Annual Report of Giving 2023-2024

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The signature of La Salle College High School is derived from the seal (or emblem), which is a fundamental identifier of the school. At the center of the seal rests the crest (or coat-of-arms) of La Salle College High School. The top of the crest contains a battle helmet representing the family of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and their warrior heritage from Spain. The bottom features the Latin motto Virtus Scientia, meaning Virtue and Knowledge, along with 1858, the year in which La Salle College High School was founded by the Christian Brothers at Saint Michael Parish in North Philadelphia.

The center of the crest bears the quartered shield. The shield is divided by a cross, the core of all Christian symbols, and a statement to the school’s adherence to Catholic values and traditions, which are embodied in the teachings of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers. In the upper right-hand corner is the star of faith of the Christian Brothers, which signifies the faith the school seeks to foster in its students. The lower right-hand corner holds a single fracted chevron. The fracted (or broken) chevron has been used over the centuries by followers of Saint John Baptist de La Salle to evoke his memory. The coat of arms of the De La Salle Family portrays three such chevrons of gold on a field of blue.

The signature of La Salle College High School consists of a mark and typography. The mark is the quartered shield, which for decades has remained in the forefront of Lasallian symbols. The typography features Bodoni BE Condensed, a serif font that complements the mark. The signature retains the traditional La Salle Colors of blue and gold, which stem from the original coat-of-arms of the De La Salle Family.


As I sit down to write you this letter of gratitude, we have about two weeks to enjoy before the students return for the new school year.

Enjoy? Perhaps I should have written endure. For these are some of the most delicate, intricate weeks of our annual calendar. Perhaps when some of you attended La Salle or sent your sons, the school still went to sleep for the summer. But not so now, I can assure you. Sports camps expose elementary and middle schoolers to our programs, academic sessions serve for those who want to get ahead and those who need to catch up a bit alike, and a large tenant camp provides child-minding services in a more stimulating context than any babysitter could hope to create. On many days, over 500 children mob the Glaser Center at lunch, marshalled by La Salle students and other teenaged workers with coaches and other adult supervisors at the top of the structure (In truth, I tend to grab a yogurt in the Brothers’ house or skip lunch altogether these days.). By about August 1st, these activities have pretty much wrapped up.

Which is what makes these remaining few weeks so intricate. We need to get things done that can’t be done with so many children around. Every year, the gym floor is stripped and resurfaced with chemical concoctions it’s best not to breathe in for a long period of time. Footsteps on the drying surface would leave an unfortunate reminder of someone’s uninvited and unwelcome presence well into PCL season. So, the chore’s done now. Some years—this year—we resurface the parking lot and access roads, grinding out imperfections, milling the transit lanes and parking down where needed, sealing cracks, rebuilding the speedbumps, then restriping the lot. With whole sections out of commission, the campus becomes something of an obstacle course best navigated by a couple of dozen experienced drivers rather than hundreds of new ones.

This time of year, obviously, is good for one necessary if unglamorous activity, a common theme uniting both above examples. This is the time for taking things down to the foundation, for scraping away what’s worn out, no longer useful, or simply tired and unsightly, such processes restoring things to their original beauty for a new generation of Explorers.

And that’s what the long list of names this annual report presents itself represents: La Salle taken down to its foundation: generous, compassionate, committed, and sacrificial people who are eager to invest in the young men who are La Salle’s future. Through endowed scholarship donations, EITC/OSTC funds, planned giving, the annual fund, and event participation, Lasallians whose experience spans more than seven decades renew and improve the foundation under the young men of today’s school, the Class of 2028 being the newest Explorers we will shortly welcome to our ranks.

The sturdiness of that foundation was clearly seen in the context of the year that was, one of the most challenging I can remember of the 42 I have completed while teaching as a de La Salle Brother. The loss of a current student, of several young alumni, of an alumni board member and two faculty parents all qualified as tragic, while the deaths of several

former trustees, Hall of Fame members, two legendary head coaches, and a two-time past principal all saddened us. They saddened us, but they also stretched us into becoming the people and the school God knows we can be. We can be grateful our foundation as a community has proved firm and durable time and again. So many of you visited, wrote, or got in touch to extend your prayerful support in the course of one or another of those challenges. Let me assure you, the care expressed was a resource as valuable to all of us who serve the young men entrusted to our care in 2024 as all the ones this report gratefully acknowledges are to the future of our beloved La Salle College High School.


39% of Students Receive Financial Aid Totaling

$5.8 million $44.8 MILLION Class of 2024 Received $44.8 million in Scholarships and Grants

131 Faculty Members 73% of the Class of 2024 Earned a Scholarship

25 Honors Courses

41 Members of the Faculty/ Staff are Alums of the School

28 AP Classes 65 Clubs and Activities

10 National Merit Recognized Students in the Class of 2024


President Brother James L. Butler, FSC

Principal James E. Fyke

Executive Vice President

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Daniel L. McGowan

19 Varsity Sports

9:1 Student/Faculty Ratio 513 Students Took AP Exams in 2024

20 Summer Service Trips in 11 States and 2 Countries

103 Students Participate in Robotics

92 Different Colleges and Universities the Class of 2024 Attended

15 Bands and Performing Ensembles 47 Sports Teams 83 Championships in 16 Different Sports Captured in the Last Five Years

80% of Faculty Members Hold an Advanced Degree 216 AP Scholars

72% of the Class of 2024 was accepted to one of the Top 50 Most Seletive Colleges and Universities

Director of Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations

Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Major Gifts Officer

Jonathan P. Allison

Director of Constituent Relations

Jill B. D’Angelo

Director of Annual Giving

Brett T. Foley ’00

Database Administrator Cathleen P. Winning

Administrative Assistant Dawn Jonello

Photography Lifetouch Photography, Inc.

Sam Fritch

Design Holly Hartner | Design With Sol


La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, PA 19038 215 233 2350 phone 215 836 4502 fax


La Salle College High School, a Catholic independent, college preparatory school for young men of varied backgrounds, is conducted in the tradition of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. Through a broad and balanced, human and Christian education, La Salle College High School guides each student in the development of his unique God-given talents and fosters a commitment to academic excellence, service, and leadership.

Since 2013, I have been leading a group of rising juniors on a summer service trip to the Coachella Valley in Southern California. Our first stop upon arriving at LAX, and before our 2½ hour drive from Los Angeles to Indio, is lunch at In N Out Burger. For those not familiar with the California institution, it’s a 75-year-old tradition that began with a drivethru hamburger stand and has grown to 417 restaurants located across seven states – none east of Texas. I have been stopping at their locations since the late 80s and am always fascinated with the line of people waiting for what I consider to be a simple, classic menu. What sets In N Out apart, other than quality and service, is that they do everything well and not just one thing or one time. In N Out Burger epitomizes consistent excellence and I must assume that is what keeps people coming back.

La Salle College High School has a long history of families coming back – sons following fathers and grandfathers, cousins following cousins, and brothers following brothers. Why does it happen? I would like to think it is years of excellence – generational excellence. The school’s most

recent graduates (Class of 2024) came to La Salle from 67 zip codes and enrolled at 92 colleges and universities in 20 different states. Thirteen of those boys share a common thread in that they have a brother who recently started as a freshman (Class of 2028). Several of these boys are the third or fourth boy to attend La Salle from that family. As one brother leaves La Salle to serve, his younger brother enters to learn. The photos that follow depict La Salle’s version of In N Out.

When I finally approach the counter at In N Out Burger, most of the time I order a No. 1 – the classic double-double meal. However, there are those occasions when I order from their “secret menu,” a list of 6-8 selections that are not so secret because they can be found on the internet. Granted, they spice up the offerings, but it is the classic menu that keeps me (and a multitude of others) coming back. The same could be said of our alma mater. The success of La Salle College High School is no secret, and you certainly don’t have to search for signs of excellence.

FRONT ROW (left to right): Jack Donohue, Tristan Mote, Evan Fahey, and Andrew Palopoli
BACK ROW (left to right): Evan Opiela, Sam Wakefield, Evan Hindley, and Jeffrey Thomson
MISSING FROM PHOTO: Andrew Fusaro, Brendan Maguire, Kieran McKee, David Park, and Jameson Ryan




FRONT ROW (left to right): George T. Magnatta, Esq.`73, Edward F. McMahon `69, William W. Matthews III, Esq. `86, Stephen A. Gardner `72, Brother James L. Butler, FSC, James E. Fyke, Benjamin J. Ventresca Jr. `70, Christopher R. Meagher `89, and Peter A. Nolan `78

SECOND ROW (left to right): Mark Gibbons `92, Catherine C. Livingston, James J. Logan, Jr. `87, Robert P. Moran `69, James D. Morrissey III `88, David J. Martosella `83, and Brendan J. O’Malley, Esq. `94

THIRD ROW (left to right): John A. Loftus `79, Raymond Bain `71, Harry B. Miller, III `83, Michael A. Smyth, and R. Ross Fales


Stephen A. Gardner ’72 Board Chair

Brother James L. Butler, FSC President

William W. Matthews III, Esq. ’86 Vice Chair, Strategy Committee Chair

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 Provincial Delegate for Ministry Governing Boards

George T. Magnatta, Esq. ’73 Governance and Leadership Committee Chair

BACK ROW (left to right): Patrick T. McGinn `87, Kevin B. Dougherty `00, Timothy McDonald ’99, Alisa Macksey, and Daniel L. McGowan

MISSING FROM PHOTO: Jean Clifton, Kassa Darge, MD, Kathleen M. Fluehr, Brian W. Hannan, Richard T. (Terry) Hisey, John F. Lehman Jr. PhD `60, Michael D. McCarthy `65, Austin A. Meehan `79, Gregg R. Melinson `82, Jeffrey D. Mills ’02, Kathleen A. Smith, and Katherine D. Timoney

Edward F. McMahon ’69 Building, Grounds and Technology Committee Chair

Christopher R. Meagher ’89 Institutional Advancement Committee Chair

Jeffrey D. Mills ’02 Investment Committee Chair

Peter A. Nolan ’78 Finance and Audit Committee Chair


Greetings and welcome to another school year. It seems like just yesterday that I was writing a similar letter for last year’s Annual Report, introducing myself to the La Salle community as the new Chairman of the Board of Trustees of La Salle College High School. As I reflect on the past year, I feel so blessed to be a small part of this amazing La Salle community. For those familiar with me, you know that my Classmates/ Brothers from the Class of 1972 have been my lifeline and my main connection to La Salle. I am a proud father of three daughters, so I was never a parent of a student at La Salle. My love and appreciation of La Salle and the Lasallian mission were previously based on my experiences with my classmates, other alums and attendance at various alumni events. In my role as Chairman, I get to see firsthand, almost daily, the impact that La Salle and the Lasallian teachings are having on our students and our young men.

I appreciate the interactions this past year with the Administration, fellow board members, faculty and staff, both young and not so young alums (I am part of the latter), current and past parents, grandparents and anyone that touches the La Salle community. But the interactions that have been most impactful to me are the ones I’ve had with our students: I’ve spent time with them at the academic award ceremony, numerous sporting events, the first-class Broadway production, the vocal and instrumental recitals, numerous student presentations to the board, our student leadership luncheon, memorial services, the graduation ceremony, and even just walking around the school. At these events, I witnessed our young boys becoming young gentlemen of character, intellect, faith and brotherhood. I truly wish that every Alum could have walked in my shoes this past year to experience today’s La Salle and this truly inspirational community. I always knew that La Salle was a special place but after one year as Chairman, I have seen firsthand how worthy this community is of our commitment and support.

I ask my fellow alums: Get involved, reach out to a classmate, sponsor a student intern, or attend a school event. You too will be amazed and inspired.

We accomplished several of the initiatives mentioned in my letter last year: We increased the number of “smart” classrooms, completed the turf field at Lower Bartley, increased the number of subjects in our Concentration programs, raised our annual giving and the EITC monies and we finally arrived at the completion of the David Center. I encourage everyone to come and see this new learning space. None of these initiatives could be achieved without the generosity and support of all our alums and the entire La Salle family.

It is now time to focus on the upcoming school year and the challenges, initiatives and opportunities that lie ahead. Our next main initiative is the “Together as Brothers” capital campaign to provide a multi-purpose building to support all the activities on our growing campus. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement to learn more about the

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I would like to thank Brother James for his leadership of our school community. His leadership skills, his vision for the school’s future, his commitment to the Lasallian mission and his outstanding ability to communicate to our students are remarkable. As recently announced, Brother James has agreed to an extension that will keep him as President of La Salle College High School through June of 2027.

Lastly, I would like to personally thank my fellow Trustee members who collectively provide their wisdom, expertise and guidance to the process.

Live Jesus in Our Hearts, Forever!

Together as Brothers Campaign, EITC program and other fundraising opportunities.


GIVING CLUBS 2023-2024


$100,000 and above


Barbara & Michael L. Brown ’76

The Buckley Foundation

Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools

Mark A. Casale ’82

Essent US Holdings, Inc.

Connelly Foundation

Eric A. Diccianni ’83

Firstrust Bank

Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald, III ’81

Harvey L. Fox ’51 (Dec’d.)

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Frusco

Mrs. Caroline Gola

Timothy P. Hughes ’72

Tiimothy P. Hughes, Jr. ’99

Movers Specialty Services, Inc.

John T. Kelly ’41 (Dec’d.)

Christopher Magarity ’96

Mercedes-Benz of Fort Washington

Anthony J. Maginnis ’76

Global Packaging, Inc.

The Maguire Foundation

Timothy W. McDonald ’99

Austin A. Meehan ’79

Utility Line Services, Inc.

Gregg R. Melinson, Esq. ’82

Men of La Salle

Harry B. Miller, Jr. ’58

Harry B. Miller, III ’83

Michael T. Miller

Miller Brothers Division Wampole-Miller Mothers Club

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Obermeier

Jane DeMarco-Ott & David C. Ott ’81

Robert T. Riethmiller, Jr. ’55

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smyth

Land Rover Jaguar Main Line

Estate of Michael E. Sullivan, PhD ’58


$50,000.00 - $99,999.00

A Front Row Seat to Learning Alumni Association

Frank X. Cassidy III ’08

Anthony J. DePaul ’80

Foundation for Catholic Education

Stephen A. Gardner ’72

The S. Richard Klinges, III & Elizabeth J. Klinges Charitable Fund

David J. Martosella ’83 Shorquip Supply, Inc.

John L. McHale ’42 (Dec’d)

Mr. Matthew McKee & Mrs. Erin McCartney McKee

Gregg R. Melinson, Esq. ’82

Honorable James R. Melinson ’57

Office of Institutional Advancement

Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company

Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr. ’57 (Dec’d.)

Peter B. Rotelle ’86

Anthony M. Stonis ’64


$25,000.00 - 49,999.00

Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. ’89

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Chandor

Jerome F. Dean ’71

Richard D. DiBella ’71

Charles E. Dolaway, III ’58

Charles E. Dolaway, IV ’82

Donald J. Dolaway ’74

Harry K. Dolaway ’68

John R. Dolaway ’84

Kirk H. Dolaway ’90

Paul W. Dolaway ’93

Allegheny Iron & Metal

Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61

Charles J. Dunton, MD ’70

Mr. & Mrs. David Forti

Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Hartzell

James R. Koller ’69 (Dec’d.)

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kulp

Mulhern & Kulp Structural Engineering

Mr. & Mrs. David P. Lamontagne

John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD ’60

William W. Matthews, III, Esq. ’86

Patrick T. McGinn ’87

Mary & Robert P. Moran ’69

Mothers’ Club Alumnae

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Connell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Connor

Mrs. Karen Gilmer-Pauciello & Mr. Michael Pauciello

Mr. & Mrs. Bill W. Ross Pelseal Technologies

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr.

Mary Pat & John V. Steinmetz ’77

Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ’57

Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ’81

Tague Lumber of Media, PA

Richard J. Target ’99

Scott H. Wolpert, Esq. ’84

Joseph W. Zalewski ’93


$10,000.00 - $24,999.00

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Armstrong

Raymond P. Bain, PhD ’71

Ernest M. Behr ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Biesecker

Mr. Sean Brogan, Esq.

Arthur J. Burke, III, Esq. ’85

John E. Butler ’91

Mark A. Campellone ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Carfagno

Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Choate, Sr. Norristown Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Frank R. Colantuono ’59

Sean P. Colgan ’73 Colgan Foundation

Edward W. DeAngelis ’67 Hightec HVAC

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. DelPlato

Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. DiFiore

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Farrell

Force Industies Division

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Fox

Kenneth J. Fox ’74

Kyle M. Gallagher ’95

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Gambel, Jr. BET Investments

James J. Garrity, Esq. ’70 Wisler, Pearlstine, LLP

Christopher S. Ginieczki ’90

Gaetano P. Giordano ’72

Frank A. Giovannone, Jr. ’90

GMS Surgent CPA’s & Advisors

Green Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Grossi

Andrew M. Grzybowski ’00

Ronald S. Guerra ’76

Joseph P. Hand, III ’76

Vincent Joseph Cicalese ’14

Joseph P. Hand, IV ’01

Peter J. Hand ’04

Michael Joyce, Jr. ’92

Joe Hand Promotions, Inc.

Mrs. Eileen G. Hansen

Elmer F. Hansen, III ’86

Hansen Charitable Foundation

Mr. John T. Jadach, Sr. & Dr. Maria Sanchez

Mr. & Mrs. W. Dean Karrash BLB&B Advisors LLP

The Matt Kelly Never Forgotten Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kelly

Mr. Brian Kenney

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kerr

Dr. & Mrs. Moody Kwok Rothman Orthopaedics

Christian Brothers Community of La Salle College High School

Land Services USA, LLC

Laura & Thomas M. Lasky ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. MacDougall

George T. Magnatta, Esq. ’73

Mrs. Julia K. Maher ’14

John D. Mallach ’96

Joseph W. Markmann, PhD ’92

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCartney

Thomas F. McDevitt ’57

Daniel McGill ’78 Culinart Group

James C. McGoldrick, Jr. ’90 Bradford White Corporation

Edward F. McMahon ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol

Austin A. Meehan, III ’81

Chuck J. Minnich, IV CFA ’85 Foundation Capital Management, LLC

Stephen P. Mountain ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Mueller

Dennis J. O’Leary ’65

Brendan J. O’Malley, Esq. ’94

Gregory P. Osborne ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oscar

Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli, Sr.

Michael P. Pelham ’94

International Chemical Co. & ZurnOil

Timothy J. Pippet ’99

D. Scott Porreca ’86

Stephen J. Rauscher ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Riethmiller

Gregory P. Rietzke ’88

John D. Rilling, CPA ’83

Alfred P. Salvitti ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Seckinger

CRI Restoration

Sean C. Seese ’02

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Seiberlich

Joseph W. Spause ’00

Jason Healy Spera ’89

Aegis Industrial Software Corp.

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Stauffer

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Sundheim

Katherine & Patrick C. Timoney, Esq. ’84 Truist

United Inspection Agency, Inc.

Universal Health Services, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walker, III

John J. Walls, III ’89

Aegis Industrial Software Corp.

George A. Winslow ’82

1240 CLUB

$5,000.00 - $9,999.00

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Aldrich

Marc D. Ammaturo ’92

Ancillae-Assumpta Academy

Vincent P. Anderson, Esq. ’57

Colin S. Behr ’05

Robert J. Bettacchi ’60

Mrs. Mary Ann F. Bond

Brown Brothers Harriman Company

Kieran B. Bryers ’00

Mr. Kent W. Buesking & Dr. Carol M. Tom, MD

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke

Joseph S. Camardo, MD, FCPP ’70

L. Michael Cappelli ’97

J. Andrew Cappelli ’01

Pizzeria Cappelli

Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. ’74

Class of 2020

Brian F. Clearkin ’04

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Clearkin, III

James J. Clearkin, IV ’97

Kevin E. Clearkin ’99

Mr. Peter G. Clearkin

James J. Clearkin, Inc.

Mr. Nicholas Coggins

Comcast Corporation

John F. Creed ’03

Joseph E. Curci ’80

Current La Salle Students

James A. DeMerlis ’74

Francis A. DeSantis ’63

Robert F. Donahue ’90

Mr. John J. Dorsey, Jr. & Mrs. Angelique Schriver Dorsey

Hermosa Concierge CosMedics

Stephen P. Erfle ’99

Michael M. Etzl, Jr., MD ’66

Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr.

Mrs. Sandy Evans

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Faliveno, II

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Fasano

John M. Fay, Jr. ’99

Mr. August Fix

Lehigh Valley Rail Management

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fluehr, IV

Joseph A. Fleuhr, III Funeral Home

Mrs. Eireann Flynn

James F. Gentilcore ’70

Genuardi Family Foundation

Laurence P. Genuardi ’69

Mark A. Gibbons ’92

Anthony J. Gillespie ’68

Philip W. Goodwin ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Hannan

Shawn T. Hartzell ’14

Joseph J. Heidt ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Hisey

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond T. Hyer, III

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hyer

H. William Jesse, Jr. ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Kennedy

Edward J. Kohlhepp ’61

Mr. Edward Kohlhepp, Jr. & Mrs. Jennifer Ennis-Kohlhepp

Mrs. Katie M. Kokol

Peter A. Lehman ’76

Mr. William H. Luce

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lunsford House of Colour - Colleen Lunsford

Sean E. Mahoney ’82

Michael A. Marek ’80

William J. Markmann, MD ’66 & Dr. Candy Markmann

Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Services

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe

Bernard J. McCormick ’54

Brian C. McGeehan, CFP ’95

Peter M. McGonigle, Esq. ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McShane

Christopher R. Meagher ’89

E&M Insurance LLC

A. Victor Meitner, Jr., Esq. ’62

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Mills

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Mischler, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mitzak

Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr. ’83

William E. Murphy ’96

Robert E. Murphy ’55

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nowakowski

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O’Dell, III

PA Partners For Education, LLC

Richard A. Panettieri ’78 The 4UDREW Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Robb J. Parlanti

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Peterson

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Pighini

James D. Princivalle ’80

Norman J. Rahn, III ’83

Peter J. Salmon ’74

David J. Sciolla ’72

Stephen T. Scott ’76

Dr. Donald M. Sesso & Dr. Allison V. Chan

Slice and Hook LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy Starkey

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Taylor

Mr. Robert Tully

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent C. Twomey

Mr. Gerard Vezina, Esq. & Mrs. Johanna V. Kamerman Vezina, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Wagner

George J. Ward ’58

William A. Watts, Jr. ’89

Mr. Kyle S. Werman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark White

Christopher J. Williamson, Jr., MD ’99

Ryan H. Winslow ’13


$2,500.00 - $4,999.00

Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Abernethy

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Assenmacher

Joseph C. Atkinson ’88

Paetrus F. Banmiller, III ’89

Mr. & Mrs. David Bartynski The DePaul Group

James J. Black, III, Esq. ’77

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Borneman Body Borneman Insurance

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Brady

Mr. David M. Burkhart

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello

Michael R. Chapman ’05 Chapman Auto Stores

Mrs. Barbara Chesnik

Mr. Mark D. Chesnik

John P. Cookson ’66

P. Maxwell Courtney, MD ’03

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Curran

Danella Realty & Management

Mr. Steven S. Detwiler & Dr. Jeannine Colasante-Detwiler

A. Christopher Dezzi, Jr. ’91 District of Eastern North America

James A. Donahue, III ’86

Joseph H. Donahue ’58

Stephen P. Dougherty ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dougherty

Paul J. Egitto ’75

Timothy J. Erb, Jr. ’94

Patrick J. Farris, Esq. ’79

John C. Fenningham, Esq. ’68 Fenningham, Dempster & Coval LLP

James J. Finnegan ’81

Charles L. Gemmi, III, DMD ’87

Timothy E. Gillespie ’78 Haverford Trust

William V. Gillies ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Glover

Phillip M. Goldman ’80

John S. Grady, Jr. ’85

Mrs. Katherine M. Grimm

Edward L. Guarrieri ’06

Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ’69

Matthew J. Hess ’04

Michael S. Hughes ’07

Kevin S. Hughes, CPA

IMC Construction

Leo P. Kane ’53

John A. Keenan ’80

Shane J. Kelly ’07

Bernard W. Kurek, DMD ’64

Karl M. Kyriss ’68

Legacy Advisors, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. David Leskusky

Mrs. Jennifer Lichtner

Maxwell B. Luce ’07

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory

Patrick A. Maginnis ’09 Global Packaging, Inc.

Kyle C. Mallach ’97

Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company

James P. McCormick, MD ’79

Matthew G. McDonald ’89

Mr. Daniel L. McGowan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. McGrath

Brian J. McMahon ’97

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McShane

Meadowbrook Christian School

Mr. & Mrs. George Meagher, III

Honorable William A. Meehan, Jr. ’73

The Minford Foundation

Joseph H. Morozin, Jr. ’77

Andrew J. Morrisroe, III ’92

Patrick J. Mullen ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Mundell

Christopher D. Murphy ’87

Dr. Manoj Muttreja & Ms. Carolyn Cristofalo

Peter A. Nolan ’78

Katherine & Frank C. Palopoli, Jr. ’95

Dr. David A. Pegues, MD & Mrs. Clare F. Averbach

Kevin M. Piotrowicz ’11

Mr. Mark Quigley

Mrs. Joanne Quinn Ravina

Mrs. Mary Jane Raymond

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rebelo

Dr. & Mrs. John L. Reckner, DMD

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reis

John F. Richardson ’58

Patrick M. Riley, CPCU ARM ’04

USI Insurance Services

Michael Vincent Rongione ’08

Donald J. Rongione ’75

Mrs. Elaine Rose-Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Roth

Bernard E. Saxon, CPA ’85

Kenneth Shaw, Jr. ’60

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Shields

Shutterfly Lifetouch, LLC

Michael P. Sommar ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spatacco

Andrew J. Stone ’13

Reverend Charles J. Sullivan ’56

Dr. George Y. Tokiwa & Dr. Michele A. Cleary

TriState Capital Bank

Ryan P. Tyrrell ’91

United States Roofing

Deacon Timothy E. Urbanski, MD ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Vahey, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Vecchiarelli

Charles J. Walsh, Jr. ’68

William J. Winning, Esq. ’66

John P. Young ’83


$1,000.00 - $2,499.00

Joseph E. Abbott ’70

Mr. Kevin Agnew

Ms. Lisa Agnew

Thomas A. Alberico ’74

Mr. Jonathan P. Allison

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Amato

Raymond S. Angelo ’70

Gerald V. Angilletta ’74

Mr. Ryan T. Ansel

Ryan Ansel Basketball, LLC

Mrs. Debra L. Antosh

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

David D. Armento ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore L. Astolfi, Esq.

Sorelle Hair Studio

Mr. Mason Avrigian, Jr.

James R. Bacon ’51

Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Barbera, Sr. Gary Barbera’s on the Boulevard

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barklage

The Blake Barklage Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Barna

Matthew Paul Beagle ’89

Lloyd C. Beck, Jr. ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bielinski

Steven R. Blasi, DO ’94

Gregory P. Bock ’96

Charles F. Bodo, CPA ’61

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bogansky

Richard P. Bond ’74

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Boyd

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brandon

Thomas F. Brett, II, Esq. ’71

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Brill

Timothy J. Brown ’77

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Buchanan

Colin T. Buckley ’12

Stephen J. Bukowski ’67

Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bunting, DDS

Designer of SmilesSteven C. Bunting, DDS

Brother James L. Butler, FSC

Eric E. Calvitti ’04

Michael T. Carr ’62

Luke A. Chadwick ’15

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cirelli

Michael J. Clement, Esq. ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Coll

Glenside Pub Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly

Mr. Francis W. Connors & Mrs. Mary K. Flannery

Christopher P. Convey ’93 Treasure Sign

James E. Convey, IV ’90 Treasure Sign

John J. Convey, PhD ’58

W. Francis Corcoran, Jr. ’92

Jerome R. Cosgrove ’58

Anthony L. Cossetti ’89

Mr. & Mrs. William Costello

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Costonis, Sr.

F. Ross Crumlish ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Cuoci

Edward A. Dachowski, MD ’78

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Danella Danella Construction Corporation

John F. Danella, MD ’78

Mrs. Jill D’Angelo

Michael F. D’Angelo ’84

Dr. Kassa Darge & Mrs. Hanna H. Tekele

Francis P. Day, MD ’73

Justin J. DeAngelis ’91

Susan Murphy Dearolf & Walter W. Dearolf, III, MD ’74

Thomas DeBerardinis, MD ’74

John J. Delaney ’01

Stephen J. DeMaio, Esq. ’74

Douglas J. Demeter ’93

Stanley T. Depman, MD ’74

Peter M. DiBattiste, MD ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Diebold

Maura & Daniel E. Diehl ’85

Dr. Michele J. Dimaira & Dr. Louis A. DiPede

Brother William DiPasquale, FSC

Mrs. Linda Donahue

Joseph F. Donoghue, PhD ’65

Christopher T. Doran ’85

Charles H. Dougherty, Jr. ’72

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Michael F. Doyle ’61

Eugene A. Draganosky, MD ’57

James C. Driscoll ’79

Robert C. Dunne ’79

Michael T. Durso ’97

Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr., CPA ’74

Mr. James Eastwood

Mark W. Fegley ’04

Brian W. Fegley ’96

Col. John E. Feret, USA(Ret) ’61

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Ferrante

Ferrante EnterprisesDBA Evolution Autosports

Thomas A. Finley ’68

John P. Fisher, DDS ’63

Joseph C. Flanagan, MD ’55

Ms. Katherine A. Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown

Daniel B. Flynn ’65

Mr. Robert Forchetti

Adam C. Foster ’95

Fox Rothschild O’Brien Frankel

Friendly Sons Of Saint Patrick

John F. Funchion, Jr. ’80

William N. Galbally ’11

Ms. Jenny Galiani

Jenny’s Flowers and Landscaping

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gannon

The Gannon Insurance Agency, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. David Garrett

William A. Garrity, Jr. ’74

Charles A. Genuardi ’66

Antheil Maslow & MacMinn, LLP

William E. Gibbons ’56

Edward J. Giera ’80

Michael J. Ginieczki, MD ’61

Dr. & Dr. John P. Graham

Timothy E. Green ’86

Michael P. Gregor ’81

James R. Guntle, Jr. ’71

Ms. Elizabeth Gutwein-Guenther

Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Mr. Nicholas Hano

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Harrington

Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq. ’72

Michael J. Hathaway ’68

Dr. & Dr. Daniel J. Hayes, Jr.

