OCTOBER 17–19, 2024 24 25 SEASON

OCTOBER 17–19, 2024 24 25 SEASON
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Mahler’s Third Symphony
Klaus Mäkelä, conductor
Symphony No. 3 in D minor (page 8) by Gustav Mahler
Jennifer Johnston, mezzo-soprano
The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus The Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus
Sung texts (page 14)
Conductor & artist biographies (page 19)
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PLACE YOURSELF IN THE SHOES OF A COMPOSER facing the premiere of a brand-new work. Other than rare exceptions, their untested endeavors will be on the first half of a program while an undisputed masterpiece lurks behind intermission, passed down and refined by generations of musicians. It’s a rite of passage for a composer to struggle to gain acceptance past the sheer marble wall that is the “classical canon.” Richard Wagner even stated in 1849, with regard to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, that “the last symphony has already been written.” And yet, against all odds, predictions of the end of classical music history have thankfully fallen short.
We find an extraordinary exception to this anxiety of influence in the case of Gustav Mahler, who saw the canon as a vista rather than an obstacle. In this case, the standard was not set by Beethoven the century prior, but by his own first two symphonic efforts, written over the decade leading up to the premiere of the piece at hand — his Third Symphony, led tonight by guest conductor Klaus Mäkelä. Anyone who has heard these works will agree that he fulfilled his promise to compose symphonies that “embrace everything.”
How did Mahler surpass the high bar he had set for himself? One can warrant that his particular gift was the ability to recognize the looming proliferation of modernity that, in the words of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (above), had generated a “magnificent tension of the spirit.” The full embrace of this unprecedented and unrepeatable zeitgeist meant that the only remaining task was to “merely” write down the notes of this symphonic mountain range. (You’ll hear the influence of Nietzsche throughout the evening, as well as in the Orchestra’s performances of Richard Strauss’s Also sprach Zarathustra in February 2025.)
After you have taken in the views, weathered the storms, and descended from the peaks of Mahler’s Third, you’ll have your own opportunity to capitalize on that “magnificent tension” this composer so effectively transubstantiated into music.
— Ian Mercer
is The Cleveland Orchestra’s production manager.
Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 7:30 PM
Friday, October 18, 2024, at 7:30 PM
Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 8 PM
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911)
Symphony No. 3 in D minor 100 minutes
Part One:
I. Kräftig; Entschieden. (Forceful; decisive.)
Part Two:
II. Tempo di menuetto: Sehr mässig. (In the tempo of a minuet: Very moderate.)
III. Comodo; Scherzando; ohne Hast. (Comfortable; playful; without haste.)
IV. Sehr langsam; misterioso. (Very slow; mysterious.) —
V. Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck. (Joyous in tempo and jaunty in expression.) —
VI. Langsam; ruhevoll; empfunden. (Slow; peaceful; deeply felt.)
Jennifer Johnston, mezzo-soprano
The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
The Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus
Tonight’s program will last approximately 1 hour 40 minutes and will be presented without intermission.
Thank you for silencing your electronic devices.
Thursday evening’s performance is dedicated to Dr. Michael Frank and Patricia A.* Snyder in recognition of their generous support of music.
Support for this concert is generously provided by Kalle and Pirjo-Riitta Lyytinen, and Dr. and Mrs. Edward and Barbara Sivak. *deceased
by Gustav Mahler
BORN : July 7, 1860, in Kalischt, Bohemia (present-day Czech Republic)
DIED : May 18, 1911, in Vienna
▶ COMPOSED: 1895–96
▶ WORLD PREMIERE : The second, third, and sixth movements received first performances in Berlin between 1896 and 1897. The complete symphony was premiered in Krefeld, Germany, on June 9, 1902, with the composer conducting the Orchestra of the General German Music Association.
▶ CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA PREMIERE : October 30, 1969, featuring contralto Linda Matousek and conducted by Louis Lane
▶ ORCHESTRATION : 4 flutes (all doubling piccolo), 4 oboes (4th doubling English horn), 3 clarinets (3rd doubling bass clarinet), 2 E-flat clarinets, 4 bassoons (4th doubling contrabassoon), 8 horns, 4 trumpets, posthorn, 4 trombones, tuba, timpani, percussion (glockenspiel, chimes, snare drums, triangle, tambourine, bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, rute), 2 harps, strings, alto solo, soprano/alto chorus, and children’s chorus
▶ DURATION : about 100 minutes
ONE WONDERS whether it was pure coincidence that the two archrivals
Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss wrote works inspired (at least in part) by the 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche at the same time. Strauss completed his tone poem Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra) in August 1896. The very same month, Mahler put the finishing touches on his Third Symphony, whose fourth movement is a song with words from the “Midnight Song” from Nietzsche’s philosophical poem — an excerpt, moreover, that also is featured in Strauss’s work.
Despite the great differences between Also sprach Zarathustra and Mahler’s Third, the reasons that caused both composers to turn to Nietzsche had something in common. Strauss found in Zarathustra a compelling image of human evolution through successive stages of spiritual development. Mahler, too, envisioned his work as some kind of evolution through successive stages. However, in his book on Mahler’s symphonies, musicologist Constantin Floros concludes that the Third Symphony, although based in part on Nietzsche, is “diametrically opposed to Nietzsche’s philosophy.” Floros
1. “Summer Marches In” (Fanfare and Merry March)
2. “What the Woods Tell Me”
contrasts Nietzsche’s anti-religious stance with Mahler’s affirmation of faith in the fifth movement, and he asserts that the message of love in the last movement is also antithetical to Nietzsche’s philosophy.
The planning of Mahler’s Third began with a series of tentative movement titles that probably preceded any substantial compositional work. According to Alma Mahler’s account, the work originally was to consist of seven movements:
3. “What Love Tells Me” (Adagio)
4. “What the Twilight Tells Me”
5. “What the Flowers in the Meadow Tell Me”
6. “What the Cuckoo Tells Me” (Scherzo)
7. “What the Child Tells Me”
At this stage, the work seems to have existed in Mahler’s mind as a kind of “nature symphony,” with flowers and animals but no humans or angels; the addition of human voices and sung texts
was not yet part of the scheme. Mahler also thought of adopting the title of another book by Nietzsche, Diefröhliche Wissenschaft (The Happy Science), as the overall title of his symphony, either in its original form or changed to Meine fröhliche Wissenschaft (My Happy Science). By the time of the symphony’s publication in 1898, though, the work had solidified to six movements and Mahler had dropped all programmatic titles.
The last decision to be made involved moving the Adagio, the “Love” movement, from third place to the end of the symphony (a rather unusual choice, coming only two years after Tchaikovsky’s “Pathétique” Symphony, which also ended with a slow movement). This decision had important philosophical consequences. As Mahler himself explained: “In the Adagio, everything is resolved in the calm of existence. The Ixion’s wheel of appearances finally stops turning.” (Ixion was a king in Greek mythology, punished by Zeus for his love for Hera by being bound on an eternally revolving wheel in the underworld.)
The first movement — which was actually written last — is, by size at least, almost a complete symphony in itself. Some critics, including admirers of Mahler, have found this movement rambling and diffuse, with its sections disconnected and incoherent. However, it is possible that the main idea behind the movement is precisely the creation of order out of chaos, the emergence of clear directions out of a state of aimlessness.
There are four stages in the unfolding
of this first movement. (Although the stages often share the same thematic material, they can be readily distinguished by ear.) The first is the fanfare for eight horns with which the symphony opens. The second is a string of melodic fragments in a tragic mood in a low register, initially dominated by the brass instruments. The third is a series of folklike themes of an ethereal quality, played mainly by woodwinds or solo violin. All
It is the most carefree music I have ever written, as carefree as only flowers can be. It all sways and ripples like flowers on limber stems sway in the wind. — Gustav Mahler
of these thematic materials are static at first. Motion is introduced eventually, as a monumental march — the fourth stage — develops, combining the “fanfare” and “folklike” material with lively rhythmic accompaniment. The first time, the march is unable to proceed for very long before being interrupted by the three static groups of themes. The second time, however, as the music starts once more from silence as it has so often before, the march grows triumphantly to the final climax.
The second movement had the title “Blumenstück” (Flower Piece) when it was performed separately — a holdover from Mahler’s original program. Mahler described this movement to his friend Natalie Bauer-Lechner:
It is the most carefree music I have ever written, as carefree as only flowers can be. It all sways and ripples like flowers on limber stems sway in the wind. Today I realized to my surprise that the basses have nothing but pizzicato, not one firm stroke, and that the low, heavy percussion is not used at all. On the other hand, the violins, again with a solo violin, have the most lively, flowing, and charming figures. … That this innocent flowery cheerfulness does not last but suddenly becomes serious and weighty, you can well imagine. A heavy storm sweeps across the meadow and shakes the flowers and leaves. They groan and whimper, as if pleading for redemption to a higher realm.
The movement is a (more or less) regular minuet with a highly irregular Trio section repeated twice. The grazioso tone of the minuet evokes the 18th century despite subtle touches in the orchestration (especially the harp writing) and in the phrase structures that betray the hand of a late Romantic composer. What makes the Trio so irregular is that it consists of three different sections, each in a different meter. In scholar Peter Franklin’s words: “Although [the Trio] ... cuts some odd capers and seems intent upon a developmental life of its own, the graceful minuet is prepared to surprise us with a coquettish smile when it returns.”
The third movement is based on one of Mahler’s early Wunderhorn songs, with the first line “Kuckuck hat sich zu Tode gefallen” (Cuckoo has fallen to its death). The song ironically describes the cuckoo’s death with mock mourning, and then
goes on to celebrate the nightingale who will replace the cuckoo as the preferred singer in the forest. The scherzo expands on this song in much the same way the scherzo of the Second Symphony did on another Wunderhorn song, “St. Anthony of Padua’s Sermon to the Fishes.”
In the present work, the “cuckoo” song alternates between several contrasting episodes, including a memorable posthorn solo, which occurs twice in the movement. The posthorn, which used to announce the arrival of the mail in small Austrian towns, has its own literarymusical tradition from Schubert’s Winterreise (Winter Journey) to several poems by Nikolaus Lenau, a Romantic poet cherished by Mahler. At its return, the “cuckoo” scherzo evolves into a more boisterous section (“grob!” or “rude!” instructs the score). A second hearing of the posthorn solo and a brief but very eventful coda close the movement.
The fourth movement brings an abrupt change of mood with a setting of Nietzsche’s “Midnight Song” from Zarathustra, for alto (or mezzo-soprano) solo. Out of a mysterious background of muted strings, the soloist begins on a single repeated pitch. The vocal line gradually becomes more and more elaborate, but the harmonies remain static and the dynamics extremely soft. The image of pain is emphasized by an expressive violin solo.
The fifth movement, which follows without a break, is another complete contrast in mood. The happy chiming of the bells, children’s voices singing
ven’s last string quartet (Op. 135) but the continuation is more in the spirit of Bruckner — one of the few times that Bruckner’s and Mahler’s styles bear a close resemblance to one another. The manuscript bears the following inscription, adapted from Des Knaben Wunderhorn:
Vater, sieh an die Wunden mein!
Kein Wesen lass verloren sein!
Father, look upon my wounds, Let no creature be lost!
“bimm, bamm” (ding, dong) provide the background to a cheerful, folklike chorus on a text from Des Knaben Wunderhorn. This movement shares a characteristic motif with the song “The Heavenly Life,” which was originally meant to be included in the Third Symphony but ultimately became the last movement of Mahler’s Fourth. The choral interjections “Du sollst ja nicht weinen” (No, you mustn’t weep) are Mahler’s own addition to the folk text.
