1201 Main Ave Loft #301

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Colorado, La Plata County, Durango

1201 1201MAIN MAINAVENUE AVENUELOFT LOFT#301 #301 The The Lofts Lofts atat 1201 1201isisa aluxury luxurycondominium condominium residence residence inin the the heart heartofofhistoric historicdowntown downtown Durango. Durango.This Thisisisthe theperfect perfectlocation locationtotoenjoy enjoyallall Durango living has to offer from the Durango Durango living has to offer - from the Durango Silverton SilvertonNarrow NarrowGauge GaugeRailroad, Railroad,state stateofofthe theartart public library, to dining and nightlife amongst public library, to dining and nightlife amongst Durango's Durango'sfinest finestrestaurants. restaurants.ItItisisalso alsodirectly directly across the street from Buckley Park across the street from Buckley Park(the (theonly only green green space space downtown downtown and and location location ofof the the best bestkids kidstubing tubinghill hillininthe thewinter, winter,and andhome hometoto Durango's Durango'stown townChristmas ChristmasTree). Tree). Conveniences Conveniencesare arealso alsomoments momentsaway awayincluding including biking/jogging the spectacular Animas biking/jogging the spectacular AnimasRiver River Trail, Trail,natural/organic natural/organicgrocery grocerystore, store,liquor liquorstore, store, shipping/copy shipping/copycenter centerasaswell wellasasfine fineart artgalleries galleries and upscale boutiques/shops. and upscale boutiques/shops. Designed DesignedbybyFeeney FeeneyArchitect, Architect,the thebuilding buildingwas was recognized in 2009 with the City of recognized in 2009 with the City ofDurango's Durango's Outstanding Outstanding Design Design Award. Award. This This penthouse penthouse features 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths features 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathsand andisisthe the finest finest residence residence inin Durango's Durango's finest finest luxury luxury building. building.Being Beingthe the1201 1201Loft's Loft'sarchitect architectown own personal residence---Rick had the personal residence---Rick had thepick pickofofthe the litter and it shows! litter and it shows! Other Otherfeatures featuresinclude: include:over over800 800feet feetofofoutdoor outdoor living space to relax, entertain, and living space to relax, entertain, andhave haveperfect perfect views views ofof Main Main Street, Street,Parades, Parades,Buckley BuckleyPark Park events, events,4th 4thofofJuly JulyFireworks, Fireworks,elevator elevatoraccess, access, steam steamshower, shower,radiant radiantin-floor in-floorheat/AC, heat/AC,Spark Spark fireplace with ribbon flames, Viking appliances fireplace with ribbon flames, Viking appliances and andmore. more.Views Viewsexpand expandfrom fromMain MainStreet Streettotothe the surrounding ridgelines up the valley and surrounding ridgelines up the valley andbeyond. beyond.

other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully. Sotheby’s International Realty and the

Colorado, La Plata County, Durango

Independently Owned And Operated.

1201 MAIN AVENUE #301 MLS 738140


Broker and Danielle Enea, Broker. All information provided by Legacy Properties West Sotheby’s International Realty, LLC or its sales representatives in connection with this property was acquired from sources deemed reliable, however, we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness and any users of such information waive any claims related thereto. Legacy Properties West Sotheby’s International Realty, LLC recommends that every item of interest to the purchaser (i.e. issues regarding title, water, minerals, survey, zoning, permits, land use

Top Floor 2,131 SF | Year Built 2006 |




Danielle Enea

3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, 884 SF of Deck


Contact listing agents for additional details and a preview. Multiple decks with park, valley, and city views.


Lesley Gannon Meiering

Lesley Gannon Meiering


Contact listing agents for additional details and a preview. Multiple decks with park, valley, and city views.


3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, 884 SF of Deck

Danielle Enea




$1,300,000 Top Floor 2,131 SF | Year Built 2006 |

Broker and Danielle Enea, Broker. All information provided by Legacy Properties West Sotheby’s International Realty, LLC or its sales representatives in connection with this property was acquired from sources deemed reliable, however, we do not warrant its accuracy or completeness and any users of such information waive any claims related thereto. Legacy Properties West Sotheby’s International Realty, LLC recommends that every item of interest to the purchaser (i.e. issues regarding title, water, minerals, survey, zoning, permits, land use

MLS 738140

1201 MAIN AVENUE #301

Independently Owned And Operated.

Colorado, La Plata County, Durango

other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully. Sotheby’s International Realty and the

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