The Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, the third largest Chamber in the Kansas City metropolitan area, represents nearly 1,000 business and professional organizations that employ a combined total of more than 30,000 people living in and around the city of Lee’s Summit. The Chamber is intensely focused on the economic prosperity of the business community by fostering and promoting significant job growth, increased revenues, superior infrastructure and quality of life.
Mission Statement We create opportunities for businesses to succeed through networking, advocacy, and business and professional development.
Legislative Advocacy & Public Policy The Lee’s Summit Chamber is actively engaged in and committed to representing the business community at all levels of government. Our legislative program is interconnected to all aspects of the Chamber’s activities. The Chamber offers immediate access to the expertise of our adept Governmental Relations staff. The participation of the Governmental Relations Committee and the Legislative Committee is critical to ensuring economic success and prospertiy and quality of life for businesses and residents alike. The mission of those volunteer leaders is to to review, debate and make recommendations to the Chamber’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors The Chamber is continually monitoring legislation and political affairs at all levels of government. We strive to effectively communicate relevant information to assist our members make the appropriate day-to-day and long-term decisions that impact their business.
Table of Contents Legislative Priorities
State Legislative Issues Economic Development
Road & Highway
Health Care
City & County Legislative Issues Infrastructure
Economic Development
Cultural Missouri Government Directory
10 11
2012 Legislative Priorities Advocate for and actively support the passage of legislation that provides tax incentives targeting: 1) data centers considering locating or expanding in the State of Missouri; 2) investments made by Angel Groups; 3) workforce training and 4) the development of the Missouri Innovation Campus in Lee’s Summit. Background: Nationally Missouri continues to lag drastically behind in net jobs created and has one of the highest unemployment rates of any state, especially in the Midwest. Unemployment hovers near 9 percent and job creation numbers reflect Missouri in the lower 20 percent of states. Lee’s Summit is poised to attract and leverage significant private investment, create high paying jobs and establish a breakthrough model for preparing the future workforce for the jobs of tomorrow. During the 2011 Special Session of the Missouri General Assembly, the 94th GA was unable to reach consensus on Economic Development and Tax Credit Reform legislation that included each of the four listed economic elements. Impact: By taking advantage of the proposed economic incentives and programs, the city of Lee’s Summit would experience significant (tens-of-millions of dollars) private investment in building and equipment infrastructure; experience major-scale growth in quality jobs, and develop a state-of-the-art, innovative educational facility that will deliver an applied set of learning experiences, providing a lower-cost-to-market, fast track education – creating job ready, critical thinking employees in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math. Action Needed: Develop and execute a strategy with the support of key stakeholders to advocate for the passage of legislation that provides economic incentives targeted at 1) data centers considering locating or expanding in the State of Missouri; 2) investments made by Angel Groups; 3) workforce training and 4) the development of the Missouri Innovation Campus in Lee’s Summit.
Monitor and support efforts to address Worker’s Compensation Reform, reviewing the 2005 Workers’ Compensation Reform legislation. Background: Unintended consequences of the 2005 Workers’ Compensation Reform are having negative impacts to employers across Missouri. These changes are being interpreted by the courts to exclude protection for incidents that have been covered by the workers’ compensation system for decades. Following the court case Robinson vs. Hooker, employees who sustain work-related injuries may sue co-employees for negligence in a civil action. This being the case, employers are either having difficulties in acquiring qualified supervisory individuals who work in volatile work environments or having to incur enormous costs to indemnify and/or take out insurance policies to cover potential liabilities. In another case, Franklin vs. CertainTeed Corporation, the court ruled that occupational diseases are no longer the exclusive domain of workers’ compensation and may instead be pursued in civil court against employers. Impact: Such cases have increased the cost of litigation (increasing the time and expense necessary to resolve cases), liability insurance costs and the ability of employers to secure highly qualified supervisory personnel for volatile work environments. This is another deterrent to businesses locating to the state. Action Needed: Advocate for legislation to reverse these court cases and codify the intent of the 2005 reforms.