The sixth movement follows the fifth with no break. All previous contrasts seem to be resolved in the peaceful calm of this music, Mahler’s first great symphonic Adagio. The opening theme quotes the slow movement of Beetho-
The movement is based on two themes: a simple and soft D-major chorale and a more intense and dramatic minor-mode theme. The two themes and their variations alternate — and their developments include subtle recalls of fragments from the first and fifth movements. All these conflicting impulses are finally united in the powerful closing section, where the dynamics rise to fortissimo (Mahler warns: “not with raw force but with a saturated, noble tone”) as the monumental symphony reaches its glorious and ecstatic conclusion
— Peter Laki
Peter Laki is a musicologist and frequent lecturer on classical music. He is a visiting associate professor of music at Bard College.
Continue your journey with Mahler on Adella.live, featuring productions of the Second Symphony with Franz Welser-Möst and the Fourth Symphony with Daniel Harding
by Gustav Mahler
Text from Also sprach Zarathustra (“Midnight Song”) by Friedrich Nietzsche
O Mensch! Gib Acht!
Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?
Ich schlief!
Aus tiefem Traum bin ich erwacht!
Die Welt ist tief!
Und tiefer, als der Tag gedacht!
O Mensch! Tief!
Tief ist ihr Weh!
Lust tiefer noch als Herzeleid!
Weh spricht: Vergeh!
Doch alle Lust will Ewigkeit!
Will tiefe, tiefe Ewigkeit!
Oh human, give heed!
What does deep midnight say?
I slept!
From deepest dream I have awakened!
The world is deep!
And deeper than the day had thought!
Oh human! Deep!
Deep is its woe!
Joy deeper still than heartbreak!
Pain speaks: Vanish!
But all joy seeks eternity,
Seeks deep, deep eternity.
Text from Des Knaben Wunderhorn, collected and edited by Achim von Amim and Clemens Brentano
Bimm, bamm, bimm, bamm. Bimm, bamm, bimm, bamm.
Es sungen drei Engel einen süssen Gesang, Mit Freuden es selig in dem Himmel klang, Sie jauchzten fröhlich auch dabei, Daß Petrus sei von Sünden frei.
Und als der Herr Jesus zu Tische sass, Mit seinen zwölf Jüngern das Abendmahl ass, Da sprach der Herr Jesus:
“Was stehst du denn hier? Wenn ich dich anseh’, so weinest du mir!”
Ding, dong, ding, dong. Ding, dong, ding, dong.
Three angels were singing a sweet song: With joy it resounded blissfully in heaven. They happily shouted with joy all together, That Peter was absolved from sin.
For as Lord Jesus sat at the table. With his twelve disciples to eat supper, So spoke Lord Jesus:
“Why are you standing here? When I look at you, you weep!”
Und sollt ich nicht weinen, du gütiger Gott?
Du sollst ja nicht weinen!
Sollst ja nicht weinen!
Ich hab übertreten die zehn Gebot. Ich gehe und weine ja bitterlich.
Du sollst ja nicht weinen!
Sollst ja nicht weinen!
Ach komm und erbarme dich!
Ach komm und erbarme dich über mich!
Bimm, bamm, bimm, bamm. Bimm, bamm, bimm, bamm.
Hast du denn übertreten die zehen Gebot,
So fall auf die Knie und bete zu Gott, Liebe nur Gott in alle Zeit
So wirst du erlangen die himmlische Freud’.
Liebe nur Gott!
Die himmlische Freud’ ist eine selige Stadt, Die himmlische Freud’, die kein Ende mehr hat.
Die himmlische Freud’ war Petro bereit’t Durch Jesum und Allen zur Seligkeit.
Bimm, bamm, bimm, bamm …
And should I not weep, you kind God?
No, you mustn’t weep! You must not weep!
I have trespassed against the Ten Commandments. I go and weep bitterly.
No, you mustn’t weep! You must not weep!
Ah, come and have mercy! Ah, come and have mercy upon me!
Ding, dong, ding, dong. Ding, dong, ding, dong.
If you have trespassed against the Ten Commandments, Then fall on your knees and pray to God, Love only God forever, And you will attain heavenly joy.
Love only God!
Heavenly joy is a blessed city, Heavenly joy that has no end.
Heavenly joy was prepared for Peter By Jesus and for the salvation of all.
Ding, dong, ding, dong …
FINNISH CONDUCTOR Klaus Mäkelä has held the position of chief conductor of the Oslo Philharmonic since 2020 and music director of the Orchestre de Paris since September 2021. He assumes the title of chief conductor of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in September 2027 and in the same season, commences as music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. An exclusive Decca Classics artist, he has recorded ballets by Stravinsky and Debussy with the Orchestre de Paris. With the Oslo Philharmonic, he has released the complete Sibelius symphonies and Sibelius’s and Prokofiev’s first violin concertos with Janine Jansen.
Coinciding with performances at the Salzburg Festival and Musikfest Berlin, Decca Classics released Mäkelä and the Oslo Philharmonic’s new recording of Shostakovich symphonies (Nos. 4, 5, and 6) in August 2024. Shostakovich continues as a main focus in Mäkelä’s fifth season in Oslo, interwoven with the music of Bartók. Additional program highlights include Andrew Norman’s Play, Anders Hillborg’s MAX Concerto with Emanuel Ax, and Sibelius’s Lemminkäinen Suite.
Mäkelä’s fourth season with the Orchestre de Paris pays tribute to the anniversaries of both Ravel and Boulez and features music by other French composers, including Berlioz, Poulenc, and Messiaen. New commissions see the premieres of Thierry Escaich’s Lux
Aeterna and Charlotte Bray’s A Sky Too Small. In addition to the 10th anniversary celebrations at home in the Paris Philharmonie, they tour extensively, with summer performances at the BBC Proms and Lucerne Festival, and guest performances across Europe. They complete the season by returning to Asia in June 2025.
Guest conducting engagements in the 2024–25 season include performances with The Cleveland Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, and Berliner Philharmoniker. Mäkelä also makes his first appearance with the Wiener Philharmoniker in Vienna and on tour. This season he is a Focus Artist at the Vienna Musikverein and Portrait Artist at the Essen Philharmonie and Brussels Bozar.
As a cellist, Mäkelä partners with members of the Oslo Philharmonic and Orchestre de Paris for occasional programs, and each summer, he performs at the Verbier Festival.
Jennifer Johnston
Johnston is recognized as one of the most important voices of her generation and is celebrated for her performances of works by Mahler, Wagner, Britten, and Elgar, among others. She was awarded the Royal Philharmonic Society’s Singer Award in 2021 in recognition of her “commitment and emotional force” to both performance and education.
Johnston’s reputation as a preeminent interpreter of Mahler is reflected in her 2024–25 season. Among her Mahler performances, she sings the Eighth Symphony with the London Philharmonic Orchestra under Edward Gardner, the Third Symphony with The Cleveland Orchestra under Klaus Mäkelä, the Second Symphony with the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège under Gergely Madaras, and Das Lied von der Erde with the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra under Juraj Valčuha. Other highlights include Haydn’s Nelson Mass with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, and Felix Mendelssohn’s Lobgesang with Sinfonieorchester Basel.
On the operatic stage, Johnston has enjoyed a close collaboration with the Bayerische Staatsoper and returns this season as Brigitta in Simon Stone’s production of Korngold’s Die tote Stadt under Lothar Koenigs. In Munich, Johnston has sung over 80 performances, including
as Mrs. Sedley (Peter Grimes), Second Norn (Götterdämmerung), Roßweise (Die Walküre), and La Ciesca (Gianni Schicci). Highlights elsewhere include performances with the English National Opera, Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Salzburg Festival, and Festival d’Aix-en-Provence.
In huge demand on the concert platform, Johnston has collaborated with many of the world’s leading orchestras and enjoys a special relationship with the orchestra of her hometown, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, where she has been Artist in Residence and with whom she made her first solo recording, A Love Letter to Liverpool (Rubicon Classics).
A former BBC New Generation Artist and a graduate of Cambridge University and the Royal College of Music, Johnston has an extensive discography including Vaughan Williams’s Four Last Songs (Albion Records), Stravinsky’s Oedipus rex (LSO Live), Wagner’s Die Walküre (Waltraute) with Sir Simon Rattle and the Bayerischer Rundfunk Orchester, and Die tote Stadt with the Bayerische Staatsoper (named Gramophone’s 2022 Recording of the Year).
Lisa Wong was appointed director of choruses for The Cleveland Orchestra in May 2018, after serving as acting director throughout the 2017–18 season. She joined the choral staff of The Cleveland Orchestra as assistant director of choruses at the start of the 2010–11 season, helping to prepare The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus and Blossom Festival Chorus for performances each year. In 2012, she took on added responsibilities as director of The Cleveland Orchestra Youth Chorus. In addition to her duties at Severance,
Wong is a faculty member at The College of Wooster, where she conducts the awardwinning Wooster Chorus and teaches courses in conducting and music education. Choirs under her direction have performed at the Central Division conference of the American Choral Directors Association and the state conference of the Ohio Music Education Association. Wong has served as the Repertoire and Resource Chair for World Music and Cultures for the Ohio Choral Directors Association, as well as on the editorial board regarding culturally responsive pedagogy for the Ohio Music Education Association. Her previous academic posts include positions in public and private schools in New York, Pennsylvania, and Indiana.
Active as a clinician, guest conductor, and adjudicator, Wong serves regularly as a music panelist for the National Endowment for the Arts and Chorus America. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in music education from West Chester University, as well as Master of Music and Doctor of Music degrees in choral conducting from Indiana University.
Now in its 73rd season, The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus is one of the few allvolunteer, professionally led choruses affiliated with a major American orchestra. Founded in 1952 at the request of George Szell, it received the 2019 – 20 Distinguished Service Award, recognizing extraordinary service to the Orchestra.
Amy Foster Babinski
Claudia Barriga
Jesse Bobbitt
Emily Carlson
Signe Carlson
Yu Ching Ruby Chen
Amanda Cobes
Caitlin DiFranco
Maddie Dirrim
Emily Engle
Elisha Evanko
Molly Falasco
Lisa Fedorovich
Samantha Garner
Jennifer Gilles
Jinle Glover
Julia Halamek
Rebecca S. Hall
Sarah Henley
Lisa Hrusovsky
Rachel Imhoff
Amber Jackson
Shannon R. Jakubczak
Kiersten Johnson
Sarah Jones-Gould
Katie Kitchen *
Hope Klassen-Kay
EvaCecilia Koh
Kate Macy
Grace Mino
Clare Mitchell
Julie Myers-Pruchenski
S. Mikhaila Noble-Pace
Jennifer Heinert O’Leary
Katie Paskey
Ava Paul *
Victoria Peacock
Elizabeth Stockton
Sarah Peterson
Grace Prentice
Jylian Purtee
Lisa M. Ramsey
Cara Rovella
Emma Russell
Aanchal Saraf
Martell Savage
Ellie Smith
Megan Tettau
Angel Victoria Tyler
Meagan Ulery
Sharilee Walker
Rachel Ader
Emily Austin
Laurel Babcock
Debbie Bates
Riley Beistel
Carla Cashman
Barbara J. Clugh
Olivia Culp
Carolyn Dessin
Amber Dimoff
Melody Bellora
Brooke Emmel
Megan Fought
Shawna Hill
Karen S. Hunt
Sarah Hutchins
Maggie Keverline
Rebecca King
Kristi Krueger-O’Grady
Zoe Kuhn
Taylor Mills Logan
Danielle S. McDonald
Karla McMullen
Holly Miller
Peggy A. Norman
Dawn Ostrowski
Abigail Patton
Andrea Pintabona
Ina Stanek-Michaelis
Melanie Tabak
Rachel Thibo
Kristen Tobey
Laure Wasserbauer
Caroline Willoughby
Leah Wilson
Jennifer R. Woda
Debra Yasinow
Lynne Leutenberg Yulish * Shari Bierman Singer Fellow
Daniel J. Singer
Assistant Director
Daniel Overly
Collaborative Pianist
Jill Harbaugh Director, Choral Operations
Lisa Fedorovich Chair, Operating Committee
The Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus
Jennifer Rozsa earned her master’s and bachelor’s degrees in music education with an emphasis in the Kodály Philosophy from Capital University’s Conservatory of Music in Columbus, Ohio, and her Orff-Shulwerk certification from the San Francisco Orff Course. Previously, Rozsa taught K–8 general music and choir in public, private, and charter schools in Ohio, California, and Chicago. She has presented general music sessions at the Ohio Music Education Association, Organization of American Kodály Educators, Cincinnati Orff Course, and at the Greater Cleveland Orff Chapter workshops. Rozsa performs as a mezzosoprano, sings with the Cleveland Chamber Choir, and teaches K–4 general music in Solon, Ohio.
The Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus was formed in the spring of 1967 under the direction of Jane Barker Casey to provide a high-quality choral group for the many orchestral works written for children’s voices, and to offer choral training to school children in the Cleveland area. The Children’s Chorus performs annually with The Cleveland Orchestra and Cleveland Orchestra Chorus at Severance Music Center, including at the annual Holiday Concerts. Over the decades, their extensive performance history has included such major works as J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, Britten’s War Requiem, Berlioz’s Te Deum and Damnation of Faust, Orff’s Carmina Burana, and John Adams’s El Niño. The Chorus also performs regularly at community events and has sung the national anthem for Cleveland Guardians, Cleveland City Stars, and Cleveland Browns home games.
Audrey Almeda
Koen Antal
Ellie Armstrong
Freddie Averre
Marina Bendaly
Elise Breitzmann
Rose Brittan-Wille
Macey Caraballo
Emma Carroll
Madeleine Park Colman
Aven Crasto
Bryn Crasto
Giuliana Del Re
Lili Deosaran
Dashiell Dye
Essa Eichhorn
Alisz Fabian
Reed Fleischhacker
Evie Forman
Liam Foy
Ellis Freer
Christina Gomez
Olivia Marie Gordy
Emerson Greene
Julia Hanna
Violet Hersh
Hannah W. Hitchcock
Todd Jiang
Dianna Kerze
Sabrina Kerze
Eugene Kim
Dimitri Kosteas
Mina Krasney
Adalyn Kropinak
Mirabelle Kwok
Libby Lutzko
Payton Lybbert
Krisha Mahangare
Lauren Malbasa
Lena Rajdeva Malik
Willow Moran
Hollis Neimeister
Zaria A. Nowlin
Elias Oetama-Paul
Elizabeth Parashchak
Gianna Paternite
Dazzlyn Praveen
Caroline Reidhead
Reagan Robinson
Elena Schneider
Corrina Schriver
Arielle Simler
Zofia Simpson
Liliana Stamm
Savannah Stephan
Viola Strom
Sherie Sun
Hollie Tennant
Julia Vitatoe
Wrenn Warren
Hamish Waters
Magdalene Whitaker
Cecilia Young
Brina Yuan
Jacob Young
Assistant Director
Jacob Bernhardt
Collaborative Pianist
Angel Tyler
Children’s Choruses Manager
NOW FIRMLY IN ITS SECOND CENTURY , The Cleveland Orchestra, under the leadership of Franz Welser-Möst since 2002, is one of the most sought-after performing ensembles in the world. Year after year, the ensemble exemplifies extraordinary artistic excellence, creative programming, and community engagement. In recent years, The New York Times has called Cleveland “the best in America” for its virtuosity, elegance of sound, variety of color, and chamber-like musical cohesion.
Founded by Adella Prentiss Hughes, the Orchestra performed its inaugural concert in December 1918. By the middle of the century, decades of growth and sustained support had turned the ensemble into one of the most admired around the world.
The past decade has seen an increasing number of young people attending concerts, bringing fresh attention to The Cleveland Orchestra’s legendary sound and committed programming. More recently, the Orchestra launched several bold digital projects, including the streaming platform Adella.live and its own recording label. Together, they have captured the Orchestra’s unique artistry and the musical achievements of the Welser-Möst and Cleveland Orchestra partnership.
The 2024 – 25 season marks Franz Welser-Möst’s 23rd year as Music Director, a period in which The Cleveland
Orchestra has earned unprecedented acclaim around the world, including a series of residencies at the Musikverein in Vienna, the first of its kind by an American orchestra, and a number of celebrated opera presentations.
Since 1918, seven music directors — Nikolai Sokoloff, Artur Rodziński, Erich Leinsdorf, George Szell, Lorin Maazel, Christoph von Dohnányi, and Franz Welser-Möst — have guided and shaped the ensemble’s growth and sound. Through concerts at home and on tour, broadcasts, and a catalog of acclaimed recordings, The Cleveland Orchestra is heard today by a growing group of fans around the world.
Liyuan Xie
Virginia M. Lindseth, PhD, Chair
Jung-Min Amy Lee
Gretchen D. and Ward Smith Chair
Stephen Tavani
Dr. Ronald H. Krasney Chair
Wei-Fang Gu
Drs. Paul M. and Renate H. Duchesneau Chair
Kim Gomez
Elizabeth and Leslie
Kondorossy Chair
Chul-In Park
Harriet T. and David L. Simon Chair
Miho Hashizume
Theodore Rautenberg Chair
Jeanne Preucil Rose
Larry J.B. and Barbara S.
Robinson Chair
Alicia Koelz
Oswald and Phyllis Lerner
Gilroy Chair
Yu Yuan
Patty and John Collinson Chair
Isabel Trautwein
Trevor and Jennie Jones Chair
Katherine Bormann
Analisé Denise Handke
Gladys B. Goetz Chair
Zhan Shu
Youngji Kim
Genevieve Smelser
Stephen Rose*
Alfred M. and Clara T. Rankin Chair
Jason Yu2
James and Donna Reid Chair
Eli Matthews1
Patricia M. Kozerefski and Richard J. Bogomolny Chair
Sonja Braaten Molloy
Carolyn Gadiel Warner
Elayna Duitman
Ioana Missits
Jeffrey Zehngut^
Sae Shiragami
Kathleen Collins
Beth Woodside
Emma Shook
Dr. Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Dr. Glenn R. Brown Chair
Yun-Ting Lee
Jiah Chung Chapdelaine
Gawon Kim
Wesley Collins*
Chaillé H. and Richard B.
Tullis Chair
Stanley Konopka2
Mark Jackobs
Jean Wall Bennett Chair
Lisa Boyko
Richard and Nancy
Sneed Chair
Richard Waugh
Lembi Veskimets
The Morgan Sisters Chair
Eliesha Nelson^
Anthony and Diane Wynshaw-Boris Chair
Joanna Patterson Zakany
William Bender
Thomas Lauria and Christopher Lauria Chair
Gareth Zehngut^
Mark Kosower*
Louis D. Beaumont Chair
Richard Weiss1
The GAR Foundation Chair
Charles Bernard2
Helen Weil Ross Chair
Bryan Dumm
Muriel and Noah Butkin Chair
Tanya Ell
Thomas J. and Judith Fay
Gruber Chair
Ralph Curry
Brian Thornton
William P. Blair III Chair
David Alan Harrell
Martha Baldwin
Dane Johansen
Paul Kushious
Maximilian Dimoff*
Clarence T. Reinberger Chair
Derek Zadinsky2
Charles Paul1
Mary E. and F. Joseph Callahan Chair
Mark Atherton
Thomas Sperl
Henry Peyrebrune
Charles Barr Memorial Chair
Charles Carleton
Scott Dixon
Trina Struble*
Alice Chalifoux Chair
Joshua Smith*
Elizabeth M. and William C.
Treuhaft Chair
Saeran St. Christopher
Jessica Sindell2^
Austin B. and Ellen W. Chinn Chair
Mary Kay Fink
Mary Kay Fink
Anne M. and M. Roger Clapp Chair
Frank Rosenwein*
Edith S. Taplin Chair
Corbin Stair
Sharon and Yoash Wiener Chair
Jeffrey Rathbun2
Everett D. and Eugenia S.
McCurdy Chair
Robert Walters
Robert Walters
Samuel C. and Bernette K.
Jaffe Chair
Afendi Yusuf*
Robert Marcellus Chair
Robert Woolfrey
Victoire G. and Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Chair
Daniel McKelway2
Robert R. and Vilma L. Kohn Chair
Amy Zoloto
Daniel McKelway
Stanley L. and Eloise M. Morgan Chair
Amy Zoloto
Myrna and James Spira Chair
John Clouser*
Louise Harkness Ingalls Chair
Gareth Thomas
Jonathan Sherwin
Jonathan Sherwin
Nathaniel Silberschlag*
George Szell Memorial Chair
Michael Mayhew§
Knight Foundation Chair
Jesse McCormick
Robert B. Benyo Chair
Hans Clebsch
Richard King
Meghan Guegold Hege^
Michael Sachs*
Robert and Eunice Podis
Weiskopf Chair
Jack Sutte
Lyle Steelman2^
James P. and Dolores D. Storer Chair
Michael Miller
Michael Sachs*
Mary Elizabeth and G. Robert Klein Chair
Michael Miller
Brian Wendel*
Gilbert W. and Louise I. Humphrey Chair
Richard Stout
Alexander and Marianna C. McAfee Chair
Shachar Israel2
Luke Sieve
Richard Stout
Yasuhito Sugiyama*
Nathalie C. Spence and Nathalie S. Boswell Chair
TIMPANI vacant
Marc Damoulakis*
Margaret Allen Ireland Chair
Thomas Sherwood
Tanner Tanyeri
Carolyn Gadiel Warner
Marjory and Marc L. Swartzbaugh Chair
Michael Ferraguto
Joe and Marlene Toot Chair
Donald Miller
Gabrielle Petek
Elizabeth Ring and William Gwinn Mather Chair
Blossom-Lee Chair
Clara G. and George P. Bickford Chair
Sandra L. Haslinger Chair
Paul and Lucille Jones Chair
Charles M. and Janet G. Kimball Chair
Sunshine Chair
Otto G. and Corinne T. Voss Chair
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Smucker Chair
Rudolf Serkin Chair
Christoph von Dohnányi
Daniel Reith
Sidney and Doris Dworkin Chair
Lisa Wong
Frances P. and Chester C. Bolton Chair
* Principal
§ Associate Principal
1 First Assistant Principal
2 Assistant Principal
^ Alum of The Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra
This roster lists full-time members of The Cleveland Orchestra. The number and seating of musicians onstage varies depending on the piece being performed. Seating within the string sections rotates on a periodic basis.
Music Director
As we embark on our 2024 – 25 season, Music Director Franz Welser-Möst is poised to lead a series of concerts that promise to captivate and inspire. We recently caught up with him to discuss the season’s most anticipated performances, his longstanding collaborations with renowned artists, and the stories and vision guiding his programming decisions this year.
Looking ahead to our 23rd season together is like being a kid in a candy store! Which program would you highlight as particularly special to you?
