City Council
candidate profiles
The Lee’s Summit Chamber, in conjunction with the Lee’s Summit Journal, is hosting the City Council Candidate Forum at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, at the Gamber Community Center. Ten candidates have filed to represent the four Lee’s Summit community districts in the election on April 5. Disclaimer: All answers below were copied directly from answers provided by candidates and weren’t edited by the Lee’s Summit Chamber.
District 1 ROB BINNEY
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/History, University of Missouri Occupation: Realtor, Rob Binney/Reece and Nichols Activities: Rotary Club of Lee’s Summit, Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce Political Experience: Current 1st District Councilman 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • To continue providing municipal services and at the level our residents expect. • Look for new ways to help improve the Quality of Life that we enjoy in Lee’s Summit • Continue to try and enhance the commercial tax base by our Economic Development efforts underway 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? We adopted the ED policy so that we were on the same level as every other city when it came to understanding our consideration of incentives. As we go forward, we must continue to look at its use and ‘fine tune’ it for our communities needs. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? I have already been involved in helping guide this continued process and we are nearing completion of the dirt/earth work now, and it is imperative that we finish the paving of the runway extensions to allow the business plan an opportunity to work. The Airport is vital to continuing to improve the economic vitality of Lee’s Summit. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? Strother Rd, 470/50, and soon with the Blackwell Road and 50/291 South interchanges; our use of economic incentives and partnerships with MODOT are vitally important to continuing the success of improving our roadways, which allows for continued economic growth. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? We still haven’t seen an actual light rail proposal for Lee’s Summit, and I think the more important idea is to finish the acquisition of the former Rock Island rail line, so that we can ensure Lee’s Summit’s neighborhoods don’t face the threat of freight traffic in their backyards. Then I believe we need to look at ways to maximize the potential recreational tourism that could come to Lee’s Summit with a Katy/Rock Island Trail connection. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? This year we were able to reduce the tax levy, and it is a constant balancing act of being able to pay for City services and at the level our residents expect. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? The Charter is a document that was created by our citizens and I look forward to their discussions regarding it. Residency requirements, term limits, district size, power of Mayor/Mayor Pro Tem are all issues that I would expect they will review. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. In the 1st District, we also have to acknowledge the Raymore-Peculiar School District, and how Lee’s Summit students contribute to its excellence. I believe we have a very strong ‘Educational Ecosystem’ in Lee’s Summit and we must continue to expect high levels of achievement and preparation of students, for whatever ‘next step’ is their learning process. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? I believe my work and experience as a Councilmember is helpful and in this field makes me the most qualified candidate for office. I have consistently shown an ability to listen, rationalize, ask questions, and search for results that have the best outcome for residents of the 1st District and Lee’s Summit. I am a member of the LS Rotary Club, the Chamber of Commerce and volunteer for different organizations like Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street, Hope House, and others.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Management and Accounting, Park College Occupation: Program Coordinator and Finance Officer, LS Cares Activities: Chair of Human Services Advisory Board, Citizens Advisory Committee LS R-7 School District, CSIP team and Career Pathways team of the School District, Lee’s Summit Chamber Board Member, Lee’s Summit Chamber Health Care committee, Rotary Club of Lee’s Summit, Civic Round Table member, Lee’s Summit 360 Implementation Team, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, Truman Heartland Community Foundation Civic Engagement Committee, Truman Heartland Community Foundation Community for All Ages Transportation Committee and Lee’s Summit Social Services Board Secretary Political Experience: Participated in State Campaign to elect Tom Haley, participated in Local Campaign to elect Diane Seif, continuously working behind the scenes in this great community 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • I support the community-oriented policing strategy of our police force. It is important for us to be an active member in our neighborhoods and to ensure our neighbors get the assistance they need. • My work experience has centered around finance, therefore I recognize the importance of sound and ethical financial practices. • Transportation challenges are always present in our community – I meet with and listen to regional partners who are attempting to coordinate plans to address these issues starting with stop gap methods while envisioning next steps. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? It would be ideal if businesses were attracted to our city because of the quality of life available here. But the reality is that incentives determine where many businesses will locate. Many capital improvements have made development of vacant land and redevelopment a reality which otherwise might not be done. However; it is important to evaluate each circumstance and the impact of these incentives on the city revenues annually in order to ensure this practice continues to make financial sense. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? I would work closely with the Board of Aeronautic commissioners, make sure I understand the plan, listen to the city staff, question and support them however possible to ensure the success of the airport. The cost to the city would (because of the FAA fine) exorbitant if it should fail and close. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? Safe transportation is extremely important. Roadways/Highways which need improvement should be done with this collaboration. There are dangerous intersections in our community which need to be addressed. 291 South – Blue Parkway and Oldham Parkway is a primary example of this need. The Improvements will not only relieve a crowded intersection but also create accessibility to areas where economic development can occur. There are other areas in this community – such as 291 North and 350 – which are extremely congested and become dangerous because of this. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? The Light Rail System can be an advantage to the region, including Lee’s Summit. For those citizens who can’t drive or would rather not drive, the light rail system offers a possible alternative to the bus system. Cities with accessible transportation have a combination of light rail and/or subways, buses and taxis as opportunities to travel throughout city boundaries. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? Sales tax in Transportation Development Districts and Community Improvement Districts have raised the tax between .5% and 1% in these areas, making sales tax between 8.225% and 8.725%. Other areas not affected by these incentives pay 7.725%. With regard to real estate tax, the biggest portion goes to the school district to support our quality schools. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? I would support an auxiliary council person to assist the two council people for each district. The districts are so large it is difficult to cover the area appropriately. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. I am a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee, the CSIP team and the Career Pathways team of the school district. City Council needs to assist in procedures to spur economic development to maintain or increase revenues to support this quality district. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? I have broader experiences than the other individuals. I believe in Building Community – asking citizens to become involved which creates a sense of belonging and creates civic pride. I was part of the LS360 planning, a member of the Health and Human Services Key Performance Area and on the implementation committee. I am chair of the Human Services Advisory Board of Lee’s Summit. I am also on the board of Lee’s Summit Social Services. I have been Board Chair of Pro Deo Youth Center and Wellsprings Ministries. For ten years I was part of People Helping People an organization which matched volunteers with people who needed help. I am also on regional committees – Truman Heartland Community Foundation Committee for All Ages Civic Engagement Committee and Transportation Committee. I am also on the Lee’s Summit Chamber Board, Lee’s Summit Chamber Health Care Committee and Civic Round Table.
Education: Missouri Southern State University Occupation: IT Technician/ Business Owner, Blue Hawaii Computer Shop Activities: NRA, Former Member of Small Business Association of America, National Republican Party Political Experience: Aid to Lt. Governor Candidate, Alaska; Political Spokesperson for Christians of Alaska 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • Taxes • Bond proposals • TIF incentives are damaging our city’s resources and are misguided 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? I believe it is a good direction for the city, yet I too believe it needs to be re-examined. There are policies in this that will harm our city, we should lightly step forward, yet keep in mind the immediate needs of our city. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? It is a good idea and will bring new business to our airport. It will help our city be at its highest standard. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? I believe that each bond issue, whether no tax increase or tax increase, should be examined case by case in that we have paid off past bond issues debts, and be cautious and not to over tax the residents of this city or deplete our general fund. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? It will harm the market district, it will harm the small business owner, simply put, it is unnecessary. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? It needs to be audited, it needs to be re-tooled, it needs to be balanced in that eliminate unnecessary taxation. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? Our city is growing exponentially, it has not been renewed since 2007, as a councilmember I will go line by line and propose the needed changes for the charter. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. Once elected I keep open channels with key personal, and to address their concerns and to be at the forefront to expand, improve, and increase the initiative for families who wish to move here for their children because we are the greatest school system in the nation. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? To be announced.
