Friday, April 14
NOfficers 4-15
Fundraising Projects 18
Service to Community 16-17
Service to School 19
Memories 20-21
Major Emphasis 24-25
Kiwanis Project 22-23
Year Wrapped 26-34
almost summer backpacking across europe...
Hey!MynameisNevaandI ampresidentforthe20222023schoolyear.Hereare theimportantthingsyou shouldknowaboutme:I LOVEsushi,Ihavea concerningaddictionto TikTok,andalovefor volunteering Alongsidethat Ihaveapassionfordebating onpoliticaltopicswithmy fellowpeers.Ifyouever catchmedoingandactivity, it'smostlikelybingingan extremelylongTVShow That'sthe101ofNevaKhan
Interests:reading,Mitski,hanging outwithfriends,convincingpeople toreadThePoppyWar,recruiting forKeyClub,goingtoconcerts
Otherschoolactivities:Youthand Government,AcademicDecathlon, BookClub,NationalHonorSociety
FunFact:"Ioncebrokebothmy wrists"
VicePresident|Junior Hey,guys!!Mynameis Madison,andIamyourVice Presidentforthe2023-2023 schoolyearandwillbe presidentforthe2023-2024 schoolyear!Mymaingoal thisyearisforustoachieve Top5ClubsintheTexasOklahomaDistrict It’lltakea lotofhardwork,butIknow we’llbeabletodoit.Don’t beafraidtoreachoutand askquestionsbecauseI’m heretohelp!Ican’twaitto makememorieswithy’all andseeeverythingwe’ll accomplishasaclub:D
Interests:traveling,listeningto music,minecraft,hangingoutwith friends,studying,waterparks(the band),PercyJackson
Otherschoolactivities:GirlUp Club,NationalHonorSociety, AcademicDecathlon,Leaders-inTraining,YouthandGovernment
FunFact:"Ihaveafearofbed frames"
SamanSaiforoayaiandIam yoursecretaryforthe20222023schoolyear.Afew thingsIenjoyotherthan volunteeringaretennis, hangingoutwithfriends, andbaking I’msoexcitedto seewhatamazingthingswe willdotogetherasaclub thisyear Also,feelfreeto reachouttomeforany questionsregardingKey Cluborevenotherthings,I’d behappytohelpinanyway thatIcan:)
Interests:eatingnewfoods, hangingoutwithfriends,playing withherdogs,spendingtimewith family
Otherschoolactivities:tennis, debateclub,academicdecathlon, NationalHonorSociety
FunFact:"Ihaveanirrationalfear ofwasps"
Hey,everyone!Mynameis ZoeLeddyandIamyour editorforthisschoolyear Thiswillbemysecondyear inKeyClubandasidefrom it,I'malsosectionleaderfor theLowWoods(Iplay bassoon,contrabassoon, andtenorsaxophone),Book ClubPresident Overthis pastyear,KeyClubhas becomeabigpartofmy life,andIcannotwaitto sharemyloveofitwithyou all(:
Hey,guys!!Myn MadisonNguye junior,andI’llb yourVicePresid 2023-2023scho maingoalthisyearisforus toachieveTop5Clubsinthe Texas-Oklahom Di i I ’ll takealotofhar knowwe’llbea Don’tbeafraid andaskquestio i’mheretohelp tomakememo andseeeveryth accomplishasa
listeningto angingoutwith waterparks(the on ties:GirlUp Club,NationalHonorSociety, AcademicDecathlon,Leaders-indGovernment
Interests:reading,traveling,going toconcerts,hangingoutwith friends,TheGrishaverse,90'sRomComs,Laufey, traveling,meeting newpeople
Otherschoolactivities:Band, AcademicDecathlon,BookClub, NationalHonorSociety
FunFact:"Iamtallerthanmy entirefamily"
Heyeveryone:DMyname isChris,andI’ma sophomoreandwillbe servingasyourwebmaster for2022-2023!I’m extremelydevotedto doingthebestforourKey Club Myfavoritethingsto doarerockclimbing, volunteering,andtiltin VALORANT. Thefuture hasalotinstore,andI can’twaittoachievegreat thingswitheveryone!
