In my two decades of working with students, I have found that the best school cultures rest on humility and generosity. Yes, we can be excellent academicians. Yes, we can showcase talent in athletic and artistic endeavors. And, yes, we can have the most enthusiastic student sections at ball games. But, in my estimation, school communities that value humility and generosity show the love of God in myriad deep and tangible ways.
The annual review is an LRCA publication designed to illustrate the generosity of the Warriorville community, to detail our fiscal stewardship, and to promote the value of giving back to the school we love. It is with humility that we say thank you to all who contributed time, talent, and treasure to advance the mission of Little Rock Christian Academy and who participate in the transformation of lives on campus.
We’ve come a long way since the founding of our school in 1977. We’ve been witness to the providential hand of the Lord, and, by His grace, we have served students, teachers, and families with Truth, Excellence, Love, and Partnership (LRCA Core Values). This is only possible because the DNA of LRCA remains true to its founding. No Jesus, no school.
From all of us in Warriorville, we sincerely thank all of you who have contributed in meaningful and substantial ways. Our vow is to steward your gifts well, to have a laser-like focus on our mission, and to elevate the opportunities for students to grow spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially. In addition to your generous giving, we thank you for your prayers and partnership. May the partnership power of The Golden Triangle – Home, Church, School – be an encouragement and support to you and yours.
With humility and in appreciation of your generosity,
Dr. Justin A. Smith Head of School/President
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:18
“Take Heart, I have overcome the world”, these are the words of Jesus as recorded in John 16:33 as he was speaking to his disciples just prior to his crucifixion and resurrection.
The mission of Little Rock Christian Academy to provide a PK-12th grade education characterized by excellence in the pursuit of truth from a Christcentered worldview is needed as much today as when the school was founded in 1977. Same mission, same world, just a different time, and set of challenges and needs. We can take heart as we look into the future knowing we still have Jesus at the core of what we do everyday in the Christian education of our students.
When strolling across the 72 beautiful acres of the Warrior campus, seeing the 1,700 students from over 1,000 families being served by 300 faithful faculty and staff and meditating on these words, there is a great sense of joy and thanksgiving for the foundation that is here. There is also a realization there is still room to improve and grow to make this place special for those to come. Some of those improvements include more common space for middle and junior high students, permanent seating for chapel space in Warrior Hall, a pavilion in the center of campus, and an additional space for faculty and staff toddlers and babies.
Realizing the faith, courage, support, and hard work of so many individuals over the years, and more importantly, God’s provisions and providence brings me to my knees in gratitude. Please join me in thanking God for His goodness upon Little Rock Christian Academy, its students, faculty, staff, and families.
We have more to do in the name of Jesus.
Jim Fink Chief Financial Officer
Tuition Assistance enables mission-minded students with a demonstrated financial need to attend Little Rock Christian Academy. Thank you for making it possible for these students and others to attend LRCA.
13% $1.1+
of students receive tuition assistance million awarded in 2023 total students
Operating funds and YOUR gifts create Tuition Assistance.
1 2
Families apply for assistance via FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment.
Award determined via FACTS’ independent third party verification.
Families are notified of tuition assistance award.
On behalf of the Board of Trust, I want to thank you for being a part of the LRCA community. Our mission is to provide an excellent education to each student that we are entrusted with at LRCA while we also point them to a genuine and consequential faith in Jesus Christ. Our Board strives to protect this mission in each decision that we make. However, we believe it is our partnership with you and the church that makes this all possible. So, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family’s journey and for your contribution to LRCA.
As I reflect on the 2023-2024 school year, I am grateful for another great year. LRCA, through the commitment and dedication of our faculty and staff, impacted the lives of approximately 1,700 students and their families. We witnessed our students excel in academics, athletics, and the arts. It was significant that the expansion of the elementary school was completed as we entered this school year. The addition was transformational for the lives of our elementary students. This followed many other additions to our campus over the last decade. This would not be possible without donors that recognized the importance of the Kingdom work that is occurring at LRCA. We are thankful to these donors who have provided significant resources for the expansion of our facilities allowing so many families to experience an excellent education at LRCA.
The 2023-2024 school year was a year of transition as Dr. Justin Smith became the Head of School. Dr. Smith and his family spent six years on our leadership team, so he was not new to our community. He led with vision, courage, humility, and commitment to our mission and families during his first year in this position. We are grateful that the Lord led the Smith family to LRCA.
I consider it an honor and blessing to be a part of the LRCA community. Our family first experienced this community as our three children are graduates and now three of our grandchildren have begun the journey as Warriors. Their young hearts and minds remind me of the importance of what occurs at this school each day. Our theme for the last year, “Like a Tree Planted”, has become my prayer for my grandchildren and all the students of LRCA: that they will be firmly planted in the Lord, that in all they do they will prosper, and that they will not wither from the pressures and voices of our world.
We are grateful for the Lord’s abundant blessings of this past year. The Lord has been good to Warriorville.
With Gratitude,
Gene Whisenhunt, Chairman Board of Trust
Matthew 6:33
LRCA’s Annual Fund is a critical tool in accomplishing our mission providing vital resources that scaffold the excellent and immersive Christian education from which students benefit. An important building block is the yearly fundraiser, Warrior Blitz. PTF plays a key role in the efforts, while school leadership carefully stewards the dollars to tangibly and positively impact the lives of every Warrior, from the smallest to the tallest!
Many of the new campus enrichments made possible during the 2023-2024 school year through the Annual Fund include the Elementary’s northside awning, an additional K4 classroom, and upgraded play spaces like the Octoball pit, refurbished turf expanses, and soccer goals. New modulars uniquely fitted for Fine Arts and Learner Services increased the bandwidth of those programs for additional activities and a testing center. Carpool for the Middle School/ Junior High was redesigned and upgraded to make drop off and pick up even more safe and effective. Entrance security for the Junior High was augmented. The High School Office and teacher workrooms have been reorganized and refurbished for increased efficiency. Safety film was installed at all school building entrances. Technology such as iPads, Chromebooks, TV monitors, and Print Shop improvements were funded as well.