Vascular Surgery Specialists

F. Lawrence Helmick, Jr. ’84

Timothy C. Helmick ’85

William P. Henry ’56

Frank Herron ’59

Thomas J. Hoban ’74

John J. Hoban ’70

Mr. & Ms. Jeffrey R. Hoffmann, Esq.

Joseph F. Hohenleitner ’89

Stephen G. Horvath ’04

Edward J. Hughes, Esq. ’67

Robert M. Hughes ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hyer

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Iannacone

Frank L. Iaquinta, Jr. ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Imperiale

Intact Insurance Specialty Solutions

Mr. Martin J. Jackson

Reverend Anthony W. Janton, AFSC ’69

Steven M. Javie ’72

Walter J. Kaminski ’62

Charles F. Kappler, Esq. ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Keffer, Esq.

Robin & Kevin V. Kelley ’74

Paul J. Kelly, III, CPA ’74

Superior Woodcraft, Inc.

F. Gregory Kevane ’96 Goldfish Swim School

Mrs. Maryanne Kirk

Joseph F. Kobulsky, Jr. ’80

James M. Kowalczyk ’60

Sidney J. Kowalczyk ’57


Anthony M. Landis, DO ’69

James B. Lane, MD ’63

John D. LaRocca, Esq. ’80

Kevin A. Lasky ’97

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laudadio

Gregory T. Lavin ’93

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Leary

E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. ’69

Patrick J. Loftus, Esq. ’81

Matthew J. Loftus ’03

Mr. Patrick C. Lonieski & Dr. Sheila Kelly-Lonieski

Dennis P. Lynch ’76

Thomas J. Lynch ’58

Joseph C. Magarity ’70

Col. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malizia, Jr.

Meredith T. Mariani, JD, LL.M.

Mr. George Mark

James F. Markmann, MD, PhD ’79

William J. Marr ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Martin

Mr. James Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marziello

Mr. Robert N. Masucci

Richard K. McAuliffe ’74

Mrs. Kate McCauley

Sean M. McDermott ’93

Ryan P. McDowell ’01

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. McFadden

Richard P. McGarrity ’51

CAPT John B. McGill, USN(Ret.) ’67

Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD ’60

Patrick J. McGonigle ’03

James T. McLaughlin ’57

Brig. Gen. Joseph J. McMenamin, USMC ’70

Ms. Jane McNeil

John P. McShea, III ’73

Carol & John T. Mehr ’82

Christine R. & John J. Meko, Jr. ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Melinson

Geoffrey A. Meyer ’69

Shawn A. Miles ’05

Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Miller


Joseph J. Minarik, Jr., PhD ’67

John M. Minnich, MD ’92

Suzanne & Mark T. Mischler ’81

John J. Mischler ’82

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moriarty

Paul G. Morrissey, Esq. ’93

Patrick J. Morrow ’08

Michael W. Morsell ’97

Paul M. Moser ’48

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Class of 1993

Mount Saint Joseph’s Academy

Karl W. Muessig, PhD ’70

Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc.

Mr. John F. Mullen

Francis C. Muller ’76

Reverend Joseph V. Mulligan ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Nagle

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Nahas, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Nello J. Naticchione, III Nello Construction


United Color Manufacturing, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Nowakowski, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George Nunez

GJC Autobahn, Inc.

Kevin O’Connell ’07

Joseph F. O’Dea, Jr., Esq. ’78

Odell Studner

Office of Admissions

Sean T. O’Hara ’89

John E. Osborne ’58

Mr. & Mrs. David Owen

Mr. Sean Padden

Paul P. Partyka, CCIM ’66

Gabriel J. Pascuzzi ’53

Joseph J. Paul ’58

Keith J. Pensabene ’85

Albert R. Pezzillo ’46

Francis W. Pfluger ’50

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Piper

Kevin J. Pluck ’74

PNC Bank

Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Price

PWD Lubricants, Inc.

Philip F. Radomski ’81

David A. Ragan ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic H. Rawson

R&M International Sales

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Reddington, Jr. MReddington Contracting LLC

John C. Redmond, III ’71

Ms. Mary Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reitmeyer

SBJ Resch Family Foundation, Inc.

Edward A. Rittenhouse, III ’86

James A. Rogers, Jr. ’74

John J. Romano, Jr. ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Rovi

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Sabatino

Anthony C. Santopolo, MD ’68

Mrs. Ruth Sayer

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Scheffey

Gregory M. Schill ’99

Mr. Owen C. Schugsta

Kevin M. Scully ’91

Thomas L. Scully, CPA ’66

Carolyn & William J. Selph, Jr. ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sexton

Eric M. Shelton ’90

Richard M. Shelton ’51 (Dec’d.)

Jonathan H. Shevlin ’95

Mr. & Mrs. John Shimp

Mr. James R. Shipp & Mrs. Jen Palancia Shipp

Thomas V. Sikina ’68 (Dec’d)

Silvi Materials, Inc.

Mr. David Siwy & Ms. Crista Lowrie

Mrs. Ana Luisa Smith

David D. Smith ’90

Dr. & Dr. Michael Sock Sock Implant and Oral Surgery

Christopher J. Solecki, Esq. ’89

Albert J. Solecki, Jr., Esq. ’81

Edward G. Stafford ’75

Victor J. Suchodolski ’86

Frank C. Sulzbach ’59

Mark D. Sutton ’72

Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Tait

Michael W. Tantala ’94

Julius D. Tarsi ’70

Dan Lepore & Sons Co.

Mr. David Teasdale & Mrs. Jennifer Dicciani

Reverend Michael A. Tidd, OSB, EdD ’88

Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Tornetta

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Tracey

Mrs. Cathleen M. Trezza

Rudi H. Trickel ’74

John R. Trotman, Jr., Esq. ’87

Brian D. Trymbiski ’96

Joseph E. Turk ’63

Union League of Philadelphia Affinity Group

James J. Van Stone ’89

Wilfred J. Vaudreuil ’59

Verittas Risk Advisors, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Vozniak

Christopher J. Walsh, MD ’80

Joseph Paul Wargo, Jr. ’59

William J. Wasylenko, Jr. ’69

Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq. ’66

John J. Whalen ’67

Martin F. Whalen ’58

Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ’63

John P. Whitecar, Jr., MD ’56

Nathan M. Will ’93

Cathleen P. & Joseph T. Winning ’69

Carl G. Wolf ’57

Ms. Jennifer Worthington


$500.00 - $999.00

Brendon Abernethy ’20

Paul J. Acierno ’12

Joseph A. Adams ’60

Mr. & Mrs. John Addesso

Christopher J. Agnew ’06

Gregory T. Allen ’04

Ahamefula A. Amachi ’88

Martin J. Andrejko ’80

Mr. Timothy Andrews

Col. Donald F. Armento, USMC ’74

Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63

Michael J. Bell ’60

Dr. Robert M. Bentz & Dr. Sara Cooley-Bentz Cooley Bentz Dental

Keith E. Binsfeld ’96

Mr. Kevin Bird

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bishop, Sr.

Kurt J. Bitting ’93

Charles S. Blichasz ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Boesch

Mr. & Mrs. James Bonner

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. Bono

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Borrero

Mr. Matthew Bouloutian & Ms. Vivian Ghazarian

Andrew W. Bowman ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bradbury

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bradley

Mr. Gerard M. Brett

Mr. Timothy F. Brown

Mr. Dennis Brown, Esq.

Michael J. Brown ’74

Mark C. Brown ’77

Christopher M. Bullick ’87

Mr. & Mrs. John Burns

Michael G. Byrnes ’98

LTC Robert B. Byrnes, USA(Ret) ’59

Wayne G. Campbell ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Campion

Lawrence F. Cantono ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Carpentier

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Casabona

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cawley

Cedarbrook Country Club

Reverend Steven E. Clark ’72

Dr. & Dr. Jonathan Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Coleman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Collins

Tobin Peters Project Management, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Condon

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn J. Connaghan

William S. Conway ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Costello

Dr. Matthew R. Craig, MD & Dr. Jennifer King, MD

Mrs. Risa Cretella

James F. Crotty, Esq. ’63

Mrs. Mary Cunnane

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curcio

Timothy G. Curran ’97

Joseph P. Curran ’63

Stephen R. Dachowski ’88

Damian D. Dachowski, DMD ’80

CDR William F. Danella, USN(Ret.) ’76

Richard P. Davoli, Jr. ’99

Dino Dedic ’02

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demeter

Mr. Joseph N. DeSantis, Jr. & Mrs. Nicole C. Miller-DeSantis

LT Luke A. DeVore, USMC(Ret.) ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diez

Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. DiFrangia

Mr. & Mrs. Nino DiPietro

John T. Doebley ’92

Neil B. Dougherty ’72

Christopher J. Dougherty ’00

Mrs. Margaret Driscoll

Michael J. Driscoll, Jr. ’76

Michael J. Driscoll, III ’04

John A. Duffy, III ’81

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncheskie

Stephen F. Duncheskie ’94

Mr. Richard Dunn & Ms. Danielle Rementer-Keys

George K. Dunton ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski

David T. Espenshade, Jr. ’82

David T. Espenshade ’56

Joseph M. Evancich ’59

Mr. R. Ross Fales

D. Ryan Farragut ’93

Mr. & Mrs. David Faus

Stephen A. Fennell, Esq. ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Kristian Fields

Patti & Kevin G. Finlay

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fisher

Bernard J. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’77

Brian J. Fitzgerald ’90

James J. Flynn, Jr., PhD ’60

George F. Foley ’76

Gerard T. Foley, CIC CDHC ’74

Brett T. Foley ’00

Mrs. Margaret Fox

Mr. Jason Fraticelli

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie A. Frazier

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fryer

Mr. James E. Fyke

Mrs. Ann B. Galardi

Gerard H. Gallagher, Jr. ’75

Mrs. Ellen R. Gambel

Mr. & Ms. George Gambone

Gerard J. Geier, Jr. ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gelenberg

Ronald L. Gendaszek ’53

Mr. & Mrs. James V. Genuardi

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gibson

Terence P. Gillespie ’82

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Giovanniello

Gregory J. Giuliano ’65

Patrick W. Givey ’61

Michael J. Glaccum ’04

Joseph A. Goldbeck, Jr., Esq. ’65

Michael H. Goodyear, DO ’89

MCPO Lawrence A. Gorski, USN(Ret.) ’65

Thomas L. Gowen, Esq. ’67

Mrs. Veronica Gray

Ms. Carleen Gray

Joseph A. Greco ’69

Gwynedd-Mercy Academy High School

Roy D. Hanshaw, Jr. ’70

Ryan C. Harrington ’95

Francis X. Hartmann ’51

William W. Haury, Jr., Esq. ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hayes

Richard F. Heany ’78

Mr. Michael Hearn

Brendan M. Heck ’03

Heenan Family

A. Carl Helwig ’56

Mr. & Mrs. Will Henry

Daniel J. Herling, Esq. ’71

W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq. ’65

Col. Gerald T. Hipp, USA(Ret) ’57

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Hober

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hoffman, Sr.

Marc A. Holbert ’95

Neil C. Hopkins ’60

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hotham

William J. Hotz ’65

Joseph J. Houldin, III ’08

Mark J. Howard ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Ilsemann, III

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Izzi

William M. Janssen, Esq. ’79

Jarrett Vaughan Builders, Inc.

Michael F. Jordan ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Raj Kapur

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Katsock, Jr.

Peter J. Keenan ’58

Albert W. Kellenbenz ’68

Kevin S. Kelly ’70

Semanoff Ormsby Greenberg & Torchia

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Kennedy

Francy & John F. Kent, Esq. ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Kerekes

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kerr Jr. II

John R. Kichula ’87

Geoffrey J. Kierstead ’62

Bruce D. Konopka ’74

William J. Konowal, SCS ’79

Thomas J. Kovac ’91

J. Michael Kowalski, II, MD ’96

Mark C. Kradzinski ’73

Richard C. Krauss, Jr. ’99

James J. Kuhn, Esq. ’54

Lachman Family Charitable Fund

Mrs. Joyce Land

F. Timothy Lapowsky ’08

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Larkin, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lasky

Christopher M. Lehman, Sr., PhD ’67

Mr. Lance Lenny

Dale E. Lintner, Jr. ’86 Dale Corp

Mr. & Mrs. William Littleton, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John Litvak

Catherine & Edward L. Livingston

James J. Logan, Jr. ’87

CDR Robert J. Logan, USN(Ret.) ’65

John J. Love, III ’76

Lower Bucks Swim League

James E. Lyons ’88

Ms. Bonnie Jean Lyons

Ms. Sue MacInnes

Ms. Alisa Macksey

Peter V. Madden ’95

Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq. ’69

William M. Maguire ’62

Mr. & Mrs. James Malone

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Manz

Michael A. Manzi ’01

Mrs. Sara Martin

Clifford M. Mars ’82

The Martin Architectural Group

Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Martino

Francis Martino Insurance

William J. Mastalski ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Matchett

Sean P. Matthews ’99

J. Scott Maxwell, Esq. ’59

Mr. & Mrs. Harry M. May

William R. May Funeral Home, Inc.

Elizabeth & Michael V. McCabe ’08

Mr. & Mrs. John McCafferty

Mr. & Mrs. James McCann

Louis J. McCormick, III ’89

Francis E. McCormick, PhD ’57

John B. McCormick ’66

William J. McCracken, Jr. ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Norbert McDermott

Mr. & Mrs. William McDonough

Stephen D. McElroy ’97

David M. McElvenney ’74

John F. McGeehan ’74

Patrick J. McGinley, III ’90

E. Kevin McGlynn, Esq. ’76

Stephen L. McGonigle ’68

Patrick T. McGowan ’93

John N. McGrath, PE ’53

Brian J. McHugh ’72

Thomas C. McHugh ’95

Mr. Kevin McKay

Edwin M. McKeon, III ’07

G. Frank McKnight, III ’64

Mr. & Mrs. John D. McKnight, Jr.

Timothy W. McNamara ’85

Austin A. Meehan, Jr. ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mehlmann

Thomas D. Michel ’69

John J. Michele ’71

Matthew J. Mihalich ’76

Joseph A. Mihalich ’74

Vincent P. Miraglia, MD ’58

Edward N. Molush, Jr. ’68

Marc T. Mongeau, DO ’02

Joseph P. Morretta ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Morris

Brother Raymond T. Murphy, FSC

Francis E. Murphy ’67

Thomas F. Murphy ’57

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murray

Dr. & Dr. Thomas L. Newman, Sr.

Charles J. O’Brien ’56 (Dec’d.)

Ryan M. O’Donnell ’02

Matthew J. O’Donnell, Esq. ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. O’Donnell

Thomas M. O’Keefe ’63

Jason J. Olcese ’98

Kevin M. Olender ’93

Reverend Michael S. Olivere ’79

Michael R. O’Neill ’95

Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr. ’66

Mr. Joseph A. Parisi

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Paster

Kelly Paster State Farm Agency

Joseph C. Paul ’76

J. Christopher Paul ’94

Mr. & Mrs. John Peterman The Peterman Group

Mr. Wylie Peterson

Col. John F. Pettine, USMC ’65

Philadelphia Convention Center Authority

Louis M. Pilla ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Piscopo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Podraza, Jr.

Mr. Jonathan C. Poling

Richard J. Prendergast ’56

Printing United Alliance

Michael J. Pucci ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Sean S. Purvis

Edward J. Quinn ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Radvansky

Thomas C. Ragusa ’93

Thomas C. Ratchford ’66

Fred J. Reichelt ’74

Mr. Michael J. Reilly

Mr. Thomas Reilly & Mrs. Jill Weller-Reilly

David E. Reinhardt, DO ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Roach, Jr.

James J. Rodden ’80

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Roebuck

Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr. ’63

Richard A. Rothwell, DDS ’70

Michael J. Ruddy, MD ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio A. Ruggeri, Sr.

Ms. Therese M. Ryan

Dr. Vincent G. Sacco

Salvo Rogers Elinski & Scullin

Mr. Peter Schaefer

Kevin P. Schmidt, Esq. ’91

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Scott

Gilbert J. Scutti, Esq. ’64

Joseph R. Sharpe, III ’58

Mr. Robert M. Shoemaker

John J. Simone ’58

David E. Skoien ’01

Joseph F. Slabinski, III ’67 Slabinski Funeral Home

Patrick D. Slattery ’99

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Smigiel

Kathleen & Brian C. Smith

David J. Smith, MD ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Soltanian, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Spearing

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanton, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steffens

Daniel M. Stephenson ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Franco Stipa

Henry P. Stoebenau, Jr. ’62

James J. Stokes, III ’76

Paul M. Stonis ’67

Marie & Robert L. Stott ’06

Dr. Angel M. Stout, DMD Chesheim Dental Associates

John E. Strzalka, Jr. ’00

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sullivan

James V. Tate, Jr. ’94

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Tavolaro

Mr. Terry Taylor

Albert H. Them, III ’61

Thomas Financial Group

John P. Toner ’82

Keith C. Tornetta ’91

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Torres

Michael F. Treacy, Jr. ’92

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker

John M. Turzer ’67

Mr. Steven R. Valyo

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70

Michael J. Vergare, MD ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Verrill

The Sharp Financial Group

Brian T. Vesey ’89

Gregory F. Vizza, Esq. ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Alex D. Volterano

John J. Walsh ’76

Arthur A. Warren, Esq. ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Watson, III

Robert F. Weikel, Jr. ’86

Mrs. Catrina M. Wheatley

Edward J. Whelan ’47 (Dec’d.)

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Whiteside

Mr. Daniel J. Williams

Michael S. Wilus ’68

Harry W. Woodcock, PhD ’56

John R. Worster ’10

Francis W. Worthington, Esq. ’85

Ms. Stephanie Wyer

George L. Young, Jr., Esq. ’70

Mrs. Kelly Zeager-Gambone


$250.00 - $499.00

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Aberbach

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Agnew

Allan B. Myers

Samuel B. Altier ’17

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Altomare

Raymond C. Andries, MD ’68

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Andruczyk

Arthur J. Ansert, Jr. ’64

Vincent C. Armetta ’16

Gerald G. Aubrey ’65

Mrs. Kelly Avrigian

Joshua D. Baer, Esq. ’87

Joseph J. Baillie, LSW ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ball

Bank of America

Eugene C. Barbera, Jr. ’77

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Barrett

The Personal Touch

Garrett N. Basalyga ’04

Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Baumann, Jr.

Patrick J. Becher, DO ’69

William T. Bell ’94

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Bell

Ms. Michele Bell

Gabriel L. Bevilacqua, Jr. ’94

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Biddle, Jr.

Gerard J. Binder ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Binsfeld

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bixby

Christopher Blatney ’87

Mr. & Mrs. Marco Boer

Thomas S. Bond ’74

Edward J. Bongard, III ’98

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Bonitatis

Prime Sheet Metal, Inc.

John Borek LTC(Ret), PhD ’80

Mrs. Meganne Flynn Borneman

Mr. & Mrs. Andres Botero

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Bown

Mr. & Mrs. David Bradbury

Thomas M. Brasberger ’00

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Brickman, Jr.

John D. Brinkmann, Esq. ’70

Robert T. Britt ’70

Mr. Jeffrey Broadhurst & Ms. Brenda S. Babbitt

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brogan

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Brooke

Mr. Patrick Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Ennio S. Bruno

Mr. & Mrs. John Budurka

John F. Burns, Jr. ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Burt

Caldwell Family Charitble Fund

Brendan M. Campbell, Esq. ’94

Eileen & Matthew J. Campbell ’81

Kevin M. Carfagno ’04

Michael D. Casey ’86

Mrs. Mary Ann Cassizzi

William J. Cattie, III, Esq. ’64

Eugene G. Cattie ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Cavalcante

Mr. & Mrs. John Chaisson

Joseph A. Checchio, DDS ’75

Raymond J. Christie, Jr. ’58

Mr. Daniel J. Cipolla

Mr. Lewis W. Clark, III

James F. Claudius ’97

William J. Clements ’58

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cogan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Colbert

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Cole

Mr. & Mrs. Noel Collins

Mr. Carmen J. Conicelli, Jr.

Mrs. Nancy Conicelli

Keith A. Conlin ’91

Gerard Connolly ’77

Michael S. Connor, Esq. ’65

Anthony D. Consolo ’87

Rita & W. Gresham Cooney, Sr.

Mr. Jesse Cooper

Edward R. Corcoran, MD ’57

James F. Corcoran ’70

Joseph A. Cosella, III ’03

Richard S. Costigan, III, Esq. ’84

Cotswold Industries, Inc.

Benjamin J. Courtney ’07

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cronin

William J. Cummings, Jr. ’83

James R. Cummings ’76

Mr. Gerard Cunningham

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Curci

Joseph J. Curry, PhD ’61

John L. Czarnecki ’77

Ms. Nicole A. D’Amico

Joseph F. D’Angelo, EdD ’63

CAPT J. Christopher Daniel, MD, MBA ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. DeCinque

Daniel M. DeDominic ’90

George A. DeFrehn ’70

James W. Degnan, PhD ’65

John M. Derderian ’65

Mr. Silvio DeSantis

Mr. Keith A. DeStefano & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Corr

John B. Dever ’89

Richard J. Devine ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Diasio

Mr. & Mrs. Azarael Diaz, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Justin DiFebbo

Dr. & Mrs. Robert DiGregorio

John J. Discher, USAF(Ret.) ’54

LTC James F. Dittrich, USA(Ret) ’72

Mrs. Mary Cushing Doherty, Esq.

Donnamaria & Stephen P. Dolan, Jr.

Kevin E. Dolan, Esq. ’00

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dolich

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Dominello

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Donahue

Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Donahue

Terence J. Dooley ’74

Mr. Dany Doucet

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Doyle

Tyler J. Dunphy, Esq. ’11

Mr. & Mrs. John Egner

Kyle M. Elliott, Esq. ’01

CAPT Thomas C. Elsasser, USNR(Ret.) ’59

Richard H. Emenecker ’57

Lawrence J. Everling ’58

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ewell

Mr. John H. Ewing & Ms. Louise F. Pongracz

William I. Fasy, CPA ’78

Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq. ’98

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ferriola

Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Fifer

Michael J. Finley ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fiorini

John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr. ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Foley

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Folk

Joseph L. Forcellini ’11

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Forsyth

Peter W. Frey, PhD ’56

Mrs. Vivian M. Funchion

William E. Galardi ’90

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Galbally

Shawn M. Gallagher ’99

Bernard P. Gallagher, Esq. ’58

Honorable Richard W. Gallagher ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gallo

John M. Gannon ’77

Mr. James Gatta & Mrs. Karen Palachick Gatta

Mrs. Karen Gelb

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Giaimo

Thomas F. Gibbons ’69

Bruce R. Givnish ’73

J. Michael Glynn ’74

S. John Gorman, IV ’67

S. John Gorman, V ’92

Mr. & Mrs. John Grabish

Brian J. Grady ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Carlos M. Granda

John E. Granozio ’52

Charles M. Greenberg ’82

Mrs. Mary L. Gress

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Groff

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Guenard

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hajcak

Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Hall, Sr.

Charles A.J. Halpin, IV ’95

Robert F. Hamburger ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Hammes, Jr.

Mrs. Roy Hanshaw, Sr.

James P. Harkins ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Harris

Gerard J. Hartey ’93

James M. Hasson ’85

Jerome F. Heavey ’58

Rory M. Heenan ’03

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Heilig

Mr. Samuel E. Hellings, III & Dr. Terri M. Hellings, MD

Samuel A. Hellings ’18

Dr. James Helstrom & Dr. Amy Helstrom

James A. Helwig, PhD ’59

Robert B. Hendrick, Jr. ’94

Thomas Y. Hibbs ’89

Joseph J. Hogan ’54

Christopher E. Holwick ’94

Mrs. Jean Horn

Edward E. Houseman, Esq. ’63

Mr. David Hudock & Mrs. Sharon Angle-Hudock

Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Ingegneri

Joseph T. Jacobsen, PhD ’75

Ms. Carla Johanns

Andrew J. John ’02

Mr. Robert J. Johnson

Matthew F. Johnson ’03

Ms. Carol Johnson

Nicholas J. Jordal, CFA ’98

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Joyce

Drs. Andrew and Deborah Junkin Junkin Dental Associates

John F. Keegan ’56

Mr. & Mrs. John Keller

Dennis J. Kelley ’70

Boyd A. Kelly ’93

T. Christopher Kelly ’89

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Kennedy

Mrs. Tonia Kennedy

Patrick J. Kenney ’79 The Kenney Group

Mr. Joseph Kim & Mrs. Renee Vogt

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Klein

John L. Knab, III ’06

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Koerper

Paul J. Kollmer-Dorsey, Esq. ’81

Donald E. Kotas ’66

George M. Kozub ’60

Robert W. Kraemer, PhD ’53

Richard E. Kreipe, MD ’67

Albert G. Kroll, Esq. ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Kurek

John D. Kutzler ’65

Matthew J. Kwasizur ’07

Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. LaMorte, Esq.

Mr. Thomas Lang

Mr. Zachary LaSalvia

Paul M. Le, DO ’05

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Leahy, Jr.

Mr. William L. Leahy, III

Kellen G. Leister ’75

Richard J. Lemanowicz, Esq. ’93

Mrs. Carol A. Leskusky

Ms. Mary Anne Leskusky & Mr. Joseph Lazovi

Michael R. Lewis, MD ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Lignowski

Frank R. Lindh ’70

Ryan M. Lindsay ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Llopis

C. Todd Lofgren ’94

John A. Loftus, PE ’66

Robert F. Long ’09

Mr. Christopher Longo

Mrs. Frances O. Lunsford

Francis Thomas Lyons, CPA ’05

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Macoretta

Vincent W. Madden, Jr. ’65

MaGerk’s Restaurant of Fort Washington MaGerk’s Horsham, Inc.

Mrs. Patricia Magil

Mr. Brian Mailey

Mr. & Mrs. David Maiolino

James E. Maloney, Jr., PE ’93

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mardirosian

Mr. Joseph Marin

Francis J. Markey, III ’70

Marsh McLennan Agency

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Mayes

Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. McCarthy

Paul N. McCarthy, Esq. ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McConeghy

Anne Marie & J. Sean McCook ’86

Eugene T. McElwee, Jr., DO ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. McElwee

James P. McFadden ’61

Mr. & Mrs. William J. McFadden

Patrick B. McGarvey ’89

Patrick A. McGinley ’68

Mr. John McGranaghan

Ms. Ellen M. McGuinn

Paul T. McGurkin ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McHugh

James P. McIntyre ’67

Thomas W. McIntyre ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony McIntyre

Mr. Mark McKane

Kevin P. McLaughlin ’08

Mr. & Mrs. William C. McLaughlin

Terrence J. McManus ’71

John J. McMenamin, Jr. ’67

James M. McMonagle ’58

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McNesby

Andrew T. Medwid ’04

Mrs. William A. Meehan

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Meister

Mrs. Debra A. Menta

Merck & Co., Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Meves

Richard A. Miehle ’59

J. Colin Miller ’08

Conrad J. Miller, III, Esq. ’79

Frank J. Miller, CPA ’55

Mark A. Milligan ’77

Ms. Maureen Mirabella

Peter E. Moore, Esq. ’71

Max S. Morgan, Esq. ’06

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morgan

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Mote

John J. Mueller, Jr., DO ’81

David I. Muir ’58

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Muldoon

Christopher M. Mulholland, DO ’04

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mullen

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Munoz

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Murray, IV

David T. Naab ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Christian Nascimento

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Needle

Mr. Gary M. Nolan

Raymond J. Nolen, Jr. ’55

Mrs. Catherine M. Nooney

Heather & Mark D. Norman

Thomas P. O’Connell ’96

Thomas V. O’Kane ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Olszewski

Ms. Mary Lou Castaldi & Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School

Mr. Ken Pagurek & Mrs. Ali Daly

Mr. Salvatore Palantino

Mrs. Mary Lynn Panunto

Michael J. Parella ’93

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Passarella, Jr.

Ryan M. Patrick ’09

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Patti

Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Perry

William J. Phelan, IV, Esq. ’00

Mr. & Mrs. Ian Pilling

Michael J. Pizzo ’12

Ms. Dawn Pluck-Weikel

John F. Quigley, III ’80

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Radomicki, Jr.