FRANZ : One program that stands out to me is the one where we perform Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde [November 21–23]. The Orchestra and I haven’t played that piece in over 16 years — it’s been a long time coming. Mahler’s later works, especially this one, are profound and mind-boggling in their reflections on life and farewells. It’s a piece that has a special place in my heart.
Your choice of the tenor-baritone version for Das Lied is interesting, especially since the tenor-alto version is more commonly performed. What drove that decision?
FRANZ : It’s really strange — I think it’s a deeply personal choice. The male voice in this piece has always resonated with me on an emotional level. I think it has to do with my first exposure to Das Lied, which was through a recording of baritone Hermann Prey singing it. I listened to it often as a child, and that experience has stayed with me throughout my life. The tenor-baritone version brings a certain gravitas and intimacy that I find particularly compelling, and I’m looking forward to performing it with Limmie [Pulliam] and Iurii [Samoilov] this fall.
The Beethoven piano concerto cycle with Igor Levit is obviously another major highlight this season [November 6–17]. How do you approach preparing for such an extensive cycle compared to your usual concert weeks? ▶ ▶ ▶
FRANZ : The preparation isn’t very different from my end, but it’s certainly a marathon for the soloist. For Igor, it’s more intense — each concerto demands a different mindset and emotional investment. But he’s one of the most exceptional pianists in the world today and is more than up to the challenge. For the Orchestra, it’s all about maintaining consistency and energy across multiple performances. Frankly, this cycle is going to be much more stressful for Igor than it will be for us!
You’ll also be performing a special program with Lithuanian soprano
Asmik Grigorian [March 13 & 15, 2025] before we leave for Carnegie Hall. Can you tell us more about your collaboration with her and this unique program?
FRANZ : Asmik is an extraordinary artist, one of those rare talents who appears maybe once every 50 years. I’m not exaggerating. We’ve worked together on several opera productions, and her intensity on stage is something to
behold. I’ve heard some people say they haven’t experienced such intensity since Maria Callas. Our concert with her will feature Richard Strauss’s Four Last Songs. Asmik has sung the Four Last Songs many times, and she brings a unique depth to them. But I felt that wasn’t enough to truly showcase her talent, so I suggested we also perform the final scene from Puccini’s Suor Angelica, which is incredibly powerful and will leave the audience deeply moved. I seriously expect some weeping at the end of the program!
With such diverse repertoire, how do you navigate the demands of these works and the need to keep the performances engaging for both the musicians and the audience?
FRANZ : It’s about finding the right emotional balance and pacing. With works like Das Lied and the Four Last Songs, for example, there’s a need for
introspection and emotional depth. But it’s equally important to ensure that each performance feels fresh and spontaneous. That’s where the relationship between conductor and orchestra becomes crucial. Our musicians and I have worked together for many years, and there’s a deep level of trust and understanding. This allows us to explore new nuances in the music, even in pieces we’ve performed many times before.
Speaking of long-standing relationships, you’ve worked with many great musicians throughout your career. How does your approach differ when collaborating with a new artist compared to someone you’ve worked with for years?
FRANZ : The first time you work with someone, there’s always an element of discovery. You’re learning about each other’s musical instincts and finding a common language. But when you’ve worked with someone over many years, there’s a deep, almost unspoken understanding that develops. It allows you to go further in your interpretations, to take risks, and to explore the music in new ways.
With Asmik, for example, we’ve developed a very close musical relationship over several years, starting with our collaboration on Salome in Salzburg in 2018. That production was a turning point for her career, and it was a
privilege to be part of that journey with her. When you have that kind of connection, it brings a special energy to the performance.
One last question: Which concerts this season, outside of the ones you are leading, are you most looking forward to as an audience member?
FRANZ : That’s always a tough one! But I’m particularly interested in the Tan Dun concert with Marc Damoulakis [October 31 & November 2]. Tan Dun’s music is incredibly innovative, and Marc is such a creative and skilled player. It’s going to be fascinating to see how they bring this unique Water Concerto to life.
I also think Thomas Adès’s program [February 20 & 22, 2025] is beautifully structured. America: A Prophecy is such a great piece. And there’s something about living composers conducting their own works that makes such programs very special.
THE ARTS OF COMPOSING and conducting emphasize opposite ends of the personality spectrum: the former tends to be an intensely private activity associated with the solitude of the studio, while the latter relies on the extrovert’s affinity for communicating with the public. Yet both can converge in the same artist.
This season, The Cleveland Orchestra is showcasing three stellar exemplars of the phenomenon. Esa-Pekka Salonen ascends the podium on October 10, 12, and 13, while Tan Dun makes his Cleveland conducting debut a few weeks later, on October 31 and November 2. And on February 20 and 22, 2025, Thomas Adès, returns to lead the Orchestra in a major new commission.
All three artists are leading figures in
the international classical music scene. Naturally, each brings unique “insider” knowledge when it comes to conducting their own music. But their insights into the creative process will likewise illuminate the works by other composers that they have selected for their respective programs.
Far from a novelty, the combination of composer-conductor roles was commonplace before the increasing complexity of professional musical life began to favor specialization. The Cleveland Orchestra’s own past includes numerous composer-conductors who made the trip to Cleveland to work with its fabled musicians. Maurice Ravel stopped by on his first American tour in 1928 — though Nikolai Sokoloff, the Orchestra’s first music director, complained that
his conducting was “both messy and ghastly” — while Igor Stravinsky began his association with the Orchestra in 1925. After leading a program of his works in 1955, he declared: “I am really a happy man batoning this fine group.”
Esa-Pekka Salonen initially envisioned a life devoted wholeheartedly to composition. But in 1983, at age 25, he impressed the music world when he filled in at the last minute for Michael Tilson Thomas to conduct the Philharmonia Orchestra in Mahler’s Third Symphony. To his own surprise, he thereby launched one of the preeminent conducting careers of our era.
After a decade or so spent immersing himself in the music of others as a conductor, Salonen recalled, he came to understand that “there is more than one truth,” compositionally speaking: it was not monopolized by the avant-garde European language in which he had been trained. That epiphany led to a creative breakthrough and a new focus on his work as a composer.
Salonen, now 66, has channeled some of his most innovative ideas as a composer through the age-old concerto format. Along with Ravel’s Le Tombeau de Couperin and Sibelius’s Fifth Symphony, Salonen’s Cleveland program will feature his expansive Cello Concerto, which was premiered in 2017. Originally written for Yo-Yo Ma, it will introduce Cleveland audiences to the remarkable young Finnish cellist Senja Rummukainen.
Yo-Yo Ma, as it happens, was featured on the soundtrack of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the Ang Lee film from 2000, for which Tan Dun’s music won both an Oscar and a Grammy Award. Born in a village in Hunan Province in 1957 and an émigré to New York, Tan Dun has become known for his imaginative fusions of Chinese and Western musical traditions.
A gripping theatricality and sense of ritual imbue many of Tan Dun’s works, which frequently incorporate musical ideas inspired by natural elements. He will conduct two of his own compositions that manifest these traits. With his 1998 Water Concerto, which calls for the soloist — in this performance, Cleveland’s Principal Percussionist Marc Damoulakis — to manipulate basins filled with water, Tan Dun writes that he hopes to encourage the audience to “listen and rediscover life’s elements, things that are around us but we don’t notice.” His 2012 Concerto for Orchestra draws on his earlier opera, Marco Polo, about the legendary Italian traveler of the Silk Road.
The unique sound world that Tan Dun has developed gives him an unparalleled perspective on Britten’s Four Sea Interludes, which similarly originate from an opera, his landmark Peter Grimes. An early Stravinsky piece, Fireworks, will pay homage to still more elements as the concert’s dazzling opener.
Thomas Adès, born in London in 1971, made his conducting debut with The Cleveland Orchestra in spring 2023. For his return engagement, Adès has revised his millennial work America: A Prophecy. An apocalyptic meditation setting Mayan poetry and other texts, this newly expanded version of the piece was co-commissioned by the Orchestra and features The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus alongside mezzo-soprano Kelley O’Connor. Adès will juxtapose his music with the infrequently played Orchestral Set No. 2 by Charles Ives and a pair of sea-related works by Sibelius and the late Kaija Saariaho. When asked about performing the music of others, Adès responded, “The score is just a map of intentions. … The music came before the score. And the music is the thing behind the surface.” With this season’s stellar lineup of composer-conductors, we can fully expect each to illuminate the music beneath the score in the intriguing programs they have constructed. — Thomas May
Thomas May is a writer, critic, educator, and translator. A regular contributor to The New York Times, The Seattle Times, Gramophone, and Strings magazine, he is the English-language editor for the Lucerne Festival.
Later this fall, Severance Music Center will be filled with sounds quite unusual for a concert hall — that of water dripping, splashing, and bubbling. Rest assured, a pipe has not burst in the basement! Rather, these sounds will be an integral part of Tan Dun’s 1998 Water Concerto, conducted by the Academy–Award winning composer-conductor on October 31 and November 2. We recently sat down with Principal Percussionist Marc Damoulakis to learn about performing this unique work and the preparations involved.
Will this be your first solo venture with the Orchestra?
MARC : I performed John Corigliano’s Conjurer concerto during Covid, which was my first solo appearance with the Orchestra. We were distanced, since it’s for strings and percussion only, and it was recorded for Adella.
How did you come across Tan Dun’s Water Concerto? Have you known about it for a long time, or was this a recent discovery?
MARC : It was written for my teacher, Christopher Lamb, and commissioned by the New York Philharmonic. I heard him play it in Boston in 2001 while I was in the New World Symphony and was absolutely taken by it. As percussion concertos go, it’s a fascinating one and I thought it would be great to give it a shot someday.
Was this also your first exposure to Tan Dun’s music?
MARC : He wrote a concerto for cello and percussion quartet that I played as a student, so I was familiar with him and his music. I didn’t realize he did film scores until Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was released, which is probably the opposite for most people. I knew him first as a concert composer!
This is an incredibly unique piece in terms of the setup and instruments required. Describe a bit about what that entails. What does your preparation look like? ▶ ▶ ▶
MARC : Finding and sourcing this stuff has taken tons and tons of hours. The soloist has two large acrylic hemispheres that are filled with water, miked, and placed on stands that are lit from beneath. Each member of the percussion section also has one of these bowls. As far as sounds go, there’s water dripping, plucking, splashing, bubbling. There are wooden bowls that are flipped upside down, float on the surface, and act as drums, alongside other cylinders, cups, and tubes that manipulate the water. Tan Dun calls for an instrument called the waterphone — this steel resonator that’s filled with water that can be bowed or drummed — which looks and sounds amazing. There are also some traditional instruments like gongs, bells, and vibraphone. So, it’s been really challenging to explore all these sounds. It’s like learning a completely different language.
Looking through the score, it seems like there’s some flexibility to put your own spin on the work. Do you feel that when you’ve been preparing it?
MARC : Yes, I do! There’s room for creativity and improvisation as well. The piece also has a theatrical element, but it comes honestly. It embodies the element of water. Tan Dun has taken something that’s so familiar to everybody and isolated it, putting it under a microscope. It’s an entirely original way to say something.
How would you tell someone who’s not familiar with the piece or Tan Dun’s music what to listen for? How would you recommend they go into this experience?
MARC : I would say just enjoy the experience. It’s a unique piece and utterly different than anything else. On one level, it stays true to a lot of what we percussionists do, engineering sounds and playing grooves, yet here, these are displaced on instruments that are completely one-of-a-kind.