All of these projects and much more build into our students and bolster their overall Warriorville experience!
We often say Little Rock Christian is multi-generational. But what do we mean by that?
Here’s the best picture: children on the playground, parents volunteering in the hallway, and grandparents waiting for their grandchildren in the dismissal line.
Here’s the second-best picture of a multi-generational school: parents, grandparents, alumni, and long-standing friends blessing our dear school, the Lord’s planting, with gifts for the future.
Forty-seven years ago, LRCA was planted with 12 kindergarten students and now educates over 1,700 young souls. Similarly, decades ago, a wise board of trust established a 501(c)(3) foundation with zero dollars in the account. Today, these seeds of faith have grown into an endowment fund of over one million dollars. The beauty of an endowment lies in the fact that gifts to the LRCA Endowment are not spent. On the contrary, these designated gifts generate funds for teacher development, benevolence, tuition assistance, and more.
In other words, current generations bless future generations. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior!”
I encourage you to consider amplifying our identity as a multi-generational school by the simple step of including LRCA in your estate planning which is what Karen and I have done. Or, you can designate your next gift to the school’s endowment. If this tickles your fancy, I’d love to share more about how our endowment works.
Here’s a fact: “Jesus in the classroom changes everything.” Come and see.
Gary B. Arnold President
Little Rock Christian Academy Foundation
More and more, LRCA is a multigenerational institution established with an enduring, relevant mission - to serve well, to educate well, and to anchor everything we do in the truth and grace of Jesus.
- Dr. Gary Arnold
What is your definition of education? A great poet calls it the “lighting of the fire.” Knowing Jesus, the Church historically calls for education to develop an understanding of all that is “true, good, and beautiful.” Melding the two, at Little Rock Christian, we believe it is to form students in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding with an uncompromising commitment to teaching and modeling Jesus Christ. In the spirit of the Psalmist (Psalm 1) and the Prophet (Jeremiah 17), we ask you to plant trees with and ensure Little Rock Christian’s posterity by including us in your legacy planning.
Making a gift is as simple as talking to the Little Rock Christian Foundation and your financial advisor. And, we’ll be here every step of the way to ensure that your gift helps Little Rock Christian Academy flourish.
Golden Triangle
Arkansas Baptist Foundation
Arvest Bank
Mr. Phil W. Cox and Mrs. Lois J. Cox
Mr. Larry Crain, Jr. and Mrs. Joy Crain
Culligan Water
David’s Burgers
Mr. Ray C. Dillon and Mrs. Deborah C. Dillon
Ferguson Family Foundation
GC Painting, LLC
Mr. Bob Gunderman and Mrs. Carla Gunderman
Mr. Rick Gunther and Mrs. Heather Gunther
Mr. Drew B. Holbert and Mrs. Lindsey B. Holbert
Mr. Mike Huckabee and Mrs. Janet Huckabee
Mr. Shane Knoernschild and Mrs. Stacey Knoernschild
Mr. Don Martin and Mrs. Faith Martin
Dr. Ken A. Martin and Mrs. Susan Martin
Mr. Mark McCaslin and Mrs. Brandee McCaslin
Mr. John D. McMorran and Mrs. April McMorran
Mr. Pat Millwee
National Christian Foundation
Dr. Larry O’Malley and Mrs. Ryan O’Malley
Dr. Stephen E. Paulus (’01) and Mrs. Mary Catherine (Shafer) Paulus (’00)
Mr. John M. Rainwater (’01) and Mrs. Sarah Rainwater
Mr. Mike R. Rainwater and Mrs. Kathy M. Rainwater
Restoration Health, PLLC
Dr. Christopher C. Ross and Mrs. Sarah Ross
Mr. Ross C. Rucker and Mrs. Abbie D. Rucker
Mr. Gene Scott and Mrs. Dona A. Scott
Mrs. Sandra M. Snipes
The AMRP Family Fund at the Dallas Foundation
The Kingdom Fund/Christopher C. and Jennifer D. Ligon
Dr. Audra R. Thomas and Mr. Tony W. Thomas
Thrivent Financial
Mr. Gene H. Whisenhunt and Mrs. Kathy L. Whisenhunt
The Wilkerson Family
Pursuit of Excellence
ARDB, Inc.
Mr. Scott Beardsley and Mrs. Lynn Beardsley
Mr. Ryan A. Bowman and Mrs. Cortney J. Bowman
Mr. Toby Burkett and Mrs. Charla K. Burkett
Mr. John Carter and Mrs. Erin Carter
Dr. Blake Chism and Mrs. Maggie G. Chism
Mr. Bill Davis and Mrs. Allison Davis
Mr. Shannon Earls and Mrs. Shannon Earls
Fred Lord Builder, Inc.
Dr. Kevin G. Jones and Mrs. Cynthia R. Jones
Mr. Michael A. Marquez and Mrs. Sarah P. Marquez
Dr. David Rainwater (’03) and Mrs. Rachel Rainwater
Mr. Matthew D. Summitt and Mrs. Lana A. Summitt
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mr. Rick Turner
Mr. Tommy C. Vaughan and Mrs. Martha Vaughan
Mr. Nathan M. Waldrip and Mrs. Maegan R. Waldrip
1977 Society
Dr. Gary B. Arnold and Mrs. Karen C. Arnold
Benet Maintenance
Blaydes Consulting, LLC
Dr. Shelby R. Brogdon and Mr. Zachary J. Brogdon
Ms. Alicia A. Brown
Dr. Nathan Burroughs and Mrs. Amanda Burroughs
Ms. Pat Callahan
Ms. Margaret Carter
Mr. Amer Chami and Mrs. Ann S. Chami
Mr. Trent Childress (’13) and Mrs. Elisabeth (Pugh) Childress (’13)
Mr. James M. Crisp and Mrs. Mary H. Crisp
Mr. Logan R. Critz (’99)
Mr. Rodgers Critz and Mrs. Debbie Critz
Mrs. Margaret M. Davis
Dr. Julie M. Dolven
Mr. Rick Doss and Mrs. Paula Doss
DRG Builders, Inc.
