corporation Forest City Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz The Walter and Jean Kalberer Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keithley KeyBank Kulas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. LaBarre Mrs. Norma Lerner The Lubrizol Corporation Sally S. and John C. Morley John P. Murphy Foundation NACCO Industries, Inc. Julia and Larry Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner James and Donna Reid Barbara S. Robinson The Sage Cleveland Foundation The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation The J. M. Smucker Company Joe and Marlene Toot

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Lindseth Ms. Nancy W. McCann David and Inez Myers Foundation The Honorable and Mrs. John Doyle Ong

The Payne Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Smucker

Trevor and Jennie Jones Dr. Vilma L. Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Alex Machaskee Mr. Donald W. Morrison Margaret Fulton-Mueller William J. and Katherine T. O’Neill Parker Hannifin Corporation

Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saks The Skirball Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jules Vinney* David A. and Barbara Wolfort

Giuliana C. and John D. Koch Foundation Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Kohrman Mr. Gary A. Oatey RPM International Inc. Hewitt and Paula Shaw

Ms. Ginger Warner Mr. Max W. Wendel Paul and Suzanne Westlake Mr. Donald Woodcock


Gay Cull Addicott Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Glenn R. Brown Robert and Jean* Conrad The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation GIFTS OF $250,000 TO $500,000

John P. Bergren* and Sarah M. Evans Mr. and Mrs.* Harvey Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Crawford Nancy and Richard Dotson Sidney E. Frank Foundation David and Nancy Hooker James D. Ireland III GIFTS OF $100,000 TO $250,000

Mr. and Mrs. George N. Aronoff Ben and Ingrid Bowman George* and Becky Dunn Dr. and Mrs. Hiroyuki Fujita Albert I. and Norma C. Geller Iris and Tom Harvie


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

* deceased


Endowed Chairs

as of October 2012

An endowed chair is a position funded through the revenue generated by an endowed gift. These naming opportunities currently represent new gifts of $1 million or more. The generous individuals and organizations who have already endowed a Cleveland Orchestra chair include: MUSIC DIRECTOR CHAIR



Kelvin Smith Family

The GAR Foundation

Sandra L. Haslinger

given by Kelvin and Eleanor Smith ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CELLO CHAIR



Helen Weil Ross

George Szell Memorial

Elizabeth Ring and William Gwinn Mather


given by James D. and Cornelia W. Ireland

Sidney and Doris Dworkin

given anonymously

Muriel and Noah Butkin given by the estate of Muriel Butkin


Knight Foundation




Frances P. and Chester C. Bolton

Clarence T. Reinberger

Robert and Eunice Podis Weiskopf

given by Kenyon C. and Mary P. Bolton CONCERTMASTER CHAIR

Blossom-Lee given by Mary Blossom Lee ASSOCIATE CONCERTMASTER CHAIR


Clara G. and George P. Bickford given by George P. Bickford

Dr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Dr. Glenn R. Brown FIRST VIOLIN CHAIRS

Patty and John Collinson Drs. Paul M. and Renate H. Duchesneau Oswald and Phyllis Lerner Gilroy given by the estate of Phyllis Lerner Gilroy

Gladys B. Goetz given by the estate of Gladys B. Goetz

Paul and Lucille Jones Trevor and Jennie Jones Elizabeth and Leslie Kondorossy given by Elizabeth Kondorossy

Theodore Rautenberg given by Mrs. Mary Rautenberg

given by The Reinberger Foundation

given by the estates of Robert Weiskopf and Eunice Podis Weiskopf


Mary E. and F. Joseph Callahan


James P. and Dolores D. Storer BASS CHAIR

Charles Barr Memorial given by family and friends


Mary Elizabeth and G. Robert Klein



Alice Chalifoux

Gilbert W. and Louise I. Humphrey

given by Mrs. Ralph Scribner

given by the Gilbert W. and Louise I. Humphrey Foundation


Sunshine Family


Alexander and Marianna C. McAfee PRINCIPAL FLUTE CHAIR

Elizabeth M. and William C. Truehaft



Nathalie C. Spence and Nathalie S. Boswell

Austin B. and Ellen W. Chinn

given by the Nathalie C. Spence Charitable Trust



Anne M. and M. Roger Clapp

Otto G. and Corinne T. Voss given by Corinne T. Voss


Edith S. Taplin given by her family ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL OBOE CHAIR

Dr. Larry J. B. and Barbara S. Robinson Harriet T. and David L. Simon

Everett D. and Eugenia S. McCurdy



Alfred M. and Clara T. Rankin

Samuel C. and Bernette K. Jaffe



given by Eugenia S. McCurdy


Margaret Allen Ireland given by Mr. R. Livingston Ireland, Mrs. Gilbert W. Humphrey, and Miss Kate Ireland PRINCIPAL KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS CHAIR

Rudolf Serkin given by Frank E. and Margaret Eaton Taplin KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS CHAIR

Patricia M. Kozerefski and Richard J. Bogomolny

given by Frank K. Griesinger and Barbara Ginn Griesinger



James and Donna Reid

Robert R. and Vilma L. Kohn given by Dr. Vilma L. Kohn


ChaillĂŠ H. and Richard B. Tullis


Stanley L. and Eloise M. Morgan


Charles M. and Janet G. Kimball VIOLA CHAIR

Jean Wall Bennett given by Joseph P. Bennett PRINCIPAL CELLO

Louis D. Beaumont


Louise Harkness Ingalls given by David S. Ingalls, Edith I. and Paul J. Vignos, Louise I. and Willard W. Brown, Anne I. and John T. Lawrence Jr., Jane I. and Endicott P. Davison, and Catherine S. and David S. Ingalls Jr.

given by the Beaumont Foundation


Marjory and Marc L. Swartzbaugh

Robert Marcellus


The following donors have endowed a chair in the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra: Norma Battes Barbara P. and Alan S. Geismer Virginia S. Jones Memorial Anthony F. Knight Memorial Victor C. Laughlin M.D. Memorial Daniel Majeske Memorial In addition, hundreds of generous donors have endowed seats in the Blossom Pavilion and/or at Severance Hall, and hundreds more endowed pipes of the Norton Memorial Organ during its restoration.


Endowed Funds

established as of October 2012

Generous contributions to the endowment have been made to support specific artistic initiatives, ensembles, educational programming and performances, facilities maintenance costs, touring and residencies, and more. These funding opportunities currently represent new gifts of $250,000 or more.

ARTISTIC endowed funds support a variety of programmatic initiatives


ranging from guest artists and radio broadcasts to the all-volunteer Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and the commisioning of new works.

— The Cleveland Orchestra’s Center for Future Audiences, created with a lead gift from the Maltz Family Foundation, was established to develop new generations of audiences for The Cleveland Orchestra.

Artistic Collaboration Keithley Fund

Artist-in-Residence Malcolm E. Kenney

Young Composers Jan R. and Daniel R. Lewis

Friday Morning Concerts Mary E. and F. Joseph Callahan Foundation

International Touring Frances Elizabeth Wilkinson

Cleveland Orchestra Chorus Jerome and Shirley Grover Meacham Hitchcock and Family

Concert Previews Dorothy Humel Hovorka

Radio Broadcasts Robert and Jean Conrad

Unrestricted William P. Blair III Fund for Orchestral Excellence John P. Bergren and Sarah S. Evans Margaret Fulton-Mueller Fund Virginia M. and Jon A. Lindseth

American Conductors Fund Douglas Peace Handyside Holsey Gates Handyside

Severance Hall Guest Conductors Roger and Anne Clapp James and Donna Reid

Cleveland Orchestra Soloists Julia and Larry Pollock Family Fund

Anonymous, in memory of Georg Solti Hope and Stanley I. Adelstein Kathleen L. Barber Isabelle and Ronald Brown Dr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Dr. Glenn R. Brown Alice B. Cull Memorial Frank and Margaret Hyncik Junior Committee of The Cleveland Orchestra Mr. and Mrs. David T. Morgenthaler John and Sally Morley Education Fund The William N. Skirball Endowment

Education Concerts Week The Max Ratner Education Fund, given by the Ratner, Miller, and Shafran families and by Forest City Enterprises, Inc.


Maltz Family Foundation

Student Audiences Alexander and Sarah Cutler Fund

Guest Artists The Eleanore T. and Joseph E. Adams Fund Mrs. Warren H. Corning The Gerhard Foundation Margaret R. Griffiths Trust The Virginia M. and Newman T. Halvorson Fund The Hershey Foundation The Humel Hovorka Fund Kulas Foundation The Payne Fund Elizabeth Dorothy Robson Dr. and Mrs. Sam I. Sato The Julia Severance Millikin Fund The Sherwick Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherwin Sterling A. Spaulding Mr. and Mrs. James P. Storer Mrs. Paul D. Wurzburger

EDUCATION endowed funds help support programs that deepen connections to symphonic music at every age and stage of life, including training, performances, and classroom resources for thousands of students and adults each year. Education Programs

Center for Future Audiences

In-School Performances Alfred M. Lerner Fund

Classroom Resources Charles and Marguerite C. Galanie

Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra The George Gund Foundation Christine Gitlin Miles, in honor of Jahja Ling Jules and Ruth Vinney Touring Fund

Musical Rainbows Pysht Fund

Community Programming Machaskee Fund

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

SEVERANCE HALL endowed funds support performance initiatives for the Orchestra’s winter season in Cleveland and maintenance of Severance Hall: Keyboard Maintenance William R. Dew The Frederick W. and Janet P. Dorn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manuel Vincent K. and Edith H. Smith Memorial Trust

Organ D. Robert and Kathleen L. Barber Arlene and Arthur Holden Kulas Foundation Descendants of D.Z. Norton Oglebay Norton Foundation

Severance Hall Preservation Severance family and friends

BLOSSOM MUSIC CENTER and BLOSSOM FESTIVAL endowed funds support the Orchestra’s summer performances and maintenance of Blossom Music Center. Blossom Festival Guest Artist Dr. and Mrs. Murray M. Bett The Hershey Foundation The Payne Fund Mr. and Mrs. William C. Zekan

Blossom Festival Family Concerts David E. and Jane J. Griffiths

Landscaping and Maintenance The Bingham Foundation Emily Blossom family members and friends The GAR Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation


Heritage Society

The Heritage Society honors donors who support the Orchestra through their wills, life income gifts, or other types of deferred giving. The following listing of members is current as of October 2012. The Cleveland Orchestra and Musical Arts Association thank those members below in bold who have declared to us their specific estate intentions. New members joining in the past year are designated with: Lois A. Aaron Leonard Abrams Shuree Abrams* Gay Cull Addicott Stanley and Hope Adelstein Sylvia K. Adler Gerald O. Allen Norman and Marjorie* Allison George N. Aronoff Herbert Ascherman, Jr. Jack and Darby Ashelman Mr. and Mrs. William W. Baker Ruth Balombin* Mrs. Louis W. Barany* D. Robert* and Kathleen L. Barber Jack Barnhart Margaret B. and Henry T.* Barratt Norma E. Battes Rev. Thomas T. Baumgardner and Dr. Joan Baumgardner Fred G. and Mary W. Behm Dr. Ronald and Diane Bell Bob Bellamy Joseph P. Bennett Miss Ila M. Berry Howard R. and Barbara Kaye Besser Dr.* and Mrs. Murray M. Bett Dr. Marie Bielefeld Mr. Raymond J. Billy Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Bilsky* Robert E. and Jean Bingham* Claudia Bjerre William P. Blair III Flora Blumenthal Mr. Richard J. Bogomolny and Ms. Patricia M. Kozerefski Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton Kathryn Bondy* Loretta and Jerome* Borstein Mr. and Mrs.* Otis H. Bowden II Ruth Turvy Bowman* Drs. Christopher P. Brandt and Beth Brandt Sersig Mr. D. McGregor Brandt, Jr. David and Denise Brewster Richard F. Brezic* Robert W. Briggs Dr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Dr. Glenn R. Brown Ronald and Isabelle Brown* Mr. and Mrs. Clark E. Bruner* Harvey and Penelope* Buchanan Rita W. Buchanan Joan and Gene* Buehler Gretchen L. Burmeister Stanley and Honnie Busch Milan and Jeanne* Busta Mrs. Noah L. Butkin* Mr. and Mrs. William C. Butler Minna S. Buxbaum* Gregory and Karen Cada Roberta R. Calderwood* Jean S. Calhoun Harry and Marjorie M. Carlson Janice L. Carlson Dr. and Mrs. Roland D. Carlson Barbara A. Chambers, D.Ed. Ellen Wade Chinn* NancyBell Coe Kenneth S. and Deborah G. Cohen Ralph M. and Mardy R. Cohen Victor J. and Ellen E. Cohn Robert and Jean* Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Conway James P. and Catherine E.* Conway


Rudolph R. Cook The Honorable Colleen Conway Cooney John D. and Mary D.* Corry Dr.* and Mrs. Frederick S. Cross Martha Wood Cubberley Dr. William S. Cumming* In Memory of Walter C. and Marion J. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. William W. Cushwa Howard Cutson Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Dangler Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Danzinger Barbara Ann Davis Carol J. Davis Charles and Mary Ann Davis William E. and Gloria P. Dean, Jr. Mary Kay DeGrandis and Edward J. Donnelly Neeltje-Anne DeKoster Carolyn L. Dessin William R. Dew Mrs. Armand J. DiLellio James A. Dingus, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Distad Maureen A. Doerner and Geoffrey T. White Gerald and Ruth Dombcik Henry and Mary Doll Mr.* and Mrs. Roland W. Donnem Nancy and Richard Dotson Mrs. John Drollinger Drs. Paul M. and Renate H. Duchesneau George* and Becky Dunn Warren and Zoann Dusenbury* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duvin Paul and Peggy Edenburn Robert and Anne Eiben Esther and Alfred M. Eich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Elias* Roger B. Ellsworth Oliver and Mary Emerson Lois Marsh Epp Patricia Esposito Margaret S. Estill* Dr. Wilma McVey Evans* C. Gordon and Kathleen A.* Ewers Patricia J. Factor Susan L. Faulder Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Fennell* Mrs. Mildred Fiening Gloria and Irving B. Fine R. Neil Fisher Jules and Lena Flock* Joan Alice Ford Dr. and Mrs.* William E. Forsythe Mr.* and Mrs. Ralph E. Fountain J. Gilbert and Eleanor M. Frey Arthur and Deanna Friedman Mr.* and Mrs. Edward H. Frost Dawn Full Henry S. Fusner Dr. Stephen and Nancy Gage Charles and Marguerite C. Galanie* Barbara and Peter Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Garfunkel Donald* and Lois Gaynor Barbara P. Geismer* Albert I. and Norma C. Geller Carl E. Gennett* John H.* and Ellen P. Gerber Frank and Louise Gerlak Dr. James E. Gibbs In Memory of Roger N. Gifford Dr. Anita P. Gilger*


