Leading Progressive Education Since 1921
news SUMMER 2012
Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School | lrei.org
news SUMMER 2012
Oh, the places you’ll go! See where our second graders went this year on their study of New York City.
4 OPEN FOR CREATIVITY The Charlton Street Arts Pavilion is here 6 STUDENT TEACHERS Lower schoolers give parents a lesson in learning
1 The High Line 2 Staten Island Ferry 3 Top of the Rock
A high-tech challenge stretches middle school imaginations 7 STUDENT GOVERNMENT REFORM Elected high school reps revamp their job descriptions YOUR CHOICE With 162
unique classes, campers can be choosers 8 GRADUATION 2012 Overheard at commencement 10 GENEVIEVE’S JOURNEY From Haiti to Charlton Street, with love 12 MEET OUR NEW TRUSTEES INSPIRATION, SQUARED
A very math-centric week out West
4 125th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty Flotilla 5 St. Johns Food Pantry 6 Queens Museum of Art
Letter From the Director
aving been around for a commencement ceremony
12 Brooklyn Botanic Garden
2012. It’s my hope that after reading the pages ahead, news
13 Tom Otterness Studio
of growth and ideas, you’ll leave feeling the same way.
14 New York Transit Museum
In the growth department, when school begins in the fall,
15 Brooklyn Heights Promenade
we will have over 120 ninth and tenth graders. The year
16 Empire-Fulton Ferry Park
also saw the construction of our latest building — the
17 Brooklyn Bridge
for classes in September.
17 ALL IN THE FAMILY Two families with three generations at LREI
of faculty and student taught electives),
day at LREI without stumbling over new ideas. Whether additions to our lower school social studies curriculum, our middle school iPad
5 1
we honor the spirit of Elisabeth Irwin’s
experiment each and every day. 9
Since our founding, LREI has been
4 8
a purposeful place, brimming with ideas and a spirit of exploration. We will continue to preserve this legacy of change and innovation so that it is as strong today and tomorrow as it has been for the past 90 years.
11 Spanish Harlem
and proud of all that our community accomplished in 2011-
16 REUNION 2012
10 Harlem
project or high school X-block (a series
9 NYU Kaleidoscope Dancers
students receive their diplomas. But somehow, this
In the ideas department, it is hard to spend a
8 Chinatown
or two (or two dozen), I’ve seen quite a few LREI
14 LREI IN THE WORLD Q&A with Team Wiggins: Alison Wiggins ’05, Lily Wiggins ’07 and Margret Wiggins ’11
7 Museum of the City of New York
Phil Kassen
17 15
14 13
| Summer 2012
Above: Over 85 students participated in the Middle Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spring musical, Willy Wonka.
Brooke Gadasi, Phil Kassen and Associate Director Michel de Konkoly Thege on site this summer. “It feels very collegiate,” says Phil.
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Come Rock the Block
FQ1)+6$76$*36$6R()!65$*2%8!$!16$#;*(6$)!#6+&>$76"36$:%#!$6R()!65$&%3$!16$A3!#$B*C)+)%4$ !%$)4#;)36$!6*(163#$*45$#!8564!#$L$*45$!%$#66$71636$!1*!$!*?6#$8#>G$16$#*D#<
J16$+%(*+$(%::84)!D$7)++$2646'!$&3%:$!16$467$&*()+)!D>$!%%<$B+*4#$*36$)4$!16$7%3?#$ &%3$!16$IS$B3%O6(!$Tgoprojectnyc.orgU>$*4$%39*4)V*!)%4$#8;;%3!)49$;82+)($ 6+6:64!*3D$#(1%%+$#!8564!#$&3%:$+%7E)4(%:6$&*:)+)6#>$!%$8#6$!16$28)+5)49$!%$6R;*45$ !16)3$*3!#$;3%93*:<$ See what’s next for the Building for Action Campaign (hint: the Science & Math Center!) at lrei.org/buildingforaction
September 24 9:15 a.m. 40 Charlton Street Everyone is invited — parents, alumni, neighbors and friends
| Summer 2012
Complicate This,Please Switching off a light bulb — simple, right? Not for our sixth, seventh #+(%")1:,:%1$#("$'%@#$,)?)@#,)+1%)+%,:"%7$',%#++2#/% Rube Goldberg Style Machine Challenge, held at LREI on May 3. They competed with other middle school students from City and Country School, Friends Seminary, Grace Church School and Village
Community School to come up with the most
Student Teachers In order to teach something, you really have to know it. J1*!"#$71D$76$(1*++6496$%83$#!8564!#$!%$#1*36$71*!$
creative and complicated way to complete the task. Each team of six students received a set of materials ,4%62)/(%#%3#?:)+"%,:#,%&42/(%,2$+%4*%,:"%'&),?:%&),:% as many energy transfers as possible. Three LREI High School Robotics Team members were present to assist, but the middle schoolers had to put their
!16D$+6*34<$S83$%+56#!$?)5#$(*;$%&&$!16)3$-./0$6R;63)64(6$!1)#$7*D>$ ;36#64!)49$!16)3$#64)%3$;3%O6(!#$T)4!634#1);#$*!$1%#;)!*+#>$'+:$#!85)%#>$ ;82+)#1)49$(%:;*4)6#U$!%$&*(8+!D>$;*364!#$*45$;663#<$J16$6K8)C*+64!$ &%3$%83$D%84963$#!8564!#,$W*!1$*45$=()64(6$X)91!#<
heads together and make it work. By day’s end, all of
FJ16#6$6C64!#$9)C6$'3#!$!13%891$&%83!1$93*563#$*$(1*4(6$!%$#1%7(*#6$ 71*!$!16D"C6$+6*3465$!13%891%8!$!16$D6*3>G$#*D#$-%763$=(1%%+$=()64(6$ @%%35)4*!%3$W)(1*6+$J1*45)<$F=!8564!#$ *36$6##64!)*++D$!%83$98)56#$*#$!16D$ 2013 !*?6$!16)3$;*364!#$%3$*58+!#$*3%845>$ Math & *45$7*+?$!16:$!13%891$6R;63):64!#<G$
and ran the event, was very pleased with LREI’s
Science Nights
1/16 First and Second Grade Math Night
1/23 Third and Fourth Grade Math Night
4/24 Third and Fourth Grade Science Night
5/1 First and Second Grade Science Night
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
the teams successfully completed the task. Middle School Science Teacher and Rube Goldberg Team Coach Steve Volkmann, who organized performance and the overall takeaway, commenting that “the challenge is very much in the spirit of our school. It’s all about teamwork and being independent thinkers at the same time.” A"B,%!"#$>%#'%@#$,%40%4+14)+1%"*4$,'%,4%04',"$% collaboration with other area schools, Steve plans to expand the challenge to more independent and public schools and to connect with local engineering students to mentor teams and serve as judges at the culminating event.