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District 2 CRAIG FAITH
Education: Emergency Services, University of Missouri Occupation: Director of Public Safety Activities: Missouri Emergency Medical Service Association, Missouri Ambulance Association (Legislative Advocacy Team), American Ambulance Association (Legislative Advocacy Team) Political Experience: Missouri Regional EMS Committee – Kansas City, EMS State Advisory Education and Legislative Sub Committee, LS 360 Local Government KPA – Co-Chair, LS Livable Streets Advisory Board – Current Member (Previous Chair and Vice Chair), LS Chamber of Commerce – Government Relations Committee 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • Economic Development – Lee’s Summit’s “portfolio” is heavy in housing development and light in industry/commercial/business development. A close look at incentives and other tools to attract business, and maintain housing, is absolutely necessary. • Fiscal Responsibility – Although cuts in the budget are essential, in my opinion, to attract and retain business and maintain housing, some of the proposed budget cuts are not advisable. I believe there are other ways (e.g. grow revenues by increasing business utilization, continued good stewardship of existing resources and reallocate resources) to realize savings and balance the budget. • Bridging Gaps – There seems to be a true disconnect between the council and other governmental, professional, public and private organizations (e.g. city staff, Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Council, Arts Council, Downtown LS, HOA’S and LS 360). I believe communication is the key to bridging these gaps. We must remember “principles above personalities” for the good of the people. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? “Tax Increment Financing, Transportation Development Districts, Neighborhood Development Districts, Community Development Districts, Industrial Development Financing under RSMo Chapter 100, and RSMo Chapter 353 Tax Abatement” are examples of economic tools that are currently used in Lee’s Summit. All incentives must be weighed with the ROI on the project. I would hope that all would also agree that responsible development is perhaps more important. I absolutely feel it is imperative to listen to the experts in these areas that the city has employed and/or engaged in contracts. I further believe it is imperative to effectively educate the public and be educated by the public in order to be their voice. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? I will ask for continued briefings on the progress and implementation of outstanding initiatives and elements of the plan. I will also support responsible legislation needed that assists with implementation. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? I believe that each bond issue, whether no tax increase or tax increase, should be examined case by case in that we have paid off past bond issues debts, and be cautious and not to over tax the residents of this city or deplete our general fund. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? I agree that a mass transit system would provide for viability and competitive growth. The recent purchase plans last fall of a piece of the rail corridor with shared debt payments with ATA, certainly revived the talk. Questions such as funding and feasibility still plague the proposal. This remains a question for the people as complete funding continues to be looked at. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? I look forward to hearing how constituents view the tax structure. I believe that the financial process will be assessed as part of the charter review and look forward to discussions. I firmly believe that, as Abraham Lincoln said, government should do for the people what the people cannot do for themselves. I believe the taxes should align with the need and prepare for contingencies in the future. Transparency is essential. If the tax structure is such that it goes beyond its purpose, then it needs to be reformed. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? I sat with the Charter Review Committee for its first meeting. I believe the sitting committee is comprised of talented individuals that will be able to represent many views and come up with appropriate key focus areas that are relevant to the present and that preserve the parts of city history that are appropriate. Certainly powers and duties of elected officials should be reviewed along with financial procedures. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. I agree that our school districts are indeed exceptional. The council’s immediate role in this is twofold. First, legislate responsible policy that supports maintaining and improving our school districts. To achieve this it is imperative that open lines of communication are maintained with school boards, administrations and staff. Second, encourage state legislation that supports the funding goals outlined in the Education portion of the Chamber Legislative Priorities. (See LS Chamber Legislative Priorities for more information.) 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? Real life public service experience is what sets me apart. In order to build bridges between fellow council members, other governmental bodies, and public organizations one must possess a knowledge of where and how to make those connections. Then, above all, one must know how to use that knowledge and network to represent the people. Successful legislative advocacy at the local, state and federal levels of government has provided me with insight to represent the voices, visions and concerns of the people. I have balanced and outperformed government and corporate budgets. I have been and/or am involved with Lee’s Summit 360, the Livable Streets Advisory Board, the Citizen’s Leadership Academy, Leadership Lee’s Summit and other local, state and federal civic organizations. This combined with a 30 plus year career in public service affords me the honor of having education combined with experience. My wife, Myra, and I enjoy a family of seven children and four grandchildren. I look forward to representing you on the Lee’s Summit City Council.
