Training Manual 2022

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One of the single most reasons Lavish Roots Hospitality has been successful over the years can be attributed to an inclusive culture We encourage Team Members to be themselves and be adventurous
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Apis dicatur sequaesto que nosaepudit verum quiae volor aspe nis doloreperrum re voloresto velibusciet faciur, cus is quod untur?
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Apis dicatur sequaesto que nosaepudit verum quiae volor aspe nis doloreperrum re voloresto velibusciet faciur, cus is quod untur?
Puda nonsere rferion nobis pel molo berum, ut assimus ex etus dolupie tureped quam qui aut expelen imagnih ictiam ipsamus imincipiet, consent Minctet, tem enemped ut porro voluptatati officipiet maximus aut verehentiat aut adis ellandi to blab ipsam num re vendend ianditate preratibus aliquo ipiet rest quid mi, seque dolestiis as volor accum faccuptam,
Strong interpersonal bonds and synergy among our Team is creates a culture that reflects character of our organization now and into the future
Having a passion for people Having a passion for hospitality and culinary arts
Building trust and establishing a rapport with our guests and vendors, suppliers, and each other while staying true to the Lavish Roots brand.
Seek opportunities to experiment, ask questions and try new things; Space is the limit!
Running a busy café while effectively training in a new position is hard work! This program will provide you with the information that you need in order to execute your daily and weekly job duties as a leader as well as allow us to provide consistency between all of our kitchens.
Show up, Work Hard, Be Professional, See People
You will be provided with all the tools and resources you need to do your job If at any time you feel you need more clarification, information, equipment, or guidance, just ask! We are a Team! We all want to see each other succeed! Just as life does, things do change from time to time in our cafes and kitchens This manual will be updated as needed and evolve over time with your help!
Failing to plan is planning to fail How you organize your day, even before you get to work, sets the tone for your day and week.
Delegating tasks and projects appropriately will free you up to focus on leading a successful operation
Our admin work is just as important as getting food up in time for service. From ordering and scheduling, to emails and daily recaps, it is all important.
Some of our cafes offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner While some of our cafes only offer breakfast and lunch Please see the service times below Note: the expectation is that we are ready with service 15 minutes prior to the posted time(s)
8:00am to 10:00am 12:00pm to 2:00pm 6:30pm to 8:00pm 5:00pm to 7:00pm 6:30pm
9:00am to 9:45am 2:15pm to 12:45pm
Reviewsafetymessagewithstaffandhavethemsignoff Assigndailycleaningprojects Filloutorderguide
1:30PM 2:00PM
When assigning projects and tasks to you team the best way to do this is to understand your teams strengths and weaknesses Every team is different
Read your team, empower them with certain projects, and give strong, descriptive examples as to what your expectations are for the project
One of the difficult tasks when leading a team is to not just do the work on ourselves Delegation is a critical skill, yet it remains one of the most underutilized and underdeveloped management capabilities
A strong leader is a master of delegation. At times we want to do things ourselves, however, we are stronger as a team with proper and efficient delegation.
You may not realize that you’re unnecessarily hoarding work, so watch for warning signs, Example: A classic sign of insufficient delegation is that you are working long hours and feel totally indispensable, while your team isn’t terribly energized and keeps strangely regular hours You may also feel that your team doesn’t take ownership over projects and that you’re the only one that cares If they use phrases like, “I’m happy to help you with this,” it may be an indication that you’re doling out tasks, not handing over responsibility
This is our food label and menu ingredient system that contains dietary and allergens information Cards are one of the most important aspects of the job The information given on these must be accurate No card equals no food
The Culinary Team has a specific global look for food labels to make sure the ingredients are clearly called out
The Culinary Team uses ingredient lists and images to make sure our guests know what is in each dish or in the food that we prepare
Asterisks next to the name of the dish indicate specific diets:
Traffic colors for the names of each dish indicate the estimated health level:
For possible allergens, small images will appear as a warning:
Nuts - products that contain nuts will have the specific nut used (almond, walnut, etc.) listed as the first ingredient
Wheat - wheat-based ingredients
Dairy - products such as milk, cheese, or butter Eggs Shellfish Fish Alcohol
Spice - products that contain capsaicin (this is not a reference to ‘heat’ factor)
Some ingredients need to stand out for religious purposes or beliefs; the following will also be noted:
Contains pork
Halal products that are strictly halal based Non-vegetarian - items containing meat products
Vegetarian - items with no meat but do contain animal products
Vegan - items containing no animal products
You should have a physical copy in clear view of this form to manually record hotline service temperatures, receiving temperatures (product received from the RAD commissary building) for a chef auditing your café and/or a health inspector to easily access when they are present in your café
At the end of your day, you will digitally transfer this information to the folder located in Google Drive Enter it in your respective café, in the respective month and day as well It is a priority that this information is entered correctly every day
Consumption logs should be filled out at the end of your day
All waste from the hot boxes/hot line should be dumped into a Cambro with a green, compostable trash bag in it Ensure any waste is disposed outside of the guests eye
Using the printable worksheet, you should be recording the amount of each individual item in quarts This information well then be digitally entered in the consumption log folder, and in your respective café folder as well
Entering accurate information is of the utmost importance Also include the menu theme for that days respective menu, and the number of guests served
These serve as a great reference point for ordering for future reiterations of any menu. Use these to remember what was popular, and what wasn’t.
This is a wonderful tool you have at your disposal to tighten up your ordering so you do not have a ton of waste, and a bunch of unused product sitting around taking up space in your café’s respective storage accommodations
Each kitchen and café is but one location in a network of many
Our teams at HQ don’t know what our needs are, so it is imperative that we review and order our linens and laundry in a timely manner so that our teams can be successful each day
Linens for Redmond FRL Cafes are ordered Monday for Tuesday delivery
All dirty linens are sorted: General, White Coats and then pants, each separate This is important!
Order enough for each team member for each day plus one extra. Also keep a few extra sizes on hand for random team member coverage.
A sizing chart is in Google Drive with all team members and the sizes they wear.
This is the most efficient and effective way to communicate with your fellow managers and chefs
There are many chats available at your disposal to request more product, address any concerns you may have or notice in regards to cards, missing product, seeking guidance from a manager or chef, etc.
Checking your workplace messages is of the utmost importance. Checking them every 30 minutes at a bare minimum is required so you can stay on top of and put into action any last minute changes that may arise
Acknowledging anything that may affect you with a thumbs up is required so that we know you have seen the message, and understand what has been relayed to you via these chats
Reading and responding to your emails is another requirement and should be a priority
You will receive daily recaps from the production/prep team about the next day’s service, which will include information on possible shortages of product, substitutions or deviations from the original plan for a menu, and instructions on how to execute a dish if there was uncertainty at the weekly menu meeting the week before
Weekly safety messages from the safety team will be sent via email for you to share with your crews at your respective cafes
You will also find communications from LR senior management and Team Member Resources sent via email.
It is of the utmost importance that you thoroughly read, and acknowledge that you have read an email and send a timely response. A "heard", or "understood chef" response is more than acceptable.
Also, if something you are reading doesn’t make sense, utilize this line of communication to seek clarification from the original sender by replying directly to them (do not reply all!)