Support legislation that protects the viability of the Unemployment Trust Fund while balancing the interests of small businesses. Background: By the end of 2012, assuming no administrative or legislative remedy is instituted, Missouri will likely owe the federal government nearly $1 billion for money borrowed to pay unemployment benefits. That figure is projected to grow to more than $2 billion by 2014. The state began borrowing to pay unemployment benefits in 2009, when its trust fund was depleted. The unemployment tax rate is different for every business, but new employers start at 3.51 percent, and the rate is adjusted after two years, depending on contributions and draws from the fund. The state must repay the principal from employer contributions to the unemployment trust fund; interest is repaid through a 0.3 percent special assessment. Impact: Without a solution for repaying the Federal Government, employers will be burdened with ever-increasing unemployment taxes. With a continued sluggish economy, coupled with increased unemployment taxes, small businesses will continue to experience further reductions in net income forcing more out of business. Action Needed: : Encourage legislation that will allow for bonding the amount owed, stretching the bond repayment period to allow businesses to pay principle and interest within the Hancock Amendment restrictions.
Advocate continued leveraging of pending and future infrastructure development at the Lee’s Summit Airport to attract investment and employment opportunities. Background: The Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan, commissioned in June 2007 at the direction of the Lee’s Summit City Council, was completed in July 2009. Recommended as the optimum feasible approach to ensure its long-term financial feasibility were two key components: 1) increase the primary runway to a minimum of 5000 feet and 2) continue development of site improvements, including those that attract targeted private development. Impact: Aggressive pursuit of the Municipal Airport Business Plan recommendations will have a positive impact by stabilizing current business tenants and attracting future economic activity and development. It will also be creating creating good-paying jobs within the City of Lee’s Summit; increasing the operational revenues of the airport, thereby ensuring the long-term financial viability of the airport as a city enterprise. It will enhance overall safety and abatement of noise associated with the airport operations; and leverage tens-of-millions of dollars of federal capital improvements investment for a minimal city investment (5 percent of total costs). Completing the identified improvements will allow Lee’s Summit to actively market the airport amenities, attracting private investment and growth and expanding the tax-base of the community. Action Needed: Strongly advocate that the Lee’s Summit City Council and city staff actively pursue the appropriate state and federal funding to achieve the recommendations contained in the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan.
Advocate for and pursue full funding for the reconstruction of Lee’s Summit Road from Colbern Road to Highway 40. Background: Since its initial construction, Lee’s Summit Road alignment has been unchanged. Lee’s Summit Road is under the direct jurisdiction of Kansas City and Lee’s Summit. Jackson County is involved through the County Urban Road System. Lee’s Summit Road serves as an alternate route for I-470 and serves as 5
a major access to the Truman Medical Center East. Lee’s Summit Road is currently under designed for the volume of traffic it now carries which has elevated the number of accidents and deaths to a critical level. A Memorandum of Understanding between the three governmental entities was entered into in May 2008 to delineate the duties and responsibilities of each entity in the redesign and reconstruction of Lee’s Summit Road. MoDOT and Mid-America Regional Council are also participating in the reconstruction planning process. Since MOU execution, design work is being completed on a number of the sections, land acquisition has begun and efforts are underway to secure full project funding. Impact: Reconstruction of the Lee’s Summit Road to a three-lane roadway with sidewalks, on- and off-street bicycle accommodations, street lights and landscaping, interfacing with the Little Blue Trail Trace, and accompanying green storm water features will provide significant positive impacts. These include but are not limited to: increased traffic and pedestrian safety resulting in reduction of serious/fatal accidents; increased economic development; traffic relief from I-470; and enhanced connectivity between Strother Road and I-470. Action Needed: Pursue total funding for Lee’s Summit Road by: 1) advocating for the passage of a new U.S. Department of Transportation Appropriation Bill (ICE-TEA); 2) advocating Lee’s Summit Road as a high-priority project within MARC; 3) advocating for the continuance of Jackson County CURs money appropriation to Lee’s Summit Road; and 4) maintaining vigilant monitoring of the progress of the City of Kansas City’s, City of Lee’s Summit’s and Jackson County’s MOU duties and responsibilities.