District 3
Education: Ph.D. Political Science/Public Admin. MA: Political Science; Bachelor’s in Journalism Occupation: Writer/Editor, specializing in health and medical content, Edson Research, LLC Activities: LS Educational Foundation Board, Vice President and Development Chair Member, Lee’s Summit Chamber Member & Government Relations, Citizens Leadership Academy, Leadership Lee’s Summit, Downtown Lee’s Summit Strategic Task Force, Lee’s Summit Rotary, Holly Festival Committee, LS 360/Education Finance Committee, KC Activities, American Medical Writers Assn., Kansas City Healthcare Communicators Society Political Experience: I worked for a health care policy consultant, researching health care policy at state and federal levels. Prior to that, I worked in government affairs with lobbyists for a large health care non-profit. I served as the staff member to a gubernatorial-appointed committee on health care reform. Worked on former Sen. Kit Bonds in-state staff, multiple state and local campaigns and have been both staff member and volunteer for four different chamber government relations committees. 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • I want to help protect the “liveability” of Lee’s Summit. To me, this means ensuring we promote economic development, continue providing residents with top-quality city services and amenities such as great parks and schools and ensuring a variety of housing options are available. • As we continue to see entertainment/retail/mixed-use developments projects built, we need to focus on encouraging retail and restaurant spending in town. Also, as we plan economic development projects, we need to protect citizen’s tax dollars and the city’s public services. • District 3 is greatly underrepresented on the city council assignments, holding only 4 of the 24 total city council assignments. We do not have a position on the Community and Economic Development Committee, yet the 3rd District holds key economic development drivers including the airport, Strother and Ralph Powell roads AND the 470/291 corridor. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? We need incentives to develop partnerships with developers and businesses. These can be used to help grow and expand existing businesses and to lure new businesses into town. The creation and adoption of the City’s Economic Development Incentive Policy, as well as the success of the City’s Development Center, are both positive steps for building strong business relationships here. The incentive policies that have been adopted are a good mix of compromise in showing a willingness to help encourage growth without giving away the farm. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? I would be supportive of looking for funding for training for airport personnel, for developing a marketing strategy to attract new aviation activity (especially corporate aviation) to the airport and to make other improvements noted in the Airport Business Plan that will help keep our airport competitive in the market. Also, we need to do a better job partnering with the Chamber, the LSEDC and with regional partners such as the KC Area Development Council to help promote this asset. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? I’m supportive of this continued partnership. A solid transportation infrastructure is vital to the businesses in Lee’s Summit. The state is struggling to keep up with its obligations in taking care of the state’s highways. Without our partnership with MoDot, we would not be realizing the planned improvements at Hwy 50 and 291 S at the Blackwell – Hwy 50 Interchange. Hopefully, a continued partnership will allow us to work with the state to improve our local transportation issues. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? A new Light Rail System on the Rock Island track connecting Lee’s Summit to the stadiums and then possibly to Downtown KC is exciting. Certainly, it could have a significant impact on bringing millennials to reside in LS, and it could bring more people from around the area to shop and dine in LS. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? We are too heavily reliant on residential property taxes and retail sales tax. This again illustrates our need for economic development that focuses on growing businesses and bringing more corporations into town. With a limited amount of developable land, we need to maximize our resources and ensure that city Planning and Development staff and other stakeholders and regional partners are collaborating. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? The number of City Council members and council districts has not grown despite the fact that the city’s population has grown. As a result, council members have more constituents, neighborhoods, businesses to look out for. I would like to see the Charter increase the number of council members by at least 2 council members (or 1 additional district) OR adopt 1-2 at-large positions. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. My level of commitment to the Lee’s Summit schools is demonstrated by the amount of time and effort I spend volunteering for the district. I have been actively involved with the Lee’s Summit R-7 Schools for more than 15 years. In addition to being an active parent who volunteered in the schools and served as a PTA member, I have been involved as a community member. For the past five years, I have volunteered with the Lee’s Summit Educational Foundation, serving on both the Advisory and Executive Boards. In addition, I served on the LS 360 Education Finance committee and helped organize a discussion with state legislators on the challenges facing educational funding. Last year, I had the privilege of serving on the campaign committee for the bond issue for the new Missouri Innovations Campus. Soon, we will have a new Catholic high school. Lee’s Summit will be unique in that we will have a top-rate public school district, a Catholic high school, a nationally recognized and innovative career center in Missouri Innovations Campus/Summit Tech Academy AND a top-rated community college and 4-year state university. Quality schools that produce an educated workforce are vital to our economic development efforts. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? In addition to being educated and having experience in government and politics, I have a true desire to serve. This is evident in my participation in community activities in which I have helped raise money for teachers, students and local public servants. Board Member: LS Educational Foundation Volunteer: Taste of LS, Member: Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, Member: Lee’s Summit Rotary
Education: BA Finance, University of Missouri Occupation: Vice President – Financial Advisor Activities: Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council, Lee’s Summit Rotary, Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, Summit Lodge 263, National Eagle Scouts Association Political Experience: None 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • Fire Ambulance Expansion and Fire Pumper Station #3 Addition: I believe this is very important for the safety and response time to our citizens. This will be greatly needed as expanded development takes place. • Auto Sales Tax Renewal: If this is not approved by the voters in August of 2016, the City will lose $200K to $300K in lost revenue. • Park Sales Tax Renewal: This is important for continued economic development to attract and retain businesses that will attract and retain families in Lee’s Summit who support the revenue base for the City. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? Tax increment financing and tax abatements are important to the economic development of Lee’s Summit when utilized properly. The City Council must be discerning in their application of these incentive policies when under consideration. I am a strong supporter of economic development and attracting business to Lee’s Summit. I understand however that these abatements are applied judiciously. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? Since the airport is in my district, it is clearly important to me that the proposed plans are carried out. I will maintain ongoing concern and oversight of fiscal responsibility and operational viability for the completion of the proposed improvements. The airport is important to local companies and will help attract additional companies to the area. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? ? I am very supportive of the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and G.O. Bond issues to subsidize MODOT. If we only allow MODOT to replace the bridge, then it does not solve for the overwhelming problem of high traffic flow. The bridge requires considerable redesign and overlay to address the needs of higher volume traffic flow due to increased expansion and economic development. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? While the Light Rail System proposed sounds very nice. The question is… Who pays for it? I think we need to walk before we run. I would like to see local commuter buses that can transport people in and around Lee’s Summit. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? There are several issues pending before the City in consideration of taxes. The Park Tax needs to be approved with guidelines in place to provide for fiscal accountability. The Auto Sales Tax needs to be renewed so the City does not lose out on significant revenue. The Capital Improvement Tax needs to be renewed for improved levels of economic development. The City needs to begin to identify other revenue generating ideas for the City’s revenue base. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? I believe there needs to be term limits applied to the charter in regard to the City Council. We do not need career politicians in the City Council. Two terms is plenty! 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. The City’s role in working hand in hand with the Lee’s Summit and Blue Springs School Districts is of great importance to me. In order to maintain the best schools, the City Council must do its part in making sure quality economic expansion involving the attraction of businesses and a viable workforce is retained. Families attracted to Lee’s Summit because of business expansion and opportunity will create a stronger tax base that will pay for the best teachers and administration. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? My campaign platform is based on leadership, integrity and common sense. I have always exuded confidence and leadership in everything I do. I have ran a successful investment practice for the last 15 years for individuals, pensions, endowments and trusts who have confided in my team and I to manage hundreds of millions of dollars for them. I have also invested in and operated other successful businesses that require a strong fiscal understanding. I am a great steward of resources. I have been actively engaged in my community through Lee’s Summit Rotary and the community issues they support. I am actively involved in the Lee’s Summit Economic Development Council supporting the economic growth of Lee’s Summit. I have been involved with the Rose Brooks Center in the past and have been involved with ReStart, Inc. homeless services shelter for the last 13 years as a past board member and treasurer, currently serving on the finance committee.