Should people in the front row bring a poncho? I’m sure you’ll be wearing something that can get splashed!
MARC : Oh gosh … Hopefully not! There are many interpretations of this piece, and some span the spectrum of how crazy they get. Tan Dun dedicated the concerto to Tōru Takemitsu, so in my mind, that evokes more of a quiet garden rather than wild splashing. But we’ll see what happens!
OCT 31 & NOV 2
Tan Dun, conductor
Marc Damoulakis, percussion
TAN DUN Water Concerto
BRITTEN Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes
TAN DUN Concerto for Orchestra
NOV 6 & 7
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Igor Levit, piano
Augustin Hadelich, violin
Julia Hagen, cello
BEETHOVEN Triple Concerto
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 3
NOV 9 & 12
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Igor Levit, piano
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 2
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 4
NOV 15–17
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Igor Levit, piano
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 1
BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 5, “Emperor”
NOV 21–23
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Limmie Pulliam, tenor
Iurii Samoilov, baritone
PROKOFIEV Symphony No. 7
MAHLER Das Lied von der Erde
NOV 29–DEC 1
David Robertson, conductor
Marc-André Hamelin, piano
COPLAND Suite from Appalachian Spring
GERSHWIN Rhapsody in Blue
ELLINGTON New World A-Comin’
COPLAND Suite from The Tender
Kirill Gerstein, piano
R. SCHUMANN Carnaval
FRANCISCO COLL Waltzes Toward Civilization
RAVEL La valse (trans. for piano)
LISZT Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude
LISZT Piano Sonata in B minor
DEC 5–7
Pablo Heras-Casado, conductor
Emanuel Ax, piano
MOZART Piano Concerto No. 20
SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No. 10
JAN 9, 11 & 12
Stéphane Denève, conductor
Steven Banks, saxophone
MILHAUD La création du monde
POULENC Suite from Les biches
GERSHWIN An American in Paris
JAN 16–18
Elim Chan, conductor
Hilary Hahn, violin
BRAHMS Violin Concerto
LUTOSŁAWSKI Concerto for Orchestra
FEB 7–9
Thomas Guggeis, conductor
Mark Kosower, cello
R. STRAUSS Also sprach Zarathustra
DUTILLEUX Tout un monde lointain...
RAVEL La valse
FEB 13 & 15
Fabio Luisi, conductor
Tim Mead, countertenor
BRUCKNER Symphony No. 7
FEB 20 & 22
Thomas Adès, conductor
Kelley O’Connor, mezzo-soprano
The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
SIBELIUS The Oceanides
THOMAS ADÈS America: A Prophecy
IVES Orchestral Set No. 2
FEB 23
Víkingur Ólafsson, piano
Yuja Wang, piano
BERIO Wasserklavier
SCHUBERT Fantasie in F minor
CAGE Experiences No. 1
(arr. Adès)
JOHN ADAMS Hallelujah Junction
ARVO PÄRT Hymn to a Great City
RACHMANINOFF Symphonic Dances
FEB 27–MAR 1
Alan Gilbert, conductor
Leonidas Kavakos, violin
SHOSTAKOVICH Violin Concerto No. 2
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 3, “Eroica”
MAR 6–9
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Seong-Jin Cho, piano
RAVEL Rapsodie espagnole
RAVEL Piano Concerto in G major TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No. 4
MAR 13 & 15
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Asmik Grigorian, soprano
HAYDN Symphony No. 52
R. STRAUSS Four Last Songs
JANÁČEK Suite from From the House of the Dead
PUCCINI Final Scene from Suor Angelica
MAR 14
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
HAYDN Symphony No. 52
MAR 27
Leif Ove Andsnes, piano
GRIEG Piano Sonata
TVEITT Piano Sonata No. 29, “Sonata Etere”
CHOPIN 24 Preludes
APR 17–19
Bernard Labadie, conductor
Joélle Harvey, soprano
Adèle Charvet, mezzo-soprano
Andrew Haji, tenor
Gordon Bintner, bass-baritone
The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
J.S. BACH Easter Oratorio
J.S. BACH Sinfonia from Cantata No. 29
J.S. BACH Magnificat
APR 24–26
Kazuki Yamada, conductor
Francesco Piemontesi, piano
MOZART Piano Concerto No. 25
ELGAR Symphony No. 1
Evgeny Kissin, piano
BEETHOVEN Piano Sonata No. 7
CHOPIN Nocturne in G minor, Op. 15, No. 3
CHOPIN Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 55, No. 2
CHOPIN Nocturne in E minor, Op. posth. 72, No. 1
CHOPIN Polonaise in A major, Op. 40, No. 1, “Military”
SHOSTAKOVICH Piano Sonata No. 2
SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp minor
SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude and Fugue in D-flat major
SHOSTAKOVICH Prelude and Fugue in D minor
MAY 8–10
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
MOZART Symphony No. 40
PROKOFIEV Symphony No. 3 *
MAY 17, 22 & 25
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Latonia Moore, soprano
Pavol Breslik, tenor
Miles Mykkanen, tenor
Nina Stemme, soprano
The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus JANÁČEK Jenůfa
Opera presentation sung in Czech with projected supertitles
MAY 23 & 24
Franz Welser-Möst, conductor
Sarah Aristidou, soprano
Tony Sias, narrator
The Cleveland Orchestra Chorus
POULENC La voix humaine
J.S. BACH Concerto from Komm, Jesu, komm
USTVOLSKAYA Symphony No. 5, “Amen”
J.S. BACH Aria from Komm, Jesu, komm
R. STRAUSS Symphonic Fantasy on Die Frau ohne Schatten
* Not performed on the Friday matinee concert
Generous support for the 2024–25 Recital Series provided by the Reyzis Family Foundation
ON AUGUST 23 , The Cleveland Orchestra and Music Director Franz Welser-Möst departed on a two-week tour of Europe, featuring eight concerts in six venues across five countries. This occasion marked the Orchestra’s 80th international tour in its 107-year history.
Kicking off the tour was an ambitious concert at the Berlin Philharmonie. Presented as part of the genre-defying Berlin MusikFest, the Orchestra performed works by John Adams and Prokofiev alongside the European premiere of Can You See? by Daniel R. Lewis Composer Fellow Allison Loggins-Hull.
The second leg of the tour was particularly notable, marking The Cleveland Orchestra’s return to Finland for the first time since 1965. In the first of two concerts at Helsinki’s Musiikkitalo, pianist Víkingur Ólafsson joined the Orchestra for Schumann’s Piano Concerto. Enthusiastic ovations greeted the ensemble both nights, leading one critic to exclaim, “One hopes that [the Orche-
stra’s] next visit to Finland is to take place without another sixty-year hiatus.”
Three days later, Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony — and the Liebestod from Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde as an encore — capped a program at the KKL during the Lucerne Festival, one of the Orchestra’s frequent and much-loved stopping places.
A concert on September 4 marked another special occasion: the 200th birthday of Anton Bruckner. To kick off Brucknerfest Linz 2024, the Orchestra performed the composer’s Fourth Symphony in his hometown of Ansfelden, mere steps away from where he was born — a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Near the end of the tour, the Orchestra enjoyed a brief yet welcome excursion to Bratislava’s Reduta Hall — another city it had not performed in since 1965 — before two final concerts at Vienna’s Musikverein, where the Orchestra has enjoyed a regular residency since 2003.
Though the Orchestra has seen many international tours over the years, this one in particular — with its mix of destinations both familiar and less familiar — made it a tour to remember.
2024 IS A GREAT TIME to be a fan of Anton Bruckner. This year marks the 200th anniversary of the Austrian composer’s birth, and The Cleveland Orchestra has been commemorating the occasion in several ways.
On August 16, the Orchestra released a new audio recording of Bruckner’s Symphony No. 4, led by Music Director Franz Wesler-Möst. This marks The Cleveland Orchestra’s third audio release of 2024, following Sergei Prokofiev’s Symphony No. 6 and an album featuring works by Béla Bartók. The recording is available for digital streaming and download in spatial audio on all major platforms.
Several days later, a new video production of the symphony was released on the Orchestra’s digital streaming
platform, Adella.live, featuring an interview with Welser-Möst. Both this and the audio recording were recorded live at Severance in March 2024.
These releases preceded the Orchestra’s recent tour of Europe with WelserMöst, which included two performances of Bruckner’s Fourth in Austria. The first was part of a concert given in Ansfelden, the composer’s hometown, on his birthday, September 4.
“Bruckner’s music was deeply rooted in the traditions of his homeland, but in many ways, his compositions were far ahead of his time,” Welser-Möst said before the tour. “This may be one of the reasons why his music has not lost its appeal. It inspires audiences through a profound listening experience.”
Visit clevelandorchestra.com/recordings and adella.live for more information.
Franz Welser-Möst discusses the artistry behind Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony preceding a performance of the work on Adella.live.
THIS SUMMER , Assistant Principal Bassoon Barrick Stees stepped down after 23 years of performances with The Cleveland Orchestra.
Alongside concerts at Severance, Blossom, and on tour, Stees frequently played chamber music with his Cleveland colleagues. He most recently appeared alongside Cleveland Orchestra flutist Mary Kay Fink and members of the New World Symphony in Dai Fujikura’s Cosmic Breath, part of a chamber concert given during the Orchestra’s South Florida Residency in November 2023.
Stees taught bassoon at the Cleveland Institute of Music, Kent Blossom Music Festival, Michigan State University, and
Interlochen Center for the Arts, among others. Over the years, he played with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra (where he was previously principal bassoon), Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and Los Angeles Philharmonic, and appeared at music festivals throughout North America, South America, and Europe. He was awarded the Presidential Scholar Teacher Recognition Award from the United States Secretary of Education.
Stees gave his final concert at Severance with The Cleveland Orchestra on July 25. After the performance of Dvořák’s Sixth Symphony, guest conductor Petr Popelka invited the bassoonist to the front of the stage for a solo bow, which was met with a rousing ovation from the audience and musicians.
Barrick Stees held the Sandra L. Haslinger Chair.
above: Barrick Stees after the Orchestra’s second Summers at Severance concert on July 25.
2024 HAS SEEN A WAVE of generosity from supporters of The Cleveland Orchestra, particularly through three major gifts from longtime patrons.
In August, the Orchestra announced a gift from the Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation, funding the Kelvin Smith Family Chair currently held by Music Director Franz Welser-Möst for the rest of his tenure. The Foundation makes grants to nonprofit, charitable organizations around Cleveland that adhere to excellence in their missions, creativity in approach, fiscal responsibility, and dynamic leadership in their service to the community.
said, “I want to express my gratitude to the Smith Foundation for this gift. Now in the 23rd year of my partnership with The Cleveland Orchestra, I am astounded by the breadth and depth of what we have accomplished together.”
Earlier this year, longtime patrons and supporters Myrna and Jim Spira gave a special gift to support the Orchestra’s artistic programming, pension fund, and annual fund. The gift also endowed the Myrna and Jim Spira Bass Clarinet Chair, currently occupied by Amy Zoloto.
Jim Spira, a member of the Orchestra’s Board of Trustees since 2014, said, “It’s a privilege to be part of a community that has supported the development of an orchestra of this caliber in a city of this size. It’s a remarkable civic accomplishment.” President & CEO André Gremillet added to the sentiment: “This incredible gift is not only inspiring
It’s a privilege to be part of a community that has supported the development of an orchestra of this caliber in a city of this size. It’s a remarkable civic accomplishment.