Joseph J. Ragg, Jr. ’73

Mr. Joseph Rapine

Mr. Michael Ratcliff

Paul A. Reilly ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Reing

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Resch

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reynolds

Mr. & Mrs. J. David Rhoads

William F. Ritter ’73

Andrew P. Rocks ’05

James E. Roddy ’69

Kevin M. Roddy ’77

Stephen J. Rodgers, MD, JD ’61

Mr. & Mrs. Juan Romano

William F. Rooney ’58

Brian P. Ruhling, Jr. ’04

Sigmond S. Rutkowski, Jr., DO ’61

M. Stewart Ryan, Esq. ’05

Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan

Carlos J. Sanchez ’89

John M. Schmalbach, EdD ’63

Peter M. Schofield ’78

Paul G. Schott ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey D. Schwarz

Peter V. Scola ’92

Mrs. Meg Searing

Ms. Chris Sedlacek

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Seminack

Seniority Club of Pottstown

Mr. Eligio Sgaramella & Mrs. Sally Leathersich

Mr. & Ms. Joseph W. Shandlay

Mrs. Lauren Shapiro

Mrs. Laura W. Shelley

Ms. Tara A. Sher

Richard J. Sherman, Jr. ’85

Joseph B. Shott ’82

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Signoretta

Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Silvestri

Anthony L. Silvestri ’13

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sloan

James J. Slover, III ’04

Patrick M. Smith ’66

W. Ellis Smith, DMD ’62

Louis J. Smith, EdD ’49

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Solana

Mrs. Felice R. Stack

Martin W. Stanczak ’60

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Stasuk

Mr. James Steele

Mr. & Mrs. Brett Stengel

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Strain

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Subers

Mr. Josh Sullivan & Ms. Jill Morrisroe

Mrs. Pamela Szabo

Steven J. Szostak ’10

Paul Blase Szyszko ’09

Robert M. Taylor, Jr., Esq. ’52

Michael E. Ternosky ’68

Mike K. Thompson, Esq. ’72

Mr. Brian Tice & Ms. Patricia Carroll, Esq.

Honorable Theresa Timlin

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tramo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Trymbiski

Gregory P. Verdon, CPA ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Victor

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wade

Joseph J. Wallace ’65

Mr. Jeffrey Wallace

Charles J. Walters ’63

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wanders

Mr. Joseph Ward & Mrs. Rita Porreca-Ward

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wells

David H. Wenhold ’94

Brendan J. Whelan ’94

Paul J. White ’99

Ms. Kathy Wicker

Andrew J. Wickersham ’94

Gustav R. Widmann ’74

Ms. Carolina Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wilson

Michael J. Winning ’74

Michael J. Witkowski ’94

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Witkowski

Vincent J. Wolfinger, Jr. ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Liam Wood

Joseph J. Yanoshik ’98

Joseph A. Young ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Zajac

Mr. Robert A. Zanneo, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Zimmerman




John T. Kelly (Dec’d.)


Robert J. Carabasi, MD (Dec’d.)

John L. McHale (Dec’d.)


James P. Logue, Jr.


Albert R. Pezzillo


August J. Ober, Jr.

Thomas J. Smith

Edward J. Whelan (Dec’d.)


Paul M. Moser


Edward J. Bernier

Costantino P. Cerini, PhD

William M. Havard

S. Richard Klinges, III, Esq. (Dec’d.)

Louis J. Smith, EdD


Joseph E. Labrum (Dec’d.)

Bernard A. McAneney

Francis W. Pfluger

Joseph J. Rizzo


James R. Bacon

Joseph J. Cervino, Jr.

Anthony N. Coyle (Dec’d.)

Harvey L. Fox (Dec’d.)

Francis X. Hartmann

Richard P. McGarrity

Richard M. Shelton (Dec’d.)


John E. Granozio

James W. Nuss

Robert M. Taylor, Jr., Esq.


Albert R. Behner

Michael J. Cornely

CDR Victor M. Gavin, USN(Ret.)

Ronald L. Gendaszek

John W. Greenleaf

Leo P. Kane

Joseph A. Koch

Robert W. Kraemer, PhD

John N. McGrath, PE

Richard M. Monihan, MD

Francis X. Murphy

Gabriel J. Pascuzzi

John J. Schiller, Jr., PhD


James J. Collins, Jr., PhD

John J. Discher, USAF(Ret.)

James F. Dunphy

Joseph V. Gallagher, Jr.

Richard J. Hamburger, MD

Rudy E. Harrer

Joseph J. Hogan

James J. Kuhn, Esq.

Bernard J. McCormick

Gerard J. St. John, Esq.

Joseph A. Walheim, Esq.


Richard A. Bissell, AIA

Robert H. Cox, PhD

James J. Durkin

Arthur W. Etchells, III, PhD

Matthew D. Fasano

Joseph C. Flanagan, MD

Frank J. Lamprecht

Frank J. Miller, CPA

John J. Muir

Robert E. Murphy

Raymond J. Nolen, Jr.

Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr.

David M. Spratt, DO

Robert W. Suter, Esq.

William F. Taylor

Clayton H. Thomas, Esq.


James J. Canavan, CPCU

William J. Diamond

David T. Espenshade

J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr.

Raymond F. Frankson

Peter W. Frey, PhD

William E. Gibbons

Clifford M. Gillespie

A. Carl Helwig

William P. Henry

Deacon Thomas J. Horan

John F. Keegan

Joseph V. Kelly

Raymond E. Mullen, Jr.

Charles J. O’Brien (Dec’d.)

Henry M. Phelan

Richard J. Prendergast

Edward C. Rice

John F. Schmidt, PhD

Rev. Father Charles J. Sullivan

Thomas C. Tarpy

Hon. Ralph J. Tolomeo

John D. Whalen

John P. Whitecar, Jr., MD

Harry W. Woodcock, PhD


John C. Altrogge

Vincent P. Anderson, Esq.

John T. Becker, CPA

Edward R. Corcoran, MD

Francis D. Donaghy

Eugene A. Draganosky, MD

Richard H. Emenecker

Thomas R. Gillespie, Jr.

Lawrence A. Grassi

Col. Gerald T. Hipp, USA(Ret)

C. Clark Hodgson, Jr., Esq. (Dec’d.)

Michael J. Kavanaugh

Sidney J. Kowalczyk

L. Marshall McCloskey, Jr.

Francis E. McCormick, PhD

Thomas F. McDevitt

James J. McGill LTC USA(Ret)

James T. McLaughlin

Hon. James R. Melinson

James D. Morrissey, Jr.

Thomas F. Murphy

Charles A. Palmer

Vincent J. Pannepacker, Jr.

William E. Rothenbach

George W. Ruth

Vincent J. Tague, Sr.

John J. White

John J. Wojciech (Dec’d.)

Carl G. Wolf


Paul Charles Aita, MD

Ronald J. Carpinella, PhD

Raymond J. Christie, Jr.

William J. Clements

John J. Convey, PhD

Jerome R. Cosgrove

Nathaniel P. D’Amico, Esq.

Henry J. Doehne

Charles E. Dolaway, III

Joseph H. Donahue

Thomas J. Donohue, Jr., Esq.

Joseph M. Downey, PhD

George A. Dudzek

Lawrence J. Everling

Joseph J. Ford

Bernard P. Gallagher, Esq.

Jerome F. Heavey

Peter J. Keenan

John J. Kelly, Jr., Esq.

Thomas J. Lynch

James M. McMonagle

Harry B. Miller, Jr.

Edward Jeremy Miller, PhD

Vincent P. Miraglia, MD

William S. Mitchell

David I. Muir

John E. Osborne

Joseph J. Paul

John F. Richardson

William F. Rooney

Robert C. Schmidt

Joseph R. Sharpe, III

John J. Simone

Michael E. Sullivan, PhD (Dec’d.)

George J. Ward

Martin F. Whalen


LTC Robert B. Byrnes, USA(Ret)

Frank R. Colantuono

John W. Coyle

James S. Dooley, Esq.

CAPT Thomas C. Elsasser, USNR(Ret.)

Joseph M. Evancich

James P. Festa

James A. Helwig, PhD

Gerald L. Henderson

Frank Herron

George J. Koenig

Joseph F. Loughran, Jr.

Frank P. Madden, MD

J. Scott Maxwell, Esq.

Francis X. McFadden, Jr.

Richard A. Miehle

J. Robert Mitek

Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Murray

John T. Rogalski

Daniel J. Sandman, PhD (Dec’d.)

Robert M. Smith

Frank C. Sulzbach

Wilfred J. Vaudreuil

Joseph Paul Wargo, Jr.


Joseph A. Adams

Michael J. Bell

Robert J. Bettacchi

James H. Cusack

Michael J. DeSantis

James J. Flynn, Jr., PhD

Robert W. Gontram

Robert F. Guerin, Sr.

Theodore T. Hindson, PhD

Neil C. Hopkins

Bro. Richard Kestler, FSC

James M. Kowalczyk

George M. Kozub

John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD

Eugene J. McGonigle, PhD

Joseph A. Pensabene, Jr.

Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr.

John J. Seeber, MD

Kenneth Shaw, Jr.

Martin W. Stanczak

Francis P. Yannessa, Jr.


John W. Becher, DO

Charles F. Bodo, CPA

William A. Cheney

Thomas R. Crow

Joseph J. Curry, PhD

Michael F. Doyle

Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr.

Charles J. Durney

Col. John E. Feret, USA(Ret)

Michael C. Foley (Dec’d.)

Michael J. Ginieczki, MD

Patrick W. Givey

Edward J. Kohlhepp

Raymond F. Kostin, MD

Raymond J. Leary

James P. McFadden

Joseph P. McLaughlin, Jr.

Stephen J. Rodgers, MD, JD

Sigmond S. Rutkowski, Jr., DO

Albert H. Them, III


Harry F. Benz

Michael T. Carr

Donald D. Fanelle

Vincent J. Flynn

Francis R. Guzek

Walter J. Kaminski

Geoffrey J. Kierstead

William M. Maguire

Herbert C. Matthews, Jr.

Carl A. Mattia, Esq.

Joseph E. McGonigle

A. Victor Meitner, Jr., Esq.

Col. Paul E. Miehle, USA(Ret)

Kevin M. O’Neill (Dec’d.)

William J. Schenkel

W. Ellis Smith, DMD

John P. Sommar

Henry P. Stoebenau, Jr.

James D. Sullivan, PhD

Gerard J. Wills


Louis J. Beccaria, PhD

B. James Cake, CPA

Lawrence F. Cantono

M. Alan Cinquino

James F. Crotty, Esq.

Joseph P. Curran

Joseph F. D’Angelo, EdD

David P. deLuca

Francis A. DeSantis

Edward J. Drach

Frank J. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq.

John P. Fisher, DDS

David J. Fisher

Louis C. Galzerano

John H. Halas

Daniel G. Heyberger

Edward E. Houseman, Esq.

Francis J. Krimm, Jr.

James B. Lane, MD

Anthony J. LeStorti

Jan C. Muller

Thomas M. O’Keefe

Paul A. Reilly

Hon. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr.

John M. Schmalbach, EdD

David J. Smith, MD

George C. Smith, Esq.

Joseph E. Turk

Deacon Timothy E. Urbanski, MD

Gregory P. Verdon, CPA

Michael J. Vergare, MD

Charles J. Walters

Daniel J. Whelan, Esq.


Arthur J. Ansert, Jr.

John P. Boland

Denis M. Canty

William J. Cattie, III, Esq.

LTC Philip V. Coyle, USA(Ret)

James A. Cunningham

Robert J. Feldman

Thomas C. Gallagher, Esq.

Hon. Richard W. Gallagher

John J. Gontkof

Jerome D. Hatch

Bernard W. Kurek, DMD

Michael R. Lewis, MD

John D. Markowski

William J. Mastalski

Bernard J. McFadden, Esq.

G. Frank McKnight, III

John J. McMahon

Rev. Father Joseph V. Mulligan

Francis W. Sauerwald

Gilbert J. Scutti, Esq.

Anthony M. Stonis

John A. Whiteside, CPA

Gregory J. Woodring, AIA

Robert A. Yacobellis


Gerald G. Aubrey

George J. Cain

Michael S. Connor, Esq.

James H. Crumbie, III

Lawrence E. Dalton

James W. Degnan, PhD

John M. Derderian

Joseph F. Donoghue, PhD

Marc Doyle

Ronald D. Fasano

Daniel B. Flynn

Glenn L. Fricke

Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Garvin

Gerard J. Geier, Jr.

Gregory J. Giuliano

Joseph A. Goldbeck, Jr., Esq.

MCPO Lawrence A. Gorski, USN(Ret.)

Conrad M. Grims, Jr.

Robert F. Hamburger

W. Joseph Hetherington, Esq.

Larry P. Hill

William J. Hotz

Frank L. Iaquinta, Jr.

Kevin E. Keegan, Esq.

John J. Kelly, Jr.

Albert G. Kroll, Esq.

John D. Kutzler

Francis P. Laska

CDR Robert J. Logan, USN(Ret.)

Vincent W. Madden, Jr.

Joseph M. Markmann

Thomas V. McBride

Michael D. McCarthy

William J. McCracken, Jr.

Bro. Michael J. McGinniss, FSC, PhD

Thomas W. McIntyre

Stephen J. McNichol

Henry F. Muller

Michael J. Normile

Dennis J. O’Leary

Col. John F. Pettine, USMC

John J. Pron, AIA

Stephen J. Rauscher

Stephen J. Smith, EdD

Patrick K. Taylor

Joseph J. Wallace

Martin A. Walsh

Bro. Robert R. Wilsbach, FSC

James L. Wise, MD

Maj. Walter F. Zaremski, USA(Ret)


John M. Bissell

Charles S. Blichasz

Charles J. Boris

Eugene G. Cattie

John P. Cookson

Francis G. Doherty

Michael M. Etzl, Jr., MD

John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr.

Charles A. Genuardi

Dominic P. Girondo

Thomas J. Howlin

Albert W. Keller, III

Donald E. Kotas

Stephen G. Kozub, PhD

John A. Loftus, PE

William J. Markmann, MD

William J. Marr

Robert F. McAnespey

John B. McCormick

Peter M. McGonigle, Esq.

Phillip J. Miraglia, PhD

Terence G. O’Hara

Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr.

Paul P. Partyka, CCIM

Thomas C. Ratchford

Dennis J. Reid

Thomas L. Scully, CPA

Patrick M. Smith

Michael R. Taylor

Michael D. Turner

Frank J. Wesner, Jr., Esq.

Michael J. Wilkin

William J. Winning, Esq.

Thomas J. Baldino, PhD


Gerard T. Berry, MD

Kevin G. Bogle

Stephen J. Bukowski

Wayne G. Campbell

Michael J. Clement, Esq.

Rev. Francis B. Danielski, O. Praem.

Edward W. DeAngelis

Robert E. Field

John M. FitzSimmons, MD

Kevin P. Flynn

S. John Gorman, IV

Thomas L. Gowen, Esq.

Michael R. Hogan

Edward J. Hughes, Esq.

Eugene P. Hughes, Jr., MD

Michael F. Jordan

Edward L. Kershner

Richard E. Kreipe, MD

Christopher M. Lehman, Sr., PhD

Anthony P. Lopresti

CAPT John B. McGill, USN(Ret.)

James P. McIntyre

John J. McMenamin, Jr.

Joseph J. Minarik, Jr., PhD

Francis E. Murphy

Robert L. Pigeon, Jr.

Robin J. Robinson

John M. Schaller

Joseph F. Slabinski, III

Paul M. Stonis

John M. Turzer

Frank J. Viola, Jr.

John J. Whalen


Raymond C. Andries, MD

Joseph J. Baillie, LSW

John B. Best, PhD

Craig E. Brooks

Michael D. Burke

Raymond J. Colaianni

William S. Conway

Harry K. Dolaway

Charles E. Edwards

John C. Fenningham, Esq.

Thomas A. Finley

Anthony J. Gillespie

William F. Hartman

Michael J. Hathaway

Albert W. Kellenbenz

John F. Kent, Esq.

James A. Kuklinski

Karl M. Kyriss

Francis J. Madden

Patrick A. McGinley

Stephen L. McGonigle

Douglas P. Miraglia

Edward N. Molush, Jr.

Michael A. O’Toole

Bernard W. Palko

Joseph G. Pigeon, PhD

Anthony C. Santopolo, MD

Thomas V. Sikina (Dec’d.)

David G. Smith, MD

Michael E. Ternosky

Charles J. Walsh, Jr.

Michael S. Wilus


Patrick J. Becher, DO

Gerard J. Binder

William F. Brinkmann, Jr.

James F. Cockroft

Kevin C. Colgan

John A. Corr

William R. Deiss, Esq.

Stephen P. Dougherty

Michael E. Feeny

Anthony W. Gale

Laurence P. Genuardi

Thomas F. Gibbons

Anthony J. Godzieba, PhD

Joseph A. Greco

James F. Haney

Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr.

Phillip F. Heller, JD, PhD

Edward B. Horahan, III, Esq.

Rev. Anthony W. Janton, AFSC

H. William Jesse, Jr.

Charles F. Kappler, Esq.

James R. Koller (Dec’d.)

Anthony M. Landis, DO

E. Dennis Lehman, Jr.

Eugene J. Maginnis, Esq.

Edward F. McMahon

William J. McManus, Esq.

William J. Meis, DO

Geoffrey A. Meyer

Thomas D. Michel

Robert P. Moran

Dennis J. O’Hara, PhD

Joseph M. Pascuzzo, DO

John A. Pron, DPM

James E. Roddy

Michael J. Ruddy, MD

Paul G. Schott

W. Trevor Swan, Jr.

Arthur A. Warren, Esq.

William J. Wasylenko, Jr.

Joseph T. Winning


Joseph E. Abbott

Raymond S. Angelo

Henry J. Brady

John D. Brinkmann, Esq.

Robert T. Britt

Joseph S. Camardo, MD, FCPP

Philip E. Cassidy, Jr.

James F. Corcoran

Thomas M. Croke, IV, Esq.

George A. DeFrehn

Richard D. DiLaurenzo, ChFC, LTCP

Charles J. Dunton, MD

Stephen A. Fennell, Esq.

James J. Garrity, Esq.

James F. Gentilcore

James R. Hackney

Roy D. Hanshaw, Jr.

John J. Hoban

Robert M. Hughes

Thomas J. Johanson, Esq.

Dennis J. Kelley

Kevin S. Kelly

Robert J. Laskowski, MD

James J. Lawson, Jr.

Frank R. Lindh

Joseph C. Magarity

James F. Mahoney, CPA

Francis J. Markey, III

R. Bruce Matthews, PE

Brig. Gen. Joseph J. McMenamin, USMC

Karl W. Muessig, PhD

David T. Naab

Joseph R. Rizzo, Jr.

Richard A. Rothwell, DDS

Alfred P. Salvitti

Michael P. Schuessler

Julius D. Tarsi

Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr.

Maj. Michael P. Weinstein, USA(Ret)

George L. Young, Jr., Esq.


Raymond P. Bain, PhD

Richard J. Barrett

Robert E. Biddle, Jr.

Thomas F. Brett, II, Esq.

Dennis L. Caine

Mark J. Christie

Jerome F. Dean

John J. Deeney, MD

Richard D. DiBella

John J. Dugan, DO

Timothy F.X. Dwyer, CFP

James R. Guntle, Jr.

John J. Haney, MA

Daniel J. Herling, Esq.

Edward J. Klenk

Robert J. McCreight, Sr.

Michael J. McFarlane, MD

Terrence J. McManus

John J. Michele

Peter E. Moore, Esq.

Lawrence E. Nolan

Dennis E. Nolen

John C. Redmond, III

Joseph A. Simone

James M. Tatlow


Richard Ansel

James T. Belcher

Michael J. Breen

Jeffrey S. Christie, Esq.

Rev. Father Steven E. Clark

Richard J. Devine

LTC James F. Dittrich, USA(Ret)

Charles H. Dougherty, Jr.

Neil B. Dougherty

Stephen A. Gardner

William A. Geiger, Jr.

Gaetano P. Giordano

Mark W. Gleason

Brian A. Hanes

Robert F. Harchut, Esq.

Gerald T. Hathaway, Esq.

William W. Haury, Jr., Esq.

Edward J. Heraty

Timothy P. Hughes

Steven M. Javie

Gregory J. Kochanowicz

George J. Konesky, III

Thomas P. Lehman, MD

Paul T. McGurkin

Brian J. McHugh

Stephen P. Mountain

Michael R. Osborne

Nicholas M. Rongione

David J. Sciolla

Mark D. Sutton

Robert T. Szostak, Esq.

Mike K. Thompson, Esq.

Mark E. Wisniewski

Vincent J. Wolfinger, Jr.


Edwin H. Abernethy, Jr.

Ernest M. Behr

Charles G. Brown

Sean P. Colgan

Timothy F. X. Cox

Francis P. Day, MD

John W. Fornace, DO

Bruce R. Givnish

Edward J. Grubb

Mark J. Howard

Mark C. Kradzinski

Gary S. LaPalombara

George T. Magnatta, Esq.

John P. McShea, III

Hon. William A. Meehan, Jr.

Joseph J. Ragg, Jr.

William F. Ritter

Philip E. Smith

Christopher M. Szal

John J. Waldron, Esq.

Stephen J. Weber

Alumni spanning 75 graduation years attended La Salle events in 2023-24

The Class of 1974 raised an additional $70,416 to their already established endowment fund in 2023-24 in recognition of their 50-Year Reunion


Thomas A. Alberico

Gerald V. Angilletta

Col. Donald F. Armento, USMC

Lloyd C. Beck, Jr.

Michael J. Bohrer, Esq., CPA

Richard P. Bond

Thomas S. Bond

Edward J. Borek

Sean H. Brett

Michael J. Brown

Louis J. Buonomo

Joseph J. Casciato

Michael W. Cassidy, Esq.

F. Ross Crumlish

Stephen P. Daly

Walter W. Dearolf, III, MD

Thomas DeBerardinis, MD

Stephen J. DeMaio, Esq.

James A. DeMerlis

Stanley T. Depman, MD

Peter M. DiBattiste, MD

Donald J. Dolaway

Terence J. Dooley

Andrew B. Dougherty

Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr., CPA

Gerard T. Foley, CIC CDHC

Kenneth J. Fox

Paul F. Gaigelas

William A. Garrity, Jr.

Timothy J. Gillespie

James I. Gillespie, Jr.

William V. Gillies

J. Michael Glynn

Thomas J. Hoban

Michael C. Hoehn

Kevin V. Kelley

Paul J. Kelly, III, CPA

Bruce D. Konopka

Richard J. Landers

Michael J. Magarity

James P. Malone, Jr.

John A. Masucci, PhD

Richard K. McAuliffe

David M. McElvenney

John F. McGeehan

Robert H. McLaren, CPA

Edward P. McMonagle

Joseph A. Mihalich

Philip J. Moore

Joseph P. Morretta

Mark A. Obert-Thorn

Terence C. O’Neill

John P. Patkus, Esq.

Louis M. Pilla

Kevin J. Pluck

Fred J. Reichelt

James A. Rogers, Jr.

Peter J. Salmon

Michael P. Sommar

Daniel M. Stephenson

Brian E. Talecki

Paul V. Tatlow, Esq.

Rudi H. Trickel

Gustav R. Widmann

Michael J. Winning

Brian T. Wong

The Class of



John H. Brand

John F. Burns, Jr.

Frank P. Cervone, Esq.

Joseph A. Checchio, DDS

James B. Curtin, Jr.

Michael P. Donnelly

George K. Dunton

Mark S. Eckert

Paul J. Egitto

Gerard H. Gallagher, Jr.

Joseph T. Jacobsen, PhD

John E. Kane

Hon. George T. Kenney, Jr.

Kellen G. Leister

Joseph F. McKenna

Edward J. Mortka

William J. Nolan

Frank J. Noonan

Robert E. Reynolds

Donald J. Rongione

Edward G. Stafford

John C. Suchy

Peter R. Terreri

David J. Thomas

David F. Wasilewski, RN

James T. White

Michael J. Williams

Joseph A. Young


David D. Armento

Michael L. Brown

Brian E. Colgan

James R. Cummings

CDR William F. Danella, USN (Ret.)

CAPT J. Christopher Daniel, MD, MBA

Laurence Devinney

John D. Diehl, Jr.

Michael J. Driscoll, Jr.

Michael J. Finley

George F. Foley

Timothy J. Gorman

Ronald S. Guerra

Joseph P. Hand, III

Maj. Frederick C. Hellwig, USA (Ret’d.)

Bro. John Kane, FSC

Peter A. Lehman

John J. Love, III

Dennis P. Lynch

Anthony J. Maginnis

E. Kevin McGlynn, Esq.

William S. Mezzanotte, MD

Matthew J. Mihalich

Francis C. Muller

Patrick J. Noonan

Joseph C. Paul

David A. Ragan

William A. Rothwell, III

Stephen T. Scott

William J. Selph, Jr.

James J. Staudt

James J. Stokes, III

Gary J. Uzelac, CPCU

John J. Walsh

Col. Joseph G. Webster, USAF(Ret.)


Eugene C. Barbera, Jr.

James J. Black, III, Esq.

Joseph J. Brooks

Timothy J. Brown

Mark C. Brown

Gerard Connolly

John L. Czarnecki

Thomas J. D’Emilio, III

Bernard J. Fitzgerald, Jr.

John M. Gannon

Patrick J. McLoone

Mark A. Milligan

Joseph H. Morozin, Jr.

Thomas J. Mulvihill

George T. Riley

Kevin M. Roddy

John V. Steinmetz

Gerardo D. Ventresca, Jr.

James H. Worthington, CPA

Mark J. Zielinski


Richard Catrambone, PhD

Thomas J. Curran

Edward A. Dachowski, MD

John F. Danella, MD

Kevin M. Dolan

William I. Fasy, CPA

Timothy E. Gillespie

Richard F. Heany

Christopher Jungers

Bernard L. Lopez, MD

Daniel McGill

James A. McKay

Peter A. Nolan

Joseph F. O’Dea, Jr., Esq.

Richard A. Panettieri

Donald R. Roessler, Jr.

Peter M. Schofield


Michael A. Becker, DO

Joseph F. Campbell

Mark A. Campellone

John A. Dean

James C. Driscoll

Robert C. Dunne

Patrick J. Farris, Esq.

Eric R. Fox

John F. Glowacki, Jr., Esq.

Thomas F. Grady, Esq.

Paul D. Hierholzer, DO

William M. Janssen, Esq.

Patrick J. Kenney

William J. Konowal, SCS

John A. Loftus, Jr.

James F. Markmann, MD, PhD

Paul N. McCarthy, Esq.

James P. McCormick, MD

Eugene T. McElwee, Jr., DO

Scott R. McLaren

Austin A. Meehan

Alfred J. Menkhaus, Jr.

Conrad J. Miller, III, Esq.

Thomas V. O’Kane

Rev. Michael S. Olivere

Edward J. Quinn

Daniel J. Sayers

Raymond Charles Szmigiel

Gerald Vekteris, DO

Herman J. Weinrich, Esq.

Frank J. White, MD

Ronald J. Zoldy

The Class of



Martin J. Andrejko

John Borek LTC(Ret), PhD

Robert Breen (Dec’d.)

Anthony M. Clemente

Joseph E. Curci

Damian D. Dachowski, DMD

Joseph E. Danella

Anthony J. DePaul

Thomas P. Frankson

John F. Funchion, Jr.

Edward J. Giera

John R. Gimpel, DO M.Ed.

Phillip M. Goldman

John A. Keenan

Joseph F. Kobulsky, Jr.

John D. LaRocca, Esq.

Sidney MacLeod

Michael A. Marek

Joseph J. O’Connor

Christopher R. O’Neill

James D. Princivalle

John F. Quigley, III

James J. Rodden

Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr.

Michael J. Tamburri

Christopher J. Walsh, MD


Matthew J. Campbell

John A. Duffy, III

James W. Durkin

William F. Ernst, III

John J. Farris

James J. Finnegan

Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald, III

Michael P. Gregor

CAPT Eugene P. Kiernan, Jr., USNR(Ret.)

Paul J. Kollmer-Dorsey, Esq.

Patrick J. Loftus, Esq.

Austin A. Meehan, III

Mark T. Mischler

John J. Mueller, Jr., DO

Thomas M. O’Brien

David C. Ott

Philip F. Radomski

John P. Scanlon, Jr.

Albert J. Solecki, Jr., Esq.

Vincent J. Tague, Jr.

Michael J. Twomey, CPA

Paul D. Vozzo


Christopher M. Carabello

Mark A. Casale

Kevin R. Connor

Charles E. Dolaway, IV

David T. Espenshade, Jr.

Michael F. Funchion (Dec’d.)

Terence P. Gillespie

Charles M. Greenberg

Rodney H. Grimm

Francis J. Harkins

Daniel P. Kelley

Sean E. Mahoney

Clifford M. Mars

John T. Mehr

Gregg R. Melinson, Esq.

John J. Mischler

Edward J. O’Mara, III

Hermann H. Reiche, Jr.

Joseph B. Shott

R. Brian Stefanowicz

John P. Toner

George A. Winslow


Neil E. Brown

Michael J. Cassidy, MD

Mark T. Celoni, PE

Christopher M. Ciarrocchi

William J. Cummings, Jr.

Eric A. Diccianni

Kevin J. Dunphy

Philip S. Harris

Kenneth M. Justice

Joby Kolsun, DO

David J. Martosella

Michael F. McCormick

Harry B. Miller, III

Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr.

William J. O’Kane, Jr., Esq.