Your Choice Want to visit Planet Irk, create the fanciest of restaurants or learn how to build your own zoo? Just check out the choice class listings for Summers #,%CDE.-%F42G//%7+(%,),/"'%/)H"%I;@!% Moves,” “Quidditch,” “Dollhouse by
Design,” and “Monster Mash.”
Student Government Reform
Choice classes meet six times
Civic engagement is part of our school’s DNA.$=)4(6$YZ[Y>$76$
1*C6$64(%83*965$#!8564!#$!%$#!*45$261)45$ !16$(*8#6#$!16D$1%+5$56*3>$*45$26+)6C6$)4$ !16)3$*2)+)!D$!%$(36*!6$(1*496$)4$!16$7%3+5<$ X%7>$1)91$#(1%%+63#$*36$;3*(!)()49$!1*!$?)45$ %&$;*3!)();*!)%4$L$3)91!$1636$*!$-./0<$
per two-week session for an hour. IJ:"%14#/%)'%,4%4*"$%/4,'%40%?:4)?"'%'4%?#3@"$'%?#+%?$"#,"%,:"%?#3@%(#!%,:#,G'%6"',% 04$%,:"3K%'#!'%9#$)%L4')+'>%M)$"?,4$%40%<0,"$'?:44/%#+(%;233"$%=$41$#3'-%IN"%4*"$%#% variety of classes so that we truly have something for each and every child — and each and every child’s imagination.” The 162 unique classes this season were all dreamed up by Summers at LREI teachers, many of whom are professional actors, comedians, musicians and dancers. Essentially, since they design the classes, they’re teaching what they love and do best. “Teachers bring their knowledge, skill and passion to these classes, which is why they’re so unique,” says Cari.
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
Want to be a monster, too? Visit summers.lrei.org to learn more about our programs, for ages three through 13.
| Summer 2012
Q1*!$%83$*+8:4)$?4%7>$*45$71*!$%83$ #64)%3#$7)++$6R;63)64(6>$)#$!1*!$%83$6:;1*#)#$ %4$23%*563>$+%4963E+*#!)49>$:%36$C63#*!)+6$ 7*D#$%&$!1)4?)49>$!16$*2)+)!D$!%$9*!163>$ %39*4)V6$*45$8#6$&*(!#$%4$D%83$%74$L$ !16#6$1*2)!#$*36$71*!$:*!!6365$Z^$D6*3#$ *9%>$71*!$:*!!63$4%7$*45$71*!$7)++$:*!!63$ Z^$D6*3#$&3%:$4%7<G —Phil Kassen, Director 0$!1)4?$)4$:*4D$7*D#$76$*36$:%#!$ 71%$76$*36$7164$76$*36$1)91$#(1%%+$ #64)%3#<$Q6$#;645$%83$5*D#$6R63()#)49$ %83$!*+64!#$*45$6R;36##)49$%83$;*##)%4#<$ S83$O%2$)#$!%$26$*#$:8(1$+)?6$%83#6+C6#$ *#$76$(*4$26$L$*45$76$*36$64(%83*965$ !%$5%$!1*!$76++<$N%4"!$9)C6$!1*!$*7*D<G —Robert Rosenthal ’80, Board of Trustees
0$7%8+5$+)?6$!%$26$+)?6$!16$@+*##$%&$ [^Y[<$0$7*4!$!16$(%4'564(6$*45$6*#6$ !16D$1*C6$*#$*$(+*##>$0$7*4!$!16)3$ (83)%#)!D>$!16)3$!*+64!>$!16)3$#!3)56$!%7*35#$ +)&6<$$0$7*4!$!16)3$C)(!%3)6#>$!16)3$ (+%#646##>$!16)3$(%4(634$&%3$6*(1$%!163<$ 0$7*4!$!16)3$&3)645#1);#<$0$7*4!$!16)3$ 56C%!)%4>$!16)3$64!18#)*#:>$!16)3$ (%::)!:64!>$!16)3$+%D*+!D>$!16)3$+%C6<G —Ruth Jurgensen, High School Principal
J%$*++$!16$?)5#$%8!$!1636$71%$*36$ ;3*(!)(*++D$O8:;)49$%8!$%&$D%83$#6*!#>$O8#!$ *$7%35$%&$*5C)(6,$=+%7$5%74$*45$64O%D$ !16$!):6$71)+6$D%8$(*4<$Q6$7636$%4(6$ #)!!)49$)4$D%83$;+*(6>$7*)!)49$&%3$%83$ (1*4(6$!%$(3%##$!16$#!*96.” —Deion Desir ’12
`%8$1*C6$+6*3465$1%7$!%$36#6*3(1>$ 1%7$!%$5)##6(!$*$!6R!>$*45$#%:6$ %&$D%8$1*C6$+6*3465$1%7$!%$5)##6(!$ &6!*+$;)9#>$*#$76++<$`%8$1*C6$2664$ ;8#165$!%$;*)4!>$#)49>$5*4(6>$#%+C6$ ;3%2+6:#$*45$26$*$:6:263$%&$*$ (%::84)!D<$Q)!1)4$*++$%&$!1*!>$D%8$ 1*C6$*+#%$+6*3465$71*!$36*++D$:*!!63#$ L$!16$(83)%#)!D$*45$+%C6$%&$+6*34)49$ !1*!$:*?6#$+)&6$7%3!1$+)C)49<G —Margaret
Read Ruth’s “love letter” to the Class of 2012 at lrei.org/graduation2012.
Magee, Ninth Grade Dean, Biology Teacher
Q6"36$9%)49$;+*(6#<$H)9$;+*(6#<$ J1)#$)#$*$(+*##$0":$;3%85$!%$26$*$ ;*3!$%&>$6C64$)&$76$(*4$26$!%!*++D$76)35$ #%:6!):6#<G —Simon Staples-Vangel ’12
| Summer 2012
Genevieve’s Journey a.SW$BS.JEAbEB.0X@/ JS$X/Q$`S.P$@0J`>$SX/$-./0$I.ANbAJ/"= 0X=B0.0XI =JS.`
t all started with a radio interview. And the
“LREI families had been talking in the direct
right person listening.
aftermath about what we could do to help in a
WNYC was reporting on the experiences of Haitian earthquake survivors adapting to life in New York. It was February 2010, one month after the quake. A journalist spoke with Deborah Pierre, 22, a fourth-year medical student from
tangible way,” Tanya said. “I heard this, and I thought, ‘A school like ours, even though it has a really competitive application process, it’s also a school that responds to the world… It could be the perfect kind of place for someone like this.’”
