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Early Learning

Principles of Education & Training Grade Level: 9-10 1 credit Two Semesters

Prerequisite: None

Principles of Education & Training is designed to introduce learners to the various careers available within the education and training career cluster. Students use self-knowledge and educational and career information to analyze various careers within the education and training career cluster. Students will also gain an understanding of the basic knowledge and skills essential to careers within the education and training career cluster. Students will develop a graduation plan that leads to a specific career choice in the student's interest area.

Child Development 1 credit Grade Level: 10-12 Two Semesters Recommended Prerequisite: Principles of Education & Training

This course addresses knowledge and skills related to child growth and development from prenatal through school-age children, equipping students with child development skills. Students use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy development of children and investigate careers related to the care and education of children. Students will be required to “parent” a Real Care Baby for multiple days during the semester.

Child Guidance 2 credits Grade Level: 11-12 Two Semesters Prerequisite: Child Development

This technical laboratory course addresses the knowledge and skills related to child growth and guidance, equipping students to develop positive relationships with children and effective caregiver skills. Students use these skills to promote the well-being and healthy development of children, strengthen a culturally diverse society, and pursue careers related to the care, guidance, and education of children, including those with special needs. Students will visit a local day care and/or elementary campus throughout the year to observe and to participate in learning activities with

the children. *State law requires state IDs for background checks to participate in this course.

Practicum in Early Learning Grade Level: 12 2 credits Two Semesters

Prerequisite: Child Guidance

Practicum in Human Services provides background knowledge and occupation specific training that focuses on the development of consumer services, early childhood development, and services, counseling and mental health services, and family and community services careers. Content for Practicum in Human Services is designed to meet the occupational preparation needs and interest of students and should be based upon the knowledge and skills selected from two or more courses in a coherent sequence in the human services cluster. Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.

The Education and Training Career Cluster focuses on planning, managing, and providing education and training services and related learning support services. All parts of courses are designed to introduce learners to the various careers available within the Education and Training career cluster.

Teaching and Training Statewide Program of Study

The Teaching and Training program of study prepares CTE learners for careers related to teaching, instruction, and creation of instructional and enrichment materials. The program of study introduces CTE learners to a wide variety of student groups and their corresponding needs. It familiarizes them with the processes for developing curriculum, coordinating educational content, and coaching groups and individuals.

Secondary Courses for High School Credit

(Courses must be completed in this order.)

Work-Based Learning and Expanded Learning Opportunities

Level 1

• Principles of Education and Training

Level 2

• Child Development

Level 3

• Instructional Practices

Level 4

• Practicum in Education and Training

Exploration Activities Work-Based Learning Activities

• Participate in the

Texas Association of Future Educators • Teach a community education class • Intern as a teaching assistant or tutor • Serve as a camp counselor

Postsecondary Opportunities

Associates Degrees

• Teacher Education • Education, General (or specific subject area) • Special Education • Health and Physical Education/Fitness

Bachelor’s Degrees

• Bilingual and Multilingual Education • Education, General (or specific subject area) • Special Education • Health and Physical Education/Fitness

Master’s, Doctoral, and Professional Degrees

• Instruction and Learning • Educational Leadership and Administration, General • Special Education • Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

Industry-Based Certifications

• Educational Aide I

Aligned Occupations


Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors

Median Wage Annual Openings % Growth

$48,069 862 17%

Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education $54,510 6,407 15%

Career and Technical Education Teachers, Secondary School $56,360 719 9%

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