Admissions Info Book 2011-12

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A world of opportunities awaits you.

VISION AND MISSION La Salle College High School stands as a beacon for capable young men embarking on a solid college preparatory program in the Catholic, independent school tradition. The Latin words virtus and scientia, moral strength and knowledge, underline the school’s coat of arms and they serve as a reminder and impetus for all the activities of faculty and students who create the reality of today’s La Salle. The De La Salle Christian Brothers established La Salle in 1858, in the City of Philadelphia, and their charism and the vision of their founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle (1651–1719), have guided the development of La Salle to its current status as one of the foremost centers of secondary education in the metropolitan Philadelphia area. Loyal to the educational philosophy of Saint La Salle and the gospel teachings that everyone has value before a loving God, La Salle College High School seeks to shape and to educate the total person for future leadership and personal peace

of mind. Spiritual formation, intellectual achievement, moral growth, physical development, and competition and cultural expression receive serious attention in a Lasallian Community. La Salle’s 84-acre campus supports the realization of the challenging goals which the faculty and students pursue. The present Belcroft property, the fifth site in the story of La Salle’s growth, attests to the school’s fidelity to its mission to continue to evolve and to grow to meet the challenges of new generations of youth as they prepare to succeed in and to shape the 21st century. A conscientious and highlyprofessional faculty of Christian Brothers, lay men and women, and a priest work closely and respectfully with students and staff to establish mutual trust, acceptance, and affirmation.

The goal of the harmonious association of each one in a Lasallian community reflects La Salle’s conviction that God is present and that this caring God speaks in and through each one in the community. The presence of God remains foundational for La Salle College High School, its faculty, staff, students, parents, and alumni. Successful La Salle alumni fill the ranks of all professions, occupations, and trades in contemporary America. Alumni involvement, commitment, and leadership remain among La Salle’s proudest achievements and they stand as a lasting testament to the successful educational program which La Salle College High School fosters. Written by Brother John D’Alfonso, FSC ‘55 1937–2000

La Salle


La Salle College High School, a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young men of varied backgrounds, is conducted in the tradition of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Through a broad and balanced, human and Christian education, La Salle College High School guides each student in the development of his unique God-given talents and fosters a commitment to academic excellence, service, and leadership. Men of Intellect and Accomplishment La Salle College High School graduates, having completed a rigorous academic program, are lifelong learners who think critically and communicate effectively. Men of Faith and Compassion La Salle College High School graduates respect human dignity, embrace Roman Catholic Tradition and morality, and value the uniqueness of their Lasallian heritage. Men of Service and Justice La Salle College High School graduates live their faith through their actions, recognize the interconnectedness of our world, and act on their obligation to right injustice. Men of Integrity and Respect La Salle College High School graduates accept responsibility for their own education and actions and in the spirit of the Christian gentleman treat people with respect.

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ACADEMICS La Salle College High School’s curriculum is one that is faith-centered, academically challenging, and designed to prepare young men for the future. Featuring a wide variety of electives, our college preparatory program of studies includes over one hundred courses developed to challenge students to realize their academic potential. Religion Catholic Identity Christian Life Styles Christian Morality Lasallian Spiritually and Service Prayer Sacred Scripture World Religions Mathematics Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 3/Trigonometry Trigonometry/Statistics Geometry Geometry and Pre-Calculus Honors Pre-Calculus Calculus Advanced Placement Calculus AB Advanced Placement Calculus BC Advanced Placement Statistics

Computer Education Computer Applications Visual Basic Programming JAVA Programming Advanced Placement Computer Science Digital Multimedia Design • Fundamentals of Web Design • Website Management • Computer Aided Design (CAD) • Advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD) Microsoft® IT Academy • Network Management • Windows Server 2008 • Windows Server 2008 Active Directory • Windows 2008 Network Infrastructure • Windows 2008 Security Multimedia Production • Multimedia Production • Advanced Multimedia Production • Multimedia Management


English Introduction to Literature and Composition American Literature and Composition Rhetoric and British Literature World Literature and Expository Writing Advanced Placement English Language and Composition (11th Grade) Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition (12th Grade) Creative Writing 1 Creative Writing 2 Shakespeare Harlem Renaissance Public Speaking World Language Chinese 1 French 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 French 4 Honors Italian 1, 2, 3, 4 Italian 2 Honors Italian 3 Honors