Norman J. Rahn, III

John D. Rilling, CPA

John P. Young


John R. Albor

Matthew H. Bradley

David M. Casale

Jay M. Conway

Richard S. Costigan, III, Esq.

Michael F. D’Angelo

Frank G. D’Angelo, Jr.

John R. Dolaway

Kenneth J. Guttroff

F. Lawrence Helmick, Jr.

Steven M. Hladczuk

Eric D. Lintner

Thomas P. McGuckin

Keith W. Oldt

Gregory P. Osborne

David E. Reinhardt, DO

John J. Romano, Jr.

Kevin P. Rudden

Harry L. Slifer

Robert G. Sykes

Patrick C. Timoney, Esq.

Richard Van Fossen, Jr.

Christopher D. Wills

Scott H. Wolpert, Esq.

The Class of




Arthur J. Burke, III, Esq.

Joseph P. Cattie, III

Jeffrey A. Clarke

Craig R. Conlin

Daniel E. Diehl

Christopher T. Doran

John S. Grady, Jr.

James P. Hartey

James M. Hasson

Timothy C. Helmick

Timothy W. McNamara

John B. Millard, III

Michael T. Miller

Chuck J. Minnich, IV CFA

Keith J. Pensabene

Andrew J. Ragusa

William C. Regli, III, PhD

Bernard E. Saxon, CPA

Bro. Robert J. Schaefer, FSC

Richard J. Sherman, Jr.

Francis W. Worthington, Esq.


Michael D. Casey

David F. X. Cianci

Gerald A. Desmond, Jr.

James A. Donahue, III

Brian J. Grady

Timothy E. Green

Elmer F. Hansen, III

Stephen W. Harrer

Patrick D. Kelly

Dale E. Lintner, Jr.

John A. Livingood, Jr., Esq.

William W. Matthews, III, Esq.

J. Sean McCook

John J. Meko, Jr.

Mark J. Noonan

D. Scott Porreca

Edward A. Rittenhouse, III

Peter B. Rotelle

Victor J. Suchodolski

Robert F. Weikel, Jr.


Joshua D. Baer, Esq.

Christopher Blatney

Christopher M. Bullick

Anthony D. Consolo

David L. Forde, Jr.

Charles L. Gemmi, III, DMD

John R. Kichula

Edward P. Lemanowicz, Esq.

James J. Logan, Jr.

Sean M. McAllister

Patrick M. McCann

Patrick T. McGinn

Christopher D. Murphy

Jeffrey T. Stever

Stanley A. Szpindor, Jr.

John R. Trotman, Jr., Esq.

Michael J. Tyrrell

Andrew J. Wiley


Ahamefula A. Amachi

Joseph C. Atkinson

Stephen R. Dachowski

Christopher M. D’Angelo

Gregory J. Dupée

Joseph A. Herzog, Jr.

Peter D. Loftus

James E. Lyons

Kenneth J. Madden

James D. Morrissey, III

Gregory P. Rietzke

Fr. Michael A. Tidd, OSB, EdD

James D. Vesci, Jr.


Paetrus F. Banmiller, III

Matthew Paul Beagle

Stephen R. Brennan, Jr.

Anthony L. Cossetti

John B. Dever

Michael H. Goodyear, DO

Thomas Y. Hibbs

Joseph F. Hohenleitner

T. Christopher Kelly

Carl J. Mattia, DPM

Louis J. McCormick, III

Matthew G. McDonald

Patrick B. McGarvey

Timothy P. McMahon

Christopher R. Meagher

Sean T. O’Hara

Michael J. Porreca

Carlos J. Sanchez

Christopher J. Solecki, Esq.

Jason Healy Spera

James J. Van Stone

Brian T. Vesey

David J. Wallace

John J. Walls, III

William A. Watts, Jr.

The Class of


Michael L. Gregan

Ryan R. Marsh

Patrick J. McGinley, III

James C. McGoldrick, Jr.

Richard A. Sacco

Eric M. Shelton

David D. Smith


John E. Butler

Mark D. Campbell

Keith A. Conlin

Michael J. Cunningham

Jeffrey R. Cunningham

Justin J. DeAngelis

A. Christopher Dezzi, Jr.

Craig M. Fitzgerald

Martin J. Hayes

Michael W. Kenefic

Kevin J. Koch

Ernest F. Koschineg, III, Esq.

Thomas J. Kovac

Erik M. Link

Michael P. Maguire, Esq.

Stephen M. Matthews

Andrew K. Maude

Joseph P. McNichol, III

Joseph F. X. Morrissey

Mark K. O’Neill

Kevin P. Schmidt, Esq.

Christopher C. Schmidt

Kevin M. Scully

Keith C. Tornetta

Ryan P. Tyrrell

Gerard M. White


Marc D. Ammaturo

W. Francis Corcoran, Jr.

Thomas N. Craig

John T. Doebley

Mark A. Gibbons

S. John Gorman, V

William J. Jones, Jr.

Michael Joyce, Jr.

Joseph W. Markmann, PhD

John M. Minnich, MD

Andrew J. Morrisroe, III

David J. Newdeck

Peter V. Scola

Julius A. Tarsi

Michael F. Treacy, Jr.


Nicholas A. Araco, Jr., Esq.

James E. Convey, IV

Daniel M. DeDominic

Kirk H. Dolaway

Robert F. Donahue

Brian J. Fitzgerald

William E. Galardi

Christopher S. Ginieczki

Frank A. Giovannone, Jr.

Christopher T. Goldkamp


Michael A. Bergen, Jr., PE

Kurt J. Bitting

Edward M. Canalley

Daniel J. Caputo, RPh

Christopher P. Convey

Douglas J. Demeter

Paul W. Dolaway

D. Ryan Farragut

Jeffrey S. Fecher, PhD

Carl W. Graf, Jr.

Gerard J. Hartey

Joseph M. Junod

David M. Kaiser

Boyd A. Kelly

Matthew T. Kenefic

Joel M. Klock, Esq.

Gregory T. Lavin

Richard J. Lemanowicz, Esq.

James E. Maloney, Jr., PE

Sean M. McDermott

Patrick T. McGowan

Kevin M. McNichol

Paul G. Morrissey, Esq.

David H. Nocentino

Kevin M. Olender

William J. Palm

Michael J. Parella

Scott L. Pescatore, PharmD

Thomas C. Ragusa

Stephen J. Roeser

Bradley J. Sandella, DO

William J. Skyrm, Jr.

Christopher C. Smith

Kevin P. Vanderslice

Nathan M. Will

John J. Wilson

David J. Yost

Joseph W. Zalewski


Timothy D. Baer

William T. Bell

Gabriel L. Bevilacqua, Jr.

Steven R. Blasi, DO

Brendan M. Campbell, Esq.

Paul J. Dolan

Stephen F. Duncheskie

Robert S. Duszak, OD

Timothy J. Erb, Jr.

John F. Eriksen

Joseph A. Hayes

Robert B. Hendrick, Jr.

Christopher E. Holwick

Kevin P. Kline

C. Todd Lofgren

John E. Markowski

Michael P. McGovern

Brendan J. O’Malley, Esq.

J. Christopher Paul

Michael P. Pelham

Marco J. Perfetti

Brian P. Romano

Robert W. Schnepp

Daniel E. Shilkitus

Mark H. Sigmund

Michael W. Tantala

James V. Tate, Jr.

Andrew J. Turner

Thomas E. Valentine

D. Andrew Walheim, Esq.

David H. Wenhold

Brendan J. Whelan

Andrew J. Wickersham

Michael J. Witkowski

The Class of




Brian M. Baniewicz

Michael J. Cleary

Neil J. Conway

Adam C. Foster

Kyle M. Gallagher

Charles A.J. Halpin, IV

Ryan C. Harrington

Marc A. Holbert

Peter V. Madden

Brian C. McGeehan, CFP

Thomas C. McHugh

Michael R. O’Neill

Frank C. Palopoli, Jr.

Ronald J. Puggi

Shawn T. Schneider

Jonathan H. Shevlin

CDR B. Ryan Ventresca, USN


Keith E. Binsfeld

Gregory P. Bock

Patrick F.X. Coyle

William E. Fedyna

Brian W. Fegley

J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, III, MD

Lewis J. Goettner, III

Philip W. Goodwin

Christopher G. Halpin

F. Gregory Kevane

J. Michael Kowalski, II, MD

Thomas M. Lasky

Christopher Magarity

John D. Mallach

Thomas M. McGoldrick, Jr.

Daniel S. Meehan

Patrick J. Mullen

William E. Murphy

Thomas P. O’Connell

Justin A. Santangelo

James F. Tate

Brian D. Trymbiski

Christopher Weinacht

Thomas G. Yaegel


L. Michael Cappelli

James F. Claudius

James J. Clearkin, IV

Timothy G. Curran

Michael T. Durso

Brian P. Egan

Kenneth A. Gavin

P. Bradley Guidi

Kevin A. Lasky

Kyle C. Mallach

Stephen D. McElroy

Brian J. McMahon

Joseph C. Meade

Michael W. Morsell

Peter L. Seely


Marc A. Alfarano

Edward J. Bongard, III

Michael G. Byrnes

John F. Clark

Thomas Curran, MD

Timothy S. Danaher

Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq.

Nicholas J. Jordal, CFA

Michael J. Lorusso

Patrick J. Moore

Jason J. Olcese

Mark D. Ruegg

David A. Schmel

Vincent G. Strain

Joseph J. Yanoshik


Michael J. Andris, II

Robert F. Byrne

Kevin E. Clearkin

Richard P. Davoli, Jr.

LT Luke A. DeVore, USMC(Ret.)

Stephen P. Erfle

John M. Fay, Jr.

Shawn M. Gallagher

Timothy P. Hughes, Jr.

J. Craig Keenan

Sean D. Kent, CPCU

Richard C. Krauss, Jr.

Sean P. Matthews

Timothy W. McDonald

Thomas J. Piper, Jr.

Timothy J. Pippet

Michael J. Pucci

Gregory M. Schill

John Peter Sforza

Patrick D. Slattery

Richard J. Target

Gregory F. Vizza, Esq.

Charles B. Whinney, IV

Paul J. White

Christopher J. Williamson, Jr., MD

Dino Dedic

Matthew C. Derrick

Andrew J. John

James S. Kesilman

Steven C. Lyon

Edward McCusker

Jeffrey D. Mills

Marc T. Mongeau, DO

Kevin T. Moll

Christopher M. Mulholland, DO

Thomas E. O’Donnell, Esq.

Gregory C. Potestio

Matthew R. Price

Patrick M. Riley, CPCU ARM

The Class of 2005



Kevin P. Baker

Thomas M. Brasberger

Kieran B. Bryers

Peter A. Clark

Thomas J. Devlin

Kevin E. Dolan, Esq.

Kevin B. Dougherty

Christopher J. Dougherty

Thomas D. Dougherty

Brett T. Foley

Andrew M. Grzybowski

Alexander S. Guthrie

Kevin F. Hughes

Ryan J. Moffat

Jordan W. Mulrain

Peter Naticchione

William J. Phelan, IV, Esq.

Raymond T. Shay

Joseph W. Spause

John E. Strzalka, Jr.


J. Andrew Cappelli

John J. Delaney

Kyle M. Elliott, Esq.

Joseph P. Hand, IV

Kenneth C. Kempf

Michael A. Manzi

Ryan P. McDowell

Christopher C. Salvitti

David E. Skoien

Christopher W. Whelan

Andrew P. Zoltowski


Matthew K. Capetola

Christopher M. Curcio

Steven M. Curran

Ryan M. O’Donnell

Daniel J. Ritter

Andrew K. Ryan, IV

Sean C. Seese


Sean M. Agnew

Robert F. Brassell

Joseph A. Cosella, III

P. Maxwell Courtney, MD

John F. Creed

Michael P. Dungan

Joseph J. Dwyer

Timothy F. Dwyer, Jr.

Kevin P. Feeley

James P. Gardner

James P. Harkins

Brendan M. Heck

Rory M. Heenan

Matthew F. Johnson

Matthew J. Loftus

Kevin P. Magarity, CPA

Patrick J. McGonigle

Matthew G. McGurkin

David A. Naab

Matthew J. O’Donnell, Esq.

Christopher D. Reedman

Joseph F. Winning


Sean F. X. Adams

Timothy B. Adams

Gregory T. Allen

Garrett N. Basalyga

Patrick F. Brett

Steven M. Britton

Eric E. Calvitti

Joseph T. Candelore, Jr., MD

Matthew J. Capaldo

Kevin M. Carfagno

Brian F. Clearkin

R. Vance Cooper, Jr.

Michael J. Driscoll, III

Michael F. Ellis

Mark W. Fegley

Colin P. Fitzgerald

Michael J. Glaccum

Peter J. Hand

Matthew J. Hess

Alexander L. B. Himes

Stephen G. Horvath

Andrew T. Medwid

Christopher Miller

Brian P. Ruhling, Jr.

James J. Slover, III

Michael P. Stanton

Gary Alexander Staurowsky

The Class of



Colin S. Behr

Michael R. Chapman

David G. Cipolla

Christopher A. Ciufo

Hai H. Do

Robert S. Forster

Brian A. Heenan

Paul M. Le, DO

Michael C. Lynch

Francis Thomas Lyons, CPA

P. Jamie McCarthy, IV

Shawn A. Miles

James P. Murphy

Daniel P. O’Toole

Andrew P. Rocks

M. Stewart Ryan, Esq.

Raymond P. Subers


Christopher J. Agnew

Colin D. Conway

Edward L. Guarrieri

C. Clark Hodgson, III, Esq.

John L. Knab, III

Sean T. McLaughlin

Max S. Morgan, Esq.

James P. Sinnott

Robert L. Stott


Ryan Cain

Benjamin J. Courtney

Michael J. Croasdale

Michael S. Hughes

Daniel W. Johnson

Shane J. Kelly

Michael P. Kelly

Matthew J. Kwasizur

Maxwell B. Luce

Edwin M. McKeon, III

Kevin O’Connell

George C. Pinchock, Jr.

LT. Justin T. Price, USN

Brian J. Trainer


Matthew H. Alba

Philip W. Biaesch, II

Andrew W. Bowman

Frank X. Cassidy III

Brian P. Collins

Thomas J. Cosella

Stephen P. Dolan, III

Eric R. Heisner

Joseph J. Houldin, III

F. Timothy Lapowsky

Ryan M. Lindsay

Michael V. McCabe

Kevin P. McLaughlin

Austin A. Meehan, Jr.

Jeremy A. Miles

J. Colin Miller

Patrick J. Morrow

Michael C. Oliver

Michael Vincent Rongione

Patrick K. Sinnott


D. “Westy” Hopkins

Robert F. Long

Patrick A. Maginnis

Ryan M. Patrick

Matthew F. Schluckebier

Paul Blase Szyszko

Frank A. Evans, RN

Michael W. Fasano

Kevin G. Harvey, MD

Connor J. Hoffman

Michael J. Holland

James J. Kelly, III

Shane H. Pierce

Steven J. Szostak

John P. Toner, Jr.

John R. Worster


Andrew G. Biaesch

Christopher J. Dearolf

Donald J. DeBrakeleer, Jr.

Tyler J. Dunphy, Esq.

Anthony M. Esposito, Jr.

Joseph L. Forcellini

William N. Galbally

Joseph C. Harvey, RN, BSN

Nicholas J. Krol

Stephen J. Obermeier

Kevin M. Piotrowicz

John J. Quigley

Thomas E. Trainer

Michael Vecchione, Jr.


Paul J. Acierno

Max Breitmayer

Colin T. Buckley

Sean F. Burke

Michael J. DeCandido

Francis X. Ferguson

Joseph M. Guiliano

Ryan P. Herbert

Alexander D.J. Kochanasz

C. Michael Mars

Matthew R. Murphy

John W. Newell

Daniel J. O’Brien

Michael J. Pizzo

William J. Rose

Henry J. Ryan

Alexander G. Szokolyai

William F. Toner

Andrew J. Stone

Sean R. Waters

Ryan H. Winslow

Alexander J. Wolanin


Adam C. Arcadia

John W. Brady, III

Nicholas J. Buckley

Jack E. Carlidge

Vincent Joseph Cicalese

Anthony W. Ciliberto

Joseph T. Colbert

Ryan J. Coonahan

M. Tyler Dunning

Daniel C. Farrington

James T. Foley

Zaire N. Franklin

Shawn T. Hartzell

Thomas J. Herron, III

Thomas G. Joyce

Joseph E. Krol

Michael F. Kurkowski

Nicholas E. LaMorte

Matthew R. Laudadio

Tyler P. Little

Mrs. Julia K. Maher

Stephen D. Maloney

Nicholas A. Mazza

Timothy McAuliffe

John M. McGranaghan

Mark J. Metzler

Charles G. Newell

Andrew J. Potok

Matthew S. Raczak

Blaine D. Turek

Reid R. Worster

The Class of

The Class of 2015


Julian S. Baseman

Stefan A. Bergman

Michael A. Casey



Brian D. Derr

Timothy P. Diasio

Michael T. Celoni

Michael C. Eife

Patrick J. Finlay, DVM

Joseph J. Heidt

Christopher J. Kane

Austin M. Kelly

Brendan J. Koch

Dante J. Massi

Christopher A. Mele

Anthony L. Silvestri



Luke A. Chadwick

Tyler J. Colasanto

Ralph E. DiLemmo

Collin J. Giongo

Michael A. Martosella

Colin P. Murtha

Justin C. Senyk

Joseph A. Splendido

Joseph R. Treacy

Keith F. Wagner

Casimir M. Wolanin


Vincent C. Armetta

Michael J. Bortulin

Colin E. Cahill

Colin W. Christie

John R. Cook

Dominic C. DeCinque

Kyle R. DeMerlis

Connor W. Dessen

Christopher J. Ferguson

Sean R. Finlay

Braeden P. Foley

Andrew F. Gallo, Jr.

William C. Hisey

James E. Lyons, Jr.

Conor J. McCracken

John F. Meko

Michael B. Meyer, Jr.

Russell L. Newell

Nicholas J. Petaccio

Joseph A. Rilling

James R. VanCamp


Samuel B. Altier

Nicholas J. Armetta

Connor J. Casey

Ross J. Choate Jr.

Nicholas P. Conroy

Matthew R. DeMerlis

Sean P. Diehl

Gregory W. Galbreath

John T. Galbreath

Matthew S. Hladik

Craig R. Hladik

John J. Klein

Patrick J. Loftus, III

Brendan J. Meeks

James P. Melinson

Gregory D. Obermeier

Brendan T. Price

Alexander F. Sislo

Connor S. Wagner

Zachary J. Wolanin


William F Ernst, IV

Theodore F. Felix, Jr.

Christopher R. Forsyth

Elmer F. Hansen, IV

Samuel A. Hellings

Michael P. Leaden

Anthony T. Lemma, III

Shane W. Manieri

John E. McCuen, III

Matthew R. McMahon

Charles J. Minnich, V

Thomas C. Nagle

Kyle Q. Natter

Christopher W. Oldt

Gregory D. Osborne

Owen C. Pighini

Thomas P. Price

2LT Patrick W. Scheffey

Thomas J. Steinberg

Yuanchen Xu


Macklin B. Borneman

Owen R. Breen

Joseph N. Cassizzi

David L. Comerford, Jr.

Connor Curran

Ethan L. Desmond

Shea R. Diehl

Kollin John Ewing

Max E. Flynn

Brendan A. Frusco

Michael C. Gigliotti

Daniel C. Habboush

Nicolas S. Hammel

Maximillian K. Hansen

Daniel P. Horan, Jr.

Sean J. Krumenacker

Edward L. Loftus

Seamus R. Maguire

Martin T. Manion

Christopher F. Matthews

Matthew T. McHugh

Austin B. Melinson

Daniel P. Timoney

Dylan T. Welsh

The Class of



Brendon Abernethy

Patrick A. Calhoun

Andrew John Carabello

David A. Cianci

Kyle J. Cullen

Andrew R. Della Penna

Jake P. Guller

Derek L. Hammel

Cole W. Hannan

Matthew P. Leaden

Matthew E. Makoid

James F. Mangano, III

Kevin M. McCrea, Jr.

Matthew E. McLaughlin

Ryan Meagher

Daniel S. Porreca

Patrick J. Seckinger

Drew E. Yuskevich


Michael W. Brown, Jr.

Kevin J. Comerford

Louis P. DiPede

Brendan M. Fry

Noah C. Jenckes

Connor B. Mangan

Matthew C. Mattia

Richard C. Meister

Daniel F. Oldt

Patrick E. Treacy

Daniel F. Wagner

Charles F. Zapf


Joseph J. Adams

Aidan T. Bretschneider

Gavin T. Brooke

Joseph N. DeSantis, III

Rocco A. DiPede

Finn M. Loftus

Timothy C. Madden

Andrew J. Mattia

Ryan P. McPaul

Samuel McShane

Luke T. Murray

Jack G. Pilling

Michael D. Quirk

Michael A. Vitali

Jake E. Yuskevich


Ryan A. Desmond

Ronan C. DeStefano

Jack H. Gorovitz

Harrison James Karsch

Matthew B. Kennedy

Aiden T. Maloney

Riley G. McCabe

Aidan M. McPaul

Cabot A. Morrissey

Joseph M. Morroney

William M. Ryan, Jr.

Christopher T. Ryan

Ryan J. Sorge

Joseph C. Turano

Matthew B. Wagner


Andrew Abraham

Nicholas W. Ammons

Nathaniel R. Arnold

Antonio D. Astolfi

Nicholas V. Avitello

Patrick J. Bader

Gabriel J. Bixby

Dachi Bogveradze

James C. Bones

Sebastian Botero

Colby J. Bougon

Brendan C. Boyle

Patrick J. Brace

Andrew D. Brennan

Finnian C. Brogan

Aidan P. Buchanan

Charles B. Budd

Dylan L. Burkhart

Robert J. Burt, IV

Kieran D. Campbell

William J. Carpenter, Jr.

Dean M. Carvalho

Cole R. Casadei

Matthew P. Cawley

John J. Cawley

Perry Chang

Seamus A. Channell

Nicholas C. Cheeseman

Joseph S. Chipman

Zahir L. Coleman

Michael C. Collins

Nichoas A. Colucci, III

Evan W. Comiciotto

Anthony Comitalo, Jr.

Frederick R. Conner, III

Liam J. Connor

Spencer J. Cordes

Christopher J. Correll

Connor A. Crabtree

Thomas A. Cresko

Stephen L. Cross

Jacob Daniel Crowell-Alvarez

Jeffrey R. Cunningham, Jr.

Edward James D. Cyr

Stephen J. Davis

William R. DelPlato

George E. Deming, V

Kevin B. Derr

Steven L. Detwiler

Eugene T. Diebold, Jr.

Tristan G. DiFebbo

Andrew J. DiIenno

Patrick J. Doherty, Jr.

Liam P. Donahue

Lukas M. Donahue

Michael T. Donohue, Jr.

Thomas Doucet

Stephen D. Dvorchak

Jackson A. Edwards

Matthew B. Emma

Matthew D. Espenshade

Brendan J. Fahey

Cole R. Faikish

Benjamin M. Falicki

John V. Faliveno

Andrew J. Ferrante

Colin C. Fifer

Aidan E. Fifer

Christopher J. Fioravanti

Charles A. Fricker

Jackson M. Fryer

Alexander J. Fusaro

Sean P. Gallagher

Matthew C. Gannon

Alexander C. Garcia

Paul M. Geib, Jr.

Isaiah J. Giddens

Alan B. Gorelikov

Xavier R. Granda

Kevin J. Guerin, Jr.

Eyan M. Guldalian

Kelby N. Hampton

John P. Harbison, IV

Riley Hardee

Hugh P. Harrington

Harrison J. Haviland

Liam T. Hawley

Thomas J. Hayden

Nolan B. Hayes

Luke R. Hermann

Ethan A. Hindley

Collin L. Hinkley

Robert V. Hoffmann

George T. Hohenleitner

Machi C. Holland

Gavin C. Hoover

Lukas R. Hudock

Scott E. Hughes

Paul P. Hutapea

Gavin Jefferis

Timothy M. Johnson

Samuel N. Johnsson

Thomas D. Jolly

Brady J. Joyce

Colin P. Junod

Ryan C. Kalup

William J. Keffer

Declan D. Kelly

Alexander J. Kempisty

John B. Kempisty

Charles P. Kennedy

Michael T. Kerr

William V. Kerr

Fahd S. Khan

John C. Koch, IV

Cole G. Kochanowicz

Brett M. Kohlhepp

John D. Kramer

Gavin T. Kulp

Owen D. Kunko

Jack R. Kurek

Matthew R. Kurek

Colin R. Kwok

Mason H. Lange

Nathan J. Lentz

Zachary J. Leonard

Nicolaus F. Llopis

Logan J. Lloyd

Drew L. Lottier

Dominic P. Lupinacci

Jack H. Lyons

Maximo Machado

Colin J. Mack

Kevin T. Maguire

Andrew V, Majeski

Joseph J. Malizia, III

Tyler S. Mariathasan

Liam F. Marshall

Ethan J. Martin

Miles X. Marzarella

Colin J. Massella

Riordan J. Mathews

Brady Mattia

Ryan M. McCabe

Francis J. McCann, IV

Thomas McCook

James S. McFadden

James McGoldrick, III

Seamus C. McGovern

James A. McGowan

Declan D. McKee

Jake McNesby

Matthew McNesby

Tiernan H. McNichol

Brian L. McQuoid, Jr.

John J. McSorley, Jr.

Colin E. Meehan

Matthew J. Melinson

Jack F. Meyer

Reed M. Miller

Rylan J. Miller

Logan Missett

Cormac J. Morrissey

Gavin J. Mote

Frederick L. Mueller

John F. Mullen, Jr.

Cullen P. Murphy

John A. Nagle

Casey J. Nealon

Matthew M. Nelson

Benjamin F. Newman

Alex Olivares

Aiden Opiela

Israel F. Owotomo

Ethan Pakuris

William F. Palopoli

Joseph F. Panunto

John J. Park

Jack A. Patti

Theodore A. Peebles

Drew M. Pensabene

Connor J. Perry

James W. Phillips, IV

Christopher J. Picariello

Trent J. Pollazzi

Logan A. Potter

Connor E. Prout

Frank Provenzano, Jr.

Jaden W. Quann

Declan A. Quinn

Andrew D. Rakow

Owen D. Reape

Jayson A. Reeder

Mark A. Reilly

Robert W. Reilly

Michael J. Reing

James H. Reitmeyer

James J. Riley

Konrad N. Rogowski

Ronan H. Romano

Robert E. Rooney, III

Raymond D. Ross

Daniel B. Rovi

Sean J. Russell

Andrew T. Russell

William D. Ryan

H. Quinn Ryan

Gavin B. Saxon

Kevin P. Schmidt, Jr.

Owen M. Seckinger

Michael R. Seminack, Jr.

Karson M Seth

Luca R. Sgaramella

James T. Sheerin

Joseph B. Shields

Matthew A. Siravo

Timothy J. Smith

Ethan I. Smith

Joseph M. Smolizza

Phillip N. Sodano

John M. Solana

Christopher J. Solecki, Jr.

Jack D. Sondesky

Gavin B. Stengel

John D. Stevenson

Emmett M. Sykes

Matthew T. Thiel

Brent C. Thompson

Connor A. Thomson

Braden N. Thorne

Ethan T. Tran

Stephen M. Trezza

Paul J. van Bastelaar

Andrew M. Van Stone

Mario J. Verrecchia

David P. Vozzo

Ryan J. Wadsworth

Carson R. Wakefield

Daniel P. Walker

Gannon L. Wanders

Brendan P. Weikel

Jared A. Werts

Ian R. Whitaker

Chase L. Wiggins

Jonathan D. Wilbur

Ryan M. Wiley

Matthew S. Wills

Nicholas H. Wilson

Nicholas J. Zapf

John R. Zeleznock


Current and past La Salle parents provided tremendous backing to this year’s Parent Annual Fund in support of the continued renovation of classrooms, helping to add additional spaces for innovative instruction and learning. Special thanks go to the Parents Advisory Council, whose dedication and efforts led to a successful campaign. Thank you to the following parents who participated in this year’s initiative, helping enhance the educational experience for all of our young men.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Abbott

Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Abernethy

Mr. & Mrs. John Abrams

Mr. & Mrs. John Addesso

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Adler

Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Adriaansen

Mr. Kevin Agnew

Ms. Lisa Agnew

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Agnew

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Aldrich

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Almeida

Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Ammaturo

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Andruczyk

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Araco, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Armetta

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Assenmacher

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore L. Astolfi, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Atkinson

Ms. Gina E. Avitello & Mr. Rich Ostriak

Mrs. Kelly Avrigian

Mr. Mason Avrigian, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. B. Dunleavy Bachman

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Baer, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bailin

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Baillie, LSW

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ball

Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Baniewicz

Mr. & Mrs. Paetrus F. Banmiller, III

Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Barbera, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barklage

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barlow

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Barna

Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Barrett

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Barrett

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Barrett

Mr. & Mrs. David Bartynski

Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Baumann, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Baxter

Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Becher, DO

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Beck, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Becker, CPA

Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Becker, DO

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Behr

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Bell

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Bell

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bell

Dr. Robert M. Bentz & Dr. Sara Cooley-Bentz

Mr. & Mrs. John Bernesky

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Bethel

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Biddle, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bielinski

Mrs. Nancy O. Bierowski

Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Biesecker

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Bilotta

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Binder

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Binsfeld

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bishop, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bixby

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Blatney

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Boesch

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bogansky

Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John P. Boland

Mrs. Mary Ann F. Bond

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bongard, III

Mr. & Mrs. James Bonner

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. Bono

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Borneman

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Borrero

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bossow

Mr. & Mrs. Andres Botero

Mr. Matthew Bouloutian & Ms. Vivian Ghazarian

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Boyd

Mr. Christopher Boyle & Mrs. Cari L. Guerin-Boyle

Mr. & Mrs. David Bradbury

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bradbury

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Brady

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brandon

Mrs. Lucy Breen

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Breen

Mr. David Brennan & Dr. Therese DiFlorio Brennan

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Brennan, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Brill

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brogan

Mr. Sean Brogan, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Brooke

Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Brooks

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Brooks

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Ennio S. Bruno

Mr. Kevin Bryson & Ms. Maureen O’Leary-Bryson

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Buchanan

Mr. & Mrs. John Budurka

Mr. Kent W. Buesking & Dr. Carol M. Tom, MD

Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bunting, DDS

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Burnham, III

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Burt

Mr. Porter D. Bush

Mr. Gerry Butler

Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Butt

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Cahill

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan M. Campbell, Esq.

