1 minute read
from Chunks til engelsk 1
by Alinea
5 Boardgame
12. You say nice things about your friend’s mom’s cooking. Move forward three spaces. 13. 14. What room do you think the couch is in?
11. 11. 34. Do you prefer soup or burgers? 35. Name three things in the bathroom. 15. 16. 17. The window is open. What’s outside?
36. 37. You knock over an expensive vase. Go back to start. 18.
10. 33. 48. 49. 38. 38. 19. You fall down the stairs. Move back three spaces.
9. What’s that thing under your friend’s bed? 32. You spill hot chocolate on the carpet. Miss a turn. 47. 47. 50. 39. 20.
8. 31. 31. 46. 51. 40. 21. Where does your friend live?
7. Do you like visiting friends? Why?
6. You can’t nd the bathroom. Miss a turn. 30. 45. 52. 41. 22.
FINISH It’s been a lovely visit, and now it’s time to go home!
29. 44. Name three things in the hallway. 43. 42. 23.
4. You see a cage. What pet do you think your friend has? 28. Name three things in the kitchen. 27. 26. 26. 25. On what oor of the house is your friend’s room?
3. 2. What does it say on the doormat? 1.
START *ding dong*
24. What’s your favorite room in the house?
= Another roll