S. Bradley Gillaugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ginn Fred and Holly Glock Ronald* and Carol Godes William H. Goff Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Goodman John and Ann Gosky Mrs. Joseph B. Govan* Elaine Harris Green Richard and Ann Gridley Nancy Hancock Griffith David E.* and Jane J. Griffiths David G. Griffiths* Ms. Hetty Griffiths Margaret R. Griffiths* Bev and Bob Grimm Judd and Zetta Gross* Candy and Brent Grover Mrs. Jerome E. Grover* Thomas J.* and Judith Fay Gruber Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gunning Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gunton Joseph E. Guttman* Mrs. John A Hadden Jr. Richard and Mary Louise Hahn James J. Hamilton Kathleen E. Hancock Douglas Peace Handyside* Holsey Gates Handyside Norman C. and Donna L. Harbert Mary Jane Hartwell William L.* and Lucille L. Hassler Peter and Gloria Hastings* Mrs. Henry Hatch (Robin Hitchcock) Virginia and George Havens Gary D. Helgesen Clyde J. Henry, Jr. Ms. M. Diane Henry Wayne and Prudence Heritage Rice Hershey* T. K. and Faye A. Heston Gretchen L. Hickok Mr. and Mrs.* Daniel R. High Edwin R. and Mary C. Hill* Ruth Hirshman-von Baeyer* Mr.* and Mrs. D. Craig Hitchcock Bruce F. Hodgson Goldie Grace Hoffman* Mary V. Hoffman Feite F. Hofman MD Mrs. Barthold M. Holdstein Leonard* and Lee Ann Holstein Gertrude S. Hornung* Patience Cameron Hoskins Elizabeth Hosmer Dorothy Humel Hovorka Dr. Randal N. Huff Mrs. Marguerite B. Humphrey Adria D. Humphreys* Ann E. Humphreys and Jayne E. Sisson Karen S. Hunt Ruth F. Ihde Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Ingersoll Pamela and Scott Isquick Mr. and Mrs.* Clifford J. Isroff Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jack, Jr. Carol S. Jacobs Milton* and Jodith Janes Jerry and Martha* Jarrett Merritt Johnquest E. Anne Johnson Nancy Kurfess Johnson, M.D. Paul and Lucille Jones* Mrs. R. Stanley Jones*

William R. Joseph* David and Gloria Kahan Julian and Etole Kahan Drs. Julian* and Aileen Kassen Milton and Donna Katz Patricia and Walter* Kelley Bruce and Eleanor Kendrick Malcolm E. Kenney Nancy H. Kiefer Charles M. and Janet G. Kimball* Mr. Kevin F. Kirkpatrick Mrs. Virginia Kirkpatrick James and Gay Kitson Mr. Clarence E. Klaus, Jr. Julian H. and Emily W. Klein* Mary Elizabeth and G. Robert Klein* Thea Klestadt* Gilles and Malvina Klopman Paul and Cynthia Klug Martha D. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch Vilma L. Kohn Elizabeth Davis Kondorossy* Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kotapish, Sr. LaVeda Kovar* Margery A. Kowalski Bruce G. Kriete* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Kruszka Thomas and Barbara Kuby Eleanor and Stephen Kushnick Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. LaBarre James I. Lader Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lambros Dr. Joan P. Lambros* Mrs. Carolyn Lampl Mrs. Samuel H. Lamport Louis Lane Charles and Josephine Robson Leamy Fund Teela C. Lelyveld Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Lerch Gerda Levine Dr. and Mrs. Howard Levine Bracy E. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Liederbach Ruth S. Link Dr. and Mrs. William K. Littman Jeff and Maggie Love Dr. Alan and Mrs. Min Cha Lubin Ann B. and Robert R. Lucas* Miss Anne M. Lukacovic Kate Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lynch* Patience Cameron Hoskin Terry and Pat MacDonald Jerry Maddox Mrs. H. Stephen Madsen Alice D. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Donald Malpass, Jr. Lucille Harris Mann Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manuel Clement P. Marion Mr. Wilbur J. Markstrom* Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Marovitz David C. and Elizabeth F. Marsh Duane and Joan* Marsh Florence Marsh, Ph.D.* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Martincic Kathryn A. Mates Dr. Lee Maxwell and Michael M. Prunty Alexander and Marianna McAfee Nancy B. McCormack Mr. William C. McCoy Marguerite H. McGrath*

The Cleveland Orchestra Endowment

Dorothy R. McLean Jim* and Alice Mecredy James and Viginia Meil Mr. and Mrs.* Robert F. Meyerson Brenda Clark Mikota Christine Gitlin Miles Charles B. and Christine A. Miller Edith and Ted* Miller Mr. Leo Minter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mitchell Robert L. Moncrief Ms. Beth E. Mooney Beryl and Irv Moore Ann Jones Morgan Mr.* and Mrs. Stanley L. Morgan George and Carole Morris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Morris Mr. and Mrs.* Donald W. Morrison Drs. Joan R. Mortimer and Edward A.* Mortimer, Jr. Florence B. Moss Susan B. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Nash, Jr. Deborah L. Neale David and Judith Newell Russell H. Nyland* Charles K. Laszlo and Maureen O’Neill-Laszlo Katherine T. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ong Aurel Fowler-Ostendorf* Ronald J. Parks Nancy and W. Stuver Parry Mrs. John G. Pegg Dr. and Mrs. Donald Peniero Mary Charlotte Peters Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pfouts* Janet K. Phillips* Florence KZ Pollack Julia and Larry Pollock Victor and Louise Preslan* Mrs. Robert E. Price* Lois S.* and Stanley M. Proctor Mr. David C. Prugh Leonard and Heddy Rabe M. Neal Rains Mr. George B. Ramsayer Joe L. and Alice* Randles Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Sr. Mrs. Theodore H. Rautenberg* Dr. Sandford Reichart*

James and Donna Reid Mrs. Hyatt Reitman* Mrs. Louise Nash Robbins* Dr. Larry J.B.* and Barbara S. Robinson Dwight W. Robinson Margaret B. Babyak* and Phillip J. Roscoe Dr. Eugene and Mrs. Jacqueline Ross Helen Weil Ross* Marjorie A. Rott Howard and Laurel Rowen Professor Alan Miles Ruben and Judge Betty Willis Ruben Florence Brewster Rutter Mr. James L. Ryhal, Jr. Renee Sabreen Marjorie Bell Sachs Vernon Sackman Sue Sahli Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saks Mr. Larry J. Santon Stanford and Jean B. Sarlson Sanford Saul Family James Dalton Saunders Patricia J. Sawvel Ray and Kit Sawyer Richard Saxton* Morris and Alice Sayre In Memory of Hyman and Becky Schandler Robert Scherrer Sandra J. Schlub Ms. Marian Schluembach Robert and Betty Schmiermund Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Schneider Lynn A. Schreiber * Jeanette L. Schroeder Carol* and Albert Schupp Mr. Frank Schultz Roslyn S. and Ralph M. Seed Nancy F. Seeley Edward Seely Oliver E. and Meredith M. Seikel Russell Seitz* Eric Sellen Andrea E. Senich Thomas and Ann Sepulveda Elsa Shackleton* B. Kathleen Shamp Jill Semko Shane David Shank

Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Shapiro Norine W. Sharp Norma Gudin Shaw Elizabeth Carroll Shearer Dr. and Mrs. William C. Sheldon Frank * and Mary Ann Sheranko Kim Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sherwin Reverend and Mrs. Malcolm K. Shields Rosalyn and George Sievila Mr. and Mrs. David L. Simon Dr.* and Mrs. John A. Sims Naomi G. and Edwin Z. Singer Lauretta Sinkosky H. Scott Sippel and Clark T. Kurtz Ellen J. Skinner Ralph* and Phyllis Skufca Janet Hickok Slade Alden D. and Ellen D.* Smith Margaret C. Smith* Mr.* and Mrs. Ward Smith M. Isabel Smith* Nathan Snader* Sterling A.* and Verdabelle Spaulding Sue Starrett and Jerry Smith Barbara J. Stanford and Vincent T. Lombardo Lois and Thomas Stauffer Willard D. Steck* Merle Stern Dr. Myron Bud and Helene* Stern Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stickney Nora and Harrison Stine* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Stone Mr. and Mrs. James P. Storer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. String The Irving Sunshine Family Vernette M. Super* Mr.* and Mrs.* Herbert J. Swanson In Memory of Marjory Swartzbaugh Lewis Swingley* Lorraine S. Szabo Norman V. Tagliaferri Susan* and Andrew Talton Frank E. Taplin, Jr.* Charles H. Teare and Clifford K.* Kern Mr. Ronald E. Teare Pauline Thesmacher* Dr. and Mrs. Friedrich Thiel Mrs. William D. Tibbetts*

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Toneff Alleyne C. Toppin Janice and Leonard Tower Dorothy Ann Turick Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Urban Robert and Marti Vagi Robert A. Valente J. Paxton Van Sweringen Mary Louise and Don VanDyke Elliot Veinerman* Nicholas J. Velloney* Steven Vivarronda Hon. William F.B. Vodrey Pat and Walt* Wahlen Mrs. Clare R. Walker John and Deborah Warner Mr. and Mrs. Russell Warren Charles D. Waters* Etta Ruth Weigl Lucile Weingartner Eunice Podis Weiskopf* Max W. Wendel William Wendling and Lynne Woodman Marilyn J. White Alan H. and Marilyn M. Wilde Elizabeth L. Wilkinson* Helen Sue* and Meredith Williams Carter and Genevieve Wilmot Miriam L. and Tyrus W.* Wilson Mr. Milton Wolfson* and Mrs. Miriam Shuler-Wolfson Nancy L. Wolpe Mrs. Alfred C. Woodcock Mr. and Mrs.* Donald Woodcock Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Woodruff Marilyn L. Wozniak Nancy R. Wurzel Michael and Diane Wyatt Mary Yee Libby Yunger Dr. Norman Zaworski William L. and Joan H. Ziegler Carmela Catalano Zoltoski Roy J. Zook* Anonymous (97) Anonymous (2) * deceased

Estate Gifts Donors who have made deferred gifts to The Cleveland Orchestra through their estate and financial plans make lasting gifts to support music at the highest levels of excellence for generations to come. Estate gifts realized during the 2011-2012 year include: Estate of Jane M. Carmer Estate of Mr. Arthur L. Charni Estate of Mrs. Margaret Estill Estate of Barbara P. Geismer Dr. Anita Peek Gilger Trust Estate of Molly Ford Ludvigsen Estate of Marguerite H. McGrath Estate of Lynn A. Schreiber


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

Estate of Russell H. Seitz Estate of Nathan Snader Estate of Dr. Willard D. Steck Estate of Mrs. Nora Stine Estate of Mrs. Herbert J. Swanson Estate of Jules and Ruth Vinney Robert Marjorie Widmer Trust

2 01 1- 2 01 2

Corporate Support

The Cleveland Orchestra gratefully acknowledges and salutes these corporations for their generous annual support through the Orchestra’s Annual Fund, benefit events, tours and residencies, and special fundraising.

Cumulative Giving


$5 MILLION and more


BakerHostetler Bank of America Eaton Corporation FirstEnergy Foundation Forest City Enterprises, Inc. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company The Lubrizol Corporation / Foundation Merrill Lynch

NACCO Industries, Inc. Parker Hannifin Corporation The Plain Dealer PNC PolyOne Corporation Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich The Sage Cleveland Foundation The J. M. Smucker Company

The Severance Society recognizes generous contributors of $1 million or more in lifetime giving to The Cleveland Orchestra. As of September 2012.

Annual Support gifts from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012 The Partners in Excellence program salutes companies with annual contributions of $100,000 and more, exemplifying leadership and commitment to artistic excellence at the highest level. PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE

$250,000 AND MORE

KeyBank The Lubrizol Corporation

NACCO Industries, Inc. PNC Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich (Europe) PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE

$100,000 TO $249,999

BakerHostetler Eaton Corporation Forest City Enterprises, Inc. Medical Mutual of Ohio

The J. M. Smucker Company $50,000 TO $99,999 Exile LLC Jones Day Quality Electrodynamics (QED) The Sage Cleveland Foundation Tele München Group (Europe) $25,000 TO $49,999 The Giant Eagle Foundation The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Northern Trust Bank of Florida (Miami) The Plain Dealer Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (US) LLP Thompson Hine LLP $15,000 TO $24,999 American Greetings Corporation Conn-Selmer, Inc. Dominion Foundation Ernst & Young LLP FirstMerit Bank Frantz Ward LLP LNE Group-Lee Weingart (Europe) Miba AG (Europe) Olympic Steel, Inc. Park-Ohio Holdings Corp. RPM International Inc. The Sherwin-Williams Company


$10,000 TO $14,999 Buyers Products Company Dealer Tire LLC Dix & Eaton Feldman Gale, P.A. (Miami) Ferro Corporation Live Publishing Company Macy’s SEMAG Holding GmbH (Europe) Tucker Ellis United Automobile Insurance Company (Miami) Anonymous

$5,000 TO $9,999 Brouse McDowell The Cleveland Wire Cloth & Mfg. Co. The Cliffs Foundation Community Behavioral Health Center Consolidated Graphics Group, Inc. Gallagher Benefit Services Great Lakes Brewing Company Gross Builders Hahn Loeser + Parks LLP The Lincoln Electric Foundation C. A. Litzler Co., Inc. MTD Products, Inc. North Coast Container Corp. Northern Haserot Oatey Co. Ohio CAT The Prince & Izant Company Swagelok Company Trionix Research Laboratory, Inc. Ver Ploeg & Lumpkin, P.A. (Miami) Westlake Reed Leskosky Anonymous

$2,500 TO $4,999 Akron Tool & Die Company American Fireworks, Inc. BDI Eileen M. Burkhart & Co LLC Cedar Brook Financial Partners, LLC Dollar Bank Evarts-Tremaine-Flicker Company Houck Anderson P.A. (Miami) Hunton & Williams, LLP (Miami) Littler Mendelson, P.C. Nordson Corporation Oswald Companies PolyOne Corporation Richey Industries, Inc. Satch Logistics LLC Stern Advertising Agency TriMark S.S. Kemp Ricky & Sarit Warman – Papa John’s Pizza (Miami)


$1,250 TO $2,499 Materion Corporation Invacare Corporation OMNOVA Solutions Genovese Vanderhoof & Associates Margaret Wong & Associates

$600 TO $1,249 Applied Industrial Technologies Automated Packaging Systems The M. F. Cachat Company The Cedarwood Companies Cohen & Company, CPAs The Elco Corporation The Ewart-Ohlson Machine Company Gould Inc. Foundation Grover Musical Products, Inc. Orlando Baking Family Struktol Company of America Voss Industries Inc.