Mr. Donald P. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Campion

Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Canalley

Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Canalley

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Carabello

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello, DMD

Mrs. Margaret R. Carannante

Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Carfagno

Mr. & Mrs. Christian H. Carlson

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Carpentier

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Carter

Mrs. Valerie Casabona

Mr. & Mrs. Marcelo M. Casadei

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Cassidy, Esq.

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cassidy, MD

Mr. Philip E. Cassidy, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Cassidy

Mrs. Mary Ann Cassizzi

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Catinella

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Cattie, III

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Cavalcante

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Cawley

Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Celoni, PE

Mr. & Mrs. John Chaisson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Chancler

Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Chandler

Mrs. Mary V. Chandler

Dr. Joseph A. Checchio, DDS

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cheeseman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Chesnik

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chiodo

Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Choate, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Christy

Mrs. Darlene L. Cianci

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Cifra

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Cipolla

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cirelli

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Clearkin, III

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cleary

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Clement, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cogan

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coggins

Dr. & Dr. Jonathan Cohen

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Colbert

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Cole

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Coleman

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Coll

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Collins

Mr. & Mrs. Noel Collins

Mr. & Mrs. Mamerto C. Comia

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Condon

Mr. Carmen J. Conicelli, Jr.

Mrs. Nancy Conicelli

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Conley

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn J. Connaghan

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Connor

Mr. Francis W. Connors & Mrs. Mary K. Flannery

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Convey

Mr. Jay M. Conway & Mrs. Maria A. Centritto-Conway

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Conway

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Cook

Mr. & Mrs. W. Gresham Cooney, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Corbett

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Corr

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Corso, II

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Cossetti

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Costello

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Costonis, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cox

Mr. & Mrs. Brenden J. Coyne

Dr. Matthew R. Craig, MD & Dr. Jennifer King, MD

Mrs. Peggy Cramer

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cresko

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Croke, IV

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cronin

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Cross, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Crotty, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crovo

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Crowe

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cummings, Jr.

Mrs. Mary Cunnane

Mr. Gerard Cunningham

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Cunningham

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Cunningham III

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cunningham

Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo Cuoci

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Curci

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Curcio

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curley

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Curran

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Curran

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Dachowski

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Dallas

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Daly

Ms. Nicole A. D’Amico

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Danella

Mrs. Carole J. D’Angelo

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. D’Angelo, EdD

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. D’Angelo

Dr. Kassa Darge & Mrs. Hanna H. Tekele

Mrs. Elaine Davey

Mr. Edward W. DeAngelis

Dr. & Mrs. Walter W. Dearolf, III

Dr. Donald J. DeBrakeleer & Dr. Lynne DeBrakeleer

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. DeCinque

Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Delaney

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. DelPlato

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. deLuca

Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeMerlis

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demeter

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Denton

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DePaul

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Derr

Mr. Joseph N. DeSantis, Jr. & Mrs. Nicole C. Miller-DeSantis

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Desmond, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Desmond

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Dessen

Mr. Keith A. DeStefano & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Corr

Mr. Steven S. Detwiler & Dr. Jeannine Colasante-Detwiler

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Dever

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Devine

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Devlin

Mr. & Mrs. David A. DeWitt

Mr. & Mrs. Donato C. DiAntonio

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Diasio

Mr. & Mrs. Azarael Diaz, Sr.

Mr. Eric A. Diccianni & Mrs. Dawn Elliott-Diccianni

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Diebold

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Diehl

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diez

Mr. & Mrs. Justin DiFebbo

Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. DiFiore

Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. DiFrangia

Dr. & Mrs. Robert DiGregorio

Dr. Michele J. Dimaira & Dr. Louis A. DiPede

Mr. & Mrs. Nino DiPietro

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Doebley

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Doehne

Mrs. Mary Cushing Doherty, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Dolan, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dolan, Jr.

Mr. Charles E. Dolaway, III

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Dolaway, IV

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk H. Dolaway

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dolich

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Dominello

Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Donahue

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue, III

Mrs. Linda Donahue

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Donahue

Mr. & Mrs. George S. Donnelly

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Donnelly

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue

Mr. John J. Dorsey, Jr. & Mrs. Angelique Schriver Dorsey

Mr. Dany Doucet

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Dougherty

Mr. Neil B. Dougherty

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Downey,

Mrs. Margaret Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Driscoll

Mrs. Margaret Driscoll

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Driscoll, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Dudzek

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncheskie

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Duncheskie

Mr. Richard Dunn & Ms. Danielle Rementer-Keys

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunne

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Dunphy

Mr. Gregory J. Dupée & Mrs. Molly Bowe Dupée

Mrs. Mary Louise Durham-Butler

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Durkin

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Durkin

Dr. & Mrs. James Durski

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dvorchak

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dwyer, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Dwyer, CFP

Mr. John J. Dwyer & Hon. Juanita A. Dwyer

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Keith F. Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Eisenschmid

CAPT & Mrs. Thomas C. Elsasser, USNR(Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Erfle

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Ernst, III

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Espenshade, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Espenshade

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Etchells, III

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ewell

Mr. John H. Ewing & Ms. Louise F. Pongracz

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ewing

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Fahey

Mrs. Tinamarie A. Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Faliveno, II

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Fallon

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Fandozzi

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Farrell

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Farrington

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Farris

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Farris, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Fasano

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Fecher, PhD

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Feilke

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore F. Felix, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy B. Fenningham, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Ferrante

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Ferrier

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ferriola

Mrs. Mary Therese Ferro

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Field

Mr. & Mrs. Kristian Fields

Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Fifer

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Finlay

Mr. Thomas A. Finley & Mrs. Diane Moskal

Mrs. Christine Finnegan

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Finnegan

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fiorini

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fisco

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fisher

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Fisher

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Fitzgerald, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Fitzgerald

Hon. & Mrs. James J. Fitzgerald, III

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. John M. FitzSimmons, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fix

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Flaherty

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Fleck, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fluehr, IV

Mrs. Eireann Flynn

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Flynn

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Foley

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard T. Foley, CIC

Mrs. Mary Ann Foley

Mr. Robert Forchetti

Mr. David L. Forde, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. John W. Fornace, DO

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Forsyth

Mr. & Mrs. David Forti

Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Foster

Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Fox

Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Fox

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F. Frankson

Mr. Vincent A. Frascatore & Ms. Colleen Belz

Mr. Jason Fraticelli & Mrs. Lila SanSoucie

Dr. Peter W. Frey, PhD & Mrs. Lenore Spitzer

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Frusco

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fryer

Mrs. Vivian M. Funchion

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Furmanski, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Fusaro

Mrs. Ann B. Galardi

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Galardi

Mrs. Mary Anne D. Galbally

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Galbally

Dr. David Galiani

Ms. Jenny Galiani

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony K. Gallagher

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard H. Gallagher, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Gallo

Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Galzerano

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Gambel, Jr.

Mr. & Ms. George Gambone

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gannon

Mr. & Mrs. David Garrett

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Garrity, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Gates

Mr. James Gatta &

Mrs. Karen Palachick Gatta

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Gazzara

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Geib

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Geiger, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gelenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Gemmi, III

Mr. & Mrs. James V. Genuardi

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Giaimo

Ms. Shannan Giambrone

Mr. Mark A. Gibbons & Ms. Jessica Pritchard

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Gibbons

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Gillespie

Mr. & Mrs. Terence P. Gillespie

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Gillespie

Ms. Amy E. Gimbel

Dr. & Mrs. John R. Gimpel, DO

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Gimpel

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ginieczki, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Giovanniello

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic P. Girondo

Mr. & Mrs. Damien J. Glista

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Glover

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Goettner, III

Dr. & Mrs. Michael H. Goodyear, DO

Mr. & Mrs. Dmitriy Gorelikov

Mr. & Mrs. S. John Gorman, IV

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gorovitz

Mr. & Mrs. John Grabish

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Grabowski

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Grady, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Grady

Dr. & Dr. John P. Graham

Mrs. Veronica Gray

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Greenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gregoire

Mr. Michael P. Gregor & Mrs. Kelly Vesey

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Groff

Mr. Daniel Grosser & Mrs. Maureen Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Grossi

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Guenard

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Guerin, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Guerra

Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Guidi

Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Hall, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Allen S. Hamilton

Mrs. Faith C. Hammes

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hand, III

Mrs. Angela P. Haney

Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Hannan

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Hansen, III

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Harbison

Mr. Ian Hardy & Dr. Lee Abberley

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Harkins

Mr. Kevin J. Harkins & Mrs. Kristine M. McCann-Harkins

Ms. Sandra Harm

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Harp

Mr. & Mrs. Rudy E. Harrer

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Harrington

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan C. Harrington

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Harris

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Harrison

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Hartzell

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey

Mrs. Barbara Hasson

Mr. & Mrs. Marc T. Hatton

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hayden

Dr. & Dr. Daniel J. Hayes, Jr.

Mr. Martin J. Hayes & Mrs. Michelle Ciarlo-Hayes

Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Healy

Mr. Michael Hearn & Ms. Jeanne Shuttleworth

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Heenan

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Heilig

Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Helbling

Mr. & Mrs. David O. Helenski, Jr.

Mr. Samuel E. Hellings, III & Dr. Terri M. Hellings, MD

Mr. & Mrs. F. Lawrence Helmick, Jr.

Dr. James Helstrom & Dr. Amy Helstrom

Mr. & Mrs. Will Henry

Mrs. Stephanie Higgins

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hill

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hinkley

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Hisey

Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Hladczuk

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Hober

Mrs. Denise D. Hodgson

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hoffman, Sr.

Mr. & Ms. Jeffrey R. Hoffmann, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Hogan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Hohenleitner

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Holder

Mr. Christopher E. Holland & Mrs. Lisa M. Bond-Holland

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Horan, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hotham

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hotz

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Houldin, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Huber

Mr. David Hudock & Mrs. Sharon Angle-Hudock

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hughes, Esq.

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Hughes, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Humay

Dr. Parsaoran Hutapea & Dr. Eva C. Pietsch

Mrs. Joan Hynes

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Iannacone

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Ilsemann, III

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Imperiale

Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Ingegneri

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Izzi

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Jackson

Mr. John T. Jadach, Sr. & Dr. Maria Sanchez

Mr. John D. Janda & Ms. Kelley A. Grady, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Toby Jefferis

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jeitner

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Johanson, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Johnston, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Jones

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jones, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Joyce

Drs. & Dr. Andrew B. Junkin, DDS

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Junod

Mr. Patrick T. Junod & Mrs. Kathleen M. Tierney

Mr. Walter J. Kaminski

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kane

Mr. & Mrs. Raj Kapur

Mr. & Mrs. W. Dean Karrash

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kass

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Katsock, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Keffer, Esq.

Mrs. Jennifer Kelchner

Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Kellenbenz

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin V. Kelley

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Kelley

Mr. & Mrs. Boyd A. Kelly

Mr. Kevin S. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kelly

Mr. Paul J. Kelly, III & Mrs. Kate Harper

Mrs. Patricia N. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Kempf

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Kennedy

Hon. & Mrs. George T. Kenney, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kent, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Kerekes

Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kerr Jr. II

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Kessler

Mr. Joseph Kim & Mrs. Renee Vogt

Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Kindelan

Mrs. Maryanne Kirk

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Klein

Mrs. Patricia E. Kletzel

Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. Klock, Esq.

Mrs. Karen M. Knight

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Kochanowicz

Mr. Edward Kohlhepp, Jr. & Mrs. Jennifer Ennis-Kohlhepp

Mrs. Marianne Koller

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Koniers

Mrs. Elizabeth M. Korsch

Mr. Thomas J. Kovac & Mrs. Theresa Latzo

Dr. & Mrs. J. Michael Kowalski, II

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Kramer

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Krumenacker

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kuhn, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kulp

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Kunko

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy K. Kurek

Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Kuzowsky

Dr. & Mrs. Moody Kwok

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Lagowski

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. LaGreca

Mrs. Nicole T. LaMena

Mr. & Mrs. David P. Lamontagne

Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. LaMorte, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Lamprecht

Mrs. Jane Lane

Mr. Robert Lapowsky & Mrs. Colleen Durkin Lapowsky

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Larkin, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Lasky

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lasky

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laudadio

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lavin

Mrs. Miriam J. Lavin

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Leaden

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Leahy, III

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Leary

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lemanowicz

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lemanowicz, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Letcavage

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leuthe

Mrs. Jennifer Lichtner

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Lignowski

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Link

Mr. & Mrs. Erik M. Link

Mr. & Mrs. William Littleton, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John Litvak

Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Livingston

Mr. & Ms. Thomas S. Livolsi

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Llopis

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Loftus, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Loftus

Mr. Stephen L. Longacre & Dr. Jane Longacre

Mr. Patrick C. Lonieski & Dr. Sheila Kelly-Lonieski

Mr. William H. Luce

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lunsford

Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Lupinacci

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. George P. Lynch, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lyons

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory

Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. MacDougall

Mr. & Mrs. Misael Machado

Mr. & Mrs. Gregg K. Machita

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. MacIntosh

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Macoretta

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Madden Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Madden

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Madden, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Magarity

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Magarity

Mr. Michael J. Magarity

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Magee

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Maginnis

Mr. William M. Maguire

Mr. Sean Maguire, VMD & Mrs. Margretta Milles

Mr. Michael P. Maguire, Esq. & Mrs. Jacqueline M. Heitmann, Esq.

Mrs. Julia K. Maher ’14

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mahon

Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney

Mr. & Mrs. Sean E. Mahoney

Mr. & Mrs. David Maiolino

Col. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malizia, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Fran Mallee

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Maloney, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Maloney

Mrs. Mary Maloney

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Mangan

Mrs. Renee D. Mangano

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Manieri

Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Mann

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Manz

Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Marchese

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mardirosian

Dr. & Mrs. Darren Mareiniss

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Marek

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Marino

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Marino

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Markley

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Markmann, PhD

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Markmann

Dr. & Dr. William J. Markmann, MD

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Markowski

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Markowski

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Marquette, III

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford M. Mars

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Martino

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martosella

Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Martyn

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Marzullo

Mrs. Barbara Mas

Mr. & Mrs. Dante J. Massi, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Matchett

Mr. Daniel J. Mathews & Ms. Kathleen M. O’Boyle

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Matthews, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Matthews, III

Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Mattia, Esq.

Dr. & Mrs. Carl J. Mattia, DPM

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mattia

Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Maxwell, Esq.

Mr. William Maywood & Mrs. Erica Bradley-Maywood

Mrs. Janet T. McBride

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent B. McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. John McCafferty

Mr. & Mrs. James McCann

Mr. Patrick M. McCann

Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. McCarthy

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McConeghy

Mr. & Mrs. J. Sean McCook

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McCreight, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. McCullough

Ms. Mary Pat McDevitt

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. McDonald

Mrs. Bonnie McDonald

Mrs. Nancy McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. McDonnell

Mr. & Mrs. John L. McDonnell, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. McElwee

Mr. & Mrs. James P. McFadden

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McFadden

Mr. & Mrs. William J. McFadden

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. McGinn

Mr. & Mrs. James C. McGoldrick, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. McGonigle, Esq.

Mr. Stephen L. McGonigle

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. McGowan

Mr. Terence F. McGovern & Ms. Patricia K. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. John McGranaghan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. McGrath

Mr. & Mrs. J. T. McGrother

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. McGurkin

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. McHugh

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McHugh

Mr. & Mrs. James P. McIntyre

Mr. & Mrs. John V. McKee

Mr. Matthew McKee & Mrs. Erin McCartney McKee

Mr. & Mrs. John D. McKnight, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. McLaren

Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. James T. McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. William C. McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. McManus

Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. McMonagle

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn McNesby

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. McNichol

Mr. Joseph P. McNichol, III

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McShane

Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. McWilliams, CPA

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Meagher

Mr. & Mrs. George Meagher, III

Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence E. Meehan

Hon. & Mrs. William A. Meehan, Jr.

Mrs. William A. Meehan

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Meeks

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mehlmann

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Meko, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Meko

Mr. & Mrs. Gregg R. Melinson, Esq.

Hon. & Mrs. James R. Melinson

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Melinson

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Menkhaus, Jr.

Men of La Salle

Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Merlini

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Merlini

Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Mester

Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Meves

Mr. Kevin Meyers & Mrs. Sharon Kelley

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Miehle

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Mikochik

Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Miller, PhD

Mr. Harry B. Miller, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Miller, III

Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Miller

Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Milligan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Mills

Mr. & Mrs. Chuck J. Minnich, IV

Dr. & Mrs. John M. Minnich, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mirabile

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Mischler, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mischler

Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Mischler

Mr. & Ms. John H. Mitchell, III

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Monahan

Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Moore, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morgan

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Moritz

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Morris

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Morrissey, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Morroney

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Morrow

Mr. Paul M. Moser & Mrs. Anastasia Flynn Moser

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Mote

Mothers’ Club

Mother’s Club Alumnae

Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Mueller

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Muir

Mr. John F. Mullen

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mullen

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Mundell

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Munoz

Mr. Christopher D. Murphy & Mrs. Lisa Dempsey Murphy

Mr. & Dr. Edward Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Murphy

Mr. Robert E. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murray

Mr. Manus Murray & Ms. Barbara O’Connor

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Murray, IV

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Murtha

Dr. Manoj Muttreja & Ms. Carolyn Cristofalo

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Naab

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Nagle

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Nahas, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Naldzin

Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Napolitano

Mr. & Mrs. Christian Nascimento

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Naticchione

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nealon

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Needle

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Newell

Dr. & Dr. Thomas L. Newman, Sr.

Mr. Tu Nguyen & Ms. Phuonghoai Vu

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Nicholl

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Nocentino

Ms. Nancy Nocentino

Mr. Peter A. Nolan

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Noonan

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Noonan

Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Norton

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Nowakowski, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. George Nunez

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Obermeier

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. George O’Connell

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Connell

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. O’Connell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. Jamie O’Curran

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O’Dell, III

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. O’Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. Terence G. O’Hara

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Kane

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O’Kane

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Keefe

Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Oldt

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Olszewski

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. O’Malley, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Sean O’Malley

Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. O’Neill

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. O’Neill

Mrs. Ellen Higley O’Neill

Mr. Francis O’Neill, Jr. & Mrs. Mikaela Toth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. O’Neill

Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. O’Neill

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Orlando

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Osborne

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oscar

Mr. Michael A. O’Toole & Ms. Mary Lou Castaldi

Mr. & Mrs. David Paglione

Mr. Ken Pagurek & Mrs. Ali Daly

Mr. Salvatore Palantino

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Palazzo

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Palko

Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Panettieri

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr.

Mrs. Mary Lynn Panunto

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Parkes

Mr. & Mrs. Robb J. Parlanti

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Passarella, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Paster

Dr. & Mrs. Jason S. Patterson

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Patti

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pauciello

Dr. David A. Pegues, MD & Mrs. Clare F. Averbach

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Peifer, CPA

Ms. Frances M. Pelham

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Pelham

Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Pensabene

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Pensabene, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Perry

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Perry

Mr. & Mrs. John Peterman

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Peterson

Mr. Guy Petrucci, Sr. & Mrs. Laurie Honigman

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Pidgeon

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Pigeon, PhD

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pigeon, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Pighini

Mr. & Mrs. Ian Pilling

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Piscopo

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pisors

Ms. Dawn Pluck-Weikel

Mrs. Mary Poiesz-Moran, RN

Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Porreca

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Porreca, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Porreca

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Potter

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pottichen

Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Price

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Princivalle

Mr. & Mrs. Sean S. Purvis

Mr. Greg Quick & Mrs. Melanie Nicholson Quick

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Quigley, III

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Quinn

Mrs. Joanne Quinn Ravina & Mr. James Ravina

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quirk

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Radomicki, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Radomski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Radvansky

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Ragan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Ragusa

Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Ralston

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ratchford

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Rau

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic H. Rawson

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rebelo

Dr. & Mrs. John L. Reckner, DMD

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Reddington, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Redmond, III

Mrs. Linda M. Reeves

Mr. & Mrs. Hermann H. Reiche, Jr.

Mr. Michael J. Reilly

Mr. Thomas Reilly & Mrs. Jill Weller-Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Reing

Dr. & Mrs. David E. Reinhardt, DO

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Reis

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reitmeyer

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Resch

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reynolds

Mr. & Mrs. J. David Rhoads

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Riethmiller

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Rietzke

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rilling

Deacon & Mrs. John T. Riordan

Mr. Paul Ritchie, Jr. & Mrs. Marifran Manzo-Ritchie

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Rittenhouse, III

Mr. & Mrs. Julian Rivera

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Rizzo, Jr.

Mr. John T. Rogalski

Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Romano

Mr. & Mrs. Juan Romano

Mrs. Elaine Rose-Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Bill W. Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Rossi

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Rothenbach

Mr. Robert Rothenberg, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Rothwell, DDS

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Rovi

Mrs. Mary Ellen Rueter

Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio A. Ruggeri, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruibal

Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Sabatino

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Sacco

Dr. Vincent G. Sacco

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Salvitti

Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Santiago

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sasso, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr.

Ms. Stacey Savarese

Mr. Bernard E. Saxon, CPA

Mr. & Mr. Nicholas Scarpone

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Scheffey

Mr. & Dr. Alan G. Schleeper

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Schmidt, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schneider

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Schuck, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Scully, CPA

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Seckinger

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Seiberlich

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Self, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seminack

Dr. Donald M. Sesso & Dr. Allison V. Chan

Dr. & Mrs. Kiernan Seth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sexton

Mr. Eligio Sgaramella & Mrs. Sally Leathersich

Mr. & Ms. Joseph W. Shandlay

Mr. & Mrs. Scot E. Shandler

Mrs. Melissa Sharp

Mr. Kenneth Shaw, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Sheldon

Mrs. Laura W. Shelley

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shelton

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Shevlin

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Shields

Mr. & Mrs. John Shimp

Mr. James R. Shipp & Mrs. Jen Palancia Shipp

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Shott

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Signoretta

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Silverman

Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Silvestri

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Simonson, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Sinnott

Mrs. Patricia Sinnott

Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Siravo

Mr. David Siwy & Ms. Crista Lowrie

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Slabinski, III

Mr. Harry L. Slifer & Mrs. Leslie Visco-Slifer

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Smigiel

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. David D. Smith

Ms. Stephanie Smith

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smyth

Dr. & Dr. Michael Sock

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Solana

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Soltanian, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spatacco

Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Spearing

Mr. Jason H. Spera

Mrs. Rosalie E. Spera

Mrs. Norma Spiteri

Dr. & Mrs. John Stack

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stahl

Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Stanczak

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stanton, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy Starkey

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Stasuk

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Stauffer

Mr. & Mrs. Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stefanski

Mr. & Mrs. Brett Stengel

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Stimmler

Mr. & Mrs. Franco Stipa

Mr. Brian Stoudt & Mrs. Kelly Palumbo

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Strain

Mr. & Mr. Daniel Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Sullivan

Mr. Josh Sullivan & Ms. Jill Morrisroe

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Sundheim

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Suter, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sykes

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Szostak, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Tait

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Target

Mr. & Mrs. Julius A. Tarsi

Mr. & Mrs. Julius D. Tarsi

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Tate

Mr. & Mrs. James V. Tate, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Tavolaro

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Terreri

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Thiel, Sr.

Mr. & Dr. Greg Thomas

Mr. Brian Tice & Ms. Patricia Carroll, Esq.

Hon. Theresa Timlin

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Timoney, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Tingley-Kelley

Dr. George Y. Tokiwa & Dr. Michele A. Cleary

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Toner

Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Tornetta

Mr. & Mrs. Keith C. Tornetta

Mr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Torres

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Tracey

Mrs. Rosemary M. Tragemann

Dr. & Mrs. James F. Trainer

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tramo

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Treacy, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Treacy, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John Tresler

Mrs. Cathleen M. Trezza

Mr. & Mrs. Rudi H. Trickel

Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Trymbiski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Trymbiski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tucker

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Turk

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Turner

Mrs. Katie Turner

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick M. Tutino, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent C. Twomey

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Tyrrell

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Tyrrell

Deacon & Mrs. Timothy E. Urbanski, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Vahey, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. van Bastelaar

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Van Stone

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Thuyne

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Vecchiarelli

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr.

Mr. Gerardo D. Ventresca, Jr.

Mr. James D. Vesci, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Vesey

Mr. Gerard Vezina, Esq. & Mrs. Johanna V. Kamerman Vezina, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Tony Victor

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Vinal

Mrs. Leslie Visco-Slifer

Dr. Jill A. Vizza, EdD

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Vizza

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Voigt

Drs. Nicholas J. Volpe, MD & Dr. Francesca M. Volpe

Mr. & Mrs. Alex D. Volterano

Mr. Jerry Vorobec & Mrs. Maureen A. Ginley

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Vozniak

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Vozzo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wade

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Wagner

Mr. Michael V. Wagner & Mrs. Dana Barth-Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walker, III

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Wallace

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wallace

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Walls, III

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walton

Ms. Christine M. Wambold

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wanders

Mr. & Mrs. Damian H. Ward

Mr. Joseph Ward & Mrs. Rita Porreca-Ward

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Warrender, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wasylenko, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Watkins, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Watson, III

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Watts, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David Weisel, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Wells

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wells

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Wenger

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Wenhold

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Westerman

Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Westley, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Whalen

Mr. & Mrs. Mark White

Mr. James T. White

Ms. Teresa White

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Whiteside

Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Whitlock

Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Whitmire

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Wickersham

Mr. & Mrs. James Wickersham

Ms. Gina L. Wiggins

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Wigglesworth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wilkins, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wills

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Winning

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Winslow

Mr. Michael Wisniewski & Mrs. Sarah Duncan-Wisniewski

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Witkowski, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Wolpert, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Liam Wood

Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Worthington, Esq.

Mr. James H. Worthington, CPA

Dr. & Dr. David M. Wyke

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Yaegel

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Yaegel

Dr. Rafael Yanez & Mrs. Leslie Briceno-Yanex

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Yeagle

Mr. George L. Young, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Young

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Zajac

Mr. & Mrs. John Zapf

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zarzycki, Sr.

Mrs. Kelly Zeager-Gambone

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Zielinski

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Zimmerman

Mrs. Nancy E. Zoeltsch

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Zoldy


Our beloved La Salle grandmothers and grandfathers showed outstanding support for their grandsons’ high school this year, with contributions being directed to continued renovations of traditional classrooms into Innovative Classrooms. We thank the following grandparents who helped ensure that our young men will have even more updated learning spaces in which to collaborate, innovate, and succeed.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Aberbach

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Alegado

Mr. Heinz Alperstedt & Mrs. Marie T. Shandlay

Mrs. Minerva Alvarez

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Anastasia

Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Appel

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Aquilino

Mrs. Kathleen A. Augustine

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Backich

Ms. Christine R. Bailey

Mrs. Linda Barder

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Barry

Mr. & Mrs. David Bartynski

Mrs. Ramona M. Baxter

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Becker, CPA

Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Bedrosian

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Benson

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Bergey

Mr. & Mrs. Silvio Bianco

Mr. & Mrs. George Binczewski

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Binsfeld

Mrs. Mary B. Bishop

Mr. Joseph Bisignaro, Jr.

Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John P. Boland

Mrs. Colleen P. Booth

Mr. & Mrs. Felipe Borrero

Mr. & Mrs. Ennio Bruno

Mr. & Mrs. H. Boyce Budd

Ms. Mary Buoncristiano

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Burke

Mr. & Mrs. Lester Burrus

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Butler

Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Canalley

Mrs. Cathy Candando

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Capriotti

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello, DMD

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Caranci

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Casabona

Mr. Alberto Casadei

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Chandor

Mrs. Ann A. Chaump

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cheleden

Mrs. Catherine D. Chigounis

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Christie, Jr.

Mr. Joseph H. Cloran

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Coates

Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Colantuono

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cornely

Mr. & Mrs. William Costello

Dr. & Mrs. William Coyne

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crabtree

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Crews

Mr. Charles Crowell

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cunningham

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Cupchak

Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel P. D’Amico, Esq.

Mrs. Carole J. D’Angelo

Mrs. Elaine Davey

Mr. Edward W. DeAngelis

Dr. & Mrs. John J. Deeney, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Harry DelPlato

Mr. George Deming, III

Mr. Earl Dempsey

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. DePaul, Jr.