Haiti, living in Brooklyn. Her credits wouldn’t
Fast-forward to June 13, 2012, and Deborah’s
transfer, so her plan was to return home to Port-
little sister Genevieve is walking across the NYU
au-Prince, to intern and help. But Deborah was
Skirball Center stage, LREI diploma in hand.
nervous about her younger sister:
Before leaving, her focus has been to get her
life is just beginning.
sister into a good high school. She was a junior
‘‘It was all gray.’’
at one of the top private schools in Port-au-
On January 12, 2010, Genevieve was at her
Prince, but it collapsed. A month later they’ve !"#$$%&'())*"&+*,&-")(&#&./0$-1&21+(($&-"&3*4& York, but Pierre worries it’s inadequate. “I talked to her guidance counselor and she admitted that her level is too high for the school,” she says. “She’s going to be going to school but she’s not really learning pretty much anything.” Tanya Wexler stopped what she was doing. The LREI parent of four was working from home, with WNYC on her laptop.
home in Port-au-Prince, watching TV after school and enjoying a lazy afternoon. Then suddenly, the ground started shaking. “My house is on a hill, and normally I can see the city from my window,” she said. “When it happened and I looked out, it was covered in dust and I was so confused. It was all gray.” The magnitude-7.0 quake left much of the capital city in rubble, but thankfully Genevieve’s house and immediate family were spared. She lost two distant family members, though, as well as a close friend in her class, Alexandra. “She used to buy me lollipops every day,” she said softly. “We used to be real friends also, but I remember the lollipops.” Genevieve’s parents wanted her away from the ?:#4'>%'4%,:"!%P"&%:"$%,4%A"&%F4$H%9),!%&),:% Deborah. It was all temporary, they thought — they’d move in with their uncle in Canarsie, then go back to Haiti when their schools reopened.
But after a few months, when Genevieve’s school still wasn’t ready, her family enrolled her in a public school nearby. The teachers there &"$"%7+">%':"%$"3"36"$'>%62,%),%&#'+G,%Q2),"%,:"% $)1:,%7,>%#?#("3)?#//!%4$%'4?)#//!“[The students] were loud… and they wouldn’t concentrate on what the teacher was saying,” she said. “And I was the odd one. I couldn’t Snapshots of her winter break in Haiti: (above) Displaced family living in a camp. “They’re sitting outside because it’s too hot to stay in.” (top left) “This is much more in the countryside, a good side of Haiti.”
$"#//!%3#H"%0$)"+('%6"?#2'"%.%?42/(+G,%7+(% anyone that, I don’t know, understood me in a way. So I used to just walk around alone.”
‘‘I loved it here.’’ Dozens of phone calls, emails and meetings after Deborah’s WNYC interview, Genevieve arrived at Charlton Street on September 7, 2010 to start her junior year at LREI. It was just eight months after the earthquake. “She took everything in stride. She was never nervous,” said High School Principal Ruth Jurgensen. “She had clearly seen it all, and was interested and engaged from the beginning — really warm, really amiable, really independent. She approached her work in that same way.” <')("%0$43>%#,%7$',>%0""/)+1%2+?4304$,#6/"% ?#//)+1%,"#?:"$'%6!%,:")$%7$',%+#3"'>%R"+"5)"5"%
remembers it being a smooth transition, too.
courses. She joined the varsity volleyball team
not get (and still have not gotten) the
and the environmental club, too. When it
attention they need. Genevieve was lucky
was time to choose a Senior Project — every
to be the public face of a problem.”
LREI student’s capstone — Genevieve decided to go back to Haiti. She had just spent winter break in Port-au-Prince, and taken pictures of her still-very-devastated community.
There was a lot of luck involved, indeed, as well as interesting coincidences. Tanya’s daughter Ella Wexler ’19 turned out to be Genevieve’s lower school buddy (“She loves her!”), and
“I knew I wanted to do something to help, but
her wife Amy Zimmerman, LREI’s Board Chair,
I didn’t know what,” she said. She wound up
signed Genevieve’s diploma.
joining forces with an organization called Food for the Poor, and helped lead health information sessions, and distribute vitamins and water @2$)7?#,)4+%,#6/",'%,4%@"4@/"%)+%+""(-
But it’s also a credit to progressive education, says Tanya, a graduate of Francis W. Parker School, a progressive school in Chicago. “The progressive education spark that was in
‘‘You can see a chain.’’
me informed the way I think, then it informed
When the WNYC piece aired over two years
where I sent my kids to school, then it informed why I’m listening to that radio show at all, and
“I loved it here,” Genevieve said, thinking
ago, reporter Marianne McClure could have
never guessed that it would have such a
remarkable ending for Deborah Pierre’s sister,
reminded me a bit of what I was used to in Haiti.”
who was not even named.
community,” she said.
A self-professed “shy person,” Genevieve
“As a journalist, when you can help people
“I think you can see a chain. The philosophy
found herself opening up among her new
by telling a story, it’s deeply satisfying,” she
classmates and thriving academically,
said. “Of course, I’m very conscious of
particularly in her photography and feminism
the fact that thousands of Haitian kids did
then it really does move forward. And now it’s making [Genevieve] want to go back into her
empowers you. It kind of says, ‘It’s in your hands.’”
In the fall, Genevieve will attend Bard College, where she plans to be pre-dental. Her sister is now a practicing physician.
| Summer 2012
Meet our
of the Faculty Diversity Committee. Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her husband and two children at various New York City museums and traveling to visit relatives in California and Mexico. Celine Kagan joined LREI’s English department in 2008. She teaches ninth grade English and
Shannon Barden has been an active member
at LREI, and a six-year-old daughter who will join
of the LREI parent community since 2005. Most
First Grade this fall. Emma and her family moved
recently, she was co-chair of the Community
to the city in 2007, and have enjoyed downtown
Service Committee. Prior to joining the school
living ever since. She and her husband are
community, Shannon was a grant maker for
highly committed to LREI, embracing the
the Louis Calder Foundation with a focus
elements of progressive schooling that are so
initiatives for young people. Before moving to
education system they experienced growing up.
New York City, she lived in Hong Kong where she &#'%#%7%+#+?)#/%#+#/!',>%&4$H)+1%)+%?4334(),)"'% trading and analysis. Shannon graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a Masters of Science Degree in Finance, Investments and Banking and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. She currently lives in New York City with her husband, two children (rising sixth and second graders at LREI) and a dog.
greatly enjoys helping students make the transition into high school. She also teaches a series of electives to LREI juniors and seniors that explore a range of topics such as animals in literature and masculinity in contemporary American culture. An avid traveler since high school, Celine visits new countries and cities every chance she gets, and loves to write and blog about her adventures. When not at LREI
Elizabeth Gonzalez has taught Kindergarten at
or visiting countries abroad, Celine travels
LREI since 2009 and has been teaching in both
public and independent progressive schools for
neighborhoods, trying new restaurants and
18 years. She graduated from Cornell University
enjoying her favorite museums. She is also a
and went on to get her M.S. from Bank Street
proud volunteer for New York Cares.