$300 TO $599 Acro Tool & Die, Inc. Akrochem Corporation Buckeye Rubber & Packing Company Chelm Properties Cleveland Southeastern Trails Crain’s Cleveland Business Dubick Fixture & Supply Inc. ENPAC, LLC Fay Industries, Inc. Foote Printing Co. Heinen’s Hose Master, Inc. IBEW Local 38 Kalcor Coatings Company Kaufman Container Company Leff Electric Malco Products, Inc. Mantua Mfg. Co. McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co., L.P.A. The Music and Drama Club Nagele Manufacturing Co. The Philpott Rubber Co. Precision Environmental Company PVS Chemical Solutions Inc. (Ohio) Service Employees International Union Local 3 ShurTech Brands LLC Vincent Lighting Systems Co.

2 01 1- 2 01 2

Foundation & Government Support

The Cleveland Orchestra gratefully acknowledges and salutes these foundations and government agencies for their generous annual support through the Orchestra’s Annual Fund, benefit events, tours and residencies, and special fundraising.

Cumulative Giving


$10 MILLION and more

The Cleveland Foundation Cuyahoga County residents through Cuyahoga Arts & Culture Kulas Foundation Maltz Family Foundation State of Ohio Ohio Arts Council The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation

The Severance Society recognizes generous contributors of $1 million or more in lifetime giving to The Cleveland Orchestra. As of September 2012.


John P. Murphy Foundation $1 MILLION to $5 MILLION

Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation GAR Foundation The George Gund Foundation The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Knight Foundation (Cleveland, Miami)

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation David and Inez Myers Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Payne Fund The Reinberger Foundation

Annual Support gifts from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012 $500,000 AND MORE

The Cleveland Foundation Cuyahoga County residents through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture The Louise H. and David S. Ingalls Foundation The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation $250,000 TO $499,000

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation David and Inez Myers Foundation Ohio Arts Council $100,000 TO $249,999

Sidney E. Frank Foundation GAR Foundation The George Gund Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Kulas Foundation The Miami Foundation, from a fund established by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (Miami) John P. Murphy Foundation $50,000 TO $99,999

The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Myra Tuteur Kahn Memorial Fund of The Cleveland Foundation The Mandel Foundation Elizabeth Ring Mather and William Ginn Mather Fund The Payne Fund Surdna Foundation


$20,000 TO $49,999 The Abington Foundation Akron Community Foundation The Helen C. Cole Charitable Trust The Mary S. and David C. Corbin Foundation The Gerhard Foundation, Inc. Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation The Nonneman Family Foundation The Sisler McFawn Foundation $15,000 TO $19,999 Mary and Dr. George L. Demetros Charitable Trust The Helen Wade Greene Charitable Trust The Nord Family Foundation The Edward & Ruth Wilkof Foundation

$10,000 TO $14,999 Ayco Charitable Foundation Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation The Sydell and Arnold Miller Foundation The Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation National Endowment for the Arts Paintstone Foundation The Esther and Hyman Rapport Philanthropic Trust The Charles E. & Mabel M. Ritchie Memorial Foundation The Leighton A. Rosenthal Family Foundation SCH Foundation Lloyd L. and Louise K. Smith Memorial Foundation The George Garretson Wade Charitable Trust The S. K. Wellman Foundation

$5,000 TO $9,999 The Ruth and Elmer Babin Foundation The Batchelor Foundation, Inc. (Miami) The Bernheimer Family Fund of The Cleveland Foundation Bicknell Fund The Collacott Foundation Fisher-Renkert Foundation The Harry K. Fox and Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation The Hankins Foundation The Jean Thomas Lambert Foundation Albert G. & Olive H. Schlink Foundation The South Waite Foundation The Taylor-Winfield Foundation Anonymous

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

$2,000 TO $4,999 Elisha-Bolton Foundation The Muna and Basem Hishmeh Foundation Richard H. Holzer Memorial Foundation The Kangesser Foundation The Kridler Family Fund of The Columbus Foundation The Laub Foundation Victor C. Laughlin, M.D. Memorial Foundation Trust The G. R. Lincoln Family Foundation Laura R. and Lucian Q. Moffitt Foundation Jean C. Schroeder Foundation The Sherwick Fund The Wuliger Foundation Anonymous

$1,000 TO $1,999 Lawrence A. Appley Foundation Glenn R. and Alice V. Boggess Memorial Foundation The Lehner Family Foundation, Inc.

$400 TO $999 Cleveland Landmarks Press Foundation

2 01 1- 2 01 2

Individual Support

The Cleveland Orchestra and Musical Arts Association gratefully recognize the individuals listed here, who have contributed annual support through the Orchestra’s Annual Fund, benefit events, tours and residencies, and special projects. Additional legacy gifts from these and others are recognized through The Cleveland Orchestra Heritage Society.


Annual Support gifts from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012 INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $500,000 AND MORE

$10 MILLION and more

Daniel R. and Jan R. Lewis (Miami)

Daniel R. and Jan R. Lewis (Miami, Cleveland)

INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $200,000 TO $499,999


Mr. Richard J. Bogomolny and Ms. Patricia M. Kozerefski Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Cutler Mrs. Norma Lerner and The Lerner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner Anonymous $1 MILLION TO $5 MILLION

Irma and Norman Braman (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Callahan Mrs. Anne M. Clapp Mr. George Gund III Francie and David Horvitz (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz Mr. James D. Ireland III The Walter and Jean Kalberer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keithley Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. LaBarre Susan Miller (Miami) Sally S. and John C. Morley The Family of D. Z. Norton The Honorable and Mrs. John Doyle Ong Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner James and Donna Reid Barbara S. Robinson Anonymous (2) The Severance Society recognizes generous contributors of $1 million or more in lifetime giving to The Cleveland Orchestra. As of September 2012.


Irma and Norman Braman (Miami) David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation, Inc. (Miami) The Walter and Jean Kalberer Foundation Susan Miller (Miami) Ms. Ginger Warner (Cleveland, Miami) INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $100,000 TO $199,999

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keithley Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kloiber (Europe) Mrs. Norma Lerner Peter B. Lewis and Janet Rosel (Miami) Mr.* and Mrs. Herbert McBride Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner Janet and Richard Yulman (Miami) INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $50,000 TO $99,999

Sheldon and Florence Anderson (Miami) Mr. William P. Blair III Mr. Richard J. Bogomolny and Ms. Patricia M. Kozerefski Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Cutler Hector D. Fortun (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz James D. Ireland III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. LaBarre R. Kirk Landon and Pamela Garrison (Miami) The Lerner Foundation Toby Devan Lewis Ms. Beth E. Mooney The Honorable and Mrs. John Doyle Ong Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. James and Donna Reid Barbara S. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Smucker Barbara and David Wolfort Anonymous INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $25,000 TO $49,999

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Bell (Miami) Dr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Berndt (Europe) Blossom Women’s Committee Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton The Brown and Kunze Foundation Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Glenn R. Brown Robert and Jean* Conrad Do Unto Others Trust (Miami) Dr. and Mrs. Hiroyuki Fujita Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Gund George Gund Trevor and Jennie Jones Junior Committee of The Cleveland Orchestra Giuliana C. and John D. Koch (Cleveland, Miami) Dr. Vilma L. Kohn Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Kohrman Charlotte R. Kramer David and Jan Leshner Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Lindseth


Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Lozick Ms. Nancy W. McCann Sally S. and John C. Morley Margaret Fulton-Mueller Mrs. Jane B. Nord Julia and Larry Pollock Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Sr. Charles and Ilana Horowitz Ratner Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ratner Luci and Ralph* Schey Hewitt and Paula Shaw Richard and Nancy Sneed Mary M. Spencer (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Franz Welser-Möst Paul and Suzanne Westlake INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $15,000 TO $24,999

Gay Cull Addicott Mr. and Mrs. William W. Baker Randall and Virginia Barbato Jill and Paul Clark George* and Becky Dunn Colleen and Richard Fain (Miami) Mr. Allen H. Ford Andrew and Judy Green Richard and Ann Gridley Mrs. John A Hadden Jr. Jack Harley and Judy Ernest Dr. Edward S. Godleski Gary Hanson and Barbara Klante Mary and Jon Heider (Cleveland, Miami) Richard and Erica Horvitz (Cleveland, Miami) Mrs. Marguerite B. Humphrey Elizabeth B. Juliano Tati and Ezra Katz (Miami) Jonathan and Tina Kislak (Miami) Robert M. Maloney and Laura Goyanes Lucia S. Nash Mr. Gary A. Oatey William J. and Katherine T. O’Neill Brian and Patricia Ratner Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Ross Mr. and Mrs. James A. Saks Marc and Rennie Saltzberg Raymond T. and Katherine S. Sawyer David and Harriet Simon R. Thomas and Meg Harris Stanton Mr. Joseph F. Tetlak Rick, Margarita, and Steven Tonkinson (Miami) Women’s Committee of The Cleveland Orchestra Anonymous gift from Switzerland (Europe) Anonymous INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $10,000 TO $14,999

Mr. and Mrs. George N. Aronoff Jayusia and Alan Bernstein (Miami) Marsha and Brian Bilzin (Miami) Dr. Christopher P. Brandt and Dr. Beth Sersig Mr. D. McGregor Brandt, Jr. Augustine* and Grace Caliguire Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Campbell Mr. and Mrs. David J. Carpenter Scott Chaikin and Mary Beth Cooper

Individual Support Richard J. and Joanne Clark Martha and Bruce Clinton (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway Mrs. Barbara Cook Bruce Coppock and Lucia P. May (Miami) Mr. Peter and Mrs. Julie Cummings (Miami) Judith and George W. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Duvin Bruce and Beth Dyer Mike S. and Margaret Eidson (Miami) Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Ellis Jr. Ms. Dawn M. Full Francisco A. Garcia and Elizabeth Pearson (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Garrett Albert I. and Norma C. Geller Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie Joyce and Ab* Glickman Robert K. Gudbranson and Joon-Li Kim Jeffrey and Stacie Halpern Sondra and Steve Hardis Henry R. Hatch Robin Hitchcock Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Healy David and Nancy Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jack, Jr. Janet and Gerald Kelfer (Miami) Mrs. Elizabeth R. Koch Tim and Linda Koelz Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manuel Mr.* and Mrs. Arch J. McCartney Mr. Thomas F. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Meisel Edith and Ted* Miller Mrs. Sydell L. Miller Mr. Walter N. Mirapaul* Elisabeth and Karlheinz Muhr (Europe) Brian and Cindy Murphy Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rose Steven and Ellen Ross Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ruckman Mr. Larry J. Santon Dr. E. Karl and Lisa Schneider Rachel R. Schneider Mrs. David Seidenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Oliver E. Seikel Kim Sherwin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spilman Lois and Tom Stauffer Mrs. Blythe Sundberg Dr. Russell A. Trusso Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Umdasch (Europe) Mr. Gary L. Wasserman and Mr. Charles A. Kashner (Miami) The Wells Family Foundation, Inc. Anonymous (2) INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $5,000 TO $9,999 Susan S. Angell Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Augustus Mr. and Mrs. Dean Barry The Batchelor Foundation, Inc. (Miami) Jon Batchelor (Miami) Fred G. and Mary W. Behm Drs. Nathan A. and Sosanna J. Berger Mr. William Berger Dr.* and Mrs.* Norman E. Berman Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Blackstone Laurel Blossom Paul and Marilyn* Brentlinger Mr. Robert W. Briggs Dr. and Mrs. Jerald S. Brodkey Dr. Thomas Brugger and Dr. Sandra Russ

Frank and Leslie Buck Mr. and Mrs. William C. Butler Ms. Maria Cashy Drs. Wuu-Shung and Amy Chuang Dr. William and Dottie Clark Ellen E. & Victor J. Cohn Supporting Foundation Mrs. Lester E. Coleman Mr. Owen Colligan Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Daugstrup Mrs. Barbara Ann Davis Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Davis Ms. Nancy J. Davis (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Davis Corinne L. Dodero Foundation for the Arts and Sciences Henry and Mary Doll Nancy and Richard Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Z. Egger Dr. and Mrs. Robert Elston Mary and Oliver Emerson Jeffrey and Susan Feldman Dr. D. Roy and Diane A. Ferguson Christopher Findlater (Miami) Mr. David J. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Gordon Harry and Joyce Graham Mr. Paul Greig David and Robin Gunning Kathleen E. Hancock Dr.* and Mrs. Shattuck W. Hartwell, Jr. Clark Harvey and Holly Selvaggi Iris and Tom Harvie Mrs. Sandra L. Haslinger In memory of Philip J. Hastings Barbara Hawley and David Goodman Janet D. Heil* Anita and William Heller Amy and Stephen Hoffman Joan and Leonard Horvitz Bob and Edith Hudson (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Brinton L. Hyde Pamela and Scott Isquick Allan V. Johnson Joela Jones and Richard Weiss Rudolf D. and Joan T. Kamper Andrew and Katherine Kartalis Milton and Donna* Katz Dr. and Mrs. William S. Kiser Ellen Brad and Bart Kovac Mrs. Justin Krent Mr. James and Mrs. Patricia Krohngold Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Lafave, Jr. David C. Lamb Shirley and William Lehman (Miami) Mr.* and Mrs. Leo Leiden Judith and Morton Q. Levin Mrs. Emma S. Lincoln Mr. Jeff Litwiller Heather and Irwin Lowenstein Mr. and Mrs. Alex Machaskee Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Madison Ms. Jennifer R. Malkin Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Mandel Alan Markowitz M.D. and Cathy Pollard Mrs. Robert H. Martindale Alexander and Marianna C. McAfee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McGowan Claudia Metz and Thomas Woodworth Drs. Terry E. and Sara S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mitchell Ann Jones Morgan Mr. Donald W. Morrison Robert Moss (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Myers