— Jim Spira, Cleveland Orchestra Trustee
“The Smith Foundation wishes to applaud Franz Welser-Möst’s impactful leadership with a meaningful gift honoring his longstanding commitment to Cleveland,” said Ellen Stirn Mavec, president and chairman of the Foundation and granddaughter of the late Kelvin and Eleanor Smith. In response, Welser-Möst
but also essential in supporting our efforts to broaden and deepen relationships with Cleveland Orchestra audiences. This meaningful support also helps to ensure our sustainability and legacy for future generations.”
Another recently endowed musician chair came thanks to the generosity of
Tony and Diane Wynshaw-Boris, who established the Anthony and Diane Wynshaw-Boris Chair, currently occupied by violist Eliesha Nelson.
At a reception ceremony, the couple reflected on their decision to endow a viola chair. “I played viola when I was young,” Tony said. “And we have had several opportunities to hear what a wonderful musician [Eliesha] is when she played in community chamber concerts.” Diane commented further: “We have witnessed the efforts made by
the Orchestra and musicians to reach out and engage the entire Cleveland community, from schools to neighborhoods. We greatly appreciate and are proud of those efforts. [Tony and I] are honored and privileged to be able to endow a viola chair for Eliesha and do our small part to ensure that The Cleveland Orchestra maintains its excellence far into the future.”
right: 1) The centerpiece of the 2024 Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Opera & Humanities Festival was an imaginative production of Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Directed by Nikolaus Habjan and conducted by Music Director Franz Welser-Möst, it featured the singers performing alongside larger-than-life puppets (including a dramatic Queen of the Night, dazzlingly sung by Kathryn Lewek).
Other festival highlights included: 2) a performance by jazz trumpeter and composer Terence Blanchard, 3) a kidfriendly introduction to the opera — complete with activities in Smith Lobby — and 4) a panel discussion on diversity in classical music, moderated by (l-r) Jeremy Johnson and featuring Jessica Lee, Aaron Flagg, and Liza Grossman.
left: 5) Summertime in Northeast Ohio meant the start of the Blossom Music Festival and new opportunities to make memories with friends and family.
This season featured a fantastic lineup of classical gems, pops and Broadway favorites, and thrilling movies. 6) Superstar banjoist Béla Fleck jumpstarted Blossom’s classical concerts with his mesmerizing transcription of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, which turned 100 this year.
7) The season also featured two collaborations with the Blossom Festival Chorus: presentations of The Return of the King — the final film in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy — as well as a performance of Borodin’s Polovtsian Dances from Prince Igor, conducted by Domingo Hindoyan
above: The Cleveland Orchestra’s Education & Community department stayed busy this summer with several events in and around Cleveland.
1) Instrument “petting zoos” delighted our youngest fans at local summer festivals such as PRIDE in the CLE and Parade the Circle. 2) At Blossom on July 13, Hispanic Family Night brought people together for great food and great camaraderie.
3) The Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra (COYO) ended their 2023–24 season with a special exchange with the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra, beginning with a joint concert at Blossom followed by a trip to Toronto to perform together at Roy Thomson Hall.
right: 4) After a brief hiatus, Summers at Severance returned with food and drinks on the front terrace followed by a concert in Mandel Concert Hall. The July 11 concert featured the Cleveland debut of conductor Oksana Lyniv and the Severance debut of pianist Inon Barnatan
below: 5) July 21 marked the annual Blossom Summer Soirée. Attendees were treated to a pre-concert reception with food and drinks, followed by a spectacular concert with Leslie Odom, Jr. and The Cleveland Orchestra. 6) Dressed in their summer best, (l-r) Peggy Koblenzer, Anne Dunn, Laura Milo, Katie Orendorf, and Tatiana Harris enjoy the evening’s festivities. 7) Hyun and Catherine Park smile for the camera during the reception held at Knight Grove at Blossom Music Center.
We are deeply thankful for the generosity of every member of The Cleveland Orchestra family.
To learn more, visit clevelandorchestra.com/give
Adella Prentiss Hughes Society
Gifts of $1,000,000 and more
Mr. and Mrs.* Geoffrey Gund
Joan Y. Horvitz*
Anne H. and Tom H. Jenkins
Milton and Tamar Maltz
Mrs. Jane B. Nord
Mr. and Mrs.* Richard K. Smucker
Gifts of $200,000 to $999,999
The Musicians of The Cleveland Orchestra (in-kind contribution for community programs and opportunities to secure funding)
Art of Beauty Company, Inc.
Mary Freer Cannon*
Iris and Tom Harvie
Haslam 3 Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Lauria
Mrs. Norma Lerner
Jan R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Ratner
Jenny and Tim Smucker
Gifts of $100,000 to $199,999
Gay Cull Addicott*
Mr. and Mrs.* Eugene J. Beer
Mr. Yuval Brisker
Rebecca Dunn
Dr. Michael Frank and Patricia A.* Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Horvitz
The Walter and Jean Kalberer Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Kloiber (Europe)
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. LaBarre
Thomas E. Lauria (Miami)
Ms. Beth E. Mooney
Patrick and Milly Park
Ilana and Chuck Horowitz Ratner
James* and Donna Reid
Jim and Myrna Spira
Ms. Ginger Warner
Mrs. Jayne M. Zborowsky
Lillian Baldwin Society
Gifts of $75,000 to $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Cutler
Dr. Hiroyuki and Mrs. Mikiko Fujita
Richard and Michelle Jeschelnig
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Jr. Anonymous
George Szell Society
Gifts of $50,000 to $74,999
Randall and Virginia Barbato
Brenda and Marshall B. Brown
Irad and Rebecca Carmi
JoAnn and Robert Glick
Ms. Alexandra Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jack, Jr.*
Elizabeth B. Juliano
Richard and Christine Kramer
Nancy W. McCann
The Oatey Foundation (Cleveland, Miami)
William J. and Katherine T. O’Neill
Mrs. Alfred M. Rankin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ratner
The Ralph and Luci Schey
Astri Seidenfeld
The Seven Five Fund
Richard and Nancy Sneed
Dr. Russell A. Trusso
Mr. and Mrs. Franz Welser-Möst
Paul and Suzanne Westlake
Barbara and David Wolfort
Tony and Diane Wynshaw-Boris
Elisabeth DeWitt
Severance Society
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Victor and Abby Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Berndt (Europe)
Mr. William P. Blair III*
Robin Dunn Blossom
Jeanette Grasselli Brown and Glenn R. Brown*
Dr. Robert Brown and
Mrs. Janet Gans Brown
Dr. Thomas Brugger* and Dr. Sandra Russ
J. C. and Helen Rankin Butler
Jim and Mary Conway
Judith and George W. Diehl
Elliot and Judith Dworkin
Mary Jo Eaton (Miami)
Mr.* and Mrs. Bernard H. Eckstein
Drs. Wolfgang and Gabi Eder (Europe)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ehrlich (Europe)
Mrs. Connie M. Frankino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie
David and Robin Gunning
Sondra and Steve Hardis
Mrs. Lynn Heisler
Amy and Stephen Hoffman
David and Nancy Hooker
Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz (Cleveland, Miami)
Mrs. Marguerite B. Humphrey*
Allan V. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keithley
Cynthia Knight
John D. and Giuliana C. Koch
Ms. Cathy Lincoln
Jon A. and Virginia M. Lindseth, PhD
Mr. Jeff Litwiller
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mathews
Mr. Stephen McHale
Randy and Christine Myeroff
The Honorable John Doyle Ong
Catherine and Hyun Park
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N. Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ratner
James and Marguerite Rigby
Mr.* and Mrs. David A. Ruckman
Mark and Shelly Saltzman
Donna E. Shalala (Miami)
Hewitt and Paula Shaw
R. Thomas and Meg Harris Stanton
Mr.* and Mrs. Donald W. Strang, Jr.
Tom and Shirley* Waltermire
Anya Weaving and Tom Mihaljevic
Meredith and Michael Weil
Anonymous (2)
Dudley S. Blossom Society
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
Mr. James Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Belkin
Mr. and Mrs. C. Perry Blossom
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bolton
Dr. Christopher P. Brandt and Dr. Beth Sersig
Mr. D. McGregor Brandt, Jr.
Dr. Ben H. and Julia Brouhard
Meghan and Trent Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Conway
Mary* and Bill Conway
Mrs. Barbara Cook
Mrs. Anita Cosgrove
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew V. Crawford
Maureen A. Doerner and Geoffrey T. White
Nancy and Richard Dotson
Mr. Brian L. Ewart and Mr. William McHenry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Fedorovich
Friends of The Cleveland Orchestra
Richard and Ann Gridley
Mr. Calvin Griffith
Gary L. and Cari T. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Harley I. Gross
Kathleen E. Hancock
Jack Harley and Judy Ernest
Gerald Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Brinton L. Hyde
Sarah Liotta Johnston and Jeff Johnston
Rob and Laura Kochis
Eeva and Harri Kulovaara (Miami)
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ernest Kulp
Ms. Heather Lennox
Daniel R. Lewis (Miami)
In honor of Emma Skoff Lincoln
Linda Litton
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Machaskee
Alan Markowitz M.D. and Cathy Pollard
Ann Jones Morgan
Sally S. and John C. Morley*
Jennifer and Alexander Ogan
Dr. Roland S. Philip and Dr. Linda M. Sandhaus
Douglas and Noreen Powers
Mr. Winthrop Quigley and Ms. Bonnie Crusalis
Saul and Mary Sanders (Miami)
Rachel R. Schneider
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sechler
Meredith M. Seikel
Robyn Shifrin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Stovsky
Kathryn and Duncan Stuart
Dr. Elizabeth Swenson
Bruce and Virginia Taylor
Philip and Sarah Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Umdasch (Europe)
Karen Walburn
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Molly Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery J. Weaver
Robert C. Weppler
Max and Beverly Zupon
Anonymous (3)
Frank H. Ginn Society
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Agamanolis
Mr. and Mrs. A. Chace Anderson
Ms. Viia R. Beechler
Laura and Jon Bloomberg
Ted and Donna Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Crone
Mrs. Barbara Ann Davis
Giles Debenham
Dr.* and Mrs. Lloyd H. Ellis Jr.
Joan Alice Ford
Dr. Edward S. Godleski
Mr. Robert Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gröller (Europe)
Alfredo and Luz Maria Gutierrez (Miami)
Robin Hitchcock Hatch
Dr. Robert T. Heath and Dr. Elizabeth L. Buchanan
Dr. Fred A. Heupler
Ms. Mary Joe Hughes
Donna L. and Robert H. Jackson
Barbara and Michael J. Kaplan
Andrew and Katherine Kartalis
Jonathan and Tina Kislak (Miami)
David C. Lamb
Charles and
Josephine Robson Leamy*
Dr. Edith Lerner
Dr. David and Janice Leshner
Mr. Fredrick W. Martin
Mr.* and Mrs. Arch J. McCartney
Drs. Amy and James Merlino
Loretta J. Mester and George J. Mailath
Claudia Metz and Thomas Woodworth
Mr. William A. Minnich
Brian and Cindy Murphy
Deborah L. Neale
Mr. David A. Osage and Ms. Claudia C. Woods
Mr. J. William and Dr. Suzanne* Palmer
Julia and Larry Pollock
Ms. Rosella Puskas
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Rankin
Kim Russel and Dirk Brom
Dr. Isobel Rutherford
Dr. and Mrs.* Martin I. Saltzman
Patricia J. Sawvel
David M. and Betty Schneider
Kenneth Shafer
Rev. George Smiga
Roy Smith
Michalis and Alejandra Stavrinides
Ryan and Melissa Stenger
Mrs. Mary L. Sykora
Taras Szmagala and Helen Jarem
Dr. Gregory Videtic and Rev. Christopher McCann
Susanne Wamsler and Paul Singer (Europe)
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Watkins
Denise G. and Norman E. Wells, Jr.