p catchmedoing it'smostlikelyb extremelylong That'sthe101o
Interests:Rockclimbing,gaming, mechanicalkeyboards,studying, beingthebestIcanbe(:
Otherschoolactivities:Girl-Up Club,UILAcademics,Academic Decathlon,andAsianStudent Association
FunFact:"IlikeplasticrocksandI canconsistentlytype140+words perminute"
RecentlyAdded TrendingNow
JohnDunlap Treasurer|Senior
Heyguys!I’mJohnDunlapand IwillbeyourLakeRidgeKey ClubTreasurerthisyear.I’ma seniorthisyearandIplanto holdavarietyoffundraisersto helpraisemoneytofurther helpourcommunity Hopefullytogetherwecan makethisyearourbestyet andmakethetop25clubs!
saxophone),Bo President Over year,KeyClubh bigpartofmyl cannotwaitto loveofitwithy
Interests:playinggamesonmy switch,listeningtomusic, watchinganime,andhangingout withfriends
Otherschoolactivities:Band, AcademicDecathlon,UIL Academics,NationalHonorSociety
Interests:music(especiallyK-POP), playinggames,playingthepiano, eat,hangoutwithmycat,and sleep
Otherschoolactivities: EnvironmentalClub
FunFact:"Iwaspianostate champion"
volunteering, VALORANT. T hasalotinsto can’twaittoa thingswithe
p catchmedoing it'smostlikelyb extremelylong
Hey, I'm Kaitlyn. I'm a sophomore, and I will be your 2022-2023 hours coordinator. Some things you should know about me are that I love to listen to music, especially KPOP Additionally, I like to play games such as Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends, Valorant, and much more I also have a cat named Cashew, whom I love very much. Feel free to reach out and ask any questions. Let's volunteer together and make this year great.
Hey guys! My name is Michaela McClendon and I will be your 2022-2023 Service Coordinator!
Interests:cooking/baking,getting peoplegifts,goingtochurch, servingthecommunity,hanging outwithfriendsandfamily,trying newfood
Otherschoolactivities:National HonorSociety
knowwellbea Don’tbeafraid andaskquestio i’mheretohelp tomakememo andseeeveryth accomplishasa
President Over year,KeyClubh bigpartofmyl cannotwaitto loveofitwithy
I’m a senior this year and I can’t wait to meet all of y'all and make unique service projects! :) Aside from volunteering, I love to read, play volleyball, cook, help out at my church and watch movies Most recently I love the new movies The Gray Man and The Princess If you have any movie recommendations or questions for me feel free to contact me at any time! Get ready for a great year in Key Club where a seat is saved just for you!
FunFact:"Ihaveafearof escalators"
erthanmy y andmakethetop25clubs!
FunFact:"Idon'tknowhowto swim"
Heyy'all!MynameisLogan Clark I’masophomoreand willbeyourSocial Coordinatorthisyear!Other thanvolunteering,Iloveto run,read,hangoutwith friends,andwatchStudio Ghiblimovies!Ialsorun CrossCountryandTrackand aminvolvedinBookClub Feelfreetoreachoutandlet meknowifIcanbeof servicetoyou!GoEagles!.