Leadership Council The Leadership Council salutes those extraordinary donors who have pledged to sustain their annual giving at the highest level for three years or more. Leadership Council donors are recognized in these Annual Support listings with the Leadership Council symbol next to their name:

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Newman Richard and Kathleen Nord Mr. and Mrs. William M. Osborne, Jr. Mr. Henry Ott-Hansen Mr. J. William and Dr. Suzanne Palmer Pannonius Foundation Claudia and Steven Perles (Miami) Nan and Bob Pfeifer Dr. and Mrs. John N. Posch Douglas and Noreen Powers Lois S.* and Stanley M. Proctor Ms. Rosella Puskas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Quintrell Drs. Raymond R. Rackley and Carmen M. Fonseca Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Rankin Paul A. and Anastacia L. Rose Dr. Tom D. Rose Rosskamm Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ruhl Patricia J. Sawvel David M. and Betty Schneider Linda B. Schneider Carol* and Albert Schupp Larry and Sally Sears Mr. Eric Sellen and Mr. Ron Seidman Dr. Gerard and Phyllis Seltzer Dr. and Mrs. Neil Sethi Mrs. Frances G. Shoolroy Marjorie B. Shorrock Laura and Alvin A. Siegal Naomi G. and Edwin Z. Singer Family Fund David Kane Smith Mrs. Gretchen D. Smith Jim and Myrna Spira George and Mary Stark Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Strang, Jr. Charles B. and Rosalyn Stuzin (Miami) Bruce and Virginia Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Teel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornton Mr.* and Mrs. Robert N. Trombly Don and Mary Louise Van Dyke Bill Appert and Chris Wallace (Miami) Tom and Shirley Waltermire Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Watkins Dr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Webster, Jr. Dr. Edward L. and Mrs. Suzanne Westbrook Tom and Betsy Wheeler Sandy and Ted Wiese Charles Winans Anonymous (8) INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $2,500 TO $4,999 Ms. Nancy A. Adams Stanley I. and Hope S. Adelstein Norman and Rosalyn Adler Family Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Agamanolis Mr. Gerald O. Allen Norman and Helen Allison Barbara and Robert Amsdell Rev. Dr. Kenneth Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Appelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Arkin (Miami) Individual Annual Support lists continue


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

Individual Support Geraldine and Joseph Babin Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Baker Ms. Delphine Barrett Mr.* and Mrs. Russell Bearss Mr. and Mrs. Jules Belkin Dr. Ronald and Diane Bell Mr. Roger G. Berk Kerrin and Peter Bermont (Miami) Barbara and Sheldon Berns Carmen Bishopric (Miami) Suzanne and Jim Blaser Bill and Zeda Blau Mr. Doug Bletcher Dennis and Madeline Block John and Anne Bourassa Lisa and Ron Boyko Dr. Ben H. and Julia Brouhard Mrs. Ezra Bryan Ms. Mary R. Bynum and Mr. J. Philip Calabrese Dr. and Mrs. William E. Cappaert Mr. Allan and Mrs. Millie L. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Carpenter Leigh and Mary* Carter Mr. and Mrs. James B. Chaney Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Chapnick Dr. and Mrs. Chris Chengelis Ms. Mary E. Chilcote Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. W. Chisholm Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clark Drs. Mark Cohen and Miriam Vishny Diane Lynn Collier Marjorie Dickard Comella Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cook Dr. Dale and Susan Cowan Mrs. Frederick F. Dannemiller Charles and Fanny Dascal (Miami) Jeffrey and Eileen Davis Mrs. Lois Joan Davis Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Distad Pete and Margaret Dobbins Ms. Maureen A. Doerner and Mr. Geoffrey T. White Mr. George and Mrs. Beth Downes Ms. Mary Lynn Durham George* and Mary Eaton Esther L. and Alfred M. Eich, Jr. Peter and Kathryn Eloff Mr. Brian L. Ewart and Mr. William McHenry David and Margaret Ewart Harry and Ann Farmer Scott Foerster, Foerster and Bohnert Joan Alice Ford Mrs. Amasa B. Ford Mr. Monte Friedkin (Miami) Marvin Ross Friedman and Adrienne bon Haes (Miami) Arthur L. Fullmer Peggy and David* Fullmer Richard L. Furry Barbara and Peter Galvin Joy E. Garapic Mrs. Georgia T. Garner Barbara P. Geismer* Mr. Wilbert C. Geiss, Sr. Mrs. Joan Getz (Miami) Anne and Walter Ginn Mr. and Mrs. David A. Goldfinger Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Graf Nancy Green (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Brent R. Grover The Thomas J. and Judith Fay Gruber Charitable Foundation Nancy and James Grunzweig Robert N. and Nicki N. Gudbranson Mr. Davin and Mrs. Jo Ann Gustafson Dr. Phillip M. and Mrs. Mary Hall Mr. Robert D. Hart Mr. and Mrs. George B. P. Haskell Matthew D. Healy and Richard S. Agnes Hazel and Gary D. Helgesen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Herschman Mr. Robert T. Hexter Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hinnes Mr. and Mrs. Edmond H. Hohertz Thomas and Mary Holmes Dr. Keith A. and Mrs. Kathleen M. Hoover Ms. Rosina Horvath Mark and Ruth Houck (Miami) Dr. Randal N. Huff and Ms. Paulette Beech Ms. Charlotte L. Hughes


Mr. James J. Hummer Mr. David and Mrs. Dianne Hunt Ms. Luan K. Hutchinson Ruth F. Ihde Dr. and Mrs. Scott R. Inkley Donna L. and Robert H. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Janus Helen and Erik Jensen Barbara and Michael J. Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kaufman Rev. William C. Keene Mr. Karl W. Keller Elizabeth Kelley Angela Kelsey and Michael Zealy (Miami) The Kendis Family Trust: Hilary and Robert Kendis and Susan and James Kendis Bruce and Eleanor Kendrick Mr. James Kish Dr. Gilles and Mrs. Malvina Klopman Fred and Judith Klotzman Ellen Brad and Bart Kovac Dr. Ronald H. Krasney and Ms. Sherry Latimer* Dr. James and Mrs. Margaret Kreiner Esq. Mr. Donald N. Krosin Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Kuhn Mrs. Carolyn Lampl Kenneth M. Lapine Anthony T. and Patricia A. Lauria Mr. Jin-Woo Lee Ronald and Barbara Leirvik Michael and Lois A. Lemr Mr. and Mrs. Irvin A. Leonard Dr. Edith Lerner Larry and Chris Levey Dr. Stephen B. and Mrs. Lillian S. Levine Robert G. Levy Dr. Alan and Mrs. Joni Lichtin Mr. Jon E. Limbacher and Patricia J. Limbacher Isabelle and Sidney* Lobe Martha Klein Lottman Mary Loud Anne R. and Kenneth E. Love Marianne Luedeking (Miami) Robert and LaVerne Lugibihl Elsie and Byron Lutman Joel and Mary Ann Makee Herbert L.and Rhonda Marcus Martin and Lois Marcus Dr. and Mrs. Sanford E. Marovitz Mr. and Mrs.* Duane J. Marsh Mrs. Meredith T. Marshall Dr. Ernest and Mrs. Marian Marsolais Mr. Julien L. McCall Jim and Diana McCool William and Eleanor McCoy Susan and Reimer Mellin Dr.* and Mrs. Hermann Menges, Jr. Dr. Susan M. Merzweiler Stephen and Barbara Messner Mr. Stephen P. Metzler Mr. and Mrs. Roger Michelson (Miami) MindCrafted Systems Mr. Raymond M. Murphy Joan Katz Napoli and August Napoli Richard B. and Jane E. Nash Richard and Jolene O’Callaghan Nedra and Mark Oren (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Osenar James P. Ostryniec (Miami) Deborah and Zachary Paris Dr. Lewis and Janice B. Patterson Ingrid and Frank Petrus Dr. Roland S. Philip and Dr. Linda M. Sandhaus Mr. and Mrs. John S. Piety Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Pogue Dr. Marc and Mrs. Carol Pohl In memory of Henry Pollak William and Gwen Preucil Mr. Richard and Mrs. Jenny Proeschel K. Pudelski Ms. C. A. Reagan Alfonso Conrado Rey (Miami) Dr. Robert W. Reynolds David and Gloria Richards Michael Forde Ripich Dr. Barbara Risius Amy and Ken Rogat Carol Rolf and Steven Adler


Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenberg (Miami) Mrs. Florence Brewster Rutter Fred Rzepka and Anne Rzepka Family Foundation Dr. Harry S. and Rita K. Rzepka Nathan N. and Esther Rzepka Family Philanthropic Fund Dr. and Mrs. Martin I. Saltzman Ms. Patricia E. Say Mr. Paul H. Scarbrough Bob and Ellie Scheuer Mr. James Schutte Ms. Freda Seavert Dr. John Sedor and Ms. Geralyn Presti Lee G. and Jane Seidman Charles Seitz (Miami) Drs. Daniel and Ximena Sessler Ginger and Larry Shane Harry and Ilene Shapiro Norine W. Sharp Dr. and Mrs. William C. Sheldon Mr. Richard Shirey Dr. Howard* and Mrs. Judith Siegel Ms. Linda M. Smith Mr. and Mrs.* Jeffrey H. Smythe Mrs. David Snapp Ms. Barbara Snyder Dr. Marvin and Mimi Sobel Mr. John C. Soper and Dr. Judith S. Brenneke Mr. and Mrs. William E. Spatz Mr. John D. Specht Howard Stark M.D. and Rene Rodriguez (Miami) Mr. and Mrs.* Lawrence E. Stewart Mrs. Barbara Stiefel (Miami) Ms. Evelyn H. Stroud Dr. Kenneth F. Swanson Dr. Elizabeth Swenson Ms. Lorraine S. Szabo Mr. Nelson S. Talbott Mr. Karl and Mrs. Carol Theil Parker D. Thomson Esq. (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Tomsich Mr. and Mrs. Leonard K. Tower Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H. Treadway Miss Kathleen Turner Robert J. and Marti J. Vagi Robert A. Valente Brenton Ver Ploeg (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Vinas (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Les C. Vinney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wasserbauer Ms. Laure A. Wasserbauer Philip and Peggy Wasserstrom Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Weigand Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Weinberger Mr. Peter and Mrs. Laurie Weinberger Robert C. Weppler Mrs. Mary Wick Bole Richard Wiedemer, Jr. Nancy V. and Robert L. Wilcox Dr. Paul R. and Mrs. Catherine Williams Mr. and Dr. Ann Williams Richard and Mary Lynn Wills Michael H. Wolf and Antonia Rivas-Wolf Mr. Robert Wolff and Dr. Paula Silverman Rad and Patty Yates Fred and Marcia Zakrajsek Mr. Kal Zucker and Dr. Mary Frances Haerr Anonymous

INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $1,250 TO $2,499 Dick and Joan Ainsworth Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Alexander Norma R. Andrisek Ms. Ana L. Arellano (Miami) Ms. Ruby M. Bacardi (Miami) Mr. William and Mrs. Jane Baldwin Robert and Ana Barlick (Miami) Margaret Barratt Stephen Barrow and Janis Manley (Miami) Reverend Thomas and Dr. Joan Baumgardner Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Beal Mrs. Elizabeth Biggar Margaret and Robert Bobel Ms. Barbara E. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan David M. and Carol M. Briggs Mrs. Nancy E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brown J. C. and Helen Rankin Butler

Ms. Rita Cabases Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Calkins Mrs. Hugh F. Callaly Dean and Elizabeth Cecconi Frank and Barb Cercone Ms. Suzan Cheng Daniel D. Clark and Janet A. Long Michael and Lorena Clark (Miami) Terence and Julie Connor Mr. Mark Corrado David Y. Curtis and D. Scott Jones Drs. Michael and Patricia d’Amico Mr. Gary DeHass Maria-Cristina Del-Valle (Miami) Dr. Sharon DiLauro- Petrus F. Paul and Nora C. Doerder John and Gail Dunning Clayton and Tamara Dusek Erich Eichhorn and Ursel Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Donald Esarove Mr. George Fesko Dr. Robert S. Finkelhor Carl and Amy Fischer Ms. Jacqueline Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fraylick Jeanne Gallagher Marilee L. Gallagher Mario G. and María E. García Mr. Michael Garruto Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Gelber (Miami) Dr. Kevin and Angela Geraci Mr. and Mrs. Irving Geszel Gary Ginstling and Marta Lederer Mr. and Mrs. David Goldberg Dr. and Mrs. Victor M. Goldberg Elaine Harris Green Rose Ellen and Gerald Greene (Miami) Fred Greenman and Barbara Raymond Mr. James J. Gruzosky Mrs. Christiane Guinness Dr. Lawrence Haims and Dr. Barbara Brothers Norman C. and Donna L. Harbert Ms. Sara J. Harper Mr. Seth and Mrs. Lilli Harris Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Hastings Ms. Lee Heinen Mr. Oliver and Mrs. Sally Henkel Dr. and Mrs.* Fred A. Heupler Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Marilou Hiltabiddle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Holland Eric Holmes Patience Cameron Hoskins David and Cathy Huffman Ronald and Joanne Hulec Ms. Gretchen Hyland Mr. Norman E. Jackson Carol S. and William G. E. Jacobs Ms. LaVerne Jacobson Robert and Linda Jenkins Mr. David and Mrs. Cheryl Jerome Dr. Michael and Mrs. Deborah Joyce Mr. Peter and Mrs. Mary Joyce Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Jo Kannen Mr. David G. Kanzeg Mr. Donald J. Katt and Mrs. Maribeth Filipic-Katt Mrs. Joseph H. Keller Natalie Kittredge Mr. Thomas J. Kniesner and Mrs. Deborah A. Freund Cynthia Knight (Miami) Ms. Kim Kolz Marion Konstantynovich Mr. and Mrs. S. Ernest Kulp Mr. Louis Lane Mr. James* and Mrs. Sandra Laurenson Ivonete Leite (Miami) Mr. Stan and Mrs. Joan Levy Mr. Rudolf and Mrs. Eva Linnebach Holly and Donald Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (Miami) David and Elizabeth Marsh Ms. Dorene Marsh Mr. Frederick W. Martin William Matthews Vincent and Kathleen May Ms. Pamela McKelvey Mr. Roger A. McNary