Mr. Sherman H. Eoff and Mrs. Cynthia T. Eoff
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Bud Finley and Mrs. Caroline Finley
Dr. Kevin Flinn and Mrs. Jennifer Flinn
Mr. Grant E. Fortson and Mrs. Jaime S. Fortson
Mr. Robert C. Fow and Mrs. Caroline B. Fow
Mr. James I. Freeman and Mrs. Barbara Yates Freeman
Mr. Terral A. Gammill and Mrs. Cathy S. Gammill
Mr. Kenny Gibbs and Mrs. Ann Marie Gibbs
Mr. Beau H. Glenn and Mrs. Lori W. Glenn
Dr. James M. Graham and Mrs. Laura P. Graham
Mr. Shawn R. Grotte and Mrs. Elizabeth W. Grotte
Dr. Ryan E. Hall and Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Hall
Dr. Jason B. Hawkins and Dr. Kristi M. Hawkins
Mr. Herren C. Hickingbotham and Mrs. Susan Hickingbotham
Ho-Chunk Nation
Homes By Jerrod, LLC
Dr. Amy L. Collinsworth and Mr. Howard O. Hunt
Jay Snider Inc. - Shelter Insurance
Mr. Glen D. Johnson and Mrs. Kirstin (Swindler) Johnson (’02)
Dr. Michael G. Kendrick and Dr. Anna M. Kendrick
Mr. Don G. Knoernschild and Mrs. Brenda Knoernschild
Mr. Mike F. Lax and Mrs. Billie M. Lax
Mr. Mike Lewey and Mrs. Wynn Lewey
Mr. Matt McClendon and Mrs. Suzanne McClendon
Mr. Stuart McGilvray and Mrs. Anne McGilvray
Mr. Byron McKimmey and Mrs. Marilyn McKimmey
Mr. Mark A. Miller and Mrs. Meredith A. Miller
Mr. Matthew Mitchell and Mrs. Karen Mitchell
Dr. Taylor Moore and Dr. Laura S. Moore
Dr. Brian Norton and Mrs. Cara Norton
Norwood Hip and Knee Orthopedics at Baptist Health
Dr. Ikemefuna Onyekwelu and Mrs. Crystal Onyekwelu
Mr. Lane D. Patterson and Mrs. Heather R. Patterson
Ms. Jacqueline Peregrin (’02)
Powell Psychiatric Services, P.A.
Mr. Bill Pugh and Mrs. Paula Pugh
Mr. Matthew Reddin and Mrs. Kelly M. Reddin
Mr. Neil F. Robertson and Mrs. Alisha R. Robertson
Mr. John Roewe and Mrs. Deborah Roewe
Dr. Scott J. Ryan and Mrs. Emily (Benton) Ryan (’05)
Dr. Scott W. Rypkema and Mrs. Amy K. Rypkema
Gov. Sarah H. Sanders and Mr. Bryan Sanders
Mr. David R. Schirack and Mrs. Sarah B. Schirack
Shelby Anesthesia, LLC
Mrs. Cydney Smith
Dr. Jason A. Smith and Mrs. Amy C. Smith
Dr. Justin A. Smith and Mrs. Amanda Smith
Mr. Matt St. Clair and Mrs. Kristin St. Clair
Dr. Charles J. Stearns and Mrs. Valerie Stearns
Mr. Jeremy Stovall and Mrs. Shelly Stovall
Mr. Brent L. Thompson and Mrs. Allison L. Thompson
Mr. Richard D. Ward and Mrs. Kelly Ward
Mr. Johnny W. Watson and Mrs. Marilyn J. Watson
William B. Hearnsberger, Inc.
Mr. Danny J. Williams and Mrs. Nancy S. Williams
Mr. Shelby V. Woods
The Warrior Way
1 Call Heat & Air, Inc.
Mr. James A. Abston and Mrs. Suzanna C. Abston
Mr. Ben Adams and Mrs. Tiffany Adams
Mr. Donnie Adcock and Mrs. Kimberly A. Adcock
Mr. Andrew Adkins and Mrs. Jennifer Adkins
Mr. Cole R. Alberius (’18) and Mrs. Ally Alberius
Ms. Susan Alford
Mr. Joey Allen and Mrs. Ann Allen
Mr. David R. Allmendinger and Mrs. Janice Allmendinger
Ms. Tracie Allred
Mr. Jim L. Anderson
Dr. Janet Anokye Anonymous
Ms. Kay Ashworth
Mr. Henry J. Atkins and Mrs. Shannon Atkins
Ms. Madison Babb
Mr. Mark Baer and Mrs. Debbie Baer
Mr. Chris S. Baguley and Mrs. Sarah M. Baguley
Mr. Jordan Baker and Mrs. Geurin Baker
Dr. Chris Bakke and Mrs. Sandy Bakke
Mr. Mario Baldassaro and Mrs. Malinda Baldassaro
Bale Chevrolet
Dr. Devon Ballard and Mrs. Christie Ballard
Mr. Dan Balmer and Mrs. Cindy Balmer
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Chance Bankhead and Mrs. Heather Bankhead
Ms. Tracey R. Banks
Mr. Stephen L. Bankson and Mrs. Cristin M. Bankson
Ms. Corinne Barger
Mr. Brandon Barnard and Mrs. Julie Barnard
Mr. David Barron and Mrs. Katy R. Barron
Dr. Twyla Bartel and Mr. Dane Bartel
Dr. Gary Bass and Mrs. Jane Bass
Mrs. Dorcas C. Baumgardner
Mr. Michael Baxley and Mrs. Andy Baxley
Mr. Richard D. Beach and Mrs. Lois Beach
Mr. Robert B. Beach and Mrs. Sarah D. Beach
Mr. Joshua Bearden and Mrs. Amanda K. Bearden
Dr. Emily L. Beckett and Mr. Cameron Beckett
Mr. Barrett Belew and Mrs. Kristen G. Belew
Ms. Heather Bennett
Ms. Holly A. Bennett
Mr. Matthew S. Bennett (’20) and Mrs. AnnaLee (Brown) Bennett (’20)