Interests:Running,reading, hangingoutwithfriends,and watchingStudioGhiblimovies
Otherschoolactivities:Cross Country,Track,andBookClub
volunteering VALORANT. hasalotinsto can’twaitto thingswithe
p catchmedoin it'smostlikely extremelylong That'sthe101o
yp Valorant, and also have a ca Cashew, who much. Feel fr and ask any q volunteer tog this year grea
AbrahamMedina Division39SLieutenantGovernor|Senior Interests:painting,running, volunteering,plants,calligraphy Otherschoolactivities:Band, NationalHonorSociety, EnvironmentalClub
Hey,guys!Mynameis AbrahamMedinaandIam theLieutenantGovernorfor Division39SoftheTexasOklahomaDistrict.Iam DrumMajorforbandand ampresidentofNational HonorSociety.Ican'twaitto seeallthethingswehave aheadofusandplease reachoutifyouhaveany questions(:
FunFact:"Spanishismyfirst language;IlearnedEnglish throughkid'stelevision"
Hey,guys!Mynameis Danielle,andIwillbe servingastheLt.Governor forDivision13thisyear!I amsoexcitedtobeserving themightyTexasOklahomaDistrict!This yearisgoingtobeagood one(:
Interests:acting,singing,listening tomusic,hangingoutwithfriends, andofcourse,servemy community
Otherschoolactivities:I'min musicaltheatreatLR,socatchme onstage,andI'mamemberof studentcouncil!
B kCl b N i alHon loveforvolunte Alongsidethat passionfordeb politicaltopics fellowpeers.Ify catchmedoing it'smostlikelyb extremelylong That'sthe101of
FunFact:"Iamstillafraidofthe darklol"
The club officers made a poster and shared their experiences with Key Club and recruited new students at freshman orientation
We wrote encouraging notes and attached them to candy canes to pass out to students during exam week
The officers combined their money to buy mini bundt cakes to give to the counselors, administrators, and reception/attendance workers
The officers and members recruited new members at the club fair during 8th Grade Night.
Lake Ridge Key Club is with Mansfield Kiwanis Club
Lake Ridge Key Clubbers volunteered at Mansfield Kiwanis Club's Annual Golf Tournament
Lake Ridge Key Club is with Mansfield Kiwanis Club
Our offcers met the Mayor of Mansfield and the Superintendent of our school district and our Service Coordinator, Michaela McClendon received Student of the Month for December.
Lake Ridge Key Club is with Mansfield Kiwanis Club
Lake Ridge Key Club is collecting school supplies to create graduation baskets for senior special needs students in the MISD school district
See reactions
If you didn't know, Thirst Project is the world's largest youth water organization building a socially conscious generation of young people who will end the global water crisis and we are one of Key Club's preferred charities. As a former Key Clubber myself, I know that we are a mighty bunch of young people who can and will change the world for the better.
On April 3rd, we are launching a campaign called Key Club Walks. Key Club Walks is a campaign that will run from April 3rd through May 1st and we are challenging every individual key clubber to walk 50 miles and raise $50. Why walk? Over 783 million people on our planet lack access to safe, clean drinking water and women and children are tasked to walk an average of 3.75 miles every day to fetch dirty water. Why $50? Fifty dollars will provide TWO people access to clean water for LIFE!! Not only will walking a little extra every day improve your mental and physical health, but you will also raise awareness about the global water crisis and provide two people with clean water for life.
Your Meetings live, laugh, laufey spring has sprung (lit)erature classical garden summer in the 60s spiraling movie soundtracks>> late night drive lorem
3 Tone Poems: No. 3 Spring Morning Fredrick Delius, Royal Scottish National Orchestra 26
IHearaSymphony-CodyFry summervibesonly summit
GlueSong(feat Clairo)-beabadoobee lorem mansfield
TheKing-SarahKinsley runningthroughafield
SomeoneintheCrowd-LaLaLand miaandsebastian<3
zoe mael
WarsawConcerto-RichardAddinsell instrumentalbraindump ltg39s
LetYouBreakMyHeartAgain-Laufey live,laugh,laufey
DancingQueen-ABBA eat,sleep,watchmammamia
2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 W W R R A A P P P P E E D D
This year you've stepped out of you comfort zone You stayed true to the Key Club Core Values
You find joy in volunteering and helping others. You find creative solutions to a variety of problems. You enjoy thinking outside of the box