Advocate for the adoption, multi-year funding and implementation of the City Branding Initiative. Background: A component of the Quality of Life Key Performance Area - Lee’s Summit 360º Charting Tomorrow Strategic Plan, the development of a community brand received high marks and community support. The LS360 Branding Committee received City Council support to continue their efforts and engaged outside professional assistance to create a community brand strategy by hiring North Star Destination Strategies (NSDS). NSDS has held a variety of perception interviews with residents and business owners and conducted several focus groups to learn more about our community. They also spent time conducting man-on-the-street ‘intercept’ interviews. A task force from the larger committee is working directly with North Star on messaging and creative elements that tie to a larger strategic platform approved in August. A final report is expected in April. Impact: An effective brand gives a positive impression of a community that differentiates a community from others. It establishes and preserves the core strengths, values and beliefs and promotes our economic development and ongoing arts and cultural achievements of the city. Action Needed: Pursue the approval and adoption of the North Star Destination Strategies’ Final Report and advocate for the appropriate funding from the Lee’s Summit City Council to achieve the goals and objectives as stipulated in the Final Report, which will include but will not be limited to final tagline, style guide and communications/ implementation plan.
Advocate for those capital projects that support the arts, culture and tourism, for the purpose of elevating Lee’s Summit to a high-quality and diverse destination city. Background: Creative and cultural arts assets in local communities are seen as both a source of jobs and an important factor in increasing community competitiveness. These assets spur job 6
creation and private investments, catalyze further economic growth, assists in establishing place and identity, draw tourists and increases community competitiveness. The Lee’s Summit Arts Council received City Council support to create the Cultural Facilities Master Plan Study. The Study is nearing completion and a final report is slated to be presented to the City Council in early February 2012. Impact: Though the full economic and social impact cannot be measured at this time, there is clear evidence that most progressive communities who embrace cultural economic development realize meaningful experiences, products and jobs. These benefits are attributed to the recognition that local cultural heritage are valued components of a healthy and vibrant economy. Action Needed: Pursue the approval and adoption of the Cultural Facilities Master Plan and advocate for the appropriate funding from the Lee’s Summit City Council to achieve the goals and objectives as stipulated therein.
2011 State Legislative Issues ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ISSUES
Support initiatives that will enhance quality business development in the State of Missouri. 1. Advocate for and actively support the passage of legislation that provides tax incentives targeting: 1) data centers considering locating or expanding in the State of Missouri; 2) investments made by Angel Groups; 3) workforce training and 4) the development of the Missouri Innovation Campus in Lee’s Summit. 2. Oppose tax credit legislation which reduces economic development related tax credit incentives or imposes administrative delays on their awards. 3. Support the Grow Me State Initiative to enhance the state’s ability to increase research capacities. 4. Monitor and support efforts to address Worker’s Compensation Reform reviewing the 2005 Workers’ Compensation Reform legislation. 5. Monitor and support efforts to Reform Missouri’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. 6. Support 2012 funding and programs for the Arts within the KC Metropolitan area. 7. Monitor and support any effort to eliminate the Consumer Price Index from the state’s minimum wage legislation.
Encourage orderly growth and development of Lee’s Summit by improving transportation infrastructure throughout the city. 1. Encourage legislation that would allocate direct funding for roads and highways within Lee’s Summit, and/or encourage the City of Lee’s Summit and the Missouri Department of Transportation to find creative funding methods for the following: • M-291 at US 50 Highway (Interchange improvements) • Todd George Interchange • I-470 from US 50 Hwy. to I-70 (capacity improvements 2. Encourage the $29.5 million federal appropriation for the purchase and preservation of the old Rock Island Railroad Corridor which will extend the Missouri KATY trail from Pleasant Hill to downtown Kansas City, MO.