Mr. Ted M. McQuade Ms. Nancy L. Meacham Mr. and Mrs. James Meil Mr. James E. Menger Ms. Betteann Meyerson Curtis and Sara Moll Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Morris Bert and Marjorie Moyar Susan B. Murphy Dieter and Bonnie Myers Robert D. and Janet E. Neary Mr. Lester and Mrs. Joyce Nichols Mr. James B. and Mrs. Ilene Nolish Dave Oldham Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Omelsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Paddock Patricia Pasco Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Tommie Patton Ms. MacGregor W. Peck Mr. Steven and Mrs. Barbara Percy Mr. David A. Petina Mr. James Petras Mr. Charles and Mrs. Mary Pfeiffer Charlene Phelps Nick and Diane Phillips Christine Pierce and John Brocketti Ms. Sylvia Profenna Dr. Laurine Purola Pysht Fund Mr. Lute and Mrs. Lynn Quintrell Dr.* and Mrs.* Louis Rakita Mr. Walter and Mrs. Margaret Remen Mr. Jason and Mrs. Angela Ridgel Ms. Carole Ann Rieck Mr. Timothy D. Robson Ms. Linda M. Rocchi Dr. Barrett J. Rollins Miss Marjorie A. Rott Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rusek Dr. Vernon and Mrs. Marguerite Sackman Mr. Michael J. Salkind and Mrs. Carol Gill Mrs. Roger Samstag Charles and Linda Sands (Miami) Kathy Sands Sangree Foundation Mr. Thomas Scanlan Robert Scarr and Margaret Widmar Raquel and Michael Scheck (Miami) Ken and Meg Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Scovil Ms. Marlene B. Sharak Ms. Frances L. Sharp Mr. Colin and Mrs. Lisa Anne Sheppard Steven and Ruth Shere (Miami) Terrence and Judith Sheridan Drs. Jerry and Linda Shuck Mr. Duane and Mrs. Irene Shuster Ms. Ellen J. Skinner Robert and Barbara Slanina Lloyd Snyder and Margaret Terry Ms. Sharmon Sollitto Mr. Richard and Mrs. Marjorie Sprague Mr. Omer Franklin Spurlock Michalis and Alejandra Stavrinides (Miami) William and Sheila Steiner (Miami) The Morton and Mathile Stone Philanthropic Fund Mr. Victor and Mrs. Marjorie Strimbu Stroud Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sulak Mr. Mark Sulzmann Ms. Frances Taber and Mr. Barry Lenson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Taft Ken and Martha Taylor Greg and Suzanne Thaxton Colin Blades Thomas Dr. Thomas and Mrs. Karen Timko Steve and Christa Turnbull Mr. Livingston Hunter Ulf Mrs. H. Lansing Vail, Jr. Ms. Katherine L. Van Bolt Mr. Gregory Videtic Elmer and Shirley Vitek Marc and Pam Vosen Mr. Norman Wain Lawrence and Patricia Walter Carolyn G. Warner Stephen D. Warner

Eric* and Margaret Wayne Michael and Danielle Weiner Eugene P. Wenninger and Cheryl Casper Florence and Robert Werner (Miami) Mr. Yoash and Mrs. Sharon Wiener Drs. Nancy Wolf and Aric Greenfield Kay and Rod Woolsey Sally T. and Robert E.* Yocum Mrs. Harriett B. Young Dr. Robert D. Zaas Ms. Henrietta Zabner Dr. William Zelei Anonymous (9)

INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $600 TO $1,249 Paul and Constance Abbey James J. and Sharon R. Abel Dr. Remigio L. Abello Drs. Tom and Abby Abelson Nancy L. Adams, PhD Steven and Phyllis* Albert Ms. Anita Alexander Hamdan Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Angel (Miami) Dr. and Mrs. James Arnold Mr. Brandon Asberry Laura and Walter Avdey John Bacon and Cathleen White Martha Baldwin and Micah Leibowitz Drs. Aaron Ballonoff and Sally L. Wilson Robert and Susan Barkett John M. Barrow and Salvador F. Robleto (Miami) Mrs. Audrey Bashian Kalman and Irma Bass (Miami) Mr. Peter Baszuk and Dr. Caroline A. Schaerfl Benham and Carol Bates Ramon and Jane Battles Newell Beaumier and J. Beaumier Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Beer Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bell III Ms. Loren Bendall Ellen and Howard Bender Ms. Jodell Bender Dr. David and Mrs. Alekie Bennhoff Helene Berger (Miami) Woodrow and Ada Irene Beville Mr. William and Mrs. Joan Beyer Mr. Jaime A. Bianchi Dr. John and Mrs. Lois Binder Ms. Claudia Bjerre Ralph and Judith Bluhm Dr. Thomas Bodnar and Dr. Elizabeth Santo Mr. Robert P. Bogner Irving and Joan M. Bolotin (Miami) Drs. Walter and Angela Boron Mr. Donald and Mrs. Mary Bossard Dr. Bernard and Mrs. Doris Boxerbaum Richard and Sandra Boyatzis Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Brandon Ms. Elizabeth Breckenridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Breckenridge Ms. Laura Brewster Mr. Frank Brichacek and Mrs. Roseanna Lechner-Brichacek Mr. Richard Brockett Mrs. Elaine E. Brookes Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Brown Mr. Felix Brueck and Ms. Ann Kowal Smith Don Bruning Mr. and Mrs.* Harvey Buchanan Mr. Michael Buffa Ms. Mary Ann Bugno Mr. Robert Bulford Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Susan Bulone Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bunosky John and Mary Jane Burin John and Suzanne Burkholder Mr. Milan G. Busta Paolo Caimi Joanne H. Calkins Margaret Calkins Mary Ellen Campbell Mr. Martin and Mrs. Marilyn Campbell In Dedication to Donald Carlin (Miami) Lynda Carter and Mark Niemi Dr. Frank A. and Mrs. Carlye Cebul Dr. Melvin and Mrs. Kaye Chavinson

H. Michael and Mary C. Cheung Mr. Corning Chisholm Ms. Joyce Clark Dr. John and Mrs. Mary Clough Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cohen Ms. Lenora B. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook Mrs. Inez Corrado Douglas S. Cramer / Hubert S. Bush III (Miami) Ms. Renee Crates Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Crawford Dr.* and Mrs. Frederick S. Cross Mr. Robert and Mrs. Susan Curtis William and Anna Jean Cushwa Ms. Kimberly Dalgleish-Miller Ms. Kimberly Dambrogio and Ms. Nancy McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Davis Ms. Gloria J. Davis Ms. Veronica Davis Ms. Shirley B. Dawson Mr. Bradford DeBusk Ronald and Barbara Dees Ken Deken Prof. George and Mrs. Rebecca Dent Pamela Denzler Andrew dePass and William Jurberg (Miami) Ms. Jane D. Dessem James A. Dingus, Jr. David and Janet Dix Dr. M. Meredith Dobyns Mr. Vernon and Mrs. Wilda Donegan Edward J. Donnelly and Mary Kay DeGrandis Donnelly Mr. Rick Doody and Mrs. Tamara Durn Doody Mrs. Nancy D. Dorer Mr. Mark Dorian William Dorsky and Cornelia Hodgson Dr. Janice Douglas Ms. Elizabeth A. Drake Mrs. Sharon and Mr. Pete Dressen Mrs. John Drollinger Shahnaz and Ranjan Duara Mrs. Susan Dudek Mrs. Ralph L. Dunn Mr. David Dylyn Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Eckardt Mr. Bernard Eckstein Andrea and Chuck Edelstein (Miami) Dr. Patricia Edwards and Mr. Jerry Bidwell Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ehlers Mr. S. Stuart Eilers Dr. Mark D. Elderbrock Richard and Jean Erickson Mr. Roozbeh Eskandari Louis* and Patricia Esposito Anita S. Evans Ms. Susan Fawcett Dr. Marvin A. Feldstein and Ms. Susan Hanna Francisco J. and Clara B. Fernandez (Miami) Andrew and Judith Finger Mr. John A. Fiocca, Jr. Mr. James and Mrs. Jean Fitzgerald Mr. Marcus Flanagan and Mr. William Flanagan (Miami) Mr. Richard Fleischman and Ms. Helen Moss Joseph Z. and Betty Fleming (Miami) Thomas Fleming Michael Frank & Patricia A. Snyder Gail and Alan Franklin (Miami) Richard J. Frey Morris and Miriam Futernick (Miami) Mrs. Sue Gallagher Judge James S. and Mrs. Katherine Gallas Daniel and Barrie Galvin Robert and Adrienne Gang (Miami) Laura Lee Garfinkel Ms. Linda M. Garverick Lenore Gaynor (Miami) Ms. Deborah A. Geier Niety and Gary Gerson (Miami) Germaine Gibian Mr. Jaime Gilinski Mr. and Mrs. M. Fred V. Glock, Jr. Pam and Richard Goetsch Ms. Sally A. Good Ms. Aggie Goss Mr. Herbert Goulder

Individual Annual Support lists continue


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

Individual Support Judson and Dorothy Graab Dr. Robert and Mrs. K. Helen Graham Mr. David R. and Mrs. Pat Gram James Gray and Julie Micheletti Donna Lane Greene Ms. Anna Z. Greenfield Jack and Beth Greenman Francis and Maureen Greicius Mr. Morgan Griffiths Mr. James Gross Nancy Gross and Michael Boberschmidt (Miami) Mr. Armin and Mrs. Charlotte Guggenheim Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo D. Gutierrez Dr. Roy Hachamovitch Jamey Haddad and Mary Gray Mr. Nathan Haese Scott and Margi Haigh Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Halsey Mr. and Mrs. David P. Handke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* Mark H. Hardenbergh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harris Mr. Sheridan Harwin Mr. Andrew M. Haus Thomas and Darlene Hawkins Ms. Peg Hayes Mr. Byron G. and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hays Mary Beth Hearns Mr. Thomas J. Heinen Mrs. Susanne Heisey in Memory of Dr. D. Ray Heisey Ms. Roberta Helfgott Robert D. and Jill Hertzberg (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hesser (Miami) Ms. Priscilla Heublein Mr. Timothy Higgins Patricia Hillmer Dr. Mark W. Himmelein Dr.* and Mrs. George H. Hoke Mrs. Kathryn Holzheimer and Mr. James Baker Gail Hoover and Bob Safarz Ms. Sharon J. Hoppens Mrs. Susanna K. Horn Janice K. Hornack Roberto and Betty Horwitz (Miami) Jerry and Karen Hottel Hayden F. Howland Mr. George F. Howson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Hrivnak Dr. Ferdinand K. Hui Carol Lee and James Iott Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jackson Richard and Judy Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Norman Jaffe (Miami) Mr. Paul and Mrs. Mary Jenks Mr. Anthony Jess Mrs. Josephine Joelson Ms. Susan M. Johnson Mr. J. Christopher Johnston Mrs. Marilyn Jones Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Junglas Mr. Frank Kaim and Ms. Jane Kaim Amy C. Kaplan and Steve Steinreich Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kaplan Mr. Steve Karl Honorable Diane Karpinski Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Katcher Dr. Richard and Mrs. Roberta Katzman Mr. James Kazura and Mrs. Helen Foley Drs. Catherine Keating and Charles King Mr. Kevin Kelly Dr. John and Mrs. Margaret Kennell Ms. Julie Kim Mr. William and Mrs. Sarina Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Kirtz Mr. James and Mrs. Gay Kitson Dr. Susan and Dr. Eric Klein Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Knoll Mr. William F. Kolis, Jr. Irina Korableva Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Krasnoff Arthur and Enid Kraus Dr. and Mrs. John P. Kristofco Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Kruszka Thomas and Barbara Kuby Bob Kuebler and Jeff Segal Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kulvin (Miami) Ms. Glenda Kupersmith


Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kushnick Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lahman Mrs. Irmalicia P. Laird Alfred and Carol Lambo Marjorie A. Lamport Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lassin Dee and R. Gordon* Latimer Dr. William Lavigna Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Leach Dr. Richard and Mrs. Barbara Lederman Walter Lehrman Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Leibowitz (Miami) Ms. Liz Leonard Steve and Catherin Leuenberger Barbara C. Levin Lexington Community Orchestra Ms. Eleanor B. Lieptz Mary Lohman E. B. and Joan C. Long Ms. Rebecca Long Ms. Kathleen Lovas Donald and Rosalie Loving Mr. and Mrs. Saul Ludwig Mr. Martin Lukens-Rumscheidt Mark and Barbara MacGregor Ms. Carol MacKay Ms. Linda Macklin Ms. Marjorie MacNeal Dr. Kandice Marchant Marcia and Andrew Margolius Ms. Jean A. Markowitz Mr. and Mrs. Raul Marmol Ms. Katherine Marsh Ralph and Roberta Martin Dr. and Mrs. William A. Mast Ms. Charlotte Masterson Ms. Carolina Mathis Mr. Herb and Mrs. Carol Matthews Mr. Meir Mazala Mark and Barbara Mazzone Mr. David L. McCombs Mr. Shannon McCue Mr. and Mrs. E. Timothy McDonel Patrick and Martha McGraw Jesse and Kathryn McKendry Christopher and Laura McKenna Ms. Geraldine Meister Ms. Karen D. Melton Mr. Trent and Mrs. Irene Meyerhoefer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Michel Ms. Beth Mikes George and Margaret Milbourn Allen* and Ruth Miller Dr. Leon and Mrs. Holly Miller Mr. Michael and Mrs. Lynn Miller Mr. Robert Miller Robert and Judith Minium Ms. Carla Miraldi Mr. David and Mrs. Beverly Moffatt Ms. Donilea Mohr Jim and Laura Moll Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Kate Monk Mrs. Catherine Montgomery Dr. Isidoro Morjaim Ms. Barbara Morrison Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morse Mr. John Mueller Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Hope Murphy Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Mary Murray Ms. Kimberly Myers Mr. Paul and Mrs. Colleen Nagy Mr. Bill and Mrs. Ruth Neides Selma and Jeff Newman (Miami) Ms. Lois Nicolet Dr. Peter and Mrs. Linda Nintcheff Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nock Dr. Carol Petito John and Sarah Nyitray (Miami) Robert and Gail O’Brien David and Mary Jo Ockenga Kevin Ockunzzi William and Sylvia O’Connell Ms. Mary M. Ogden Dwight and Shirley Oltman Ms. Gladys A. O’Mahen Charles K. Laszlo and Maureen O’Neill-Laszlo Ms. Judith Palay Anahid Papakhian and Robert Cassidy