Mr. Dan Berry and Mrs. Cindy S. Berry
Mr. Lance Berry and Mrs. Abby Berry
Dr. Thomas H. Best and Mrs. Faith A. Best
Mr. Mike Biggs and Mrs. Laurie Biggs
Mr. Mike Binns and Mrs. Kay Binns
Mr. Morgan R. Blair and Mrs. Jessica L. Blair
Dr. Sara Blair and Mr. Tyler Blair
Mrs. Trish L. Blair
Mr. Gordon M. Blocker and Mrs. Shawna L. Blocker
Dr. Christie Boils and Mr. Jonathan Boils
Mr. Justin Bolick and Mrs. Jennifer Bolick
Mr. Austin Booth and Mrs. Kristen Booth
Mr. Boyd Boshears and Mrs. Camie Boshears
Mr. Dennis Bost and Mrs. Delta Bost
Mr. Charles C. Bostwick and Mrs. Marci Bostwick
Mr. Shannon Bowerman and Mrs. Jill Bowerman
Mrs. Alvis-Mae Brade-John
Mr. Barry Brandt and Mrs. Heidi Brandt
Mrs. Sheila R. Brannon
Rev. Stephen R. Brannon and Mrs. Rebecca (Henderson) Brannon (’04)
Mr. Mike Braxdale and Mrs. Carey M. Braxdale
Mr. Billy Braxdale and Mrs. Janie Braxdale
Mr. Todd Brogdon and Mrs. Jessica Brogdon
Dr. Nicholas Brucker and Mrs. Crystal Brucker
Mr. Justin L. Bryant and Mrs. Jennifer L. Bryant
Mr. Matt Buchanan and Mrs. Melanie B. Buchanan
Mr. Milton Bull
Mr. Seth Bunting and Mrs. Lesley (Charles) Bunting (’05)
Dr. Matthew Burns and Dr. Michelle Lisko-Burns
Mrs. Shannon H. Burrow
Mr. Lannie Byrd and Mrs. Jennifer Byrd
Mr. Rob B. Callaham and Mrs. Lauren M. Callaham
Mr. Matthew A. Camp and Mrs. Katy F. Camp
Mr. Tormey Campagna
Mr. Tucker B. Campbell
Car World
Mr. Stephen A. Carlisle (’97) and Mrs. Holly Carlisle
Mr. Chad Carlson and Mrs. Amy Carlson
Mr. Aaron P. Carter and Mrs. JoJo S. Carter
Mr. Zach Casto and Mrs. Renee Casto
Mr. John M. Chaney and Mrs. Samantha S. Chaney
Ms. Susan Charles
Ms. Pam Childers
Mr. Robert Childress and Mrs. Nancy Childress City Pharmacy
Mr. Will E. Clark (’16)
Mr. Bruce Clinton and Mrs. Susanne Clinton
Mr. Eric D. Cockrill and Mrs. Marrisa N. Cockrill
Mr. Mark S. Colbert
Mr. Jeremy Collins and Mrs. Jan Collins
Mr. Tracy D. Collins and Mrs. Martha K. Collins
Ms. Jill L. Compardo
Mr. Charles S. Conklin and Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Conklin
Mr. Michael A. Connell and Mrs. Kristin D. Connell
Ms. Dawn Coppola
Dr. Blane R. Covert
Dr. Jonathan B. Covington and Mrs. Anna (Fruchey) Covington (’07)
Mr. David L. Coyle and Mrs. Amanda N. Coyle
Mr. Austin Crabill and Mrs. Sarah (Glenn) Crabill (’08)
Dr. September W. Crabtree and Mr. John Crabtree
Mr. Greg Crain and Mrs. Alissa J. Crain
Mrs. Brianna S. Crater
Mr. Jacob J. Critz (’02)
Mr. James H. Critz
Ms. Samantha J. Cross
Mr. Trent T. Crow and Mrs. Katherine M. Crow
Mr. Jay A. Crowson and Mrs. Kelly Crowson
Mr. Rick Cruzen and Mrs. Heather Cruzen
Mr. Igor Cucos and Mrs. Svetlana Melnic
Mr. Christopher Cupit and Mrs. Ellen Cupit
Ms. Kristen E. Curtis (’14)
Mr. Steve Danforth and Mrs. Donna Danforth
Mr. Joshua A. Daniel and Mrs. Nicole A. Daniel
Mrs. Kay Daniel
Mrs. Virginia Daugherty
Mr. Andrew M. Davis (’10) and Mrs. Kirstin (Changose) Davis (’10)
Dr. Tony D. Davis and Mrs. Hillary Davis
Mr. Bryan Davis and Mrs. Susan O. Davis
Mr. Chris Davis and Mrs. Allison Davis
Mr. Jerry Davis and Mrs. Mary Davis
Mr. Lawrence A. Davis and Mrs. Rosaland Davis
Mrs. Mary Davis
Mr. Ian R. Davis and Mrs. Sarah (Berry) Davis (’06)
Mr. Stephen Davis and Mrs. Leigh Ann Davis
Mr. Thomas A. Davis and Mrs. Staci K. Davis
Mrs. Tracy L. Dean
Dr. Joel Dickens and Mrs. Hollie D. Dickens
Dr. Leslie Dickinson and Mr. Bart Dickinson
Mr. John DiVito and Mrs. Catherine A. DiVito
Mr. Chris Dudley and Mrs. Suzanna (Gibbs) Dudley (’14)
Mr. Jason Duffy and Mrs. Misty Duffy
Mrs. Kellie W. Duke
Mr. Matt Dunn and Mrs. Brandie Dunn
Mr. Michael Dunn and Mrs. Kim Dunn
Mr. Michael Dwyer
Dr. Nicholas Dziurkowski and Dr. Jessica J. Dziurkowski
Mr. Tyler Eatherton and Mrs. Jenny G. Eatherton
Mr. Mark Edds and Mrs. Shannon Edds
Mr. Scott Edmondson and Mrs. Andrea D. Edmondson
Mr. Frazier Edwards and Mrs. Deborah Edwards
Mr. Thomas B. Elam and Mrs. Sheena M. Elam
Dr. Anthony P. Elias and Dr. Jaclynn L. Elias
$2,430,084 $1,348,994 $770,536
$19,810,163 $19,415,858 93% 7% 77% 12% 7% 4%
$18,437,102 $14,866,244