Italian 4 Honors Latin 1, 2 Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Honors Spanish 4 Honors Advanced Placement Spanish Science Integrated Science Biology 9 Honors Biology 10 Honors Biology 10 Chemistry 10 Honors Chemistry Chemistry 11 Honors Advanced Placement Chemistry General Chemistry Physics Physics Honors General Physics Advanced Placement Physics B Advanced Placement Physics C Anatomy and Physiology Honors Advanced Placement Biology Environmental Science

Advanced Placement Environmental Science Astronomy Health Social Studies World Civilizations Western Civilizations Advance Placement World History United States History Advanced Placement United States History Economics Advanced Placement Economics Financial Economics History of Philadelphia International Studies Seminar Advanced Placement Modern European History Advanced Placement American Government and Politics Psychology Advanced Placement Psychology United States Civil War Vietnam

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Visual Arts Foundations Art Drawing 1, 2 Painting 1, 2 Ceramics 1, 2 Advanced Ceramics Sculpture 1, 2 Advanced Sculpture Art Portfolio Fine Arts Introductory Music Performance Intermediate Music Performance Honors Advanced Music Advanced Music Studies Small Ensembles Jazz Arranging and Improvising Advanced Music Performance (Stage Band) Instrumental Instruction R&B, Funk, and Latin Concepts Freshman Chorus Chorus Advanced Chorus Independent Chorus Group Counseling Group Advisory 9 Group Advisory 10 Group Advisory 11 Group Advisory 12 Physical Education Aquatics Principles of Athletic Training Physical Fitness Academic Support Academic Support I Academic Support II Academic Support III Academic Support IV

Graduation Requirements La Salle College High School requires 26.50 credits for graduation. In many cases, students elect to take additional credits. Furthermore, a student must receive a satisfactory grade on the Senior Exit Survey, which is designed to measure each student’s ability to write clearly and effectively, along with demonstrating solid critical thinking skills. Minimum Requirements English 4 credits Religion

4 credits


3 credits


3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits World Language 3 credits Physical Education 1 credit Health 1/2 credit Computer 1/2 credit Fine Arts 1/2 credit Elective Offerings A student must take at least 4.0 credits beyond the minimum required listed above. In most cases this means a fourth year of Math, Science, and Social Studies. Many students will also take a fourth year of a World Language. There are a wide variety of electives in Art, Computer Science, Music, Business, Social Studies, English, Math, Science, and Languages.


Advanced Placement Program Advanced Placement Courses are special college level courses, which can lead to college credit, waiving of college requirements, or special placement in honors programs. La Salle students perform very well on AP examinations, which are administered each May. Advanced Placement Courses Biology Calculus AB Calculus BC Chemistry Computer Science Economics (macro and micro) English Language and Composition (11th Grade) English Language and Literature (12th Grade) Environmental Science Government and Politics Modern European History Physics Psychology Spanish Language Statistics United States History World History

Honors Courses Due to the high caliber of students attending La Salle, classes are generally assigned heterogeneously. In addition to the Advanced Placement program, honors courses are available in language, math, and science. Students applying for these courses must meet prerequisites and department approval. Sample Ninth Grade Roster Catholic Identity Introduction to Literature and Composition Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 World Civilizations World Language (Chinese, French, Italian, or Spanish) Integrated Science or Biology Computer Applications Health Physical Education Electives (Music, Art and Chorus)

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ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE National Merit Scholars • 7% of the Class of 2011 was honored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation – 2 National Merit Finalists – 15 National Merit Commended Students • Over the past decade, an average of thirty students per year were recognized as National Merit Scholars College Admissions • 99% of the Class of 2011 is continuing formal education at 84 colleges and universities in twenty different states • The Class of 2011 was accepted into 188 colleges in thirty-one states National Honor Society • 86 members of the Class of 2011 were elected to the National Honor Society based on academic performance (minimum GPA of 3.50), leadership, and service