College of Education. Elizabeth found her calling
Tim Merjos ’80, a lifelong New Yorker, has worked
in education after teaching in the South Bronx as part of Teach For America. As an educator, Elizabeth enjoys developing social studies and
Emma Fine, often described as a New Yorker
science core curriculum integrating all subject
areas. Professionally, she is involved with the
her dream of living and raising a family in
Descriptive Inquiry Study Group, composed
Manhattan. She is the proud mother of an
of progressive teachers from independent and
eight-year-old son, soon to enjoy Third Grade
public schools. At LREI, she is an active member
in the advertising business as a producer of TV commercials for over 25 years. He currently heads 2@%,:"%A"&%F4$H%4U %%?"%40%@$4(2?,)4+%?43@#+!% VWX>%#+(%&4$H'%&),:%'43"%40%,:"%34',%:)1:%@$47%/"% brands in the world. Tim also stays very involved with LREI. He is president of the Alumni Council, and is co-chair of the Annual Fund. Downtime is often spent on weekend excursions with his daughter or at his cabin in the Berkshires. His
Shannon Barden
Elizabeth Gonzalez
daughter, who is entering sixth grade this fall, is one of a handful of third generation students who have attended the school. Matthew Rosen graduated from The Hotchkiss School and Swarthmore College, where he studied English literature, religion and education. Prior to teaching, Matthew edited children’s 644H'>%7%$',%#,%Y"+$!%Y4/,%#+(%943@#+!>%,:"+%#,% Y#$@"$94//)+'>%#+(%7%+#//!%#,%R4/("+%T44H'-%Y"% left publishing to pursue a career in teaching, arriving at LREI in 2002. Matthew teaches seventh grade Core, and loves being a part of the Middle School. He is a lifelong student
Emma Fine
Celine Kagan
Tim Merjos
Inspiration, Squared By Ana Fox Chaney ’94, Mathematics Department Chair
Matthew Rosen
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Regina Trumbull
of writing and literature, and he has pursued graduate studies at the Bread Loaf School of English, at Yale through an NEH grant, and currently at NYU, where he studies literature, education and the imagination. Matthew lives in Brooklyn with his wife and two children, Lily and Avery, a rising kindergartener at LREI. Regina Trumbull has been working as a producer in the fashion industry for over 20 years. In that time, she has worked at many fashion magazines and advertising agencies, as well as MTV Networks. Regina is a regular freelancer at Saks Fifth Avenue and also does event planning during fashion weeks in NYC. Regina is a graduate of Scripps College in Claremont, California where
H6)49$*!$!16$(%4&6364(6$7*#$+)?6$16*3)49$*$36*++D$9%%5$#%49$L$)!$&6+!$(*!(1D>$ &*:)+)*3$*45$!386<$J16$36&3*)4$7*#$!1)#,$W%C6$*7*D$&3%:$)4!6++6(!8*+$%265)64(6$ T5%)49$:*!1$%46$F3)91!G$7*DU$*45$!%7*35#$#64#6E:*?)49$*45$36*#%4)49<$W*!1$ (833)(8+*$:8#!$6C%+C6$26D%45$26)49$%4+D$*2%8!$(%:;8!*!)%4$!%$26)49$*2%8!$ 1%7$48:263#$*45$%;63*!)%4#$261*C6$L$84563#!*45)49#$!1*!$384$+)?6$!136*5#$ !13%891$*++$+6C6+#$&3%:$?)45639*3!64$!%$@*+(8+8#<$\%7$5%6#$:8+!);+)(*!)%4$ 7%3?e$Q1*!$5%6#$)!$+%%?$+)?6e$\%7$)#$)!$36+*!65$!%$*55)!)%4e$N%6#$!16$261*C)%3$ %&$:8+!);+)(*!)%4$(1*496$7164$8#)49$&3*(!)%4#e$-)#!64)49$!%$*++$!1)#$:*56$:6$ &66+$;3%85$%&$%83$#(1%%+<$A&!63$*++>$/+)#*26!1$037)4$&%84565$-./0$%4$36#;6(!$&%3$ #!8564!$)4K8)3D>$*$26+)6&$!1*!$(1)+5364$#1%8+5$7%4563>$5%82!$*45$!6#!$)56*#<$J1)#$ 36#6*3(1$(%4'$3:#$71*!$76$*+36*5D$?467,$S83$O%2$)#$4%!$!%$'$++$(1)+5364$7)!1$ )4&%3:*!)%4>$28!$!%$1%4%3$*45$*5C*4(6$!16)3$!1)4?)49<$ A&!63$!16$(%4&6364(6>$0$f$67$&3%:$B%3!+*45$!%$=*4$a3*4()#(%>$71636$0$7*#$O%)465$ 2D$1)91$#(1%%+$:*!1$!6*(163#$W*4O8+*$X*)3$*45$=6396)$W)?16+#%4<$Q6$#;64!$ #6C63*+$5*D#$C)#)!)49$!16$b32*4$=(1%%+>$*4$)456;64564!$#(1%%+$)4$!16$16*3!$%&$ !16$()!D>$*#$36#6*3(1$*45$)4#;)3*!)%4$&%3$!16$3656#)94$%&$%83$1)91$#(1%%+$:*!1$ (833)(8+8:<$-)?6$-./0>$b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
she is a proud alumna, supporting the school’s diversity initiatives to bring more minorities to this women’s liberal arts college. Regina has served on the Director’s Council at the Children’s Museum of the Arts. She has two happy children at LREI — Loveday, a rising seventh grader, and Miles, a rising third grader. Since joining the LREI community in 2004, Regina has been an active member of the Parents Association, serving as a class parent representative for many years, chair of the Multicultural Committee and co-president of the Parents Association. This past year, Regina was co-chair of the Annual Fund.
Ana brings ideas from the West Coast to her middle school classroom
\643)$B)(()%!!%>$!16$W*!1$N6;*3!:64!$ @1*)3$*!$b32*4$71%$1%#!65$ %83$C)#)!>$!%+5$8#$!1*!$!16$:*!1$ (+*##3%%:#"$(%::)!:64!$!%$#!8564!$ 5)*+%986$*45$(%++*2%3*!)%4$6C64!8*++D$ #;36*5$!%$%!163$56;*3!:64!#$*45$ 4%7$)#$(64!3*+$!%$!16$(8+!836$%&$!16$ #(1%%+<$J16#6$+)C6+D$3%%:#$*45$ (%4'$564!>$649*965$#!8564!#>$#%$ :8(1$+)?6$%83$%74>$;)K865$%83$ ):*9)4*!)%4#>$*&'$3:)49$71*!$76$ *+36*5D$5%$76++$*45$(1*++649)49$ 8#$!%$(%4!)486$!%$6C%+C6<$
| Summer 2012
LREI in the World
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How did your experience here prepare you for college?
weeks at Skidmore, “Wow, I’m totally prepared
How about in the “real world,” Alison and Lily? What lessons do you carry with you today in your careers?
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ALISON Learning in a progressive environment
semester, and I felt that all of the work I had done
has 100 percent inspired me to become a
with Tom in history classes really prepared me
progressive educator. During college, I was a
for the thinking and writing expected in college.
student teacher at a school that wasn’t at all
MARGRET LREI taught me how to think
progressive. What an eye-opening experience!
on my own, but also to know when to seek
I knew I needed to teach kids how to think and
advice. At college now, I never hesitate to
learn and create — not just how to pass a test.
meet with a professor.