Mrs. Mary Jane DeSalvo

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Dieckhaus

Dr. Douglas DiStefano

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Diviny

Mr. Charles E. Dolaway, III

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donnelly

Mr. Charles A. Dotger, Jr.

Mrs. Teresa P. Dowling

Mrs. Margaret Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncheskie

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dunphy

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dvorchak

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Earley

Mr. James Eastwood

Ms. Rebecca Ebersole

Mrs. Maria Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. John Egner

Mr. & Mrs. David T. Espenshade

Mrs. Susan S. Etkin

Mrs. Regina G. Faia

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Fasano

Mrs. Marie T. Fiorini

Mrs. Mary J. FitzPatrick

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Flanagan, MD

Ms. Lenore Flores

Mr. Joseph M. Flynn & Mrs. Margaret M. Harvey-Flynn

Mrs. France Fodor

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard T. Foley, CIC

Mrs. Margaret Fox

Mrs. Ann B. Galardi

Mrs. Mary Anne D. Galbally

Mr. & Mrs. Al Galiani

Mrs. Ellen R. Gambel

Mr. & Mrs. James V. Gavaghan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Giannini

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Gibbons

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gilbert

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Gimpel

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giuffre

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Glista

Mr. Richard A. Gradwell

Mrs. Eileen Graham

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Green

Mrs. Mary L. Gress

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Guerin, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Halfpenny

Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Hammes, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Havard

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hawley

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hays

Mr. John W. Hendricks

Ms. Kathleen L. Hillman

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hindley, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Hogan

Ms. Virginia Holroyd

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Huggett

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Humay

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Iacavino

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Jacquinto

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Jefferis, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Johannesson

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Kass

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. John Keller

Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly

Mrs. Maryann Kelly

Mrs. Dorothy J. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Kenney

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Kershner

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Koch

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kohlhepp

Mrs. Elizabeth M. Korsch

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kretschmer

Ms. Regina D. Kriz

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kurek

Mrs. Rita Kurek

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kutzler

Mrs. Veronica M. LaMena

Mrs. Jane Lane

Mrs. Marjorie C. Lawhon

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Leahy, Jr.

Mrs. Elizabeth Leeds

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lemanowicz

Mrs. Carol A. Leskusky

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Liberatoscioli

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Liles

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Link

Ms. Valerie Locker

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Loftus, PE

Mrs. Frances O. Lunsford

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Magee

Mrs. Patricia Magil

Ms. Susan Mahan

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mangan

Mr. & Mrs. James Mark

Dr. & Dr. William J. Markmann, MD

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Markowski

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marr

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mathre

Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Mattia, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. McAnespey

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. James P. McCabe

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCartney

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McConeghy

Mrs. Anne Marie McDonald

Mrs. Barbara A. McLaren

Mrs. Marilyn B. McLean

Mr. James M. McMonagle

Mr. & Mrs. John C. McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol

Mr. & Mrs. George Meagher, III

Mrs. William A. Meehan

Mr. & Mrs. A. Victor Meitner, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Meko

Hon. & Mrs. James R. Melinson

Mrs. Regina W. Mercaldo

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Miehle

Mr. Harry B. Miller, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mico Miller

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Morris

Mr. Paul M. Moser & Mrs. Anastasia Flynn Moser

Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Moss

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mullen

Mr. Robert E. Murphy

Mary M. Murphy, PhD

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Murray, III

Ms. Linda Musial

Mrs. Barbara Nealis

Ms. Nancy Nocentino

Mrs. Catherine M. Nooney

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nowakowski

Mr. & Mrs. James C. O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Olszewski

Mrs. Ellen Higley O’Neill

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Opiela, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. O’Rourke

Mr. & Mrs. David Owen

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pachuta

Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Paget

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Palachick

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pannepacker, Sr.

Mrs. Nancy Parry

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Pensabene, Jr.

Mrs. Susan B. Peterman

Mr. Charles Polinko

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pooler

Mr. & Mrs. George Posner

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Potter

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Primola

Rev. & Mrs. Charles W. Quann

Mrs. Jacqueline Quinn

Mr. David Rakow

Mrs. Gloria Randazzo

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Randolph

Mrs. Catherine Anne Razler

Mrs. Eileen M. Reddington

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Reigle

Mrs. Magdelene E. Rich

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr.

Mrs. Kathleen Riley

Deacon & Mrs. John T. Riordan

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rodgers

Hon. & Mrs. Maurino J. Rossanese, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Rossi

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Roth

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Rothenbach

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rowan

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Rudzinski

Mrs. Mary Ellen Rueter

Ms. Emily Sabatino

Mrs. Ruth Sayer

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Schaller

Mrs. Carol C. Seminack

Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Sesso

Mr. Kenneth Shaw, Jr.

Mr. James A. Sheerin, Jr.

Ms. Deborah Shelton

Mrs. Rebecca M. Shuttleworth

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Slabinski, III

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Smith

Mrs. Rosalie E. Spera

Mr. & Mrs. William Spinney

Mrs. Felice R. Stack

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Suter, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Thiel

Mrs. Marcia Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Tornetta

Mrs. Rosemary M. Tragemann

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Trzaska

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Trzeciak

Mrs. Chrstina C. Turchi

Deacon & Mrs. Timothy E. Urbanski, MD

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Van Orden

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Vergare, MD

Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Verrecchia

Mr. Michael Vitali

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vitelli

Mrs. Linda Wakefield

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Walheim, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Wallace

Mrs. Mary E. Wambold

Mr. Joseph Ward & Mrs. Rita Porreca-Ward

Mr. & Mrs. David Ward

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Way

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Weisel

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Westerman

Ms. Kathy Wicker

Mr. & Mrs. James Wickersham

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wills

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Wuestkamp

Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Yeagle

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Yocum


Gifts to this year’s Faculty/Staff Annual Fund were mainly directed to the Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57 Fund for Service and Spirituality, providing vital financial assistance to students who wish to partake in summer service and immersion trips, but may not have the means to do so. Thank you to the following men and women who supported this appeal that truly displays the caring community of La Salle.

Mr. Adam Abrams

Ms. Lisa Agnew

Mr. Jonathan P. Allison

Mrs. Debra L. Antosh

Bro. Anthony Baginski, FSC

Mr. Thomas R. Barna

Edward J. Bongard, III ’98

Mrs. Lastenia Breen

Mr. Gerard M. Brett

Mr. Alex F. Brown

Bro. Mark Brown, FSC

Bro. James Butler, FSC

Mr. Jeremy Butt

Mrs. Eileen Campbell

Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Michael W. Cassidy, Esq. ’74

Ms. Yixiao Chen

Mr. Mark D. Chesnik

Mrs. Barbara Chesnik

Mr. Daniel J. Cipolla

Mr. Charles Cirelli

Mr. Lewis W. Clark, III

Mr. Nicholas Coggins

Mr. Mark Collins

Brian P. Collins ’08

Mrs. Rita Cooney

Mr. Ryan Copenhaver

Benjamin J. Courtney ’07

Mr. David W. Crowe

Mrs. Kathleen Curley

Mrs. Jill D’Angelo

Douglas J. Demeter ’93

Matthew C. Derrick ’02

Mr. Silvio DeSantis

Ms. Kathryn A. Devine-Konzelman

Thomas J. Devlin ’00

Mrs. Maura M. Diehl

Dr. Michele J. Dimaira

Bro. William DiPasquale, FSC

Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Stephen F. Duncheskie ’94

Mr. Gerald R. Evans, Jr.

Mrs. Sandy Magee Evans

Mrs. Patti Finlay

Bernard J. Fitzgerald, Jr. ’77

Mrs. Jacquelyn Fix

Mrs. Kathleen Fleck

Brett T. Foley ’00

Robert S. Forster ’05

Mr. Jason Fraticelli

Mr. James E. Fyke

Mr. Michael Gangini

Mrs. Katharine A. Garrett

Mark A. Gibbons ’92

Terence P. Gillespie ’82

Mr. Thomas P. Grace

Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Gerard J. Hartey ’93

Mr. Michael Hearn

Mr. Patrick J. Heasley

Mrs. Keri A. Hoffman

Christopher E. Holwick ’94

Stephen G. Horvath ’04

Mr. Martin J. Jackson

Mr. John D. Janda

Rev. Anthony W. Janton, AFSC ’69

Mrs. Jessica E. Jefferis

Matthew F. Johnson ’03

Mr. Robert J. Johnson

Mr. Stephen Jonello

Mrs. Dawn Jonello

Mr. Randy M. Kapralick

Mr. Benjamin Karp

John A. Keenan ’80

Ms. Cornelia Kietzman

Bro. Edward Koronkiewicz, FSC

Mr. Thomas Lang

Mrs. Laura Lasky

Mr. William L. Leahy, III

Steven C. Lyon ’02

Meredith T. Mariani, JD, LL.M.

Mrs. Maryanne K. Martin

Mrs. Sara Martin

Robert F. McAnespey ’66

Michael V. McCabe ’08

Mrs. Elizabeth McCabe

Ryan P. McDowell ’01

Mr. Daniel L. McGowan

Mr. John McGranaghan

Mr. Michael J. McKee

Sean T. McLaughlin ’06

Timothy W. McNamara ’85

Mrs. Christine R. Meko

John F. Meko ’16

Christopher A. Mele ’13

Ms. Kerriann Kane Mikulecky

Bro. Raymond T. Murphy, FSC

Mr. Gary M. Nolan

Mr. Mark D. Norman

Mrs. Heather Norman

Mr. Kyle L. Ochal

Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Mrs. Katherine Palopoli

Mr. Joseph A. Parisi

Owen C. Pighini ’18

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Resch

Mr. Kyle P. Rosa

Mr. Michael W. Sabatino

Mr. Conner Saltzer

Mr. Owen C. Schugsta

Raymond T. Shay ’00

Mrs. Ana Luisa Smith

Mrs. Kathleen A. Smith

Mrs. Nary Smith

Ms. Stephanie Smith

Mr. Gregory M. Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Neil M. Spearing

Mr. Norman C. Spratt

Mrs. Marie Stott

Mrs. Pamela Szabo

James V. Tate, Jr. ’94

Mrs. Lauren B. Tate

Mrs. Kathleen E. Tavolaro

Mr. Steven R. Valyo

Ms. Lisa Vaupel

Mrs. Catrina M. Wheatley

Mr. Daniel J. Williams

Bro. Robert R. Wilsbach, FSC ’65

Mrs. Cathleen P. Winning

Ms. Jennifer Worthington

John P. Young ’83

Mr. Robert A. Zanneo, Jr.

Mrs. Nancy E. Zoeltsch



Starting Monday, September 9, 2024


Sunday, September 29, 2024 | 10:00 AM to Noon


Saturday, October 5, 2024 | 8:30 AM OR Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 8:30 AM



(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

Monday, October 7, 2024 | 6:00 PM


(Music, Speech & Debate, Theatre, and Art)

Monday, October 28, 2024 | 6:00 PM


(For 7th Graders Only)

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | 6:00 PM


Saturday, March 1, 2025 | 8:30 AM

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 through Wednesday, April 30, 2025


Sunday, May 4, 2025 | 10:00 to Noon



Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Thursday, April 24, 2025


Each session runs from 9:00 to 11:00 AM

La Salle College High School 8605 Cheltenham Avenue Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

215 402 4800 phone


The beautiful and spacious new academic home for the David Program offers instructional space for five teachers and the program director to work closely and collaboratively with their students, a meeting room, and support facilities that had been lacking in its original space since the program’s introduction at La Salle College High School. The new David Center takes advantage of the natural beauty of the area, framed by the original school building, the Belcroft Mansion, and the Lourdes Grotto. Thank you to those people who have provided initial support to this new initiative at La Salle.

Brendon Abernethy ’20

Saundra & Scott R. Abernethy P’20

Jo Ellen & John Abrams P’19

Casey & Christopher J. Agnew ’06

Kevin Agnew P’03 ’06

Lisa Agnew P’03 ’06

Annemarie & Sean M. Agnew ’03

Allegheny Iron & Metal

Kristin & Jonathan P. Allison

Alumni Association

Anonymous (4 donors)

Avalon Foundation

Marlene & Raymond P. Bain, PhD ’71

David & Donna Bartynski P’90 ’93 ’01 ’03 GP’22 ’23 ’25

Patricia & Donald Belles GP’21

Mary Ann F. Bond P’14

Ann Barr & Thomas R. Bowman P’08

Donna & Sean Buchanan P’21 ’24

The Estate of Joseph R. Buckley ’65

The Estate of James L. Butler

Mary Jean and Christopher M. Carabello ’82 P’20

Karen & Mark A. Casale ’82

Edith E. Casu

Agnes & Joseph A. Cavalcante P’23 ’25

Julie & David J. Cawley P’23 ’25

The Class of 2022

The Class of 2023

Jean & Richard D. Clifton P’17

Bonnie & John D. Coleman P’13 ’16

Connelly Foundation

Marie & John M. Connolly P’15

Jill & Christopher M. D’Angelo ’88

Patty & Michael F. D’Angelo ’84 P’17

Hanna Tekele & Kassa Darge, MD, PhD P’20

Elizabeth Corr & Keith A. DeStefano P’23 ’26

Margaret & Anthony J. Diasio P’05 ’10

Dawn & Eric A. Diccianni ’83 P’23 ’27

Roger J. DiFrangia P’11

2022 & 2023 Dinner Dances

Melissa & John T. Doebley ’92 P’25

Suzanne & Kirk H. Dolaway ’90 P’23 ’25

Erin & David R. Dugery P’18

Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61

Julia & Frank A. Evans, RN ’10

Louise Pongracz & John H. Ewing P’17

Lynn & Christopher E. Fallon P’14

Lauren & Robert F. Farrell P’27

Michelle & Jeffrey S. Fecher, PhD ’93 P’28

Christine & Laurence P. Finnegan, III ’79 P’10 ’12 ’14

Kathy & Joseph Fluehr, IV P’19

Abby & William E. Galardi ’90 P’25 ’27

Cheryl & Stephen A. Gardner ’72

Theresa & Thomas Geib P’21 ’22

Maria & Charles L. Gemmi, III, DMD ’87 P’25

Genuardi Family Foundation

Maureen & Frederick J. Gerngross, Sr. Esq. ’77 P’12 ’17

Susan & Timothy E. Gillespie ’78 P’09 ’11

Erin & John Grabish P’25

The Estates of John A. Grady ’55 & Barbara Scheelje

Robyn & John P. Graham P’18 ’20

Katherine M. Grimm

Linda & Joseph P. Hand, III ’76 P’01 ’04

Eileen & Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr. ’69 P’00

Jeanne & Scott M. Hartzell P’14

Regina & T. Richard Hisey P’16

Stacey & Patrick J. Hoffman, Sr. P’13 ’15

Sandra & Robert E. Immerman P’15

Christina & Daniel W. Johnson ’07

Jean & James P. Joyce ’64 GP’22 ’24

Maria & W. Dean Karrash P’18

Michelle & Nathan Knedler P’25

Maureen & Joseph A. Kulp P’20 ’24

Bridget & Michael J. Leary P’20 P’23

Barbara & John F. Lehman, Jr. PhD ’60

Diane & Anthony P. Lopresti ’67

JoAnn & George T. Magnatta, Esq. ’73

Margretta Milles & Sean Maguire, VMD P’21

Julia K. Maher H’14 P’89 ’91

Alice & Sean E. Mahoney ’82 P’07 ’11 ’12 ’15

Dana & Joseph J. Malizia, Jr. P’24 ’26

Megan & James E. Maloney, Jr., PE ’93 P’23 ’26

Mary Anne & David J. Martosella ’83 P’12 ’15 ’19

Nancy & William W. Matthews, III, Esq. ’86 P’16 ’19 ’22 ’25

Christopher F. Matthews ’19

Rebecca & Matthew G. McDonald ’89 P’26

Timothy W. McDonald ’99

Molly & Jeffrey W. McDonnell P’13 ’14

Mary & Patrick T. McGinn ’87 P’20 ’21

Jillian & Daniel L. McGowan

Susan & Thomas L. McGrath P’25

Teresa & Edward F. McMahon ’69

Shay & Christopher R. Meagher ’89 P’18 ’20

Alice & George Meagher, III P’89 GP’18 ’20

Ryan Meagher ’20

Dale & A. Victor Meitner, Jr., Esq. ’62 GP’19 ’26

Pamela & Gregg R. Melinson, Esq. ’82 P’17 ’19

Men of La Salle

Rachel & Harry B. Miller, III ’83 P’20

Joseph N. DeSantis, Jr. & Nicole C. Miller-DeSantis P’22

Kimberly & Edward V. Miller P’20

Mary & Robert P. Moran ’69 GP’28

Siobhan & James D. Morrissey, III ’88 P’16

Dana & Joseph F. X. Morrissey ’91 P’23 ’27

Mothers’ Club

Mary & Mark R. Mueller P’15 ’19

Amanda & William E. Murphy ’96 P’28

Carolyn Cristofalo & Manoj Muttreja, MD P’23 ’26

Peter Myers

Peter A. Nolan ’78 P’22

Lisa & James J. Obermeier P’11 ’17

Memorial Gifts in Honor of Charles J. O’Brien ’56

Marianne & Thomas M. O’Keefe ’63 P’01

Christina & Keith W. Oldt ’84 P’18 ’21

Karen & Michael Pauciello P’16

Clare & David A. Pegues, MD P’20 ’23

Michelle & D. Scott Porreca ’86 P’20 ’23

Danielle & Michael J. Porreca ’89 P’23

Joseph Ward & Rita Porreca-Ward P’86 ’89 GP’20 ’23

Matthew R. Price ’04

Catharine & Charles Radomicki, Jr. P’21

Carol & John L. Reckner, DMD P’18 ’23

Kelsey & Eric C. Riethmiller P’23

Jennifer & Robert A. Rosato P’18 ’20 ’23

Maria & Michael Ruibal P’23 ’25

Vincent G. Sacco, MD P’12

Leslie & Alfred P. Salvitti ’70 P’99 ’01

Kathleen & Brian C. Smith P’08

Carla & Michael A. Smyth P’18

Terri & Andrew P. Stimmler P’21 ’25

Mary Beth & Robert T. Szostak, Esq. ’72 P’04 ’10

Patricia Carroll, Esq. & Brian Tice P’13 ’16

Theresa Timlin P’20

Katherine & Patrick C. Timoney, Esq. ’84 P’19

Adolph J. Van Thuyne ’51

Peter & Amy Van Thuyne P’23

Susan & Benjamin J. Ventresca, Jr. ’70 P’95 ’96

Reilly & Brian T. Vesey ’89 P’26

Patty & Michael Vozniak, PharmD P’26

Elizabeth & Frederick Walker, III P’09 ’14

Elizabeth & Christopher J. Whiteside P’11

Rosa & Andre Zeibari P’21 ’23



NOVEMBER 4, 2024


Heather Kelly

Greg Gambel


Land Services USA, LLC


Essent US Holdings, Inc.

Firstrust Bank

International Chemical & Zurn Oil


BET Investments, Inc.

Bradford White Corporation

The Carfagno Family

The Garrett and Lasky Families

Global Packaging

IMC Construction

James D. Morrissey, Inc.

M&T Bank

Mulhern & Kulp Structural Engineering


Christian Brothers Community of La Salle College High School

James J. Clearkin, Inc.

Danella Companies, Inc.

The DePaul Group

Hermosa Concierge CosMedics

Marty Reddington Contracting

ShorQuip Supply, Inc.

United Color Manufacturing, Inc.



Antheil, Maslow & MacMinn, LLP

Autobahn Motor Sports

Class of 1972

Gary Barbera On The Boulevard

Dan Lepore & Sons Company

Brothers of the Christian Schools –District of Eastern North America

Farrell Wealth Management Group of Janney Montgomery Scott

Fox Rothchild LLP

Gannon Insurance Agency, Inc.

Goldfish Swim School

House of Colour – Colleen Lunsford

Jenny’s Flowers & Landscaping, LLC

Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc.

The Matthews Family/Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, and Branzburg

The McKee Family

The Newmark Philly Multifamily Sales & Debt Team

Norristown Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Odell Studner Group

Silvi Materials

Sock Dental Implant and Oral Surgery

Sorelle Hair Studio

Superior Woodcraft

Vascular Surgical Specialists

W.F. Smith, Inc.



FEBRUARY 3, 2024


Betsy and Chuck Minnich ’85 P’18, P’20

Amy and John Minnich ’92 P’26



Ancillae-Assumpta Academy


Allegheny Iron & Metal Co., Inc. –Suzy and Kirk Dolaway ’90 P’23, P’25

Megan and Steve Brennan ’89 P’21 P’26

Foundation Capital Management, LLC –Betsy and Chuck Minnich ’85 P’18, P’20

Alicia and Joe Markmann ’92 P’25


BBL&B Charitable


Gillespie Electric, Inc.

Hermosa Concierge CosMedics –Angelique and John Dorsey P’26, P’27

Amy and Scott Wolpert ’84 P’26


Tony DePaul & Son

The Hyer Family P’10, P’17

Susan and Jim McGoldrick ’90 P’24

Sue and Mark Mischler ’81 P’11, P’13

Laura and Michael Savage P’15, P’20


Marissa and Michael Costonis P’19

Sara and John Faliveno P’27, P’24

Cheryl and Steve Gardner ’72

The Glenside Pub – The Coll Family P’22

La Salle College High School

Christian Brothers Community

Erin and Matt McKee P’24

The McShane, D’Angelo, and Stowe Families

Betsy and Chuck Minnich ’85 P’18, ’20

Mount Saint Joseph Academy

Robin and Chris Solecki ’89 P’24, P’27


Kelley and Keith Binsfeld ’96 P’26

Mary Jean and Christopher Carabello ’82 P’20

Jeanne and Terry Hisey P’17

Lisa and John Litvak P’27

JoAnn and George Magnatta ’73

Alma and Fran Martino P’10, P’15, P’23

Thelma and Harry May P’97

Susan and Patrick McGinley ’90 P’27

Meg and Pat McGinn ’87 P’20, P’21

Amy and John Minnich ’92 P’26

Lisa and Sean Purvis P’22, P’26

Sharp Financial

Melissa and Jonathan Shevlin ’95 P’26

Yenny and David Stauffer P’25

Mary Beth and Bob Szostak ’72 P’04, P’10

Kathleen and David Tavolaro P’15


Maura and Dan Diehl ’85 P’17, P’19

The Passarella Family P’26

Treasure Sign


Julie and Mark Desmond P’18, P’26

Brother William DiPasquale, FSC

Matthew and Jennifer Fisher P’27

Amy and Dale Lintner ’86 P’10, P’12, P’12, P’15

Prime Sheet Metal, Inc.

Colleen and Joseph Seiberlich P ’19, P’22, P’27






Walker & Dunlap


Apple Walnut Cafe and Market

DePaul Group




Body Borneman

Chapman Group

Clarence J. Venne Foundation

Class of 1972

Convex Insurance

E&M Insurance & Meagher Family


Fenningham Dempster & Coval LLP

Firstrust Bank

Friends of Gavin Hyer ’17

Froot-Salads, Bowls & Smoothies

Global Packaging

Haverford Trust

Matthew Hess ’04

Jaguar Land Rover Main Line

Johnson Kendall Johnson, Inc.

Kevin Hughes, CPA

Karl Kyriss ’68

Legacy Advisors, LLC

Magnum Contractors

Markmann Family

Miller Brothers

Minford Foundation

Savage Family

ShorQuip Supply, Inc.

TriState Capital Bank

United States Roofing Corporation

USI Insurance Services, LLC

Utility Line Services


Gola Corporate Real Estate


Mercedes-Benz of Fort Washington


Blank Rome, LLP

Chesheim Dental

Cloverly Wealth Management

The Dezzi Group

MSS, Inc.

Muntz Financial

Palopoli Family

Silverman, Trottman Schneider & Lalli, LLC

The Kenney Group


John Diehl ’76, Joe Diehl ’80, Steve Diehl ’87

Joe Hand Promotions

Main Line Periodontics & Dental Implants

MSS, Inc.

Nello Construction Company, Inc.


Rovi Family

The Kenney Group

The Personal Touch

Treasure Sign

Trident Advisors, Inc.

Wisler Pearlstine, LLP Mike Clement’67, Jim Garrity ’70



Established in 2012 by Mrs. Francy Kent, a former President of the Mothers’ Club and Past Trustee, the 180 Degree Club is based on the premise that collectively, a group of alumnae mothers could change the life of a deserving young man by providing him with financial assistance to attend La Salle College High School. Every year they sponsor a student through graduation. Celebrating the graduation of its third student, we would like to recognize all of the supporters over the last twelve years.

Sherry W. Mischler, Chair

Karen S. Guerra, Chair Emeritus

Francy D. Kent, Founder and Chair Emeritus

Mothers Club

Alumnae Anonymous (1)

Anonymous (2)

Kate Adriaansen

Kimberly Agnew

Christine Armetta

Maureen Barrett

Lauren Barrow

Megan Bethel

Michele Boesch

Meg Borneman

Patricia Botero

Tara Boyd

Pat Brabson

Lucy Breen

Kelly Cahill

Mary Jean Carabello

Kathy Caramenico

Lu Ann Catinella

Gay Cattie

Agnes Cavalcante

Beth Chandler

Mary Chandler

Christine Cheeseman

Mary Ciammetti

Michele Cleary

Jennifer Connaghan

Beth Ann Corr

Kate Corr

Audrey Corrado

Frances Cross

Annette Crovo

Kimberly Cummings

Loretta Curci

Tom Curran

Lisa Dallas

Ursula de Luca

Lisa DeCinque

Anne Delaney

MaryAnn DelBalzoCassizzi

Ellen Derr

Elizabeth Dessen

Susan Devlin

Rita DiAntonio

Ann DiFiore

Michele DiPede

Donnamaria Dolan

Stephanie Dolan

Mary Dolaway

Mary Ann Donnelly

Peggy Driscoll

Mary Louise DurhamButler

Margaret Eisenschmid

Nancy Emma

Mary Farrington

Patricia Fasano

Maureen Fenningham

Karen Ferrante

Donna Ferrier

Lisa Finnegan

Karen Fisco

Lisa Forsyth

Vivian Funchion

Janet Furmanski

Bridgette Fusaro

Carita Geib

Christine Giaimo

Susan Gillespie

Eileen Gimpel

Maureen Gorman

Liz Grady

Karen Guerra

Liz Guidi

Carol Haggerty

Leslie Hamilton

Angela Haney

Kathleen Hannan

Luci Harp

Eileen Hartnett

Karen Helbling

Stephanie Higgins

Regina Hisey

April Hladczuk

Stephanie Jeitner

Caren Johnston

Mary Pat Joyce

Cynthia Kane

Maria Karrash

Leigh Karsch

Eleanore Keenan

Patricia Kelly

Pat Kempf

Patty Kennedy

Francy Kent

Melissa Kerr

Maryeva Kindelan

Karen Knight

Carolyn Kramer

Michelle Krumenacker

Julie Kwok

Colleen Lapowsky

Patricia Larkin

Miriam Lavin

Sally Leathersich

Christen Lentz

Christina Letcavage

Mary Rose Lynch

Nicole Lyons

Barbara MacIntosh

Karen Anne Madden

Kelly Madden

Meghan Mahon

Diane Mallee

Christine Maloney

Renee Mangano

Mary Mann

Deirdre Marino

Eileen Markman

Carolyn Markowski

Peggy Martin

Alma Martino

Patty Marx-Kennedy

Donna Marzullo

Jean Massi

Linda McAnespey

Janet McBride

Mary Pat McDevitt

Bonnie McDonald

Susan McErlean

Amy McGowan

Donna McGrother

Anne Marie McHugh

Jeanne McLaughlin

Shay Meagher

Trish Meehan

Pamela Melinson

Mary Merlini

Sharon Mester

Maryann Meves

Nicole Miller-


Maureen Mischler

Sherry Mischler

Sue Mischler

Kelly Mitchell

Mary Moran

Andrea Morroney

Nancy Morrow

Theresa Murray

Donna Nealon

Cathy Needle

Martha Newell

Margaret Noonan

Andrea Paglione

Cheryl Palantino

Katie Palopoli

Barbara Parkes

Danielle Porreca

Jennifer Princivalle

Joanne Quinn Ravina

Susan Quirk

Miriam Ralston

Linda Reeves

Jeanne Reiche

Peggy Rhoads

Amy Rovi

Patricia Ryan

Laura Savage

Molly Scheffey

Julie Schuck

Jeanette Self

Lynn Seth

Ileana Shott

Jeanne ShuttleworthHearn

Dianne Signoretta

Sharon Silvestri

Trish Sinnott

Donna Slabinski

Kathleen Smith

Catherine Stefanski

Kathy Tavolaro

Jackie Toner

Carol Tornetta

Bernadette Tracey

Joann Treacy

Kelli Twomey

Susan Ventresca

Karen Vizza

Liz Walker

Therese Wells

Marycatherine Wigglesworth

Charlotte Wilkins

Cathy Winning

Ingrid Witkowski

Dana Worthington

Lori Zapf



Mr. Douglas O’Dell


Mr. John Shimp


Patrick J. Farris Esq. ’79


Joseph A. Greco ’69


Mr. & Mrs. William J. Selph, Jr. ’76


John D. Mallach ’96

Kyle C. Mallach 97


Mr. & Mrs. W. Dean Karrash

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Whiteside

BNY Mellon

Mrs. Christie Burns

David F.X. Cianci ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cresko



Mr. Peter Groff

Dr. Sheila Kelly-Lonieski

Dr. Michele A. Cleary


Mr. & Mrs. William M. Ryan


Mr. & Mrs. John A. Curran

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dalfo, Jr.