Mr. Doug Elkins and Mrs. Patricia Elkins
Mr. Justin Elrod and Mrs. Kim Elrod
Mr. Jim Elsasser and Mrs. Pauline Elsasser
Dr. Robert Eoff and Mrs. Marci Eoff
EyeCare Center of Saline County
Mr. Tim C. Ezell and Mrs. Sydney S. Ezell
Col. David Faggard and Mrs. Angie Faggard
Mrs. Kiacie T. Farmer
Mr. Jim I. Faulk and Mrs. Sharon J. Faulk
Mr. Jason Faulkner and Mrs. Sheena Faulkner
Mr. Chad Fellers and Mrs. Ronni D. Fellers
Mr. Luke Ferradj and Mrs. Heather Ferradj
Mr. Tim Ferrell and Mrs. Cindy Ferrell
Mr. Shelby S. Feurtado (’09)
Mr. Greg Fielder and Mrs. Melony Fielder
Mr. Branch Fields and Mrs. Amanda Fields
Mr. Jim Fink and Mrs. Lisa Fink
Mr. Keith Fix and Mrs. Rhea Fix
Dr. Darren Flamik and Mrs. Stacey L. Flamik
Mr. Kenn Flemmons and Mrs. Mari Flemmons
Dr. Claire (Chesshir) Foster (’09) and Mr. Matthew Foster
Mr. Robert Fow and Mrs. Rhonda Fow
Ms. Jana K. Fowler
Mr. Tony L. Fox and Mrs. Courtney L. Fox
Mr. Kevin A. Freier and Mrs. Gayle E. Freier
Dr. Adam Funmaker and Mrs. Erika (Moran) Funmaker (’06)
Mr. John C. Galloway and Mrs. Julia A. Galloway
Mr. Gary Garrison and Mrs. Megan Garrison
Mr. Mark Gaydos and Mrs. Amy Gaydos
Mr. Chris George and Mrs. Carole George
Mr. Ben Ghormley and Mrs. Ruthie (Leggett) Ghormley (’02)
Mr. Joe Gibeault and Mrs. Kayla Gibeault
Mr. Richard Gillham and Mrs. Nancy Gillham
Mr. Richard D. Gillham and Mrs. Jessie E. Gillham
Mr. Nicholas G. Gladden and Mrs. Lyn Gladden
Ms. Amanda R. Glenn (’05)
Mr. Mark Glover and Mrs. Brooke Glover
Mr. Michael Goad and Mrs. Anna Goad
Mr. Bryce M. Good and Mrs. Lori L. Good
Dr. Matthew E. Goodwin and Mrs. Lindsey N. Goodwin
Dr. Sean Z. Gore and Mrs. Christina R. Gore
Ms. Maria Green
Mr. Peyton Greenwald (’05) and Mrs. Lindsey (Scholl) Greenwald (’05)
Mr. Doug Greenwood and Mrs. Kelli Greenwood
Dr. Jordan W. Greer and Mrs. Jessica M. Greer
Dr. Lawrence E. Greiten and Mrs. Stephanie J. Greiten
Dr. Robert J. Griffin and Mrs. Amy Griffin
Mr. Benjamin Griffith and Mrs. Meghan Griffith
Mr. Dustin Grimmett
Mr. Kevin Groustra and Mrs. Haley Groustra
Dr. Carey Guidry and Dr. Beth Guidry
Mr. Phillip M. Guinee (’10) and Mrs. Laurin E. Guinee
Dr. David C. Haas and Mrs. Darla L. Haas
Ms. Adison D. Halbert (’23)
Mr. Ricky Halbert and Mrs. Shea Halbert
Mr. Michael Hall and Mrs. Kristi Hall
Mr. Marty Hamaker and Mrs. Christie Hamaker
Mrs. Kristina Hambrice
Ms. Sarah L. Hambrice
Mr. Deron K. Hamilton and Mrs. Felecia M. Hamilton
Mr. Jason Hammick and Mrs. Kendra Hammick
Dr. Carrie L. Hankins and Mr. Jeff K. Hankins
Mr. Drew Harper and Mrs. Michelle Sample-Harper
Ms. Leslie M. Harper
Mr. William C. Harriger and Mrs. Ailie M. Harriger
Mr. Danny Harris and Mrs. Tammy Harris
Ms. Wanda Harris
Mr. Grant L. Harrison and Mrs. Kimmie A. Harrison
Mr. William A. Harrison and Mrs. Julia F. Harrison
Mr. Michael S. Hart and Mrs. Lisa Hart
Mr. Noel Harthcock and Mrs. Anna Harthcock
Mr. Garrett L. Hartman and Mrs. Whitney (Turk) Hartman (’10)
Mr. Wilson Hatfield and Mrs. Barbara Hatfield
Mrs. Lesley A. Haughaboo
Mr. Bill Head and Mrs. Donna Head
Mr. Jackie W. Heck and Mrs. Beverly A. Heck
Mr. Scott Hendren and Mrs. June M. Hendren
Mr. Jeff S. Hendricks and Mrs. Jenny C. Hendricks
Mr. James Henrich and Mrs. Jill Henrich
Mr. Daniel L. Herrington and Mrs. Stacie Herrington
Mr. Scott Hilburn and Mrs. Laura Hilburn
Mr. Barry A. Hill and Mrs. Rhonda K. Hill
Ms. Kay Hogan
Mr. Trevor D. Holbert and Mrs. Lori L. Holbert
Mr. Andrew W. Hollaway
Mr. James Hollensworth and Mrs. Linda Hollensworth
Mr. Daniel Holmes (’08) and Mrs. Ashlee (Bednar) Holmes (’08)
Mr. Wayne Honeycutt and Mrs. Barbara Honeycutt
Mr. Derek Horton and Mrs. Leigh A. Horton
Mr. Bruce House and Mrs. Amandah House
Mr. David J. Huckabee and Mrs. Lauren Huckabee
Mr. Christopher D. Huff and Mrs. Meredith L. Huff
Dr. Keri D. Ingraham
Mr. Wayne Inzer and Mrs. Gayle Inzer
Mr. Boyd Irby and Mrs. Michelle Irby
Mr. Vernon Irvin and Mrs. Sarah J. Irvin
Dr. Michael P. Israel and Mrs. Beverly T. Israel
Mr. Alan Ivester and Mrs. Angelica Ivester
J4 Images, Inc.