LILY One of the most important skills I developed
LILY I felt so supported to explore my interests
throughout all my years at LREI is the ability to
at LREI, and that’s something I brought
think critically, which for me means having the
with me to Pitzer. I felt comfortable trying out
desire to question assumptions. My year in
Indonesia made me realize that critical thinking is
were right for me.
one of the hardest skills to teach. I’m so grateful
a3%:$P)45639*3!64$ !13%891$J76+&!1$I3*56
The three of you are doing such amazing things! Share the Reader’s Digest version of your life since LREI. ALISON After a fantastic four years at Skidmore
94//"1">%.%'@"+,%75"%34+,:'%/)5)+1%#+(%&4$H)+1% in Sydney, Australia. I returned home and worked for Summers at LREI, where I’ve been a counselor for the past few years. In the fall of 2010, I got a job teaching second grade at Stevens Cooperative School, and this fall I’m starting at VCS. LILY During spring of my junior year at Pitzer
College, I studied abroad in Botswana, where I did an independent study on Xenophobia and the presence of Zimbabwean immigrants in Botswana. In April of last year, I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship, so a few months after graduating, I moved to Indonesia to teach English in a public school. Now, I’m a week or so #&#!%0$43%P!)+1%6#?H%04$%#+4,:"$%!"#$MARGRET%.%:#(%#%1$"#,%7$',%!"#$%#,%94++"?,)?2,%
College, and I can’t wait to go back! This summer I’m working as a counselor at Summers at LREI, with Alison, and it feels good to be back in the LREI community. This coming year at school, I will be a student advisor to incoming freshman, as well as a tour guide.
Upon graduation from LREI, each Wiggins sister was awarded the Elisabeth Irwin Award for personal motivation, academic achievement and outstanding contributions to the community. Far left (from left): Margret, Alison and Lily
that LREI values the type of teaching that
His comments were so attentive and thorough.
produces thoughtful, critical thinkers and socially
I thought, “Now this is a teacher who clearly
responsible citizens.
values his students’ work.”
How else did LREI shape who you’ve become?
really stood out for me was Julia Heaton’s Dante
MARGRET LREI taught me to have a strong
understanding of what I believe, but to always be 2+("$',#+()+1%#+(%,4/"$#+,%40%5)"&'%,:#,%()*"$% from mine. LILY I think LREI imparted on me, through
support from my teachers and classmates, a sense of never feeling too small to achieve something; that yes, my opinion does count. ALISON%.%/"#$+"(%,4%7+(%&:#,%.%/45"%Z%,4%6"%
passionate and committed and work my hardest to get what I want. I’m also open to experiencing new things and meeting new people.
What are some of your favorite classes you took at LREI?
MARGRET One of the high school electives that
class. It made me realize I wanted to pursue English literature in college. I also remember studying immigration in Fourth Grade, and having to interview a family member, which allowed me to connect my family’s history with what we were studying. Connecting lessons with the real world is what LREI does best.
What were some of your favorite extracurriculars at LREI? ALISON I loved being in the plays and musicals.
Performing on the stage in the PAC was exhilarating every time! Playing basketball and running track allowed my competitive side to come out, too.
ALISON Oh there were so many! I’ll never forget
MARGRET I loved being one of the editors and
my lower school teachers, particularly Cleo, my
Kindergarten teacher, and Grace, my third grade
Charlton Label. Every issue always felt like a
teacher. Both of them had a true passion for
huge accomplishment.
LILY Basketball and track stick out in my mind.
back on the projects we did together and the
One of my great sports moments was track
way they inspired us.
championships my sophomore year. I think we
LILY .%&)//%#/&#!'%$"3"36"$%1",,)+1%3!%7$',%
had something like nine people on the team, and
paper back from Nick O’Han for Gotham class.
we were competing against schools with over 30
members. Despite our lack in numbers, which may have put us at a disadvantage, we had a solid cheering squad of classmates and parents, #+(%"+("(%2@%?43)+1%)+%7$',%@/#?"%04$%,:"%45"$#//% category. It was this great school spirit and support, win or lose, that I think made sports particularly special at LREI.
Any advice for current students, to make the most out of their time here? ALISON I’d say get involved! Try things that are
out of your comfort zone because you’ll be supported no matter what. MARGRET Agreed. Get involved. The school has
'4%32?:%,4%4*"$>%#+(%"5"$!4+"G'%@#$,)?)@#,)4+% and passion is what makes the community great. LILY%E+S4!%"5"$!%7"/(%,$)@>%"5"$!%1$"#,%#''"36/!%
and every Founder’s Day ice cream. Find those teachers with whom you connect and stay in touch because once your time at LREI has ended, you’ll be extremely grateful to still have the support of our community. I know I am. Go to lrei.org/intheworld for more Q&As with LREI alumni.
| Summer 2012
On June 1-2, LREI welcomed over 75 alumni to our 27th Annual Alumni Reunion. Graduates of all classes, as well as former #+(%?2$$"+,%0#?2/,!%#+(%',#*>%1#,:"$"(% for a reception at the Charlton Street campus on Saturday, which included a sneak peek at the Charlton Street Arts Pavilion construction. Earlier in the day, alums enjoyed a private tour of the newly renovated American Wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Reunion Weekend
2012 16
Celebrating their big 5-0! A record number of alums from the Class of 1962 came together for their milestone year. Classmate and PBS Newshour Correspondent Paul Solman â&#x20AC;&#x2122;62 received the Distinguished Alumnus Award.
2012–2013 Alumni Calendar SAVE THE DATE!
9/13 Alumni Rooftop Party 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sixth Avenue Roof
9/19 Alumni Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sixth Avenue Library
11/14 Alumni Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sixth Avenue Library
11/21 Young Alumni Breakfast (Classes 2009–2012) 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Charlton Street Cafeteria
S83$(%::84)!D$&66+#$+)?6$&*:)+D$!%$*$+%!$%&$*+8:#<$H8!$!%$467$A+8:4)$@%84()+$ +6*563#$J):$W63O%#$"]^$*45$J*:*3$I*39+6$P3*?%7)*?$"]]>$)!$!38+D$)#<
1/10 Alumni College Panel 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Charlton Street Performing Arts Center
J):>$!16$@%84()+"#$;36#)564!>$)#$!16$#%4$%&$X*4(D$=(1*)46#$W63O%#$"hZ$*45$ &*!163$%&$3)#)49$#)R!1$93*563$.%#6$W63O%#$"YZ<$J*:*3>$!16$6R6(8!)C6$C)(6$ ;36#)564!>$)#$!16$5*891!63$%&$A+*4$I*39+6$"hi$*45$:%!163$%&$3)#)49$'&!1$93*563$ @*:63%4$P3*?%7)*?$"[^<
Homecoming Basketball Game 6:15 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Thompson Street Athletic Center
FQ164$:D$23%!163$7*#$)4$!16$a)C6#>$:D$:%!163$7%8+5$23)49$:6$)4$!%$%2#63C6>G$ #*D#$J):>$71%$7*#$*++$%&$%46$%3$!7%$D6*3#$%+5$*!$!16$!):6<$FQ164$.%#6$7*#$ 36*5D$!%$9%$!%$#(1%%+>$)!$7*#$;36!!D$:8(1$*$4%E23*)463$!1*!$76$7*4!65$163$1636<G
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Alumni Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Charlton Street, Room 109
4/3 Alumni Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sixth Avenue Library
5/15 Alumni Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sixth Avenue Library
5/31 – 6/1 Reunion Weekend
Visit lrei.org for upcoming events throughout the year.