Mrs. Jackie Toner


Mr. Dany Doucet & Mrs. Genevieve Gelinas

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Harvey

Marc A. Holbert ’95

James E. Lyons, Jr. ’16

Mr. Sean Maguire, VMD & Mrs. Margretta Milles

Mrs. Rosanna Mirabile


Joseph A. Splendido ’15


John B. Millard III ’85


Mr. Michael D. Jones


Robert F. Donahue ’90


Mr. James Bonner

Mrs. Katherine M. Timoney

Mr. Wayne Zimmerman


Mr. Todd DiGiuseppe


Mr. Gregory S. Assenmacher

Mr. Thomas Barklage

Mrs. Susan Hohenleitner

Mrs. Katie M. Kokol

Mr. Kevin A. Lasky

Mrs. Kim Malone

Joseph W. Markmann, PhD ’92

Mr. Christopher McShane

Mrs. Therese M. Wells

Mrs. Amy Wolpert


Paul J. Egitto ’75


Mr. Timothy Bradbury


Timothy G. Curran ’97

Mr. John Grabish


Michael J. Glaccum ’04


Mr. Sean Buchanan


Patrick T. McGinn ’87


Phillip M. Goldman ’80

Ryan H. Winslow ’13


Brian M. Baniewicz ’95

Stephen R. Dachowski ’88

Mrs. Anne M. Delaney

Mr. Steven Detwiler

Mrs. Sharon Ernst

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Faliveno, II

Brian J. Fitzgerald ’90

Mr. Vincent A. Frascatore

Mrs. Kristine McCann-Harkins

Mr. & Mrs. Walt J. Harkins

Mrs. Christine D. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kim

Clifford M. Mars ’82

Dr. George Y. Tokiwa

Dr. Michael Vozniak


Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brogan

William J. Selph, Jr. ’76


William S. Conway ’68


Mark A. Campellone ’79


Anthony M. Stonis ’64


Mrs. Christie Bielinski


Timothy P. McMahon ’89


Eric R. Heisner ’08


Philip W. Goodwin ’96

Charles M. Greenberg ’82

Kevin M. Scully ’91

Mrs. Dawn Vahey


Andrew J. Stone ’13


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Laudadio

Matthew R. Laudadio ’14


Joseph P. Curran ’63


Kevin M. Olender ’93


Michael A. Manzi ’01

Nicholas J. Petaccio ’16


John R. Kichula ’87


Robert E. Murphy ’55


Richard J. Target ’99


Christopher A. Ciufo ’05

Mr. John J. Cronin

Anthony M. Esposito, Jr. ’11

Joseph M. Guiliano ’12

Nicholas J. Jordal ’98

Mrs. Lauren Shapiro

Nathan M. Will ’93


Mr. Brian J. Koniers


Peter D. Loftus ’88


Mr. John P. Brady

Mr. David J. Cawley


Joseph E. Abbott ’70


John S. Grady, Jr. ’85


Mr. James P. McFadden ’61



Mr. A. Victor Meitner, Jr., Esq. ’62


Mr. & Mrs. Mark Voigt


Mr. Joseph M. Flynn & Mrs. Margaret M. Harvey-Flynn

Mr. Nicholas Hano


Mr. Mark McKane


Mr. Albert H. Them, III ’61


Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. Bono


Mr. Robert F. Weikel, Jr. ’86


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Amato


LTC Robert B. Byrnes, USA(Ret) ’59


Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gold

Ms. Amy Blau

Mr. Clint Blithe & Mr. Andy Maggion

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giampa

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grossfeld

Ms. Amy Rubinoff & Mr. Eric Faigenbaum

Mr. & Mrs. Abe Studnick


Michael B. Meyer, Jr. ’16


Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Carr ’62


Philip E. Cassidy, Jr. ’70


Ms. Jamie A. Black


Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Mueller


Mr. James J. Finnegan & Mrs. Lynne Valitski

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Meko

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Moran

Mr. Michael A. O’Toole & Ms. Mary Lou Castaldi

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Signoretta


Anthony M. Clemente ’80


Mr. Ryan M. Lindsay ’08


Mrs. Constance Coyle


Mr. Connor Curran ’19


Dr. Damian D. Dachowski, DMD ’80 & Mrs. Susan Matthews Dachowski

Dr. & Dr. Edward A. Dachowski ’78



Christopher Jungers ’78


Mr. Patrick M. McCann ’87


Miss Christine Black

Ms. Jamie A. Black


Ms. Lynn Detwiler


Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Blatney ’87

Mr. Christopher Blexrud

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Mrs. Mary Ann Cassizzi

Chariot Solutions

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Coll

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Dachowski ’88

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. D’Angelo ’88

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diez

Mrs. Helen Dooley

Mr. Charles A. Dotger, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William Ford

Ms. Ellen Guest

Mr. Kevin J. Harkins & Mrs. Kristine M. McCann-Harkins

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Harrison

Drs. & Dr. Andrew B. Junkin, DDS

Mr.Harrison James Karsch ’23

Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. LaMorte, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lavin

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Levy

Mrs. Candance Maggioncalda

Mr. & Mrs. William C. McLaughlin

Hon. & Mrs. James R. Melinson

Ms. Andrea Okagawa

Mrs. Gina Rappaport

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Schuck, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Silvestri

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Smigiel

Ms. Emily Spitale

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Tavolaro

Mr. & Mrs. David Brian Tavolaro

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thorell

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Vahey, Sr.


Mrs. Tinamarie A. Dougherty


Mr. Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61


Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Dunton

Mr. Donald W. MacIntyre


Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Farris, Esq. ’79


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Cross, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq. ’93


Mrs. Pattiann Ponichtera


Mr. Edwin H. Abernethy, Jr. ’73

Mr. Dennis Brown

Mr. Timothy F. Brown

Mr. Francis W. Connors & Mrs. Mary K. Flannery

Ms. Katherine A. Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown


Mr. Edwin H. Abernethy, Jr. ’73

Mr. Dennis Brown

Mr Timothy F. Brown

Mr. Francis W. Connors & Mrs. Mary K. Flannery

Ms. Katherine A. Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown


Ms. Katherine A. Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown


Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bossow

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Brett, II

Mrs. Judith Carnevale

Ms. Barbara Cohen Cotswold Industries

Ms. Deanna Coyne

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. DelPlato

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Devine

Mr. Eric A. Diccianni & Mrs. Dawn Elliott-Diccianni

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diez

Dr. & Mrs. Robert DiGregorio

Mr. John J. Dwyer & Hon. Juanita A. Dwyer

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Fenningham, Esq.

Mr. Joseph Ferreri

Mrs. Mary Therese Ferro

Mrs. Robin Fireman

Mrs. Eireann Flynn

Mr. Michael P. Gregor & Mrs. Kelly Vesey

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Harrington

Mrs. Lisa Hughes

Hon. & Mrs. George T. Kenney, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John R. McNeil, III

Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Needle

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. O’Mara, III

Ms. Mary Lou Castaldi & Mr. Michael A. O’Toole ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Palopoli, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. George A. Porreca, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Romanelli, III

Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sasso, Esq.

Mrs. Meg Searing

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Sr.

Ms. Georgine Trumpbour

Mrs. Danielle Viands

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zale




Dr. Peter W. Frey, PhD ’56

Mrs. Christie E. Burns


Mrs. Vivian Funchion



Bro. Mark Brown, FSC

Mr. Glenn L. Fricke ’65

Bro. John Kane, FSC ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Lynch ’76


Dr. & Mrs. John J. Deeney, MD ’71

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Dwyer, CFP ’71


Mrs. Christie E. Burns


Ms. Peggy Boyce Furey

Ms. Karen Coll

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cymerman

Mr. Sanford Feuer

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fucich

Mrs. Josephine F. Garson

Mr. Christopher S. Ginieczki

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ginieczki, MD

Ms. Lynn Johnson

Mrs. Rita D. Ludwig

Mrs. Florence Macgibeny

Mr. & Mrs. John Pelszynski

Mr. Wylie Peterson

Ms. Denise Pliszka

Mrs. Shelli Ross

Ms. Melissa Volterano

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Weidner

Dr. William M. Wixted, MD


Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Stimmler


Mr. & Mrs. William J. McFadden


Mrs. Julia K. Maher ’14


Mr. Joseph P. Hand, III ’76


Brian A. Hanes ’72


Mrs. Roy Hanshaw


Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wilson


Mr. Peter Myers

Mrs. Katherine M. Timoney


Mr. Jesse Cooper


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Houldin, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Meehan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mirabile

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Murray

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O’Kane

Our Lady of Mercy Regional Catholic School

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Walker, III


Mr. & Mrs. William P. Henry ’56


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Gallagher, Esq. ’64

Ms. Sybil Terres Gilmar

Mrs. Jill Gregori

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Horner

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hughes, Esq. ’67

Isdaner & Company

Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Madden, MD ’59

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Madden, Jr. ’65

Mr. William J. Mastalski ’64

Mr. Richard McCabe

Ms. Jane McNeil

Ms. Kathleen Pezzella

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie E. Schmalbach, Jr. ’60

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Vergare, MD ’63

Ms. Joan Wachlin

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Whelan, Esq. ’63


Mr. & Mrs. David F. X. Cianci ’86

Mrs. Elizabeth M. Korsch


Mr. C. Clark Hodgson, III, Esq. ’06

Mrs. Denise D. Hodgson


Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Murphy ’67


Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Araco, Jr. ’90

Mr. Mark Asher

Dr. Scott Barron

Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Baumann

Ms. Katharine P. Benton

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Bown

Ms. Tracy Brala

Caldwell Family Charitable Fund

Mr. Paul Canadine

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Caranci

Mrs. Margaret R. Carannante

Mrs. Amanda Cascio

Mr. Ross J. Choate Jr. ’17

Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Choate, Sr.

Mr. John R. Cook ’16

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Cook

Mr. & Mrs. Louis T. Dearstyne, II

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Diasio

Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. DiFiore

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dolaway ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Duffine

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Durkin

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dwyer

Ms. Anna Evich

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ewell

Ms. Melva M. Exner

Mr. & Mrs. D. Ryan Farragut ’93

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Farris ’81

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feeney

Ms. Rebecca A. Fellerman

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Flood

Mr. Vincent A. Frascatore & Ms. Colleen Belz

Ms. Barbara Gaeta

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hayes

Mr. Marc Held

Mr. & Mrs. F. Lawrence Helmick, Jr. ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hughes, Esq. ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hyer

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hyer

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Johnston, Sr.

Mrs. Angel Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kenefic ’91

Mrs. Tonia Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Koschineg, III ’91

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Loftus, Esq. ’81

Mr. Patrick J. Loftus, III ’17

Mr. Edward L. Loftus ’19

Mr. Bruce Loversidge & Ms. Marylou Schmidt

Ms. Bonnie Jean Lyons

Mr. James E. Lyons, Jr. ’16

Mrs. Julia K. Maher ’14

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Marzullo

Mr. Kevin McKay

Mr. & Mrs. James A. McKechnie

Mr. & Mrs. Austin A. Meehan ’79

Mr. Brendan J. Meeks ’17

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Meeks

Mr. Kevin Mylod

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O’Kane ’79

Our Lady of Mercy Regional School

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Peifer, CPA

PinnacleCare Sun Life

Mrs. Marilyn Pymm

Ms. Mary Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Roebuck

Ms. Therese M. Ryan

Mr. Bernard E. Saxon, CPA ’85

SBJ Resch Family Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schreder

Mr. Robert Scully

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas M. Signoretta

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Smith ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Adam R. Stefanowicz, Jr. ’80

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steffens

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Tavolaro

Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas

Thomas Financial Group

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Tramo

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Tyrrell ’91

Mr. Kevin P. Whitney & Ms. Pam Zbrzeznj


Ms. Deena Dimmer

Dr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Kurek, DMD ’84

Mr. Allen Nixon

Mrs. Donna Smith


Mr. James P. Joyce ’64


Mrs. Mary Lynn Panunto



Mr. Kevin P. Baker ’00

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Brassell ’03

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Burns ’75

Mr. Joseph A. Cosella, III ’03

Dr. P. Maxwell Courtney, MD ’03 & Dr. Courtney Nelson, MD

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Creed ’03

Mrs. Risa Cretella

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DiMarco

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Dwyer ’03

Mr. Timothy F. Dwyer, Jr. ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Farrell

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Feeley ’03

Mr. James P. Gardner ’03

Mr. Michael J. Glaccum ’04

Mr. James P. Harkins ’03

Mr. Brendan M. Heck ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Rory M. Heenan ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Horan, Sr.

The Matt Kelly Never Forgotten Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kelly

Lachman Family Charitable Fund

Mr. Matthew J. Loftus ’03

Lord , Abbott & Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. McGurkin ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. McGurkin ’03

Mr. Richard McKnight

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Naab ’03

Mr. Christopher D. Reedman ’03

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Slover, III ’04

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Winning ’03


Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Bailey

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. Borneman

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Mr. David A. Cianci ’20

Ms. Susan Clarke

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Costello

Mr. Kyle J. Cullen ’20

Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diez

Mr. & Mrs. David Faus

Mrs. Eireann Flynn

Mrs. Kelly Vesey & Mr. Michael P. Gregor ’81

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Johnston, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Kennedy

Mr. Brian Kenney

Hon. & Mrs. George T. Kenney, Jr. ’75

Mr. Edward L. Loftus ’19

Mr. Finn M. Loftus ’22

La Salle College High School Class of 2020

Mr. Matthew E. Makoid ’20

Mr. & Mrs. James Malone

Mr. James F. Mangano, III ’20

Marsh McLennan Agency

Mr. & Mrs. Anton Marzano

Mr. Kevin M. McCrea, Jr. ’20

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony McIntyre

Mr. & Mrs. William C. McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Meagher ’89

Mr. Austin A. Meehan, Jr. ’08

Hon. & Mrs. William A. Meehan, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Muldoon

Ms. Karen Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Jamie O’Curran

Mr. Jack G. Pilling ’22

PWD Lubricants, Inc.

Mr. Michael D. Quirk ’22

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Rittenhouse, III ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr.

Starboard Boat Cleaning, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Trymbiski

Speaker Michael C. Turzai

Mrs. Geri Verlaque

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Voigt

Mr. Jerry Vorobec & Mrs. Maureen A. Ginley

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Wagner

Mr. Harry A. Young

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Nehlig

Mr. & Mrs. Jamie O’Curran

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Kane

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Pomrink

Mrs. Cynthia Ritchie

Mr. Robin J. Robinson ’67

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rumore

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Sabia, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Shields

Mrs. Felice R. Stack

Speaker Michael C. Turzai

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tutelman

Mrs. Geri Verlaque

Ms. Jennifer Watt

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Wert

Mrs. & Mrs. Thomas A. Wilken

Mr. Harry A. Young

Mr. & Mrs. William Zuccarini

Mr. & Mrs. James Malone

Mr. Kevin M. McCrea, Jr. ’20

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel V. Wagner


Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kerr Jr. II


Mr. Geoffrey J. Kierstead ’62


Mrs. Maryanne Kirk


Ms. Kathleen D. McCaffrey


Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. van Bastelaar


Ms. Dianne B. Adzema

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adzema

Mrs. Erin Allen

Mr. Timothy Andrews

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore L. Astolfi, Esq.

Ms. Gina E. Avitello & Mr. Rich Ostriak

Mrs. Kelly Avrigian

Mr. Mason Avrigian, Jr.

Mr. Anindya Banerjee

Mr. Matthew Barnes

Ms. Michele Bell

Mrs. Kristen Benckini

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bielinski

Mr. Kevin Bird

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bloom

Mr. & Mrs. Marco Boer

Ms. Stella Bradfield

Mr. Dennis Braig

Mr. David Brennan & Dr. Therese DiFlorio Brennan

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. ’89

Mrs. Nicole Brier

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Brooke

Mr. & Mrs. Ennio S. Bruno

Ms. Stephanie Buka

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Burt

Mrs. Patricia Canning

Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Carfagno

Mr. & Mrs. Christian H. Carlson

Cedarbrook Country Club

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Cifra

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis W. Clark, III

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Coates

Mrs. Janine Cockerham

Mr. & Mrs. Noel Collins

Mr. & Mrs. Noel Collins

Ms. Kelly Conches

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn J. Connaghan

Ms. Deborah Corn

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Dallas

Dr. Donald J. DeBrakeleer & Dr. Lynne DeBrakeleer

Mrs. Dawn Elliott-Diccianni & Mr. Eric A. Diccianni ’83

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Diebold

Mr. & Mrs. Todd DiGuiseppe

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Doyle

Mr. Don Dubuque

Mr. Steven M. Duccilli

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Erfle ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Fahey

Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Fifer

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Flaherty

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Forsyth

Ms. Lauren Frick

Mr. & Mrs. James Frick

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friedman

Mrs. Mary Gaffney

Mrs. Ann B. Galardi

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Gambel, Jr.

Mr. Robert A. Gibbons, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Giovanniello

Mr. Jack Glacken

Mrs. Dorlisa Goodrich Young

Mr. & Mrs. John Grabish

Ms. Carleen Gray

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hajcak

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Harbison

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harris

Helms Briscoe

Mrs. Megan Herman

Mrs. Lane Hickey-Wiggins

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Holder

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hotham

Ms. Jacqueline A. Hudmon

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Jackson

Ms. Carla Johanns

Ms. Carol Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Raj Kapur

Mr. & Mrs. Boyd A. Kelly ’93

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Kennedy

Hon. & Mrs. George T. Kenney, Jr. ’75

Mr. Dennis Kern

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kerr

Ms. Carolyn King

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Kunko

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kutzler ’65

Current La Salle Students

La Salle College High School Class of 2024

Mrs. Julie E. Lamond

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Lasky ’96

Mrs. Marcella M. Lavelle

Mr. Lance Lenny

Mr. Vince Leskusky

Ms. Mary Anne Leskusky & Mr. Joseph Lazovi

Mrs. Carol A. Leskusky

Mr. Daniel Leskusky

Mrs. Stefanie Lindsay

Mrs. Christina Lipsky

Mr. Thayer Long

Mr. Christopher Longo

Mr. Scott Lord

Mr. & Mrs. George P. Lynch, Jr.

Mrs. Julia K. Maher ’14

Col. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malizia, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan J. Mangan

Mr. Joseph Marin

Marriott International

Mr. James Martin

Mr. Robert N. Masucci

Mr. Francis McMahon

Mr. Ryan P. McPaul ’22

Mr. Aidan M. McPaul ’23

Mr. Michael Mekosh

Mr. Saverio Monteleone

Mr. & Mrs. Casey Moore

Mount Saint Joseph Academy Class of 1993

Mr. Peter Myers

Mrs. Susan Nofi

Ms. Eileen Nyzio

Mr. & Mrs. John F. O’Connor

Mr. Michael O’Hanlon

Ms. Susanne Olshefski

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pelone

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Perkins

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pisors

Mrs. Lisa Pistilli

Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott Porreca ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Price

Printing United Alliance

Ms. Ann Rackowski

Mr. David Rakow

Mr. Michael Ratcliff

Mrs. Magdelene E. Rich

Mr. David Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riter

Ms. Lisa Rooney

Mr. Richard Roth

Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Salvitti ’70

Salvo Rogers Elinski & Scullin

Mr. Tim Saur

Mr. Bernard E. Saxon, CPA ’85

Mr. Peter Schaefer

Mrs. Phyllis Schmidt

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Schmidt, Esq. ’91

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Schnellen

Ms. Chris Sedlacek

Seniority Club of Pottstown

Mrs. Lauren Shapiro

Mr. & Mrs. John Shimp

Show Down Displays

Ms. Rebecca Simmons

Mrs. Norma Spiteri

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Subers

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Subers

Mr. David Teasdale & Mrs. Jennifer Dicciani

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Vahey, Sr.

Ms. Anne Vanneman

Ms. Maria Varallo

Ventresca Travel

Mr. Jerry Vorobec & Mrs. Maureen A. Ginley

Mr. Kevin Walsh

Ms. Christine M. Wambold

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Warrender, Jr.

Mr. Stephen Welkley

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Wenhold ’94

Mr. Christopher White

Mr. Thomas Wittenberg

Ms. Jen Wysocki

Dr. Rafael Yanez & Mrs. Leslie Briceno-Yanex

Mr. & Mrs. John Zapf


Mr. Gregory T. Allen ’04

Mrs. Heather Barkdoll

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Bibus

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brogan

Mr. Luke A. Chadwick ’15

Mr. Colin D. Conway ’06

Ms. Lynn Detwiler

Mr. Steven S. Detwiler & Dr. Jeannine Colasante-Detwiler

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Finlay

Patrick J. Finlay, DVM ’13

Mr. Sean R. Finlay ’16

Mr. & Mrs. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr. 56

Dr. & Dr. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick, III ’96

Mr. Braeden P. Foley ’16

Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Mr. & Mrs. Christian C. Heine

Mrs. Jean Horn

Mr. Kevin F. Hughes ’00

Mr. J. Craig Keenan ’99

J. Michael Kowalski, II, MD ’96

Mr. Skip Landis

Mrs. Jennifer Lichtner

Ms. Sue MacInnes

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Maloney, Jr. ’93

Mr. Gerald J. McCaffrey

Mrs. Terri McKendry

Mr. Gerald Miller

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Palm ’93

Mrs. Linda Parkhouse

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Pue

Richboro Swim Team Fundraising

Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Romano ’94

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Silverman

Mr. Charles D. Stillwell

Mr. Paul Blase Szyszko ’09

Mrs. Christine R. Weller

Mr. Christopher W. Whelan ’01

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Worster ’10

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Yaegel ’96


Mr. Maxwell B. Luce ’07

Mr. William H. Luce


Mrs. Twink Michel & Mr. Thomas D. Michel ’69


Mrs. Katie M. Kokol

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Madden, Jr. ’65


Mr. Jonathan P. Allison

Mr Richard Ansel ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. ’89

Mr. John D. Brinkmann, Esq. ’70

Mr. John E. Butler ’91

Mr. Gerry Butler

Dr. Joseph S. Camardo, MD, FCPP ’70

Mr. Matthew K. Capetola ’02

Mr. & Mrs. John Chaisson

Mr. Peter A. Clark ’00

Mr. Keith A. Conlin ’91

Mr. John A. Corr ’69

Mr. Thomas J. Cosella ’08

Mr. Michael J. Cunningham ’91

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. D’Angelo ’88

Dr. Charles J. Dunton, MD ’70

Mr. Mark S. Eckert ’75

Dr. Jeffrey S. Fecher, PhD ’93

Mr. Michael E. Feeny ’69

Mr. Brett T. Foley ’00

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie A. Frazier

Mrs. Carol Haggerty

Ms. Sandra Harm

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Hotham

Mrs. Dawn Jonello

Mr. Stephen Jonello

Mr. Kevin J. Koch ’91

Mr. Thomas J. Kovac ’91

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Leuthe

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Levy

Mr. Ryan M. Lindsay ’08

Ms. Alisa Macksey

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Magarity, CPA ’03

Mr. Stephen M. Matthews ’91

Mr. James C. McGoldrick, Jr. ’90

Mr. Daniel L. McGowan

Mr. Joseph P. McNichol, III ’91

Mr. Daniel S. Meehan ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Jordan W. Mulrain ’00

Mr. David T. Naab ’70

Mr. Michael R. O’Neill ’95

Mr. Sean Padden

Mr. Thomas C. Ragusa ’93

Mr. William M. Ryan, Jr. ’23

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Seckinger

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Trymbiski

Mr. Michael D. Turner ’66

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Vahey, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Vinal

Mr. Michael V. Wagner & Mrs. Dana Barth-Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. Liam Wood


Col. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malizia, Jr.


USMC ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Clearkin ’99

Mr. Philip Cooney

Mr. Peter A. Nolan ’78


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hawley


Mr.Timothy W. McDonald ’99


Mr. John F. McGeehan ’74


Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Martyn


Ms. Amie Brucker

Ms. Shannon Brucker

Mrs. Mary Therese Ferro


Mr. Joseph P. McNichol, III ’91

Mr.Stephen J. McNichol ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. McNichol


Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Casey ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Desmond, Jr. ’86

Dr. & Mrs. Robert DiGregorio

Mr. Tyler J. Dunphy, Esq. ’11

Friendly Sons Of Saint Patrick

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Green ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Harrer ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly ’86

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Livingood, Jr., Esq. ’86

Mr. George Mark

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McGonigle ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Noonan ’86

Mr. Patrick O’Connor

Mr. Victor J. Suchodolski ’86

Verittas Risk Advisors, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Weikel, Jr. ’86

Verittas Risk Advisors, Inc.


Mrs. Debra A. Menta


Mrs. Barbara A. McLaren


Mr. Michael C. Lynch ’05


GBQ Partners

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi ’69

Dr. & Dr. Jim Huttner

Mr. & Mrs. E. Dennis Lehman, Jr. ’69

Ms. Sarah M. Maloney

Mr. Daniel McCarrie

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Milligan ’77

Ms. Rita Pollock

Mr. Robert M. Shoemaker

Mr. Robert Tully

Signature Bank, N.A.


Francis C. Muller ’76


Champaign Asphalt Company

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beggan

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Chancler

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Connor

Ms. Kathleen M. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dugery

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gagliardi

Mrs. Karen Gelb

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Gray

Mrs. Suzie Hawkins

Mr. Nathan Hayward

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Heenan

Mrs. Joyce Land

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Langston

Mr. Joseph McErlean

Mr. & Mrs. William J. McFadden

Dr. & Dr. Thomas L. Newman, Sr.

Ms. Kathleen Petrilli

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Prendergast ’56

Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Roach, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Ryan

Mr. Terry Taylor


Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Wert


Mrs. Ellen Higley O’Neill & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. O’Neill ’91


Mr. & Mrs. John E. Osborne ’58


Mr. & Mrs. John E. Osborne ’58


Mr. & Mrs. Skip Diederichsen

Ms. Maureen DiMercurio

Mr. Anthony J. Gavarone

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Huber

Lower Bucks Swim League

Mr. Gregory Webster

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Wolfinger, Jr. ’72


Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Panettieri ’78


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Lasky ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Paul ’76


Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Pidgeon


Dr. Scott L. Pescatore, PharmD ’93


Ms. Jamie A. Black


Mrs. Joan Hynes


Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rebelo


Mr. Edward C. Rice ’56


Mr. & Mrs. Lewis W. Clark, III

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Duzinski

Mr. William F. Ernst, IV ’18

Mr. Matthew J. Kwasizur ’07

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Larkin, Jr.

Mr. Shawn A. Miles ’05

Mr. Jeremy A. Miles ’08

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mullen

LT. & Mrs. Justin T. Price, USN ’07


Mr. Bernard E. Saxon, CPA ’85


Mr. Tim Travers & Ms. Marypat Tracy


Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. McCarthy


Mrs. Mary Ellen Rueter


Green Family Foundation

Mr. David Kornblatt

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moriarty


Mrs. Alma B. Sandman


Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Mills


Mr. Charles S. Blichasz ’66


Mr. Thomas L. Scully, CPA ’66


Mr. Eric M. Shelton ’90


Ms. Tara A. Sher


Mr. Edward G. Stafford ’75

o Other


Fr. Michael A. Tidd, OSB, EdD ’88

Bro. Robert R. Wilsbach, FSC ’65

Mr. & Mrs. D. Bruce Hanes

Thank you and welcome! Your gift entitles you to membership in the Signum Fidei Society. I’d like to learn more about:


o Making a gift from will/living trust

Ms. Lori-Stokes Powers & Mr. Edward Powers, III

Mrs. Maryann Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly

Mr. Michael Moors

Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Reese

Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan

o Designating retirement plans or life insurance

o IRA Charitable Rollover

o Charitable Gift Annuities

o Making a gift of real estate


o Making a gift of stock

Mr. T. Christopher Kelly ’89

Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Schwartz


Rudi H. Trickel ’74


Name(s) _________________________________________________________________________


Ms. Mary DeViso

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Fasano ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Giampapa

Ms. Barbara Hamilton

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Thuyne


Mr. Eugene C. Barbera, Jr. ’77

Mrs. Kelly Vesey


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. O’Kane ’79


Mr. Brendan J. Whelan ’94


Mr. Eugene C. Barbera, Jr. ’77


Join the Signum Fidei Society at La Salle

Planned gifts to La Salle College High School—large and small—help to ensure the tradition of a Lasallian education and that qualified students from throughout the Delaware Valley can attend La Salle regardless of their economic background. Donors who include La Salle College High School in their estate plans or arrange for other planned gifts to La Salle are enrolled in the Signum Fidei Society. “The Sign of Faith” is emblematic of our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Through their thoughtful and generous gift planning Signum Fidei Society Members are leaving a legacy to benefit future generations of La Salle students. If you’re interested in learning more about joining the Signum Fidei Society at La Salle through a planned gift, please contact Jon Allison at (215) 402-4813 or


Year 2


Extra Credit

If you qualify, you can submit the di erence between your gi and the credit from

Donate Write the SPE a check for the amount of your donation.

Take Credit

Bolstered by the #350forOpportunity Challenge Grant from John Butler ’91 to the Joe Magarity Fund to Promote Diversity, Educational Opportunity & Life Skills, #LSCHSGivingTuesday saw widespread support from the La Salle community on this global day of generosity. As the day reached its final hours, #350forOpportunity was unlocked, further extending the impact of the day’s many contributions from alumni, parents, grandparents, Christian Brothers, faculty, staff, trustees, and friends of La Salle.