Mr. Drew Jackson and Mrs. Korey Jackson
Mr. Donald E. James and Mrs. Jennifer L. James
Mr. Jacob James and Mrs. Courtney James
Dr. Jill K. Jennings and Mr. John D. Jennings
Dr. Bruce Johnson and Mrs. Lisa H. Johnson
Mr. Charles E. Johnson and Mrs. Carla Dee H. Johnson
Johnson Eye Care, P.A.
Mr. Clark Johnson and Mrs. Bekah (Caraway) Johnson (’04)
Dr. Jamie B. Johnson and Dr. Katie L. Johnson
Mr. Spencer L. Johnson and Mrs. Tracy Johnson
Mr. Eric P. Johnston and Mrs. Susan R. Johnston
Mr. Brooks H. Jones and Mrs. Cami R. Jones
Dr. Kalena K. Jones and Mr. Cory B. Jones
Mr. Hunter T. Jones (’16) and Mrs. Caroline G. Jones
Mr. Jeffrey A. Jones and Mrs. Teddi J. Jones
Ms. Sarah E. Jones
Mr. Jeffery Jordan and Mrs. Melisa Jordan
Justin S. Elrod, PLLC
Ms. Delaney J. Kaminski
Mrs. Whitney L. Kasinger
Dr. Randy Kassissieh and Mrs. Elianore Kassissieh
Mr. Cody Kees and Mrs. Blake P. Kees
Mrs. Carolyn Kelley
Rev. Gregory S. Kelley and Mrs. Lori L. Kelley
Mr. Kevin O. Kelley and Mrs. Tracy E. Kelley
Mr. John Kinder and Mrs. Becky Kinder
Mr. Patrick J. Kircher and Mrs. Kellie A. Kircher
Dr. Brandon J. Kitchens and Dr. Caroline M. Kitchens
Dr. Emily G. Kocurek and Mr. Jared D. Kocurek
Dr. Paul F. Krause and Mrs. Marlynn D. Krause
Mr. Kevin W. Kuykendall and Mrs. Carrie E. Kuykendall
Mr. Bo Lacy and Mrs. Sabrina Lacy
Dr. Wesley G. Lane and Dr. Natalie B. Lane
Mr. Shane Lank and Mrs. Cara Lank
Mr. Mickey Lavender and Mrs. Phillis Lavender
Mrs. Janie Leek
Leiva’s Coffee
Dr. Harry W. Li and Mrs. Melanie M. Li
Mr. Kiley London and Mrs. Tammy London
Mr. Douglas Lounsbury and Mrs. Diana Lounsbury
Mr. Kyle Lunsford and Mrs. Whitney Lunsford
M. Boyd Boshears Construction
Mr. Ronald Madding and Mrs. June Madding
Mr. Steven C. Maddox and Mrs. Shannon L. Maddox
Mr. Eric Mangham and Mrs. Ashley Mangham
Dr. Brandon M. Mann and Dr. Rachel R. Mann
Ms. Kathy Marcussen
Market Place Pharmacy of Little Rock
Ms. Jeanine Marter
Mr. Michael E. Marter and Mrs. Mickie Marter
Mr. Bobby Martin and Mrs. Sandra Martin
Mr. Brian Martin and Mrs. Angela Martin
Mr. Brian Martin and Mrs. Natalie Martin
Mr. David Martin and Mrs. Jill Martin
Dr. Dawn Martin and Mr. Jay Martin
Mr. Russ W. Martin and Mrs. Emily A. Martin
Mr. Timothy Mason and Mrs. Rhonda Mason
Mr. Barry J. McCaskill and Mrs. Haley (Whisenhunt) McCaskill (’08)
Mr. Clyde McCaslin and Mrs. Debbie McCaslin
Mr. Steven McClanahan and Mrs. Laura McClanahan
Mr. Danny McCuin and Mrs. Debbie McCuin
Mr. Jason McDonald and Mrs. Kathy McDonald
Mr. Phillip L. McElhanon and Mrs. JoBeth R. McElhanon
Mr. Scott McElmurry and Mrs. Angela McElmurry
Dr. David R. McEntire and Mrs. Kelli F. McEntire
Mr. Norbert P. McGee and Mrs. Livia F. McGee
Mr. John E. McGuirk and Mrs. Jennifer C. McGuirk
Mr. Patrick McIntire and Mrs. Tasia McIntire
Mr. Joseph P. McKay and Mrs. Lori McKay
Mr. Brett M. McLeod and Mrs. Cindy McLeod
Mr. Owen McNulty and Mrs. Shannon McNulty
Meggers Family Dentistry
Mr. Ryan Meyer and Mrs. Cindle Meyer
Mr. Tanner Mezel and Mrs. Valerie Mezel
Mr. Matthew A. Middlecamp and Mrs. Jacquelyn J. Middlecamp
Mr. Carl Minden and Mrs. Angela Minden
Ms. Emma G. Minden (’18)
Mrs. Sarah J. Mitchell
Mr. James C. Moore
Dr. Samuel Moore and Mrs. Stephanie Moore
Mr. Heath Moran and Mrs. Gina Moran
Dr. Jeffery H. Moran and Mrs. Cindy Moran
Mr. Birc Morledge and Mrs. Amy P. Morledge
Mr. Jermaine J. Morris and Mrs. Stephanie Morris
Mr. Lewis Morris and Mrs. Beverly Morris
Ms. Terri Morris
Dr. Thomas W. Morris and Mrs. Allison Morris
Mrs. Brittany N. Moss
Mr. Marco M. Moya
Ms. Jamie Murphy
Mr. Patrick W. Murray and Mrs. Ashley M. Murray
Mr. Lamar Murry and Mrs. LeAnn Murry
Mrs. Kristi M. Myers
Mr. Roy H. Neblett and Mrs. Julia H. Neblett
Mr. Robert Neighbors and Mrs. Rebecca Neighbors
Mr. Luke Nipper and Mrs. Christina Nipper
Mrs. Debbie H. Norman
Dr. Don B. Norwood and Mrs. Tracy C. Norwood
Mr. Kenneth Norwood and Mrs. Zoe Norwood