F0$#*7$!16$W*3)6$Q6)##$.6*5)49$.%%:>$*45$0$#!*3!65$2*7+)49<$0$36*++D$O8#!$ 23%?6$5%74$)4$!6*3#>G$#16$36:6:263#<$J*:*3"#$:)45$7*#$:*56$8;>$*45$)!$7*#$ *$+%!$+)?6$163$:%!163"#$36*(!)%4>$!1366$56(*56#$26&%36< FA!$%!163$#(1%%+#>$!1636$7636$B)(*##%#$%4$!16$7*++>$28!$*!$-./0>$!16$(1)+5364"#$ *3!7%3?$7*#$%4$!16$7*++<$WD$:%!163$#*)5>$jJ1)#$)#$71*!$*$#(1%%+$#1%8+5$+%%?$+)?6<"G Q)!1$%C63$Yh^$D6*3#$*!$-./0$26!7664$!16$!7%$%&$!16)3$&*:)+)6#>$J):$*45$ J*:*3$;+*4$!%$1)!$!16$93%845$3844)49$)4$=6;!6:263<$J16)3$%C63*3(1)49$9%*+,$ W*?6$)!$6*#D$&%3$6*(1$*+8:$!%$'45$1)#$%3$163$4)(16< FQ6"C6$*+7*D#$!*+?65$*2%8!$36(38)!:64!>$36(38)!:64!>$36(38)!:64!>$28!$!16$ &*(!$)#$76$1*C6$*$936*!$(%36$93%8;$%&$*+8:4)>G$ Clockwise from top right: #*D#$J):<$FS83$&%(8#$!1)#$D6*3$7)++$26$%4$(%::)!!66#>$ Tamar ’88, Tim ’80, #%$76$(*4$16+;$6C63D%46$96!$)4C%+C65$)4$#%:6!1)49$ Rose ’19 and Cameron ’20 !1*!$)4!636#!#$!16:<G <,,"+(%,:"%</23+)%942+?)/G'%H)?H4*%3"",)+1%['""%?#/"+(#$%4+%/"0,\>% or email alumni@lrei.org for more.
| Summer 2012
CLASS NOTES Burke Shipley ’36 writes, “I still have my
From Washington, D.C., Bob Weinberg ’49
Josie Segal Gallup ’64, a psychoanalyst in the
diploma dated May 27, 1936, and signed by
writes, “We had a great joint 80th birthday
Bay Area, says she’s “still out here on the Left
Norman Studer. He was a great teacher.”
party at LREI in June 2011 for all of us born
Coast,” living in Berkeley with her husband,
in 1931. Some of us had known each other for
Joshua. “Love to all of my classmates.”
Dr. Roy Kahn LR ’40 is pleased to announce the publication and availability of his book, “New England Gravestone Images, 1648-1850.” Unrelated and amazing: Roy was the World Association of Benchers and Deadlifters’ world champion deadweight lifter in 2009 and 2010, at ages 83 and 84. Alan S. Rosenthal ’40 writes, “At age 85, I continue to work part-time as a Nuclear Regulatory Commission administrative judge.” Set up in an apartment overlooking Lake Michigan in Chicago, Alexander Elwyn ’45 is enjoying retirement with his wife Shelia. He
75 years — from the Fours and Fives!” Now $",)$"(%0$43%,:"%/#&%7$3%40%N)//)#3'%^%94++4//!% LLP, Bob is teaching criminal procedure at the University of Virginia Law School and The George Washington University Law School. Joel Mandelbaum ’50 is still composing and performing music, she says. “I never let losing the competition to designate the last three notes of “The Mighty Little Tugboat” in the Six’s get me down.”
Betty Gruber Slatko ’64 is living in Mass. with her husband, Barton. “We have three daughters #+(%75"%1$#+(?:)/($"+]K Richard (Ritchie) Saunders ’64, emails, “Finally starting to cut back after 33 years as a full-time academic ophthalmologist in Charleston, S.C. at The Medical University of South Carolina, where I have been Professor of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics for the past 20 years. It’s nice to have more time to sail,
William Rothman ’55, writes that he’s “still
travel and manage the minutiae of life.” In
active in progressive political activities.”
recent years, he says he’s often traveled in Italy with his wife, Anne, who was doing research
spends time working on photography and
Donald S. Coburn ’57, has a three-year-old
volunteering at The Oriental Institute of the
grandson named Beckett, and one on the way.
University of Chicago.
He retired in 2008 as Presiding Judge, Appellate
In March, Lyn Campbell Macfarlane ’46
Division, Superior Court of New Jersey, and is
now on recall doing trials in Morris County.
“Nothing is new and everything is new!” writes
in Lynnwood, Wash. “I am still writing and
Peter Myers ’59 co-authored two health
reference books with Richard Isralowitz,
Karl E. Meyer ’46 released his latest book in
“Illicit Drugs” and “Alcohol,” for ABC-CLIO.
39 years of working with kids, parents and
March, “Pax Ethnica: Where and How Diversity
He was also appointed to the National
teachers! I am now a volunteer for several
Exists,” he shares via email. It is available in hard
Addiction Studies Accreditation Commission,
organizations, notably on the advisory committee
cover and e-book.
he shares via email.
of the University Musical Society of University
Ruth Merson Neleski ’46 checks in: “Still
On November 10, 2011, Steve Wandner ’58
kicking! Not doing anything socially responsible,
as I am married to a die-hard Republican and we
at a hearing on “Unemployment Insurance: The
Tom Fleischman ’69 received an Academy
have agreed not to talk or engage in opposite
Path Back to Work.” On January 8, the Labor and
Award for Sound Mixing for “Hugo.”
philosophies! Life, however, is good!”
Employment Relations Association presented him
docenting at Edmonds Museum,” she writes.
with their Outstanding Practitioner <&#$(%04$%_`aa>%04$%"*4$,'%)+% advancing the intersection of research and public policy making in the federal government.
and Battlegrounds.”
Linda Spector ’68. “My kids are grown and
of Michigan. I am also working as a volunteer at Mott’s Children’s Hospital.”