This year’s celebration of generosity kicked off on May 14th and ran through the traditional feast day of Saint John Baptist de La Salle on May 15, 2024, garnering support from all facets of the La Salle College High School community. We thank all those who joined in on this marathon of giving, contributing to an array of different funds and initiatives benefiting current and future Explorers.

We thank all those who showed their class pride and joined in on the 2nd Annual Explorer Madness Participation Challenge! This three-week competition involving 68 classes awarded points for contributions made to any fund or initiative, as well as for updating one’s alumni information, with the Classes of 1993, 1970, and 1974 claiming 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively. Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone who participated in Explorer Madness!

Join fellow alumni and friends for the annual induction of athletes, teams, and coaches into the La Salle College High School Hall of Athletics.


Brother Joseph Reagan, FSC ’33


John W. Barrett ‘03

Michael W. Morsell ‘97

Eugene “Gene” D. Schall, Jr. ‘88 TEAMS Cross


The Office of Institutional Advancement is proud to oversee a growing number of named endowment funds that have been established to provide financial assistance in perpetuity to students who wish to attend La Salle College High School. In most instances, the individuals who established these funds outlined specific criteria for disbursing the annual interest earnings on the funds. These funds have been established by alumni, parents and friends of La Salle College High School. New funds established in 2023-24 are highlighted in BLUE.

The Lisa Agnew Scholarship in honor of John T. “JT” Reis ’14 and Brandon P. Reis ’17, established in 2017 the scholarship will support a David Program tuition for a deserving student who qualifies for financial aid and demonstrates a strong work ethic and demonstrated desire to succeed.

The A. Edward Allinson ’52 Grant Fund, established in 1999, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Alumni Association Grant Fund, established in 1997, provides financial assistance to sons and grandsons of alumni.

The Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC Scholarship Fund, established in 1997, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Brother Kevin Strong, FSC Award for Chorus Fund, established in 2020, by the Corr Family, the fund provides an award to a graduating senior in recognition of his participation in the Choral Program.

The James & Barbara Basile Grant Fund, established in 1998 by James Basile, Esq., ’82 to honor his parents and provide financial assistance to students from the Roxborough area of Philadelphia.

The Robert S. Blasi Family Trust Fund, established in 1987 by the Hon. and Mrs. Robert S. Blasi, funds the Principal’s Medal at graduation for the senior with the highest scholastic average for four years.

The Amadio Buccini ’59 Scholarship Fund, established in 2001, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Carr Family Fund, established in 2014 by Susan and Michael T. Carr ’62 in memory of his parents Emile and Anne Carr, and brother CPT Donald J. Carr, USAF ’70, the fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with a special consideration of students from Our Lady of Hope (formerly Holy Child) parish.

The Frank Cassidy ’08 Endowment Fund, established in 2024, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need, with a preference to young men who are matriculating from St. Genevieve School, Flourtown, PA or from Springfield Township, Montgomery County, PA.

The Phil and Jane Cassidy Financial Aid Endowment Fund, established in 2001, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Class of 1957 Endowment Fund, established in 2023 in honor of their 65th Reunion, the fund provides financial assistance to students with demonstrated need with a preference for students residing in the City of Philadelphia.

The Class of 1958 William R. Regli Endowment Fund, established in 2018 in memory of their classmate, provides financial assistance to academically focused students who demonstrate need and participate in clubs and activities, for example, Robotics, Forensics and service initiatives. They must also have demonstrated leadership potential in these areas in their grade school communities.

The Class of 1965 Grant Fund, established in 2018 by the members of the Class of 1965, provides financial aid to students with demonstrated need.

The Class of 1968 Endowment Fund, established in 2018 by the members of the Class of 1968 on the 50th Anniversary of their graduation, the fund provides financial aid to students with demonstrated need.

The Father Anthony W. Janton Class of 1969 Endowment Fund, established in 2013 by the members of the Class of 1969, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Class of 1970 – Brother Carl Clayton, FSC Endowment Fund, established in 2020 by the members of the Class of 1970 on the 50th Anniversary of their graduation, provides financial aid to students demonstrating need. The Fund celebrates the Lasallian brotherhood of the Class of ’70 and honors a Christian Brother who dedicated nearly 25 years of his life to the young men at La Salle College High School.

The Class of 1972 Endowment Fund, established in 2022 by the members of the Class of 1972 on the 50th Anniversary of their graduation, the fund provides financial aid to students with demonstrated need.

The Class of 1973 Endowment Fund, established in 2023 in honor of their 50th Reunion, the fund provides financial assistance to deserving students.

The Class of 1973 Spirit Award Grant Fund, established in 2020 by the Colgan Foundation and Sean P. Colgan ’73, the fund’s purpose is to provide an endowment for a bursary to be given at graduation to the student who has worked the hardest to promote a healthy sense of participation and enthusiasm for the full range of activities at La Salle College High School.

The Class of 1974 Endowment Fund, established in 2014 by the members of the Class of 1974, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Class of 1976 Endowment Fund, established in 2018 by the members of the Class of 1976, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Class of 1979 Endowment Fund, established in 2014 by the members of the Class of 1979, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

Class of 1984 – Brother Andrew Bartley, FSC Grant Fund, established in 2019 on their 35th Reunion, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need and recognizes a dedicated and accomplished Christian Brother who was such an eloquent, spirited ambassador for La Salle College High School.

The Class of 1985 Endowment Fund, established in 2014 by the members of the Class of 1985, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Colgan Medal for History Grant Fund, established in 2020 by the Colgan Foundation and Sean P. Colgan ’73, the fund’s purpose is to provide an endowment for a bursary to be given annually at graduation to a student who has excelled in the subject of History.

The Beatrice Dachowski Trust Fund, established in 1983 by Dr. Edward Dachowski, in memory of his wife, Beatrice, provides an annual award to a graduating senior who best exemplifies the principles of St. John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers.

The D’Alfonso Family Scholarship Fund, established in 1998 by Bro. John D’Alfonso, FSC ’55 to honor his parents, John and Anna, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Brother Kevin M. Dalmasse, FSC Forum Fund, established in 2014 by Nancy and David L. Bailin with contributions from James F. Basile, Esq. ’82 and Arthur J. Burke III, Esq ’85, the fund will provide financial support for the Speech & Debate Team to supplement the team’s budget.

The James & Mary Jo Danella Grant Fund, established in 1999, provides financial assistance to students from the Conshohocken area.

The David Program Fund, established in 2017, provides support for academic service for need-based students with specific learning needs to attend La Salle College High School, in addition to general support of the David Program.

The Dr. Thomas F. Devlin ’61 Memorial Fund, established in 2023, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need, with a preference to young men who have previously demonstrated academic success.

The Richard D. DiBella ’71 Grant Fund, established in 2006, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Eric A. Diccianni ’83 Endowment Fund, established in 2024, provides financial support for the Swimming Program to supplement the team’s budget, including but not limited to equipment/capital needs, funds for travel and training, and supporting student financial needs to cover any costs associated with team membership.

The David T. Diehl ’55 Scholarship Fund, established in 2002, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Donahue-Fitzpatrick Endowment Fund, established in 2006, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates from Philadelphia.

The Saint Katherine Drexel Scholarship Fund, established in 1998, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the Gesu School and/or surrounding neighborhoods in North Philadelphia.

The Charles and Gertrude Dunleavy Grant Fund, established in 1999 by Charles E. Dunleavy, Jr. ’61 in honor of his parents. This fund provides financial assistance to deserving students with special consideration to candidates from the Wyndmoor area.


The Joseph Vincent Dunton Grant Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates who are sons or grandsons of Philadelphia Police Officers primarily and Philadelphia Fire Fighters secondarily.

The Robert J. Durney ’57 Endowment Fund in memory of John H. and Marie C. Durney for La Salle College High School, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates of African-American descent graduating from St. Malachy School.

The James G. Dwyer ’53 Scholarship Fund, established in 1999, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The John Feeny ’64 Trust Fund, established in 1979 in his memory by his sisters and brothers, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The J.P. Fenningham ’93 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The John “Tex” Flannery ’40 Trust Fund, established in 1983 by friends of this distinguished alumnus and longtime football coach, on the occasion of his 25thyear as a coach at La Salle College High School.

The Harvey L. Fox ’51 Grant Fund, established by bequest in 2017, to provide financial assistance to students demonstrating financial need.

The Dr. Patrick J. and Charlotte A. Friel Endowment Fund, established in 2012 to provide financial assistance to a current African American student from North Philadelphia who has demonstrated financial need and has been identified as having the character traits to succeed at La Salle College High School.

The Tom & Caroline Gola ’51 Scholarship Fund, established in 2023, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need

The Brother Gratian Environmental Studies Award Endowment, established in 2016, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating financial need with an interest in Environmental Studies and a “love of the outdoors”.

The Haley Group Fund, established in 2004, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Hansen Family Grant Fund, established in 2009, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Hartzell Family Award, established in 2014 by the Hartzell family – Scott, Jeanne, Shawn and Bridget, the award provides a graduation prize for a student in the David Program in recognition of perseverance and strong positive conviction to God, family and School.

The Hathaway Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Clark J. Hopkins ’62 Scholarship Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates who demonstrate a true sense of the meaning and value of friendship.

The Hughes Family Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The John J. Kane Trust Fund, established in 1986 by John E. Kane ’75 in memory of his father, provides financial assistance to fatherless boys.

The John T. Kelly ’41 Endowment Fund, established in 2024, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need.

The Matty Ice Kelly ’03 Endowment Fund, established in 2023 in memory of Matthew M. Kelly ’03, provides financial aid with a preference for young men with a desire to attend La Salle for its rich Academics, and with a preference to students who participate in the Soccer Program.

The Brother Richard Kestler, FSC ’60 Fund, established in 2012, in honor of Brother Richard’s legacy by perpetuating the missions of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers, by providing access to a Lasallian education to deserving young men.

The S. Richard Klinges, III Esq. and Elizabeth J. Klinges Charitable Trust established in 2011, provides financial aid for students with an interest in music.

The Koller Scholarship Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with special consideration to candidates of sound academic potential living in the Roxborough/Manayunk/Andorra area.

The Michael Adam Krulikowski Endowment Fund, established in 2017, in his memory by his wife, Susan and children, Caitlin, Thomas ’09 and Matthew ’13. The fund provides financial assistance to a student with a parent on short or long term work disability with cancer or other illness, or to a student experiencing psychological or adjustment difficulties. Preference is given to a student with logistical transportation demands.

The Patrick Leahy Scholarship Fund, established in 2000, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Howard R. and Jennie Leary Grant Fund, established in 2000, provides financial assistance to sons of police officers and firefighters.

The Lehman Family Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need and exceptional potential.

The Dylan J. Leskusky ’26 Scholarship Fund, established in 2024, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need, with a preference for young men from St. Helena’s School in Blue Bell who display kindness and optimism.

The Liberatore-Trembaly Teacher Professional Development Fund, established in 2021 by Robert G. Liberatore ’67, the fund provides funding for professional development opportunities for the faculty of La Salle College High School.

The Frank J. Lichtner Scholarship Fund, established in 2016, in memory of Frank, the fund provides financial assistance to young men with demonstrated need with a preference to students with an expressed interest in the swimming program.

The Beth Luce Memorial Grant Fund, established in 2014 by her husband Bill, sons Max ’07 and Nick ’10. The Grant Fund provides financial assistance to graduates of La Salle Academy who demonstrate financial need.

The Matthew J. Madden ’03 Scholarship Grant Fund, established in 2018, the fund’s purpose is to provide financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need with a preference for students matriculating from Norwood Fontbonne Academy.

The Joe Magarity Endowment Fund, established in 2021 by John Butler Class of ’91 to Promote Diversity, Educational Opportunity & Life Skills.

The Julia K. and John F. Maher Fund, established in 2017, provides support for mission and ministry initiatives at La Salle.

The John-David Mallach ’96 Endowment Grant Fund, established in 2017, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need and will be participating in the Football and/ or Baseball athletic programs.

The 1st Lt. Travis Manion, USMC ’99 Grant Fund, established in 2007, provides financial assistance to a current student demonstrating need who has been identified as having the character traits that embodied Travis Manion during his years as a student at La Salle College High School.

The Christopher Matthews ’63 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia.

The Michael (“FastMikie”) McCafferty ’60 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The David T. McCarthy ’66 Scholarship Fund, established in 1999 by his family and friends, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Mary E. and Robert F. McMackin ’45 Endowment Fund, established in 2023, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Timothy J. McNichol ’97 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students who show tremendous potential as a person and student who otherwise could not attend La Salle without financial assistance.

The Meehan Family Fund, established in 2021, the fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need, with a preference for students enrolled in the David Program.

The Jack Meehan ’38 Trust Fund, established in 1989 by his family. Mr. Meehan, an affiliate Christian Brother, was a long-time benefactor of La Salle. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Ernest J. and Muriel F. Mehr Trust Fund, established in 1985 by Muriel Mehr, retired faculty member, in memory of her husband. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Lt. Keith T. Melinson ’86 Medal & $1,000 Award for Leadership and Public Service Endowment Fund, established in 2024, provides an annual $1,000 award to be granted with the medal to a graduating senior who has either accepted an appointment to one of the United States Military Academies or will be attending University in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps or attending University to pursue a career in Public Service.

The Menno Family Endowment Fund, established in 2009 by Arthur P. Menno in memory of his wife, Anne. This fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need who are of Italian heritage.

The Men of La Salle Endowment Fund assures that no student of La Salle College High School will have his education interrupted due to the death of a primary wage earner.

The Miles Miller ’04 Grant Fund, established in 2004, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The J. Anthony Mitchell ’56 Grant Fund, established in 2000, the fund provides financial assistance to a junior or senior student who displays exceptional writing skills and who is in need of tuition assistance.

The Joseph L. Moran ’45 Trust Fund, established in 1976 by La Salle College High School Alumni, provides monies for an outstanding student of Spanish to study/travel to a Spanish-speaking country in the summer preceding his junior year.

The Nautilus Scholarship Fund, established in 2021 by John “Jack” McKeown ’70, the fund supports students who have demonstrated financial need and experienced the death of a parent, prior to their enrollment at La Salle College High School.

The Mae Kutzer Schmitt Fund, established in 1983 by John Schmitt ’58 to honor his mother, provides aid to a “La Salle student of character and promise”.

The Zachary K. Seigel ’10 Grant Fund, established in 2016, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need and to establish a Character Award to a member of the Rowing Team.

The Mother Seton Endowment Fund, established in 2016, will distribute need to sons of families in financial distress. This fund is in honor of Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, who founded the Sisters of Charity and was canonized in 1975. The Mother Seton Endowment, a permanently restricted grant, accepts gifts of any size from anyone who supports its mission.

The Ann J. and Hugh A. Sharp Grant Fund, established in 2019 by Hugh T. Sharp ’47, the fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating financial need.

The Brother Robert F. Shea, FSC Trust Fund, established in 1990 by Brother Robert from gifts that he received on the occasion of his 25th anniversary as a Christian Brother, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The James J. Osborne ’56 Fund, established in 2023, provides financial aid to young men who have shown extraordinary integrity and excel in academics and sports.

The Joseph Parisi Endowment Fund, established in 2022, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need with a preference to young men participating in the Boys & Girls Club of Philadelphia.

The Frank M. Ponti ’56 Grant Fund, established in 2006, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Joseph M. Queenan ’65 Scholarship Fund, established in 2004, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Frank & Mary Radomski ’40 Trust Fund, established in 1989 in his memory by the Radomski Family, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Brother James Rieck, FSC ’57 Fund for Service and Spirituality, established in 2013, the fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need to participate in service, ministry, and spirituality programs; particularly, summer service and immersion programs.

The Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. ’55 Scholarship Fund, established in 2024, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need with a preference for students coming from Saint Helena’s Parish, Philadelphia.

The Donald R. Roessler, Sr. ’54 Grant Fund, established in 2014 by Kenneth M. Roessler ’80 in honor of his father, the fund will provide financial aid with a preference to young men of diverse backgrounds who desire to make a difference in their communities.

The Russomano Family Fund, established in 2023 by Aimee and Frank Russomano, provides financial aid with a preference for students who have a potential to be first generation college students.

The David and Elizabeth Savaiano Grant Fund, established in 2001, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Elizabeth B. Slabinski Scholarship Fund, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia.

The Society of The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick for The Relief of Emigrants from Ireland and The La Salle College High School Class of ’86 Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Keith T. Melinson ’86, established in 2021 by the Melinson Family and the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the fund provides financial aid to students who demonstrate financial need and who are of Irish Heritage.

The Stand by Steve: Stephen P. Stanton ’09 Memorial Foundation Grant Fund, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need, particularly those participating in the Music Program.

The Brother Fred Stelmach, FSC ’46 Endowed Scholarship Fund, established in 1996 by La Salle College High School alumni and friends of Brother Fred, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Dr. Michael Evan Sullivan ’58 Scholarship Endowment Fund, established in 2023, provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need, with a preference for a young man residing with his divorced mother.

The Gerald A. Tremblay ’53 Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need from the city of Philadelphia who demonstrate exceptional ability and promise.

The William H. Vincent, Jr. ’56 Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Karl and Mary-Elizabeth von Lipsey Scholarship Fund, established in 2009 by Roderick K. von Lipsey ’76, provides financial assistance to students of demonstrated need, who possess scholastic aptitude and growth potential, and whose principal financial sponsor is a public servant/employee.

The Robert J. Walker ’52 Scholarship Fund, established in 2002, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.


The Andrew Wallace ’92 Endowment Fund provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Brother Anthony Wallace Trust Fund, established in 1986 by Thomas J. Ryan ’60 in honor of Brother Anthony and his many years of devoted service at La Salle, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The Florence M. Ward Scholarship Fund, established in 1990 by the Class of 1950 in honor of Mrs. Ward, former Director of Alumni Affairs, on the occasion of her retirement.

The Kathleen Watts Scholarship Fund, established in 2022, the fund provides financial assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need, with a preference for inner-city Philadelphia students with an additional preference for kids from Boys and Girls Club of Philadelphia.

The Joseph W. Wesner ’73 Scholarship Fund, established in 2002, awarded by the art department to talented current students.

The John Whalen ’67 Grant Fund, established in 2006, provides financial assistance to students demonstrating need.

The 180 Degrees Fund, established in 2012, to fulfill the mission of the Christian Brothers by providing a scholarship to a deserving young man – changing one life 180 degrees, one La Salle degree at a time.




Planned Gifts to La Salle College High School, large or small, help to ensure that a Lasallian education can remain strong and qualified students from throughout the Delaware Valley can attend La Salle regardless of their economic background.

Donors who include La Salle College High School in their estate plans or arrange for other planned gifts to La Salle are enrolled in the Signum Fidei Society. “The Sign of Faith” is emblematic of our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, and the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Through their thoughtful and generous gift planning, Signum Fidei Society Members listed below are leaving a legacy to benefit future generations of La Salle students. New members of the Signum Fidei Society who joined in 2023-24 are highlighted in GOLD

Joseph G. Albright, Esq. ’49

Drs. Margaret & Mario Alonso

Rev. Edward F. Anderson ’61

Charles J. Ansel ’41

John T. Becher ’57

Louis J. Beccaria, PhD ’63

John W. Behan, Esq. ’60

Ernest M. Behr ’73

John T. Becker ’57

Charles S. Blichasz ’66

Edwin C. Bramble ’58

Rev. Robert H. Breen ’45

Michael J. Brennan ’76

Joseph R. Buckley ’65

John F. Burns, Jr. ’75

John E. Butler ’91

Christopher M. Carabello ’82

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Carabello

Michael T. Carr ’62

Francis X. Cassidy ’45

Joseph F. Ciccimaro ’57

James P. Connor ’46

Gerald F. Crumlish ’42

Joseph D. Crumlish, Esq. ’40

J. Russell Cullen, Jr. ’56

James A. DeMerlis ’74

Thomas F. Devlin, PhD ’61

Carl G. Dijoseph, DO ’61

Brother William DiPasquale, FSC

James A. Donahue III ’86

Philip F. Drach ’47

Henry L. Dragun ’49

8 new members of Signum Fidei Society in 2023-24, spanning 46 graduation years of new members

James G. Dwyer ’53

Frank J. Eisenhart, Jr., Esq. ’63

John P. Fisher, DDS ’63

Thomas J. Flood ’55

Timothy J. Foley ’66

Glenn L. Fricke ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Al J. Gabriele

Joseph J. Gerngross ’43

Anthony J. Gillespie ’68

John A. Grady ’55

John E. Granozio ’52

Karen & Ronald S. Guerra ’76

Francis X. Hartmann ’51

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hasson

Michael J. Hathaway ’68

Henry K. Henczel, DPM ’86

William J. Hipple ’47

Anne H. Hyer

Raymond T. Hyer, III

Reverend Anthony Janton, AFSC ’69

Winifred & John T. Kelly ’41

S. Richard Klinges, III, Esq. ’49

Edward J. Kohlhepp ’61

Paul Kolodchak ’47

Joseph Michael Kovac ’89

Mrs. Jennie H. Leary

Howard R. Leary, Esq. ’35

James P. Logue ’43

Vincent W. Madden, Jr. ’65

Anthony J. Maginnis ’76

Julia K. Maher (Hon. ’14)

Nancy & William W. Mathews, III, Esq. ’86

Robert F. McAnespey ’66

E. Kevin McGlynn, Esq. ’76

John J. McKeown ’70

James T. McLaughlin ’57

Robert F. McMackin ’45

John A. McNichol ’52

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller, Jr.

Robert P. Moran ’69

Jeffrey N. Morgan, AIA ’69

Rev. Joseph V. Mulligan ’64

Russell and Beth Napolitano P’13

Joseph. W. Pettit ’52

Joanne M. Pizzo

Joseph A. Pizzo, Sr. ’57

Francis M. Ponti, PhD ’56

William R. Powell ’68

John W. Quinn ’57

Stephen J. Rauscher ’65

David E. Reinhardt, DO ’84

William R. Regli ’58

John F. Richardson ’58

John F. Rodenbaugh ’51

Dr. Vincent G. Sacco

Peter L. Seely ’97

Barbara J. Scheelje

Hugh T. Sharp ’47

Thomas W. Sheehan, CPA ’48

Richard J. Sherman, Jr. ’85

Joseph F. Slabinski, III ’67

Walter J. Small ’38

William C. Smith, MD ’52

William G. Smith ’60

Edward R. Solvibile ’58

Gerald E. Speitel ’48

David C. Stimmler ’95

Reverend Charles J. Sullivan ’56

Michael E. Sullivan, PhD ’58

Kieran J. Trainer ’11

Robert J. Walker ’52

John J. Whalen ’67

Martin F. Whalen ’58

John W. Wozniak ’77

Charles C. Wynn ’46

Mark J. Zielinski ’77

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Zielinski

The Office of Institutional Advancement can provide you with additional information on any of these options and will gladly assist you confidentially and with no obligation. For more information contact Daniel McGowan, Vice President of Institutional Advancement at (215) 402-4809 or

this increasingly valuable source of financial aid, paving the way for countless young men to receive a Lasallian education.


Mr. & Mrs. Erik Aldrich

Mr. Marc D. Ammaturo ’92

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Becker ’61

Mr. & Mrs. Colin S. Behr ’05

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Behr ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Brennan, Jr. ’89

Mr. Sean Brogan, Esq. Brown Brothers Harriman Company

Mr. Kieran B. Bryers ’00

Mr. Kent W. Buesking & Dr. Carol M. Tom, MD

Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools

Mr. J. Andrew Cappelli ’01

Mr. L. Michael Cappelli ’97

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Casale ’82

Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Cassidy III ’08

Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Choate, Sr.

Mr. Vincent Joseph Cicalese ’14

Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Colantuono ’59

Mr. Edward W. DeAngelis ’67

Mr. & Mrs. A. Christopher Dezzi, Jr. ’91

Mr. & Mrs. Felix S. DiFiore

Mr. & Mrs. John L. DiMarzio ’67

Mr. Charles E. Dolaway, III ’58

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk H. Dolaway ’90

Mr. Philip M. Donegan

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue, III ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Dougherty ’00

Dr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Draganosky, MD ’57

Mr. Stephen P. Dougherty ’69

Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Dunton, MD ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Erfle ’99

Essent US Holdings, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Farrell

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Fasano

Mr. John M. Fay, Jr. ’99

Mr. Brian W. Fegley ’96

Mr. & Mr. Mark W. Fegley ’04

Firstrust Bank

Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Ward) J. Fitzgerald, III ’81

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Flynn ’65

Mr. Robert Forchetti

Mr. & Mrs. David Forti

Foundation for Catholic Education

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle M. Gallagher ’95

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Gambel, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Gardner ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence P. Genuardi ’69

Mr. Mark A. Gibbons ’92 & Ms. Jessica Pritchard

Mr. Frank A. Giovannone, Jr. ’90

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Glover

GMS Surgent CPA’s & Advisors

Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Goodwin ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Grossi

Mr. Andrew M. Grzybowski ’00 & Ms. Rebecca Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Guerra ’76

Joe Hand Promotions, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hand, III ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hand, IV ’01

Mr. Peter J. Hand ’04

Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Hannan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Hartnett, Jr.’69

Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Hartzell

Healthcare Services Group, Inc.

Hightec HVAC

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Hisey

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Hughes ’72

Mr. John T. Jadach, Sr. & Dr. Maria Sanchez

Mr. Michael Joyce, Jr. ’92

Mr. & Mrs. W. Dean Karrash

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kerr

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kohlhepp ’61

Mr. Edward Kohlhepp, Jr. & Mrs. Jennifer Ennis-Kohlhepp

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kulp

Dr. & Mrs. Moody Kwok

Mr. & Mrs. David P. Lamontagne

Land Rover Jaguar Main Line

Lehigh Valley Rail Management

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lehman, Jr. ’60

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Lehman ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. MacCrory

Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. MacDougall

Maguire Enterprises II, L.P.

Col. & Mrs. Joseph J. Malizia, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle C. Mallach ’97

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Martosella ’83

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Matthews, III ’86

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCabe

Mr. Timothy W. McDonald ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. McGeehan, CFP ’95

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. McGinn ’87

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. McGowan

Mr. Matthew McKee & Mrs. Erin McCartney McKee

Mr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. James T. McLaughlin ’57

Meadowbrook Christian School

Austin A. Meehan, III ’81

A. Victor Meitner, Jr., Esq. ’62

Gregg R. Melinson, Esq. ’82

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Melinson

Miller Brothers Div. Wampole-Miller

Harry B. Miller, III ’83

Harry B. Miller, Jr. ’58

Michael T. Miller ’85

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mitzak

Robert P. Moran ’69

Paul G. Morrissey, Esq. ’93

Movers Specialty Service, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Mundell

William E. Murphy ’96

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Nahas, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Obermeier

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Connell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Connor

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. O’Donnell, Esq. ’61

Brendan J. O’Malley, Esq. ’94

Gregory P. Osborne ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oscar

PA Partners For Education, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Robb J. Parlanti

Mrs. Karen Pauciello

Dr. David A. Pegues, MD & Mrs. Clare F. Averbach

Pelseal Technologies

Keith J. Pensabene ’85

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Peterson

Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company

Kevin M. Piotrowicz ’11

Timothy J. Pippet ’99

Pizzeria Cappelli LLC

D. Scott Porreca ’86

James D. Princivalle ’80

Mr. Mark Quigley

Stephen J. Rauscher ’65

Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Riethmiller

Robert J. Riethmiller, Jr. ’55

Gregory P. Rietzke ’88

John D. Rilling, CPA ’83

John J. Romano, Jr. ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Bill W. Ross

Peter B. Rotelle ’86

Alfred P. Salvitti ’70

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Savage, Jr.

David J. Sciolla ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Seckinger

Sean C. Seese ’02

Dr. Donald M. Sesso & Dr. Allison V. Chan

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sexton

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Shields

ShorQuip Supply, Inc.

Patrick D. Slattery ’99

Slice and Hook LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smyth

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Spatacco

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Spause ’00

Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy Starkey

Mr. & Mrs. David L. Stauffer

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Sundheim

Mr. Mark D. Sutton ’72 & Mrs. Denise Kustra

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Jr. ’81

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Tague, Sr. ’57

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Tantala ’94

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Target ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Taylor

Mrs. Katherine M. Timoney


Mr. & Mrs. Vincent C. Twomey

United Inspection Agency, Inc.

Universal Health Services, Inc.

Utility Line Services, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Walsh, Jr. ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Mark White

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Williamson, Jr. ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Wolpert, Esq. ’84

Mr. & Ms. Joseph W. Zalewski ’93

SCHOOL CALENDAR for 2024-2025





JANUARY 7 Legacy Reception

MARCH 1 6th and 7th Grade Practice Test 6 Hall of Fame Induction and Service Award Presentations

27-30 Musical Production – Catch Me If You Can

Arts Hall of Fame Induction


26 Grand Reunion – Classes of 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020

MAY 1 Washington, DC Area Alumni Reception


1 All Souls Day Mass – Our Lady Help of Christians


Baccalaureate Mass – Class of 2025

Senior Awards Ceremony – Class of 2025

20-21 50-Year Reunion – Class of 1975 21 Commencement Exercises – Class of 2025 28 Freshman Grandparents' Day


17 David Diehl ’55 Scholarship Golf Outing

La Salle College High School

8605 Cheltenham Avenue

Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania 19038

215 402 4800 phone

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