• 100 members of the Class of 2012 have already been inducted into La Salle’s Chapter of the National Honor Society Scholarships and Advanced Placement • The Class of 2011 earned over $25.5 million in documented scholarships and grants • 73% of the Class of 2011 earned merit-based and/or athletic scholarships • 102 Advanced Placement Scholars, including seven National Scholars • 87% of students taking AP Exams scored a 3 or higher (recommending grade for college) in seventeen subject areas • 2009 College Board and Siemens Award for Excellence in Advanced Placement (only high school in Pennsylvania to earn this award)


UNMATCHED TECHNOLOGY La Salle’s strong academic program is enhanced by one of the most advanced technological systems available in secondary education. A recognized leader in technology, La Salle has a completely wireless campus based on Cisco Wireless N technology, allowing for high-speed Internet access to laptop and hand-held computers from anywhere on the property. The computer-to-student ratio is one to three and the school’s Community TechServe Program is nationally recognized. La Salle has the distinction of being the only school in the State of Pennsylvania to have met the stringent staffing and equipment qualifications to be designated a Level One Microsoft® IT Academy. In addition, La Salle was the first high school in the nation to integrate Windows® XP and Microsoft Exchange 2010. All of the computers on La Salle’s campus now feature Windows 7 and Office 2010 Professional Plus. La Salle College High School is currently in partnership with Microsoft to develop future operating systems. Some outstanding features of our technology: • Completely wireless campus, enhanced by a Gigabit fiberoptic backbone connecting all classrooms and offices. • Thirty-five state-of-the-art Windows 2008 R2 Servers, including dedicated space for student accounts and files. • A T3 dedicated Internet circuit that offers students 90 MB of in and out bandwidth with Nehalem Xeon Servers. • First school in the nation to fully implement Microsoft Exchange® 2010.

• TV production and broadcast studio with editing equipment and operating systems for live programs and taped productions.

• Fully-implemented faculty laptop program utilizing wireless technology and advanced projection devices.

• Four computer labs with over 150 Nehalem i7 workstations, Windows 7 Desktops, and access to the complete Microsoft Office® 2010 Professional Plus Package.

• Outstanding library and media center with capability for thirtyfour online reference programs.

• Multimedia Lab with over eighty workstations for student and faculty teaching and production, including scanners, laser printers, and CD/ DVD Burners.

• Computer Lab internship program for qualified students, which amassed twenty-four Microsoft certifications. An additional forty students have earned an MTA certification (Microsoft Technical Associate). • All fifty seven instructional areas are equipped with a SMART Board™, HD Projection TV, DVD, and a high-performance sound system.

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ACTIVITIES La Salle offers a wide variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular student activities. Over 70% of the students are involved in one or more activities or clubs. The Assistant Principal for Student Affairs directs this extensive activities program for the purpose of providing different experiences and leadership opportunities for La Salle’s students. These activities help build a sense of community, provide outlets for expression, and develop a sense of responsibility, cooperation, and service among the students. Faculty moderators supervise every activity. Activities are added each year according to student interest. Academic Decathlon Art Club Bands (11) Blue and Gold (Yearbook) Brotherhood and Respect Club Campus Ministry Celtic Club Chess Club Chorus (Three Groups) Computer Lab Interns Diversity Club Drama Club Dramatics Engineering Club Fencing Club X-Treme Gaming Club Film Club Forensics (Speech and Debate) Games Club Gazebo (Literary Magazine) German Club History Club Human Rights Forum Intramurals Italian Club Lasallian Service Corps Lasallian Youth Latin Club

Library Volunteers Mathletes Mentoring Group Mock Trial Competition Multi-Cultural Club National Honor Society Photography Club Respect Life Club Robotics/Computer Club S.A.D.D. Science Club Spanish Club Ski Club Sports Information Club Stage Crew Student Council TechServe Ultimate Frisbee Club Web Managers WEXP (Television Club) Wisterian (Newspaper) While the main goal of La Salle College High School is to provide opportunities for involvement, enjoyment, and positive learning experiences, many activities and individual students have achieved outstanding success.