Support legislation that assists the Blue Springs R-4 and Lee’s Summit R-7 School Districts’ effort to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to develop his/her talents to the fullest extent possible in order to attain success to the benefit of the American social, economic and political systems. 1. Support legislation that establishes reasonable parameters for the movement of students from unaccredited districts to accredited districts and maintains local control for accredited districts 2. A goal of all school districts is full funding of the foundation formula. When modifications are made to the formula or appropriations are insufficient to make progress toward that goal, those modifications and appropriations should equitably recognize the interests of both formula and hold harmless districts. 3. Neither the state retirement system nor their assets should be combined. 4. Oppose any alternative tax proposal that would significantly decrease school districts’ funding for the children served by all public schools in Missouri. 5. Support local control for school districts in matters including open enrollment, use of school resources and operations. 6. Support protection of existing resources, including the elimination of unfunded mandates and the ability to pursue alternative sources of funding. 7. Oppose the expansion of Charter Schools unless they are approved by local school boards and held to the same standards as traditional public schools. Support the higher education community’s mission of providing access to high quality and affordable education and training for local citizens and the business community. 1. Advocate for increased levels of state supported funding for higher education. 2. Support the continuation of the Missouri A+ Schools Program and legislative efforts to increase funding and manage participation. 3. Support any state legislative effort to provide additional funding or initiatives to support the training, re-training or development of the Missouri workforce within higher education. 4. Support statewide efforts to increase METS/STEM Initiative funding and program development that would provide scholarships, grants, etc., for universities involved in the training and education of students and professionals.
Advocate for an improved health care system for all Missouri residents through the implementation of a variety of proactive approaches that dramatically decrease the number of uninsured and improve access to health care. 1. Support adequate funding for MOHealthNet that ensures the ongoing viability of all health care providers who provide care to the uninsured and the underinsured. Ensure that all MOHealthNet is structured and geared to maximize all available resources outside Missouri general revenue, including federal matching dollars and Missouri’s FRA program. 2. Provide funding for safety net services accessible to Lee’s Summit area residents to include primary care for physical health. 3. Oppose health care benefit requirements and provider 8
mandates unless they meet rigorous, objective, social and financial impact standards. 4. Support a health care initiative addressing worker shortages in the health care industry. 5. Support incentives for Missouri companies who provide health insurance for their employees. 6. Support a comprehensive approach to incentives for individuals and businesses to live healthier lifestyles to reduce chronic diseases and reduce health care costs. Examples include: incentives for wellness, health coaching, medical homes, coordination of care for chronic diseases, etc. 7. Maintain support for mental health programs, with emphasis on people who create significant burdens on jails, hospitals, schools or other government programs through repeated, inappropriate use. 8. Support efforts to develop a “state created” health insurance exchange as called for in The Patient Protection and Accountable Care Act. The chamber believes a “Missouri created” plan is better suited to meet the needs of Missouri businesses and citizens than a federally established health insurance exchange.
OTHER BUSINESS ISSUES 1. Support a Missouri Job Reference Immunity Law to provide immunity for employers who provide basic employment information and a more limited liability for employers who provide more detailed information regarding job performance.
2012 City & County Legislative Issues INFRASTRUCTURE
Encourage orderly growth and development of Lee’s Summit by improving our infrastructure throughout the city. 1. Advocate for and pursue full funding for the reconstruction of Lee’s Summit Road from Colbern Road to Highway 40. 2. Encourage city elected officials and staff to seek and leverage funding for improvements to and reconstruction of roads and highways within Lee’s Summit, including but not limited to: • South M-291/50 Highway Interchange and other road amenities (South of Highway 50 to enhance development/redevelopment of the M-291 Sout Corridor to Highway 150) • Blackwell Road Interchange with access to Smart Road 3. Encourage the active participation by Lee’s Summit with other local governments in eastern Jackson County to support efforts to secure/earmark funding for purchase of rights-of-way along the inactive Rock Island Railroad corridor for the purpose of developing alternative recreational and transportation uses.
