V o s l. u 3 e 1
From the Principal’s Desk...
ear Elko Families,
Elko is a middle school where: The environment is small, safe and caring ~ Your child is well known, intellectually challenged, and celebrated by adults in the building! Your child can learn by asking questions, solving real problems and actively and happily doing the work of learning with dedicated and highly skilled teachers, parents and the community! Students gain an appreciation for hard work ~Students come to learn and to believe it is cool to be smart ~Students support and recognize individual skills ~Students reach out to help others ~Students learn to accept responsibility, challenges, and opportunities! Faculty contributes to curriculum and professional development ~Faculty develops a caring relationship with students ~Faculty shares a sense of appreciation for utilizing data to improve instruction
~Faculty participates in choosing future colleagues ~Faculty makes decisions that will affect their professional lives! Families are committed to their child’s education ~Families make sacrifices for their child ~Families support the school both individually and through the PTA ~Families value diversity ~Families value academic rigor and preparation for the 21st century student! Elko Middle School offers a wellplanned, rigorous, engaging and creative course of study with individual attention paid to your child via a mentoring program, building on strengths and addressing needs. We help your child believe in and be prepared for... high school. We are fortunate to be located in the Varina/Fairfield Districts, one of the most culturally diverse communities in the county. Our student population also reflects that diversity.
July/August 2009
ue s s I s i h In t ‣ The
Elko Teachers
‣ Orientation
‣ Athletic
& Fee Session
‣ IBook
Information & Training Opportunities for Parents
‣ Calendar
of important dates
‣ Mentoring ‣ Tax
program at Elko
Free Holiday Weekend
‣ Supply
list per grade level
‣ Bus
‣ Elko
Gear Information
“Determination allows mere mortals to SOAR to unimaginable NEW heights" ~Unknown
Meet the Fa c u l t y o f E lko M i d d l e Art & Music Department L.Myers, M.Day, F.Chlorie, D.Yonkers Business & Tech Ed Department L.Brown, J.Stacy, A.LaRocca, N.Johnson English & Foreign Lang. Dept. M.Flower, C.Green, L.Ramirez, S.Wilson, N.Brown, E.Dollery, M.Hendricks, J.Tolbert Exceptional Ed G.Duffey, G.Hutter, J.Campbell, J.Clark, D.Clark, C.Starrett, C.Logan, K.Harris, T.Pallis, L.Craft, A.PasipankiGoldman, B.Resto, S.Shannahan, A.McLenagan Library Department S.Allen PE & Health J.Jenkins, J.Chavis, M.Tucker, H.Meredith, C.Stewart
Math Department P.Scott, K.Poprik, V.Mosley, T.McKissick, B.Fields, L.Trice, C.Washingtion, K.Krevonick Reading Department S.Rankin, S.Holt, E.Perrie, A.Tufty, Green, R.Searles Science Department S.Dyson, W.Fry, M.Hines, J.Tzavellas, W.Genova, C.Ratlief, B.Raines Social Studies Department R.Rice, J.Yi, L.Gordon, D.Spiegel, L.Bowers M.Futrell, S.Pickett, J.Kube Coordinator of Assessment Remediation M. Burnett School Nurse C. Stanley MEET THEM IN PERSON at the Annual Orientation Activities
O rie ntat ion & Fe e Se s s i o n All Elko families are invited to attend ORIENTATION, which will include picking up a schedule, a student packet, and participating in a self-guided tour of the building. The FEE NIGHT will be a separate event. We are asking that all families adhere to the following ORIENTATION & FEE NIGHT schedules: 6th Grade ORIENTATION - 6th Grade FEE Night -
Sept. 3rd ONLY - 4:00PM Sept. 15th -- 4:00PM
7th Grade ORIENTATION - 7th Grade FEE Night -
Sept. 3rd ONLY – 6:00PM Sept. 15th -- 6:00PM
8th Grade ORIENTATION - 8th Grade FEE Night -
Sept. 3rd ONLY – 6:00PM Sept. 16th -- 4:00PM
July/August 2009
s c i t e l h At Elko will have a Full Athletic Program Fall sports begin Wednesday, September 9th. Fall sports include football, boy’s soccer, girl’s basketball, and girl’s tennis. To be eligible to participate you must have been promoted to the next grade level, and you must have a physical on file at the school that is dated after May 1, 2009. Physicals will be given at Elko (clinic) on September 9th from 3:30 – 4:30 for $20 CASH. Any student interested in participating in athletics at Elko may stay for the physical regardless of the sport. Physicals are good for the entire school year. Report to the clinic to sign in. You must have a parent signature on the physical card (available in the main office @ Elko & on the school website) to be able to get a physical at the school. You may also choose to go to you personal doctor. Tryouts will begin on September 9th after school (3:30-5:30). You must provide your own way home. If you have any questions you may email Jennifer Jenkins @ jrjenkin@henrico.k12.va.us Elko Middle School will offer interscholastic sports in baseball, basketball, cheering, football, gymnastics, soccer, softball, tennis, track, and wrestling.