1. Band La Salle’s highly regarded and comprehensive musical program is unmatched among high schools in the Delaware Valley. Over 250 instrumentalists participate in eleven performing groups. La Salle’s Competition Band received superior ratings in all five area jazz competitions in 2011, earning nine Best Section Awards. An Outstanding Soloist Award was earned by a La Salle musician at each competition. In 2010, La Salle’s Jazz Competition Band captured Second Place Honors at the Cavalcade Association of Bands Championships in a competition that featured thirty-five high school bands from the tri-state area. 2. Chorus La Salle’s expanding choral program has three very active performing groups: The Belcrofters (performing ensemble), Advanced Chorus, and the Freshman Chorus. Aside from concerts, these groups perform at many La Salle functions. Smaller ensembles enhance our school liturgies by providing music. Music Facilities La Salle’s excellent music facilities include an ensemble practice room large enough to house our largest performing groups. Choral rooms, space for instrumental instruction, and a digital music lab round out a facility that can accommodate the almost three hundred students involved in La Salle’s highly acclaimed music program

3. Speech and Debate In the last five years, students in the La Salle Speech and Debate Program have won a National Championship in Policy Debate, State Championships in both Policy Debate and Lincoln Douglas Debate, and City Championships in Policy Debate, LincolnDouglas Debate, and Public Forum Debate. Over this span, La Salle has been recognized as a Debate School of Excellence by the National Forensics League and twice finished in the Top 5 nationally in the Debate School Sweepstakes Award at the National Catholic Forensics League National Finals. La Salle College High School has also competed in the International Public Policy Forum written debate contest and once placed in the Top 8 and twice placed in the Top 32 of more than 330 schools from 36 countries and 42 states.

“The school has never wavered from the philosophy of Saint John Baptist de La Salle – educating the whole man and letting him learn how to make the right decisions.” J o s e p h F. C i c c i m a r o ’ 5 7 Faculty Member (since 1968)

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4. Competitions La Salle fields teams in Academic Decathlon, Mathletes, and Mock Trial Competition and also competes in several virtual competitions. 5. Publications Extensive writing and editing opportunities are available through The Wisterian (school newspaper), the Blue and Gold (school yearbook), and the Gazebo (literary magazine). 6. Dramatics Each spring, La Salle puts on a highly successful musical production.

Recent productions include: The Drowsy Chaperone (2011) Smokey Joe’s Café (2010) How To Succeed In Business (2009) Singin’ In The Rain (2008) Babes In Arms (2007) Godspell (2006) Bye Bye Birdie (2005) Grease (2004) Footloose (2003) George M (2002) Each fall, La Salle presents a drama. Recent productions include: Blithe Spirit (2010) Plaza Suite (2009) Arsenic and Old Lace (2002) Odd Couple (2007) You Can’t Take It With You (2006) A Man For All Seasons (2005) Shakespeare Revisited (2004) The Nerd (2003) Arsenic and Old Lace (2002)


7. Art An Arts Festival featuring student work in painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, and photography is held each May. In addition, La Salle students have exhibited works at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Montgomery County Community College, and the Archdiocesan Art Show. 8. Service In the tradition of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers, La Salle encourages and supports a wide variety of service opportunities under the direction of the Lasallian Service Corps. Every day of the week, La Salle students serve the wider community at places such as La Salle Academy, Providence Center, Sarnelli House, Saint Francis Inn, Triest House, and the Artman Home. La Salle has formed

a special relationship with Saint Vincent Parish in Germantown in which both parents and students are involved with service initiatives. All freshman and sophomores, along with their fathers, provide a day of service to organizations twice a year on Branch-Out Days. Service continues in the summer months with programs in South America, Kentucky (Appalachia), Rhode Island, Center City Philadelphia, and Native American Reservations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Montana. La Salle’s TechServe Program is nationally recognized. Â

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ATHLETICS Athletics play a significant part in student life at La Salle. Whether as a participant or spectator, each student experiences a sense of pride, excitement, and accomplishment. La Salle belongs to the Philadelphia Catholic League, a highly competitive group of thirteen schools broken down into several divisions. La Salle’s athletic opportunities have expanded since the Philadelphia Catholic League joined the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) District 12 and became eligible for district and state championships. Over 50% of the student body actively participates in our extensive sixteen-sport program involving thirty-eight separate teams. Athletic Facilities La Salle has been blessed with extensive high quality athletic facilities which include a main gym, auxiliary gym for wresting and other athletic activities, a fitness center with a full-time Strength and Conditioning Instructor, an erg room for rowing, indoor and outdoor pools, six-lane track, five tennis courts, seven athletic fields, a walking trail, and a boathouse located on Boathouse Row.