Mrs. Patricia M. Papper James and Mary Pelich Jeff and Lisa Perry Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Petrov Dale and Susan Phillip Mr. Michael Phillips Dr. Vincent C. Phillips Mr. Robert Phillips-Plona Mr. Robert Pinkert Ms. Maribel Piza Dr. Martin and Mrs. Miriam Plax Leon* and Gloria Plevin Mr. Carl Podwoski Mr. Alan and Mrs. Marjorie Poorman Mrs. Lois Post Mr. Robert and Mrs. Susan Price Mr. Bruno and Mrs. Miriam Putze M. Neal Rains Dr. James and Lynne Rambasek Mr. Cal Ratcliff Mr. Clifford and Mrs. Judith Reeves Mrs. Vicki Ann Resnick Guillermo and Maggie Retchkiman (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Rinker Joan and Richard Rivitz Mr. D. Keith and Mrs. Margaret Robinson Mrs. Ellen Robinson Mrs. Lois Robinson Beck Ms. Cristina Rocca Mr. Jay and Mrs. Katharine Rockman Mr. Thomas R. Roese Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Martha Rosenfield Dr. Eugene and Mrs. Jacqueline Ross Dr. Edward L. and Mrs. Teresa D. Ruch Mr. Donald and Mrs. Pamela Rupert Mr. and Mrs.* John E. Rupert Sue Sahli Dr. Roger B. Saillant Mr. Peter and Mrs. Sylvia Salaff Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Sanders Dorthea Sauerman Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Saunier John and Marjorie Sayler Mr. Philip Scaturro (Miami) Jim and Joan Schaefer Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Nancy Schubert Mr. Elliott and Mrs. Ethel Schultz Dawn Schwartz Henrietta and Robert Schwartz, M.D. (Miami) Ms. Adrian L. Scott Beth and Joel Scott Mrs. Barbara Scovil Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick, Jr. Nancy and Bill Seelbach Mr. Edward Seely Ms. Kathryn Seider Mr. and Mrs. David Servianksy (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zedella Ms. Melanie Shakarian and Dr. Peter Kvidera Donna E. Shalala (Miami) Mrs. Elizabeth Carroll Shearer Grover Short Mr. John and Mrs. Karen Siarkowski Howard and Beth Simon Dr. Doris A. Simonis Victoria and Robert L. Simons (Miami) Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Michelle Smith Barbara and Howard R. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Smith Sam and Sandy Smith Ms. Molly Snavely Mr. and Mrs. John K. Snodgrass Mr. Wayne Snyder Mr. Frank and Mrs. Nancy* Sobol Mr. Cormac Somerville and Dr. Mary Beth Manning Lucie and Jay Spieler (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Sponseller Ms. Sharon Stahler Mrs. Askol J. Steigman John and Ann Steinbrunner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stellhorn Rick Stout Mrs. Edna Strnad Mr. David Stull and Ms. Jessica Downs Michael and Gwendolyn Summers Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Lian Sutherland Robert Sweeney and Diane Scillia

Mr. Michael and Mrs. Melinda Tabor Martin and Lynn Taliak Mr. Robert Taller Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tate Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Taurel Mr. Ronald E. Teare Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Ellen Thomas Ms. Alleyne C. Toppin Judith Rood Traum and Sydney S. Traum (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Traurig James and Karen Traxler Ms. Lisa Treister Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Tremelin Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Troner Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Ungar Mr. Bradley T. Upham Raymond and Judith Ursick James and Debra Vail Mr. Brian Valentine Dorothy Van Poppel Ray Jeffrey and Stasia Vavruska Mrs. D’Oracy Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vernon Mr. Fred Viehe Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wagstaff Mr. Jerrold F. Wareham Mr. Jeremy Wargo Ms. Mary C. Warren Mr. Paul and Mrs. Mary* Wehrmeister Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Weil, Jr. Mr. Bernard B. Weiskopf Arnold and Aldona Weiss Mr. Max W. Wendel Dr. and Mrs. Terrence Wenger Ronald and Marsha Werman Ms. Elizabeth Wheeler Mr. Haim Wiener Ms. Maureen H. Wightman James F. Williams Ms. Jane C. Williams Joe and Becky Williams Adrian and Genevieve* Wilmot Allan and Norma Wilson Betty and Michael Wohl Mr. David C. Wolfe Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Alice Wyatt Dr. and Mrs. Charles Yowler Jerry and Catherine Zank (Miami) Mr. David Zauder Loly and Isaac Zelcer (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Zerefos Ms. Jane Zimring Mr. and Mrs. James Zull John and Jane Zuzek Anonymous (13)

INDIVIDUAL GIFTS OF $300 TO $599 Mr. and Mrs. James S. Abbott III Jeff Abernathy Ms. Etelka Alapi Mr. Emerson Alexander Mrs. Florence E. Allen Mr. Ricardo Alsina Dr. Kip and Mrs. Barbara Amazon (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Leif E. Ancker Ms. Denise Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Mr. Richard B. Anderson Robert and Clara Andree Mr. James and Mrs. Jeanne Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anspach Ms. Pamela A. Anthony Mr. Daniel C. Aranda Mrs. Dalia N. Armonas Dr. Ahmad Ascha Jack and Darby Ashelman Mr. Andrew Ashland Mrs. Patricia M. Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Atherton Mrs. Anita S. Auzenbergs Evelyn Axler Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bacon Dr. Robert and Mrs. Ingrid Bahler Dr. Robert T. Bair, Jr. Ms. Lorinda S. Baldwin Montserrat Balseiro (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Balzarini Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Laura Barnard Ms. Karla Barnes

Mr. Paul Barnhart and Mr. James R. Kathary Mr. Warren G. Barr Erva Hitchcox Barton Mr. Bruce Bartter Mrs. Aloise Bates William and Barbara Baus Ms. Jocelyn Bautista Mr. Richard Baytosh Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Beck Paul and Joan Belair Bob Bellamy Ms. Amparo Bellon-Champ Mary K. Bender Linda Angell Benjamin and Dr. Rodney Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benson Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bercaw Mrs. Barbara W. Berman Dan and Mary Jo Berry Ms. Ila M. Berry John and Laura Bertsch Mr. and Mrs. Henri Bertuch Ms. Kathleen E. Betz Mr. Eric Bieber Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bigornia Mr. Raymond J. Billy Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bingay Mr. Mark Biro Ms. Debra A. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell G. Blair Mrs. Terry Blechman George and Gerry Blomgren Mr. Ronald E. Boals John and Bernice Bode Ms. Mary Jo Boehnlein Mr. and Mrs. Arno O. Bohme, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey A. Bomberger Mr. and Mrs. Matias K. Bonnier Samuel and Linda Boswell Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bourne Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bower Mrs. Donna Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Boyle Ms. Elizabeth Brinkman Mr. Werner R. Britsch Dr. Michael and Mrs. Sharon G. Broniatowski Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Jayne Brooks Karl and Kathleen Brown Mr. Greg Brozeit Frank Brubaker Dr. William Bruner II Dr. Francisco Almeida and Dr. Debora Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Brian Budnick Mr. and Mrs. Eric Buermann Ms. Karen Benslay Bujak Mr. John Burchard Ms. Susan E. Burke Gretchen L. Burmeister Norman and Esther Burton Stanley and Honnie* Busch Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Byrne Father James L. Caddy Peter and Judith Cadou Ms. Patricia Camacho Hughes Mrs. Mary Louise Caprez Mr. Charles Carleton Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Carleton Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carlson, Jr. Professor Bo and Mrs. Glenda Carlsson Mr. Dane A. Carney Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Ellen Carreras Ms. Carrie Cartwright Dr. Helmut and Mrs. Ann Cascorbi Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cassidy Victor A. Ceicys and Kathleen Browning-Ceicys Ms. Elizabeth V. Mortimer Dr. Barbara A. Chambers Mr. and Mrs.* George N. Chandler, II Elizabeth Chapman and Mr. Roy Knipper Mr. Armando Chardiet and Ms. Monica Gail-Badolato Mrs. Carmelline E. Charnas Melinda Chase Anita and Luke Cheriyan Mr. John and Mrs. Bonnie Childs Ms. Rosa Chou Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Romona Christofferson Dr. Robert Chwast Phil and Jackie Clark Bob and Jane Clark Ms. Sara Clem Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Clemens Mr. George and Mrs. Themis Clessuras Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cloyd Mr. Kevin Coghlan Ronald and Laura Collins Mr. David Conklin

Mrs. Charles J. Conlin, Jr. Ms. Eileen Connell Ms. Martha Connell Mr. Charles E. Conner Etain Elisabeth Connor (Miami) Mrs. Edith Conzett Deborah Cook and Robert Linton Dr. Sebastian and Mrs. Mary Cook Mr. Alexander R. Cooke Ms. Shirley Copeland Ms. Renee Copfer Ms. Fredrika E. Cornell Mr. Thomas W. Cristal Mr. Crispin Cruz Ms. Margaret E. Cummins Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Charlotte R. Cushing Mr. and Mrs. Lucian A. Dade Mr. and Mrs. Manohar Daga Mr. John Dagil Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dakin Mr. John W. Daniel Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Daniel Ms. Valerie A. Dapp Ms. Lynn Darcy Dr. Alice Darr Mr. Douglas Darrah Mr. Kamal-Neil Dass Mr. Ronald Davis John and Jill Davies Drs. Bryan R. and Maryellen S. Davis Mrs. Cherry Ann Davis Mr. Gary Davis Ms. Rachel De Atley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan de Boer Mrs. Diane de Vries Ashley Jeffrey Dean and Barbara and Karen Claas Mr. Charles and Mrs. Fran Debordeau Mr. Martin J. Degnan Neeltje-Anne DeKoster Perry and Margaret DelVecchio Ms. Allison DeMell Fredrich H. and Dr. Polly C. Dengel Mr. Dana and Mrs. Sharon Dennis Ms. Carol Dennison Roderick and Barbara Dibble Ms. Sara Dilgren Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiMare Ms. Marlene K. Dirksen Dr. Clark Distelhorst Gary and Lilly Dix Mr. Ralph Dixon Mr. Thomas Doak William Dolan and Kay Gregory Mr. Charles and Mrs. Mary Dolph Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Donahue Mr. Alan and Mrs. Carol Donley Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce Donley Ms. Marja Dooner Robert and Laura J. Dornhecker Mr. Michael Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Draucker Mr. Donald Drescher Dr. Patra Duangjak R. Craig* and Elinor Dunlop Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Mary Ann Dziedzicki Elizabeth K. Eastman Mr. Richard and Mrs. Debra Egan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Elias (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elias Brenda G. Ellcessor Bill and Marli Elsass Dr. James A. Eng Mr. and Mrs. Morton G. Epstein Robert Epstein Ms. Denise Easterling Dr. Albert S. and Mrs. Rose Marie Evans Raymond and Stephanie Evans Mr. Andrew L. Fabens III Mr. Jose Luciano Fallad Dr. Vincent and Mrs. Marjorie Fanton Mr. Jim and Mrs. Diane Fedorka Dr. and Mrs. J. Peter Fegen Mr. and Mrs. Denis Feld Mr. and Mrs. Bennett G. Feldman Mr. William Felinski Mrs. Janet Fencl Dr. William and Mrs. Elyse Ferber Mae L. Ferguson Dr. Elizabeth Fesler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fields Ms. Margaret Finesilver Malcom and Julie Finney Mrs. Henry B. Fischer Joseph and Mary Ann Fischer Mr. David Fisher Mrs. Iris Fisher Mr. Isaac Fisher Mr. Kenneth Fitzgerald

