1 minute read
A new year
from Chunks til engelsk 1
by Alinea
Chapter 2 On my birthday
It’s a lot of work planning a birthday party, but it’s also a lot of fun! Especially if we do it together.
In this chapter, you will • talk about when your birthday is • find out how to throw the best party • join a beach party, and • learn how to bake a cake.
So, get ready to have some festive fun!
But rst: listen to the birthday boy Ramin talk about his party and his cake.
1 A new year
winter · spring · summer · fall
• I'm looking forward to your birthday party. • Me too! We're going to have a whale of a time.
1 In which season is your birthday? Draw the season here:
Ask each other Ask each other about the seasons. • Is your birthday in the winter? . • No, my birthday is not in the winter. It is in the summer. • So is mine! / Mine is in the fall.
• Which do you like better, spring or fall? • I like fall better than spring. • Me, too!
2 Rank your classmates’ favorite seasons.
1. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________
3 Circle the month and day of your birthday.
January February March April May June
July August September October November December
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Add -th to say your birthday: On the 27th of August. Attention: 5th = fth. 20th = twentieth. 30th = thirtieth.
1st of 2nd of December 3rd of
4 Write your birth season and birthday here:
My birthday is in ___________________________.
It is on the ______________________________________.
Ask each other how old you'll be next time. • How old will you be next time it's your birthday? • I'll be 11 years old on the 10th of August.