SESSION PROCEDURE -- Once you arrive – please report to the auditorium for a brief orientation. Then you will be dismissed to a designated area to pick up your student’s schedule. Once you have your child’s schedule you will report to your student’s homeroom to get the student packet. The selfguided tour will be confirmed at the orientation. We have to ensure that all classrooms are prepared for viewing before confirming.
Four seasons encompass the overall athletic experience. The fall season -- football, boys’ soccer, girls’ basketball, and girls’ tennis. Winter season I -- boys’ basketball and wrestling Winter season II – gymnastics (combined with Fairfield), Cheering tryouts for 09-10.
Parking is LIMITED so – if you can carpool we appreciate your cooperation.
The spring season -- baseball, softball, girls’ soccer, track, and boys’ tennis.
If the above dates & timeframes do not work with your schedule –your student(s) can pay fees with the Block 1 teacher BEGINNING the first day of school. Make checks payable to ELKO MIDDLE SCHOOL.
- Uniforms will be provided –
iBook In f o r m a ti o n In support of the Henrico county laptop program – Elko MS will offer ALL students an opportunity to obtain an iBook after: 1) training of both student and parent 2) $50 user fee 3) Training verification form and 4) Signed Acceptable Use/Safe Technology/Internet Policy and Code of Student Conduct. Student training will begin the second week of school. Following the student training we will begin to distribute iBooks per grade level. Parent Training sessions will last approximately 45-60 minutes and will be hosted on the following dates: Tue. August 11 @ 1PM Tue. September 1 @ 4PM Th. September 3 @ Orientation Wed. September 9 @ 9AM & 1PM Tue. September 15 @ 6PM Wed. September 16 @ 5PM Mon. September 28 @ 4PM
Beginning in October parent ibook training will be online. Please note: if a student participates in the program – he or she is required to bring a charged ibook to school daily. Also, the student is required to keep the iBook protected with a laptop case when not in use. All participants will be provided a laptop case with the laptop. We suggest that parents provide a luggage tag for easy identification – as all provided cases are identical. See the elkoeagles.com website for more information about iBooks.
Calend ar of Im p o r ta nt Da te s (Su b j e c t to c ha ng e) Aug. 11
Eagle Camp for ALL rising 6th graders & iBooks Training sessions
Aug. 31
ALL instructional staff to return for the 2009-2010 school year
Sept. 3
Orientation per grade level & iBook Training sessions
Sept. 8
Sept. 9
Athletic tryouts begin for fall sports
Sept. 9
Sports Physicals
Sept. 15, 16
FEE Sessions per grade level
Sept. 28
Student Holiday – Staff Development for teachers
Sept. 29
PTA Mtg. and Back-To-School Night – 6:30PM – 8:00PM
Oct. 12
Student holiday – Staff Development for teachers
Nov. 3
Student Holiday & AM Parent visitation
Nov. 17
PM Parent visitation
Nov. 25
½ day student & staff holiday & Thanksgiving Holiday thru Nov. 27
Dec. 21
g n i r o t n Me Beginning in early October - ALL Elko students will again have an opportunity to participate in a mentoring program during A.C.E class. This program was developed by Target and the Tiger Woods Foundation, and was tweaked for Elko students. It will address three national priorities: 1) character development 2) volunteer service; and 3) career exploration. Elko’s version of the Tiger Woods Mentoring Program is enhanced by Elko’s implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Initiative. Therefore, the program objectives at Elko will be to help students: 1) identify goals and dreams 2) develop leadership ability 3) perform volunteer service 4) explore careers; and 5) learn effective ways to alleviate bullying in our school All faculty and staff members will be randomly assigned a group of 10 – 15 students to mentor. These groups will comprise of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ~W. A. Ward
July/August 2009
If you are interested in ordering any ELKO gear please contact an Elko PTA representative. Note- each Friday is designated as ELKO SPIRIT day… All are invited to wear gear.
Scho o l Su pp l y L i s t Additional Supplies for ALL grade levels An iBOOK CASE comes with each iBook at no additional cost, if you plan to participate in the iBook program. You may opt to purchase a LUGGAGE TAG for easy identification of your child's iBook case. EMS STUDENT AGENDA BOOK & HANDBOOK will be available to all students in homeroom on Day 1 at NO COST. Elko will purchase the first copy of the agenda book for all students, but please note that replacement copies will be available for $5.00 in the EMS bookstore while supplies last. NOTE – some Elective classes require special supplies – FOR EXAMPLE...MUSIC (instrument), etc. The classroom teacher will inform students, if necessary.
