G nnezrre
and10yearagegroup- 2009 pesonsby districtof residence Table4.19:Untraceble
2635 73 699 1085 344 97 52 36 52 L97
Total Lessthan10 1 0to 1 9 20 to29 30 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 59 60 to 69 70 or more Notstated
651 17 117 257 123 30 16
378 13 118 137 44 18 12 6 8 22
1o 15 66
Mullaitivu Kilinochchi 488 15 156 197 55 14 I 5 12 26
954 25 269 406 109 25 12 13 16 79
and5 yearagegroup- 2009 pesonsby districtof residence Table4.19A:Untraceble Vavuniya Total
a;s;td;"5-- "**' s'ttiif* -'**1oi6 M 15 to 19
2ii;';4 'ts io)t" -- 30 to 34
35io 3e aa{oia' io 4it50io 54-
55 to 59 ,60to 64 i65 to 69 :70or more :Notstated
488 378 t64 551 2635 " ----*Jf---:j-*:rj ^-=^,-: '"'il::::_-""$:.-
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