Education: BS Biology UMKC, RN Maryville University, CRNA at Truman Medical Center Occupation: Nurse Anesthetist CRNA, Lafayette Regional Health Center Activities: Retired Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army Reserve, Member Kansas City Track Club. I enjoy running, biking, swimming and triathlons Political Experience: 10 years served as Alderman Lake Saint Louis, Mo. (4 years as Board President). Planning and Zoning Commission 6 years, Park Board, Director of Lake Saint Louis Triathlon, Lakewood Property Owners Association Board of Directors. 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • I will listen to the residents needs, and respond to their concerns. • Future development should follow city master plan and zoning. • Bond issues should be limited to one specific issue rather than combined for passage. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? TIF should be used in blighted areas, not slow to develop areas. When incentives are used sunset dates must be clearly stated. The City Council must evaluate pros and cons prior to granting incentives. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? With the federal money involved in the expansion, the City Council is obligated to support future improvements. Fuel prices should drop and this may increase usage of the airport. This will increase fuel sales and hangar rentals. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? I will support the continued partnership. This partnership has developed our highways and interchanges in Lee’s Summit. MoDot has served our city well, including 8 million dollars for interchange at U.S.50 and 291 hwy. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? The concept of Light Rail is good. The costs make it difficult to develop a light rail system. Estimated 600 million dollars for a system from Odessa, Mo to Kansas City, Mo. Federal funds would be needed to build the system. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? Current sales and property tax rate is fair and comparable to other cities in our region. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? Term limits for elected officials. Video conference attendance at City Council meetings. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. I believe our schools should receive the highest level of commitment. Quality schools provide a brighter future for our children. Excellent schools attract new residents and maintain our property values. This must be considered when using incentives for development. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? I have 10 years experience as Alderman in Lake Saint Louis, Mo. In addition, I have served on the Planning and Zoning Commission, Park Board, and served on Lakewood Property Owners Association Board of Directors. I am a retired Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army Reserve.
Current City Officials *denotes seat open to election
Mayor Randy Rhoads
Rob Binney* District 1
Mayor Pro Tem Diane Forte District 1
Allan Gray II* District 2
District 4 AMY FOX
Education: Practical Theology Degree & Certified Diamontologist Occupation: Underpaid but well rewarded domestic engineer and merchandiser Activities: Member of Missouri Federated Republican Women Political Experience: Prairie Township Committeewoman, Jackson County Republican Committee 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • Uphold constitutional principles. Elected officials take an oath to “uphold and defend” the Constitution. I will take that seriously. • Protect property rights. “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist. • Support free enterprise. The free enterprise system creates wealth, opportunity, and has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? I’m pleased to see the City has standardized and set out clear parameters for future business investors. The new guidelines should help relieve past frustration and add clarity to the process. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? I would choose a path that protects the interest and welfare of the citizens of Lee’s Summit. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? I would vet each proposal on its own merits. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? Light Rail is an inefficient means of providing transportation. Such systems rely heavily on taxpayer-funded subsides. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? I support fiscal responsibility and oppose new sales tax increases. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? Across the country there is a move to shift decision making away from local government towards regional governance. I would like language that strengthens and affirms that political power rests in our elected City Council member thus protecting our republican form of government. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. Good schools significantly impact the success of our city by attracting families, contributing to home values, enhancing the appeal for development, and economic growth. It’s essential we keep our schools top-notch and viable. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? I’ve been very engaged in civic issues over the last few years and have been frustrated with the increased influence of government over our lives. I’m of the opinion we need more elected officials who believe the first duty of good government is to secure the natural rights and liberty of its citizens. Recent local issues I’ve engaged in include: Sustainability Action Plan, Enhanced Enterprise Zone, M-150 Corridor Development Overlay, Mandatory Flow Control Ordinance. Lee’s Summit is a wonderful place to live! I’m ready and willing to serve with integrity and principle.