6t h G rad e Sup p l y L i s t Agenda Books available the 1st day of school at NO cost Please DO NOT purchase rolling backpacks, as they do not fit in the lockers GENERAL SUPPLIES ‣ Notebook paper ‣ pencils/pens ‣ zipper case ‣ 2 boxes of tissues ‣ pocket homework folder ‣ 1 pack index cards ‣ 1 bottle hand sanitizer ‣ 1 box band aids ‣ colored pencils/markers ‣ 4 glue sticks ‣ scissors ‣ colored pens, including red ‣ 3 different colored highlighter markers ‣ 1 three-ring binder- three inch ‣ Package of dividers ‣ 6 – 8 subject spiral notebooks ENGLISH: ‣ 2 Notebooks (loose-leaf or composition); ‣ 1 one-inch binder for portfolios
(stays at school) ‣ gummed reinforcements ‣ 2 highlighters MATH: ‣ 1 Three ring binder – 1 ½ inch ‣ scientific calculator ‣ 1 package dividers SOCIAL STUDIES: ‣ 2 One subject “5 Star” spiral notebooks PHYSICAL EDUCATION: ‣ Gym-Suit ($13) available Fee night. SUGGESTIONS FOR SUPPLIES TO KEEP AT HOME FOR HOMEWORK/ PROJECTS: ‣ Dictionary/Thesaurus, calculator, protractor, ruler, glue sticks, scissors, markers, construction paper/poster board OPTIONAL ‣ Luggage Tag (for iBook bag) ‣ Social Studies workbook on sale the the Elko bookstore in September.
ay d i l o H VA Tax A Sales Tax Holiday is a temporary period when certain purchases are exempt from the sales tax. In 2006 the General Assembly approved Virginia's first Sales Tax Holiday to take place each year on the first full weekend in August. In 2009 the Sales Tax Holiday will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, August 7, 2009 and end at midnight on Sunday, August 9, 2009. During Virginia's Sales Tax Holiday, purchases of school supplies selling for $20 or less per item, and articles of clothing, including footwear, selling for $100 or less per item, will be exempt from sales tax. All retailers selling these items MUST participate in the Sales Tax Holiday. Sales tax exemptions do not apply to items selling for more than the amounts listed exempt from the sales tax.
ling e s n u o in & C
6th Grade Administrator 6th grade girls Mrs. Debbie Samuel 6th grade boys Mr. John Harding 6th Grade School Counselor Mr. Brian Staton
7 th Grad e Sup p l y L i s t Agenda Books available the 1st day of school at NO cost Please DO NOT purchase rolling backpacks, as they do not fit in the lockers ‣ 2 Three-ring binders with dividers ‣ White loose leaf notebook paper ‣ Markers ‣ 4 Glue sticks ‣ Colored pencils or Crayons ‣ Scissors ‣ Pencils ‣ Blue, Black, and Red pens ‣ Post-it Notes ‣ 2 Three or Five-subject Spiral notebook (plastic) ‣ 3 - 5 Single Subject Spiral notebooks ‣ Journal notebook – Marbled color (Math) folders ‣ Dry erase markers (4 pack) ‣ Scientific calculator
‣ Gummed reinforcements ‣ 2 Highlighters ‣ 3 x 5 Index Cards ‣ Construction Paper ‣ PE Uniform – if needed - $13
July/August 2009
ling e s n u o &C Admin 7th Grade Admin. Mr. John Harding
Art students will have additional supply requests.
7th Grade School Counselor Ms. Sally Rhodes
FOR THE HOMEROOM TEACHER: ‣Band-Aids ‣2 boxes of tissues ‣Hand sanitizer
8th Grade Admin. Mrs. Debbie Samuel
OPTIONAL ‣Luggage Tag (for iBook bag) ‣Social Studies workbook on sale the the Elko bookstore in September.
8th Grade School Counselor Ms. Tammy Blevins
8 th Grad e Sup p l y L i s t Agenda Books available the 1st day of school at NO cost Please DO NOT purchase rolling backpacks, as they do not fit in the lockers ‣ 4-5 single Subject Spiral Notebooks ‣ 1 Three Ring binder (3”) with dividers ‣ One 1 ½” Three Ring binder ‣ 4 Pocket-folders with prongs ‣ White Loose-leaf notebook paper ‣ 1 Pack Graph Paper ‣ Scientific calculator (recommend Casio fx-260 solar) ‣ 1 Ruler - metric/inches (12"/30 cm ‣ 4 Glue Sticks ‣ 2 Highlighters ‣ Colored Pencils and Crayons ‣ Scissors ‣ Pencils ‣ Blue, Black and Red pens ‣ Gummed Reinforcements ‣ 2 packs 3x5 index cards
f n I S U B
OPTIONAL ITEMS: ‣ Dry Erase Markers (4 pack) ‣ Post-it Notes ‣ Three Ring Hole Punch ‣ Luggage Tag (for iBook bag) ‣ Social Studies workbook on sale the the Elko bookstore in September.
All bus stop information will be available and posted during the Orientation on Thursday, September 3.
For the HOMEROOM teacher ‣ 1 Box of Tissues (ALL) ‣ 1 Box Band Aids (BOYS ONLY) ‣ 1 Bottle Hand sanitizer (GIRLS ONLY) Art students will have additional supply requests. PE uniform – if needed - $13
Please note that a HCPS transportation representative will be present to answer questions during the orientation.
“Riding the school bus is a privilege – not a guarantee….” ~HCPS CODE OF CONDUCT
5901 Elko Road Sandston, VA 23150 (Office)804.328.4110 (Fax)804.328.4115