Athletic Success La Salle has an extensive and highly successful athletic program that has amassed over ninety championships in the past ten years. During this time, our athletes have captured 52 Philadelphia Catholic League titles in ten separate sports – a record unmatched in league history – in addition to seven Pennsylvania State Championships. During the 2010-2011 year, the Explorers won Philadelphia Catholic League Championships in football, swimming, wrestling, and tennis. In addition, they captured five District 12 (City) Championships in football, golf, swimming, wrestling, and tennis and the Hockey Team won the Flyer’s Cup. Three teams – Football, Swimming, and Hockey – finished second in the Pennsylvania State Championship.

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Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports

Cross Country (V, JV, F)

Basketball (V, JV, F)

Baseball (V, JV, F)

Soccer (V, JV, F)

Swimming (V, JV)

Lacrosse (V, JV)

Football (V, JV, F)

Wrestling (V, JV)

Rowing (V, JV, F)

Water Polo (V, JV)

Ice Hockey (2V, 1JV)

Tennis (V, JV)

Golf (V, JV)

Indoor Track (V)

Outdoor Track and Field (V, F)

Bowling (V, JV)

V = Varsity JV = Junior Varsity F = Freshman

“I have three boys – all with different sets of interests. La Salle College High School has been able to fulfill each of their unique needs at the highest level. Whether it be sports, music, technology or theatre, La Salle’s facilities, teachers, and coaches are in a league of their own and my sons have benefited greatly. Although I am not an alum, I was made to feel welcome from the first time that I stepped through the door. I am part of a family and looking back over the last eight years, I know that I made the right choice for my boys.” Mike Hoffman Parent of Shane ’08, Connor ’10, and Cormac ’12


Consider These Outstanding Accomplishments • Over the past decade, La Salle has won league championships in twelve different sports. • During the last three years, La Salle captured forty-four championships in eleven different sports. • Last year, 143 athletes received All-Catholic recognition – 72 First Team All-Catholics, 50 Second Team All-Catholics, and 21 Honorable Mention All-Catholics. In addition, over a dozen athletes received All-State or All-American recognition. La Salle’s phenomenal success in sports is due to the quality of an experienced coaching staff and the overall enthusiastic response of our student athletes. Twelve of the head coaches teach full-time at La Salle and as such, realize the primary importance of performance in the classroom. The discipline and respect generated in the academic area, along with the spirit and enthusiasm of hundreds of students, have resulted in a competitive and highly successful athletic program.

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GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING La Salle’s extensive Counseling Department, which provides student services in the areas of college, academic, and personal counseling, includes ten counselors and two administrative assistants. 1. College Counseling Center Under the direction of three college counselors, junior and senior students (along with their parents) are guided through the college selection process. Several college-search computer programs as well as Internet access allow students to explore the latest in college information. 2. Class Counselors Four class counselors meet with all grade levels to assist with academic and personal concerns.

Senior advisory classes primarily center on the college application and admission processes. 7. Tutoring Opportunities A Writing Center, Math Center, and World Languages Center are open daily and provide students with tutorial resources provided by members of the faculty. In addition, the National Honor Society conducts a very successful peer-tutoring program for any student who requests assistance.

3. Personal Counseling A full-time personal counselor works with students who are experiencing difficulties at school or home.

8. Mentoring Program A full-time faculty member coordinates a student-mentoring program designed to assist with the transition of incoming students.

4. Special Counseling Two counselors direct programs to assist students with learning differences and those who are experiencing academic difficulty. They act as a liaison for students, parents, and teachers.

9. Montgomery County Intermediate Unit La Salle College High School receives additional counseling and tutoring services from the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit.

5. LIGHTS The LIGHTS Team, a Student Assistance Program, is composed of specially trained members of the faculty and staff who assist La Salle students with behavioral and/or academic difficulties.

