IFRS 9 Financial Instruments is the IASB s replacement of IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. The Standard includes requirements for recognition and measurement, impairment, derecognition and general hedge accounting.
This course provides an in-depth analysis of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. It provides numerous examples and illustrations to explain the business model and cash flow characteristics test for classification of financial assets, amortised cost and fair value measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities, de-recognition of financial assets (retained servicing, continuing involvement etc.), measurement of expected credit losses and the accounting and impact of different types of hedges on financial statements. In addition, it covers the disclosures in IFRS 7 and the principles of fair value measurement in IFRS 13.
This IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Course will enable you to:
Consider the three separate IFRS areas regarding accounting for financial instruments
Recognise and measure financial instruments
Understand how to deal with financial instruments that are transferred in full or part, or items that are derecognised
Classify and measure financial assets under the three categories in IFRS 9
Analyse the impact of IFRS 9 on the classification of financial assets, including embedded derivatives
Classify and measure financial liabilities under the two categories in IFRS 9
Evaluate the principles of fair value measurement in IFRS 13
Apply the principles in relation to de-recognition of financial assets
Calculate the impairment loss on loans and other financial assets under the expected credit loss model in IFRS 9
Analyse the estimates and judgements in the expected credit loss impairment model
This IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Course ideal for:
Financial and management accountants in corporate and financial institutions
Staff in treasury, operations, risk management, IT or compliance departments
Internal auditors of entities reporting under IFRSs
External auditors with clients facing the complexities and challenges in adopting and implementing IFRS 9
Staff and management of Central Banks, Deposit Insurance Entities, and other agencies with regulatory responsibility in the financial services sector
Financial analysts seeking to improve their understanding of the accounting and disclosures related to financial instruments and the changes introduced by IFRS 9
Professors and other instructors with educational facilities
First-time adopters of IFRSs, seeking to analyse the implications of applying IFRS 9 initially
Day 1
IAS 32 Financial Instruments Presentation
ASB standards applicable to financial instruments: IAS 32, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 9 and IFRS 13
Introduction to IFRS 9
Definition of financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments
IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation financial liability versus equity instruments, compound financial instruments and offsetting
Interest, dividends, losses and gains
Offsetting financial assets and liabilities
Statement of financial position
Three impacts
Day 2
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
Overview of IFRS 9
A potted history
Recognition and derecognition
Accounting treatments
Classification and measurement
Two tests
Barnaby Ruffles securities
IFRS 9 and impairment
Credit Cars ECLs
Are you up to Standard?
Day 3
IFRS 9 and Hedge Accounting
Overview of hedging, accounting for different types of hedges and comprehensive
Objectives and scope
Which items qualify as hedges?
Accounting for hedging relationships
Hedging groups of items
Issues with IAS 39 hedge accounting
IFRS 9 hedge accounting model
Hedging instruments
Qualifying criteria
Hedge documentation
Hedge effectiveness requirements
Day 4
Measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
Initial recognition including treatment of transaction costs
Subsequent measurement (IFRS 9 and IFRS 13)
Debt instruments
Equity instruments
Fair value movements due to changes in own credit risk and reporting it for financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss
Day 5
Impairment of financial assets
Introduction to IFRS 9 expected loss model background, scope and impact of the model
Application of IFRS 9 expected credit loss model
12-month and lifetime expected credit losses
Determination of significant increases in credit risk
Measurement of expected credit losses
Modified financial assets
Simplification and practical expedients
Purchase/origination of credit-impaired financial assets
Individual and collective assessment of impairment
LPC Training is capable of conducting this training programme exclusively for your delegates. Please e-mail us on for further information and/or to receive a comprehensive proposal.
High-Quality material has been prepared by the LPC team for distribution to delegates. In addition, a special note pad to facilitate note-taking will be provided.
Accredited Certificate of completion will be issued to those who attend & successfully complete the programme.
Our Course timings commence at 09:00 and conclude at 13:00.
Please complete the registration form on the course page & return it to us indicating your preferred mode of payment. For Further Information, please get in touch with us.
Delegates have 14 days from the date of booking to cancel and receive a full refund or transfer to another date free of charge. If less than 14 days notice is given then we will be unable to refund or cancel the booking unless on medical grounds. For more details about the Cancellation and Refund policy, please visit
We are committed to picking up and dropping off the participants from the airport to the hotel and back.
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London - Oxford Street 25 N Row, London W1K 6DJ
+44 (0) 20 36 916 970
West London Office: 47 49 Park Royal Road London NW10 7LQ
+44 (0) 20 80 900 464
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+60 19-305 5694