Support initiatives that will attract, retain and enhance investment to balance the tax base and job creation in the City of Lee’s Summit. 1. Advocate continued leveraging of pending and future infrastructure development at the Lee’s Summit Airport to attract investment and employment opportunities. 2. Support aggressive office, industrial and commercial growth and 9
redevelopment to help balance the tax-base and create good paying jobs. 3. Encourage City Council to invest in a long-term strategic, multiyear implementation plan to establish a consistent brand image that promotes a progressive destination city. 4. Encourage the use of the Land Clearance Redevelopment Authority (LCRA) and other incentive tools to promote development and redevelopment of the Downtown area and aging commercial corridors throughout the city. 5. Actively support and engage in the 360° Lee’s Summit Strategic Plan implementation process to ensure that issues that affect entrepreneurial concerns and small businesses remain high priorities in the minds of the community and policy makers. 6. Encourage and advocate cultural arts in Lee’s Summit as defined by the 360° citizens’ policy process that supports: 1) the redevelopment of Arnold Hall into a theater and performance arts venue; 2) the development of a Cultural Arts Center; and 3) increasing cultural arts venues and attractions. 7. Support city efforts to develop the View High/I-470 Corridor to attract economic development and employment opportunities. 8. Support implementation of the action steps of Goal #1 of the Economic Development Key Performance Area – “The City of Lee’s Summit is development and redevelopment friendly”, of the 360º Lee’s Summit Strategic Plan.
Promote and support cultural and recreational initiatives that provide for increased quality of life. 1. Advocate for the creation of a strategic plan for strengthening the historic and cultural aspects of Lee’s Summit, including the relocation and expansion of the Lee’s Summit History Museum 2. Support the efforts of the Mid America Regional Council and City of Lee’s Summit in creating a regional parks, trails and greenway district (MetroGreen) for the funding, development and maintenance of corridors for alternative transportation, parks, open space, greenways and recreational facilities that will benefit the region. 3. Support acquisition of the abandoned Rock Island corridor for the extension of the KATY Trail into Lee’s Summit and preserve the corridor for use by other forms of alternative transportation.” 4. Support policies that advance/increase environmental stewardship and sustainability by all sectors of the community in the areas of recycling, alternative energy use, alternative transportation opportunities and conservation of resources. 5. Encourage and support the proposed action step of Goals #3 Quality of Life Key Performance Area - “Establish strategies & action steps that support a diverse community” of the 360º Lee’s Summit Strategic Plan.
State Government Directory
Local Government Directory
201 W. Capitol Avenue Jefferson City, MO 65101 www.mo.gov
MISSOURI GOVERNOR Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 216 Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-3222
Will Kraus - District 8 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 220 Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-1464 Will.Kraus@senate.mo.gov Jolie Justus - District 10 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 330 Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-2788 Jolie.Justus@senate.mo.gov
Randall L. Rhoads 1060 NW High Point Dr. Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 (816)524-8245 Randy.Rhoads@cityofls.net
Kathy Hofmann 303 NE Forest Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 (816)536-3393 hofmannk@kc.rr.com James Hallam 3996 SE Doc Henry Road Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 (816)517-7790 jhallam@mid-west.net
Allan S. Gray II 612 SW Walden Lane Lee's Summit, MO 64081 (816)695-8845 agrayd2@gmail.com
David Pearce - District 31 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 227 Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-2272 David.Pearce@senate.mo.gov
Brian Whitley 4544 SW Gull Point Drive Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 (816)213-9366 bwhitleyd2@gmail.com
Mike Cierpiot - District 030 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 305A Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-0907 Mike.Cierpiot@house.mo.gov Gray Cross - District 035 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 110B Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-1459 Gary.Cross@house.mo.gov Jeff Grisamore - District 034 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 205 Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573)751-1456 Jeff.Grisamore@house.mo.gov Kevin McManus - District 037 201 West Capitol Avenue Room 101G Jefferson City, MO 65101 1(573-751-9469 Kevin.McManus@house.mo.gov
Ed Cockrell 4000 Cimarron Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816)350-2523 cockrelled@yahoo.com Joseph C. Spallo 5502 NE Oaks Ridge Circle Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816)478-6752 jspallo@sbcglobal.net
Bob Johnson 1000 NE Remington Court Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 BJohnsond4@gmail.com (816)225-6126 Dave Mosby 352 SE Williamsburg Court Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 (816)246-1315 DaveHmosby@gmail.com
220 SE Main Street Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 816.524.2424 lschamber.com • lschambervote4biz.com