10. David Program The David Program, now in its tenth year, offers academic support to students with documented mild learning differences. Five highly-qualified learning specialists provide individualized instructional support for approximately fifteen students per grade. For additional information on the David Program, please contact John Keenan at or (215) 402-4853.

6. Group Counseling All students are assigned to a Group Advisory Class. Freshman focus on transitional issues, Sophomore advisory has a more career focus, while Junior and

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CAMPUS MINISTRY The Campus Ministry Program seeks to build a living faith community at La Salle by providing religious experiences and service opportunities for both students and faculty. Three campus ministers and a chaplain staff the Campus Ministry Center. Liturgical and devotional programs are celebrated at significant times throughout the year. A yearly retreat program in a small-group setting is organized and conducted by the Office of Campus Ministry and assisted by many faculty members and student leaders. Juniors have an opportunity for an overnight service retreat. Seniors choose either a one-day retreat or a four-day Kairos retreat. Kairos, which in Greek means “God’s special time,” is a program that focuses on relationships and the retreatant’s knowledge of self, others, and God’s unconditional love for each individual. The Campus Ministry Office also coordinates La Salle’s voluntary service programs. As part of La Salle’s emphasis on Christian service, the entire freshman and sophomore classes participate in a Branch-Out Day of service each year. A unique feature of this day has many fathers joining their sons as they span out to over twenty locations across the Philadelphia area. In addition, an extensive Summer Service Program provides opportunities for students to provide valuable service in six different states as well as South America.

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TRANSPORTATION 1. School District Busing The majority of students attending La Salle are eligible for free bus service provided by their local school district. The seventeen school districts currently providing bus service to La Salle are: Abington Norristown Centennial North Penn Central Bucks Radnor Cheltenham Springfield Colonial Upper Dublin Hatboro-Horsham Upper Merion Lower Merion Upper Moreland Lower Moreland Wissahickon Methacton 2. Automobile La Salle College High School has ample parking facilities to accommodate those students who drive to school.

3. School Sponsored Busing La Salle College High School sponsors a private bus service to most areas not covered by statemandated busing. Six bus routes serve the Northeast as well as Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Bucks Counties including the Yardley/ Newtown Area. Fees for this service vary according to the plan selected. 4. Public Transportation SEPTA Bus Routes 18 and 77 are in close proximity to the school. The Route 77 Bus connects with seven train lines (Fox Chase, Lansdale/Doylestown, Glenside, Warminster, West Trenton, Chestnut Hill East, and Chestnut Hill West).

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TUITION AND FEES Policy of Non-Discrimination

La Salle College High School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the school. La Salle does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its education policies, admission policies, scholarships, loan programs, or athletic and other school administered programs. La Salle College High School is a private, independent Catholic educational institution, and as such, is almost exclusively dependent on full and timely payment of tuition rather then Church or government subsidies. La Salle makes every effort to minimize tuition, fees, and tuition increases, while providing a quality education consistent with Catholic values. Tuition Tuition for the 2011-2012 school year is $17,900 for (Grades 9-11) and $18,330 for Grade 12. Tuition increases approximately 4% per year. Payment Plans There are two payment plans available: 1. Semester Plan Payments are due July 15, 2011 and November 15, 2011 2. Ten Month Plan Payments run April through January with a $40 processing fee for participation in the program.

Registration Fee Registration of new students requires a non-refundable tuition deposit of $1,000 (part of the tuition and not an additional fee). The registration fee is due at the time a student accepts his offer of admission. Additional Fees There is a $240 fee for enrollment in the Music Program. Optional private bus transportation is available at various rates ranging from $900 to $1,700 depending on the plan and route chosen. Some activities, particularly athletics, may require fees and/or fund-raising. All students must purchase books that are not covered by state aid.

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FINANCIAL AID La Salle offers merit-based (academic scholarships) and need-based grants (financial aid) on a year-to-year basis. Scholarship winners are also eligible for need-based grants. Documentation necessary for need-based grants includes W-2 forms, tax records, and filing financial information through the School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS).