Sandy and Ted Wiese
Sandy Wile and Sue Berlin
Katie and Donald Woodcock
Anonymous (6)
The 1929 Society
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Amsdell
Claudia Bacon
Robert and Dalia Baker
Thomas and Laura Barnard
Fred G. and Mary W. Behm
Deena and Jeff Bellman
Mel Berger and Jane Haylor
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Beyer
Marilyn and Jeffrey Bilsky
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Blackstone
Doug and Barbara* Bletcher
Laurel Blossom
Jeff and Elaine Bomberger
Ms. Kristina E. Boykin
Mr. and Mrs. David* Briggs
Frank and Leslie Buck
William and Barbara Carson
Ms. Maria Cashy
Victor A. Ceicys M.D. and Mrs. Kathleen Browning Ceicys
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Chaney
Ellen Chesler and Matthew Mallow (Miami)
Drs. Wuu-Shung and Amy Chuang
Drs. Mark Cohen and Miriam Vishny
Ellen E.* and Victor J. Cohn
Kathleen A. Coleman
Diane Lynn Collier and Robert J. Gura
Marjorie Dickard Comella
Robert and Jean* Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Manohar Daga
Mr.* and Mrs. Ralph Daugstrup
Allan and Connie Dechert
Pete and Margaret Dobbins
Henry and Mary* Doll
Michael Dunn
Carl Falb
Regis and Gayle Falinski
Bruce* and Nancy Fisher
Jan and John Fitts
Ms. Nancy Flogge
Mr. and Ms. Dale Freygang
Barbara and Peter* Galvin
Joy E. Garapic
Mr. James S. Gascoigne and Ms. Cynthia Prior
Anne* and Walter Ginn
Brenda and David Goldberg
Barbara H. Gordon
André and Ginette Gremillet
Nancy Hancock Griffith
Candy and Brent Grover
The Thomas J. and Judith Fay Gruber
Charitable Foundation
Nancy* and James Grunzweig
Ms. Marianne Gymer
Mr. Newman T. Halvorson, Jr.
Gary Hanson and Barbara Klante
Clark Harvey and Holly Selvaggi
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hatch
Barbara L. Hawley and David S. Goodman
Matthew D. Healy and Richard S. Agnes
Dr. Toby Helfand
Anita and William Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Herschman
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Hoke
Dr. Keith A. and Mrs. Kathleen M. Hoover
James* and Claudia Hower
Phillip M. Hudson III (Miami)
Elisabeth Hugh
Mrs. Laura Hunsicker
David and Dianne Hunt
Richard and Jayne Janus
Reuben Jeffery (Miami)
Robert and Linda Jenkins
Mr. David and Mrs. Cheryl Jerome
Dr. Richard* and Roberta Katzman
Rod Keen and Denise Horstman
Howard and Michele Kessler
Joanne Kim and Jim Nash
Dr. and Mrs.* William S. Kiser
Audrey Knight
Mr. and Mrs.* S. Lee Kohrman
Dr. Ronald H. Krasney and Vicki Kennedy*
Douglas and Monica Kridler
Peter* and Cathy Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs.* Arthur J. Lafave, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Lane
Dr.* and Mrs. Roger H. Langston
Kenneth M. Lapine and Rose E. Mills
John N.* and Edith K. Lauer
Young Sei Lee
Judith and Morton Q. Levin
Dr. Stephen B. and Mrs. Lillian S. Levine
Drs. Todd and Susan Locke
David and Janice* Logsdon
Joan C. Long
Caetano R. Lopes (Miami)
Anne R. and Kenneth E. Love
Richard and Terry Lubman (Miami)
Neil and Susan Luria
David Mann and Bernadette Pudis
Mr. Keith G. Marsh
Dr. Ernest and Mrs. Marian Marsolais
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce V. Mavec
James and Virginia Meil
Dr. Susan M. Merzweiler
Lynn and Mike Miller
Drs. Terry E. and Sara S. Miller
Curt and Sara Moll
Amy and Marc Morgenstern
Eudice M. Morse
Mr. Bert and Dr. Marjorie Moyar
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Mueller
Mr. Raymond M. Murphy
Mr. Christopher B. Nance and Ms. Jessica V. Colombi
Richard and Kathleen Nord
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. Norman III
Malinda and Robert Och
Thury O’Connor
Harvey* and Robin Oppmann
Richard Organ and Jamie Nash
Mr. Henry Ott-Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Outcalt
Chris and Susan Pappas
Eliot Pedrosa (Miami)
Alan and Charlene Perkins
Dr. Marc A. and Mrs. Carol Pohl
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Posch
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Susan Price
Sylvia Profenna
Pysht Fund
Lute and Lynn Quintrell
Beth and Clay Rankin
Brian and Patricia Ratner
Mr. and Mrs.* Robert J. Reid
Ms. Julie Severance Robbins
Lisa Robinson and Robert Hansel
Amy and Ken Rogat
Robert* and Margo Roth
Dr. Adel S. Saada
Dr. Vernon E. Sackman and Ms. Marguerite Patton*
Mr. and Mrs.* James A. Saks
Richard Salomon and Laura Landro
Richard B. and Cheryl A. Schmitz
Ms. Beverly J. Schneider
Gary Schwartz and Constance Young
Sally and Larry Sears
Mr. Eric A. Seed and Ms. Ellen Oglesby
Deborah Sesek
Drs. Daniel and Ximena Sessler
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael Shames
Mr. Philip and Mrs. Michelle Sharp
Howard and Beth Simon
Mr. James S. Simon
The Shari Bierman Singer Family
Drs. Charles Kent Smith and Patricia Moore Smith
Mrs. Gretchen D. Smith
Sandra and Richey* Smith
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Spatz
George and Mary* Stark
Howard Stark M.D. and Rene Rodriguez (Miami)
Sue Starrett and Jerry Smith
AJ and Nancy Stokes
Ms. Lorraine S. Szabo
Robert and Carol Taller
Alan and Barbara Taylor
Mr. John R. Thorne and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Tishkoff
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert N. Trombly
Drs. Anna* and Gilbert True
Steve and Christa Turnbull
Robert and Marti* Vagi
Bobbi and Peter* van Dijk
Mr. and Mrs. Les C. Vinney
Kenneth H. Kirtz*
Mr. Randall Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wald
John and Jeanette Walton
Greg and Lynn Weekley
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen Weigand
Dr. Edward L. and Mrs. Suzanne Westbrook
Stephen Whyte and Rebecca Ralston
Dr. Paul R. and Catherine Williams
Ms. Linda L. Wilmot
Bob and Kat Wollyung
Mr. Graham Wood
Anonymous (3)
Composer’s Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Leonard H. Abrams*
Ms. Nancy A. Adams
Kristen and Matthew Alloway
Sarah May Anderson
Susan S. Angell
Chris Ansbacher
Ms. Bonnie M. Baker
Eric Barbato and Elisha Swindell
Ms. Katherine Barnes
Dr. James Bates
Mrs. Lois Robinson Beck
Drs. Nathan A.* and Sosamma J. Berger
Margo and Tom Bertin
Mitch and Liz Blair
Zeda W. Blau
Marilyn and Lawrence Blaustein
Ms. Pamela M. Blemaster
Blossom Friends of The Cleveland Orchestra
Mr. John and Mrs. Robyn Boebinger
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Bohn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bole
David and Julie Borsani
Ms. Ellen Botnick
Dr. David Bowers
Lisa and Ronald Boyko
Adam and Vikki Briggs
Matthew D. Brocone
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Brogan
Dale and Wendy Brott
Bennett Brown
Mrs. Frances Buchholzer
Mr. Gregory and Mrs. Susan Bulone
James Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Busha
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Buss II
Mr. William Busta and Joan Tomkins
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Cappaert
Peter and Joanna Carfagna
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Carney
Dr. Ronald Chapnick* and Mrs. Sonia Chapnick
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Chelm
Gregory and Kathrine Chemnitz
Gertrude Kalnow Chisholm and Homer D.W. Chisholm
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Chuhna
Robert and Judy Ciulla
Pete Clapham and Anita Stoll
Jill and Paul Clark
Richard J. and Joanne Clark
Dr. William and Dottie Clark
Drs. John and Mary Clough
Mr. John Couriel and Dr. Rebecca Toonkel (Miami)
Laura Cox
Drs. Kenneth and Linda Cummings
Karen and Jim Dakin
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Daniel
Jeffrey Dean and Barbara and Karen Claas
Mr. Douglas Dever
Michael and Amy Diamant
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Dickey-White
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dillemuth
Do Unto Others Trust (Miami)
Carl Dodge
Jack and Elaine Drage
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dreshfield
Mr. Barry Dunaway and Mr. Peter McDermott
Bill Durham (Miami)
Ms. Mary Lynn Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Duvin
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Dziedzicki
Peter and Sandy Earl
Erich Eichhorn and Ursel Dougherty
S. Stuart Eilers
Peter and Kathryn Eloff
Andy and Leigh Fabens
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Fellowes
Anne Ferguson and Peter Drench
Mr. William and Dr. Elizabeth Fesler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Filippell
Nancy M. Fischer
Mr. Dean Fisher
Joan and Philip Fracassa
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Frankel
Howard Freedman and Rita Montlack
Mr. William Gaskill and Ms. Kathleen Burke
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lee Gibson
Daniel and Kathleen Gisser
Holly and Fred Glock
Dr.* and Mrs. Victor M. Goldberg
Pamela G. Goodell
Ms. Aggie Goss
Mr. Robert Goss
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Gould
Bob Graf and Mia Zaper
Mr. James Graham and Mr. David Dusek
Drs. Erik and Ellen Gregorie
Mr. Morgan Griffiths
Mr. Davin and Mrs. Jo Ann Gustafson
Mr. Ian S. Haberman
Mary Louise Hahn
Dr. James O. Hall
Megan Hall and James Janning
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Handke, Jr.