Mr. Jerry D. Oden and Mrs. Lisa K. Oden
Mr. Monte Orr and Mrs. Karon W. Orr
Mr. Cesar Ortega and Mrs. Elisabeth Danforth-Ortega
Mr. Joshua M. Osborne and Mrs. Mandy S. Osborne
Mr. Bill Otis and Mrs. Angela Otis
Mr. Roger D. Overton and Mrs. Monique E. Overton
Mr. Dan L. Parker and Mrs. Gigi Parker
Mr. Phil Pate and Mrs. Shannon Pate
Dr. Brad Patterson and Mrs. Lauren Patterson
Mr. Lance G. Patterson and Mrs. Heather S. Patterson
Mr. Jason H. Peck and Mrs. Amber L. Peck
Mr. Chace Peeler and Mrs. Jessica W. Peeler
Mr. Whit Penick and Mrs. Mitzi R. Penick
Mr. Kyle Pennington and Mrs. Caitlin H. Pennington
Mr. Court W. Perrin and Mrs. Lindsey L. Perrin
Mr. Joseph M. Perrone and Mrs. Emily Perrone
Mr. Matthew B. Perry and Mrs. Kinsey L. Perry
Mr. Michael Phelps and Mrs. Shonda Phelps
Ms. Caroline Phillips
Rev. Don Phillips and Mrs. Sharon Phillips
Mr. John Pike and Mrs. Melanie Pike
Mr. Ryan W. Postlewait and Mrs. April M. Postlewait
Mr. Shane Potts and Mrs. Charlotte Potts
Mr. Kelton Price and Mrs. Christy Price
Mr. Ryne Pruitt and Mrs. Alyssa W. Pruitt
Mr. Nick F. Quinn and Mrs. Natalie R. Quinn
Mrs. Gina Rafferty
Mr. Brandon Ragsdale and Mrs. Andrea Ragsdale
Mr. Mike Raine and Mrs. Ruby E. Raine
Dr. Elizabeth Raines and Mr. Brad Raines
Ramos Building Company
Mr. Samuel Raney and Mrs. Lauren Raney
Mr. Alex F. Ray and Mrs. Lindsey K. Ray
Mr. Bryan Redditt and Mrs. Becca B. Redditt
Mr. Bradley D. Reding and Mrs. Holly M. Reding
Mr. James Reilly and Mrs. Amber N. Reilly
Mr. Luke Reilly and Mrs. Haley W. Reilly
Mr. Tim Remington and Mrs. Katy Remington
Mr. Steven M. Reynolds and Mrs. Haley N. Reynolds
Mr. William Richardson and Mrs. Amy Jo Richardson
Mr. Roy Ridings and Mrs. Keena Ridings
Mr. Mike A. Risher and Mrs. Jenny Risher
Mr. Richard T. Rives and Mrs. Angela L. Rives
Dr. Jeffrey Robertson and Mrs. Michelle Robertson
Mr. Randy N. Robertson and Mrs. Millie L. Robertson
Mr. Stephen Robinson and Mrs. Kahla Robinson
Mr. Sylas Robinson and Mrs. Courtney Robinson
Ms. Amy N. Rogers
Dr. Brooks A. Rogers (’07) and Mrs. Kathryn Rogers
Rogers Pallet Company
Dr. Jeff Root and Dr. Deborah Root
Ms. Shelley Rosenthal
Mr. Tyler J. Rosenthal (’11) and Mrs. Anna W. Rosenthal
Mr. Timothy Roth and Mrs. Anne Roth
Mr. William F. Roth and Mrs. Ruth Roth
Mr. Lucas Z. Rowan and Mrs. Lacey L. Rowan
Rev. Monty A. Royster and Mrs. Yontra B. Royster
Mr. Loren M. Rugen
Dr. Jerry D. Sadler and Mrs. Laurie G. Sadler
Dr. Ted Saer and Mrs. Wendy Saer
Dr. Marsha Salman and Mr. Patrick Salman
Dr. Brittany N. Sanders and Mr. Chad A. Sanders
Mr. Ronnie Sanders and Mrs. Dawn Sanders
Mr. William Sanders and Mrs. Julia Sanders
Mr. Keith Schaedig and Mrs. Karen Schaedig
Mr. Paul W. Schaller and Mrs. Janice M. Schaller
Ms. Evie (Ford) Scherrey (’01)
Mr. Eric J. Schmidt and Mrs. Martha Schmidt
Ms. Kristen Schneider
Mr. Jeffrey Schroeder and Mrs. Amy Schroeder
Mr. John T. Scott and Mrs. Kimberly A. Scott
Secure Financial Solutions, LLC
Mr. Thomas Shaw and Mrs. Holly Shaw
Mr. Philip Sherrill and Mrs. Christy Sherrill
Ms. Taylor C. Sherrill
Mr. Ben Shields and Mrs. Sheila K. Shields
Mr. Dustin R. Simpson and Mrs. Amanda D. Simpson
Mr. Philip C. Sineath and Mrs. Kathryn A. Sineath
Mr. David Sites and Mrs. Marcia Sites
Mrs. Keely E. Slater
Ms. Jamie S. Smith
Mrs. Jane Anne Smith
Mr. Keith Smith and Mrs. Caryn Smith
Mr. Kevin Smith and Mrs. Brittany Smith
Mrs. Kris Smith
Mr. Leithan R. Smith and Mrs. Becky L. Smith
Mr. Ryan H. Smith and Mrs. Kayleigh L. Smith
Mr. Scott Smith and Mrs. Kimberly A. Smith
Mr. Wasson S. Snow and Mrs. Sharon Snow
Mr. Jay Southerland and Mrs. Stephanie Southerland
Ms. Leslie Spears
Dr. Ross S. Spigner and Mrs. Caroline B. Spigner
Mr. Andrew T. Steely and Mrs. Mikala L. Steely
Mr. Matthew W. Stewart and Mrs. Kaitlen F. Stewart
Dr. William R. Still and Dr. Lindsay Still
Ms. Melody G. Stotts