Deadlines For Financial Aid NINTH GRADE (CLASS OF 2016) November 30, 2011 All financial statements are due at SSS and previous year’s tax return is due at La Salle. January 13, 2012 All W-2 forms are due at La Salle. UPPERCLASS December 7, 2011 All financial statements are due at SSS. January 13, 2012 All W-2 forms and previous year’s tax return are due at La Salle. Note: Families with both an upperclassman and an incoming freshman should adhere to the November 30, 2011 deadline.

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ADMISSIONS PROCESS Open House Sunday, November 14, 2011 An Open House will be held from 12:00 to 3:00 pm. All of La Salle’s facilities and programs will be available to prospective students and their families. The program will include presentations, demonstrations, and guided tours. To register for the Open House, please visit

Visitation Program All eighth graders are invited to spend a full day at La Salle College High School. This is the best way to experience the atmosphere, spirit, and challenges that await a young man at La Salle. Visits can be arranged on any school day beginning September 19, 2011 by calling the Admissions Office at (215) 402-4800 or by registering online at

Scholarship/Entrance Exam Saturday, December 3, 2011 A mandatory high school placement test is used to determine scholarship winners and those who will be offered admission to the Class of 2016.

Interviews Students spending a day at La Salle will have an interview as part of their visitation. Students who do not plan on spending a day at La Salle, may contact the Admissions Office and request an interview as part of the admissions process.

Scholarships Academic Scholarships worth a minimum of $6,500 per year are awarded for outstanding academic achievement. Retention of this scholarship requires a student to maintain a high level of academic performance.

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Admissions Deadlines 1. Submission of an application – either a paper or online application – by November 25, 2011, will automatically register a student for the Scholarship/Entrance Exam.

• Recommendations from teachers and/or counselors

2. The Scholarship/Entrance Exam will be administered on December 3, 2011.

• Interview (Optional)

3. All academic records and teachers’ recommendations must be sent to La Salle by December 12, 2011. 4. Notification of Scholarship winners and January acceptances is mailed in early January. 5. Deadline for initial acceptance of admission is January 27, 2012. 6. February acceptances (second phase of acceptances for those on the waiting list) are made on February 1, 2012. Enrollment closes February 29, 2012. 7. Registration for the Class of 2016 will take place on February 15, 16, and 22, 2012. Note: An overwhelming response to our offers of admission has resulted in full enrollment by mid-February in each of the last ten years. A waiting list is established for openings that may occur after registration. Acceptance To La Salle An Admissions Committee reviews the qualifications of each applicant to La Salle College High School. Decisions are made on the basis of: • Scores on the Entrance Exam • Academic performance in the 7th and 8th Grades

• Scores on other objective standardized tests • Community Involvement

Application for Admission Please complete the enclosed application and mail it in the envelope provided to the Admissions Office at La Salle College High School or apply online via the school’s website at Upperclass Admissions La Salle historically admits a small number of transfer students into the 10th and 11th grades each year. A student must have a “B” average and be in good standing at his present school. Decisions are made after the submission of academic records and a personal interview. Practice Test Seventh grade students are encouraged to take a practice test on Saturday, March 3, 2012. The fee for this exam is $50.00. Please note that this test is taken for practice purposes only and is not used for the granting of scholarships or awarding acceptances to La Salle College High School. Contact For further information, please contact Mr. Kevin Dougherty, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at (215) 402-4800 or



Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 President

Kevin B. Dougherty ‘00 Director Admissions and Financial Aid

Joseph L. Marchese Principal Daniel L. McGowan Vice President of Institutional Advancement Mark A. Gibbons ’92 Chief Financial Officer Thomas R. Barna Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs Nicholas J. Coggins Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Julia K. Maher Assistant Principal for Student Affairs James F. Fyke Dean of Students Thomas Turner Director of Transportation Anthony Resch Director of Athletics

Walter Muehlbronner Assistant Director of Admissions

COMMUNICATIONS Christopher M. Carabello ’82 Director of Communications and Public Relations Peter R. Sigmund, Jr., MCSE ’85 Chief Information Officer Raymond T. Shay ’00 Director of Web Communications Robert J. Johnson Director of Multimedia Technology

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038 215 402 4800 phone 215 233 0284 fax

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