Ms. Charlene A. Fladung Miss Elizabeth J. Fleming Mrs. Ralph Fountain Mrs. Barbara Fox Mr. and Mrs. Guido Fraiman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frankel William and Julie Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Dempwolf Frey Mr. and Mrs.* Ralph Friedman Mr. Steven and Mrs. Harriet Friedman Judge Stuart A. Friedman Glenn and Joretta Frohring Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fromberg Mr. William H. Fulton Ms. Karen Funtek Mr. Edward F. Gabrosek Mrs. Edward Gaffney Mr. Luis and Mrs. Sharon Gaitan Dr. and Mrs.* John H. Gardner Dr. Richard K. Gardner Rudolph and Jenifer Garfield David and Beth Garrett Mr. and Mrs. John D. Garson Mrs. Carol Garvey Dr. Saul M. Genuth Mr. Joseph Germana Mrs. Jean Gianelos Mr. Mike and Mrs. Barbara Giarrizzo Mr. Gary R. Gibson Perla Gilinski (Miami) Dr. Robert Gilkeson Ms. Amy B. Gill S. Bradley Gillaugh Lois Glosh Mr. Richard W. Glove Mrs. Lee B. Glover Ms. Jane Goede Mr. Salomon Gold (Miami) Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lisa Goldberg Dr. Rhoda Y. Goldschmidt Mr. Cristian G. Gomez Olivares Mrs. Edith P. Goodman Ruth and Gerry Goodson Mrs. Joyce Gordon Rafael and Maria Del Mar Gosalbez (Miami) Mr. Jeffrey A. Gotthardt and Mrs. Angela Strach-Gotthardt Mr. William and Mrs. Pamela Grabo Dr. Ruffin Graham Mr. G. Garth and Mrs. Colleen S. Grant Mrs. Carol Gray Roger and Agnes Greathouse Ms. Barbara R. Green Ms. Wylene Green Harry and Kate Greenfield Ms. Jolee Gregory Ms. Jen Greseth Mrs. Jennifer Grossman Mr. William R. Gustaferro Drs. Rita and Robert Guthrie Ms. Susan Guyer Mr. Warren Hackett Robert and Mallory Hacking Drs. James and Gerri Hall John F. Hamilton (Miami) Ms. Brenda G. Hammond A. Gordon and Diane Hanford Mr. Christopher Hanke Mr. Donald K. Hansen Jon and Roberta Hardacre Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hardy Marjorie and Curt Harler Ms. Millie Harley Mr. Byron and Mrs. Gloria Harman Ms. Amy Harmon Ms. Deborah Harris Ms. Sue A. Harris Mr. William and Mrs. Patricia Hatch Richard and Linda Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Claus Haubold Mr. Charles Haughney Michael and Barbara Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Haymes Mr. John Hazey Ms. Maria K. Heckaman W. Farley and Bettyann Helms Drs. Mark Hendrickson and Lisa E. Diard Mr. Clyde Henry Ms. Phyllis A. Henry Ms. Nancy A. Hess Mr. Vernon K. and Mrs. Gwen Higaki Mr. Jorge Hine Gary and Anne Hinton William Hipp Michael and Kathleen Hoff Patrick and Jean Holden Mr. Tom and Mrs. Lynn Hollstein Drs. John Holm and Njeri Nuru-Holm

Chandler* and Eva Holmes Mr. David J. Holz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Holzman Ms. Carole Hoover Mrs. Mary Hopwood Roland P. Hornbostel and Lois Krejci-Hornbostel Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Pat Hosmer Mr. Olin K. Hotchkiss Ms. Leslye M. Huff Dr. and Mrs. William L. Huffman Mr. Kenneth Hughes Ms. Valerie A. Hughes Mr. Brooks G. Hull and Mrs. Terry Gimmellie Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hura Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Catherine Huser Ms. Doris I. Hutton Lawrence R. Hyer Fund at The Miami Foundation (Miami) Bernard and Amy Isaacs Dr. and Mrs. James Jacobsohn Mr. Henry Jacobson Mark and Kathleen Jaffee Mrs. Frances James Ms. Eleanor Jammal Mr. Gary and Dr. Maita Jarkewicz Mr. Frank Jaroneski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Javorsky Mr. Robert Jech Ms. Patricia Jeffers Ms. Penelope S. Jeffrey Mr. Robert and Mrs. Patricia Jeffreys Larry Johns Mrs. Gennie S. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jones Drs. William and Janice Jones Rob and Margaret Josey Ms. Dawn Judson Dr. Bruce and Mrs. Joyce Julien Mr. Dieter and Mrs. Susan Kaesgen Dr. Sheldon and Mrs. Judith Kaffen Mr. David and Mrs. Gloria Kahan Ms. Carin Kahgan Dr. Gerard and Mrs. Joyce Kaiser Mr. Roger and Mrs. Gail Kallock Mr. and Mrs. Burt Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Howard Karfeld Mr. Jonathan Kastelein Mrs. Louise J. Keating Mr. and Mrs.* Parry Keller, Jr. Mr. John and Mrs. Linda Kelly James W. Kemp Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kent Mr. Donald R. Kern Dr. and Mrs. Young H. Kim Ms. Joan B. Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kindel Howard and Mara Kinstlinger Dr. and Mrs. L. Stephen Kish Hideko and Harold Klebanoff (Miami) Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. Klein Victor G. Kmetich Jim and Phyllis Knauf Mrs. Virginia Knight William Knoble Dr. William and Mrs. Judith Koenig Rik and Nancy Kohn Raymond Kolcaba Mrs. Patti J. Komperda David and Tracey Kopea Mr. Clayton R. Koppes and Mr. William Norris Mrs. Marilyn Kornowski Maxine Koski Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward Koskie Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Laura Kovach Richard and Mary Kovach Mr. Robert Kovach Mr. Theodore and Mrs. Karen Krauss Mrs. Georgene Kravitz Mr. Peter J. Krembs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krob Dr. William V. and Mrs. Shelley Krug Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit C. Kuechle Mr. and Ms. Peter Kuhlmann Mrs. Ilse M. Kupczak Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Kurdziel Mr. Andrew Kurman and Ms. Sharon Shapiro Mr. Wallace Kuroiwa and Mrs. Jayne Ryan Kuroiwa Mr. Steve Kurrent Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L . Kusterbeck Mr. William Lane Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lang Lois Langell and Ronald Hendzel Mr. Anthony A. LaPerna Richard L. and Wendy Lapidus (Miami) Mr. and Mrs. Dale LaPorte Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lapos Mr. Massimo LaRosa

Individual Annual Support lists continue


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

Individual Support Mr. James Lasko Ms. Carol Latham Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lavalette Dr. Pierre and Mrs. Christiane Lavertu Ms. Kathy Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Leanza Dr. Richard and Mrs. Debra Lehrer Gary and Eileen Leidich Mr. Frederick Leitert Daniel and Claudia Lenarz Dr. Phillip* and Mrs. Ronnie Lerner David and Shirley Levey Ian and Jennifer Levine Dr. Michael Mrs. Ann Lew Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Lewis Mr. Paul and Mrs. Joan Lidrbauch Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lindblad Mrs. Kay B. Lingafelter Martha Linke Norman H. and Nancy Lipoff (Miami) Sally and Jim Little Mr. Fred and Mrs. Pearl Livingstone Mr. Peter and Mrs. Marie Lograsso Edward and Kay Lores (Miami) Eric and Kathy Louttit Dr. and Mrs. James L. Lowder Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lowenthal Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Lowrie Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Luke Ms. Nancy L. Stadler Ms. R. M. Lysobey Derek and Mary Lyth Ms. Shirley MacDonald Mr. Harold Maddock Mr. and Mrs.* Robert H. Madison H. Stephen* and Carol O. Madsen Mr. Lawrence Madson Dr. Ronald Magliola Mr. David Maher Rick Mahoney and Alexis Calarco Howard and Sue Maier Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Majewski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Malpass, Jr. Timothy and Nicole Mann Mr. Richard and Mrs. Margaret Margolis Ms. Mitsuko Marsh Sybil and John Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Marshall Ms. Joan Martin Ronald and Susan Martin Mr. Francis and Mrs. Monica Martines Ms. Amanda Martinsek Mr. Carmen G. Massaro Ms. Kathryn A. Mates Dr. David and Mrs. Linda Mathus Dr. Lawrence Matt Dr. Lee Maxwell Mr. Arthur C. and Mrs. Lynda B. Mayer, Jr. Michael and Susan Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maynes Ms. Linda McCorkle Mrs. Nancy B. McCormack Mr. Jesse McCormick Mr. Joe and Mrs. Glenda McDonald Mr. and Mrs. John G. McDonald Patrick and Mary McGovern Ms. Jo Ann McGreevy Dr. Kay Q. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meckler Mr. Dennis P. and Mrs. Lola Y. Meek Mrs. Carol K. Meermans Dr. and Mrs. Dale Meers Dr. and Mrs. Eberhard Meinecke Mr. James and Mrs. Frances Meinke Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mendes Mr. and Mrs. John L. Mercer Mr. and Mrs. David L. Merrill Ms. Sandra L. Merrill Mr. Larry Mervine Ms. Lisa Messer Botkin Mr. Glenn Metzdorf Judith and Robert Mezey (Miami) Richard and Karen Middaugh Mark Millar Mr. John P. Miller Ms. Lynn Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller Mrs. Ramute Z. Mills Ms. Marcella D. Milota Mr. Matthew Minar Ms. Sylvia Minchew (Miami) Daniel Mintz (Miami) Mrs. Paulette Mintz Mr. Michael Mittal Mrs. Phyllis A. Mlady Mr. and Mrs. Harve A. Mogul Ms. Nancy Mohr


Rose M. Mohr, M.D. Mr. Babak Moini David and Mary Martha Moldstad Julie and Mark Molitoris Mr. Michael and Mrs. Nancy Molnar Greg and Judy Monin Ms. Jane Moore Mr Mark J. and Mrs. Nancy E. Moran Mr. George and Mrs. Carole Morris Ms. Janet L. Morris Ms. Audrey Morrison Ronald and Mary Mortus Mrs. Judith Moscu Mrs. Jane M. Mueller Ms. Bridget Mundy Creighton Murch and Janice Smith Murch Stephen and Katherine Murphy Robert and Wilhelmina Myerburg Ms. Julie Myers-Pruchenski Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Naft Dr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Nash, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ashoka Nautiyal Ms. Michelle Neudeck Ms. Holly K. Neumann Mr. Marvin Nevans Mr. Paul and Mrs. Janet Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. James D. Nixon Ms. Lemba Nshisso Ms. Liza A. Oaksford Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Ocepek Mr. Sheldon Ocker Mr. Karl E. Odenweller Father Thomas V. O’Donnell Mr. W. James Ollinger Ms. Hope M. Orr Richard and JoAnne Orr Peter and Marianna Orro Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pace Mr. Robert Paraska Ms. Mary Parhams Jooyoun Park Mrs. Joy E. Parker Dr. Richard S. Parks Ms. Ruth Parry Dr. James and Mrs. Marian Patterson James and Roberta Pazol Ms. Deborah A. Peline William and Kimberly Peluso Judy Pendergast Mr. Michael and Mrs. Paula Penzner Mrs. Beatriz Perez Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Perez Mr. Randall Perla Mr. and Ms. Frank Perry Mr. Charles and Mrs. Sharon Pervo Allan and Barbara Peskin Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Peterson Mr. Henry Peyrebrune and Ms. Tracy Rowell Christine Piatak William and Meme Pittman Ms. Elisabeth Plax Dr. Franklin and Mrs. Patricia Plotkin Mr. Jerry Pollock Mrs. Elinor G. Polster Mr. George Ponchak Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pongracz Mrs. Barbara C. Pophal Donna L. Pratt Mrs. Miriam Preen Ms. Darleen M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Prignitz Ms. Rose Prisko Ronald Prosek and Judith Willour Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Pruitt III Mr. and Mrs. James Prunty Mr. John M. Purcell Gregory and Debra Radecky Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rader Ms. Diana Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Linn J. Raney Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Helen Rathburn Ms. Laura Klein Mr. Richard Reidy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly Ms. Nancy Remus Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Repko Rod and Sara Rezaee Mrs. Sonja Rice Ms. Melody Sawyer Richardson Samuel Richman* and Judith Solonche Elizabeth and Van R. Richmond Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rickard Leonard and Cynthia Ringenbach Ms. Carolyn Ritchie

Mrs. Charles Ritchie Gregory and Dominique River Mr. Kevin Roach


Bill and Donna Robertson Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roby Mr. James Roby Mr. Raymond Rodgers Ms. Nancy V. Rodway Michael and Jodi Rogoff Mr. Andrew Rohlfing Ms. Beverly M. Rose Ms. Carol Roseberry Alec and Silvia Rosen Dr. David and Mrs. Enid Rosenberg Jeremy and Sandra Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rosenwein Mr. John and Mrs. Elvira Rosset Henry and Liz Roth Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roth Mrs. Elizabeth Rothfield Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Rowen Mr.* and Mrs. Melvin S. Rubin Mr. Richard Ruppert Stephen and Phyllis Ruppert Mrs. Marjorie R. Russel Ms. Mildred Russin Mrs. Elisa J. Russo Mr. Ralph Ryan Mr. and Mrs. John M. Saada, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sabanos Mr. Otmar H. and Mrs. Rotraud Sackerlotzky Ms. Judith C. Saltzman Mr. Franz and Mrs. Elizabeth Sauerland Dr. Scott Sazima Ms. Nancy Scardon David Schaecter and Sydney Carpel Dr. Robin Schaffer Mr. Ben and Mrs. Amy Schaum Mr. Thomas Schlitz Dick and Anita Schindler Ms. Sharon Schmahl Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schoenewald Ronald E. Schrager and Wendy Hart Mr. Richard and Mrs. Charlyne* Schreck Mr. Jacob and Mr. Benjamin Schreibman Mr. Terry and Mrs. Nancy Schreiner Mr. Kim Schrock Ms. Jeanette Schroeder Ms. Cheryl Schweickart Mr. and Mrs. Benito Sciarappa Rev. Paul Sciarrotta Mr. and Mrs. Jack William Scott Mr. Robert and Mrs. Barbara L. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scriven Mr. Richard and Mrs. Judy Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Seaton Ms. Jane E. Seeley Mr. and Mrs. Mike Segal Mr. Thomas Seitz Mr. Enrique and Mrs. Louise Senra Ms. Cynthia L. Serb Humberto Sevilla Mr. Loren Shade Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Jill Shafer Dr. Melvin and Mrs. Maude Shafron Dr. James and Mrs. Carolyn Shanklin Brenda Shapiro and Javier Bray Mr. John and Mrs. Annette Shaughnessy Dr. Jon Shaw Dr. Michael and Mrs. Patricia A. Sheahan Ms. Judith B. Sheerer Ms. Stephanie Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. William S. Sheldon Mr. John F. Shelley and Ms. Patricia Burgess Ann Sherif Alice S. Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Shields Malcolm and Carol Shields Ms. Tammy Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shonk Michael A. and Kay Shore Mr. Sanford M. and Mrs. Estelle Shore Ms. Sonya Shultz Bob and Elaine Siegel Ms. Lois Siegel Norman and Dolly Sigel Mr. Herbert A. and Mrs. Carolyn J. Sihler, Jr. Mr. Edward L. Silver Mr. Thomas H. Simcox Dr.* and Mrs. John A. Sims Ms. Grace Sipusic Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Sitarz Philip and Amy Skerry Mrs. Geraldine Skorepa Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Skwarski Ms. Anna D. Smith Mr. James and Mrs. Melda Smith Nathaniel and Mary Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. George R. Snider, Jr. Mr. Martin D. Snider and Mrs. Ruth E. Siegel