Mr. Mitchell Strack and Mrs. Kelly Strack
Mr. Jeremy Swearingen and Mrs. Katie Swearingen
Mr. Michael Swedenburg and Mrs. Terri Swedenburg
Mr. Brad Swiderski and Mrs. Courtney Hays Swiderski (’06)
Mr. Larry A. Talley and Mrs. LaNita A. Talley
Mr. David Tarpley and Mrs. Heather J. Tarpley
Teachers Federal Credit Union Team SI
Mr. Eric S. Tennyson and Mrs. Amanda L. Tennyson
Mr. Arthur W. Terry and Mrs. Lynnette M. Terry
The Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Mr. Tim T. Thompson and Mrs. Kimberly M. Thompson
Dr. Krystal H. Thrailkill and Mr. Mike Ross
Mr. Tracy Tisdale and Mrs. Terre Tisdale
Dr. Ashley Tonguis and Mr. Stephen Tonguis
Mr. David Torres
Mrs. Leah M. Trice
U.S. Pizza Chenal
Mr. Jason Van Goor and Mrs. Felicia Van Goor
Dr. Robert Vandewalle and Mrs. Kelly Vandewalle
Mr. Ron Vaught and Mrs. Laura Vaught
Mr. Bruce Venable and Mrs. Rita L. Venable
Mr. Stephen Wade and Mrs. Ginger Wade
Ms. Terri D. Ward
Mr. Stephen A. Ware and Mrs. Mary Ellen Ware
Rev. Ben Wasson and Mrs. Lynette Wasson
Mr. Will Watson and Mrs. Mandy Watson
Mr. Philip A. Way and Mrs. Lindsey L. Way
Mr. Roy T. Wayman and Mrs. Ashlyn F. Wayman
Mr. Joshua Weaver and Mrs. Sarah A. Weaver
Mr. David Weiss and Mrs. Angel Weiss
Mr. Lawrence Welborn and Mrs. Jennifer J. Welborn
Ms. Chelsya N. Welihindha
Mr. Bill E. Wellons and Mrs. Carolyn Wellons
Mr. Darren Wheeler and Mrs. Paulette Wheeler
Mr. Austin White and Mrs. Lauren White
Mr. Bryce J. White and Mrs. Alesha M. White
Mr. Marty White and Mrs. Rita White
Dr. Martha L. Wall-Whitfield and Mr. Jawanza R. Whitfield
Mr. Jeff Whitlock and Mrs. Candice Whitlock
Mr. DeAirus D. Whitney
Mr. Michael B. Wilhite and Mrs. Kellie B. Wilhite
Mr. James D. Wilkerson and Mrs. Penny C. Wilkerson
Ms. Laura M. Wilkie
Mr. Billy B. Williams and Mrs. Laura A. Williams
Mr. John D. Williams and Mrs. Gail Williams
Dr. Paul E. Williams and Mrs. Cheryl E. Williams
Mr. Corliss Williamson and Mrs. Michelle Williamson
Mr. Brett Wingfield and Mrs. Stacy Wingfield
Mr. Derek Wingfield and Mrs. April L. Wingfield
Mr. Mark Winslow
Dr. Richard Wirges and Dr. Marla Wirges
Mrs. Georgia S. Witt
Mr. Jeffrey Witter and Mrs. Cathy Witter
Mr. Brandon Wood and Mrs. Shea Wood
Mr. Jeffrey M. Wood and Mrs. Grace (Gardner) Wood (’19)
Mr. Jim Wood and Mrs. Ann D. Wood
Mrs. Vanesa D. Wood
Mr. Wes Woods and Mrs. Preeti Woods
Ms. Callie R. Workman (’23)
Mr. Richard Wrentz and Mrs. Jessica Wrentz
Dr. Kevin G. Yarbrough and Dr. Jacquelyn Yarbrough
Mr. Doug Young and Mrs. Lakisha D. Young
Ms. Linda Young
Mr. Stephen M. Youngblood and Dr. Leah C. Youngblood
Mr. Curtis R. Yung and Mrs. Edythe L. Yung
Mrs. Suzanne Yung
Mr. Chris S. Zink and Mrs. Anna K. Zink
Ms. Nancy D. Zink
We strive to include every contributor who made a cash donation through annual giving in fiscal year 2023-2024 (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024). Please contact the Advancement Office at 501-868-9822 if we have inadvertently omitted or inaccurately reported your name.
Non-Discriminatory Admissions Policy: LRCA is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for students without regard to race, color, national, or ethnic origin. It does not unlawfully discriminate in the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other School administered programs. As a private religious institution, however, LRCA reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant whose academic preparation, character, or personal conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the purposes and objectives of the School.
The morning sky awakens Warriorville daily with awesome views of His majestic creation.
Day or night, Little Rock Christian’s blessings from “above” are evident.
To serve families, churches, and the community by providing a PK-12th grade education, characterized by excellence in the pursuit of truth from a Christ-centered worldview.