Jane Hargraft and Elly Winer
Mr. Samuel D. Harris
Lilli and Seth* Harris
In Memory of Hazel Helgesen
Drs. Gene and Sharon Henderson
T. K.* and Faye A. Heston
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hirshon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Holler
Thomas and Mary Holmes
Charles M. Hoppel and Marianne Karwowski Hoppel
Lois Krejci-Hornbostel and Roland Hornbostel
Xavier-Nichols Foundation/ Robert and Karen Hostoffer
Phillip Huber
Mr. Brooks G. Hull and Mr. Terry Gimmellie
Dr. and Mrs. Grant Hunsicker
Donald* and Joyce Ignatz
Ruth F. Ihde*
Ms. Melanie Ingalls
Ms. Kimberly R. Irish
Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Janicki
Dylan Jin
Mr. Jeremy V. Johnson
Joela Jones and Richard Weiss
Dr. Eric Kaler
Mr. Donald J. Katt and Mrs. Maribeth Filipic-Katt
Milton and Donna* Katz
Mr. Karl W. Keller
The Kendis Family Trust:
Hilary & Robert Kendis and Susan & James Kendis
Bruce* and Eleanor Kendrick
Mrs. Judith A. Kirsh
Steve and Beth Kish
Michael Kluger and Heidi Greene
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Kimberly Kolz
Ursula Korneitchouk
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Kristofco
Dr. Christine A. Krol
Dr. Jeanne Lackamp
Alfred and Carol Lambo
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lane, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Larrabee
Mrs. Sandra S. Laurenson
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Lavin
Richard and Barbara Lederman
Mr. Elliot and Mrs. Christine Legow
Michael and Lois Lemr
Robert G. Levy
Mr. and Mrs.* Thomas A. Liederbach
Eva and Rudolf Linnebach
Mr. Henry Lipian
Ms. Agnes Loeffler
Mary Lohman
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (Miami)
Linda* and Saul Ludwig
Peter and Pamela Luria
Mr. and Mrs.* Robert P. Madison
Robert M. Maloney and Laura Goyanes
Janet A. Mann
Herbert L. and Ronda Marcus
Martin and Lois* Marcus
Dr.* and Mrs. Sanford E. Marovitz
Ms. Dorene Marsh
Kevin Martin and
Hansa Jacob-Martin
Ms. Amanda Martinsek
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McMillan
Ms. Nancy L. Meacham
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Meany
Mr. James E. Menger
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Messerman
Mr. Glenn A. Metzdorf
Beth M. Mikes
Amy Miller and Nikhil Rao
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Miller
Mary Ellen Miller
Mr. Tom Millward
Anton and Laura Milo
Dr. Shana Miskovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Morris
Susan B. Murphy
B Murray
Dave and Nancy Murray
Karen and Bernie Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Myers
Joan Katz Napoli and August Napoli
Dr. Anne and Mr. Peter Neff
Mark and Paula Nylander
Richard and Jolene O’Callaghan
Mr. and Mrs. John Olejko
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Omelsky
George Parras and Mary Spencer
Drs. James and Marian Patterson
Dr. Lewis E. and Janice B. Patterson
David Pavlich and Cherie Arnold
Robert S. Perry
Dale and Susan Phillip
Mr. Richard W. Pogue
Donna L. Pratt* and
Patrick J. Holland
Karen Pritzker
Drs. Raymond R. Rackley and Carmen M. Fonseca
Dr. James and Lynne Rambasek
Mr. Todd J. Reese
David J. Reimer and Raffaele DiLallo
Dr. Robert W. Reynolds
Mr. Chris Rhodes
David and Gloria Richards
Joan and Rick Rivitz
Mr. D. Keith* and Mrs. Margaret B. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Rockman
Eric Rose (Miami)
David and Mitsuko Rosinus (Miami)
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Ross
Drs. Edward and Teresa Ruch
Anne Sagsveen
Michael and Deborah Salzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Satre
Ms. Patricia E. Say
Bryan and Jenna Scafidi
Mr. Paul H. Scarbrough
Don Schmitt and Jim Harmon
John and Barbara Schubert
Mr. James Schutte
Dr. John Sedor and Ms. Geralyn Presti
Ms. Kathryn and Mr. Michael Seider
Caltha Seymour
Lee Shackelford
Ginger and Larry Shane
Harry and Ilene Shapiro
Ms. Frances L. Sharp
Larry Oscar & Jeanne Shatten
Charitable Fund of the Jewish Federation
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Sheldon
Mr. John F. Shelley and Ms. Karen P. Fleming
Mr. Richard Shirey
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Shiverick
Michael Dylan Short
Zachary and Shelby Siegal
Jim Simler and Dr. Amy Zhang
James Simon
Sarah Sloboda and Oskar Bruening
Bruce L. Smith
David Kane Smith
Mr. Joshua Smith
Mr. Eugene Smolik
Drs. Nancy and Ronald Sobecks
Drs. Thomas and Terry Sosnowski
Diane M. Stack
Maribeth and Christopher Stahl
Edward R. & Jean Geis Stell Foundation
Ms. Natalie Stevens
Frederick and Elizabeth Stueber
Mike and Wendy Summers
Mr. Marc L. Swartzbaugh
Mr. Robert D. Sweet
Eca and Richard Taylor
Ms. Aileen Thong-Dratler
Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Troner (Miami)
Dr. and Mrs. Wulf H. Utian
Joan Venaleck
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Venezia
Teresa Galang-Viñas and Joaquin Viñas (Miami)
George and Barbara von Mehren
John and Deborah Warner
Margaret and Eric* Wayne
Tilles-Weidenthal Foundation
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Laurie Weinberger
Emily Westlake and Robertson Gilliland
Ms. Jennifer Wynn
Rad and Patty Yates
Ms. Carol A. Yellig
Ms. Helen Zakin
Dr. Rosemary Gornik and Dr. William Zelei
Mr. Kal Zucker and Dr. Mary Frances Haerr
John and Jane Zuzek
Anonymous (7)
The Cleveland Orchestra extends heartfelt gratitude to these generous organizations and partners who bring concerts and educational programs to life for our community.
Learn more at cleveland orchestra.com/partners
Gifts of $300,000 and more
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc.
NACCO Industries, Inc.
Gifts of $200,000 to $299,999
Jones Day Foundation
Ohio CAT
The J. M. Smucker Co.
Gifts of $100,000 to $199,999
Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
FirstEnergy Foundation NOPEC
Parker Hannifin Foundation
Gifts of $15,000 to $49,999
Akron Children’s Hospital
Buyers Products Company
Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland Clinic
DLR Group | Westlake Reed Leskosky
Frantz Ward LLP
The Giant Eagle Foundation
Lake Effect Health
Miba AG (Europe)
Northern Haserot
Northern Trust
Olympic Steel, Inc.
Park-Ohio Holdings
RPM International Inc.
Thompson Hine LLP
Westfield Insurance
Gifts of $2,500 to $14,999
Blue Technologies, Inc.
Brothers Printing Company
BWX Technologies, Inc.
Callahan Carpet
The Cedarwood Companies
Citymark Capital
The Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation
Evarts Tremaine
The Ewart-Ohlson Machine Company
Gross Residential
Kohrman Jackson & Krantz, PLL
The Lincoln Electric Foundation
McKinley Strategies
Nordson Corporation
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Solich Piano & Music
Ver Ploeg & Marino (Miami)
Margaret W. Wong & Associates LLC
Gifts of $1,000,000 and more
The Brown and Kunze Foundation
Mary E. & F. Joseph Callahan Foundation
The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation
The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation
David and Inez Myers Foundation
State of Ohio
The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation
Richard & Emily Smucker Family Foundation
Timken Foundation of Canton
Gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
The William Bingham Foundation
Cuyahoga County residents through Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
Ohio Arts Council
The Payne Fund
Gifts of $250,000 to $499,999
The Dr. M. Lee Pearce Foundation, Inc. (Miami)
Gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
Cleveland Browns Foundation
The Cleveland Foundation
Haslam 3 Foundation
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Myra Tuteur Kahn Memorial Fund of the Cleveland Foundation
Kulas Foundation
John P. Murphy Foundation
Park Foundation
Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999
The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation
The Jean, Harry and Brenda Fuchs Family Foundation, in memory of Harry Fuchs
GAR Foundation
The George Gund Foundation
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
The Oatey Foundation
Wesley Family Foundation
Gifts of $15,000 to $49,999
The Abington Foundation
Akron Community Foundation
The Batchelor Foundation, Inc. (Miami)
The Bruening Foundation
The Mary S. and David C. Corbin Foundation
Mary and Dr. George L. Demetros Charitable Trust
The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
The Gerhard Foundation, Inc.
The Helen Wade Greene Charitable Trust
The Catherine L. & Edward A. Lozick Foundation
With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners
National Endowment for the Arts
The Nord Family Foundation
The PNC Charitable Trusts
The Esther and Hyman Rapport Philanthropic Trust
The Reinberger Foundation
Albert G. & Olive H. Schlink Foundation
The Sisler McFawn Foundation
Third Federal Foundation
The Veale Foundation
The George Garretson Wade Charitable Trust
The Welty Family Foundation
The Thomas H. White Foundation, a KeyBank Trust
Gifts of $2,500 to $14,999
The Ruth and Elmer Babin Foundation
The Bernheimer Family Fund of the Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland State University Foundation
C.S. Craig Family Foundation
Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities
James Deering Danielson Foundation
Dorn Family Foundation
Fisher-Renkert Foundation
The Harry K. Fox and Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation
The Hankins Foundation
The Muna & Basem Hishmeh Foundation
George M. and Pamela S. Humphrey Fund
In His Step Foundation
The Kirk Foundation (Miami)
The Laub Foundation
The Lehner Family Foundation
The G. R. Lincoln Family Foundation
Elizabeth Ring Mather and William Gwinn Mather Fund
Ohio Humanities Council
The M. G. O’Neil Foundation
The O’Neill Brothers Foundation
The Perkins Charitable Foundation
Charles E. & Mabel M. Ritchie
Memorial Foundation
SCH Foundation
Lloyd L. and Louise K. Smith
Memorial Foundation
The South Waite Foundation
Stroud Family Trust
Uvas Foundation
The Edward and Ruth Wilkof Foundation
The Wuliger Foundation
Listing as of August 2024
As a courtesy to the audience members and musicians in the hall, late-arriving patrons are asked to wait quietly until the first convenient break in the program. These seating breaks are at the discretion of the House Manager in consultation with the performing artists.
As a courtesy to others, please silence all devices prior to the start of the concert.
Audio recording, photography, and videography are prohibited during performances at Severance. Photographs can only be taken when the performance is not in progress.
For the comfort of those around you, please reduce the volume on hearing aids and other devices that may produce a noise that would detract from the program. For Infrared Assistive-Listening Devices, please see the House Manager or Head Usher for more details.
Contact an usher or a member of house staff if you require medical assistance. Emergency exits are clearly marked throughout the building. Ushers and house staff will provide instructions in the event of an emergency.
Regardless of age, each person must have a ticket and be able to sit quietly in a seat throughout the performance. Classical Season sub-
Download today for instant, secure, and paperless access to your concert tickets.
For more information and direct links to download, visit clevelandorchestra.com/ticketwallet or scan the code with your smartphone camera to download the app for iPhone or Android.
Available for iOS and Android on Google Play and at the Apple App Store.
Cleveland Orchestra performances are broadcast as part of regular programming on ideastream/WCLV Classical 90.3 FM, Saturdays at 8 PM and Sundays at 4 PM.
scription concerts are not recommended for children under the age of 8. However, there are several age-appropriate series designed specifically for children and youth, including Music Explorers (for 3 to 6 years old) and Family Concerts (for ages 7 and older).
Beverages and snacks are available at bars throughout Severance Music Center. For Cleveland Orchestra apparel, recordings, and gift items, visit the Welcome Desk in Lerner Lobby.
We are so glad you joined us! Want to share about your time at Severance? Send your feedback to cx@clevelandorchestra.com Hearing directly from you about what we are doing right and where we can improve will help us create the best experience possible.
The Cleveland Orchestra is grateful to the following organizations for their ongoing generous support of The Cleveland Orchestra: the State of Ohio and Ohio Arts Council and to the residents of Cuyahoga County through Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.
The Cleveland Orchestra is proud of its long-term partnership with Kent State University, made possible in part through generous funding from the State of Ohio.
The Cleveland Orchestra is proud to have its home, Severance Music Center, located on the campus of Case Western Reserve University, with whom it has a long history of collaboration and partnership.
© 2024 The Cleveland Orchestra and the Musical Arts Association Program books for Cleveland Orchestra concerts are produced by The Cleveland Orchestra and are distributed free to attending audience members.
Kevin McBrien, Publications Manager
The Cleveland Orchestra kmcbrien@clevelandorchestra.com
Elizabeth Eddins, Eddinsdesign eddinsdesign@gmail.com
Live Publishing Company, 216-721-1800