Ms. Patricia K. Sommer Drs. Thomas Sosnowski and Terry Ford Sosnowski Ms. Bonnie Spangler Mr. William M. Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sperl Mr. Thomas Spooner Holly and Eric St. Cyr Diane Stack and James Reeves Mr.* and Mrs. Richard W. Staiger Gayle and Joyce Stalheim Ms. Kendra A. Stamper Mr. Alvin* and Mrs. Joan Stapf Sue Starrett and Jerry Smith Mr. Elliott K. Stava Fr. Robert Stec Mr. Edward T. Steele Mrs. Jewelann Stefanar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stenson Mr. Evan Stern Mr. and Mrs. John M. Stickney Ms. Louise F. Stienbarger Roger and Donna Stiller Ms. Nancy Stillwagon Mrs. Michelle Stoffan Mr. James D. Storry and Mrs. Sidney Storry Mr. Kenneth L. Strader Jonathan and Rochelle Straffon Mrs. Rae Strasshofer Ms. Nancy R. Strauch Mr. Preston S. Straus Ms. Holly Strawbridge Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Stringer (Miami) Mr. Craig Strong Trina Struble Dr. David Stuart Mr. John Stuehr Reverend John J. Sullivan Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Jane Sullivan Germain and Patricia Suminski Drs. Marion and Lars Svensson Gordon and Sheila Svoboda Mr. Gene M. Szuch Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Marilyn Szwed Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tabellion Mr. Felix and Mrs. Lois Tampson Mr. Jose R. Tarajano Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Targett Mr. Lester Tavens Mr. Roy and Mrs. Sheree Temes Mr. Stuart H. Theis Miss E. Jean Thom Dr. Mary Elizabeth Thomas Mrs. Jean M. Thorrat Tilles-Weidenthal Foundation Mr. Francis and Mrs. Victoria Titas Ms. Janice L. Tommer Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Tornberg Margaret Trenkamp David and Margaret Trimble Mrs. Jean Triner Ms. Varda Trivaks Mr. and Mrs.* Nicholas M. Trivisonno Mr. and Mrs.* Robert A. Tschannen Mr. Pang Tsui Linda Whitman Dorothy Ann Turick Mr. and Mrs. Wulf H. Utian Ms. Dawn Valasco Mr. Hubert Valdemoro Dr. Michael and Dr. Stephanie Valente Mr. Patrick R. Valente Ton and Elizabeth van den Bogert Ms. Victoria Vance Mr. John W. and Mrs. Diane VanDervoort Mr. Thomas C. Vanik Michael and Jennifer Vantusko Dr. Carmen and Mr. Andrei Vermont Mr. Kenneth Vinciquerra Mr. Gary and Mrs. Sandra Vinicky Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Vinson, Jr. Ms. Ruth Viny David and Jean Vivino Mr. Emil and Mrs. La Vonne Voelz Mrs. Barbara B. Voight Ms. Marianne Von Meerwall Evan Wachs and Elizabeth Emery Robert and Margaret M Wade Robert Wagner Walt and Karen Walburn Ms. Iva L. Walker Edward Warren and Sandy Bellin Dr. and Mrs. Norm Warren Mr. Marvin and Mrs. Ieda Warshay Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Sharon Watts Robert and Suzanne Weber Charles and Beth Weil Yair and Carol Weinstock

2 01 1 - 2 01 2 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Weisberger Ms. Eleanor Weisman Gary and Susan Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weiss Robert and Lucinda Weiss Ms. Connie Weixel Mr. Robert B. Weltman Mr. George Wenz Mr. A. Fred West Mr. and Mrs. William West Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wheeler Warren and Bonnie Wheeler Dr. Constance S. White Dr. and Mrs. Edward White Dr. and Mrs. Patrick White Craig and Karen Wilde Mr. David and Mrs. Charlotte Wildermuth Mr. Daniel E. Willen David and Janet Williams Mr. Dean Williams Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Ruth Williams Helen Sue* and Meredith Williams Mrs. Emily Heath Wilson Mrs. Anna Mary Winton* Hope and Robert Wismar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wladyka Gary and Maria Wnek Ronald and Susan Wolford Dr. Jack and Mrs. Barbara Wolfsdorf Mr. Robert J. Wollyung Ms. Nancy Wolpe Henry F. and Darlene K. Woodruff Mrs. Meredith Woods-Brown Mr. Robert Woolfrey Dr. George Wynarsky Xavier-Nichols Foundation – Robert and Karen Hostoffer Sora and Cary Yelin (Miami) Mr. Derek Young Vincent and Laurene Young Mr. Laverne Yousey Dr. and Mrs. David J. Zart Ken and Paula D. Zeisler Mr. Edward Zelaski Ms. Barbara E. Zelley Mr. Ying Zhang Ms. Wendy Zimbelman Mr. Armando Zubizarreta Anonymous (28)

* deceased

Every gift makes a difference. We are grateful to the thousands of people not listed here who supported the Orchestra’s musicmaking and community programs through contributions up to $299 during the 2011-2012 fi scal year.


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

Summary of Gifts Annual Fund Corporations Foundations Trustees Other Individuals


$ 10,336,000 1,525,000 2,757,000 2,176,000 3,878,000

Special Fundraising Project Underwriting Volunteer Support (net) Government Grants Subtotal, annual support Endowment Gifts

3,554,000 1,038,000 402,000 2,018,000 $ 17,348,000 5,776,000


$ 23,124,000

Permanent Tribute Funds During the 2011-2012 fiscal year, donations were received toward the following permanent Tribute Funds: In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver F. Emerson In Memory of Susan Faulder In Memory of Donna J. Milner Katz In Memory of Ruth Lamm In Honor of Audrey Ratner

Tribute Gifts In addition to the Tribute Fund donations listed above, contributions were received in memory and/or honor of the following individuals: Charles Z. Adamson Joanie and Tom Adler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ambus David Apple Ann Perry Hubbard Austin Glenice Bane Charles Barr Diane and Ronald Bell John Bergren Arthur Brooks Glenn and Jenny Brown Ted and Sally Brown Willie Brown Jean S. Calhoun Leonard Caminer James J. Conway Bob and Maria Cutler George Dalton Ralph and Barbara Daugstrup Juliette G. Dively Dr. Paul Duchesneau Mr. and Mrs. Oliver F. Emerson Martin McCage Etheridge Susan Faulder Robert Finn Dr. Seymour Friedman Marvin Friedman Barbara P. Geismer Richard Greiner Sr. Robert and Sally Gries

Homer and Lois Guren Florence Guszynski C. Thomas and Iris Harvie Ruth Hirsch David Hooker Carola Hunt Maddy Joseph David Kahan Walter and Jean Kalberer Donna J. Milner Katz Robert Klaus and Janet Houghton Jay Alan Klein Mark Knebusch and Shelley Binder Allan Krulak Steve Kushnick Lola La Count Ruth Lamm Carl J. and Winifred J. Lerch Patricia Leskovec Francef Lindsey Kung Chen Liu Leatrice Madison Ronald and Judith Marec Eloise M. Morgan August Napoli Bill and Ruth Neides Herbert Neides Dr. Richard J. and Irene J. Nowak Stephen Ockner Edward S. and Dolores Oleksiak

Katherine and William O’Neill Eddie Ormand Louis Paskoff Jessica Pasternak Pat Plotkin Albert and Audrey Ratner Barbara Robinson Kenneth Rogat Klaus G. Roy Marjorie Sachs Ralph Schey Sarah Shapiro Roger Stanley Shaw Joseph Sturman John Sweetnich Brian Tiersky and Julia Janus Chrisoph von Dohnanyi Rev. John G. Vrana Eric Hill Wayne Rich and Jackie Weiner Jo Wilson Mary Ann Winders June Wirth Marc Wyse

Volunteer Committees

(officers as of November 2012)



Faye A. Heston, President

Carolyn Dessin, Chair, Operating Committee



Beth Schreibman Gehring , President Shirley B. Dawson, President Elect Mary Abott , First Vice President Deborah L. Neale , Second Vice President Barbara Myers , Corresponding Secretary Gloria Goldstein , Treasurer






(as of November 2012)



Artistic Administration Mark Williams (as of January 2013) DIRECTOR, ARTISTIC PLANNING ASSISTANT ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATOR

Barb Bodemer






Ryan Buckley


Orchestra Personnel Carol Lee Iott




Jerry Golski

Karyn Garvin





Stage Joe Short

Ticket Office Timothy Gaines


Gil Gerity Thomas Holden John Riley Don Verba



Eric Pugh

Randy Elliot


Holly Hudak (as of January 2013)

Ross Binnie

Amy Gill

Claire Frattare, State Chair Lis Hugh, First Assistant State Chair Kathleen Meyer, Recording Secretary Nancy Cruikshank, Corresponding Secretary Deborah Krutz, Treasurer Phyllis Knauf, Ex-officio, Past State Chair Emily McCartney, Honorary Chair Sylvia Oliver, Honorary Chair



Building Operations Charles László BUILDING OPERATIONS MANAGER



Scott Miller Robert Nock Christopher Downey Michael Evert BUILDING ENGINEERS

Shelia Baugh George Felder Michelle Williams DOOR PERSONS


Steven Washington Pauletta Hughes HALL STAFF LEAD

Antonio Adamson Kervin Hinton Dwayne Johnson Jerome Kelley Darrell Simmons Dwayne Taylor HALL STAFF

Glynis Smith Renee Pettway CLEANING PERSONS


Mary Ellen Campbell



Chorus Jill Harbaugh




Education & Community Programs Joan Katz Napoli

Patrick Colvin Joclyn Madey Cindy Adams Traci Shillace Mary Ellen Snyder CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES

Communications Ana Papakhian




Erika Richter




Concerts & Special Events Erin Patton Graziani MANAGER


House Management Judith Diehl HOUSE MANAGER



Deborah Hefling ARCHIVIST


Facility Sales Bob Bellamy

Program Book Eric Sellen EDITOR

Retail Larry Fox STORE MANAGER

Pauline Kivach Gretchen Kolovich Helen Douglas



Jon Limbacher

James E. Menger

























Information Technology David Vivino DIRECTOR




Mailroom Jim Hilton SUPERVISOR


Human Resources Michelle Vectirelis DIRECTOR



Development Operations Suzanne Richardson de Roulet MANAGER, DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS






THE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA Severance Hall 11001 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Administrative Offices: 216-231-7300 Ticket Office: 216-231-1111 or 800-686-1141



Cleveland Orchestra Chorus Robert Porco DIRECTOR OF CHORUSES






2012-13 SEASON





Cathleen R. Bohn Emily Bzdafka Mary Jane Carlin Susan Cucuzza Carrie Culver Lisa Rubin Falkenberg Rosie Gellott Danielle Greenway Debbie Gutowski Rebecca S. Hall Lisa Hrusovsky Shannon R. Jakubczak Sarah Jones Hope Klassen-Kay Kate Macy Julie Myers-Pruchenski Noreen Norka Jennifer Heinert O’Leary Sarah Osburn Melissa Patton Lenore M. Pershing Joy Powell Roberta Privette Cassandra E. Rondinella Jennifer R. Sauer Monica Schie Sharon Shaffer Samantha J. Smith Sidney Storry Jane Timmons-Mitchell Sarah Tobias Melissa Vandergriff Sharilee Walker Carole Weinhardt Marilyn Wilson Mary Wilson Constance Wolfe

Alexandria Albainy Emily Austin Beth Bailey Katherine Brown Julie A. Cajigas Barbara J. Clugh Janet Crews Carolyn Dessin Marilyn Eppich Amanda Evans Nancy Gage Diana Weber Gardner Ann Marie Hardulak Betty Huber Karen Hunt Jenna Kirk Lucia Leszczuk Diana Martin Ginger Mateer Danielle S. McDonald Karla McMullen Shanely Rae Niemi Peggy Norman Marta Perez-Stable Cindy Pitera Ginny Roedig Becky A. Seredick Peggy Shumate Shari Singer Shelley Sobey Ina Stanek-Michaelis Martha Cochran Truby Sarah B. Turell Laure Wasserbauer Meredith S. Whitney Flo Worth Debra Yasinow

Eric H. Berko Paul C. Bryson Gerry C. Burdick Thomas Ginsburg Thomas Glynn Daniel M. Katz Peter Kvidera Tod Lawrence Steve Lawson Rohan Mandelia James Newby Tremaine Oatman Robert Poorman Michael D. Powell Joselín E. Ramírez Matthew Rizer John Sabol Lee Scantlebury James Storry Charles Tobias William Venable Chester F. Willey

Craig Astler Jack Blazey Charles Carr Peter B. Clausen Dwyer Conklyn Steve diLauro Jeffrey Duber Matthew Englehart Thomas E. Evans Richard Falkenberg Robert Higgins Kurtis B. Hoffman Paul Hubbard Thomas Hull Joshua Jones Joel Kincannon Jason Levy Scott Markov Tyler Mason Shaun McGrath Roger Mennell Robert Mitchell Tom Moormann Keith Norman John Riehl Corey Rubin Robert Seaman Michael Seredick Daniel J. Singer Steven Skaggs David A. Welshhans S. David Worhatch Paul Zeit

The Cleveland Orchestra is proud of its long-term partnership with Kent State University, made possible in part through generous funding from the State of Ohio. The Cleveland Orchestra is proud to have its home, Severance Hall, located on the campus of Case Western Reserve University, with whom it has a long history of collaboration and partnership. Concerts and activities of The Cleveland Orchestra are supported in part by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, State of Ohio, Ohio Arts Council, the residents of Cuyahoga County through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, and generous donors.

Cleveland Orchestra concerts are supported by significant sponsorships and underwriting from corporations and foundations, and generous individual contributors. The Cleveland Orchestra extends gracious thanks to all our sponsoring organizations and individuals.


A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 011 - 12

ON THE FRONT COVER Franz Welser-Mรถst leads The Cleveland Orchestra in an in-school performance at Saint Ignatius High School in October 2011, continuing the Orchestra's long tradition of introducing young people and new audiences to symphonic music across Northeast Ohio.

Severance Hall 11001 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44106

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