Trish Carlyle District 2
Derek Holland* District 3
Diane Seif District 3
Bob Johnson* District 4
Dave Mosby District 4
Education: No response Occupation: No response Activities: No response Political Experience: No response 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? • Traffic/Roads- they impact the everyday lives of all that commute in Lee’s Summit. Also they are a safety concern and in some cases need cosmetic work to keep our city looking clean. • City services- making sure we provide the city employees with the tools they need to help keep this city competitive with the top cities in the Midwest. Schools- keeping amazing public schools is important for the youth of our community. Keeping good school districts will also help our up and growing community in demand for future home buyers. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? In my opinion some of the tax abatements have been extremely generous and potentially risky. I want to see our city grow but not just for the sake of growth alone I would like to encourage smart growth. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? The Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport will soon be a best in class airport for a community of our size. This project is currently underway and I support its completion. State and Federal Grants and matching funds are important vehicles to fully explore with projects like these. I support the city’s continued use of them to achieve our goals. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? A key pillar of my campaign is to resolve several long-standing traffic congestion issues. With 5 major highways transiting our city, it’s critical we partner with MoDOT. However MoDOT can be frustratingly slow at times and underfunded. This is an opportunity for Lee’s Summit to lead and not always take a wait and see approach. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? I do not currently support Light Rail points through Lee’s Summit for many reasons, budget sustainability is a top reason; community and long term construction disturbances are also factors. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? The current tax vehicles are adequate for the annual budget. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? I would like to see the City Manager and City Counsel to both have access to separate legal representatives. Very rarely has the current legal counsel ever differed from the view point of the City Manager. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. I have several children who currently attend our world class R7 School System. I am a product of Lakewood Elementary, Prairie View Elementary, Campbell Middle School and a proud alumni of Lee’s Summit High School. My several children have good experiences at Meadow Lane, Greenwood, Trailridge and now Highland Park Elementary; I have children who have also been through both Summit Lakes and Pleasant Lea Middle Schools. I have always believed the R7 School District is world class and I would never dream of sending them anywhere else. Our Schools are why so many people have chosen Lee’s Summit as their home. 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? I am proud that I have so much in common with my constituents in age, family and life style. The general public is more likely to speak with me about their issues and that gives me an advantage in representing the needs of our community. We need some new blood in our local politics with the fresh views of someone who loves Lee’s Summit. I do not view this as a popularity contest or a project for prestige and entertainment. The decisions made in the meetings directly affect the city I was raised in and love. My true belief is that I can represent the everyday citizen. There is a fine line between walking in fear and living in faith and I feel that this city has been bullied and controlled at times and they have the faith in me to give them the representation they deserve. I have an investment in this city and can contribute to its positive growth. I have been a member of our PTA and booster of local children’s activities such as youth sports, parks, arts and education. My personal belief in the R7 school district is apparent by where I send my children. This is not the case with at least one of my opponents. I follow through on my commitments, both business and personal. I have participated in the candidate workshop, district 4 open forum and the campaign finance training meeting. I have yet to meet the 3rd candidate in the race for my district because his lack of attendance at any of these events. I feel my follow through is demonstrably shown. My district deserves representation that is committed to Lee’s Summit, our city employees, public schools and community. My district deserves a council member who is committed to being present at every meeting and always available with an open mind ready to listen and learn.
Disclaimer: All answers were copied directly from answers provided by candidates and weren’t edited by the Lee’s Summit Chamber.
Education: B.S. Political Science, Central Missouri State University, Lee’s Summit High School Occupation: Exterior Professionals, Owner Activities: Lee’s Summit Chamber of Commerce, Greater Kansas City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Highland Park Elementary School PTA, Corporate Sponsor, Highland Park Elementary PTA, Spirit Zone Booster Club, Assistant Coach, Blue Springs Basketball Association, Assistant Coach, Lee’s Summit Baseball Association Political Experience: Former Governor’s Liaison to Missouri Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, Former Advisor and Staff Member to Missouri Governor’s Transition Team, Former Political Director to Missouri Attorney General, Past Member on the Lee’s Summit Redistricting Committee, Past Member on the Lee’s Summit 360 Economic Development Committee 1. What are the three top issues/concerns you have as a candidate for City Council and why? We need to keep Lee’s Summit amazing, and that means addressing 4 major areas: • Public Safety through increased funding for Lee’s Summit Police Department for communications, neighborhood and commercial patrols, and being proactive in tackling the spillover crime from Kansas City. • Ensuring Lee’s Summit Fire & Emergency Services is fully staffed, equipped and funded to protect our community, and compete with surrounding communities so that we get the best and brightest talent. • Addressing Storm Water / sewage issues, and upgrading Lee’s Summit’s aging infrastructure including, roads, sidewalks, and curbs. • Increasing the Economic Development and business growth climate in Lee’s Summit, including the outdated and crumbling vacant commercial properties in our city. 2. The next City Council will have the opportunity to play a key role in the City’s major economic development projects. What are your thoughts on the incentive policies that have been adopted? I am a strong supporter of economic development, so long as it is done in a classy, smart and fiscally responsible way. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic in today’s business climate to claim we can compete to attract the best companies, development, retail and restaurants without some level of incentives. That said, I do have concerns about the type of projects receiving incentives, the transparency of those projects, and the measurable results we are getting as a city in return for our money. Most importantly, we must be transparent, diverse and competitive in the bidding processes. 3. With the City Council’s approval of the Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport Business Plan laying out the processes to initiate the proposed improvements to achieve a fiscally and operationally viable city enterprise, how will you as an elected official ensure that the plan is carried out? I will work with leaders across the city to make sure we have the best and most viable project. I will ask tough questions, and request that benchmarks are met. I think transparency in the bidding process is very important. 4. How supportive are you regarding the City’s continued partnership through economic incentives and General Obligation Bond Issues to subsidize the MoDOT system serving our community? I support efforts to improve bridges, highways and roads in Lee’s Summit. The Blackwell Interchange is a very important issue for the 4th District, and it is important to protect the safety of our children and families in Charleston Park and Canterbury. 5. What is your opinion of the Light Rail System being proposed by former County Executive Mike Sanders and its impact on the City of Lee’s Summit? Almost all of the great metropolitan areas in America have some form of commuter rail. If Kansas City, and the State of Missouri is to get to the next level in economic growth, we need regional rail. One thing I love about the plan, is the use of the old Rock Island rail lines, so that it places Kansas City at the center of national efforts and growth. That said, I am very concerned about the influence and voice we currently have at the table to ensure our community interests are protected, and that Lee’s Summit remains a safe and amazing place to live. I am also concerned about protecting the property rights of our residents. As City Councilman, I will enter the office with pre-established relationships at the State, County and City levels; and with an understanding for the politics at play. I feel this will help our city in big ways. 6. What is your observation regarding the city’s current tax structure? Our city is amazing, and our city has always come together to support our local community. However, I am concerned about the increased tax reliance on the homeowners of this city. 7. Recently a committee was appointed to review the city’s charter review. What would you like to see addressed within the charter? I believe it is imperative for a city our size, that our elected officials have a stronger role in the operating, budgeting and contractual decisions within our city, and all departments. I would also like to see the issue of transparency in the contract bidding process be addressed. 8. Lee’s Summit is well known for its outstanding public school districts, specifically the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and the Blue Springs R-4 School District. Discuss your level of commitment to quality public schools and your views on the City’s role in ensuring that the community continues to enjoy the benefits resulting from having exceptional school districts serving the students that live in Lee’s Summit. My wife Cortney and I are products of the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District. We love this community and we love our school district. I personally know several leaders on the school board. As parents we are heavily involved at Highland Park. For starters, we need to protect the integrity of our R-7 school district boundaries from those outside our city. We need to continue to ensure that our neighborhoods and schools remain a safe place to raise a family. We need to continue to support the great partnerships that our churches play in our schools and community, including free meals, food pantries, utilities, counseling and more. We need to continue to work to provide an environment of business and community growth in our city that increases the revenue for our schools. Finally, I would like to see the city continue to work to attract organizations and businesses to our city that provide more entertainment and learning opportunities for children and families. We have a great community. Families shouldn’t have to leave it to eat, learn or have fun! 9. There are individuals running for the same position you are. What qualities do you possess making you the best candidate for the position? What type of community engagement, organizations or public service positions have you been part of or involved in? I believe I am the most qualified and experienced candidate in my race. For starters, I was raised in this community and have a vast network of friends, family and colleagues across our community. I have built a startup into a successful company that I own, and operate in Lee’s Summit. I am heavily involved in our children’s school. I have advised and served a Governor, and worked with both political parties to pass legislation such as The Line of Duty Compensation Fund for our law enforcement and emergency personnel killed in the line of duty. I have served on the redistricting committee and 360 economic development committee. Over the last few months, I helped lead the charge to ensure every fire station in Lee’s Summit has an ambulance unit, and there is always a paramedic on staff at all times. As of Feb. 1st, with everyone working together, we delivered results. Bottom line is this: I will work with everyone to deliver results. Lee’s Summit is so amazing. I am so proud to have been raised here and to raise my kids here. We cannot allow our great community to be placed in the hands of conspiracy theorists or political extremists with an agenda.
220 SE Main St. | Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 816.524.2424 | LSchamber.com