Alan Soloway ’73 marked his 23rd year working for the Justice Department in June. His wife Betsy is a professor at Quinnipiac University School of Law. His son Michael is in a doctoral program in Russian studies at the University of Virginia, and his daughter Kathryn is a junior majoring in journalism and poverty studies at
Hoeh ’59 is splitting her time
Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va.
family home in Belmont, Vt. “I traveled to Eastern Europe this fall,” she writes. “I’m also taking continuing-education classes at
War II Sites in Italy: Monuments, Museums,
Retired since July 2007, Sandra between Hanover, N.H. and her
“Hello, LREI! Gracie speaking.” The 2.5-year-old daughter of Jessica Bard ’84 dials in.
for her new book, “A Travel Guide to World
Julie Brin Nadler ’78 is living in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Peter and their 7-year-old twins, Samuel and Marcus, writes her mother, Hannah Brin Nadler.
Dartmouth ILEAD (Institute for
“All is well,” writes Paula Davis-Mulderrig ’80.
Lifelong Education at Dartmouth),
“We moved to California in 2009. It’s weird, but
and active on Cancer Friends
not bad. My boys are 12 and 15. Life is good and
Board and democratic politics.”
goes by fast!”
Rosa Silver-Russell ’82 recently made
Toni Kaplan ’99 and her husband Niali have
show, which aired internationally and is being
a move to the mainland. “We left our organic
moved to New Jersey. “I am still working at
used nationwide to help middle and high school
farm in Kauai for Seattle,” she writes.
Morgan Stanley. For the time being, we found an
students learn and apply algebra.
Kachina Myers Spyros ’83 has a fulltime private practice as a psychoanalyst in
apartment equidistance from New York City and Somerset,” she writes.
Manhattan. She and her husband have four-year-
Dan Levin ’01 was the cinematographer for
old twins named Hudson and Sophia.
In April, Sari Barton ’87 stopped by school while on a spring break trip with her kids and husband, who all live in Nashville. “It was such a treat for me to visit LREI and see how it has evolved. I had a wonderful experience when I was a student there and it made me happy to see the school thriving,” she emailed afterwards. Steve Romero ’90%"3#)/'>%I.%:#5"%6""+%4U?)#//!% hired by Bank of America as a Store Designer (sounds a little strange, but yes) in the Store Design + Merchandising Department. It’s a dream job and I am having a great time being a part of the team.” Adam Cohen ’91 (adamcohen.com) released his latest album “Like a Man” in April. Aaron Greenberg ’93 has been based in Tbilisi, Georgia with UNICEF as chief of child protection and education. “It is fascinating and exciting
Season.” Season 2 of “Brick City,” another one of Dan’s projects, was nominated for an Emmy. Deborah A Sklar ’01 has been teaching drama for the last four years in an intermediate and high
Molly Tarlov ’04 is starring as Sadie Saxton in the MTV show “Awkward.” After completing a B.A. in philosophy at Bucknell University, Amy Ramriez Rodriguez ’06 is pursuing a graduate degree with the philosophy department at The New School for Social Research.
school in the Bronx and is about to start work on
Emory Cohen ’08 is playing Leo Houston, the
a master’s in special education. She is engaged
son of Deborah Messing’s character, in the NBC
to Philip Michael DiSanza.
series “Smash.”
PBS’s “Get the Math,” hosted by Luis Lopez
An essay titled “Feminism: Much More Than
’03, won a New York Emmy Award in April. Luis
Women’s Rights” by Meiling Jabbaar ’11
also wrote music for the show with High School
was published on the Gender and Education
Assistant Principal Micah Dov Gottlieb, who
Association’s website (genderandeducation.com)
acted as math and music coordinator for the
in October 2011. Meiling is a rising sophomore at
program. Calen McGee ’12 also starred in the
Brown University.
In Memoriam Rose Janet Frumes LR ’38 passed away October 20. A talented artist, she elected ,4%@2,%:"$%4&+%,#/"+,'%#')("%,4%I'"$5"%#'%#%'"?4+(%32'"K%04$%:"$%7$',%:2'6#+(>%E/)#'% Friedensohn, and her second husband, Ed Kulkosky.
work. In fact, I am writing you this email via
Maria Calabrese Murray ’41%()"(%W2/!%c-%;:"%&#'%#+%"(2?#,4$>%34,:"$%40%75">%
Blackberry while crossing the occupied territory
of Abkhazia (occupied by Russian troops) back
her late husband Dr. William Murray.
into the administrative territory of Georgia.”
Arthur H. Jonas, Ph.D. ’48 died October 26. Arthur collaborated with illustrator Aliki on
Andrew McLaren, director of LREI from 1988 to
children’s books “Archimedes and His Wonderful Discoveries,” “New Ways in Math,”
2004 and father of Brooks McLaren ’94, writes,
“More New Ways in Math,” reprinted for decades and translated into 14 languages.
“Retirement yet again. Woodworking, learning =4$,212"'"%#+(%4*%,4%V#?:2%=)??:2-K
Robert Glatzer ’50>%#%7/3%?$),)?%#+(%?4332+),!%#?,)5)',%)+%;@4H#+">%N#':->%()"(%;"@,"36"$%
Jackie Ross Albano ’94 and her husband
to Volkswagen,” and “Beyond Popcorn: A Critic’s Guide to Looking at Films.”
15, 2010. Bob authored two books: “The New Advertising: The Great Campaigns from Avis
<#$4+%&"/?43"(%,:")$%7$',%?:)/(>%V)/"'%J:"4(4$"% Albano, on November 13, 2011. Cosmo Torres-Wirth ’96 and his wife Veronica welcomed their baby Sabina Torres-Wirth on March 14, 2012, his sister Taina Torres-Wirth
Anne Gilbert Drew ’59 died April 12. “As a central partner for more than four decades )+%42$%(4?23"+,#$!%7/3%?43@#+!%M$"&%<''4?)#,"'>%<++"%"(),"(%#+(%@$4(2?"(%?)+"3#% 5"$),"%7/3'%4+%6#//",>%&#$>%M2H"%E//)+1,4+>%.+()$#%R#+(:)>%#+(%=$"')("+,%W4:+%O-%L"++"(!>% among others,” writes her husband Robert Drew.
’95 emails. Sabina was the youngest guest at
Public health and global climate change expert Dr. Paul Epstein ’61 died November
this year’s Reunion Weekend.
13. Paul was a physician and the associate director of the Center for Health and the
On March 1, 2012, Sarah Schur McCarty ’96 #+(%:"$%:2'6#+(%E,:#+%&"/?43"(%,:")$%7$',%
R/46#/%E+5)$4+3"+,%#,%Y#$5#$(%V"()?#/%;?:44/-%Y"%&#'%#34+1%,:"%7$',%,4%&#$+%40%#%/)+H% between the spread of infectious disease and extreme weather events.
child, Zev Schur McCarty.
Seth Rosen ’75, vice president of Communications Workers of America District 4, died July
Anna Roberston Acunto ’98 is married to
20. An advocate for workers’ rights, as well as a guitar and mandolin player, Seth is survived
Dr. John Acunto. They welcomed a daughter
by a loving wife, daughter and son.
