1 minute read
Lynley Marlar
Purchasing & Contracts Coordinator
281-604-7061 marlarl@lpisd.org or purchasing@lpisd.org
Things to know when purchasing with District funds:
Lesli Atkins
Purchasing Specialist
281-604-7062 atkinsl@lpisd.org or purchasing@lpisd.org
1. There are strict rules as to how we can use District funds because we are using taxpayers’ dollars.
2. Please do not place an order without first having a purchase order (PO) in place. A PO is the District’s guarantee of payment to the vendor. If you place an order without a PO in place, you may be held personally responsible for payment on that order.
3. If you are looking for commonly purchased items (classroom supplies, office supplies, t-shirts, etc.), please check with your principal’s secretary for approved vendors. She will have a login you can use or a representative you can contact to get a quote with District pricing. You may also check with Purchasing. If you find goods/services you would like to purchase, but you are not sure if the vendor is an approved LPISD vendor, you may check the Vendor Co-op List available on the Purchasing website at https://www.lpisd.org/departments/businessoffice/purchasing, under Vendors. If the vendor is not on this list, contact purchasing before moving forward.
4. When contacting a vendor, request a written quote (not just an online shopping cart) to be sure the pricing you receive includes shipping and handling charges.
5. Understand that it takes time for a purchase order to go through the approval process, so please do not wait until the last minute to get your order request to your secretary.
6. All deliveries must go through our warehouse at 2015 Sens Road (which is stated on our purchase order) so please do not request that the items be delivered directly to your campus and definitely not your personal address.
7. Feel free to contact Purchasing if you have any questions. We are here to help!
Things to know about contracts:
All contracts must be submitted to purchasing with a contract cover sheet for approval. Do not sign any contract or agreement.