London Rose on Feb. 19, 2011.
| Summer 2012
A4+%=$47,%b$1U.S. Postage PAID New York, NY Permit No. 487 272 Sixth Avenue New York, NY 10014
A Year in Tweets Y#@@!%7$',%(#!>%CDE.]%O""/'%144(%,4%6"%6#?H%)+%,:"% swing. | Record number of parents at the New Parents Reception tonight! | Sign me up! So full in the Sixth Ave cafeteria this AM that the PA Welcome Fair spilled to the sidewalk. #loveourparents |%EB?),"(%04$%42$%7$',%'?:44/8 wide assembly of the year today, celebrating our 90th anniversary! | We’ve launched a pilot #iPad program for seventh graders. | Getting pumped for #AllyWeek Oct 17-21! @glsen #LGBT | Up early for a good cause: beautifying our city. Today is It’s My Park Day! | Varsity R)$/'%;4??"$%)'%)+%,:"%@/#!4*']%N44,]%R4>%L+)1:,'-% | Love that our 8th graders at @OccupyWallSt stepped right up to the @CNBC camera yesterday! | “Nobody reports on the treasures & traumas of public education better” Jim Lehrer on @John_Merrow, here Thurs! Got tix? lrei.org/ideas | Day 1 of Minimester, check! Some courses this year: “Geektastic!” “Hidden Museums of NY” Kwaidan: Japanese Ghost Stories” & “Time Travel” | A seventh grader remembers Steve Jobs on El Dia de los Muertos. | Our @lrei_lib department chair is reviewing books for @nytimes. | Phil to the Lower School Thanksgiving assembly: “Some of you may not know me yet...” Room echoes with “I know you!!” | Our library’s “louder, more digitally centered model” is featured in the @bostonherald. | L)?H)+1%4*%,:"%ad,:%<++2#/%CDE.%C),"$#$!%E5"+)+1%&),:% @rosannecash @LemonAndersen & more! | At the Third Grade’s Native American Museum, handmade artifacts + iPad presentations! #lovethisschool | Do other people’s holiday parties start with their directors karaoke-ing to Sinatra? Just asking. | One of the 8th gr social justice project teams just got back from the UN, where they interviewed the Chief of Child Protection @UNICEF! Wow. | Alumni College Panel in T minus 1.5 hours! | LREI grad & current math major at Skidmore College: “At LREI, I learned to be creative in everything I do.” | Whoa. @tumblr founder & CEO @davidkarp just spoke at our high school assembly! | “My existence shouldn’t threaten yours.” Love @joseiswriting as our
MLK assembly speaker. | Crazy Hat Day at the Middle School today! Of course we’ve got some @Giants lids going on. | Huge news: Our @feministteacher Ileana is this year’s @NOW_NYC’s Susan B. Anthony Award winner! | At Middle School Spirit Week assembly, kids presented a 17K+ gift to Brandon Kaplan. “In 29 yrs here, I’ve never felt so moved.” -Larry | Our Director of College Guidance @csocol will run her 22nd marathon this wkend for @CTurlington’s @everymomcounts! | Live from our third LREI Ideas Speaker Series “Outside the Microscope” with Siddhartha Mukherjee. | We now help students pay for college visits thx to the Annual Fund. | Media advocacy class chats with Oscar nominated producer @j_silberberg. #nbd (Okay okay, big deal!) | So special catching up with alums from classes ’40-’93 in San Francisco last night! |%J434$$4&>%&"G//%?#@%4*%Y)1:% ;?:44/%;@)$),%N""H%&),:%E.%.(4/%7+#/']%.+,"+'"%'?"+"% at yesterday’s auditions. | LREI loves art! Today kicks 4*%42$%C4&"$%;?:44/%<$,%;:4&-%J:#+H'%04$%#//%!42$% hard work, Ann! | Can’t wait for @MuseumModernArt artist Gabriel Orozco and gallerist (& LREI alum) Marian Goodman’s talk tonight! | We’re celebrating Pi Day approximately 4 days, 15 hrs and 11 mins early w/ math workshops at the High School! | It’s here! Tonight is our 2012 Art Auction, LREI’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Come bid, browse and celebrate. | I spy Egyptians in the lunch line! Yep, today’s our Fifth Grade Egyptian Tomb. | “We will rise like the ocean, we will rise like the sun / We will rise all together, we will rise.” Founder’s Day! | Go, LREI Robotics! The team is defending their regional @FTCTeams title at the Javits Center today. | ¡Hola desde Barcelona! Our eighth graders on day two of their spring break trip, after the Sagrada Familia & Montjuic |%T/#?H%O"6$2#$!>%#%7/3%6!%42$%5"$!%4&+% director of media arts, is premiering at e#+,:4/41!7/3 tonight at 8pm! | Spring cleaning? Bring us your toys & we’ll donate them to a @NatlHeadStart in our hood via @SecondChanceToy! | Digging these How-To books &$),,"+%6!%42$%7$',%1$#("$'-%| Early morning practice
with the Middle School Band. Wow, this group is up and at ’em this Monday AM! | “An idea is not built from scratch.” Watch @stevenbjohnson%:"$"%04$%42$%7+#/% LREI Ideas talk — tonight! | Many have asked about the collage artwork that’s our FB cover. It’s by a 7th grader! See it at the MS Art Show. | Full house at tonight’s POCOC Poetry Slam / Spoken Word Jam! | Twe-view pic from Willy Wonka dress rehearsal! | Yesterday, the #MetGala... next month, @lrei_lib’s Jesse Karp! RSVP for his @metmuseum talk on graphic novels. | Love this tv spot w/ LREI senior Simon, leader of Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer. Walk’s tmrw! | Could it be a more beautiful night for Spring Concert? | Fourth Grade debuting their original musical this AM, a culmination to their study of #immigration. | Jazzed to host tmrw’s SOLD OUT conference about integrating the iPad into middle school curriculum! | Reunion Weekend starts tmrw! This year’s Distinguished Alum is @NewsHour correspondent @paulsolman ’62. | Grubstreet, take +4,"]%R$#+(%4@"+)+1'%6!%42$%7$',%1$#("$'%,:)'%<V>%&:4% are learning by being restaurateurs. | Senior Project Presentations tonight! Students intern, study, then enlighten the community. Progressive ed at its best. | <#$4+%&$4,"%1$#+,'%,4%02+(%#%(4?23"+,#$!%7/3%#642,%,:"% .'$#"/)%=#/"',)+)#+%?4+P)?,-%#LREIsrprojects | “Kitty will always be with us.” | Quite possibly this tweeter’s fave LREI tradition: Teachers handpick books for each senior! | “We have really enjoyed watching you grow up and become leaders.” Congrats, Fourth Grade! | So proud to walk as a school every year in the @NYCPride March! Won’t you join us Sunday, 6/24? | It’s go time, Class of 2012! @NYUSkirball | Is it really the last day of school?! | “In our many colored fabrics made from strands of common thread, we will rise all together, we will rise.”
Follow us in real time @lrei